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30 A Visit to Antenna Specialists 92 The 9-Element Duoband OX

- Wa yne tours the test ra nge W2NSD /l Attention-Getter
34 Secrets of Guyed Towers - w hen y ou c all, th ey l isten K4FK. N40G
- pu t ' em up and k eep ' em t here. . . .. WB 3BQO 96 Here's a "Twist"
40 Death-Defying PL Mod for the KDK 2015 - an OS CAR antenn a with a d iff erence . . . . K4TWI
- no t f o r t he squeam ish W8GQL 98 A Fortified 2m Whip
44 Feed-Horn Mounting Made Easy -won 't bend in t he br eeze. .. . . W9AMM
- solut io n to a pesky problem . . . . . WB8DQT 100 Ageless Wonder: the Collinear Beam
48 Antenna Tuning Joy Revisited - sure beats a d ipo le. . W1FK
- remem ber t he Tektroni x 1908 7 W9 CGI 102 .Th re e Baluns for a Buck ""-
52 Modern Solid-State Equipment Design: - go find y ou rself a junked TV.. .. ','" .-. W6SlQ
A Better Way 104 So You Want to Raise a Tow er
- so rry, tube fa ns W4RNL - d o it saf ely, do it rig ht. . . WA7DP X
58 Shorten ed Antennas for 75 and 80 118 The Revofutionerv-Organi c Ante n na
- de signs whic h fit yo ur QT H W4AEO - p ro du ct o f NASA resear c h. . . . Gaddie
66 Build This Simple 220 Yagi 126 DDRR Dipole for VHF
- 3 elements. 6 d B. .. N8AJA - experim ent!. . . .. W6 VX
68 Beware o f the Dreaded Phantom 132 Tennamatic: An.Auto-Tuning Mobile
Ground Antenna System
- exo rc ise th ose ant enna gremlins - w ork s all of 40 and 75 W6TWW
. ............... . . . . . . . . . WA2SUT1NN NflZV8 140 Add Solid-State Braking to the T'X
70 A Close Encounter With Voyager I - a worth while im p rov ement WB2DTY
- t he W6 V IO sto rv. . . . ... K6PG X 144 Compact Beams for 20 or 15
72 GIANT Wire Antennas - bu ild t hese when you r q ua d su es the
- imp ress the nei ghbo rs. . . . WD8CBJ du st W8HXR
78 ~ Microcomputer RTTY . .. a Software 150 "Weeping Willow" Vertical f ~r 40
TU - go o ut on a limb and bui ld o ne WA60YS
- use yo u r 8080 and ve ry little e lse .. .. N1AW 154 Marine-Band Acti vity
84 IJld Baudot Hard Copy For Your SWTPC - a co m p lete g u ide . . ..... WA2KBZ
-c- no isv. but cheap K4H8 G

Nev er Say Die -4, Letters-10, Looking West-12, 05CAR Orbits-14, RTTY Loop-14, Contests-19,
Mi crocomputer Interfacing- 20, New Products- 22, DX- 26, Corrections- 77, Ham Help- 77, 164,
180, Dealer Directory - 88, Social Events-1 30, Propagation- 209
the praise

