Lifting Device Calculus: Author. Nicu Pocora Asistor Real Lifting Capacity Calculus Pag. 1

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Author. Nicu Pocora ASISTOR REAL LIFTING Pag.



Lifting device capacity it is calculate from following conditions:

1. Catch pins capacity;
2. Screws M8 (4 pieces);
3. Welding assembly.

Lifting capacity given by catch pins

Author. Nicu Pocora ASISTOR REAL LIFTING Pag. 2

 π  db
2 
Fb = min  db  b  pa ,  τafb , db  2  δ  σ asb N
 4 

Catch pin 1 assembly dimensions

db1 := 20 mm b1 := 60 mm δ1 := 10 mm

Catch pin 2 assembly dimensions

db2 := 20 mm b2 := 120 mm δ2 := 10 mm

Catch pin 1 lifting capacity from contact condition

Fb1c = db1  b1  pa N where:

· pa1 - contact admisible stress [MPa] pa1 := 80 MPa

Fb1c := db1  b1  pa1 N

Fb1c = 96000 N
db1  b1  pa1
Fb1c := Kg
Fb1c = 9785.9327 Kg

Catch pin 2 lifting capacity from contact condition

Author. Nicu Pocora ASISTOR REAL LIFTING Pag. 3
Fb2c = db2  b2  pa2 N where:

· pa - contact admisible stress [MPa] pa2 := 32 MPa

Fb2c := db2  b2  pa2 N

Fb2c = 76800 N
db2  b2  pa2
Fb2c := Kg
Fb2c = 7828.7462 Kg

Catch pin 1 lifting capacity from shearing condition

π  db1
Fb1s =  τafb N

· tafb - shearing limit stress of catch pin material [MPa]

τafb = 0.25  σ 02 MPa where:

· s02 - flow limit stress of catch pin material

σ 02 := 280 for normal steel

τafb := 0.25  σ 02 MPa

τafb = 70 MPa
π  db1
Fb1s :=  τafb N
Fb1s = 21991.1486 N

π  db1
Fb1s :=  τafb Kg
4  9.81
Fb1s = 2241.7073 Kg

Catch pin 2 lifting capacity from shearing condition

π  db2
Fb2s =  τafb N
π  db2
Fb2s :=  τafb N
Fb2s = 21991.1486 N
Author. Nicu Pocora ASISTOR REAL LIFTING Pag. 4
π  db2
Fb2s :=  τafb Kg
4  9.81
Fb2s = 2241.7073 Kg

Catch pin 1 lifting capacity from crushing condition

Fb1cr = db1  2  δ1  σ asb N

· sasb - crushing limit stress of catch pin material [MPa]

σ asb := 0.75  σ 02 MPa

σ asb = 210 MPa

Fb1cr := db1  2  δ1  σ asb N

Fb1cr = 84000 N

db1  2  δ1  σ asb
Fb1cr := Kg
Fb1cr = 8562.6911 Kg

Catch pin 2 lifting capacity from crushing condition

Fb2cr = db2  2  δ2  σ asb N

Fb2cr := db2  2  δ2  σ asb N

Fb2cr = 84000 N

db2  2  δ2  σ asb
Fb2cr := Kg
Fb2cr = 8562.6911 Kg

Fb := ( Fb1c Fb2c Fb1s Fb2s Fb1cr Fb2cr ) Kg

Fb = ( 9785.9327 7828.7462 2241.7073 2241.7073 8562.6911 8562.6911 )

Fb := min ( Fb) Kg

Fb = 2241.7073 Kg

Lifting capacity given by 4 screws M8

Author. Nicu Pocora ASISTOR REAL LIFTING Pag. 5

Thread size: M := 8

β := 60 sides of thread angle

d1 = 6.647 d1 inner thread diameter of screw [mm]

d2 = 7.188 d2 medium thread diameter of screw [mm]

d =8 d outer thread diameter of screw [mm]

p = 1.25 p pitch screw thread [mm]

D=8 D nominal thread diameter of nut [mm]

D1 = 6.647 D1 inner thread diameter of nut [mm]

D4 = 8 D4 outer thread diameter of nut [mm]

D2 = 7.188 D2 medium thread diameter of nut [mm]

