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Epicor ERP

Unit of Measure Principles and

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Revision: May 15, 2017 12:59 p.m.
Total pages: 51
Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Contents

Unit of Measure Setup and Processing.................................................................................4
Unit of Measure Principles................................................................................................................................4
Universal Use of UOM Codes....................................................................................................................4
UOM and UOM Class Code Definition......................................................................................................4
Unit of Measure ANSI Standards........................................................................................................6
On The Fly UOM Class - Rules and Setup..................................................................................................7
Part UOM-UOM Class Code Assignment.................................................................................................10
Tracking Inventory in Multiple Units of Measure......................................................................................10
How UOM Classes Determine Allowable UOM Code Selections for Transaction Quantity Entries.............12
Engineering and Manufacturing UOM Processing...................................................................................15
Purchasing UOM Processing....................................................................................................................15
PO Receipt UOM Processing....................................................................................................................16
Sales Order UOM Processing...................................................................................................................16
Price List UOM Processing.......................................................................................................................17
Unit of Measure Setup...................................................................................................................................18
UOM Maintenance.................................................................................................................................19
Detail Fields.....................................................................................................................................20
Unit of Measure ANSI Standards...............................................................................................24
Add a UOM code............................................................................................................................25
Edit a UOM code.............................................................................................................................26
Inactivate a UOM code....................................................................................................................26
UOM Class Maintenance........................................................................................................................26
UOM Class Maintenance - Detail - What to Do ........................................................................27
UOM Class Maintenance - Detail Fields.....................................................................................28
UOM Class Maintenance - UOMs Fields....................................................................................31
UOM Class Maintenance - UOMs - What to Do .......................................................................33
Part Maintenance...................................................................................................................................34
Part Maintenance - Part - Detail.......................................................................................................34
Part Maintenance - Part Detail - What to Do.............................................................................34
Part Maintenance-Detail Fields..................................................................................................35
Change Conversion Factor, Package and Product Code Assignments........................................41
Part Maintenance-Detail Fields..................................................................................................42
Part Maintenance - Part - sites - Detail.............................................................................................44
Part Maintenance - Part - site Detail - What to Do.....................................................................44
Part Maintenance - Part - site - Detail Fields..............................................................................44
Appendix: Programs Using UOM Coding........................................................................................................47

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Unit of Measure Setup and Processing Unit of Measure Principles and Setup

Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

You use unit of measure processing in the Epicor application to define unit of measure codes and UOM classes
that allow for easy conversion of stock quantities to other units of measure, and also provides the ability to
(optionally) track inventory in multiple units of measure.

Unit of Measure Principles

The following principles apply to the setup and use of unit of measure codes in the Epicor application.

Universal Use of UOM Codes

The Epicor application makes universal system-wide use of UOM (Unit of Measure) codes. The UOM code denotes
the unit of measure in which the transactional quantities are being expressed for a part (for example, the unit of
measure in which the item is sold), and the base unit of measure denotes the unit of measure in which inventory
quantities are being stored for a part. It also allows you the flexibility of storing and tracking inventory quantities
in multiple units of measure if required for your industry.
These functions give the Epicor application the power to display the item quantity in differing units of measure.
All inventory, purchase and sales transactions entered for a part require entry of the specific UOM code associated
with the item and quantity. For example, when you enter a weight for transaction, you also enter a UOM code
representing the weight measurement (for example, LBS, KG, TONS). The Epicor application then converts the
specified transactional UOM to the base unit of measure in which the inventory quantity is stored.

UOM and UOM Class Code Definition

UOM Maintenance
Use UOM Maintenance to define UOM (Unit of Measure) codes stored in the UOM master file. Examples of
UOM codes include weights and measures such as Cubic Centimeters, Each, Feet, Box and Case.
All UOM codes used in the Epicor application must first be defined in UOM Maintenance before they can be used
in other programs such as UOM Class Maintenance and Part Maintenance.
• For each UOM code you define, you specify how it should print on reports and documents, and designate if
the Epicor application should allow entry of fractional transaction quantities for parts that use the UOM code.
• You also specify the maximum number of decimals that can be entered for the UOM code.
Note For quantities displayed in non-grid fields, you use the Allow Decimals, Decimals, and Rounding
settings in the UOM Maintenance > Detail sheet to designate, for each defined UOM code, the number
of decimals that should display throughout the Epicor application.
For quantities displayed in grid fields, you use the Quantity Display Decimal field in the Company
Configuration > Modules > All Modules > General sheet to designate, by company, how quantities
should display throughout the Epicor application.

UOM Class Maintenance

After defining all required UOM codes, you then use UOM Class Maintenance to define UOM Class codes that
are assigned to parts created in Part Maintenance. A UOM Class codes consists of a defined set or bundle of
alternate UOM codes (for example, Bag, Box, Case, Pallet) that convert to a single base UOM (for example, Each).

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Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

The purpose of this program is to make UOM code assignment in Part Maintenance easier in cases where the
same UOM conversion factors apply to multiple parts. The only required element of a UOM Class code is a base
UOM. It is assigned to each UOM Class code to designate how the Epicor application performs conversion from
each of the assigned alternate unit of measures to the base UOM.
When creating a new UOM Class code, use the Class Type field to select one of the following system-assigned
class types that categorize the type of UOM Class code being defined:
• Length - Contains units of measure used to calculate or denote lengths (for example, feet, centimeters, yards).
• Area - Contains units of measure used to calculate or denote areas (for example, square feet, cubic centimeters,
square yards).
• Weight - Contains units of measure used to calculate or denote weights (for example, pounds, tons, grams).
• Volume - Contains units of measure used to calculate or denote volumes (for example, square feet, cubic
centimeters, square yards).
• Count - Contains units of measure used to calculate or denote counts (for example, each, box, carton).
• Time - Contains units of measure used to calculate or denote times (for example, seconds, minutes, hours).
• Other - Allows for creation of an unlimited number of user-defined UOM Class codes.
• On The Fly - Used in the processing of transactions with on-the-fly part numbers. On-the-fly parts are those
that do not have a standard part record. As the name suggests, you would use on-the-fly parts for "one-off"
type items you sell, quote or produce and for which do not want to establish standard part records.
Using UOM class codes eliminates the need to define the same individual UOM conversions multiple times when
you create parts in Part Maintenance that require the same UOM conversions as other parts.
Example If you stock and sell multiple parts by weight, you can define a single Weight UOM Class code
that contains all possible weight UOM codes you wish to use.
• You then assign that UOM Class code to each part that requires weight unit of measures.
• If you ever need to add additional UOM conversions, you can simply add the new UOM conversions to
the UOM Class code, making the new conversions immediately available to all parts configured to use
that UOM Class code.

Part Maintenance
After defining UOM and UOM class codes, you designate the UOM class code and associated primary UOM codes
for each part in the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.

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Unit of Measure Setup and Processing Unit of Measure Principles and Setup

Unit of Measure ANSI Standards

The following is a listing of some of the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard character codes
for units of measure. Note that because you specify quantities in accompanying Quantity fields throughout the
Epicor application, unit of measure designators that represent multiple quantities (for example, TM - Thousand
Board Feet) are not listed.

AA - Ball AP - Aluminum - Pounds Only AS - Assortment

AY - Assembly B1 - Barrels per Day B8 - Board

BC - Bucket BD - Bundle BE - Beam

BF - Board Feet BI - Bar BL - Block

BM - Bolt BR - Barrel BS - Basket

BU - Bushel BX - Box C6 - Cell

C8 - Cubic Decimeter CA - Case CC - Cubic Centimeter

CF - Cubic Feet CH - Container CI - Cubic Inches

CL - Cylinder CM - Centimeter CN - Can

CR - Cubic Meter CT - Carton CX - Coil

CY - Cubic Yard DB - Dry Pounds DH - Miles

DK - Kilometers DP - Dozen Pair DR - Drum

DT - Dry Ton DZ - Dozen EA - Each

FP - Pounds per Square Feet FT - Foot GA - Gallon

GD - Gross Barrels GG - Dozen Gross GH - Half Gallon

GR - Gram GS - Gross GY - Gross Yard

IC - Counts per Inch IN - Inch KD - Kilograms Decimal

KE - Keg KG - Kilogram KN - Kilometer

KT - Kit LA - Pounds per Cubic Inch LB - Pound

LC - Linear Centimeter LF - Linear Foot LG - Long Ton

LI - Linear Inch LM - Linear Meter LN - Length

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Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

LO - Lot LP - Liquid Pounds LT - Liter

LY - Linear Yard MP - Metric Ton MR - Meter

MS - Square Millimeter MT - Metric Long Ton NL - Load

OZ - Ounce PB - Pair Inches PC - Piece

PH - Pack PK - Package PL - Pallet/Unit Load

RA - Rack RD - Rod RG - Ring

RL - Roll RM - Ream SC - Square Centimeter

SD - Solid Pounds SE - Section SF - Square Foot

SG - Segment SH - Sheet SI - Square Inch

SJ - Sack SL - Sleeve SM - Square Meter

SN - Square Rod SO - Spool SQ - Square

SR - Strip ST - Set SU - Short Ton

SV - Skid SY - Square Yard TB - Tube

TC - Truckload TG - Gross Ton TN - Net Ton (2000 LB)

TV - Thousand Kilograms TY - Tray UN - Unit

YD - Yard

On The Fly UOM Class - Rules and Setup

UOM Classes can be assigned an On The Fly class type, which the Epicor application uses to process transactions
containing On the Fly part numbers.
On the Fly parts are those that do not have a standard part record. As the name suggests, you use On the Fly
parts for items you sell, quote or produce, typically for a single instance, and for which you do not want to create
standard part records.
• These might include items for which you wish calculate dimensions (for example, Linear feet) on a case-by-case
basis for specific orders or quotes, or you configure per customer specification using functions in the
Configuration module.
• Typically, they are items you manufacture on a one time basis (usually per customer request) and do not
regularly stock.

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Unit of Measure Setup and Processing Unit of Measure Principles and Setup

Rules and Conditions

On The Fly type UOM Classes function in a manner different than the system-assigned UOM Class types (Length,
Area, Weight, Volume, Count and Time) and the UOM Class type entitled Other. There are several specific rules
and conditions that affect creation and use of On The Fly type UOM Classes:

1. On The Fly type UOM Classes can only be used for processing of On the Fly parts. They cannot be used in
the UOM Class field in the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet; by definition, those items for which part
records exist are considered standard parts.

2. For On The Fly type UOM Classes, the assigned base UOM is always the considered to be the Inventory UOM
for an On the Fly part. It is also the unit of measure in which an On the Fly part is produced using a job. An
item can be sold or quoted in an alternate unit of measure, but the Epicor application always converts it to
the base UOM when you produce the item on a job.
• For example, if you have assigned LF (Lineal Feet) as the base UOM for an On The Fly type UOM Class,
and have defined and associated alternate UOM codes in varying widths, an On the Fly item can be sold
or quoted in an these alternate units of measure.
• However, for this UOM Class, Epicor application always converts sold quantities for the On the Fly item
to linear feet for production.

3. You can only assign a given UOM code to a single system-assigned (standard) UOM Class, or to a single On
The Fly type UOM Class, but not both.
• For example, a UOM code of Each cannot be assigned to the system-assigned Count UOM Class and
also assigned to the system-assigned Weight UOM Class.
• If assigned to one of the system-assigned UOM Classes, it cannot be assigned to an On The Fly type
UOM Class (and vice versa).
• This restriction does not apply to user-defined UOM Classes with a type of Other. A UOM code that is
associated with an Other type UOM Class can also be assigned to an On The Fly type UOM Class. In fact,
any UOM code can be used and assigned to Other type UOM Classes, regardless of their use on other
UOM Classes.

4. When you associate UOM codes with an On The Fly type Class, the Epicor application enforces the uniqueness
of the associated UOM codes within a single On The Fly type UOM Class, and with respect to other On The
Fly type Classes.
• For example, a user-defined UOM code of WD24 cannot be assigned multiple times within the same On
The Fly type UOM Class, and it can only be associated with one On The Fly type UOM Class.
• This means that if a specific UOM code has already assigned to a specific On The Fly type UOM Class, it
cannot be selected for a newly created one.

