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(d) (iy Gi) Explain what is meant by the term ‘cracking’ { 2 marks] The gaseous compound octane, C,H,,, undergoes cracking to produce two hydrocarbon fragments, each containing the same number of carbon atoms. a) Write the equation to represent the above process. b) Deseribe a simple laboratory test to distinguish between these tw? hydrocarbon fragments. [ 4 marks} ‘Total 15 marks —N A= represent the structures of four different organic molecules repre HE, ® cu, ca, cx, cx, L 1 I I CoH, HG-C-cH, Hg-b= ai, He,-C-cH, 4 he ba a » c > Complete Table ! by writing the reagent, condition and reaction mechanism for EACH. of the following conversions. TABLE 1 Reagent ‘Condition ‘Reaction mechanism Ase i con lectrophilic adition cop U7 marks} SECTION B Answer ALL questions i this section. Write your ansners inthe answer booklet provided. MODULE! ‘TILE CHEMISTRY OF CARBON COMPOUNDS (Compound A is an alkene. Study its structural formula given below and answer the questions which fallow. ony Hyc-G=c-m1 " Compound A (@) Give the structural formula forthe reaction of Compound A with © aqueous bromine G3) liquid bromine (i) co Kaya io) hor kao. {marks} ©) Ste wheter Compound A exits geometie (san) isomer, Umark) (9) Give TWO reas for your answer in (), [2 marks) ( Ontinn the mechanism fr he reaction betvocn Compound A aul HD, sng curved arrows te show the movement of eletons. {Smarka} (0) Ste the ype ofrextion mechanism outed in above (mark) “Total 15 marks 4 (a) SECTION A Answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. MODULE 1 THE CHEMISTRY OF CARBON COMPOUNDS Methane reacts with bromine in the presence of UV radiation to produce a number of substitution products, one of which is bromomethane. (i) State the role of the UV radiation in the reaction. P [1 mark} (ii) Write equations to show the steps occurring in the propagation stage for the formation of dibromomethane from bromomethane. (2 marks} SECTION A, ‘Answer ALL questions. MODULE! ‘THE CHEMISTRY OF CARBON COMPOUNDS Propane is one of the major components of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The petroleum industry uses. a process to produce another alkane and two alkenes from propane according tothe equation below. A 2.CH,CH,CH, (¢) —A—> B(@)+C(@)+ CH=CH) +H, @ (@) —@_Ldemfy the process represented by the equation i mark (ii) State the conditions at A. tmark) (Gil) Write the condensed structural formulae of B a 6 ; 2 marks} (©) @__ Account forthe tetravaleney of the carbon atom. 2 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02212020/C APE 2015 L rE cazietos oe _| Gi) Aqueous bromine will only react with propane in sunlight but aqueous bromine reacts quickly with propene without sunlight. Using appropriate notation and equations, explain the steps involved in the ‘mechanism ofthe chemical reaction of squeous bromine with propane (in sunlight) ‘OR aqueous bromine with propene (without sunlight) {4 marks) (ii) Name the mechanism of the reaction selected in (6) (ii) (©) _Deseribe the observations expected when (aqueous bromine is added to iquid heptane (in sunlight) [2 marks} ii) acidified potassium permanganate solution is added to liquid heptene (without sunlight [2 marks} ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, eo sal 02212020/CAPE 2015, @ MODULE 1: THE CHEMISTRY OF CARBON COMPOUNDS The compound (CH,),CHCBNCH,)CH,CI to produce an alcohol CH, reacts with aqueous sodium hydroxide () State the name ofthe sing compound, [1 mark} ii) Statethe typeof reaction which takes place when the compound reacts wit sodium hydroxide It mark (ii) Outline a mechanism forthe reaction, using curved arrows to show the movement ‘of electrons, Show clearly the structure of any intermediates formed as well asthe final product. [3 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02212020/MBICAPE 2019 LL a] MODULE 1: THE CHEMISTRY OF CARBON COMPOUNDS Figure I shows the reaction sequence of an organic compound, A, producing compounds B and ©. CH,CHC(CH)CH,CH, Brig) NaOH/(CH,CH,OH] ‘Compound A’ ——— ———__>8 —c Figure 1. Reaction sequence (@) Identify the reaction mechanisms leading to Compound B C : [2 marks} (©) Draw the displayed formula for EACH of the following compounds: oe w ¢ (2 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02212020/CAPE 2018 | | | : : ‘ | d (©) Using curved arrows to show the movement of electrons, write the mechanism for the ‘conversion of Compound A to Compound B. [marks] (@) State the name and reagents for a laboratory test that ean be used to distinguish between. ‘Compound C and propan-I-ol Name Reagents oe (2 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, _| (02212020/CAPE 2018

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