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Dear MBA students,


As agreed please find attached the Final Term Exam, you should:
1. Answer ALL questions, Part1 & Part2
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5. Reply with your file .xls, of your answer to ME ONLY, to .
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8. Email directly to ME ONLY no later than agreed deadline day and time 24th Oct. 2015, 10:00 pm, otherw
9. Please give every single question the needed high care, as grades are NOT equally distributed among que

As I mentioned before for the mid-term and during our classes, we are studying to learn, and we are now leveragin
So please focus on your time and answers to learn while filling the exam.

I hope I did met your expectations, and now you as a researcher, you will be responsible for what you have learne
what you already gained for the welfare of the country and your people.

Hope you gained the ultimate scientific benefit from the course and me as well.
May Allah bless you all.

Kind Regards,

Dr. Ashraf Elsafty

Adjunct Professor, Strategist
Strategic Management & Research Methods.
ESLSCA, MIU, Riti/MsM cairo outreach.
Dr. Ashraf Elsafty
Research Methods
Final Exam
Part ONE
Answer ONLY using A or B or C or D or E

here, on
grey IT IS A MUST to .. Add needed justification for your selection

1 Which of the following is most suitable when there is little to no insight in a when the researcher faces a problem and doesn't have enough Data which means that the relation
certain problem or when there is no information available on how similar between variables are non directional (in amount, direction & significance) or with no Data from previous
problems or research issues have been solved in the past? researchers about it, the researcher needs to do an extensive preliminary work to understand what's
A occurring, and based on this preliminary work he can decide either no further research is needed or there is
a need to set up a more rigorous design for further investigation.

A. Exploratory research.
B. Descriptive research.
C. Causal research.
D. Experimental research.

2 What cannot be seen as purpose of a causal study? During the causal studies we require to demonsterate more and in depth interference in the work setting &
D to generate a fabricated environment to concloed prove the relationship of interest
A. Understanding the dependent variable.
B. Predicting the dependent variable.
C. Making sure that all relevant variables are included in the study.
D. Explaining variance in the dependent variable.

3 If a bank manager wants to analyze the relationship between interest rates The manager must analyze the change of the deposit patterns of clients with the balances in many kinds of
and bank deposit patterns of clients, a ‘field study’ is the most suitable accounts in ordanary work flow
method of investigation. This is a "field study" because the research here has been conducted in a non-contrived setting as we will
A conduct his study in the normal conditions not an artificial .

A. true
B. false

4 A marketing manager aims to investigate the relationship between The unit analysis here is the consumerr, the data that we want to collect from every single consumer &
customer satisfaction and store loyalty among British consumerrs. For this stores and treat it as a source of data, (Like gathring data from 100 British consumerr).
purpose, data will have to be collected from British stores and the ‘unit of If we are linking the relationship between customer satisfaction and store loyalty in verious countries then
analysis’ is the country. the Unit of analysis could be the country, but in our case here the unit of analysis is the consumer.

A. true
B. false
5 The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a multinational corporation wants to The center point in this case is to study the last 5 years profit by each subsidiary in verous areas which
know the profits made during the past 5 years by each of the subsidiaries means that we study on the country level.
in England, Germany, France, and Spain. It is possible that there are many This will be the ( unit of analysis ).
regional offices of these subsidiaries in each of these countries. The profits
of the various regional centers for each country have to be aggregated and A
the profits for each country for the past 5 years provided to the CFO.
Hence, the ‘unit of analysis’ is the country.

A. true
B. false

6 Studies, when data on the dependent variable are gathered at two or more Longitudinal studies the researcher might want to study people or phenomena at more than one point in
points in time to answer the research question, are called: time in order to answer the research question. Longitudinal studies take more time and effort and cost
more than cross-sectional studies.
For Example:
B The manager wants to study the effectiveness of the organization after paying an extra bonus every 3
months for the employees, to see the relation effect pay increment on the organization effectiveness.

a. Cross-sectional studies.
b. Longitudinal studies.
c. Exploratory studies.
d. Case studies.

7 Experimental designs invariably are longitudinal studies since data are Experimental designs need to be set up with the events normally occur. Field experiments, where cause-
collected both before and after a manipulation. and-effect relationships are studied with some amount of researcher interference, but still in the natural
B setting where work continues in the normal fashion.

A. true
B. false

8 Which of the following studies is a causal study? The researcher tries to we use the causal study when the researcher is tend to delineating one or more factors that are
find out: undoubtedly causing the problem. In other words, the Intention of the researcher conducting a causal study
C is to be able to state that variable X causes variable Y. So, when variable X is removed in some way, problem
Y is solved.

a. What percentage of the population thinks commercials are annoying

compared to 10 years ago.
b. Why unemployment in Europe is higher than in Asia.
c. If smoking is related to cancer.
d. All the above answers are correct.

9 A bank manager wants to determine the cause-and-effect relationship In Field experiment we will need to manipulate the "Interest Rate" to ovserv the effect on the "Deposits of
between interest rate and the inducements it offers to clients to save and Clients", so we need to take many bank branches in different locations and announce higher interest rates.
deposit money in the bank. What is the appropriate study setting? But if the researcher has any doubt about the results, he can use the Lab experimental study where he will
B create an artificial setttings.

a. A field study.
b. A field experiment.
c. A lab experiment.
d. None of the above.
10 The goal of a ­_____________ study, hence, is to offer to the researcher a profile It's a descriptive study as the purpose of this study is to collect data and describing the characteristics of the
of the phenomena of interest from an individual, organizational, industry- same subjects.
oriented, or other perspective. Example: A researcher wants to find out the reson why people in Community A have a higher rate of a form
B of disease when compared to those living in Community B. To know reasons for the differences in disease
rates in these two communities, the investigator surveyed about their lifestyles, types of businesses that
were present in the community and searched the medical records.

a. Exploratory.
b. Descriptive.
c. Causal.
d. Experimental.

11 ____________ studies are also necessary when some facts are known, but Without exploratory studies, new areas of understanding cannot be developed. Every theory we now have
more information is needed for developing a viable theoretical framework. must at one time have started as an exploratory research study. Exploratory research lays the groundwork
for understanding new phenomena and developing new measures to test these.
Example: If a manager needs to get information about what factors that makes some employees energized
by work ,while others are frustrated with the work. Based on the extensive preliminary work that will be
done to explore these factors the manager might decide either not to proceed or to set up more rigorous
A investigation.

a. Exploratory.
b. Descriptive.
c. Causal.
d. Experimental.

