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How was a marketing and management student introduced to the world of beauty
pageants ?
2. You have used the platform to raise awareness against sexual abuse, which remains a
prominent issue in the society in spite of everything. What do you believe to be its root-
cause and how can we change it?
3. What do you believe was the most important aspect of your life in Norway that shaped you
into the confident person you are today?
4. When did you first find your calling towards the world of glamour and how did you organise
yourself to strive for your goals?
5. Can you tell us about the emotional roller coaster that you underwent when you were
announced the winner?
6. If you could change certain aspects of the beauty pageant shortlisting and electing
procedure, what would it be and why?
7. Did you encounter any negative criticisms from netizens after winning the crown? If yes,
how did you deal with it?
8. Being confident and eloquent on a public platform are prerequisites of beauty-pageants.
Were these qualities innate in you or did you cultivate them over time?
9. What is the next upcoming project that you have up your sleeve that you might be preparing
for? Could you tell us a bit about that?
10. What would be your message to the readers who have been inspired by you and want to
follow inn your footsteps?
11. A lot of people who become a part of the glamour industry are subjected to a lack of privacy
from being constantly under media scrutiny. Have you felt the pressure from being
constantly under the limelight yet?
12. How did the pandemic affect your professional life and what methods did you resort to keep
your mental and emotional balance steady and keep lockdown blues at bay?
13. Like most professionals in the industry, you too must have made your fair share of mistakes
and learnt from them. Could you tell us a bit about some of them and how you learnt from

Rapid fire?

1. Favourite book
2. One self-care tip
3. Biggest Inspiration
4. One home remedy you swear by
5. Your most recent binge
6. One life-decision you wish you hadn’t made
7. The worst thing, according to you, that a woman can do to herself

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