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Chapter 1 The most recent Health Survey stated that 75% of teachers, headteachers, and
other teaching staff said that they have experienced a myriad of stress and/or anxiety
symptoms in two years past. 20% said that they've had panic attacks, over 50% suffered
insomnia and/or difficulty sleeping; and over 30% had difficulty concentrating. Thus,
teacher burnout is not just the result of overworking and being underpaid. It can also be
the result of prolonged stress, of feeling isolated and unsupported.

The anticipation of doing more with fewer resources is an increasing aspect of the
profession. In contrast, if it becomes toxic, it can intrude upon one's awareness in a
stressful manner, creating feelings that lead individuals to believe their capabilities in
any given condition are greatly deficient.

These feelings in turn can result in a decrease in attention, ineptness, and/or a lack of
satisfaction in any situation given. Also, experiences of anxiety that diverge from the
standard are maladaptive and can result in a diagnosis of anxiety disorder. (American
Psychiatric Association, 2010). Few people do not experience anxiety or apprehension
when talking to a group.

Education must change to be a fun and exciting activity if not a burden. This assessment
of education must apply in all aspects of the curriculum, which includes Music, Arts,
Physical Education, and Health (MAPEH). The importance of MAPEH has been
documented since its entrance into the educational system.

In an article written entitled, “MAPEH: A Key Learning Area written by Ma. Sylvia M.
Santiago of SunStar Pampanga mentioned that “In general, MAPEH is designed to
develop the physical, mental, emotional and artistic/ aesthetic abilities of every student.

With such, MAPEH teachers undergo a specific curriculum to prepare them for the
different competencies and knowledge and technical know-how to train them on how
to conduct lessons/ instructions in MAPEH. With the current K to 12 curricula, MAPEH is
a key learning area offered because the government and the academe recognized the
value of the fore stated subject in the rounded growth of the learners towards globally
competitive graduates.

Thus, MAPEH must be given focus with equal importance as the other learning areas in
the K to 12 curriculum and collegiate programs. Hickson (2016) stated that “quality
physical education curricula can encourage the holistic growth of students that no other
academic curricula can.” A well-balanced physical education curriculum can augment
and advance the movement proficiency and self-concept of students, thereby
encouraging the chances for life-long participation in physical activity and, eventually,
better health. Moreover, Alfonso R. Miclat Jr.

in his paper entitled determining the profile of 22 MAPEH teachers in Hermosa, Bataan
found out that MAPEH is one of the challenging subjects that a secondary school
teacher teaches. In addition to having four components, it focuses on the full
development of the student. From determining future athletes, dancers, actors and
actresses, doctors, and other medical professionals, the teacher also has to discover
future performers or entertainers. Hereafter, “MAPEH teachers have to execute diverse
roles to bring out the best among their students” (Gantan, 2015).

Likewise, MAPEH teachers are affected in their teaching especially the rules and
regulations of games, as well as the terms used in-game, not only in P.E but also in all
aspects of MAPEH. Examples of these are how to use musical instruments, how to
conduct first aid, and how to utilize materials and equipment correctly. Lastly, familiarity
with the subject is not a big issue but the skills on the application and in transferring
knowledge to the students greatly affect the performance of the teachers.

Execution of something that one has just read and understood without proper timing
and training can result in a misleading teaching performance (Pena, 2014). Significantly,
this paper aims to present the level of teaching anxiety among MAPEH teachers and
citing its significant or non-significant relationship and or difference to various variables
mentioned in this study.
Theoretical Framework This study is primarily based on the purpose to synthesize and
place in perspective contemporary theories and explanations of anxiety among MAPEH
teachers under the jurisdiction of the Public Schools District of General Mariano Alvarez,
Cavite. Significantly, the State-Trait Theory as formulated and conceptualized by Charles
Spielberger will be used to determine the level of anxiety among MAPEH teachers.

Hence, the study examined the variables affecting anxiety among MAPEH teachers in
light of current research. Figure 1 Charles Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
Figure 1 shows Charles Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory which will be used as
a framework of the study. The inventory is itemized as Trait Anxiety(T-Anxiety) and State
Anxiety (S-Anxiety).

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), as defined by Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg,

& Jacobs (1983) is a psychological inventory based on a 4-point Likert scale and is
comprised of forty questions on a self-reporting basis. The STAI measures state anxiety,
or anxiety which talks about an occurrence, and trait anxiety, or anxiety level as a
personal characteristic.

Moreover, higher scores are positively correlated with higher levels of anxiety.
Furthermore, STAI was developed by Charles Spielberger, R.L. Gorsuch, and R.E. Lushene,
all of whom are psychologists. Their goal was to create a set of questions that can be
applied towards evaluating different types of anxiety. This was a new breakthrough
because all other questionnaires just focused on one type of anxiety.

