Prime Time 4

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Prime time 4 : 4a- 6i

Keep away- hold back, prevent access to

Keep off- stay away

Keep on- continue

Keep up with- move at the same speed- დაეწიო

Let down- disappoint

Let out (of)- release (from prison)

Pick on- treat unkindly

Pick out- chose

Pick up- 1. Lift with hands 2. Take someone away in a car.

In common

Expert on something

Blame someone for something

Stare at something/ someone

Few in number

Do up- 1) fasten (clothes) 2) decorate

To do something over (again)- repeat something

Drop by/in- visit a place/ person

Drop out- leave before the end

Get across- make somebod understand, communicate

Get along with someone- be friendly with someone

Get ahead- do well in a career

break down - გაფუჭება, მუშაობის შეწყვეტა

break in - ძალით შესვლა(მაგ., შენობაში)

break into - ძალით შესვლა(შენობაში)

break out - უეცრად დაწყება

break up - გაყოფა, დაშორება

bring about - მოვლენის გამოწვევა

bring off - რაიმეს წარმატებით შესრულება

bring (sb) around - გონზე მოსვლა/(გა)დარწმუნება

bring up - აღზრდა, მცირეწლოვანზე ზრუნვა

carry on/carry over - გაგრძელება

find out - აღმოჩენა

look after - ზრუნვა

make up your mind - გადაწყვეტილების მიღება

put out - ჩაქრობა(ხანძრის)

stand out - გამორჩევა, გამორჩეულობა

take up - ჰობის დაწყება

take advantage of someone

at eye level

exchange (something) for (something)

goes to waste

hand in- submit

hand out- distribute

hand over- give

hang out- spend time relaxing

hang on- wait a short time

join in- become involved in an activity with others

join up- become a member of smth

lead to

survive on something

under threat

contribute to
doze off

curl up

get rid of

Set about- Initiate or begin some action/ attack

Sat aside- Separate and reserve something for a specific purpose

set apart = make something noticeable and distinct from others

set aside = put something to the side because you will not use it at the moment

set back = cause a delay.

set something down = put it down

set in = begin to happen (often used for seasons, trends, feelings, etc.)

set off = begin a journey or cause/trigger an event (especially an alarm or explosion)

set out = begin a journey or display things for viewing

set up = establish, assemble, or prepare a structure for use

come across

head out

die out

cut down

wear off - ეფექტურობის დაკარგვა, გაცვეთა, მოძველება; თანდათან გაქრობა

wipe out - განადგურება

work on - გაუმჯობესებაზე მუშაობა; შესწავლა, კვლევა

work out - ვარჯიში; პრობლემის გადაჭრა

break into - ძალით შესვლა(შენობაში)

brighten up - გახალისება(ადამიანის); განათება, გაღიავება(უსულო საგნის)

cut off - გაცალკევება, მოწყვეტა

get away with - სასჯელისგან თავის არიდება

give up - დანებება
keep off - თავიდან არიდება, შეწყვეტა

pick up - შეგროვება

rely on - ვიღაცის იმედის ქონა, ვიღაცაზე დამოკიდებულება

resort to - საბოლოოდ რაღაცის გამოყენება, მიმართვა რთულ სიტუაციაში

result in - შედეგში ასახვა

run away - გაქცევა

run into - ვიღაცასთან შემთხვევით შეხვედრა

run out (of) - გამოლევა, გათავება, ამოწურვა

break down - გაფუჭება, მუშაობის შეწყვეტა

cheer up - გამხნევება

deal with - გამკლავება

end up - საბოლოოდ კონკრეტულ ადგილას/სიტუაციაში აღმოჩენა

give up - დანებება

hand out - დარიგება, განაწილება; სხვისთვის მიცემა

look down on - ზევიდან ყურება

pull into - გადაყენება(მაგ., ავტომობილის)

put in - დაყენება, დაინსტალირება

take after - მსგავსება(გარეგნობაში ან ქცევაში)

