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Joseph Luke Emmanuel M.


11th – Self Discipline

Activity 1

 Social Group Cultural Institution Political Organization

 Mapayapa Public  Ayala Corporation  PISTON
 Market  Dela La Salle University  MNLF
 Parents-Teachers  Lopez Foundation  PETA
Association  Pilipinas Shell  Gabriela
 Baranggay Uno  Foundation Bank of  Batibot Credit
 Labor Union Philippine Island  Cooperative
 Association of  HARIBON Foundation
Concerned Teachers

Process Question

1. While diversity among social organizations and organizations' goals, targets, and priorities
varies, each of these entities has a different and specific mission and objective for the social
groupings in which we participate.
2. I believe that being familiar with the various groups is critical to my personal development since
it contributes to my ability to form and strengthen social connections as well as to my search for
shared interests that need to be joined together.
3. While these groups vary in terms of their overall mission, they all have a single mission in
common: assisting others. To get an understanding of a social group, the first step is to
recognize that it is made up of distinct individuals who interact with one another on a regular
basis and who have a number of common traits. A second important factor to keep in mind is
the character of cultural organizations' missions. The existence of certain things, such as
museums, is just to conserve, analyze, and spread culture, science, and the environment's
information. Groups of individuals that gather together to pursue shared interests are referred
to as political organizations. There are several approaches of exerting influence in the legislative
and public relations arenas, including publically endorsing politicians, lobbying for legislative or
policy action, and mobilizing public support for legislation or policies.

Activity 2

1. To the top are two sets of photos, one displaying traditional traders referred to as
mangangalakal, and the other depicting their trading action called pangagalakal.
2. An important component of their overall status is the money they earn from it.
3. Political Organization, because political groups have more capability to modify the
circumstances of learning and funding than educational institutions, they have a better
opportunity to help people in that circumstance.
Activity 3

Group / Organization Goal / Adjective of the Action Taken During the

Organization Pandemic
Pasig City Social Welfare - Goal is to help those - As per the Pasig City
who are government, their
underprivileged, and program will cover and
those who are subsidize about 100,000
experiencing problems. poor families that are in
need of subsidy; these
are the families that
have not been included
in the national
government’s list of
beneficiaries of the
DSWD cash assistance.
Pasig City Health Department - Aims to give health care - Gave discounts or free
services for the citizens of charge for those
in Pasig. citizens who are unable
to pay their fees as for
their Co-Vid 19
DepEd Pasig City - Goal is to lend learning - CHIP-in or Continuing
access for the youths in High School Program for
Pasig City Education is a program
started by Sotto’s
predecessor Bobby
Eusebio in the field of
education in 2016. It
was conceptualized
during the term of
Bobby’s predecessor
Maribel Eusebio to help
indigent Pasigueño high
school students with
“saktong dunong” to
pursue their studies. All
of the beneficiaries of
this initiative are
required to attend
school regularly and
pass them. Pasig City
Scholarship Program, on
the other hand, is a
program for students
who are residents of
the city for five years. It
requires academic
qualifications such as at
least 85 average and no
final subject average
below 80, no “failed,”
or “dropped” or
“incomplete” mark.

Process Question

1. It is imperative for me to be actively involved in the clubs and organizations in my community, I

feel that participation and cooperation are essential to finding a solution. The heart of all
organizations may be used to assist social problems in my community, and to help solve a
problem, and for this reason both companies and residents must be willing to set aside their
differences to aid one another.
2. In the midst of this international pandemic, I encourage patients to remain calm and follow the
doctor's instructions. I am able to facilitate them with the ability to attain their assignment, and
in a responsible and effective approach. Conduct yourself in a manner that represents well on all
fronts. Act as a responsible member of society and fulfill all health requirements to preserve
peace and order.
3. I would rather be part of an organization in which that it aims to promote the youth itself,
because we live in the society where we are in a higher standards in which that we are labeled
as the future of tomorrow, and with this organization, I would like to be the voice of every single
youth to say that everyone of us has a difference, and we are better in some aspects, and we
need to appreciate ourselves because this is a once in a life time journey here.

Activity 4

Philippine Youth Approach

Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3

This organization Its goal is to create a It also tackles

aims to break the comfortable Mental Health and
stereotypes that the environment for the other aspects of a
children should be youth, in which it human behavior
better than the past promotes self- that could help
generation as this esteem and them form the
create a pressure confidence of the greatest realization.
barrier on the youth when it
youtuh. comes to choosing
their decisions.

Process Question

1. The development of an organization, established by a group of persons with common interests

or a cause, with the goal of fixing a social problem within the community.
2. In my opinion, the various social organizations differ with respect to the manner in which their
relationships network and interact. It is possible to maintain a social network with the use of this
type of social network.
3. The Filipino people have always been thought to be strong and happy despite the things that
happen to them on the outside. That's why they are forced to battle with their backs against the
wall. More of us choose to hide our problem rather than treat it and allow it to fester within our
mind. While it is true that it is difficult to judge someone's level of seriousness, there is no way
to ignore this fact. When creating groups like this, my goal is to enable your voice to be heard,
and I hope to provide you with a sense of confidence. This is my responsibility as the leader of
this group to make sure that I can win your trust and take you seriously with my confession.

Activity 5

1. B
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A

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