· Static friction coefficient steel/steel m μ := 0.16

· sat1 - tensile limit stress of screw material [MPa]

σ at1 = cc  σ 021 MPa where:

· s021 - flow limit of screw material which is made by steel with mechanical
Author. Nicu Pocora ASISTOR REAL LIFTING Pag. 6
characteristics 8.8

σ 021 := 680 MPa

· cc - safety coefficient for tensile limit stress

cc := 0.5
σ at1 := cc  σ 021 MPa

σ at1 = 340 MPa

· Crushing limit stress for screw material ps [MPa] ps := 250 MPa

· The nut is made by steel with the next mechanical characteristics

σ 022 := 640 MPa flow limit for nut material

· sac2 - limit stress compression for nut material [MPa]

σ ac2 := cc  σ 022 MPa

σ ac2 = 320 MPa

· F - limit tensile force from the screw [N]

π  σ at1  d1
FM12 = N
4  kτ

· kt - coefficient which consider the aditional torsion stress inside the screw

kτ := 1.3

π  σ at1  d1
FM8 := N
4  kτ

FM8 = 9075.6305 N

π  σ at1  d1
FM8 := Kg
4  kτ  9.81

FM8 = 925.1407 Kg

Lifting capacity given by 4 screws M8 is:

Fscrews := 4  FM8 Kg

Fscrews = 3700.5629 Kg
Author. Nicu Pocora ASISTOR REAL LIFTING Pag. 7

Lifting capacity given by welding assembly

We calculate efective bending tensile strenght for each weld with:

FL FL 
σ M1 = MPa σ M2 =   MPa unde:
Ws  Ws 
Ws Axial modulus of welding section [mm3]:

2  l s  ( h + 2  a) 3
ls  h 
Ws =  -  mm3
h + 2 a  12 12 

h1 := 10 mm steel sheet thickness

a1 := 5 mm welding thickness

ls1 := 2  129 mm lenght of welding

2  ls1  ( h1 + 2  a1) 3
ls1  h1 
Ws1 :=  -  mm3
h 1 + 2  a1  12 12 

Ws1 = 16985 mm3

Welding assembly is loaded with minimum force from catch pins and 4 screws M8

F := 2241.7073  9.81 N
F = 21991.1486 N

L := 80 mm

σM1 := MPa
σM1 = 103.5792 MPa

Welding shearing tension: τf = MPa
2  ls  a

τf1 := MPa
2  ls1  a1

τf1 = 8.5237 MPa

Combined (equivalent) welding tensile stress:

2 2
σ ech = σM1 + τf MPa
Author. Nicu Pocora ASISTOR REAL LIFTING Pag. 8
2 2
σech := σM1 + τf1 MPa
σech = 103.9293 MPa

welding limit tensile stress is 65% from yield tensile stress of steel parts

σadm = 0.65  σmb MPa

σmb := 240 MPa
σadm := 0.65  σmb MPa
σadm = 156 MPa

σech = 103.9293 MPa

h2 := 10 mm steel sheet thickness

a2 := 5 mm welding thickness

ls2 := 2  ( 34 + 47 ) mm lenght of welding

2  ls2  ( h2 + 2  a2) 3
ls2  h2 
Ws2 :=  -  mm3
h 2 + 2  a2  12 12 
Ws2 = 10665 mm3

Welding assembly is loaded with minimum force from catch pins and 4 screws M8

F := 2241.7073  9.81 N
F = 21991.1486 N

L := 63 mm

σM2 := MPa
σM2 = 129.9055 MPa

Welding shearing tension: τf = MPa
2  ls  a

τf2 := MPa
2  ls2  a2

τf2 = 13.5748 MPa

Combined (equivalent) welding tensile stress:

2 2
σ ech = σM2 + τf2 MPa
2 2
σ ech2 := σM2 + τf2 MPa
σ ech2 = 130.6129 MPa
Author. Nicu Pocora ASISTOR REAL LIFTING Pag. 9
welding limit tensile stress is 65% from yield tensile stress of steel parts

σadm = 0.65  σmb MPa

σmb := 240 MPa
σadm := 0.65  σmb MPa
σadm = 156 MPa

σ ech2 = 130.6129 MPa

Lifting safety coefficient is given by:

Ls :=
285 Ls = 7.8656

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