Sat Summer Program: Reading

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DAY 17

Reading Problem 52 Question

빼 . Qliestions 22-32 are based on the following passage
만le figure indicates which of the following regarding and supplementary material.

the number of single-person households from 1999- - This passage is adapted from Schmitt et al., "Identifylng
2029? -
-- the Volcanic Eruption Depicted in a Neolithic Painting at
A) In total , there is roughly 1i near growth in the Çatalhöyük, Central Anatolia , Turkey:’(þ 2014 by PLOS ONE.
number of single-person households. -
- A mural excavated at the Neolithic Çatalhöyük
B) For each age group , there is roughly linear growth ’ site (Central Anatolia , Turkey) has been interpreted as
in the number of single-person households. --
- the oldest known map. Dating to around 6600 B.C.E. ,
C) Marriage accounts for the decline in single-person Line it putatively depicts an explosive summit eruption of
households as people age. 5 the Hasan Dagl twin-peaks volcano located about
D) Growth in single-person households for 2015- 130 km northeast of Çatalhöyük, and a birds-eye view
2029 will coincide with the growth of single- -- of a town plan in the foreground. 만1Ìs interpretation,
- however, has remained controversial not least because
parent families. --
-- independent evidence for a contemporaneous
- 10 explosive volcanic eruption ofHasan Dagl has been
Here , we document the presence of andesitic
-- pumice veneer on the summit of Hasan Dagl , which
- we dated using (U -1h )/He zircon geochronology.
-- 15 Collectively, our results reveal protracted intrusive
- activity at Hasan Dagl punctuated by explosive
venting , and provide the first radiometric ages for a
Holocene explosive eruption which was most likely
--- witnessed by humans in the area. Geologic and
-- 20 geochronologic lines of evidence thus support previous
-- interpretations that residents of Çatalhöyük artistically

represented an explosive eruption of Hasan Dagl
Starting from the discovery of the Neolithic
- 25 settlement of Çatalhöyük in the early 1960s by
-- British archaeologist James Mellaart, the excavations
-- at this location have provided unique insights into
-- the living conditions of humans at the transition
from hunter-gatherer to settled agriculture societies.
30 One outstanding find is a mural from level VII of
Çatalhöyük famously described by its discoverer as
-- depicting a volcanic eruption.
-- Similar interpretations , differing in detail, have
- been put forward since then , imp 1icating this painting
35 not only as the oldest depiction of a volcanic eruption ,
but as a contender for being the first graphical
representation of a landscape or a map. Detailed
---- volcanological interpretations of the painting include
-- reconstructions of the eruptive style with the summit
-- 40 region showing “ falling volcanic ‘ bombs’ or large


286 I For more free co뼈

semiliquid lava:' According to these interpreters , the
most likely candidate for the erupting volcano depicted
(U-Th)/He zircon
in the upper register of the painting is the twin -peak
14 A =ξ룻흉굶sts
ζ=- "v (exch띠ed) 다효E
vo1cano of Hasan Dagl , located about 130 km NE of -

-- 12 ,.-- eruption:
45 - ,-- 8.97otO.64 ka (20)
-- IO
Th is view, however, has been contested , largely
because of the extraordinary age of the mural , and
the absence of any other landscape art or map until
much later in history. Th e depiction of a leopard skin
- L예
- '"d HL> ~ crystal particles from

50 underlain by geometric patterns has been proposed -- ..,. ri !l\ of volcano

'"t;I o
-.. HDA ~ crystal particles from
Oank of volcano
A testable prediction of the volcanic eruption -
- U
~ 18
hypothesis fì이. the Çatalhöyük mural is a geologic g l6
B • ! •
record of an e1' uption that would fall into, 0 1' briefly 여 14
28.9ot 1. 5 ka (2a) --
55 predate , the tíme when the Çatalhöyük mural was u MSWD~ 1. 2 ~건iLr-

painted. -- m n ~ 18 τ...-
-- • .,.......--
-- 8
Protracted pe 1' iods of oral tradition over 250 -

gene 1'ations have been proposed for prehistoric native -- 6
North American myths following the Mount Mazama -- 4
60 eruption at around 5700 B.C.E. For the Çatalhöyük
map (and volcano) hypothesis to be plausible , however,
--- 2
•m= i 말효꾀
E %

-- O IO
35 40 45 50
we surmise that a brief line of oral tradition , or even gbe


an eyewitness portrayal, is perhaps more likely than --- N m k l M
-- p V/

tradition of a myth that detached itself from its -’

65 inspi 1'ation in the physical world. Th is is not to say that This table shows the (U-Th)/He zircon dated ages of sample particles
removed from the rim and the flank of the Hasan Dagl volcano.
realism must prevail in Neo1ithic art, but ma?y of the
apparent details can be 1'easonably expected to become
lost 0 1' obscured during a long period of oral tradition.
A tradition that predated the settlement of Çatalhöyük
- Th e main purpose of the passage is to
70 thus appears very unlikely, and hence we would p 1'edict --
a time period fo 1' the eruption between 7400 and -- A) describe periods in Turkey's ancient geologic
6600 B.C.E. based on the 14C chronology of the --- history.
Çatalhöyük cultural strata -
- B) explain the ways scientists use radiometric aging.
Neither proponents no 1' opponents of the “ volcano"
-- c) describe opposing views regarding an ancient
75 hypothesis for the Çatalhöyük painting have thus far -
-- mural and cautiously endorse one view.
scrutinized if and when such a volcanic eruption might --
have occurred. 까le radiomet 1' ic age , and the following - D) explain howandesitic pumice veneer forms after
geologic evidence , co 1'roborates the “ volcano" volcanic eruptions.

