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Waste Biomass Valor (2015) 6:507–514

DOI 10.1007/s12649-015-9382-3


Thermolysis of Medical Waste (Waste Syringe) to Liquid Fuel

Using Semi Batch Reactor
Abhishek Dash1 • Sachin Kumar2 • R. K. Singh1

Received: 2 April 2014 / Accepted: 25 May 2015 / Published online: 2 June 2015
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Abstract Disposable syringe is one of the major items in Introduction

the medical waste. Polypropylene (PP) is the main con-
stituent of several syringes, but the most of them have the Medical waste consists of solids, liquids, sharps, and
body from PP and the piston from high density polyethy- laboratory waste that are potentially infectious or danger-
lene. These plastics have a high potential as hydrocarbons ous. It must be properly managed to protect the general
sources for chemical industry. In this study, Pyrolysis of public, specifically healthcare and sanitation workers who
waste syringes was performed in a semi-batch reactor made are regularly exposed to medical waste as an occupational
up of stainless steel at a temperature range of 400–550 °C hazard. Medical waste differs from other types of haz-
and at a heating rate of 20 °C min-1. Maximum (83 wt%) ardous waste, such as industrial waste in that it comes from
liquid yield was obtained at temperature 450 °C. FT-IR biological sources or is used in the diagnosis, prevention, or
analysis of the pyrolysis oil indicated the presence of treatment of diseases. Common producers of medical waste
alkanes, alkenes and aromatics rings. From GC–MS ana- include hospitals, health clinics, nursing homes, medical
lysis, it was found that the pyrolysis oil contains around 25 research laboratories, offices of physicians, dentists and
types of compounds having carbon chain length in the veterinarians, home health care and funeral homes. All
range of C10–C20. The physical properties of the pyrolysis human activities produce waste. We all know that such
oil were close to mixture of diesel and petrol. waste may be dangerous and needs safe disposal. Industrial
waste, sewage and agricultural waste pollute water, soil and
Keywords Waste syringe  Pyrolysis  FT-IR  GC–MS 
air. It can also be dangerous to human beings and envi-
Alternative fuel
ronment. Similarly, hospitals and other health care facilities
generate lots of waste which can transmit infections, par-
ticularly HIV, Hepatitis B & C and Tetanus, to the people
who handle it or come in contact with it. Most countries of
the world, especially the developing nations, are facing the
grim situation arising out of environmental pollution due to
pathological waste arising from increasing populations and
& Sachin Kumar the consequent rapid growth in the number of health care
centers. India is no exception to this and it is estimated that
Abhishek Dash there are more than 15,000 small and private hospitals and
nursing homes in the country. This estimation is apart from
R. K. Singh clinics and pathological labs, which also generate sizeable
amounts of medical waste. India generates around three
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute million tones of medical wastes every year and the amount
of Technology, Rourkela, Rourkela 769008, Orissa, India is expected to grow at eight per cent annually [1].
Centre for Energy Engineering, Central University of The main components of the medical wastes are: paper,
Jharkhand, Ranchi 835205, Jharkhand, India plastics, cotton, metals, etc. [2]. The plastics commonly