take off - აფრენა

take up - დაწყება(ჰობის)

throw away - მოშორება, გადაგდება

turn around - შემოტრიალება 180 გრადუსით

turn down - უარყოფა, უარის თქმა

turn off - გამორთვა, გათიშვა

turn over - (გვერდის) გადაშლა

turn up (to be) - აღმოჩენა

check off - სიის შემოწმება, გადახაზვა

fall out with - კამათი

make out - ცხადად დანახვა, გარკვევით გაგება

make up – (გა)მოგონება; მეგობართან შერიგება

make up for - კომპენსირება, დათმობა

put off - გადადება

put on - ხარისხის მომატება; წონაში მომატება; ჩაცმა

put (sb) through - ტელეფონით დაკავშირება

slow down - შენელება

talk (sth) through - მოლაპარაკება, გარკვევა

warm up - გახურება (რაღაცის დაწყებამდე)

work out - პრობლემის გადაჭრა

eat out - განადგურება, ჩამოშლა, ეროზია

go off - გაფუჭება; მაღვიძარას დარეკვა; აფეთქება

go over - გამოკვლევა, შემოწმება

heat up - გაცხელება

look after - ვინმეზე ზრუნვა

look for - ძებნა, ძიება

look through - გადახედვით, უცბად წაკითხვა

look up - ინფორმაციის ძებნა(მაგ., ლექსიკონში, ინტერნეტში)

scare off - ვინმეს/რაიმეს შეშინება, რათა გაგვეცალოს

set off/out - რაიმეს წამოწყება, დაწყება

throw out - თავიდან მოშორება; წამოსროლა, გადასროლა

watch out - ფრთხილად ყოფნა

carry out - შესრულება, განხორციელება

end up - საბოლოოდ კონკრეტულ ადგილას/სიტუაციაში აღმოჩენა

fall for - ძლიერი გატაცება

fall out - დაშლა, ჩამოცვენა, შეწყვეტა(მეგობრობის)

fall through - მარცხის განცდა

get along with sb/get on - კარგი ურთიერთობის დამყარება

get on/off - ტრანსპორტში ჩაჯდომა/ტრანსპორტიდან ჩამოსვლა

get through - რთულ სიტუაციასთან გამკლავება

give away - გაცემა(მაგ., საიდუმლოს, ნივთის)

give off/out - გამოყოფა(მაგ., ნახშირორჟანგის)

give up - დანებება

pass by - ახლოს ჩავლა

pass out- 1. Distribute, hand out 2) lose consciousness

pass up- not take advantage of

pass away- die

stick at- keep trying to succeed at sth difficult

stick around- not leave

think up- imagine, create

think through- consider carefully

run after - გაკიდება, დევნა

keep an eye- watch to protect

pull the wool over your eyes- deceive you

get cold feel- feel nervous

give a hand- help

pull a leg- joke

get it off one’s chest- talk about it

fill out/in- complete (a document)

fill up- put as much in smth as possible

hold up- 1)delay 2) commit a robbery using guns.

Hold on- wait

Hold off- not start or do smth immediately

Try on- put on clothes to see if they fit

Try out- compete for a place (try out on a team)

Try smth out- use smth to see if it works/ if yuu like it

Out of blue- out of nowhere

Impact on smth

Leave in tears

Ashamed of

Distinguish between things

Being satisfied with smth.

Glance- look at quickly

Glare- look at angrily

Stare- look at for a long time (rudely)

Gaze- look at for a long time

Glimpse- see for a short time, catch a sight of

Peer- look at something with difficulty

Peep- look quickly, often secretly

Become extinct

Bring back to life

Make a breakthrough

Roam the earth- wander the earth

Preserved samples

Break in two

conduct experiments

hatch out of an egg

advanced techniques
distant relatives

slashing stings

grey sky

complete darkness

green leaves

thick clothing

leather helmet

carving knife

fine spray

gripping adventure- fantasy novel/ book

intriguing story

evil force

fast- pased plot

thrilling moments

dark tension

life- changing decisions

realistic portrayal

satisfying sequel

predictable plot

original/ mysterious/ heart-warming story

well- developed/ likable characters

suprising ending

strong themes.

