Complementaria - Light Chain Crystalline Kidney Disease

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Light chain crystalline kidney disease: Diagnostic urine microscopy as the

"liquid kidney biopsy"

Article  in  Clinical Nephrology · October 2014

DOI: 10.5414/CN108424 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Mark A Perazella
Yale University


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Clinical Nephrology, Vol. ■■ – No. ■■/2014 (1-5)

Light chain crystalline kidney disease:

diagnostic urine microscopy as the “liquid
kidney biopsy”
Education Randy L. Luciano1, Ekaterina Castano2, Giovanni B. Fogazzi3,
©2014 Dustri-Verlag Dr. K. Feistle
and Mark A. Perazella1
ISSN 0301-0430

DOI 10.5414/CN108424 1Sectionof Nephrology, 2Department of Pathology, Yale University School of

e-pub: ■■month ■■day, ■■year
Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA, and 3Milano State University, Milano, Italy

Key words Abstract. Multiple myeloma (MM) is MM [5]. The excessive light chain burden
light chain cast a plasma cell disorder, which often causes leads to increased luminal concentration of
nephropathy – acute parenchymal kidney disease. Light chain
kidney injury – crystal free LCs that aggregate with Tamm-Horsfall
(LC) cast nephropathy represents the most
casts – multiple protein leading to cast formation resulting in
common renal lesion. In some instances,
LC crystals precipitate within renal tubular obstruction and inflammation [6]. Interest-
lumens and deposit within proximal tubular ingly, monoclonal LC crystals can be seen
cell cytoplasms. Importantly, urine micros- on biopsy specimens from MM patients with
copy in such patients can provide insight into AKI. However, these crystals have not been
the underlying LC-related lesion. Here we described in the urine of patients. Here we
present two patients with MM complicated
by acute kidney injury (AKI) where LC crys- present two patients with LC crystalline casts
talline casts were observed on urinary sedi- visualized in the urine sediment and con-
ment analysis. Kidney biopsy revealed acute firmed with biopsy. Identification of these
tubular injury with LC crystal casts within crystalline casts in the urine can be a non-
both tubular lumens and renal tubular epithe- invasive way of recognizing LC-associated
lial cell cytoplasms. These findings suggest kidney injury such as cast nephropathy and
that the urinary sediment may be a non-inva-
sive way to diagnose LC crystalline-induced perhaps light chain proximal tubulopathy.
AKI in patients with MM.

Case 1
A 48-year-old male with IgA-λ myeloma
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant of 3 years duration presented with AKI. His
plasma cell disorder that comprises ~ 1% treatment regimen included bortezomib, le-
of all cancers [1]. Malignant plasma cells nalidomide, and dexamethasone, resulting
produce abnormal paraproteins associated in remission for 1 year, followed by dexa-
with kidney disease in upwards of 40% of methasone, cyclophosphamide, and carfilzo-
patients [2, 3]. Acute kidney injury (AKI) as- mib upon recurrence. The patient was seen
sociated with myeloma can be due to a num- 3 months earlier at an outside hospital for an
ber of parenchymal lesions; however, light- increased serum creatinine (2.7 mg/dL). The
chain (LC) cast nephropathy, LC deposition patient underwent kidney biopsy (described
Received disease, and AL amyloidosis are the most below), received intravenous fluids, and
July 10, 2014;
accepted in revised form
common [4]. Urine protein-immunoelectro- was continued on his chemotherapy regi-
September 5, 2014 phoresis and automated urinalysis are com- men. Serum creatinine fluctuated between
monly utilized to assess kidney involvement 2.0 – 2.6 mg/dL with serum and urine free
Correspondence to in patients. However, these tests are unable λ-LCs remaining elevated (700 – 900 mg/dL;
Mark A. Perazella, MD
Professor of Medicine to provide insight into the specific kidney le- 750 – 1,000 mg/dL). At the time of consul-
Section of Nephrology, sion. In contrast, urine sediment examination tation at our hospital, the patient was being
Yale University School may demonstrate findings reflective of the treated with vancomycin and piperacillin/
of Medicine, 114 BB, underlying kidney lesion. tazobactam for pneumonia with bacteremia.
330 Cedar Street, New
Haven, CT 06520, USA Myeloma LC cast nephropathy is the His last dose of chemotherapy had been 1 most common kidney injury associated with week prior to admission. On review of his
• 108424Luciano / 23. September 2014, 3:27 PM
Luciano, Castano, Fogazzi, and Perazella 2

creatinine slowly improved to 1.5 mg/dL, se-

rum free LCs decreased, and the crystalline
casts decreased in density and subsequently
disappeared with subsequent urine sediment
Evaluation of a renal biopsy performed
for an elevated serum creatinine (see above)
at another institution from 3 months prior
revealed crystalline cast structures in tubu-
lar lumens (Figure 2A, B). Proximal tubules
showed acute injury with vacuolization,
blebbing, and dilatation. In addition, the in-
terstitium demonstrated a dense lymphoplas-
macytic infiltrate. Electron microscopy dem-
onstrated occasional hexagonal crystals in
tubular epithelial cells (images not shown).