12 Whether a study is a causal or a correlational one depends on the type of Because the research question and problem definition of the study is governing and determining the
research questions asked and how the problem is defined. purpose of the study to be conducted (Explanatory,Descriptive,causal),and then based on the purpose is the
study all other points such as study setting (Non-contrived or contrived) ,Level of researcher interferency
,Strategy ,Data collection method,unit of analysis are determined
.For example :If the research question "Is there a correlation between Smoking and cancer?" This question
could be answered through explanatory study by intervieweing doctors,smokers ,patients in addition to
A reviewing the literature and based on this the researcher can decide if there correlation between the 2
variables or not . On the other side ,If the problem definition is to know how smoking causes cancer ,then a
more in depth investigation to establish a cause and effect relationship involves manipulating the
independent variable to ass the effect on the dependent variable .

A. true
B. false

13 The extent of interference by the researcher with the normal flow of work page 1 The correlational study is conducted in a natural environment with minimal intererence of the research. But
at the workplace has a direct bearing on whether the study undertaken is the studies aims to establish a cause & effect relationships, the researcher needs to manipulate certain
causal or correlational. variables to see it's effect on the variable of interest.
If we wants to see the factors that influences the "Employee Engagement" in an organization, all that the
A researcher has to do is to develop a theoretical framework, gathering relevant data and analyze them to
reach findings. There is some disruption to the normal flow of work in the system as the researcher
interviews employees and administers surveys in the workplace, the researcher's interference in the
routine functioning of the system is minimal.

A. true
B. false
14 A causal study is conducted in the natural environment of the organization Correlational study is the study wich conducted in the ordinary environment of the organization and the
with minimum interference by the researcher with the normal flow of normal work flow with minimal interference by the researcher with the normal flow of work.
work. Example:
If we want to study the factors that affecting training effectiveness (a correlational study), all that the
B individual has to do is develop a theoretical framework, gather the data, and start to analyze them to come
up with findings.

A. true
B. false

15 In studies conducted to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the The researcher deliberately changes certain variables in the setting and interferes with the events as they
researcher tries to manipulate certain variables so as to study the effects ussualy happen in the organization in the normal flow.
of such manipulation on the dependent variable of interest. A The researcher need to set an artificial setting to make the cause-and- effect relationshipsable to be studied.

A. True
B. false

16 Correlational studies are invariably conducted in contrived settings, Correlational studies are invariably conducted in noncontrived settings, where the researcher does
whereas most rigorous causal studies are done in non-contrived lab interfere with the natural environment of events in as much as the independent variable is manipulated.
settings. Most rigorous causal studies) are done in contrived lab settings where the researcher creats an artificial
B enviroment to set the study and capture the factors that strictly controlled.

A. true
B. false

17 The unit of analysis refers to the level of aggregation of the data collected Deciding on the unit of analysis is too important during generating research question, as the methods,data
during the subsequent data analysis stage. collection sample size and even the variables included in the framework may sometimes be determined or
A guided by the level at that data are aggregated for analysis.

A. true
B. false

18 Our research question determines the unit of analysis. If the problem statement focuses on how to increase the productivity levels of manpower in general, then
the researcher is interested in individual employees in the organization and though the data will be
A collected to find out what can we do to enhance their productivity levels.
The unit of analysis is the individual.

A. true
B. false

19 A study can be done in which data are gathered just once, perhaps over a Cross-sectional studies will be better for fully understanding the dynamics of the situation; data of the study
period of days or weeks or months, in order to answer a research question. could be gathered just once, perhaps over a period of time which known as one shot.
Such studies are called: A

a. Cross-sectional studies.
b. Longitudinal studies.
c. Exploratory studies.
d. Case studies.

20 A marketing manager is interested in tracing the pattern of sales of a longitudinal studies as when data gathered at two or more different points in time, the study is carried
particular product in four different regions of the country on a quarterly longitudinally and if the data of the study gathered just once, perhaps over a period of time we call it one
basis for the next 2 years. This is an example of a: B shot.
a. Cross-sectional study.
b. Longitudinal study.
c. Exploratory study.
d. Case study.

21 Knowledge of research design details also helps managers to study and A The decisionsthe that the researcher has to make before starting a study, is pertaining how rigorous the
intelligently comment on research proposals. study ought to be. Knowledge of interconnections among various aspects of the research design helps
researchers to decide the most effective study type (Exploratory, Descriptive or Causal).

A. true
B. false

22 Methodological rigor increases as we move progressively from an A rigorous research design that may involve further costs is essential if the outcomes of the study are
exploratory study to a hypothesis-testing study, and with this, the costs of important for making cretical decisions that will affect the organization's survival.
research also increase. A

A. true
B. false

23 Measurement is the assignment of numbers or other symbols to we can measure the characteristics of objects for example the study of a brand of canned food the service
characteristics of objects according to a pre-specified set of rules. quality of a hotel and the weight of an elephant.
If we want to measure an pice of wood we first have to understand the attributes of this pice of wood which
A are (height & width) and then decide how each attribute could be physicaly measured.

A. true
B. false

24 Objects include: These objects have characteristics which can be measured like motivation, organizational
effectiveness,length, shopping weight, ethnic achievement diversity, service quality,enjoyment,
conditioning effects and taste. It is important to realize that we cannot measure objects (for example, a
company); you measure characteristics or attributes of objects (for example, the organizational
All effectiveness ).

a. Persons, strategic business units, and companies.

b. Countries, cars, and arousal seeking tendency.
c. Elephants, kitchen appliances, and shopping enjoyment.
d. Restaurants, shampoo, and service quality.

25 Examples of characteristics of objects are: All Length could be characteristic of a disk (object),Shopping enjoyment could be a characteristic of
indeviduale (object), Service quality characteristic of a hotel (object), the conditioning effects of a shampoo
(object) and the taste of a certain brand of candy (object).

a. Length, weight, and country.

b. Arousal seeking tendency, strategic business unit, and shopping
c. Service quality, conditioning effects, and taste.
d. Restaurants, shampoo, and service quality.