Annual festival

Travel journalist

Weather balloon

Video footage
Lifelong passion

To demand evidence

Native tribes

Highly secretive

A welcome addition

To drive you crazy

Full moon

Closely resemble

Gasped in amazement

Stunning scenery

Take your breath away

Feel like a failure

Life- changinf experience

Feel sick from exhaustion

Feel full of energy

Buld character

Inner strength

Achieve goals

Study for exams

Enroll in college

Full potential

Life skills

Different background

Easy to achieve

Animal rescue centre

Charity shop

Pick an activity
Gold awards

Comes your way

Die of starvation

Fall in love with

Gasped in amazement

Dream of doing something

Having access to something

Asset to something

Negotiation skills

University graduate

Tuition fees

Renewable energy

Extracurricular activities

Inner strength

Martial art

Crash course

Financial analyst

Full potential

Halls of residence

Occasional error

Lung viciously

Cross the line

Unexpected twist

Dull book

Smile confidently

Intensely studying

Body language
Forensic psychologist

Subconscious signals

To hurt one’s feelings

Human nature

To spin a yarn

Eye contact

Muscle spasms.

Passive, impersonal/ personal constructions

Active contruction- 1. people think (that) he didn’t see a bigfoot. 2. They believe the creature
was a panther

Impersonal passive construction- It is thought (that) he didn’t see a bigfoot. 2. It is thought that
the creature was a panther

Personal passive construction- 1. he is thought no to have seen a bigfoot. 2. The creature was
thought to have been a panther.

A strange noise can be heard

An explanation for the hum hasn’t been found

Yetis are said to live in mountains

Fireballs were seen last night.

The lights were believed to have been UFOs.

Reported speech

Direct speech- 1. “we went to a shaolin monks perfomance last night” said joseph to phill

2. I’m leaving for china next Friday (next Saturday)

3. “is he a teacher” she asked.

4. “where is he from” she asked.

5. “make notes” he said to me

6. “don’t write on the screen” he said to me.

7. “have you watched video lectures” matt asked alex.

Reported speech-1. joseph told phil that they had gone to a shaolin perfomance the night before.

2. I said I was leaving for china on Friday.

3. she asked if/ whether he was a teacher

4. she asked where he was from.

5. he told me to make notes.

6. he told me not to write on the screen.

7. matt asked alex if/whether ge gad watched video lectures.

Report speech special introductory verbs:

 Promise
 Suggest
 Complain
 Deny
 Remind
 Offer
 Apologise
 Explain

He reminded me to hand in my essays before Friday.

Ann accused steve of breaking the printer.

She denied taking my card.

The causative

We use a causative verb when we want to talk about something that someone else did for us or
for another person. Maybe they paid, or asked, or persuaded the other person to do it. For

If I paid someone to clean it, of course I can say:

 I had my house cleaned.

In a sense, using a causative verb is similar to using a passive. The important thing is that the
house is now clean. We don't focus on who did the cleaning.
Have + object + past participle (have something done)

'have something done' when we are talking about paying someone to do something for us. It's
often used for services. The form is 'subject + have + object + past participle'.

 I had my car washed.

 John will have his house painted.

Get + object + past participle (get something done)

'subject + get + object + past participle'. This has the same meaning as 'have', but is less formal.

 The students get their essays checked.

 I'll get my hair cut next week.

 He got his washing machine fixed.

Have someone do something (have + person + infinitive)

'subject + have + person + infinitive'. this time we say who did the thing - we talk about the
person who we asked to do the thing for us.

 I had the electrician look at my broken light.

 The doctor will have the nurse call the patients.

 The teacher had the students write the answers on the whiteboard.

