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BUS 503 Advanced Accounting

Exercise 1

ABC Corporation has the following financial activities. Record the relevant journal entries:
1. Cash is deposited to the bank account.
2. Salaries of employees are accrued.
3. Salaries of employees are payed from the bank account.
4. Bank loan is taken and the money is deposited to the bank account.
5. A building is bought with cash.
6. A car will be bought for the marketing department. It is agreed with a dealer on the
7. Goods are sold to a customer who has a credit account.
8. The customer gives a note to cover his credit account.
9. Raw materials, which will be used in production, are purchased in cash.
10. Trade goods are purchased in cash.
11. Equipment is bought on credit.
12. The bank loan and the interest expense payed from the bank account.
13. Equipment is bought and a note is given to the supplier.
14. Taxes are payed in cash.

Exercise 2

ABC Corporation has the following financial activities. Record the relevant journal entries:
1. The corporation is founded for TL 200.000.
2. Traded goods are purchased in cash for TL 90.000.
3. Equipment is bought for TL 25.000 and paid in cash.
4. TL 60.000 is deposited to the bank account.
5. Traded goods are sold in cash for TL 35.000 TL. TL 22.000 were paid for these goods
when they were purchased.
6. TL 20.000 worth of traded goods is sold to a customer. According to the books, the
cost of these goods was TL 12.000.
7. Traded goods are bought on credit for TL 25.000.
8. Total amount of salaries is TL 10.000. TL 1.500 from this amount is deducted as taxes
and the rest is transferred to the employee accounts from the bank account.
9. Rent of the factory building is TL 5.000. %20 tax is deducted from this amount and
the rest is transferred to the landlord’s account.
10. A customer with a credit account gives a note for TL 5.000 and pays TL 2.000 in cash.

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