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Reviewed agenda: Intellectual disability (ID), down syndrome, and fragile x

a. Individual meetings each hour next Thursday
b. Vineland is one of the most useful tools because intelligence tests won’t give
much information, as you may have difficulty finding support
i. Qualifies the level of support needed
2. Intellectual Disability
a. Elevator speech share out
b. Understanding societal conceptualizations of ID
i. Words associated with high IQ: elite, genius, gifted, smart alec
ii. Words associated with low IQ: slow, dumb, simple, thick, imbicile
iii. Our society equates intelligence with worth
c. Williams syndrome children qualify under ID
d. Dr FJ’s shortened: My role was getting a comprehensive look at Johnny to see
what his cognitive ability is. We all have some strengths and weaknesses, and I
gave a test that showed where he was strong and where he needs some help. I
also gave him some measures about how he can function in life. As a general
summary, Johnny came out with a full scale IQ of about 60. This puts him well
below average and this means he may have some trouble keeping up with his
peers cognitively and academically. He does have some great hand-eye
coordination, does he play video games at home? He had a real hard time when
he had to listen and hold information, so he may have some trouble keeping up
with the pace of a class with other students. He may feel behind in class and will
qualify under ID.
e. Important to give a comprehensive review and include strengths with authentic
delivery and diplomacy
f. Disproportionality: some groups are over-identified for special education
g. IQ tests - lots of biases were blamed on the tests but the main bias came from
how people used them
h. SES changes IQ test scores more than racial or ethnic differences
i. Dr. FJ detailed past case study - compared WISC and KABC and found SES
changed scores
j. Have an ethical obligation to use a test that is fair to the student
k. KABC has two IQ scores and one relies less on linguistics/culture
l. 6 points difference between WISC and KABC which will over-identify minorities
for ID
m. Some families may know the benefits of an ID diagnosis and push for it, while
others may be aware of the stigma and try to avoid the diagnosis
n. Block 3 will be highly impacted because it requires high frontal lobe functions
o. Story on history of the KABC and the institutional racism that delayed the norms
p. We need to use culturally responsive assessments to fairly assess students
q. Some teachers may administer achievement tests (KTEA) but only psychologists
can do cognitive testing
3. Down Syndrome
a. Osmosis video
b. Personality characteristics: happy, kind, concrete thinking
c. Video - Supporting individuals with Down Syndrome in the classroom
d. Students should be placed in an environment that works for them - can change
the IEP throughout the school year as need
e. Interoception - may have difficulty telling that they are having problems (e.g.
sickness) so it can be helpful to consult with OT
i. They may not have the communication skills to self-advocate and will
instead act it out
f. Difficulty with motivation stems from frontal lobe functioning
g. Lacking in frontal lobe problem solving can present as “stubborn” or “resistant,”
they may just not understand the importance of a task
h. Need visual cues to help memory - impactful interventions can be giving visual
plans in the classroom
i. Under-developed muscle tone - may need interventions to support them as they
may not have the strengths to do some tasks
4. Fragile X Syndrome
a. Osmosis video
b. Genetic and Rare Diseases (GARD) on NIH website
c. Males are more affected than females
d. May present with ADHD or autism symptoms
e. Child may have seizures and have to take anticonvulsants
f. Be aware of related health conditions that need treatment (e.g. hearing loss)
g. People tend to ascribe behavior problems or personality traits when there is an
underlying health condition
h. Low SES can often cause more difficulties for children
a. Advocated for diagnosis based on the amount of support they need, not an IQ
b. Many students need specific resources so this website contains many
c. Site also includes a detailed history on the treatment of people with ID
6. The Arc
a. Advocacy site
8. Children with ID may be taken advantage of, so it is important to support, protect, and
advocate for
9. Vineland-3: strong psychometrics for an adaptive measure
a. Designed for ID children - with IQ under 70
b. Measures behaviors and to see how they perform independently
c. Developing good home-school connection can start with the Vineland because it
helps the parent feel heard
d. Provides a supplement for other psychological testing
e. Personal hygiene is important - social acceptance should be supported
f. Practice interviewing - know when to follow-up or ask for examples
10. Watch video and write a discussion post - “Vineland 3 case studies for
neurodevelopmental disorders”

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