The Mystery of Black Holes - Gabriel David Torres Ferrera

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The Mystery of Black Holes

Gabriel David Torres Ferrera, 1°E #32

You might have already heard about Black Holes, they´re places in the space that
concentrate mass from death planets, stars or other things in the space. A Black Hole is a
mystery, even though we have information nowadays about them. You must know Black
Holes have impressive strength, that´s why there are many theories of them about
absorbing spaceships or anything in its path. You can´t escape from a Black Hole, it
absorbs as the speed of light and it has a strength that nothing in space ever has had. You
could have seen that many people who investigate Black Holes don´t come back. Black
Holes are mysteries, even knowing that many people think the mystery about a Black Hole
its solved. The intrigue and curiosity have made many investigators to discover what´s
inside a Black Holes. In conclusion Black Holes might have been discovered, but there are
many mysteries waiting to be discovered.

Sentences from the Power Point presentation:

1.- He can´t be vegetarian.
2.-They must be in love.
3.-You studied all night. You must be exhausted.
4.-That can´t be right.
5.-She must love her cat.

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