5. UOM conversions defined in the Conversion Factor field in the UOM Class Maintenance > UOMs sheet
are always calculated between an alternate UOM code and the base UOM code. The Epicor application does
not perform conversions between alternate UOM codes within the same On The Fly type UOM Class.
• For example, if the base UOM code is LF (Linear Feet), the Epicor application performs conversions between
quantities expressed in one of the alternate units of measure (for example WD24, which might signify
a width of 24) and the base linear feet.
• However, if you have associated another alternate unit of measure (for example, WD8, which might
signify a width of 8) with the On The Fly type UOM Class, the Epicor application does not perform unit
of measure conversions between WD8 and WD24.

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Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

Setup and Example

A company sells and manufacturers custom house siding. It is sold in Square Feet but manufactured in Linear
Feet and comes in 6, 12 and 24 inch widths. Since this custom house siding is manufactured based on the
customer's specifications, On the Fly part numbers can be used during quote or order entry instead of having to
create standard part records for various siding widths.
The corresponding unit of measure conversions can be handled by creating an On The Fly type UOM Class in
UOM Class Maintenance. The associated UOM Conversions within the UOM Class allow for the conversion from
a width to a linear measure; in this case, each width UOM actually represents an "area" of material which, from
a sales perspective, drives pricing but equates to a linear measure for manufacturing purposes.
Define Units of Measure Codes
Prior to defining the UOM Class, use UOM Maintenance to create UOM codes for the follow units of measure:
• Linear Feet. This becomes the base unit of measure for the On The Fly type UOM Class.
• Each of the incremental units of measure denoting the 6, 12 and 24 inch siding widths. For example, these
could be labeled as WD6, WD12 and WD24.
Define On The Fly UOM Classes
A UOM Class (or Classes) must be defined to associate the defined UOM codes and their corresponding conversions.
To do this, create a UOM Class in UOM Class Maintenance containing the following parameters:
• UOM Class: Siding
• Class Type: On The Fly
• Base UOM: LF (Linear Feet)
• Assign Alternate UOMs with the following conversions:

UOM Code Description Operator Conversion Factor Base Equivalent

WD6 6" Width Divide 0.500 2 LF
WD12 12" Width Divide 1.000 1 LF
WD24 24" Width Divide 2.00 .5 LF

What Happens in Order Entry

When a customer places an order for 2000 square feet siding in a 6 inch siding width, you enter it into Order
Entry using the following parameters:
• Part: On the Fly part for the specific order
• Order Quantity: 2000
• Sales UOM: WD6
Using a formula of Length = Area / Width, the Epicor application calculates Linear Footage of 4000 feet:
2000 Square Feet / 0.5 conversion factor for the 6 inch Width
When the Epicor application performs this conversion, it displays 4000 LF in the This Line field in the Order Entry
> Lines > Detail sheet. This is the Inventory Unit of Measure used to produce the siding on a job, and then track
and ship the manufactured inventory to the customer.

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Unit of Measure Setup and Processing Unit of Measure Principles and Setup

Part UOM-UOM Class Code Assignment

After defining UOM and UOM class codes in UOM Maintenance and UOM Class Maintenance, you designate
the UOM class code and associated primary inventory, sales and purchasing UOM codes to each part using the
following fields in the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet:
• UOM Class - Specifies the active UOM Class code being assigned to the part number. The UOM Class, defined
in UOM Class Maintenance, represents a combination of unit of measures that are valid for the part (including
the base UOM), and the factors used to perform conversions to the base UOM. Once a new part has been
assigned a UOM Class and it has been used for any kind of transaction in the Epicor application, it cannot be
Note The Epicor application automatically syncs the UOM Class assigned to a global part from the
parent company to the subscriber company. If UOM related changes are made for the part in the parent
database (for example, a new UOM code is added or an old one is marked as Inactive in UOM Code
Maintenance), they are automatically synced to the child databases.

• Primary UOMs - Inventory - Defines the primary or base inventory UOM (Unit of Measure) code for the
part. It is usually the smallest UOM in which the part would normally be stocked, and is the default UOM for
most inventory-related transactions in the Epicor application. The primary inventory UOM defined for the part
in this field works in conjunction with setting of the Track Multiple UOMs check box to determine how
inventory balances are stored for the part
• Primary UOMs - Purchasing - Defines the primary purchasing UOM for the part. This is the unit of measure
in which this item is normally purchased and is the default UOM for new purchase orders.
• Primary UOMs - Sales - Defines the primary sales UOM for the part. This is the unit of measure in which
this item is normally sold and is the default UOM for new sales orders.
Once a UOM code has been assigned in Part Maintenance, it cannot be changed once inventory exists for the
part, or used in any way.
If the Part Specific check box has been selected in the UOM Class Maintenance > UOMs sheet for the UOM
class code assigned to a part, specific UOM conversion factors can be defined or modified for a part in the Part
Maintenance > Part > UOMs sheet.
Note If you are a Vantage or Vista user upgrading to Epicor 9x, refer to the Epicor Data Upgrade Utility
Guide for detailed information on how Unit of Measure data established in those applications is upgraded
for use in Epicor 9x.

Tracking Inventory in Multiple Units of Measure

The Track Multiple UOMs check box in the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet must be used to specify if
inventory balances for a part should be stored in a single base unit of measure (for example, Each), or if
inventory balances for the part should be stored and tracked in multiple units of measure (for example, Each,
Feet, Inches).
Note Take special care when determining how this check box should be answered for each part. Your
response has a profound impact on how the Epicor application stores inventory for the item! This check
box can be selected for any part at any time. However, once the check box has been selected, it can
only be cleared if no inventory balances exist for the part! This check box is not available for use for
parts flagged as serial tracked.

• Clearing the check box designates that inventory balances for a part are tracked in the base UOM only. The
Epicor application allows you to use and view alternate UOMs for specific transaction programs, however, it
automatically converts the quantity entered for a transaction in an alternate UOM to the base UOM quantity
before it updates any inventory balances. It uses the conversion factors assigned to the UOM class code in

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UOM Class Maintenance, or part-specific conversion factors defined in the Part Maintenance > Part > UOMs
sheet to perform the conversion calculations.This is the default setting that will be used by the vast
majority of users. The following pictorial illustrates how this works:

• Selecting the check box designates that inventory balances for a part are tracked in multiple units of measure.
The Epicor application uses the actual UOM entered for a transaction when updating inventory balances. You
cannot select this check box if the Track Serial Numbers check box has been selected for the part. You can
use any valid UOM code for the assigned UOM class for associated transactions, or to store inventory balances.
When this check box has been selected, the Epicor application does not store or allow entry of negative
inventory quantities. The following pictorial illustrates how this works:

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Unit of Measure Setup and Processing Unit of Measure Principles and Setup

When the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been selected for a part, the UOM Split/Merge program is
available from the Actions menu on all programs that interact with inventory. It allows for breaking and combining
UOM codes. For example, if you have a pallet in inventory and need to break down the pallet into smaller UOMs,
you would use the UOM split transaction.
Example: The base UOM for the part is Each, and the part comes packed 10 each per box. If we receive two
cases and five individual units of the part, the manner in which the resulting inventory quantities are displayed
and reported is dependent on the setting of this check box:
• If this check box has been cleared (inventory quantities tracked in the base UOM only), an inventory report
run after receipt would show that we have 25 Each in stock.
• If this check box has been selected (inventory quantities tracked in multiple UOMs), the inventory for the part
is simultaneously stored in multiple units of measure. An inventory report run after receipt would show that
we have two boxes and five Each in stock. If you need to remove one Each from a box, a special transaction
must be used to break down the box.
Note The Epicor application always uses base UOM code assigned to the part in the Primary UOMs -
Inventory field, regardless of the setting of the Track Multiple UOMs check box when tracking WIP
inventory or calculating PO Suggestions and MRP. When a part is issued to a job and moved into WIP, it
is stored in the PartWIP table in the primary inventory UOM.

How UOM Classes Determine Allowable UOM Code Selections for Transaction Quantity

A UOM Class consists of a defined set or bundle of alternate UOM codes (for example, Bag, Box, Case, Pallet)
that convert to a single base UOM code (for example, Each). When entering transactional quantities (sales order
lines, quote lines or jobs), the Epicor application determines the allowable Unit of Measure (UOM) codes you can
select that denote the unit of measure. The processing that occurs is dependent on whether you enter a standard
or on-the-fly part number for the transaction.

Standard Parts versus On-the-Fly Parts

What is the difference between standard parts and on-the-fly parts?

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Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

Standard parts are those for which you create part records using Part Maintenance.
• Part records include a UOM Class, Inventory Unit of Measure (IUM), default Sales Unit of Measure (SUM) and
default Purchase Unit of Measure (PUM) you designate for the item in the UOM Class and Primary UOMs
fields in Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.
• For example, if you have defined a UOM Class called Count and assigned it to a part record, you can assign
any of the UOM codes associated with that UOM Class as the IUM, SUM and PUM defaults for the part record.
On the Fly parts are those that do not have a standard part record. As the name suggests, you use On the Fly
parts for items you sell, quote or produce, typically for a single instance, and for which you do not want to create
standard part records.
• These might include items for which you wish calculate dimensions (for example, Linear feet) on a case-by-case
basis for specific orders or quotes, or you configure per customer specification using functions in the
Configuration module.
• Typically, they are items you manufacture on a one time basis (usually per customer request) and do not
regularly stock.
When you enter an order line into the Sales Order Entry > Lines > Detail sheet:
• You enter a standard or on-the-fly part number for the ordered item into the Part field.
• Enter the order quantity into the Order Quantity field in the Sales Order Entry > Lines > Detail sheet.
• In the drop-down list to the right of the Order Quantity field, you select the UOM code that designates the
unit of measure in which the order quantity is being expressed.
When you enter a quote line into the Opportunity/Quote Entry > Lines > Detail sheet:
• You enter a standard or on-the-fly part number for the quoted item into the Part field.
• Enter the quote quantity into the Order Quantity field.
• In the drop-down list to the right of the Order Quantity field, you select the UOM code that designates the
unit of measure in which the quote quantity is being expressed.
When you enter a job into Job Entry:
• You enter a standard or on-the-fly part number for the item being produced into the Part field.
• Enter the production quantity into the Production Quantity field.
• In the drop-down list to the right of the Production Quantity field, you select the UOM code that designates
the unit of measure in which the production quantity is expressed.

How UOM Classes Determine Allowable UOM Code Selections for Standard Parts
The logic the Epicor application uses to determine the default UOM code, and allowable UOM code selections
for transaction quantities, is the same whether you enter a quote line, order line or job. This default displays in
the unlabeled field to the immediate right of the transaction quantity fields. It is primarily dependent on whether
you have entered a standard or On the Fly part into the Part field.
If you enter a standard part, the following logic applies:
• For order or quote lines, the displayed default is the UOM code you assign to the part in the Primary UOMs
- Sales field.
• For a job, the default is the UOM code you assign to the part in the Primary UOMs - Inventory field.
• For a purchase order, the default is the UOM code you assign to the part in the Primary UOMs - Purchase

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The Epicor application determines the allowable UOM code selections based on the UOM Class assigned to the
standard part in the UOM Class field in the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.
• If the UOM class assigned to the part record has been defined in the UOM Class Maintenance > Detail sheet
with one of the system-assigned standard class types (Area, Count, Time, Weight or Volume) or an Other
class type, the default UOM code can be overridden with any of the UOM codes you have assigned to that
UOM Class in the UOM Class Maintenance > UOMs sheet.
Example If you assigned the system-assigned Count UOM Class to the part record, you can select any
of the associated UOM codes (for example, Each, Box, Case) that are associated with that UOM Class.

• These are the only selections that appear in the drop-down list.

