DrAshrafElsafty E RM 45D FinalExam Mai Mansur

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Dear MBA students,


As agreed please find attached the Final Term Exam, you should:
1. Answer ALL questions, Part1 & Part2
2. Use your text book, extra text book, the internet, and other references.
3. DON'T discuss or share, by any means of communication, with any other class students (even for those who are
Otherwise will be counted as 'Plagiarism'
4. It is NOT ACCEPTED to just copy and paste from any source, your interpretation and write-up is a MUST to g
5. Reply with your file .xls, of your answer to ME ONLY, to ashraf@ashrafelsafty.com .
6. MUST include your first name and family name WITHIN the file name (ex.: DrAshrafElsafty-E-RM-45D-Fina
7. Use BLUE color for your text answers, or just fill in the shaded blocks.
8. Email directly to ME ONLY no later than agreed deadline day and time 27th June 2015, 10:00 pm, other
9. Please give every single question the needed high care, as grades are NOT equally distributed among que

As I mentioned before for the mid-term and during our classes, we are studying to learn, and we are now leveragin
So please focus on your time and answers to learn while filling the exam.

I hope I did met your expectations, and now you as a researcher, you will be responsible for what you have learne
what you already gained for the welfare of the country and your people.

Hope you gained the ultimate scientific benefit from the course and me as well.
May Allah bless you all.

Kind Regards,

Dr. Ashraf Elsafty

Adjunct Professor, Strategist
Strategic Management & Research Methods.
ESLSCA, MIU, Riti/MsM cairo outreach.
Dr. Ashraf Elsafty
Research Methods
Final Exam
Part ONE
Answer ONLY

here, on

1 Which of the following is most suitable when there is little to no insight in a A

certain problem or when there is no information available on how similar
problems or research issues have been solved in the past?

A. Exploratory research.
B. Descriptive research.
C. Causal research.
D. Experimental research.

2 What cannot be seen as purpose of a causal study? C

A. Understanding the dependent variable.
B. Predicting the dependent variable.
C. Making sure that all relevant variables are included in the study.
D. Explaining variance in the dependent variable.

3 If a bank manager wants to analyze the relationship between interest rates A

and bank deposit patterns of clients, a ‘field study’ is the most suitable
method of investigation.
A. true
B. false

4 A marketing manager aims to investigate the relationship between B

customer satisfaction and store loyalty among British consumers. For this
purpose, data will have to be collected from British stores and the ‘unit of
analysis’ is the country.

A. true
B. false
5 The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a multinational corporation wants to A
know the profits made during the past 5 years by each of the subsidiaries
in England, Germany, France, and Spain. It is possible that there are many
regional offices of these subsidiaries in each of these countries. The profits
of the various regional centers for each country have to be aggregated and
the profits for each country for the past 5 years provided to the CFO.
Hence, the ‘unit of analysis’ is the country.

A. true
B. false

6 Studies, when data on the dependent variable are gathered at two or more B
points in time to answer the research question, are called:
a. Cross-sectional studies.
b. Longitudinal studies.
c. Exploratory studies.
d. Case studies.

7 Experimental designs invariably are longitudinal studies since data are A

collected both before and after a manipulation.

A. true
B. false

8 Which of the following studies is a causal study? The researcher tries to B

find out:
a. What percentage of the population thinks commercials are annoying
compared to 10 years ago.
b. Why unemployment in Europe is higher than in Asia.
c. If smoking is related to cancer.
d. All the above answers are correct.

9 A bank manager wants to determine the cause-and-effect relationship B

between interest rate and the inducements it offers to clients to save and
deposit money in the bank. What is the appropriate study setting?

a. A field study.
b. A field experiment.
c. A lab experiment.
d. None of the above.

10 The goal of a ­_____________ study, hence, is to offer to the researcher a profile B

of the phenomena of interest from an individual, organizational, industry-
oriented, or other perspective.
a. Exploratory.
b. Descriptive.
c. Causal.
d. Experimental.

11 ____________ studies are also necessary when some facts are known, but A
more information is needed for developing a viable theoretical framework.

a. Exploratory.
b. Descriptive.
c. Causal.
d. Experimental.

12 Whether a study is a causal or a correlational one depends on the type of A

research questions asked and how the problem is defined.

A. true
B. false

13 The extent of interference by the researcher with the normal flow of work A
at the workplace has a direct bearing on whether the study undertaken is
causal or correlational.
A. true
B. false

14 A causal study is conducted in the natural environment of the organization B

with minimum interference by the researcher with the normal flow of
A. true
B. false

15 In studies conducted to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the A

researcher tries to manipulate certain variables so as to study the effects
of such manipulation on the dependent variable of interest.

