All About Smart Learning

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What is Smart Learning and why

does it interest educational

by CAE Team | Blog CAE, E-learning, Technology
Smart Learning or intelligent education includes new educational contexts in which the importance
is focused on the student’s use of technology at their fingertips. It does not only depend on the
software and hardware available, but on how they are articulated in the classes or the online training
in conjunction

As expert consultants, on many occasions we have found language training that despite using all
kinds of digital instruments did not work. The problem is that technology by itself does not have the
intelligence to articulate: you need a methodology, motivation mechanisms, automated follow-up.
Smart Learning: technology & methodology
The Dexway courses and the Voluxion educational platform (LMS, LCMS, VCR) belong to the
framework of Smart Learning by presenting students with a progressive and natural methodology,
which develops the subject from 0 to 100% with complete linguistic immersion and a Virtual learning
environment (VLE) designed to offer the necessary solutions for Smart Learning.
As the classrooms host mobile devices to accompany the classes, natural allies of the students of
the 21st century, it is necessary a change of habits on the part of the faculty that must look for
the indicated way to use. Either locating as a guide to a directed online training, or staying in the axis
of training, but relying on new technologies to add interactivity in class and reinforcement of what is
learned at home.
The important role of teachers in educational centers so that intelligent learning
The Koreans Cheyeon Ha and Soo-Young Lee published this study last January “Elementary
teachers’ beliefs and perspectives related to smart learning in South Korea”. It analyzed the situation
of education in Korea, easily extrapolated to any part of the globe. Both researchers point out that
the rapidity with which technology is transforming the classroom requires not only an effort in
infrastructure, but also in its methodologies and resources.
“(…) In order for twenty-first century learners to prepare for this technologically ever advancing
world, teachers also should make any necessary adaptations to the changes. The use of smart
devices and social networking systems is becoming more common in classrooms throughout the
country. Thus, it is necessary for public schools to make appropriate changes in aspects of their
technology infrastructures and instructional methods and resources for smart learning. To this end,
teacher competencies are regarded as a critical factor”
Smart Learning Environments20196:3 © The Author(s). 2019
From the Smart Learning concept, we directly derive what we know as Smart Learning
Environment, a sort of evolution or deeper look at the virtual learning environments (VLE), to
which the premises of Smart Learning must be applied.
Intelligent environments offer students everything they need integrated in one place, with a structure
and a logical sense. It is not a mere space in the cloud, but an interactive environment in which
content, reinforcement tools and virtual classrooms coexist to offer a complete experience to
 Virtual learning environments specialized in languages
In the field of language teaching, Voluxion is the reference of the market as the only educational
platform and virtual learning environment specialized in language teaching. For this, its
development has incorporated relevant solutions to achieve a virtual space capable of deploying an
effective methodology and the most complete options: study planner, virtual classrooms,
conversation groups, automated evaluation or gamification.
In short, Smart Learning is the next logical phase of the introduction of technology in classrooms
and language centers: it is not enough to have infrastructure, it is important to deploy a proven
methodology that accompanies the students and develops their skills in a progressive, natural and
effective way. CAE, with 35 years of experience in the sector, offers language classrooms, centers
and franchises the best technology in conjunction with the best proven methodology for the study of
English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or Russian
5 Benefits of Using New
Technology in Language Learning
by CAE Team | Blog CAE, Education Solutions, Teacher Tools, Technology
Technology in language learning within educational centres is not the future, but the present of
education. The use of new technology in the classroom has become the perfect complement to
mastering or gaining command of a language, and English courses accompanied by technological
support are the most effective and attractive to students who want to be successful in their