Figure 1.  A, B: Light microscopy of spun urine Case 2

sediment for case 1 showing casts containing
amorphous crystalline structures (magnifica- A 56-year-old gentleman with a 2-year
tion ×400); C, D: Light microscopy of spun urine
sediment for case 2 showing light chain crystalline
history of IgG-κ myeloma presented with
casts (magnification ×400). AKI. The patient had suffered a bout of AKI
that lead to kidney biopsy (see description
below). Treatment initially included bort-
hospital course his blood pressure had always ezomib and dexamethasone, which was as-
been normal (120 – 140/50 – 70 mmHg) and sociated with response and improved kidney
his urine output non-oliguric. Exam was re- function. However, after 12 months, the
markable for rales at his left lung base, but patient was switched to lenalidomide and
otherwise no signs of volume depletion or dexamethasone when the LC burden started
overload. Laboratory evaluations showed to increase and serum creatinine increased to
serum sodium of 136  mEq/L, potassium of 2.1 mg/dL. With this regimen, a reduction of
5.2  mEq/L, chloride of 104  mEq/L, bicar- serum and urine free κ-LCs was noted and
bonate of 16.5 mEq/L, glucose of 84 mg/dL, kidney function improved to serum creati-
serum calcium of 8.5 mg/dL, BUN of 44 mg/ nine in the 1.5 – 1.8 mg/dL range. However,
dL, and serum creatinine that had increased the patient again became refractory to treat-
from a baseline of 2.2 mg/dL to 3.6 mg/dL, ment ~ 2 months prior to the current hospi-
in 1 week. Serum free λ-LCs were 989 mg/ talization, serum free LCs increased and he
dL and urine free λ-LCs were 1,050 mg/dL, was subsequently switched to carfilzomib
while κ-LCs were suppressed. Urinalysis re- and dexamethasone. In this setting, the pa-
vealed a specific gravity of 1.009, pH of 7, 2+ tient developed a rise in serum creatinine
protein, negative glucose, 3 WBCs/hpf, and from a baseline of 1.6  mg/dL to 3.2  mg/
1 RBC/hpf. Direct microscopic visualization dL over several weeks. Renal consultation
of the sediment demonstrated 1 – 2 renal tu- was commenced at this time. On evalua-
bular epithelial cells/hpf, 3 – 5 free crystals tion, the patient was mildly hypertensive
of varying shape/hpf, and 1 – 2 crystalline (140 – 170/60 – 90 mmHg) with no signs of
casts/hpf (Figure 1A, B). The casts contained volume depletion. Laboratory evaluations
irregularly shaped crystalline structures with showed serum sodium of 135 mEq/L, potas-
0 – 25% birefringence under polarized mi- sium of 3.8 mEq/L, chloride of 106 mEq/L,
croscopy. The crystalline casts persisted with bicarbonate of 19.7  mEq/L, glucose of
repeat sediment evaluation. In the setting of 116  mg/dL, serum calcium of 9.1  mg/dL,
rising serum creatinine and serum free LCs, BUN of 49  mg/dL and serum creatinine of
treatment with cyclophosphamide, etopo- 3.2 mg/dL. Serum free κ-LCs were elevated
side, and dexamethasone was started. Serum at 326  mg/dL and urine κ-LCs elevated at
• 108424Luciano / 23. September 2014, 3:27 PM
AKI from light chain crystalline casts 3

