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Create a portion E41B Register Group EG04

Meter Reading Unit E41H Device Category EG01
Device IQ01
Technical Master BUSINESS MASTER
Connection Object ES55 Business Partner FPP1
Premise ES60 Contract Account CAA1
Installation ES30 Installation (Full) EG31
Device Location ES65 move in EC50E
Scenario Meter to Cash Billing master Data
1. Schedule creation 1) Configure billing classes (SPRO -> SAP Utilities ->
2. MR Order creation EL01 Contract Billing -> Billing Master Data -> Define Billing
Meter Reading Results.-single Entry EL28 Class)
3. Billing analysis EA00 2) Configure Rate types - transaction EA56
4. Executing Billing EASIBI 3) Define Rate - transaction EA30
5. Executing Invoicing EA19 4) Create register operands - from within EA30
6. account balance FPL9 Others: 5) Define fact groups - (SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Contract
Reversals: EA13 Billing -> Billing Master Data -> Rate Structures -> Rates-
Meter Reading Correction: El27 >Define Rate Fact Groups)
6) Create Schema  - transaction EA35
7) Create Rate category - transaction EA54
8) Create Rate Determination. - transaction EA87

·   Period-end billing

Procedure whereby a document is placed on an ex- exception list Additional billing at the end of a period whereby
if it has failed validation during billing or invoicing. the customer is billed for the closed period, for ex-
ample, by means of back billing.
Periodic billing
Consumption billing performed in regular intervals.
The time sequence of this billing process is defined in
scheduling. Examples:
❑ Annual consumption billing
❑ Monthly billing
❑ Bimonthly billing
Backbilling is used when the correction for the
previous periods is expected to happen every month
upto 12 months ( floating backbilling govern by End of
billing period and period length in portion OR backbilling
"n" periods" based on no. of periods mentioned in the
"n" field),  Whereas backbilling from dynamic period
control would be triggered only by actual reads.
DYnamic period control CANNOT be used along with
Budget billing DPC(Dynamic Period Control) enables you to
process billing documents based on estimated
Fixed partial payment on the expected bill, which is charged in consumption. It lets you correct all the estimated billing
advance. with real meter readings without cancellation on one
These partial payments are charged on budget bill- ling due billing document. For example: if you have a periodic
dates. For the utility company, budget bill- ling payments are actual meter read in the system in 01/01/09 and you
down payments on the bill, which is charged later. have estimated meter reads for the subsequent months 
Budget Billing Plan Procedure  02/01/09, 03/01/09, 04/01/09 and then you had a period
. A utility company normally bills for its services at the end of a actual meter read in the system for May month
supply period, for example, during annual consumption billing. 05/01/09.
Throughout the current period, it therefore charges budget  
billing amounts instead of the actual amount owed, in order to DPC lets you correct all the estimated billing documents
remain solvent. You define the dates and the amount of the using 1 actual meter read billing document.
budget billing amounts in the budget billing plan. The budget
billing plan forms the basis for the increase in the budget billing
You can use several budget billing procedures. Each of these have
different ways of determining budget billing dates and amounts,
managing budget billing data and posting procedures.
·  Statistical budget billing procedure
·  Partial bill procedure
·  Payment plan procedure
Payment scheme
Billing class Payment plan:
Classification of contracts within one division, for example, An agreement between the customer and the utility
residential contracts or non-residential contracts. company, which determines the amount to be paid for
Rate each bill on agreed dates. The payment plan amount is
Billing rule for a register or a reference value that refers to all the not necessarily the bill amount. The difference amount
billing-related steps executed during between the bill amount and the payment plan amount is
billing. fixed and posted. The payment plan is not to be
A rate consists of one or more variant programs, which are part compared with the budget billing plan that is charged
of the billing schema. between two periodic bills.
Rate category Payment Scheme:
The payment scheme is a statistical budget billing
Classification of an installation for billing purposes.
In conjunction with rate type, the rate category is used to procedure. Consumption billing amounts from previous
and current billing periods are copied to the payment
determine the rate.
scheme and distributed evenly over the next billing
Rate fact group period. The budget billing amount is determined partially
Grouping of individual facts that are allocated to a from an extrapolation portion that reflects the expected
rate. consumption for the current billing period and partially
Several rate fact groups can be allocated to one rate. Rate fact from the copied consumption billings. It is not necessary
groups enable you to use the same rate but apply different to copy consumption billings to the payment scheme in
operand values. order to use this procedure. If you do copy them, the bills
Example: are not paid directly by the customer but during the next
Rate fact group X contains the rate facts minimum demand = 20 billing period when the payment scheme requests are
kW and discount rate = 10%. If a custo- mer uses 20 kW, a
discount of 10% is granted. paid. The payment scheme allows payments to be made
Rate type in weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly
Classification of a register, flat rate or reference value for billing cycles. The validity period of a payment scheme is
purposes. unrestricted. This means that a payment scheme is not
In conjunction with rate category, the rate type is used to ended and another created when you create a periodic
determine the rate. bill. Instead, the existing payment scheme is adjusted.
Rate Determination
Rate type + rate category = Rate