508 Waste Biomass Valor (2015) 6:507–514

found in medical wastes (33 wt%) are polyethylenetereph- 450 °C thermal cracking temperature, the major product of
thalate, polyolefins (high density polyethylene, low density pyrolysis was liquid oil and the major product at other
polyethylene, polypropylene), polyurethanes, polystyrene, higher temperatures (475–550 °C) are viscous liquid or wax
polyvinylchloride (60 % from total plastics in medical and the highest yield of pyrolysis product is 82.85 % by
wastes), etc. These plastics have a high potential as hydro- weight at 500 °C [8]. Pyrolysis of PVC-containing mu-
carbons sources for chemical industry. Medical waste ap- nicipal plastic waste (MPW) had been investigated in a
pears from the disposable products such as: syringes, gloves, horizontal tube reactor using a long residence time (25 min)
tubes, bags, bowls, prostheses, medicine containers, diapers at 530 °C. It has been concluded that the MPW samples
etc. During their use, these products undergo only an in- could be converted into volatile fractions with yields of
significant aging process but their degree of contamination is 36.9–59.6 %, depending upon the composition of feed
very high. Contamination results either from various polymers. The conversion of decomposition significantly
medicines as antibiotics, vitamins, etc., or especially from increased with the PVC concentration of raw materials [9].
blood, viruses, serum, etc. The later kind of contamination Vasile et al. studied the pyrolysis of the disposable syringes
makes almost impossible their recycling by reprocessing due and reaction products have been characterized by gas
to the health risk of processors [3]. Plastic materials com- chromatography, density, refractive indices, aniline point
prise a steadily increasing proportion of the medical, mu- analysis and spectroscopic methods [3].
nicipal and industrial waste going into landfill. Owing to the The present work aims to study the pyrolysis of medical
huge amount of plastic wastes and environmental pressures, waste (waste syringes) at different temperature range to
recycling of plastics has become a predominant subject in characterize the obtained liquid product. Pyrolysis of waste
today’s plastics industry [4]. Pyrolysis is a thermo-chemical syringes was performed in a semi-batch reactor at a tem-
recycling process for conversion of plastic waste by heating perature range of 400–550 °C and at a heating rate of
the feedstock at high temperature in absence of air which 20 °C min-1. The effect of pyrolysis temperature on re-
produces gaseous products which is then condensed to give action time, liquid yield, and volatiles were also studied.
liquid fuels consisting of pyrolytic oil or liquid-oil. Almost The obtained liquid product was characterized for different
70–80 % of gaseous products are converted into liquid fuels physical and chemical properties using GC–MS and FTIR.
providing a good quantity of liquid fuel which then can be
enhanced. The reason for popularity of this process is that it
derives a good quantity of liquid fuel, from feedstock, which Materials and Methods
has the properties very close to commercial transportation
fuels and hence can be upgraded or modified to replace The medical waste (plastic syringes) has been collected
transportation fuel. Moreover, it also provides some amount from CWS hospital, Rourkela, India and after discarding
of gaseous and solid products which have higher market the needle, only body of the syringe was used for pyrolysis.
value as they can also be used as a source of energy. Py- The syringes were cut into small square shaped pieces
rolysis of mixed plastic wastes has been done for the re- (about 1 cm side). Before pyrolysis, the syringes were
covery of benzene, toluene and xylene aromatics in a sterilized by boiling in water for 3–4 h. The ultimate or
fluidized bed by Cho et al. [5]. Walter Kaminsky has per- elemental analysis was done using CHNS analyzer (ELE-
formed the pyrolysis experiments of waste plastics and scrap MENTAR VARIO EL CUBE CHNSO). Calorific value of
tyres to obtained gaseous products (40–60 wt%, e.g. hy- waste syringes was found by ASTM D5868-10a.
drogen, methane, ethylene, ethane) as well as liquid products Thermo gravimetric analysis of waste syringe sample
(40–60 wt%, mainly simple aromatics) depending on the was carried out with a SHIMADZU DTG-60/60H instru-
feed material [6]. Polystyrene (PS), polyethylene (PE) and ment. A known weight (6.55 mg) of the sample was heated
polypropylene (PP) have been pyrolyzed into three fractions: in a silica crucible at a constant heating rate of
gas, liquid and solid residue. The liquid products are usually 10 °C min-1 operating in a stream of air with a flow rate of
composed of higher boiling point hydrocarbons. In order to 30 ml min-1 from 34 to 700 °C.
obtain useful gasoline-range hydrocarbons from the py- The pyrolysis setup used in this experiment is same as in
rolytic oil, fractional distillation is preferred for product the previous study [10]. It consists of a semi batch reactor
separation. More valuable chemical raw materials including made of stainless steel tube (length—145 mm, internal
benzene, toluene and other condensed aromatic hydrocar- diameter—37 mm and outer diameter—41 mm) sealed at
bons may be obtained by refining the pyrolytic oil [7]. one end and an outlet tube at other end. The reactor is
Polypropylene was cracked thermally and catalytically in heated externally by an electric furnace, with the tem-
the presence of kaoline and silica alumina in a semi batch perature being measured by a Cr–Al: K type thermocouple
reactor in the temperature range 400–550 °C in order to fixed inside the reactor and temperature is controlled by
obtain suitable liquid fuels. It was observed that up to external PID controller. 20 g of waste syringe sample was

Waste Biomass Valor (2015) 6:507–514 509

loaded in each pyrolysis reaction. The condensable liquid

products/wax were collected through the condenser and 100
weighed. After pyrolysis, the solid residue left out inside
the reactor was weighed. Then the weight of gaseous/ 80 o
10 C Air
volatile product was calculated from the material balance.

