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14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 19, Paper 5, Page 1


Koichi Nara Hirokazu Omi Yuji Mishima
Dept. of Systems Engg.
Ibaraki University
Hitachi, Japan

Abstract – According to the de-regulation and quality services by utilizing DGs and DESSs in demand
preference of green energy, distributed generators side. The system is named FRIENDS (Flexible, Reliable,
and energy storage facilities are going to be installed and Intelligent Electrical ENergy Delivery System)[4-7].
in demand side. On the other hand, customized power The main idea of the system is to introduce so-called
quality services in demand side are expected by which Power Quality Control Center (QCC) into the system.
customers can select the power quality according to With FRIENDS, each consumer can select the quality of
their demand objectives. The authors have proposed electrical power independently through QCC where
a new power delivery system named FRIENDS power supply interruption and wave form distortion may
(Flexible, Reliable, and Intelligent Electrical ENergy be reduced by DGs and by flexibly changing the distribu-
Delivery System). In this paper, a method to find the tion system configuration after occurrence of a fault. To
optimal network configuration of FRIENDS is pro- achieve this purpose, the optimal system configuration
posed. The problem is to minimize the sum of high must be found. The authors have proposed a system
voltage side facility installation cost, distribution loss configuration method of FRIENDS from a viewpoint of
cost under the predetermined value of the expected power supply reliability[6].
amount of line overloads. In the solution algorithm, In this paper, a new method to find the optimal net-
N-1 and N-2 fault probability is introduced to esti- work configuration of FRIENDS is proposed in which
mate the expected amounts of overload for the opti- the weighted sum of facility installation cost and distri-
mal network configuration. To solve this complex bution loss is minimized under the condition that the
mixed integer programming problem, or to find the expected amount of line overloads is less than the prede-
optimal system configuration, tabu search method termined value. In the method, N-1 and N-2 fault prob-
and Optimal Power Flow are employed. To demon- ability is introduced to estimate the sum of line overloads
strate the validity of the algorithm, several numerical for each network configuration. The problem consists of
examples are shown. integer variables, continuous variables and probabilistic
variables. To solve this complex mixed integer pro-
Keywords: Distributed generator, Dispersed energy gramming problem, or to find the optimal network con-
storage system, FRIENDS, Power quality, Customized figuration, Optimal Power Flow (OPF)[8] and Tabu
power supply services, Distribution planning Search(TS)[9] method are employed.
In Chapter 2 of this paper, the authors explain what is
FRIENDS. In Chapter 3 the network configuration prob-
lem of FRIENDS and its mathematical formulation are
According to the de-regulation and preference of shown. In Chapter 4, the solution algorithm by using
green energy, distributed generators (DGs) and energy tabu search and OPF is discussed. To demonstrate the
storage systems (DESSs) are going to be installed in validity of the algorithm, several numerical examples are
demand side. Where regulations on power supply are shown in Chapter 5.
relaxed and a number of distributed energy resources are
introduced into the power system, unexpected problems
may occur in power system operations because these
distributed facilities are installed in the distribution sys- What kind of systems is desirable or suitable for the
tem, and operated independently uncommitted to the distribution system where many DGs and DESSs are
power system's operating situation. Therefore, it is nec- allocated in demand side? “FRIENDS” is one of the
essary to determine what kind of structure and what kind answers for the above question. It can realize reliable and
of control is desirable for a distribution system under the energy conservation oriented operating strategies of the
above conditions. On the other hand, customized power power system, taking into consideration ways of enhanc-
quality services in demand side are expected through ing service to consumers through DGs and DESSs. It is
which customers can select the power quality according formulated by integrating a number of research concepts
to their demand objectives. Several technological pro- that have been investigated individually in electrical
posals to cope with the above situation have been pub- power distribution system. Namely, through DGs,
lished[1-3]. The authors have also proposed a new power DESSs, DSM (demand side management), power elec-
delivery system which can realize customized power tronics technologies, high-level communication tech-
14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 19, Paper 5, Page 2

