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The Yacoubian Building: Elements Arising from the Novel

Sexual Repression

Sexual repression is evident against all the women characters. This evil is inherited

from Egypt’s patriarchal culture. The hypocritical religious leaders interpret sacred texts in

ways that disembody women through their view on marriage. We see how Sheikh El

Samman insists on Hagg Azzam marrying a second wife upon hearing about his

unquenchable sexual desires. The Sheikh states that according to the Quran it is allowed to

have a second wife as long as one behaves with justice. ‘Justice’, according to Hagg (with

Samman’s approval) meant taking Souad as a secret wife, and not allow her to see her only

son. Souad was also not supposed to bear any children for Hagg. Failure to obey these

conditions would lead to divorce.

Economic Exploitation

Busayna’s family moved to the city in search of a better life. The death of her

husband had made it difficult to improve her life financially, and this situation was made

worse by the fact that she kept on losing jobs. The reason behind this was her refusal to give

in to her bosses’ sexual advances.

Souad’s poor state was also exploited by Hagg. Her financial state led to her to accept

Hagg’s proposal even though the terms disfavored her.

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Any relation that Radwa forms is fuelled by her objective to seek revenge against

‘traitors’ of her religion Islam. Her perspective of life is illuminated when Sheikh tells her,

‘…enemies of Islam fear you…because you love death as they love life.’ Her behaviour may

have been influenced by societal dehumanization of the lady (August Strindberg 1849-1912).

Dawlat also takes revenge against Zaki by declaring him incompetent to dispose of

his own property.

Women’s Influence

Women’s sexuality is seen a threat to social hierarchy. The female is portrayed a

weak and emotionally unstable creature (Shlala Leo, p 129-141). The union between Zaki

and Busayna is an awakening from this negative perception in ancient Egypt. The willingness

and acceptance of both parties to enter into the union should promote equality between both


List of Characters

Zaki Pasha



Taha el Shazli

Hatim Rasheed


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Hagg Muhammad Azzam




The effects of the neopartriarchal system have been analysed through the various

character in the Yacoubian Building. Female oppression is an integral part of the society.

Consequently, the women in this film will never attain true freedom until a system that

emphasizes on equality is put in place.

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Works Cited

Shlala Leo, Islamic Female Sexuality and Gender in Modern Feminist Interpretation, Islam

and Christian-Muslim Relations, Vol. 16, No 2, April 2005

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