How UOM Classes Determine Allowable UOM Code Selections for On the Fly Parts
If you have entered an On the Fly part, the default UOM code (that displays in the unlabeled field to the
immediate right of the transaction quantity fields) is dependent on the setting of the System Default check box
in the UOM Class Maintenance > Detail sheet:
• If the System Default check box has been selected for one of your defined UOM classes, the displayed default
is the UOM code (assigned to that UOM class) that has been designated as the default UOM code (the Default
UOM check box has been selected for it in the UOM Class Maintenance > UOMs sheet). In effect, the default
UOM code assigned to the system default UOM class appears but can be overridden.
Example If the Count UOM class is designated as the system default, EA (Each) would display if has
been designated as the default UOM code for the Count UOM class.

• If this check box has not been selected for any of your defined UOM classes, no default UOM code displays
in this field.
You can select one of the following as the unit of measure:
• Any UOM code that is associated with any of the On The Fly type UOM Classes or
• Any of the UOM codes for which a system-assigned standard type (Area, Count, Time, Weight or Volume)
has been defined in the UOM Class Maintenance > Detail sheet.
Note These are the only selections that appear in the drop-down lists to the right of the transaction
quantity fields. UOM codes that are associated with UOM Classes with a type of Other do not appear
in the drop-down lists and cannot be selected as the transaction quantity units of measure.

Unit of Measure Conversions

The unit of measure conversions (if any) the Epicor application performs for a transactional quantity entry are
dependent on whether you select a UOM code associated with an On The Fly type UOM Class, system-assigned
standard type (Area, Count, Time, Weight or Volume), or a user-assigned type of Other).
• If you select a UOM code assigned to an On The Fly UOM Class, the Epicor application performs conversions
from the selected unit of measure to the base unit of measure defined for the UOM Class in the UOM Class
Maintenance > Detail sheet.
Note Refer to the On The Fly Classes - Rules and Setup Example Application help topic for a
detailed example of how this works.

• If you select a UOM code assigned to a UOM Class with a system-assigned standard type, the Epicor application
uses that particular unit of measure as the unit of measure for all related transactions.
Example You select the UOM code for Feet (which is part of the system-assigned standard type Length
UOM Class) as the unit of measure for a quote or order line. The Epicor application uses that unit of

14 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

measure for related inventory, job and purchasing transactions (all are expressed in Feet). No conversions
to a base UOM are performed in this case.

Note When you ship the item, you can specify the shipping quantity in an alternate unit of measure,
as long as it is associated with the same UOM Class. In this example, you can express the shipment
quantity in Yards, if it is a valid unit of measure for the Length UOM class.

Engineering and Manufacturing UOM Processing

The following Engineering and Manufacturing processing is always expressed in the UOM code assigned to the
part in the Primary Inventory - UOMs field in the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet, regardless of the
setting of the Track Multiple UOMs check box:
• Jobs
• Forecasts
• Master Production Scheduling
• PO Suggestions
• PO Contracts
The quantity per amounts in the Method of Manufacture for material and operation content are always expressed
as the quantities required to manufacture one unit of the end-item in its assigned primary inventory UOM.
However, you can use alternate units of measure associated with the assigned UOM class code for materials and
salvaged parts required in a Method of Manufacture.
You are able to issue, receive or return material and assemblies in an alternate UOM.
• However, if the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been cleared for the part, the Epicor application converts
these quantities back to the base primary UOM when storing inventory balances.
• If the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been selected for the part, you can receive a job in any UOM.
The Epicor application then stores inventory balances in the expressed alternate units of measure.

Purchasing UOM Processing

The Our Quantity field in PO Entry allows you to enter the part purchase quantity, expressed in the inventory
unit of measure. The total of the quantities entered for each release make up the Our Qty for each purchase
order line. If you change the quantity, the Epicor application automatically updates the quantity displayed in the
Supplier Qty field, expressed in the supplier's unit of measure.
After entering the quantity, you then select the UOM code that represents the unit of measure (for example,
Each, Case, Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is being expressed.
• For inventory lines, the default is the base UOM code defined for the part in the Primary UOMs - Purchasing
field in Part Maintenance.
• For job and subcontract operation lines, the default is the UOM code defined for the specified job.
• For all other types of lines, the default is the base UOM code defined for the part in the Primary UOMs -
Inventory field in Part Maintenance.
For pricing of each purchase order line, you use the Unit Price field to specify the unit cost of the item purchased.
A default price is displayed from Supplier Price List Maintenance based on the part number and supplier unit of
measure specified for the purchase order line, but it can be overridden. You can also select a "unit price per"
code of:
• /1
• /100

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• /1000

Example You create a purchase order line that you want to purchase in batches of 1000 at a price of $50
per batch. Enter a unit of 50 and select the Price Per option of /1000.

For information about purchase order pricing, refer to Price List UOM Processing.

PO Receipt UOM Processing

The Our Quantity field in Receipt Entry and other receiving programs allow you to enter the quantity received,
expressed in the unit of measure in which you stock the part. .
Based on the type of items being received, the Epicor application updates the following:
• If an inventory receipt, it updates the part master quantity on hand.
• If a job material receipt, it updates job material usage.
• If a subcontract receipt, it updates the subcontract operation quantity completed.
If you change the quantity in this field, the Epicor application automatically updates the quantity displayed in the
Supplier Qty field, expressed in the supplier's unit of measure. If quantity in this field does not equal the Supplier
Qty multiplied by the supplier's unit of measure, a warning message appears when saving the transaction.
After entering the quantity, you select the UOM code that represents the unit of measure (for example, Each,
Case, Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is being expressed. The default is the UOM code assigned to the
purchase order line being received.
• However, if the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been cleared for the part, the Epicor application converts
these quantities back to the base primary UOM when storing inventory balances.
• If the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been selected for the part, you can receive a purchased materials
in any UOM. Provided the alternate unit of measure is one that is associated with the assigned UOM class
code, the Epicor application then stores inventory balances in the expressed alternate units of measure.

Sales Order UOM Processing

The Order Quantity field in Order Entry allows you to enter the quantity of the part that the customer has
ordered. After entering the quantity, select the UOM code that represents the unit of measure (for example,
Each, Case, Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is being expressed. For standard parts, the default is the
base UOM code defined for the part in the Primary UOMs - Sales field in Part Maintenance.
Note For on-the-fly parts, refer to How UOM Class Codes Determine Allowable UOM Code Selections
for Transaction Quantity Entries for more details.

• If the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been cleared for the part in Part Maintenance, you can enter an
order quantity in any UOM code that is associated with the UOM class code assigned to the part in the Part
Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet. However, the inventory is always shipped to the customer in the base
primary UOM defined for the part in the Primary UOMs - Inventory field in the Part Maintenance > Part >
Detail sheet
• If the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been selected for the part, you can enter an order quantity in
any UOM code that is associated with the UOM class code assigned to the part in the UOM Class field in Part
Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet. This becomes the order quantity and UOM code in which the part is
shipped to the customer.
For pricing of each sales order line, you use the Unit Price field to specify the unit cost of the sold item. A default
price is displayed from the Customer Price List program based on the part number and supplier unit of measure
specified for the sales order line, but it can be overridden. You can also select a "unit price per" code of:
• /1

16 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

• /100
• /1000

For information about sales order pricing, refer to Price List UOM Processing.

Price List UOM Processing

The Supplier Price List and Customer Price List programs in the Epicor application provide pricing to purchase
orders and sales orders.
For purchase items, the pricing is based on the primary UOM code defined for the part in the Primary UOMs -
Purchasing field in Part Maintenance. For sales items, the pricing is based on the primary UOM code defined
for the part in the Primary UOMs - Sales field in Part Maintenance. This pictorial illustrates how this works in
the Epicor application:

These become the default prices in the Unit Price on purchase orders or sales orders. No conversions take place
between alternate UOMs that may be associated with the part based on its assigned UOM class code. Any
discounting that takes place is also based on the primary purchase or sales UOM code for the part. For the
specified price, you can also select a "unit price per" code of:
• /1
• /100
• /1000

Example Part ABC123 belongs to the Machine Building product group. The assigned UOM Class code is
Count Measures, and the valid UOMs associated with the assigned UOM Class code are:
• EA - 1 Each
• DZ - 12 Each

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• BX - 24 Each
• CS - 48 Each

Other parameters used in the price calculation are as follows:

• Primary Inventory UOM - EA
• Primary Selling UOM - DZ
• Primary Purchasing UOM - BX
• Sales Unit Price is 24 USD per 1 Dozen (Sales UOM)
Based on these factors, the Epicor application calculates sales pricing as follows:
• For 1 Case, the calculated selling price is 48 USD (2 x 24 USD per 1 Box).
• For 1 Each, the calculated selling price is 2 USD (24 USD per Box / 12 Each per Box).

Unit of Measure Setup

To setup unit of measure coding, you must define parameters in the following programs:

1. Use UOM Maintenance to define UOM (Unit of Measure) codes used in the Epicor application. For each
UOM code you:
• Specify how it should print on reports and documents (what symbol, if any, should be printed).
• Designate if the Epicor application should allow entry of fractional transaction quantities for parts that
use the UOM code.
• Specify the maximum number of decimals that can be entered into a quantity field when using the UOM

2. Use UOM Class Maintenance to define UOM Class codes that are assigned to parts created in Part
Maintenance. The purpose of this program is to make UOM code assignment in Part Maintenance easier in
cases where the same UOM conversion factors apply to multiple parts.
• A UOM Class codes consists of defined set or bundle of alternate UOM codes (for example, Bag, Box,
Case, Pallet) that convert to a single base UOM (for example, Each).
• The only required element of a UOM Class code is the base UOM. It is assigned to each UOM Class code
to designate how the Epicor application performs conversion from each of the assigned alternate unit
of measures to the base UOM.
When creating a new UOM Class code, use the Class Type field to select one of the following system-assigned
class types that categorize the type of UOM Class code being defined:
• Length - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to calculate
or denote lengths (for example, feet, centimeters, yards).
• Area - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to calculate
or denote areas (for example, square feet, cubic centimeters, square yards).
• Weight - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to calculate
or denote weights (for example, pounds, tons, grams).
• Volume - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to
calculate or denote volumes (for example, square feet, cubic centimeters, square yards).
• Count - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to calculate
or denote counts (for example, each, box, carton).

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• Time - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to calculate
or denote times (for example, seconds, minutes, hours).
• Other - Allows for creation of an unlimited number of user-defined UOM Class codes.
• On The Fly - Allows for creation of UOM Class codes used in the processing of transactions with on-the-fly
part numbers. On-the-fly parts are those that do not have a standard part record. As the name suggests,
you would use on-the-fly parts for "one-off" type items you sell, quote or produce and for which do
not want to establish standard part records.

3. Use the following fields in the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet to assign the UOM class code and
associated primary inventory, sales and purchasing UOM codes to each part:
• UOM Class
• Primary UOMs - Inventory
• Primary UOMs - Purchasing
• Primary UOMs - Sales
In the Track Multiple UOMs check box, specify if inventory balances for the part should be stored in a
single base unit of measure (for example, Each), or if inventory balances should be stored and tracked in
multiple units of measure (for example, Each, Feet, Inches).
Note Take special care when determining how this check box should be answered for each part.
Your response has a profound impact on how the Epicor application stores inventory for the item!
This check box can be selected for any part at any time. However, once the check box has been
selected, it can only be cleared if no inventory balances exist for the part! This check box is
not available for use for parts flagged as serial tracked.

4. If the Part Specific check box has been selected in the UOM Class Maintenance > UOMs sheet for the UOM
class code assigned to the part, specific UOM conversion factors can be defined or modified for the part in
the Part Maintenance > Part > UOMs sheet.

UOM Maintenance

Use UOM Maintenance to define UOM (Unit of Measure) codes stored in the UOM master table. These represent
the units of measure in which transaction quantities are expressed in the Epicor application. Examples of UOM
codes include weights and measures such as Cubic Centimeters, Each, Feet, Box and Case.
The Epicor application provides extensive unit of measure support, and also provides you with the ability to
(optionally) track inventory balances for parts in multiple units of measure. This gives the Epicor application the
ability to display transaction quantities per unit of measure.
• All inventory, job, quotation, sales order and purchase order transactions created for a given part require entry
of a UOM code.
• For example, when you enter a weight for transaction, you also enter a UOM code representing the weight
measurement (for example, LBS, KG, TONS).
Before processing transactions for an item, all UOM codes must first be defined in UOM Maintenance and then
assigned to UOM Class codes in UOM Class Maintenance. Once they have been assigned to a UOM Class code,
you assign primary inventory, sales and purchase UOM codes to specific part records using the Part Maintenance
> Part > Detail sheet.
• These represent the base unit of measure in which inventory balances are normally stored for the item, and
the default UOM codes that display when entering quotations, sales orders and purchase orders for the item.

