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Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science

And Technology University -8100

Assignment on
SWOT analysis , Marketing analysis ,Goal
formulation , Marketing mix on Grameen phone

Course Tittle : Tourism Marketing

Course Tittle :THM-205

Submitted To :
Synthiya Islam
Lecturer of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Submitted By :

Group profile

Student Name Student ID

Erina Akter 18THM003
Tama Dutta 18THM007
Koushiqui Baidya 18THM008
Md Rahul Islam 18THM046
Shantanoor Islam 18THM066
Introduction :
Grameenphone [GP] is the leading telecommunication company in Bangladesh. As of January
2016, it gained more than 56 million subscribers in Bangladesh. As a result, Grameenphone
became the largest Mobile phone operator in Bangladesh. It is a joint venture company ( Telenor
and Grameen Telecom Corporation). GP received the license for Mobile phone operator in
Bangladesh from the Ministry of posts and Telecommunication on November 28,1996. It started
operations on March 26, 1997. The Telenor owns a 55.8% ownership of Grameenphone and
Grameen Telecom holds 34.2% ownership of the company. Test 10% is publicly held.

Grameenphone was the first company to introduce GSM and 3G Technology in Bangladesh and
built the first cellular network to Cover 99% of the country
SWOT Analysis of Grameenphone :
Strength: 1.Market leader: It is the market leader in the telecommunication industry in
2.Collaboration with apple and Samsung: It sells smart phones of different recognized brands
including apple(iPhones) and Samsung (Galaxy). These phones are offered with different
packages. Users can buy these smart phones paying the price at installment. This strategy gives
Grameenphone extra advantages to reach and sell their connections to the upper Society of the

3.Introduction of latest Technologies : It has always been the first mover to introduce latest
technologies among all the private telecommunication companies of Bangladesh.

4.Network ability : Grameenphone has the largest network coverage. It has a large number of
BTS station all over Bangladesh. That is why the company can provide better connectivity with
texcellent clear networking system in the most of the areas of Bangladesh. Among all, GP
introduced 3G Networking service service second after the teletalk ( the government owned
Telecom company).

5.Brand value : Grameenphone is well known all over the country because of its strong network
which developed the strongest brand image in the country. This brand recognition symbolizes the
strongest business activities.

6. Revenue : Because of effective strategic planning, quality service, and networking coverage
Grameenphone has been able to earn a strong revenue growth which gave them financial

7. Skilled human resources :Most of the stuff of Grameenphone are highly skilled and efficient in
many ways in their job responsibilities. The reason behind this responsible manner is the human
resources Department of Grameenphone which follows ethical strategy to recruit and manage

8. Effective support organisation : GP has taken this idea from the employees of Bangladesh
Railway and Grameen Bank who are experienced and capable of providing precious and
effective guidelines for the operations.
9. High Ethical Standards : To ensure quality of services, Grameenphone has been very strict to
follow its ethical standards.

Weakness :
1.Cultural Gap: In management body of Grameenphone, employees from different countries and
cultures exists. The chief Executive officer and Chief Technical Officer are Indian and many
employees come from different countries around the world. Because this reason, there may
sometimes be lack of understanding due to cultural Gap. Also, they might not realize understand
the future goals of the company.
2.Different mind: Sometimes, idea variety creates problem. In Grameenphone, it is highly
encourage to innovate and apply new strategy for providing better service. Sometimes, it could
create problem because employees are used to with previous strategy.
3.Complicated pricing structure : Grameenphone has lots of Service packages. The pricing of
these packages and their biling policies are different. These are difficult to promote and hard for
the users to understand.
4.Technical problems with offered packages : Almost all of the new offers from Grameenphone
are having some technical problems and users are experiencing those problems. Either they are
not working at all or part of the service of those offers is disabled. The Grameenphone is not
aware of those problems. They are delaying to give a solution to these problems. As a result, it is
increasing customer dissatisfactions.

1.Economic growth of Bangladesh : The economic growth of the country will increase the
expansion of telecommunication industry from 2016 to 2018 there is a huge chance in the
telecommunication sector.
2.Increased international activities in Bangladesh : As Bangladesh has been experience FDI and
many foreigners are working here,the international activities have increased in the country. They
need to be connected not only within the country but also outside of the country. So, the Market
is also expending globally.
3.Declining prices for handsets : In the past, people of low income had low access to the Mobile
phone services due to the high price of handsets. When the Chinese mobile industry enters the
market, the flood of cheap handsets with latest technology started. Now anybody can buy and
maintain handsets as the telecom service price is also at the decrease.
4.New International Gateway : As BTTB'S new gateway of international connection made it easy
for the telecom companies to provide services of ISD call and International roaming.
5.Flexibility of Mobile phone : Mobile phones became more dynamic today. These modern
handsets are being used as an alternative to many devices such as music, video, camera, laptop
etc. Communication through Mobile phone became popular. Smartphone are easier to carry
because of the portability, people are getting more dependent on Mobile phones than land
phones. So, there is a strong probability achieving more sales of connections.
6.Political Instability : Though political stability brings negative impact to most of the
businesses, but in the case of telecommunication industry it is an opposite case for short period
of time.