Pre sorting key installation groups

It groups together line items that are written by variants with the An installation group consists of a primary
same presorting key into one block. The blocks are then sorted installation and one or more secondary
based on the presorting key and processed for invoicing. So installations.
presorting keys are used for sorting the billing items before The most important function of installation groups is that
printing. they support multiple-installation billing.
The idea of this post is to show how a different presorting key When primary installations are billed, we can access
can affect the display of the line items in an invoice, in other billing data from secondary installations. Primary
words the use of the appropriate presorting key should depend requisite been that the variant QUANTI22 is used for
on the business requirements. More on this can be found here. writing the consumption of the secondary installation to
the primary installation.
We can have a tax line items also generated and also have a When secondary installations are billed, we can also
subtotal as output (based on the configuration) and we use them access billing data from primary installations. Primary
in billing schema. At least one block (generated by the presorting requisite been that the variant of category UTILIT( I use
key) should have subtotal as output because this is essential for UTILIT93) is used to transfer the consumption of primary
bill print. installation to secondary installation.
Point to note is that proper customization should be
If you do not want to output the subtotals, you must deactivate maintained specifying the operands which shall be
the posting-relevant in the billing schema for the basic billing transferring the values as the operand which shall
lines. The billing simply generates the comparison or information transfer the values to should have ERCHV Operand check
bill lines. If the subtotal is suppressed for posting-relevant billing box checked. Also the above variants are for transferring
lines, an invoicing error would occur Difference for tax clearing the consumption. There are different variants for
too large. This is because the suppressed VAT does not match the transferring the amount.
tax that was posted.
‘Franchise Contract‘.  ‘Advance Billing’
In the franchise contract, the fees that a utility company must ‘Advance Billing’ Checkbox in Rate Category
pay to the respective political entity are established. The utility If you set this indicator, the system performs advance
company then obtains the right to supply energy directly to billing at the same time as each periodic billing. The
customers in these municipalities and to use public traffic routes period for advance billing is calculated from the end of
for the laying and operation of lines. Billing uses the franchise the periodic billing period to the next scheduled meter
contract for calculating the franchise fee to be paid. The franchise reading date. We can control which steps are to be
contract applies to only one division. carried out in the period for advance billing using the
The Customer Contribution is the share of franchise fee that is control of advance billing indicator in the billing schema.
paid by the business partner. The contribution can be specified as Example: In monthly billing, you can always calculate the
an amount or as a percentage . rental price a month in advance.’
The Company Contribution is the share of franchise fee that is
paid by the utility company. The contribution can be specified as
an amount or as a percentage rate in decimal form.
Which form is to be used is decided by allocating the appropriate
operand in the rate.