Significantly, the STAI can be applied across a variety of socio-economic standings. It is

utilized in diagnosis, both in clinical and other settings, as well as in research and
distinguishing the difference between anxiety and depression. Significance of the Study
Given the light and rationale, the results of this study will be beneficial to the following:
District/ Division Supervisors and Superintendents.

The results of this study would help higher authorities of the Department of Education
(DepEd) to re-evaluate curriculum and policies whether it supports the program of the
government in dealing with teachers' anxiety. Moreover, the results could also be the
basis for the formulation of other policies, programs, and seminars not just for teachers
but also for students and guidance counselors. School Managers / Administrators.

With the result of the study, they will be able to assess the training, programs, and
seminars given to MAPEH teachers to be responsive to the demands of the learners and
of the curriculum. Moreover, the administrators would know the different anxiety
manifestations as observed to MAPEH teachers and could include these insights as one
of the future topics included in GAD Seminars especially in formulating faculty
development programs. Teachers.

Since they play a vital role in the teaching-learning process, the results of this study
would help them devise lesson plans integrating awareness on the signs and
manifestations of anxiety as learners somehow experience the same dilemma.
Students/Teenagers. The results of this study will be beneficial to other teenagers and or
students to be aware of the different manifestations of anxiety at their level.

Significantly, the study aims to present significant variables that may affect the anxiety
level among MAPEH teachers and hopes to suggest meaningful recommendations on
addressing one of the biggest issues among teachers yet the most neglected ones.
Government Officials. The results of this study will help government officials especially
those that concern the health units to invoke beneficial programs to lessen stress and
anxiety levels. Furthermore, the results further hope the effects mentioned would be
addressed through seminars and training aided by LGUs.

Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study is to determine the anxiety among
MAPEH teachers to address the above-mentioned problem. Specifically, it seeks answers
to the following questions: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in
terms of 1.1 Age; 1.2 Gender; 1.3 Highest educational attainment; 1.4 Area of
specialization; 1.5 Length of service as MAPEH teacher; 1.6

Hours of MAPEH seminars/training attended (for the past five years) 2. What are the
common difficulties encountered by the respondents that are related to: 2.1 Mastery of
subject matter; 2.2 Facilities and equipment; 2.3 Strategies and techniques; 3. What is
the level of anxiety among MAPEH teachers? 4 Is there a significant difference between
the difficulties encountered by respondents and the level of anxiety among MAPEH
teachers in terms of: a. Age; b. Gender; c. Highest educational Attainment; d. Length of
Service; e. Hours of MAPEH Seminar 5.

Is there a significant relationship between the respondent's profile and the common
difficulties they encountered? Hypothesis Based on the question proposed in this study,
the following hypotheses were tested: There is no significant difference amid the
difficulties encountered by respondents and the level of anxiety among MAPEH teachers
in terms of Age; Gender; Highest educational Attainment; Length of Service; and Hours
of MAPEH Seminar There is no significant relationship among the respondent's profile
and the common difficulties they encountered.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study This research paper is primarily focused on the
anxiety of MAPEH teachers in GMA District. The chosen respondents are selected
through stratified random sampling. The subjects of the study are limited to MAPEH
teachers only from the municipality of General Mariano, Cavite specifically GMATHS and
San Jose Community High School- Junior High School Department in which the
researcher is currently affiliated.

Basically, the gathering of the main data is to be collected from the respondents of the
study through a validated questionnaire anchored on Charles Spielberger's State-Trait
Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Moreover, an interpretation of the result will be assessed based
on the guidelines provided by the questionnaire. The result of this study is determining
the level of anxiety of MAPEH teachers and suggested faculty program addressing the
said problem but the implementation of the said program would not be a part of this
study anymore.

Conceptual Framework This study is focused on the anxiety of MAPEH teachers

specifically understanding their level of anxiety. This research is conceptualized using
the Input-Process- Output or IPO model as illustrated in figure 1. The Input (I) includes
the demographic profile of the respondents such as age, gender, number of years in
teaching, area of specialization; length of service as MAPEH teacher; and hours of
MAPEH seminars/training attended (for the past five years).

On the other hand, the Process (P) comprises the result of the State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory Questionnaire which is a standardized form of an instrument measuring the
level of anxiety. Finally, the Output (O) shows the Level of Anxiety of MAPEH Teachers.
Figure 2. The Conceptual Framework of the Study Definition of Terms and Acronyms In
the light of the research, and to be able to better understand this study, the following
terms were hereby delineated and are defined operationally: Anxiety- refers to the
teachers' uncomfortable feeling and psychological manifestations through some
problems that he/she encounters in the area of: mastery of subject matter; facilities and
equipment; strategies and techniques; and students.