Get someone to do something (get + person + to + infinitive)

'get + someone + to + infinitive'. you cause the other person to do the action, maybe by paying
them to do it, or by asking them to do it, or by persuading them to do it.

 She gets her son to do his homework by promising him ice cream when he's finished.

 I got the cleaner to clean under the cupboards.


 Inversion just means putting the verb before the subject.

1. When we use a negative adverb or adverb phrase at the beginning of the sentence.

Hardly Hardly had I got into bed when the telephone rang.
Never Never had she seen such a beautiful sight before.

Seldom Seldom do we see such an amazing display of dance.

Rarely Rarely will you hear such beautiful music.

Only then Only then did I understand why the tragedy had happened.

Not only ... but Not only does he love chocolate and sweets but he also smokes.

No sooner No sooner had we arrived home than the police rang the doorbell.

Scarcely Scarcely had I got off the bus when it crashed into the back of a car.

Only later Only later did she really think about the situation.

Nowhere Nowhere have I ever had such bad service.

Little Little did he know!

Only in this way Only in this way could John earn enough money to survive.

In no way In no way do I agree with what you're saying.

On no account On no account should you do anything without asking me first.

In the following expressions, the inversion comes in the second part of the sentence:

Not until Not until I saw John with my own eyes did I really believe he was safe.

Not since Not since Lucy left college had she had such a wonderful time.

Only after Only after I'd seen her flat did I understand why she wanted to live there.

Only when we'd all arrived home did I feel calm.

Only by Only by working extremely hard could we afford to eat.

Seldom Seldom have I seen such beautiful work.

2. We can use inversion instead of 'if' in conditionals with 'had' 'were' and 'should'. This is quite

 Normal conditional: If I had been there, this problem wouldn't have happened.

 Conditional with inversion: Had I been there, this problem wouldn't have happened.

 Normal conditional: If we had arrived sooner, we could have prevented this tragedy!

 Conditional with inversion: Had we arrived sooner, we could have prevented this

3. if we put an adverbial expression of place at the beginning on the sentence.

On the table was all the money we had lost. (Normal sentence: All the money we had lost was
on the table.)

 Round the corner came the knights. (Normal sentence: The knights came round the

4. after 'so + adjective...that':

 So beautiful was the girl that nobody could talk of anything else. (Normal sentence: the
girl was so beautiful that nobody could talk of anything else.)

 So delicious was the food that we ate every last bite. (Normal sentence: the food was so
delicious that we ate every last bite.)

Key word transformation

1. The scientists found the discovery astonishing (by)

The scientists were astonished bt the discovery.

2. Tom enjoyed himself at the exhibition. (great)

Tom had a great time at the exhibition.

3. Archaeologists report that they have found a dinosaur skeleton. (reported)

A dinosaur skeleton was reported to have been found

4. Sarah likes being by herself. (mind)

Sarah doesn’t mind spending time alone.

5. People say that house is haunted. (said)

That house is said to be haunted.

6. Immediately (soon)

As soon as possible

7. The librarian said to me “ do not talk so loudly”

The librarian told me not to talk so loudly.

8. I was really looking forward to starting my course (wait)

I couldn’t wait to start my course

9. The village has clean water because of john’s invention.(thanks)

It is thanks to john’s invention that the village has clean water.

10. He didn’t leave his job. He decided to study for a degree part- time. (instead)

He decided to study for a degree part- time instead of leaving his job.

11. He denied cheating at the exam. (had)

He said he had not cheated at the exam.

12. You must do what your teacher tells you. (carry)

You must carry out your teacher’s instructions.

13. Jo (leg/break) in an accident.

Jo had his leg broken in an accident.

14. A plastic surgeon had already ficed janet’s nose before her photo shoot (by)

Janet had already had her nose fixed by a plastic surgeon before the photo shoot.

15. Edward (his car stereo/ steal) last week.

Edward had his car stereo stolen last week.