The proven
W e have never
e njoyed such an
overwhelmi ng response to a TEMPO 5-1
new pro d uct. Lette rs of pra ise
fo r T em po 's S- l a re co ming
does it all•••
in d aily. Wo rds suc h as great , portable•••moblle
fab ul o us, a nd fant astic are
c om mo n. In a f ew sh o rt •••base station
. m onths the S- l has tak en the
Amateur world by storm . In and gives you
ad d itio n to its uni q ue f eatures
and its ve rsat ility , it has no w
pro ve n it se lf to be an ex- 800 channels
tre mely ru g ged and depe nd - ·Sho wn ....ith acc es sory touc h lone pad
ab le unit.. .qua lities .un matched at any pric e,
T o p vie w in one of the
but un heard o f at th e S- l 's low price.
smallest hand helds
T h is am azin g pocket sized rad io rep rese nts a " SU PP LI ED ACC ESS ORIE S
maj o r breakth ro ug h in 2- mete r Freq ue ncy C ove rag e: 144 t o 148 MHz Te le sc op i ng whip antenna, ni-cao
Channel Spa c ing : Rece ive every 5 kHz, ba tt ery pack . ch arger.
com m u n ica t io ns. Ot her un its th at a re larg e r, transm it S im p lex or
heavi er and are sim ilarly p ric ed can offe r onl y Power Requ irement s: 9.6 VD C Touch tone pad: $55 • Tone burst
6 c han ne ls . T he S- l 's p rice inc ludes th e Curren t Dra in : 17 rna-stand by ge ne rator: $29 .95 • crcss sub -
500 rna-t ran smi t ... "aud ib le to ne co n tro l: $29 .95 • Rub ber
batte ry pack , c harger, and a tel esco p ing B att eries : 8 c ell ni- c ad pack flex a ntenn a: $8 • Lea th er ho lst er :
an ten na . B ut, fa r m ore impo rt ant is it s pro ven Inclu ded $16 • C igarette li ghter p lug m obi le
Antenna Impedance : 50 ohms ch arg ing unit: $6 • M at c h ing 30 wa tt
perfo rma nce reco rd as a fully sy nth esi zed 80 0 Dimens ions: 40 mm x 62 mm x output 13.8 VDC power amplifier (S30):
c han ne l ha nd held tra nsceiver. 165 mm (1 .6" x 2.5" $89 • Matchinq 80 watt o utp u t power
x 6.5") amplifier (S80 ): S169
T he o pti on al tou c h to ne pad adds g rea tly to RF Output: Better tha n 1.5 watts
its c on veni en c e and the ad d ition of a Te m po Sens itiv ity : Better than .5 m icr ovolts
solid so lid state ampli fier ad ds t re men dously Pric e... $349 .00 W ith to uch lone pad ... $399.00
to its po we r.
The Tempo li ne also feat ures a fine li ne of extremely compact Boost your signal. . . give it the rang e and c larity ot a high pow er ed base
UHF and VHF pocket receivers. They're low priced, stati on. VHF (135 to 175 M Hz)
dependable. and available with CTCSS and 2-tone decoders. Drive Power Output Model No. Pr ic e
The Tempo FMT-2 & FMT-42 (UHF) provides excellent mobile 2W 130W 130A 02 $20 9
communicat ions and f eatures a remote cont rol head for hide- lOW 130W 130A 10 $18 9
away mounti ng. 30 W 130W 130A3 0 $199
Th e Tempo FMH-42 (UHF) and the NEW FMH -12 and FMH-1 5 2W BOW BOA02 $169
lOW BOW BOA10 $t 49
(VHF) micro hand held transceivers provi de 6 channel 3QW BOW BOA30 1S9 s
capability , dependability plus many worthwhil e features at a 2W 50W SOA02 129 s
low price. FCC type accepted models also avai lable. 2W 30W 30A02 S 89
Please call or write for complete informa tion . Also available U H F (400 to 512 M Hz) m odels, low er po wer a nd FC C t yp e accepted mo de ls
from Tempo dealers throughout the U.S. and abroad. also availa b le.


For all stales except California
Calif. residents please call cenect on our regular numbers.

. '
. .
I ,'
1124 0 W . Oly m p ic B lvd .. los A n g eles. c ant .
93 1 N . Eu cli d , An ahe im , Cal i f. 92 801
But l er , M i s souri 64 730
90064 714
2 13//772·
92 001
816 /679 · 31 27
Prices s ubject to chang e w ithou t notice
The Model M·520A offers the discrimina ti ng DXer an unexcelled
beam antenna that really punches th ro ugh th e QR M
... ask anyone who owns o ne! Features 5 f u ll
sized elements on a 2" 0 .0 . x 34 ft . boom .
Low SWR across the enti re 20 met er band .
The M·520A is sh ipped UPS in two cartons.