The anxiety level is the main variable of the study. Conscientiousness- is the personality
trait of being careful. It indicates a want to do well on a task, and to take duties to
others seriously. Demographic Profile- refers to the respondents' Age; Gender, Highest
Educational Attainment, Area of Specialization, Length of service as a teacher, and hours
of MAPEH seminars/training attended for the past five (5) years.

MAPEH- is a learning area taught among Junior High School students with its
components as Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health. MAPEH Teacher- is a
facilitator of learning teaching MAPEH subject whether this is his/her field of
specialization or not. Self-Esteem- is a psychological term showing confidence in one's
worth or abilities; self-respect Social Support- awareness and certainty that one is cared
for, has support accessible from other people, and most commonly, that one is part of a
sympathetic societal network.

Stress- is an unusual feeling of discomfort manifested through words, and actions. State
Anxiety- can be defined as fear, nervousness, discomfort, etc., and the stimulation of the
autonomic nervous system induced by different circumstances that are seemingly
dangerous. This type of anxiety is considered temporary and denotes the feeling of a
person during a perceived threat.

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory- is a questionnaire that will serve as the instrument of data
gathering. Trait Anxiety- can be defined as feelings of stress, worry, discomfort, etc. that
one experiences on a day-to-day basis. This is usually perceived as how people feel
across typical situations that everyone experiences daily.

Chapter II Review of Related Literature Teachers' Anxiety As the active participants of

the classroom procedures, teachers or prospective teachers may sometimes experience
anxiety while they are delivering a lesson. However, especially in the earlier studies, it
was quite difficult to determine the types and measure the level of anxiety experienced
by teachers since the concept of anxiety was mostly equated with concerns, problems,
and needs of the teachers.

In order to address these problems, certain scales were developed to measure teacher
anxiety in a systematic way (Parsons et. Al). Anxiety studies regarding classroom
teachers are mainly centered on general concerns and problems of teachers rather than
subject matter-specific concerns and problems. Bearing in mind the definitions and
conceptualization of the anxiety concept, teaching is seen as a distinct construct that
causes anxiety.

In his account of personal views, Bernstein conceptualized teaching anxiety as a part of

speech anxiety. According to Bernstein, teaching anxiety is a combination of experiences
including psychological arousal, subjective distress, and behavioral disruption. Although
they agree with this proposal in terms of speech anxiety, Gardner and Leak believe that
teaching anxiety includes apprehension concerning interaction with audience which
involve questions from students, immediate negative feedback, class disruptions, or
end-of-term student evaluations as distinct from speech anxiety.

In this respect, Gardner and Leak (2014, p. 28) conceptualize teaching anxiety as ?anxiety
experienced in relation to teaching activities that involve the preparation and execution
of classroom activities?. Teacher anxiety has become the research interest of education
scholars for more than three decades.

Keavney and Sinclair (2015) found teacher concerns and teacher anxiety as a neglected
topic of classroom research. They identified the research areas of teacher anxiety as i)
the conceptualization of teacher anxiety, ii) measurement of teacher anxiety, iii) sources
of teacher anxiety (concerns as sources and correlates of teacher anxiety as sources), iv)
and consequences of teacher anxiety non survival in the teaching profession, affective
impact, achievement, and coping styles).

More importantly, a number of studies have been conducted to explore the sources of
and solutions to teacher anxiety in the last 30 years.In this case is the syudy of Abel and
Sewell (2015) who found that poor working conditions and staff relations were the two
most significant sources of stress and burnout among rural and urban secondary school

According to Tytherleigh, Webb, Cooper, and Ricketts (2015), the most significant
source of stress for the higher education staff in the UK was job insecurity. Work
relationships, control, and resources and communication were also among the issues
creating high levels of stress. Also, Levin (2011) explains the role teachers play in the
classroom and how attitudes in the classrooms are shaped by the teachers' emotional
stability and the views they express.

Unrealistic expectations to maintain high levels of effectiveness, place pressure on

teachers and create a sense of sadness and loss (Hall & Hord, 2001). What is seen as less
positive dispositions towards change and transformation often are stress and distress
over the loss of confidence and familiar pedagogical content knowledge.

As a result, teachers' self-esteem suffers; they become over-critical of their own teaching
which in turn influences their relationships with other stakeholders (Du Plessis, 2015).
Out-of-field teachers experience emotional stress when they feel they are not in control
of their teaching situation (Du Plessis, 2005) and it develops into behavioural concerns.

Even specialist teachers are more likely to leave schools where there are behavioural
concerns or the school environment is perceived as dysfunctional (Olson, 2014) Teachers
Teaching MAPEH Subject Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) is
designed for secondary students as a means of understanding varied phases of human
existence in more than practical sense.

