DEEE Newsletter Issue0

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December 2008 Volume 1, Issue 0

D e p a r t m e nt o f Presentation of Boumerdes University

E le c t r ic a l a nd dustries ( INIA).

E le c t ro n ic
E ng ine e r i ng In parallel with courses already offered in
these institutes, the university has opened
since its foundation other study courses in:
Science and Technology, Natural and Life
Sciences, Economics and Management,
Commercial Sciences, Law and Foreign
Inside this issue:
Languages and Literature.

What is new in 1 DGEE Ex-inelec

In addition to that, other courses has been
opened in the new teaching system LMD
What is new in 2 The University M’hamed Bougara of (Licence Master Doctorat): in September
Circuits Boumerdes was founded in 1998 on the 2004 (Material Sciences (SM), Mathemat-
basis of gathering six national institutes ics and Computer Science (MI), Science
What is new in 3 founded back in the 70's National Insti- and Techniques (ST) and in September
Control tute of Hydrocarbons ( INH), National In- 2005 (Natural and Life Sciences (SNV),
stitute of Electrical Engineering and Elec- Foreign Languages and Literature)); for
The Two drops of 4 tronics ( INELEC), National Institute of Me- 2008/2009, opening of three (03) other
oil chanical Engineering (INGM), National courses (Economics, Management and
Institute of Construction Materials (INMC), Commercial Sciences (SEGC), Arabic Lan-
An Eye On The 5 National Institute of Manufacturing indus- guage and Literature (LLA) and Law and
World tries (INIM), National Institute of Food In- Political Sciences (DSP)

About the INELECTRONICS student club

The INELECTRONICS is a in University’s life; this Website design. This club
University Scientific Stu- club consists of six sec- is very active in
dent’s Club that was first tions: Technical projects, Boumerdes University
created in 2003 to fill Newsletter edition, Cul- and holds many activities
student’s needs of ex- tural manifestations, and expositions all the
ploring not only scientific Video projections, Soft- time.
matters but every aspect ware development and

By Djeffal Takieddine
Page 2
Computing DEEE Newsletter

Microsoft Promises Better Operating System in Windows 7

Windows 7, the succes- magazine, which quotes Vista because Windows
sor to Microsoft's Vista Microsoft executives as 7 loads device drivers
operating system, will saying Windows 7 will in parallel rather than
use less memory and also recognize con- one by one, and cuts
power than its prede- nected devices more the number of services
cessor, and will start up quickly and accurately that are started when
and shut down more than Vista does, and it the PC is turned on. Mi-
quickly, among other will run nimbly on low- crosoft plans to release
improvements, the firm cost notebook PCs. a feature-complete
has announced. Vista Though Windows 7 is beta of Windows 7
has been criticized for built on the same code early next year.
being sluggish and base as Vista, it should
power-hungry, accord- be able to boot up sev- Windows 7 logo.
ing to Computerworld eral seconds faster than

Neuroscientists Develop Pulsed Ultrasound Method to Control Brain Circuits Without Surgery

Neuroscientists at Arizona State University (USA) have used pulsed ultrasound methods to activate brain
circuit movements without invasive surgery. Their research, which was published in the Public Library of Sci-
ence One, offers answers into how low-power ultrasound can be used in this area and provides the possi-
bility for fresh treatments of brain disorders and disease. Through the technique of optically studying the
movement of neuronal circuits while simultaneously breeding low-intensity, low-frequency ultrasound
through brain tissues, the researchers believe they have found a strong vehicle for adjusting the activity of
neural circuits

Quote of the month:

‘’Do not worry about your difficulties

in Mathematics. I can assure you mi-
ne are still greater. ‘’
Albert Einstein
Brain circuits inspiration
Volume 1, Issue 0 Page 3