26 Attributes of objects that can be physically measured by some calibrated A For example the hight and wide of a bulding can be measured with a laser measuring tape.
instruments pose no measurement problems.
A. true
B. false
27 Reduction of abstract concepts to render them measurable in a tangible - Operationalizing is done by looking at the behavioral dimensions or properties indicated by the concept.
way is called operationalizing the concepts. These are then translated into observable & measurable elements so as to develop an index of
measurement of the concept.
Operationalizing a concept involves a series of steps and come up with a definition of the construct that you
want to measure and develop an instrument (one or more items or questions) that actually measures the
concept that one wants to measure then develop a response format.then Finally, the validity and reliability
A of the measurement scale

A. true
B. false

28 Operationalizing is done by looking at the behavioral dimensions, facets, or The concept of "Employee Satisfaction" is abstract we cannot see it, we would say a satisfied employee to
properties denoted by the concept. These are then translated into work more working hours. If number of employees says that they are satisfied, then we may determine the
observable and measurable elements so as to develop an index of satisfaction levels of each of these individual employee by the measure of the number of working hours that
measurement of the concept. they do.

A. true
B. false

29 Operationalizing a concept involves a series of steps. Operationalizing a concept involves a series of steps applied:
1- Come up with a definition of the construct that you want to measure.
For examble: Employee satisfaction in organization" through defining the characteristics of the employees
A with high level of job satisfaction that emotionally attached to their organizations.

1. Come up with a definition of the construct.

2. Develop a response format.
3. Assess the validity and reliability of the measurement scale.
4. Develop an instrument (one or more items or questions) that actually
measures the concept that one wants to measure.
What is the correct order?
a.   1-4-2-3.
b.   4-2-1-3.
c.   4-2-3-1.
d.  3-1-4-2.
30 Operationalizing a concept consists of delineating the reasons, Operationalizing a concept involves a series of steps.
antecedents, consequences, or correlates of the concept. - First step generate definition of the construct that we want to measure.
- Then to think about the content of the measure; that is, an instrument (one or more items or questions)
that actually measures the concept wich one wants to measure has to be developed.
B - Subsequently, a response format (for instance a seven-point rating scale with end-points anchored by
"strongly disagree" and "strongly agree") is needed, and finally, the validity and reliability of the
measurement scale has to be assessed.

A. true
B. false

31 You cannot measure objects; you measure _____________ of objects. D Attributes of objects can be physically measured like motivation, organizational effectiveness,length,
shopping weight, ethnic achievement diversity, service quality,enjoyment, conditioning effects and taste.
It is important to realize that we cannot measure objects (for example, a company); you measure
characteristics or attributes of objects (for example, the organizational effectiveness ).

a. Elements.
b. Dimensions.
c. Antecedents.
d. Attributes.

32 Operationalizing is: Operationalizing the concepts is to reduce the abstract of concepts to render them measurable in a tangible
C Example: shopping enjoyment, employee satisfaction, achievement of motivationThirst, employee

a. Designing questionnaires.
b. Translating a problem definition into a research question.
c. Making an abstract concept measurable.
d. Defining difficult concepts in the research proposal.

33 A variable or construct must always be directly observable. The variable or construct in most cases is not directly observable
There is a lack of physical measuring devices to measure the more nebulous variables or construct.
So the only technique is to reduce these abstract notions or concepts to observable behavior or
characteristics in order to be measured.

A. true
B. false

34 Operationalizing a variable precedes defining a variable. Defining the variablecomes first and after that operationalizing or measuring it afterwards.

A. true
B. false
35 The construct ‘hunger’ is a typical example of a construct that must be The concept of "Hunger" is abstract; we cannot see it. So we won't be able to measure it physical
operationalized because it is an abstract and subjective concept. instruments.
A In order to measure this we must first define the attributes of the persons who is hungry and then divide
this attributes into observable behaviorswhich we can measre.

A. true
B. false

36 What is the type of scale of the variable ‘age’ if it is measured in the Ratio scales are usually used in organizational research when exact numbers on objective factors
following way? The responses to these questions could range from 0 to any reasonable figure

“What is your age? ____ years.”

a. Nominal.
b. Ordinal.
c. Interval.
d. Ratio.

37 What is the measurement level of income, measured in the following way: ratio scale not only measures the magnitude of differences between points on the scale but also measure
“What is your annual gross income?” the proportion of the differences.
If one selects the answer >45000 and another one selects the third answer €30.000 - €45.000, then the
D researcher can conclude what will be the income of the last one.

< €15.000
€20.000 - €30.000
€30.000 - €45.000
> € 45.000
a. Nominal.
b. Ordinal.
c. Interval.
d. Ratio.

38 “As the calibration or fine-tuning of a scale increases in sophistication, so The ratio scale is the most powerful of the four scales because it has a unique zero origin (not an arbitrary
does the power of the scale”. What is therefore the most powerful scale? origin) and subsumes all the properties of the other three scales. The weighing balance is a good example of
D a ratio scale, which allows us to calculate the ratio of the weights of two individuals.

a. A nominal scale.
b. An ordinal scale.
c. An interval scale.
d. A ratio scale.

39 The difference between an ordinal and a ratio scale is that a ratio scale has The ratio scale overcomes the disadvantage of the arbitrary origin point of the interval scale, as it has a
an arbitrary zero point. B unique zero origin (not an arbitrary origin).

A. true
B. false

40 Army rank (such as lieutenant, captain, major, colonel, general, etc.) is The "Army rank" is categorized in order from the lowest to the highest .
ordinal in nature. As ordinal scale is used to rank the preferences or usage of various brands of a product by individuals and
A to rank-order individuals, objects or events.