nologies, and distributed intelligent facilities, and so on, information exchanging center for control and for vari-
FRIENDS tries to attain the following functions. ous information services to customers. The functions of
(a) Flexibility in reconfiguration of the system. demand side management and switching operations as
(b) Reliability in power supply. well as control and protection are performed from a
(c) Multi-menu services or customized power quality global viewpoint by the linked or autonomous work of
services to allow consumers to select the quality small computers in QCCs. Fig.3 shows an example of
of electrical power and the supplier. conceptual system configuration of FRIENDS. The
(d) Load leveling and energy conservation. circles represent Quality Control Center. Lattice-like
(e) Enhancement of information services to custom- thick line connections mean high-voltage distribution
ers. lines in urban areas; through them electrical power is
(f) Efficient demand side management. supplied from several substations to the center of the
city. Of course, the network will not necessarily be
Information Network
Power Delively Network Solar Cell, etc. lattice like. However, it must be a fundamental of the
Battery system that power can be supplied to the low-voltage
(400/230V) side in a multiple-menu-service scheme from
CPU Domestic Customers QCC to which power is supplied as a lumped load from a
Branch DESS G DG Low Votage high-voltage (22kV) network. As shown in Fig.3,
Distribution Line
On-line multiple high-voltage distribution lines are connected to
Distribution Quality Control Centers
Substations (QCCs) a duplicated or ring-type high-voltage side bus from
Fuel Cell, etc. different substations. If necessary, the high-voltage
Data-Base CPU
network can bypass the QCC through switching opera-
CPU CPU PESW tions of high-voltage side static-type switches in QCC.
DESS G DG Large Customers
Control Center Operator
Training Simlator
Fig.1 Concept of FRIENDS

Commodity Power
Quality Monitoring Services

Quality Control Center

Commodity Constant Non- Non- Direct

power voltage harmonics interruption Current

Any Combination
Quality Control Center
Distribution Substation
Power Customer High voltage power line
Service area of the quality
Control Center
Fig.2 Concept of customized power supply Communication line

To realize the above, various forms of framework can Fig. 3 Example network structre of FRIENDS
be developed. The authors are developing it for urban
areas in terms of the integrated concept as shown in A more detailed concept of a Quality Control Center
Fig.1. An important point of the concept shown in Fig.1 is shown in Fig.4 [7]. QCCs are allocated in large build-
is that the so-called “Power Quality Control Center ings’ underground space, for example, covering almost
(QCC)” is introduced to realize multiple power quality the same distance as one section of the existing distribu-
services named "customized power quality services" for tion lines. A lot of inside circuits for QCC can be devel-
each consumer. QCC supplies power to the area almost oped for realizing customized power quality services.
equivalent to a section of the current distribution system. Fig.4 (a) shows a 3phase-4wire type circuit to supply
A concept of customized or unbundled power quality different single phase quality power. Fig.4 (b) and (c)
services is shown in Fig.2. As shown in Fig.2, consumers can supply 3-phase power to customers with three differ-
can select qualities of power independently according to ent types of reliability. Fig.4 (b) employs uninterruptible
his necessity. QCC not only produces various quality of power supply system (UPS), and (c) utilizes Unified
power but also flexibly changes system configuration Power Quality Controller (UPQC) which circuit is the
through switching operation of static (power electronics) same as the Unified Power Flow Controller(UPFC).
switches. Of course, distributed generators and energy These circuits are introduced into QCCs according to the
storage systems are provided in QCC as well for the demand of different quality of power.
purpose of high supply reliability, energy conservation,
and load leveling. Another function of QCC is that of
14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 19, Paper 5, Page 3

Here, the location of QCCs (above assumption (1))

T hyristor P re m ium P o w er
can be determined by reference [10].
S w itch CB
H igh Q ua lity P o w er
CB [Objective function]
N orm a l Q uality P o w e r
 T
Min. α  ∑ (aX n + bYN n ) + ∑ cmYLm  + β ∑ Oloss t (1)
P ow er Q u ality C o ntrolle r
・V o ltag e S ag C om pen sa tion
 n=1 m =1  t =1
・U P S F un ction
QCC ・H a rm o n ic s and U nb a la n ce
C om pen sa tion (DG’s maximum capacity)
X n ∈ {x1n , x 2 n ,.., xin ,.., xLn} (n = 1,L , ND )
・A b sorb ing R e ge nera tiv e P ow e r
fro m L oad (2)
(Expected line overloads)
1 (3)
(a) C onfiguration of Q C C for single -phase loads ∑∑T p r Oover rt
t =1 r =1
(Power supply to all the loads)
Normal Quality
∃Rsnr (4)
UPS High Quality
DC Bus
CB Premium Quality ND : Total number of QCCs,
BR : Total number of potential lines,
DC X n : Discrete variable for DG’s capacity in n-th QCC,
x in : i-th available capacity of DG for n-th QCC
(b) UPS-type configuration
(Xn must be selected from x in )
S4 Normal Quality
YNn : =1 if X n is not 0; =0 otherwise,

