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© DrSurabhi Verma

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha

Course ID: HS 1317



Course Co-ordinator: Prof. Surabhi Verma

© DrSurabhi Verma

• Unit 1: Nature of Language

❖ What is Language?

❖ Difference between Bhāṣā, Vāk and Vāṇī

❖ Spoken and Compositional language

❖ The Knowledge disciplines related with discourse of Language

❖ Effect of orality on the Nature of Language

COURSE ❖ The Language of the Universe: Nāda (Resonance)
OUTLINE • Unit 2: Introduction to the components of Sanskrit Language

❖ Physical aspects

1. Sounds (Dhvani)

2. Syllables (akṣara/varṇa)

3. Śabda (word)

4. Pada (morphological unit)

5. Ukti (utterances)

© DrSurabhi Verma
❖ Metaphysical aspects

1. Language and Reality (Sattā)

2. Mantrātmaka and prapañcātmaka

3. Language as an ontological category

4. Discourse of language as Cognitive System

5. Intrinsic property of Language

COURSE 6. Verb centred Language: Sanskrit

7. Special features of Sanskrit language

▪ Metrical (chāndas)

▪ Figurative (alaṃkāra yukta)

▪ Compound (samāsa) and assimilation (sandhiḥ) based

▪ Coded (inflectional- pratyayānta)

▪ Abbreviated (sutra baddha)

▪ Generative (derivational)

▪ Usage based (loka pramāṇa)

© DrSurabhi Verma
❖ Metaphysical aspects: The Sanskrit language possess meta 2. Mantrātmaka and prapañcātmaka
structure which transcends the physical aspects. Few of these
• In Indian discourse of language, we have the two types of language-
aspects are listed as-
1. The language of thought which occurs at the time self dialogue
1. Language and Reality (Sattā)
(Antaḥ Saṃvāda i.e. a talk with oneself). So it is called as
• In the vast literature of Sanskrit Knowledge Tradition, the Mantrātmaka.
thought on the language goes very deep.
2. The language when describes something to others it creates
• The Indian system of thought says that the language is not only different variations of the same ontological category like of sky,
the means of Communication but it creates the reality. water, fire etc. This is the main reason we have many synonyms
in a language for describing the same ontological reality. Ex:
• Reality can be divided into three major categories-
Eskimo people know 20 variations of the ice while the people of
1. Transcendental Reality (Pārmārthika) high temperature area are not familiar with so many types of ice.
Thus the language becomes Prapañcātmaka.
2. Ontological Reality (Tāttvika)
3. Language as an ontological category
3. Virtual Reality (Prātibhāsika)
• The language in its original form is itself an ontological category.
• As the language describes all of them so it is said that language
The ontology means the study of the object to be known. So
creates the reality. Ex- There are ripples in ocean. In this
language is itself an object of knowledge.
sentence the Ontological Reality (Tāttvika) is water in which
ripples are the Virtual Reality (Prātibhāsika) which are • Once we start understanding the language as an object to be known,
understood separately because of language but it is named as we get an immediate question of means of knowledge to know
Ocean which a grand body of water in the form of language.
Transcendental Reality (Pārmārthika).
• Interestingly the language is that kind of object of cognition which
• Transcendental reality is always empirical i.e. it can only be can be known by the language itself. No other means of knowledge
experienced. So it is clear that language doesn’t only describes can lead us to know the language as an ontological category.
reality but also creates it.
© DrSurabhi Verma

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