A. true
B. false
41 Temperature is usually measured on a ratio scale. The temperature can be measured on an ordinal scale (hot/medium/low), or the interval scale through the
thermometer or a nominal scale (high/low). Whenever it is possible to use a more powerful scale, it is wise
to do so.
B But usually the temperature is measured on the interval scale, which indicates the distance between two

A. true
B. false

42 A lady stands on a pair of scales three times in a row. The first time she Because in this example the reliability coefficient obtained by repetition of the same measure on a second
weighs 69 kilo, the second time 69 kilo, and the third time 69 kilo. Her real occasion is called the test-retest reliability and it has been met in that example since the results was same in
weight is 51 kilo. What is the matter with the scales? every time she repeated the measure ,The issue here is in the validity (convergent validity) as the scores
B obtained through the pair o scales ( different instruments) measured the same concept are correlated
,Yet,This results isn't compatible with the theory (Actual wiight) which indicates that it is a validity issue.

a. The pair of scales is not reliable and not valid.

b. The pair of scales is reliable but is not valid.
c. The pair of scales is not reliable but is valid.
d. The pair of scales is reliable and valid.

43 The following scale is a: “Ugly __ __ ­__ __ __ Beautiful” Semantic differential scale because it is used to assess respondents' attitudes toward a particular brand,
B advertisement, object or individual.

a. A likert-scale.
b. A semantic differential scale.
c. A numerical scale.
d. An itemized rating scale.

44 Which of the following is not a source of primary data? Primary data refers to information collected first-hand by the researcher while company records is a data
already exists and not produced by the researcher, so it's not a primary data.

a. A focus group.
b. A panel.
c. Company records.
d. A video conference.

45 Whereas panels meet for a one-time group session, focus groups meet Panel studies are very useful when the researcher needs to investigate the effects of certain interventions or
more than once. changes over a period of time while focus groups meet for a one-time group session but panels meet more
B than once.

A. true
B. false
46 The Delphi Technique is a forecasting method that uses a cautiously The Delphi Technique is a forecasting method that uses a cautiously selected panel of experts in a
selected panel of experts in a systematic, interactive manner. systematic, interactive manner.
These experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds.
In the first round they are asked to answer a series of questions of a future scenario or any other issue
about which there is unsure or incomplete knowledge. After reviewing the first round results, the experts
A assess the same issue once more, taking the opinions of other experts into account. This process goes on
until it is stopped by the researcher. The advantage behind this process is that it may lead to a consensus
about the issue that is being investigated. The Delphi Technique bas been widely used for long-run business

A. true
B. false

47 The advantage of seeking secondary data sources is savings in time and Secondary data refers to information collected by someone else other than theresearcher this data can be
costs of acquiring information. internal or external to the organization. such as the Internet or recorded data or published
A information.that's why using secondry data saves time and cost.

A. true
B. false

48 Unstructured interviews are so labeled because the interviewer does not The main objective of the unstructured interview is to bring some preliminary issues to the surface so that
enter the interview setting with a planned sequence of questions to be the researcher can determine what variables need further in depth investigation.
asked of the respondent. So after the researcher conducts a sufficient number of such unstructured interviews at many levels and
A studying the data he will be able to define the variables that wants a greater focus for more indepth

A. true
B. false

49 Structured interviews are those conducted when it is known at the outset The researcheris the interviews with a list of predetermined questions to be asked to the respondents
what information is needed. The questions are focusing on factors that are surfaced during the unstructured interviews and considered
A to be relevant to the problem.

A. true
B. false

50 When conducting interviews, it is unethical that the researcher makes B The interviewer should not depend on his memory, as the information recalled from memory is imprecise
written notes as the interviews are taking place, or as soon as the and often likely to be incorrect.
interview is terminated.

A. true
B. false
51 The principles of wording refers to which of the following factors? D Firstly, the appropriateness of the content of the questions, the nature of the variable tapped, subjective
feelings or objective facts will determine what kinds of questions are asked. If the variables tapped are of a
subjective nature (satisfaction, involvement) where respondents' beliefs, perceptions and attitudes are to
be measured, the questions should tap the dimensions and elements of the concept. But objective variables
such as age are tapped as a single direct question.
Secondly, the language of the questionnaire, should approximate the level of understanding of the
respondents. so it is essential for the researcher to word the questions in a way that can be understood by
the respondent in order to avoid any bias.
Thirdly, the type and form of questions asked, it refers to whether it is open-ended questions or closed
questions, while the form of questions refers to whether it is positively or negatively worded questions .

a. The appropriateness of the content of the questions

b. How questions are worded and the level of sophistication of the
language used.
c. The type and form of questions asked.
d. All of the above.

52 The way questions are sequenced could also introduce certain biases, Some questions are either not understood or interpreted differently by the respondent, the researcher will
frequently referred to as the ordering effects. obtain the wrong answers to the questions and responses will thus be biased. Because some questions
might require respondents to recall experiences from the past that are hazy in their memory, so answers to
such questions might have bias.
A So instead of phrasing all questions positively, it is advisable to include some negatively worded questions
as well, so the tendency in respondents to mechanically circle the points toward one end of the scale is

A. true
B. false

53 Instead of phrasing all questions positively, it is advisable to include some The good questionnaire will include both questions that are positively and negatively worded, as the
negatively worded questions as well, so the tendency in respondents to respondent will stay involved and stay alert while answering these questions.
mechanically circle the points toward one end of the scale is minimized. A

A. true
B. false

54 “Do you think there is a good market for the product and that it will sell We must avoid to use this kind of questions. Because thees are two questions with different responses, and
well?” if we combined the two questions and asked a double barreled question, we would confuse the respondents
C and obtain ambiguous responses. so

This question is:

a. Leading.
b. Loaded.
c. Double-barreled.
d. Ambiguous.

55 “Don’t you think that in these days of escalating costs of living, employees we should rephrase the questions because in this way it leads the respondents to give the responses that
should be given good pay raises?” we would like them to give.

a. Leading.
b. Loaded.
c. Double-barreled.
d. Ambiguous.
56 The sequence of questions in the questionnaire should be such that the This is the funnel approach as questions are relatively easy to be answered as to those that are
respondent is led from questions of a general nature to those that are more progressively more difficult.
specific. A Using the funnel approach helps the respondents to progress through the questionnaire with ease and
A. true
B. false

57 The sequence of questions in the questionnaire should be such that the The funnel approach facilitates the easy and smooth progress of the respondent through the items in the
respondent is led from questions that are relatively easy to answer to questionnaire. The progression from general to specific questions might mean that the respondent is first
those that are progressively more difficult. asked questions of a global nature that pertain to the organization and then is asked more incisive
questions regarding the specific job, department and the like. Easy questions might not involve much
A thinking, the more difficult ones might call for more thought, judgment and decision making in providing
the answers.

