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BOOK 1 GRAMMAR (9246 questions))

PART A:....................................................................................................................................2-50
14 Elementary tests, 14 Pre-Intermediate tests, 8 Intermediate tests.
Each test is specified on different grammar topics. (1976 questions-) 1-2

PART B:................................................................................................................................51-102
14 tests including Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper intermediate level
grammar tests.
Every test is focused on a different grammar topic. (2452 questions) 1-2-3

PART C:..............................................................................................................................103-150
16 Multi-level grammar tests.
Each test is specified on a different grammar topic. (1418 questions) 4

PART D:..............................................................................................................................151-190
20 perfect multi-level grammar tests for assessment.
(2000 questions) 4

PART E:..............................................................................................................................191-218
6 Elementary, 5 Intermediate, 3 Advanced grammar tests.
The formats of the tests are similar and the level gradually increases. (1400 questions) 1-2-3

BOOK 2 VOCABULARY (5859 questions)

PART A:..............................................................................................................................220-250
A wide range of vocabulary tests for new learners. Compiled from various resources.
(1657 questions) 1-2

PART B:..............................................................................................................................251-286
A rich collection of vocabulary tests for intermediate and upper intermediate levels.
(1988 questions) 2-3

PART C:..............................................................................................................................287-302
An assortment of phrasal verbs.
(714 questions) 3

PART D:..............................................................................................................................303-327
25 upper level vocabulary tests.
(1000 questions) 3

PART E:..............................................................................................................................328-341
Advanced level synonym questions.
500 questions) 3

BOOK 3 MISCELLANEOUS (1056 questions)

BOOK 3:..............................................................................................................................342-401
Miscellaneous: Includes questions for a better reading comprehension, dialogue build, colloquial
and idiomatic expressions. Helps you understand and use English perfectly.
(1056 questions) 4


BOOK 1 - PART A......................................................................................................................403

BOOK 1 - PART B......................................................................................................................406

BOOK 1 - PART C......................................................................................................................409

BOOK 1 - PART D......................................................................................................................411

BOOK 1 - PART E......................................................................................................................414

BOOK 2 - PART A......................................................................................................................416

BOOK 2 - PART B......................................................................................................................421

BOOK 2 - PART C......................................................................................................................426

BOOK 2 - PART D......................................................................................................................427

BOOK 2 - PART E......................................................................................................................429

BOOK 3......................................................................................................................................430
21. This my friend. name’s Richard.
A) are / His B) is / My C) is / His D) his / His
- Verb to be: am/is/are
- Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her 22. They Lisa and Max. They from the USA.
- Subject Pronouns - Plural nouns & Numbers A) is / is B) are / is C) are / are D) is / is

23. “What is name?” “My name’s Carlos.”

1. A- Hello, what your name? A) his B) her C) your D) my
A) is B) are C) am D) be
24. This is my sister. name is Laura.
2. name is John. And my is Johnson. A) His B) My C) Her D) Its
A) Your / surname B) My / surname
C) I / surname D) I / name 25. I have brother. name is David
A) an / His B) a / Her C) a / His D) * / His
3. My name is Lisa. Lisa Peterson.
A) My am B) I is C) I am D) I 26. Hello! My Maria. I Mexico.
A) name is / from am B) is name / from am
4. name is Apple. Ann Apple.
C) name is / am from D) name am / is from
A) His / She B) His / He’s C) Her / She’s D) His / His
27. Is Catherine sister?
5. “Where John from?” “ from the US.”
A) he B) you C) your D) yours
A) is / He’s B) is / His C) am / He’s D) is / She’s

6. are you from? Japan. 28. We students.

A) What B) Who C) Where D) When A) are a B) is C) are D) am

7. Where you ? 29. I student.

A) is / from B) are / in C) are / is D) are / from A) is / an B) am / * C) am / a D) am / the

8. from Spain. I’m Rodriguez . 30. She Italy.

A) I’m B) He’s C) You’re D) She’s A) are from B) is at C) is from D) am from

9. Pierre is a French boy. from . 31. He is teacher.

A) He’s / France B) His’s / French A) a B) an C) * D) the
C) His / France D) He / France
32. I live a house Los Angeles.
10. Lisa and Max are Americans. from U.S.A. A) * / in B) in / in C) in / * D) at / in
A) There B) Their C) They’re D) Their’re
33. “ is your phone number?”
11. “What their ?” “It’s 2229"
“Alexander and Philip.” A) Where B) How C) What D) Who
A) are/name B) is / name C) is / names D) are / names
34. “ are you?”
12. I 22 years old, but Andrew 20.
“I’m Alex.”
A) am / am B) are / am C) am / is D) are / are
A) Which B) How C) What D) Who
13. Mark 19, but Brian and Denis 26 and 28.
35. What’s this English?
A) is / are B) are / is C) are / are D) am / are
A) * B) in C) at D) on
14. “What this?”
“It’s umbrella.” 36. Champaigne is French drink.
A) are / a B) is / a C) is / an D) its / an A) a B) the C) an D) *

15. Oxford is English university. 37. Oxford is English university.

A) an B) the C) a D) * A) a B) an C) the D) *

16. Toyotas Japanese . 38. A Mercedes is German car.

A) is a / car B) is / car C) are / cars D) is / cars A) a B) an C) the D) *

17. “What is ?” 39. English is international language.

“She is a bank manager.” A) a B) an C) the D) *
A) his job B)she job C) he job D) her job
40. Milan is Italian city.
18. 0/2/11/18/20 Find the correct alternative. A) a B) an C) the D) *
A) oh / twelve / eighteen / twenty
B) zero / two / one-one / eighteen / twenty 41. A JVC is Japanese camera.
C) zero / two / eleven / eighteen / twenty A) a B) an C) the D) *
D) zero / two / eleven / eighty / twenty
42. I have two .
19. “How old is your aunt?” A) sister B) sisters C) a sister D) sister’s
“ is 29.”
A) She B) He C) She’s D) He’s 43. It’s Spanish orange.
A) a B) an C) the D) *
20. “Where she from?”
“She from Japan.”
44. It’s green apple.
A) are / is B) is / is C) is / am D) are / are
A) a B) an C) the D) *

Elementary Test 1 2 Book 1 Part A

18. This is the photo my family.
A) in B) at C) of D) on

19. It’s good practice you.

- Verb to be: questions and negatives A) for B) at C) of D) in
- Short answers - Prepositions
20. I’m home.
- Possessive‘s - Opposite adjectives
A) in B) on C) at D) from
- The family - Food and drink
21. I’m La Guardia Community College.
1. “ her name Eliza?” A) in B) on C) at D) of
“No, .”
A) What / it isn’t B) Is / she isn’t 22. I’m New York.
C) Is / it is not D) Is / it isn’t A) in B) for C) at D) of

2. Is your surname Anderson? 23. I’m a class eight other students.

A) Yes, you are. B) Yes, it is. A) in / for B) at / of C) in / with D) at / off
C) Yes, I am. D) Yes, my is.
24. I live an apartment two American boys.
3. “Is she American?” A) in / of B) at / with C) in / with D) of/with
“No, .”
A) hers isn’t B) she isn’t C) she is not D) she her isn’t 25. Central Park is lovely the snow.
A) at B) in C) of D) with
4. “ their names Jack & Benny?”
“Yes, .” 26. “ is his job?”
A) Are / they are B) Aren’t / there are “He a policeman.”
C) Am / their D) Is / they’re A) Which / is B) What / are C) What / is D) Where / is

5. “Is your dog 2 years 27. He from Argentina. He is Mexico.

old?” “Yes, .” A) is / from B) isn’t / from C) isn’t / in D) aren’t / in
A) it’s B) dog is C) it is D) its
28. “ is a hamburger and chips?”
6. “Is your elder brother “Three pounds fifty.”
married?” “No, .” A) How many B) How often C) How much D) How long
A) brother isn’t B) he isn’t
C) he is not D) she isn’t Find the oPPosite word.
29. easy -
7. “Are you from Senegal?” A) cold B) cheap C) difference D) difficult
“No, .”
A) I’m not B) I amn’t C) I are not D) I not 30. lovely -
A) old B) expensive C) horrible D) quick
8. “ Martha English?”
“Yes, she .” 31. fast -
A) Is / isn’t B) Are / is C) Is / is D) Are / is A) slow B) small C) quick D) warm

9. “ her surname Smith?” 32. expensive -

“No, it .” A) big B) cheap C) cold D) hot
A) What / isn’t B) Is / is C) Is / isn’t D) Are / isn’t
33. hot -
10. “Are you a student?” A) cold B) new C) warm D) small
“Yes, I .”
A) am B) have C) is D) ‘m not 34. big -
A) high B) small C) tall D) slow
11. “ you from Barcelona?”
“No, I’m not.” 35. young -
A) Is B) Are C) Do D) Where A) old B) big C) small D) quick

12. “ you married?” 36. “Are you married?”

“No, I .” “No, .”
A) Aren’t / am B) Are / am A) I am not B) I’m not C) I amn’t D) I m not
C) Is / am not D) Are / ’m not
37. Brazil in Asia. in South America.
13. “ is Brenda?” A) is / It isn’t B) is / It’s C) is / Is D) isn’t / It’s
“She’s Patrick’s wife.”
A) What B) Who C) Which D) Where 38. Snow is .
A) cold B) hot C) small D) cheap
14. My teacher’s name John.
A) are B) is C) am D) not 39. A: Greek?
B: Yes, I am.
15. Marcus and Carlos my brothers.
A) You B) Are you C) Am I D) I
A) is B) am C) are D) be
40. We in a Russian class.
16. My mother and father at work.
We in an English class.
A) is B) am C) are D) *
A) are / are B) are / not C) aren’t / are D) are / am
17. It Monday today.
41. Rolls-Royce cars are .
A) is B) am C) are D) *
A) cheap B) blue C) expensive D) tall

Book 1 Part A 3 Elementary Test 2

42. “ your teachers married?”
“Yes, .”
A) Is / he is B) Is / he’s C) Is / she is D) Are / they are
- Present Simple: Positive, Negative, Question
43. “Is it hot today?”
“No, .” - Verbs - Jobs
A) it isn’t B) it is not C) it’s not D) it not
- Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives
44. “Are your parents?”
“Yes, .” 1. She a uniform.
A) they-their are B) their-they are A) wear B) to wear C) wearing D) wears
C) they-they are D) they-they
2. He his car every weekend.
45. Eliza from Greece. from Poland. A) wash B) washes C) washing D) washed
A) is / Is B) isn’t / She’s C) is / Isn’t D) is / Is not
3. Rosemary three languages.
46. Ann is wife. A) speaks B) talks C) tells D) know
A) John’s B) John is C) John’s is D) John
4. My dad at 7 o’clock everyday.
47. This is not just my computer. It is 4 computer. A) stands up B) looks up C) gets up D) jumps up
A) students’ B) students’s C) student’s D) student
5. Isabel is a flight attendant. She passengers.
48. A: What is ? A) serve B) to serve C) serves D) serving
B: She is a bank manager.
A) his job B) she job C) he job D) her job 6. Their son in this hospital.
A) works B) begins C) starts D) likes
49. “How old is your
brother?” “ 29.” 7. Jim’s a postman. He letters to people.
A) They are B) I am C) It is D) He is A) answers B) works C) delivers D) serves

50. “How old Mr. & Mrs. White?” 8. Jane’s a doctor. She ill people.
“ 50 and 48.” A) looks at B) speaks to C) helps D) serves drinks
A) is / They B) are / They’re
C) are / They D) */ They are 9. Bern in a flat in Birmingham.
A) lives B) stands C) has D) wants
51. “How old , Andrew?”
“ 21 years old.” 10. Nancy’s uncle is a pilot. He all over the world.
A) are you / I’m B) is he / He’s A) goes B) sees C) travels D) delivers
C) is / He is D) are / I
11. In winter Sheila skiing and in summer tennis.
52. “ you now?” A) makes / plays B) goes / plays
“I’m at the school.” C) does / plays D) starts / *
A) Where’s B) Where’re are
C) Where’re D) Where 12. My friend’s son Turkish and English at university.
A) has B) plays C) studies D) goes
53. “Where now?”
“In her office.” 13. Most of the people work at 8 o’clock every morning.
A) is he B) is she C) is it D) is A) finishes B) goes C) does D) starts

54. “ is his father’s job?” 14. A: does Tony Blair live?

“He’s a teacher.” B: In Great Britain.
A) Who B) When C) Why D) What A) When B) Where C) What time D) How

55. This is those toy. 15. does your father do in his free time?
A) kid’s B) kid C) kids’s D) kids’ A) Why B) What kind C) How many D) What

56. They are not my books. 16. does Andy’s little brother play with?
A) children’s B) childs C) children’ D) children of A) Who B) Why C) How old D) Where

57. They’re not his mistakes. 17. A: does Natalie’s nephew do?
A) friend’s B) friend C) friends D) friends’s B: He’s an architect.
A) How B) Whom C) When D) What

18. A: does it rain here?

B: Mostly in summer and winter.
A: snow?
B: In winter.
A) When / Why B) Why / How
C) What time / Whom D) When / What about

19. A: does Anthony go to work?

B: bus.
A) How / By B) How well / On
C) What kind / In D) How / In

20. She from England.

A) come B) comes C) don’t come D) goes
21. she French? speaks
A) Do / speaks C) Does / speak D) Is / s
Book 1 Part A 4 Elementary Test 6
38. He drives the children 46. languages
22. She from school. does she speak? 56. That’s my dictionary. Can I
America. A) of B) at A) How much B) How have back please?
A) don’t comes D) go many C) Why A) it B) you C)
come Where them D) my
C) doesn’t comes 39. He speaks to people
comes his radio. 47. sells things. 57. Philippe in London.
A) at B) on A) A postman B) A nurse A) work B) starts C)
23. Every time he a D) in C) A doctor comes D) lives
glass of lemonade shopkeeper
before breakfast. 40. She likes going walks 58. “
A) is B) have C) has summer. 48. A barman . he
D) does A) for / at B) to / at A) sells things
for / in D) on / at drinks m
24. he three C) delivers letters a
children? 41. She goes skiing her a lot r
A) Does / have B) Does / free time.
has A) in B) on 49. looks after i
D) Has / have D) of money. e
A) A nurse d
25. a shower. 42. He works an C) An accountant ?
A) Come B) Go undertaker. dentist ”
Have D) Has A) as B) for
D) in 50. designs
26. the phone. “
A) Go B) Read 43. “ N
A) A pilot
Look D) D o
C) An interpreter
Answer o ,
27. She a white coat. s 51. He lives an island the h
A) wear B) wears west of Scotland. e
C) does wear D) have s A) on / in B) in / in .”
h on / on D) in / at A) Is / doesn’t B) Does /
28. a magazine. e isn’t C) Is / isn’t
A) Go B) Read 52. She’s married an Does / is
Live D) Has American man.
l 59. “
i A) with B) for
29. Our teacher gives a D) on W
v h
lot of homework.
e a
A) our B) us 53. He listening
her D) his music. t
i she do?” “She is an
A) like / to B) likes /
30. He television every n
to C) likes /
evening. of D) likes / i
A) watch B) A with n
watches C) see u t
buy s 54. “ e
t H r
31. At ten we go bed. r o p
A) in B) on a w r
D) sleep l he e
i t t
32. He picks up the apples a o e
tree. ? r
A) for B) from ” .
on D) at ”
“ r A) is B) do C) does
33. Get the bus. N D) are
A) on B) in o ?
D) out , 60. he sleep well?

A) Has B) Have C)
34. She lives Do D) Does
Switzerland. s “
A) at B) on h B
e y
D) city
35. A nurse looks A) do B) does
don’t D) doesn’t
people in hospital. a
A) at B) for r
44. We watching
after D) helps .

36. There’s a letter you. A) doesn’t like B) do like
A) do / go B) does /
A) for B) to doesn’t like D) don’t like
goes C) does / go
about D) on does / play
45. He to help people.
A) flies B) likes
37. Tourists come boat. 55. Anna likes Joanna, but
runs D) swims
A) by B) to Maria doesn’t like
D) with A) her B) them
your D) their
Book 1 Part A 5 Elementary Test 6
playing D) plays
4 her
21. “
14. She likes
- Present Simple - Verbs t
- Leisure activities - Prepositions
- Telling the time - Wh Questions t
husband doesn’t. m
1. What you at the A) watching B) to watch e
weekend? C) watches D)watched
A) does / does i
C) does / do 15. Her sister doesn’t s
eating a hamburger.
2. What Dick and Tom A) like B) likes
like ? i
liking D) liked
A) do / doing B) doing / * t
C) do / do ?
16. Do you like in your free
doing ”
A) read B) reads
3. Do boys like jeans? to read D) reading “
A) wear B) wearing 3
C) to wear D) worn 17. I like but I like :
swimming. 4
4. My classmates on A) sailing / don’t 5
picnic every month. doesn’t ”
A) went B) goes C) sail / don’t A) It is quarter past three.
going D) go B) It is fifteen past four.
18. Tom her but she C) It is quarter to four.
5. Mary face every doesn’t like D) It is fifteen to four.
morning. A) like / her B) likes /
A) washes his B) wash my him C) likes / he 22. It is half past eight.
C) washes her D) like / him A) 8:30 B) 7:30
their 18:30 D) 17:30
19. Andrew buys a newspaper
6. I a cigarette, but my everyday. 23. It is quarter past eight.
teacher at home. A) 8:30 B) 7:30
A) don’t / smokes A) It / he B) Him / it 8:15 D) 17:15
smoke / doesn’t He / it D) His / it
C) smokes / smokes 24. It is five to nine.
smoke / don’t 20. Mike eats cheeseburgers A) 9:55 B) 9:35
because 8:55 D) 9:05
7. They wash car .
every day. A) he / their B) him / 25. It is five past nine.
A) don’t / my they C) he / them A) 9:55 B) 9:35
C) don’t / their D) him / them 8:55 D) 9:05
26. A friend of mine likes
8. My parents eat meat. on picnic at weekends.
A) don’t B) aren’t A) to go B) going
doesn’t D) are goes D) go

9. Summer holidays in 27. I my teeth every

June. morning.
A) begins B) begin A) brushing B) brush
beginning D) began brushes D) to brush

10. We tennis on Monday 28. Kate live near Jane?

evenings, but my little sister A) Is B) Are
on Sundays. D) Does
A) play / play
plays 29. His father , but Bill’s
C) play / plays father smoke.
A) smokes / don’t
11. You a lot of things in smokes / doesn’t
free time. C) smoke / don’t
A) do / our B) does / isn’t
your C) do / my D)
do / your 30. My father driving.
A) doesn’t likes B) don’t
12. My cat licks tail every C) doesn’t like D) don’t
evening. But my dogs never
lick tails. 31. She a bus to university.
A) its / their B) its / its A) always takes B) alway
their / its D) * / * C) takes always D) take

13. I like football, but my 32. I to a football match

brother doesn’t. every Sunday but my father
A) play B) played A) go / don’t B) goes
Book 1 Part A 6 Elementary Test 6
doesn’t A) do / do B) does / do A) What time B) What 59. He hates football
C) go / doesn’t C) are / do D) do / are kind C) What television.
don’t sort D) What A) watching / on B) to
39. A about watch / in
33. Every year millions : C) watch / on D) watc
of people The 44. A: do your in
London Museum. W brothers like
A) visit B) go C) come D) h working in this 60. They like very much.
want a factory? B: A) sail B) sailed C)
t Because they sailing D) sail
34. The Buckingham Palace your earn much
of rooms. money. 61. My brother’s birthday is
A) have B) has A) What B) When March.
n Why D) Whom
have D) having A) in B) on C) at
D) to
e 45. he like his job?
35. Visitors to India ‘s
Independence Day from all A) Does B) Do 62. The train leaves Paris 4
over the world. D) Are p.m.
A) visit B) come A) in B) at C) on
leave D) goes 46. I an accountant. D) by
A) do B) does
36. I English, Russian, and am D) is 63. Vancouver is very cold
Romanian, but I A winter.
Chinese. 47. New York exciting? A) at B) in C) on
A) speak / don’t speak n A) Are B) Do D) to
speaks / speak u Does D) Is
C) speaks / speaks r 64. Sometimes we cards.
speaks / don’t speak s 48. Where they live? A) plays B) playing C)
e A) are B) do play D) to play
37. Many foreigners in . does D) is
our country to the A) do / do B) does / is 65. She never meat.
Golden Bazaar. C) does / do D) is / do 49. Why you want to A) eats B) eating C)
A) buy B) go shopping learn English? eat D) to eat
C) want D) 40. A: A) do B) are
come W D) is
38. A re your parents 50. We Algerians.
: ? A) does B) are
B: D) am
W In
h th 51. What he do at
a e weekends?
t Mi A) do B) is
you nis does D) are
? try
B of 52. He plays football
: Ed Friday mornings.
uc A) in B) on
ati D) of
A on.
n A) do / do B) do / work 53. Do you relax
C) are / work D) work / * weekends?
a A) at B) on
r 41. A D) by
c : languages do they speak? B: Just
h 54. Where do you go
i o holiday?
t n A) at B) in
e e D) on
c .
t A) What B) How 55. I like .
. many C) How A) cooks B) cooking
C) cook D) cooked
42. A ,
: .
56. She gets up early the
A) speak / you don’t
D speak / I don’t
A) on B) in
o C) speak / don’t I
D) by
don’t speak
y 57. She gets up early the
43. A: does Margaret start
o wor weekdays.
u k? A) at B) of
B: D) in
Afghani? At 7
B in 58. He takes photos only
: the spring.
mor A) in B) at
nin D) by
o g.
Book 1 Part A 7 Elementary Test 6
66. We always lemonade lis “ C) Where / does D) Who
in the evenings. h, A does
A) to drink B) has Ge f
drinking D) have rm t 83. “ do
an e
67. A: I’m sorry. I’m late. an r y
B: Come and sit d o
down. Sp d u
A) Excuse me! ani i on Sundays?” “I always
worry! sh. n
C) What’s the matter? ” n
A) does / speak r
Why are you late? e
speak e
r l
68. A C) do / speaking .
speaking a
- ” x
your A) Where B) What
70. Why you like in .
How D) When ”
w the hotel?
A) do / working A) How / doing B) Wha
i 79. “ you go out on Friday evenings?” C) Where / does D) Wha
f C) does / working “Yes
work relax
e ,I
English? do 84. “
B 71. They never go out som
Friday evenings . do
- eti
A) on B) in mes
D) by .” y
Y o
e A) Do B) Where
72. She loves to music. C) Are D) Does u
s A) listening B) to listen on holiday?” “To Rome or
, C) listens D) listen 80. “
do you like your job?” “Because P
s 73. They often eat in a restaurant i a
h Tuesdays. t r
e A) on B) in ’ i
D) at s s
d .
o 74. summer I play tennis ”
e Sundays. A) Where / like B) How
s A) In / in B) At / on t relax
. In / on D) At / in e C) Where / go D) Why
A) Do / speak r
speaking 75. “Do Mr. e
C) Does / speak Adams and s
speaking his daughter t
like going ?” “No, i
69. “ they .” n
H A) ski / don’t g
o don’t .
w C) skiing / do ”
A) Why B) What
76. “ they How D) Where
wi 81. “
nt do you travel to school?” “By
a b
n u
g s
u .
a ”
g A) How B) What
e Why D) Where
ey 82. “
y d you live with?” “With my mother
o o. a
u ” n
? A) Do / wanting d
” want
“ C) Do / want s
T wanting i
h s
r 77. What time you go to t
e bed? e
e A) do B) does r
: D) have s
E .
n 78. “ do you do your homework?” ”
g A) What / do
Book 1 Part A 8 Elementary Test 6
19. There’s open-fire in the living room?
A) a B) some C) an D) any

20. There are big cupboards in the kitchen.

- There is/are - How many ? A) a B) some C) any D) *
- Prepositions of place - Some and any
21. Are there trees and flowers in the garden?
- This, that, these, those - So, but, because A) a B) some C) any D) *

22. There’s electric cooker.

1. A- there desk?
A) an B) some C) any D) a
B- Yes, is.
A) Is / * / there B) Are / the / they
23. There are good restaurants nearby.
C) Is / a / there D) Is / one / they
A) a B) any C) some D) *
2. A- there three stereos in the living room?
24. Upstairs there’s big bathroom.
B- No, there .
A) some B) a C) an D) any
A) Are / aren’t B) Are / are C) Are / not D) Are / *
25. Does the cottage have dining room?
3. Is there apple in the bag?
A) any B) an C) a D) some
A) a B) an C) the D) *
26. The village of the Kingmore has post office and shop.
4. There 4 on the sofa?
A) some / a B) some / any C) a / a D) an / a
A) are / woman B) is / women
C) * / woman D) are / women
27. Are there good beaches near the cottage?
5. There one bag. There 3 bags. A) any B) some C) a D) the
A) isn’t / are B) is / is C) not / are D) aren’t / are
28. “ there any cups?”
“Yes, are.”
6. There 3 telephones, but isn’t a cooker.
A) Are / there B) There / is C) This / is D) Is / this
A) are / they B) is / there C) are / there D) are / their
29. “Is a television?”
7. any men in the hall?
“Yes, there .”
A) Are there B) Are their C) Are they D) Is there
A) this / are B) there / is C) this / is D) that / is
8. A: there many mice in the house?
30. There any flowers.
B: No, there .
A) are B) is C) aren’t D) isn’t
A) Are / are B) Are / not C) Are / aren’t D) Are / *
31. It’s the best home the world.
9. there chairs in the class?
A) on B) in C) all D) at
A) Are / a B) Are / some C) Are / there D) Are / any
32. The front door is the top of the steps.
10. Yes, there are chairs, but there are not desks.
A) on B) at C) in D) by
A) some / any B) any / some C) any / any D) some / some
33. There a photo the television.
11. A: is there in the bedroom?
A) are / on B) is / in C) is / on D) are / in
B: There 2 beds, 3 televisions, and 2 cupboards.
A) How many / are B) What / is
34. There are two pictures the wall.
C) What / are D) How many / is
A) at B) on C) of D) in
12. A- books there under your desk?
35. The cinema is the left.
B- There one.
A) in B) at C) off D) on
A) How much / are / is B) How many / is / is
C) What / are / is D) How many / are / is
36. there a table? Yes, there .
A) Are / are B) Is / is C) Are / is D) Is / are
13. There are sandwiches, but there any chips.
A) some / aren’t B) any / aren’t
37. There an armchair.
C) some / are D) any / are
A) any B) is C) are D) some
14. A: Do you have any ?
38. “ there any photos?”
B: No, I don’t. But I have grammar books.
“No, there .”
A) dictionary / any B) a dictionary / some
A) Are / aren’t B) Is / isn’t C) Is / aren’t D) Are/isn’t
C) dictionaries / some D) dictionaries / any
39. There magazines under the table.
15. There is photo of teachers.
A) is B) are C) some D) any
A) some / some B) a / some
C) some / any D) any / some
40. There a post box in front of the chemist’s.
A) are B) is C) some D) any
16. How many are there in the cupboard.
A) glass B) of glasses C) a glass D) glasses
41. How much are glasses?
A) this B) they C) these D) that
17. In our garden there is huge pine tree, and there are
42. “Is book John’s?”
A) a / a lot of B) an / many C) a / lot of D) * / many
“Yes, is.”
A) these / it B) this / it C) it / it’s D) that / its
18. Is there garden?
A) any B) * C) a D) some
43. Take bags into the kitchen.
A) these B) this C) that D) it
44. I don’t like music.
A) they B) these C) this D) it

45. Bob, is my mother.

A) these B) it C) this D) that - Can / can’t - Was / were
- Could - Was born
46. “Is exercise very easy?”
“No, isn’t.” - Prepositions
A) these / it B) this / its C) these / this D) that / it

47. I like Tom, I don’t like his wife. 1. Our homework very difficult yesterday, but today it easy.
A) and B) but C) because D) so A) is / is B) was / is C) was / was D) is / was

48. I like living here it’s near the shops. 2. I know that I late 2 days ago, but this time I late.
A) because B) so C) and D) but A) am / were B) am not / am not
C) was / was D) wasn’t / am
49. We both like sailing, we live near the sea.
A) and as B) because C) so D) but 3. A: was she born?
B: She born in New Zealand.
50. Our flat is small, it’s comfortable. A) Where / was B) Where / were
A) but B) so C) because D) and C) When / were D) When / was

51. New York is expensive, I like it. 4. A: were they late for the meeting?
A) because B) but C) and D) so B: Because they asleep.
A) What / were B) Why / was
52. I like New York, it’s very exciting. C) Why / were D) Why / are
A) because B) but C) and D) so
5. The weather nice today, but it nasty yesterday.
53. I like Judy, I often visit her. A) is / was B) was / is C) is / is D) is / were
A) so B) because C) but D) for
6. A: was Mr. Black born?
54. I like Chinese food, my husband doesn’t like it at all. B: He was born 1963.
A) so B) but C) because D) and A) When / at B) Where / in C) What / in D) When / in

55. We live in a flat on the top floor, we don’t have a garden. 7. The students very tired today.
A) so B) but C) because D) and Because they at a party last night.
A) were / are B) are / was C) are / were D) were / were
56. I like my job it’s interesting.
A) because B) and C) so D) but 8. A: was Jennifer’s job 2 years ago?
B: She a flight attendant.
57. In my bedroom there’s a bed a wardrobe. A) Why / were B) What / was C) Who / was D) Who / were
A) but B) so C) and D) also
9. A: is the briefcase?
B: It 200 dollars, but it 100 dollars before.
A) How much / is / was B) How many / is / was
C) How much / was / is D) How much / is / is

10. A: How old you in 1990? B:

I 10, but I 25 now.
A) are / are / was B) were / was / am
C) was / are / were D) were / was / are

11. A: How they after the accident?

B: They shocked, but now they better.
A) were / are / were B) were / were / were
C) was / were / are D) were / were / are

12. A: How much the tea cups before?

B: They 10 euros each, they 8 euros now!
A) were / were / are B) were / are / were
C) are / were / were D) are / were / are

13. A: Where they born?

B: They born .
A) were / were / in 1995 B) was / were / in Italy
C) were / were / in Denmark D) was / were / in 1995

14. I play chess I was five.

A) can / when B) could / when
C) could / what D) can / where

15. could you do when you seven.

A) Were / was B) What / was
C) What / are D) What / were

16. A: languages Nicola speak when he a child?

B: 2 languages.
A) How many / could / was B) How much / could / was
C) What / was / could D) What / could / was
17. A: languages could they speak when they teenagers? 36. A: Paul play rugby?
B: Italian and Russian. B: No, he can’t. But he can baseball.
A) Which / was B) What / were A) Can / play B) Can / plays C) Does / play D) Does / play
C) What / was D) How / were
37. A: can’t you come to the party?
18. My little sister paint pictures alone when she nine, but B: Because I have an exam tomorrow.
she now. A) When B) * C) Why D) What
A) could / can / can B) can / was / could
C) couldn’t / was / can D) was / can / could 38. Adam ride a motorbike and he drive a car.
A) can’t / can B) can / can C) can / is D) can / can’t
19. Kim ski 4 years ago, but he ski very well now.
A) could / can B) can / could 39. Adam use a computer, but he program a computer.
C) could / can’t D) couldn’t / can A) is / isn’t B) can / can C) can / can’t D) can’t / can’t

20. Ben and Jane married ten years ago? 40. Flora drive a car but she ride a motorbike.
A) Was B) Were C) Are D) Is A) can / can’t B) is / can’t C) can’t / can’t D) is / can

21. Tim run very well, but I run like him, because I was bad 41. The homework very difficult yesterday.
at running. A) were B) was C) is D) could
A) could / couldn’t B) could / could
C) can / could D) can / can 42. The children very tired today. They at a party yesterday
22. I play football well, but I play ice-hockey very well. A) were / was B) are / were C) was / was D) am / was
A) can’t / can B) could / can’t
C) could / can D) can / could 43. Hello, everybody! I sorry, I late!
A) am / is B) am / am C) was / was D) am / was
23. Last year they in Europe, and visited Germany, they
traveled only in Berlin. 44. Was it hot yesterday?
A) was / but B) were / but C) were / so D) was / and Yes, it .
A) is B) was C) were D) wasn’t
24. I born in Amsterdam I live in New York now.
A) was / and B) was / but C) were / and D) were / but 45. She paints two hours bedtime.
A) at / to B) for / at C) for / until D) until / for
25. She understand English, she can’t speak it.
A) could / and B) can / and C) can / but D) can’t / but 46. Yesterday there was a party my house.
A) at B) in C) for D) on
26. I love Netherlands, I came to Amsterdam.
A) and B) however C) for D) so 47. I was a party last night.
A) at B) in C) on D) for
27. A: you the piano?
B: Yes, . 48. I could play chess when I five.
A) Can / use / I can B) Can / play / I can A) am B) were C) was D) is
C) Can / play / I D) Can / use / *
49. Can I speak you?
28. A: of food our cook cook? A) to B) with C) for D) of
B: Italian & French food.
A) What of / can B) Which / can 50. The weather beautiful today. But it terrible yesterday.
C) What kind / can D) What / can A) is / were B) is / is C) was / was D) is / was

29. A: can she the guitar? 51. They were England 1998.
B: Very well. A) at / in B) in / in C) at / of D) for / in
A) How / play B) Why / play C) What / play D) When / play
52. “Where you born?”
30. A: can they a computer? “I born in India.
B: In the office. A) are / am B) were / was C) were / were D) was / were
A) What time / use B) Where / use
C) When / use D) Where / using 53. We married when I eighteen and Roger twenty.
A) are / was / was B) are / is / was
31. A: languages can her aunt ? C) were / was / was D) are / am / was
B: 2 languages.
A) How many / speak B) How much / speak 54. “Where your sister born?”
C) What / use D) What / speak “She born in India, too.”
A) were / was B) are / is C) was / was D) was / were
32. A: languages can Mrs. Brown
speak? B: English & Irish. 55. “ you drive?”
A) How B) What C) Why D) Where “No, I can’t.”
A) Could B) Are C) Can D) Is
33. A: can you cook Italian food for
us? B: On Friday evening. 56. Only Sam play the piano.
A) What B) When C) What time D) Why A) can B) was C) is D) were

34. A: can my students come? 57. Nobody play the guitar.

B: At 3 in the afternoon. A) can’t B) can C) couldn’t D) isn’t
A) What B) Where C) How D) What time
58. I was Adam’s party Saturday.
35. A: can Alison go skiing? A) in / at B) at / on C) in / on D) on / at
B: On her winter holiday.
A) Where B) Why C) When D) What
59. Tom is the garden his friend Sam.
A) in / with B) in / of C) at / of D) on / with

60. She was the cinema her brother.

A) in / in B) on / of C) at / with D) of / with - Past Simple
- Regular verbs, irregular verbs
61. John lives home his parents.
A) in / with B) at / with C) at / of D) on / with - Time expressions

62. I go work bus.

A) to / by B) at / on C) to / with D) by / to 1. He some new shoes last month.
A) bought B) buying C) buy D) buys
63. I work 6 a.m. 6 p.m.
A) from / to B) to / at C) at / at D) at / until 2. Where you on holiday last year?
A) did / went B) go / did C) did / go D) do / go
64. Look this photo my brother. Isn’t he tall?
A) at / of B) of / on C) in / in D) in / at 3. A: you Jane last month?
B: No, I .
65. Queen Elizabeth was born London 1926. A) * / saw / didn’t B) Did / see / didn’t
A) at / in B) of / on C) in / in D) on / in C) Did / saw / didn’t D) Did / see / did

66. “ Can you help me with my homework ?” 4. A: did she a job?

“ course I can; give it me.” B: In the car factory.
A) Of / for B) Of / to C) It / at D) For / of A) When / get B) Where / got
C) Who / get D) Where / get
67. “Could she cook?”
“Yes, she ” 5. Max didn’t yesterday afternoon; he at home.
A) can B) is C) could D) was A) go out / stayed B) go out / stay
C) went out / stayed D) went out / stay
68. “ you cook Italian food?”
“No, I but I love eating it.” 6. Geoffrey French before, but he at university now.
A) Are / am not B) Can / can’t A) study didn’t / studies B) didn’t study / study
C) Could / can’t D) Can’t / can C) did not study / studies D) didn’t studied / studies

69. Everybody drive a car in my family. 7. A: did they have lunch?

A) was B) can C) is D) are B: Soup & fish.
A) What / on B) What / for C) Where / in D) Who / for
70. you any other languages?
A) Could / know B) Could / use 8. A: Where you last week?
C) Can / speak D) Can / speaking B: I in Alabama.
A) were / were B) was / is C) were / was D) was / were
71. “ your friend speak English?”
“No, she .” 9. I usually for 6 hours a day, but I for 8 hours yesterday.
A) Is / isn’t B) Can / can’t A) work / worked B) works / worked
C) Could / could D) Can/can C) worked / worked D) work / work

72. He paint pictures when he was just three. 10. Rosemary often to work by bus, but she to work by taxi
A) can B) could C) is D) are yesterday.
A) got / get B) gets / got C) get / got D) got / got
73. “ you in England in 1999?”
“Yes, I .” 11. Bonny and Nick tennis last weekend, but they rarely
A) Could / could B) Are / am tennis.
C) Were / was D) Was / were A) played / play B) play / play
C) play / plays D) play / played
74. you swim when you were five?
A) Could B) Can C) Do D) Are 12. It a lot in winter here, but it last year.
A) snows / rains B) snowed / rained
75. Where you now? C) snow / rain D) snows / rained
A) were B) do C) are D) is
13. Last year it for three months, but it just for two weeks.
76. What month it last month? A) snows / rains B) snowed / rained
A) was B) is C) were D) did C) snowing / raining D) snow / raining

77. your teacher speak English when he was seven? 14. A: it snow a little in winter in Holland?
A) Can B) Could C) Does D) Are B: Yes, it . But last winter it snow at all.
A) Do / do / didn’t B) Does / do / doesn’t
C) Does / does / didn’t D) Do / does / don’t

15. A: you usually work for 8 hours a day?

B: Yes, I . But last week I for 8 hours a day.
A) Do / do / didn’t work B) Do / did / didn’t worked
C) Did / did / don’t work D) Do / did / don’t work

16. A: Alex you yesterday evening?

B: No, he .
A) Did / helped / didn’t B) Did / helped / did
C) Did / help / did D) Did / help / didn’t
17. It Jack’s birthday two days ago. A) was B) were C) is D) are
40. In my bedroom there’s a bed a wardrobe.
18. A: Who you eat with? A) but B) so C) and D) also
B: Well, I dinner with friends.
A) did / eat B) did / eats C) did / ate D) did / eaten 41. Millions of people to London for her Funeral when he died.
A) come B) coming C) came D) comes
19. Ann usually to work, but yesterday she .
A) drive / walks B) drives / walked 42. Peter stayed his grandmother Christmas.
C) drove / walked D) drive / walk A) at / in B) to / in C) on / at D) with/at

20. It usually a lot in winter but last year it . 43. We arrived the airport New York 5:45 am.
A) rains / snowed B) rains / snows A) at / in / at B) to / in / at C) on / at / at D) at / at / in
C) rain / snowed D) rain /snow
44. Speak me in English. It’s good practice us.
21. Ann and Max usually sailing at weekends, but last weekend A) to / with B) of / of C) to / for D) with / on
they tennis.
A) goes / played B) go / played 45. There’s a postman a letter you.
C) went / play D) went / played A) with / for B) with / to C) at / to D) at / at

22. My family left London and moved a small village. 46. I often think the day we met.
A) to B) in C) at D) for A) off B) on C) about D) for

23. People all the world speak English. 47. Tuncay Atakan is an English teacher. He English.
A) of B) for C) over D) from A) teaching B) like C) teaches D) study

24. What do you know George Washington? 48. ‘Was there anyone at the office yesterday?’
A) with B) about C) for D) off ‘ No, .’
A) they weren’t B) there isn’t
25. Now she alone, but when she was a child she with her C) there wasn’t D) they didn’t
mother and sisters.
A) live / lived B) lives / lived C) lived / lives D) live / lived 49. ‘Did she go to the cinema last night?’
‘No, she .’
26. Where she live now ? A) did B) wasn’t C) can’t D) didn’t
A) did B) do C) does D) is
50. ‘ they come by train?’
27. She learn to read until she was 86. ‘No, they came by plane.’
A) didn’t B) doesn’t C) isn’t D) don’t A) Do B) Does C) Were D) Did

28. Where she live in 1950? 51. I came to live here three years .
A) does B) is C) did D) do A) ago B) before C) last D) always

29. She work when she was 8. 52. month I went to Paris.
A) started B) starts C) start D) starting A) This B) That C) Last D) Next

53. In my family we dinner at seven o’clock.

A) take B) do C) go D) have
30. “ you like the film?”
“No, I .” 54. There’s a bank the bookshop.
A) Are / am not B) Did / didn’t A) between B) on C) opposite D) straight ahead
C) Do / didn’t D) Are / didn’t
55. I usually take the car because I don’t like .
31. She thinks her past life. A) working B) running C) going D) walking
A) off B) for C) about D) with
56. We in a hotel in Frankfurt.
32. He was tired politics. A) stayed B) was C) spent D) had
A) of B) at C) from D) with
57. ‘Where can I buy some medicine?’
33. She died a car crash. ‘At the in Cook Street.’
A) at B) for C) in D) on A) chemist’s B) bank C) market D) baker’s

34. People were afraid her. 58. ‘ ?’

A) from B) of C) at D) on ‘He’s very nice.’
A) What does he look like?
35. I in Paris when I was six. B) What’s he like?
A) lived B) live C) living D) lives C) How is he?
D) How does he look?
36. We move to London.
A) did B) didn’t C) aren’t D) isn’t

37. “When you have your last holiday?”

“Last August.”
A) do B) are C) did D) is

38. He the school in 1994.

A) left B) leaved C) leave D) leaves

39. He his wife, Maria, in 1998.

A) met B) meted C) meet D) meets

19. A: is the month?
B: It is May.
A: Which is 2 month?
B: It is February.
- Past Simple - Negatives and ago A: Which is 12th month?
Time expressions - What is the date? B: It is December.
A) What / 5th / * / st / the
Linking words (because, when, until)
B) Which / 5 / the / th / the
Prepositions C) Which / 5th / the / nd / the
D) Which / 5th / the / rd / the
1. Prince Charles Canadian. He English.
A) is not / is B) is not / was 20. We see Tom last night.
C) was not / is D) was not / were A) don’t B) didn’t C) doesn’t D) isn’t
2. I to be artist when I a child. 21. I to the U.S.A. ten years ago.
A) wanted / an / was B) want / a / was A) went B) go C) visit D) gone
C) wants / an / was D) to want / an / is 22. What’s television this evening?
3. He blind the car accident the beach. A) at B) on C) in D) of
A) came / in / on B) went / in / on 23. Today’s the third April.
C) went / on / in D) came / in / in A) in B) on C) of D) at
4. My friend a present me the Ramadan Holiday 24. I left the party early I didn’t feel well.
last year. A) because B) but C) until D) so
A) give / to / in B) give / at / to
C) gives / to / at D) gave / to / on 25. They didn’t go to bed midnight.
A) when B) until C) so D) because
5. It a lot our holiday.
A) didn’t rain / during B) didn’t / during 26. We met Ken’s brother last Saturday they came for dinner.
C) didn’t rained / on D) not rain / in A) but B) until C) when D) so
6. What a man he is! He his passport and keys his 27. I am the mobile phone.
car yesterday. A) on B) in C) of D) at
A) forgot / lose / of B) forget / lost / of 28. Some people try to find friends the Internet.
C) forgot / lost / of D) forgot / lost / from A) at B) on C) in D) of
7. A: Did you watch a football match TV? 29. We didn’t laugh his joke.
B: No, I didn’t. But it was broadcast radio. A) at B) with C) for D) on
A) on / in B) on / on C) in / in D) in / to
30. There was a knock the door.
8. Can I talk Mr. Adams your mobile phone? A) of B) in C) at D) for
A) with / on B) on / in C) on / on D) to / on
31. We met fifty years .
9. It a really bad joke; no one laughed his joke. A) until B) ago C) of D) after
A) was / with B) was / at C) were / at D) is / at
32. I didn’t feel well I left the party early.
10. I learned the Internet that a pop concert is the third A) so B) because C) but D) until
A) in / on / of B) on / in / of C) in / in / of D) on / on / of 33. Peter couldn’t speak he was 6.
A) until B) because C) so D) where
11. Who’s the blonde girl the first row?
A) in B) on C) at D) over 34. I didn’t enjoy math lessons I was at school.
A) until B) when C) because D) and
12. You’ll find the poem page 16.
A) at B) on C) in D) * 35. Sally didn’t buy the red shoes she couldn’t afford them.
A) until B) so C) because D) when
13. They lived in this city 1980. 36. We met Ken’s wife her parents last Saturday.
A) since B) for C) about D) before A) until B) when C) because D) and
14. The Greens lived in London six years. 37. She see me.
A) since B) for C) in D) at D) When / the 21st century / was / the 20th century
15. A: is Amanda’s birthday?
B: It is the 25th December.
A) What / on / in B) When / on / of
C) When / in / on D) What / on / of
16. A: What is today?
B: Today is 1st of .
A) the day / the / May B) the / the / Monday
C) the month / the / July D) the date / the / October
17. A: When Turkmenistan become Independent?
B: It Independent on .
A) did / became / the 27th of October, 1991.
B) became / did / 27 the 1991, October
C) did / became / the 27th of 1991, October
D) did / did / 1991, the 27th, October
18. A: century is it now?
B: It is .
A: What the last century?
B: It was .
A) What / the 21st century / was / the 20 century
B) What / the 21st century / was / the 20th century
C) What / the 21 century / is / the 20 century
A) don’t B) aren’t C) isn’t D) didn’t 42. We in 1965.
A) met B) meets C) meet D) meeting
38. Our teacher come to school.
A) aren’t B) isn’t C) wasn’t D) didn’t 43. Princess Diana in 1997.
A) die B) died C) dies D) dye
39. Paul read until he was eight.
A) can’t B) can C) couldn’t D) could 44. Alice back from America last month.
A) come B) came C) comes D) coming
40. I often have a lot of time, so I do the shopping
myself. 45. Their son born at 2 o’clock this morning.
A) don’t / don’t B) doesn’t / does A) were B) is C) was D) are
C) didn’t / did D) didn’t / didn’t
46. I have a shower yesterday evening.
41. I him three months ago. A) don’t B) didn’t C) doesn’t D) haven’t
A) see B) sees C) saw D) seen
47. I the answer now. A) during B) for C) since D) at
A) know B) known C) knows D) knew
69. She opened her mouth so the doctor could look her throat.
48. I bread this morning. A) to B) on C) at D) for
A) buy B) bought C) sell D) buying
70. I cut myself a knife.
49. He was born 1955. A) by B) with C) in D) over
A) on B) at C) of D) in
71. You’d better go the next plane to London.
50. 130 A) at B) in C) by D) on
A) one hundred and thirty B) one hundred and fifteen
72. She said hello everyone except me.
C) one hundred and fifty D) one hundred and thirteen
A) to B) * C) at D) of
51. 862
A) eight hundred and forty-two
B) eight hundred and sixty-two
C) eight hundred and sixty
D) eight hundred and sixteen
52. 999
A) nine hundred and nineteen–nine
B) nine hundred and ninety-six
C) one thousand and ninety-nine
D) nine hundred and ninety-nine
53. 603
A) six hundred and thirteen B) six hundred and thirty
C) six hundred and three D) six hundred and nine
54. 387
A) three hundred and eighty-seven
B) three hundred and eighteen
C) three hundred and eighty
D) three hundred and eighty-eight
55. I liked the movie I didn’t like the book.
A) until b ) but C) so D) when
56. I went to university, Sandy didn’t.
A) until B) so C) but D) and
57. She married she was just eighteen.
A) when B) until C) but D) and
58. We were together nearly every day we left school twelve
years later.
A) when B) until C) so D) and
59. I didn’t see Sandy very often we talked on the telephone.
A) and B) but C) until D) when
60. We stopped for three-quarters of an hour New York Airport.
A) at B) in C) over D) on
61. Where is your mother? Is she the hairdresser’s again?
A) in B) on C) at D) *
62. I’ll finish the work two weeks.
A) by B) for C) since D) in
63. I’ll be home 7 o’clock.
A) by B) in C) on D) since
64. He lived with Nomads the Sahara desert for two years.
A) over B) on C) in D) of
65. I won’t stay bed; I’ll just lie down the bed for an hour.
A) in / in B) at / in C) at / on D) in / on
66. I last saw her the car park.
A) in B) under C) on D) *
67. He grows corn his farm.
A) over B) with C) at D) on
68. They lived in Spain the Second World War.
73. She is worried her exams. 87. John and Mary are talking the telephone.
A) of B) about C) with D) * A) * B) to C) on D) with

74. Tell us your holiday. 88. Classes began last week.

A) * B) of C) about D) with A) in B) * C) at D) on

75. Mr. Collins always talks himself. 89. They took my temperature the operation.
A) to B) with C) at D) in A) before B) by C) * D) of

76. Is it possible for me to keep it Tuesday? 90. Do you want sugar your tea ?
A) by B) at C) since D) until A) with B) on C) by D) *

77. Who’s the man the funny hat? 91. I’m afraid falling trees.
A) in B) from C) at D) to A) from B) of C) with D) at

78. Will you come bus or a late train ? 92. She didn’t get a passing grade her test.
A) by-by B) on-in C) by-on D) in-by A) from B) with C) at D) of

