World History Honors Apex Learning - Study Sheet 5.2.1

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1  Study: The Age of Exploration Study Guide

World History Honors Sem 1 Name:  

Use this study guide to keep track of the important concepts covered in this activity. If you need help
answering any of the questions, check with your instructor. Save these study guides for review when
preparing for quizzes and tests.

Write the definition to each of the key terms below.

Word Definition

Bartolomeu Dias (1451 – 1500) A Portuguese explorer known for being the first
European to sail a ship around the southern tip of Africa.

Christopher Columbus (1451 – 1506) An Italian explorer who sailed from Spain to the
American continents in 1492. His four trips made Europe aware of the
Americas and resulted in further exploration and the establishment of

Commercial Revolution A period of European economic growth, colonialism, and mercantilism

in the 1500s, 1600s, and 1700s. It included the growth of financial
services, such as banking, and the development of new economic
theories. It allowed European nations to manage the finances of global
trade networks.

conquistadores The explorers and soldiers of the Spanish Empire and Portuguese
Empire who colonized large areas of the world during the 1400s,
1500s, and 1600s.

Ferdinand Magellan (1480 – 1521) The Portuguese explorer who was the first to sail from
the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and was also the first to
circumnavigate Earth. The Straits of Magellan, which he discovered,
are named after him.

Hernán Cortés (1485 – 1547) A Spanish explorer who conquered the Aztec Empire
and created New Spain.

mercantilism The economic theory that countries should use trade to build up their
stock of silver and gold. According to this theory, colonies exist solely
to enrich the mother countries. For this relationship to work, the
mother country has to maintain strict control over all aspects of
colonial trade.

transoceanic exploration The travel to new lands by European explorers in search of a faster
way to Asia.

Vasco da Gama (1460 or 69 – 1524) A Portuguese explorer who was the commander
of the first ships to sail directly from Europe to India. His expedition
paved the way for Portugal to establish a long-lasting colonial empire
in Asia.

Write a short answer to each question.

1. Who were some of the peoples who traveled the oceans and seas before the Age of Exploration?
Asians and Africans traveled the Indian Ocean. Vikings traveled to North America. Polynesian people
traveled across the Pacific. Europeans, Africans, and Asians traveled the Mediterranean.

2. How did the Commercial Revolution lead to the Age of Exploration?

The Commercial Revolution increased demand for goods from the East. The Age of Exploration sought
to find new routes to the East so that European traders wouldn't have to pay taxes to the Ottoman Empire
and others that controlled those trade routes.

3. How did the rise of a middle class encourage the Age of Exploration?

Peasants moved to cities to make goods they could sell. This led to an increase in the number of fine
craftspeople, as well as merchants to sell their goods, and bankers to help store the capital earned from
these transactions. These people formed a new middle class that further grew the market for luxury
goods from foreign countries.

4. What were the technologies that enabled the Age of Exploration?

The compass, the astrolabe, the printing press, and the caravel helped lead to the Age of Exploration.

5. Describe the areas where Spain, Portugal, France, and England explored.

Spain explored the Caribbean and the Americas. Portugal explored Africa, South America, and South
Asia. France and England explored North America.

6. Which explorers helped find new routes to India and the East?

Possible answers include: Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, and Ferdinand

7. Why did the Ottoman Empire increase the size and power of its navy?

The Ottoman Empire increased the size and power of its navy to control trade routes to and from Europe
and the East.

Expand your thinking on questions raised in this activity.

8. Who do you think was the most important explorer? Why?

Many answers are possible. Below is one way you may have answered.

I think it was Christopher Columbus. Even though he was wrong in thinking he had reached India, what
he found in the Caribbean encouraged a huge wave of exploration from Europe.
9. Do you think the Ottoman Empire made a mistake in keeping such strict control over its trade routes?

Many answers are possible. Below is one way you may have answered.

It's hard to say. On one hand, the Ottoman Empire lasted for hundreds of years and grew very wealthy. On
the other hand, the high taxes it charged pushed Europeans to find new trade routes. But I think that
would have happened anyway, so the Ottomans were probably smart to make as much as they could
while they had the chance.

In one to two sentences, write the "big idea" or main point of this study.

Answers will vary. Below is one way you may have answered.

Many reasons led European countries to explore the world. One of the most important reasons was
access to new trade routes.

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