% Wt Remaining
Reactions were carried out at different temperatures rang-
ing from 400 to 550 °C.
FT-IR of the pyrolysis oil obtained at 450 °C was done
in a Perkin-Elmer Fourier transformed infrared spec- 40
trophotometer with a resolution of 4 cm-1, in the range of
400–4000 cm-1 using Nujol mull as reference. GC/MS-QP
2010 SHIMADZU, equipped with flame ionization and
mass spectrometry detection (GC–FID–MS) was used to
determine the chemical compounds present in the oil. A 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
capillary column coated with a 0.25 um film of DB-5 with
length of 30 m and diameter 0.25 mm was used. The GC o
Temperature ( C)
was equipped with a split injector at 200 °C with a split
Fig. 1 TGA curve of waste syringe
ratio of 1:10. Helium gas of 99.995 % purity was used as
carrier gas at flow rate of 1.51 ml min-1. The oven initial
temperature was set to 70 °C for 2 min and then increased stability of a material, or to investigate its behavior in dif-
to 300 °C at a rate of 10 °C min-1 and maintained for ferent atmospheres (e.g. inert or oxidizing). TGA applied in
7 min. All the compounds were identified by means of the determination of the study of thermal stability/degradation
NIST library. Mass spectrometer was operated at an in- of waste syringe in various ranges of temperature. From the
terface temperature of 240 °C with ion source temperature TGA curve as showed in Fig. 1, the waste syringe degrada-
of 200 °C of range 40–1000 m/z. tion started at 360 °C and was completed at 500 °C for a
heating rate of 10 °C min-1 in the air atmosphere. The
degradation temperature at which weight loss of 50 % (T50)
Result and Discussion takes place was about 470 °C for waste syringe. The main
thermal degradation took place at the temperature range from
Ultimate or Elemental Analysis of Waste Syringe 400 to 500 °C for the mixed plastics [5].
Differential thermogravimetry (DTG) curve for waste
The ultimate or elemental analysis of waste syringe sample syringe contains only one peak, this indicates that there is
is shown in Table 1. The oxygen is 16.13 % in the elemental only one degradation step in Fig. 2 it has shown that the
analysis of waste syringe. The nitrogen and sulphur in the dominant peak over 370–510 °C where the conversion
waste syringe sample probably belong to some impurities. takes place. Comparing the peak temperature of syringe
The disposable syringes are made from mixed plastics, in DTG curves obtained in this study with those reported for
which the main constituent is polypropylene and the rest are PP by other researchers, a total similarity has been found.
polyethylene and poly vinyl chloride. The result of ele- Gersten et al. [11] observed a single peak corresponding to
mental analysis of waste syringe is well confirmed with the the decomposition reaction of PP. In the works carried out
result of mixed plastics elemental analysis [5]. by Sorum et al. [12] and Wu et al. [13], a single-reaction
model was also proposed for the thermal decomposition of
TGA and DTG Analysis of Waste Syringe Sample PP, polyethylene and polystyrene [12, 13].

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a thermal analysis Effect of Temperature on Product Distribution

technique which measures the weight change in a material as
a function of temperature and time, in a controlled envi- The pyrolysis of waste syringe yielded four different
ronment. This can be very useful to investigate the thermal products i.e. oil, gas, wax and residue. The distributions of

Table 1 Elemental analysis of

Sample C (wt%) H (wt%) N (wt%) S (wt%) O (wt%) Cl (wt%) GCV (MJ/kg)
waste syringe
Waste syringe 72.2 11.46 0.18 0.03 16.13 – 42.24
Mixed plastics [5] 79.9 12.6 – – 5.10 1.13 44.40

510 Waste Biomass Valor (2015) 6:507–514

3000 Reaction Time

250 Liquid
2500 Residue

DTG 200 60

Reaction Time (min)


% Yield
150 40
100 20
50 0
400 450 500 550
0 Temperature ( C)

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Fig. 3 Effect of temperature on reaction time and product distribu-
o tion during pyrolysis of waste syringe
Temperature ( C)

