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J. Raman Spectrosc. 2006; 37: 555–561

Published online 8 December 2005 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/jrs.1428

Micro-Raman spectroscopy in white portland cement

hydration: long-term study at room temperature
Sagrario Martinez-Ramirez,1∗ Moisés Frı́as1 and Concepción Domingo2
Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción ‘Eduardo Torroja’ (CSIC), C/Serrano Galvache 4, 28033, Madrid, Spain
Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (CSIC), C/Serrano 121, 28006, Madrid, Spain

Received 3 May 2005; Accepted 12 September 2005

The long-term hydration of white portland cement has been followed through micro-Raman spectroscopy,
choosing for excitation the most adequate laser wavelength as deduced from a critical analysis of the
previously reported Raman data. The bands of the corresponding spectra were attributed to the various
anhydrous and hydrated phases, with full hydration of the anhydrous phases taking place after 180 days.
Sulphoaluminates were seen to form in two different local environments, at 3 and 180 days respectively.
Carbonates, as a secondary reaction product, were found in three different local environments. Copyright
 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEYWORDS: white cement; micro-Raman; hydration; sulphoaluminates

INTRODUCTION in both, white and gray cement, and identified substantial

differences between them. They conducted a study of the
Spectroscopic techniques have proved to be appropriate
hydrated phases with both synthetic and industrial cement,
tools for studying cement hydration; however, fluorescence
although it was not clear whether the white or gray product
effect in anhydrous cement can give anomalous results. With
was analyzed.
the micro-Raman technique, spectra can be obtained for
Dyer and Hendra3 in turn, collected Raman spectra for
surface samples just a few microns thick and with minimal
pure cement minerals such as C3 A, C3 S and C2 S. They
interference from the surrounding water. On such a scale,
reported that the spectra obtained showed weak vibration
the interference from fluorescence, so often a problem when
bands against high background signals and concluded that
working with bulk cement slurry is also minimized. Spectra
the high fluorescence of the samples may have contributed
can be obtained rapidly and extensive sample preparation is
to the poor results.
not needed.
Bonen et al.4 studied synthetic samples of clinker compo-
Raman spectroscopy has been used extensively to study
cement, clinker, or even hydration process; however, it is nents (C3 S; ˇ-C2 S; cubic and orthorhombic C3 A and C4 AF),
not easy to compare results since different type of samples, as well as commercial clinkers obtained from the same plant
date collection, etc. have been employed. These results are with the same chemical composition but a different thermal
summarized in Table 1. history. The former were produced under standard oxidizing
Bensted1 pioneered the collection of Raman spectra for conditions, and the latter under reducing conditions. They
the individual minerals in cement components as well as in reported that band wavenumbers may have shifted owing
the hydration products, including ettringite. to the inclusion of impurities in the silicate phases, which in
Gosh and Handoo10 published a brief review of the use of some cases may be associated with a change in the crystalline
IR and Raman spectroscopy for cement and concrete studies. structure of such phases.11
Conjeaud and Boyer2 successfully applied a Raman Monitoring the alite hydration process with Raman
microprobe to the study of individual calcium silicate crystals spectroscopy, Tarrida et al.5 were able to observe the
formation of the C–S–H gel and CH, as C3 S hydration
Ł Correspondence to: Sagrario Martinez-Ramirez, Instituto de
proceeded; they used these observations to derive the
Ciencias de la Construcción ‘Eduardo Torroja’ (CSIC) C/Serrano hydration kinetics. In 2002, these authors12 studied in situ
Galvache 4, 28033 Madrid, Spain. E-mail: hydration of Portland cement with Raman spectroscopy.
Contract/grant sponsor: The Spanish Ministry of Science and The maximum hydration time studied was 29 days.
Contract/grant sponsor: ERDF. Kirkpatrick et al.6 assigned bands to a synthesized
Contract/grant sponsor: European Community. C–S–H gel, as well as to two minerals, tobermorite and

Copyright  2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Table 1. Observed Raman bands for C3 S; C2 S, clinker and C–S–H (in cm1 ) in the 1100–400 cm1 range

Synthetic Clinker
laser source C2 S C3 S C3 A C4 AF C2 S C3 S C3 A C4 AF CSH

Bensted1 /1973/632.8 nm He–Ne ˛0 -C2 S

892 – – – – – – – –
Conjeaud and 860 885 860 885

Copyright  2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Boyer2 /1980/514.5 nm Ar 848 845 848 845
832 832
813 813 – –
S. Martinez-Ramirez, M. Frı́as and C. Domingo