Hence, the course carries a variety of activities, new ideas and updated information that
are planned, organized, and developed faithfully for an interesting and balanced MAPEH
program. Every component of MAPEH is divided into units of lessons to emphasize their
salient topics. Its components are taught in school curriculum because music and arts
encourage brain development and physical education and health encourage one to look
after their bodies through regular exercise and healthy lifestyle The Music and Arts
Program seeks to expose students to and develop appreciation for Philippine, Asian, and
Western music.

Students do not only acquire factual and theoretical knowledge but are also introduced
to applications like singing, playing Filipino and Asian instruments, listening to
recordings, and reading, writing and creating music. Physical Education aims to make
the students physically strong, well-poised, sound and efficient, mentally alert and
active, and emotionally tempered and well-balanced.

Moreover, each year level takes on a different fitness program such as sports,
gymnastics, dancing, and martial arts. Health Education is designed to keep students
abreast with health concerns and issues. Lessons on Health Assessment, Proper Hygiene,
First Aid, Drugs and Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Communicable and Non-
communicable diseases, Alternative Medicine and Nutrition and Fitness all aim to lead
the students to adopt a healthy lifestyle (Abcalen, 2015).

Significantly, education should become a fun and thrilling activity rather than a burden
and boredom. This view about education should apply across all the disciplines
contained in the curriculum, one of which is the MAPEH program. The importance of
MAPEH education has been recognized since its first appearance in the educational
MAPEH which stands for Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health actually has a great
implication on people's way of living. At the very least, music and arts provide an outlet
for relaxation. Physical Education teaches the importance of keeping the body active
and moving. Health helps to teach one how to stay well and things that they should not
do to avoid unwanted medical conditions (Abcalen, 2015).

In addition, MAPEH program also aims at developing an individual's physical, emotional,

social and intellectual ability at an optimum level. It is an integral part of every child's
learning experiences. It contributes to the child's acquisition of a well-rounded
personality which permits him to live fully, happily and efficiently.

Consequently, MAPEH has great importance in everyday life. At the very least, music and
arts provide an outlet for relaxation. Physical education teaches the importance of
keeping the body active and moving. Health helps to teach one how to stay well and
things that they should and should not do to their bodies. A human being learns in
many different ways.

For instance, as you develop, you develop from the outside in. First come the gross
motor skills (large arm/ leg movements), then smaller and smaller until your fine motor
skills (handwriting, finger movements) are developed. In elementary school, it is very
important to have daily PE because this provides the physical movements that allow a
child to develop the ability to write.

On the other hand, music and art are important in brain development. Learning about
and being exposed to these art forms trigger changes in the brain that allow greater
learning and also allow children who have talents in these areas to feel success (Lopez,

Additionally, MAPEH program is one of the essential courses in the Teacher Education
curriculum that promotes the wholesome development of each individual to attain a
richer and nobler life. It makes every learner a dependable member of the community
that will contribute to its betterment. Furthermore, the MAPEH program also provides
the newest information or proper methods and enhanced activities that will awake the
interest of every individual in music, cultivate their creativity in art, gradually improve
their physical fitness, promote consciousness in their health, and ultimately develop
their well-being.

Likewise, this program aims to produce successful graduates who can employ relevant
teaching techniques in music, arts, physical education, and health. With the
aforementioned benefits that the MAPEH program provides to both educators and
students, it was thus imperative to look at every area concerning it. One of the crucial
components of the program is instruction.

Teacher Education students under the MAPEH program are always encouraged to adopt
teaching strategies which are based on the understanding of every learner's
individuality. This calls for both MAPEH faculty members and education students to take
a variety of teaching approaches that could address individual differences. Undeniably,
there is no single best way to teach a MAPEH subject for a teacher has to waver among
teaching methods that would best work for the learners.

Instruction thus needs to be assessed as this would indicate the quality of education
provided among the students. Another area which was concentrated on this study was
the teachers' qualification in teaching the subject. Similarly, it has been obligatory for
professional teachers to take the licensure examination and this test does not exempt
MAPEH teachers.

Licensure examinations serve as the major component in the screening process of

prospective teachers. It gives a high level of assurance that education graduates who
have passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) are given legal consent to
exercise their profession. It is indeed one of the actors that influence the overall quality
of a teacher.

However, it has been a common observation that the teacher education institutions are
getting low passing rates in terms of the LET performance and are even reflected in the
LET results of education graduates who have taken areas of specialization like MAPEH.
Indeed, what makes an effective teacher are the multiple characteristics such as
dynamism, enthusiasm, flexibility, creativity?which help them to positively contribute to
the academic, attitudinal and social outcomes for students, however, an out-of-field
teacher may not be able to attain effectiveness if he/she come across adverse position.
Teaching Anxiety of MAPEH Teachers Research on the topic of anxiety has shown that
many factors affect the amount of anxiety perceived by teachers.