16. Jennifer often gets upset for no apparent reason.

Jennifer has a tendency to get upset fo no reason.

Word formation

Agent- agency

Appear- appearance- disappear

Create- creature- creative

Compare- comparisons- comparable

Legend- legendary

Believe- believer-beliavable

Science- scientific- Scientestic-scientist

Nature- natural

Imagine- imagination

Surprise- suprisingly- suprising

Import- importance

Occur- occurrence

Accuraye- accuracy

Predict- prediction

Lazy- laziness

Ill- illness

Popular- popularity

Quiet- quietness

Private- privacy

Collect- collectio

Differ- difference

Active- activity

Easy- easier

Well- better

Instruct- instructor
Reward- rewarding

Appreciate- appreciation- appreciating- appreciative

Ease- unease- uneasily

Long- longer- length

Sure- unsure- ensure

Force- forced

Comfortable- uncomfortable- comfort

Comfort- discomfort

Relation- relationship

Adult- adulthood

Child- childhood

Scholar- scholarship

Friend- friendship

Neighbour- neighbourhood

Apprentice- apprenticeship

Ghost- ghostly

Imprison- imprisonment

Execute- execution

Success- successful

Rely- reliable

Aimless- aimlessly

Exception- exceptional

Belong- belongings

Length- lengthy

Logic- logical

Speculate- speculation

Mystery- mysterious
Lucky- unlucky

Peace- peaceful

Usual- unusual

Vary- various

Equip- equipment

Electric- electricity

Evident- evidence

Possible- impossible

Like- likely- likable

Remark- remarkable

Tour- tourist

Amaze- amazement

Patient- patience

Fail- failure

Arrogant- arrogance

Meditate- meditation

generous- generosity

short- shorten

strength- strengthen

sure- ensure

large- enlarge

courage- encourage

vary- variety

crisp- crispy

worse- worsen

heroes- superheroes

communications- elecommunications
biography- autobiography

husband- exhusband

action- interaction

founder- cofounder

change- interchange

accident- accindentally

educate- education

true- trully

free- freedom

end- endless

aware- awareness

necessary- unnecessary

accept- acceptable, unacceptable

wise- wisely

tradition- traditional, traditionally

research- researchers

innovate- innovation

remove- removal

leisure- leisurely, leisurable, leisured

embarrass- embarrassing

heavy- heavily

poison- poisonous

environment- environmentally

harm- harmless, harmful

confide- confident

violent- violence

reside- residence
populate- population

exact- exactly

found- founder

train- training

obsess- obsession

passion- passionate

smooth- smoother, smoothly

expense- expensive

dedicate- dedication

ghost- ghostly

imprison- imprisonment

execute- execution

occur- occurrence

success- successful

rely- reliable

aimless- aimlessly

appear- appearance

exception- exceptional

belong- belonging

length- long, lengthen

speculate- speculation

lucky- the luckiest, unlucky

week- weekly

excel- excelent

flex- flexible, flexibility

medicate- medication

exist- existence
addict- addiction

easy- easily- easier- uneasy

well- better

instruct- instructor

reward- rewarding


ease- unease

surprise- suprisingly

long- length- longer

sure- ensure

force- forced

comfortable- uncomfortable

eight- eighteen

history- historical

actual- actually

announce- announcements

attend- attention- attendant

public- publicise

grocer- grocerries

popular- unpopular

anger- angrily

compete- competition

recent- recently

deliver- delivery

urgent- urgently

fail- failure

begin- beginning
apply- application

rich- enrich

lie- liar

conclude- conclusion

contest- contestant

claim- claimant

courage- courageous

meaning- meaningful- meaningless

honest- dishonest

ridicule- ridiculous

laugh- laughter

tradition- traditional

support- support- supporters

inhabit- inhabitant

celebrate- celebration

option- optional

forgettable- unforgettable

manage- management

reward- rewarding

instense- intensely- intensive

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