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7/1/2021 Apex Learning - Practice Assignment

6.4.7  Practice: Safe Sexuality and Pregnancy Practice

Health Education Name: Stewart Bim-Merle 
Points Possible: 40 Date:  

Question 1

Use the table to explain methods of preventing and treating each of these STIs/STDs. (6 points)

Prevention Treatment

Human abstinence time as there is no cure it just sometimes goes away on

papilloma virus its own.

Chlamydia abstinence Oral Antibiotics

Trichomoniasis 1 dose prescription anti biotics


Gonorrhea Abastinence antibiotics

Syphilis Abstinence Penicillin

HIV/AIDS Abstinence
There is no cure but with anti-retroviral theory you could
slows down the effects

Question 2 1/6
7/1/2021 Apex Learning - Practice Assignment

Find information online or through your school or community about resources that are available to you,
and use the information to answer the following questions. (4 points)

a. Identify at least two resources for the testing and treatment of STDs in your own community.

b. Where are the resources located?

c. What are their hours?

d. What costs, if any, are involved?


Doctors office and cvs


The Internet like google maps

9-5 and 9:30 - 10

Health insurance and depending on the item maybe 20$

Question 3

The ways in which HIV can be transmitted are frequently misunderstood. 2/6
7/1/2021 Apex Learning - Practice Assignment

a. Identify one myth or misconception about HIV transmission, and identify one way that HIV can be
transmitted. (2 points)

b. Describe a precaution a person can take to avoid HIV exposure or transmission, and evaluate the
effectiveness of this precaution. (2 points)

You cannot get HIV through urine so when your at the pool you cant get HIV.
You could get HIV through blood or unprotected sex.

Abstinence is the best way by far as sex is the most common way to
get HIV.

Question 4

Summarize four pregnancy-prevention methods. Discuss the benefits, effectiveness, and risks of each.
(4 points) Abstinence is to abstain from all sexual activity
this is 100% method to defend from STDs there is
no risk.

Condoms if used properly the chances of getting

pregnant are very low and is effective and used by
most people. Except if someone were to poke
holes in them they are very easy to stop the

The Pill is pretty easy as you just have to take it

and then BAM your percentage to prevent
pregnancy is 91% and the risk is that there is a 9%

Female condom is easy to use and actually has a

95% to prevent STDs and pregnancy. 3/6
7/1/2021 Apex Learning - Practice Assignment

Question 5

a. Describe the process of fertilization. (2 points)

b. Use the table that shows the timeline of pregnancy by trimesters. Write an explanation of what
happens to the woman and fetal development at each point. (6 points)

c. Describe the process of childbirth, including what happens at each stage. (2 points)

fertilization is the process of a sperm and the egg conjoining.


First trimester Second trimester Third trimester

The first trimester which is the first 12 weeks The second trimester which is 12-24 weeks. Is the The Final three months of pregnancy. The
is when the women's body start to support the easiest part for the women as the mourning women might feel heart burn, shortness or
developing embryo. The embryo it self turned sickness passes. Around week 16 the the women breath, and contractions preparing for birth. The
into a fetus with arms and legs with a central feels the baby's movement. All hair appears on fetus will continue to grow to full size and then
nervous system and a developing heart. the baby. open its eyes.


Question 6

Describe healthful nutrition for a woman who is pregnant or has recently had a baby. Describe a
healthful meal for a pregnant woman. (4 points) 4/6
7/1/2021 Apex Learning - Practice Assignment

Question 7

Describe at least two benefits of adoption in each of these situations.

a. A mother is thinking about putting up her newborn baby for adoption. (2 points)

b. A parent is wanting to adopt a child. (2 points)

The parent was probably not prepared or unfit for a child so the child would be put up for adoption or the parent had a financial problem and couldn't
take care of another.

A couple or a adult that wants to have a child but maybe they just cant have a child they would want to adopt to simulate having a child or a parent
who lost there child might want to have a new child to take there place.

Question 8

Identify two resources from home, school, or your community that could help you address your
questions about family planning.

a. Name the two resources and explain why each was chosen. (2 points)

b. Describe the specific type of advice or support each resource could offer regarding choosing and
obtaining a method of contraception. (2 points) 5/6
7/1/2021 Apex Learning - Practice Assignment

a. was chosen because it is a trust website of information as it was government approved and UCLA health care as it is approved by a popular
college with many intelligent and trust worthy people.

b. The website gives you the guidelines for planning as the UCLA health gives you a list of studies and research on it.

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