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§f§f§dHeroic Midas Staff §c✪§c✪§c✪§c✪§6✪

§7Gear Score: §d666 §8(1829)

§7Damage: §c+160 §e(+30) §8(+508.8)
§7Strength: §c+235 §e(+30) §6[+5] §9(Heroic +50) §8(+747.3)
§7Crit Damage: §c+60% §8(+190.8%)",
§7Bonus Attack Speed: §c+7% §9(Heroic +7%) §8(+10.5%)

§7Intelligence: §a+175 §9(Heroic +125) §8(+556.5)

§7§lChimera V, §9Critical VII

§9Cubism VI, §9Ender Slayer VII
§9Execute VI, §9Experience IV
§9First Strike V, §9Giant Killer VII
§9Impaling III, §9Lethality VI
§9Life Steal V, §9Looting V
§9Luck VII, §9Scavenger V
§9Smite VII, §9Telekinesis I
§9Thunderlord VI, §9Vampirism V
§9Venomous V

§7§cYou do not have a high enough

§cEnchanting level to use some of
§cthe enchantments on this item!

§6Ability: Molten Wave §e§lRIGHT CLICK

§7Cast a wave of molten gold in
§7the direction you are facing!
§7Deals up to §c80,474.9 §7damage.
§8Mana Cost: §3500
§8Cooldown: §a1s

§6Ability: Greed
§7The §3ability damage bonus §7of
§7this item is dependent on the
§7price paid for it at the §5Dark
§7The maximum bonus of this item
§7is §326,000 §7if the bid was
§7§6100,000,000 Coins §7or higher!

§7Price paid: §62,147,483,647 Coins

§7Base Ability Damage Bonus: §326,000

§d§l§ka§r §d§l§d§lMYTHIC DUNGEON SWORD §d§l§ka

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