A. true
B. false

58 The sequence of questions in the questionnaire should be such that you A The researchers' reasoning that by the time the respondent reaches the end of the questionnaire he or she
end with questions that respondents refuse to answer. has been convinced of the legitimacy and genuineness of the questions framed by the researcher and hence,
is more inclined and amenable to share personal information.

A. true
B. false

59 The biggest disadvantage of secondary data is: A It is important to refer to sources that offer current and up-to-date information. The secondary data might
not offer these two conditions, so we cannot depend on it as a single source of our data to solve the problem
the researcher interest for it.
Because this data could be internal or external to the organization and accessed through the Internet, also
recorded or published information, other several sources including books and periodicals, statistical
abstracts, databases, media and annual reports of companies.

a. That they are not meeting the specific needs of the particular situation or
b. That it is generally more expensive to collect secondary data than
primary data.
c. That they are generally qualitative in nature.
d. That they cannot be used for forecasting purposes.

60 Probability sampling designs are used when the representativeness of the In Probability sampling every element in the population has a known and equal chance of being selected as
sample is of importance in the interests of wider generalizability. a subject.

A. true
B. false

61 Convenience sampling and quota sampling are examples of probability Convenience sampling and quota sampling are examples of non probability sampling.
sampling. the easily accessible members are chosen as subjects in convenience sampling. While subjects are chosen
from targeted groups according to some predetermined number or quot in quota sampling,a. The
B generalizability of all nonprobability sampling designs is very restricted, they have certain advantages and
are sometimes the only viable alternative for the researcher.

A. true
B. false
62 A researcher who investigates the relationship between the loyalty The researcher will take a simple random sample from the different visits of the customers to the
program of a specific supermarket and the loyalty towards this supermarket on several daily periods.
supermarket, collects his data by questioning consumerrs who leave the B
specific supermarket on several daily periods. The sampling method used
by this researcher is called:

a. Convenience sampling.
b. Simple random sampling.
c. Stratified sampling.
d. Quota sampling.

63 When the properties of the population are not over-represented or under- A Sample will be real and typical to the population which will inhance the level of confidence and accuracy.
represented in the sample, we will have a representative sample.

A. true
B. false

64 From a statistical perspective, probability sampling is preferred over non- A In probability sampling in probability sampling, the elements in the population have some known, non zero
probability sampling. chance of being selected as a subject which could be generalized to obtain results.

A. true
B. false

65 The results of probability sampling are less generalizable than the results B Probability sampling are more generalizable than non-probability sampling, because in probability
of non-probability sampling. sampling every element in the population has a known and equal chance of being selected as a subject
which could be generalized to obtain results.
In nonprobability sampling designs, the elements in the population do not have any probabilities to be
chosen as a sample subjects. Which means that the findings from the study of the sample cannot be
confidently generalized to the population.

A. true
B. false

66 The sampling frame is a (physical) representation of all the elements in the The sampling frame is useful in providing a listing of each element in the population, it may not always be a
population from which the sample is drawn. current or up to date document.
For example the election or telephone directory list is also frequently used as a sampling frame for some
A types of study, even though it has an inherent bias as some numbers are unlisted and certain others may
have become obsolete.

A. true
B. false

67 The payroll of an organization would serve as the sampling frame if its All the names of the staff working in the organization should be registered on the payroll system, to be a
members are to be studied. A good data base to display it on a list which summarize all the people working in the organization .

A. true
B. false

68 The type of probability and non-probability sampling designs that is In nonProbability sampling, elements don't have a known chance of being selected as subjects. When time
chosen depends on: or other factors, rather than generalizability become critical, nonprobability sampling is used.
In Probability sampling, every element in the population has a known and equal chance of being selected as
a subject. So if the purpose of the study is to obtain results that could be widely generalizable we will use
Probability sampling

a. The extent of generalizability desired.

b. The demands of time and other resources.
c. The purpose of the study.
d. All of the above.

69 A sample size of 40 is large enough. To determine how large the sample is, we can summarize the factors that affect the decision on sample size
as: the , the desired precision extent the confidence level, research objective the amount of variability in
B the population itself, the cost and time constraints and the size of the population itself.

A. true
B. false

70 As a sampling technique, qualitative research generally uses non- A Purposive sampling is method that is often employed in investigation where subjects are selected on the
probability sampling as it does not aim to draw statistical inference. basis of expertise in the subject that is being investigated, it is important that the subjects are chosen in that
way to reflect the diversity of the population. The rule in research is that you continue to sample until you
are not getting any brand new information .

A. true
B. false

Dr Ashraf Elsafty
Dr. Ashraf Elsafty
Research Methods
Final Exam
Part TWO
Part 1:
1 Develop a conceptual model for the scenario below, with
needed discussion and graph:

Incidence of smoking in movies has started to increase

again, after having declined for several decades. According
to the National Cancer Institute smoking is seen in at least
three out of four contemporary box-office hits. What’s more,
identifiable cigarette brands appeared in about one-third of
all movies in 2008. Exposure to smoking in movies is an
important predictor of adolescent smoking initiation:
smoking in movies has been shown to affect adolescents’
intentions to start smoking. In turn, the intentions to start
smoking are determined by a more positive attitude toward
smoking after seeing a film character smoke. Recent
research has revealed that the relationship between seeing a
film character smoke and the attitude toward smoking is
stronger when a person’s identification with a film character
increases. These findings are consistent with social learning
theory, which predicts that attitudes and behaviors are
modeled by observing the behaviors of others.
2 What are the basic research design issues? Describe them in
detail.(4-5 paragraphs)

3 “An exploratory study is just as useful as a predictive study”.

Discuss this statement. (2-3 Paragraphs)
4 Discuss the inter-relationships among: non-contrived
setting, purpose of the study, type of investigation,
researcher interference, and time horizon of the study.

5 Why is the unit of analysis an integral part of the research

design? (1-2 paragraphs)

6 Why is the ratio scale the most powerful of the four scales?
(1 paragraph, use example)

7 Below are three scenarios. For each, indicate how the

researcher should proceed with the following, giving
reasons covering:
The purpose of the study
The type of investigation
The extent of researcher interference
The study setting
The time horizon for the study
The unit of analysis.
Scenario A: Ms. Joyce Lynn, the owner of a small business (a
woman’s dress boutique), has invited a consultant to tell her how
she is different from similar small businesses within a 60-mile
radius, in regard to her usage of the most modern computer
technology, sales volume, profit margin, and staff training.