Fig. 2 DTG curve of waste syringe

temperature was due to volatilizing higher molecular
weight products before undergoing further cracking and
these fractions are different at different temperatures and more non condensable gaseous/volatile fractions due to
are shown in the Table 2. rigorous cracking.
The condensable oil/wax (a mixture of alkanes that falls
within the 20 B n B 40 range; they are found in the solid Effect of Temperature on Reaction Time
state at room temperature and begin to enter the liquid
phase past approximately 37 °C) and the non-condensable The effect of temperature on the reaction time of the re-
gas/volatiles fractions of the reaction constituted major action for the pyrolysis of waste syringe is shown in Fig. 3.
product as compared to the solid residue fractions. The The pyrolysis reaction rate increased and reaction time
condensable product obtained at low temperature (400 °C) decreased with increase in temperature. As the reaction
was low viscous liquids. With increase in temperature, the temperature increased, the yield of the gas also increased
liquid became viscous/wax at and above 500 °C. The hy- because of the generation of thermodynamically stable
drocarbon is continuously cracking; the wax may be rep- gases. On the other hand, the yield of the pyrolysis oil
resentative of the intermediate molecular weight products. decreased with the decrease in the reaction temperature.
The recovery of condensable fraction was very low at low Similar effect of temperature on reaction time has been
temperature i.e. at 400 °C and increased with gradual in- observed in pyrolysis of mixed plastics waste [5].
crease of temperature [14]. From Table 2, it is observed
that at low temperature the reaction time was more, due to Characterization of the Liquid Product
which secondary cracking of the pyrolysis product oc-
curred inside the reactor and resulted in highly volatile FT-IR of the Oil Sample Obtained at 450 °C
product. The low-temperature molecular weight changes
without volatilization are principally due to the scission of Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is an im-
weak links, such as oxygen, incorporated into the main portant analysis technique which detects various charac-
chain as impurities. Similarly, the low liquid yield at high teristic functional groups present in oil. On interaction of

Table 2 Distribution of
Temperature Reaction time Liquid yield Gas yield Wax yield Residue
different fractions at different
(°C) (min) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
temperatures in pyrolysis of
waste syringe 400 245 23.4 3.834 0 36.7
450 100 83.3 16.7 0 0
500 65 24.2 19.3 56.5 0
550 44 8.92 29.28 61.8 0

Waste Biomass Valor (2015) 6:507–514 511

an infrared light with oil, chemical bond will stretch, 2725.06 cm-1 with C–H stretching vibrations. The pres-
contract, and absorb infrared radiation in a specific wave ence of alkanes was detected by C–H scissoring and
length range regardless the structure of the rest of the bending vibrations at 1375.54 cm-1. The presence of al-
molecules. cohols, ethers, carboxylic acids, esters is detected by C–O
Figure 4 shows the FTIR spectra of waste syringe. C–H stretching vibrations at 1155.81 cm-1 and the C–H bend-
stretching vibrations at frequency 3072.94 indicate the ing vibrations at frequency 738.12 indicates the presence of
presence of alkenes. The presence of alkanes is detected at phenyl ring substitution bands. Same functional groups
have been found in the oil obtained by pyrolysis of dis-
posable syringes [3]. The results were found consistent
when compared with the results of GC–MS.

GC–MS of the Oil Sample

The GC–MS analysis of the oil sample obtained by py-

rolysis of waste syringe was carried out to know the
compounds present in the oil (Fig. 5) and is summarized in
the Table 3.
It has been observed that the pyrolysis oil contains
around 25 compounds. Taking into account of area per-
centage, the highest peak areas of total ion chromatogram
(TIC) of the compounds were 1-octadecene, 3-octadecane,
1-pentadecene, 1-nonadecene, tetraisopropylcyclohexane,
and cyclododecanemethanol. The components present in
waste syringe are mainly homologous series of saturated
Fig. 4 FT-IR spectrometry of waste syringe pyrolysis oil obtained at and unsaturated hydrocarbons, in accordance with lit-
450 °C erature data [15]. The linear hydrocarbons are main

