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Array processors: An introduction to their architecture, software, and

applications in nuclear medicine

Article  in  Journal of Nuclear Medicine · December 1983

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4 authors, including:

Michael A King
University of Massachusetts Medical School


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Array Processors: An Introduction to Their Architecture, Software, and

Applicationsin NuclearMedicine
Michael A. King, Paul W. Doherty, Ronald J. Rosenberg, and Steven L. Cool

University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts, Hartfoni Hospital, Hartford, Connecticut, and
Analogic Corporation, Wakefield, Massachusetts

are “number
thatdramatIcallyenhancethe pro.
cessingpowerof nuclearmedicinecomputersystemsfor applicationsdealingwith
the repetitiveoperationsinvolvedin digitalimage processingof large segmentsof
data. The generalarchitectureand the programmingof array processorsare intro@
duced, along with some applications of array processors to the reconstruction of

J Nuci Med 24: 1072—1079,1983

With the advent of emission computed tomography therefore, well suited for performing operations on whole
and digital image filtering, nuclear medicine computer nuclear medicine images, but generally lose their ad
systems are now being called upon to support increasing vantage if one-time operations are to be performed on
data-processing loads, in terms of both volume and single pixels.
complexity. An alternative to purchasing a new com
puter to cope with this expanded workload is to add an GENERAL ARCHITECTURE OF AN ARRAY PROCESSOR
array processor, since these can be obtained for a fraction
of the cost of a new computer system. An increasing What makes an array processor different from a
number of manufacturers now offer array processors as general-purpose computer is that flexibility of execution
an option for use with nuclear medicine computer sys has been traded for an enhanced ability to carry out
tems. To help define their potential role in nuclear numerical and logical operations. In general-purpose
medicine, this article will introduce in general terms the processors, operations are performed sequentially, one
architecture, programming, and some applications of at a time, allowing the result of one calculation to im
array processors. mediately alter the course of execution of the program
for all the remaining data. Array processors are designed
to process a number of pieces of data simultaneously
through several stages, thereby enhancing processing
Array processors are general-purpose add-on devices speed but limiting flexibility. Their hardware configu
designed to perform high-speed mathematical compu ration (architecture) is thus quite different from that of
tations such as Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) on arrays a general-purpose mini-computer. The hardware of an
ofdata (1—3).When incorporated into a nuclear mcdi array processor can generally be divided into the four
cine computer system, they can reduce program execu basic functional units (Fig. 1). These are interconnected
tion time considerably if repetitive operations are to be by internal buses or communication paths (1 ,4,5). Not
performed on several collections of data. They are, all array processors have all of these functional units, but
Fig. 1 provides a convenient starting point for learning
Received May 13, 1983; revision accepted June 15, 1983.
about array processors in general.
For reprints contact: Michael A. King, PhD, Dept. of Nuclear The first of these functional units is the Input/Output
Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, 55 Lake (I/O) Interface. This is usually specific to the host
Avenue North, Worcester, MA 01605. computer with which the array processor is operating.