79. I saw an accident my way home. 93. I sometimes listen the radio or watch TV.
A) on B) at C) in D) to A) of - on B) to - on C) * - to D) to - *

80. The doctor gave me a prescription my cough. 94. I always lie down a swim.
A) with B) to C) at D) for A) by B) with C) on D) after

81. I usually stay at home night. 95. Did you stay a tent on your last holiday?
A) at B) with C) in D) over A) in B) over C) on D) of

82. I called you seven o’clock yesterday. 96. She put a bandage the boy’s cut finger.
A) in B) on C) at D) of A) at B) to C) on D) in

83. Can’t you come your bicycle? 97. He has a pain his leg.
A) in B) with C) on D) by A) on B) over C) in D) at

84. She arrived Friday. 98. The Prime Minister arrived Tokyo last night.
A) in B) on C) at D) over A) * B) in C) at D) to

85. We’ll go Rio June. 99. I couldn’t get school in time.

A) * - in B) at - on C) to - on D) to - in A) to B) at C) * D) in

86. I was born September 9th. 100. Ann stirred her coffee a spoon.
A) in B) on C) at D) of A) with B) by C) in D) to
12. I have got a book Stephen King.
A) by B) for C) from D) in
13. Help me my homework.
- Countable and uncountable nouns A) to B) with C) of D) about
- Do you like ..? - Would you like..? 14. There is cheese on the table.
- A/an and some - Much and many A) any B) some C) a D) the
- Polite requests (Could you ..?, Can I ..?) 15. There are oranges on the table.
- Prepositions A) any B) an C) a D) some
16. rice is there?
1. Would you like rice? A) How many B) How much C) How long D) How
A) a B) some C) an D) any 17. Are there chips?
2. Can I have stamps, please? A) any B) some C) a D) the
A) a B) an C) some D) any 18. Can I have tea?
3. Can you give me money? A) a B) the C) any D) some
A) some B) a C) any D) an 19. I’d like bananas.
4. I usually have biscuit and cup of coffee at 11 a.m. A) any B) a C) an D) some
A) a/some B) some/some C) a/a D) a/any 20. Is there tea?
5. He always has egg for breakfast. A) a B) the C) some D) any
A) an B) a C) any D) the 21. coffee is there?
6. Do you like ? A) How many B) How C) How much D) How long
A) cook B) cooking C) to cook D) cooked 22. There isn’t coffee.
7. “ you like some tea?” A) many B) a C) the D) much
“No, thanks.” 23. Can I have bread?
A) Does B) Do C) Would D) Are A) a B) some C) any D) an
8. “ you your teacher?” 24. Do you like ?
“Yes, he is a good man.” A) shop B) shopping C) to shop D) shopped
A) Would / like B) Do / like
C) Did / liked D) Are / like 25. Do you like English?
A) learn B) learned C) learning D) learnt
9. Would you like apple or strawberries?
A) a / any B) an / some C) any / any D) a / some 26. She the Rolling Stones records.
A) like B) liking C) likes D) to like
10. Would you like milk?
A) a B) some C) any D) an
11. Do you like homework ?
A) making B) do C) doing D) does
D) a - 9
27. Would you like to listen to music? A) from B) * C) of D) in
A) any B) some C) many
42. We stayed the Heathrow Hotel.
28. I need to put petrol in the car. A) on B) into C) at D) to
A) some B) a C) any D) an
43. I waited the bus-stop for ten minutes.
29. English books do you have? A) at B) in C) on D) for
A) How many B) How some C) How much D) How any
44. I’m not very good mathematics.
30. I want book from the library. A) of B) on C) in D) at
A) the B) a C) some D) any
45. What are you interested ?
31. Are there letters for me this morning? A) in B) of C) on D) over
A) some B) a C) the D) any
46. Please, put your homework my desk.
32. You have lovely pictures in your house. A) at B) to C) on D) with
A) some B) a C) an D) any
47. It takes about five minutes to walk the bridge.
33. There was rain during the night. A) * B) to C) at D) till
A) an B) some C) any D) a
48. I took the train Dover to Ostend.
34. “Are you Canadian?” A) by B) on C) * D) from
“No, but I have good friends in Canada.”
A) any B) a C) an D) some 49. David was very busy the afternoon.
A) * B) on C) at D) in
35. Do you have sisters or brothers?
A) some B) a C) the D) any 50. Toshio is Japan. He isn’t American.
A) of B) in C) at D) from
36. I have a cheese sandwich, please?
A) Do B) Does C) Can D) Am 51. Bob ran 100 meters 11 seconds.
A) in B) at C) on D) with
37. I don’t have milk left.
A) much B) some C) many D) a 52. They arrived plane.
A) by B) on C) with D) at
38. We have of homework today.
A) many B) a lot C) much D) a few 53. “Did they come bus ?”
No, they came foot.
39. How milk is there in the fridge? A) on / on B) by / on C) with / by D) by / with
A) much B) a lot C) many D) a few
54. Switch the light. It’s getting dark.
40. I’d like mineral water. A) of B) off C) out D) on
A) any B) a C) the D) some
55. Is there a fridge your kitchen?
41. Where do you come ? A) at B) on C) with D) in
56. I’m still waiting the Blue Train. 72. Marie Curie was born Warsaw.
A) to B) * C) for D) of A) on B) at C) in D) from
57. What was the temperature Ankara yesterday? 73. Chocolate harmful for your teeth, but strawberries useful
A) at B) of C) in D) off for your health.
A) is / is B) are / is C) are / are D) is / are
58. I look forward meeting you next month.
A) at B) for C) with D) to 74. There apple juice in the fridge. And apples so delicious.
A) are / are B) is / are C) is / was D) is /is
59. “You can’t come in a ticket,” the man told us.
A) without B) through C) by D) with 75. Would you like chips?
A) some B) any C) a D) the
60. I get up six o’clock Tuesdays.
A) at / on B) at / in C) about / at D) around / in 76. Would you like tea mineral water?
A) some / and B) any / or C) some / or D) any / and
61. My father takes a nap dinner.
A) with B) after C) on D) at 77. A: Is there juice in the fridge?
B: No, there isn’t juice, but there is lemonade.
62. When people go picnic they always eat a lot.
A) some / some / any B) any / any / some
A) * B) on C) to D) at
C) some / any / any D) any / any / any
63. Boys and girls go dancing.
78. A: Would you like oranges? Oh, sorry! There aren’t
A) to B) at C) * D) with
oranges. But we have apples.
64. When do you take your wrist watch? B: That’s all right. Can I have tea?
A) off B) on C) out D) of A: OK.
A) any / any / some B) some / any / some
65. I’ll phone you tomorrow.
C) any / some / any D) some / some / any
A) to B) at C) on D) *
79. A: you like cold water?
66. Our village lies two high mountains.
B: No, thanks. green tea.
A) among B) over C) in D) between
A) Do / some / I love / some
67. You may write a pen or a pencil.
B) Would / any / I’d love / any
A) with / by B) with / with C) in / in D) by / by
C) Would / some / I’d love / some
68. A lot of planes fly the city every day. D) Did / some / I liked / some
A) on B) through C) over D) between
80. A: you like biscuit?
69. They went a museum. B: Yes, please. And I some milk, too.
A) to B) at C) of D) *
A) Would / a / ’d like
70. There were no planes the past. B) Do / a / would like
A) in B) on C) at D) over C) Would / some / ’d love
D) Would / * / would love
71. We waited you 11.00.
A) at / to B) for / until C) for / to D) with / since
12. A city is than the country.
ELEMENTARY TEST - 10 A) the most exciting
C) more exciting
B) exciting
D) excited

1. You are me. - Comparatives and superlatives

A) older B) oldest C) older than D) older then
- Have got, has got
2. New York is Paris. - Prepositions - Linking words (which, where)
A) dirty B) dirtier than C) the dirtiest D) dirtier

3. Prague is one of the cities in Europe, 13. Your class is than my class.
A) most beautiful B) more beautiful A) noisy B) noisiest C) noisier D) more noisy
C) beautiful D) the most beautiful
14. Life in a country is in a city.
4. How many children they ? A) slow B) slower than C) slower D) slowly
A) have / got B) have / get
C) does / got D) has / got 15. Brain’s car is in our district.
A) fast B) faster C) the fastest D) more fast
5. A country is quieter a city.
A) with B) to C) than D) ago 16. Paris is Madrid.
A) big than B) bigger C) bigger than D) biggest
6. The house is 50 meters the sea.
A) to B) by C) for D) from 17. Madrid is much .
A) cheap B) cheaper C) cheapest D) the cheapest
7. He spends his time the banks of the river.
A) in B) to C) about D) on 18. Why did you leave London? You had a job.
A) better B) best C) gooder D) the best
8. She came the garage.
A) out B) of C) out of D) up 19. London got a lot of parks.
A) has B) have C) does D) do
9. He jumped the lake.
A) into B) to C) in D) at 20. Our school a library, but it doesn’t any computers.
A) has / have B) have / has C) has / has D) have / have
10. He walked the hill.
A) to B) at C) out D) up 21. My parents a new stereo.
A) has B) have C) have get D) have got
11. A country is than a city.
A) cheap B) cheaper C) cheapest D) more cheaper 22. Does your sister a fiancé?
A) has B) has got C) have D) has get
23. I don’t a problem with this exercise.
A) has B) to have C) have D) has got 36. Do you any bread?
A) got B) have C) has D) had
24. Do you have homework?
A) some B) a C) any D) the 37. My homework is the in class.
A) worst B) worse C) worthy D) bad
25. I’ve got pencils than you.
A) many B) more C) much D) most 38. This exercise is difficult in the book.
A) most B) more C) the most D) the more
26. The Plaza is the hotel.
A) cheap B) cheapest C) the cheapest D) cheaper 39. I’m the most .
A) intelligent B) clever C) cleverer D) the intelligent
27. Claridge’s is the hotel.
A) old B) oldest C) older D) the oldest 40. Its university, founded 1965, is one of the oldest in Europe
A) on B) in C) at D) of
28. The Plaza a swimming pool.
A) have got B) has got C) does have D) do has 41. I’ve got a book Mark Twain.
A) by B) from C) off D) in
29. I for a walk in the country and a farm.
A) went / see B) go / saw C) went / saw D) look / saw 42. Help me my homework.
A) in B) by C) with D) on
30. Yesterday was than today.
A) most hottest B) more hot 43. These exercises are in the exam.
C) hot D) much hotter A) the difficulties B) the most difficult
C) the difficult D) most difficult
31. She’s than her brother.
A) tall B) tallest C) taller D) the tallest 44. His exam marks were for several months.
A) the baddest B) the bad C) badder D) the worst
32. She is smaller her sister.
A) that B) this C) than D) this 45. Have you any rice?
A) have B) got C) have got D) had
33. I’m the in the class.
A) youngest B) most youngest 46. Bill got any friends.
C) young D) younger A) has no B) hasn’t C) doesn’t D) not

34. Last week was than this week 47. Last week was than this week.
A) busier B) busiest C) more busy D) busy A) busy B) more busy C) busier D) the busiest

35. He got any sisters.

A) haven’t B) doesn’t C) hasn’t D) don’t
48. Hey! You are employee in our firm.
A) youngest B) younger C) young D) the youngest 57. She dived the lake and went the water quickly.
A) into / out of B) in / out of
49. She is taller her elder sister. C) into / out D) in / out
A) than B) then C) that D) the
58. Who can run first and the hill?
50. Yesterday it was the day before yesterday. A) up / on B) upper / down
A) colder the B) colder than C) colder them D) colder C) down / under D) up / down

51. Nancy’s car is than mine, but Ben’s car is car. 59. The chemist is 2 kilometers the port.
A) the most expensive / more expensive A) off B) from C) along D) via
B) more expensive / the most expensive
C) expensiver / expensivest 60. Cairo is located the banks the Nile River.
D) most expensive / the more expensive A) of / on B) on / off C) on / of D) in / of

52. Your essay was than Jim’s, but it was than Mary’s. 61. Walk this path and the stream.
A) better / worse B) gooder / badder A) along / in B) along / over C) over / in D) in / on
C) better / worst D) best / worse
62. Go the bus stop is at the corner.
53. New houses are than old ones. A) close / what B) past / where
A) more modern and clean C) past / which D) near / went
B) modern and cleaner
C) more modern and cleaner 63. Drive me to the , or I’ll be late my plane.
D) moderner/cleaner A) port / of B) airport / on C) airport / for D) port / of

54. A: she a new 64. Izmir is the sea hundreds of ships come to.
job? B: Yes, she does. A) port / where B) port / that
A) Has / got B) Does / got C) Does / * D) Does / have C) stop / which D) port / when

55. A: they got any 65. Is there a car I can park my Porche?
problems? B: No, they . A) center / where B) park / where
A) Have / haven’t B) Do / have C) station / where D) bank / which
C) Do / does D) Does / has
66. We went on picnic to the of the Nile River is very beautiful
56. Maya got a camera. And she have a car either. in spring.
A) haven’t / doesn’t B) hasn’t / doesn’t A) banks / where B) where / banks
C) doesn’t / hasn’t D) haven’t / don’t C) banks / which D) which / banks
A) is snowing / snows B) snows / ’s snowing
ELEMENTARY TEST - 11 C) ’s snow / snows D) snows / snows

10. I . Because it’s my happiest day today.

- Present Continuous A) jumping B) jump C) ’m jumping D) jumped
- Possessive pronouns (mine, yours, hers)
11. Benedit and Nina are only salads.
- Linking words (although, but) Because vegetarians don’t meat.
- Prepositions A) eat / eat B) eating / eating
C) eat / eating D) eating / eat
1. We watching a good documentary BBC World now.
12. Sorry, I understand you. I speak Russian.
A) are / in B) am / on C) are / on D) is / in
A) do / don’t B) do / do
C) don’t / don’t D) am / am
2. I always credit card.
A) pay / by B) am paying / with
13. A: Why we to a park?
C) ’m paying / by D) pay / with
B: A good idea!
A) do / go B) don’t / go
3. you a girl fair hair?
C) aren’t / going D) are / going
A) Do / knowing / of B) Does / know / of
C) Do / know / with D) Are / knowing / with
14. What you to know?
A) do / want B) are / wanting
4. she got a dress white?
C) do / wanting D) are / want
A) Does / in B) Has / on C) Have / in D) Has / in
15. A: she a problem now? B:
5. is reading a letter bed now.
No. She how to solve.
A) She / in B) I / in C) You / on D) He / at
A) Is / solve / doesn’t / know
B) Does / solve / isn’t / knowing
6. A: What you ?
C) Is / solving / doesn’t / know
B: I’m a lecturer.
D) Does / solving / doesn’t / know
A) do / do B) are / do C) is / do D) do / doing
16. Can you translate this letter English Chinese me?
7. A: What she now?
A) from / into / for B) into / from / for
B: I don’t know.
C) from / in / her D) for / from / in
A) does / do B) do / do C) is / doing D) is / do

8. A: are we ?
B: To the class.
A) When / going B) Where / go
C) When / go D) Where / going

9. A: Oh no! It . We can’t go out.

B: It always here in March.
17. We watched the program called Hard Talk CNN. Because
we are interested politics.
A) in / to B) on / from C) on / in D) off / of

18. child playing in yard.

A) Who’s / is / our B) Whose / is / our
C) Whose / is / ours D) Whose / are / our

19. A: are you doing under the

trees? B: I’m my keys.
A) What / looking off B) Whom / looking in
C) When / looking up D) What / looking for

20. hair is blonder than .

A) Her / yours B) Hers / yours
C) Her / your D) Hers / your

21. is hiding behind car?

A) Whose / my B) Who’s / mine
C) Who / my D) Whose / mine

22. I am English.
A) study B) to study C) studying D) studied

23. She’s jeans.

A) wearing B) wear C) to wear D) wore

24. I am tennis this afternoon.

A) play B) playing C) to play D) played

25. We are not outside.

A) go B) went C) going D) to go

26. Where are you ?

A) go B) going C) to go D) went

27. “Are you a good time?”

“Yes, we .”
A) having / are B) have / is
C) having / do D) have / aren’t

28. I from Switzerland.

A) come B) coming C) to come D) came

29. Is my English better.

A) gets B) get C) getting D) to get

30. Jane’s her friend tonight.

A) sees B) seeing C) see D) saw

31. He as a clerk in a bank.

A) working B) work C) works D) to work

32. “Why are you a suit?” “You usually wear jeans.”

A) wears B) wore C) wear D) wearing

33. I read bed.

A) at B) in C) to D) under

34. We’ve got this jumper red

A) in B) to C) with D) at

35. He’s talking Mandy.

A) with B) to C) at D) for

36. There’s a girl fair hair.

A) with B) on C) at D) out

37. I’m looking jumper.

A) at B) for C) on D) in

38. I always pay credit card.

A) in B) on C) at D) by

39. He’s down.

A) sit B) sitting C) sits D) sat
40. It is .
A) rains B) to rain C) raining D) rained

41. I’m gum.

A) chew B) chewing C) chews D) chewed - Going to - Wh questions
- Infinitive of purpose
42. I a shower every morning.
A) am having B) have C) having D) had - Making suggestions - Prepositions

43. I like house.

A) your B) you C) yours D) your 1. She to be a ballet dancer when she up.
A) go / grow B) going / grows
44. house is smaller than . C) goes / grows D)’s going / grows
A) Ours / theirs B) Our / their
C) Ours / their D) Our / theirs 2. We to stay in a villa in France this summer.
A) going B) ‘re going C) to go D) go
45. children are older than .
A) My / her B) Mine / hers C) My / hers D) Mine / her 3. I Peter tonight.
A) ‘m seeing B) see C) seeing D) to see
46. talking to sister?
A) Whose / yours B) Who’s / your 4. I’m going Peter tonight.
C) Whose / your D) Who’s / yours A) see B) seeing C) to see D) saw

47. This book isn’t . Is it ? 5. Careful! The glass is fall.

A) my / yours B) mine / your A) going B) going to C) goes to D) go to
C) my / your D) mine / yours
6. We to Paris this weekend.
48. “ dictionary is this?” “It’s .” A) going B) go C) ‘re going D) to go
A) Whose / him B) Who’s / his
C) Whose / his D) Who’s / him 7. Tom and Tim for lunch tomorrow.
A) to come B) coming C) came D) are coming
49. “ going to the party tonight?”
“I am not.” 8. I’m saving my money a CD player.
A) Whose B) Which C) Who’s D) Where A) buying B) to buy C) buy D) bought

50. And garden is bigger than . 9. We’re going to Paris a holiday.

A) their / ours B) theirs / ours A) to have B) have C) having D) had
C) their / our D) theirs / ours
10. I’m going to Florida a year’s time.
51. dog is running round garden. A) at B) on C) in D) by
A) Whose / ours B) Who’s/our
C) Whose / our D) Who’s / ours 11. He’s interested flying.
A) at B) in C) on D) with
52. I tennis this afternoon.
A) ’m playing B) play C) playing D) plays 12. She’s good singing.
A) on B) at C) in D) with
53. We pizza for dinner tonight.
A) having B) have C) are having D) had 13. She was afraid cars.
A) at B) with C) in D) of
54. boots are these?
A) Whose B) Which C) What D) Whose 14. What’s the weather today?
A) like B) with C) in D) about
55. do you do after school today?
A) Which B) Why C) What D) Where 15. What’s TV tonight?
A) in B) at C) on D) by
56. Where you going tonight.
A) do B)is C) does D) are 16. There’s a film channel 4.
A) at B) in C) by D) on
57. She tennis every day.
A) play B) playing C) plays D) to play 17. What’s the cinema?
A) on B) at C) on at D) at on
58. My daughter French and German.
A) speaks B) ’s speaking C) speak D) to speak 18. They both to become TV stars.
A) are / go B) are / going to
59. Sally a breakfast at the moment. C) is / going D) are / going
A) has B) having C) is having D) had
19. What’s she going ?
60. I’m not to buy you lunch, today. A) do B) doing C) to do D) did
A) go B) going C) goes D) to go
20. She’s going home.
61. How many languages do you ? A) to walk B) walking C) walk D) to walking
A) speaking B) speaks C) spoke D) speak
21. She wants in Paris and Moscow.
A) dancing B) dance C) is dancing D) to dance

22. They going a car this year.

A) aren’t / get B) aren’t / getting
C) aren’t / to get D) aren’t / got
23. he play tennis last Sunday? A) Did B) Does C) Do D) Are
47. A : is the weather like ?
24. he playing tennis now? B: is sunny & warm. But yesterday cold.
A) Are B) Does C) Is D) Did A) What / today / it / was B) How / today / it / was
C) What / it / today / * D) How / it / today / was
25. you wash it yesterday ?
A) Do B) Does C) Did D) Are 48. A : What we ?
B: go swimming.
26. I going to wash it tonight. A) will / do / Let me B) shall / do / Let’s
A) do B) am C) are D) do C) would / do / Let her D) shall / do / Let me

27. We having dinner at the moment. 49. A: What is the weather like tomorrow?
A) do B) is C) are D) did B: Sunny. we go on picnic?
A) going to / Shall B) going to be / Will
28. you have a dinner at this time every evening? C) going to be / Are D) going to be / Shall
A) Did B) Do C) Does D) Are
50. A : are you going to eat?
29. What your parents going to do when they retire? B : Pizza.
A) is B) do C) are D) did A: ’re you going to eat?
B : In the cafeteria.
30. When your parents first meet? A) Where / What B) What / Where
A) did B) does C) do D) are C) What / When D) Who / Whom

31. What time Maria usually arrive at school? 51. A : is Jim going to get married?
A) does B) is C) do D) did B : Next month.
A: is he going to marry?
32. Look that picture. Isn’t it beautiful? B : His colleague.
A) on B) at C) in D) by A) What time / Who B) Who / Where
C) When / Whom D) Where / *
33. What have we got dinner?
A) at B) of C) for D) from 52. A: are you going to the chemist’s?
B: I’m going to the chemist’s some medicine.
34. Our hotel is fifty meters the sea. A) Why / too buy B) Why / to buy
A) of B) in C) than D) from C) When / two buy D) Where / buy

35. What is the longest river the world? 53. A: is Pittsburg Ohio?
A) at B) on C) in D) at B: About 500 kilometers.
A) How long / from B) How far / from
36. France is bigger England. C) How big / off D) How small / since
A) from B) on C) like D) than
54. German is English in some ways, but it is more difficult
37. I’m looking Jane. Do you know where she is? English.
A) about B) for C) at D) in A) like / then B) as / that C) like / than D) like / like

38. Can you buy me a bottle lemonade the shop? 55. Nicola’s to Liverpool his grandparents.
A) of / at B) at / of C) from / at D) from / of A) coming / visit B) to come/visit
C) going to come / to visit D) coming / to visit
39. Maria is her sister in many ways.
They’re both beautiful and intelligent.
A) from B) like C) of D) about

40. What did you do the weekend?

A) of B) in C) at D) for

41. Saturday night we went to a party.

A) In B) On C) At D) For

42. I going out, because it going to rain.

A) ‘m not / is B) amn’t / is B) isn’t / am D) aren’t / is

43. you going wash your car this afternoon?

A) Are / too B) Are / to C) ‘re / to D) Am / to

44. She going to the post office some stamps.

A) is / to buy B) is / for buying
C) ‘s / for to buy D) * / buy

45. I’m home early next week.

A) go B) going for going
C) going D) going to

46. What the weather in Las Vegas the day before

A) were / like B) was/as
C) is / like D) was/like

ELEMENTARY TEST - 13 - Question forms (Why-how many- how much)

- Why questions
- Adverbs and adjectives
1. “ did the first man walk on the moon?” 20. “ old was she?” “60
“In 1969.” years old.”
A) When B) Where C) Who D) What A) What B) How much C) How many D) How

2. “ did she marry?” 21. you like learning English?

“She married to John.” A) Does B) Are C) Do D) Have
A) What B) Who C) Which D) Why
22. What you do last night?
3. A dog. A) does B) did C) do D) done
A) bigger than B) big C) biggest D) the biggest
23. How many languages your mother speak?
4. A driver. A) do B) are C) does D) is
A) care B) careful C) carefully D) the careful
24. When you go shopping last?
5. She ran . A) do B) does C) are D) did
A) quick B) quicker C) quickly D) the quickly
25. do you weigh?
6. He drives too . A) How many B) How C) How much D) What
A) fastly B) fast C) faster D) fastest
26. Smoking is a habit.
7. What is the story ? A) badly B) worth C) worst D) bad
A) of B) on C) at D) about
27. The team played and lost the match.
8. What happened the end of the story? A) badly B) worth C) worst D) bad
A) on B) in C) at D) from
28. Please listen .
9. The train leaves platform 9. A) careful B) carefully C) care D) carely
A) of B) at C) from D) for
29. The homework was the .
10. “ did you buy your new jacket?” A) easy B) easier C) easily D) easiest
“At supermarket.”
A) What B) Where C) When D) How 30. Peter’s very at tennis. He won the game.
A) goodly B) well C) good D) best
11. “ did you pay ?”
“$ 1000.” 31. I know the Prime Minister .
A) How many B) How A) good B) best C) better D) well
C) How much D) Which one
32. My husband’s a cook.
12. “ did you buy?” A) bad B) worst C) badly D) worse
“A new jacket.”
A) Who B) When C) How much D) What 33. Teachers work , but they don’t earn much money.
A) hardly B) harder C) hard D) hardest
13 . did you buy with?
A) Which one B) Why C) When D) Who 34. Lunch is a meal for many people.
A) quick B) quickly C) quicker D) quickest
14. “ did you go?”
“This morning.” 35. Life in New York is very .
A) Why B) What C) When D) How A) excited B) exciting C) exciter D) excitely

15. “ did you go?” 36. The teacher was when nobody did the homework.
“To buy some new clothes.” A) annoyed B) annoying C) annoy D) annoys
A) When B) Why C) Where D) How
37. The news is very .
16. “ did you go?” A) worried B) worrying C) worry D) worringly
“To the shops.”
A) When B) Why C) Where D) How 38. Everybody was very about you.
A) worried B) worrying C) worry D) worringly
17. “ did you go?”
“By car.” 39. The game of tennis was very .
A) When B) Why C) How much D) How A) tired B) tire C) tiring D) tires

18. “ do you want to go?” “To 40. “ did the story take place?”
Paris.” “A long time ago.”
A) Why B) Where C) How D) What A) How many B) What C) Where D) When

19. “ is she?” 41. We use adverbs the beginning and the end of a sentence, but
“Our cousin.” sometimes the middle of a sentence.
A) Who B) What C) How D) Where A) at / in B) in / at C) on / at D) at / on

42. A train leaves Berlin and arrives Bonn in time.

A) from / to B) from / in C) from / at D) in / from

43. A plane arrived the airport .

A) in / late B) at / lately C) at / late D) in / lately

44. What is the story ?

A) in B) from C) off D) about
45. A - is it London New York?
B - 6000 km.
A) How long / from / to B) How fast / to / from
C) How much / from / to D) How wide / from / to Present Perfect- Ever and never

46. My friend never comes school . He is always . Yet and just

A) early / late B) early / lately Present Perfect and Past Simple
C) earlily / lately D) earlily / late

47. At first we draw then . Shetraveled to most parts of the world.

A) quickly / slowly B) quick / slowly haveB) isC) hasD) will
C) quickly / slow D) quick / slow
you everin a car accident?
48. They are readers, they read . Has / beenB) Have / been
A) slowly / hard B) slow / hard C) Have / beD) Have / was
C) slow / hardly D) slowly / hardly
Sheto Russia two years ago.
49. I turned around , because there was a shout. goB) wentC) goneD) goes
A) immediately / sudden B) immediate / suddenly
C) immediate / sudden B) immediately / suddenly Iin a crash when I10.
were / was B) am / wasC) was / amD) was / was
50. Are you ? Or is the book ?
A) boring / boring B) boring / bored Ilast night.
C) bored / bored D) bored / boring leaveB) leavesC) leavingD) left
51. A- I am really about my exam marks. “youto Russia.” “Yes, I.”
B- Oh, no! You are sometimes so . Had / be / haven’tB) Has / been / have
A) worried / tired B) worried / tiring
C) Have / be / haveD) Have / been / have
C) worrying / tired D) worrying / tiring
Have youyour homework?
52. I am in the Mexican Culture, because it is .
doB) to doC) doneD) did
A) interesting / excited B) interested / exciting
C) interesting / exciting D) interesting / excited
I haven’t done it.
yetB) alreadyC) justD) since
53. Be ! Walk .
A) careful / quietly B) careful / quiet
C) carefully / quietly D) carefully / quiet I havedone it.
yetB) agoC) justD) since
54. She paints ; she is a painter.
A) goodly / well B) goodly / good She hasto Portugal.
C) well / good D) good / good goingB) wentC) goneD) went
23. They’ve lunch. They it at 12 o’clock. A) have eaten / hasn’t B) has ate / hasn’t
She hasto Portugal.
A) have / had B) had / have C) had / having D) had / had C) have ate / hasn’t D) has eaten / hasn’t
beB) beenC) beingD) were
24. I’ve my homework. I it after supper. 35. I John yesterday.
A) done / done B) did / done She worksa
A) seebig company.
B) seen C)’m seeing D) saw
C) done / did D) did / did toB)withC) forD) of
36. she already bought a new car?
25. A: Have you tidied your room ? ‘Hamlet’ is a playShakespeare.
A) Did B) Has C) Does D) Have
B: Yes, I’ve tidied it. ofB) byC) atD) on
A) yet / just B) just / yet 37. They’ve on a double-decker bus.
C) already / just D) already / just Brad and Marilyn arehoneymoon.
A) travel B) traveled C) traveling D) travels
onB) forC) atD) of
26. I’ve never anyone who more than you. 38. He cooking when he 15 years old.
A) saw / eats B) seen / eat C) saw / eaten D) seen / eats Waitme.
A) started / was B) has started / has been
toB) for
C) ‘s started / was C)
D) at D) on
started / has been
27. Bob’s not here. He’s to work.
A) been B) went C) gone D) being Monicamany
39. In 1992 tournaments?
I for the Italian President
have When
/ wonB)hehas / win to France.
28. My brother’s to America 4 times. C) have
A) /cooked
winD) has / won
/ has come B) have cooked / came
A) been B) gone C) went D) being C) cook / came D) cooked / came
she go to America 10 years ago?
29. It’s good to see you again. Where have you ? HasB)
40. SheDoesC) HadD)
is only Did old, but she
14 years many tournaments in her life.
A) gone B) being C) been D) went A) already won B)‘s already won
Have C)
alreadytowinAustralia? D)‘ve already won
30. Mary’s hair looks nice. She’s just to the hairdresser’s. neverB) justC) yetD) ever
A) gone B) been C) was D) went 41. I been Ireland.
to Australia
/ too last month?
B) have / to C) has / to D) has / too
31. It’s terribly difficult to give smoking. HaveB) DoC) HasD) Did
A) on B) off C) of D) up 42. Sandra ridden a horse?
Has she won the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament?
A) Has / never B) Have / never
justB) yetC) alreadyD) since
32. Why don’t we turn the T.V. to watch the news. C) Have / never D) Has / ever
A) of B) on C) off D) out I’vethe latest Star Wars film. Iit last week.
43. / saw ’ve
seen B) see / played golf./ seen D) saw / saw
sawC) seen
33. When I grow , I’m going to be a T.V. Star. A) They / yet B) She / never
A) up B) on C) of D) out She’sthe letter.
C) We Sheit yesterday.
/ ever D) I / just
wrote / wroteB) written / written
34. Angela Thai food but Frank . 44.wrote
C) When thewritten
/ writtenD) watchman
/ wrote work?
A) has / started B) did / start 45. she a new carpet yet?
C) started / * D) * / start A) Does / buy B) Did / buy
C) Has / bought D) Is / buying

46. A- Have your parents come ?

B- Yes, they just come.
A) yet / ’re B) just / do C) already / ’ve D) yet / ’ve

47. Mason his homework 10 minutes ago, but I’ve not finished
mine .
A) finished / yet B) finish / just
C) finished / just D) finish / just

48. A- Have you ever a holiday in India?

B- Yes, we have. We there in 2000.
A) had / ’ve gone B) * / went
C) had / went D) have / went

49. A- Welcome back. have you been?

B- I’ve to Afghanistan.
A) Where / gone B) Where / been
C) When / been D) When / gone

50. There’s nobody in the class. All the students have home.
A) been B) went C) gone D) be

51. the TV and the lights. Let’s watch news.

A) Turn out / turn off B) Turn off / turn out
C) Turn back / on D) Turn on / turn off

52. First he his jumper, then his best shirt.

A) took off / put on B) took after / put on
C) turned up / tried on D) tried on / turned up

53. The new couples watched a play Shakespeare their

A) of / in B) by / on C) off / at D) by / in

54. When I , I’m going to work my dad’s company.

A) go out / in B) give up / at
C) grow up / for D) look up / on

55. Nurses ill people, and gardeners flowers & plants.

A) look after / grow up B) look up / get up
C) look around / grow up D) look before / get up
18. Are you the party?
A) enjoy B) enjoyed C) enjoying D) enjoys

19. How many sisters ?

- Present, Past, Future Tenses A) do you have B) you have
- Questions with Who, Why, How much C) are you have D) do you has
- Phrases with more than one meaning
20. I understand what you are saying.
A) no B) don’t C) am not D) didn’t
1. three languages: French, Spanish, and English.
A) I’m speak B) I’m speaking 21. What time home last night?
C) I speaking D) I speak A) did you get B) you get
C) do you get D) did you got
2. Where from?
A) Hans come B) does Hans come 22. Last weekend I some friends and we a meal.
C) does Hans coming D) Hans came A) see / having B) saw / have
C) seeing / had D) saw / had
3. What tonight?
A) do you do B) you do 23. I English food. It’s wonderful!
C) are you doing D) did you do A) am loving B) loved C) love D) loves

4. “Where is George” 24. Pierre is French. He from Toulouse.

“He a shower.” A) is coming B) came C) come D) comes
A) has B) will have C) is having D) have
25. the computer at the moment?
5. “What ?” A) Does Mr. Taylor use B) Is Mr. Taylor using
“I don’t know. Look it up.” C) Did Mr. Taylor use D) Will Mr. Taylor use
A) does this word mean B) means this word
C) does mean this word D) is meaning this word 26. Dave a student with her work now.
A) helped D) help C) is helping D) helping
6. “Do you want a cigarette?”
“No, thanks. I .” 27. “ It’s very noisy”
A) no smoke B) smoke not “Suzy to rock music.”
C) am not smoking D) don’t smoke A) listen B) listens C) listened D) is listening

7. Last year I to America. 28. Carol hard for her exam last week.
A) was go B) go C) was going D) went A) didn’t study B) isn’t studying
C) don’t study D) aren’t study
8. How long in America?
A) you stay B) did you stay 29. Most of the students these days.
C) stayed you D) you staying A) didn’t smoke B) aren’t smoking
C) isn’t smoking D) don’t smoke
9. The weekend was boring. I anything.
A) don’t do B) no do 30. You look nice, Anne. a new dress?
C) didn’t do D) wasn’t doing A) Do you wear B) Does she wear
C) Are you wearing D) Did you wear
10. “I’m going to university next year”
“What study?” 31. Many birds south every winter.
A) you going to B) do you A) fly B) flew C) are flying D) will fly
C) did you D) are you going to
32. Usually Jim to work on Saturdays.
E ( in Puebla, a ( m A) is going B) went C) go
n 1 town in 1 edi D) goes
r 1 Mexico. He 2 cin
i ) ) e
because he (13) to be a doctor. He’s married, but he (14)
any ( in a primary 33. Japan many high
children. 1 school. mountains.
His wife, 5 Enrique
Silvia, )
(16) cooking. He can A) have B) is
make an excellent having C) has D)
enchilada! are having
11. A) lived
lives 14. A) has B) h
C) was C) doesn’t have D) is
living D) to have

12. A) studied 15. A) was teaching B) teac

studying C) teach D) thought
C) is studying D) doesn’t
study 16. A) loved B) u
C) loves D) lo
13. A) is wanting
was wanting 17. At the weekend, I usually
C) will want go swimming.
Book 1 Part A 2 Pre-Intermediate Test 1
A) am ” 45. “
B) * 34. Cats very well A) you do W
C) was in darkness. C) you usually go ha
want A) are seeing B) do go to t
see C) ar
will D) 43. “ e
sees W yo
h u
35. “What ?” a d
“I’m studying t oi
computer science.” ng
A) are you studying d th
B) were you o is
studying i w
C) was you studying n ee
g ke
36. “ born?” d?
i ”
“I was born in
n “ .”
A) When did you A) Nothing much B) Not
Where were you y all. Don’t mention it
C) Where are you o C) Cheers D) Bye
Where do you u
46. “
37. f M
“ r a
A e k
r e e
?” “No, I’m y
i o
s u
i r
” s
“ l
I f

A) he marries
married l a
C) you marry i t
married k
e h
38. “ a job ?” o
“No, I don’t. I’m a w m
student.” a e
A) Did you have t .
Do you have c ”
C) Have you had h
Are you having i “
39. “ Liverpool?” “Yes, I’m enjoying it n .”
“It’s in the north west very much.” g A) Sleep well B) Than
of England.” A) you enjoying C) Thanks. Same to you D)
A) Where were enjoying Excuse me
Where are C) they enjoyed p
C) Where is enjoying o 47. “Th
was r ank
42. “ t you
40. “ D so
W o mu
h clubs?” o ch
a “ n for
t I hel
?” “My name’s T pin
g V g.”
B o . “ .”
e ” A) Nothing much B) Chee
n A) are you C) Not at all. Don’t mention
s C) do you like
. it D) Slee
” you like to
A) was your name 48. “
were your name 44. “ ” G
C) is your name “Yes, can I help you?” o
his name A) Thank you! o
C) Excuse me! d
41. “Are your much.
course?” . m
Book 1 Part A 2 Pre-Intermediate Test 1
o A) are you / I 55. A r
r you - :
n C) are they / they ! Shop
i /I
h a
g 52. A- Leo eat
e s
! Chinese food?
n s
” B- Yes, he it he
it i
was 10.
r s
“ A) Did / eaten / when
a t
” B) Does / ate / what
i a
A) Good morning! C) Did / ate / when
n n
Thank you! Do / eat / what
i t
C) Cheers! n :
well! 53. What they going
? ?
49. “ A) are / too B) are /
to C) is / A) Good morning / Good
to D) is / B morning
too - B) Excuse me / Yes, can I
help you
54. A- Y C) Bless you / Thank you
y D) How do you do / How do
How languages e
o you do
can s
your t
son e 60. A
n speak r -
e ? B- d
x Three . a T
t A) much / languages y h
many / language . a
w C) many / languages A) Did / started n
e much / language start k
e C) Does / starts
k start y
. o
” 56. kind music do u
you like?
“ A) What / * B) How /
of C) What / v
. e
of D) What /
* r
“ y
A) Cheers 57. A
you - m
C) Good morning u
Bye for now c
o h
50. “ !
H o
a d
n -
i .
g A) Same to you B) Than
a C) Bye D) Not
n ! 61. Mobile phones, televisions,
i and radios are a means of
c A) communication B)
e B transport
C) media D) civil
d -
a ! 62. Romans a unique
y A) Sleep well B) Cheers system of the Roman
! C) Fine, thanks D) Bye alphabet.
” A) improved B) dev
58. Oh! Welcome, Jack! C) persuaded D) exch
A) Pleased to meet you
“ That’s very kind 63. Nowadays media has a huge
.” C) Make yourself at home influence on the
A) Thanks. Same to
A) neighbors B) socie
C) printing pressing D)
Don’t mention it. 59. C Greeks
C) Nothing much u
Sleep well s 64. We send through the
t internet.
51. A- Where o A) a letter B) a fax C)
from? m mail D) an e-mail
B- am from e
Book 1 Part A 2 Pre-Intermediate Test 1
65. Romans, Greek and A) ancient B) old , we are very different in c har a cter. She’s
Egyptians are all C) dated D) drive D) drov
nations. modern 6. Annie from Ireland.
A) come B) is 21. This is a great party!
22. Jack’s a policeman but coming C) comes Everyone .
he coming A) dance B) is dancing
A) doesn’t wear
C) dances D) are
isn’t wearing
- Present Simple, Present Continuous 7. We to a party next dancing
C) no wear Saturday.
- Have/has got A) go B) goes
23. What in your
- But, and, however are going D) went
free time?
A) are you doing 8. She for dinner this
1. Where on do you do evening.
holidays? C) you do A) come B) came
A) you go B) do comes D) is
do you go
C) do you going 24. How many children ?
A) are you having 9. to go out tonight?
do you have A) Do you want
2. I to work C) do you have got wanting
now. Good-bye! are you have C) Is you want
A) go
B) went 25. I a shower every
C) am going morning. 10. I four languages.
D) goes A) have got B) am A) am speaking
having C) C) speaks
have D)
has 11. Every morning Tessa
at 7.30.
My sister and I are A) is getting up
very different, (26) we C) get up
get on well together.
3. I a She ( watchi
book 12. Oh, someone in my
likes 2 ng seat!
about stayin 7 televisi A) is sitting B) sits
ogy g at ) on will sit D) sit
these home
days. in the 13. I’m sorry. I can’t help you at
eveni the moment. I
ng A) will cook B) am
A) am reading B) with parents. (28) I
read C) cooking C) cook
prefer going out with cooked
am reads D) my friends. We like to
go to clubs or the 14. I a pain in my leg.
cinema. Sometimes we
4. I lots of A) has B) having
just go to a café. I have
books every year. have D) am
exams soon, (29) I’m
A) will read B) having
not going out very
am reading
much these days. My
C) read 15. Mrs. Steele to her
sister is six years older
going to read boss. I’ll tell her you
than me, (30) she
works in a bank. She’s
A) talked B) talks
trying to save some
talk D) is
money (31) she’s going
to get married this
year. Her fiancé’s name is Ferdinand. ( , we all
16. Turn the T.V off. No one
3 call him
A) watches B) watch
2 Freddy.
is watching D) watched
5. N People say I look
ur 17. She is not ready. She
like my sister (33)
se her hair.
we both have
s A) is washing B) washes
brown eyes
C) washed
ft 18. Derek’s good at golf but he
er very often.
p A) aren’t play B) isn’t
o playing C) doesn’t play
pl D) didn’t play
in 19. The sun in the day
h time.
pi A) shine B) shone
ta is shining D) shines
A) looks (34)da i (35) 20. In Britain people on
B) is looking rk r the right.
C) will look A) are driving B) drives
ha .
D) look
Book 1 Part A 2 Pre-Intermediate Test 1
very quiet, (36) I’m a having C) had 10. we got home we C) pick / cut D) picks
lot more sociable. D) have got listened to some music.
A) For B) Last
26. A) and B) but 38. He a shower in the Last D) When
11. We got up late Sunday
27. A) however B) so A) have got B) has
C) am having D) have
A) * B) at
28. A) Because B) And
D) in
39. He milk in his
29. A) so B) however coffee. 12. the afternoon we went
A) never has for a walk.
30. A) however B) so never got A) At B) For
C) has never D) In
31. A) and B) so never
13. I bought a car a few weeks
32. A) However B) So A) last B) when
40. What time lunch
ago D) for
in general?
33. A) so B) because A) does you have 14. I had an accident last
have you got night.
34. A) but B) so C) do you have A) in B) *
you having D) at
35. A) But B) So
15. It happened seven
41. The Pope in
36. A) however B) but o’clock the
A) live B) lived
37. I a bicycle when I A) when / * B) in / at
C) lives D) will
was young. at / last D) at / in
A) have B) am 16. I took my car to the garage
This morning I (26) this morning.
to work. I (27) A) in B) when
to go by bus D) at
because the sun 17. It will be ready two
- Past Simple - Past Continuous
(28) . While I (29) weeks.
- Irregular verbs - Linking words past the A) * B) in
supermarket, I (30)
- Prepositions D) for
something strange.
A man (31) near 18. I a friend while I
1. I was born in me and he (32) a the shopping
Africa song very loudly on A) was meeting / did
met / was doing
A) on his own! He (33)
B) at for a few minutes. C) meet / do
C) in Then he (34) a 19. I for my things when I
C) last friend and he (35) someone call my name.
singing. A) paid / was hearing
2. My parents
moved back to 26. A) was walking B) pay / heard
England I walked C) was paying / hear
was five. D) walking paying / heard
A) when 20. I round and
27. A)
B) ago Paula.
C) * A) turned / saw
D) for turning/ was seeing
t C) turn / was seeing
wa turning / saw
ntin 21. She a bright red coat
g yesterday.
C) don’t 28. A) shone B) is shining C) was shining D) shines
A) wore
want D) am not29. C)
A) wear
walked B) am walking C) was walked D) was walking
30. We
22. A) was seeing
to have B) sawof
a cup C) am seeing D) see
3. We lived in Bristol three years.
A) last B) for C) at D) * 31. coffee.
A) passed B) was passing C) pass D) passes
A) decided
4. I left college three years . 32. C)
A) decides
sang B) sing C) was singing D) song
A) nothing B) ago A) for B) lastC) 23. While we a drink, a
C) for D) in * D) waiter a pile of
at plates.
5. I found a flat on my
own 8. They arrived three A) had / was dropping
A) at B) for o’clock the afternoon. have / dropped
* D) on A) at / in B) in / C) have / drop
for C) when having / dropped
6. I usually go home
/ ago D) last / 24. We all a terrible shock.
the weekend.
* A) were getting
A) in B)
when C) at 9. Saturday evening C) getting
of we went out to a 25. While the waiter up
concert. the broken plates, he his
7. I didn’t go home
A) Last B) In finger.
weekend because some
For D) On A) picked / was cutting
friends came to stay.
was picking / cut
Book 1 Part A 3 Pre-Intermediate Test 1
33. A) B) stop / drived A) did you do nothing D) for
a C) stopped / was C) were you doing
s 50. I worked on a farm the
driving you doing
c holidays.
o D) was stopping / drove
49. We played tennis two A) for B) since C)
t 39. How your finger? hours. while D) on
i A) are you cutting A) during B) while
n were you cutting
u A) anything / everyone /
i C) did you cut PRE-INTERMEDIATE TEST - 4
g B) somebody / anyone /
40. I and I the
- Much, many - Some, any 1. A: C) something / somebody /
- How much, how many Did somewhere
yo D) everything / nobody /
- Something, anyone, nobody, everywhere u somewhere
- A few, a little, a lot of - Articles me
9. Have you got
C) was cooking / at
B 41. When I the homework?
) par A) many B) much C) a
o ty? few D) some
n at the party,
t everyone a 10. We don’t need eggs.
i Yes
good time. Just half a dozen.
n ,I
u A) was arriving / A) a little B) many C)
e me
had B) arrived / was much D) a few
s t who knows
C) is 11. Is there traffic in your
C) arrived / had D) arrived /
continui yo town?
were having
ng u! A) a few B) many C)
42. a good time last A) someone / anyone some D) much
34. A) will met B) met
night? anything / nobody
C) was meeting D) 12. I have close fiends. Two
A) Did you have C) anybody / somebody
meet or three.
you having everybody / nothing A) a lot of B) a little C) a
35. A) was stopping C) Will you have
2. A: Ouch! There’s in my few D) much
C) you having
stopped eye! 13. I don’t know students in
43. While I to work B: Let me look. No, I can’t
stopping this class. Because I am a
this morning I see newcomer.
36. I a friend. A) something / anything A) many B) a few C)
v A) went / meet anything / anywhere some D) much
e going / met C) somebody / everywhere
ry C) go / was meeting 14. How people live in your
g was going / met house?
o 3. A: Let’s go hot for our A) any B) much C)
44. I to get up this holidays.
o many D) a lot of
morning. It B: But we can’t go ;
d cold, and my bed was that’s too expensive. 15. He has money. He’s a
p so warm. A) everywhere / nowhere millionaire.
r A) don’t want / is somewhere / anywhere A) many B) a lot of C)
o raining C) anywhere / everywhere a little D) a lot
g wanting / rains
r anybody / someone 16. A
C) wasn’t wanting /
a 4. A: I don’t want to talk to :
m was raining B: And I want to talk to
o either.
n 45. I to the news on A) anyone / no one o
T the radio when the somebody / everyone
V phone . C) nobody / somebody
A) listened / was ringing y
la everybody/anybody
B) am listening / was o
ringing 5. I lost my glasses. I looked u
g C) was listening / rang but I couldn’t find them.
h listen / is ringing A) anywhere t
t. C) somewhere a
46. But when I up the
A) was seeing B) see 6. A: Did you buy at the k
phone, there was no one
C) am seeing e
there. shops?
37. While I this A) pick B) am B: No, . I didn’t have
picking C) picked any money.” s
morning, I my
was picking A) something / anything u
money. I don’t know
everything / something g
how. 47. I hello to the C) anything / nothing a
A) shopped / lose children, but they one / anybody r
was shopping / lost didn’t say anything
C) shopped / was losing because they 7. It was a great party.
loved it. i
A) Everything n
38. Last week the police A) say / watched
Alan in his car said / were watching C) Somebody
C) was / saying c
because he 8. I’m bored. I want
watched o
miles an hour. interesting to read, or to
A) were stopping / was 48. What at 8.00 last talk to, or
driving night? interesting to go. e
Book 1 Part A 3 Pre-Intermediate Test 1
e few
21. This morning bus was homework. Are you free?
late. A) a few B) much C)

A) a B) * any D) some
D) the
B 36. Let’s have ice-cream.
: 22. My favorite subject is A) a B) * C) an
history, but I’m not very D) the
good at
J 37. I eat apple every day.
u 19. She speaks good A) the B) a C) an
A) * / the B) a / a
s Spanish, but only D) *
the / the D) * / *
t Russian. 38. Would you like coffee
. Half a A) a few B) a lot 23. Ankara is capital of
or tea?
of C) much Turkey.
A) * B) the C) an
s D) a little A) the B) a
D) a
p D) an
20. I come to school 39. They don’t like
o by bus. 24. I work in company that
o chocolate.
A) * / the B) the / makes carpets.
n A) a B) the C) *
a C) * / * A) a / * B) the / the
f D) an
D) the / the C) the / * D) a / a
u 40. I’d like glass of milk,
l 25. My friend lives in same
. street as me.
A) the B) a C) an
” A) a B) *
D) *
D) the
41. Please have cake.
26. A:
A) a B) * C) the
D) an
mu 42. How often do you eat
ch chocolate?
are A) the B) an C) *
A) a few B) the D) a
many C) a driv
little D) a lot ing 43. This table is made of
of less glass.
ons A) * B) the C) an
17. A D) a
? B:
Fift 44. I never drink coffee.
een A) an B) * C) a
H pou D) the
a nds hour.
v A) * B) the 45. Does he like cake?
e D) a A) the B) a C) an
D) *
27. I was at home all day
y yesterday. 46. She needs to help her
o A) the B) * choose a birthday present.
u A) something B) anybody C)
D) a
someone D) some
g 28. There are apples.
A) most B) a lot of 47. Is listening to me!
o A) somebody B) anyone C)
t a little D) much
something D) anyw
CD’s? 29. The shop hasn’t got
B washing powder. 48. Would please explain
: A) a few B) few what happened?
much D) many A) anything B)
somewhere C) anybody
Y 30. Why aren’t there D) someone
e magazines?
s A) little B) much 49. He doesn’t care. He will
, little D) many watch on
A) somewhere B) something
31. The shop hasn’t got C) anything D) anyb
u birthday cards.
A) many B) much 50. If asks, tell them I’ve got
n a cold.
d some D) a little
A) anyone B) anything C)
r 32. I saw change on the somewhere D) somebody
e table a minute ago.
d A) much B) some
s many D) any
A) much B) a 33. I can see newspapers.
little C) a A) lots of B) most
few D) lots little D) much
of 34. The shopkeeper has got
18. I’ll be ready in cheese.
minutes. A) a lot of B) many
A) a lot B) a few D) a few
little C) 35. I need help with my
much D) a
Book 1 Part A 3 Pre-Intermediate Test 1
17. I’m looking forward you again soon.
A) to see B) seeing C) to seeing D) see

18. I my job soon.

- Infinitive, gerund
A) think changing B) am thinking of changing
- Going to, will C) am thinking to change D) think change
- Prepositions
19. This book is full pictures.
A) with B) in C) to D) of
1. “ a drink?”
“Yes, please. I’ll have an orange juice.” 20. Julie is married Sam.
A) Do you like B) Are you liking A) in B) with C) to D) at
C) Would you like D) Did you like
21. I don’t agree him.
2. “What at the weekend?” A) for B) at C) with D) to
“I like putting my feet up and relaxing. Sometimes I play tennis.”
A) will you like to do B) do you like doing 22. He isn’t good French.
C) would you like to do D) are you like to do A) at B) in C) to D) of

3. “ your teacher?” 23. My brother is interested math.

