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1) Resuelva cada una de las CUATRO ACTIVIDADES en su cuaderno. NO ENVIAR
2) Inicie su trabajo realizando la siguiente identificación.


Name: Class Date

En “Name” escriba su nombre completo

En” Class” escriba el número de su sección.
En “Date” la fecha de realización. (Día/mes/año, ejemplo: 14/02/2021)
3) Trabaje de forma ordenada y evitando el uso de tachaduras, sobre escrituras,
corrector o cualquier cosa que reste limpieza o claridad al mismo.
4) De preferencia use bolígrafo con tinta AZUL y distinga con color ROJO los
títulos o subtítulos.
5) En la actividad tres puede usar recortes de revista o impresiones. Debe notarse
claramente el aspecto al que hace referencia.
6) Copie las indicaciones de cada ejercicio antes de resolverlo.
7) Administre bien su tiempo a efecto de hacer un trabajo de calidad.

Complete the following conversation with the correct form of used to and the word in

Sandra: You look familiar. Did you use (be) in the drama club?

Rosa: Sandra! It’s me- Rosa! I used to have (have) long hair. Remember?

There is Glen-all alone. Was he always that shy?

Sandra: Glen? He never used to stop (stop) talking. Let’s go say hi to him.

Rosa: Did you use to play (play) with Gary’s band, The Backyard Boys?

Glen: Sometimes. We used to practice (practice) in Gary’s garage after school.

Sandra: Tell the truth, Glen. You really used to come (come) to see my sister Linda!

Glen: Jajaja. Look, there’s Jim and Laura. I think they got married a couple of years ago.

Sandra: Really? In high school, they didn't use to like (not like) each other at all.

Laura: I see Sandra! We used to sit (sit) next to each other in Math class.

Jim: She looks so different now. She didn't use to wear (not wear) glasses.
Laura: We all look different now. We used to be (be) a lot younger back then.

Three things that you used Three things that you used Three things that you do
to do and you are sorry to do and you are happy now but didn’t use to do in
that you don’t do now that you don’t do now the past.

I used to get up late. I used to ride a bike. I didn't use to work.

I used to play video game I used to play soccer. I didn't use to get up early.
in the afternoon.

I used to save money. I used to buy at the groceries I didn't use to have class
store. online.

Show what you know about your favorite singer or actor/actress, ILUSTRATE something he/she
used to do in the past and he/she doesn’t do now. (Only ONE thing)

SUFJAN STEVEN as a child he used to be a homeless child, due to he was

abandoned by his parents.

SUFJAN STEVENS now a days, he didn't use to be a homeless

child because he became a in s famous folk/indie singer.

Interview your parents and write TWO things (one affirmative and one negative), they
remember about:

Music, Fashions, Movies, Technology, School work, Prices of food, TV programs, etc.

1. My dad used to plant fruits trees when he was younger and he used to work with my
grandparents all the afternoon.
2. My mom didn't use to work on computers a long time ago.

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