761 750 750

Dyer and Hendra3 /1993/1064 nm 1376 1393 1050
Nd:YAG 1105 1007
1023 626
Bonen, et al.4 /1994/1064 nm ˇ-C2 S Triclinic Monoclinic ˇ-C2 S 1464–1439
Nd:YAG 1460–1450 1340 1361 1390
1125–1112 1016 1040–1003
1030–980 925 938 – – – – –
798 799
714 722
679–671 593
5 C
Tarrida et al. /1995/514.5 nm Ar Triclinic 662
880 524
– 809 – – – – – –
Kirkpatrick et al.6 /1997/488 nm 950–1000
ArC – – – – – – – – 664–669

J. Raman Spectrosc. 2006; 37: 555–561

Table 1. (Continued)

Synthetic Clinker
laser source C2 S C3 S C3 A C4 AF C2 S C3 S C3 A C4 AF CSH

Remy et al.7 /1997/514.5 nm ArC -C2 S ˇ-C2 S 977 ˛-C2 S

924 896 966
885 858 900

Copyright  2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

838 845 850–855
813 556 530–517 – – – – – – – –
410 538 400–380
400 520
Deng et al.8 /2002/632.8 nm 976
He–Ne 857 835 850
754 737
– – – – 554 544
516 517 506
422 450
Black and Breen9 /2004/632.8 nm 1010–1021
He–Ne 980–960
– – – – – – – – 650–680
This work/2005/514.5 nm ArC 1121 1133
972 731 700–600
851 836

C2 S D 2CaOÐSiO2 ; C3 S D 3CaOÐSiO2 ; C3 A D 3CaOÐAl2 O3 ; C4 AF D 4CaOÐAl2 O3 ÐFe2 O3 ; C–S–H D CaOÐSiO2 ÐnH2 O.

J. Raman Spectrosc. 2006; 37: 555–561

Micro-Raman spectroscopy in white portland cement hydration
558 S. Martinez-Ramirez, M. Frı́as and C. Domingo

jennite, structurally very similar to the gel, on the basis of This would justify the differences in the values obtained for
their earlier work with nuclear magnetic resonance. synthetic samples, clinkers and cement.
Remy et al.7 used Raman spectroscopy to study the In addition to the dearth of experimental studies on white
polymorphism and high temperatures involved in dicalcium cement, it can be clearly seen that there is a need to explore
silicate transformation. Not all the Raman active bands for this line of research more thoroughly. For this reason, the
ˇ-C2 S were detected in this study. present paper aims to conduct the first detailed study of the
Deng et al.8 studied the hydration of an oilfield cement evolution of commercial white cement for long hydration
with Raman spectroscopy and environmental scanning times (360 days), using micro-Raman technique with visible
electron microscopy (ESEM), comparing the results with laser excitation.
patterns for clinker and ettringite anhydrous phases.
Black and Breen9 used Raman spectroscopy to character- EXPERIMENTAL
ize fresh and aged nanocrystalline C–S–H phases. System-
atic changes in the spectra mirrored the phases occurring in The chemical and mineralogical composition of the white
the C–S–H structure, including phase changes. They found cement used in the study, given in Table 2, was the European
different carbonate species (calcite, aragonite and vaterite) in standard UNE 80-304-86-14 - compliant. The samples were
the aged samples. stored in a closed container at 20 ° C with some water in the
Table 1 lists the results of different authors of Raman bottom in order to get an environment with 100% RH. After
spectroscopic studies of the synthetic anhydrous phases 3, 28, 90, 180 and 360 days of curing, the samples were dried
(C3 S, C2 S, C3 A, C4 AF) present in clinker and the C–S–H in a desiccator at 105 ° C for 24 h and then ground to particle
gel obtained when cement is hydrated. The discrepancies sizes of less than 75 microns. The samples were prepared
that can be seen in the table in connection with the with a water/cement ratio 0.5.
Micro-Raman measurements were taken with an RM
band wavenumbers reported are due both to differences
1000 Renishaw Raman Microscope System equipped with
in the excitation sources used and the great diversity of
a laser at 514 nm, a Leica microscope and an electrically
the samples analyzed – synthetic, clinker, white cement,
refrigerated CCD camera. The spectra shown here were
gray cement, etc. Moreover, in many cases insufficient
obtained with 20ð magnification objective lenses. The laser
information was provided about experimental conditions,
output was 50 mW. Time acquisition was 5 min. The software
in terms of both the samples used and the conditions under
employed for data acquisition and analysis was WIRE for
which the spectra were recorded. It should be noted that
Windows and Galactic Industries GRAMS/32TM. Ten scans
synthetic anhydrous silicate phases are pure, whereas the
were recorded to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Spectra
phases formed in cement manufacture are solid solutions,
at three different points were taken for each sample to
a fact that may occasion modifications in the respective
minimize problems arising because of the possible lack of
Raman vibration bands. Newman et al.13 recently noted that
sample uniformity. The Raman spectra presented are the
the spectral bands observed with near-infrared excitation
representative measurements of the three points.
(Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm) are due entirely to
structured fluorescence effects and these bands conceal the
Table 2. Chemical composition of
true Raman bands. These authors further noted that the
white cement
1064-nm line is appropriate for studying hydrated – but
not anhydrous – cement. Table 1 shows that the vibrational Oxides Percentage (%wt)
wavenumbers of the different cement phases and the C–S–H
gel are reproducible with the 514.5-, 632.8-, and 488-nm lines, SiO2 23.65
but not with the 1064-nm line. Consequently, any of the 3 Fe2 O3 0.22
visible wavelengths seems to be appropriate for studying Al2 O3 3.34
cements. CaO 67.09
MgO 0.79
In the complex chemical composition of cement, alite and
K2 O 0.84
belite are the majority phases. For this reason and for the
Na2 O 0.9
sake of simplification, cement composition is often likened
SO3 1.82
to that of its silicate phases and more specifically to the
L.O.Ia 1.12
majority alite phase. Alite, however, is a C3 S-base solid
Specific surface 1.04 m2 /g
solution and belite a C2 S-base solid solution. Clinker alites
C2 S D 14.70%
typically contain11 3–4% of oxide impurities (MgOÐNa2 O).
C3 S D 70.54%
Belites, in turn, usually contain 4–6% of oxide impurities,
C3 A D 8.48%
chiefly11 , Al2 O3 and Fe2 O3 . The presence of these impurities
C4 AF D 0.67%
prompts a change in the crystalline structure of the silicate
phases that may cause modifications in the Raman spectra. a
Loss on ignition at 1000 ° C.