“Yes, she’s very nice.” A) to B) in C) of D) at
A) Did you like B) Would you like
C) Will you like D) Do you like 24. Look those birds!
A) at B) to C) for D) in
4. “What to do in the evening?”
“Why don’t we pop round and see Pat and Peter?” 25. Are you afraid flying?
A) do you like B) are you A) with B) at C) in D) of
C) would you like D) did you like
26. Wait me in the street.
5. “ for walks?” A) to B) for C) at D) in
“What a good idea! It’s so hot today!”
A) Are you going to go B) Did you like going 27. Bill is looking his keys but he can’t find them.
C) Do you like going D) Would you like to go A) for B) at C) to D) in

6. “My bag is so heavy.” 28. Please ask help if you want.

“Give it to me. it for you.” A) to B) for C) of D) in
A) I’m going to carry B) I carry
C) I’ll carry D) I carried 29. Do you work someone special?
A) at B) for C) of D) in
7. I bought some warm boots today because skiing.
A) I went B) I’m going C) I’ll go D) I go 30. Can I speak you for a minute?
A) with B) of C) at D) for
8. “Tony’s back from holiday.”
“ him a ring.” 31. Barbara hopes a lawyer.
A) I’ll give B) I gave A) become B) to become C) of becoming D) becoming
C) I’m going give D) I give
32. I’d love with you.
9. “What are you doing tonight?” A) to going B) go C) to go D) going
“We a play at the theatre.”
A) saw B) will see 33. She enjoys the news on television.
C) are going to see D) seeing A) watching B) to watch C) to watching D) watch

10. You can tell me your secret. I anyone. 34. I’m looking forward more free time.
A) am not going tell B) won’t tell A) to having B) to have C) of having D) having
C) don’t tell D) didn’t tell
35. Do you want it again?
11. “I need to post these letters.” A) try B) trying C) to trying D) to try
“I shopping soon. I them for you.”
A) will go / will post B) am going / will post 36. We’re a party next Saturday. Would you like ?
C) am going / am going post D) go / am going to post A) have / to go B) having / to come
C) had / to have D) having to / had
12. “Now, holidays. Where this year?”
“We don’t know yet.” 37. You must see my new flat. round and a drink some time.
A) did you go B) you going A) Go / come B) Have / come
C) will you go D) do you going C) Go / have D) Come / have

13. We’ve decided married in the spring. 38. “I out now, Mum. Bye!”
A) get B) to get C) getting D) got “OK. Have a good time. What time home?”
A) went / did you come B) am going / are you coming
14. I hope some money soon. C) go / will you come D) am going / do you come
A) earning B) earn C) to earn D) to earning
39. Hi, Dave. Pete a shower at the moment. I’ll just and tell
15. I want a film on TV this evening. him.
A) seeing B) see C) see to D) to see A) is having / go B) had / went
C) is having / come D) will have / will go
16. Some people like breakfast in bed, but I don’t.
A) having B) too have C) have D) had
40. “I feel nervous. I’ve got an exam today.”
“ ”
A) Cheer up! Things can’t be that bad!
B) That’s great. Have a good time.
- What’s it like?
C) Poor you! That happens to me sometimes.
D) Good luck! Do your best. - Comparative and superlative adjectives
- Relative pronouns (who, which, what, where)
41. “I feel really depressed at the moment. Nothing’s going right in my
life.” - Vocabulary
“ ”
A) I know. We really need some sunshine, don’t we?
B) Cheer up! Things can’t be that bad! 1. He’s older than he looks.
C) I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m sure he’ll be all right. A) much B) more C) * D) the
D) That’s good. I’m pleased to hear it.
2. Jessica’s as tall her mother.
42. “I’m really excited. I’m going on holiday to Australia tomorrow. A) than B) like C) more D) as
A) Good luck! Do your best. 3. “What New York like?”
B) Why don’t you go home to bed? “It’s really exciting!”
C) That’s great. Have a good time. A) does B) is C) was D) did
D) Cheer up! Things can’t be that bad!
4. Trains in London are more crowded in Paris.
43. I don’t feel very well. I think I’m getting the flu. A) that B) as C) than D) like
A) Poor you! That happens to me sometimes. 5. Oxford is one of oldest universities in Europe.
B) Why don’t you go home to bed? A) the B) * C) much D) more
C) I’m sorry to hear that but I’m sure he’ll be all right.
D) Cheer up! Things can’t be that bad! 6. He isn’t as intelligent his sister.
A) like B) as C) than D) nothing
44. “I’m cold.”
“I the heating on.” 7. This is than I expected.
A) am going to put B) will put A) more hard B) hard C) the hardest D) harder
C) put D) will be putting
8. Who is the man in the world?
45. “Can I speak to Marco?” A) rich B) most richest
“Hold on. I him.” C) richest D) most rich
A) got B) am going to get
C) get D) will get 9. Everything is in my country.
A) more cheaper B) cheaper
46. “Coffee or tea?” C) cheap D) cheapest
“I tea, please.”
A) will have B) have 10. Rome was hotter I expected.
C) am going to have D) had A) than B) that C) nothing D) as

47. “Has Amy got any plans for the weekend?” 11. My dad’s really . He always buys presents for everyone.
“Yes, she her grandparents. A) romantic B) fortunate C) generous D) depressed
A) will visit B) visits
C) is going to visit D) visited 12. Before you can get a credit card, you have to provide a lot of
48. “Alison’s on the phone for you.” A) wealth B) person C) happiness D) personal
“Can she call back? I a bath.”
A) will have B) am going to have 13. I try to lead a lifestyle - lots of exercises, fruit, and no junk
C) have D) having of food.
A) depressed B) dirty C) healthy D) mess
49. “I to the supermarket.”
“Oh, ? I think I with you.” 14. The disco was so that you couldn’t hear yourself speak.
A) go / are you / am going to come A) noisy B) finance C) windy D) difference
B) will go / will you / will come
C) am going to go / are you / will come 15. After the earthquake, the country needed a lot of equipment
D) am going / do you / come to look after the sick and wounded.
A) depressed B) medical C) personal D) financial
50. A: Did you get my fax?
B: No, I didn’t. 16. She had a car crash, but she was to escape with no injuries at
A: OK, I it again. all.
A) send B) will send A) depressed B) romantic C) lucky D) healthy
C) am going to send D) am sending
17. Venice is a very city. A lot of people go there on honeymoon.
A) dirty B) polluted C) wealthy D) romantic

18. Here is the news. Share prices on the Dow Jones Index have
fallen dramatically.
A) cheap B) financial C) depressed D) wealthy

19. After a heart attack, he needed a major surgery, but fortunately

the operation was .
A) happy B) different C) successful D) personal
20. I didn’t like that city at all. The streets were so and the air was
A) dirty / messy B) dirty / polluted
C) personal / noisy D) messy / polluting
- Present Perfect & Past Simple
21. There’s the boy broke the window. - For & since
A) which B) where C) * D) who
- Adverbs (slowly, carefully, just, still, too)
22. That’s the palace the King lives. - Relative Clause (who, which, that)
A) who B) which C) where D) when

23. They are the policemen caught the thief. 1. to a rock concert?
A) where B) who C) which D) * A) Were you ever go B) Have you ever been
C) Do you ever go D) Have you ever go
24. He gave him a watch stopped after two days. 2. I the champion last week.
A) that B) * C) when D) where A) saw B) have seen C) see D) seen

25. The Red Lion is the pub we met for a drink. 3. I love rock and roll. I it all my life.
A) which B) that C) where D) when A) am liking B) like C) liking D) have liked
4. The Flash’s concert fantastic 3 years ago.
26. Here are the letters arrived this morning. A) was B) has been C) have been D) are
A) who B) which C) * D) where
5. I all their records since then.
27. That’s the house I was born. A) bought B) buy C) buyed D) have bought
A) when B) that C) where D) which 6. The Flash together for over fifteen years.
A) are B) have been C) are being D) *
28. Where is the woman ordered the fish.
A) who B) which C) when D) where 7. He’s my sister’s son. He’s my .
A) uncle B) nephew C) niece D) bride
29. The hotel we stayed was very comfortable. 8. I run in races. I’m a(n) .
A) which B) that C) where D) when A) pilot B) teenager C) athlete D) chef

30. I bought the coat was in the shop window. 9. In my job I wear the latest fashions. I’m a(n) .
A) who B) where C) that D) * A) actor B) professor C) nurse D) model
10. I serve you drinks on a plane flight. I’m a .
31. Are you as tall your brother? A) cousin B) flight attendant
A) like B) as C) than D) more C) niece D) child

32. Was Joan’s party better Maria’s? 11. I cook food for a restaurant. I’m a(n) .
A) than B) much C) like D) as A) chef B) musician C) uncle D) professor
12. The wedding was wonderful. The looked beautiful, and the
33. “Wasn’t that film
was very handsome.
wonderful!” “Yes, it was
A) bridegroom / bride B) niece / nephew
C) bride / bridegroom D) sir / madam
A) modern B) wealthy C) brilliant D) depressed
13. He’s the man Anna loves.
34. “I’m bored with this lesson!” A) which B) * C) this D) when
“I know, I’m really with it, too!”
A) generous B) fed up C) healthy D) happy 14. The film star gave a party cost $10.000.
A) * B) who C) which D) where
35. “Mary’s family is very rich.” 15. The man you met at the party was a famous film star.
“Well, I knew her uncle was very .” A) who B) when C) where D) which
A) finance B) polluted C) wealthy D) windy
16. What’s the name of the woman was wearing the gold dress?
36. “Ann’s bedroom’s really untidy again!” A) * B) which C) where D) who
“Is it? I told her it was yesterday, and she promised to clean
17. You’re reading the book I wanted to read.
A) when B) who C) which D) where
A) clean B) shining C) modern D) messy
18. There’s someone at the door wants to speak to George.
37. She’s than her sister. A) who B) that C) which D) *
A) much nicer B) more nicer
C) much more nicer D) more nicer 19. I don’t like food is very spicy.
A) which B) * C) who D) when
38. He’s boy in the class.
20. That’s the dictionary Bill gave me for my birthday.
A) the funnier B) funniest
A) * B) who C) when D) where
C) funnier D) the funniest
21. Those are old cars only take leaded petrol.
39. Barbara’s than Sarah. A) who B) when C) * D) which
A) intelligenter B) much intelligent
C) more intelligent D) intelligent 22. Do you like the people Sarah invited to her party?
A) which B) who C) where D) when
23. I called Tom at 10.00 in the morning, but he was in bed.
A) of course B) still C) only D) especially
24. It’s our anniversary today. We’ve been for fifteen years.
A) at last B) exactly C) together D) nearly
25. Kate is very fussy about food. She eats pasta and crisps.
A) only B) hard C) exactly D) too
26. She was very ill and died, but fortunately, she got better.
A) carefully B) nearly C) too D) usually PRE-INTERMEDIATE TEST - 8
27. “I hate ironing.”
“Me, . It’s so boring.” Have to, must, should Gerunds, infinitives
A) just B) at last C) slowly D) too Future tense Ever, since, for
28. I like all Russian novelists, Tolstoy.
A) usually B) especially C) together D) only
1. “Why have you got so much food?”
29. I met her on December 23, before Christmas. “Because I a meal for two people.”
A) too B) slowly C) just D) still A) cook B) am going to cook
C) will cook D) had cook
30. I have finished this exercise. Thank goodness! It was so
boring. 2. “Jane told me you have a place at university.”
A) Together B) At last C) Exactly D) Just “That’s right. I math at St. Andrews in Scotland.”
A) studied B) will study
31. Sarah’s English is getting better. She a lot of English since she
C) study D) am going to study
A) learnt / has come B) has learnt / has come
3. “My car isn’t working.”
C) has learnt / came D) learnt / came
“Ask Joe to look at it. He you.”
32. Mike and Jack here five months ago. They in this city A) will help B) helps
for five months. C) is going to help D) helped
A) came / have been B) have come / have been
C) come / were D) has come / has been 4. “I passed my driving test!”
“That’s great! I some champagne to celebrate!”
33. David can go to bed now. He his homework. A) am going to buy B) will buy
A) finish B) has finished C) bought D) am buying
C) finishes D) finished
5. “Why have you got your old clothes on?”
34. Alison in Chicago, but she would like to go there one day. “Because I the grass.’
A) was B) has been A) had cut B) cutted
C) wasn’t D) has never been C) am going to cut D) cut
35. Peter his work 3 hours ago.
6. He’s worked there many years, 1988, I believe.
A) has finished B) will finish
A) since / ever B) for / ever
C) finished D) finish
C) for / since D) ever / never
Dennis Heal (36) a politician. He (37) to Oxford University
in 1975, and in 1982 he (38) a Member of Parliament. He 7. I have loved anyone as much as I love you.
(39) an MP since then. (40) Defense Minister from A) never B) since C) for D) ever
He 1989-
95. He (41) three books, including his autobiography “The Time
of my Life”, and a spy story called “The Time to Run”. He is married A) at B) for C) since D) from
to the artist Edna Heal, and they have two children. They (42)
in Oxford for 10 years, then they (43) to London in 1995. They
now (44) in a house in Queen Square in central London.

36. A) was B) is C) is being D) has been

37. A) go B) has gone C) went D) goes

38. A) became B) become C) becomes D) has become

39. A) was B) is being C) is D) has been

40. A) was B) is C) has been D) were

41. A) has written B) wrote C) write D) writes

42. A) lives B) has lived C) have lived D) live

43. A) move B) moved C) is moving D) has moved

44. A) lives B) have lived C) lived D) live

45. I haven’t seen Keith a while.

A) since B) * C) for D) in

46. He and his wife have lived next to me their son, Tom, was
A) for B) when C) since D) *

47. I have known them many years.

A) * B) for C) on D) since

48. Anna has had a bad cold the last few days.
A) for B) after C) since D) in

49. I have written a letter breakfast.

A) * B) before C) for D) since

50. I’m looking after Tom today. He’s been at my house 8.00 this
8. We’ve known Paul two years. Have you met him? 13. I’d like to meet your boyfriend. You invite him round.
A) since / for B) since / ever C) for / ever D) never / ever A) must B) have to C) would D) don’t have to

9. I’ve known him we went to school together, but I’ve met 14 I tell my parents where I am, then they don’t worry.
his parents. A) should B) don’t have to
A) ever / ever B) for / never C) since / for D) since / never C) have to D) shouldn’t

10. Your hair’s too long. I think you get it cut. 15. You come with me if you don’t want to. I’ll go on my own.
A) have to B) should C) * D) will A) don’t have to B) must
C) should D) shouldn’t
11. Your clothes smell, and you’ve got a cough. You smoke.
A) don’t have to B) should 16. Our train leaves in two minutes! We hurry.
C) shouldn’t D) have to A) would B) have to
C) must D) don’t have to
12. I’m going to bed. I be up early tomorrow.
A) should B) shouldn’t 17. If you need some help with your homework, you go to the
C) don’t have to D) have to library.
A) should B) mustn’t C) have to D) shouldn’t
18. If you’ve got a ticket, you queue. You can go straight in.” 40. You do the washing-up. I’ve got a washing machine.
A) shouldn’t B) don’t have to A) should B) have to C) mustn’t D) don’t have to
C) have to D) should
41. “I’m working 16 hours a day.”
19. You tell lies. It’s wrong. “I think you talk to your boss.”
A) don’t have to B) should A) have to B) can C) mustn’t D) should
C) have to D) shouldn’t
42. “I can’t sleep.”
20. Geoff works too much. I think he take it easy. “You drink coffee at night.”
A) must B) have to A) must B) shouldn’t C) don’t have to D) have
C) should D) don’t have to
43. “My friend is getting married.”
21. My bedroom is a real mess. I clean it. “I go to the wedding.”
A) have to B) must A) think you should B) think you have to
C) don’t have to D) should C) think you can D) think you may

22. There’s a wonderful new restaurant opened in town. You go 44. “I’ve had a terrible toothache for weeks.”
there. “You go to the dentist.”
A) shouldn’t B) must A) have to B) would C) shouldn’t D) should
C) don’t have to D) should
45. Anne was upset because she didn’t in the race. She really
23. You can borrow my tennis racquet, but you keep it very well. wanted to win.
It was very expensive. A) come last B) go up C) come first D) turn out
A) don’t have to B) should
C) must D) have to 46. We always for our holidays.
A) go abroad B) go off C) go on D) go away
24. It’s my mother’s birthday tomorrow. I buy her a present.
A) must B) have to 47. I’m . There’s nothing to do.
C) shouldn’t D) don’t have to A) annoyed B) interested C) kind D) fed up

25. Joanna Trollope a lot of books. She her first in 1980. 48. If you want to do well in life you believe in yourself.
A) wrote / wrote B) has written / wrote A) can B) don’t have to
C) had written / wrote D) wrote / had written C) have to D) should

26. I in London for eight years, and I don’t want to move. 49. If you want to keep fit, you do some sport.
A) live B) lived C) had lived D) have lived A) shouldn’t B) have to C) should D) don’t have to

27. What is the weather in January? 50. If you want to learn English, you speak your language in
A) likes B) like C) liked D) don’t like English lessons.
A) should B) don’t have to
John Frantz is American. He has a wonderful lifestyle and he wants C) must D) shouldn’t
(28) it with an English girl. He (29) on exotic holidays,
but he wouldn’t like (30) outside the United States. He hopes
(31) an English wife through the English Rose dating agency.
He’d like (32) someone who likes (33) .

28. A) sharing B) share C) shared D) to share

29. A) to go B) went C) going D) to going

30. A) living B) to live C) live D) lives

31. A) to find B) found C) finding D) to be founded

32. A) meets B) to met C) meeting D) to meet

33. A) traveling B) traveled C) travel D) to traveling

34. You have a driving license if you want to drive a car.

A) should B) have to C) have D) had to

35. I don’t think people get married until they’re 21.

A) have to B) would C) should D) are

36. They liked the hotel because they do any cooking.

A) have to B) had to C) should D) didn’t have to

37. I swim when I was three.

A) could B) can C) have to D) must

38. She work on Monday. It’s her day off.

A) must B) doesn’t have to
C) have to D) shouldn’t

39. You sit so close to the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.
A) don’t have to B) have to
C) shouldn’t D) can
26. I arrived England last month.
A) at B) to C) in D) for

27. I live the third floor.

- Before, after, until, when, as soon as A) at B) on C) by D) in
- Prepositions
28. I met my classmates the party.
A) in B) for C) on D) at
1. I will have a bath I go to bed.
A) when B) if C) before D) until 29. “Why does Jane look so happy?”
“Because she’s love.”
2. I’m coming to London tomorrow. I’ll ring you I arrive. A) at B) on C) in D) by
A) before B) when C) until D) if
3. it is a nice day tomorrow, we can go swimming. 30. Let’s go a walk.
A) If B) Until C) When D) Before A) on B) to C) in D) for

4. Wait here I get back. 31. We arrived the station five minutes late.
A) until B) before C) as soon as D) when A) to B) at C) for D) on
5. you have any problem, just ask for help. 32. The doctor will be ready in ten minutes. Take a seat while you .
A) When B) After C) Before D) Until A) are wait B) will wait C) are waiting D) wait
6. I want to get home Jim comes back. 33. I’m going out before the shops .
A) if B) before C) until D) when A) will shut B) shuts C) are shutting D) shut
7. I’m going to have driving lessons I pass my test.
A) before B) when C) if D) until 34. I by the phone until .
A) wait / you ring B) will wait / you will ring
8. Give me your address you go home. C) wait / you will ring D) will wait / you ring
A) if B) before C) as soon as D) until
35. You must phone me as soon as your exam results.
9. Bye! I you when I home. A) you get B) you will get
A) phoned / get B) will phone / will get C) you got D) you are going to get
C) phone / get D) will phone / get
10. I’m going to bed when this TV program . 36. I hope to see you while I in London.
A) ended B) will end A) am B) will be
C) is going to end D) ends C) am going to be D) was

11. I’m sorry you are leaving. I when you . 37. I win a lot of money, I’ll buy you a Ferrari.
A) am glad / you are back B) glad / will be back A) When B) If C) Until D) As long as
C) will be glad / are back D) am glad / will be back
38. Please turn out the lights you go to bed.
12. “Give me your phone number.” A) after B) as soon as C) while D) before
“Sure. I it to you before I .”
A) will give / go B) give / will go 39. I like to relax I’m on holiday.
C) will give / will go D) am going to give / go A) while B) before C) if D) as soon as
13. What’s TV tonight? 40. you are the first person up in the morning, make me a cup of
A) at B) in C) on D) with coffee.
14. I often go abroad business. A) When B) If C) As soon as D) While
A) to B) by C) for D) on 41. I’m going to keep asking you to marry me you say “Yes”.
15. Do you come to school bus? A) while B) when C) until D) before
A) on B) by C) at D) in
42. We can go you’re ready.
16. I’m very busy the moment. A) if B) after C) before D) while
A) in B) on C) by D) at
43. I’m having my hair cut, you can do the shopping.
17. I can’t understand the instructions. They’re Chinese. A) When B) While C) As soon as D) If
A) by B) at C) in D) for
18. “Romeo and Juliet” is a play William Shakespeare. 44. Stop at a petrol station we run out of the petrol.
A) for B) by C) with D) on A) before B) until C) after D) when

19. “Is Mr. James work this week?” 45. you’ve read the newspaper, can I have it?
“No. He’s holiday.” A) Until B) After C) Before D) *
A) on / in B) at / in C) in / for D) at / on
46. I am so worried about James, you hear any news, phone me.
20. I hate being late. I like to arrive time. A) while B) until C) as soon as D) before
A) by B) on C) at D) for
47. we discover life on another planet, will it be intelligent?
21. I spoke to her the phone last week. A) As soon as B) When C) Until D) If
A) at B) like C) on D) by
22. I read an interesting article the paper this morning. 48. I’ll have a bath I go to work.
A) in B) on C) at D) for A) after B) as soon as C) before D) while

23. “Can I ask you something?” 49. the lesson ends, I’ll go home.
“Not now. a moment.” A) Before B) Until C) If D) As soon as
A) At B) For C) On D) In
50. I’ll study English I speak it perfectly.
24. “ Here’s a birthday present you.” A) if B) after C) until D) when
“Oh, thank you!”
A) by B) in C) for D) at
25. “Why did you open my letter?”
“I’m sorry. I did it mistake.”
A) with B) at C) by D) on
PRE-INTERMEDIATE TEST - 10 23. “I’ll help you. What me to do?”
“Could you do the washing-up while I am doing the cooking?”
A) you want B) are you wanting
- Infinitive, gerund C) did you want D) do you want
- Describing feelings and situations 24. “What you to do?”
“She (the doctor) told me to stay in bed for a few days.”
1. He agreed the job as soon as possible. A) will she tell B) did she tell
A) start B) starting C) to start D) starts C) is she going to tell D) does she tell
2. I stopped my book and went to bed. 25. “My mother was so helpful while she was staying with us”
A) to read B) read C) will read D) reading “What to do?”
A) did she help you B) does she help you
3. My teachers always expected me well in exams. C) will she help you D) was she helping you
A) did B) doing C) do D) to do
26. “What to do tonight?”
4. Let me for the meal. You paid last time. “What about going out for a meal?”
A) pay B) to pay C) paid D) paying A) do you like B) would you like
5. The dentist told me more careful when I brush my teeth. C) are liking D) will you like
A) will be B) being C) to be D) be 27. “What to do after university?”
6. I asked Monica some stamps. “I’d like to get a job in publishing.”
A) buys B) buying C) to buy D) buy A) do you hope B) will you hope
C) are you going to hope D) are you hope
7. I never liked to church when I was a child.
28. My family is trying where to go on holiday.
A) going B) to do C) went D) go
A) decided B) decide C) to decide D) deciding
8. Have you finished that letter yet?
29. I’d like somewhere different for a change.
A) to write B) writing C) writes D) write
A) went B) to go C) go D) going
9. You can’t your car outside the hospital. 30. I enjoy places I’ve never been to before.
A) parks B) to park C) park D) parking A) visiting B) to visit C) visits D) visit
10. David always enjoyed football at school. 31. But my children hate .
A) to be played B) playing C) to play D) play A) sightsee B) to sightsee C) sightseeing D)will sightsee
11. The TV program was so that I felt asleep. 32. They prefer in a swimming pool all day.
A) tired B) surprising C) annoyed D) boring A) playing B) plays C) to play D) to playing
12. Children can’t get to sleep on Christmas Eve. 33. They refuse out on trips if it’s too hot.
They’re too . A) to going B) to go C) going D) go
A) bored B) excited C) frightened D) worrying
34. Last year we managed a holiday that suited everyone.
13. “Hi, Mum!” A) found B) to find C) find D) finding
“Carol! Thank goodness you rang! Where have you been? We’ve
35. We decided a house with a swimming pool.
been so about you.”
A) renting B) rent C) to renting D) to rent
A) interested B) annoying C) worried D) frightening
36. A woman from a travel agency helped us a nice house.
14. A: Hello, darling. I’ve got a present for you. A) to choose B) choosing C) chooses D) too choose
B: For me?
A: Don’t look so . I often buy you presents. 37. When we arrived, the people next door invited us a drink
B: But it isn’t my birthday! with them.
A) bored B) exciting C) tiring D) surprised A) have B) to have C) to had D) having

15. The art exhibition was very . I loved it. 38. We began about next year’s holiday two months ago.
A) surprised B) boring C) interesting D) excited A) talked B) talking C) talks D) talk

16. My feet are killing me! I find going round art galleries and 39. Everyone hopes themselves on holiday but it isn’t always easy.
museums very . A) enjoy B) to enjoy C) be enjoyed D) enjoying
A) tiring B) worrying C) boring D) frightening 40. My wife and I are starting we should stay at home.
A) thinking B) think C) to think D) thought
17. Some people don’t go out at night because they’re that
someone will rob them. 41. I went to the shops some shoes.
A) worried B) annoying C) surprised D) frightened A) buy B) for to buy C) to buy D) for buy
18. Our financial situation is very . We spend more and more, but 42. Do you enjoy ?
we’re earning less and less. A) dance B) dancing C) danced D) to dance
A) worrying B) exciting C) frightened D) interesting 43. When I was young, I ice-skating.
19. A: You are yawning. Are you listening to what I am saying?” A) went to B) go C) used to go D) going
B: I am! I’m really . I want to know what happened. It’s just 44. He told me he loved me. I didn’t know what .
that I feel very . I went to bed very late last night. A) to say B) sayC) will I say D) saying
A) surprised / tiring B) excited / worrying
C) interested / tired D) frightened / bored 45. Their house is mess! I don’t know how they live in it.
A) so B) such an C) so many D) such a
20. “I’m going on a three-month holiday to the Far East.”
“How ! Lucky you!” 46. There were people at the party! There was nowhere to dance.
A) frightening B) interested C) boring D) exciting A) such a B) so many C) so much D) such
47. I’m hungry. I could eat a horse.
21. “Was your father when you told him your exam results?”
A) so B) such a C) such D) so much
“He was furious.”
A) annoyed B) worrying C) frightened D) tired 48. Jane and Pete are nice people! But I can’t stand their kids.
A) so many B) so C) such a D) such
22. “What to do?”
“I’m looking for my contact lens. Can you see it?” 49. I’ve spent money this week! I don’t know where it’s all gone.
A) do you try B) will you try A) such B) so many C) so much D) so
C) are you trying D) did you try 50. A present! For me? You’re kind!
A) such B) so many C) so D) such a
19. I was late for work because I the bus.
A) carried B) lost C) waited for D) missed

20. This is my grandfather’s watch. He it every day until he died.

- Passives - Tenses
A) gave B) carried C) wore D) kept

Concorde, the world’s fastest passenger plane, (1) by France

21. I just a good idea. Let’s eat out tonight.
and Britain together. In the 1950s, both countries dreamed of
A) have / kept B) have / had C) am / told D) had / carried
having a supersonic plane, and the project (2) in 1962. £1.5
22. My uncle £500 on the stock exchange.
(3) on developing the Concorde, and it (4) for over 5.000
A) keeps B) grows C) carries D) earns
hours, which makes it the most tested plane in history. The first
passenger plane (5) by British Airways and Air France in 1976.
The Concorde holds many world records, including the fastest 23. We a complaint to the manager because our meal was so
crossing of the Atlantic Ocean from New York to London, which bad.
(6) in 2 hours 45 seconds! Flying at twice the speed of sound A) made B) said C) gave D) told
means that flying time (7) by half, which is why the Concorde
flight between London and New (8 a lot by business 24. Rolls Royce cars in England.
York ) people
and film stars - you can leave Britain at 10.30 and arrive in New York A) were made B) is made C) makes D) are made
an hour earlier! Twenty planes (9) up to the present day. But
there are no plans to build any more. Each plane (10) at a cost 25. They rice in China.
of £55 million, which makes them very expensive! A) are grown B) grow
C) have been grown D) grows
1. A) developed B) have been developed
C) was developed D) develops 26. The telephone by Bell in 1876.
A) has invented B) is invented
2. A) was started B) starts C) was invented D) invented
C) have been started D) started
27. Thieves two pictures from the museum last night.
3. A) spend B) was spent A) have stolen B) stole C) was stolen D) had stolen
C) have been spent D) spent
28. They the picture for £3.000.
4. A) has tested B) tested A) has sold B) are sold C) sold D) sell
C) have been tested D) was tested
29. Three new factories this year.
5. A) introduce B) has been introduced A) built B) were built
C) introduces D) was introduced C) have been built D) has built

6. A) have been achieved B) was achieved 30. 10.000 cars next year.
C) will achieve D) achieved A) will produce B) produced
C) are produced D) will be produced
7. A) was reduced B) has reduced
C) is reduced D) will be reduced 31. The television by Bell.
A) was invented B) is invented
8. A) had been used B) uses C) wasn’t invented D) invented
C) used D) is used
32. they many cars last year?
9. A) were built B) are built A) Have / made B) Did / make
C) have been built D) build C) Will / make D) Been / made

10. A) is being produced B) is produced

C) was produced D) has been produced

11. Where these shoes made?

A) was B) were C) did D) is

12. I was given this watch my aunt.

A) to B) from C) * D) by

13. Someone my bag!

A) was stolen B) has been stolen
C) has stolen D) is stolen

14. A newsagent stamps.

A) sells B) is sold C) was sold D) sell

15. A British policeman guns.

A) aren’t carried B) don’t carry
C) hasn’t been carried D) doesn’t carry

16. All the apple juice by nine o’clock.

A) drunk B) was drunk C) was drank D) drink

17. Have all the sandwiches ?

A) been eaten B) eaten C) was ate D) ate

18. hello to your parents from me when you see them.

A) Tell B) Say C) Give D) Keep
Nylon (33) in the early 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill.
Other scientists (34) with his invention, and finally on 27
1938 nylon (35) to the world. It was cheap and strong and
immediately (36) successful, especially in the making of women’s
stockings. - Second conditional
During the Second World War, the best present for many women - Might, will, going to
was a pair of nylon stockings, but more importantly, nylon (37) to
make parachutes and tires. - Phrasal verbs
Today, nylon (38) in many things: carpets, ropes, seat belts,
furniture, computers, and even spare parts for the human body. It 1. Don’t wait for me. I late. It depends on the traffic.
(39) an important part in our lives for over 50 years. Next year A) will be B) am
about 36 million tons of it (40) . C) might be D) am going to be

33. A) invented B) has been invented 2. “What are you doing tonight?”
C) is invented D) was invented “I don’t know. I out, or I at home.”
A) will go / am staying B) might go / might stay
34. A) has worked B) worked C) am going / am staying D) go / stay
C) were working D) have been working
3. We have guests coming for Saturday lunch. I cook roast beef
35. A) was introduced B) introduces and Yorkshire pudding. I have bought all the ingredients.
C) has introduced D) introduced A) might B) will C) am going to cook D) can

36. A) have become B) became 4. A- I’m going to buy George a green shirt.
C) is became D) becomes B- I wouldn’t if I were you.
A- Why not?
37. A) has been used B) used B- I’m sure he the green color.
C) was used D) was been used A) might not like B) will like
C) isn’t going to like D) won’t like

38. A) found B) founded 5. “Goodbye, darling. I phone as soon as I arrive.”

C) has founded D) is found “Thanks. Bye!”
A) can B) will C) am going to D) might
39. A) played B) has played C) is playing D) plays
6. Catherine wants to be a politician. Who knows? One day she
40. A) is manufactured B) will be manufactured Prime Minister!
C) manufactured D) is going to manufacture A) is going to be B) will be
C) might be D) is
41. English all over the world.
A) speaks B) is spoken 7. on your warm coat. It’s cold today.
C) was spoken D) has been spoken A) Try B) Fill C) Dress D) Put

42. The animals by a loud noise. 8. Could I on these shoes, please?

A) frightened B) were frightening Size nine.
C) has been frightened D) were frightened A) look B) put C) try D) turn

43. My children with their homework. 9. Don’t forget to off the lights when you come to bed.
A) helped B) help C) are helping D) aren’t helped A) down B) turn C) fall D) fill

44. How many times playing football? 10. You look tired. Sit and have a cup of tea.
A) have you been hurt B) did you hurt A) away B) on C) down D) put
C) were you hurted D) are you hurt
11. I’m looking for yesterday’s newspaper. Did you throw it ?
45. The thieves by anyone. A) out B) down C) back D) away
A) saw B) have been seen
C) weren’t seen D) didn’t seen 12. Turn the music! It’s too loud!
A) on B) round C) down D) after
46. Coffee in England.
A) grows B) isn’t grown
C) grew D) have been grown

47. last night?

A) Have the plants been watered
B) Did the plants water
C) Were the plants watered
D) Are they watered

48. Driving should in city centers.

A) ban B) be banned C) banned D) being ban

49. America by Christopher Columbus.

A) has discovered B) have discovered
C) had been discovered D) was discovered

50. The house is going .

A) to knock down B) to be knocked down
C) to been knocked down D) knocking down
Laura (13) in a big city. If she lived in the country, she (14)
a dog. Laura (15) a flat with three other girls. But if it (16) 38. What a pretty dress! Turn ! Let me look at it from the back.
possible, she (17)on her own. If (18) in the country, A) up B) round C) away D) on
she she
(19) a small cottage, and she (20) her own flowers and
vegetables. She (21) by underground and (22) shopping in 39. Don’t worry about the baby. I’ll look her while you’re out.
big department stores, but she (23) this at all. If she (24) in A) for B) with C) to D) after
the country (25) her bike, and (26) things in a small
she village she 40. Pick your litter! Don’t drop it on the street!
shop. A) on B) up C) out D) back
13. A) was living B) lived
C) would like to live D) lives 41. If I Prime Minister, I increase tax for rich people.
A) would be / shall B) will be / will
14. A) has B) would have C) had D) will have C) am / would D) were / would

15. A) share B) is sharing C) shares D) shared 42. If I in a big house, I a party.

A) lived / would have B) am / am having
16. A) will be B) was C) is D) were C) will live / have D) would live / will have

17. A) lives B) is living C) will be living D) would live 43. Thank you for the invitation. I can’t come.
A) Suddenly B) Upstairs
18. A) was living B) were living C) is living D) lived C) Unfortunately D) Hardly

19. A) will buy B) is going to buy 44. If she a lot of clothes, she money.
C) would buy D) buys A) bought / would have B) would buy / has
C) wouldn’t bought / had D) didn’t buy / would have
20. A) grows B) wants to grow
C) will grow D) would grow 45. If he a watch, he always late.
A) will have / won’t be B) had / isn’t
21. A) is traveling B) would travel C) has / is D) had / wouldn’t be
C) travels D) will travel
46. They their baby Lily, but they aren’t sure yet.
22. A) go B) goes C) is going D) would go A) will call B) are calling C) call D) might call
23. A) likes B) would like C) doesn’t like D) is liking 47. I’d visit you more often if you so far away.
A) will be living B) didn’t live
24. A) were B) is C) will be D) would being C) don’t live D) wouldn’t live
25. A) rides B) rode C) would ride D) is riding 48. If I perfect English, I in this class.
A) could spoke / won’t be B) can speak / would be
26. A) bought B) would buy C) buys D) will buy C) could speak / wouldn’t be D) can’t speak / will not be

27. “What’s for supper?” 49. I to work if I better, but I feel terrible.
“We lamb. It’s in the oven.” A) went / felt B) would go / feel
A) might have B) would have C) had D) are having C) will go / feel D) would go / felt
28. “What time are we eating?” 50. What if a stranger you £1 million?
“Don’t worry. It ready before your TV program.” A) will you do / gave B) would you do / gave
A) is B) will be C) might be D) * C) do you do / will give D) would you do / will give
29. I’m going to the town tomorrow. I lunch with Joe at 1.00.”
A) will have B) am having C) might have D) have

30. “Are you going to have a winter holiday this year?”

“I . I haven’t decided yet.”
A) am B) might C) am not D) can’t

31. How do you your parents?

A) look forward to B) look up a word
C) get on with D) look out

32. You shouldn’t smoke in here. Put .

A) it off B) it down C) it out D) it away

33. I haven’t get time to fill in this form. I’ll fill later.
A) it B) in it C) on it D) *

34. I tennis tomorrow. But I’m not sure.

A) play B) am playing C) will play D) might play

35. If I younger, I to play the piano, but I’m too old now.
A) am / will learn B) will be / are learning
C) were / would D) were / would learn

36. I’m forward to meeting her very much.

A) fallen B) looking C) trying D) giving

37. She off her horse and hurt her wrist.

A) put B) turned C) ran D) fell
- Present Perfect
- Present Perfect Continuous

- Past Simple 18. She’s tired because she all day.
A) shopped B) shops
- Vocabulary C) has been shopping D) has shopped

1. How long in Paris? 19. Sorry. I one of your glasses.

A) do you live B) are you living A) have broken B) broke
C) have you been living D) you live C) break D) have been breaking

2. Anna a good job. 20. How long this book?

A) finds B) has found A) do you read B) are you reading
C) founded D) has been finding C) have you been reading D) have you read

3. Pete and I for over six month. 21. They here for three years.
A) are gone B) have gone out A) lives B) are living
C) went out D) have been going out C) live D) have been living

4. I a new flat a few months ago. 22. I the living room, but I haven’t finished yet.
A) bought B) have been buying A) have painted B) paint
C) have bought D) buy C) painted D) have been painting

5. How long your car? 23. I my wallet. Where did I last put it?
A) have you had B) you have A) lost B) have lost
C) are you have D) have you been having C) have been losing D) lose

6. Tom as a postman for the past month. 24. Look what Pat me for my birthday! A bike!
A) has worked B) worked A) gave B) have been giving
C) works D) has been working C) gives D) has given

25. There’s my wallet! I for it for ages.

A) have been looking B) looked
C) have looked D) look

We (26) in our new house for several months. Since we (27)

in, we (28) very busy. (29) to get the house ready.
7. I an essay all day. So far we (30) the living room and the kitchen. Soon after we
A) write B) have been written arrived the central heating (31) down, so we (32) to spend
C) am writing D) have been writing a lot of money to repair it.
We (33) gardening very much, but we (34) time to do
8. I six pages. anything in the garden yet. And it (35) very heavily recently, so
A) am written B) have been writing we’ll just wait till the weather gets better.
C) have written D) write
26. A) lives B) lived
9. “Are you going out?” C) have lived D) have been living
“ . I don’t know yet.”
A) Carefully B) Possibly C) Mainly D) Nearly 27. A) have moved B) moved
C) have been moving D) are moving
10. The exam was difficult. I couldn’t do any of it.
A) fluently B) seriously C) exactly D) real 28. A) are B) have been being
C) were D) have been
11. “How old are you?”
“I’m eight. It’s my birthday next week.” 29. A) has been helping B) has helped
A) possibly B) fluently C) nearly D) exactly C) helps D) helped

12. I travel a lot in my job, to Europe. 30. A) decorated B) decorate

A) exactly B) nearly C) really D) mainly C) have decorated D) have decorating

13. Sorry I’m late. for a long time? 31. A) have broken B) broke
A) Did you wait B) Have you waited C) breaks D) are breaking
C) Have you been waiting D) Did you wait
32. A) have been having B) have
14. The streets are wet. ? C) had D) have had
A) Was it raining B) Has it been raining
C) Has it rained D) Did it rain 33. A) are liking B) liked C) have liked D) like

15. I’m hot because I ! 34. A) don’t have B) haven’t had C) had not D) aren’t having
A) have run B) run
C) have been running D) am run 35. A) is raining B) rained
C) have been raining D) has rained
16. I my finger! It really hurts.
A) cut B) cutted 36. “Can I speak to Mr. Thompson, please?”
C) have cut D) have been cutting “I’m afraid he’s just out of the office.”
A) been B) has C) gone D) *
17. Paul Simon’s latest record?
A) Have you heard B) Have you been hearing 37. I to most countries in Europe, but I’ve never to Russia.
C) Did you hear D) Are you heard A) was / gone B) have gone / been
C) have been / been D) went / gone
38. me that you’ll always tell the truth.
A) Advise B) Waste C) Promise D) Invent

39. He was taken to hospital by ambulance, but he was on arrival.

- Past Perfect
A) mad B) dead C) alive D) various
- Reported statements
40. I love the and quite of the countryside.
A) peace B) feeling C) comfort D) wealth
1. Lisa me a lift because I the bus.
41. I saw a(n) for a job as a waiter. A) gave / missed B) have given / have missed
A) invention B) mystery C) gave / had missed D) had gave / missed
C) waste D) advertisement
2. I her for everything she .
42. The sofa was so that I felt asleep. A) thanking / did B) thanked / had done
A) successful B) comfortable C) honest D) comforting C) have thanked / has done D) had thanked / had done

43. I gave the police a(n) of the man who attacked me. 3. When I got to the office, I that I to lock the front door.
A) beauty B) describing C) advice D) description A) had realized / forget B) realized / had forgotten
C) realized / forget D) had realized / had forgotten
44. I had a few problems, but Bob gave me some good .
A) advice B) promises C) inventions D) * 4. After they their work, they home.
A) had finished / went B) finished / went
45. I was sitting at home when suddenly I had a funny that I C) had finished / had gone D) finished / had gone
wasn’t alone.
A) belief B) government C) mystery D) feeling 5. I you at 8.00, but you just out.
A) call / have / gone B) called / have / gone
46. I used to speak French , but I’ve forgotten it now. C) called / had / gone D) have called / have / gone
A) successfully B) fluently C) honestly D) carefully
6. I took my family to Paris last year. I there as a student, so I
47. Please drive . The roads are so dangerous. my way around.
A) carefully B) seriously C) comfortably D) wealthy A) was / know B) were / knew
C) had been / have known D) had been / knew
48. I have £5.17 until the end of the week.
A) exactly B) suddenly C) peacefully D) really 7. After I to the news, I to bed.
A) listened / went B) had listened / went
49. There was an accident, but fortunately no one was injured. C) have listened / had gone D) listen / go
A) mainly B) seriously B) possibly D) exactly
8. He he was at school the day before.
50. “Where does their money come from?” A) says B) told C) said D) is telling
“They have a very business.” 9. Sandra Bob that she didn’t see the Taj Mahal.
A) wealthy B) comfortable C) successful D) various A) told B) tells C) said D) talked

10. Why did you that?

A) talk B) said C) tell D) say

11. Could I your pen?

A) give B) lend C) borrow D) make

12. I’m English. I come from Brighton. In Paris I am a .

A) cooker B) stranger C) travel D) foreigner
I went to a school reunion last week. I (13) very surprised. So 37. As soon as he his driving test, he a car.
many things (14) . They (15) the old gymnasium, and the A) passed / bought B) had passed / bought
library (16) . I (17) slowly round the school. Everything C) passes / had bought D) passed / had bought
(18) much smaller, although (19) some impressive new
buildings. I (20) lots of my old schools friends, too, and they 38. When I the letter, I it away.
(21) the same either. Some of them (22) to London, and A) read / had thrown B) had read / had thrown
the most of them (23) married. I (24) to the headmaster for C) had read / threw D) read / threw
a while. He (25) . He (26) that he (27) every boy who
(28) the school since he (29) working there in 1978. But 39. “You can move in immediately.”
when I asked him what my name was, he (30) confess that he She told me I immediately.
(31) which (32) me realize that I (33) too! A) will move in B) would move in
C) can move in D) could move in
13. A) am B) have been C) was D) had been
40. “The people who I looked after are very well.”
14. A) changed B) had changed She said that the people who she after very well.
C) has changed D) has change A) were looking / are B) have looked / are
C) would looked / were D) had looked / were
15. A) had knocked down B) knocked down
C) knock down D) have knocked down 41. “You’ll have to make up your mind soon.”
She told me I make up my mind soon.
16. A) disappeared B) was disappeared A) had to B) will have had to
C) had disappeared D) have been disappeared C) would have to D) could have to

17. A) have walked B) walked 42. I didn’t recognize him because he a haircut.
C) was walking D) had walked A) had had B) has C) had D) have had

18. A) seems B) have seemed 43. He always makes me .

C) had seemed D) seemed A) to laugh B) laughing C) laugh D) be laughed

19. A) were B) built 44. She refused for the meal.

building D) had built A) paying B) to pay C) pays D) the pay
C) have built
20. A) met B) meet C) had met D) have meet 45. I’ll never forget him for the first time.
A) meet B) meeting C) to meet D) to met
21. A) hadn’t stayed B) weren’t stayed
C) didn’t stay D) not stayed 46. “It’s a quite flat, and the neighbors are nice.”
“Mrs. Deon said it a quite flat, and the neighbors nice.”
22. A) have moved B) moved A) has been / are B) is / were
C) had moved D) was moving C) was / were D) had been / have been

23. A) are get B) had got C) were got D) have got 47. “You look brown. Have you on holiday?”
“Yes, we’ve got back.”
24. A) talked B) had talked C) was talking D) have talked A) been / now B) gone / just
C) been / just D) did / already
25. A) haven’t left B) had not left
C) didn’t leave D) hadn’t leave 48. I live in a house now, but before I in a flat.
A) am using to live B) used to live
26. A) said B) was saying C) had said D) have said C) had used to live D) have used to live

27. A) remembers B) have remembered 49. “I need £100 deposit.”

C) remembered D) had remembered Then she said she £100 deposit.
A) needs B) had needed
28. A) attended B) had attended C) needed D) have needed
C) have attended D) attending
50. I the book back to the library after I reading it.
29. A) had started B) starts C) started D) have started A) take / finished B) have taken / have finished
C) took / had finished D) had taken / finished
30. A) had to B) have had to C) had had to D) was having to

31. A) forget B) forgot

C) have forgotten D) had forgotten

32. A) have made B) made C) had made D) was made

33. A) was changed B) had changed

C) have changed D) changed

34. I had had a bath I went to bed.

A) Before B) Soon as C) After D) Until

35. I had read the book I saw the film.

A) when B) before C) until D) after

36. I to sleep until I my homework.

A) don’t go / did B) had not gone / had done
C) didn’t go / did D) didn’t go / had done
21. Bill hasn’t finished his work but we .
A) have B) do C) don’t D) doesn’t

- Auxiliary verbs (do, be have) 22. We don’t want to leave early but they .
- Prepositions A) have B) do C) is D) does

1. you ever stayed at the Ritz? 23. They didn’t remember my birthday but you .