A. true
B. false

16 Correlational studies are invariably conducted in contrived settings, B

whereas most rigorous causal studies are done in non-contrived lab
A. true
B. false
17 The unit of analysis refers to the level of aggregation of the data collected A
during the subsequent data analysis stage.
A. true
B. false

18 Our research question determines the unit of analysis. A

A. true
B. false

19 A study can be done in which data are gathered just once, perhaps over a A
period of days or weeks or months, in order to answer a research question.
Such studies are called:
a. Cross-sectional studies.
b. Longitudinal studies.
c. Exploratory studies.
d. Case studies.

20 A marketing manager is interested in tracing the pattern of sales of a B

particular product in four different regions of the country on a quarterly
basis for the next 2 years. This is an example of a:
a. Cross-sectional study.
b. Longitudinal study.
c. Exploratory study.
d. Case study.

21 Knowledge of research design details also helps managers to study and A

intelligently comment on research proposals.
A. true
B. false

22 Methodological rigor increases as we move progressively from an A

exploratory study to a hypothesis-testing study, and with this, the costs of
research also increase.

A. true
B. false

23 Measurement is the assignment of numbers or other symbols to A

characteristics of objects according to a pre-specified set of rules.

A. true
B. false
24 Objects include: A

a. Persons, strategic business units, and companies.

b. Countries, cars, and arousal seeking tendency.
c. Elephants, kitchen appliances, and shopping enjoyment.
d. Restaurants, shampoo, and service quality.

25 Examples of characteristics of objects are: C

a. Length, weight, and country.
b. Arousal seeking tendency, strategic business unit, and shopping
c. Service quality, conditioning effects, and taste.
d. Restaurants, shampoo, and service quality.

26 Attributes of objects that can be physically measured by some calibrated A

instruments pose no measurement problems.
A. true
B. false

27 Reduction of abstract concepts to render them measurable in a tangible A

way is called operationalizing the concepts.

A. true
B. false

28 Operationalizing is done by looking at the behavioral dimensions, facets, or A

properties denoted by the concept. These are then translated into
observable and measurable elements so as to develop an index of
measurement of the concept.

A. true
B. false

29 Operationalizing a concept involves a series of steps. A

1. Come up with a definition of the construct.

2. Develop a response format.
3. Assess the validity and reliability of the measurement scale.
4. Develop an instrument (one or more items or questions) that actually
measures the concept that one wants to measure.
What is the correct order?
a.   1-4-2-3.
b.   4-2-1-3.
c.   4-2-3-1.
d.  3-1-4-2.

30 Operationalizing a concept consists of delineating the reasons, B

antecedents, consequences, or correlates of the concept.
A. true
B. false

31 You cannot measure objects; you measure _____________ of objects. D

a. Elements.
b. Dimensions.
c. Antecedents.
d. Attributes.

32 Operationalizing is: C
a. Designing questionnaires.
b. Translating a problem definition into a research question.
c. Making an abstract concept measurable.
d. Defining difficult concepts in the research proposal.

33 A variable or construct must always be directly observable. B

A. true
B. false

34 Operationalizing a variable precedes defining a variable. B

A. true
B. false

35 The construct ‘hunger’ is a typical example of a construct that must be A

operationalized because it is an abstract and subjective concept.

A. true
B. false

36 What is the type of scale of the variable ‘age’ if it is measured in the D

following way?

“What is your age? ____ years.”

a. Nominal.
b. Ordinal.
c. Interval.
d. Ratio.

37 What is the measurement level of income, measured in the following way: B

“What is your annual gross income?”
< €15.000
€20.000 - €30.000
€30.000 - €45.000
> € 45.000
a. Nominal.
b. Ordinal.
c. Interval.
d. Ratio.

38 “As the calibration or fine-tuning of a scale increases in sophistication, so D

does the power of the scale”. What is therefore the most powerful scale?

a. A nominal scale.
b. An ordinal scale.
c. An interval scale.
d. A ratio scale.

39 The difference between an ordinal and a ratio scale is that a ratio scale has B
an arbitrary zero point.
A. true
B. false

40 Army rank (such as lieutenant, captain, major, colonel, general, etc.) is B

ordinal in nature.

A. true
B. false

41 Temperature is usually measured on a ratio scale. A

A. true
B. false

42 A lady stands on a pair of scales three times in a row. The first time she B
weighs 69 kilo, the second time 69 kilo, and the third time 69 kilo. Her real
weight is 51 kilo. What is the matter with the scales?
a. The pair of scales is not reliable and not valid.
b. The pair of scales is reliable but is not valid.
c. The pair of scales is not reliable but is valid.
d. The pair of scales is reliable and valid.

43 The following scale is a: “Ugly __ __ ­__ __ __ Beautiful” B

a. A likert-scale.
b. A semantic differential scale.
c. A numerical scale.
d. An itemized rating scale.

