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Praxis Core Analysis

Gabriella Guevara
Principles of Educational Psychology
Professor Theri Wyckoff, MS
July 6, 2021

Exam Requirements
I must pass the Praxis Core Exam because it is required for UNLV students wanting
admissions into the College of Education program. UNLV requires that students pass with the
state’s minimum requirements. The state of Nevada’s minimum requirement for the Praxis Core
Exam for Reading is 156. The minimum requirement for Writing is 162. The minimum
requirement for Math is 150.
Exam Preparation
Besides reading about the Praxis Test on the ETS Website, I used Khan Academy to
prepare. Khan Academy allowed me to set a goal score for each section instead of requiring me
to pass with the state’s bare minimum requirements. I can set a test date or if I’m unsure Khan
will allow me to select the “unknown test date” option. Khan had me select a test date, it allowed
me to pick days and times I would like to practice. What I thought was helpful in the Khan
preparation was that they organized test questions in each subject by weight on the test and
difficulty level. I could see my overall results by a graph that shows how I’m improving or
regressing. Khan Academy also helped me understand what the test questions were asking. The
test preparation also helped with what kind of answer they were looking for, which was
especially helpful with the Reading and Writing subjects.
Exam Results
My results for Math were 20%, which means I need substantial improvement in this area.
For Reading, I scored in the 52% range, which means I need improvement. Writing was my best
subject because I scored a 68%, which means I am borderline to pass.
Future Exam Preparation
Because my scores are lower than I expected, I plan to use the SMART goals system to
study for the Praxis Core. I will set my test for a specific date and practice on the tests based on
Khan’s Academy “roadmap” feature. Planning on studying on certain days of the week for my
weakest subjects will help me to study for the test easier. I want to pass with at least a minimum
score of 70%. I will more than likely use Teachers Test Prep to take more practice quizzes to
measure how successful I am.

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