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Example You might inventory and produce an item by single unit (Each), sell it by the Box but purchase
it by the Case. You would define UOM codes for each of three units of measure, associate it with a
UOM Class code (in UOM Class Maintenance) and then assign it to the part record.

• When processing transactions for the item, the Epicor application would then use the UOM code presenting
Each as the default unit of measure for inventory quantity balances and production quantities.
When selling or quoting the same item, it would display the UOM code representing a Box as the default unit
of measure.
When you purchase the item from a supplier, it would display the UOM code presenting a Case as the default
unit of measure; these default UOM codes can be overridden as needed for specific transactions.
• Once a UOM code has been assigned in Part Maintenance, it cannot be changed once inventory balances
exists for the part, or used in any way.
• Once a UOM code has been created it cannot be deleted, but can marked as Inactive to prevent further use
in the Epicor application.

Note For quantities displayed in non-grid fields, you use the Allow Decimals, Decimals, and Rounding
settings in the UOM Maintenance > Detail sheet to designate, for each defined UOM code, the number
of decimals that should display throughout the Epicor application.
For quantities displayed in grid fields, you use the Quantity Display Decimal field in the Company
Configuration > Modules > All Modules > General sheet to designate, by company, how quantities
should display throughout the Epicor application.

Note Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) only supports two character UOM codes. If you plan on using the
EDI Import or EDI Export programs, you should limit the length of the UOM codes you create in this program
to a maximum of two characters. Creation of UOM codes in excess of two characters in length would
require customization of the EDI Import and EDI Export programs to handle processing of the longer UOM

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > UOM
• Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > Setup > UOM
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > UOM
• Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > UOM
• Production Management > Engineering > Setup > UOM
• Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > UOM

Detail Fields
Unit of Measure Maintenance

Fields for the current sheet are listed on this topic.

Some fields on the interface have a context menu, which is indicated by a triangle in the upper right corner of
the field. To open the context menu, right-click on the field.

20 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

When you first create a UOM code, this check box appears as selected, and the Active indicator also appears as
highlighted. This denotes that the UOM code is active, meaning that it can be assigned to individual parts and
transactions throughout the Epicor application.
• To inactivate a UOM code and prevent it from being assigned to parts or transactions, clear the check box.
When you do this, an Inactive indicator appears in place of Active. With the exception of printing on reports,
inactive UOM codes can no longer be used in the Epicor application.
• When you attempt the clear this check box, the Epicor application performs a series of validations to ensure
that the UOM code status change does not adversely impact inventory transactions. It allows inactivation of
a UOM code only if no inventory balances exist that are expressed in that particular unit of measure. For
example, if UOM code FT (Feet) is being inactivated, no inventory balances must exist that are expressed in
that UOM code.
After verifying this, it also performs the following validations and allows the inactivation only if the UOM code
is not
• A base UOM code for any active part.
• A primary inventory, sales, purchase or job UOM code for any part.
• Used in a conversion for any active UOM class codes. Refer to UOM Class Maintenance for more details.
• Used on any open orders or jobs.

Allow Decimals
Designates if the Epicor application should allow entry of fractional transaction quantities for parts that use this
UOM code. If this check box is cleared, only whole transaction quantities can be entered for parts that use this
UOM code. If the check box is selected, fractional transaction quantities, conforming to the maximum decimals
setting defined in the Decimal field, can be entered for parts that use this UOM code.
Note For quantities displayed in non-grid fields, you use the Allow Decimals, Decimals, and Rounding
settings in the UOM Maintenance > Detail sheet to designate, for each defined UOM code, the number
of decimals that should display throughout the Epicor application.
For quantities displayed in grid fields, you use the Quantity Display Decimal field in the Company
Configuration > Modules > All Modules > General sheet to designate, by company, how quantities
should display throughout the Epicor application.

If the Allow Decimals check box has been selected, this identifies the maximum number of decimals that can
be entered for the UOM code. This works in conjunction with the Rounding field to determine how (and if) the
Epicor application rounds calculated UOM transactional quantities.
Example If you enter 2, only fractional transaction quantities, up to two decimals in length, can be entered
for parts that use this UOM code. An error message is displayed if you attempt to enter quantity such as
2.575 for a transaction. .

Note For quantities displayed in non-grid fields, you use the Allow Decimals, Decimals, and Rounding
settings in the UOM Maintenance > Detail sheet to designate, for each defined UOM code, the number
of decimals that should display throughout the Epicor application.
For quantities displayed in grid fields, you use the Quantity Display Decimal field in the Company
Configuration > Modules > All Modules > General sheet to designate, by company, how quantities
should display throughout the Epicor application.

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Describes the unit of measure being defined. If creating a new UOM code, enter a description of the unit of
measure (for example, Each, Foot, Cubic Centimeters).

Specifies how or if the Epicor application should round transactional quantities for the associated UOM code:
• Round Up - Round up fractional quantities.
• Round Down - Round down fractional quantities.
• No Rounding - Do not round fractional quantities; simply display numbers up to the stated number of decimal
places, as designated in the Decimals field.
• Math Rounding - Use standard math rounding.
The Epicor application performs transactional quantity rounding for the UOM code based on:
• the rounding option selected in this field,
• the UOM transactional quantity,
• the number of decimals that are allowed after the decimal point, as stated in the Decimals field.
The following are examples for each rounding option (Round Up, Round Down and Math Rounding):

Round Up
The Epicor application always rounds UOM transactional quantities up to the nearest valid value. If you select
Round Up in the Rounding field, and set the Decimal field to 2, this results in the following conversion results
for UOM code transactional quantities:
• 5.454 is rounded up to 5.46
• 5.455 is rounded up to 5.46
• 5.456 is rounded up to 5.46
If you select Round Up in the Rounding field, and set the Decimal field is set to 0 (no decimal places), this
results in the following conversion results for UOM code transactional quantities:
• 5.4 is rounded up to 6
• 5.5 is rounded up to 6
• 5.6 is rounded up to 6

Round Down
The Epicor application always rounds UOM transactional quantities down to the nearest valid value. If you select
Round Down in the Rounding field, and set the Decimal field to 2, this results in the following conversion
results for UOM code transactional quantities:
• 5.454 is rounded down to 5.45
• 5.455 is rounded down to 5.45
• 5.456 is rounded down to 5.45
If you select Round Down in the Rounding field, and set the Decimal field is set to 0 (no decimal places), this
results in the following conversion results for UOM code transactional quantities:
• 5.4 is rounded down to 5
• 5.455 is rounded down to 5
• 5.456 is rounded down to 5

22 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

Math Rounding
This is standard math rounding. If you select Math Rounding in the Rounding field, and set the Decimal field
to 2, this results in the following conversion results for UOM code transactional quantities:
• 5.454 is rounded down to 5.45
• 5.455 is rounded up to 5.46
• 5.456 is rounded up to 5.46
If you select Math Rounding in the Rounding field, and set the Decimal field to 0 (no decimal places), this
results in the following transactional quantity conversion results for the UOM code:
• 5.4 is rounded down to 5
• 5.5 is rounded up to 6
• 5.6 is rounded up to 6
Note For quantities displayed in non-grid fields, you use the Allow Decimals, Decimals, and Rounding
settings in the UOM Maintenance > Detail sheet to designate, for each defined UOM code, the number
of decimals that should display throughout the Epicor application.
For quantities displayed in grid fields, you use the Quantity Display Decimal field in the Company
Configuration > Modules > All Modules > General sheet to designate, by company, how quantities
should display throughout the Epicor application.

Identifies how the UOM code should print on reports and documents throughout the Epicor application. For
example, the UOM code for square meters may be SQM, but if Sq Mtrs is entered into this field, it prints as the
literal representation for the SQM UOM code on reports and documents.

Identifies the UOM (Unit of Measure) code being defined. If creating a new UOM code, enter a unique set of
characters that identify the unit of measure. For example:
• EA - Each
• FT - Foot
• CC - Cubic Centimeters
• GRM - Grams
• LBS - Pounds
Refer to Unit of Measure ANSI Standards for a listing of some of the ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
standard character codes for units of measure.
Note Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) only supports two-character UOM codes. If you plan on using the
EDI Import or EDI Export programs, you should limit the length of the UOM codes you create in this program
to a maximum of two characters in length. Creation of UOM codes in excess of two characters would
require customization of the EDI Import and EDI Export programs to handle processing of the longer UOM

Click this button to search for existing records. This search program retrieves the record type displayed on the
button label.

Epicor ERP | 10.1.600 23

Unit of Measure Setup and Processing Unit of Measure Principles and Setup

Unit of Measure ANSI Standards

The following is a listing of some of the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard character codes
for units of measure. Note that because you specify quantities in accompanying Quantity fields throughout the
Epicor application, unit of measure designators that represent multiple quantities (for example, TM - Thousand
Board Feet) are not listed.

AA - Ball AP - Aluminum - Pounds Only AS - Assortment

AY - Assembly B1 - Barrels per Day B8 - Board

BC - Bucket BD - Bundle BE - Beam

BF - Board Feet BI - Bar BL - Block

BM - Bolt BR - Barrel BS - Basket

BU - Bushel BX - Box C6 - Cell

C8 - Cubic Decimeter CA - Case CC - Cubic Centimeter

CF - Cubic Feet CH - Container CI - Cubic Inches

CL - Cylinder CM - Centimeter CN - Can

CR - Cubic Meter CT - Carton CX - Coil

CY - Cubic Yard DB - Dry Pounds DH - Miles

DK - Kilometers DP - Dozen Pair DR - Drum

DT - Dry Ton DZ - Dozen EA - Each

FP - Pounds per Square Feet FT - Foot GA - Gallon

GD - Gross Barrels GG - Dozen Gross GH - Half Gallon

GR - Gram GS - Gross GY - Gross Yard

IC - Counts per Inch IN - Inch KD - Kilograms Decimal

KE - Keg KG - Kilogram KN - Kilometer

KT - Kit LA - Pounds per Cubic Inch LB - Pound

LC - Linear Centimeter LF - Linear Foot LG - Long Ton

LI - Linear Inch LM - Linear Meter LN - Length

24 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

LO - Lot LP - Liquid Pounds LT - Liter

LY - Linear Yard MP - Metric Ton MR - Meter

MS - Square Millimeter MT - Metric Long Ton NL - Load

OZ - Ounce PB - Pair Inches PC - Piece

PH - Pack PK - Package PL - Pallet/Unit Load

RA - Rack RD - Rod RG - Ring

RL - Roll RM - Ream SC - Square Centimeter

SD - Solid Pounds SE - Section SF - Square Foot

SG - Segment SH - Sheet SI - Square Inch

SJ - Sack SL - Sleeve SM - Square Meter

SN - Square Rod SO - Spool SQ - Square

SR - Strip ST - Set SU - Short Ton

SV - Skid SY - Square Yard TB - Tube

TC - Truckload TG - Gross Ton TN - Net Ton (2000 LB)

TV - Thousand Kilograms TY - Tray UN - Unit

YD - Yard

Add a UOM code

1. From the New menu, click New.

2. In the UOM and Description fields, enter a code (for example, EA - Each, FT - Feet, TON - Ton, CC - Cubic
Centimeters) and description for the unit of measure you are defining. Refer to Unit of Measure ANSI
Standards for a listing of some of the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard character codes
for units of measure.

3. In the Symbol field, specify how the UOM code should print on reports and documents throughout the
Epicor application.

4. Select the Allow Decimals check box if the Epicor application should allow entry of fractional transaction
quantities for parts that use this UOM code.

5. If the Allow Decimals check box has been selected, specify the maximum number of decimals that can be
entered for the UOM code.

Epicor ERP | 10.1.600 25

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6. Click Save.