44 Which of the following is not a source of primary data? C

a. A focus group.
b. A panel.
c. Company records.
d. A video conference.

45 Whereas panels meet for a one-time group session, focus groups meet B
more than once.
A. true
B. false

46 The Delphi Technique is a forecasting method that uses a cautiously A

selected panel of experts in a systematic, interactive manner.

A. true
B. false

47 The advantage of seeking secondary data sources is savings in time and A

costs of acquiring information.
A. true
B. false

48 Unstructured interviews are so labeled because the interviewer does not A

enter the interview setting with a planned sequence of questions to be
asked of the respondent.
A. true
B. false

49 Structured interviews are those conducted when it is known at the outset A

what information is needed.

A. true
B. false
50 When conducting interviews, it is unethical that the researcher makes B
written notes as the interviews are taking place, or as soon as the
interview is terminated.
A. true
B. false

51 The principles of wording refers to which of the following factors? D

a. The appropriateness of the content of the questions
b. How questions are worded and the level of sophistication of the
language used.
c. The type and form of questions asked.
d. All of the above.

52 The way questions are sequenced could also introduce certain biases, A
frequently referred to as the ordering effects.
A. true
B. false

53 Instead of phrasing all questions positively, it is advisable to include some A

negatively worded questions as well, so the tendency in respondents to
mechanically circle the points toward one end of the scale is minimized.

A. true
B. false

54 “Do you think there is a good market for the product and that it will sell C

This question is:

a. Leading.
b. Loaded.
c. Double-barreled.
d. Ambiguous.

55 “Don’t you think that in these days of escalating costs of living, employees A
should be given good pay raises?”
a. Leading.
b. Loaded.
c. Double-barreled.
d. Ambiguous.
56 The sequence of questions in the questionnaire should be such that the A
respondent is led from questions of a general nature to those that are more
A. true
B. false

57 The sequence of questions in the questionnaire should be such that the A

respondent is led from questions that are relatively easy to answer to
those that are progressively more difficult.
A. true
B. false

58 The sequence of questions in the questionnaire should be such that you A

end with questions that respondents refuse to answer.
A. true
B. false

59 The biggest disadvantage of secondary data is: A

a. That they are not meeting the specific needs of the particular situation or
b. That it is generally more expensive to collect secondary data than
primary data.
c. That they are generally qualitative in nature.
d. That they cannot be used for forecasting purposes.

60 Probability sampling designs are used when the representativeness of the A

sample is of importance in the interests of wider generalizability.

A. true
B. false

61 Convenience sampling and quota sampling are examples of probability B

A. true
B. false
62 A researcher who investigates the relationship between the loyalty A
program of a specific supermarket and the loyalty towards this
supermarket, collects his data by questioning consumers who leave the
specific supermarket on several daily periods. The sampling method used
by this researcher is called:

a. Convenience sampling.
b. Simple random sampling.
c. Stratified sampling.
d. Quota sampling.

63 When the properties of the population are not over-represented or under- A

represented in the sample, we will have a representative sample.

A. true
B. false

64 From a statistical perspective, probability sampling is preferred over non- A

probability sampling.
A. true
B. false

65 The results of probability sampling are less generalizable than the results B
of non-probability sampling.
A. true
B. false

66 The sampling frame is a (physical) representation of all the elements in the A

population from which the sample is drawn.
A. true
B. false

67 The payroll of an organization would serve as the sampling frame if its A

members are to be studied.
A. true
B. false

68 The type of probability and non-probability sampling designs that is D

chosen depends on:

a. The extent of generalizability desired.

b. The demands of time and other resources.
c. The purpose of the study.
d. All of the above.
69 A sample size of 40 is large enough. B

A. true
B. false

70 As a sampling technique, qualitative research generally uses non- A

probability sampling as it does not aim to draw statistical inference.

A. true
B. false

Dr Ashraf Elsafty
Answer ONLY using A or B or C or D or E
using A or B or C or D or E

IT IS A MUST to .. Add needed justification for your selection

Exploratory stage the researcher is basically interested in exploring the situational

factors so as to get a grip on the characteristics of the phenomena of interest and we
try to explore new areas of organizational research.

Casual study means When the researcher wants to describe the cause of a problem .

bank manager has different types of accounts and correlated them to change in the
interest rate without interference work routine

The unit of analysis refers to the level of aggregation of the data collected during the
Subsequent data analysis stage. , in this example the store loyalty is the unit analysis .
The unit of analysis refers to the level of aggregation of the data collected during the
Subsequent data analysis stage. , in this example the store loyalty is the unit analysis .

Its longitudinal studies , they are used in sociology to study development trends
across the long period of time .through out generation .