A) Did B) Have C) Was D) Were A) have B) don’t C) did D) does

2. We breakfast in bed. 24. Your English is really improving but mine .

A) were have B) has C) was having D) had A) haven’t B) don’t C) isn’t D) doesn’t

3. John give you those flowers? 25. you speak three languages?

A) Did B) Have C) Was D) Is A) Do B) Does C) Did D) Are

4. I my homework very quickly last night. 26. you having a holiday soon?

A) do B) have C) did D) am A) Do B) Does C) Did D) Are

5. She a shower every morning before school. 27. you have a good holiday last year?

A) does B) has C) did D) is A) Do B) Does C) Did D) Are

6. We talking to James about his exam. 28. you ever been to Amsterdam?

A) don’t B) haven’t C) wasn’t D) aren’t A) Do B) Does C) Have D) Did

7. Lots of trees blown down by the wind. 29. you often travel abroad?

A) were B) has C) did D) is A) Do B) Does C) Have D) Did

8. Where you yesterday? 30. your best friend sometimes go on holiday with you?

A) was B) have C) did D) were A) Do B) Does C) Have D) Did

9. Mary never the washing up. 31. I think you’re wrong. I don’t agree you at all.

A) does B) has C) did D) is A) to B) on C) with D) about

10. Thank goodness we a dishwasher! 32. I’m not interested what you think or what you want.

A) was B) have C) did D) were A) to B) on C) with D) in

11. How many people you invited to the party? 33. We might have a picnic. It depends the weather.

A) was B) have C) did D) were A) to B) on C) with D) about

12. Why you leaving so early? 34. What are you listening ?

A) was B) have C) is D) are A) to B) on C) with D) about

13. We got a beautiful puppy called Molly. 35. If you have a problem, talk the teacher.

A) was B) have C) did D) were A) to B) on C) at D) in

14. We a beautiful puppy called Molly. 36. “What did you talk ?”
“Oh, this and that.”
A) was B) having C) did D) had
A) to B) on C) with D) about
15. I have been to Australia but Anna .
37. You aren’t concentrating on your work. What are you thinking ?
A) haven’t B) hasn’t C) isn’t D) doesn’t
A) to B) on C) with D) about
16. Anna likes ice-cream but John .
38. “What do you think Pete?”
A) haven’t B) hasn’t C) isn’t D) doesn’t “I really like him.”

17. I don’t like ice-cream but Jill . A) to B) at C) with D) of

A) have B) has C) is D) does 39. Where’s the cash desk? I’d like to pay this book.

18. Maria isn’t studying hard but I . A) to B) for C) with D) about

A) have B) has C) am D) are 40. “I’ve lost your pen. Sorry ...”
“It’s all right. Don’t worry it.”
19. John loves flying but we .
A) to B) on C) with D) about
A) haven’t B) don’t C) isn’t D) doesn’t

20. I watched TV last night but my sister .

A) hasn’t B) didn’t C) isn’t D) doesn’t

Book 1 Part A 4 Intermediate Test 1

INTERMEDIATE TEST - 2 and you (30) which gate number to go.
Finally you (31) your plane and you (32) your seat by a
flight attendant.
- Present Simple and Continuous
- Present Passive 20. A) start B) started C) arrive D) are arrived
- Prepositions
21. A) are checked B) control C) check D) is changed
1. Sue and Geoff a shop.
22. A) kept B) keeping C) wait D) keep
A) work B) study C) run D) runs
23. A) take B) took C) are taken D) taking
2. This kind of shop a milk bar.
A) is called B) called
24. A) check B) checked C) is checking D) is checked
C) is calling D) is being called
25. A) are x-rayed B) x-rayed C) control D) check
3. Most days the shop at 10.00 p.m.
A) sells B) opened C) closes D) run
26. A) give B) are given C) gave D) giving
4. They camping any more.
27. A) is searched B) searching C) searched D) search
A) go B) doesn’t go C) don’t go D) have gone
28. A) waiting B) waits C) wait D) waited
5. Ursula four brothers and sisters.
A) have B) has C) haven’t D) having
29. A) calling B) call C) is called D) called
6. It her fifteen minutes to school.
30. A) are told B) telling C) told D) tell
A) took / go B) has taken / walk
C) takes / walk D) takes / to walk 31. A) boarded B) boarding C) sit D) board
7. She school at 7:45 a.m.
A) go B) begin C) starts D) goes 32. A) show B) are shown C) showing D) come

8. I lunch in the university canteen. 33. “Hello. Can I speak to Mr. James, please?”
A) eats B) have C) drink D) has “I’m sorry. He isn’t at the moment. Can I take a message?”
A) in B) on C) at D) off
9. I extra money teaching computer studies.
A) earn B) earns C) win D) buy 34. “Hello. Can I speak to Mr. James, please?”
“I’m sorry. He is on holiday at the moment. Can I help you?”
10. I the traffic in Bangkok. A) in B) on C) away D) off
A) play B) have C) hate D) has
35. “I feel like going to the cinema tonight.”
11. English is here. “Good idea! What’s at the moment?”
A) speak B) spoke C) is speaking D) spoken A) in B) on C) at D) off

12. Volvos are in Sweden. 36. I think this milk’s . It smells horrid.
A) produced B) produce C) produces D) producing A) in B) on C) at D) off

13. Is service in the bill? 37. “Where shall we go for a meal?”

A) including B) include C) to include D) included “It’s you. It’s your birthday. You choose.”
A) in B) on C) at D) up to
14. Our kitchen decorated at the moment.
A) is B) is being C) being D) was being 38. Come on, kids! Aren’t you yet? Breakfast’s on the table.
A) in B) on C) up D) off
15. Our factory is being over by an American company.
A) taken B) bought C) sold D) run 39. I wonder why they aren’t answering the door. There must be
someone .
16. About one thousand people are in the factory. A) in B) on C) at D) off
A) taken B) cleaned C) employed D) worked
40. All the lights are . I can see nothing.
17. Lots of tulips are in Holland. A) in B) on C) at D) off
A) grown B) growing C) grow D) grew
41. I must be soon. I want to get to the shops before they close.
18. That block of flats is being because it is unsafe. A) in B) on C) at D) off
A) pulled down B) pulled
C) pulled up D) pulling down 42. “Why isn’t there any hot water?”
“The central heating is . That’s why.”
19. In Britain milk is to your doorstep. A) in B) on C) at D) off
A) shown B) sold C) bought D) delivered
43. “You’re crying. What’s ?”
“I’m just a bit sad. That’s all.”
When you (20) at an airport, you should go straight to the check-
A) in B) on C) up D) off
in desk where your ticket and luggage (21) . You (22) your
hand luggage with you but your suitcases (23) to the plane on
a conveyor belt. You can now go to the departure lounge.
If you are on an international flight, your passport (24) , and
then you and your bags (25) by security cameras; sometimes
you (26) a body search and your luggage (27) by a security
officer. Y ou (28)
Book 1 Part A 4 Intermediate Test 2
in the (29
departure )
lounge until
your flight

Book 1 Part A 4 Intermediate Test 2

23. the afternoon we went shopping.
A) At B) In C) On D) *

24. 7:00 some friends came round for a drink.

- While, during, for A) At B) In C) On D) *
- Past Simple - Continuous - Perfect
25. We didn’t do anything Sunday.
- Past Passive
A) at B) in C) on D) *
- Prepositions
26. The weather in England is
1. My uncle died the unreliable.
war. summer it can be hot, but it
A) via B) during often rains April
for D) in and June.
A) At / in B) In / in C)
2. The phone rang I was On / in D) * / in
having supper.
A) while B) during 27. last year the summer
for D) in was awful.
A) At B) In C) On
3. I lived in Paris several D) *
A) while B) during 28. The best
for D) in English
weather is spring and
4. I was in Paris, I made autumn.
a lot of friends. A) at B) in C) on D)
A) While B) During *
For D) In
29. I learned to drive 1980
5. I was in hospital the age of 17.
three weeks. A) at / at B) in / at C) on
A) while B) during / at D) * / at
for D) in
30. My brother learned the
6. my stay in hospital, same time as me, but I passed
the nurses looked after me first.
very well. A) at B) in C) on
A) While B) During D) *
For D) In
31. I’ll phone you next
7. A football match lasts ninety week. Thursday.
minutes. A) at / On B) in / On C)
A) while B) during on / On D) * / On
for D) in
32. I’ll phone you about
A) at B) in C) on
D) *

8. I hurt my leg I was Helen ( by a

playing football Keller’s 3 severe
yesterday. deafness 3 illness
and )
A) while B) when she was a baby. Her
during C) parents (34) what to do,
for D) and they
in (35) it difficult to control
their growing daughter. One
9. I hurt my leg day they
the second half of
the match. (36) about a brilliant
A) via B) young teacher called Anne
until C) Sullivan. She
for D)
10. Traffic is b d the ho
always a rush ur.
Book 1 Part A 5 Intermediate Test 3
he ( a(40) a li W morning.
r 3 na A) At / in B) In / in
k or
th 9 me.
at e k 18. I’m meeting Alan
) Eve 42. A) was made B) make C)
ev ntu h er this evening. is making D) was
er ally e . A) at B) making
y Hel r in C)
ob en 33. A) on D) *
A) w (41)
pla the ca
h e us 19. “
ce worl
at d
lf e B) W
l . ca h
e uni helpi a
ver ng I us
ed t
sit peo n
B C)
y. ple 1
) we t
9 re i
d er
6 ca m
u thi
us e
r s 2
ed ?
i sh t
D) ”
n e
h ha
e s “
s ca six.”
) us A) At B)
ed In C)
f On D) *
o r 34. A)
r y did 20. What did you do the
o n’t weekend?
D kn A) at B)
) ow in C)
h B) with D) *
i e do
n r es 21. Friday
n’t evening we went to
11. Las n li
kn a party.
t f ow A) At B)
we 12. Peter e C) In C)
ek I came
( k On D) *
wa round
4 n
s we
e 22. We slept late
hel were 2
w Saturday morning.
d eating. ) A) at B)
up A) whi i D) in C)
le k
n on D) *
thr B) n
dur t
ee o
ho ing o w
urs C) a s
. for
A) w D) 35. A)
in l
h fin
i d
l 13. Peter , B)
e came fin
h ds
B C)
meal. e
) we
A) whi M re
le ir
d fou
u a nd
r c D)
i fou
C) l
n nd
on e
g D)
in 15. “When?”
C “
) 14. It’s my
birthd Monday.”
f ay A) At B)
o week.
r A) at B) C) on 16. D)* when 36. A) tell B) were told C) telling D) told
in were you
born? 37. A) came B) begin C) start D) helping
) A) At B)
C) On D)* 38. A) studied B) helped C) thought D) taught
i 17. 8.00 the
39. A) has B) had C) have D) having
Book 1 Part A 5 Intermediate Test 3
C) On D) *
40. A) offer B) offered C) was offered D) offering
19. you find all the things you wanted at the shops?
A) Did / have to B) Did / can
C) Did / manage to D) Did / could
-Modal verbs (can, could, have to)
20. The police find the man who had stolen my car. He was sent
to prison.
1. I work very hard because I have an exam next week. A) can B) could C) managed to D) couldn’t
A) am having B) has to C) had to D) have to
21. My grandfather speak four languages when he was alive.
2. You work hard after your exam. You can have a holiday. A) can B) could C) managed to D) couldn’t
A) had to B) won’t have to
C) have too D) won’t have 22. When we got to the top of the mountain we see for miles.
A) can B) could C) managed D) couldn’t
My father is a customs official so he always (3) wear a uniform
at work, but my mother is a teacher so she (4) wear one. 23. In my country you get married when you’re sixteen.
A) can B) could C) managed to D) couldn’t
3. A) doesn’t have to B) have to
C) has to D) don’t have to 24. Speak up! I hear you!
A) can B) could C) can’t D) couldn’t
4. A) doesn’t have to B) have to
C) has to D) don’t have to 25. I borrow your dictionary?
A) Can’t B) Could C) Manage to D) Couldn’t
When we were teenagers, we (5) be home by nine o’clock. But
we (6) take as many exams as teenagers nowadays. 26. I’d love help you, but I can’t. I’m sorry.
A) can B) could
5. A) had to B) won’t have to C) managed to D) to be able to
C) have to D) don’t have to
27. I get into my house last night because I’d lost my key.
6. A) had to B) didn’t have to A) can B) could C) managed to D) couldn’t
C) have to D) don’t have to
28. Women vote in England until 1922.
7. I can’t see the small print very well. I think I wear glasses soon. A) can B) are able to C) managed to D) couldn’t
A) will have to B) won’t have to
C) have to D) don’t have to 29. I’m learning Spanish because I want speak when I’m in
8. Nobody enjoys get up at five o’clock in the morning. A) can B) could
A) have to B) has to C) having to D) will have to C) will be able to D) to be able to

9. have any vaccinations 30. Th walk again in two

before we go to e weeks’ time.
Barbados? do
A) Will / have A) can B) c
to C) will be able to D) t
have to able to
C) Won’t / have

10. your grandmother I asked (31) open the

leave school when she was the window, but
only teacher she said I
if I
fourteen? managed to D) couldn’t
A) Will / have to
have to 14. Jane and John saved and
C) Won’t / have saved, and finally they
having to house of their dreams.
A) can B) could C)
11. You be a millionaire to managed to D) couldn’t
shop in Harrods. Everything
is expensive there. 15. I phoned yesterday, but I get
A) will have to an answer. Where were you?
to A) can B) could C)
C) have to managed to D) couldn’t

12. If I fail my exam, I take it 16. The neighbors were having a

again? row, and I
A) will / have to they said.
to A) can B) could C)
C) does / have to managed to D) couldn’t
won’t have
17. you speak French before
13. I phoned the plumber you moved to Paris?
because I A) Can B) Could C)
kitchen. Managed to D) Couldn’t
A) can B) could
Book 1 Part A 5 Intermediate Test 4
18. I went for a ten-mile run (32) because it would be
last Saturday. It nearly too noisy.
killed me! I move on
Sunday. 31. A) can B) could
A) can B) could managed to D) couldn’t
managed to D) couldn’t
32. A) can B) could
managed to D) couldn’t

33. I’m sorry, but I come to

your party next week.
A) can’t B) couldn’t
C) can D) ‘ll be able

34. I love driving! drive

has changed my whole life.
A) Can
C) Will be able to
able to

35. Children in my country

go to school when they’re 7.
A) doesn’t have to
C) have to

36. Adults go to school.

A) doesn’t have to
C) have to

37. Every adult go to work.

A) doesn’t have to
C) have to

38. A retired person go to

A) doesn’t have to
C) have to

39. Teenagers study for

A) doesn’t have to
C) have to

40. You drive on the right

in Britain.
A) mustn’t B) has to
have to D) don’t
have to

Book 1 Part A 5 Intermediate Test 4

21. “Where were you at 2:00?”
“ Sally’s house doing my homework.”
A) Of B) On C) At D) From
- Make, do
22. “Where were you at 2:00?” “ a cave.”
- Present Continuous A) In B) On C) At D) By
- Somebody, anywhere, nothing…
23. Would you like to eat?
- Prepositions A) something B) anything C) nothing D) everything

1. Is there a public call box near here? I have to a phone call. 24. Can I have to drink?
A) do B) make C) get D) hear A) something B) anything C) nothing D) everything

2. First she said “Yes”, then she said “No”, but in the end she up 25. Can we go quiet?
her mind to marry him. A) somewhere B) anywhere C) nowhere D) everywhere
A) did B) made C) got D) said
26. If you need , just ask.
3. When you’re not sure what to do, the best thing is to nothing, A) something B) anything C) nothing D) everything
A) do B) make C) get D) hear
27. Come and see me you want. I don’t mind.
4. Ssh! You mustn’t a noise. The baby’s asleep. A) some time B) any time C) no time D) every time
A) do B) make C) get D) hear
28. Help yourself to food. You can have you want.
5. My teacher says I must work harder, but I can’t work any harder. A) something B) anything C) nothing D) everything
my best. 29. will tell you that two and two is four.
A) doing B) trying C) making D) showing A) Someone B) Anyone C) No one D) Nothing

6. We asked to see the manager and we a complaint about the 30. ‘Does want a game of tennis?’
terrible service in the restaurant. ‘Yes.’
A) did B) made C) had D) heard A) someone B) anyone C) no one D) everyone

7. At first I found learning English very easy, but now I don’t think I’m 31. Did phone me while I was out?
any progress at all. A) someone B) anyone C) no one D) everyone
A) doing B) making C) showing D) getting
32. What’s that smell? Can you smell burning?
8. Could you me a favor please? Could you give me a lift to the A) something B) anything C) nothing D) everything
A) make B) do C) give D) want 33. I asked if wanted an ice-cream, but did, so I just bought
one for myself.
9. My uncle died without a will, and it was very difficult for our A) anyone / no one B) no one / somebody
family to sort out his money and possessions. C) anybody / somebody D) no body / no one
A) doing B) make C) get D) making
34. Your face looks terribly familiar. Haven’t I seen you before?
10. We have some lovely new neighbors; we’ve already friends A) somewhere B) anywhere C) nowhere D) everywhere
with them.
A) did B) made C) done D) make 35. She left the room without saying .
A) something B) anything C) nothing D) everything
11. I like to keep fit, so I exercises every day.
A) do B) make C) get D) hear 36. This doesn’t look a very nice restaurant. Can we go else?
A) somewhere B) anywhere C) nowhere D) everywhere
12. Before you go on holiday, you should sure that the doors and
windows are shut and locked. 37. I have more to say to you. Goodbye!
A) do B) make C) get D) hear A) something B) anything C) nothing D) everything

13. money, not war! 38. I have never been more beautiful than Scotland.
A) Do B) Make C) Study D) Get A) somewhere B) anywhere C) nowhere D) everywhere

14. I was a queue waiting to buy some bread. 39. I felt so embarrassed. was laughing at me.
A) in B) on C) at D) by A) Everyone B) Anyone C) No one D) Something

15. I looked all the shelves and all the cupboards. 40. “What do you want for supper?”
A) in / on B) on / in C) at / in D) at / on “ , I don’t mind.”
A) Something B) Anything C) Nothing D) Everything
16. They certainly weren’t the table or the floor.
A) in / on B) on / in C) at / in D) on / on 41. It was Sunday, and the town was deserted. was in the streets,
and was open.
17. Had I left them work?
A) Somebody / somewhere B) Anybody / anywhere
A) in B) on C) at D) near
C) Nobody / nowhere D) Everybody / everywhere
18. Were they the car?
A) in B) on C) at D) of 42. “Who was at the party?” “ : Pete, Ann, James, Kathy, all the
Smiths, Sally Beams and Sally Rogers.”
19. Then I realized where they were. They were my favorite A) Someone B) Anyone C) No one D) Everyone
A) on B) into C) at D) off 43. “Where do you want to go on holiday?”
“ hot. I don’t care if it’s Greece, Spain, Italy or Sahara, but it
20. “Where were you at 2:00?” has to be hot.”
“ the beach.” A) Somebody B) Anywhere C) Nowhere D) Everywhere
A) In B) On C) At D) To
Book 1 Part A 5 Intermediate Test 5
25. I tried you that you were making a mistake, but you didn’t
A) tell B) to tell C) telling D) told
- As, like 26. I’m looking forward you again soon.
- Questions with like A) to see B) to seeing C) seeing D) too seeing

- Phrasal verbs 27. My parents let me what I wanted when I was young.
- Infinitive, gerund A) do B) to do C) doing D) does

28. I wasn’t allowed out unless they knew where I was going.
1. I’m really looking forward to my new course. A) going B) go C) to go D) going to
A) start B) starting C) started D) to start
29. I finished the television, and then I went to bed.
2. They can’t help us the house. A) watching B) to watch C) watch D) watch to
A) move B) moving C) moved D) move to
30. I don’t like people arrive late.
3. She refused the phone. A) which B) whose C) who D) where
A) answer B) to answer C) answered D) answering
31. The company he works for is based in Germany.
4. I don’t mind to the restaurant. A) which B) whose C) who D) where
A) driving B) drive C) drove D) to drive
32. Where are the scissors I bought yesterday?
5. We encouraged them a new business. A) which B) whose C) who D) where
A) setting up B) to set up C) set up D)’d setup 33. I want you to meet the woman taught me how to drive.
6. His parents don’t allow him after ten o’clock. A) which B) whose C) who D) where
A) stay up B) to stay up C) stay up D) stayed up 34. The meal you cooked was delicious.
A) which B) whose C) who D) where
7. I’ll be back in touch soon possible.
A) as B) like C) like / as D) as / as 35. I like animals don’t make a mess.
A) which B) whose C) who D) where
8. This wine tastes vinegar!
A) likes B) as / as C) like D) as 36. The film I’ve always wanted to see is on TV tonight.
A) whose B) which C) who D) where
9. I’ve known Andy for years. He went to the same school I did.
A) liked B) similar to C) like D) as 37. The flat they bought was very expensive.
A) which B) whose C) who D) where
10. My sister’s a teacher me.
A) likes B) similar C) like D) as 38. The room in our house is most used is the kitchen.
A) which B) whose C) who D) where
11. ‘We had a new teacher today called Mary.’
‘What was she ?’ 39. I didn’t like the meal we had yesterday.
A) liked B) look like C) like D) as A) which B) whose C) who D) where
40. The people work here are very interesting.
12. Who do I look , my mother or my father?
A) which B) whose C) who D) where
A) like B) more C) likes D) as
41. The man you were talking about has just come in the room.
13. She really annoys me. I can’t stand people her.
A) which B) whose C) who D) where
A) likes B) compared to C) like D) as
42. I received a letter this morning really upset me.
14. I’ll see you tomorrow at 11.00 usual. A) who B) which C) where D) whose
A) like B) as - as C) like D) as
43. Toby, a boy I went to school with, is ill in hospital.
15. It’s July and the weather’s awful! It’s in winter! A) who B) which C) where D) whose
A) likes B) as like C) like D)as
44. He’s going to have an operation could save his life.
16. I need to buy all sorts of things socks, shirts and knickers. A) who B) which C) where D) whose
A) likes B) such C) like D) as 45. Toby, parents both died a few years ago, is the same age as
17. My wife has found a job a personal assistant. A) who B) which C) where D) whose
A) likes B) as - as C) like D) as
46. I recently went back to the town I was born.
18. Dave drinks a fish! I’ve never seen anyone drink as much. A) who B) which C) where D) whose
A) likes B) as such C) like D) as
47. The people used to live next door moved a long time ago.
19. My brother has a car yours. A) who B) which C) where D) whose
A) likes B) such C) like D) as
48. I met a girl I used to play tennis with.
20. Don’t touch anything. Leave everything it is. A) who B) which C) where D) whose
A) likes B) so C) like D) as 49. She told me a story I found hard to believe.
A) who B) which C) where D) whose
21. It’s freezing. My feet are blocks of ice.
A) likes B) such C) like D) as 50. She said she’d married a man had been married ten times
22. I want more careful with your homework in future. A) who B) which C) where D) whose
A) you be B) you to be C) that you are D) you being
51. I’ll dry the dishes if you them .
23. I stopped when I was thirty. A) put / away B) find / out C) put / out D) wash / up
A) to smoke B) smoke C) smoking D) too smoke
52. ‘Can you the time of the next train to London?’ ‘O.K. I’ll
24. Why did I agree with you? I can’t stand it. phone the station.’
A) to work B) work C) working D) to working A) put away B) find out C) put out D) clear up

Book 1 Part A 5 Intermediate Test 6

53. “Look at these shoes! They’re brand new, and the heel’s fallen off
“ them and change them, then.”
A) Put / away B) Find / out C) Put / out D) Take / back
- Present Perfect - Past Simple
54. “Oh, dear! The washing machine isn’t working. I haven’t got any - Present Perfect Passive - Phrasal Verbs
clean clothes, and I’ve got to go to work. What am I going to do?’
‘Don’t worry. I’ll them all . Just go to work.’
1. I was born 1974.
A) put / away B) find / out C) sort / out D) clear / up A) for B) since C) in D) ago

55. The fire was so intense that it took the firemen three hours to 2. I’ve been a journalist two years.
it . A) for B) since C) in D) ago
A) put / away B) find / out C) put / out D) clear / up
3. I waited for you hours.
56. The government wants to a new scheme to encourage people A) for B) since C) in D) ago
to start their own businesses.
A) put away B) find out C) try out D) clear up 4. She left university three years .
A) for B) since C) in D) ago
57. ‘Can I these jeans please?’
‘Sure. The changing rooms are over there.’ 5. He’s lived abroad 1990.
A) put / away B) try / out C) put / out D) try / on A) for B) since C) in D) ago

58. I won’t be able to go shopping with you today, I’m afraid. I’ve got 6. They got acquainted with each other last year.
a lot to do at the moment. A) for B) since C) in D) *
Can we it till next week?
7. Have you been to China?
A) put / off B) find / out C) put / out D) take / back
A) never B) ever C) since D) yet
59. I don’t mind your baking a cake, but just make sure you ___ 8. Don’t worry about phoning him because I’ve done it.
everything when you’ve finished. A) ever B) already C) yet D) never
A) put /away B) clear / up C) put / out D) take / back
9. I haven’t finished my lunch .
60. ‘What should I do with this form?’ A) never B) ever C) already D) yet
‘ it .’
A) Find / out B) Fill / in C) Put / out D) Clear / up 10. I’ve not been skiing, but I’d like to try it.
A) never B) ever C) already D) just
61. I wanted to to you yesterday.
A) to speak B) speaking C) speak D) to speaking 11. I can’t come out because I’ve washed my hair.
A) never B) ever C) just D) yet
62. They enjoyed on holiday by the sea.
12. Have you met our new teacher ?
A) be B) being C) to be D) too be
A) just B) ever C) already D) yet
63. We hope by half past seven.
13. I’m delighted because I’ve been a pay rise.
A) arriving B) to arrive C) arrive D) arrived
A) gave B) have given C) given D) was given
64. The weather was awful. It didn’t stop all week. 14. The director’s children .
A) raining B) to rain C) rain D) rain too A) have been kidnapped B) have kidnapped
65. My sister has agreed with the decorating. C) kidnapped D) was kidnapped
A) help B) helping C) to help D) helps 15. They’re really angry because someone their car.
A) has been damaged B) has damaged
66. She loves for herself.
C) damage D) was damaged
A) to work B) work C) working D) works
16. She’s going to be late because her plane .
67. Please let me for the drinks. A) has been delayed B) has delayed
A) to pay B) pay C) paying D) paid C) delayed D) was delayed
68. My health wasn’t very good so I stopped . 17. He to a senior designer.
A) smoking B) to smoke C) smoke D) smoked A) has been promoted B) has promoted
C) promoted D) are promoted
69. We chose by boat rather than by plane.
A) traveling B) travel C) to travel D) traveled 18. Hundreds of people for the jobs.
A) have been applied B) have applied
70. We’ve finished the house. C) have applying D) was applied
A) decorate B) decorating C) decorated D) to decorate
19. Four people in a train crash.
71. I can’t stand in an office. A) have been killed B) have killed
A) working B) work C) worked D) to work C) are killed D) was killed
72. We expect you on time. 20. Local police the bank robber.
A) arrive B) arriving C) arrived D) to arrive A) have been arrested B) have arrested
C) has arrested D) was arrested
73. It was a wonderful holiday. I will always remember the Niagara
Falls. 21. Floods serious damage.
A) seeing B) to see C)saw D) see A) have been caused B) have caused
C) has caused D) was caused
74. I would hate your party.
A) miss B) miss to C) missed D) to miss 22. My job application .
A) haven’t been accepted B) haven’t accepted
75. They can’t promise the work today. C) hasn’t been accepted D) hasn’t accepted
A) finish B) finishing C) finished D) to finish
23. The workers a new representative.
76. He hates calculators. A) have been elected B) have elected
A) use B) using C) used D) to use C) has elected D) was elected
24. An occupation which g ives opportunities for
Book 1 Part A 5 Intermediate Test 7
promotion is a 47. Can you tell the 48. There have been a lot of you
. / difference complaints going
a margarine. A) in B) on to the
n A) between B) on C) of D) about shops
out of D) of this
A) applicant B) CV 37. My father early 49. You are always trouble aftern
career D) retirement. because you don’t listen to oon?’
retirement A) was taken anybody. ‘No,
C) has been taken A) in B) on I’ve
25. A document which lists your D) of
personal and professional 38. My brother the sack. alread
details is a(n) . His boss said he was lazy. 50. I’m fed up cooking. y . I went this
A) applicant B) CV A) has been given Let’s eat for a
application D) C) given change. morni
retirement A) in / out B) on / now ng.’
C) with / out D) at / out A) going B) gone C)
26. A person who has reached been D) being
an age where they no 51. How much do you spend a
longer work is week 58. ‘Can I speak to Jenny,
. A) in B) on please?’
A) an applicant of D) of ‘I’m afraid she’s to
C) an application lunch. Can I take a message?’
52. Watch your step A) going B) gone C)
27. When you want to leave a with Dad. He’s been D) being
job, you have to give your mood.
. A) in B) on C) out 59. I’ve never to Australia,
A) resignation B) Resume of D) of but I’d like to go.
C) career A) went B) gone C)
53. Could you take a photo me, been D) being
28. If you have the right talents please?
and experience for a job, A) in B) on 60. ‘When’s your holiday?’
then you are D) of ‘We’ve already . We
for it. went to France.’
A) resignation B) resume 54. I had a crash this morning. A) gone B) were C)
career Fortunately, I didn’t do been D) being
much damage
29. When you try and get a my car. 61. ‘Where’s Harry these days?’
job, you usually have to A) in B) on ‘Didn’t you know? He’s to
complete a/an of D) to another company.’
form. A) went B) gone C)
A) resignation B) resume 55. ‘Where’s Peter?’ been D) being
application ‘He’s on holiday.’
A) in B) gone 62. The Prime Minister of Italy .
30. If an employee is no longer been D) being A) has been resigned B) have
needed, he or she can be resigned
made . 56. Where have you ? C) resigned D) has r
A) resigned B) You’re so brown!
A) been B) in 63. A new prime minister .
redundant C) employer
C) D) being A) has elected B) has b
D) retiring
31. You can often find about a 57. ‘Are C) have elected D) elect
new job by a/an in a 39. The number of people
newspaper. 64. The of his resignation on
out of work
A) news Italia television yesterday
C) sensation n
A) has risen
advertisement peopl
32. If an employer is interested eveni
in meeting you, you will be ng.
asked to come to a/an . C) have been risen of D) of
A) sensation B) add been risen
completion D) interview 44. Thousands of people are work
40. A strike by the air
in this town. It’s really
33. Tom’s just to the area traffic controllers.
difficult to get a job.
manager of Eastern Europe. A) called
A) in B) on C) out
A) promoted C) has been called
of D) of
promoted 41. They more money by
C) promoted 45. I got a cheque a hundred
the management.
pounds this
34. I for a new job. A) haven’t offered
A) have applied been offered
A) in B) on C) out
been applied C) offer
of D) of
C) apply 42. How much money for
46. You’re really annoying me.
35. How many times your retirement?
You’re doing it
redundant? A) saved
aren’t you?
A) were you saved
A) in B) on C) out
been made C) have you saved
of D) of
C) you saved

36. Bob’s wife her job. 43. The factory workers are
A) has lost strike because they want
C) was losing more money.
lost A) in B) on

Book 1 Part A 5 Intermediate Test 7

A) was told P A) could / would open
18. I wasn’t happy at school. I
told a / will open
wish I ha
C) told r C) could / will open
A) has been B) had had C)
i would open
65. I my glasses. will have D) had been
them anywhere? ? 9. If there some nice fish
A) have been lost / Have 19. He didn’t pass his driving
” in the supermarket,
you seen test. He wishes he
some for supper tonight?
B) lost / Have you seen A) have passed B) had p
“ A) had been / would / buy
C) have lost / Did you see C) will pass D) pass
O were / would / buy
D) lost / Did you see C) is / will / buy
h 20. I haven’t been to Beijing. I
66. “ , buy
wish I to
W A) had been B) have been
he 10. I’m small. I wish I
y C) has been D) will be
re Liz small.
on holiday?” “She’s in A) am not B) was
were D) weren’t
11. I’m small. If only I
ris F taller.
.” i A) were B) wasn’t
A) did / went B) has / v am D) have
been e
D) has / gone
12. “We have mice in the
67. “ t kitchen.”
W i “If you a cat, the mice
he m soon
re Liz e A) had / would / disappear
on holiday?” “She went to s B) have / will / disappear
. C) are / will / disappear
Pa ” had / will / disappear
ris A) Did / go B) Has /
.” gone C) Has / been 13. We live in the city. We wish
A) did / went B) has / Does / go we
been A) have lived B) living
69. The police lived D) live
D) has / gone
68. “ the public that 14. We live in the city. If only we
John ever the man is in the city!
t dangerous. A) lived B) didn’t live
o A) have warned B) have been C) haven’t lived D) living
C) has warned 15. I’m not having a
policeman, but I’m too short. holiday this year. I
A) was / can
C) were / could
wish I
A) was having B) is
having C) will
- Pronunciation D) have
- Conditionals
16. I’m going to the dentist
- Time clauses (when, as soon as) tomorrow. I wish I
1. Suppose! If it last 5. Please, start your meal. If A) am not going
weekend, we to play you C) wasn’t going
tennis. cold.
A) rained - wouldn’t be able 17. I can’t ski. I wish I ski.
A) didn’t have / would go
had / got A) can B) could
C) rain - would be able C) can eat / doesn’t go will D) couldn’t
had rained - could don’t have / will go
2. Give me Peter’s letter. If I 6. What noisy neighbors you’ve
got! If my neighbors
as yours, I crazy.
A) see-will give A) were / would go
would give will go
C) meet-would visit C) are / would go
seen- would give been / would have gone
3. I have to work about 80 7. If you any problems,
hours a week, so I’m very let me know and I
busy. But if I you straight away
any spare time, I a A) had / would come
sport like golf. / will come
A) will have / will take up C) had had / would come
had / will take up have / would go
C) will have / had
would take up 8. You’re a brilliant cook! If I
cook as well as you, I
4. If I taller, I be a restaurant.
Book 1 Part A 5 Intermediate Test 7
1 pronouns-adverbs-adjectives-determiners
Choose the best alternative.
31. Seda and I washed hands.
1. I can see Amanda. is waiting for the New York plane. A) us B) our C) ours D) we
A) I B) She C) His D) He 32. Look at that house. All windows are broken.
2. The clerk is speaking to the women. He is talking to . A) their B) his C) it D) its
A) them B) they C) him D) he 33. The sea is dirty. There is oil on .
3. I haven’t got the keys. Father has got . A) them B) they C) it D) her
A) him B) her C) it D) them 34. The girls can go home. They have finished work.
4. Can you see those boys and father? A) its B) ours C) hers D) their
A) they B) them C) their D) him 35. Do you want those shoes? I don’t want .
5. Today weather is very hot. A) them B) they C) him D) its
A) a B) an C) the D)_ 36. We called Allan. He came to .
6. He is Mrs. Taylor’s husband. A) our B) us C) we D) ours
A) a B) _ C) 37. Look at these books. Are yours?
the D) an
7. Butterflies are insects. A) they B) them C) this D) that
A) a B) an C) the D) them 38. We went to seaside and played on the beach.
8. Is a bee insect? A) a B) the C) an D) _
A) a B) an C) _ D) the 39. Many tourists visit Turkey.
9. I’ll wait for you half hour. A) a B) the C) an D) _
A) _ B) an C) a D) the 40. There is only water in the glass. Please give me some more.
10. I haven’t got paint. A) many B) much C) a few D) a little
A) any B) some C) _ D) many
41. There were not people at the market yesterday.
11. We are late. The teacher will get angry with . A) many B) much C) a few D) a little
A) we B) they C) us D) I 42. I put sugar on the fruit. I do not like sugar very much.
12. My father is engineer. A) many B) much C) a few D) a little
A) a B) the C)_ D) an 43. We can all get on the bus. There are only passengers on it
13. This is not my bicycle. It is my bicycle. now.
A) _ A) many B) much C) a few D) a little
B) father C) father’ D) father’s
14. Cats can wash paws and fur. 44. The policeman is holding the right arm.
A) they A) robber B) robber’s C) robbers D) robbers’
B) his C) its D) their
15. There is some milk. I’d like to drink . 45. It was my watch.
A) they A) grandfathers B) of grandfather
B) it C) them D) its
C) grandfather’s D) grandfather
16. Terry is talking to two . 46. I can see the bicycles.
A) women B) woman C) woman’s D) women’s
A) boys’ B) boys C) boy D) of the boys
17. All the are following the man.
A) policeman B) woman C) dog D) children 47. I checked the answers. Two of were wrong.
A) it B) its C) them D) they
18. There are many on the shelf.
A) paper B) magazines C) book D) dust 48. The postman gave me two letters, so I gave to my mother.
A) them B) its C) they D) it
19. I can see a lot of outside the building.
A) person B) man C) people D) child 49. The army lost the battle because was not strong.
A) they B) them C) it D) its
20. There is a lot of ice in refrigerator.
A) a B) _ C) an D) the 50. My parents are coming. I’ll open the door for .
A) they B) them C) him D) her
21. Give me two cake, please.
A) piece B) pieces C) slice D) pieces of 51. Is this radio ?
22. students are looking for their ball. A) to you B) of you C) you D) yours
A) That B) Those C) This D) They 52. Give that ball to Tom and me. It .
23. Please hand me dictionary. A) is mine B) is ours C) is theirs D) is our
A) that B) these C) it D) them 53. We washed and then had our dinner.
24. A: Is this your suitcase? A) myself B) himself C) herself D) ourselves
B: No, is my suitcase.
54. You must learn to defend , Tom.
A) that B) these C) it D) they A) yourself B) yourselves C) himself D) ourselves
25. Bill and Jack are going to house.
55. I cut on that piece of wire.
A) they B) their C) them D) his A) himself B) myself C) oneself D) herself
26. My brother and I are hungry. are thirsty too. 56. I saw the girls, so I spoke to .
A) They B) He C) We D) Us A) she B) her C) they D) them
27. Take Janet and Anna to rooms. 28. Father is calling Ali and me. He wants .
A) her B) them C) they D) their

Book 1 Part B 5 Pronouns - Adverbs (Elementary \ Pre-Intermediate)

57. You can have these books. are too hard for me. There
A) It B) They C) Its D) 58. The rope was not very strong, so we did not use .
A) we B) us C) them D) him
A) them B) its C) they D) it
29. Serpil dropped some books, so I picked up for her.
A) them B) it C) its D) they 59. The policeman spoke to my sister and me. He told about the
30. The boys are holding up hands. A) us B) he C) I D) we
A) their B) there C) they D) them
60. The bananas were not ripe, so we did not buy . 91. This test is for students native language is not English.
A) it B) its C) them D) they A) that B) whose C) of whom D) which
61. Please open the window. I can’t reach . 92. Please lend me dollar.
A) him B) her C) them D) it A) a B) an C) any D) a few
62. My father listened to the news. He was very pleased with . 93. Her mother wants to wash the dishes.
A) they B) them C) it D) its A) she B) her C) hers D) she herself
63. Can you tell me best way to the station? 94. Each of the children given a box of chocolate.
A) a B) an C) the D) _ A) was B) were C) are D) aren’t
64. She works as clerk in a very large bank. 95. Everyone in the room now.
A) a B) an C) the D)_ A) are B) is C) were D) weren’t
65. Cyprus is island in the Mediterranean. 96. Everybody in the classroom sleepy.
A) a B) _ C) the D) an A) is B) has C) are D) weren’t
66. There is excellent film on television this evening. 97. They were here, but they have gone back to apartment.
A) a B) C) the D) an A) they’re B) theirs C) hers D) their
67. In England there is a saying. “ apple a day keeps the doctor 89. There is food in the house.
away”. This means that apples keep you healthy. A) none B) some C) no D) any
A) An B) A C) The D)_
90. Misfortunes like that aren’t fault.
68. It is going to rain. I must buy umbrella quickly. A) each B) anybody C) no one’s D) anybody’s
A) an B) a C) the D)
69. other day I had a letter from my friend.
A) A B) An C) _ D) The
70. They enjoyed at the party.
A) himself B) themselves C) them D)
71. My friend cut when she was cooking.
A) myself B) himself C) herself D) her
72. Help to some more coffee.
A) yourself B) myself C) you D) yours
73. I taught to play the guitar. I’ve never had lessons.
A) me B) myself C) himself D) herself
74. The cow hurt when it tried to get through the fence.
A) himself B) herself C) itself D) themselves
75. That machine is automatic. It runs by .
A) itself B) it C) themselves D) herself
76. She is wearing unusual dress .
A) a B)_ C) the D) an
77. The car was traveling at more than 90 miles hour when the
accident happened.
A) an B) a C) _ D) the
78. It’s time for us to go home.
A) _ B) a C) the D) an
79. This cake was made with butter so it should be good.
A) a B) _ C) the D) an
80. His parents and went to a concert last weekend.
A) me B) our C) mine D) us
81. I enjoyed vacation. Did you enjoy too ?
A) me / yours B) my / yourself C) mine / yours D) my / yours
82. of the children is sick today.
A) One B) Fewer C) Many D) Some
83. Everyone is responsible for own composition.
A) his B) their C) nobody’s D) all their
84. I asked her was on the phone.
A) which B) who C) whom D) whomever
85. I don’t have petrol in my car.
A) some B) no C) any D) lots of
86. He knows about sports.
A) nothing B) anything C) at all D) something
87. The children ran screaming into own rooms.
A) his B) they’re C) their D) its
88. of us are staying home.
A) Some B) A little C) Couples D) Much
Book 1 Part B 6 Pronouns - Adverbs (Elementary \ Pre-Intermediate)
98. A couple of the players leaving now. 108. A: Would you like some
A) is B) are C) was D) were coffee? B: Yes please, but just
99. All the businessmen staying at the hotel.
A) few B) a few C) little D) a little
A) isn’t B) was C) is D) are
109. A: Whose house is
100. A: Whose coat it
that? B: It’s .
that? B : It’s .
A) the Taylor B) the Taylors C) the Taylor’s D) the Taylors’
A) my daughter’s B) of my daughter
C) to my daughter D) of my daughter’s 110. Would you like of this cake?
A) some B) a few C) few D) little
101. A: Do you have five dollars?
B: No, I don’t, but Oswald has money with him. 111. The boy has a knife. Don’t let him cut .
A) a lot of B) much of C) many D) lots A) himself B) itself C) herself D) yourself
102. Someone forgot an umbrella. I’ll try to find out it is. 112. A: Do you read a lot?
A) whom B) of whom C) whose D) who B: Yes, I read books every year.
A) a lot B) a lot of C) too much D) very few
103. Most of the students in the classroom now.
A) were B) was C) are D) is 113. A: What is the matter with the baby?
B: She is hungry.
104. A: May I help you?
A) a few B) a little C) little D) few
B: Yes, I want three .
A) cans beans B) cans of beans C) can of beans D) can beans 114. My niece can’t find her umbrella. Is this blue one ?
A) of her B) his C) mine D) hers
105. Half of the salad yours.
A) is B) were C) are D) aren’t 115. He paid for an ice-cream for .
A) I B) mine C) my D) me
106. “That coat is expensive, isn’t it?” “Yes, it costs .”
A) very many B) a lot of 116. A: Have you read this new book by Robert
C) too much money D) too many O’Neill? B: No, I haven’t. like to read it.
A) He’d B) She’d C) We’d D) I’d
107. A: Let’s have lunch at the Sultan Restaurant.
117. A: Is Ashley’s new dress blue?
B: I can’t. I didn’t bring money
today. B: No, is green. Helen’s is blue.
A) some B) any C) none D) no A) hers B) her C) mine D) ours
118. If the police arrive soon, they’ll be too late. 148. A: Why doesn’t Pete have any teeth?
A) isn’t B) doesn’t C) don’t D) wasn’t B: Because he brushed them.
119. He has two friends. That’s not very . A) usually B) often C) frequently D) never
A) few B) many C) much D) a lot 149. Almost all of my father’s teeth are good because he brushes
120. There some fish very near the coast. them.
A) weren’t B) was C) wasn’t D) were A) usually B) ever C) never D) sometimes
150. Paul doesn’t feel very good now. In six weeks he’s going to feel
121. The police looking for a man who escaped from prison.
A) is B) was C) are D) has been .
A) bad B) better C) best D) badly
122. Plastic surgery doesn’t cost .
A) a lot of B) much C) many D) very few 151. Kate is than any other actress on TV.
A) as pretty B) not pretty C) prettier D) the prettiest
123. He knows about classical music.
152. It’s very . It’s going to rain.
A) a lot B) a lot of C) many D) a few
A) cloudy B) cloudless C) clouds D) more cloudy
124. He is very honest. He is than David.
153. They’re good players, but we can beat .
A) honest B) more honestly C) more honest D) honestly
A) their B) they C) theirs D) them
125. Some people think that life was a hundred years ago. 154. Lisa likes to read horoscope.
A) badly B) worst C) well D) better A) hers B) her C) mine D) yours
126. A bee is than a bird. 155. The kitchen looks beautiful. Have you cleaned , Mary?
A) smaller B) smallest C) the smallest D) small A) its B) it’s C) it D) them
127. A bicycle moves than a car. 156. Sam and Bob went swimming with sister, Lisa.
A) slowly B) fast C) very slow D) more slowly A) their B) theirs C) hers D) them
128. Concorde is other planes. 157. I think he was driving .
A) the safest B) safest C) as safe as D) safer A) dangerous B) less careful C) hardly D) carelessly
129. The news bad. 158. I don’t know why she behaves so sometimes.
A) was B) are C) were D) aren’t A) careless B) badly C) worse D) strange
130. everybody here? 159. This bag isn’t it looks.
A) Are B) Is C) Were D) Does A) as lightly as B) lighter C) as light as D) the lightest
131. He has a lot of friends. He is than Tony. 160. I haven’t been as fat as I’m now.
A) much less friendly B) less friendly A) ever B) never C) usually D) sometimes
C) the most friendly D) more friendly 161. She is a driver. She drives her car .
132. Other planes are not so Concorde. A) carelessly / careless B) slowly / slow
A) more expensive B) expensive C) well / good D) careful / carefully
C) expensive as D) as expensive 162. He is at painting. He paints .
133. The Boeing 747 makes noise than Concorde. A) bad / worse B) bad / badly
A) much B) less C) most D) least C) worse / bad D) badly / the worst