- I런표mmI킹.

n T A

F -
훨 흩훌
Over the course of the passage , the focus shifts from Which choice provides the best evidence for the
A) an explanation of a theory to a response to answer to the previous question?
criticism of this theor y. A) Li nes 1-6 (“'A mura1 ... Çata1höyük")
B) a depiction of an event to its proof in ora1 history. B) Li nes 24-29 (“ Starting from ... societies")
C) the use of (U -Th )/He zircon geochrono1ogy to a C) Li nes 57-60 (“ Protracted periods ... B.C.E:')
new method. D) Li nes 60-65 (“ For the ... world")
D) the use of radiometric aging to an examination of
andesitic pumice veneer.
As used in line 65 , the phrase “1h is is not to say"
톨겔 implies that
Which choice provides the best evidence for the A) the 10st details are crucia1 for proving the truth.
answer to the previous question? --

- B) ora1 traditions describe stories but not rea1 events.

Li nes 12-14 (“ Here , we ... geochronology") --
R C) the scientists don’t expect the mura1 to be
Li nes 46-49 (“ ηlis view ... history") comp1etely true to 1ife.
Li nes 60-65 (“ For the ... world")
mLi nes 77-79 (“까le radiometric ... hypothesis") ’
D) Neolithic artists used realism to portray the
natura1 world.

훌훌 흩빼
까le author uses the phrase “ it putative1y depicts" Which choice best supports the claim that the mural
(line 4) most like1y to -- was painted near the time of the volcanic eruption?
A) detail the hands-on nature of the work done by -- A) Li nes7-11 (“1h is interpretation ... lacking")
those who study science. --
B) Li nes 49-51 (“1h e depiction .. . instead")
B) emphasize the fact that scientists must always -
C) Li nes 65-68 (“암lÍs is ... tradition")
question theories.
D) Li nes 74-77 (“ Neither proponents ... occurred")
C) underscore the need for clarification of the work -
of scientists. --
D) bolster the idea that the evidence to support the
- 홉I

claim is imperfec t. -
- According to the data , theyoungest Holocene
-- eruption age for Hasan Dagl is approximate1y

• Where does the author indicate the Neolithic volcanic

eruption most probably was located?
A) 1. 2 ka.

B) 8.97 ka.
C) 18 ka.
A) Near Central Anat이 ia, in Turkey D) 28.9 ka.
B) In the British Is1es
C) In the Midd1e East --
D) ln the central region ofNorth America --
-’ I런l~iilNIJ킹.

28애8 I Forrπrmπmor
톨빼 --
Questions 33-42 are based on the following
-- passages.
The passage and the figure are in agreement that the -
chronology of the Çatalhöyük cultural strata predicts Passage 1 is excerpted from Edmund Burke, Reflections on the
that the Hasan Dagl volcano erupted between Revolution in France. Originally published in 1790. Passage 2
A) 9000 and 8000 B.C.E. -- is excerpted from Thomas Paine, Common Sense. Originally
-- published in 1776.
B) 7000 and 6000 B.C.E. -
C) 6000 and 5000 B.C.E. Passage 1
- A few years ago 1 should be ashamed to overload
D) 4500 and 3500 B.C.E. -
-- a matter so capable of supporting itself by the then
-- unnecessary support of any argument; but this
- Line seditious , unconstitutional doctrine is now publicly
빼 5 taught , avowed , and printed.
What statement is best supported by the data Th e people of England will not ape the fashions
presented in the fìgure? they have never tried , nor go back to those which they
A) Xenocrysts are excluded from the data - have found mischievous on tria l. Th ey look upon the
interpretation because the crystals are too new to -- legal hereditary succession of their crown as among
be usefu l. -- 10 their rights , not as among their wrongs; as a benefit ,
B) An oral tradition describing the eruption lasted -- not as a grievance; as a security for their liberty, not as
- a badge of servitude. They look on the frame of their
for over 250 generations.
-- commonwealth, such as it stands , to be of inestimable
C) Th e dating method cal1 ed (U -Th )/He zircon -
- value; and they conceive the undisturbed succession of
geochronology is the best way to determine the
-- 15 the crown to be a pledge of the stability and perpetuity
age of an artifac t. - of a11 the other members of our Constitution.
D) Particles on the rim of a volcano are more likely 1 sha l1 beg leave , before 1 go any further, to take
to be from recent eruptions than particles on the notice of some paltry artifices which the abettors
flank of the volcano. of election as the only lawful title to the crown are
20 ready to employ, in order to render the SUpp Ol‘ t ofthe
-- just principles of our Constitution a task somewhat
-- invidious. Th ese sophisters substitute a fictitious cause ,
-- and feigned personages , in whose favor they suppose
- you engaged , whenever you defend the inheritable
25 nature of the crown. It is common with them to
dispute as if they were in a conflict with some of those
- exploded fanatics of slavery who formerly maintained ,
- what 1 believe no creature now maintains , “ that the
- crown is held by divine , hereditary, and indefeasible
-- 30 right:'
- These old fanatics of single arbitrary power
dogmatized as if hereditary royalty was the only lawful
- government in the world , just as our new fanatics
-- of popular arbitrary power maintain that a popular
-- 35 election is the sole lawful source of authorit y. Th e
- old prerogative enthusiasts , it is true , did speculate
- foolishly, and perhaps impiously too, as if monarchy


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