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A Numerical and Experimental Study of a Supersonic

Combustor Employing Swept Ramp Fuel Injectors

Dean R. Eklund "
Analytical Services and Materials, Hampton, Virginia
Scott D. Stouffer
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia

Abstract jection [I], swirling fuel jetsC21, non-axisymmetric internal

fuel injection nozzle geometries13]~[41tabs inside fuel injec-
A computational study of a scramjet combustor with tion nozzlesi5], shock interactions with t he fuel jet16], and
compresston and expansion r a m p fuel injectors was con- swept r a m p injector^[^-'^]. Earlier direct-connect scram-
ducted with the SPARK Xavier-Stokes computer code. jet tests a t NASA Langley with swept compression r a m p s
Turbulence was modeled in t h e calculations with a two- were conducted a t Mach 2.0 and 3.0 inflow test conditions
zone algebraic turbulence model, while combustion was [711[81. T h e results suggested that rapid mixing and com-
modeled with two finite rate Hz-air chemistry models. bustion, approaching the performance of transverse in-
Explicit solution of the species continuity equations was jectors, could be accomplished while maintaining nearly
found t o be more efficient t h a n t h e semi-implicit solution parallel injection with respect to t h e oncoming stream.
technique for these flow fields. T h e effect of the heat re- In these previous tests, the combustor model used two
lease from t h e chemical reactions was examined in detail. fuel-injector ramps. Later tests were conducted with four
Mixing was significantly reduced by combustion. Com- wall- mounted r a m p injectors, in order to partially elimi-

parisons between the calculations a n d experimental mea- nate t h e side wall effects, which could have been present
surements of t h e wall pressure, surface heat flux, instrearn in the two ramp tests. A second swept r a m p configu-
pitot pressure, as well as &lie scattering fiow visualization ration with the swept ramps formed by recesses in the
indicated very good overall agreement for the compression wall between the ramps was also studied in order to elirn-
r a m p fuel injector. T h e predicted reaction zone for the ex- inate the flow blockage associated with the compression
pansion r a m p fuel injector was located farther upstream ramp. T h e two injector configurations have been tested
than was observed experimentally. in a direct-connect vitiated heater facility a t the follow-
ing inlet conditions: To = 1944 I i , P = 1 a t m . and M
Introduction = 2.7. T h e results of the experimental tests, which in-
cluded wall pressures, heat fluxes. Mie scattering flow vi-
Enhanced mixing, and thus reduced combustor sualization, and pitot pressure surveys, are presented in
length, is a n important factor in the design of super- referen~es['~]J~~1.
sonic combustion ramjet (scramjet) engines. A number of This paper presents calculations of the reacting fiow
experimental, theoretical and computational studies are for the two injector configurations. T h e computational
being conducted to explore techniques t o enhance mix- results are compared to the experimental auto-ignition
ing and combustion in supersonic and hypersonic react- characteristics, axial pressure distributions, and flow vi-
ing flows. R a m p fuel injectors are advantageous, in part, sualizacion for the two injectors.
because they provide for nearly parallel injection of the
fuel. Parallel injection is useful a t high speeds to extract
additional thrust from regeneratively-heated fuel t h a t has Experimental Technique
been used as a coolant for the vehicle and engine. Tech-
niques are being investigated to enhance the relatively Injector Design
slow mixing usually associated with parallel injection. Figure 1 shows the two injector blocks that were used in
Examples of this investigation. These designs are referred to a s the
mixing concepts being investigated include low angle in- swept compression, and swept expansion r a m p injectors,
'Research Associate, Experimental Methods Branch. Member respectively. T h e swept cornpressiorl ramp IS sl~ownin
AIAA. figure l ( a ) . T h e ramp ar~gleand the sweepangle were
t Graduate Research Assistant, E x p e r i m e n ~ a lh,lethods Branch.
both 10.:lO. Each of the injector blocks used identical
Student Member AIAX.
"Copyright @ 1994 by the American Institute of
.ieronautlcs and Astronautics. Inc. A11 rights reserved "

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