OSU Students Set World Records with Unmanned Airplane

A team of Oklahoma State University, USA, aerospace engineering students have
set world records for duration and closed course distance with their autonomous
unmanned aerial vehicle, named Pterosoar-B. Once it is launched, the plane ope-
rates with autopilot software which is programmed to respond to disturbances the
aircraft faces during flight. "We wanted to learn about the construction technolo-
gy involved because unmanned planes can eventually do jobs that pilots are not
needed for, such as border control and surveying," said team leader Ryan Paul.
Paul and two team members, Cody Pinkerman and Valentin Sanchez, began the
summer of 2008 working 16 hours a day to build their airplane and modify the
design to set the world record in the F8 category. Ph.D. student Joe Conner, an
autopilot expert, helped with the project. The team said they will attempt to set
Boing-hale picture the world record in the straight line distance category this fall. All records set in
the aerospace field must be recognized by the Fédération Aéronautique Interna-

So, go back and see the won-

The two drops of oil by Paulo Cœlho
ders of my world,” said the
A merchant sent his son talked to everybody, and spill.”The young man be-
wise man. “You can’t trust a
to learn the Secret of the young man had to gan to climb up and down
Happiness from the wis- wait for two hours until the palace staircases, man if you don’t know his
est of men. The young it was time for his audi- always keeping his eyes house.”Now more at ease, the
man wandered through ence.With considerable fixed on the spoon. At young man took the spoon and
the desert for forty patience, he listened the end of two hours he
strolled again through the
days until he reached a attentively to the rea- returned to the pres-
beautiful castle at the son for the boy’s visit, ence of the wise palace, this time paying at-
top of a mountain. There but told him that at that man.“So,” asked the tention to all the works of
lived the sage that the moment he did not have sage, “did you see the art that hung from the ceil-
young man was looking the time to explain to Persian tapestries hang-
ing and walls. He saw the gar-
for.However, instead of him the Secret of Hap- ing in my dining room?
finding a holy man, our piness. He suggested Did you see the garden dens, the mountains all
hero entered a room and that the young man take that the Master of Gar- around the palace, the deli-
saw a great deal of ac- a stroll around his palace deners took ten years to cacy of the flowers, the
tivity; merchants coming and come back in two create? Did you notice
taste with which each work
and going, people chat- hours’ time.“However, I the beautiful parch-
ting in the corners, a want to ask you a favor,” ments in my li- of art was placed in its niche.
small orchestra playing he added, handing the brary?”Embarrassed,
sweet melodies, and boy a teaspoon, in which the young man confessed
there was a table laden he poured two drops of that he had seen noth-
with the most delectable oil. “While you walk, ing. His only concern was
dishes of that part of carry this spoon and not to spill the drops of
the world. The wise man don’t let the oil oil that the wise man
Volume 1, Issue 0 Page 4

Returning to the sage, he reported in Looking down at the spoon, the young sages. “The Secret of Happiness lies
detail all that he had seen. "But man realized that he had spilled the in looking at all the wonders of the
where are the two drops of oil that I oil. "Well, that is the only advice I world and never forgetting the two
entrusted to you?” asked the sage. have to give you,” said the sage of drops of oil in the spoon.”

An eye on the world: Subprime mortgage crisis

The Subprime mortgage century has become more

crisis is an ongoing fi- apparent throughout 2007
nancial crisis characterized and 2008 and has passed
by contracted liquidity in through various stages ex-
global credit markets and posing pervasive weak-
banking systems triggered nesses in the global finan-
by the failure of mortgage cial system and regulatory
companies, investment framework. So, is this the
firms and government end to Capitalism after all
sponsored enterprises these failures?
which had invested in Sub-
prime mortgages. The cri-
sis, which has roots in the
closing years of the 20th
Dear INELECTRONICS Newsletter reader,

Our newsletter is published to meet your interests in

technical study and social life, so if you have any com-
ments or ideas that you would like to share with us to
D e p a r t m e nt o f E le c t r ic a l a nd
enrich the newsletter, do not hesitate to contact us and
E le c t ro n ic E ng i ne e r i ng
express your opinion.
Boulevard de l'indépendance
Boumerdes, 35 000 We also accept essays written by students about
Algeria different subjects in all matters to be published in the
Email: newsletter.
Thank You,
We are on the web: The editors:

Djeffal Takieddine-Zekar Abderraouf-Djedidi Mouad

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