4 17 09 Hha Clark

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April 17, 2009 Board of Directors The RAPID Interurban Transit Partnership 300 Ellsworth Ave. SW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Re: Amended Route (s,) the Silver Line Dear Board of Directors, ‘The Heritage Hill Association currently finds itself in the very unfortunate position of potentially opposing the upcoming May 5® millage. While the Association and the Board of Directors supports Rapid Transit and the Silver Line, Heritage Hill presented serious concerns to the Rapid concerning the proposed route in Heritage Hill and along any residential streets in general (please see attached letter of March 18" to the RAPID.) ‘At the subsequent meeting of April 1* with Heritage Hill Association Board Members, concerned neighbors and the RAPID, the Heritage Hill Association happily accepted a route change suggested by the RAPID that would take the Silver Line off of residential streets and specifically off of Lafayette Avenue NE. The Heritage Hill Association was informed at this, meeting that the route change needed to be approved at two future meetings (to which the HHA would be invited) and that the RAPID board would be voting on any amended route (s) before the May 5" millage, ‘We have now been informed that the PTT will not present its findings until May 7" and that the route change (s) will not be voted on by the RAPID Board of Directors until its May board meeting. The Heritage Hill Association, while supporting the process and criteria that the RAPID board of directors must follow, recognizes that as the millage vote is now less than two weeks away, action must be taken. ‘The Heritage Hill Association also understands that there are other interested stakeholders along the proposed Silver Line route (s) who would like to see changes made to the original and/or amended routes. We would welcome the opportunity fo sit down with any concerned parties and the RAPID to come up with an amenable solution for all parties, The Heritage Hill Association also feels that there are other workable routes in addition to the two so far proposed by the RAPID and would welcome the opportunity to discuss these possibilities and feel that many “win-win” solutions exist. The Association feels strongly that opposing the May 5" millage is a last resort action, but does not now see many alternatives. Sincerely, Michael J. Clark, AICP President, Board of Directors Heritage Hill Association 73, Ata special meeting of the Heritage Hill Association Board of Directors on the 17th day of April, 2009, the following resolution was moved by the Heritage Hill Association Executive Committee. ‘Whereas, the Heritage Hill Association Board of Directors recognizes the concept of a Rapid Transit Bus system hereby known as the “Silver Line” to have potential benefits to the community as a whole. Whereas, the Heritage Hill Association Board of Directors hereby only supports the millage to fund the “Silver Line” if the RAPID Board of Directors officially removes any residential streets located within the Heritage Hill Boundaries as recognized by the local, state, and federal governments. Such streets are to include Lafayette Street NE. Whereas, failure of the RAPID Board to take such action at their April 22, 2009 meeting will result in the Heritage Hill Association formally and officially rescinding any previous support and will officially and vocally be in opposition to the approval of said “Silver Line” and any millage necessary to fund its development. ichael J. Clark, AICP President, Board of Directors Heritage Hill Association hl

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