FIG. 1. Four basic functional units of array processor, and its internal

It provides for the transfer of data and commands be

tween the host and the array processor. There may also
be an auxiliary I/O port for the transfer ofdata directly
to the array processor. With the addition of the appro
priate interface, this could be used for the high-speed
acquisition of images from a gamma camera. It also FIG.2. Flowchart for nonstationaryImage processing, Illustrating
could be used with a fast bus to process data stored in a technique of distributive processing(reprintedfrom Ref. 6, by per
high-speed video memory for on-the-fly processing of mission).
data to be displayed. Besides being interfaced to a single
computer, the array processor could be made part of a The third functional unit is the Data Memory. By
network. This is especially attractive since the workload having a separate high-speed data memory, the array
from a single nuclear medicine system would seldom processor can perform operations on data without tying
keep an array processor continually busy. up the host's bus, or being limited by the host's data
The second functional unit is the Control Processor. retrieval time. Moreover, by having separate program
This governs the operation of the array processor through and data memories connected to the other portions of the
decoding and executing instructions passed to it from the array processor by separate buses, both data and soft
host. It usually has a much faster cycle time (instruction ware can be addressed and fetched simultaneously. This
execution time) than the host computer. This accounts cannot be done in a general-purpose machine, where a
for part of the increased throughput of an array pro single memory holds both data and software.
cessor, although the major portion comes from the spe The amount of data memory is very important. For
cial configuration of the arithmetic and logic unit as best performance it is necessary to have enough data
described below. It has its own machine language and, memory so that I/O with the host is kept to a minimum
usually, program memory. The program memory may (2). For example, a 64-by-64 pixel array requires 4096
be either programmable-read-only memory (PROM), words (4K) ofdata memory. Thus, more than 4K of data
or random-access memory (RAM). The difference be memory is required to filter a 64-by-64 pixel image
tween the two is that PROM memory is loaded with in efficiently, since memory is also required for the filter.
structions at the factory, whereas, RAM memory can The importance of the amount of data memory in de
be loaded with programs from the host computer. With termining execution time can be seen in the following
associated software (assembler, linker, etc.) the latter example. If the array processor has enough data memory
permits user-developed software to run on the array to hold the image, filter, and any necessary FF1' look-up
processor, and thus provides the programmer with more tables (this requires 24 for the program shown in Table
freedom in terms of the functions that the array pro 1), with our system* it takes 0.1 2 sec to pass a 64-by-64
cessor can perform. matrix to the array processor, apply FFT to the image,
By having its own control processor, some array pro filter the image, apply inverse FF1' to it, and return the
cessors can run independently from the host. This allows image to the host.t Using the same systems with software
for distributive processing techniques that share the that requires less than 4K ofdata memory, it takes about
processing load between the host and the array processor 3sectofilter
so that each can perform separate tasks simultaneously. image are passed to the array processor one at a time for
An example of this is illustrated in Fig. 2, which shows transforming and filtering. Similar processing by the host
the flow chart for a nonstationary frequency-domain alone requires 36 sec with floating-point hardware and
image-processing algorithm (6). The array processor is a standard Fortran FF1' subroutine, and I 30 sec without
shown as filtering a submatrix of the image with a locally the floating-point hardware.
optimized filter while the host is forming the filter for the Besides the amount of data memory, the number of
next submatrix. bits in each word (word length), and storage format are

Volume 24, Number I1 I 073


cantly different from the arithmetic and logical unit of

a general-purpose machine.