High Quality
YLm : 0-1 variable for installation of line m
S1 Vc (1: if line m is installed; 0: otherwise),
CB Premium Quality
Tr.1 Ic FLT: Number of fault cases,
Vs DC Bus a: Variable cost for capacity of DG installed at n-th QCC,
b: Fixed cost of newly installed DG at n-th QCC,
cm : Installation cost of line m,
(c) UPQC-type configuration
∃Rsnr : Power supply route from every node n to power
Fig. 4 Detailed circuit of QCC source (substation) must exist in any fault case r.
Olosst: Distribution loss at load pattern t,
T: Number of load patterns under consideration,
FRIENDS can be achieved by integrating such exist-
ing technology as above as well as many new R&Ds in
ε : Limit of expected amount of line overload,
the area of protective and control systems, power- α,β : Weighting coefficients.
electronics (static switches), new type communication
systems, and so on as shown in Fig. 1. In eq.(3), Ooverrt means the sum of overloads of lines
in fault case r at load pattern t. It is minimized through
3 OPTIMAL NETWORK CONFIGURATION the optimal operation. The minimum overload, namely,
PROBLEM OF FRIENDS pmrt in eq.(5) or the optimal power flow of line m at fault
One of the problems to realize FRIENDS is to find case r for load pattern t is calculated by using discrete
such network configuration as shown in Fig.3 from many OPF[8]. Ooverrt can be calculated by the following equa-
kinds of viewpoints. In this chapter, the optimal network tions.
configuration problem of FRIENDS in urban area under BR

the constraints of power supply reliability is illustrated. Oover rt = ∑ Povermrt

m =1
This problem is to determine power line configuration
and DGs installations in QCC which minimize the  Pmrt − Pm : Pmrt > Pm
weighted sum of total facility installation cost and distri- 
Povermrt =  0 : Pm ≤ Pmrt ≤ Pm
bution loss cost under the constraints that the estimated  P − P rt : P rt < P
amount of line overload is less than the predetermined  m m m m

value. The problem can be mathematically formulated as (5)

eqs. (1) – (6) under the following assumptions. Also, pr in eq.(3) denotes occurrence probability of
(1) Location of each QCC is known, fault r, and is calculated by the following equation.
(2) Daily load pattern and rated capacity of each p r = q k ⋅ q k ⋅ L ⋅ q k ⋅ (1 − q k )⋅ (1 − q k )⋅ L ⋅ (1 − q k ) (6)
1 2 m m +1 m+2 n
QCC is known, Here, qk shows fault occurrence probability of facil-
(3) Available power delivery lines, available DGs ity k. Subscripts, k1 - km, mean facilities under fault,
and their installation costs are known.
and km+1 – kn mean sound facilities for fault case r.
14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 19, Paper 5, Page 4

In the above formulations, it must be noted that the 4.3 Solution algorithm for operational problem
operation of energy storage systems is not considered to In the solution algorithm, in the box marked by * in
simplify the problem, and that voltage constraint is not Fig.5, operational problems for pre-determined opera-
included because a system configuration of only urban tional cases and fault cases must be solved. The problem
area is considered in this paper and it is assumed that is solved as an overload reduction problem if overload
severe voltage problem may not occur (if necessary, we exceeds the predetermined value ε . The objective func-
can easily include it). Also, load flow equations and tion of the operational problem for load pattern t is de-
detailed formulation of power supply constraint are omit- fined as follows under the constraints of eqs. (2), (4) and
ted in eqs. (1) – (6) although they are included in the load flow equations for each r.
calculation algorithm. FLT
Minimize βOloss t + δ ( ∑ p r Oover r ) (8)
r =1