Sex, experience, school type, physical condition of the class and school, personality,
students' characteristics, relationship with administrators and students' parents, the
context, grade level of teaching, family concerns, monetary problems changes in
national or local curriculum are not all but some of the factors contributing to the level
of stress and its consequences.

More so, Shillingford, Patel, and Ngazimbi (2012) point out that teachers encounter a
plethora of challenges, for example, educational, legislation, school reform policies,
teacher-parent relationships, conflict with other teachers, etc. that could potentially
induce symptoms of anxiety. There is a belief that circumstances in which teachers are
working force them to do their job badly.

For example, to take the physical condition of a language center into account, most
such places in the context of Iran are old buildings with no proper ventilation and
shabby classes which get on teachers' nerves. Travers (2013), citing the words of other
scholars working in the field, pointed out that the inappropriate primary factors directly
affect teaching, create limitations or produce tension.

Such primary factors in particular include poor physical working conditions, inadequate
school buildings and equipment, an unpleasant work environment, class sizes and noise
levels. The amount of job related stress in teaching is not uniform and it may fluctuate
over the course of the career as it is greatly influenced by surroundings and life
hallmarks. Experience as another important stress related factor in the teaching
profession plays a prominent role in the level of stress and the types of stressors.

An Australian study by Lauglin suggested that the chief concerns of younger teachers
are the pupils, whereas for those in their middle years the major source of stress is
career aspects and the actual teaching itself is the problem for older teachers. Gardner
and Leak investigated teaching anxiety among college educators and found that 87% of
102 respondents experienced teaching anxiety.

Indeed, they claimed that teaching anxiety is more likely to occur at the beginning of
the term and certain demographic characteristics were correlated with it. However they
only conducted the study among psychology teachers who are professional in the field
of psychology and are well-aware of the methods of handling such anxious situations.

According to Abas (2019), it has been obligatory for professional teachers to take the
licensure examination and this test does not exempt MAPEH teachers. Licensure
examinations serve as the major component in the screening process of prospective
teachers. It gives a high level of assurance that education graduates who have passed
the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) are given legal consent to exercise their
profession. It is indeed one of the actors that influence the overall quality of a teacher.
However, it has been a common observation that the teacher education institutions are
getting low passing rates in terms of the LET performance and are even reflected in the
LET results of education graduates who have taken areas of specialization like MAPEH.
Abas (2019) As observed by Abas (2019), ?out-of-field teaching? phenomenon is one of
the least recognized issues in the Philippine education.

Although there are some articles and blogs related on the issue, the absence of accurate
data and statistics is a huge factor in increasing awareness of such. For instance, a
regular teacher who is professionally qualified to impart knowledge through teaching
may be considered as unqualified by practice not because of the amount of education,
but due to lack of fit between teacher's field and teaching assignment.

Lopez (2016) Indeed, what makes an effective teacher are the multiple characteristics
such as dynamism, enthusiasm, flexibility, creativity?which help them to positively
contribute to the academic, attitudinal and social outcomes for students, however, an
out-of-field teacher may not be able to attain effectiveness if he/she come across
adverse position. Santiago (2017) One of the most significant problems in education is
the mis assignment of teachers to out-of-field teaching.

Among insiders, this practice is sometimes called ?education's dirty little secret?. Yet, it
really is not a secret at all. The mis assignment of teachers is a glaring problem that has
existed for decades, particularly in several fields (such as science and mathematics) that
are most competitive with industry.

Abas (20 Correlates of Teaching Anxiety In another attempt to investigate the teacher
stress, Jepson and Forrest (2016) have recently found that achievement striving and
occupational commitment were two individual contributory factors in teacher stress.
Furthermore, lack of time (Coates &Thoresen, ; Leach; Kyriacou), heavy workload, poor
student behavior, and inadequate resources were also identified as instigators of
teachers' anxiety in teaching.

In a recent study with librarians as teachers, Davis (2017) listed the physical symptoms of
teacher anxiety as sweating, upset stomach, heart palpitations, and others; mental or
emotional symptoms as being able to answer tough questions' or preparation, public
speaking fears, and negative self-talk. Similarly, Bruner (2016) explains that the process
of learning, constructing reality and meaning generation always includes emotions and
feelings and these emotions and feelings are evident in how the school community
responds to schools.