Copyright  2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2006; 37: 555–561
Micro-Raman spectroscopy in white portland cement hydration 559

The vibration band characteristics of C3 S and ˇ-C2 S silicate
phases can be seen on the Raman spectrum for the initial initial

Raman Intensity
white cement in Fig. 1. According to the literature,2,5,7,8 the
band in the 800–900 cm1 region is due to the Si–O group
stretching vibrations. The sharpest peak – at 836 cm1 – is 3 days

assigned to C3 S, whereas the band at 851 cm1 is due to the 28 days

Si–O group vibrations in the two silicate phases, C3 S and 90 days
C2 S. The band at 887 cm1 has been identified by a number 180 days
of authors2,5 to be a satellite. The midwavenumber region 360 days
ranges from 518 to 542 cm1 ; this group of vibrational modes
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
has been assigned to O–Si–O bending modes. The band
wavenumber (cm-1)
at 539 cm1 is attributed to Si–O out-of-plane 4 bending.
According to Tarrida et al.12 the bands below 400 cm1 are Figure 2. Micro-Raman spectra evolution of white cement.
probably due to Ca–O vibrations. Curing time: 0, 3, 28, 90, 180 and 360 days.
Note the lack of any band in the 750 cm1 region, which is
where the aluminate (C3 A) phase vibrations would appear. 900 cm1 – the band at 836 cm1 decreases, while the band at
The band appearing at 1010 cm1 is due to Si–O–Si 851 cm1 remains unaltered.
3 symmetrical bending in the ˇ-C2 S units. The 1.82% SO3 The C3 S phase is known to hydrate relatively rapidly and
content in the sample is probably to be found in the form of the C2 S phase more slowly.15 The band associated to the latter
gypsum, a compound exhibiting a SO4 2 1 vibration band one disappears entirely after 180 days, a clear indication that
at 1010 cm1 . Consequently, this band may be due to the the silicate phases are wholly hydrated by that time. The
vibrations of both the sulphate groups in the gypsum and intensity of the band at 539 cm1 , associated with C2 S phase,
the silicate groups in the ˇ-C2 S. Finally, the band appearing at declines substantially after 28 days and disappears altogether
1121 cm1 is due to the vibrations of the ˇ-C2 S units, although after 180 days of hydration.
it is not assigned as such in the literature.4 The weak band An increase in the intensity of a band and a new band are
at 1082 cm1 is due to symmetrical C–O stretching in the observed in white cement hydration. The first, at 357 cm1 ,
carbonate groups present in calcium carbonate, existing in is due to vibrations involving Ca–O polyhedra, such as the
the sample. A1g mode of portlandite6 formed during the hydration of the
When white cement is hydrated, changes appear in silicate phases in white cement. The second band to appear,
the vibration bands (Fig. 2). After 3 days of hydration, a wide band at 600–700 cm1 , is due to the main Si–O–Si
changes clearly take place in the region between 800 and bending vibrations in the C–S–H gel. The latter is the chief
compound formed during cement hydration. The width of
this band is very likely a reflection on the largely amorphous