4.1 Preparation to solve the problem Calculation of the initial solution.

The problem formulated in Chapter 3 is a complex
mixed integer programming problem, and is solved by Neighborhood solutions for tabu search
using tabu search. For applying tabu search, complex is selected by sensitivity analysis.

constraint, eq.(3), is relaxed. Other constraints, eqs. (2),

For the selected neighborhood solutions, the optimal operation
(4) and load flow equations, can be rigidly satisfied in for a case of fault r at load pattern t is calculated by OPF and
the solution algorithm. Therefore, the objective function expected amount of over-load for load pattern t is calculated. *
is changed into the following equation.
[Revised objective function] Calculation of the objective function.

Minimize α  ND (aX + bYN ) + BR c YL  + β T Oloss t

∑ ∑ ∑
n n m m All the neighborhood?
 n =1 m =1  t =1
 T FLT 1  Move to the best neighborhood
+ δ  ∑∑ pr Ooverrt − ε  (7) and update the tabu list.
 t =1 r =1 T 
Where, δ is a penalty factor for the constraint violation.
Predetermined iteration reachs?
Here, by minimizing eq.(7), if δ is large enough, the YES
minimum cost facilities which can reduce overloads as
mach as possible in all the pre-determined operating Fig.5 Solution algorithm of planning problem
states may be found under the constraints of eqs.(2), (4)
and load flow equations. The general flowchart of the
solution algorithm through tabu search is shown in Fig.5.
As a planning problem normally must include an opera- Set initial solution for fault case r at load pattern t.
tional problem, the operational problem for each operat-
ing case (every fault r at load pattern t) is solved in the Neighborhood solutions for tabu search
are selected by sensitivity analysis.
box marked by * in Fig.5.
Detailed calculation of the objective function by OPF.
4.2 Solution algorithm of planning problem
In the solution algorithm of the planning problem All the neighborhoods?
shown in Fig.5, lines and DGs are installed to try to YES
reduce overloads so as to satisfy eq.(3) for all the prede- Move to the best neighborhood
solution and update the tabu list.
termined operational cases. Then, in the planning prob-
lem, the solution is a set of variables which represent Predetermined iterations?

whether each line or DG must be installed or not. The YES

neighborhood solution of the current solution for tabu The optimal solution is memorized
search is such that exact one line or DG is increased or for fault case r at load pattern t.

decreased from the current one. To reduce the computa- NO

All the fault cases and load patterns?
tion time, only a few neighborhood solutions are selected YES
through sensitivity for reducing overloads and distribu- Cost of loss and expected over-load is
tion losses (the same sensitivity factors as shown in sec- calculated for a given system configuration.
tion 4.3 is used). For these few candidates, operational
problems for predetermined cases are solved by OPF in END
the box marked by * in Fig.5, and the best one is selected
as the next solution. Then tabu search is continued until Fig. 6 Solution algorithm of operational problem
the maximum iteration reaches.
The values of eq.(8) for all t are summed up as eq.(7),
and used in the planning problem. In the solution algo-
rithm, existing overload is reduced by tuning generator
14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 19, Paper 5, Page 5