134. It was a very journey. 163. She behaves every day.

A) interesting B) more interested A) good B) strange C) bad D) worse
C) interested D) interestingly 164. Not every American English.
A) doesn’t speak B) don’t speak
135. Venus is the planet to the earth.
C) speak D) speaks
A) far B) nearest C) farther D) near
165. Terry hasn’t come to school .
136. What are the sports in Turkey?
A) almost B) yet C) just D) never
A) interested B) as interesting C) better than D) most popular
166. Janet has left home.
Book 1 Part B 6 Pronouns - Adverbs (Elementary \ Pre-Intermediate)
137. This team is bad. It plays . A) just B) yet C) almost D) ever
A) badly B) bad C) not good D) well
167. I can’t find my homework .
138. He runs than David. A) nowhere B) everywhere C) anywhere D) somewhere
A) better B) slowly C) well D) very fast 168. I’ve looked for my book but I can’t find it.
139. Jim is 19 years old. Tony is 15. Jim is than Tony. A) anywhere B) somewhere C) nowhere D) everywhere
A) younger B) oldest C) older D) youngest 169. I’m sure it’s here .
140. He came late because he can’t run the others. A) somewhere B) everywhere C) anywhere D) nowhere
A) as fast as B) faster C) the fastest of D) quickly as 170. The bus is very .
141. Bill swims than Robert. A) quickly B) slow C) well D) noisily
A) faster B) very badly C) good D) worst 171. She listens to the teacher very .
142. How butter do you need? A) good B) carefully C) better D) careless
A) much B) many C) few D) a lot 172. The author writes .
A) bad B) good C) well D) careful
143. Colombia is the country in the world.
A) as wet as B) wetter than C) wetter D) wettest 173. He plays the piano than his father.
A) very good B) better C) the best D) very well
144. He thinks that their team is the one in Italy.
A) better than B) better C) best D) good 174. A: did you go yesterday? B: I went to a restaurant.
A) Where B) Why C) When D) What
145. Who sings the in your class?
A) happy B) more happily C) happily D) most happily 175. A: didn’t you phone him?
B: I haven’t got his telephone number.
146. My father is sick. I’m worried about . A) What B) Why C) When D) How
A) his B) him C) her D) me
176. A: did you come to school?
147. I saw Ann at the party but I didn’t talk to . B: On the school bus.
A) hers B) him C) she D) her A) When B) What C) Why D) How
177. Horses drive automobiles. 206. He always drinks tea with milk.
A) often B) usually C) never D) sometimes A) the / _ B) _ / _ C) a / _ D) a / a
178. Students shout in the library. 207. A: Where is coffee I bought?
A) always B) often C) frequently D) seldom B: It’s in kitchen.
179. Tourists visit museums. A) _ / the B) _ / _ C) the / the D) the / a
A) often B) seldom C) never D) rarely 208. They went to France by plane but we’re planning to go on
180. The sun is hot. bus.
A) always B) often C) usually D) never A) the / the B) _ / a C) _ / _ D) a / a
181. A: Do you ever fail tests? 209. My father has gone into hospital for operation.
B: No. I fail tests. A) _ / _ B) _ / an C) the / _ D) the / an
A) sometimes B) usually C) never D) ever
210. ABC cinema is opposite hospital.
182. Susan fails all of her history exams. She passes them. A) _ / the B) The / C) An / the D) The / the
A) ever B) never C) often D) seldom
211. We visited Birmingham Museum last year.
183. Bob saw only one film last year. He goes to the cinema. A) _ / _ B) the / the C) the / _ D) _ / the
A) often B) seldom C) sometimes D) never
212. Atlantic Ocean is larger than Mediterranean Sea.
184. David eats a lot of pears and apples. He eats fruit. A) The / the B) The / _ C) _ / _ D) _ / the
A) sometimes B) rarely C) ever D) frequently
213. He is vegetarian. He doesn’t eat meat.
185. We can’t do our homework. Can you help ? A) _ / _ B) a / _ C) a / the D) the / _
A) we B) me C) them D) us
214. There is horror film on TV tonight.
186. I’m a strong player, he can’t beat . A) a / the B) an / _ C) _ / _ D) a /
A) I B) mine C) me D) him
215. earth moves round sun.
187. Swimming is excellent sport. A) An / the B) The / _ C) _ / the D) The / the
A) B) a C) an D) the
216. What is capital of Switzerland?
188. Mike wants to watch TV tonight.
A) the / the B) the / _ C) a / _ D) _ / a
A)_ B) a C) an D) the
217. milk is good for you. Why don’t you drink milk in
189. I’d like bowl of soup, please.
your glass?
A) an B) a C) _ D) the
A) The / the B) / the C) _ / a D) A / the
190. Can you see those two men? They are policemen.
218. Tracey has been in prison for a year. Last Sunday his father
A) B) the C) a D) an
went to prison to see him.
191. My father hates hospitals. A) _ / _ B) the / the C) a / the D) _ / the
A) _ B) the C) a D) an
219. weather was terrible yesterday, so we spent all day at
192. traffic in Turkey is bad. home.
A) The B)_ C) A D) An A) The / _ B) _ / the C) The / the D) A / _
193. I’d like ice-cream, please. 220. Good health is than money.
A) a few B) few C) a little D) a lot A) as early as / earlier B) earlier / the earliest
194. A: How apples did you eat? C) early / earlier D) the earliest / earlier
B: I ate apples. 198. She arrives at work much than anyone else.
A) many / a few B) much / some A) earliest B) the earliest C) earlier D) as early as
C) many / a little D) a lot of / a few
199. Robert works less than Tom.
195. Carol writes well. Andy writes than Carol. Mary writes . A) carefully B) careful
A) good / the best B) better / better C) careless D) as carelessly as
C) good / better D) better / the best
200. Which student in the class works ?
196. Maria sings Julia. A) more careful B) less careful
A) better than B) as good as C) as bad as D) worse C) the most carefully D) the least careful
197. Julia gets up early. Mike gets up than Julia. Anderson gets 201. Tom wasn’t hungry, so he ate only soup.
up . A) a few B) a little C) a lot D) little
Book 1 Part B 6 Pronouns - Adverbs (Elementary \ Pre-Intermediate)
202. Which is place you’ve ever been to? A) more important B) very important
A) more beautiful B) as beautiful as C) as important as D) the most important
C) the most beautiful D) the most beautifully
221. Who is footballer in Turkey?
203. David’s sister is thin but not Mike’s. A) very good B) a better C) the best D) best
A) so thin B) thinner C) the thinnest D) so thin as
222. The world’s population is getting every year.
204. Amazon is longest river in the World. A) big B) bigger C) very big D) the biggest
A) The / the B) / the C) _ / _ D) The /
223. Janet is almost her father. She’s 176 cm and he is 178 cm.
205. Lake Oregon is large lake. A) tall as B) as tall as C) taller than D) a little shorter
A) The / a B) / a C) A / a D) _ / _
224. Today isn’t yesterday.
A) cold as B) as sunny as C) a little warmer D) a lot hotter
225. Where is the place in the world?
A) hottest B) as peaceful as
C) more interesting D) colder
226. I can’t speak English as my elder brother.
A) good as B) fluently as C) better than D) well
227. The plane arrived than we’d expected.
A) very late B) later C) as late as D) lately
228. I’ve got very money.
A) few B) a few C) little D) some
229. She’s got records of classical music.
A) very much B) very little C) a few D) plenty
230. A: Were there passengers on the plane?
B: Not .
A) a few / many B) a lot of / many
C) many / a few D) a lot of / much
231. Only Simon’s friends went to the match, not .
A) a few / much B) a few of / many
C) some / much D) a lot of / many
232. I want is a cup of tea.
A) All B) Every C) Whole D) Everything
233. Listen to me. I can explain .
A) all B) every C) everything D) whole

Book 1 Part B 6 Pronouns - Adverbs (Elementary \ Pre-Intermediate)

UPPER- 2 pronouns-adverbs-adjectives-determiners
28. I have two boys, but of
them likes pop music.
A) either B) both C)
1. The series of TV programs neither D) none
that has just finished
29. I think my answer on the test
was .
A) are B) weren’t
A) the best possible choice B)
wasn’t D) were
best beyond all the choices
2. A new means of detecting C) the better of all choices D)
gold in travelers’ luggage the possible best choice
30. Not all English people
fish and chips.
A) has B) have
A) likes B) doesn’t like
D) was
C) don’t like D) like
3. Physics a subject that
It is
has grown enormously in
importance during this
ult to
A) are B) was drive
D) have been in .
4. A pack of cards rush
scattered over the table.
ic of
A) is C) rush-hour slow moving
B) are C) traffic
were D) slow moving rush hour
D) have been traffic
5. The few 32. Nobody objecting
words he spoke to the decision to
well chosen. closedown the factory.
A) is B) was C) were
D) wasn’t A) is B) are C)
isn’t D) wasn’t
6. Some of his advice
33. The audience listening
to a Beethoven symphony.
A) are B) were
A) are B) is C) were
was D) aren’t
D) have been
7. Let’s get lettuce.
34. Neither of these roads
A) head of B) a head
to the airport.
of C) head of
A) go B) goes C)
a D) a head
don’t go D) doesn’t go
8. There were snow
35. Neither of the footballers well.
on the car.
A) played B) play C)
A) two feet of B) two
didn’t play D) do play
D) a foot 36. Neither of us hungry.
A) is B) aren’t C)
9. The poor unable to
wasn’t D) weren’t
look after themselves.
A) are B) is
was D) has
10. Two dozens of cows lying
peacefully in the shade.
A) w B) was C) 37. Neither of them
e interested in history.
been D) A) was B) were C)
e are D) have
11. The Town Council A) are B) were C) is
against raising the rents of its D) aren’t
Book 1 Part B 6 Pronouns - Adverbs (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
12. A of vitamin C A) an old friend of mine award the prize to you and
results in skin infections 38. All that glitters not
old friend’s A) I B) we C) his
and slow healing. gold.
C) old friend of me D) me
A) are B) is
were D) aren’t 50. They always give the available
A) s B) shortage C) 39. Measles an 48. Our family is quite seats to
h shorten D) infectious disease. united family. A) whoever B) whom C)
A) are B) were
o shortly C) is D) aren’t A) _ B) a whichever D) whomever
r D) an 51. She heard a sound
t brought her heart into her
13. What is the difference in between the Amazon and the Nile? 49. The committee decided to
A) l B) wide C) 40. Neither Colin nor Digby A) f B) much C)
there. A) what B) who C)
o length D) e more D) a
A) are B) isn’t w lot whenever D) which
n deep C) wasn’t D) was e
g r
14. How many of are
present in class? 41. Either your brakes or your 26. It took us time 52. A: Why are you sitting
A) the girls B) girls eyesight to get here than there?
C) girls’ D) the A) is B) are usual.
girl’s A) a B) little C) less B: Frankly, there is
were D) aren’t D) long
15. This isn’t bottle. 42. Either David or his parents l
o interesting to do.
A) a big enough at home. t
enough A) is B) are 27. Do you walk , A) anything B) nothing C)
C) big enough a was D) aren’t now that you live in a something D) nothing
enough big a village? else
43. It was a .
16. We don’t have A) thirty-minute show A) a lot of B)
vacation. TV show thirty minute little C)
A) long enough C) thirty minutes TV show very many D)
enough more
C) long enough a minute 53. A: 57. They play the guitar .
enough a long W A) beautiful B) beautifully
44. We saw last week. h C) very beautiful D) a lot
17. That’s too for A) award winning of
swimming. at beautiful
French film d
A) a shallow lake B) A French film award 58. I’m going to next term,
lake shallow o
winning because the exams are getting
C) shallow a lake y
C) an award winning closer.
shallow o
French film A) study hard B) hardly study C)
18. It isn’t job for me D) a film of French winning study hardly D) studying
to do alone. award hard
A) easy enough a k 59. The migration of the ducks was
45. A: What is
easy enough of due to the
C) enough an easy p A) arriving B) arrive C)
enough easy ol arrival D) arrived
c of people
19. That’s too for me who live iti
cs 60. Since the old lady’s
to carry. alone? B: husband died, she’s
A) heavy a suitcase Some of ?
been living
heavy suitcase them have B:
O A) herself B) on her own C) by itself
C) a heavy suitcase tendency to D) by her
suitcase heavy talk to h,
A) himself B) oneself I 61. The weather changed .
C) itself D) fi There was an
themselves n change in the weather.
d A) unexpected / unexpectedly
46. This used to be the home p B) unexpectancy /
20. It t A) my old friend ol unexpected
wa o Terry iti C) unexpectedly / unexpected
sn’ friend Terry cs D) unexpectedly /
t re unexpectation
as al
cle ly . 62. Her condition improved .
ar A) depress B) There was a improvem
A) day as B) day as is C) a day as D) is a day depressing C) depressed her condition.
my old friend of Terry D) my old friend Terry’s D) be depressed A) steady / steadiness B)
steadiness / steady
21. I 54. I agree. I get terribly C) steady / steadily D)
g 47. Terry is .
guess when people talk about steadily / steady
I politics.
didn’t A) depression B) 63. Fleming discovered penicillin .
buy depressing C) depressed A) accidentally B) accidental
her D) be depressed C) accident D) on
A) expensive enough as a C) a corner as accident
expensive enough a corner as 55. I find people who spit in the
street 64. The discovery of
C) expensive enough a 24. Rome isn’t as Milan A) offensive B) offensively penicillin by Fleming in 1928
an enough expensive is. C) offender D) offence made the effective treatment
22. You don’t need as fast A) as near to us B) as near of many bacterial diseases
bought. us 56. Since divorce became easier possible.
A) a car as B) car as D) to us near to obtain in Europe, the A) accidental B) by chance
one C) car as divorce rate has gone up C) accident D)
25. It cost me than I
as a car . accidentally
thought it would.
A) dramatic B)
23. That isn’t as busy 65. The of the forest will
dramatically C) dramatics
this one. result in the
D) to be dramatic
A) as a corner B) corner species.
Book 1 Part B 6 Pronouns - Adverbs (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
A) destruction / disappear 79. Several new dams are today. I’m really busy.
B) destruction / being constructed. This I A) such B) so C) very
disappearance will help to control floods D) too
C) destructing / disappear and provide water for
l 92. I’ve made many mistakes
A) irrigate B) irrigated in this letter. I think I’ll type it
66. A: C) irrigating D) again.
W irrigation A) such B) so C) very
ho 80. A problem of fundamental potatoes. D) too
tol for the developing A) boiling B) boiledC) 93. The poor girl looked .
d countries is that of slowing boil D) boiler A) miserable / unhappy B)
yo down population growth.
85. A: Shall I write the recipe? miserably / unhappy
u A) importance B) vital
th B: Yes, please. I need a recipe. C) miserable / unhappily D)
urgent miserably / unhappily
ey A) wrote B) write
w 81. “The Alfa River is 100 km writing D) written 94. This is not .
er long. The Beta River is 200 A) a big enough van B) big a
86. We didn’t have much money,
e km long.” means: The Beta enough van
so we stayed at a/an
m River is C) an enough big van D) a van
A) luxurious B)
ov A) shorter than enough big
inexpensive C) comfort
in long as
quietness 95. The boss looked at him
g? C) twice as long as
B: short as 87. The nurse is very . She .
Th spoke . A) astonishing B) unhappy
82. “Lake Beta is 20 m deep. C) angrily
ey A) politely / politely
Lake Alfa is 80 m deep.”
tol politely 96. It was hot in the train.
means: The depth of Lake
d B) politely / polite A) extreme B) intolerable
Beta is that of Lake
m polite C) worse
A) one-fourth B) four
e . times C) one-third 88. Annie lives in London.
A) by themselves 97. She ran to the
D) three times She moved to Bristol. telephone.
own A) any more B) any longer
C) themselves 83. The height of Mt Vesuvius A) very quick B) hopefully C)
C) no longer impatient D) miserable
is about 1200 m and that
67. The toes of her shoes are D) any better
of Mt Blanc is 4800 m. Mt 98. “Shall we go?” David looked at
open. She always wears Blanc is the of the two 89. I don’t want to stay here
open shoes. Susan.
mountains. Its height is A) any more B) no longer
A) toe B) toehold A) happily B) surprised
about of Mt never C) astonishing D) glad
C) tiptoe Vesuvius
toed A) higher / one fourth that 90. Are you or do you 99. The child looked .
B) highest / one fourth want me to switch on the A) neglected B) a beggar
68. I didn’t buy the sweater heating ?
because it wasn’t . C) highest / four times that C) hunger
A) warm enough
A) washing B) C) pretty cold 100. The world has gone .
washable C) washer 84. A A) difficult B) coldness C)
D) washed : 91. I’ve got a lot to do crazy D) foregoing
69. My chest hurts I 76. That is a beautiful dress 101. The than I had
breathe. you’re wearing. Did you make it
W situation expected.
A) whenever B) i resolved
whatever C) l itself
wherever D) l
A) you B) yourselves A) much more easily B) the
whichever most easily
C) yourself D) herself
70. Larry is a friendly person. y C) a lot easier D) much
He meets new people he o 77. Many lakes and rivers are
being 102. The young man struck his boss
goes. u and
A) whenever B) A) dangers B) danger
dangerous D) A) sudden B)
whatever C) b accidentally C) bloody
wherever D) dangerously
o angry
whoever i 78. Vitamins are produced
synthetically in large 103. Every child reacts .
71. You must do he says. l A) rather / different B) quite /
quantities. This has made
A) whomever B) differ
them and
whatever t C) a lot / difference D)
available to most of the
D) wherever h somewhat / differently
72. solved that problem e A) cheaply / easily
must be very smart. easy
A) Whomever B) p C) cheap / easily
Whatever o easy
D) Whoever t 104. He stood up slowly and . D) thorough
a A) with difficulty
73. We haven’t enjoyed 107. The supper looked .
t difficult
so much for years. A) badly B) delicious C) well
o C) very difficult
A) myself B) oneself D) awfully
e difficulty
C) ourselves D) us
s 108. It’s to use and to carry
74. Have you heard about ? 105. A: I’m afraid we can expect
than other computers.
Sally? She killed . temperatures over the
A) simple / easy B) simply
A) itself B) herself holiday. B: I’m
B easily
C) on her own A) extreme / extremely
: C) simpler / easier D) more
herself extremely / extremely
simply / more easily
C) extremely / extreme
75. Her children are too young Y extreme / extreme 109. Yesterday the temperature
to look after . e was 20 degrees below zero. It
106. I thought of the idea.
A) them s hasn’t been so cold this year.
A) highly B)
C) on their own . Yesterday was
themselves A) very cold B) too cold C)
Book 1 Part B 6 Pronouns - Adverbs (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
such a cold D) the 125. way is acceptable. 118. A Volvo is expensive. A C) _ / the / _ D) the /
coldest A) Either B) Both Mercedes is very much more
134. In fog or
None D) All expensive, but a Rolls Royce
110. The Taylors have three rain, you should
is .
sons. They are all clever, 126. There was anyone reduce speed. A)
A) by far the most expensive
but Bill is outstanding. He is could do to help. the / _ B) _ / _ C)
B) far more expensive
of all. A) a little B) none /a D)
C) a lot more expensive
A) a lot clever few D) little a/_
127. They were all strangers to 119. I backed three horses. Night 135. He’s studying chemistry
me. I’d met Star ran . The at
A) either B) neither Sun ran and university at present.
none D) all Wind ran the . A) / the / the B) a / the
A) bad / badly / worst C) _ / _ / _ D) _ / a /
128. I suppose he wanted to get
home as badly / worse / worst 136. She turned this way and that,
. C) good / better / best admiring
A) quickly / possibly well / best / better A) himself B) herself C)
quick / possibly 120. He has Rolls Royce and hers D) him
C) quick / possible Audi 7 and MG. 137. The couple in the flat
/ possible A) a / a / a B) an / an / a upstairs are making
C) a / an / anD) the / _ / an by shouting at the top of
129. It seemed that we
would have a 121. His father is architect; their voices every night.
crash. quite expert. A) themselves / each other B)
A) certain / final them / one another
finally C) herself / one another D) as /
C) certainly / finally each other
certainly / final 138. She expresses very
130. I think truthfulness is clearly, though sometimes
greatest value. she doesn’t remember the
A) /a B)_/_ right word.
the D) / the A) himself / _ B) herself /
her C) her
131. Everything is fair in D) herself / _
love and
war. 139. They were fighting with and
A) / the B) a / _ making cry, but th
_ D) the / the mother told them to behave .
A) each other / themselves /
132. What terrible news! themselves
A) a B) an B) _ / _ / themselves
D) _ C) each other / each other /
133. In past most themselves
people lived by D) each other / _ / yourselves
C) the cleverest 140. The story seems to be .
far much cleverer A) B) _ / _ / _
th A) true / whole B) wholly
e true
/ C) truly / wholly D) wholly
th truly
141. I make mistakes much
too .
111. There were people to find a solution.
in the queue that it was A) stupid / frequent B) stupid
A) more complicated /
impossible to / frequently
get on the bus. C) stupidly / frequent D) stupid
B) most complicated / the
A) so many B) so much / frequently
C) so few D) such a C) more complicated / the 142. It’s low season now, and
lot harder most ofhotels are half empty.
112. “There was a lot of traffic. D) more complicated / the A) the / _ / the B) a / _ / the
The bus took half an hour hardest C) _ / _ / the D) a / _ /
to get from 5th Avenue to 115. we leave, 143. great improvement in
Broadway.” means: we’ll arrive. patient’s condition was
A) The traffic was heavy A) The sooner / the earlier brought about by use of
but we could get to B) Sooner / earlier newly developed antibiotic.
Broadway in half an C) The soonest / the earliest A) _ / the / _ / aB) A / the / _
hour. /_
B) The traffic was heavy. C) The / the / _ / _ D) A / th
That is why we got to 116. The car went and
down the hill. the / a
Broadway late.
C) If the traffic hadn’t been A) very fast / dangerous 144. abnormal behavior
heavy, we could have silently / safe can be caused by
got to Broadway earlier. C) faster / faster are other causes as
D) There was so much slow well.
traffic that it took us 117. Although we hear about A) _ / _ / _ B) An / _ / _
half an hour to get to terrible air crashes, flying is C) An / _ / the D) The / _ /
Broadway. still the the
113. She went a sheet much 145. Only doctors and nurses can
when she heard the news. road! go into the Intensive Care
A) as white as B) as light A) safer / a lot safe Unit.
as safest / safer A) an / a C) an / an
D) as deaf as C) less safer / safer B) the an
a lot safer / _/
114. The the problem
Book 1 Part B 6 Pronouns - Adverbs (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
A) Anyb o dy else Beethoven best. A) _ / the / the B) _ / _ / the
C) Anyone else A) _ / the B) _ / _C) the C) The /
122. We’d booked the table for
eight, and we got there else /_ D) a / the
176. It came out many years
fifteen minutes 165. I studied modern history later that
146. You looked this
morning but you look a bit at university. been happily married since
A) very late B) lately In last year I beginning of century.
too late D) late specialized in history of A) the / _ / _ B) _ / the / the
A) depressing / happy
123. The food looked perfectly depressed / happier Turkish Independence War. C) the / the / _ D) the / the /
me. C) depressed / happily A) _ / the / _ / _ / the the
A) well B) nicely depressingly / happily the / _ / a / a
177. It is not known whether high
deliciously D) good C) a / _ / the / _ / _D) _ / the
147. The teacher looks . blood pressure is due to
/ the / the / the
124. He works so hard that A) sadly B) angry increased sodium intake.
there are 166. Do you think that I could A) the / the B) _ / theC) _
angrily D) nicely
when he’s not busy doing learn /_ D) a / an
something. 148. The teacher is looking way
A) good B) angry A)_ / the / _ B) a / the / _ C) _ 178. In past, air
A) some B) few pollution was generally
none D) a few angrily D) nice / the / the D)
the / a / the considered basically
149. The soup tastes . 172. solar energy is urban phenomenon.
A) nicely B) well produced in 167. They say that Turkish A) the / _ / _ B) the / _ / an
suspiciously D) sun. language is particularly C) _ / _ / _ D) the / _ / _
wonderful A) _ / the / _ difficult for
Europeans. 179. Many statues and
150. I tasted the soup . C) The / the / the monuments have been
the / _ A) _ / the B) _ / _C) the
A) wonderful B) eroded in last fifty yea
/ _ D) the / the
suspiciously C) happy 173. Indian elephant is had been in previous tw
D) haste smaller than 168. physical fitness can hundred years.
elephant. help you live longer, feel A) / the B) the / the C)
151. Poor people from rural
A) The / the B) _ / _ healthier and cope with life’s _/_ D) the / _
areas are migrating to the
An / the D) _ / a problems.
cities to find work and the 180. price of sugar has
A) The / _ B) _ / the
circles of slum housing in risen by pen
174. At beginning of /_ D) _ / _
many suburbs are growing kilo.
Pre-Cambrian era there was
larger. 169. A coalition government was A) The / a / a B)_ / a / a C) The /
no life on
A) consequently B) in _ / a D) _ / _ / a
however C) as D) Second World War.
A) _ / the / _ B) _ / _ / 181. Finance Minister
whereas A) _ / _ B) the / the
the C) the / _ / increased
C) _ / the D) the / _
the D) the / the / _ petrol in his last budget.
152. Heart disease remains the 170. Swiss Alps are good A) _ / the / the B) The /
1 ancient desert N place to go if you like
diseases. It killed about 7 Egypt regions il the
750,000 skiing. There is usually
5 consisted surroundi e. C) _ / the / the D) The /
plenty of snow during
. of ng winter months. A) _ / a / the 182. Economic growth is not
Americans last year, A) Whatever B)
almost 40 percent of all /_ /_ sufficient condition on its
Whichever C) Whoever C) a / a / _ / _ / _D) the / a / own to ensureincrease in
A) more danger / death
D) Whenever _ / _ / the economic welfare.
most killing / die
C) threateningly / deaths 159. you go, I’ll go with A) _ / the / _ B) a / an / _ C)
171. cafeteria is located to
most deadly / deaths you. the / _ / _ D) a / an / the
left of Faculty of Engineering.
A) Whoever B) A) A / the / _ 183. inflation is defined as
153. He’s got two very
Whichever C) C) The / the / theD) The / _ / persistent rise in genera
Wherever D) the of prices.
A) alike B) like
Whatever A) The / _ / the B) _ / _ / the
similar-looking D) much
like 160. You look very . C) _ / a / the D) _ / a /
What’s the matter?
154. My brother is yours. 184. In 1937 explorer Sir
A) unhappily B) happily Hubert Wilkens set out to
A) the same age
C) unhappy D) angrily
C) as old search for Soviet airman
161. It is interesting whose plane had gone down
155. Of the two toys, the child
book. It gives over North Pole.
picture of what A) _ / a / the B) the / the /
A) the less expensive
life was like in _ C) _ / the / _
least expensive
times. the
C) the one most expensive
A) an /_ / the / _
185. protein can only be
them found in
C) an / a / the / _
A) _ / _ B) The / _C) _
156. The more we the / the
/ the D) A / _
looked at the
162. I have noticed that
abstract 186. When we read lives of
English people do not seem
painting, . great, we can catch their
to shake
A) we liked it less B) better we courage as if by
hands as much as
liked it contagion.
people do in
C) the less we liked it A)_ / the / _ B) the / _ / _
A) the / / the
looked better C) the / _ / a D) the / the /
C) the / _ / _
157. A: There is someone at the _
163. Although brown rice
door. 187. Pressure is inversely
is better for you, most
B: it is, I don’t want proportional to volume;
people prefer white rice.
to see them. greater the volume
A) _ / _ / _ B) the / _ / the C) _
A) Whichever B) pressure.
/ the / _
Whoever A) the / the B) _ / _ C) _ /
D) Whatever 164. Taylor knows a lot about the D) the / _
158. you say to her, she 188. Macy is department
still keeps smiling. store on 34th Street in
string quartets of
Book 1 Part B 6 Pronouns - Adverbs (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
New York. A)_ / a / _
/a /_ C) _ / a /
the D) The /
a / the
189. Queen of England lives
in Buckingham Palace in
A) _ / _ B) _ / the
The / _ D) The /
190. life is going to be
little easier in economic
terms. A) _ / a / _
/_ C) _ / _ /
_ D)_ / a /
191. problem of
fundamental importance
for developing
countries is that of
slowing down
population growth.
A) _ / the / _ B) A / the /
_ C) A / _ / _
D) The / the / the
192. We won’t get much
benefit from removal
of import
duty from
European goods.
A) the / _ / _ B) _ / the /
the C) a / _ / _ D)
the / _ / the
193. You won’t reach to
back of auditorium;
so we’ll have to use
A) _ / the / an B) _ / the /
the / the
194. primary task of
development is to
A) The / _ / _ B) _ / the / _C)
The / _ / the D) A /
the / the
195. In kingdom of Nepal,
high up in Himalayas
and within sight of
Mt. Everest
world’s highest
mountain, way of life in
villages has hardly
changed in hundreds of
A) the / _ / the / the / _ /
the / the
C) the / the / the / the /
the / _ D) _ / the / _ / _ /
the / the

Book 1 Part B 6 Pronouns - Adverbs (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)

PRE-INTERMEDIATE 3 tenses - passives
Cho 30. My brother
ose like Indian films.
the A) isn’t B)
best don’t C)
alter not D)
nati doesn’t
1. you
A) D B) Are 31. She wants to go to
o Am the park. She
go to the zoo.
2. A) doesn’t
t B) don’t
h C) isn’t
e D) wasn’t


A) A B) Does 32. How much an
m Are egg sandwich ?
3. W A) does
h B) is
o C) are
D) were

A) B) are 33. How much
D) does
bananas ?
4. W A) was B)
her is C)
e are D)
A) B) are 34. Peter has a pocket
D) does calculator. He
5. S ng at the
h library.

Book 1 Part B 7 Tenses - Passives (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
A) use C) using D) is 45. Sh setting the
e table. They
B) using is are
uses A) T B) They’re
h C) We’re A) have B) will
A) d B) can C) 35. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor to have C) go
e D) It’s
o D) are watch horror films. r to have D)
e e going to have
s ’
6. Frank and I A) likes B) doesn’t like 17. She a
engineers. C) like 46. A
A) am B) :
36. Robert reads sports A) has B)
is C) have C)
magazines. He
was D) is D) D
are are o
A) reads B) is reading C)
7. there a e
read D) to 18. We a video.
hamburger on the read s
A) has B)
table? are C)
A) D B) Are C) 37. Tom don’t D) h
o Isn’t D) mathematics. He have i
e school. s
s 19. David a
8. Ther A) like / study f
e any A) doesn’t have B)
soup likes / studies not have a
on t
the have
men h
u. 20. she got a e
A) a C) likes / studying watch? r
B) are C) like / studies
r isn’t D)
e is p
n l
’ a
t y
9. There any 38. She her homework
dentists in at night. t
hospital. A) do B) does e
A) are B) C) is doing D) doing n
aren’t C) n
39. It is 8.30. Let’s on i
isn’t D)
the TV. s
10. There no ?
chalk in the
A) is A) to turn B) turning
B) isn’t C) C) turn :
D) aren’t is turning
11. There no 40. They never late. N
surgeons in o
that hospital.
A) i A) are B) aren’t
B) are C) C) be
s aren’t D) don’t H
n was
’ e
t to
12. 41. Please a bottle
of ketchup, Janet. l
you have e
any other
questions? a
A) A A) buys B) buying r
B) Aren’t C) C) is n
r Were D) buying D) buy .
e Do A) is going B) plays
13. How much milk there? 42. Her hands are dirty. She’d C) will D)
A) are B) do a bar of soap. playing
C) is D) A) like B) likes 47. It’s dark in here. Can you
were to like D) liked the light ?
14. How many vacation 43. Let him two tubes A) turning on B) turn
days of toothpaste. on C) to
A) are B) do A) to buy B) buying turn on D) will
C) is D) C) buy D) buys turn on
was 48. We to the theatre
44. Peter his hair now.
15. What those? He it every day. tonight.
A) goes B) are
A) is A) is washing / washes
B) was C) washes / is washing going C)
D) have C) wash / is washing didn’t go D) went
washing / wash A) D B) Have
49. She usually
1 otocopiers. o Has
breakfast at 7:30.
6 e Was
. s
21. they have an old car?
p B) eat C) eats
h A) A re B) Aren’t C) Have D)
Book 1 Part B 7 Tenses - Passives (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
D Turkish folk will it for ten minutes.
50. I
o music. A) looked B) wa
65. How long her ?
22. A: A) listens to B) C) am looking D) ha
A) do you know
Wh likes C) looking
at is listen D)
C) you knew 79. I to the dentist
wro like
known tomorrow.
ng 51. My brother and I A) went B) have
wit football on 66. Who first this
Sundays. gone C) am
h morning ?
going D) going
Lisa A) get up B) gets
? B: up C) got up 80. She an operation
She a D) getting up next Tuesday.
A) had B) have C)
67. Peggy happy ?
feve is having D) has
A) Is B) Do
r. had
Does D) Can
A) is B) has C) 81. The Prime Minister
does D) A) play B) am
68. John was singing while he
got playing C) going on TV tonight.
a bath.
to D) likes A) is speaking B) spoken
A) is taking B) was
23. I a fever but I have C) had spoken D) speak
52. His sister tennis on taking C) takes
sore throat.
Wednesday. D) take 82. He is the car.
A) have / don’t B) am /
A) play B) plays A) has washed B) will
not 69. When Peter talks,
go to D) practice wash C) wa
don’t / got everybody
53. George television D) going to wash
A) are listening B)
24. Tom a test today? before bed.
A) D B) Is C) listened C) 83. I this day all my life.
o there D) A) looks B) going listen D) A) am remembering B) wi
e Has to watch C) looking listens remember
s watches C) remembered D) ha
2 70. Policemen often
54. you at remember
5. home yesterday traffic.
H morning? A) directing B) is 84. I hope I it.
a directing C) directs A) found B) will
s direct find C) am
h finding D) finding
71. Buses every ten
e minutes. 85. me with my
A) runs B) is suitcase, please ?
fl going C) run A) Did you help B) Ar
u has gone going to help
? C) Are you helping D) W
A) h B) does C) 72. Good children always
a has D) A) Did B) Were you help
v C) Are A) obey B) obeys 86. This time tomorrow I on a
e Will C) obeying D) has beach in Antalya.
26. Tom 55. He late obeyed A) lie B) am
and Betty yesterday.
lying C) will be
have 73. He usually coffee but
lying D) have been lain
measles? today
A) A B) Has C) he tea.
r D) Have A) be B) were
is D) was A) drank / is
27. Sally has a headache
56. They ready in class ing B) drunk /
but she
yesterday. drink
A) not got B)
A) didn’t B) aren’t s
doesn’t C)
weren’t D) don’t C) drinks / is drinking
don’t D)
drinks / was drinking
haven’t 57. Yesterday he lunch
in a restaurant. 74. I always buy
28. I walk to school.
A) had B) has lottery tickets
I take a bus.
eats D) is but I never
A) am not B)
having A) don’t win B) had
doesn’t C)
58. She a sweater last won C)
don’t D)
Tuesday. won D) win
75. The police the thief
29. They like slow music.
A) d B) not C) are A) haven’t caught
o D) doesn’t A) buys B) bought catch
n C) is C) hasn’t caught
’ buying D) will buy catch
59. He his father 62. I home when it 76. I him for five years.
yesterday morning. started to rain. I don’t know where he is.
A) phones B) is A) was walking B) have A) didn’t see
phoning C) phone walked seen
phoned C) walk D) will C) don’t see

60. I won’t to class 63. He has English for 77. He his leg in a
tomorrow. three years. skiing accident last
A) come B) came A) learns B) learn C) winter.
comes D) coming been learning D) learning A) has broken B) broke
C) breaks
61. She is going 64. They working here for broken
shopping tomorrow. six months.
A) go B) will go A) been B) have 78. Have you seen my ball-
to go D) goes been C) would D) point pen anywhere? I

Book 1 Part B 7 Tenses - Passives (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)

87. We play basketball A) won’t B) doesn’t C) 119. What time are you e
without a ball. would D) will to school tomorrow?
A) can’t B) needn’t A) go B) will go H
102. Does she some ice ?
C) could D) doesn’t C) going D) went i
A) wanted B) want C)
88. Does he go to school wants D) to want 120. Fifty million years ago t
at eight ? there i
103. Who play tennis with t
A) must B) should A) were B) was
me ?
has to D) have to are D)
A) wants B) want to
weren’t M
89. Tom gets up early, but C) wants to D) to want
Sarah 121. He an aspirin half u
104. I don’t study, but I s
A) didn’t B) isn’t an hour ago.
have to. e
does D) doesn’t A) takes B) is
A) want to B) want C) u
taking C) took
90. My father an apple to want D) wanted m
now. He an apple .
105. The weather sunny
every day. 122. The Nile into the
yesterday morning.
A) eating / eats Mediterranean Sea.
A) is B) was C) B
eating A) flowing B) flowed
are D) did
C) ate / is eating C) is flowing D) will
eating / eats 106. We usually table flow :
tennis every Saturday.
91. John the guitar, but 123. The weather forecast says
A) to play B) plays C) W
he it now. it
will play D) play h
A) is playing / doesn’t play A) was snowing
B) plays / doesn’t play 107. Drive carefully. It to snow e
C) plays / wasn’t playing heavily this morning. C) snows r
plays / isn’t playing A) snows B) snowing e
124. he married ?
C) snow D) is
92. Teresa to the theatre, A) Does B) Is
snowing e
but Jack doesn’t. Were D) Did
A) want to go B) wants to 108. You are hungry. Why
125. A s
go C) can go D) you eating ?
: e
wanted to go A) aren’t B) don’t C)
tennis this ?
won’t D) didn’t
93. Mike likes to play tennis. A) have you visited B) di
So 109. Sally her hair when a you visit
A) is Fred B) does the doorbell rang. f C) do you visit D) yo
Fred C) Fred A) will be washing B) t visited
does D) can Fred washed e 127. A: Was he waiting for you
C) has washed D) wasr
94. Two wrongs make a ?
washing n
right. B : No. He still .
A) doesn’t B) haven’t 110. The planet Mercury o A) is / working B) wi
C) isn’t D) don’t round the sun every eighty- o work
eight days. n C) was / working D) w
95. Please go away, I to ?
A) traveled B) is working
finish my I work.
traveling C) travel
A) try B) am 128. It’s a nice day, ?
travels B
trying C) was A) isn’t it B) doesn’t
trying D) have 111. The traffic very it C) was it
tried slowly on the : D) wasn’t it
motorway today.
96. He always while he 129. The war in 1939.
Workmen the road. Y
bath. A) start B) will
A) moves / were repairing B) e
A) sang / is having start C) is
is moving / repaired s
has starting D) started
C) are moving / are ,
C) sings / is having
repairing D) was moving / 130. The Government has the
singing / has
are repairing price of petrol.
97. I like the film on TV I A) increasing B)
112. James Dean a sports
last night. increased C)
car when he died.
A) didn’t B) don’t a increases D) is
A) drove B) will drive
am not D) haven’t m increasing
C) was driving D) is
98. He likes cowboy films, but I driving .
. A) Will you play
113. The plane at 11.45. you playing
A) don’t B) didn’t 1
A) leaves B) leave C) C) Did you play
am not D) haven’t .
are leaving D) to leave you playing
99. She likes science fiction
114. Does she to Mozart ? 126. A A
films, and so .
A) listening B) listens C) : :
A) am I B) do I
listen D) listened ?
do D) I have
115. Excuse me. Do you W
100. How many brothers
know where I can e
you got ? :
film ?
A) do B) has
A) buy B) buying C) to buy v
have D) did N
D) bought i o
101. I don’t think he pass. s t
116. you free on Saturday Was D) Do i
evening ? t y
118. I didn’t any money
A) Do B) Did e e
Are D) Was d t
A) spent B) spend C)
117. I talk to you in a few spending D) was .
minutes ? spending t A) Have you read today’s
A) Am B) Can h paper ?
Book 1 Part B 7 Tenses - Passives (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
B) Did you sleep well last 142. I phone you after A) is he speaking 160. A
night ? lunch. speaking :
C) Do you usually get up A) am B) was C) C) did he speak
early? going to D) will speaking S
D) Are you early? h
143. A 154. Who Janet
132. Why the little girl : to? e
crying? A) is / speaking
A) is B) did speaks i
are D) does W C) did / spoke
h s
133. It’s rain soon. e
A) going to B) goes r 155. you often in a s
gone D) to go e hurry? t
A) Are B) Did u
134. How long will she in
Do D) Was d
London? i
s y
A) staying B) stays 156. he usually eat very
to stay D) stay quickly?
A A) Is B) Was
135. You will tired after g
n Do D) Does
A) being B) are n 157. Last week terrible
a n
D) been for me. o
? A) did B) were
136. I’d like out tonight. w
was D) had .
A) going B) be going
C) go D) to go B 158. you got a
: dishwasher ?
137. I because I had B
A) Did B) Were :
forgotten my homework.
S C) Had D) Have
A) will apologize
apologized 159. A S
C) am apologizing : o

apologized s .
T A) is her brother B) ha
138. Is it going sunny
h brother
tomorrow ? j
e C) her brother is D) w
A) be B) to be u
y brother
will be D) being s
t 161. I don’t like maths. I don’t
139. You too fast. Please
. a like science,
slow down.
A) leaves B) left C) r A) too B) either
A) are driving B) drive
leaving D) to leave e C) so D) neither
144. Prophet Mohammed 162. Galatas
140. The train leaves at 4.18,
born in 570. n aray the championship last
A) isn’t B) does
A) did B) is C) o year.
doesn’t D) didn’t
D) was t A) was
141. I am to some piano win
music. 145. He in 632. nin
A) dies B) dying C) v
A) listen B) listened e g B) going to
C) listening D) will was dying D) died wi
listen 146. Don’t during the y n
exam. C) won D) ha
A) talking B) talk C) 163. What will you this
talk D) talked time tomorrow ?
147. What nationality she? n A) doing B) are
A) is B) does C) d doing C) did D)
are D) were be doing

148. He a packet of o 164. Water at 100

cigarettes a day. f centigrade degrees.
A) smoking B) were A) is boiling B) boils C)
C) smokes D) boil D) was
149. She shopping every
weekend. i 165. She the prize
p because she wrote the
A) goes B) go C)
s best composition.
were going D) to go
. A) won B) to win
150. Can I turn off the TV? You C) is winning D) wins
A) don’t watch B) aren’t
watching 166. Sally because she
: doesn’t want to be late.
C) didn’t watch D) aren’t
watched A) hurry B) is
N C) is going to hurry D) w
151. you have a good e hurrying
time last summer? i
A) do B) did C) 167. We’ve in Ankara
t since 1992.
Will D) Were h A) be B) being C)
152. When I saw her, she e to be D) been
reading. r
A) was B) is C) . 168. He’s already his
be D) were A) do I B) am I homework.
I am D) I don’t A) done B) doing
153. Who to Janet ? C) does D) did

Book 1 Part B 7 Tenses - Passives (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)

169. She in Spain for over eaten C) Have / ate d D) studying
three years. / eaten
194. How long you
A) has been B) be y
179. A learning English ?
staying C) is living o
: A) do / do B) did /
D) travels u do C) have /
170. I went to the gym and S been D) have / done
volleyball. h l
A) will play B) played a i
have played D) were l k
playing l e
171. I to learn a lot of new
words. w a
A) am going B) will e
will be D) going
172. They basketball when I saw g i
t o g
he a
m. r
A) were e
p t
l t
a e
y ?
i B
n :
g :
B o
) ,
p i
l t
a .
y A) is snowing B) snows C)
e was snowing D) snowed
d k
180. It snowing for five
C) play hours. s
173. A A) has been B) is C) .
: D) will be A) I am not smoking
don’t smoke
181. My brother never
C) I didn’t smoke
W football when he was
haven’t smoked
h younger.
e A) didn’t play B) played C) 187. I’m tired, so I to
r doesn’t play D) will play bed.
e A) went B) have
182. A: Do
at three? B: I was at the gone C) am
going D) had
l gone
if I your
i 188. When Fred happy
b dicti he sings.
r onar A) will be B) was
a y? B: is D) has
r No, been
y that’
. 189. Has he ever to
s all
A) have you gone Paris ?
C) were you A) been B) were
A) will use B) used C)
C) was D) go
174. They will be here when use D) to use
A) he is coming 190. A: Where is your mother?
183. She always about
telephoned B: She’s to the dry-
her weight when she
C) your father arrives cleaner’s.
was younger.
will be there A) been B) went
A) worries B) worry C) will
C) gone D) goes
175. I always brush my teeth worry D) worried
before I 191. We to a new flat
184. It cloudy tomorrow.
A) don’t go B) will go next week.
A) was B) to be C)
am going D) go A) are moving B)
will be D) has been
moved C) to
176. I’ll go out after I 185. She is going a move D)
reading this detective story. dentist. moving
A) am finishing B) finished A) being B) to be C)
C) finish 192. I’ll wait until he .
be D) will be
A) arrives B) will
177. It is a fine day. The sun 186. A arrive C) is
A) was shining B) is : arriving D)
shining C) shines D) arrived
W 193. He’s been since
178. you ever o nine-thirty.
Japanese food? u A) studies B)
A) Did / eat B) have / l studied C) study
Book 1 Part B 7 Tenses - Passives (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
197. This time tomorrow I A) will get B) get C) . 220. They grow coffee in Brazil.
visiting my parents. D) had got A) is written B) wrote Coffee is
A) was B) will be C) writes D) was A) grown B) grows
211. A: Where is Ken?
have been D) been written C) grew D) grow
B: I think he a bath.
198. How many people to A) was having B) has C) 218. That film has on 221. A: Where
the meeting yesterday? having D) TV. did the
A) come B) did A) showed B) been gunman
212. Sarah Simon for a
come C) came shown C) shown shoot
long time.
are coming showing President
A) has known B)
199. When she her room, C) doesn’t know 219. She
D) didn’t to hospital
B: He in Dallas,
she broke her reading lamp. know yesterday.
A) was cleaning A) was taken B) took
213. Robert de Niro began A) is shot B) shoots
cleaning is taken D) can
acting in the 1970s. He C) was shot D) been
C) cleaned take
has been shot
200. Our friends are going to be A) acted B) acting C) 1
9 U 222. I’ll do
late, acts D) to act N
5. everything.
A) aren’t we B) do we W
214. It started raining on Everything
are they D) aren’t h
Saturday. It hasn’t at
A) stopping B) stops C) A) is B) was
A) is B) C) has
201. Let’s this crossword had stopped D) stopped does C) D) will
puzzle together. do D) be
215. When did Fatih Sultan
A) do B) doing was
conquer Istanbul?
did D) to do
Istanbul 196. When they she was vacuuming the house.
202. It is very cloudy. I am sure 1453. A) arrive B) will arrive C) were arriving D) arrived
it’s A) was conquered B)
A) rained B) rains conquered 223. America in 1492. 232. The electric light bulb by
going to rain D) will rain A) discovered Edison.
C) be conquered D) is
conquered discovered A) invented B) invents
203. I the doctor next C) has been discovered C) is invented D) w
week. 216. Turkish is in Turkey. is discovered invented
A) am seeing B) saw A) speaks B) spoke C)
have seen D) had 224. Many cameras in 233. The history exam
spoken D) be
seen Japan. given next Friday.
A) is made B) was A) was B) will be
204. John is eating too much. 217. A made C) are C) were D) are
A) He is going to get fat : made D) make
He spends a lot of 234. The letter by the
money 225. The English test secretary now.
W A) is being typed B) ty
C) Give him some more h
He was very thin yesterday. C) typed D) ty
A) given B) gave 235. Television by
205. He never a
is given D) was millions of people every
camel before he came to w given day.
Turkey. r
A) has / seen B) did / see 226. A: Did A) watches B)
o watched C) is
C) will / see D) had / t Alexander
seen Graham Bell watched D) are
e watched
invent the
206. A :
telephone? 236. Why you learning
When “ B: Yes, it invented by English ?
are you W him. A) will B) are C)
going a A) was B) has have D) did
to do r been C) is
your 237. Julia feeling well
being D) to be
homew this morning.
ork? B 227. French in our A) aren’t B) doesn’t
: I’ve done school. C) didn’t D) wasn’t
it. A) isn’t taught
A) yet B) still teach 238. I tired today.
already D) soon P C) taught A) feeling B) is
e feeling C) were
207. My young brother a 228. The 1990 World cup for feeling D) felt
three centimeters this c football
month. A) was played 239. A
e :
A) grew B) has ” being played
grown C) is ? C) has been played
growing D) grown be played I

208. I arrived at he bus station B 229. The computer
late yesterday. When I got : delivered tomorrow.
there, my bus A) are B) was
has D) will be l
. I i
A) left B) has left t 230. Experiments are often k
C) leaves D) had left by Leo scientists. e
209. When I home my A) do B) done
father wasn’t there. He T C) doing D) been
had gone out. o 231. A patient by a
A) arrive B) had arrived C) l doctor.
arrived D) will s s
A) examined
arrive t a
o l
210. I’ll phone Mike as soon as I C) will examine
y a
any news. examined
Book 1 Part B 7 Tenses - Passives (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
d Oswald? 247. Who next to you have left
. B: Yes, . now?
A) Lee Harvey Oswald was 254. Bread from wheat.
A) sits B) is
killed by Kennedy A) is made B) made C)
B sitting C) sit
B) Lee Harvey Oswald killed are made D) was
: sitting
Kennedy made
C) He is killed by Lee 248. A
255. She to the market
S Harvey Oswald :
just now.
o D) Kennedy killed Lee A) goes B) went C)
. Harvey Oswald C is going D) going
A) I will B) would I a
C) did I D) am I n 256. I saw you on the bus
yesterday. Where
240. How long has he
that old car? I A) are / going B) did /
A) had B) buy
went C) wi
sold D) have
s D) were / going
241. there a toilet p
257. Our house painted
upstairs ? e
at the moment.
A) Is B) Does a
A) was B) is C) is
Will D) Did k
being D) has
242. My English is better. been
A) gets B) will get t
o 258. She’s going an
C) get D) getting
243. A: Why are you late? A) having B) to have
B: I on the wrong M C) will have D) has
bus. r
. 259. the meat smell
A) get B) got
am getting D) will get
A) Is B) Was C)
244. The French Revolution R Does D) Do
200 years ago. i
c 260. I them since
A) had happened
h Tuesday.
C) happening
? A) I didn’t see B) don’t
245. A see C) ha
: hasn’t seen
: 261. A: How did he die? B:
W He in t
h A) killed B) had
o ’ killed C) was
m killed D) is
d killed
i s 262. A: Do they allow
s smoking?
c r B: No, smoking
o r
v y inside the terminal
e building.
r A) doesn’t allow B) wa
e allowed
d h
C) hasn’t been allowed D)
is not allowed
p A) is sleeping B) sleeps 263. Are girls the same
e C) slept opportunities as boys?
n sleeping A) given B) be
given C) to be
c 249. Lucy often red.
given D) gave
i A) wear B) is
l wearing C) worn 264. The road has to
l D) wears traffic.
i A) been closed B) be
250. A: How was the party?
n closing
B: Very nice but Thomas
? C) closing D) be
A) drinks B) drunk 265. Has the country by
B C) drink D) drank pollution ?
: A) be spoiled B) sp
? 251. We can’t eat rice before
C) been spoiling D) be
A) Penicillin was discovered it’s
by him A) cooked B)
B) It was discovered by cooking C) cooks 266. How many languages in
Alexander Fleming D) to cook Switzerland?
C) It has been discovered by A) spoken B) are
252. You cannot take good
Fleming spoken C) are speaking
photographs when it
D) Alexander Fleming may D) spoke
discover penicillin A) was B) been 267. The first pyramids of Egypt
246. A: Was be D) is around 3000 BC.
Kenned A) was built B) built C)
253. It was raining when I
y killed were built D) were
house this morning.
by Lee building
A) leave B)
Harvey leaving C) left 268. Walt Disney the
Book 1 Part B 7 Tenses - Passives (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
cartoon character Mickey
Mouse. A
A) created r
C) had been created e
been created t
269. This problem at the h
last meeting. e
A) was discussed y down that old house? B:
been discussed
C) discussed Y
discussed e
270. A s
: ,
W i
h s
o b
d i
o n
e g
s p