Threats :
1.Maturity stage of industry life cycle : The telecommunication industry is in the maturity phase.
The basic characteristics of this phase are that the profit stops to grow as because the existing
companies already grabbed all the market share and there is nothing left. So, the net income
stops growing further.
2.Intense competition : In the mature level of industry life cycle, the competition is intense. In
our country, the competition in the telecommunication industry is intense as well.
3.More rigid Government regulations : Government is becoming more strict of companies are
taking away currency from the country. So, foreign companies are being threatened because they
may have barrier to back their investment and profit to their country. The government also made
the rules stricter for the foreign employee to work here.
4.Upgraded Technology Used by Competitors : New mobile phone operators are establishing
their channel with latest technology. The competitors are gaining more strength. Whereas
Grameenphone is using the station that is five almost dilapidated. So, it is a disadvantage for
5.Devaluation of Taka: As the investment comes from the overseas and profit goes to the home
country. There is a risk of currency depreciation which may reduce the profit.
6.Price war: Finally, the price war is the biggest threat for the company for its profit. As the
competition is intense, the competitors are offering news packages frequently which are
decreasing the prices of the services as well. This is a direct negative effect to the profit margin
of Grameenphone. Recently, it has been primary concern for any mobile operator in the market.
To remain competitive, they must reduce the price of their offered products.
Marketing strategy process of Grameenphone
Marketing strategy is an analysis, planning, implementation, and control process designed to
satisfy customer needs and wants by providing superior customer value.Every marketing
strategy is unique, but if we abstract from the individualizing details, each can be reduced into a
generic marketing strategy. There are a number of ways of categorizing these generic
strategies. A marketing strategy is the most effective when it is an integral component of
corporate strategy, defining how the organization will engage customers, prospects and
competitors in the market arena for success.
Strategic situation analysis
Marketing management uses the information provided by the situation analysis to guide the
design of a new strategy or change an existing strategy. The situation analysis is conducted on a
regular basis after the strategy is under way to evaluate strategy performance and identify
needed strategy changes.
•Market,vision,structure, and analysis.
•Segmenting market.
• Continuous learning about markets.

Designing market-driven strategies

Strategic situation analysis phase of the marketing strategy process identifies market
opportunities, defines market segments, evaluates competition and assesses the organizations
strength and weakness. Market sensing information plays a key role in designing marketing
strategy. Which includes,
• market targeting and strategic positioning • marketing relationship strategies • planning for new
Market-driven program development
Market targeting and positioning for new and existing products guide the choice of strategies for
the marketing program components, product, distribution, price and promotion strategies are
combined to form the positioning strategy selected for each market target. The marketing
strategy implement the positioning strategy. The objective is to achieve favorable positioning
while allocating financial human and production resources to markets, customers and products as
effectively and efficiently as possible.
Following sub points are including:
• strategic brand management • value chain, price and promotion strategies
Implementing and managing market-driven strategy
Selecting the customer to target and the positioning strategy for each target moves marketing
strategy development to the action stage. This involves designing the marketing organization
and implementing and managing the strategy.
• Designing effective market-driven organizations.
• Strategy implementation and control
Strategic situation analysis
Market vision, structure and analysis
“To be the leading provider of telecom services all over Bangladesh with satisfied customers,
shareholders and enthusiastic employees”. GP has a dual purpose: to receive an economic
return on its investments and to contribute to the economic development of Bangladesh where
telecommunications play a critical role.The mission is to provide value at an economic cost,
process in diversity, and continue to contribute to growth of industrialization in Bangladesh by
being the market challenger.
GPs market structure is very strong to other telecommunication company’s. GP create an
excellent distribution channel to serve their product. GP also set a strong networking system.GP
always analyze the competitor markets because competitors are suddenly launched new
package and also low call rates.
Segmenting markets
Basically they segment their market in considering two factors; one is demographic and another
is geographic.Geographic segmentations call for dividing the market into different geographical
units such as countries, state, cities etc. GP provide international roaming system for there
customer to use other country.Demographic segmentation divides the market into group based
on variable such as age, gender, family size, lifecycle, income etc. GP offers GP national for all
kinds of customers.
Designing market-driven strategies
Market targeting and strategic positioning
Marketing segmentation reveals the firms market segment opportunities. GP now evaluates the
various segments and decide how many which wants to target. Now the targeting market of
GPs most probably young generation because now they provide some attractive offers to
attract the teenage people.
GP try to make their positioning strategy combining with the lower call rates and offering
attractive benefits and promotions to customer.
Marketing relationship strategies
GP make a strong marketing relationship may include subscribers, marketing channel members,
suppliers, competitor analysis and internal teams. They organize periodically conference with
their distributor and try to motivate them by providing reward, extra incentives, gift hamper;
sometimes it depends on sales performance. They make relation with customers through
basically providing best network service and sometimes also providing promotional offer by
making public relations such as sponsoring social program. GP also sponsored Bangladesh
national cricket team to buildup a relationship to all kinds of people.
Planning for new product
GP are always try to launched varieties types of new services like health line, voice SMS, MMS,
GP world service, Mig33 and welcome tunes etc to attract the consumers. GP also provide their
D-juice subscribers at .30 Tk per minute at 12.00 am to 6.oo am and their smile subscribers at
1.20 tk per minute at 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. They always concern about the quality service at
competitive low call rates and select the required distribution channel as target customer easily
take their service.