nature of the C–S–H gel.


white cement
The aluminate (C3 A) also reacts with gypsum during
cement hydration to form ettringite, which ultimately
develops into a calcium monosulphoaluminate. Despite the
results of chemical and mineralogical analyses of the sample
indicating that it has a C3 A content of 8.48% (Table 1), there
Raman Intensity

are no bands in the 750 cm1 region in the spectrum for the
initial cement that would denote the presence of aluminate

phases. It might be thought that the detection threshold


for aluminate phases in this type of cements is higher than

8.5%. The stretching symmetric of SO4 groups in different


environments present in both the initial gypsum and the




possible ettringite or monosulphoaluminate formed can be

seen on the enlargement of the 900–1000 cm1 zone shown

in Fig. 3.
Although Tarrida et al.12 sustain that the band appearing
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 in the 900–1000 cm1 region is due to C–S–H gel vibrations,
the authors of the present study believe that it is due to the
wavenumber (cm )
sulphates present in the sulphoaluminate phases. A band is
Figure 1. Micro-Raman spectrum of anhydrous white cement. observed in the initial sample at 972 cm1 , due to of the SO4 4

Copyright  2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2006; 37: 555–561
560 S. Martinez-Ramirez, M. Frı́as and C. Domingo


initial initial

3 days 3 days
180 days 28 days

90 days
90 days

180 days
360 days

Raman Intensity
Raman Intensity

28 days

360 days

3 days 180 days

3 days
180 days
920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120
-1 wavenumber (cm )
wavenumber (cm )
Figure 4. Micro-Raman spectra in carbonates region.
Figure 3. Micro-Raman spectra of sulphate vibrations of white
Martinez-Ramirez et al.18 the calcite, aragonite and vaterite
mix generates a wide band that would combine the three
group 3 vibrations;8 after 3 days of hydration, a shoulder chief vibration bands corresponding to carbonate groups in
appears at 990 cm1 , assigned to the ettringite formed in the different environments, at 1076, 1085 and 1090 cm1 .
sample as a product of the reaction between the aluminate Deng et al.8 suggest that the carbonate ion may replace
and the gypsum. The band at 1010 cm1 , initially assigned the sulphate ion in the ettringite structure to form ettringite
to ˇ-C2 S, is likewise observed to disappear at this age; the carbonate or thaumasite. The carbonate and sulphate bands
disappearance of a band at the same wavenumber after only in thaumasite appear at 1072 and 990 cm1 , respectively, and
3 days of hydration clearly indicates that it was due solely overlap – also respectively – with the carbonate and ettrin-
to the gypsum. Since after 3 days of hydration the vibration gite bands. The band at 658 cm1 , attributed to the vibra-
band at 1010 cm1 disappears and the intensity of the band tions of silicate groups in an octahedral environment,16,17
at 972 cm1 increases, it is possible to consider that this band would clearly identify the presence of thaumasite, but as
is due to sulphate vibrations. this band overlaps with the C–S–H gel band, the pres-
A wide band is observed after 180 days of hydration, ence of this compound cannot be confirmed. Ettringite
with three peaks at 954 cm1 , 984 cm1 and 1020 cm1 . Since and thaumasite can clearly be identified by micro-Raman
the vibration bands corresponding to the anhydrous silicate spectroscopy;17 in Raman spectra of ettringite no signifi-
phases disappear at this age, these three bands are assigned cant peaks were observed in the region below 950 cm1 ,
to sulphate groups with different local environments. There allowing thaumasite and ettringite to be readily distin-
is no literature on the vibration wavenumbers of the guished on the basis of the thaumasite octahedral Si peak at
sulphoaluminate phases present in the samples, other than 658 cm1 .
ettringite,8,16,17 which leads to the belief that the bands Deconvolution of the peaks in the interval 1120–
at 954 cm1 would be due to compounds in which the 1030 cm1 in the initial and the 360-day spectra (Figs 5(a)
sulphate groups bond to groups more voluminous than and (b)) shows that the two peaks in the initial sample (1053
water (carbonated ettringite). The band at 1020 cm1 , in and 1082 cm1 ) subsequently develop into three (1063, 1078
turn, would be assigned to sulphate groups bonding to and 1090 cm1 ), an indication that the carbonates are found
groups less voluminous than water, such as in the case of in different environments. The deconvolutions presented
monosulphoaluminates. here are based on the best fit obtained in each case with the
The bands due to symmetrical C–O stretching vibrations minimum number of bands. A decrease in the width of the
of the carbonate group can be seen in the 1030–1100 cm1 band is observed, indicating that some organization of the
region on the spectrum in Fig. 4. These carbonate groups carbonates groups is produced.
are generated primarily by carbonation of the portlandite
present in hydrated cements, which may take place at any
of the various stages in the process, including hydration,
drying, grinding and so on. Micro-Raman spectroscopy has proved to be a useful
This wide band very likely encompasses the vibra- technique for the study of anhydrous and hydrated white
tions of the different forms in which calcium carbonate cement, inasmuch fluorescence of the sample is eliminated,
crystallizes (calcite, aragonite and vaterite). According to as well as it is able to identify the crystalline and amorphous