Print Workbench Portion

It is a tool used for printing in IS-Utilities Group of contracts that are to be billed together.
Print Workbench is the central development environment for Meter reading unit
creating standardized outgoing correspondence. Installations grouped together according to region,
consisting of built-in devices and their registers.
The Print Workbench is subdivided into following sub-objects : Installations are grouped this way for purposes of
Form Classes meter reading and device management.
• Contains the underlying data hierarchy of an application.
• Contains detailed information about the data for an
application. Contract
• Contains a library of modularized access routines. Agreement between business partner and utility
• Can be used by different application forms. company that applies to a single division.
Application Forms The contract contains control data for billing pur- poses,
• Application forms are configuration objects. They integrate for creation of the budget billing plan, and for contract
ƒ Data structure defined in Form Class accounts receivable and payable.
ƒ Data Procurement
Contracts for services (for example, maintenance
ƒ Form Logic
contracts) are managed by the Sales and Distribution (SD)
ƒ Form layout
application component
• You can add your own data using user exits.
• Can choose between basic tools for creating form layouts –
Smart Forms, SAPscripts or PDF Forms
Adjustment price Business Partner: A business partner could be a person, an
organization, a future customer, a contact person or even an
1) create an check box field on the contract account called: send installer who is licensed to provide the utilities services on behalf
separate adjustment reversal. The user will have the option to check the of the utility company.
box if they want to create the invoice. If the box is unchecked the
Contract: A contract is the legal agreement that the business
adjustment will be invoiced with the next billing document (logic to be
partner has entered with the utility for a particular service. For
added in event R403) e.g., a utility may provide electricity, gas and water services.
2) implement the following logic in event R403:
  Contract Account: A contract account is a logical way of
grouping various contracts. The contract account is used for
if the billing document being invoiced if adjustment reversal maintaining the payment, dunning and collection rules that are
  if the indicator on the contract account is checked common to a group of contracts. It is through the contract
  uncheck the indicator on the contract account (you can use FM account, the business partner is linked to the contracts.
FKK_ACCOUNT_UPDATE) Device: refers to the physical device. It could be an electric
  ELSE meter, gas meter, regulator, sensor etc. Every device has a
  if there is another billing document created after the adjustment reversal unique serial number and in SAP a utility device is a nothing but
a equipment with a serial number
billing document
     put the same value in field E_GROUP in table T_EITR for all billing Device Location: This refers to the physical location of the
documents so they will be invoiced on the same invoice device. More than one device can be in a device location or
  end if each device can be its own location.
endif Connection Object:  physical location where the various services
endif are provided. It is the service address and usually the address of
  the house but in case of apartment complex could be different
than the address of the apartment that actually consumes the
I have used this logic for interim documents (02).
service. Device locations (discussed above) take the address of
the connection object with additional qualifiers to pin point their

Premise: This refers to the spatial unit or the enclosed structure

to which the utility services have to be rendered

Installation: It is at the installation level various billing schema,

rate tariffs and billing procedures are attached for the services
provided. The installation groups various devices based on
registers etc so that specific billing values like rate category can
be maintained for the services. Also, every installation is
attached to the premise so that actual supply point can be linked
with the site where the services are provided. Point to note that
is there is a one to one relationship between installation and

Point of Delivery: This is a globally identified unique service point

where a utility service is provided. In a deregulated market (a
topic in itself), there are multiple service providers providing a
customer different services. For e.g,, a utility company will be
providing the actual electricity and any associated infrastructure
around it whereas another provider will be able to provide billing,
customer service and other related services. So, in a
deregulated market, it becomes important to uniquely identify
service point and it is done using the point of delivery data
object. There is a 1:1 relationship between point of delivery and