RBCs/hpf. Urine sediment analysis on two

separate occasions demonstrated aggregates
of crystals and crystalline casts, with 25%
birefringence with polarization (Figure 1C,
D). On repeat samples, separated by several
months LC crystalline casts persisted.
Evaluation of a renal biopsy performed
for AKI from 2 years prior confirmed the
presence of LC crystalline casts (Figure 2C,
D). The proximal tubules demonstrated ex-
tensive tubular injury. Tubular lumens were
filled with eosinophilic refractile material
of varying shapes. Many tubular profiles
showed light chain crystals in the cytoplasm
of the proximal tubular epithelial cells and
LC crystals in distal tubular lumens as well
as fractured casts with epithelioid reaction.
In addition there was a significant lym-
phocyte predominant interstitial infiltrate.
Electron microscopy revealed multifaceted
crystals in the proximal tubular lumens and
within the cytoplasm of tubular epithelial
Figure 2.  A, B: Biopsy specimen from case 1. Re-
cells (Figure 3).
fractile crystals are present within tubular lumens
surrounding proteinacious material. Examples of
crystalline material in periphery of tubule lumen are
indicated (black arrows). The tubules show acute tu-
bular injury with nuclear drop-out and flattening of the Discussion
epithelium (hematoxylin and eosin (H & E), original
magnification × 1,000); C, D: Biopsy specimen from The two cases described are unique in
case 2. Tubular lumens show crystals, fractured light that they demonstrate free LC crystals and
chain casts, and fragments of sloughed-off epithelial
cells. Examples of crystal fragments within casts are
LC crystalline casts in the urine sediment of
indicated (black arrows). Acute tubular injury is pres- patients with multiple myeloma and LC-re-
ent. Interstitium shows lymphocytic infiltrate (C: he- lated kidney disease. These findings have not
matoxylin, phloxin, saffronin (HPS) stain; D: H & E, been previously reported in the literature. In
both original magnification × 400).
addition, these findings reinforce that urine
microscopy can provide a window into the
underlying kidney lesion and that urine sedi-
ment findings can at times truly be the “liq-
uid kidney biopsy”.
Monoclonal LC crystal formation has
been previously reported in biopsy speci-
mens of the kidneys and other organs. Re-
ported cases of paraprotein-related crystal
deposition demonstrated both κ- and λ-LC
crystals deposited in kidney, heart, lung,
Figure 3.  Electron microscopy shows numerous
spleen, thyroid, skin, and intestine [7]. Re-
crystalline structures within the cytoplasm of the tu- nal deposition of LC crystals has been asso-
bular epithelial cells (A: Electron microscopy, direct ciated with both AKI and proximal tubular
magnification × 5,000) and in the tubular lumen (B: dysfunction [8, 9, 10, 11]. While κ-LC crys-
Electron microscopy, direct magnification × 4,000).
tal deposition within the kidneys has been
more widely reported, λ-LC crystals have
239  mg/dL, while λ-LCs were suppressed. also been noted. In some cases, LC crystal
Urinalysis revealed a specific gravity of deposition leads to rapidly progressive kid-
1.010, 1+ protein, negative glucose, and 8 ney failure [9, 12].
• 108424Luciano / 23. September 2014, 3:27 PM
Luciano, Castano, Fogazzi, and Perazella 4

Fogazzi et al. [13] utilized immuno- which are commonly complicated by kidney
fluorescence (IF) staining (anti-sera to LC injury, lend themselves well to diagnostic
immunoglobulins) of the urine sediment to evaluation by urine sediment examination.
identify monoclonal LCs in patients with While serum and urine protein immunoelec-
kidney disease and various monoclonal gam- trophoresis and serum free LCs are routinely
mopathies. They described urinary casts utilized to assess for kidney involvement,
and other various shaped particles in the they cannot distinguish the type of lesion
urine of 20 out of 27 patients with monoclo- present. Nowadays, clinicians utilize the au-
nal disease and none in 25 control patients tomated urinalysis report to confirm potential
with non-monoclonal kidney disease. The renal disease while rarely viewing the urine
sensitivity of the urine sediment IF staining sediment. As a result, the renal diagnosis is
was 74%, the specificity was 100%, and the presumed based on serum and urine immu-
positive predictive value was 100%. Another noglobulin (Ig) or LC testing combined with
case of myeloma cast nephropathy described urinalysis. A percutaneous kidney biopsy is
“hexagonal crystals” in the urine (not photo- pursued for diagnostic adjudication and con-
graphed) that were similar to those seen in firmation in some cases.
the kidney biopsy light and electron micros- In conclusion, we report unique urinary
copy specimens [14]. While neither of these LC crystalline casts and free crystals in two
cases showed images of LC crystalline casts patients with MM. Thorough examination of
in the urine sediment, these data confirm that the urine sediment in patients with monoclo-
urine sediment contains identifiable LC both nal LCs and evidence of kidney disease will
free and within casts. Our data suggest that potentially provide the diagnosis. It is logical
urine microscopy can identify LC crystals that patients with monoclonal diseases and
in the urine sediment, which can provide a evidence for kidney injury should have urine
window into the process within the renal pa- microscopy performed by an appropriately
renchyma. trained nephrologist. In addition, it is possi-
The major challenge for the urine mi- ble that urine sediment exam in patients with
croscopist is to distinguish these LC crystal- an underlying monoclonal gammopathy may
line casts from other urinary casts, such as provide information about kidney injury and
coarsely granular casts. Careful inspection serve as a biomarker of early kidney disease.
of the crystalline casts reveals the following
unique characteristics when compared with
granular casts. First, these casts contain crys-
tals that are also seen free in the urine of both
Conflicts of interest
cases. In addition, these crystals were up to None.
25% birefringent under polarization, which
is not seen with granular casts. Finally, the
crystalline casts have a refractile appearance
that is not seen with granular casts. References
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• 108424Luciano / 23. September 2014, 3:27 PM

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