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Q.Code: Reg.


Department of Science & Humanities

Second Semester
T110 – Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Time: 1¾Hours Maximum: 50 Marks
Answer All Questions
Part – A (5 x 2 =10 Marks)
1. How can you classify the buildings?
2. What is meant by floor area?
3. What are the types of rocks? Give example.
4. What are the Classification of Heat Engine?
5. What is meant by Internally fired Boilers?

Part – B (4 x 10= 40 Marks)

6. a) Explain the terms: Plinth Area, Floor Area, Carpet Area and
Circulation Area? (10)
b) What are the steps in the manufacture of the burnt clay
bricks? Give their uses (10)
7. a) Name the types of cement. Write down the uses of any one
type. (10)
b)What are the properties of concrete? Name the uses of
concrete (10)
8. a) Explain briefly about the major components of an internal
combustion engine. (10)

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b) b)Explain the construction and working principle of two
stroke petrol engine. (10)

9. a) Explain in detail with neat sketch the Lancashire boiler. (10)


b) Explain in detail with neat sketch the cohran boiler. (10)

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