Disappointment and the unpopularity of schools are often the result of their failure to
deliver quality education (often caused by the lack of suitably qualified teachers) and to
understand the expectations, perceptions and educational needs of the wider school
community (Bush, 2003). In the same light, according to Glori Chaika, (Education world,
2016), ?Teacher shortages, primarily in the areas of special education, math, and science,
vary by region and by school district, but critical shortages do exist throughout the

Thus, school boards throughout the country face increasing difficulty finding and
keeping certified teachers, especially in the areas of math, science, and special
education. In analyzing data from the U.S. Department of Education, University of
Georgia sociologist Richard M. Ingersoll learned that approximately 28 percent of all
high school math teachers lack even the equivalent of a college minor in math.

In their research, Klassen and Chiu (2010) found that there is a relationship between the
years of experience and challenges academics face on the job. It is claimed that novice
teachers have a challenging time teaching the subject matter; however, middle and late
career stages bring their own challenges that can influence satisfaction.

Findings of a study in India showed that junior college teachers experienced significantly
higher levels in some stressors in comparison to senior teachers (Kumar, & Deo, 2011).
In an investigation by Ameen, Guffey and Jackson (2010) which was done among
accounting professors in the United State, it was found that teaching anxiety is mainly
associated with rank, age and years of experience.

Age and experience have also been linked to the experience of stress in teaching in that
it has often been suggested that the highest levels of stress might be experienced by
recent entrants to the profession (usually younger teachers). This may be due to the fact
that they have not yet acquired the expertise required to cope with the job (Trawers,

In the same light, a study by Coates and Thoresen concluded that younger and less
experienced teachers felt greater stress than their colleagues from pressures associated
with discipline, poor promotion prospects and management issues. Edworthy (1988)
discovered that a major source of stress for younger teachers was pupils' general low
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) The state-trait distinction in anxiety research was
first proposed by Cattell (1966; Cattell & Scheier, 1961), and later expanded and
emphasized by Spielberger (1966, 1971, 1972, 1975, 1976). The concept of anxiety
requires consideration of both the nature of anxiety as a transitory emotional state (S-
Anxiety) that varies in intensity and fluctuates over time, and individual differences in
anxiety proneness as a personality trait (TAnxiety). According to Spielberger (1970, pp.

39), S-Anxiety can be defined as: ?? a transitory emotional state or condition of the
organism that varies in intensity and fluctuates over time. This condition is characterized
by subjective feelings of tension and apprehension, and activation of the autonomic
nervous system. Level of A-State should be high in circumstances that are perceived by
an individual to be threatening, irrespective of objective danger; A-State intensity should
be relatively low in nonstressful situations, or in circumstances in which existing danger
is not perceived as threatening.?

Trait anxiety refers to individual differences in how often anxiety is generally

experienced. Individuals high in T-Anxiety as a personality trait tend to perceive a wider
range of situations as more threatening than those who are low in T-Anxiety, especially
situations involving social evaluation. As conceptualized by Spielberger (1970, pp.

39), T-Anxiety refers to: ?? relatively stable individual differences in anxiety proneness;
that is, to differences in the disposition to perceive a wide range of stimulus situations
as dangerous or threatening, and in the tendency to respond to such threats with the A-
State reactions. A-Trait may also be regarded as reflecting individual differences in the
frequency with which A-States have been manifested in the past and in the probability
that such states will be experienced in the future.

Persons who are high in A-Trait tend to perceive a larger number of situations as
dangerous or threatening than persons who are low in A-Trait, and to respond to
threatening situations with A-State elevations of greater intensity? . It should be noted
that Spielberger (1970) initially used A-State and A-Trait in his earlier work to refer to his
STAI measures of state and trait anxiety.

These acronyms were subsequently replaced with S-Anxiety and T-Anxiety to more
clearly differentiate between anxiety and state and Measuring State and Trait Anxiety
The original 40-item STAI (Form X) was developed to provide a reliable and valid
questionnaire for assessing state and trait anxiety in research and clinical contexts
(Spielberger et. al, 1970).

In responding to the 20 S-Anxiety items, subjects are instructed to report the intensity of
their anxiety feelings ?right now, at this moment?. The instructions for the 20 T-Anxiety
items require respondents to report how often they have generally experienced anxiety.
The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, et al, 1970), which is currently the most
widely used measure of anxiety worldwide, has been used in more than 8,000 published
research studies in psychology, education, medicine, and other social sciences
disciplines, as well as in numerous unpublished theses and dissertations.

The STAI has been translated and adapted in more than 60 languages and dialects.
Factor analyses of these adaptations have further confirmed the state-trait distinction
while also identifying positive and negative affectivity factors. Synthesis Hence, the
literature showed that certain administrative and organizational influences were
education should become a fun and thrilling activity rather than a burden and boredom.
This view about education should apply across all the disciplines contained in the
curriculum, one of which is the MAPEH program.