Device Category: This groups the various devices in to different

categories based on the technical characteristics. This enables
us to maintain the data that is common for a group of devices,
there by grouping them in a logical way. Some examples of
device categories are Meter, Transformer, Pressure regulator
   What is Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ?
As a result of the high number of customers and invoices, waste disposal companies must create a large
number of payment demands. To prevent you from having to enter this mass data in general ledger
accounting, sub-ledger accounting has been integrated into Waste Management: Accounts receivable
and payable. Contract accounts receivable and payable is specially designed to process mass data. At
certain intervals, the system transfers the cumulated individual bookings to the general ledger in
Financial Accounting (FI). You can also transfer sales or service invoices from the Sales and Distribution
(SD) component to contract accounts receivable and payable. The goal of contract accounts receivable
and payable is to automate all processes. Manual intervention is only necessary if an agent's decision is
   What are Processing Components?
use this component to:
Create, change and display
Plan (resource planning and route allocation)
  What Interfaces used to connect
As an alternative to an integrated solution, you can use generic interfaces to connect external,
complementary products to SAP Waste and Recycling. Interfaces exist for the following systems:
Route planning system
Weighing data system
Board computer
   What is Processing Data Exchange?
Before SAP IS-U 4.63, data was exchanged using IDE events. This means that during certain processes in
IS-U, the IDE events are triggered and the data exchange is processed depending on the IDE
communication control.
Example: Consumption Billing
Executing consumption billing in IS-U triggers an IDE event that enables the consumption values to be
sent. Depending on the IDE communication control, the point of delivery consumption determined in
billing can be sent to the customer's supplier.
As of IS-U 4.64, you should always process data exchange using data exchange processes. Data Exchange
Processes (based on the implemented data exchange basic processes) enable a more differentiated
specification, control, and monitoring of data exchange.
The IDE events are integrated in the infrastructure of the data exchange processes. Data exchange basic
processes exist for most IDE events.
  What is Postal Regional Structure ?
The postal regional structure enables you to do the following:
Manage postal codes, cities and streets.
Check the accuracy of postal codes, cities and streets.
Simplify the process of entering postal codes, cities and streets.
When you create objects that refer directly or indirectly to an address, some fields may already contain
default values (as in the connection object). In other cases, such as in the installation, you must have the
system propose a value.
  What is Parameter Record ?
The parameter record contains control data for budget billing. You use this control data to generate due
dates for the budget billing amounts when you create the portion schedule records.
You need a parameter record to create a portion.
enter the parameter record in the portion. Select the Where Used List in the display or change mode to
display all portions that use a particular parameter record.
You only create the parameter record in order to generate the due dates for the budget billing amounts.
The following functions are possible:
Create parameter record
Change parameter record
Delete parameter records
can only delete a parameter record if it is not used in a portion.
   What is Data Archiving in SAP Utilities?
In IS-U you can now archive billing documents, print documents and budget billing plans.
This means you can ease the load on your database at any time by archiving the correspondence you no
longer need online. The documents are deleted from the database and written to the archive files.
To display archived documents at any time using the appropriate standard IS-U transaction,always
restore archives.
   What is Energy Data Management in SAP IS-Utilities?
Energy Data Management is a solution that fulfills requirements by offering interval reading, settlement
of energy quantities, scheduling, and billing of interval energy consumption.
The Energy Data Management (SAP IS-U-EDM) component is fully integrated into the SAP IS-U system
and can be installed in an existing SAP IS-U system as a new component. SAP IS-U-EDM is also integrated
into Intercompany Data Exchange (SAP IS-U-IDE). This component allows for data exchange in
standardized formats and enables the integration of cross-company business processes. SAP IS-U-EDM
allows you to bill profiles in SAP IS-U. Profiles are prepared in SAP IS-U-EDM and transferred to SAP IS-U
billing via an internal interface. This allows you to bill new types of contracts, such as spot purchases.
SAP IS-U-EDM also interfaces with automated meter reading systems.
The IS-U process for billing and invoicing is:
1. Create Meter Reading Orders
2. Download / Print Meter Reading Orders
3. Read the meter (outside SAP IS-U)
4. Upload / Manual Entry of Meter Reading Results
5. Billing the installations (mass billing)
6. Invoicing the created billing documents
7. Print the invoices
The prerequisite for this process is that master data must exist in the system
The process to create master data in the standard SAP IS-U system is:
1) Create Technical Objects:
1.1 Create Connection Object
1.2. Create Premise
1.3 Create Installation
1.4. Create Device
1.5 Install Device in the Installation
2) Create Business master data
2.1 Create Business Partner
2.2 Create contract account
2.3 Create Move In (Move the business partner into the premise).
Another prerequisite would be to have billing master data in the system:
These are the steps to create a billing master data construct.
1) Configure billing classes
2) Configure Rate types
3) Define Rate
4) Create register operands
5) Define fact groups
6) Create Schema
7) Create Rate category
8) Create Rate Determination.
I hope this will be helpful to you.
First Checkbox :  No Period End Billing  is self understood
Second Checkbox :  Period End Billing Integrated with Last Bill
If we set this indicator, integrated period-end billing is performed for the contracts allocated to this rate
category. In the case of integrated period-end billing, the period-end billing is carried out together with
the last periodic billing of the period-end billing period(or the final billing).
The billing line items resulting from the period-end billing are added to the billing document of the
billing that initiated the period-end billing. No separate period-end billing document is created.
For the period-end billing, we must specify the number of periods in the period-end billing period.
Third Checkbox : Separate Period End Billing
If we set this indicator, a separate period-end billing is executed for the contracts allocated to this rate
category. When the last periodic billing of the period-end billing period (or the final billing) is executed, a
period-end billing order is generated. Period-end billing is carried out when you process the period-end
billing order. We can specify whether the period-end billing must be performed before the next periodic
billing. In addition, you establish how many days must pass since the last periodic billing before the
period-end billing can be carried out at the earliest. A separate billing document (period-end billing
document) is created when the period-end billing order is processed. For the period-end billing, we
must specify the number of periods in the period-end billing period.
Now for the fields
Difference between last billing and period-end billing
This field is only relevant for a separate period-end billing.Here we specify the number of days that must
pass between the last periodic billing of a period-end billing period (or the final billing) and processing of
the period-end billing order.It is not possible to perform the period-end billing before this number of
days has passed.
Example: a difference of 5 days has been specified. The last periodic billing was performed on
01/03/1998. You can perform the period-end billing on 01/08/1998 at the earliest.
Number of periods for period-end billing
Here you specify the number of periods to be included in the period-end billing period for a period-end
And the checkbox
Priority of Period-End Billing
When we mark this field, then a period-end billing order has priority over other orders. If an additional
billing order with a different billing operation (periodic, interim, and so on) exists for the same contract,
it cannot be processed after the period-end billing order.
• If the indicator is not set, the period-end billing order has no priority. A periodic billing order can be
processed before the period-end billing order (both orders are for the same contract). In this way, we
can prevent the next periodic billing from being missed because of a delayed execution of period-end
Also this indicator is only relevant for rate categories with period-end billing.
SAP IS Utility : Deregulation Terminology