Copyright  2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2006; 37: 555–561
Micro-Raman spectroscopy in white portland cement hydration 561

(a) initial white cement

(b) white cement 360 days

Raman Intensity
Raman Intensity



1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120
-1 -1
wavenumber (cm ) wavenumber (cm )

Figure 5. Deconvolution of the peaks in the interval 1120–1030 cm1 for (a) the initial cement and (b) after 360 days of hydration.

components present in cement samples at different hydration 3. Dyer CD, Hendra PJ. Spectrochim. Acta 1993; 49A(5/6): 715.
ages. Additionally, the spectra can be obtained rapidly and 4. Bonen D, Johnson TJ, Sarkar SL. Cem. Concr. Res. 1994; 24(5): 959.
5. Tarrida M, Madon M, Le Rolland B, Colombet P. Advn. Cem. Bas.
extensive sample preparation is not needed. The micro-
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in the two silicate phases (C3 S and C2 S). Cem. Bas. Mat. 1997; 5: 93.
In the present study, in which white cement hydration 7. Remy C, Reynard B, Madon M. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 1997; 80(2):
was analyzed for the first time over a full 360-day period, the 413.
8. Deng CS, Breen C, Yarwood J, Habesch S, Phipps J, Craster B,
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Maitland G. J. Mater. Chem. 2002; 12: 3105.
The vibration band at 836 cm1 , characteristic of C3 S, shrank 9. Black L, Breen C. Characterisation of Fresh and Aged
rapidly in the first few days of hydration, whereas the band Nanocrystalline C-S-H Phases by Raman Spectroscopy. 24th
at 851 cm1 , associated with C2 S, declined gradually during Cement and Concrete Science 16–17 Sep 2004, Coventry.
the first 90 days, disappearing altogether after 180 days. 10. Gosh SN, Handoo SK. Cem. Concr. Res. 1980; 10: 771.
11. Hahn T, Eysel W, Woermann E. Crystal Chemistry of Tricalcium
The Raman spectra for the samples after 180 days of
Silicate Solid Solutions. Fifth International Symposium on the
hydration are similar to the spectra for the 360-day samples, Chemistry of Cements, vol. I, Tokyo, 1969; 61.
providing evidence that the main changes take place in the 12. Tarrida M, Madon M, Le Rolland B. Actes du Colloque
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The Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and the ERDF
cofunded the Ramón y Cajal contract granted to SMR. The authors
17. Brough AR, Atkinson A. Cem. Concr. Res. 2001; 31: 421.
also thank the European Community for the Contract (Marie Curie)
18. Martinez-Ramirez S, Sanchez-Cortes S, Garcia-Ramos JV,
given to one of the authors.
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1. Bensted J. Rev. Mater. Constr. 1976; 73(6): 335.
2. Conjeaud M, Boyer H. Cem. Concr. Res. 1980; 10: 61.

Copyright  2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2006; 37: 555–561

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