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Self-study material: Categories and Morphology

1. Categorise the underlined and numbered words. Provide morpho-

syntactic evidence to support your categorization of such words.

Now she (1) sat there, (2) tired and (3) comfortable, in a deep (4) armchair, with
her (5) feet curled up under her, (6) looking at the pictures. She (7) wore a long
(8) woolen skirt, and expensive shoes. She was tall and (9) bony. She had the
gallant air of a woman (10) fighting a (11) losing battle, but (12) nobody could
tell the terms of her defeat. She had a well-shaped mouth, (13) curiously curved,
and a (14) careful way of speech. Her hair was dyed. It had (15) turned, in the
course of nature, from brown to a miserable mustardy yellowy fuzzy grey, and so
she dyed it, back to its (16) original brown, for she did look like the Witch of
Endor when it (17) undyed. Now she sat (18) there and looked at photographs of
(19) terracotta (20) women.

Sat: verb, inflection for past, verbal head

Tired: adjective, inflection past participle and conversion, adjective of the predicate
Comfortable: adjective, comfort+able, predicate adjective
Armchair: Noun, arm+chair, part of a DP
Feet: noun, inflection for plural, part of a DP with her.
Looking: verb, inflection for present participle, part of an adverbial close.
Wore: verb, inflection for past, verbal head
Woolen: adjective, wool+en, attributive
Bony: adjective, bone+y, attributive
Fighting: verb, inflection for present participle, part of a relative close
Loosing: adjective, conversion present participle to adjective, attributive
Nobody: noun, determiner, no+body, subject of the sentence”
Curiously, adverb, curious+ly, modifies “curved”
Careful: adjective, care+ful, attributive
Turned: verb, inflection for past participle, complement of “had”
Original: adjective, origin+al, attributive
Undyed: verb, un+dye, inflection for past
There: determiner, adverb, free morpheme, locative complement
Terracotta : determiner, adjective, attributive
Women: noun, inflection for plural, part of a DP.

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