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Tokyo Noko University
2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei, Tokyo 184, Japan
Satoru OGAWA",
National Aerospace Laboratory
7-44-1 Jindaiji-Higashimachi, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 181, Japan

ABSTRACT the dominant oscillation is the motion of mean flow

Unsteady supersonic internal flows with a cav- rather than the shear layer itself.
ity are numerically investigated in the present
study; the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equa- 1. INTRODUCTION
tions are solved by using the Chakravarthy-Osher
TVD scheme, and a very large eddy simulation is Studies on cavity flows where vortices and shear
excuted to capture the unsteady flow field in detail. layers interactively exist have been frequently re-
Through computations on coarse grids, overview ported, but most of them are limited to low-speed
of the flow patterns has been obtained: one, two flows. On high-speed cavity flows a few studies
and three vortices have been recognized for the have been carried out until now, most of which are
cavity of L/D = 1,2 and 3, respectively; the ef- experimental ones.
fect of an incident oblique shock wave is to make In the case of supersonic flows within a
a right-handed vortex grow. duct having a rectangular cavity, it is known
Mainly in the case of L/D = 2 with the incident experimentally1'2 that there is characteristic struc-
oblique shock wave, the unsteady solutions have ture of unsteady vortex motion inside a cavity in
been investigated in detail both on coarse and fine conjunction with both oscillating shear layer and
grids, and the flow physics on the supersonic cavity shock waves. Further in the experiments of our
flows have been clarified. On the coarse grid, a pe- laboratory3 a change in the phenomena inside the
riodic motion has been recognized, where growth cavity is observed when there is a disturbance such
and fall of large-scale vortices occurs through in- as an incident oblique shock wave or when the form
flow and outflow of air for the cavity accompanying of the cavity is altered such as the length to depth
the oscillation of the interface surface (shear layer). ratio.
On the fine grid, in addition to the above motion, Apart from this interest that supersonic inter-
another periodic motion with the shorter period nal flows with a cavity have as a fluid dynamics
time has been recognized, where small vortices are problem, research on such flows is also important
generated in the shear layer and disappears by run- for the design of supersonic air breathing engines
ning against the bow shock wave at the rear wall which must give stable flow.
of cavity. The main purpose of this study is to clarify
The two period times correspond to the lowest by means of numerical simulation the physical
and second lowest frequencies of FFT analysis in mechanics of supersonic flow-field about a two-
the experiments. From the fact that the lowest dimensional rectangular cavity including behavior
frequency is dominant and that the dominant fre- of the vortex, the oscillations of the shear layer,
quency can be numerically captured even on the and shock motion. A very large eddy simulation4'5
coarse grid which does not resolve the shear layer, with the sub-grid scale viscosity improved for com-
it is concluded that the important factor governing pressible flows6 is carried out on the large-scale
* Assistant Professor parallel computer system, NWT7, to capture these
t Professor unsteady phenomena. We have already discussed
•f Graduate Student the effect of the length to depth ratio of the cavity
"Head in reference 7. The predominant aspect of this re-
Copyright ©1996 by the American Institute of Aero- search is an understanding of the unsteady nature
nautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. on the cavity flow.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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