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Notes on Breaking Cylinders:

Pre-Operation (Daily):

 Ensure the break machine area and interior is free of debris.

 Turn the hydraulic pump on.
 Turn the screen on (back bottom right of blue control box).
 Allow the machine to come to operating temperature (x minutes? How else to tell?).
 Adjust the settings per individual training or required standard.
 When cylinders are in the break area, they must be kept moist.


 Ensure the duropads on the unbonded caps are usable (8-10 uses ++)
 Obtain a specimen for testing & orient it top-down between a pair of unbonded caps.
 Wrap the specimen in the canvas sleeve.
 Place the specimen testing assembly between the compression plates.
 Rotate the control knob to Full Advance, load the specimen with approximately 30% of the
expected load (~1,000lbs).
 Rotate the control knob to Metered Advance.
 Rotate the valve knob clockwise to open, until your rate of pressure increase is 20-30lbs per
second (or per “tick” of the machine, unclear).
 After the break occurs, rotate the valve knob counterclockwise to close.
 Without allowing the unbonded caps to fall, remove the specimen from the test chamber.
 Examine the specimen and record data per training or required standard.

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