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Alamat : Jl. Khairbras No. 34 Ganjar Asri Metro Barat Kota Metro 34125 Telp. (0725) 8001153
Website : Email :

Nama : ...................................... Hari, Tanggal : Selasa, 9 Maret 2021

Kelas : 1 ........................ Mata Pelajaran : English

Choose the best answer by marking (X) at alphabet a, b or c!

Pilih jawaban yang tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada huruf a,b atau c!

1. How many apples are there? There are ... apples.

a. Five
b. Three
c. Four

2. What is it ? It is a...
a. Doll
b. Cake
c. Balloon

3. What it is ? It’s a ...

a. Dog
b. Sheep
c. Duck

4. Firzha : Who is he ?
Raqila : He is my ... .
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Sister

5. Ehsan is ...
a. Sad
b. Angry
c. Happy

6. What are they ? They are...

a. Pencils
b. Crayons
c. Backpack

7. The color of Banana is ...(warna buah pisang adalah...)

a. Red
b. Black
c. Yellow
8. What is it ? It is...
a. Banana
b. Watermelon
c. Grapes

9. What shape is it ?
a. Triangle
b. Circle
c. Rectangle

10. What is it ? it is a ...

a. Shirt
b. Dress
c. Hat

Translate into English ! (Artikan ke dalam bahasa Inggris !)

1. Bola =.................

2. Ibu =.................

3. Sedih =.................

4. Pagi =.................

5. Kucing =.................

6. Kelinci =.................

7. Buku =.................

8. Jeruk =.................

9. Lingkaran =.................

10. Kaos =.................

Good Luck 

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