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Cardinal Numbers

Intermediate & Advanced Level

1. Read the excerpt from the video and answer the questions:

[Mr Teacher Paulo Jr] – Dad, these kids at my school are out of control
sometimes! Yesterday I was at the cafeteria line waiting for my change and
out of nowhere Jack and Mike started scuffling right behind me! Jack would
scream that he was second! And Mike said there was no way he was third…
there was such a commotion. 10 other boys from my PE class got up and took
Jack’s side and another… 1,2,3,4… 5, 6, 7! 7! Other boys from my home room
took Mike’s side. The cashier seemed so confused. All I wanted was my $2.97
back and be out of there. Then the principle came in, everyone spread out,
and that was it!

a) How many kids seem to have been involved in the altercation?

b) If Mr. Teacher Paulo Jr. had paid this lunch with a 5 dollar bill. Please
spell out how much is lunch cost. (Tip $5.00 - $2.97 = $3.03)

c) How much did you use to spend on your lunch when you were in 5th
grade? (Spell out all numbers and if you don't know you may make it

d) Have you ever been involved in a scuffle? How many times? How
many people were involved? Who was to blame? (spell out all

Equipe English Evolution, by @meninaviajei

2. Please spell out the numbers below.








Equipe English Evolution, by @meninaviajei

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