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13/2/2021 Week 6 - Topic 1: Quiz - Where and when were they born: INGLES III (4125)

Week 6 - Topic 1: Quiz - Where and when were they

Fecha de entrega 14 de feb en 23:59 Puntos 0 Preguntas 8
Disponible 8 de feb en 0:00 - 14 de feb en 23:59 7 días
Límite de tiempo 60 minutos Intentos permitidos Ilimitados

Where and when were they born


In this activity you will put into practice what you have learned; remember to read the questions very well
before answering.

Volver a realizar el examen

Historial de intentos
Intento Hora Puntaje
MANTENER Intento 2 1 minuto 0 de 0

MÁS RECIENTE Intento 2 1 minuto 0 de 0

Intento 1 20 minutos 0 de 0

Puntaje para este intento: 0 de 0

Entregado el 13 de feb en 22:25
Este intento tuvo una duración de 1 minuto.

Listen to some famous people information and choose the best answer for
the questions.

01. Eva_Where and when were they born.mp3 1/5
13/2/2021 Week 6 - Topic 1: Quiz - Where and when were they born: INGLES III (4125)

Pregunta 1 0 / 0 pts

When was Jhon F. Kennedy the president of the USA?

from 1950 to 1953

from 1963 until his dead.

from 1960 to 1963

Pregunta 2 0 / 0 pts

Where was Marie Curie born?

In Paris

In Polland

In Pollish

Pregunta 3 0 / 0 pts

When was the first film of Laurel and Hardy? 2/5
13/2/2021 Week 6 - Topic 1: Quiz - Where and when were they born: INGLES III (4125)

¡Correcto! In 1926

In 1826

In 1936

Pregunta 4 0 / 0 pts

Where were the Beatles from?

They were from the USA

¡Correcto! They were from Liverpool

They were from the school

Pregunta 5 0 / 0 pts

Was Beethoven born deaf?

¡Correcto! No, he wasn’t

Yes, he was

When he was 30

Pregunta 6 0 / 0 pts 3/5
13/2/2021 Week 6 - Topic 1: Quiz - Where and when were they born: INGLES III (4125)

When was Mao Tse Tung the leader of China?

from 1949 to 1976

from 1893 to 1915

from 1969 to 1996

Pregunta 7 0 / 0 pts

Where were the writers Tolstoi, Dostoyevsky and Chekov from?

From Italy

From Russia

From France

Pregunta 8 0 / 0 pts

When was Galileo Galilei born?

In the 15th century

In the 16th century

In the 13th century

Puntaje del examen: 0 de 0 4/5
13/2/2021 Week 6 - Topic 1: Quiz - Where and when were they born: INGLES III (4125) 5/5

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