14.1 14.2 14 .3 14.4 ,.,

The magic 20 meter beam : M-420A . .. 4 elements

on a 26 ft . boom. Super fro nt-to-beck and
side reject ion . The M·42 0A ships UPS in two carto ns.

14 ,0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4

The M·155A is th e to p of th e line 15 meter mono bande r. Th is is

t he one fo r t he seriou s DXer. To p performance th at
will make you hear d on 15! 5 elements wide
spaced on a 25' 7" boo m.
M-155 A

21.0 21.1 21.2 ",
The M·l 05A - our lat est 10 meter design uses W . I - D - E
spacing. Well research ed design provid es t he ult imate
in a 10 met er anten na. 5 elements on a 23 ' 5" boom .

With the 10 meter band making a stro ng "'~~~e:~"'~

comeback , choo se our mod el to fu lf ill yo ur needs. ~
Five w ide spaced elements w ill provide a top performing ante nna .



_ ......... _1.-1

Go.. (dB)
VSWRI.. R_ 1
t,H)l)f L 1ft-&Z04

l .... l .... ~
1 1.1
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MODEL " ·106 '"
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r.23'5"• p

l_ ~ _n. ae-e- ",- as-a- 18'7'

T", ,,,,,,,RM iu•
, ". eze- 1111" 2Z' 6"

• Wilson EI;d;;';i~;i~;orporated
""" D,....... r 2" 0. 0. r O.D. 2" 0 .P. r· o.o.
B_ rnO;."'. . ...
Surf ... ArM (Sq. F' .l
Wind LoM
,. 2"0.P

22 7 lb•.
2" 0.0.

r 'o.p.
. ~
e -c.o .
, .a
16 11>0.

Y'" W2
4 28 8 So . Pol. , i, • P. O. Bo" 19 0 00 • Lao V ey~~ . Nav.da B9119
Pl'Ions (70 2 1 73 9 ·19 3 1 • T. le>< 684-522
A. .mb' . d W.i g'" (Appro •. )
$h; pp;ng W. ;g!I' IA"",,,,,.1
M.",hingM othod
70 1....
5O ' b..
56 ' b..
45 '1>..
40 '1>•.