Market-Driven program development

Strategic brand management
GP are one of the pioneer telecommunication company in Bangladesh. For that GPs brand is
express themselves as an established brand. They focus their patriotism through expressing
their brand name ‘ Grameen Phone’. Ultimately there is a great chance to attract all kinds of
subscribers. May be their call rates is low, they try to make it decrease by providing
best service. Besides they also arrange many social programs to make subscribers and build
their brand equity.
Value chain, price and promotion strategy
Price is important for every type of services. GP are always try to provide best service for low
prices. Most of the competitor offer low rates but negotiate with the quality services. But GP
believes that if a customer want quality services then ha must to pay high rates.
GPs target customers are upper middle and lower class and their price is as possible as low; for
that they are keeping their existing subscriber loyal and create such potential subscriber who
are mentally prepared to use their services with lower price.
GP offer various promotions for their subscriber like bonus talk time for night talk, free SMS,
free t-shirt, cap etc. GP gave the advertisement of their product through electronic and no
electronic Medias. Very recently they start new campaign “Pothe Pothe” to increase their sale.

Implementing and managing market-driven strategy

Designing Effective market driven organizations
Now these days called twenty first century when all things are modern. Every where are used
technological product like computer, fax, and internet etc. Now there are lot of sectors like that
product development sector, quality control department, Research and development
department, HR department is introduced & recruitment new employee. Another important
department is IT sector where control sectors.
Strategy implementation and control
GPs marketing strategy implementation and control consist of marketing plan and their budgets
and also the managing and controlling the strategy on an ongoing offers .At the starting of the
year they formulate the plan which includes the sales revenue, production, marketing, HR for
the interest of their company. For implementing the strategy the management arrange monthly
meeting for all top positions employee because they are set new strategy for organization.

Finally we can say that Grameen Phone is the best. The subscribers and consumers perception
about this mobile company are approximately good. After examine of its marketing mix
(Product, price, place and promotion) marketing segmentation and competitive position we can
say that it is a world class cellular company and applying better marketing method. Finally we
want to say that the marketing strategy and policies of Grameen Phone are world class and
better than the other mobile company’s in our country.

Goal formation of Grameenphone

1.To receive an economic return on its investments.
2.To contribute to the economic development of Bangladesh where telecommunications can play
a critical role. The People The people who are making it happen- the employees- are young,
dedicated and energetic.

Marketing mix of Grameenphone

Products :

➢ There are six products currently being offered by Grameenphone. The products are:
Nishcinto, Bondhu, Amontron, Shohoj, spondon, Aapon, Smile, Djuice, My zone. In
addition, Grameenphone offers a number of value-added services (VAS)to its
subscribers. These include Text messaging (SMS), voice mail, Fax/data service and
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), Internet.

❖ Grameenphone currently has three packages in the market. When the company started
out, government regulations had prevented it and other telecom companies from selling

SIM cards alone but rather had to bundle them with a handsets. ❖ In fact, according to
customers feedbacks, Grameenphone packages are all attractive,
since the connections would have attracted a lot more customers, if only the price could
be improved.

Place :
Here comes the distribution channel of Grameenphone. They has a strong network of
distribution channel. The motto of Grameenphone in establishing distribution channels
is to be the nearest of the customers. And exactly their motto is realistic.
Grameenphone is the nearest company of the customers. It has opened all the doors to
serve their customers most conveniently.

Promotion :
Grameenphone maintain the strongest promotional strategy among the telecom companies of
our country. Basically Grameenphone uses advertising as a promotional too to make a
communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific preiod
of time.

❖ The advertising tools

There are several media Grameenphone use for Their advertising :

➢ Newspaper ➢ Television

➢ Radio ➢ Magazines ➢ Newsletter ➢ Internet

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