NB service Non-billable service

CRN Cross-reference number


Advance payment          Procedure whereby the billing agent pays the service provider for the

Outstanding receivables, even if the customer has not yet paid the billing agent. The billing agent owns
the receivables from the customer once they have been invoiced in IS-U.

Bill ready                          Bill creation process performed by the service provider, in which they are the
owner of the receivable. The bill covers services performed by the service provider as well as services
from any third parties involved. The bill is transferred to the billing consolidator, who is responsible for bill
payment. This means the customer receives one bill for all service types.

Billing agent                     Service provider who creates bills and monitors incoming payments both for
services they provide themselves and for services provided by third parties.

Receivables for which the customer is billed on behalf of third parties are forwarded directly to the third
party and do not appear (as revenue) in the billing agent’s general ledger.

Billing consolidator          Service provider who bills the customer for several services. This is an

Umbrella term for billing agent and sole provider.

Customer payment     Procedure whereby the billing agent only pays outstanding receivables to the
service provider once the customer has paid the outstanding receivables to the billing agent.

Deregulation scenario Description of a valid relationship between service providers in the

 Deregulated market. To simplify matters, the scenarios are not always described in full in this
documentation. For example, when a sole provider scenario is mentioned, it is not clear whether the sole
provider is the distributor or the supplier, or when a billing agent scenario is mentioned, the scenario may
involve a bill ready or rate ready procedure with advance payment or customer payment. If the exact
scenario is irrelevant in a particular context, general references like these are used.

Grid                                   Object in the IS-U System that corresponds to a distribution grid or part of one.

Rate ready                       Bill creation process and bill payment by the billing consolidator on behalf of the
service provider who is the service owner.
The billing consolidator must have access to all the necessary data (for example, rate data) in order to
create the bill.

This means the customer receives one bill for all service types.

Service provider              Company that provides, for example, one of the following
(Service types):
        Energy generation
        Energy purchasing
        Energy switching`
        Energy distribution
        Meter installation and maintenance
        Meter reading
A service provider is assigned one service type.
Sole provider                   Service provider solely responsible for all services, from the
customer’s point of view. The sole provider is also the owner of third-party
Receivables from the customer. All receivables for which the customer is billed are
listed as revenue in the sole provider’s general ledger.
Templates                        SAP provides predefined programs and workflows for some
Flows. These are supplied as templates.
SAP delivers the following templates:
        IDocs

        Programs for entering data in IDocs for outbound messages

        Programs for reading IDocs for inbound messages and subsequent
        Workflows for more complex process management
Point of delivery               Point at which a utility service is performed or determined
for a customer. A point of delivery has one (or in some cases no) external number
(point of delivery ID) at one time.
A point of delivery is used for:
        Communication in automatic data exchange (deregulation
        point of delivery)
        Exchange of meter reading results (technical point of
        delivery)

        When exchanging meter reading results, the technical point of delivery

        has the following categories:
        Standard point of delivery
        Virtual point of delivery
This Blog cater to my personal view and in noway it should
be officially related to my professional work.

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