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To make the survival of business during COVID-19, companies have adopted new approaches.

They went for contactless supply to ensure that their services are available to their consumer.
They have introduced new barriers Plexiglas barriers between the consumer and staff. They
preferred new technologies to minimize the effect of COVID-19 on their businesses. They
preferred to go overhead and tried to go as digital as possible. They went from physical spaces to
digital spaces this way they have saved the overhead cost and all other expenses associated with
the physical business requirements. There is a reduction in the need for office supplies when
employees preferred work from home. They took this time of pandemic as an opportunity and
save the cost for the future by going digital as much as possible. This helped them in staying
afloat. They preferred making their business noticeable online because the online presence in this
period is considered the gold time now. As the customers are focusing more on online shopping
than preferring to go outside in the market to shop physically. Your website will work as the Hub
for your business. They market their product and service on different social media platforms to
make their product more noticeable.

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