Exploratory stage the researcher is basically interested in exploring the situational

factors, so as to get a grip on the characteristics of the phenomena of interest and we
try to explore new areas of organizational research

When the researcher wants to describe the cause of a problem, and the relationship
effects between variables then the study is called a causal study .

field experiment is when the interest rate changes . The manger may make study on
few branches and have customers , deposits amounts ,are variables and changing
interest rates and see the effect of this variables along with their variables .

A descriptive study is collecting information without changing the environment

.Descriptive study includes onetime interaction with groups of people or a study might
follow individuals over time . Descriptive study in which the researcher interacts with
the participant , it may involve surveys or interviews to collect the interest
information of the research .
Exploratory studies always need more information about variables . To make sure that
if there are new variables , so we can make sure if the old variable is valid or not

There are two types of investigation causal or a correlational. When the researcher
wants to describe the cause of a problem, then the study is called a causal study. When
the researcher is interested in describing the important variables that are associated
with the problem, it is called a correlational study. Whether a study is a causal or a
correlational one it depends on the type of research questions asked and how the
problem is defined. this will be depend on problem definition then the study type .

the researcher applies the causal study to manipulate variable . However he applies
correlational study by follow the flow of work .

the researcher needs to manipulate variables in causal studies . But at correlational he

can apply by follow the flow of work

The researcher wants to know the effect of variables in cause and effect relationship
.so as to know the relationship between various variables and check if variables
change together or not

Causal studies done in contrived settings while correlation studies done in normal
working environment no contrived setting
In the problem definition the collected data and the source collected data must be
answered and relevant to answer of the problem in the research.

In the problem definition the research question will conduct the necessary data
collection then we can determine the unit of analysis , so it is refer to problem

In the cross sectional the researcher wants to study people or phenomena at several
points in time.

In the longitudinal the researcher wants to study people or phenomena at several

points in time.

Knowledge of research design makes researchers evaluate the quality of the research
itself and how it address the heart of the problem definition.

Exploratory study used when there are no information before on the interest of data
.or no similar problem occurs before .so consequently we took knowledge from
exploratory data and testing it through testing the hypothesis

It is the assignment of numbers to objects or events. It is a cornerstone of most natural

sciences, technology, economics, and quantitative research in other social sciences.
(As per Wikipedia def.)
These are objects that can be measured but have attributes that can be measured

These objects can be measured

We can measure objects like high , length , weight .

Operationalizing a process of defining an abstract concept in such a manner that it can

be measured. It is necessary because it allows us to measure subjective characteristics
and phenomena which do not lend themselves to objective measurement

Operationalizing the concepts is translate the characters of abstract to a scale based

on degrees of change.

Operationalizing should start with definition then develop the elements that will
measure the concept, finally we choose which scale will be used to measure on it .
Operationalizing the concepts is translate the characters of abstract to a scale based
on degrees of change.

Attributes of objects are measured in operationalization.

Only Attributes of objects measurable can be operationalized.

No ,variable shouldnot be directly observable

Definition is the first the step in the operationalization. .

Because hunger changes into observe behavior to measure

Ratio scales give us the ultimate–order, interval values, plus the ability to calculate
ratios since a “true zero” can be defined. And Age in years has a definit zero point

Ordinary helps to rank order the separated items .

Ratio scales give us the ultimate–order, interval values, plus the ability to calculate
ratios since a “true zero” can be defined.

the zero point that enables statistical measure and more anaylsis .

Although the ordinal scale helps to rank order the separated items. But it doesn’t show
the degree of difference, but in this example there is a difference between ranks .

temperaure has zero scale .

the scale is reliable and not valid , of course they weight her by wrong way .

As per the book , The bipolar adjectives used might employ

such terms as Good-Bad; Strong-Weak; Hot-Cold. The semantic differential scale is
used toassess respondents' attitudes toward a particular brand, advertisement, object,
or individual.
responses can be plotted to obtain a good idea of their perceptions.
Company records , because its secondry data

The main aim of Panels is its ability to gather repeatedly to dicuss an issue change over

The Delphi Technique is a forecasting method that uses a cautiously selected panel of
experts In a systematic, interactive manner. These experts answer questionnaires in
two or more Rounds. In the first round they are asked to answer a series of questions
on the likelihood of a Future scenario or any other issue about which there is unsure
or incomplete knowledge. The Contributions from all the experts are then collected,
summarized, and fed back in the form of a
Second-round questionnaire.

secondry data sources helps in saving time and cost but we should not put it as a
primary data .

In unstructured interview , the interviewer does not enter the interview with planned
sequence of questions .

In Structured interviews the interviewer take notes from the answers that may add
new information in other area he was neglect it before and he can add more variables.
In Structured interviews the interviewer take notes from the answers that may add
new information in other area he was neglect it before and he can add more variables.