output and/or by changing network connections through aen :Overload elimination sensitivity of line e for n-th
tabu search and OPF. The flowchart to solve the opera-
tional problem (marked * in Fig.5) is shown in Fig.6. In DG ,
Fig. 6, to reduce computational burden, the overload de: Coefficient determined by power flow direction of
reduction sensitivities are also used to decrease number line e.
of neighborhood solutions for tabu search. The sensitiv-
ity can be calculated by equations (9)-(13). In eq.(9), Hl 5 NUMERICAL EXAMPLE
shows a total overload elimination sensitivity of line The solution algorithm discussed in Chapter 4 is ex-
connection modification. Cn in eq.(13) is the overload amined by using the test system with 25 QCCs. The
elimination sensitivity by adjusting combination of gen- initial network of FRIENDS with 25 QCCs is shown in
erator outputs (n1 and n2 ). Facility l or (n1 and n2) that Fig.7. As seen from Fig.7, in the initial network, all the
shows the largest Hl or Cn is selected and controlled as QCCs are connected to the next ones through distribution
they are the most sensitive to reduce the overload of the lines. This network must be reinforced to satisfy eq.(3)
system. Here, aen is referred to as overload elimination by installing more lines and DGs in the network. Two
sensitivity, and is equal to ∆Pe in eq.(11) that is calcu- cases are carried out under the parameters as shown in
Table 1. The only difference of case 1 and case 2 is the
lated by using elements of ∆θ in eq.(12) when unit
cost of DGs. Namely, the installation cost of DGs in case
power is injected just in n-th element of Ll (null for 1 is 1/10 less than that of case 2. For each case, four test
other elements). runs are tried by changing the maximum allowable ex-
pected overloads, ε , of eq.(3). The calculation results
OBR are shown in Table 2, Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 for case 1, and
H l = ∑ g el (9)
e =1
Table 3, Fig.10 and Fig.11 for case 2, respectively.
 P − P l : P ≥ P , and P l ≥ P
 e e e e e e Table 1 Constants used in example
 Pe − Pe : Pe ≥ Pe , and Pe ≤ Pe l ≤ Pe Case 1 Case 2
 Installation cost of lines [S] 10 - 30 (random)
 P − P l : P ≤ P ≤ P , and P l ≥ P DG installation cost (fixed) [S] 0.1 1.0
 e e e e e e e
 (10) DG installation cost (variable) [S/MW] 5.0 50.0
gel = 0 l
: Pe ≤ Pe , Pe ≤ Pe
Capacity of DG [MW] 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0
 l l
 Pe − Pe : Pe ≤ Pe ≤ Pe , and Pe ≤ Pe Fault probability of lines [times/km*year] 0.00945
 l
 Pe − Pe : Pe ≤ Pe , and Pe ≤ Pe ≤ Pe .
 l
 Pe − Pe : Pe ≤ Pe , and Pe l ≤ Pe
1 2 3 4 5

l θi −θ jl l

Pe = (for network) (11) 6 7 8 9 10

Pel = Cn + PelOLD
11 12 13 14 15
or (for generator output)
θ l = Z l Ll (12) 16 17 18 19 20

∑ (a )
Cn = en1 − a en 2 d e (13) 21 22 23 24 25
e =1
Where, : Quality Control Center (QCC)

xe: Reactance of line e, : Distribution substation

Pe , Pe :Upper/lower limit of line capacity for line e, : Existing line

: Potential line
OBR: Total number of lines,
Zl: Impedance matrix after connection status of line l Fig.7 Initial network
is changed,
θ i l ( θ j l ): Voltage angle at node i (j) after connection
status of line l is changed, Table 2 Calculation results of Case 1
Initial 1-a 1-b 1-c 1-d
Ll: Node injection vector, Installation cost [S] 0.0 149.3 137.2 50.0 8.2
g el : Amount of overload reduction after connection Maximum expected
--- 0.00 0.100 1.00 10.00
overload ε[kW]
status of line l is changed,
Expected overload
Pel : Power flow of line e after connection status of line [kW]
3072 0.00 0.100 0.984 9.25
l is changed, Distribution loss
13.50 6.76 8.50 9.00 11.38
Cn: Sensitivity of overload reduction by changing out- [kWh/Hour]
put of DGs, n1 and n2,
OLBR: Number of overload lines,
14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 19, Paper 5, Page 6

of lines is calculated as an expected overload. A load of

each QCC is shown in Table 4, and the line capacity is
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 9[MW] for all the lines. From Table 2, Table 3, Fig.9 and
12.0 12.0
6 7 8 9
10 6 7 13.0 8 9
Fig. 11, it can be seen that the sum of installation cost
[MW] 16.0 decreases and distribution loss increases as the maximum
12 13 17.0 14
15 11
12 13 17.0 14
15 allowable expected overload ε increases. It is very
[MW] 13.0 13.0
16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20 acceptable that the facility installation cost decreases and
2.0 1.6 0.4
[MW] 12.0 [MW] [MW] distribution loss increases as the power supply reliability
21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25
20.0 20.0 decreases.
(a) Case 1-a (b) Case 1-b
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
12.0 12.0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 13.0 13.0
6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10
12.0 16.0 18.0 16.0 17.0
6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15
1.2 10.0
[MW] 10.0 17.0 13.0 21.0
11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20
10.0 18.0 0.8 0.8 0.4 19.0
[MW] [MW] 21.0 12.0 [MW] 12.0
16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 21.0 23 24 25
0.8 1.2 20.0
[MW] [MW]
21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25
(a) Case 2-a (b) Case 2-b