Teaching a subject without formal training in that subject has for a long time been a
prohibited practice. In spite of reality that numerous educators have encountered, just
few have talked up about because of its pervasiveness. Thus, little consideration had
been given to the impacts of out-of-field instruction on teacher well-being and
retention, and on student attainment and participation.

Because of deficiencies of subject authority teachers, time and again educators are
teaching subjects they don't know about. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) is a
psychological inventory based on a 4-point Likert scale and consists of 40 questions on
a self-report basis. The STAI measures two types of anxiety - state anxiety, or anxiety
about an event, and trait anxiety, or anxiety level as a personal characteristic.

Higher scores are positively correlated with higher levels of anxiety. Its most current
revision is Form Y and it is offered in 12 languages. (Tilton, 2008). The importance of
MAPEH education has been recognized since its first appearance in the educational
system. MAPEH which stands for Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health actually has
a great implication on people's way of living.

At the very least, music and arts provide an outlet for relaxation. Physical Education
teaches the importance of keeping the body active and moving. Health helps to teach
one how to stay well and things that they should not do to avoid unwanted medical
conditions. In addition, The MAPEH program also aims at developing an individual's
physical, emotional, social and intellectual ability at an optimum level.

It is an integral part of every child's learning experiences. It contributes to the child's

acquisition of a well-rounded personality which permits him to live fully, happily and
efficiently. MAPEH has great importance in everyday life. Santiago (2017) At the very
least, music and arts provide an outlet for relaxation.

Physical education teaches the importance of keeping the body active and moving.
Health helps to teach one how to stay well and things that they should and should not
do to their bodies. A human being learns in many different ways. For instance, as you
develop, you develop from the outside in.

First come the gross motor skills (large arm/ leg movements), then smaller and smaller
until your fine motor skills (handwriting, finger movements) are developed. In
elementary school, it is very important to have daily PE because this provides the
physical movements that allow a child to develop the ability to write. Music and art are
important in brain development.

Abas (2019) Significantly, learning about and being exposed to these art forms trigger
changes in the brain that allow greater learning and also allow children who have talents
in these areas to feel success. Then again, countless teachers, particularly in
disadvantaged schools, were assigned to teach classes outside of their expertise.

Additionally, this out-of-field teaching was not the result of teacher shortages. Slated to
out-of-field teaching. Individual strategies for dealing with vacant classrooms--
specifically, the hiring of less than fully qualified teachers, the reassignment of teachers
trained in other fields, or the use of substitute teachers--all attributed to out-of-field

In the Philippines, out-of-field teaching is an important, but long unrecognized, problem

in schools and in education in general. Lopez (2016) Few educational problems have
received more attention in recent times than the failure to ensure that our nation's
elementary and secondary classrooms are all staffed with qualified teachers.

Over the past decade, dozens of studies, commissions, and national reports have
bemoaned the qualifications and quality of our teachers. Certainly, the problem which
has adversely affected their quest for quality education could be largely attributed to
the significant number of teacher education graduates who are specialists or major in
such subjects and to the number of teachers being hired to teach not their subject of
specialization CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter provides a
discussion of the research method used in this study, the respondents included in the
survey, the data-gathering procedures and statistical treatment and analysis of data to
further explain the anxiety among MAPEH teachers.

The administration of the study shall be to select MAPEH teachers in the municipality of
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite. Research Design and Framework The descriptive-
correlational method of research is used in this study. Descriptive- correlational which is
used to collect and analyze data. Descriptive designs include case studies, surveys, and
naturalistic observation.

The goal of these designs is to get a picture of the current thoughts, feelings, or
behaviors in a given group of people. In this case, the study presents the anxiety of
MAPEH teachers. Consequently, the study is also correlated in nature because it
determines the significant relationship and difference between the levels of anxiety
among MAPEH teachers and other variables including the difficulties encountered and
the demographic profile of the respondents.

Methods and Techniques Used The research is conceptualized using the research
paradigm presenting the Independent and Dependent Variables of the study. The
Independent Variable is comprised of the Demographic Profile of the respondents such
as: Age; Gender; Highest Educational Attainment; Area of specialization; Length of
service as MAPEH teacher; and Hours of MAPEH seminars/training attended (for the
past five years) while the Dependent variables include the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
Questionnaire and the Level of Anxiety of MAPEH Teachers.

The results of this is a basis for the formulation of a Faculty Program addressing the
problems mentioned. Additionally, this paper utilizes the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
(STAI) is a psychological inventory based on a 4-point Likert scale and consists of 40
questions on a self-report basis. The STAI measures two types of anxiety
<> namely the state anxiety, or anxiety which talks
about an event, and trait anxiety, or anxiety level as personal characteristics.