The principles of wording refer to such factors as:

1. The appropriateness of the content of the questions.
2. How questions are worded and the level of sophistication of the language used.

3. The type and form of questions asked.

4. The sequencing of the questions.
5. The personal data sought from the respondents.
Random questions in the questionnaire effect the systematic of research.

To know who really interested in the questionnaire or not .

A question that lends itself to different possible responses to its subparts is called a
Question. Such questions should be avoided and two or more separate questions
Asked instead, so we have 2 questions in one, so need to split it to two parts

In the question , we have answer is imbedded in the question , which will lead the
respondent to a specific answer
If the respondent starts with the specific questions , he may not complete the
questionnaire .

Using this approach to make questioner flows easy and to secure the respondent and
enforce him to complete it to the end.

The questions which will ask about private things should be in the end of the
questionnaire because people don’t like these sorts of questions.

Secondary data always available and easy to get it, and it saves cost and time
But it’s not the only source of the data.

Probability Sampling is used where the elements of population will have probability of
selection from the population and take the representativeness of the sample will be

Convenience sampling and quota sampling are non probability sampling

Convenience sampling caries out by asking people who are know the required data
related to the the research

When the properties of the population are not ove rrepresented or underrepresented
the sample, we have a representative sample.
We have characters correctly resemble the population without being under or over

For statistical perspective probability sampling is preferred due to its high


Because of the high generalizability, non-probability is not preferred in the statistical

analytics probability .

Within the population we need to cover all the elements by using sampling frame

All the employees should be in the sampling frame to be useful in the study .

The extent of generalizability desired, the demands of time and other resources and
the purpose of the study, are important to choos sampling design (probability and non-
At the beginning we need to define the problem, verify the research type, the
population and apply the convenient mathematical formula to calculate sample size

Sampling for qualitative research is as important as sampling for quantitative

Qualitative sampling begins with precisely defining the target population. As a
technique, qualitative research generally uses nonprobability sampling as it does not
aim to
draw statistical inference. as per the book . In non-probability sampling used in
qualitative researches
Dr. Ashraf Elsafty
Research Methods
Final Exam
Part TWO
Part 1:
1 Develop a conceptual model for the scenario
below, with needed discussion and graph:

Incidence of smoking in movies has started to increase

again, after having declined for several decades.
According to the National Cancer Institute smoking is
seen in at least three out of four contemporary box-
office hits. What’s more, identifiable cigarette brands
appeared in about one-third of all movies in 2008.
Exposure to smoking in movies is an important
predictor of adolescent smoking initiation: smoking in
movies has been shown to affect adolescents’
intentions to start smoking. In turn, the intentions to
start smoking are determined by a more positive
attitude toward smoking after seeing a film character
smoke. Recent research has revealed that the
relationship between seeing a film character smoke
and the attitude toward smoking is stronger when a
person’s identification with a film character increases.
These findings are consistent with social learning
theory, which predicts that attitudes and behaviors
are modeled by observing the behaviors of others.
2 What are the basic research design issues?
Describe them in detail.(4-5 paragraphs)
3 “An exploratory study is just as useful as a
predictive study”. Discuss this statement. (2-3

4 Discuss the inter-relationships among: non-

contrived setting, purpose of the study, type of
investigation, researcher interference, and time
horizon of the study.

5 Why is the unit of analysis an integral part of the

research design? (1-2 paragraphs)

6 Why is the ratio scale the most powerful of the

four scales? (1 paragraph, use example)

7 Below are three scenarios. For each, indicate how

the researcher should proceed with the following,
giving reasons covering:
The purpose of the study
The type of investigation
The extent of researcher interference
The study setting
The time horizon for the study
The unit of analysis.
Scenario A: Ms. Joyce Lynn, the owner of a small
business (a woman’s dress boutique), has invited a
consultant to tell her how she is different from similar
small businesses within a 60-mile radius, in regard to
her usage of the most modern computer technology,
sales volume, profit margin, and staff training.

Scenario B: Mr. Paul Hodge, the owner of several

restaurants is concerned about the wide differences in
the profit margins of the various restaurants. He would
like to try some incentive plans for increasing the
efficiency levels of those restaurants that are lagging
behind. But, before he introduces this, he would like to
be sure that the idea will work. He asks a researcher to
help him on this issue.

Scenario C: A manager is intrigued why some people

seem to derive joy from work and get energized by it,
while others find it troublesome and frustrating.

