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“Water in Mexico city”

Gabriel David Torres Ferrera, 1°E #32 Geography

a) Why is the water consumption higher in the high socioeconomic level
neighborhoods? R= It is higher because high socioeconomic level neighborhoods,
have a better economy than in the other levels, this helps to increase the
production of water and they have more money to spend in their daily and
necessary things they have to do. Sometimes this can be an overexploitation of
water because high socioeconomic level neighborhoods sometimes do not care
about the waste of water that they are causing, and this can damage the planet,
the city, and their community. Another reason why water consumption is higher in
the socioeconomic level neighborhoods is that because they have more money to
spend, they have more necessities so they spend more money in water and they
drink it or use it to do many things, like to do the laundry, wash the dishes, things
that need energy and water to function, etc. The last reason why I think water
consumption is higher in socioeconomic level neighborhoods is that because they
live in cities and have more population, there’s more use of water and the economy
is higher, so that spends a lot more of water than in other levels.

b) In which activity you think they have more water wasted and why? R= I think it’s
in taking a bath because if you take a bath for 15-20 minutes you spend 200 liters
of water and that’s a lot, now, imagine all the population taking a bath of 15-20
minutes, that would spend tons of water and that’s a lot of waste of water. That’s
why there’s people who recommend getting a bath from 5-8 minutes, so you can
do your necessary things on the bath and don’t waste too much water. And there’s
people who spend more time getting a bath, so you can get an idea of how many
water is wasted per day, if many of the population takes a bath in the same day. I
have heard that this is the way in which more water is wasted, but also making
cellphones require like 10,000 liters of water, and that’s a lot.
c) What actions would you propose from the school for the good use of water? (put
at least 5 actions and explain each one) (Ex: Campaigns / Ads). R= The first action
I would propose is to not take a bath that passes of 10 minutes because in this way
we can save tons of water that could be wasted, and we can use this water for
other things so that we don’t waste too much water in the planet because
sometimes there are overexploitations of water consumption and with small actions
like this one, we can save water from our houses. The second action I would
propose is to create a campaign so that all these actions could be heard more and
more people would do it in my opinion because they would form part of a
community that thinks responsible about the consumption of water. The third action
I would propose is that in the campaign the first, third, fourth and fifth action, add it
like rules but obligatories ones. The third action that I would propose is not to leave
the tap of the water open for much time because if we do it, liters and liters o water
would be wasted and we wouldn’t do part of a responsible consumption in the
Ciencias community. The fourth action that I would propose is that in the Ciencias
community, don’t throw the toilet paper in the toilet because this can waste too
much water and you could throw it to a trash can to prevent all of this waste of
water. Overexploitation and all of that stuff can damage a lot, but the fourth action
can help a lot because it doesn’t needs water and can help a lot to reuse that water
for other things that are more important in the Ciencias community. The fifth and
last action, I would propose is to generally, take care of the water because with all
this actions and the campaign we can save a lot of water that could be wasted in
unnecessary things on the Ciencias community because water is vital for life and
we need it the humans to survive, we can’t produce more water, it’s a natural
resource, so it’s important to take care of it.
d) How can the population be informed about the importance of caring for water, as
an important natural element for life? (at least 3 media and explain each one). R=
Population can be informed about the importance of caring for water, as an
important natural element for life in the media, I will tell 3 examples and explain
them. The first media where people can be informed is in the radio, in the radio
programs and all of that stuff, people can inform other people of why it’s important
to take care of the water because the radio transmits a lot of things worldwide and
can inform a lot of people that are hearing it in that moment. Another media where
people can be informed, it’s in the social media because a lot of people spend a lot
of time worldwide watching the social media things and stories, so this would be a
great resource in which we can inform the population of taking care of the water
because it is an important natural element for life. The last media where we can
inform people about the importance of water is in the television (TV) because even
if many people don’t watch TV now and there’s people who think TV is dead, TV is
the resource where you can get news that are real, while in the internet there are
fake news that can confuse others, so the people who watch TV could be informed,
and make small actions from their houses to save the water because as we
already mentioned, it’s an important element for life.

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