Technology in language learning at the service of teachers
#1 The best complementary tool for teachers in the classroom
Educational technology today is advantageous for teachers in so many ways. Traditional education
is not so efficient anymore and teachers need to motivate their students more than ever when
presenting any material in the classroom. Books are taking a back seat and new technology means
that classes can be much richer in content and more participative than before.
The Why Teacher Training is a Key Factor in Eduactional Excellence methodology
from Dexway helps educational centres to implement a blended learning method that has
demonstrated great success in the classroom. It equips the teacher with a complete manual on
giving face-to-face English classes, with unlimited exercises and activities for all levels and lessons,
with the objective that the students are much more active and involved in the classroom.
#2 Technology in language learning is motivating and stimulating for students
The use of technology as much in the classroom as outside it makes the students feel much more
motivated, using devices with which they can practice a language through features such as voice
recognition and interactive multimedia exercises etc. For young students it’s much more stimulating
to learn with a tablet or smartphone than with a traditional textbook and its CD of practice exercises.
Technology in language learning transforms students from passive recipients to active learners and
allows more profound and enriching linguistic immersion. Students can study their English course
using a variety of comprehensive apps which are able to synchronize even without the internet.
#3 Ease in managing and monitoring student progress
Making and keeping lists of groups of students, managing courses, evaluating students with tests
and exams, and many other tasks which are administrative in nature, are these days managed
thanks to online educational platforms which offer innumerable functionalities tailored to educational
centres’ needs.
Not only do they give educational institutions the best and most effective control over activities such
as activating student accounts, creating groups, sending out communications and automatic
notifications etc., but also they can perform important tasks such as monitoring the progress of
students through specialised software.
Dexway has developed the Create Test function which allows teachers to design their tests,
partially or fully, from a menu of questions in the database the same as he or she could create
Subsequently, when the students have taken these tests, they can be run through Dexway
Analytics in order to obtain real time reports on the results of each course, lesson or objective. This
way it can be seen if objectives have been attained in order to suggest activities or exercises to
revise in the classroom.
Learning English in a classroom is much more effective when complemented with educational
#4 Create a unique experience as much for the teacher as the students
The flipped classroom method in English courses, along with technology in language learning to
complement it, is turning English classrooms into an environment where sharing, debating, creating
and forming opinions is nurtured, a space which is much more creative and participatory. English
classes stop being boring and bland with a teacher merely explaining something at a blackboard,
and become much more active in all senses.
Learning is better with virtual whiteboards, the students are a lot more involved, and online
exercises and interactive multimedia content are motivating for them.
#5 Promote interactivity and collaboration within learning
The use of new technology allows students to be much more creative and participative in the
classroom. They prepare a basis of knowledge outside the classroom engaging with all the content
in the course, when they arrive to the classroom they share this knowledge with the rest of the
students and the teacher to demonstrate what they have learnt and reinforce it in a coordinated way.
Educational technology allows students to be much better prepared for class, and provides teachers
with attractive resources to make their classes much more human and sociable, where all students
have the opportunity to participate regardless of their level.
When used alongside traditional teaching, new technology can differentiate between educational
centres, taking English teaching one step further in paying attention to diversity in the classroom
and enriching the language learning process.
Why Online Learning Will Help You
Attract More Students?
by Carmen D. Rosell, E-learning Specialist | Blog CAE, E-learning, Online language
The online learning sphere has undergone rapid developments in recent years. The technologies
behind digital learning platforms have come on in leaps and bounds, meaning that there are a whole
host of fantastic new opportunities for educational establishments to take advantage of.
There are a many key new aspects of e-Learning to be aware of including:
 the new ubiquitousness of multi device learning
 the impressive functionality of the virtual classroom
 the impressive scope of learning management software (LMS) and learning content
management software (LCMS)
 the growth in demand for distance learning
 the convenience of cloud based learning software
All these aspects come together to contribute to two clear facts:
1. There’s never been such high demand for online training courses
2. It’s never been so easy to produce and host online training courses
Whether your organisation is a school, college, university, language school or corporate training
facility, if you’re not already offering online learning and multi device learning opportunities; now is
most certainly the time to do so.

Why has online learning become so popular?
#1. Convenience
E-Learning has rapidly grown in popularity for a number of reasons. We believe that the most
important of these reasons is convenience. In the modern world we are all very busy and it can be
difficult for potential students to set aside a clearly defined piece of time every week to attend a
traditional in person course.
Online training courses offer a very attractive alternative to this. Instead of having to fit into a pre-
defined timetable, students can opt to enrol in a course that they can dip in and out of on their own
They can choose to devote a couple of hours each week at a time that suits them, perhaps at the
weekend or later on in the evening once their children are in bed. Alternatively, they can study in
more frequent smaller chunks, such as during their lunch break.
It’s also well worth nothing that the growth of multi device learning makes it far easier for students
to make use of so-called ‘dead time’ that would previously have been unusable to them. By using a
smartphone or tablet, students can access learning materials during ‘dead time’ periods such as
their commute, while waiting for meetings or appointments, or even while they accompany their
children to after school activities.
Of course, though convenience is key, it isn’t the only factor in the growth of online learning.
# 2. Choice
Choice is also a big factor. Traditionally, a potential student’s geography would be the defining
feature of their hunt for learning and training opportunities. They would have to choose a course that
was easily accessible to them as they would need to attend in person. Online learning has changed
Now students don’t have to limit themselves to training providers that are located in their vicinity.
Instead, they can properly weigh up all the other benefits of a course, including teaching style,
quality, digital resources, subjects covered and the expertise of the tutors.
Finally, it’s fair to say that cost has been a big factor in the growth of online training courses. For
many potential students, the often high cost of in person training was frequently prohibitive. Online
courses are typically much more affordable thanks to the far lower cost of running the courses. This
means that students that wouldn’t have been able to access traditional training options are now
able to use this resource.
How will online training courses help you increase the scale of
your reach?
Educational establishments rely on consistent student numbers for survival. If you are unable to
maintain enrolments, you’ll likely find that your organisation is in trouble.
If you don’t already offer online training courses, introducing these can be an excellent way to boost
sign ups and breathe new digital life into your organisation.
They can do this by:
 Welcoming new students from across the globe: there are no geographical limitations
to online courses
 Attracting busy students who wouldn’t be able to commit the time to enrol on a more
traditional course. This type of student is likely to be particularly engaged by courses that offer multi
device learning opportunities
 Offering up a range of online training and multi device learning opportunities at a range of
price points. Online learning platforms make it easy and inexpensive for educational organisations
to introduce a range of full and introductory courses in order to give potential students a taster of
what is on offer.
If your organisation isn’t currently offering online courses but is interested in doing so in the future,
why not read more about the benefits of a learning content management system (LCMS) when
offering online and multi device learning?

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