Scenario B: Mr. Paul Hodge, the owner of several restaurants is

concerned about the wide differences in the profit margins of the
various restaurants. He would like to try some incentive plans for
increasing the efficiency levels of those restaurants that are
lagging behind. But, before he introduces this, he would like to be
sure that the idea will work. He asks a researcher to help him on
this issue.

Scenario C: A manager is intrigued why some people seem to

derive joy from work and get energized by it, while others find it
troublesome and frustrating.
From your text book: 5th digital edition
8 Exercise 4.6

Dependent variable
Independent variable
Moderating variable

9 Exercise 4.7
Situation 1

Situation 2

Situation 3

10 Exercise 4.8
Dependent variable
Independent variable

Intervening variable

Moderating variable
11 Compare between Cluster and stratified Sampling design,
stating why both is probability sampling, with clear example
of your own.
12 Operationalize the subjective concept 'Shopping Enjoyment',
and use the needed measurement scales.

13 Write a full research proposal/research project, using the

book studied examples and guided by the sample thesis
provided, regarding a problem/opportunity about “Egypt’s
needed development”, from a business and management
perspective, it is of your selection to set the whole story to
guide your proposal or to define the context to support
developing a clear research proposal. (Should cover all
topics studied within research methods; mention the item
on the left and your answer on the right, and within 2 or 3
pages length only).



Broad problem statement:

Preliminary data collection:

Literature Review

Problem Statement
Theoretical framework

Dependent variable
Independent variable

Intervening variable

Moderating variable

Research design


population frame


- The Dependent variable is "Adolescent Smoking Initiation" as it's a primary interest to the researcher.
- The Independent variable is "Exposure to smoking in movies" as it influences the dependent variable in
or negative way.
- The Intervening variable is "Attitude toward smoking" as this variable surfaces between the time the in
variable start operating to influence the dependent variable and the time their impact is felt on it.
- The Moderating variable is "Identification with a film character" as it is the one that has a strong contin
independent variable-dependent variable relationship. It describes a relationship between the viewer of th
movie character.
- When the adolescent is watching a film character smoking all the movie time, he'll start to take the same
intention/behavior, so the "Identification with a film character" is the moderating variable modifies the
relationship between the independent "Exposure to smoking in movies" and the dependent variables "Ado
Initiation". Also, when he sees that the smoking behavior is a positive attitude, as this variable surfaces bet
"Exposure to smoking in movies" start operating to influence the "Adolescent Smoking Initiation" and
impact is felt on it.

Exposure to smoking in Attitude toward Smoking Intensions

movies smoking
(Independent Variable) (Intervening Variable) (Dependent Variable)

Identification with
a film character
The basic research design issues are:
• Purpose of the study.
• Types of investigation.
• Extent of researcher interference.
• Study setting.
• Unit of analysis.
• Time horizon of the study.
- Purpose of the Study: whether it is exploratory, descriptive, or hypothesis‐testing. They relate to such as
of study (causal or correlational) and the setting in which it will be done (natural or contrived). In explorat
researcher is interested in exploring the situational factors in order to control the characteristics of the phe
interest. The descriptive study is undertaken when the characteristics or the phenomena to be tapped in a
known to exist, and one wants to be able to describe them better. Hypothesis testing offers an enhanced un
relationships that exist among variables. Hypothesis testing could also establish cause and effect relationsh
- Types of investigation (Causal versus Correlational): When the researcher wants to delineate the caus
then the study is called a causal study. When the researcher is interested in delineating the important varia
associated with the problem, it is called a correlational study. Whether a study is a causal or a correlational
type of research questions asked and how the problem is defined.
- Extent of researcher interference: depend on whether the study is correlational or causal and also the
causal relationship have to be established beyond the shadow of a doubt. In causal studies the researcher d
changes certain variables in the setting and interferes with the normal flow of events as they usually occur
organization. The correlational studies are fixedly conducted in noncontrived settings, whereas most rigo
studies are done in contrived lab settings. Conducted to establish "Cause and effect studies" (given the rese
in the natural environment without interrupting the natural environment) which is known as field experim
Contrived setting is usually used to establish cause and effect relationship that is beyond the possibility of t
- Study Setting (Contrived versus Non-Contrived): Correlational studies done in organizations are called
where various factors are examined in the natural setting in which events normally occur with minimal res
interference. Studies conducted to establish cause and effect relationships using the same natural environm
employees normally function are called field experiments. Lab experiments where the researcher explores
relationships exercising a high degree of control and also in an artificially created setting.
- Unit of analysis: The level of aggregation of the data during subsequent analysis is called unit of analysis.
unit of analysis based on our research question is an important aspect of the research design. Some resear
would call for different units of analysis are: Individuals as the unit of analysis, Dyads as the unit of analysis
unit of analysis, Divisions as the unit of analysis, Industry as the unit of analysis, Countries as the unit of ana
- Time horizon of the study (Cross-Sectional versus Longitudinal): According to time and costs involve
cross sectional study or a longitudinal study.
The Cross-Sectional
- Every theory started studies: will be betterresearch
as an exploratory for fullystudy,
understanding the dynamics
the exploratory studiesof ofthe situation;
today dataofofthe
is the base the
gathered just once, perhaps over a period of time (days, weeks or months) which known as
of tomorrow. Exploratory studies are very important because without it new areas of knowledge cannot be one shot, or on
points in time
undertaken to see
when notthe impact
much of change
is known of the
about theindependent
situation, or variable on the variable
the information of interest,
is not enough whichalso it nee
resources. One of the most important issues when determining the design choice is the cost
between variables are non directional (in amount, direction & significance) or similar problems or re of the study.
solved in thestudies:
past. the researcher might want to study people or phenomena at more than one point
answer the research
- It could also be usefulquestion. Longitudinal
when some facts arestudies
and more
more time and effort
information and costfor
is needed more than cross-sec
developing the via
- The researcher need to do an extensive preliminary work to understand what's occurring and based on th
work he can decide either no further research is needed or there is a need to set up a more rigorous design
For Example:
In my company, when we want to search for a new investment project concerning specific petrochemical p
exploratory study will be needed to understand the market locally & globally and whether it will be profita
project or not. So the explanatory study will be good, and after collecting the preliminary information the re
whether to proceed with more investigation or the information gathered is sufficient to make decision of in
this project or not.
• A non‐contrived setting simply indicates that the research is conducted where the flow of events normally
as the natural environment, where events proceed normally to examine a correlation between two variable
study or field experiments.
• Non-contrived setting could be used in the cause and effect relationship when the researcher doesn’t cont
the natural environment and flow of events which is called field experiment. Usually the non-contrived sett
the exploratory and descriptive studies, where the researcher can conduct his study with minimal interfere
functioning of the system and subsequently without need to control or interrupt the natural environment s
situation or creating an artificial environment.
• Field studies could be either cross‐sectional or longitudinal. Field experiments, on the other hand, are und
establish cause and effect relationships, are longitudinal in nature, and researcher interference in field expe
more than in field studies, since the independent variable will have to be manipulated. These are mostly hy
studies, though they could be exploratory in nature, as well.
• Time Horizon of the study: Data of the study could be gathered just once over a period of time (days, week
known as One shot/Cross-sectional studies, or on a various/several points in time to see the impact of chan
independent variable on the variable of interest which is called longitudinal studies that is require more eff
For example:
My manager wants to collect information for the year performance of the employees and middle managers
study takes place at more than point of time. For instance, every middle manager wants to examine the emp
before and after increasing their salaries to determine the effect of pay on the employees’ spirit. Most often
and exploratory studies are either Correlational (Cause and effect) investigations conducted in a non-contr
minimal interference by the researcher in the natural environment and follow events ,and conducted on on
One shot- Cross sectional studies.