From your text book: 5th digital edition

8 Exercise 4.6

Dependent variable
Independent variable
Moderating variable

9 Exercise 4.7
Situation 1

Situation 2

Situation 3

10 Exercise 4.8
Dependent variable
Independent variable
Intervening variable
Moderating variable
11 Compare between Cluster and stratified Sampling
design, stating why both is probability sampling,
with clear example of your own.
12 Operationalize the subjective concept 'Shopping
Enjoyment', and use the needed measurement

13 Write a full research proposal/research project,

using the book studied examples and guided by
the sample thesis provided, regarding a
problem/opportunity about “Egypt’s needed
development”, from a business and management
perspective, it is of your selection to set the whole
story to guide your proposal or to define the
context to support developing a clear research
proposal. (Should cover all topics studied within
research methods; mention the item on the left
and your answer on the right, and within 2 or 3
pages length only).
Business anatomy

Objectives of the Study


Literature review & Theoretical Framework

Independent variable
Dependent variable

Hypothesis Development




cigarette brands and adolescent smoking

smoking in movies intiation
independent variable ( dependant variable )

persones identification
with film character
( modertating variable )

The above figure shows the relationship between dependent variable (adolescent initiation to smoke) and
and cigarettes brands), the moderator s identification with film character and the direct variables are the a
The basic characteristics of research design includes the following Purpose of the study (exploratory, desc
analysis and type of investigation: causal versus correlational and Extent of researcher interference with t
versus non contrived) then Unit of analysis (individuals, dyads, groups, organizations, cultures) besides Tim
versus longitudinal)
And Managerial implications.
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Studies can be either exploratory in nature, or descriptive, and/or conducted to t
stage of advancement of knowledge in the research area. In exploratory stage the researcher is basically int
factors so as to get a grip on the characteristics of the phenomena of interest and we try to explore new are
descriptive stage means when we try to describe certain characteristics of the phenomena we are intereste
testing stage it enhances understanding of the relationships that exist among variables.

TYPES OF INVESTIGATION There are two types of investigation causal or a correlational. When the resear
problem, then the study is called a causal study. When the researcher is interested in describing the impor
the problem, it is called a correlational study. Whether a study is a causal or a correlational one it depends
and how the problem is defined.

EXTENT OF RESEARCHER INTERFERENCE. The researcher has vital role on the affection in direct way whe
correlational studies. In causal studies the researcher deliberately changes certain variables in the setting.
natural environment of the organization with the researcher interfering minimally with the normal flow of
STUDY SETTING Correlational studies are invariably conducted in non-contrived settings whereas rigorous
settings. Correlational studies done in organizations are called filed studies where various factors are exam
events normally occur with minimal researcher interference.
UNIT OF ANALYSIS as per book definition “The unit of analysis refers to the level of aggregation of the data
analysis stage. “
TIME HORIZON OF THE STUDY. The researcher determines the appropriate decisions to be made in the st
definition. According to time and costs involved, they conduct a cross sectional study or a longitudinal stud
or months are called cross-sectional. In longitudinal studies, the researcher wants to study people or phen
Longitudinal studies often taken more time and effort than cross-sectional studies.
In exploratory stage the researcher is basically interested in exploring the situational factors so as t
the phenomena of interest and try to explore new areas of organizational research.
The exploratory study is undertaken when no information is available, on how similar problems or
before. In such cases extensive preliminary work needs to be done to gain familiarity with the pheno
what is occurring, before we develop model and set up a rigorous design for comprehensive investig
Without exploratory studies, the studies cannot be developed. The exploratory research is the found
understanding new phenomena and developing new measures .Both of these studies are useful and
understanding business phenomena
The researcher used the exploratory studies for the current time, and later on they used predicive s

The basic characteristics of research design includes the following Purpose of the study (explorator
case study analysis and type of investigation: causal versus correlational and Extent of researcher in
setting (contrived versus non contrived) then Unit of analysis (individuals, dyads, groups, organizat
of study (cross-sectional versus longitudinal) And Managerial implications

According to the selection of the study purpose understanding of the relationship that exists among
correlation investigation which is conducted in the natural environment of the organization with th
researcher with the normal flow of work or cause-and-effect relationships investigation where the r
variables to study the effects of such manipulation on the dependent variable of interest.

Time horizon of a study has a relationship with all the mentioned factors above, as to answer the res
fact once in a particular time and find out the answer for the question or he may require collecting f
the questions on the basis of the time involved to answer the research questions..