Edit a UOM code

1. Enter the ID of the UOM code you wish to edit in the UOM field, or click UOM or Search to bring up the
UOM Search window where you can browse for the correct UOM code.

2. Edit the associated information as required.

3. Click Save after making all required updates.

Inactivate a UOM code

1. Enter the ID of the UOM code you wish to inactivate in the UOM field, or click UOM or Search to bring up
the UOM Search window where you can browse for the correct UOM code.

2. To inactivate a UOM code and prevent it from being assigned to parts or transactions, clear the Active
check box. The Epicor application performs a series validations to ensure that the UOM code status change
does not adversely impact inventory transactions. Refer to the Active field help for more details.

3. Click Save after inactivating the UOM code.

UOM Class Maintenance

Use UOM Class Maintenance to define Unit of Measure (UOM) Classes that are assigned to parts in the Part
Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet, or are used for parts created on-the-fly. A UOM Class consists of a defined
set or bundle of alternate UOM codes (for example, Bag, Box, Case, Pallet) that convert to a single base UOM
(for example, Each). You must first define the UOM codes entered using UOM Maintenance.
The graphic below shows the UOM structure.

The only required element for a UOM Class is assignment of a base UOM code. You assign a base UOM code to
each UOM Class to designate how the Epicor application performs conversion from each of the assigned alternate
units of measure to the base UOM. The purpose of this program is to make UOM code assignment in Part
Maintenance easier in cases where the same UOM conversion factors apply to multiple parts.

26 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

UOM Class Maintenance eliminates the need to define the same individual UOM conversions multiple times when
you create parts in Part Maintenance that require the same UOM conversions as other parts.
• For example, if you stock and sell multiple parts by weight, you can define a single weight UOM Class that
contains possible weight UOM codes you wish to use.
• You then assign that UOM Class to each part that requires weight UOMs.
• If you ever need to add additional UOM conversions, you can add the new UOM conversions to the UOM
Class, making the new conversions available to the parts configured to use that UOM Class.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > UOM Class
• Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > Setup > UOM Class
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > UOM Class
• Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > UOM Class
• Production Management > Engineering > Setup > UOM Class
• Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > UOM Class


Use the Detail sheet to define the UOM Class and associated information such as the description, class type and
to designate if it is the default UOM Class that displays when assign UOM Class codes in Part Maintenance.

UOM Class Maintenance - Detail - What to Do

The following topics explain how to use the functionality on this sheet.

Add a UOM Class

1. From the New menu, click New UOM Class.

2. In the Class ID and Description fields, enter a UOM Class, and description for the UOM Class you are
The Class ID assigned is dependent on the class type you select in the Class Type field. With the exception
of the Other and On The Fly class types, you can only define one UOM Class for each of the system-assigned
class types codes (see the Class Type field help for more details).

3. In the Class Type field, select one of system-assigned or user-defined class types (Other or On-the-Fly) that
categorize the type of UOM Class.

4. In the System Default check box, indicate whether this UOM Class is the default for the UOM Class field
in the Part Maintenance > Detail sheet when creating new parts.

5. Click Save.

Edit a UOM Class code

1. Enter the identifier of the record you wish to edit in the ID field or click the Search button to find and select
the desired record.

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2. Edit the record.

Review the Fields topic for information on each field.

3. When complete, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

The record is updated within your database.

Inactivate or Delete a UOM Class

Important You only delete a UOM Class record if it is not used on another record.

1. Enter the identifier of the record you want to delete in the ID field or click the Search button to find and
select the desired record.

2. To inactivate a UOM code to prevent its assignment to part records, clear the Active check box.
A UOM Class can only be inactivated if it is not currently selected on any active part, and it is not one of
the system-assigned UOM Classes (refer to the Class Type field). With the exception of printing on reports,
you can no longer use inactive UOM Classes in the Epicor application.

3. If you want to delete the UOM Class, click Delete on the Standard toolbar.

The record is removed from your database.

UOM Class Maintenance - Detail Fields

Fields for the current sheet are listed on this topic.

Some fields on the interface have a context menu, which is indicated by a triangle in the upper right corner of
the field. To open the context menu, right-click on the field.

Denotes that the UOM Class code is active, meaning that it can be assigned to individual parts. When you first
create a new UOM Class code, this check box appears as selected, and the Active indicator also appears as
To inactivate a UOM Class code and prevent it from being assigned to parts, clear the check box. When you do
this, and Inactive indicator appears in place of Active. A UOM Class code can only be inactivated if it is not
currently selected on any active part, and it is not one of the system-assigned UOM Class codes (refer to the
Class Type field). With the exception of printing on reports, inactive UOM Class codes can no longer be used in
the Epicor application.

Class ID
Identifies the UOM (Unit of Measure) Class code being defined. If creating a new UOM Class code, specify the
ID being assigned. The Class ID assigned is dependent on the class type selected in the Class Type field. With
the exception of the Other class type, only one UOM Class code can be defined for each of the system-assigned
class types codes (see Class Type field help):
• Length
• Area
• Weight
• Volume
• Count

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• Time
If creating a new UOM Class code with a type of Other, enter a unique set of characters that identify the unit
of measure (for example, SHEET for Sheet Stock, BAR for Bar Stock).

Class Type
Identifies the classification type to which the UOM Class code being defined. When creating a new UOM Class
code, select one of the following system-assigned class types that categorize the type of UOM Class code being
• Length - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to calculate
or denote lengths (for example, feet, centimeters, yards).
• Area - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to calculate or
denote areas (for example, square feet, cubic centimeters, square yards).
• Weight - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to calculate
or denote weights (for example, pounds, tons, grams).
• Volume - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to calculate
or denote volumes (for example, square feet, cubic centimeters, square yards).
• Count - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to calculate or
denote counts (for example, each, box, carton).
• Time - Allows for definition of a single UOM Class code that contains units of measure used to calculate or
denote times (for example, seconds, minutes, hours).
• Other - Allows for creation of an unlimited number of user-defined UOM Class codes.
With the exception of Other, only one UOM Class code can be defined for each of the system-assigned UOM
Class types codes. The Epicor application uses the system-assigned UOM Class type code for special processing.
For example, it uses the Weight UOM class to assign weights to parts at the Part Master level.

Describes the UOM class code being defined. If creating a new UOM Class code, enter a short description (for
example, Length, Weight, Measurement).

System Default
Indicates whether this UOM Class code is the default for the UOM Class field in the Part Maintenance - Detail
sheet when creating new parts. For example, select this check box for the Count UOM Class code if you are
assigning this UOM Class code most frequently when creating new parts in Part Maintenance. Clear the check
box if this UOM Class code is not being designated as the system default.


Use the UOMs sheet to associate specific UOM (unit of measure) codes with the UOM Class you are defining.
You must first define UOM codes in UOM Maintenance before you can enter them on this sheet.
A UOM Class consists of a defined set or bundle of alternate UOM codes (for example, Bag, Box, Case, Pallet)
that convert to a single base UOM (for example, Each). Part Maintenance requires entry of a UOM Class containing
a base UOM code for every part tracked within the Epicor application. It is user assigned when you create a
standard part, and cannot be changed once inventory balances exist for the part.
• A base UOM code must be assigned in every UOM Class defined in this sheet - it is the only required element.
It designates how the Epicor application performs conversions from each of the assigned unit of measures to
the base UOM.

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• The base UOM is the unit of measure used to store inventory for the part, unless the Track Multiple UOMs
check box is selected in the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet. In this case, the Epicor application
stores inventory balances for the part in multiple units of measure.
• Methods of manufacture use the base UOM assigned to the part in its production. Raw materials the comprise
the method of manufacture can be entered in any UOM that is valid for each raw material part. When inventory
is received from a job, it can be received in any valid UOM for the finished good.
• In the Material Requirements Planning module, the Epicor application calculates material requirements for a
part in its assigned base UOM.
All conversions factors that you define in this sheet are for conversion from an alternate UOM back to the base
UOM. When converting from one unit of measure to another, the calculation first converts to the base UOM,
and then to the desired unit of measure within the UOM Class. This allows for conversion from one UOM to any
other UOM assigned to the part, without predefined paths of conversions.

Part: A
Base UOM assigned to UOM Class: Each

Alternate UOM Conversion to Base UOM

Bag 2

Box 4

Case 10

Pallet 100

When you define the UOM class in this manner, the Epicor application calculates the following conversions for
parts assigned to this UOM Class:
• 1 Bag = 2 Each
• 3 Bag = 6 Each
• 1 Box = 4 Each
• 1 Case = 10 Each = 5 Bags (since there are 2 each per bag)
• 2 Cases = 20 Each = 5 Box (since there are 4 each per box)
• 1 Pallet = 100 Each = 25 Box (since there are 4 each per box)
• 4 Pallets = 400 Each = 200 Bag (since there are 2 each per bag)
Note If the Epicor application is performing a conversion to the base UOM, it performs a direct calculation.
However, when it converts between alternate UOMs, it always performs a conversion to the base UOM

Package Code Assignments

If you are using Package Control functions, you can assign active package codes (defined in Package Code
Maintenance) to specific units of measure associated with the UOM class. This allows you to designate the type
of packaging that should be used for transactions expressed in a given unit of measure.
Example You assign package codes to UOM codes in the Count UOM class. These consist of various count
measurements (Each, Box, Pallet). For the UOM code representing Each, you designate that the item should

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be packed using a package that represents a single-unit box. For the UOM code representing Box, you
designate that transactions expressed in a box quantity are packaged in a multi-unit box. You cannot assign
the package code to more than one of these unit measurements.

Note You can change the packaging code - UOM code associations in the UOMs > Detail or List sheets
at any time. Any changes you make are only reflected in new parts for which you assign the UOM class in
the UOM Class and accompanying UOM fields in the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.

UOM Class Maintenance - UOMs Fields

Fields for the current sheet are listed on this topic.

Some fields on the interface have a context menu, which is indicated by a triangle in the upper right corner of
the field. To open the context menu, right-click on the field.

When you first create a new UOM Class code, this check box appears as selected, and the Active indicator also
appears as highlighted. This denotes that the UOM Class code is active, meaning that it can be assigned to
individual parts.
To inactivate a UOM Class code and prevent it from being assigned to parts, clear the check box. When you do
this, the Inactive indicator appears in place of Active. A UOM Class code can only be inactivated if it is not
currently selected on any active part, and it is not one of the system-assigned UOM Class codes (refer to the
Class Type field). With the exception of printing on reports, inactive UOM Class codes can no longer be used in
the Epicor application.

Base UOM
Identifies if the UOM code selected in the UOM Code field is the base unit of measure for this UOM Class code.
Select the check box to designate the corresponding UOM code entered in the UOM Code field as the base
UOM. The first UOM code entered for a UOM Class is automatically designated as the base UOM code. This
designation can be manually changed by use of this check box. Normally, the base UOM is the smallest UOM
within the class; however, this is only a suggestion and not a rule enforced by the Epicor application.
Once a UOM code has been designated as the base UOM code for the UOM Class, this check box appears as
inactive when entering the remaining alternate UOM codes that comprise the UOM Class.

Conversion Factor
Identifies the factor used by the Epicor application to calculate the quantity conversion between the UOM code
and base UOM. This field is inactive if the Base UOM or Part Specific check boxes have been selected for the
UOM code. This field consists of three components:
• The first component displays the UOM code previously entered into the UOM Code field, and the third
component displays the base UOM code. Both these components are display only.
• The second component allows you to express the factor used to convert one unit of the specified UOM code
to one unit of the base UOM.

If the base UOM is Each, and ten units are packed to a Case, you would enter 10 as the conversion factor when
you express the conversion from Case to Each.
If the base UOM is Pounds, you would enter 2000 as the conversion factor when you express the conversion
from a Ton to Pounds.

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Important Note that once a conversion factor has been used in the Epicor application, it cannot be
changed. However, the use of the UOM code itself can be inactivated by clearing the Active check box.
Once a UOM code been inactivated, click New UOM Conversion on the File menu, and then enter a
new alternate UOM code with a new conversion factor.