A) pulling B) pulled C)
have pulled D) were

i 272. A
n :
they sell their car ? B:

o Y
u e
r s

a t
m h
i e
l i
y r
B a
: r

I w
t i
a s
n o
d l
m d
o .
t A) Will B) Do C)
h D) Are
A) is being done
C) has been done
271. A
Book 1 Part B 7 Tenses - Passives (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
273. A: Who is going to clean the office?
B: .
A) My mother cleaned it B) It was cleaned
C) It’s already been cleaned D) It is not clean
274. A: ?
B: Tomorrow.
A) Where was the old man taken
B) When was he arrested
C) Why is he going to Istanbul
D) When will the hospital be opened
275. A: Water the plants,
please. B: .
A) Yes, I did
B) They were watered
C) They’ve already been watered
D) No, not yet.
276. A man by the police last night.
A) arrested B) was arrested
C) was arresting D) were arrested
277. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.
A) painted B) were painted
C) is painted D) was painted
278. A new motorway .
A) is being built B) was building
C) have already been built D) is building
279. Someone has opened this letter. This letter .
A) have been opened B) has been opened
C) was opened D) has opened
280. When television ?
A) did / invent B) was / invent
C) was / invented D) is / invented
281. I you were in hospital.
A) don’t know B) didn’t know
C) am not known D) wasn’t known
282. The doctor says he a few weeks’ rest.
A) needs B) is needed C) need D) needed
283. She married next month.
A) has got B) is going to get
C) has been D) had got
284. One of my uncles just .
A) have / died B) has / died C) was / died D) is / dying
285. I never such a beautiful house.
A) am / seen B) has / seen C) had / seen D) have / seen
286. The dentist my tooth out the other day.
A) will take B) is taking C) took D) was taken
287. We played tennis until .
A) school opens B) the weather gets cold
C) we got tired D) it starts raining
288. When he angry he always starts shouting at everyone.
A) is getting B) gets C) got D) will get
289. The book, Gone With the Wind, by Margaret Mitchell.
A) wrote B) was written C) are written D) were written
290. How long ago ?
A) does she study in the library B) will she stay in Paris
C) did they leave D) have you known her
291. The restaurant very crowded. They couldn’t find anywhere
to sit down.
A) was B) is C) were D) has been
292. They missed their plane because they home early.
A) came B) didn’t get C) called D) didn’t leave
293. Who you they were moving?
A) tell B) told C) tells D) was told
294. A: When the next train for Liverpool? B: In eight minutes.
A) did / leave B) has / left C) had / left D) does / leave
295. It is the best holiday I ever .
A) have / had B) am / having
C) had / had D) was / having
UPPER- 4 tenses - passives
e the
20. Next August,
while you
exams, I
1. When I
last talked to
him, he
A) s B) s A) are preparing /
t t will be
u u preparing / would
d d
i be
e y
C) was studying you? B: Oh, I
don’t want to
2. I met her at yesterday’s
trouble you.
party, but I
A: It’s no trouble, really. I
years before that.
A) had known
A) am seeing B) sa
C) have seen D) w
C) will have known
been known 11. When I counted my change
I realized they
3. By 2010, scientists surely much.
cure for cancer.
A) are discovering
been discovered
C) will have discovered
had discovered
4. Since the day he ill
he a
lot of reading.
A) was / had done
has done
C) was / has done
has been done
5. A: What’s the time? B:
I’m sorry I
A) can’t tell / stopped
didn’t know / stopped
C) don’t know / has
had stopped
6. He in the library
every night for the last
two months.
A) would be studying
will have studied
C) has been studied
been studying
7. Last Sunday we out of
the house where we for
five years.
A) had moved / lived
have moved / had lived
C) moved / had lived
will move / have lived
8. We spent hours talking
about what we
left school.
A) have done
C) have been doing
were doing
9. They married but
in the end they changed
their mind.
A) are going to get
have been
C) were going to get
had been
10. A: Would you
like me to give
Mike a
message for
Book 1 Part B 8 Tenses - Passives (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
C) prepare / will be C) gave / didn’t given D) A) has / been C) hear D) am
preparing / was gave / hasn’t given will / be hearing
C) hasn’t / been
21. He my name, so I 26. It is expected that man on 34. You’re always late. This
had / been
reminded him. several planets by the end is the third time you
A) forgets of this century. 31. I you know as this week.
C) had forgotten A) would have landed B) will soon as the A) had been B)
be landing telegram C) have been D)
22. By 5.30 this afternoon, Tom
C) will have been landed D) A) will let / arrives
at work for eight hours. 35. It was the first time she
will have landed would let /
A) had been ever a priz
been 27. A: I’m A) has / won B)
C) will let / arrived
C) will have been going to won
let / had arrived
been the pop C) is / won D)
concert. 32. Please until win
23. She unwell for
me? B: after the plane
several days when she was 36. He about to give
Thank A) not smoke / takes
taken to hospital. up his job when they
you very off
A) had been feeling offered him a rise.
much. I’d smoke / has taken
been feeling A) was B)
love to. off
C) was feeling C) has been D)
A) Are you going to come B) C) don’t smoke /
24. During this year we Do you come took off
37. Yesterday while I in
many advances in computer C) Will you come D) Were / has taken off class I
science. you coming the hiccups. The boy
33. It is
A) had seen the next to me told me
C) saw 28. It rained! I didn’t think it .
first my breath.
A) is going to rain B) was
25. Our maths teacher going to rain time I of anything likeA) was sitting / had got /
that. to hold
C) was raining D) had
A) had B) sat / got / to hold
us a lot of
29. I to see you heard B) have C) was sitting / got / to
homework last
tomorrow, but now I find I heard hold
week but he us can’t. D) am sitting / got / hold
very much so far
A) will come B) A) ha B) hav 38. Hello! I to
this week.
C) was coming D) am d e phone you all
A) would give / didn’t give week. Where ?
B) had given / didn’t 30. He found everything rather C) will
give strange as he have A) am trying / were
abroad had you
A) g before. had B) have tried / did
a B) had
give you go
v n
e C) tried / were you
D) have been trying
C) have given to get up
/ have you been
been given C) am going to get up
have got 39. It is time we 46. I didn’t answer the phone
12. When he’d counted goodbye to each other. when it because I
his change he 18. A: I’ve planned my future The train is due to leave shower, so I
it in his pocket. for the next five years. in a minute. too late.
A) was put B: That is very clever of A) said A) rang / was having /
C) had put you. What C) will say didn’t hear
A) will you do B) rung / was having /
13. As soon as she 40. I think you should
going to do wasn’t heard
out of bed she got apologize when you
C) have done C) was ringing / had /
dressed. A) will see
A) had got 19. You’ll feel a lot better after didn’t hear
C) saw
C) has got you D) rang / was having /
get 41. His clothes are in a mess wasn’t heard
because he
14. In a fortnight’s time 47. Last night I you, but
they the phone was out of
A) has been painting
A) have taken order.
will be painting
have taken A) would phone B) ph
C) had been painting
C) will have been C) were going to phone D)
will have painted
taken didn’t phone
42. Since I last met him he
15. They were very rude to 48. She wants us to meet at the
A) will get married
us. We there cafeteria, but I’d rather we
again. here.
C) had got married
A) won’t go A) meet B) wi
got married
gone C) met D) ha
C) didn’t go 43. They quarreled last week.
49. We met at the cafeteria as
wouldn’t go They
she wanted. I’d rather we
A) didn’t talk
16. In about forty years’ here.
time we’ll probably A) meet B) wo
C) don’t talk
on pills. C) met D) ha
A) be living 44. I much of the film 50. It is likely that by the time
been living because I fell asleep half- you
C) have been lived way through. shut.
have lived A) had seen A) will get / will be B) go
17. A: Why have you C) wasn’t seen will be
set your alarm C) would get / will D) ge
45. There is nothing we can
clock to go off at will be
do that
5.30? B: Because I then. driving too fast. 51. you ever of
I have to catch the A) is stopping him? He is a world-famous
early train. C) will stop violinist.
A) get up
Book 1 Part B 8 Tenses - Passives (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
A) Won’t / hear 59. He at tennis since he be e
hear came to the USA. n
70. The men were to but the
C) Haven’t / heard A) isn’t beaten B) hasn’t manager decided to give s
heard beaten them a second change.
52. A: Did you turn off the C) hasn’t been beaten D) A) have been dismissed t
photocopier? wasn’t beaten dismissed o
B: The manager 60. It is probably about time we C) being dismissed
the car serviced. dismissing t
already it off. A) had B) would r
71. Mike in a travel
A) had / turned C) will have D) have a
agency for six months in
turned f
61. A: we 1990. He already had
C) was / turned f
somewhere before? some experience of the
been / turned i
B: Yes, I you at your tourist industry because
53. I what the problem is he in a Tourist c
sister’s wedding.
by tomorrow. A) Didn’t / meet / saw B) Information office in
A) will be discovering Haven’t / met / saw Bristol two years before. i
have discovered C) Hadn’t / met / had seen A) had worked / had n
C) will have discovered D) worked B) was
will be discovered seen working / worked
C) worked / has worked
54. By the time I got to the 62. The weather
stadium they already for t
ten minutes. 72. The film already r
A) have / been playing worse last year when we sat down.
than I a
were/playing A) has already / started f
C) had / been playing was / starting f
/ have played it to be. C) had / started i
A) was / had expected B) was / started c
55. Someone my bike
last night. you ever 73. It is due in five
your bike stolen? years’ time. j
C) had been / expected D)
A) stole / Did / have A) to complete a
had been / have expected
stolen / Have / had completed m
C) was stolen / Have / had 63. I hungry at four C) be completing ?
because I completed
A) wasn’t / had had B) am
56. The doctor the 74. I her a week ago B
not / had
patient with a smile and but she yet. :
C) was / had had D) wouldn’t
told him that he A) wrote / hasn’t I
be / had
better. answered t up.
A) approached / is looking 64. I woke up feeling tired this B) wrote / didn’t answer A) is held B) wi
B) approached / was morning because I C) had written / hasn’t C) has been held D) w
looking A) haven’t slept B) wasn’t answered held
C) approaches / is looking sleeping D) was written / doesn’t 76. No one brought up that
C) hadn’t slept D) haven’t answer question at the meeting.
been sleeping
57. I used to smoke at one time 75. A That question
but now I it up. 65. Go out and get some fresh : up at the meeting.
A) have given air! You A) was brought B) wo
C) had given morning. brought
A) had been sitting B) were C) hasn’t been brought D)
58. He silly questions h
sitting wasn’t brought
until my patience finally ran a
C) are sitting D) have been
out. 77. By the end of this century
A) has kept asking most of the world’s oil
asking 66. A: Why are you crying? h supplies
C) had been kept asking B: Well, I up onions a A) have used up B) wi
was kept asking for the last five minutes. p have used up
A) have been cutting B) will p C) have been used up D)
have cut will have been used up
C) am cutting D) will78.
be My brother in a closed
cutting restaurant for the C) had been closed D) ar
67. A: Did you spend your summer, but he it very closed
holiday in Miami? much.
81. People say that Istanbul is
B: No. I was . It A) worked / doesn’t like
one of the world’s most
there, but I changed my B) is working / doesn’t
interesting cities. lstanbul
mind and went to Antalya like
one of the world’s most
instead. C) has been working /
interesting cities.
A) spent B) have didn’t like
A) said to be B) is
C) to have spent D) to be D) working/doesn’t like
spent 79. Someone saw him. He C) told to be D) w
68. I don’t think your brother rid was driving a Renault be
of his bad cold. Manager. He
82. Long ago, people thought
A) won’t get B) had Manager.
that the earth was flat.
C) has got D) hasn’t A) saw driving Long ago, the earth
69. Transport systems flat.
C) is seen driving
likely to change in the A) was thinking to be B)
been seen drive
future. One probable was thought to be
difference is that there 80. There has been a serious C) is thought to be D)
more electric vehicles. accident on the E5, and a thought to be
A) is / will be B) are / willsection of the motorwayto 83. When I arrived, no
C) will / are traffic.
D) will / would arrangements
A) was closed
Book 1 Part B 8 Tenses - Passives (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
A) had been made 92. He was 8 kilos overweight 97. I hate up.
weren’t made and it A) has been using B) ha
C) hadn’t been made A) is advised B) has beenwhe been used
have been made advised n C) will have been used D)
C) was advised D) had my have been used
84. The pilot thought to advised boil
in the crash. 106. I expect the police will
93. People like policemen always ed
A) was / have died find him. I expect he
against flu. egg
be dying the police.
A) do / vaccinate B) are / A) not A) to be found B) wo
C) had / have died d
vaccinated found
would die o
C) to be / vaccinated D) is / C) be found D) w
85. A: to be vaccinated n
e found
94. His novels into eight B) isn’t
107. People don’t bring up
languages. children properly these
A) to be translated B) has days. Children
g to d
been translated these days.
mee o
C) have translated D) have A) didn’t bring up B) ar
t n
been translated bringing up
him e
at 95. We usually the news C) wasn’t done C) aren’t brought up D)
the on TV at eight o’clock, but done weren’t brought up
airp tonight we 108. They the traffic
98. A speech to the nation
ort? that new soap opera. problem when the plans
B: A) are watching / watched for the project
but it had to be
He by our B) watch / are watching last year.
cancelled at the last
C) are watching / are minute because of a A) haven’t considered /
amb watching D) watch / were being
cabinet crisis.
assa watched B) weren’t considered /
A) would make
dor. 96. He noticed that the room been made were
A) is going to be met recently. C) being made C) didn’t consider / was
have been met A) hasn’t been cleaned B) been made being
C) is going to meet was not cleaned D) didn’t consider / were
gone to meet 99. He empty the being
C) hadn’t been cleaned D) contents of his suitcases
86. This week we’ve had the won’t be cleaned onto the counter. 109. Because of the patient’s
house A) was made health,
A) to break to A) the doctor was advised
C) broken C) had made to lose weight
made B) he was advised by the
87. A: What do they use this doctor to lose weight
building for? 100. The authorities feared C) the doctor wants to lose
B: Well, years ago it as the missing man was weight
dance hall but now it for dead. The missing man D) he advised the doctor
offices. was feared . to lose weight
A) is used / being used A) being dead
had been used / is using C) to be dead 110. They hadn’t done any
C) was used / is used damage to it. No damage
been used / is used 101. Someone heard him shout to it.
for help. He A) was done B) ha
88. A: Were you able to cure the help. done
patient? A) has been heard C) hadn’t been done D) ha
B: He already by heard to been done
time I got there. C) was heard
A) will / have been cured to 111. “They say he robbed the
had / been cured bank.” means:
C) had / cured 102. The authorities will A) they say he’s been
cured make him pay all his robbed in the bank.
debts. He B) He is said to rob the
89. Mars is the first planet A) is going to be bank.
A) to discover made C) He said he’d robbed the
discovered C) was made to bank.
C) to be discovered made to D) He is said to have
have been discovered robbed the bank.
103. She’s spring-cleaning the
90. They were house from bottom to top. 112. A:
unhappy The house Di
with the from top to d
way bottom. Ar
things A) is being spring-cleaned se
. B) was to be spring- na
A) are going cleaned l
B) C) has been spring- be
were cleaned at
goin cleaned G
104. The last days of the al
C) have been going on at
will be going on holiday
A) was spoiled as
91. Don’t touch that electric spoiled ar
stove while it . C) have been spoiled ay
A) was being repaired were spoiled in
being repaired th
C) is being repaired 105. They have used up all e
be repairing the petrol in the tank. All fi
the petrol in the tank na
Book 1 Part B 8 Tenses - Passives (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
l? 113. People think he is guilty. He 130. I bought another concert C) is being worn D) ha
B: . ticket in case you been worn
A) Yes, Arsenal was beaten A) thought to be B) thinks hewith me.
138. Considering the weather is
by Galatasaray in the is A) wanted
so uncertain, the reception
final. C) is thought to be D) C) have wanted
B) Yes, Galatasaray beat thought he was want
A) was held B) wi
Arsenal in the final.
114. Foreign investments 131. We’ll close all the C) to be held D) ha
C) No, Galatasaray was
reduced by 20 per cent since windows in case it
beaten by Arsenal 139. In most non-western
the election. we are out.
D) No, Arsenal was beaten countries punishment
A) have been B) A) rains
by Galatasaray in the deterrent.
C) have had D) has C) will rain
final. A) is not seen B) ha
115. It that the 132. Take an umbrella with you seen
136. Some an
Government would do in case it C) weren’t seen D) ar
patients shout injection.
something to relieve the in pain while A) rained seen
situation. C) should rain
A) giving 140. If we compare the mass
A) is given 133. She ought to pass her of hydrogen in a star
assumed C) given exams so long as she with the rate at which
B) given A) doesn’t panic energy , we can
assumed panic estimate its potential
C) was assuming C) shouldn’t panic life.
137. For various by
didn’t panic A) is being emitted B) be
reasons, human
116. The man who by a clothing of beings 134. His hopes of making a
C) was emitted D) wi
snake was given a some type fortune
serum. since the burned down.
A) is bitten B) beginning of A) were dashed 141. It has been predicted that
has been time. dashed within the next 50 years,
bitten A) has worn C) was dashed scientists
B) was dashed prolong life up to 150
worn years or more.
C) had been bitten C) are reflected / sending D) 135. When eleven o’clock came
A) are producing B) to
bitten are reflected / to send and he still
wonder if he
C) will be produced D) w
117. A cease-fire expected 123. Plans to develop cars on A) didn’t arrive / had
have produced
to later this methanol are likely hadn’t arrived / had
month. future. had 142. We at the Italian
A) was / be declaring A) will be realized B) will C) won’t arrive / had had restaurant last night, but
be declared have been realized it was full, so we ate
C) is / declare C) to be realized D) being somewhere else.
expected / to be declared realized A) were eating B) we
going to eat
118. A great deal of research 124. There is no bread left
C) are going to eat D) ha
the possible causes of because we
cancer. A) have eaten B) has been
A) are being done eaten 143. The door unless
been done C) had eaten D) have been you .
C) has been done eaten A) won’t open / push B)
done doesn’t open / will
125. Little she realize that the
119. She promised that she hospital evening was
until she better. differently. C) won’t open / will push
D) isn
A) would not leave / was B) A) did / turning B) will / to
wouldn’t leave / turn 144. His parents married
would be C) does / to have turned D) for eight years when he
C) doesn’t leave / was did / to turn was born.
didn’t leave / was A) have been B) wi
126. It is highly probable that
C) had been D) w
120. New sources of energy more and more solar energy
_________________________________________ in the future. 145. By April 2010, he
become A) will be used B) be for this organization for
increasingly important as oil C) to be used D) will be fifteen years.
reserves using A) has been working B)
A) is being / are used will be working
127. There isn’t any more chalk,
been / have been used C) will have been working
C) are being / are used D) ha
have been / is used
A) has / used up B) was / 146. He from the
121. The transistor in used up company for several
1948. As a result of this, C) has / been used up D) had years before they found
both the size and the cost of / been used up him out.
electronic equipment A) has been stealing B) ha
128. You can stop looking for his
reduced. been stealing
watch. He
A) was invented / have C) was stealing D) wi
been been stolen
A) has / been found B) has /
invented / has been
found 147. He a cold for the
C) was invented / have had
C) had / found D) will / have last three days.
found A) is fighting off B) wi
122. Radio waves by the have fought off
129. Don’t ask me what
ionosphere. This makes it C) has been fighting off D)
cauliflower tastes like. I
possible short- was fighting off
eating it.
wave radio signals over
A) am not trying B) didn’t 148. The Prime Minister
great distances.
C) haven’t tried D) don’t refuses to enter into
A) is reflected / to send
are reflecting / sent negotiations with the
Book 1 Part B 8 Tenses - Passives (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
railway men until they
to work.
A) are / return
C) had / returned
have I returned
149. In the years ahead, it
seems likely that people
even greater control over
A) to acquire
C) will acquire
been acquired
150. You pleased to hear
that your father to
the committee.
A) have been / selected
will be / has been
C) are / is selecting
been / was selected
151. Hardly I the
phone down when it started
ringing again.
A) did / put
C) did / to have put
152. The day she agreed to
marry him was the happiest
he ever
in his life.
A) has / had
C) will / have

Book 1 Part B 8 Tenses - Passives (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)

PRE-INTERMEDIATE 5 adjective - adverb - noun clauses
Cho 27. He is fat because he
ose doesn’t take any
the exercise. If he
best some exercise, he so
ans fat.
1. I’ll stay home
if it .
A) r A) took / won’t be B) will t
B) rains C) / won’t be
a will rain D)
i C) takes / wouldn’t be D)
won’t rain took / wouldn’t be
2. If I out, 28. I’d like to go to the
I’ll buy a concert, but I haven’t
newspaper got a ticket. If I
A) g B) will go C)
o am going D) ticket, I go to It.
3. I’ll help him if he . A) had / will B) have
A) ask B) asked C) will have / can D) had
C) asks D) will could
29. Would he have passed if he
4. If I fail the exam, I hard ?
it again.
A) t B) w A) studied B) had
o o studied C) studies
o u would study
k l
C) will take
30. If you practice, you
didn’t take
can’t learn English.
5. If I time, A) aren’t B) didn’t
I could go with you. C) won’t D) don’t
A) h B) will have C)
31. If I could go anywhere in
a am having D)
the world, I
v had
6. I’ll go to the park if it cold. A) w
B) will go C) went D) ha
A) w B) wasn’t C)
32. You will kill yourself if you
e isn’t D)
stop s
r doesn’t
7. If I a bird, I could fly home. A) ar
B) didn’t C) don’t D) w
A) w B) will be C)
33. If the teacher a little
e would be D)
more slowly, I could understand
r be
8. If the weather were A) speak B) will
nice, I speak C) speaks D)
A) will go B) spoke
would go C)
34. If people ill, they go
went D) go
to see a doctor.
9. If she , she A) is B) are C)
usually does well on were D) will be
the tests.
A) s B) had studied C)
35. If she him, she would
t studies
marry him.
u study
10. If you needed the C) will lend D) lend
money, I
11. I to you if you don’t
A) would lend B) lent
Book 1 Part B 8 Clauses (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
A) wouldn’t talk A) loved B) would C) I wouldn’t have watered football
won’t talk love C) loves the flowers
46. they’d take you to
C) didn’t talk loved D) we were going to play
doesn’t talk
36. Perhaps he would excuse A) c A) If you are seriously ill B) If
12. If I a lot of you if you B) couldn’t C) you have a terrible headache
a wouldn’t D)
money, I’d take a A) spoke B) will n C) If you got any worse D) If
long holiday. speak C) speak didn’t you’d become worried

D) had spoken t
37. I could tell you the time if 23. Your cough get 47. Everything would be all
I better if you don’t stop right if .
A) had had B) had smoking.
would have D) will A) w B) would C)
i won’t D) A) I could start on the 9th of
have l didn’t September
38. If you don’t take your l
medicine, you 24. If he a promise, he always keeps it. B) yo
A) w B) win C) would A) m B) would make C) it hadn’t rained
o win D) had A) won’t B) a C) make
n won wouldn’t C) couldn’t d makes
D) aren’t e
13. You wouldn’t 39. I’d have been there on time
if I 25. If you D) she hadn’t phoned the
your car if you had driven me, I’d police
more carefully. have
A) d B) dam A) get up early helped
a age get on the first train you.
m d A) a B) would ask C) 48. , I wouldn’t have
a s had asked D) told you.
e k ask
C) has damaged e
C) had caught the earlier
14. If I had time, see 26. If I ill A) If it was a piece of bad
40. If the sun the yesterday, I wouldn’t
the new film at the world dark. have stayed at home. news
cinema. B) If I failed the driving test
A) I’l B) I’d C) A) w B) had been
l can D) I A) won’t rise / will be e C) If you were dismissed
C) hadn’t been
am hadn’t risen / would have r D) If I’d known you were
D) wasn’t
been e going to be upset
15. A: I smoke too much. C) doesn’t / will be n’
B: If I you, I rise / would be t
smoke at all.
41. If Neil Armstrong had lived 49. She’d go on a diet if . sky blue
A) was / won’t
in 1453, he A) you ask her to do C) the sky was blue D) the sk
A) couldn’t walk had had some complaints is blue
C) am / won’t
walk C) she will marry a rich man
wouldn’t 57. “Why is he smiling ?” I want
C) can’t walk to know
16. I don’t have much money so have walked 50. She wouldn’t have married A) why he was smiling B) why
I can’t travel. If I a him if
42. If she younger, she was he smiling
lot of money, I
could start jogging. A) she weren’t beautiful C) why is he smiling D) why h
A) were B) would be didn’t have a lot of money is smiling
A) have / could
C) is D) will be C) she had a villa
been an engineer
C) had / can 43. He angry if you argue
would with him. 51. Tell me .
A) got B) get A) where is the station
17. I’m going out. If the phone
gets D) would what is your name
please answer it.
get C) why she is crying
A) r B) rings 44. Diana would have got up did you learn English
a C) would ring earlier if 52. Ask the driver .
n D) will ring
A) how long does it take to
the airport
18. I the car if I had A) she knew the train left B) how much we’ll pay
the right tools. at 6.30 C) if he had any change
A) can repair B) B) the alarm clock went off D) the car is his own
repaired C) could on time
53. Does anybody know why
repair D) will repair C) you could have woken
A) does the teacher get
her up
19. If you mix yellow and angry B) Ray is absent
D) she could sleep well
blue, you C) is he waiting outside
A) get B) got 45. If I had listened to the they late
would get D) gets weather forecast
54. “Are you ready?” she asked.
A) I would stay at home
20. I usually take some She asked
aspirin if I A) if I was B) when I
A) h B) have B) I’d know it was windy am C) to be
a C) will have why I was
d D) would have
55. I don’t know .
21. If flowers enough address. A) when is it
water, they die. is
A) don’t get B) get C) what time is it
didn’t get D) was it
doesn’t get
56. I wonder why .
22. I write to you if A) is the sky blue
you don’t give me your
Book 1 Part B 8 Clauses (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
71. My friend said, A) I’m at my office book. A) I can help her B) she co
“I can’t at his office A) whether she’d seen my help me
believe it.” C) you are at your office if I’d seen her C) I could help her D) she ca
He said “I’m at my office” C) did I see her help me
it. 82. I don’t know where .
76. I heard that you at 70. He explained why .
A) he can’t believe B) I couldn’t A) the lavatory is B) is the
the basketball match. A) did he come late
believe lavatory
A) are B) were late
C) he couldn’t C) was the lavatory D) the
been D) gone C) late he was
believe D) he didn’t lavatory was
believe 77. George said that to
Tom. 83. She asked me if to the
72. The nurse meeting.
A) he’d spoken
doesn’t A) I was going B) I am g
underst C) she is going D) would
and why C) you speak
spoken go
the girl
. 78. They promised that they 84. The surgeon says, “You may
A) is coughing Mike next year. have some pain for a few
B) A) visit B) would days.” He says that some
was visit C) will visit pain for a few days.
coug won’t visit A) I might have B) he ma
hing have
C) would cough 79. She was sorry that . C) he might D) I may
A) she was late B) she is
73. I didn’t know if he late 85. She asked me, “Can you help
there. be late us?” She wanted to know if
A) were A) could we help her B) I could
C) would be 80. “ May I use your help them
telephone?” He asked me C) we could help her D) I can
74. Peter asked his brother if help them
A) where are the hammers A) I might use his telephone
B) where was the B) he may use his 86. “Don’t walk on the bridge.”
hammer telephone He warned us
C) where is the hammer C) he might use my A) didn’t walk B) to walk C)
where the hammer was telephone D) he might use don’t walk D) not to
his telephone 87. “Please be quiet.” I asked
75. Father said that .
them q
58. I 81. “ Can you help me?”
wonder o A) be B) not to be C)
whether n She wondered if to be D) are
h 88. “Shall I call a taxi?” He asked
e me if
r A) he should call B) I shou
l call
a C) should he call D) he wil
t 89. The teacher told me the
s board.
A) he is cleaning B) I clean
A) is there life B) there 64. “I may be late.” Mike told
C) cleaning D) to clea
was me
D) was there A) he might be 90. “Open your mouth.” The
C) he may be dentist told me
59. Could you tell me where A) to open his mouth B)
A) the bus station was 65. “What are you talking opened my mouth
the bus station about?” Dick asked me
C) open your mouth D) to ope
C) the bus station is what
my mouth
the bus station A) am I talking about
was talking about 91. “Don’t be late.” The teacher
60. She said, “My brother is a C) he is talking about told us
student.” She said that a he talking about A) not to be late B) not be
student. late
A) my brother is 66. “Can you come to the
C) to be late D) we do
brother was party?” David asked me
C) my brother was the party. 92. “Are you free now?” He asked
brother was A) could he come her if
come A) I was free B) is she free
61. “When will you be here?” C) if I could come C) she was free D) was she
she asked. She asked me whether I can come free
when there.
A) I would be B) would I 67. “I have to study.” Barbara 93. The
be said teache
D) she would be A) she had to study r said,
had to study “Pick
62. He said, “I will watch TV”. C) she has to study up
He said has to study your
A) I would watch TV book,
will watch TV 68. I don’t know if I Mike.”
C) she would watch TV The
he would watch TV succeed in passing teache
63. “Do you need a pen?” Anne my exam or not. r told
asked me a pen. A) will B) could C) would Mike .
A) do you need D) will be A) pick up his book B) to pick
need up her book
69. “ Have you seen my
C) if I needed C) to pick up my book D) to
grammar book?” Nancy
she needed pick up his book
wanted to know

Book 1 Part B 8 Clauses (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)

94. A 101. Janet said that she was C) What is her name D) What
: k hungry. Janet said, “ her name is
n A) I was hungry
112. They asked me if I was
W o hungry
Turkish. “ ?”
h w C) She was hungry
A) You are Turkish B) Am I
o s hungry
. 102. Mike says his father is ill. Mike C) Are they Turkish D) Are yo
i A) who started the fire says, “ Turkish
s what started the fire A) My father is ill
C) what starts the fire 113. My father told me to do my
is ill
who’d started the fire homework. My father said, “
C) My father was ill
t A) You do your homework B)
96. A father is ill
h You don’t do your
a : 103. We said that we were leaving homework
t on Saturday. We said, “ C) I don’t do my
W A) You are leaving on homework D) Do your hom
w h Saturday B) We leave on
114. He warned me not to touch
o a Saturday
the wire. “
m t C) We are leaving on Saturday
A) I don’t touch the wire B)
a D) You were leaving on
Touch the wire
n Saturday
d C) Don’t touch the wire D) I
? i 104. The didn’t touch the wire
d secretary
B told me that
: J Mr. Rich had
u gone out.
l The
I secretary
a told me, “ ”
d A) Mr. Rich was going out
o Mr. Rich goes out
n b C) Mr. Rich has gone out
’ u Mr. Rich is going out
t y
? 105. Bill said he didn’t like to
study. Bill said, “
k A) I don’t like to study
n B don’t like to study
o : C) He doesn’t like to study
w We don’t like to study
. I
A) who’s that woman 106. The old lady said she wasn’t
who was that woman feeling well. The old lady said,
d “
C) who that woman is
o A) I’m not feeling well
who that woman was
n isn’t feeling well
95. A ’ C) I don’t feel well
: t hasn’t been feeling well
107. Carol said that she would see
W k me the next day. Carol said, “
h n A) You will see me tomorrow
a o B) I will see you tomorrow
t w C) She will see you tomorrow
s A) what she bought
she’s bought 108. You told me that you would
C) what did she buy be careful. You said to me, “
she had bought A) You will be careful
would be careful
t 97. Don’t look at your friend’s C) I will be careful
e paper. The teacher warned careful
d me
A) to look at 109. He asked me what I
t at was reading. “
h C) you don’t look at me.
e look at A) What do you read B) What you are
98. He said that . C) What are you reading D) What you
f A) it is raining were reading
i unable to come
r C) it was somebody else’s 110. I asked the clerk if they had
e bike D) I didn’t come a double room. “
? clerk.
99. I don’t know . A) Have you got a double
A) will he come room B) Did you have a
B the next train is double room
: C) he is there C) Is there a double room
fail They have got a double room
N 100. I can’t imagine how
o 111. I asked her what
the children. her name was. “
b A) they are going to rescue
o her.
B) did they rescue A) What is your name B) What my
d C) do they rescue
y name was
going to rescue
Book 1 Part B 8 Clauses (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
115. The doctor told him not to best known in the world, as 163. Always turn your television
eat much. “ ” the doctor died in 1977. off .
said to him. A) who B) whose 145. He hasn’t written to us he A) when you went to bed B) as
A) You eat very little whom D) of which A) since B) until soon as you got bored
Don’t eat much while D) when C) after you have fallen asleep
C) I don’t eat much 129. A thermostat is something
D) before you leave home
very little 146. she doesn’t enjoy her
A) who B) where job, she works hard. 164. She was not listening while .
116. He says he is cold. He when D) which A) Since B) Although A) I was talking B) we are
says, “ C) Because D) As
130. Miss Snow, you met complaining
A) You are cold
at the theatre, is my C) she is very angry with you
C) He is cold 147. They went out for a walk,
classmate. D) you te
weather was bad. do
117. The book is on the A) who B) whom
A) even though
table is mine. where D) that
C) therefore 165. He went out as .
A) who B) which
whose D) where 131. Mustafa Kemal, was A) she came in B) the su
born in 1881, became the 148. He was late he took a shining
118. The man car was first President of Turkey taxi to go to work. C) I am leaving home D) he is
stolen phoned the police. on October 29th, 1923. A) as B) because worried about something
A) who B) which A) that B) who so D) in order to
whose D) that whom D) when 166. The lights went out .
149. I use my umbrella it A) when the eight o’clock
119. Bryan Adams is the singer 132. It was the blue car . rains. news started
songs I like best. A) it caused the accident A) until B) after B) after I have finished my
A) whom B) whose caused the accident whenever D) although homework
that D) who C) it is expensive C) as soon as you arrive home
caused the accident 150. the film is over, I’ll go D) before the Prime Minister
120. A river is polluted is to bed. enters the conference hall
not safe for swimming. 133. The man is an A) While B) As soon as
A) whose B) where electrical engineer. C) By the time 167. They studied hard although .
when D) which A) who lives next door
makes cars A) they were tired B) they
151. I’ll never speak to her I were good friends
121. People study C) works in a factory live. C) they were happy D) they
the weather are whose job
called A) as long as B) until had a lot to eat
meteorologists. 134. That is the film . whenever D) whereas
A) that B) when C) whom A) it is about Turkish people 168. When I got home, .
D) whose B) we are liked 152. She is sneezing she has A) my sister opens the door
C) I watched last week a cold. for me
122. I like photographs is a western A) so B) before B) I will have a good rest
are in black and white. whereas D) because C) my mother was setting the
A) when B) which 135. A teacher is a man . table
whom D) whose A) works at a school 153. It was hot; we went D) my father hasn’t come back
makes us study swimming. home
123. Is there a time we C) who teaches A) because B) therefore
can discus this problem? liked by everybody C) as long as D) even 169. I swim every day when .
A) when B) which though A) the weather was very hot B)
that D) where 136. Your heart is the part of I will be in Marmaris
your body 154. He didn’t know the answers C) I am on holiday D) the se
124. A library is a place A) which pumps blood to the exercises,
we can borrow books. will get hot
can’t live without it A) as B) even
A) where B) which C) it causes heart attacks though C) because
when D) that 170. I usually listen to some
makes us sad or happy classical music
125. The factory he works 155. I had toothache . A) as B) because C)
137. I like films . A) because I am going to the
is closing down. for D) since
A) they are interesting dentist
A) that B) which which hasn’t got a sad
where D) whom B) so I went to the dentist 171. No buses were running
story C) why I went to the dentist
C) are not sad ones .
126. I’ve got a friend D) I seldom brush my teeth A) because I had no ticket B)
are funny
father is a pilot. however I was late
A) whom B) of which 138. I was watching TV, 156. We went out the bell C) as I was at the bus-stop D)
C) who D) whose the telephone rang. rang. so I had to walk to school
A) While B) Before A) so B) although
127. His wife, lives in after D) until 172. It is raining now. We’d better
After D) Until
Paris, is a fashion model. wait until it
A) who B) that 139. He broke his leg he 157. By the time he here, it A) will stop B) stop C)
whom D) whose was skiing. will be too late for the stops D) stopped
A) as soon as B) after theatre.
128. Elvis Presley, name A) will get B) got
when D) before 173. I have a mark on my coat but .
was probably one of the D) get A) it is not noticeable B) I’ve
140. I always brush my teeth as C) as cleaned it
to bed. while C) you can see it D) it was
A) before B) as soon small
as C) while 143. I hope he gets here
until the train leaves. There isn’t 174. I couldn’t solve the problem
another train today. so .
141. We waited the plane
A) before B) while A) I telephoned the police B) I
took off.
until D) after called an ambulance
A) as soon as B) when
as D) until C) I asked my father to help me
144. You must wait the D) I answered the
light changes to green. advertisement
142. We went out it
A) after B) before
stopped raining.
until D) as soon 175. You’d better take
A) until B) as soon
Book 1 Part B 9 Clauses (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
care of should take a hot shower
yourself ,
otherwise, 176. She is very healthy, but
. A) she can play tennis
A) it is very cold is also rich
outside B) you will catch
C) she might get sick
cold reads a lot
C) put on a sweater

158. I he 177. Although he eats a

have w lot,
known as
him a
A) he is losing weight
A) for B) since is gaining weight
C) because D) when C) he is getting fatter
is putting on weight
159. We can leave as soon as
A) the train arrived 178. The doctor examined me;
plane will take off however,
C) you are ready A) he found nothing wrong
are going to phone with me
B) he prescribed some
160. I’ll be at the airport when medicine
. C) I wasn’t feeling very well
A) the plane landed D) I was given an injection
plane will take off
C) you arrive 179. There is ‘no smoking’ sign
get there in our library but
A) I never smoke there
161. She left the clothes out lot of people ignore it
although C) nobody smokes
A) the sun is shining everybody must obey this
was raining
C) it isn’t hot 180. We can’t do anything
weather was good before
A) the doctor comes
162. as soon as I get doctor didn’t come
home. C) the doctor will come
A) I will phone you the doctor doesn’t come
have taken a shower
C) I went to bed
would have a cup of

Book 1 Part B 9 Clauses (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)