Because , the unit of analysis is the part that must exist in designing the research because we formul
data collection, sample size, and even the variables included in the research framework

There are four basic types of scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Ratio scales give us the ult
ability to calculate ratios since a “true zero” can be defined. The ratio scale overcomes the disadvant
interval scale, in that it has an absolute (in contrast to an arbitrary) zero point, which is a meaningfu
Thus, the ratio scale not only measures the magnitude of the differences between points on the scale
differences. . The weighing balance is a good example of a ratio scale; it has an absolute (and not arb
which allows us to calculate the ratio of the weights of two individuals.
For instance, a person weighing 250 pounds is twice as heavy as one who weighs 125 pounds. Note t
these numbers (250 and 125) by any given number will preserve the ratio of2:1. The measure of cen
either the arithmetic or the geometric mean and the measure of dispersion may be either the standa
coefficient of variation.
*Scenario A:
The purpose of the study: Describe how the business is different from similar small businesses to st
market by studying some factors .
The type of investigation: correlationas as she investigates the variables that would have an effect o
The extent of research her interference: the minimum
The study setting: non contrived field study as the study is conducted in the natural environment of
The time horizon for the study: cross sectiona las the data are gathered just once to answer the rese
The unit of analysis. : organization is the unit of analysis as the study will be done to analysis some o
computer technology, sales volume, profit margin, and staff training on organizational level to comp
other similar businesses.

*Scenario B
The purpose of the study: test the hypothesis ,
The type of investigation: Causal investigation as he is trying to identify the cause and effect relation
The extent of researcher interference: approaching moderate as researcher might have to delibera
order to study the effects of such manipulation on the relationship.
The study setting: field study it is a field experiment so it is non-contrived setting research will be c
The time horizon for the study: longitudinal
The unit of analysis: Group

Scenario C
The purpose of the study: Exploratory study
The type of investigation: correlational
The extent of researchinterference: minimal
The study setting: field study
The time horizon for the study: cross sectional
The unit of analysis. : Individual unit of analysis as researcher will look to the data gathered from ea
response as an individual source
Intensity of e-business adoption
Sales Performance
Market uncertainty

Motivation is the independent variable that affects the productivity of the employees which is depen

Training abroad, and increasing salary independent variable which affects the motivations which is

Employees loyalty(independent variable ) to the company will helps in achieving targets (dependen

number of problems for the organization

Failure to follow accounting principles
Timely corrective actions
experience in bookkeeping
Cluster samples are samples gathered in groups or chunks of elements that, ideally, are
Natural aggregates of elements in the population. In cluster sampling, the target population is
First divided into clusters, then, a random sample of clusters is drawn and for each selected
Cluster either all the elements or a sample of elements is included in the sample.
Cluster samples offer more heterogeneity within groups and more homogeneity among groups
The reverse of what we find in stratified random sampling, where there is homogeneity within each
groups, it is considered horizontal division of population
Stratified sampling, is a division of clusters to a specific groups different from each other , element o
strata is homogenous elements among the group , elements in Stratified sampling do not over cross
Both sampling techniques deal with problems that we do not offer to examine all the population, bo
desired confidence levels.
But we have some key differences between them
Cluster samples are samples gathered in groups or chunks of elements that, ideally, are
Natural aggregates of elements in the population. In cluster sampling, the target population is
First divided into clusters, then, a random sample of clusters is drawn and for each selected
Cluster either all the elements or a sample of elements is included in the sample.
Cluster samples offer more heterogeneity within groups and more homogeneity among groups
The reverse of what we find in stratified random sampling, where there is homogeneity within each
groups, it is considered horizontal division of population
Stratified sampling, is a division of clusters to a specific groups different from each other , element o
strata is homogenous elements among the group , elements in Stratified sampling do not over cross

Example is company that have some three location across Egypt (one in Cairo, others are in Alex and
clusters , where each office represent a cluster , as all the member are homogenous as sharing the sa
inside , in each cluster , or in each office , we will have divisions and sub divisions , like married with
and females , and so on ..
Measurement is the assignment of numbers to objects or events. It is a cornerstone of most natural s
quantitative research in other social sciences.It’s difficult to measure object, because we cannot mea
the attitudes, high, length, commitment, respect. Any measurement of an object can be judged by the
criteria values: level of measurement, dimensions, and uncertainty. .
Operational definition is a process of defining an abstract concept in such a manner that it can be me
allows us to measure subjective characteristics and phenomena which do not lend themselves to ob
Operationalizing a concept involves series of steps. The first step is to come up with a definition of th
Then, it is necessary to think about the content of the measure; that is, an instrument (one or more i
measures the concept that one wants to measure Has to be developed. Subsequently, a response for
scale with end-points anchored by "strongly disagree" and "strongly agree") is needed, and finally, t
measurement scale has to be assessed.
Operationalization for women enjoyment in shopping, this means women usually used to go malls w
are going to the mall repeatedly even if they are feeling upset of frustrated they go shopping to cha
The elements of the operationalization for measurement;
1. the number of visits for women when there are discounts or not , it mainly the number increases w
in this measurement we can use the ratio scale
2. Women loyalty to specific brands even there are offers or not, in this case we can use ordinal scale
3. Women do shopping alone or with their friends, we can measure it by nominal scale.
4. The time where they spending in their shopping, we can measure it by interval scale or ratio.


