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openMind Level 3

class video worksheet

Unit 1  Live and learn

Before you watch

Discuss in pairs or small groups. Which of these subjects would you

like or not like to study at college? Why or why not?

​business studies  English language  ​English literature  ​film studies  ​history  ​law

While you watch

1 Watch the video. Which of the subjects in Ex. 1 are the students in
the video studying?
Student 1 is studying .
Student 2 is studying .
Student 3 is studying .
Student 4 is studying .

2 Watch the video again and match the beginnings and ends of
the sentences.
Student 1 … a) is planning to study harder this year.
Student 2 … b) wants to get some work experience in the summer.
Student 3 … c) spends a lot of class time discussing what they have seen.
Student 4 … d) is only just starting the second semester of their course.

3 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences as you heard

them on the video. Then watch again to check your answers.
Speaker 1
“Everything is still very new for me, but I’ve (1) already / yet met a lot of really friendly,
interesting people.”
Speaker 2
“None of the law firms have replied to me (2) already / yet, but I won’t give up!”
Speaker 3
“I’m going to take some extra classes this semester. They haven’t started
(3) already / yet, but I hope I can catch up on what I missed last year.”

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

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