Default UOM
Identifies if the UOM code selected in the UOM Code field is the default unit of measure for this UOM Class
code. Select the check box to designate it as the default. Only one UOM within a UOM class can be designated
as the default UOM.
When you assign this UOM Class code to a new part being created in Part Maintenance, this is the default UOM
code in the Primary UOMs - Inventory, Primary UOMs - Sales and Primary UOMs - Purchasing fields in
the Part Maintenance - Detail sheet. The default UOM codes in these fields can then be changed as needed for
the part.
Once a UOM code has been designated as the default UOM code for the UOM Class, this check box appears as
inactive when entering the remaining UOM codes that comprise the UOM Class.

Identifies the UOM code being assigned to the UOM Class. The default comes from the description assigned to
the UOM code in UOM Maintenance and cannot be overridden.

Part Specific
If Other was selected in the Class Type field in the UOM Class Maintenance - Detail sheet, select this check box
to create a UOM class with multiple UOM codes but with no conversion factors. This specifies that the factor
used to calculate the conversion of the UOM code to the base UOM is part-specific (that is, varies from part to
part). This allows you to use the UOM Class code specified in the in Part Maintenance, but express specific
conversion factors per part in the Part Maintenance - UOMs sheet.
Note You cannot designate the base UOM code as being part specific. This is the UOM code for which
the Base UOM check box has been selected.

Clear the check box if you wish to express a conversion factor that travels with the UOM Class code (that is, does
not vary from part to part).

UOM Class ID
Displays the UOM Class code that was selected in the Detail sheet. This field is for display only.

UOM Code
Select each of the UOM codes that comprise the UOM Class code being defined. A UOM Class code consists of
defined set or bundle of alternate UOM codes (for example, Bag, Box, Case, Pallet) that convert to a single base
UOM (for example, Each).
A base UOM code, or a UOM Class code containing a base UOM code, must be assigned to every part tracked
within the Epicor application. Only one UOM code within a UOM class can be designated as the base UOM by
selecting the Base UOM Flag check box. As you build the UOM Class code with each of the selected UOM
codes, they appear in the UOM Class tree in the program.

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UOM Class Maintenance - UOMs - What to Do

The following topics explain how to use the functionality on this sheet.

Add a UOM code to the UOM Class

1. From the File menu, click New UOM Conversion.

2. In the UOM Code field, select the primary UOM code that comprises the UOM Class being defined. This is
the unit of measure to which the other associated UOM codes translate. For example, if you specify Each
as the primary UOM code, it denotes that all other UOM codes associated with this class (for example, Box,
Pallet) translate to each, based on their specified conversion factors.

3. Select the Base UOM check box to designate the specified UOM code as the base UOM. Normally, the base
UOM is the smallest UOM within the class; however, this is only a suggestion and not a rule enforced by
the Epicor application. Clear the check box if this is not the base UOM for the UOM Class being defined.

4. Select the Default UOM check box to designate the specified UOM code as the default UOM for the UOM
Class being defined. Clear the check box if this is not the default UOM for the UOM Class being defined.
Only one UOM within a UOM class can be designated as the default UOM.

5. (Optional) If you are using Package Control ID (PCID) functions, you can use the Package Code field to
assign active package codes (defined in Package Code Maintenance) to specific units of measure associated
with the UOM class. This allows you designate the type of packaging that should be used for transactions
expressed in a given unit of measure. You cannot associate the same package code with more than one
UOM code in a given UOM class.

6. Select the Default check box if this is the default package code for the UOM class.

7. Use the Display Sequence field to indicate the display sequence for the package. The display sequence
you assign controls the selection or drop down list sequencing when a transaction field prompts for entry
of package code. Package codes display in sequential order, starting at one (1).

8. Click Save.

Edit a UOM code assigned to the UOM Class

1. Select UOM code you wish to edit in the UOM Code field.

2. Edit the associated information as required.

3. Click Save after making all required updates.

Inactivate an assigned UOM code

1. Enter the ID of the UOM code you wish to inactivate in the UOM Code field.

2. To inactivate a UOM code and prevent it from being assigned to parts or transactions, clear the Active
check box. The Epicor application performs a series validations to ensure that the UOM code status change
does not adversely impact inventory transactions. Refer to the Active field help for more details.

3. Click Save after inactivating the UOM code.

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Part Maintenance

Use Part Maintenance to establish or update part information. Parts are items purchased for use as raw material,
made to use as subassemblies, or built as finished items to fill orders.
Note This document does not contain help content for all Part Maintenance sheets and fields; it only
contains content for those sheets and fields that are directly related to Unit of Measure processing. Refer
to the Application Help for detailed information on use of other Part Maintenance functions.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Part
• Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > Setup > Part
• Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Part
• Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > Setup > Part
• Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Part
• Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Part
• Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > Setup > Part
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Part
• Sales Management > Configurator Management > Setup > Part
• Sales Management > Demand Management > Setup > Part
• Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Part
• Service Management > Field Service > Setup > Part

Part Maintenance - Part - Detail

Use this sheet to set up new part master records and to modify the main details of existing part master records.
Note This document does not contain help content for all Part Maintenance - Part - Detail sheet fields;
it only contains content for those fields that are directly related to Unit of Measure processing. Refer to
the Application Help for detailed information on use of other Part - Detail sheet fields.

Part Maintenance - Part Detail - What to Do

The following topics explain how to use the functionality on this sheet.

Add a Part Record

1. While on this sheet, click New in the Standard Toolbar to open up fields for data entry.

2. Alternately, click the down arrow next to New, and select New Part from the menu.

Edit a Part record

1. Enter the identifier of the record you wish to edit in the ID field or click the Search button to find and select
the desired record.

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2. Edit the record.

Review the Fields topic for information on each field.

3. When complete, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

The record is updated within your database.

Delete a Part Record

Important You cannot delete a record if it is used on another record. For example, if a customer record
is on an AR invoice, you cannot delete the customer record.

1. Enter the identifier of the record you wish to delete in the ID field or click the Search button to find and
select the desired record.

2. When the record appears, click Delete on the Standard toolbar.

The record is removed from your database.

Part Maintenance-Detail Fields

Fields for the current sheet are listed on this topic.

Some fields on the interface have a context menu, which is indicated by a triangle in the upper right corner of
the field. To open the context menu, right-click on the field.

Select this check box to indicate that the part can be used among several companies, and can have its record
sent from one company to another. The Global button to the left appears as highlighted (the default highlight
color is green) when this check box has been selected. Some fields on this part record may not be available when
this check box has been selected. You define which global fields are active through the Global Table Maintenance
Important The Costing Method specified for a part with a quantity on hand cannot be updated via Global
Update, even if marked as Global.

Global Lock
If a part has been designated as Global, selecting this check box indicates that it cannot receive updates from
other companies. Leave the check box cleared if the part can receive updates from other companies.
Example Most of your parts are used across all of your companies, and you wish to keep them synchronized.
However, part DCD-100-SP is fundamentally different from the DCD-100-SP that other companies are
using. By selecting this check box, your version of this record will not be affected when you use the sheet.

Sales Unit Price

Identifies the price at which you ordinarily sell this part. You do not need to enter a sales unit price; you should
only enter it if this is a part you sell on a routine basis. This is the sales price for one part, for every one hundred
parts, or for every one thousand parts, expressed in unit of measure defined for the part in the Primary Sales
UOM field. Once you have entered the sales price, select the number of sold units that the price represents:
• /1 - Sales price is per single unit.
• /100 - Sales price is per one hundred units.

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• /1000 - Sales price is per one thousand units.

This is the default price used for this part when entering a sales order. The Epicor application modifies this price
based any price breaks you enter in the order.
Example You ordinarily sell Part 1000ABC in batches of 100, at a price of $250.00 per batch. You enter
the part, assign it a unit price of 250, and mark this price as per hundred. When you take an order from
a customer for 300 pieces of this part, and enter the part number in the sales order, 250 per each hundred
price appears as the default unit price, and the Epicor application calculates a total price of $750.00 (250
* 300 / 100 = 750).

Primary UOMs - Inventory

After specifying the UOM Class code in the UOM Class field, select the primary or base inventory UOM (Unit of
Measure) code for the part. For example:
• EA - Each
• LB - Pound
• SH - Sheet

This is usually the smallest UOM in which the part would normally be stocked, and is the default UOM for most
inventory related transactions in the Epicor application. The default for this field is the UOM code for which the
Base UOM check box has been selected in the UOM Class Maintenance - UOMs sheet.
The primary inventory UOM defined for the part in this field works in conjunction with setting of the Track
Multiple UOMs check box to determine how inventory balances are stored for the part:
• If the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been cleared, the Epicor application stores inventory balances
for this part in the specified UOM. This is unit of measure in which you stock this part. For example, For
example, if you specify Feet in this field, the Epicor application stores inventory balances for the part in feet.
• If the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been selected, the Epicor application stores WIP inventory balances
for this part in this UOM. For example, if you specify Feet in this field, the Epicor application stores WIP
inventory balances for the part in feet.
• Refer to the the Track Multiple UOMs help for more details.
For each part, you can also define separate purchasing and sales units of measure.

Internal Price
Identifies the price used when this part is transferred from stock in one site to a job in another site. This is the
internal price for one part, for every one hundred parts, or for every one thousand parts. The Multi-Site license
must be installed to use this field.
Once you have entered the internal price, select the number of units that the internal price represents:
• /1 - Internal price is per single unit.
• /100 - Internal price is per one hundred units.
• /1000 - Internal price is per one thousand units.
Example You specify an internal price for Part 123. When stock for Part 123 is transferred from site A for
a job being completed in site B, the Epicor application uses the specified internal price for the transaction.

Price Per
Indicates the internal pricing per quantity for this part. It can be "E" = per each, "C" = per hundred, "M" = per
thousand. Maintainable only via Part Maintenance. The initial default is "E".

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Primary UOM - Sales

After specifying the UOM Class code in the UOM Class field, select the primary sales and quotes UOM for the
part. This is the unit of measure in which this item is normally sold or quoted, and is the default UOM for new
sales order and quote lines. It also becomes the default UOM for the sales unit price for the item.
The default for this field is the UOM code for which the Default UOM check box has been selected in the UOM
Class Maintenance - UOMs sheet. It can be overridden for specific sales order or quote items.

UOM Class
Select the active UOM Class code to assign to this part number, or right-click to launch the UOM Class Maintenance
program to create a new UOM class or edit an existing one. The UOM Class, defined in UOM Class Maintenance,
represents a combination of unit of measures that are valid for the part (including the base UOM), and the factors
used to perform conversions to the base UOM. Once a a new part has been assigned a UOM Class and it has
been used for any kind of transaction in the Epicor application, it cannot be changed.
Note The Epicor application automatically syncs the UOM Class assigned to a global part from the parent
company to the subscriber company. If UOM related changes are made for the part in the parent database
(for example, a new UOM code is added or an old one is marked as Inactive in UOM Code Maintenance),
they are automatically synced to the child databases.

Primary UOM - Purchasing

After specifying the UOM Class code in the UOM Class field, select the primary purchasing UOM for the part.
This is the unit of measure in which this item is normally purchased and is the default UOM for new purchase
The default for this field is the UOM code for which the Default UOM check box has been selected in the UOM
Class Maintenance - UOMs sheet. It can be overridden for specific purchase order items.

Select the type code that indicates if you normally purchase or manufacture this part, or sell it as a sales kit.
• Purchased - Parts you normally purchase from external suppliers and use as raw materials.
• Manufactured - Parts you normally manufacture and sell to your customers.
• Sales Kit - Sales kit parts that are sold together as a sales kit. Selecting Sales Kit activates fields on the Sales
Kits sheet. Use the Sales Kits sheet to select configuration options for the kit. To access the Sales Kits tab, first
click the site tab. When you select Sales Kit as the type for a part, you are effectively setting up the part as
the kit parent item. To add other parts to the sales kit, you must create a new bill of materials for the kit
parent item. The procedure is described in the Part Maintenance - Sales Kits help topic.
The Epicor application uses the associated type code as a selection criterion on various reports and searches,
including Part Search. It does not restrict the use of this part in any way. You can choose to manufacture any
part that has "Purchased" selected as its type, and you can choose to purchase any part you indicate is

Supp Units Factor

Identifies the factor by which the stocked units are multiplied to calculate the number of supplementary units.
This field may be required depending on whether the commodity code assigned to the item requires reporting
of a supplementary quantity. For example:
Example A kit of 75 centilitre bottles of wine bears a supplementary unit of litres. The factor to be entered
here is 0.75.