v- Reader Senl ice- see pa g e 211 3

Staff ( '\
Wayne Gr een W2NSDJ1
Sherry Smy th e
Jeff rey D. Del ray WB8BTH I1
Dotty Gibson
J oh n C. Burn ett
Susa n G. Ph il br ic k
",[ W 5 [oIlOR
Ge ne Smarte WB 6TOVl1
by Wayne Green
Eli sabeth Blackm ore DAYTON hib itor s, and sal es we re t he t he ham ind ustry th at th ey
Cynthia Smit h
Ri chard Phen ix Despi te th e rapid gr owt h of best eve r, no matter how many m igh t do better to jo in the EIA
DOOK PUBLICAnONS the Atlant a Hamfest ival, Dayton were th ere. Som e dea lers went rat her t han f ritter arou nd wi th
J im Perry pu lls 'em in in great er numbers home with over $50,000 in sales ARMA . It was noted th at only
PRODUCTION MANAGER every ti me. It 's gott en so big fo r th e t hree days. on e h am m a n u f ac t u re r i s
Lynn Pancie ra-Fraser Des pi t e to ne-term d eliv ery presently a member of EIA, and
t hat it is d i ff ic ult t o s ee
ART DEPARTMENT de lays promised by Drake, I that one adm itt ed d iscoveri ng
J udith Dalb y everyone th ere. No, it 's im possi-
Bob Drew bl e. Whe th er th ey have 15,000 or understand that dealers we re t he membershi p w it h som e sur-
James H. Gray II reall y loaded up w ith Drake ge ar prise, a so rt of bonu s for thei r
Bru ce Hedin 20,000 in attendance is irrele-
Ch ip Jackso n vant - it 's too muc h to hand le. fo r the show .. . whi ch brought CB affiliation.
Dian Owens
I had not rea lly int ended to pri ces dow n to per hap s $5 o r I do n't think I helpe d t hat pro j-
Noe l R. Sell WB 1ARP
Ro bin M. Sloan get to Dayton this t ime, fee ling $10 over cost o n the big gear. ect as much as I mig ht have
Jo hn W . Whit e
that I would do better to spend W h i le t h i s is ha rd o n t he when I rem inded everyone th at
t he fo ur da ys invo lved workin g dealers, it is a bo na nza for the we had hea rd t his sa me story
Ga ry St einbach
on Insta nt Software and a new rest of us. All HTs were se ll ing te n yea rs ago when Bob Waters
Bill Heydo lph publ ishi ng pro jec t. But I bega n we ll, t oo. I don 't thi nk a sing le lured th e ham industry aw ay
Tedd Cluff to wave r j ust a bit whe n t hey dealer went home with an H T in fr om a ha m manu factur er's as-
TYPESETTING called up and wanted t o know his tru ck . Th e show ing of t he soc iati on a nd into th e EIA. The
Barb ar a J. Lall i first pro tot ype of t he new Yaesu ha m indust ry was in the same
Sara Bedell w here th ey could reac h Jean
David Daw e Shep herd K20 RS in o rde r to get prog rammable HT help ed con- division as t he ~ B industr y, and
Ho lly J. W a ls h vi nce dealers t hat long -term t hus w hen it caITfe' to any co n-
him to en te rta in at t he banq uet.
BOOKKEEPER stocks o f the mo re t radi ti o nal fli ct s between t he two (and
Knud E. M. Kelle r KV4GG!1 Then the y ask ed if I would be
avai lab le to spe ak on the micro- HTs wo uld not be prudent. It 's th er e we re beau ts, li ke 220
Pauline Joh nst one co mput er fo rum . . . and I gave gett ing time to liquidate HT MH z), mon ey talked and the
DATA ENTRY in. cryst al stocks. ... ham industry seemed to get a
Cathy nesuva
Shep was outs t andi ng, as Swan showed "t hel r new li ne "oeat ea r.
Marga re t She ld on
usua l. I t hink t hey had well over of tr an sc ei vers a nd wow ed The cos ts of jo ini ng t he EIA
AND CIRCULA TlON 1,500 at t he banquet, an d he had everyo ne . The ir m tc roproce s- are not insi gn if ic ant. It would
Robert A. LaPo inte t hem in st itches . The banqu et sor-con t ro lled un it s w ill be in cost 73 about $2,000 per yea r to
ASSISTANT CIRCULA n ON was ni c e . . . g r il l ed ho ck ey short supp ly fo r a long time . The belon g, wit h few (if any) bene fi ts
M ary Beth Stanek pucks, I t hink . I wa sn' t sur e. Th e Japan ese are goi ng to have to ... 'whi ch I could pin down . And
BULK SALESMANAGER potato wa s go od, which is mor e wo rk a litt le ha rder to keep t hei r th en, if any spec ial proj ect s for