System technique is Water Management for resorts and commercial building services, also supply p
services for water treatment .System Technique Company is a limited liability company. We current
servicing them through our network in business of branches “Cairo, sharm el sheikh, Hurghada , Lu
branches is managed by an experienced team of chemists and engineers 24/ 7 who provide the righ
systems to help water treatment challenges. but there are a bias in hiring , they lost the good resour
turn over is very high .

This research purpose is to identify the effect of the bias in hiring process and misusing the talent re
effectiveness and efficiency of the employees.
.q1 : what are the efffects of the bias in hiring process ?
Q2 what are the effects of the bias in hiring on loyalty ?
Q3 what are the efects of the bias in hiring on productivity ?
Q4 what are the effects of bias in hiring on efectivness ?

A literature review is an evaluative report of information found in the literature related to selected
discuss the effect of the bias of hiring process and misusing talent resources properly, on the loyalty

Bias in hiring process

Bias in hiring process is one of the independent variable, Bias is a term means inclination or prejudi
especially in a way considered to be unfair. Bias in hiring has various types like, age bias gender bia
losing the talent resources
Manger gives basic tasks to high caliber employee which not match his high qualifications,
Loyalty: Employee loyalty can be defined as employees who are devoted to the success of their organ
employee of this organization is in their best interest.
• Effectiveness: The degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted proble
efficiency, effectiveness is determined without reference to costs and, whereas efficiency means "do
means "doing the right thing."
• Productivity:
Productivity may be evaluated in terms of the output of an employee in a specific period of time. Ty
worker will be assessed relative to an average for employees doing similar
Work. Because much of the success of any organization relies upon the productivity of its workforce
important consideration for businesses.

Identifying the broad problem area:

System technique is Water Management for resorts and commercial building services, also supply plants, e
water treatment .System Technique Company is a limited liability company. We currently supply over 200
our network in business of branches “Cairo, sharm el sheikh, Hurghada , Luxor and Marsa Alam “ Each of o
experienced team of chemists and engineers 24/ 7 who provide the right products services, training, and sy
Defining the problem statement:
This research purpose is to identify the effect of the bias in hiring process and misusing the talent resource
effectiveness and efficiency of the employees.
Develop Hypotheses:
Turnover is very high,
There is subjective evaluation
 Less qualified people for handling key positions.
Determine measures
 The Survey will measure employee satisfaction index.
 And Measure the change number of turnover rate.
 The average time of the employees stays in the company before moving to another company (long run m
Data Collection and Analyses:
 Plan a periodic surveys to measure the employee’s satisfaction.
 Previous Historic turnover rate keep it reference and do some trend analysis to know that if we still have
 We should put proper human resources system with pre-defined criteria in people selection and job assig
Interpretation of data
 Company has badly / no Human resources system, it’s highly recommended to get consultation from hum
 Change the human resources team with more experienced team, and this team of HR must be empowered
output of this team will be measures from periodic surveys in a short run period and improvement of turn
 The new HR consultancy will ask each department head, to define KPIs, to measure his department progr
Defining the population
My population are the employees of water Management Company, includes the branches (Hurghada,Marsa
Determining the sample frame
Water Management Company has four branches distributed in different governorates. I will consider every
data from the above populations from the payroll list because it will be include all the employees in the com
other, but the same sample unit characteristics. Inside every cluster I will divide every cluster by using stra
division will be my strata.
Determining the sampling design
My design wills be a probability sampling, there are departments in the company every department differs
For example bias in human resources management.
Determining the sample size
 The research objective
This research purpose is to identify the effect of the bias in hiring process and misusing the talent resource
effectiveness and efficiency of the employees
 The extent of precision desired (the confidence interval)
 The acceptable risk in predicting that level of precision (confidence level)
I need 90% as a confident error, 5% error.
 The amount of variability in the population itself
Population should be various from different managerial positions.so I will take 50 % mangers,
30% engineers. 10 % technicians, 10 % admin positions.
 The cost and time constraints
I will use online sampling, so cost will not be problem,
 in some cases, the size of the population itself
The size of population that I will use will be 100 employees.

At the bottom line the catastrophic effect of the bias in the hiring process on every one, bias in hiring loses
belief of the entire education system, the bias in hiring will be by nature followed by bias in all career relate
promotion, bias in giving opportunities that will cause progression in the individual career, bias in type of a
At the bottom line the catastrophic effect of the bias in the hiring process on every one, bias in hiring loses
belief of the entire education system, the bias in hiring will be by nature followed by bias in all career relate
promotion, bias in giving opportunities that will cause progression in the individual career, bias in type of a

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