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Quantity Bearing
This check box is selected by default, and indicates that full inventory functionality is supported for this part.
Inventory transactions to and from stock will change the inventory balance of this part.
When the Quantity Bearing check box is cleared, the Epicor application does not maintain an inventory on-hand
balance for the part.
• The part record for a non-quantity part is mainly used for standardization of description and for pricing
• You can use a non-quantity bearing part in a BOM. You can also purchase, sell, or transfer it. The related
transactions, however, will never update on-hand quantity for the part.
• You would typically clear the check box if you were setting up a miscellaneous part that is expensed upon
receipt and so it is not practical to keep accurate inventory levels. Since the part is expensed at receipt, it does
not need to be issued to a job or generate demand.
On a transaction level, clearing the Quantity Bearing check box has the following effects:
• In Purchase Order Entry, the part status defaults to Other. The user will not be able to change the status to
Inventory or Job Material.
• Quantity adjustment will not be enabled.
• When used in a job, salvage for job material is not available.
• The part will not be selected for physical inventory.
• In quotes, jobs, and the Engineering Workbench, the part can be added to the BOM. This lets the cost
roll-up to take part into account in developing the price.

Track Multiple UOMs

Specifies if inventory balances for this part should be stored in a single base unit of measure (for example, Each),
or if the Epicor application should store and track inventory balances for the part in multiple units of measure
(for example, Each, Feet, Inches).
Note Take special care when determining how this check box should be answered. Your response has
a profound impact on how the Epicor application stores inventory for this part! This check box can be
selected for any part at any time. Once the check box has been selected, it can only be cleared if no
inventory balances exist for the part! This check box is not available for use for parts flagged as serial

• Clear the check box to store inventory balances for the part in a single base UOM only. The Epicor application
allows you to use and view alternate UOMs for specific transaction programs, however, it automatically
converts the quantity entered for a transaction in an alternate UOM to the base UOM quantity before it
updates any inventory balances. This is the default setting that will be used by the vast majority of
users. The following pictorial illustrates how this works:

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• Select the check box to store inventory balances for the part in a multiple UOMs. The Epicor application uses
the actual UOM entered for a transaction when updating inventory balances. When this check box has been
selected, the Epicor application does not store or allow entry of negative inventory quantities. You cannot
select this check box if the Track Serial Numbers check box has been selected for the part.

When the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been selected for a part, the UOM Split/Merge program is
available from the Actions menu on all programs that interact with inventory. It allows for breaking and combining

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UOM codes. For example, if you have a pallet in inventory and need to break down the pallet into smaller UOMs,
you would use the UOM split transaction.
Example: The base UOM for the part is Each, and the part comes packed 10 each per box. If we receive two
cases and five individual units of the part, the manner in which the resulting inventory quantities are displayed
and reported is dependent on the setting of this check box:
• If this check box has been cleared (inventory quantities tracked in the base UOM only), an inventory report
run after receipt would show that we have 25 Each in stock.
• If this check box has been selected (inventory quantities tracked in multiple UOMs), the inventory for the part
is simultaneously stored in multiple units of measure. An inventory report run after receipt would show that
we have two boxes and five Each in stock. If you need to remove one Each from a box, a special transaction
must be used to break down the box.
Note The Epicor application always uses the base UOM code assigned to the part in the Primary UOMs
- Inventory field, regardless of the setting of the Track Multiple UOMs check box when tracking WIP
inventory or calculating PO Suggestions and MRP. When a part is issued to a job and moved into WIP, it
is stored in the PartWIP table in the primary inventory UOM.

The unit of measure description.

Unit Net Volume

Indicates the net volume of an inventory unit of the part used on the Fulfillment Workbench, expressed in the
UOM specified in the Primary UOMs - Inventory field.
After entering the net volume for the part, select the volume UOM that represents the unit of measure (for
example, cubic centimeters, square inches). The default comes from the Company Configuration program. Any
active UOM defined in the Volume UOM class can be selected. The default comes from the Company Configuration
For example, if you selected Feet in the Primary UOMs - Inventory field, entered 50.50 in this field and selected
cubic inches, it signifies that a one foot unit of this item has a volume of 50.5 cubic inches.

Unit Net Weight

Indicates the net weight of an inventory unit of the part, expressed in the UOM specified in the Primary UOMs
- Inventory field. This weight, multiplied by the line quantity, yields the Total Net Weight value on the Intrastat
Data sheet for the invoice.
After entering the net weight for the part, select the weight UOM that represents the unit of measure (for
example, gram, pounds, ounce). Any active UOM defined in the Weight UOM class can be selected. The default
comes from the Company Configuration program.
For example, if you selected Feet in the Primary UOMs - Inventory field, entered 5.50 in this field and selected
Pounds, it signifies that a one foot unit of this item weighs 5.5 pounds.

The series of characters that uniquely identifies this part. If creating a new part, enter a meaningful identifier for
the part number, such as type, measurements, and so forth. On certain reports or windows where space is limited,
you may only see the number, rather than the full description. For example:
• DCD-100-SP
• SM1002224

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Tip When you have a lot of part records, you should verify that this identifier is unique. After you enter
the Part ID and Description, click the Save button on the Standard Toolbar. If the identifier already exists
in your database, an error message is displayed

You can also enter (or in some cases scan) cross reference numbers that you may have established in the following
• Supplier part numbers defined in the Approved Supplier Maintenance > Supplier Parts sheet, and the
Supplier Price List > Parts > Supplier Parts sheet.
• Manufacturer's part numbers defined in the Qualified Manufacturer > Manufacturer Part sheet.
• Customer part cross references defined for the part in the Customer Part Maintenance > Detail sheet.
• Internal part cross references defined for the part in the Internal Part Cross Reference > Detail sheet.
• EAN-8, EAN-13, EAN-14, GTIN-14, UPC-12 or HIBC product codes defined for the part in the Part Maintenance
> Part > UOMs sheet.
The Epicor application automatically translates the specified cross reference number to your internal base part
number and displays it in this field. If the specified cross reference number maps to multiple base internal part
numbers, a Cross References dialog appears and displays all mapped parts for the cross reference number. You
must select the mapped part number that is appropriate for the transaction.


Use the UOMs > Detail sheet to view unit of measure (UOM) information and to enter UOM conversion, net
volume, and product code information for the part/UOM combination.
• Global Trade Item Number (GTIN-14), European Article Number (EAN-8, EAN-13 and EAN-14) and Universal
Product Code (UPC-12) product codes are unique registered numbers that identify a specific part and UOM.
• An example of a product code is the UPC bar code found on most consumer items purchased in the USA and
Canada. Other product codes that can be entered in the UOMs sheet are used in various circumstances in
different regions but are all similar to the UPC bar code.
• Optionally, you can also specify an Health Industry Barcode (HIBC) product code for the part/UOM combination.
This product code is intended for medical devices distributed throughout the US. This code applies a unique
device identifier to these medical devices, as required by the FDA.
All part entry fields in the Epicor application allow for entry or scanning of product codes in lieu of entering an
actual part number. If one of the product codes is entered or scanned in a part field, the Epicor application
replaces it with the internal part number and the correct UOM. The appropriate product code can also be printed
on transaction documents, such as a receiving transaction.
If you are using Package Control functions, and have selected the Package Control Specific UOMs check box
in the Part > Detail sheet for this part, you can use the fields in the Package Code section as needed to assign
a specific package code to the part/UOM combination. You cannot access the fields in this section if the Package
Control Specific check box was cleared in the Detail sheet.
Note For detailed information on package codes, refer to Package Code Maintenance.

Change Conversion Factor, Package and Product Code Assignments

1. In the UOM Class Maintenance > UOMs sheet, if the Part Specific check box displays as selected for the
assigned UOM code, use the Conversion Factor field to enter the factor used to convert one unit of the
alternate UOM code to one unit of the base UOM for this part.

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2. If you are using Package Control ID (PCID) functions, and have selected the Package Control Specific check
box in the Part > Detail sheet, you can use the Package Code, Default and Display Sequence fields as
needed to assign a specific package code to the part/UOM combination.

3. As needed, use the EAN-8, EAN-13, EAN-14, GTN-14, UPC-14 and HIBC fields to enter the applicable
product codes for the part.

Part Maintenance-Detail Fields

Fields for the current sheet are listed on this topic.

Some fields on the interface have a context menu, which is indicated by a triangle in the upper right corner of
the field. To open the context menu, right-click on the field.

The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a product code of up to 14 digits in length. It is the newest of the product
codes and is used for both standard bar codes and as part of the data encoded on RFID tags. If applicable, enter
the GTIN-14 code that identifies this part number.

EAN-8 is a product code composed of eight digits, and is a less comonly used form of the European Article
Number (EAN). These codes are used worldwide for marking retail consumer goods. If applicable, enter the EAN-8
code that identifies this part number.

EAN-14 is a product code composed of 14 digits, and is a less comonly used form of the European Article Number
(EAN). It is also called a Japanese Article Number or JAN in Japan. These codes are used worldwide for marking
retail goods. If applicable, enter the EAN-14 code that identifies this part number.

EAN UCC-13 is a product code composed of 13 digits, and is most common form of the European Article Number
(EAN), It is also called a Japanese Article Number or JAN in Japan. These codes are used worldwide for marking
retail goods. If applicable, enter the EAN-13 code that identifies this part number.

The Universal Product Code (UPC) is a 12-digit product code widely used in the US and Canada to identify trade
goods. If applicable, enter the UPC-12 code that identifies this part number.

Unit Net Volume

Indicates the net volume of an inventory unit of the part used on the Fulfillment Workbench, expressed in the
UOM specified in the Primary UOMs - Inventory field in the Part Maintenance - Detail sheet. After entering
the net volume for the part, select the volume UOM that represents the unit of measure (for example, cubic
centimeters, square inches). The default comes from the Company Configuration program. Any active UOM
defined in the Volume UOM class class can be selected. The default comes from the Company Configuration
For example, if you selected Feet in the Primary UOMs - Inventory field, entered 50.50 in this field and selected
cubic inches, it signifies that a one foot unit of this item has a volume of 50.5 cubic inches.

42 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

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Base UOM Code

Displays the base UOM code assigned to this part in the Primary UOMs - Inventory field in the Part Maintenance
- Detail sheet. The field is for display only.

Track On Hand
Indicates if the Epicor application tracks inventory balances in the displayed UOM code. The use of this check
box is dependent on the setting of the Track Multiple UOMs check box in the Part Maintenance - Detail sheet.
• If the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been cleared (normal setting for most users), the check box is
inactive and indicates that the inventory balances for the part are only tracked in the base UOM assigned to
the part in the Primary UOMs - Inventory field in the Part Maintenance - Detail sheet. This is an internal
flag used by the Epicor application.
• If the Track Multiple UOMs check box has been selected, selecting this check box designates that the UOM
code currently displayed in this sheet can be used when placing orders or storing inventory.
If this check box is cleared for the displayed UOM code, you cannot place orders in the corresponding UOM
nor store inventory in it. For example, if the UOM Class code assigned to the part consists of a base UOM and
two alternate UOMs, the Epicor application stores inventory balances and allows placing of orders in the
UOMs for which the Track On Hand check box is selected. Clearing the check box for a specific UOM code
prevents inventory from being stored, or from orders being placed in that UOM.

Note Epicor suggests that this check box setting not be changed or disturbed.

Conversion Factor
Identifies the factor used by the Epicor application to calculate the conversion between the UOM code and base
UOM. This field is active only if the Part Specific check box has been selected for the UOM code in the UOM
Class Maintenance - UOMs field. Enter the factor used to convert one unit of the alternate UOM code to one
unit of the base UOM for this specific part:

If the base UOM is Each, and ten units are packed to a Case, you would enter 10 as the conversion factor when
you express the conversion from Case to Each.
If the base UOM is Pounds, you would enter 2000 as the conversion factor when you express the conversion
from a Ton to Pounds.