Moreover, higher scores are positively correlated with higher levels of anxiety. This is
developed by psychologists Charles Spielberger
<>, R.L. Gorsuch, and R.E. Lushene.
Their goal in creating the inventory was to create a set of questions that could be
applied towards assessing different types of anxiety.

This was a new development because all other questionnaires focused on one type of
anxiety. Significantly, the STAI can be utilized across a range of socio-economic statuses
and requires a sixth grade reading level. It is used in diagnosis, in both clinical and other
medical settings, as well as in research and differentiating between anxiety and

Population and Sample of the Study The sample population of this study includes the
selected MAPEH teachers in the municipality of General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite where
the researcher is currently affiliated. The selection will be done in purposive sampling.
These schools include San Jose National High School and General Mariano National
High Schol.

Research Instrument Questionnaire This study will utilize the adapted questionnaire
anchored on Charles Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory or the State-Trait
Anxiety Inventory (STAI) as the main data-gathering instrument. The said instrument will
be developed after thorough reading and examination of related literature and studies,
and of several questionnaires as the main data-gathering instrument of similar studies
will be reviewed by the researcher.

Moreover, the items will be taken from the related literature and studies presented by
the researcher in Chapter two (2). The questionnaire had the following parts: Part I of
the questionnaire is about the demographic profile of the respondents which includes
the Age; Gender, Highest Educational Attainment, Area of Specialization, Length of
service as MAPEH teacher; and Hours of MAPEH seminars/training attended (for the
past five years) Part II includes questions on the respondent's result which consists of
common difficulties encountered by the respondents that are related to mastery of
subject matter; facilities and equipment; and strategies and techniques and students/

Part III includes the inventory-questions on State-Trait Anxiety Inventory or the State-
Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) revealing the level of anxiety of MAPEH teachers. B.
Interview Casual interview questions will be asked to the respondents of the study such
as the unit heads and department heads as to validate results of the data gathering. C.
Validation of the Instrument The self-constructed questionnaire and the structured
interview guide will be forwarded to the adviser for comments and suggestions.
Revisions were incorporated for the improvement of the instrument. Upon the approval
of this study and the instrument, the researcher will proceed to the validation of the

It will be presented to several recognized experts in the field of study for their
comments and suggestions. A dry run of the questionnaire will be undertaken by a
portion of the target respondents. Reliability testing will be utilized to determine the
internal consistency. Hence, all items in the questionnaire will be retained. The final
questionnaire will be re-studied and re-examined.

The items will be analyzed for ambiguity and restructured and re-organized for clarity
and coherence. Data Gathering Procedure Several steps were undertaken to obtain the
necessary date required for the study. The following are the phases of data gathering
procedure to be followed: Phase I. Preparation Stage.

The researcher will request the approval of the Schools Division Superintendent in the
person of Dr. Rommel C. Bautista. An endorsement letter is expected as a protocol
before the actual gathering of data validated by the District Office of DepEd in GMA,
Cavite. Moreover, the respondents will be given a prior consent and instruction on how
to answer the questionnaire. Phase II. Data Gathering Stage.

The researcher will distribute/administer the questionnaires personally to the

respondents. After about one week, the researcher will personally retrieve the
questionnaires from the respondents Casual interviews will also be conducted to the
selected respondents and department heads for data validation Phase III. Data Analysis

After retrieving all the data, the researcher will tabulate, organize, compute, analyze and
interpret the data and other significant variables of the study. Statistical Treatment of
Data The following statistical tools will be used in the analyses and the interpretation of
the data: Frequency This simple statistical tool was used in tallying the items related to
the profile of the respondents such as: Age; Gender, Highest Educational Attainment,
Area of Specialization, Length of service as teacher, Length of Service as MAPEH teacher,
and Hours of MAPEH seminars/trainings attended.

Percentage It is a relative value indicating hundredth parts of any quantity. .In this case,
percentage will be used in determining the ratio of the items related to the profile of the
respondents. This shall be used in answering question no. 1 Weighted Mean This will be
used to determine common difficulties encountered by MAPEH teachers as to: mastery
of subject matter; facilities and equipment; strategies and techniques, and students and
at the same time the level of anxiety among MAPEH teachers.

The frequency of responses to the items through Likert Scale as options from the
Questionnaire is needed to answer problem no. 2 and 3 respectively. Test of Correlation
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Laerd Statistics defined one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) as a tool used to determine whether there are any statistically significant
differences between the means of three or more independent (unrelated) groups.

T-Test Finally, the statistics shall be used to answer and establish a significant
relationship between the demographic profile and the level of anxiety among the
respondents and significant difference between difficulties encountered by respondents
and the level of anxiety among MAPEH teachers. This test is used to determine whether
there is a significant relationship between the expected frequencies and the observed
frequencies in one or more categories.

This statistical formula will be used in answering question no.4 and 5 respectively.

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