• The unit of analysis is an important issue to find the right answers to the research questions. The unit of a
determines the sample size.
• That is to say that the unit of analysis refers to the level at which the data are aggregated. Which is really n
decide on it at earlier stage of the research which is mainly when the research's questions are formulated s
analysis is a dominant for other research components such as "data collection methods, sample size, and ev
included in the framework may sometimes be determined or guided by the level at which the data are aggr
why the unit of analysis an integral part of the research designs and should be carefully specified.
• Example: if we are interested in researching the factors that influence the stock market regarding a speci
three different foreign countries, it is the behavior of stock markets in those three countries that are of cent
study, and not the individual stock market within each country. At the time of data analysis, the data gather
the stock markets within each country will somehow have to be meaningfully aggregated, and only those th
which will form the three samples, have to be taken into consideration.

The ratio scale is the most powerful of the four scales (nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio) because it over
disadvantage of the arbitrary origin point of the interval scale, as it has a unique zero origin (not an arbitra
it subsumes all the properties of the other three scales. The weighing balance is a good example of a ratio s
us to calculate the ratio of the weights of two individuals. The ratio scale not only measures the magnitude
between points on the scale but also measure the proportion of the differences.
"Please indicate the category age for your subordinates"
- Below 28 .
- Between 28 to 35.
- Over 40 but under 50 .
The purpose of the study: It's a descriptive study, as the owner of this small dress boutique wants to com
the other boutiques similar to her and taking into consideration the usage of modern technology, sales volu
& staff training. Some of these descriptions might be qualitative as for example in describing training metho
quantitative as for example in determing sales volume & profit margin.
Type of investigation: It's a descriptive investigation as the purpose of this study is to collect data and des
characteristics of the same subjects.
The extent of researcher interference: Is minimal, as the researcher will collect data through observing &
customers & labors for this dress boutique.
The study setting: This will be a field study using similar small businesses, so it will be non-contrived as th
conduct his study in the natural environment not an artificial enviroment.
The time horizon for the study: (one‐shot study), as the data will be gathered just once and the study wil
The unit of Analysis: It's a small business systems, as the researcher will need to test the data collected fro
labors through observation and each data will be related to the characteristics of each boutique.

The purpose of the study: It's a causal study, as the researcher needs to determine the factors that cause t
Type of investigation: It's a hypothesis‐testing study, cause and effect relationship to see how the indepen
"providing some incentive plans" will increase the efficiency levels of the restaurants and helps in solving t
The extent of researcher interference: it will be moderate because the researcher can use one or two res
and their incentive plans increase and compare it to the restaurants without incentive plans and see if this
efficiency level in those restaurants who increase the incentive plans, these manipulation will make the res
interference with the natural flow of events.
The study setting: It will be contrived (cause and effect study) as the researcher will conduct his study in t
environment not an artificial enviroment.
The time horizon for the study: would be longitudinal since data will be obtained on sales & profits, both
the manipulation.
The unit of analysis: would be the restaurant, as the researcher will conduct his study on the elements of e
and then provide it on the restaurant level.

The purpose of the study: It's an exploratory study as the manager wants to get information about what f
some employees happy and energized by work ,while others are frustrated with the work. Based on the ext
work that will be done to explore these factors the manager might decide either not to proceed or to set up
Type of investigation: It's a correlational investigation, as the researcher needs to determine the factors t
to the dependant variable of interest that influence the employees morale toward work.
The extent of researcher interference: Is minimal, as the researcher will collect data through observing &
managers & employees within the natural environment without manipulating the variables.
The study setting: It will be non-contrived, as the researcher will conduct his study in the natural environm
artificial enviroment.
The time horizon for the study: this study is a one shot/cross-sectional study, as the data will be gathered
conducted over days.
The unit of analysis: The data will be collected at individual level and each response will be taken as an in
Sales performance
The intensity of e-Business adoption
Market uncertainty

Motivation to work as an Independent Variable: The human resource development (HRD) department i
working on improving the performance of the employees as it is influenced by their motivation to work.

Motivation to work as a Mediating Variable: When employees given a challenging tasks, their satisfactio
this will tend them to be motivated to work.

Motivation to work as a Moderating Variable: The performance of the employees with low level of motiv
not improve even if you increase the challenge of the job/task.

Problems in the organiztion, as it's a primary interest to the researcher.

Failure to follow accounting principles, as it influences the dependent variable in either a positive or neg

The immense confusion, as this variable surfaces between the time the independent variable start operat
the dependent variable and the time their impact is felt on it.