Fig. 5 GC plot of waste syringe pyrolysis oil obtained at 450 °C

512 Waste Biomass Valor (2015) 6:507–514

Table 3 GC-MS Analysis of waste syringe pyrolysis oil

R. time (min) Compound Area % Formula

4.279 Heptane, 3,3,6-trimethyl- 2.62 C10H22

5.567 3-Octadecene, (e)- 11.53 C18H36
6.371 1-Tridecanol 1.12 C13H28O
6.790 (2,4,6-Trimethylcyclohexyl) methanol 2.39 C10H20O
7.293 2,4-Diethyl-1-methylcyclohexane 1.82 C11H22
8.135 Tetradecane, 4-methyl- 0.55 C15H32
8.263 4.6-Dimethyldodecane 0.34 C14H30
8.373 2-Hexadecen-1-ol, 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-, [r-[r*,r*-(e)]]-(t-phytol) 0.54 C20H40O
9.216 1-Nonadecene 15.05 C19H38
9.463 1-Pentadecene 7.97 C15H30
10.189 Cyclododecanemethanol 4.49 C13H26O
11.806 7,11-Dimethyl-10-dodecen-1-ol 0.54 C14H28O
12.278 Hexadecylsulfonyl chloride 5.98 C16H33ClO2S
12.939 (2,2,6,6-Tetramethylcyclohexyl) methanol 3.36 C11H22O
13.037 10-Dodecen-1-ol, 7,11-dimethyl- 0.45 C14H28O
13.245 Isotridecanol- 0.96 C13H28O
13.497 Cyclohexane, 1-ethyl-2-propyl- 0.23 C11H22
14.314 Cyclooctan, 1-methyl-3-propyl- 0.51 C12H24
15.325 2,4,6-Trimethyl-11-dodecen-1-ol 3.08 C15H30O
15.617 Cyclooctane, 1-methyl-3-propyl- 0.67 C12H24
16.531 1-Ethyl-2-propylcyclohexane 0.48 C11H22
19.386 1-Octadecene 7.92 C18H36
20.116 1-Octadecene 2.36 C18H36
22.709 1-Octadecene 0.85 C18H36
24.952 1-Octadecene 0.46 C18H36

Table 4 Physical properties

Tests Results obtained Test method
analysis of waste syringe
pyrolysis oil Specific gravity @ 15/15 °C 0.8288 IS:1448 P:16
Density @ 15 °C in kg/cc 0.8281 IS:1448 P:16
Kinematic viscosity @ 40 °C in Cst 2.97 IS:1448 P:25
Kinematic viscosity @ 100 °C in Cst 1.14 IS:1448 P:25
Conradson carbon residue 0.05 % IS:1448 P:122
Flash point by abel method -6 °C IS:1448 P:20
Fire point 2 °C IS:1448 P:20
Cloud point -3 °C IS:1448 P:10
Pour point -18 °C IS:1448 P:10
Gross calorific value in MJ/kg 42.54 IS:1448 P:6
Sulphur content \50 ppm IS:1448 P:33
Calculated Cetane Index (CCI) 48 IS:1448 P:9
Distillation IS:1448 P:18
Initial boiling point 80 °C
10 % recovery 124 °C
30 % recovery 160 °C
50 % recovery 240 °C
70 % recovery 318 °C
85 % recovery 330 °C
Final boiling point 330 °C
Residue 15.0 ml

Waste Biomass Valor (2015) 6:507–514 513

Table 5 Fuel properties comparison of waste syringe pyrolysis oil with commercial transportation fuels
Properties Specific Kinematic Flash Pour GCV IBP (°C) FBP (°C) Chemical
gravity viscosity point point (MJ/kg) formula
Fuels 15 °C/15 °C @ 40 °C (cst) (°C) (°C)

Waste syringe pyrolysis oil 0.8288 2.97 -6 -18 42.54 80 330 C8–C40
Gasoline [16] 0.72–0.78 – -43 -40 42–46 27 225 C4–C12
Diesel [16] 0.82–0.85 2–5.5 53–80 -40 to -1 42–45 172 350 C8–C25
Bio-diesel [16] 0.88 4–6 100–170 -3 to 19 37–40 315 350 C12–C22
Heavy fuel oil [16] 0.94–0.98 [200 90–180 – -40 – – –

components resulted from PE and the branched hydrocar- range of C10–C20. The physical properties of pyrolysis oil
bons from PP decomposition [3]. obtained were in the range of other transportation and
moderate quality fuels. It has been shown that a simple
Physical Properties of Oil Sample batch pyrolysis method can convert medical waste to
value added chemical products with a significant yield
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