Displays the description of the alternate UOM code that appears in the UOM Code field. The field is for display

UOM Code
Displays the alternate UOM code assigned to this part. The field is for display only.

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Part Maintenance - Part - sites - Detail

Use this sheet to specify site information about the part. This information includes the name of the site and
associated primary warehouse, ordering information, transfer information, manufacturing information, and
purchasing information.
Note This document does not contain help content for all Part Maintenance - Part - sites - Detail sheet
fields; it only contains content for those fields that are directly related to Unit of Measure processing.
Refer to the Application Help for detailed information on use of other Part - sites - Detail sheet fields.

Part Maintenance - Part - site Detail - What to Do

The following topics explain how to use the functionality on this sheet.

Add a site Record for the Part

1. in the Standard toolbar, click New to open up fields for data entry.

2. Alternately, from the New menu, select New site.

Edit a site Record for the Part

1. From the Tree view, select the site you wish to edit.

2. After the record displays, make your changes, and then click Save.

Delete a site Record for the Part

Important If there is an on-hand quantity for the part in the site, or if the part is referenced by any
warehouse bins in the site, the site record cannot be deleted.

1. From the Tree view, select the site you wish to delete.

2. After the record displays, on the Standard toolbar, click Delete to delete the record.

Part Maintenance - Part - site - Detail Fields

Fields for the current sheet are listed on this topic.

Some fields on the interface have a context menu, which is indicated by a triangle in the upper right corner of
the field. To open the context menu, right-click on the field.

Identifies site where this part is located. If you are updating a site record, this field is display only.
Tip For a site to be available, it must be set up in site Maintenance. In addition, it needs to have at least
one warehouse and bin assigned to it.

This field is only accessible if the Multi-Site license has been installed, and you have selected New site from the
New button menu.

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Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

Costing Lot Size

Specifies the manufacturing lot size for the cost rollup to distribute setup costs.
Example You have determined that your setup costs to make part DCD-100-SP are such that you need
to make 25 at a time for the setup to be cost-justified. The appropriate number here is 25. During standard
cost rollup, the total setup costs will be divided by 25 to arrive at a per unit setup cost.

The default UOM code that appears next to this field represents the unit of measure (for example, Each, Case,
Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is expressed. The default is the base UOM code defined for the part in
the Primary UOMs - Inventory field the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.

Default Drop Ship Item

If the Default Buy To Order check box has been selected, this check box designates if this BTO part is commonly
dropped shipped directly the customer who ordered the item in this site. This check box is unavailable if the
Default Buy To Order check box has been cleared.The default setting for this check box comes from the Default
Buy To Order check box in the Part Maintenance - Part - Detail sheet.
Select this check box if this BTO part is commonly dropped shipped directly the customer who ordered the item.
Clear this check box if this BTO part is not dropped shipped directly the customer who ordered the item. This
becomes the default value for the Drop Shipment check box in the Order Entry - Releases sheet and can be

Max Lot Size (MRP Planning)

Specifies the maximum manufacturing lot size for the part. If the total demand quantity for the part is more
than this amount, multiple jobs will be created to accommodate the total demand.
If this part has no maximum lot size, enter zero. Otherwise, this number must be a multiple of the value in the
Multiple field.
Example Through MRP, an unfirm job is created for 100 parts of DCD-100-SP. The Max Lot Size for the
part is 40. Three jobs are created: 2 for 40 parts, and 1 for 20 parts.

The default UOM code that appears next to this field represents the unit of measure (for example, Each, Case,
Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is expressed. The default is the base UOM code defined for the part in
the Primary UOMs - Inventory field the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.
Note MRP module processes always calculate requirements using the base UOM code defined for the

Max Lot Size (Short Horizon Planning)

Indicates the maximum lot size to use during the short horizon for MRP processing.
The default UOM code that appears next to this field represents the unit of measure (for example, Each, Case,
Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is expressed. The default is the base UOM code defined for the part in
the Primary UOMs - Inventory field the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.
If the Horizon Days field is not populated, this Max Lot Size field will be ignored.

Max On-Hand
Specifies the maximum amount of inventory that should be on hand for this part.
The default UOM code that appears next to this field represents the unit of measure (for example, Each, Case,
Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is expressed. The default is the base UOM code defined for the part in
the Primary UOMs - Inventory field the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.

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Tip Use the Time Phased Material Requirements report to review parts that are over their Max On-Hand.

Min Lot Size (MRP Planning)

Specifies the minimum manufacturing lot size for the part. If the total demand quantity for the part is less than
this amount, MRP creates a job with this production quantity, and the excess amount is sent to stock.
If this part has no minimum lot size, enter zero. Otherwise, this number must be a multiple of the value in the
Multiple field.
Example There is a total demand of 4 for part DCD-100-SP. The Min Lot Size for the part is 10. Through
MRP a job is created for 10 parts, 6 of which will go to stock when the job is complete.

The default UOM code that appears next to this field represents the unit of measure (for example, Each, Case,
Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is expressed. The default is the base UOM code defined for the part in
the Primary UOMs - Inventory field the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.

Min Lot Size (Short Horizon Planning)

Indicates the minimum lot size to use during the short horizon for MRP processing.
If you have entered Horizon Days, and if a job's due date is less than or equal to today plus (+) those Horizon
Days, this Min Lot Size information will be used during MRP Processing rather than the Min Lot Size in the
MRP Planning section of this sheet.
The default UOM code that appears next to this field represents the unit of measure (for example, Each, Case,
Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is expressed. The default is the base UOM code defined for the part in
the Primary UOMs - Inventory field the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.
If the Horizon Days field is not populated, this Min Lot Size field will be ignored.

Min On-Hand
Specifies the minimum amount of inventory that should be on hand for this part.
The default UOM code that appears next to this field represents the unit of measure (for example, Each, Case,
Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is expressed. The default is the base UOM code defined for the part in
the Primary UOMs - Inventory field the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.
Tip Use the Time Phased Material Requirements report to review parts that are under their Min On-Hand.

Min Order Qty

Specifies the minimum quantity that should be ordered per purchase order release from the primary supplier.
This setting overrides the setting in the Max Lot Size field.
The default UOM code that appears next to this field represents the unit of measure (for example, Each, Case,
Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is expressed. The default is the base UOM code defined for the part in
the Primary UOMs - Inventory field the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.

Qty Bearing
If this check box is selected, this part will retain full inventory functionality, allowing transactions to and from
stock to affect the inventory balance of this part.
If this check box is cleared, the Epicor application does not maintain an on-hand quantity for this part.
The part must be marked as a Non-Stock part before you can uncheck the Quantity Bearing checkbox.

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Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

Safety Stock
Identifies the part stock quantity that provides some safety against unforeseen problems. The Time Phased Material
Requirements report specifies when a part is forecasted to go below this number.
The default UOM code that appears next to this field represents the unit of measure (for example, Each, Case,
Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity is expressed. The default is the base UOM code defined for the part in
the Primary UOMs - Inventory field the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet.

Select the replenishment type for this part. Valid selections include:
• Manufacture
• Purchase (if this option is selected, the Raw Material field is enabled)
• Sales Kit (To configure sales kits, click the Sales Kits tab.)
• Transfer

If you select Transfer, the Transfer site, and Transfer Lead Time fields become available.

Appendix: Programs Using UOM Coding

The following is a listing of maintenance and transaction programs in the Epicor application that use UOM coding.
Refer to the Universal Use of UOM Codes topic in this document, and the Application Help for the specific
program for detailed information on their use.
Sales Management
• Case Entry
• Customer Tracker
• Demand Contract Entry
• Demand Entry
• Demand Mass Review
• Demand Reconciliation
• EDI - Export Documents
• EDI - Import Documents
• Order Entry
• Order Tracker
• Opportunity / Quote Entry
• Opportunity / Quote Tracker
• Order Management
• Price List Maintenance
• Price List Inquiry
• RMA Dispositions
• RMA Processing
• RMA Tracker
• Salesperson Workbench

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Unit of Measure Setup and Processing Unit of Measure Principles and Setup

Production Management
• Engineering Workbench
• Forecast Entry
• Global Forecast
• Job Adjustment
• Job Closing
• Job Entry
• Job Manager
• Job Status Maintenance
• Kanban Receipts
• Mass Part Replace / Delete
• MPS Entry
• Multi Level Pegging Display
• Planning Workbench
• Process MRP
• Process Multi Level Pegging
• Quick Job Entry
• Revision Compare
Material Management
• Available to Promise
• Adjust Inventory (Handheld)
• Adjust Material (Advanced Material Management)
• Adjust WIP (Advanced Material Management)
• Bin Tracker (Handheld)
• Buyer Workbench
• Change PO Suggestions
• Cost Adjustment
• Count Group Entry
• Count Tag Entry
• Customer Shipment Entry
• Customer Shipments (Handheld)
• Customer Shipment Tracker
• DMR Processing
• Generate Suggestion
• Generate Purchase Schedules
• Get Request (Advanced Material Management)
• Inspection Processing
• Inventory Transfer Count Entry (Handheld)
• Issue Assembly
• Issue Assembly (Handheld)
• Issue Material
• Issue Material (Handheld)

48 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Unit of Measure Principles and Setup Unit of Measure Setup and Processing

• Issue Miscellaneous Material

• Job Receipt to Inventory
• Job Receipt to Inventory (Handheld)
• Job Receipt to Job
• Job Receipt to Job (Handheld)
• Job Receipt to Salvage
• Job Receipt to Salvage (Handheld)
• Lot Tracker (Handheld)
• Mass Issue to Mfg
• Master Pack Shipment
• Material Queue (Handheld)
• Material Request Queue (Advanced Material Management)
• MES - Transaction Log (Advanced Material Management)
• Miscellaneous Shipment Entry
• Misc Shipment Confirmation (Handheld)
• Move Inventory (Handheld)
• Move Inventory Request (Advanced Material Management)
• Move Material (Advanced Material Management)
• Move Material Request (Advanced Material Management)
• Move WIP (Advanced Material Management)
• Move WIP Request (Advanced Material Management)
• My Material Queue (Handheld)
• New PO Suggestions
• Nonconformance
• Quantity Adjustment
• Packing Code
• Part Price Report
• Part Schedule
• Part Tracker (Handheld)
• Picked Orders (Handheld)
• PO Receipts (Handheld)
• Process by Queue ID (Handheld)
• Purchase Advisor
• Purchase Contract Schedule Tracker
• Purchase Order Entry
• Purchase Order Tracker
• Receive Transfer Order
• Receipt Entry
• Requisition Entry
• Requisition Tracker
• Return Assembly
• Return Assembly (Handheld)

Epicor ERP | 10.1.600 49

Unit of Measure Setup and Processing Unit of Measure Principles and Setup

• Return Assembly / Material Request (Advanced Material Management)

• Return Material
• Return Material (Handheld)
• Return Miscellaneous Material
• Return Miscellaneous Request (Advanced Material Management)
• Return Salvaged Request (Advanced Material Management)
• RFQ Entry
• Service Call Center
• Service Contract Entry
• Service Job Entry
• Subcontract Shipment Confirmation (Handheld)
• Subcontractor Shipment Entry
• Supplier Container Class
• Supplier Container Entry
• Supplier Container Receipt
• Supplier Part Report
• Supplier Price List
• Supplier Responses
• Supplier Tracker
• Time Phase Inquiry
• Transaction Log (Handheld)
• Transfer Order Entry
• Transfer Order Receipt (Handheld)
• Transfer Order Shipment Entry
• Transfer Order Shipment (Handheld)
• Transfer Order Workbench
• UOM Split/Merge
• UOM Split/Merge (Handheld)
• Workstation Maintenance
Financial Management
• AR Invoice Entry
• AP Invoice Entry
• Invoice / Receipt Match
• Generate Rebate Transactions
• Rebate Contract Entry

50 Epicor ERP | 10.1.600

Additional information is available at the Education and
Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access
this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create an
account, go to

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