The software provided with the array processor usu

A ally consists of system software for control of host and
@ @:::E u:i@ @MC
array-processor activity, diagnostic software, and ap
plication software that performs the desired “number
.@\. crunching―tasks. The application software may consist
of several different levels. First, there may be available
complete programs that perform selected nuclear med
icine processing procedures, such as reconstruction of
B emission tomographic images and digital image filtering.
The extent and existence of this software is very impor
tant for nonprogrammers since it will probably be the
limit of their use of the array processor.
FIG.3. Comparison ofreference
images (left)andtranverse slice
(right) through liver/spleen SPECTstudy. A. Reconstruction with
At the second level, interaction with the array pro
medium Shepp-LoganfiRer. B. Two-dimensional FFT processing cessor occurs by having a higher-level language (For
of studybeforereconstructionwithrampfilter. tran) call a library of standard mathematical subroutines
that run the array processor (1 ,2,4). A programmer can
also important (7). The word length determines the more or less write a normal program in Fortran and
precision with which each number is expressed in the simply insert, at appropriate points in the program,
array processor. Typical word lengths are 24, 32, 48, or statements that tell the host computer to execute the
64 bits. The data are generally stored in either block desired subroutine on the array processor (2). An ex
floating-point or individual-exponent floating-point ample of this is given in Table 1, which shows a portion
format. With the latter, each piece of data is stored with of a Fortran program that filters a two-dimensional
its own exponent, which requires a word length long 64-by 64-pixel image in the frequency domain using a
enough to hold both value and exponent. With block two-dimensional complex fast Fourier transform (FFT).
floating-point format, a single exponent is used for an In this program all subroutines that begin with the letter
entire block of data. For example, each pixel in an image K call the array processor (4). Data are stored in the
would be stored in a word of data memory, with a single array processor in block floating-point format as data
exponent for the whole image stored at the beginning of buffers, which are identified and referenced by a user
the block in only one additional word of memory (4). chosen ID number between 1 and 255 (4). The program
This saves time when one is working with an array of requires 24K of data memory. The original image is
data, since only one exponent per block ofdata need be stored in data buffer No. 2 (DBF 2). It is combined with
dealt with. However, it does limit the range and precision a 4K data buffer of zeros (DBF 3) to yield an 8K com
of the data. Nuclear medicine images are made up of plex data buffer (DBF 4). This is processed by FFT, then
integer data of at most 10 bits to 12 bits in length. Thus, multipled by a 4K data buffer holding the filter (DIIF
the use of an array processor with a data-word length of 1). The result is then inverse FFT, any possible small
24 bits and block floating-point format is generally quite negative values are removed, and the real portion re
satisfactory in nuclear medicine. turned to the host. The subroutines are named in such
The last functional unit is the Pipeline Arithmetic a fashion that their function can be remembered. For
Unit. This provides the “numbercrunching― muscle of example, to pass a host integer array to an array pro
the array processor, where the real gain in processing cessor block floating-point data buffer, one would call
time is obtained. Its processing speed is usually obtained the subroutine KHIAB with arguments consisting of the
by a combination of parallel-processing a number of name of the array in host memory, the data buffer's ID
pieces of data read from the processor's fast data mem number, and the number of elements in the array to be
ory using its own bus, and the use of the pipeline struc passed. Notice that the array processor's software au
ture in the arithmetic unit (1—5).That is, the arithmetic tomatically takes care of locating and assigning the
unit is partitioned into several stages, and new data are necessary data memory and converting the data from
introduced to the first stage when the previous data move integer to block floating-point format. Thus, provided
to the second stage, etc., analogous to the way oil flows the appropriate subroutines are available, the main task
through a pipeline. Pipelining thus results in a saving of of an application programmer is to determine what al
time by keeping all of the hardware busy most of the gorithms or segments of a program can best be per
time. This portion of the array processor is thus signifi formed using an array processor, and to combine them



C Form flfter and pass to AP
(F,1,4096) IDBF 1 = Filter
C Read In Imageand pass to AP
IR IREADW(4096,IMAG,IBLK,ICHAN) tReadfrom disk file
CALL KHIAB(IMAG,2, 4096) IDBF2 = Image
C Make complex
CALL KMUX1(4, 2, 3) IDBF4 = ComplexImage
C FIlterImagewith 2DFFT
(8192,64,4,4) IForward2DFFT
CALLKBRVC2(8192,64,4,4) I2D Bit reverse
(4,4, 1) IFIlter- Mutt real tImes complex
CALL KBRVC2(8192, 64, 4, 4) 12DBItreverse
(8192,64,4,4) llnverse
C Separate out real part of Image
CALL KDMX1(2,3,4) IDBF2 = Filtered image
C RemoveanynegatIvevalues
CALL KBNDL(2,2,5) !Lower bound wIth zero In DBF 5
C Returnto host and dIsk

to minimize the overhead time (7). in terms of decreased execution time, but requires a
After using an array processor for a while, most users greater programming sophistication on the part of the
will find that not all the operations they wish to perform user.
may be possible with the software contained in the sub Another level that is coming into view is that of a
routine package supplied with the machine. When the higher-level language compiler for use with an array
appropriate subroutines are not available, or when processor (3,8). These automatically implement a subset
maximum economy of execution time is desired, it be of the higher-level language instructions consisting
comes necessary to use the third level of interaction with mostly of arithmetic and logical operations on the array
an array processor. Many systems provide for some de processor.
gree of user interaction with the array processor through
microcoding or assembly language. With some, however, APPLICATIONS OF ARRAY PROCESSORS
such programming can be done only by the manufac
turer and supplied to the user in PROMs. Working at We emphasize that array processors do not allow one
this level provides the maximum in freedom for algo to perform any new computational tasks in nuclear
rithm implementation. It also provides maximum benefit medicine, they merely decrease dramatically the cxc