(c) Case 1-c (d) Case 1-d 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

: Installed lines
6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10
: Installed generators 20.0
11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15
Fig. 8 Resulting optimal network for case 1 10.0 2.0
16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20
200.0 14.00
21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25

160.0 Installation cost 12.00

Distribution (c) Case 2-c (d) Case 2-d
Distribution loss [kWh]
Installation cost [S]

120.0 10.00 : Installed lines
: Installed generators
80.0 8.00
Fig. 10 Resulting optimal network for case 2
40.0 6.00
200.0 14.00

0.0 4.00
Installation cost
0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 160.0 12.00

Distribution loss [kWh]

Max. expected overload [kW]
Installation cost [S]

120.0 10.00
Fig.9 Summary of installation cost and distribution loss
for Case 1
80.0 8.00
Table 3 Calculation results of Case 2 40.0
Initial 2-a 2-b 2-c 2-d
Installation cost [S] 0.0 177.0 162.0 150.0 10.0
0.0 4.00
Maximum expected
--- 0.00 0.100 1.00 10.00 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0
overload ε [kW] Max. expected overload [kW]
Expected overload
3072. 0.00 0.097 0.978 6.785
[kW] Fig. 11 Summary of installation cost and distribution loss
Distribution loss for Case 2
13.50 8.31 9.03 9.70 12.78

The algorithm is also applied to a test problem for a

In Fig.8 and Fig. 10, numbers shown beside DGs and real city. From given electric power consumption of each
installed lines are installation cost of corresponding DGs customer, 35 QCCs are optimally allocated in the city as
and lines, respectively. In the Tables, symbol S means shown in Fig. 12 by utilizing the method written in refer-
hypothetical money unit. The ratio of installation cost ence [10]. The size of the example city is 2km X 2km.
between DG and a line is almost the current one in case For this example, distribution lines are optimally allo-
2, and therefore the installation cost of DGs in case 1 is cated along the roads. A calculation result for
1/10 less than that of the current condition. This is the # Installation cost of line: 70 [S/km]
reason why many DGs are installed in case 1, and not for # Fixed cost for installing DG : 2.0 [S]
case2 as is seen in Fig.8 and Fig.10. # DG installation cost (variable cost) : 300 [S /MW]
For all the calculation cases, sum of expected over- # Permissible value of overload ( ε ) : 1.0 [kW]
load of N-1 faults and N-2 faults of all the combination
is shown in Table 5 and Fig. 13.
14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 19, Paper 5, Page 7

Table 4 Load of each QCC 6 CONCLUSION

QCC # 1 2 3 4 5 In this paper, a method to find the optimal network
Load[MW] 0.85 1.15 0.90 1.16 1.46 configuration of FRIENDS is proposed. In the solution
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 algorithm based on tabu search and OPF, N-1 and N-2
1.12 0.95 1.07 1.31 1.26 1.70 1.95 fault probability is introduced to estimate the expected
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 overload for the optimal network configuration. The
1.93 1.41 1.36 1.85 1.90 1.00 1.02 validity of the algorithm is examined through numerical
20 21 22 23 24 25 examples for the test system with 25 QCCs and real size
1.05 1.80 2.00 0.97 1.10 0.92 system with 35 QCCs. From these examples, it can be
found that the optimal solutions are reasonable.
It must be noted that the planning method proposed in
this paper can also be applied for any transmission or
14 17 distribution planning problem if installation candidates
1 are known.
24 13 19
A part of this research is supported by “Research for
21 the Future Program” (JSPS-PFTF97P01002) and “Grant-
28 22 20
29 12
in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)(2)” (13650299) of
26 34
31 30 JSPS.
5 6 33
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[10]K.Akabane et al.: “Optimal Geographical Allocation
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: Pre-allocated QCC gram”, Proc.of PSCC ’02, Sevilla (2002)
: Optimally allocated QCC through reference [10]
: Distribution substation
Fig.13 Resulting optimal network for real size example

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