Experience in Book Keeping, as it is the one that has a strong contingent effect on the independent variab
variable relationship. The presence of a third variable (experience in book keeping) modifies the original re
between the independent and the dependent variables, it appears here that the failure to follow accounting
organization problems.
Failure to follow Immense Problems in
accounting principles Confusion Organization
(Independent Variable) (Intervening (Dependent Variable)

Experience in
Book Keeping

Both cluster & stratified sampling are categorized under the complex probability sampling designs, they ar
sample is critical for the study since each element within the population has equal and known opportunity
- Cluster: It's a sampling method at which samples are gathered in groups in the population, which means
researcher divides the population into separate groups, called clusters.
- Cluster samples offers more heterogeneity within groups and more homogeneity among groups - the rev
find in stratified random sampling, where there is homogeneity within each group and heterogeneity acros
- Cluster sampling exposes itself to greater bias and is the least generalizable of all the probability samplin
most naturally occurring clusters in the organizational context do not contain heterogeneous elements. Th
cluster sampling technique is not very common in organizational research.
- The key motivation for cluster sampling is cost reduction. The unit costs of cluster sampling are much low
other probability sampling designs of simple or stratified random sampling or systematic sampling.
A group of doctors are studying a project of opening an Oncology center. Then all the other Oncology center
Egypt will form a cluster, by randomly sampling the clusters they'll be able to take a decision on how this p
success project or not.
- Stratified random sampling: is a better method when there are different subgroups in the population. I
population into subgroups, or strata, and random samples that are relevant, appropriate and meaningful in
- This method of sampling is widely used and very useful when the target population is heterogeneous.
- Tracing the differences in the parameters of the subgroups within a population will not be possible witho
random sampling procedure.
The vice chairman for Projects department in my company is concerned about why the employees in the or
motivated & their absenteeism rates were high, it makes sense to stratify the population of organizational m
according to their job levels (Strata), but after the data collected and the analysis is done, he found that the
different to his expectations, it is the middle level managers that are not motivated, this information will he
chairmen for each department to focus more on this level (middle managers) and innovate new methods to
Shopping for most purposes means physical visits to a shopping site. The site most frequently visited is eith
or a shopping mall. In fact, going shopping is a major source of relaxation as it's defined as the feeling of ple
the person when doing the activity of visiting one or more shops to buy goods.
Shopping is also a gendered activity. Available research on shopping behavior seems to suggest it is women
and that shopping is categorized as a “female typed” task (according to South and Spitze, 1994). Fram and A
report that females have the primary responsibility for household shopping.
Responsibility for shopping tasks influences frequency of shopping, motives for shopping, enjoyment of the
as well as the family reinforcement of shopping behaviors.
People who have shopping enjoyment, will have the following broad characteristics:
- Consider shopping as a pleasure for them even when they have bad moods.
- They're doing shopping in constant basis.
- Looking for the opportuninty to do shopping at any time.
"Shopping Enjoyment" here could be measured by asking these questions, and these will be measured usin

1- How often you go shopping during the week? 1 to 2 times, 2 to 3 times, more than 3 times.
2- How many hours you spend every time doing shopping? 2 to 3 hours, 3 to 4 hours, more than 4 hours.


How to help ourself to come through the Economic Crisis

.Since the January 2011 revolution, Egypt has been gripped by deepening stagflation: economic growth in t
months of 2012 was a mere 2.2 percent according to official data, while inflation rose in February 2013 to a
of 8.7 percent, its highest level since 2010. This combination has placed mounting pressure on ordinary Egy
rising prices for basic goods (e.g., food, medicine) and increasing unemployment, which rose to 13 percent
of 2012, up from 9.8 percent during the same period of 2010 -- which translates to an additional 850,000 jo
These problems are largely driven by two factors. First and foremost is political instability, which has spurr
and harmed domestic businesses. Second is the lack of flexibility in Cairo's fiscal and monetary policies, par
mounting budget deficits (a result of large food and fuel subsidies) and its efforts to defend the Egyptian po

.How can Egypt Benefit from Economic Crisis

.Internet, previously made basic research,Economic thyories, Central Bank of Egypt CBE
.Egypt's central bank floated the pound on Thursday in an attempt to stabilize its economy, which has been
shortage of dollars.
The currency was initially devalued by 32.3% to about 13 pounds per dollar, down from the previous peg o
which had been in place since March. It has since tumbled further, and is now down by about 50%.
At the same time, the central bank also hiked rates by 300 basis points in an attempt to curtail the inflation
follow the weaker exchange rate.

The devaluation of the pound was one of the key demands by the International Monetary Fund in order for
loan of $12 billion over three years. The IMF has yet to officially ratify the loan, but it is seen as crucial in he
the country's economy.
As for what a devalued currency means for Egypt, Jason Tuvey, Middle East economist at Capital Economics
the short term, the weakening of the pound will inevitably involve some short-term pain. Inflation, which is
following March's devaluation, is likely to rise."

.To what extend can Egypt benefit from the current financial setuatian to make total Economic developmen

.Hypothesis-testing study
The Egyptian ecinomy Index
small and medium industryal projects , the economic polycies , market planing

.Corruption Perceptions rates ,

governmental produres , politecal relationships

1. Purpose of the study: .Hypothesis-testing study ( finding creative solutions for the current problem )
2. Types of investigation: Correlational study
3. Extent of researcher interference: Minimal interaction
4. Study setting: Hypothesis-testing studies
5. Unit of analysisindustrial organizations
6. Time horizon: Longitudinal studies

using the current situation to decrease imported goods and help the local industry to be a good replacemen
market tools we can get the current situation to be positive instade of the nigative feedback for the recent e
dissesions .
the current time period can be the new birth of the egyptian industru due to all the sarrounding cercomosta
financial indecator wich support the way of depinding on the localy made goods to solve the doller problem
resnable price for it>
this situation generates an unrepeatable chance for those who want to start ther business in Egypt the sala
the cheapest in the world and the localy made goods will not need marketing campains due to the defrince
price and the imported goods price

People who have the Capital or the ability to get Fund

page 293 & 295
How To Help
Cairo Help Itself
How To Help Cairo
Help Itself
Midan Masr

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