Volume24,Number II 1075
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FIG. 4. (A) Three systolIc dynamic ejection-fraction Images(DEFI)from normal patIent. From upper left to lower right end of fIrst thIrd
of systole;endof secondthirdof systole;endsystole;andannotatedcolorscale.Notesmoothprogressionof ejectionthrou@outsystole,
withoutevIdenceof abnormalwall motIon.(B)FunctlonalImagesattime of maximumnegatlve(upper)andposltive(Iower)flrst derIvatives.
Notenormalsharpclusteringof pixelsfor both left andrI@itventricules.(C)FunctlonalImageat time of maxImumnegatIvesecondderivative
(upper)and phase Image(lower)(reprinted from Ref. 19, by permissIon).
FIG.5. (A) SystolicDEFIImagesshowaea of earlydysklnesls(red)In InferoapicalregIon,with essoclatedareaof anteroseptalhypoklnesls.
posftlve first-derivatIve image (lower) shows larger surroundIngarea (IncludIngapex of right ventrIcle) of delayed maxImal filling. (C)
MaxImumnegative second derivatIve and phase Imagesalso show delayed emptyIng of apex (reprinted from Ref. 19, by permIssIon).
FIG.6. (A)Systolic
ThIsIsbecauseapexhasstartedto fIll beforerestof ventriclehasemptied.(B)Themaximumnegativefirst-derivativeimagebestdem
onstratesspreadof waveof actIvatIondtrlng systole:fromapexof RVlaterally,overrestof RV,acrossseptumto LV,finallyendingIn
of smallportionof leftatrIumInareaof analysis.(C)MaxImumnegativesecond.derlvatlve
from Ref. 19, by permissIon).


@ . .


In the area of cardiac nuclear medicine the phase

image (14,15) has become popular in spite of the time
t . ............ needed to form this functional image (16), and there is
some question as to its usefulness in separating diastolic
and systolic events (17,18). We have used an array
processor to do spatial and temporal Fourier filtering of
a 32-frame, 64-by-64-pixel, gated blood-pool study and
!::! I to form an extensive functional image set and histo
grams, all in less than 1 mm (19). The functional image
set includes: the phase image, three images derived from
@ : I@I tIP! !Z the first and second derivatives ofthe time-activity curves
A ofindividual
ROl,anda 15-
frame series ofdynamic ejection-fraction images (DEFI)
(20). Thesefunctionalimagesareillustratedin Fig.4
for a normal study, in Fig. 5 for a patient with an in
@ 5,.
feroapical infarction, and in Fig. 6 for a patient with a
right-ventricular pacemaker. The three images based
upon the derivatives of the time-activity curves allow
separation of systolic and diastolic function, since they
@ ...... .
include information from more than the first har
Besides the formation of functional images, an array
: ZJ' t@:i @s
ti@i @z processor can be used for the digital filtration, both
spatial and temporal, of dynamic images. With flow
B studies this can provide a significant improvement in
FIG.7. End-dIastolic Images, andSIngle-pIxeltime-activitycurves. image quality (21). With our system*, we are able to
(A)Spatiallyprocessed bynIne-poInt smoothIng. (B)Spatially
and filter two-dimensionally in the frequency domain, and
temporally fIltered usIng array processor (reprinted from Ref. 19, provide a limited-sized temporal filter on 64-by-64-pixel
by permIssion).
images at a rate of about three frames per second. With
cardiac images the frames can be corrected for count
cution time. Because of this, mathematical procedures fall-off and filtered three-dimensionally as well. A 32
that would not normally be performed can be accom frame, 64 by 63 pixel, gated blood-pool study can be
plished in clinically acceptable time frames. In the fol
lowing paragraphs, examples of some applications of
array processors in nuclear medicine will be given to 11-
lustrate this point. The use of array processors in other
areas of medical imaging is covered in a recent review
article (9).
Perhaps the most important
processor in nuclear medicine will be in reconstructing
application of an array I
images for emission computed tomographs. Use of an
array processor can reduce reconstruction time for a
64-by-64 matrix and 64 angles from 15-30 sec/section
to about 1—2
sec/section (10). An exciting application
of array processors is to decrease the execution time of
some of the more complex tomographic reconstruction
algorithms such as iterative reconstruction (1 1), to the
point where they can be applied in clinically acceptable
time. In addition to speeding the reconstruction of to
mographic images, an array processor can be used to
filter two-dimensionally the acquired data before re
C .. D
construction (12), and filter the images “optimally―
after FiG. 8. LAO 600 thallIum perfusion Images.(A) Hl@-couM(500K)
static study processed by nIne-point bInomial smoothIng. (B) Same
reconstruction (13). Figure 3 illustrates the marked
ImagefollowIng count-dependentfIlterIng. (C)End-dIastolIcframe
suppression of noise that can be obtained with two (30K) of gated thallium study from same patient as A and B pro
dimensional FET prereconstruction filtering of the ac cessed by nIne-point binomial smoothing. (D) Same frame pro
quisition data. ceased by count-dependentenhancementfIlter.