UPPER- 6 adjective - adverb - noun clauses
21. Teachers have found the
overhead projector to be
invaluable as a teaching aid.
1. I don’t know to Teachers have found that the
telephone. overhead projector
A) whom did Tom want A) to be invaluable as a
why was Tom going teaching aid
C) when is Tom B) is invaluable as a teaching
was going aid
C) was invaluable as a teaching
2. No one seemed to know aid
A) why was he angry D) invaluable as a teaching aid
B) which party has won
C) when the festival was due 22. The law requires that all cars
to start regularly tested for safety
D) what is his latest decision and efficiency.
A) should be B) to be C)
3. “Why don’t we go out for were to be D) have to be
dinner?” His wife suggested
that 23. I assured him that he
A) they would go out for pneumonia.
dinner A) should get B) would get
B) they should go out for C) get D) gets
dinner 24. He began to realize that he
C) we will go out for dinner mistake.
D) we’d like to go out for A) is making B) has made C)
dinner had made D) will make
4. “Oh dear! It looks as if it is 25. The Prime minister warned
going to rain again.” Mother that higher wages
was afraid that . prices.
A) it was raining again A) would mean B) will mean
was going to rain C) mean D) to me
C) it is going to rain again
looked like rain again 26. Many people considered it to
be cruel to send animals in
5. “Fantastic! I’ve actually rockets into outer space.
passed my exam!” exclaimed Many people consider that
Janet. Janet was delighted to cruel to
find that rockets into further space.
A) I’d passed my exam A) to be B) it to be C) it
passed my exam is D) it was
C) she’s passed her exam
she’d passed her exam 27. The Prime Minister clearly
suspects his party to have
6. I doubt anybody little chance of winning the
knows how to solve the next election.
housing problem in Turkey. The Prime Minister clearly
suspects that his party
A) w B) which of winning the next election.
h C) why
et D) what
7. It is important that you C) doesn’t understand D)
A) don’t be B) won’t be wouldn’t understand
not to be D) not be
12. His doctor recommended that
8. The doctor recommended that he t
she while.
A) will stay B) stay A) would try B) should try
would stay D) to stay C) tries D) tried
9. The bank manager suggested 13. next was lost in the
that I general uproar.
A) should apply B) applied C) A) What the speaker said B)
to apply D) That the speaker said
would apply C) What did the speaker say D)
The speaker said that
10. is still uncertain.
A) Why did they lose the 14. is where you get all
match B) He is really your energy from.
guilty A) It amazes me B) That
C) When will they come amazes me
Who first reported the fire C) What amazes me D) That
amazed me
11. The accused pretended that
he 15. me to do is out of
A) didn’t understand question.
understood A) What you are asking B) How
Book 1 Part B 9 Clauses (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
you are asking A) to have B) has husband had forgotten her The patient begged the nurse a
C) That you ask would have D) had birthday. pain killer.
asked A) to give her B) she wou
28. The witness later
16. No one disclosed the evidence to
A) W B) The fact that C) she would give me D) to
doubte have been destroyed. The
h C) What give me
d witness later disclosed
y thing
that the evidence
sincere A) to be destroyed 19. On entering the restaurant, I
38. “Don’t eat those cherries, they
in his been destroyed immediately realized
are poisonous,” said David.
beliefs. C) has been destroyed popular.
A) what he would be destroyed A) why was it
not to eat those
was C) the fact that was
29. Researches have now cherries because they were
B) was
proved that earlier theories poisonous.
that incorrect. 20. Where the pilot finally A) didn’t want me B) said to
he A) were B) had been managed to land me that
was C) to have been D) to be A) is not known C) warned me D) sugge
C) why was he knows; that
30. “May I have my letters
17. He didn’t even apologize. C) we don’t know
addressed in care of your 39. “Did she agree with me?” He
This made her really knew
office?” asked Mr. Taylor. wondered if
angry. he didn’t even Mr. Taylor asked if A) she’d agreed with he B) she
apologize made her really agreed with him
angry. letters addressed in care of C) she’d agreed with him D)
she’d agree with him
office. 40. I wanted to know why no A) what was he saying B) what
A) he may have his / my one he has said
might have my / your A) had come B) hadn’t C) what did he say D) what h
C) he may have his / his come C) has come said
he might have his / my D) hasn’t come
48. I had hoped my letter.
31. The doctor says, “The 41. Everybody A) that she answer B) she
moisture in the air might said, answers
affect your breathing.” He “We’re glad C) that she would answer D)
thinks that the moisture the danger she will answer
in the air is over.”
A) might affect my 49. I have no idea .
breathing A) what does this word mean
said that .
your breathing B) why he has left
A) he was glad the danger was
C) would affect my over C) when will he arrive D) how
breathing was he killed
B) they are glad the danger is
breathing over 50. “Let’s go to the cinema this
32. “I’d love to come.” she said. C) they were glad the danger evening,” she said.
She said was over She suggested that they to the
A) she’d liked B) I’d like D) he is glad the danger is cinema that evening.
she’d like over A) should go B) would go C)
will go D) had gone
33. “Which of these films 42. was to have dinner
have you seen?” My after the meeting. 51. A: Are
friend asked me which of A) What we are to do you
the films . Which we needed going to
A) have I seen B) I had C) What I wanted to do complai
seen Why he comes n to the
have you seen police?
43. I recommended that the
B: Yes,
34. “Whom did you see at the patient
that is .
concert last night?” She A) is operated
A) what I have done B) what
asked us whom C) would be operated
I’m going to do
the other night. operated
C) what I was going to do D)
A) I’d seen B) we’d 44. George told me that what I would do
seen C) we saw with his roommate next
D) I saw 52. He to me that he had
written a new book.
35. They asked, “Is the work A) he’d rather not live
A) told B) tells C) has
going to be easy?” They wouldn’t have lived
said D) said
wondered if C) he won’t live
A) was work going to be lived 53. She said to walk back
easy B) the work is going home.
45. “I’ll hit you!” to hit
to be easy A) she’d rather B) she’d p
C) the work was easy C) she’d better D) she ha
A) He suggested
work was going to be easy threatened 54. I knew that would be
36. He asked “Have you read C) He promised difficult.
The old Man and the Sea, A) their coming B) they w
46. “Would you like to come to
Ted?” He wanted to know come
my party?” He invited her
if The old C) they came D) they w
A) she’d like to come to his
Man and the Sea. coming
A) I’d read B) he’d B) she’d like to come to my 55. It is
read C) I have party importan
read D) he has
C) if she’d come to his party t that the bilateral
D) to come to his party talks.
A) W B) What C)
37. “Please give me a pain A) he attend B) he
h The fact that D) 47. I didn’t hear because
killer.” the patient said. atten
y The reason there was so much noise
18. made her angry was the fact that her where I was sitting.
C) he attended D) he’ll
Book 1 Part B 9 Clauses (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
attend 60. The fact that the experts necessary. A) would be to be a politician
say stagnation will It is B) to give up smoking
56. We urge that the plans
continue for some time necessary C) he shouldn’t have married
A) not approved
_. that Julia her
A) industry will suffer a lot question. D) than his father’s job
C) not to be approved
B) we should be prepared A) understood
won’t be approved 75. I suggested that she a
for higher inflation C) must understand
57. We now insist that all cars C) is annoying understand
A) will see B) would see
seat belts to reduce the D) we cannot avoid it 71. Bill must talk to the teacher. C) must see D) see
death toll.
61. If grades are going to be It is urgent. It is urgent that
A) to have B) will 76. I don’t know .
given to students for their Bill
have C) have A) they were thinking about
reports, it is suggested A) must talk B) talk
had D) have B) that they were thinking
that these talks D) has talked
58. makes visiting him and use of language. 72. because he got bored C) what do they think about
very difficult. A) given B) to be so easily. D) what they were thinking
A) The fact that he is very given C) are given A) Why he left early about
busy given was embarrassed
B) The reason why he is 77. I insisted that he me
62. best is riding C) Why did he get angry
very busy the money.
horses. Why he acted as he did was
C) What I know is that he is A) was paid B) be paid C)
very busy A) She likes 73. I can’t imagine . pay D) will pay
D) It is a fact that he is very C) What she liked A) why did he recommend
busy she likes him 78. It is not probable that in the
63. We had hoped the B) who recommended him for next ten years.
59. was clear from his
game, but other team played training A) the world’s population
very well. C) when will he recommend stopped
A) He was angry
A) the National Team to win me B) man must discover a cure
B) He resented being
B) that the National Team D) how will he recommend for cancer
treated rudely
win him C) computers must become
C) That he was not
C) that the National Team more important
interested 74. What would have suited him
would win better D) air pollution will decrease
D) What I knew
D) the National Team’s
79. still puzzles me. A) had arrived B) should
A) He got selected president C) would arrive D) have t
64. It is important that he B) Where they got the idea arrive
reservations by Saturday. from
87. Most people don’t even
A) will confirm B) confirm C) He has got a lot of money
know .
D) How can they beat us
A) why has he resigned B)
D) must confirm
80. I don’t know much about art where was he buried
65. He asked me if I had ever but I know C) what good music is D)
played the piano. He asked A) what I like where did they take him
me, “ B) who is a good artist
88. I refuse to believe her having
A) Do you ever play the C) what is it like
told me the truth. I refuse to
piano D) why are people paying that believe that she me the truth.
B) Did you ever play the much
A) tell B) tells C) had
81. Do you think man will told D) would tell
C) Have I ever played the
travel to Mars in this century?
piano 89. They proposed that a new
A) is it possible that
D) Have you ever played the highway
possible that
piano A) should build B) must build
C) will it be possible C) to be built D) be bu
66. The doctor asked the became possible
patient if she had had a 90. It is desirable that no one else
heart attack before. The 82. Mike must explain his idea. It about the problem.
doctor asked the patient,” is important. It is important
A) doesn’t know B) know C)
that Mike
heart attack before ?” to know D) will
A) Has she had his ideas. know
had A) explain B) will
explain C) explains 91. That she was chosen Miss
C) Did she have
would explain Turkey
A) made me happy
67. It is urgent that he 83. Why is it necessary that
B) nobody was glad about it
on time. A) for him to study
C) everybody approved it
A) arrived B) will have an operation
D) everyone present voted in
arrive C) would C) he consult an expert
her favor
arrive D) arrive applied for a job
92. Whether they do it or not .
68. It is important that you 84. He advised that she
A) don’t make any difference
honest. the bad news.
B) depends on various
A) will be B) be A) not be told
were D) to be C) isn’t told
C) created a big problem D)
85. He asked us whom we would will cause a lot of disturbance
69. The doctor recommended
that I visit. He asked us, “Whom
93. I am satisfied .
A) should lose B) would A) will you visit
A) that she came third in the
lose C) must lose visit
will lose C) you will visit
B) it was our victory against
70. Julia
must 86. The teacher insisted on the C) what you promised to do
understa students’ arriving punctually D) will make her happy, I
nd the for their lessons. believe
question. The teacher insisted that the
94. The fact that they blamed us
It is students
for the accident
Book 1 Part B 9 Clauses (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
A) which was not our fault 98. It is necessary that 112. I wish that I with you 116. You might make less noise. If
B) was surprising everyone last summer. only you
C) at which a person was A) will be B) be A) went B) could go A) had made B) made C)
killed D) I wasn’t involved D) to be have gone D) could’ve gone would make D) might make
95. is a fact. 113. You might 117. If only I busy
A) That the poor have a 99. “If I were you, I’d open a have cleaned yesterday. I could have
hard life B) The world is bank account because the bath after helped you with the problem.
round interest is high now” I told you’d used it. A) weren’t B) hadn’t been
C) He came first her. I wish you the bath after using C) wasn’t D) haven’t
he saying I suggested that she a savingit. been
account. A) had cleaned B) cleaned
A) would open B) will open 118. He wishes his father
96. Did help him in his would clean D) clean
C) open him some shoes before the
114. You might come to work a new term starts.
A) the fact that his father 100. Our teacher wishes he bit earlier on Mondays. I A) was buying B) was go
was a professor another profession. wish you buy
B) he was rich and friendly A) chose Mondays. C) would buy D) had bo
C) that he won a C) would choose A) had come
scholarship chosen come 119. I wish our school a
D) his teacher
101. I wish the teacher C) were coming bigger library than it has.
recommended him
us more about the exam come A) had had B) would
before it takes place. have C) had D) will have
97. It is incredible that__________. 115. You might have
A) she study very hard A) would tell B) has told remembered my birthday. I 120. I wish we late for
will be the result C) had told D) tells wish you this film. I can’t follow the
C) he undergo an 102. I wish you here A) had remembered story.
operation now. I miss you a lot. remembered A) didn’t arrive B) hadn’t
his exams A) are B) were C) would remember arrived
had been D) will be remember C) wouldn’t arrive D) would
have arrived
103. I wish you . I’m sure
121. She wishes she drunk
you would enjoy joining us.
younger than she is.
A) could come B) had 126. It is a pity that we rejected
A) were B) would be
come their proposal. If only we
C) had been D) is
D) would come proposal.
122. A: Janet A) won’t reject B) hadn’t
104. She won’t help me. I wish
couldn’t rejected
come to the C) wouldn’t reject D) didn’t
A) will help B) would
concert last reject
help C) helps
night. B: I
helped 127. A: I must go home now. B: I
wish she .
wish you
105. I wish I the last A) is able to come
A) don’t have to go B) mustn
bus. Now to come
have gone
I’ll have to C) could have come
C) didn’t have to go D) needn
walk. come
have gone
A) didn’t miss B) hadn’t
misse 123. I 128. A: Don’t you have enough time
d could to learn English?
C) wouldn’t miss n’t B: No, I don’t. I wish I
have missed get
throu time to learn English.
106. Don’t you wish we
gh A) did have B) had had C)
the do have D) will have
A) weren’t going
going 129. The bus always stops at
C) don’t go every bus-stop. I wish it
every bus-stop.
107. It is raining. I wish it . I
A) didn’t stop B) would stop
A) hadn’t rain wish
C) hadn’t stopped D) won’t
C) weren’t raining I through the traffic in
raining time.
A) am able to get 130. The party was so bad that
108. When it was too late, he able to get they left early. They
wished he C) was able to get wish
A) has been B) had been C) have got A) they didn’t go B) they wouldn’t
were D) would be
have gone
124. My
109. You can’t change things C) they didn’t have to go D)
simply by wishing they they hadn’t gone
different. able to 131. A: Sandy had an
A) are B) will be pay the accident
would be D) were money because she
110. I wish he to Tokyo back. I wasn’t careful.
with me last weekend. wish my B: If only she .
A) came B) would father the money A) had been careful B) were
come C) had come back. careful
could come A) could have paid C) would be careful D) would
able to pay have been careful
111. I wish that you C) could pay
such a bad headache to pay 132. A: Robert is
because I’m sure that you’d unhappy because
have enjoyed the party. 125. It is a pity you drink too he can’t find his
A) didn’t have much. If only you passport. B: If only
C) wouldn’t have A) don’t drink B) won’t drink he .
have C) didn’t drink D) hadn’t A) could have found it B) had
Book 1 Part B 9 Clauses (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
been able to find 142. Marlon Brando, self.
, is C) who have been offered a
C) could find it a friend of my fathers. tha scholarship
it A) whose son is in jail now t D) their fathers own factories
B) which is famous wa
133. A: We have to 155. It was they .
worldwide s
cancel the A) who told us the news B) are
C) that you met at the kn
match against the proposal
seminar ow
because it is C) when they came to see us
D) has just arrived in Spain n
raining. B: If D) which
only it . 143. The problem was with the be 156. They refused to be
A) won’t be raining battery ver reasonable about the delay,
raining A) that has B) which y A) the rain was late B) that
C) didn’t rain had C) who had ric caused a lot of trouble
raining D) in which has h C) which made me angry D)
134. A: Mary is sorry 144. There were fifty questions B) whose firm closed because whose passengers were
that she bought on the test, of complaints tourists
such an expensive A) either was easy C) we haven’t ever met him
D) he owns several factories 157. George ordered an enormous
dress. B: If only B) all of which were difficult steak,
she such an expensive
C) all of them were very 153. Crops can now be grown in A) it wasn’t well – done B)
dress. hard deserts which cost him a lot
A) didn’t buy D) all of whom were very A) most of them are in Africa C) was very delicious D) he ate
have bought interested B) it was impossible to all by himself
C) hadn’t bought
145. I’m looking for something cultivate the land
have bought 158. The students in the early
with C) where farming would be
impossible without class, , did
135. Don’t you think it is A) whom B) which
irrigation yesterday’s maths test.
significant that D) whose
D) these are known as dry A) they study very hard all
A) in case he fails
146. Gentlemen, from areas semester
has been re-elected
we expect politeness, B) very few of them had
C) how comfortable is it
ought not to lose their 154. The boys are having studied very hard
if we had been offered the
tempers. special lessons. C) most of whom had studied
A) which B) who A) which need more care the night before
136. Water is a compound whom D) where B) they are behind the other D) they studied hard last week
molecule consists of two boys
atoms of hydrogen and one 147. Your information, for 159. He forgot to get the tickets, C) than
atom of oxygen. grateful, is very helpful. . D) as soon as
A) which B) whom A) that B) which A) whose wife got very angry
whose D) of which whom D) whose 167. you’re happy about it,
with him
I have no objection.
137. A dynamo is a machine 148. Men work is good B) his wife had booked
A) As long as B) Whatever C)
used for producing receive high wages. yesterday
Therefore D) Even
electricity. A) who B) that C) where his wife wanted to
A) who B) which whom D) whose see 168. He didn’t have any money, he
whom D) of which D) which annoyed his wife couldn’t buy a ticket.
149. He did his medical training very much A) moreover B) however C)
138. The student couldn’t at a hospital because D)
remember the year A) who is very famous as a 160. It is nuclear war, which
Hitler was born. surgeon could exterminate mankind,
A) when B) which B) of which is located just A) which is a great danger 169. He had enough money to buy
at which D) where beside a river B) its power is unquestionable a ticket,
C) which specializes in heart C) that we must avoid A) consequently B)
139. That is the hotel I surgery D) everybody knows it is nevertheless
stayed at. D) whose patients are dangerous C) moreover D) becau
A) where B) which treated very carefully
that D) whose 170. He wanted to go with us; he
161. The book was boring
140. Hydrogen is an element 150. That evening we went to packed his suitcase.
only could read two chapters.
the opera, A) so B)
A) such / that B) so / that
A) where we met the newly nevertheless C) moreover
very / that
A) whose / whose appointed general D) but
which / whose director 162. It was a boring book
171. It is late; , it is raining
C) which / of which B) that was opened last only could read two chapters.
cats and dogs.
which / which week by the Minister of A) such / that B) so / that
A) therefore B)
141. Neron,_____________was Culture too / as
nevertheless C) because
Emperor of Rome, from 45 C) which were fully booked moreover
163. you talk to him,
to 68 A.D, is D) when all the lights went like him.
believed to have murdered out 172. I didn’t have enough time; ,I
A) Much / the more
both his mother and his couldn’t go.
151. His father, , said he more / the less
wife. A) nevertheless B) moreover
didn’t like to work. C) More / more
A) whom B) whose C) therefore D) howev
A) that had retired a few the most
who D) that weeks ago 173. She’s been working for eight
164. I didn’t know
B) he gave a series of hours;
anybody at the reception, I
interviews A) consequently B) howev
had a good time.
C) is an electrical engineer C) nevertheless D) becau
A) In spite of that
D) who was already over C) Even if 174. I’ll finish this. Then I’ll join you.
sixty - five When I
165. I’ve finished “A Tale of
M A) was finished B) will fin
Two Cities, I’ll read “Oliver
r. C) finished D) have f
A) Therefore B) Even if 175. She dressed the child in a
Though D) Now that heavy overcoat,
, , shot 166. No sooner had I opened the
A) because B) therefore C)
hi door
however D) lest
m A) when B) before
Book 1 Part B 9 Clauses (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
176. I’ve written it down for her, 183. Dr. King gives interesting A) due to B) in case leg, he continued to
she forgets it. lectures; because D) although go to class.
A) so as to B) with his students. A) Nevertheless B) In spite of the
196. We were late we
therefore C) in case A) however that
missed the plane to Istanbul.
D) in order to C) but also C) In spite of D) Becau
A) so / that B) such /
177. I will go home for 184. Robert didn’t study for the than C) very / then 202. Some people are fat,
vacation as soon as test; / to others are thin.
I my exams. A) consequently A) because B) in spite of
197. I had to work until midnight
A) will finish B) finish C) am therefore C) despite of D) whereas
was very tired.
finishing D) C) moreover A) although B) so that 203. some students think
finished nevertheless in case D) provided physics is easy, others find it
178. When she arrived, I was 185. James wants to buy a new that difficult.
pretty fed up, because I car, A) As B) even C)
198. I took an aspirin, I
since eight o’clock. money. Nevertheless D) While
still have a headache.
A) had been waiting A) however B) therefore A) Even though B) 204. Do you want to walk? The rain
waited C) moreover Nevertheless C) Because has stopped.
C) have been waiting D) consequently D) As the rain’s stopped, do
186. He found everything rather you want to walk?
199. A: You studied hard. Did you
179. We left early avoid strange, as he A) In spite of B) As long as
pass the test?
the traffic. A) would never C) Now that D) Due to
B: No, I studied hard,
A) because B) so as been I didn’t pass the test. 205. it’s raining, I think I’ll
not to C) so as to C) has never been A) because B) as stay at home.
D) not to never be though D) unless A) As long as B) Becau
180. They tiptoed up the stairs C) Despite of D) On the
187_____________coal reserves are 200. It was cold; we went
wake the children. hand
abundant, taking advantage of on a picnic.
A) in order to B) so as
them A) even though 206. Monday is a national
not to
requires an active program nevertheless holiday, all government
D) because of
of development. C) so offices will be closed.
181. We won’t go unless the A) Even though A) Whereas B) Since C)
201. he had a broken
weather C) So that While D) Because of
A) will be B) is 207. I’ll eat lunch with you that C) for fear that
won’t be D) isn’t 188. the price of petrol
enough for both of us. that
is so high, I can’t afford to
182. I was on vacation; , A) provided B) so as
run a car any more. 217. I’ll give you my telephone
I didn’t get your letter. therefore D) whereas
A) However B) Now that number
A) therefore B) C) So that D) Even 208. We’ll get along just fine touch with me again.
however C) even if though minds his own business. A) although B) in case C)
D) although A) as B) therefore so that D) as if
189. the bans
C) as long as D) so that
remained in force, Turkey 218. I obeyed her she
could not claim to be fully 209. Apparently Betty is jealous should be angry.
democratic. get better grades than she A) provided that B) but C)
A) Unless B) Provided does. unless D) lest
C) As long asD) Because A) in spite of B) in case
219. Please turn down the TV. I
of moreover D) because
want to be able to get to
190. Doctors often use X-raysthey 210. I apologized, he sleep. Please turn down the
can pass through skin and looked as if he wanted to TV so that .
flesh. strangle me. A) I am getting to sleep B) I’ll
A) so that B) as long as A) In spite of B) Even be able to sleep
C) provided though C) Because C) I could get to sleep D) I can
D) nevertheless Therefore get to sleep
191. Within another hundred 211. The government puts up 220. Please be quiet so that .
years we will have to find taxes A) the teacher will get angry
alternative sources of A) in order to B) as B) I can hear what the teacher
energy, the because is saying
world’s reserves of oil will C) I heard what the teacher
212. I wrote down the
not last that long. said
A) so that B) since D) to hear what the teacher is
unless D) while saying
A) because B) so as
192. An airline pilot and a to C) so 221. Mike decided to become an
racing driver are similar that D) as anthropologist
they must possess good 213. Roy talks nonsense A) so he can study the life of a
judgment and the ability that no one listens to him any primitive tribe
to react quickly in a crisis. more. B) that’s why he will watch
A) however B) so that A) although B) as if the documentary film on a
in that D) even if D) such primitive tribe
C) after he saw a documentary
193. They built a high fence 214. She doesn’t mind working
film on a primitive tribe
around the building overtime
could get out. D) due to the fact that the film
A) provided that
is- on a primitive tribe
A) as B) so that C) as a result
since D) because 222. “Having seen that film before,
215. We have to do the job we like
194. The old woman had to she wants to see a different
it or not.
one.” means:
stand all the way A) if B) whether
her sit down on the bus. A) As she has seen a different
unless D) provided
A) so B) so that film before, she can see this
since D) although film.
216. I did my homework B) Because she’s seen that film
195. He stole the money our teacher had instructed. before, she wants to go to
I warned him not to. A) as B) in order different one.
Book 1 Part B 9 Clauses (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
C) As she’d seen that film 227. This is book that I 238. the harm she’s done you’ll
before, she wanted to see don’t think I’ll finish it. him, he still loves her. never catch
a different one. A) such a boring B) very A) In spite of up.
D) Because she wants to boring C) Because A) Although B) even
see that film, she can so boring though
239. hard I try, I still can’t
watch it. C) Moreover D) Howe
do it.
228. I can’t repair the A) In spite of 241. You’d better leave now. ,
dishwasher myself C) Therefore you’ll have to get a taxi home.
A) that it has broken down A) otherwise B) in case C)
B) because I had it repaired 240.quickly
yet D) still
C) so I will get someone to you work,
do it for me 223. “Having worked all day, I 242. He left he has had no
D) unless the repairman had was tired last night.” means: school real education.
helped me sixtee
229. I’ve gained weight A) As I had worked all
day, I was feeling A) because B) for C) so
that I can’t wear any of my
tired last night. D) even though
old clothes.
A) so many B) too many B) I worked tiringly
C) so much D) too hard all day
much yesterday.
C) Since I’ve 243. She we had
230. I’ve met people in worked all didn’t never
the last few days that I day, I am seem met.
can’t possibly remember tired now. to
all of their names. recog
A) so many B) too many nize
C) so much D) too me
much D) Because I was tired last A) like B) as if C)
231. Ever since I was a child, I night, I worked all day. although D) yet
afraid of dogs. 224. “I got to the airport at 9.15. My 244. The food may be good at the
A) am B) was plane left ten minutes later.” Harvard but it’s
have been D) will be means: A) very much B) far too C)
232. Janet’s contact lens popped . even so D) quite a
out while she A) My plane had left ten
245. People normally
A) was playing minutes ago.
treat you just you tre
C) has been playing B) Before I got to the airport,
played my plane had taken off.
A) the same B) as if C) as though
C) I got to the airport just
233. Be sure to reread your D) as
before my plane left.
composition for errors D) I couldn’t catch my plane. 246. He acted strangely, he
before you was frightened,
tomorrow. 225. Since he’s not interested in
A) otherwise B) like C) as
A) are handed classical music, he
though D) the way
C) having handed A) hasn’t gone to the concert
B) would have gone to the 247. The weather was bad
234. By the time I leave this city, concert we didn’t go to the seaside.
I C) had decided not to go to A) such / then B) very / that
A) have lived the concert C) so / that D) too /
lived D) was supposed to go to the
C) will live 248. It was hot, I didn’t
need my coat.
235. “We can’t leave now. We 226. the semester is A) because B) so C)
have to wait Peggy.” finished, I’m going to rest a however D) although
means: few days and then take a trip.
A) We can’t leave because 249. She doesn’t like phones in
A) Whenever B) Now that
Peggy isn’t here. living rooms, and
C) In spite of D) In order to
B) We must leave now, sister.
because Peggy is waiting A) so B) but C)
for us. neither D) too
C) Peggy is waiting; we 250. everybody seemed to be as if D) therefore
can’t leave. out of cigarettes, I passed
255. You can phone me
D) We must stay here until mine round.
you like.
Peggy arrives. A) As B) So
A) whichever B) in case C)
that D) In order
236. “ the terrible whatever D) whenever
weather, we enjoyed 256. He speaks English much he
ourselves. 251________she had sung, the whole
writes it.
A) In spite of B) Because audience stood and applauded
A) better than B) worse C)
C) Although D) However loudly.
clearer than D) a lot worse
A) Although B) After
237. “My roommate walked into Now that D) So long as
the room. Immediately, I 257. Mr. Taylor, I’m here just in
knew that something was 252. he is very rich, he case .
wrong.” means: lives very simply. A) they will come earlier
something was wrong. A) After B) While B) anything out of the ordinary
A) As soon as my roommate D) Although happens
entered the room, C) they telephoned to meet
253. you say to her, she
B) Before my roommate them at the airport
still keeps smiling.
walked into the room, D) you might need my help
A) However B) Moreover
C) By the time my C) Whatever D) Whenever 258. I’m in a difficult situation in
roommate came into the
that .
room, 254. You shouldn’t be rude,
A) I’ve been offered two jobs
D) After my roommate came very angry.
and they both sound
into the room, A) even if B) however
Book 1 Part B 9 Clauses (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
interesting 267. I get an electrician to check fur coat was very nice
B) I had better study, harder all my electrical appliances C) she had a fever
C) I don’t want to get every autumn a crowded stadium
disillusioned not . 275. His hair looked as if .
D) there was some A) they are giving trouble A) it has just been dyed
misunderstanding B) they don’t need checking B) it had been combed with
259. He feels himself to be C) he is very good at it his fingers
dependent in that . D) he charges me a lot C) it hasn’t been cut for ages
A) he is not free to question D) it needs cutting
decisions affecting his 268. “They built a statue of
him lest people should 276. I felt as if .
daily life
forget what he had done.” A) I’m going to get selected
B) he isn’t in good health
and spirits means: . B) I’ve done my best for the
A) They built a statue of realization of the project
C) the company collapsed
within six months him so that people C) I were the center of the
would not forget what universe
D) early retirement is a
means of reducing the he had done. D) I would have fainted
workforce B) They built a statue of 277. He behaved as though
him because people A) it was nothing to be
260. Be clear and factual in order wouldn’t forget what he
that ashamed of
had done B) he is a millionaire
A) to protect the employee’s C) As people would forget
rights C) he has come to a garden
what he had done one party
B) there will be many day, they built a statue
exciting opportunities in D) he lost all his money
of him
the future D) Believing that it was 278. Our aim is to recruit the
C) agriculture and rural necessary for people most qualified person,
industry are flourishing not to forget what he A) unless there are some
D) there may be no had done, they had a really good ones
misunderstanding statue of him built B) whether or not we liked
261. I’d have married her even them
269. Tourism is a good thing
A) her parents had given C) no matter where he is from
inasmuch as
their consent D) whichever way you looked
A) if we are to pay our
B) she’d rather I had at it
married her B) foreign exchange is 279. I’d do anything to get that
C) she had been penniless concerned contract, but it is highly
D) she was in love with C) foreign trade is essential unlikely
another man D) it brings people into A) my firm would get it
262. He grabbed me and shook contact with other B) that my firm will get it
me till . nations C) for my firm getting it
A) my teeth rattled D) if my firm can get it
B) the police have arrived 270. I used to love listening to
280. They decided to postpone
C) I’d apologized to him her, even though
the match,
D) he would have noticed I A) she has nothing
conditions were better than
had a gun interesting to mention
they had expected.
B) we didn’t have a radio to
263. Long before you return A) yet
listen to
A) everybody has already C) even though
C) she was a good friend of
left mine
B) we’d sold out of your size D) I could only understand
C) she will have forgotten about half of what she
you said
D) I’d finished all the work
271. Nobody said a thing except
264. I had no sooner checked in that
to the hotel . A) one or two asked me if I
A) when two gunmen was better
ordered me to open my B) I would tell them
briefcase everything in detail
B) than he arrived with the C) they had already told
appropriate documents everything in their mind
C) a young lady approached D) a man who has been
me with a smile involved in the accident
D) before all rooms have
been reserved 272. In Turkey, you come
across ceremonies.
265. Hardly had he uttered the A) which is rich in history
words I’m sure you’ll enjoy it
A) than we left the room C) wherever you go
B) when he began laughing people are very hospitable
C) as soon as everybody sat
down 273. I was never allowed to do
the things
D) the manager came in
A) the way I wanted to do
266. Nobody gets anything them
unless B) I’ve always thought of
A) they ask for it realizing
B) he has enough money C) I’m very keen on carrying
C) they don’t work harder out
D) he isn’t very determined D) nevertheless I am very
determined to solve
274. She felt as if .
A) she is a stranger
Book 1 Part B 9 Clauses (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
Choose 28. A: .
the best B: I’m sorry, but
alternat I haven’t got my
ive. car.
A) M A) Will you give me
B) Are a lift?
a C) drive you to
y Can school?
D) C) Could you drive
Is a bit faster? D)
When shall we
2. A:I 29. A: .
A) C B) Am
o Need B: Yes, please. Can
u D) I give you the
l Did money now?
3. you help me with my homework?
lend me some money?
A) Ar B) May B) Will you buy
e Can some fruit on the
Need way back home
4. Yo C) Shall we
go to the
n tonight?
A) a D) Shall I get you a
B) can’t ticket for the
r ought Madonna Concert?
e not
n weren’t
5. Cigarettes 30. If you don’t feel
seriously better you
damage your A) ought B)
health. should C)
A) are B) do don’t have to D)
C) can D) needn’t
31. I’ll go now.
6. you post
this letter for
A) W A) should B)
B) Shall must C)
ill C) have to D)
May ought to
7 he window?
Book 1 Part B 1 Modals (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
32. Yo the 8.45 train. It
38. Good morning sir,
u doesn’t stop at expensive.
what I do
get Yorkshire.
15. He read faster A) would B)
A) W A) had better B) a few years ago. can C)
B) Shall C) mustn’t C) should
i Am D) A) can B) shall D)
D) don’t
l have to could C) must
l might D)
39. We to stop
8. We leave now 33. You go near must
or we’ll be late. that 16. you pass the A) must B)
A) has to B) dog! salt, please? should C)
must C) It’s had better D)
can D) very ought
will danger
ous. 40. careful! You are
9. If you had video, making mistakes.
A) may not B) don’t have
you A) Be B)
tonight. Must C) Do
C) mustn’t D)
D) Did
34. We play football
today because it is 41. you answer the
A) c B) can C) phone?
o must D) A) couldn’t B) can’t C) A) Were B)
u may aren’t D) didn’t Will C)
l Are D)
10 35. When I was a
. child I drink a lot 42. A: I play the
Pl of milk.
ea B: But you said
se yesterday you
A) B) Are A) can’t / could
m Shoul can / could
ak d
e Could
is 17. you C) couldn’t / can D
e. remember which could / could
A) d B) don’t shoe you put on
i C) can’t A) should B) may C) first this morning?
d D) may not used to D) need A) M B) Can 43. I missed the bus
’ a Should this morning so I
t y D) Were to school.
11. open 36. A: I’ve got 18. You A) have to
the toothache. B: be B) must
windows. You’d
dentist. hungr C) had to
I’m cold. y. D) ought
A) D B) Can’t C)
o Mustn’t D) A) better B) should You’v
n Needn’t C) used to e just
’ D) must had
t dinne
12. Shoes 37. Betty has a r.
be either temperature. She A) a B) can’t 44. Vegetables
black or ill.
r may
brown. e must be washed carefully.
A) d B) are C) n
o D) need A) had better B) used to
n C) can not ’t
’ D) must
t 19. Yo A) has to
13. A e u B) have to
: n be C) ought
. hu D) might
M ry.
y B Yo
: u
c . ha
a A) You should ring the d
r police. B) Will you phone no
the police? lu
C) Could you ring the nc
h police? D) You h.
a the police. A) c B) shouldn’t 45. He drive a
14. A: I a C) must car when he was
bought n couldn’t eighteen.
b this pen ’t
e today and
e 20. Sorr brown.
it doesn’t y,
n work. B: this
. be
s A) Could you fill it with ink? my
t B) Shall I give you bag.
o another one? Mine
l C) You should take it back. is

Book 1 Part B 1 Modals (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)

A) is able B) D) is used to B: C) couldn’t
could C) can He able
A) c B) must C) 46. You watch TV when said
52. you mind if I
a D) could you are studying. he be, but he
used your
n was
’ n’t
A) Do B)
t sure.
Will C)
A) can
21. I not A) didn’t B) Shall D)
B) might
have time to shouldn’t C) Need
C) may
phone you couldn’t D) aren’t
D) has to 53. run if you feel
this evening.
A) m B) must C) 47. I like to listen to 27. A: Is this a 24
A) Mustn’t
a would D) guitar music. bus coming?
y didn’t B: It be. I can’t
see the number
22. He A) will B) can C)
probably be would D) could
A) m B) can’t C) Don’t have to
back in
i may Shouldn’t
time for
g not
h must
A) i B) wasn’t 48. We see him
s C) won’t tomorrow.
n D) doesn’t 54. A horse go twice used C)
’ as fast as an elephant. was used to D) is
t A) used to B) used to
can C) is
23. Take a A) might B) 60. A: I’m getting a bit fat.
used to D) is
sweater would C) had B: .
with you. It to D) ought A) You might eat a bit
get cold 55. A: I don’t like this more. B
later. medicine. shouldn’t eat so
A) w B) might C) 49. you able to B: Don’t worry. I’m much.
o would D) understand the lesson this sure you’ll soon C) You cannot be
n need morning? A) used to B) get hungry. D
’ used to C) is used eat a lot.
t to D)
61. A: We must go soon,
use to
24. A A) Were B) Could C) Would mustn’t we? B: Yes,
: D) Should 56. A: Do you like Florida? we
B: Not really. I’m not A) had better B)
50. I don’t think we be able would C) had
S to get to the to D)
A) used to B) be
h airport in time? able to C) will have to
e A) can B) are C) will get used to D)
D) could 62. I get up than stay
got used to
in bed.
c 51. I see the President. 57. A: Does your father A) had better B)
a There were too many smoke? should C)
n people. B: He but not would rather D)

any more. have to
A) used to B)
63. When I was a child I
was able to C)
s bite my nails.
got used to D)
i A) was used to B)
was used to
n used to C)
g 58. It is got used to D)
. fun had better not
ny. 64. Nobody come
I yesterday.
B real
: A) wasn’t able to B)
ly should C
enj D) were able to
N oy
e jog 65. If I were you I see
i gin a doctor.
t g A) would B) had
h no better C) would
e w
r but rather D) should
. I 66. A: .
A) do I B) A) used to
could I C) to
am I D) C) didn’t
can I used to
25. It’s very cold. You to
put a sweater on. 59. A: Did your
A) s B) ought C) A) weren’t able to B) don’t mother tell
h has D) must have to you stories
o when you
u were small?
l B: Yes, she tell me
d Nasrettin
26. A: Will the be back in the stories.
director office today? A) would B)
Book 1 Part B 1 Modals (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
78. A have to D) should to o.
A) Would you like a A) am B)
: coffee?
83. A: I’ve got a headache.
like strawberries? were C) do
B: You take an aspirin.
C) Could you set the D)
I A) has to B) should C)
table? was
’ would D) used to
like some more?
m 89. We liv
84. I like jazz when I was small
a teenager. and th
p do,
A) should B) could C) .
u were D) used to 67. This be the right
road. There is no program.
t other way.
t 85. A: ? 73. You hurry if you
B: Yes, they do. A) had better B)
i want to catch that bus.
A) Do your friends write to must C)
n have to D) A) would rather B)
g you has got to
B) Do you and your brother would rather
like tea 68. You get the 9.45
o C) Do we have to leave now 74. Last year Janet
train. You could get
n D) Do they live in Vancouver run 800 meters in 2
the 9.55 and still
or Edinburgh minutes 45; now she
arrive in time.
w do it in 2 minutes 20.
86. A A) don’t have to
e A) was able to / is
: mustn’t
i able B
C) should
g could
h W C) could / can D
e 69. Hurry up! It is a can’t / is able to
r quarter past! We
. 75. I’ve got toothache. I go
e really
to the dentist.
A) don’t have to
B wouldn’t rather A) have got B)
: t must C)
C) mustn’t
h couldn’t D)
e 70. You play an needed to
Y y instrument to enjoy
o 76. I to study for
classical music.
u tomorrow’s exam.
A) don’t have to
go on a p A) don’t need B)
didn’t used to
l may not C
C) didn’t have to
a D) will not
d mustn’t
i 77. A:
i 71. A: I thought there was
e Why
n a cinema here.
t didn’t
g B: There be. It’s
A) ought B) had to you
now a supermarket.
needed to D) should come
A) should B)
t to the
79. You to write and would C)
e conce
thank him. used to D)
n rt last
A) has B) must had to
n night?
ought D) needed i 72. A B:
80. Jack is preparing for his s : Becau
exams. We ? se I visit a friend in
A) should go and visit him I
B) ought not to disturb B s hospit
him : n al.
C) ought to phone him ’ A) had to B)
had better watch TV t might C)
81. A: ? o have to D)
B: I’m going to study in the , t must
library. h
A) What do you usually do e
at the weekend r
B) What are you doing now e
C) When are you going to
. a
D) Are you coming with us
A) aren’t B) weren’t
to the cinema
C) didn’t D) don’t t
82. A: I’ve got a cold. o
87. Mother is still in bed, and my
B: Then you’d stay in i
bed. l
A) so is B) neither is
A) need to B) better e
C) nor is D) too
B: No, 88. M t
thank y hung
you. ?
I’ve ry, I
had b
enoug r
h. B
t :
h .
e A) There must be one
w somewhere.
a B) There can be after
s the interval.
v C) I’m afraid I need
r more details.
y D) It isn’t in the
Book 1 Part B 1 Modals (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
A) either B) neither I had better D)
C) too have to
90. A h 96. I feel tired. I go
: a to bed.
v A) had to B)
e has to C)
n had better D)
’ used to
i 97. You do your
n homework. If you
s don’t, you’ll fail the
a examination.
i A) must B)
d had to C)
n had better D)
’ a might
t n 98. We haven’t got much
y time. We
t A) needn’t B)
h must C)
i don’t have to D)
n has to
. 99. We have got plenty of
t time. We
h A) needn’t B)
B didn’t use to C)
: mustn’t D)
. didn’t need to
f A) Nor did I B) Neither did
i C) Nor have I D) I didn’t, 100. You do it now.
l either You can do it this
m afternoon.
. 93. A A) mustn’t B)
: had better C)
M needn’t D)
B y should
. f
A) So did I a
C) So do I t
91. A h
: e
s c
n h
’ e
t s
o v
o e
d r

a w
t e
m l
a .
t B
h : .
s A) So does my father B) Nor
. does my father
C) Neither my father D) My
father is, too
: 94. He said, “It may rain later
. in the day.” He said that it
A) Nor is his sister rain later in the day.
his brother A) would B) may C)
C) Neither does his father might D) must
His elder brother is, too. 95. He take his medicine
92. A three times a day. The
: doctor told him to.
A) has to B) need C)
Book 1 Part B 1 Modals (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
UPPER- 8 modals
have been able
C) would have been
the able D
altern 9. Joe ran all the way. It
ative. wasn’t necessary. Joe
run all the way.
1. His illness got worse A) needn’t have B
and worse. In the end need have
he C) didn’t need to D
an operation. doesn’t need to
A) will have to B)
must 10. Tom was serious
D) ought to have when he said he
wanted to be an actor
2. You when he grew up. We
at him. We hurt his
any more feelings.
aspirins; A) shouldn’t have
you’ve laughed B
had four have laughed
already. C) mustn’t have
A) mustn’t take laughed D
have have been laughed
taken 11. He hungry. He
C) shouldn’t have isn’t eating his food.
taken A) should be B
take needn’t have been
3. I’ve searched C) might not have
everywhere for Bob been D
but I 12. All the lights in Terry’s
A) wasn’t able room are turned off.
not able He
C) haven’t been able A) must have been B
had to be
4. A: Mrs. Taylor C) must be D
was found be
dead with a 13. Let’s go to the
wire around seminar. It in
her neck. B: A) used to be B
She supposed to be
strangled. C) must have been D
A) had to be needs to be
to have been
C) should have 14. Children taught
must have been to respect their elders.
A) should be B)
5. You spanked had better C) has
her. She didn’t to be D)
deserve it. must have
A) shouldn’t have
needn’t have 15. This application
C) mustn’t have last week.
couldn’t have A) should be sent B
must have been
6. A: I wonder who took C) ought to have been
my alarm clock. sent D
B: It Julia. She sent
to get up early. 16. We can’t wait any
A) might be / is longer! Something
could be / is immediately.
C) had to be / was A) should have been
must have been / was done B
7. In a hundred C) ought to do D
years’ time be done
drink. 17. A: I overslept this
A) must have run morning.
have B: You your
been/ru alarm clock.
n A) had better set B
C) should have run had to set
may have run C) should have set D
ought to have been
8. If you’d explained
your problem to me, I 18. Rice have water
to help you. in order to grow.
A) was able
Book 1 Part B 1 Modals (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
21. I to the doctor. I’m again, heto complete the s w
feeling much better. exercise. t a
A) don’t have to go A) could B) was able s
needn’t have gone C) can n
C) should have gone D) has been able i a
mustn’t go g t
29. If we don’t book seats soon,
22. This is an opportunity that we h
comes once in a lifetime. A) are able t
B) won’t be able h
We let it pass. C) will be able D) can’t . o
A) don’t have to m
30. If we went to live in the
shouldn’t have B e
tropics. I
C) needn’t have : .
23. I go to the cinema A) will have to B) have A) might take B
than study English. C) would have to D) have had Y have been taken
A) would rather B) had to o C) might have taken D
better u must have taken
31. If there is fuel shortage,
D) should me 38. I don’t think she
solar energy
24. When I was a child my A) has to develop B) will . Call her again.
father have to be developed t A) can have heard B
night before bed. C) will have to develop D) o might have heard
A) was going to had to be developed o C) must hear D
to . heard
32. When she got thinner she
C) would 39. Lucy is very late. She
take her dress in.
25. A: Did you enjoy the A) will have to B) should C) I her train.
concert? has to D) had A) may miss B
B: It was OK, but I to have missed
33. Mary any chocolates A) m B) should C) had to miss
the theatre.
but she did. u had should have
A) needn’t have gone
A) shouldn’t eat B) ought st better missed
must have gone
to have eaten ought to
C) had better go
C) ought not to eat D) must
rather have gone 19. I to go now.
not have eaten 40. I
26. A I have a class in
34. Your umbrella is wet. It wa
: ten minutes.
raining. lke
A) had better
A) must be B) was C) d
B) have got
H can’t be D) might to
C) must
o sc
35. the pains come again, D) should
w ho
don’t hesitate to phone me. 20. “Doctors are ol
A) Would B) Should C) supposed to thi
m Will D) Had help sick people” s
u means: m
c 36. it been raining, I’d
A) They help or
h have needed my umbrella.
sick people. ni
A) Should B) Would C)
B) They should ng,
Might D) Had
d help sick bu
o 37. A people. tI
: C) They must be b
y helping sick us.
o I people. A) didn’t
u D) They might n
have helped e
t sick people. e
w o d
e o
i k
h J
? a
B e
: t
B) had
A) I needn’t have told you t C) might take
B) I’d rather not tell you o could have taken
C) I couldn’t have told you
41. The flower is dead.
t Maybe I
27. When I was a child, I a h water.
flashlight to bed with me e A) might give
so that I
needed to give
read comic books
c C) should have
without my parents’
i given
knowing them.
n have been given
A) used to take / could
was used to taking / e 42. These flowers C) should be watered
could m twice a week, but I D
a always forget to water watered
C) would take / can
would have taken / was able them.
l A) ought to water 43. Why don’t you buy a
a ought to have been lottery ticket. You
28. After looking at his notes watered large prize.
Book 1 Part B 1 Modals (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
A) might win A) must not leave B) needn’t have 62. If you want
won left antibiotics, you 69. Since you have been
C) could have won C) can’t leave D) can’t have the doctor for a working for hours,
have won left prescription. you
A) must B) A) could be B
44. Why did you take such a 54. A: Is it Sunday? All the C) must have been D
had better C)
risk? You shops are closed. might have been
will have D)
A) could B) must be B: Well, if all the shops are
C) might have closed, it 70. We or we’ll be
A) can’t be B) might have 63. “You weren’t late,
45. We our towels been A) had better hurry B
supposed to do that.”
because we knew the hotel C) must be D) must have didn’t need to hurry
would provide some. been C) had to hurry D
A) You should do
A) didn’t need to pack needn’t have hurried
that, but you don’t.
needn’t pack 55. A: You bought the tickets,
B) You should have
C) don’t have to pack didn’t you? 71. The car broke down,
done it, but you
needn’t have been packed B: No. I , but I didn’t and we
have enough money. to a service station.
46. It was very cold in the C) You shouldn’t have
A) couldn’t B) ought to have A) have to B)
morning. Youyour sweater. done it.
been had to C)
A) could wear D) You shouldn’t do
C) was supposed to D) must should D)
wear that, but you do.
have ought to
C) should have worn
64. The wound has healed
might wear 56. The boy walk again 72. No one likes
now. You
soon after he had had an work at the weekend.
47. “I was supposed to call her any longer.
operation. A) has to B)
at seven.” means: . A) needn’t have worn
A) can B) is able to had to C) will
A) I called her at seven B) didn’t need to
C) might D) was able have to D) having
was called by her at wear
to to
seven C) don’t have to wear
C) I could call her at seven. 57. He was crying just a 73. It is very difficult
moment ago. He wear choice to m
at seven already. A) have to B)
65. You this to Kate,
A) is not able to B) must having to C) had
48. You for me; or she’ll get upset.
C) must not D) can’t to D)
I could have A) needn’t tell
found the way 58. George is reading a Spanish shouldn’t have told
all right. newspaper. He C) mustn’t have told 74. You to see a
A) needn’t have A) is to know B) must doctor. You’re
waited B) could haveC) had to know D) need to perfectly healthy.
66. A:
waited know A) mustn’t B)
C) don’t have to wait D) didn’t need don’t need C)
59. No wonder you always look offi
to wait may not D)
pale. You ce
49. Janet some problem. She keeps
A) will need B) ought to C) had is
cryin to D) must have em 75. Alcohol be bad
g. pty. for his health, but it is
A) must have 60. To keep fit and stay healthy, He for me.
had you mu A) must not B
B) of exercise. st need to
mus A) have to take B) used to hav C) doesn’t have to D
t take e may not
hav C) might have taken D) ought gon
e to have taken e 76. Children under twelve
C) needs to have ho travel free of charge.
have had 61. Transport systems me. A) can B) is
likely to change in the B: able to C) can
50. The lights have gone out. future. One probable But not be D)
A) A fuse might blow difference is that there his must be
fuse could blow more electric vehicles. bri
C) A fuse must have blown A) is / will be B) will / efc 77. Father is mending
C) are / will be D) will / ase the car. After that
would be is we
51. I to the butcher’s her A) can B) might C) may
on the way e. D) will be able
home, but I He
forgot. A) might not go 78. It is very important to
A) need to go B) ought to have can’t have gone me, and I really
gone C) ought not to go A) might not B)
C) must have could have gone ought not C)
gone D) should don’t have to D)
go 67. He with us if he mustn’t
doesn’t want to.
52. She about the time. A) needs to come 79. We write an
Her friends were also late. needn’t have come essay on the book
A) needn’t worry C) didn’t need to after we’d read it.
need to worry come A) had to B)
C) doesn’t need to worry have to C) will
needn’t have worried 68. The package to have to D) must
the wrong address.
53. The plane A) must have been 80. The sky seen
sent because of the
sent pollution.
already-it’s A) can not B)
not due to go C) could have sent
might have sent can’t be C)
until 9.55.
Book 1 Part B 1 Modals (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
might be D) must be C) has / had to D) doesn’t / 98. You cannot wash 102. “It isn’t necessary for
have to these curtains. They us to leave soon.”
81. I sorry if she had left. A) to be dry-cleaned means:
A) will be 83. You’d better not try to B) must have been A) We needn’t have
C) would be bribe him. He dry-cleaned left soon.
police. C) have been dry-
82. Robert is a millionaire’s B) We didn’t need to
A) could report B) might cleaned
son. He leave soon.
have reported dry-cleaned
worry about anything in C) We don’t need to
C) needs to report D) could
life. 99. The reports by leave soon
have reported
A) is / has to four o’clock because D) We have to leave
the manager is going soon
84. I wish you’d told me they sawing that woman
were on the phone. I all in half! B: He to sign them. 103. A:
the way to their house. half. It a trick. A) must be finished I
A) didn’t have to go A) mustn’t be / might be B) must finish we
didn’t need to go can not be / must be C) should have been nt
C) needn’t go C) ought not to be / can be finished ou
have gone D) must be / might finished t
100. I very hard but I las
85. If only you’d mentioned 93. A: t
that your friend played His do now.
A) don’t need to work ni
tennis. We a game of brot gh
doubles. her B) don’t have to
work t,
A) can have won an
had the C) didn’t have to
work d
C) might have mar m
atho worked
86. If my car stuck in a n 101. George King filter- col
traffic jam, I’d be very last tipped cigarettes, but d
angry, but I my year now he smokes cigars. go
horn. . B: A) is used to smoking t
A) is / won’t bang He very B) was used to w
don’t bang fast. smoke or
C) were / won’t bang A) might have been B) must C) is accustomed to se.
were / wouldn’t bang be smoking B:
C) may have been D) might accustomed to Yo
87. I wouldn’t buy it unless I be smoking u at
A) can’t afford
afforded 94. A:
C) could afford Ho ho
afford w m
on e.
88. A: Williams. Jack Williams. eart A) must stay B
B: Sorry. I the wrong h better stay
number. did C) ought to stay D
A) must dial the should have stayed
dialed thie
C) might dial 104. A
been dialed :
89. A: He was driving h
on the right in e
He a
Cyprus when he C
crashed. B: He hi
on the left. n
A) had to be driving e
could be driving A) is able to break B) might
have been broken
C) ought to have been e
C) could have broken D) had
driving D) shouldn’t have d
to break
been driving e
95. I wish he a little more s
90. A: The cr
attendant was ib
smoking near A) must be B) would be
C) will be D) might be e
the petrol d
pump. B: He 96. The Government fl
smoking recommended that the yi
there. housing problem n
A) shouldn’t be up. g
to be A) would be B) must be m
C) wouldn’t be C) is to be D) should a
have been be c
91. You say you saw him 97. A: Surely he has woken up. n
sitting in the canteen today. B: Well, I e
He sitting there. He has can hear s.
been in hospital for two snoring B
days. coming :
A) couldn’t have been from his T
must not be room. A: He then. h
C) can not be A) can’t wake up B) might e
been not wake up y tremendous
92. A: Look at the C) must have woken up D)
magician. He is can not have woken up
Book 1 Part B 1 Modals (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
m Yes, it
ag could. It
in has got
at more
io skillful
ns players.
. A) could / beat B) could /
A) could have have been beaten
C) must have had C) could / have beaten D)
have could / be beaten by
105. A: 112. I can’t find my keys. I have a
D feeling I
o A) might leave B) must have
yo left
u C) could leave D) should have
th left
k 113. My car has been making a
th strange noise lately. I
ey the garage and get it seen
’ll to.
ha A) had to take B) shall have
ve to take
m C) should have taken D) was
y to have taken
si 114. Joan suggested that they all
ze go for a walk in the
? afternoon - provided it
B: didn’t keep on raining.
T A) would B) could C)
he should D) might
y have your
115. You say I a
si screwdriver. What
ze ?
. A) could have used / should
A) are used to B) should / have used
has to B) shouldn’t have used /
should / have used
106. If you worked in industry, C) might not use / should /
you be used
A) had to know D) mustn’t use / could /
know have used
C) should have known
might have known 116. He was so unsure of
himself that he
107. His life if he had worn box of chocolates without
his seat belt. consulting his mother.
A) would be saved A) wouldn’t B) won’t
have saved C) can’t D) might not
C) could have been saved
may be saved 117. Before his illness he
anything but now he
108. I go out than be stuck very careful with his diet.
in bed. A) could eat / can be B)
A) had better B) should must have eaten / had to
have to D) would be
rather C) could eat / has to be D)
couldn’t eat / has to be
109. I to learn English
fluently. 118. Powerful though they
A) must B) have got were, they never
C) should D) would challenge the authority of
rather the King.
A) will have B) dared C)
110. A: Is he going to have his would have D) could’ve
operation this month? been
B: Well, he have
had it this month, but now 119. If those two people
he is going to have it next leave, the Whole firm
month. would probably collapse.
A) was to B) will A) must B) are to C)
used to D) needs to were to D) had to
111. A: 120. We be late for work.
Our boss is very particular
Barcelon about time- keeping.
a A) wouldn’t B) weren’t to
C) daren’t D) didn’t used
night? B:
Book 1 Part B 1 Modals (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
PRE-INTERMEDIATE 9 prepositions
Choose 25. He grows corn his
the best farm.
answer. A) over
B) with
1. Are C) at
you afraid D) on
A) B) from 26. She opened her
C) on mouth so the
D) of doctor could look
her throat.
A) to B)
on C)
at D)
2. My friend and I always go to school the bus.
A) B) on 27. He will stay here
in Monday.
at A) by B)
till C)
at D)
3. He tried to open the tin a knife.
A) w B) by 28. You’d better go to
it D) out of London
h plane.
A) at B) in
C) by D)
4. His office is the second floor of the building.
A) B) in 29. She said hello
D) on everyone except
A) to B)_
C) at D)
5. Mike is sitting the 30. She is worried
desk front of the her exams.
door. A) of B)
A) at / in B) about C)
in / on C) with D)_
on / on D)
at / at 31. Tell us your
6. Listen! I think
there is someone
the front door.
A) on B) at A) _ B) of
D) C)
with about D)

7. There’s a paper 32. Mr. Collins always talks

the floor. Please put it himself.
the wastebasket. A) to B) with
A) at / into B) on / C) at D) in
at C) on /
in D) over 33. Is it possible for me to
/ at keep it
A) by B) at C)
8. There was a storm since D) until
night, it rained
four hours. 34. Who’s the man
A) at / in B) the funny hat?
during / for C) in / A) in B) from
since D) C) at D) to
during / at

9. See you Monday

A) u B) at
n D) on 35. Will you come bus
d or a late tra
10. We are giving him a surprise party his birthday.
by / by B) on / inC) by
/ on D) in / by
Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
A) in B) at C) A) in B) on 49. I’m afraid falling
D) on 36. I saw an accident by D)_ trees.
A) from B) of C)
my way home. with D) at
11. What’s the price this tie? A) in B) at C) on D) –
B) at C) in 50. She didn’t get a 76. A
A) of B) at C) passing grade :
D) to 37. The doctor gave me a test.
prescription A) on
12. We are meeting next Thursday. B) with D
B) to C) at C) at i
A) o B) _ C) D) of d
n D) in 38. I usually stay at home
night. 51. I sometimes listen t
13. They have lived in Spain the second World War. the radio or watch h
B) at C) in TV. e
A) d B) for C) A) of / on y
u since D) at 39. Have you seen the new B) to / on
r bridge they’ve built C) _ / to c
i D) to / _ o
g 52. I always lie down e
14. How do the children get school in the morning? swim.
B) under C) between A) by
A) to B) at B) with b
D)_ 40. I’ll call you seven C) on u
o’clock. D) after s
15. A dictionary has information words. ?
B) on C) at 53. Are they going to
A) to B) about C) stay B
in D) 41. Can’t you come A) in :
B) over
your bicycle? C) on N
16. The children wore boots to play the snow. D) of o
B) with C) on
A) at B) by 54. She put a
D) in 42. She arrived bandage
cut finger. t
Friday. A) at h
17. There’s a good restaurant the Bolu road. B) to e
B) on C) at C) on y
A) b B) in C) D) in
e D) at 43. We’ll go c
t 55. He has a pain his a
w Marmaris June. leg. m
e A) on e
e B) over foot.
n C) in A) on / on B) by
18. We stopped for three-quarters of an hour Heathrow Airport. D) at / on C)
A) _ / in B) at / on with / by D)
on D) to / in 56. The Prime by / with
A) at B) in C) Minister arrived
D) on 44. I was born Tokyo last night. 77. Switch a light.
A) _ It’s getting dark.
September 9th. B) in A) of B) off
19. Where is your mother? Is she the hairdresser’s again? C) at C) out D) on
B) on C) at D) to
A) in B) on 78. What was the
D) _ 45. John and Mary are 57. I couldn’t get temperature
talking school in time. yesterday?
20. Who’s the blonde girl the first raw? A) to A) at B) of
B) to C) on B) at C) in D) off
A) in B) on C) C) _
D) over 46. Classes began last D) in 79. I look forward
week. meeting you next
21. You’ll find the poem page 16. 58. The student month.
B) _ C) at apologized A) at B) for
A) at B) on late. C) with D) to
D) _ 47. They took my A) to
temperature B) at 80. “You can’t come in a
22. He lived with Nomads the Sahara desert for two days. C) of ticket,” the man told
before B) by D) for us.
D) of A) without B)
A) o B) on C) through C) by
v D) of 48. Do you take sugar your D) with
e tea?
r 81. I get up six
23. I won’t stay bed; I’ll o’clock
just lie down the bed 24. I last saw her the car Tuesdays.
for an hour. park. A) at / on B) at
A) in / in B) at / in / in C)
at / on D) in / on about / at D)
Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
around / in 83. When people go a on the
picnic they always eat a 88. You may write a pen runway
82. My father takes a nap lot. or a pencil. minutes.
dinner. A) _ B) on C) A) with / by B) A) at B) on
A) with B) D) eat with / with C)
after C) on in / in D) C) in
D) at 84. Boys and girls go by / by
A) to D) 89. I woke up D) for
59. Ann stirred her C) with five o’clock
coffee the morning. 95. Get the bus. It
A) with B) 85. When do you A) in / in B) is about to go.
by C) take at / on C) A) over B) for
in D) watch? at / in D) C) on D) at
to at / at
A) off B) on 96. Are you going to study
60. Petrol is sold the out D) of 90. The weather is the afternoon or nig
liter. pleasant here A) on / on B) in /
A) by B) 86. I’ll phone you spring. in C) in /
from C) tomorrow. A) at B) at D) at /
at D) A) to B) at in C) in
on on D) on D)
as 97. We had a wonderful
61. What time does this time at the party
train get 91. His birthday is Saturday night.
Liverpool? August 20. A) on B) in
A) B) to C) 87. Our village lies A) in B) C) at D) by
D) for two high mountains. on C)
A) among B) over at D) 98. Fuel is a source
C) in D) from energy.
between A) of B) for
62. Sorry, I didn’t phone 72. David was very busy the 92. They met C) over D) in
you last night. I was afternoon. Istanbul
the theatre. A) with B) on C) 1989. 99. George fell a
A) on B) in D) in A) at / at B) wall and broke his leg.
at D) over to / in C) A) of B) by
73. Toshio is Japan. He at / in D) C) off D) up
63. Where do you come ? isn’t American. in / in
A) from B) - A) of B) in C) 100. the future,
of D) in D) from 93. We are leaving for people will be living
Paris on pills.
64. We stayed the 74. Bob ran 100 meters A) on B) A) In B) On
Heathrow Hotel. 11 seconds. in C) C) By D) At
A) on B) into A) in B) at C) at D)
C) at D) to D) with from 101. They lived in Ankara
1990 1993.
65. I waited the bus- 75. They arrived plane. 94. The A) in / to B)
stop for ten minutes. A) by B) on C) plane from / till C)
A) at B) in with D) on will until / to D)
on D) for stay from / by
102. We have been living A) at B) in C)
66. I’m not very good in Ankara on D)
mathematics. A) for B) along
A) of B) on since C) in
in D) at D) until 108. Mr. Lee works
66 Moon Fleet Street.
67. What are you interested 103. The bridge will be A) at B) in C)
? finished to D) on
A) in B) of time.
on D) over A) by B) for 109. He sat the back
C) since D) in of the car.
68. Please put your A) behind B) at C)
homework 104. I’ll be home 7 in D) on
A) at B) to o’clock.
on D) with A) by B) in 110. How did you enjoy your
C) on D) vacation
69. He’s lived that since summer?
street for many years. A) at B) in C)
A) of B) on 105. Don’t hurry. The train on D) by
at D) to won’t leave
A) by B) in 111. There are national
70. It takes about five C) until D) for parks some p
minutes to walk country.
the bridge. 106. I’ve been in this class A) in B) on C) at D)
A) over B) to the beginning of the over
at D) till semester.
A) for B) 112. Tokyo is the most
71. I took the train since C) crowded city
Dover to Ostend. until D) at A) on B) at C)
A) by B) on in D)
of D) from 107. They live West upon
End Avenue.

Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)

113. Turn left the C) on / for D) in / for 128. What kind
corner. The shop is music do you like? 143. Are you or
the left A) _ B) in against Nuclear Power?
side. C) of D) on A) on B) for
A) on / at B) in / to C) at C) in D) near
D) in / at 129. How do you get home
to your school? 144. Can I come in with my
114. Don’t walk the A) at B) to dirty shoes
street! Walk here C) into D) A) with B) on C)
the sidewalk. from in D) off
A) in / on B) on / at
C) at / on D) in / to 130. The earth goes 145. I like sitting the
the sun. sun.
115. I’m going to meet my A) round B) A) on B) at C)
friends over C) on in D) of
tonight. D) to
A) in B) at 146. Have you ever flown the
D) over 131. Who was the first Alps?
man A) over B) out
116. We arrived Leeds at A) in B) at of C) on D)
midnight. C) on D) of up
A) at B) to
D) on 132. Galileo was also 147. The teacher is standing
interested the board.
117. We couldn’t arrive A) at B) _ A) on B) in C)
on D) in of D) at
the airport in time.
A) at B) to 133. That is very nice you. 148. Are you short
D) on A) of B) in breath?
C) at D) off A) from B) at C)
118. A lot of planes go off D) of
the city. 134. Let me help you your
A) on B) cleaning, 149. Do you suffer
through C) over A) with B) at heartburn?
along C) on D) in A) of B) on C)
from D) at
119. There were no planes 135. Shevchenko was born
past. Ukraine. 150. In which part the
A) in B) on A) at B) in head do you get the
D) over C) on D) pain?
from A) on B) of
120. We waited you in D) over
p.m. 136. There is a bus station
A) at / to B) for / directly
until C) for / to A) beside B)
D) with / since opposite C) on
D) of
121. Is there a fridge
your kitchen? 137. He lives
A) at B) on number five.
over D) in A) at B) on
C) of D) in
122. I’m still waiting the
Blue Train. 138. Can you get the eggs
A) to B) of the fridge, please?
D) at A) out B) out
of C)
123. Marie Curie was born over D) off
A) on B) at 139. The glass fell
D) from the table and broke.
A) out B) out
124. He died in 1990 a of C) off
car accident. D) over
A) on B) of
after D) before 140. Someone is waiting
125. Who is that pretty A) through B) on
young girl the C) out of D)
short blue skirt? outside
A) _ B) with C) in
D) on 141. I’m waiting the
Paris plane.
126. She writes her A) at B)
parents every week. after C) for
A) at B) to D) before
D) for
142. Would you like to
127. She has been the come
USA three A) with B)
years. from C) by
A) in / since B) at / for D) at
Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
UPPER- 1 prepositions

31. They may have come
h an earlier train.
A) on B) by
C) with D) in
1. Wreckage from the
plane was scattered
wide area.
A) o B) from 32. This wardrobe was
v on made
e at made it
2. The toilet is straight old packing cases
that door, then the
stairs on the left. a few simple tools.
A) through / up A) by / from / by B)
opposite / from with / with
C) next to / over C) by / of / by D)
across / down out of / with
3. He makes reading- 33. The safe had been
lamps blown open
A) w A) with B)
B) by by C) at
it out D)
h of on
4. He began his career 34. The situation had
twenty years ago occurred a
doctor. misunderstanding.
A) like B) A) for B) of
as C) C) with D)
of D) because of
such as 35. The police accused
5. She sighed him goin
relief. red light.
A) w A) of B)
B) on for C) in
it of D)
h at through
6. The chairman is 36. They are very similar. I
any publicity. often mistake one
A) A) through B) of
B) at C)
by with D)
with for
7. He shared his 37. He suffers rather
and his sister. badly mig
A) a A) of B)
B) between from C) for
m C) D) as
o amongst
n D) within
8. She was 38. Our TV isn’t
laughing working. A repairer
of fans. is coming to see
A) a g B) between C)
m within D) next
o to

Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)

A) f or B) through C) like D) A) b B) C) for D)
9. She got married y with on
39. Animals are not completely
her childhood 22. It would have been
sweetheart. devoid 50. I reminded her
nice to live her promise.
A) _ A) on B) in century.
B) with C) at D) without
D) to A) B) at A) by B)
with C)
10. 40. The teacher was unde from D) of
Will r
you disappointed
marr of the class. on
y 23. My
me? 51. He recovered his
suit is a illness only last
A) _ A) at B) on little too
B) with C) to D) with week.
D) at long
11. I 41. Divide 16 4. 4 is A) on B)
dreamt A) B) at
you last the square root 16. up C)
over over D)
D) in from
A) w A) by / of B) with / for
B) of C) about C) with / by 24.
i D) for 52. He is longing
D) by / for I last
t the day when
h her he will be able
12. Sometimes I to earn his
42. Write these exercises either
dream running away to car own
a farm. ink
A) _ A) with / with B) in / in .
B) about C) by / by
of D) on A) B) at living.
on A) with B) for
13. She 43. Bill was too ill to travel C) at
always over
dresses a doctor or a nurse. D)
A) with B) without 25. I kissed her both cheeks.
A) o B) in C) of C) by A) B) in 53. The boy who got full
n D) _ marks was
against D) on suspected
14. I was in hospital two 44. Denmark, teachers are A) by B)
weeks the the best-paid workers. from C)
semester. A) At / between B) In / of D)
A) for / during B) for / for C) In / between D) In / for
since / in 45. Many countries today are 26. He hit me the eye.
suffering _____ lack of food, A) B) in 54. She complained
15. Turkey has entered a and pains in her back.
new trade agreement with A) by B)
at with C)
A) to B) with C) _ over D)
D) into unfortunately some people
have to do 27. He was wounded the shoulder.
16. When I entered the room everybody was speaking loudly. A) 55. her fine
B) in
/ without B) of / on clothes, everyone
on knows how poor
A) _ B) into C) to D) with / without
at she is.
D) in
A) For all B)
17. Let’s go skiing next weekend. Due to C)
46. If smoking cigarettes, more people smoked a pipe, they Because of D)
would In spite of
A) f B) to C) _ be more likely to go through 28. They moved the chair because It was their way.
o D) into the day A) B) on 56. the day he
r read the article on lung
off cancer the day he
18. This is A) without / for in died, he didn’t
the without touch another
solution cigarette.
all 29. W
problem A) On / to
e B) From / till
C) on / without d C) From / on
A) of B) by C) with
of / without r D) In / until
D) to o
19. The country 47. There is an interesting v
is rich e
resources. today’s newspaper. a
A) of / in B) on / in b
A) f B) by C) with o
o on / at D) with / on u
D) in
r t
20. You can borrow my dictionary, 48. He became addicted
but I must have it back t
drugs and went from worse a
worse. x
A) b B) until C) till A) on / to B) with / by i
y C) to / to s
D) to at / by
21. If you are the 49. Flu and measles are both l
North Pole, every direction caused l
is south. d
A) a t B) in C) on D) at a
g y
a A) B) in
i D) with 57. I’m very obliged her
n helping me to get that
s job.
Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
30. a nine-month follow- A) of B) to
up, not a single case of 89. What can you buy without C)
chicken pox C) for D) by a half dollar? instead of D) in
occurred in the vaccinated A) for B) at spite of
group. with D) by 102. Break this chocolate
A) By B) Until C) During D) As 90. What do you do when pieces and share it all the
58. This year there has been an side of the road. you run children.
increase A) on B) with C) A) off B) with A) to / among B)
sold. D) in C) out of D) among
A) on B) for without C) into / between D)
75. He’s sitting the front of
D) at off / to
the car. 91. We are not yet
59. The government imposed a A) at B) on C) danger. 103. If you’re trouble,
new tax D) in A) out of B) with you ought to confide
A) of B) in C) over D) up someone and ask
76. They found it the bottom
D) on A) at / to / for B) in /
of the sea. 92. We must write our
in / for C) in /
60. His efforts resulted A) at B) in C) letters
with / of D) on /
success. D) upon A) at B) by
in / for
A) in B) for in D) with
77. She’s genius telling the
D) with 104. She’s struggling
wrong thing the wrong 93. How can
61. His illness resulted bad time. you send
A) on B) of C)
food. A) in / at B) for / on C) at a message
at D)
A) in B) from / at D) at / on faster
with D) for than
78. What’s more important
A) at B) with 105. He lives a village
62. The cost of living has been you, independence or security?
on the hills.
high A) of B) to C)
A) in / beneath B) at /
A) from B) for D) for
D) by under C)
D) on
79. The importance washing D) below / with
63. Wrap your scarf your one’s hands is that it prevents 94. We always review
taking an exam. 106. He has difficulties
neck to keep warm. infection.
A) before B) paying his taxes.
A) of B) with A) of B) to C) for D) off
since C) with A) at B) by C)
D) around
80. He’s rather tall over D) for
D) to
64. Each coat in the store has a
95. She depended 107. I can’t get my needle
tag his age, and looks
their meeting her the this thick cloth.
A) with B) of older than he is.
airport. A) to B) at C)
D) by A) as B) to C)
A) for / at B) on / on D)
65. His illness was bad food. D) in through
at C) at /
A) due to B) by 81. He spends hours a time at D) in / 108. I was walking the
against D) as the countryside looking on hospital with a friend
66. Clouds formed a rapid birds and flowers. when it happened.
96. The museum will be
fall in the temperature. A) at / at / at B) at / in / for A) for B)
A) due to B) as C) at / in / after D) on / in / among C) past
five o’clock.
because of D) for for D) beneath
A) at / to B) from
67. The formation of clouds was 82. I’m very keen bread usually, but / till C) till / 109. Will you please send
rapid fall in the temperature. I’m very fond home bread. at D) of / Jack? I want to talk to
A) because B) due to A) at / of B) in / atC) on until him.
like D) from / at D) on / of A) for B) to C)
97. Our ideas differ
68. Almost everyone the 83. It’s supposed to be good the those with D) after
city was vaccinated nerves and sleeplessness. grandparents. 110. I’m afraid we can’t
A) to B) at C) A) from / of B) of / agree each
D) in from C) as / anything.
with D) with A) to / on B) with
A) on / for B) at / against 84. He got used funny
/ as / on C) in /
C) in / against customs, living the
D) in / from country. 98. He kept on working with D)
A) to / in B) of / in C) in / at illness. with / for
69. We show other people that we
D) for / in A) according to 111. Common politeness is all
are happy smiling.
85. I object being treated as a to I ask
A) with B) by
D) in fool. C) in spite of return
A) of B) to C) account of A) of / in / for B)
70. the company’s high for / of
D) in 99. his poor grades,
profits this year, the C) from / in / to D)
86. She’s not used being their son had trouble
employees did not receive a to / for
alone. getting into university.
A) Because of B) Due to A) at B) to C) A) On account of 112. He was charged
As D) by spite of murder and brought
C) Despite trial
71. She remarried the sake 87. Consumed excess, to jury.
of her children. alcohol is a leading A) for / to / in front of B)
A) for B) at contributor premature 100. As the boxer realized
he was getting at / into / by
D) from death, fatal accidents and C) with / up to / by D)
suicide. of the round he
72. He could swim the age started to relax. with / to / through
A) for / to B) of / forC) in
of five. A) ahead of B) at 113. The teacher gave me
/ of D) in / to
A) on B) at away from D) ninety marks
D) _ 88. I can’t think the name, towards for literature.
but it’s the tip of my A) from B) of C)
73. She was the point of 101. Did you hear about the
tongue. out of D) off
leaving when I arrived. architect who designed
A) on / on B) about / at C)
A) with B) in a three-story house 114. Who’s the girl blue
of / on D) of / at
D) on any stairs? yellow hair?
74. The car had been left the A) off B) A) in / with B)
Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
with / with C) of / in C) above / at 143. Mike’s completely cured goals nil.
D) on / of D) below / of A) by / to B) with
115. Don’t play the fool. You 116. The rider fell his horse A) from B) of / by C) with
should be as it was jumping with D) / to D) by /
A) from / through B) off / without in
A) on / at B) above / in C) out of / on D) of / 144. the first sign of 156. Mexico is situated
117. If you’re sure he’ll be back A) except for B) excluding C) illness, see your doctor. North America.
I’ll wait, thank you. following D) due to A) With B) On A) to B) in C)
A) until B) till C) In D) At at D)
132. A: Which way do
D) by throughout
you have to go if 145. We are looking forward
118. The human body is made a you travel air? your visit 157. Europe is situated
number of different systems. B: You go A) for / with B) to / the west of Asia.
A) off B) up of Bahrain in C) at / A) to B) in C)
from D) out of A) on / through B) by / by D) to / at D) on
C) by / to D) by means of /with 158. The earth is not
119. Children sixteen years through
are not admitted 146. Darwin said right angles its
A) over / with / without 133. popular belief, the that path round the sun.
of / with desert can produce crops. people A) in / on B) at /
C) under / of / without A) By means of B) As C) were on C) at /
at / with Contrary to D) related to D) in /
A) to B) with to
120. Wait eleven o’clock. If 134. Different methods are used
your teacher doesn’t come what results are required. 159. Thermostats
then you can leave the class. A) depending on B) in favor make use the princi
A) at / by B) till / at C) contrary to D) D) of expansion.
until / by D) to / till 147. Vitamin D is essential A) up B) from C)
135. Many incompatible couples
the growth of bones over
121. The heart pumps blood stay together
the body. A) in support of B) for the sakeand teeth and is found
of fish, liver, oil and milk. D) of
A) by B) throughout
C) at D) on C) in favor of D) contrary A) to / at B) of /
160. The pressure of a gas
in C) on /
varies te
122. Mary thinks that David is love136. We just can’t agree. Her with D) for /
opinions on this subject are A) from B) in C)
her. in
totally over D) of
A) in / with B) on / with
in / at D) at / in A) opposite to B) for the148.
sakeThey stood 161. Pressure is inverse
of silence for a while.
proportion volume.
123. Who takes care the C) in support of D) in favor A) on B) off
A) in / to B) at /
office when the manager is with D) in
of C) in /
away 149. Exposure in D) on /
business? radiation may result in
A) in / for B) of / on sickness and even
/ for D) of / in 162. We react stress
two ways.
124. I was work when thieves A) to / in B) with
A) - / in B) to / in C) at
broke our house. / in C) of /
/ on D) - /
A) in / in B) at / in with D) to /
/ to D) at / into from
163. Heavy drinkers
125. his age, he still enjoys 150. Robert was a
are more
jogging. brother to me.
prone c
A) Concerning A) as B) of
of the liver.
C) Instead of to D) like
A) of B) at C)
126. the weather report, it’s 151. It is always difficult to with D) to
going to be sunny tomorrow. stand up
164. objections, he
the majority.
A) About B) For came to the meeting.
Although D) According A) for B) to
A) Instead of B)
to at D)
Despite C)
According to D)
127. I want to ask your advice one
152. a boy, he had Between
or two questions.
been very fond
A) considering B) concerning 165. a 1982 survey,
C) close to D) one third of Americans
A) Like / of B) As /
depending on regard alcohol as the
of C) At /
single greatest threat
128. the circumstances, this in D) In /
to family life.
was an important win for on
A) Because of B)
them. 153. They were just the Instead of C)
A) Considering B) range of the big guns. D) According to
Concerning C) On top of A) by B)
D) Over 166. He was found guilty
beyond C)
murder in the second
129. inflation, the general below D)
cost of living in Turkey rose by beside
A) off B) from
70% last year. 154. We’re on your side. We C) by D) of
A) Except for B) In spite of are all
C) Due to D) Excluding 167. He was sentenced
A) for B)
four years’
130. Greenland and against C) on
Antarctica, the world has by
A) - B) to C)
13.15 billion hectares of land. 155. We won two in D) at
A) On B) Excluding
C) Throughout 137. the inclusion of
168. days a deep
the unacceptable clause, the
131. The mines had been closed she coma.
contract was
geological survey. remained
Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)

A) Despite B)
169. There is the link
Under C) Due
to D) For a emotions
all growing
138. I can’t get the top ss
this bottle. es.
A) off B) of A) in / among B) for / in C)
D) onto of / between D) of / from
139. receiving bad reviews, 170. Many studies have shown
the film was a success. less heart disease
A) Despite B) Under low blood cholesterol.
D) For A) between / of B) among /
140. Severe steps will be taken with
against those responsible C) in / of D) within /
their rank. 171. As long as the bans remained
A) in spite of force, Turkey could not claim
C) irrespective of to be fully democratic.
141. We walked along A) with B) at C) on D) in
silence. 172. The cost of living
A) in B) in spite of index rose 70 percent last
C) without D) for the sake year.
of A) in B) by C) to D) up
142. They are taught to respect
A) regardless of B) regarding
C) pending

Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)

UPPER-INTERMEDIATE 1 prepositions after adjectives

29. What do you think
ose inflation is due
A) to B) from C)
about D) on
1. The runner is anxious
his success in the
A) of B) about 30. I’m familiar your
at work.
2. Your criticisms A) on B) about
are not C) with D) to
A) w B) on C) 31. I’m familiar his
i about D) family.
t to
3. He A) on B)
looked about C) to D
ashamed with
A) at B) of C) 32. She was disappointed
D) with her ex
4. He was A) with B)
accused over C) on
theft by D) by
A) o B) over 33. Your composition is full
n from mist
5. They A) with B) by
felt C) about D) of
A) of B) at C) 34. The film was based a
D) with novel by Hemingway.
6. His A) on B) in C)
opinions over D) at
are directly
A) to B) with 35. He stole the car
about belonging h
7. She was A) by B) to C)
absorbed with D)
an from
A) w B) in C) 36. His speech was not
i D) of appropriate
8. I was quite A) for B) on C)
astonished to D)
his quick about
A) w B) of C) 37. I was not aware
i D) on
t your intention.
9. Is this you?

Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions after adjectives (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)

A) of B) about C) on D) in A without B) D) on
A) b B) in C) ) of C)
38. You should always be
y D) from faithful 22. You are
always blind 50. Please don’t be proud
10. The house was built A) on B) to your homework. I
according the D) over know you haven’t
owner’s plan. A) in done it.
B) from C)
A) w B) to C) 39. He is a man devoid A) of B) on C)
at D)
i D) of at D) about
t all fine feelings. 23. Most men are anxious 51. We are quite satisfied the
h advancement of their children. result of the survey so far.
A) fo B) from C)
11. We are not well A) from B) without r on D) A) at B) in C)
acquainted our on D) of with on D) with
neighbors yet. 24. She is 52. She is married a rich
A) b B) to C) 40. The supply of material is cautious man.
y D) with not adequate
12. She is secrets.
very industry. A) in B) on C)
fond D) about A) with B) to C)
by D) of
Turkis 25. Are you content 53. He soon got involved
h films. the quality of the serious difficulties.
A) of A) for B) to teaching?
B) on C) in about D) in A) w B) on C)
D) about i D) by A) in B) with
t C) at D)
13. Bursa is 41. I’m very concerned h by
famous silk
and mother’s illness. 26. The teacher was
peaches. 54. She was impatient the
angry arrival of her boyfriend.
A) b A) in B) over conduct.
B) on C) with D) for
y D) for A) at B) about C)
with D) A) with B) at C)
14. I am by for D) on
not good 42. I was startled
the loud knock on the 27. 55. The teacher is
languages door. Ar always impatient
. e slow learners.
A) o A) at B) on yo
B) with C) of D) with u
n D) at an
15. I’m glad the gry
opportunity to repay you for 43. Our plans may change
your help. subject
A) w A) over B) with ?
B) on C) of D) at
i D) at A) at B) about C)
with D) A) with B) at C)
by for D) on
28. Mary 56. I was completely
16. Never 44. Her ability makes her is envious
become ignorant
addicted successful intentions.
does. beauty.
A) on B) in A) b B) from C)
A) to B) in C) with y D) with A) at B) from
about D) at C) by D)
D) by
17. The question was not 45. He thinks he is superior
relevant 57. What are you interested A) with B) by C) in
because his father is very rich. A) at B) on D) to
A) f A) to B) over D) in
B) to C) in on D) from 64. Do you plead guilty
o D) on 58. He is deeply involved her stealing the car?
and feels he must marry A) to B) from C)
18. I was disgusted the 46. I was very surprised her because everyone with D) of
sight of the butcher’s expects it.
shop. the news of your marriage. 65. He is occupied the latest report
A) in B) with
A) at A) by B) with at the moment.
B) with C) on D) at about D) at
on D) of A) with B) in C) at D) by
59. I’m so tired your
19. A child born complaints. 66. My mother was pregnant me
47. Terry was jealous
A) from B) about at the time.
poverty will always be Tom’s success.
disadvantaged. of D) in A) with B) by C) of
D) on
A) w A) of B) on
B) by C) in D) at 60. His courage is worthy
i D) about highest praise. 67. You should be thankful her
t A) of B) with for telling you the truth.
h about D) at A) for B) with C)
20. She was at D) to
born a beautiful 48. They are innocent the61. The sum covers the cost
mother. crime. inclusive 68. I’m glad to get rid
A) in B) on A) of B) at the responsibility.
A) of B) in C) from D) at with D) on A) from B) of C)
D) by with D) without
21. The poor old man 62. He was occupied
has gone blind 49. I’m short money this doing his homework. 69. This chair is made
eye. week. Can you lend me good solid oak.
A) with B) in
some? D) by A) from B) in C)
A) f m with D) of
B) in C) on 63. I was most grateful
r 70. You are responsible
o you for your kindness.
Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions after adjectives (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
your mother 86. He was always attentive my104. My problems are very
keeping the house tidy. ideas. similar
A) for / to B) in / for A) with B) to A) to B) with
to / for D) to / from D) for for D) at
71. Most people realize that toilet 87. He is very generous his 105. I can’t stop to talk to you
soap is made coal and its by- money. now. I’m a bit short
products. A) with B) of A) with B) at
A) from B) by D) to about D) of
D) of
88. The manager was quite 106. The police are responsible
72. George has been cured his agreeable maintaining law and order.
cold. A) of B) for A) of B) about
A) with B) of D) to for D) in
D) against
89. Sue became very excited 107. I was very impressed the
73. I was annoyed my receiving a promotion. lesson he taught.
failure. A) at B) to A) at B) about
A) at B) with D) in by D) over
D) in
90. This material is inferior 108. I was delighted the
74. She was annoyed you the kind we had last year. present you gave me.
for being impertinent. A) in B) to A) at B) with
A) at B) with D) of by D) about
D) in
91. Dr. Baker is very good 109. She is quite nice but I
75. Regular exercise is beneficial children. wouldn’t like to be married
health. A) by B) of her.
A) to B) on D) from A) with B) to
D) by D) of
92. He is capable being an
76. He is a man apart excellent student. 110. Nancy is engaged a
others. A) of B) for friend of mine.
A) at B) by D) with A) with B) to
D) with D) on
93. I’m not accustomed
77. I’m becoming more and more being interrupted. 111. We are virtually immune
displeased your laziness. A) of B) for certain diseases which
A) to B) at D) with cause death elsewhere.
D) from A) with B) to
94. I don’t see why he is so unkind D) on
78. Mike is quite equal his his brother.
sister in brain. A) of B) at 112. Breathing asbestos-
A) to B) at D) to laden air may be
D) by hazardous
95. He was sick hunger. He A) to B) for C) with D) against
79. It’s wise to be careful hadn’t eaten anything for two
one’s health. days. 113. Strong winds are
A) to B) by A) by B) at expected to make roads
D) at D) from hazardous
A) to B) for
80. She was conscious 96. China is rich minerals. due to D) against
being admired. A) from B) in
A) to B) by D) of 114. I’m interested chess
D) of but I’m not very good
97. I’m not absolutely certain A) in / at B) on / at
81. Her exam results are not A) with B) of C) with / on D) at / at
corresponding her D) in
true abilities.
98. It’s nice you to be
A) with B) at
concerned me.
D) to
A) of / on B) from / of
82. They are confident his of / about D) with / of
parents for money.
99. I hope you don’t think it is
A) of B) from
D) with
A) of B) with
83. He is not dependent D) from
his parents for money.
100. I’m not very keen
A) of B) from
modern music.
D) with
A) at B) in
84. Your conduct was not D) on
101. I feel confident the
future of our country.
A) with B) by
A) in B) at
D) on
D) about
85. I’m ever so grateful you
102. They are incapable
for help.
expressing themselves
A) at B) to
decent English.
D) from
A) in / in B) of / inC) at
/ on D) of / at
103. These days everybody is aware
the dangers of smoking.
A) about B) of
D) with
Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions after adjectives (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
UPPER- 1 prepositions after verbs

29. A man in prison longs
the best freedom.
A) at B) for C) on
1. Why did you quarrel D) about
30. The canteen provides the
your friends workers
A) for B) _ C) on
such a small matter? D) with
A) at / about B) with / on
C) with / over
D) against/over
2. I disagree you.
A) w B) at C) 31. The canteen provides
i D) from meals th
3. He A) for B) to C)_
disapproves D) with
mothers going
out to work.
A) o B) with 32. A queue of people were
n by waiting
4. I definitely prefer A) on B) at C) of
traveling by air D) for
traveling by train.
A) b B) at 33. They wait you
y D) in very well in this restaurant.
5. There is no way we can A) for B) on C) at
prevent people D) in
this matter.
34. He is thinking
A) by / over B)
retiring his
without / on C) from /
post several years before
with D) from /
the normal age.
A) of / from B) about /
6. Did you finally succeed of C) of / of D)
convincing them they were of / for
A) fo B) at 35. The child spends almost
r D) on all his money
7. The teacher suspected A) at B) over C)
the student on D) about
the test.
A) of B) in 36. People are always
about mistaking him
on brother.
8. You really shouldn’t boast A) with B) for C)
your success about D) on
A) with / to B) of / to
37. Mr. Taylor was operated for
about / at D) over /
a constriction of the
9. I don’t know why you insist A) with B) in C) at
blaming me D) on
A) on / for B) in / for
38. He had the keys of the city
C) at / on D) over /
A) to B) in C) on
10. You shouldn’t rely D) for
getting assistance from
A) at B) in C) 39. In Britain milk is
D) about supplied each
11. Mr. Green A) at B) to C)
always worries with D) in
losing his
A) in B) at C) 40. The government
D) about supplies them
12. Our boss method.
objects using
any different
Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions after verbs (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
A) at B) to C) with D) on A) from / for C) from / in D) to /
A) of B) to C) 41. I entirely agree you; B) at / for for
D) over that road is very dangerous. A) to B) after 53. I met Mike this
into morning, he was asking
13. My father doesn’t A) in B) on
approve D) with 25. Police are looking A) about B) of C)
at night. the disappearance of a after D) to
A) of B) with 42. Will you just run the quantity of uncut gems.
54. Do not argue a
C) on facts again?
newspaper editor, he can
D) about
always have the last
14. Forgive me A) to B) with A) i B) after C) word.
using these over D) off n D) about
pompous t
words. o
A) of B) for C) 43. Drug abuse brought
26. I A) with B)
D) on
lo at C)
his death.
ok for D)
15. Wh A) over B) up about
y at D) hi
are about m
you as
laug a
hing fri
me? en
A) of B) over C) 44. He gets 40 cigarettes d.
D) at a day. A) a B) at C) 55. He never asked me
16. I don’t want to argue A) through B) off b D) on anything.
D) with o
you 45. He agreed all the t
proposal we made.
A) with B) on 27. She had been looking A) of B) after C)
that matter at this time.
D) at forward from D) for
A) at / over B) with / at C)
wards for a holiday in
with / about D) on / 56. I know he is always ready to
about back
A) to B) at C) A) of B) up C)
17. Terry always depends
D) over from D) by
his brother for assistance.
A) o B) in C) 46. He aimed his gun a 28. Look this word in the dictionary. 57.
n D) of policeman, and fired. approve your design at once.
A) at B) for C) A) of B) at C)
18. Mary reminded her boss A) by B) to
D) into on D) with
his appointment the next D) of
day. 58. Beware the dog! 88. In the Roman numerals, C
A) at B) of C) 47. People are always accusing A) from B) about stands
D) with me at D) of A) for B) up C) at
59. The dictionary belongs D) on
19. I am translating this book A) for B) at
English D) with A) at B) to 89. He really succeeds
A) on / over B) from / from D) with anything he really puts his
48. The condemned man
over C) to / into D) 60. The two scientists mind to.
from / into arrived _____ the same A) at B) in C) on
A) at B) by
conclusion quite D) about
20. All of the members objected D) to
the chairman’s suggestion. independently. 90. The ice-cream tasted
A) to B) in C) 49. Could you run 10 A) to B) at soap.
D) for copies of this hand-out, D) in A) in B) of C)
please? 61. Moslems believe with D) from
21. Aren’t you going to A) at B) off God. 91. The old lady thanked me
introduce meyour D) out of A) in B) to helping her across the
friend? D) with street.
A) w B) by C) 50. He has applied the 62. They blamed Peter A) with B) on C)
i D) at banker a the failure. about D) for
t loan. A) on B) about 92. I’ll have to think this before I
h with D) for give you an
22. We suspected him A) at / for B) to / for answer.
stealing the tape for / for D) to / on A) about B) on C) in D)
recorder. of
A) at B) with C) 51. They went sleep for
93. We’re thinking going
D) on several days.
to Spain for our holidays but
23. A : What are A) without B) out of we’ve not
you looking ? for D) off 63. The police ha decided for certain yet.
B : My pen. are going to vi
A) a B) after C) 52. I must apologize you charge him ng
b around D) not m
o for answering your letter at once. ur
u de
t re
24. I thought you.
A) by B) about C) with D) on
the nurse
B) about C) on D) of
looking 64. Our next-door n eighbor said he’d complain
Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions after verbs (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
if we made any A) to B) for 110. I rely my wife, my
us 94. Whether you vote or
more noise. D) before two children and a small
police against the proposal doesn’t
but solid group of friends.
seem to matter very much. 95. Worrying your health
A) at B) in C) of
A) about / to B) at / by 81. Have you replied her can make you ill.
D) on
/ with D) to / of letter? A) to B) of
A) at B) to about D) on 111. If you do not comply the
65. Paralysis has deprived him
D) with traffic regulations you will
use of his right hand. 96. He operates the patient in
get trouble with
A) from B) of 82. I am intending to resign an operating-
A) with / into B) at / into
D) to the committee. theatre.
C) at / with D) on / in
A) to B) from A) at B) on C) in D)
66. He did not die hunger or
D) with of 112. I pride myself the fact
cholera. He died an
that I read two or three
accident. 83. They knocked him down 97. His accident
books a week.
A) from / at B) on / in and robbed him prevented him
A) in B) at C) on
/ at D) of / in A) of B) from C) at for a year.
D) for
D) with A) at B) on C) with D)
67. Some members of
from 113. This town reminds
parliament voted 84. I sent the doctor without
me the place whe
the proposal. any delay because my father 98. Everybody admired him
A) againstB) to C) in D) with had started vomiting blood. saving the child’s life.
A) about B) of C) for D) from
A) from B) for A) at B) in
68. We all perform, and we all
D) to D) upon 114. Don’t blame me what
happened. It wasn’t my
A) about B) of 85. Water pollution, of course, is not 99. Nothing can make up his
D) for new. We’ve worried rudeness.
A) for B) of C)
A) from B) about A) for B) with
69. Please excuse me being about D) at
with D) of against D) by
115. When I was driving home I
A) by B) from 86. The book speaks the 100. The teacher congratulated
almost crashed
D) on writer’s childhood. all the students
A) at B) in C) into
A) of B) by exam.
70. He feeds his horse corn D) on to
D) to A) on B) for
and beans.
with D) by
A) on B) with 87. At our next meeting Mr. Mill
D) from will be speaking 101. The danger from any
development of surgery. radioactive substances
71. We can call Mary at her
A) about B) to depends
office at 10 tomorrow.
D) on located.
A) in B) off
A) in B) at
D) over
D) to
72. He boasted the big fish
102. He decided to give up sport
he had caught.
in order to concentrate
A) of B) on
D) from
A) in B) at
73. The teacher explained the D) to
principles of nuclear fission
103. The policeman charged
the class.
A) at B) about
under the influence of
D) to
74. He insisted being paid A) with B) for
the full sum. D) against
A) at B) on
104. Government notice on
D) by
each packet warns the
75. I introduced Terry Janet, public
2 years before they were cigarette smoking.
married. A) of B) for
A) with B) by about D) off
D) at
105. I always run money at
76. She would sit for hours the end of the month.
listening A) out of B) off
A) to B) from D) without
D) with
106. Pneumonia may lead
77. They all praised her death.
being brave. A) towards B) to
A) on B) upon to D) for
with D) for
107. A shortage of vitamin C
78. He stood looking the result
picture for a long time. stow healing.
A) through B) for A) in B) from
D) at to D) for
79. If you don’t know what this 108. The sun appeals both
means, refer the dictionary. Labor and Conservative
A) at B) for supporters.
D) with A) from B) of
D) within
80. The chance which he had
looked 109. Don’t turn alcohol to
him. handle pressure.
A) for B) at A) at B) into
D) about to D) for

Book 1 Part B 1 Prepositions after verbs (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)

PRE-INTERMEDIATE 1 gerund - infinitive
Cho 24. Could you me

ose the time?
the A) telling B)
best to tell C)
alter tell D)
nativ told

1. He wants
a cold
A) d B) to drink 25. There is nothing .
r drinking A) to do B)
i drinks doing C) did
n D) do
2. He never by plane.
A) t B) to travel C) 26. Have you got anything
r traveling D) ?
a travel A) reading B) to
v read C)
e read D)
l reads
3. Will you off
the photocopier? 27. She is good at .
A) to turn B) A) to swim B)
turning C) swimming C)
turned D) swims D)
turn swum

4. Would she like to

the moon?
A) g B) go C) 28. It takes a long time a
o D) goes foreign language.
i A) learning B)
n learned C)
g learns D) to
5. Do you like football on TV?
A) w B) watched 29. A: I’ve got a headache.
a C) watches B: Well, why don’t you
t D) watching an aspirin?
c A) to take B) take
h C) taken D)
6. We must back the mixer back to the shop. It doesn’t
A) t B) take C) 30. Why are you my
a D) to take tea?
k A) drinking B) to
i drink C)
n drunk D)
g drink
7. She can German and Italian.
A) s B) speaking C) 31. She typed the letters
p to speak D) carefully without
e speaks mistakes.
a A) made B) to
k make C)
makes D)
8. Could you more slowly?
A) s B) spoke 32. I haven’t Anna
p C) speak more than five years.
e D) speaks A) seeing B)
a seen C) to
k see D) see
9. I hope you 10. We’d better to
soon. the manager.
A) to see B) A) to talk B)
seeing C) talking C)
see D) talked D) talk
11. It takes him an hour to

Book 1 Part B 1 Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)

the bank. to make
33. Why don’t we go and 40. Shall I you a
the film at the Moonstar? glass of lemonade? 41. Do you lie in bed after ?
A) see B) seen A) making B) A) to wake up B)
see D) seeing made C) waking up C)
make D) up D)
34. My son wants a
42. Let him that for
manager. 18. A: He is a
A) been B) to be doctor. He looks
A) to do B) do
be D) being very young.
C) doing D)
A) g B) get 35. I’d rather not late for B: Yes. He
e C) gets my interview. doesn’t look
tt D) to get A) be B) to be old enough
i been D) being doctor.
n A) b B) be
43. How long has he the
g e D) to be
12. I am sorry you. i
A) d B) to disturb C) 36. A farmer uses tractors n
i disturb D) fields with. g
s disturbed A) ploughing B) to plough 19. A: Shall I buy meat A) been B) to be
t C) ploughed D) ploughs or fish? C) being D) be
u B: I’ve already told
r you what 44. She is to school by
b A) to buy B) her mother every
i buying C) morning.
n buy D) A) takes B) taken
g bought C) to take D)
13. He spoke too taking
quickly for us 37. She wants a 20. A
. complaint about the waiter. : 45. A new factory is
A) to here.
C) u D) u A) to make B) making
n n C) makes
d d D) made
e e a
r r r
s s e
t t
a o y
n o o
d d u
i ?
n B
g :
14. He’s not strong enough me.
38. My father does the himself. I
A) b B) beats A) ironing B) irons ’
e C) to beat iron D) iron m
a D) beaten
ti r
n e
g s
15. She is able i
39. My mother does all the
100 meters n
in 9 seconds. g
A) r B) run C) to A) cleaning B) to clean .
u D) ran C) cleans D) clean A) being built B) to
A) d B) do C)
n build C)
ni o doing D) D) building
n n to do
g e
solve D) solved me.
16. It is important . 2
A) to win B) 1
winning C) win .
won T
17. A: This a
problem is n
too k
difficult. I
can’t solve y
it. B: Is it o
really too u
difficult for
you f
? o
A) solving B) solve r
C) to
Book 1 Part B 1 Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
afraid of A) come B) A) changes B) to
46. I’m mistakes. coming C) change C)
A) h B) help A) to make B) made comes D) to changing D)
el C) to help make D) making come change
pi D) helped
n 61. Terry wants to read, 73. Will you here
g but he hasn’t got a tomorrow?
lamp. A) to be B) been
22. Let’s in the sun. A) read B) to C) being D) be
47. I’m looking forward to read C)
you next summer. reading D) 74. He should give up .
A) s B) to sit C) sat A) visit B) visited read A) to smoke B)
i D) sit visiting D) visits smoking C)
t 62. They don’t have smoke D)
t water in their house. smoked
i A) running B) to
n run C) run
g D) ran

23. A 63. Everyone is expected

48. It is not necessary for him
: to school.
every page.
A) reading B) read A) going B)
W read D) reads goes C) to
h go D)
y gone

64. Turkey is not an oil

A) producing B) to
produce C)
w produces D)
e produced

g 65. I’ve just eaten a

o potato.
A) boiling B) to
boil C)
boils D)

s 66. She didn’t get a

c grade on the test.
h A) to pass B)
o passing C)
o passed D)
l passes
67. Let her the
B potatoes.
: A) fry B)
. fries C)
A) To learn B) frying D)
Learning C) fried
Learned D)
Learn 68. We’ll eat the
49. I don’t sugar, thank potatoes with salt and
you. 55. She can’t stand to rock pepper.
A) take B) to take music. A) fried B)
C) taking D) taken A) listening B) to listen frying C) to
listen D) listens fry D) fry
50. He prefers walking to
. 56. Will you to what I’m 69. Did somebody
saying? the dishes?
A) driving B) drive
drives D) drove A) listening B) to listen A) wash B)
listen D) listened washing C) to
wash D)
51. I expect she will .
A) comes B) coming 57. Haven’t you your
C) come D) to come calculator?
70. Yes, I saw the
A) finding B) find
52. I expect her . found D) to find
A) wounding B)
A) to come B) comes
wound C)
coming D) come 58. It is difficult a good hotel,
wounded D) to
in this town.
53. Hadn’t we better A) find B) to find
soon? found D) finding
71. The boy in the
A) leaving B) leave
dentist’s chair has got
leaves D) left 59. May I you tomorrow?
A) seeing B) to see
A) sitting B) sat
54. He usually goes seen D) see
C) sit D) sits
tennis at the weekend.
A) to play B) playing 60. I can see a man towards
72. Everything is .
C) plays D) play us.
Book 1 Part B 1 Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
75. He would like after me.
dinner. A) to come B) comes
A) to rest B) resting coming D) come
C) rests D) rested
93. His father was in a car
76. We are peace people. accident.
A) love B) loved A) killing B) kills
loving D) to love killed D) killed

77. He agreed us with 94. English is an easy language

our assignment. A) be learned B) to learn
A) to help B) helping learning
C) helped D) helps
95. Could you tell me where off
78. The doctor advised him a the bus?
little exercise every day. A) to get B) get
A) takes B) taking getting D) got
to take D) taken
96. When I was young I
79. She told him not too used to school on my
much noise. bicycle.
A) making B) make A) going B) to going C) to go
to make D) made D) gone

80. Do you mind if I you 97. This problem is hard

question? because it is very complicated.
A) asked B) ask A) solving B) to solve
ask D) asking solved D) be solved

81. The plane has off. 98. I expected Mary me last

A) taken B) took night but she didn’t.
taking D) takes A) to phone B) phoning
phones D) phone
82. Our house was in
1984. 99. I’ll never again ask you
A) building B) builds me.
built D) been A) helping B) help
built help D) helped

83. He is too ill .

A) moving B) moves
moved D) to move

84. Does she have up

A) gets B) getting
C) got D) to get

85. in Ankara is
A) Don’t live B) Living
Live D) Lived

86. You must at once.

A) apologize B) to
apologize C) apologizing
D) apologized

87. You ought exercise

A) take B) to take
C) taking D) takes

88. The man in that car is

my father.
A) sits B) sit
sitting D) sat

89. She punished the child for

A) telling B) to tell
told D) tells

90. You can’t live without .

A) eat B) to eat
eating D) eaten

91. They can in now.

A) to come B) coming
C) came D) come

92. I saw the bus towards

Book 1 Part B 1 Gerund - infinitive (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)
UPPER- 1 gerund - infinitive - participles -
4 Choose the best answer.

1. I felt someone me on
23. Susan the mechanic
her car yesterday.
A) had / repair B) has
the shoulder but when I repair
turned round, there was C) had / to repair D)
no-one there. having / repair
A) t B) to tap C) 24. Richard is the
a tapped D) doctor his
p tap chest.
p A) to be having /
i examine B)
n to examine
2. Look at that old man to cross the road.
D) being had / to examine
A) t B) tries C)
r try D) 25. The police are looking for
y a man with dark hair.
3. I can feel something up my leg.
man is being sought by the police.
A) c B) crawl C) to A) dark hair B) d
r crawl D) haired
a crawls C) to have dark hair D)
w having dark hair
4. I won’t waste time to his letter.
A) rep A) t 26. Living in London is
ly o expensive. It is
C) r expensive
replyi e A) to live B)
ng p living C) to
l have lived D) lived
5. It’s y
high D 27. She left without
time ) goodbye.
we t
A) g B) to go C) A) to say B) said C)
o went D) having said D) saying

6. I’d rather in tonight. 28.

his promise.
A) s B) stay C) to A) to break B)
t stay D) breaking C) break
a staying D) broken

7. There is 29. Will you come

no point with me?
in A) to shopping B) to
her. shop
A) to D) shop
C) argu I think we’d better .
ed 8.
Book 1 Part B 1 Gerund - infinitive (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)
D) to have st see their newly n you tell me
argued 30. Yo supermarket. 38. C how to
u A) decorating a library?
mu decorated A) d B) delivering C) A) getting B) to get
A) g B) to go C) C) decorated e to deliver D) C) got D) to have
o gone D) go decorated l deliver got
n e
g r
9. Would you care a look at my latest report? 31.
a blue jacket is an excellent tennis player. 18. Let’s 39. Do you want
A) h B) to have C) A) worn B) wearing not waste something
a have D) had C) to be worn D) wears time now?
v this.
i A) a B) ar A) having / drinking
n r gu
g g in
u g
10. She seems better 32. The freshly store is C) having argued C) have / for drink D) to
today. clean. have argued have / to drink
A) to be feeling B) A) has been painted
feeling painted 19. I went to the airport to 40. They were waiting
D) felt C) painting meet her, but she what the Premier had to
didn’t arrive. say.
11. I daren’t out after 33. She is the person whom you A) to have expected
dark. A) to hear B) heard
should see. She’s the person expecting C) to have heard D)
A) to go B) go A) seeing hear
went D) going C) ought to see C) t D) t
o o 41. A: Did someone really
12. Passengers are 34. The person who was e b write those words on
forbidden driving the blue truck x e the wall?
A) to talk B) almost had an accident. The p e
talking C) talk person the blue e x
D) talked c p
truck almost had an t e
accident. ct
13. A: Won’t you stay?
A) to drive e
There is a good
C) had been driving d
Japanese film on TV.
driving 20. that I would be late B: Yes, I actually saw them on
B: No thanks, I hate for school,I took a taxi the wall.
Japanese films. instead of a bus.
A) to watching A) T B) Thought C) A) written B) to write
C) w D) h h To think D) C) to be written D)
a a 35. Mr. Hopkins plans on his i To be thinking writing
t v students the English test n
c i tomorrow. k
h n i
i g n
n g
g w
a 21. A: Why does your sister 42. A: Did they play that song
t bite her nails? on the radio?
c B: She doesn’t enjoy B: Well, I heard it on
h them; she just
e the radio this morning.
help it. A) play B) playing
14. She is afraid of the dentist, so A) bite / do C) played D) to be
A) to have / take
she always puts off till the to do played
last C) biting / doing
C) having / to take
possible moment. bite / doing 43. I regret you that you
to take
A) to go B) going are to be dismissed next
D) gone 22. You seem to be month.
36. Galileo is supposed the
problems with your A) inform B) to
15. I simply couldn’t resist washing machine.
A) having invented
you to tell you the good news! A) h B) to have C) C) informing D) ha
invented a have had D)
A) p B) to phone C) informed
C) to have invented v having
h phone D) invent e
o phoned

16. They were 37. She went into the kitchen

expected dinner ready.
A) b B) been C) have A) getting B) to get
e been D) to get D) to have
i got

Book 1 Part B 1 Gerund - infinitive (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)

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