Focus v2 Iss2

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Winter Groups

ISSUE 2 VOL UME 2 Jan u ar y 1 9, 201 1

Begin Week of
January 30th! A publication to
encourage and equip
Group Leaders


Focus 2011
Winter Groups
It’s hard to believe that we’ve completed our have members sign the Covenant no later
first full year of Groups! Thank you for than week 3.
jumping in and getting on board with this system • Be thinking about your Play Date and your
of groups. I know it’s far from perfect, however, Serve Date.
we are seeing people connect that hadn’t
before and stories of people growing in their • Pray for a discerning eye toward new
faith, so I think we’re on the right track. We are potential leaders. Always be looking for
also seeing some people move toward opportunities to share some of the Calendar
leadership which is really exciting. Our ability to leadership responsibility.
reach out to and connect with more people is
largely dependent on new leaders so THANK
• Find and work with a Coordinator. Identify
one person to specifically help you with January
YOU for your participation and faithfulness.
contacting, praying, and possibly even New thru 30 series!
Here’s the winter semester rundown of info you leading your group. 23rd—New Members joining in
will need: a.m. services
• Remember to “Think Life Change”. We
Group Leader Meeting do groups because we believe this is the 23rd—Group Leader Meeting
best place for sustained life-change to take 6:00 pm
Sunday eve January 23 at 6:00 place. Everything you do should be
centered around the reality that God is in
in the café. the business of changing lives, because He February
• This Sunday (the 23rd) will be the last day loves us far too much to leave us the way 20 & 27 - Loving My Church
people can register for groups. Catalogs we are and our job is to provide the
environments and relationships that allow 5-7 pm 2 week group
and registration cards will be available at
the Connection Center on January 30, life-change to happen. All Group Leaders should plan
however, after this week we will not be to attend!
• Pray—God calls us to pray, He expects us
publicly encouraging people to join groups. to pray and I believe He longs to hear our
The exception to this is the “Loving My
Church” (membership) group that will be
prayers. Pray for your group members, for March
God’s transforming work in their lives as
meeting for 2 weeks in February) well as your own. What are your plans for the
• Be sure to contact every member of your
summer semester?
Know that I greatly appreciate each and every-
group before your group begins. Welcome one of you. I understand the sacrifices you are
them, and make sure they know the time making in order to provide leadership for your April
and place of your first meeting. group. Thank you. Easter
• Have a syllabus ready to handout at your Linda Get your group info for summer
first meeting and copies of the Group
Covenant. You should plan to cover and
semester to Linda!
The Truth About Transformation
The following is located at:

What it really takes to help people change their Still, we often allow truth to change our beliefs, but
minds our actions don't always flesh that out.
Dan Lentz | posted 6/18/2008 Sometimes we need to both understand and
Have you ever changed your mind about some- experience the truth in order for genuine
thing? I have changed my mind more about things in transformation to take place. Real application of a
the last few years than I would have ever dreamed truth is where life-change happens—not just talking
about application, but living the application.
Academic or informational Bible studies can be
More than Knowing important within a small group, but if you're not living
For example, when I started working at an industrial out or experiencing the truths of those studies
job, I had the idea that a person should not miss together in community, your group members may
work for anything—even when you're sick. So for not be changing their minds as much as you think.
more than six years straight, I never missed a day of So how can you help the process of genuine
work because of illness. Did I get sick during that
We are
transformation? Here are some practical
time? Yes. But I just strapped on my boots and said, suggestions:
"No matter, I'm going to work."
Always allocate a significant amount of time to
That line of thinking started to spill over into how I focus on the application of any study you are
viewed other people. I had friends at the company doing. At least half of any "lesson time" should
who, every month or two, got sick and missed a day
of work. I became convinced they had poor values,
focus specifically on application.
and that they were either uncommitted, lazy, or just Don't make application theoretical. In other
wimpy. I knew that everyone has times when they words, share as many personal and specific
don't feel well, but I truly believed that if a person examples of application as you can, including
past victories and defeats. Encourage and
was committed enough, he or she could still make it
to work.
spur one another on through those examples.
Be intentional about planning experiences into
6 Leadership
But then I started to change my mind.
Why? Over time, I got some information from my
group life—service projects, prayer walks,
confession exercises, hospital visits, and so
"wimpy" friends that helped me understand why they on.
struggled to make it to work when certain health
conditions were a problem. The information helped Discern specific areas where transformation is
slow for your members, and plan experiences
me to empathize with them. Still, down deep, I was 1. THINK Life change:
doubtful that they really needed to be off work as around those areas. For example, if several
much as they were.
group members are having trouble loving Why We Do Groups
people of a different ethnicity, plan a time
But then something really caused me to change my when they can serve others of that different 2. Cultivate RELATIONSHIPS
mind: I got a chronic illness. I—the guy who thought ethnicity.
anyone who would let illness interrupt everyday life How We Build
Draw the connection or ask questions about how
was just wimpy—became chronically sick. And I
God is using specific circumstances to trans- Community
stayed chronically sick. Low and behold, it did inter-
form your group members. Here's an example
rupt my everyday life. It did make work and normal
question: How is God using your current 3. PROMOTE participation
activity impossible at times. That's when I got it. I
changed my mind. suffering to change your mind about things? How You Lead a Group
Recognize and celebrate times when people
So, what does it take to change your mind? 4. REPLACE yourself
acknowledge they have changed their mind at
Spiritual Transformation a deeper level about deeply held issues. How You Intentionally
Knowledge about something can change a person's Pray that the Holy Spirit would be constantly Apprentice
mind, but what really tends to do the trick is renewing the minds of your small-group
knowledge coupled with a related experience. We members. 5. Provide CARE
can have a lot of information that would lead us in a
direction to change our minds, but knowledge of the Remember that changing a mind goes beyond How You Handle Tough
knowledge. It requires knowing the right things and Situations
truth doesn't always tip us over the edge until we
living those things as well. Don't let your small group
have a relevant experience.
settle for just the first step in the process of genuine
True mind change, in a spiritual context, is called 6. MULTIPLY influence
transformation (Romans 12:2). So when does How You Maximize
—Dan Lentz; copyright 2007 by the author and
transformation happen? Does it happen when we Impact
Christianity Today International. Originally
receive information regarding biblical truth?
Sometimes. My experience has been that biblical appeared on
truth is very important to the transformation process.

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