Volume 24, Number 11 1077


processed in this manner in less than 20 sec. Figure 7 tions of array processors in nuclear medicine have been
showsa comparisonbetweena Fourier-processed end introduced. The speed and processing power of these
diastolic image (B) and one processed by the standard systems make them attractive additions to computer
nine-point binomial convolution filter (A). The study was systems to enhance throughput and allow the use of
acquired in the MLAO view using a slant-hole colli processing algorithms that would otherwise be too
mator. The reduction in noise and the sharper definition time-consuming for a clinically dedicated computer
of the atrium and ventricles provide a clearer image from system.
which regions of interest can be selected and for viewing
as a cine. This can be particularly helpful in the low FOOTNOTES
count exercise studies. Also notice how the filtering
makes possible the definition of a time-activity curve * AP400 Array Processor, Analogic Corporation, Wakefield,

from a single pixel. MA.

t Gamma 11, Digital Equipment Corporation, Marlborough,
Optimal digital filtering of static images can also be MA.
done rapidly using an array processor. Such techniques t A2, Medical Data Systems,Ann Arbor, MI.
as Wiener filtering (22), or stationary (12) and non
stationary (6) count-dependent filtering in the frequency ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
domain, become feasible in clinically reasonable time
periods when an array processor is used. An example is Theauthorsgratefullyacknowledgethe presentand pastassistance
seen in Fig. 8, which shows a comparison between and adviceof Dr.Tom Miller,Dr.TonyParker,RonaldB.Schwinger,
DavidA. Jacobs,KarenJohnson,Dr. BillC. Penney,and Dr. Howard
nine-point binomial smoothing and digital enhancement Cohen,and the secretarialskillsof LindaA. Carreaux.
filtering using a count-dependent technique for a high Thisworkwasaidedbya grant fromthe AmericanCancerSociety,
count (500K) and a low-count (30K) thallium study. The Massachusetts Division, Inc.
gain through noise suppression and resolution recovery
is most pronounced in the low-count study. REFERENCES
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Society of Nuclear Medicine
14th Annual Meeting
April 12-14, 1984 SheratonInn and ConferenceCenter FrederiCksburg,Virginia
Announcement and Call for Abstracts
The Scientific Program Committee of the Mideastern Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine solicits the submission
of abstracts from members and nà nmembers of the Society of Nuclear Medicine for the 14th Annual Meeting to be held
April 12—14,
1984in Fredericksburg,Virginia. The programwill include submitted papers, invitedspeakers,teaching sessions,
and exhibits.
Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and should contain a statement of purpose, the method used, results, and conclu
sions. The name of the author presenting the paper must be underlined.
Original abstracts and four copies should be sent to:
Andrew Keenan, MD
Dept.of NuclearMedicine
Clinical Center, N.I.H.
9000 Rockville Pike
Tel: (301)496-5675
The program will be approvedfor credit towardthe AMA Physician'sRecognition AwardUnderContinuing Medical Education
Category1 throughthe Societyof NuclearMedicine.
For further information concerning the program, please write or telephone Dr. Keenan, Program Chairman, (301)496-5675.
Abstractsmust be receivedby January16,1984.

Volume 24, Number 11 I079

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