Ju dy Waterm an t ha n I can say for a lot of rest au - large share of th e US mark et. lobbying came up , th e co st of
SHIPPING ran ts . . . and t he co mpany wa s But lo ng after t he new ham t hem wou ld be on top of the tw o
Ethan Per ry , M g r. gear and t he acres upon acres t ho u. Som eda y, I'd like to have a
B i ll Ba rry f ine. Most of the enterta inment
was a bor e .. . so me local gro up of f lea ma rket fade into fuzzy gen era l ide a o f how mu ch Hy-
Beth Smit h singing and dancing .. . unfor - memory, the Jean Sheph erd en- Gain and Johnson put into th e
ASSOCIATES tunately none of them were t ertainment at the banqu et will pot to ge t more CB channel s on
Robert Baker WB2 GFE si ngers or dan cers. That wen t live on in mem ory. Long afte r ele ven meters and th e 220 MHz
on incredib ly lon g . The Me was
E, H. Barn ett WB I;lIlX the old ri g we bought off a f lea band for CB. Both of t hose pro j-
Sch ley COl( W B9L HO
To m DiBiase WB8 KZD excellent ... he introd uced t he mark et t ruck tha t c hilly Satur - ects we re bummers, in cide ntal-
Terry FOl( W6 4J F I two hu ndred or so peop le at the da y has bee n auct ioned o ff at a Iy. The elev en meter exp an sion
W. Sanger Gree n
Dave In gr am K4T W J head t ab le in a minute and a loca l ham fest, we'll rememb er proje ct res ulted in the ser io us
La rry Kah an er WB 2NEL half, makin g so me very enter- Shep an~ his pro blems wit h t he woun d ing of CB an d co st th e in-
Joe Kaes er G 3ZCZ
Bill Paster nak WA61TF ta ining co mments as he we nt Texas kilowatt on 7182 kHz du st ry bil lions. It san k Hy-Gain .
Jo hn Schultz W4F A alo ng. back in the '30s. "Doesn 't tha t It was noted t hat ARMA had
Wa ller Scott K8DtZ
Pet er Stark K2 0 AW The Dayt on crew has been at son ofa gun ever sleep?" not bee n able to decide on any-
Chuck Stuart N5KC it for years and the y are cer- th ing and fol low it throug h wi th
Bill Turn er WAOA BI
tai nly professi o na l ab ou t it. ARMA su ccess. The effort to stave off
Ric hard J . Dyk ema There are few gl itches in the The most recent meeting of FCC act ion s on linear amp li -
CUSTOME R SERVKE Ham vention . the Amateur Rad io Man uf ac- f iers was an abject fa il ure. I fee l
Flo re nce Goldman The crowds seemed to be t urer 's Association cam e the that thi s tot al def eat w a s
ADVERTlStHG down a bit thi s year- no one ni ght before the Dayton Ham- primaril y du e to t he lac k of sup-
A lin e Cout u, Mg r. kn ows wh y. I heard rum ors t hat venti o n and was spa rsely at- port of ARMA by some of t he
Bill York
Nanc y Ci a m p a they c locked in 14,000, co m- te nded, con sider ing t hat almost large r f irms in t he ha m ind ust ry,
Ma rc ia Sto ne pared to 19,000 last year . The 250 f irm s ru n ad s in any one th e back -stabbin g (to pu t it
Ga ):'e Ha lberg
Lon Mugfo rd aisles we re easier to tr averse. mont h in the ham magazin es. poli tel y) by the ARRL, and t he
Rit a Rivard Other late r repor ts put att en- A representative f rom th e lack of st ro ng leadership in
dance at 17,000. Big dea l ... Elect roni c Ind ustri es Associa- ARMA to put together a pro -
that 's numbers. I talked with ex- ti on wa s there to tr y to con vin ce gram with w hic h to figh t the

It's a compact, up to 200 watts PEP input, .
all solid-state HF transceiver with such standard features
as built-in digital readout, IF shift, new PIL technology
. no tuning .'
... and reqUIres
Exciting and perfect for car or green fluorescent tubes elim inate • N oise blanker. You'll wonder where
ham shack use! But, ther e's more viewing fatigue. An alog subdial, too , the lqnltio npoise went.
to say about t he TS -120S! This for ba ckup displa y. See the big IiltleTS-120S rig and match-
un ique all solid-state HF, SSB/CW • IF shift (passban d tu ning), to remove ing accessories (VFO·120 rem ote VFO.
transceiver produce s a hefty signal ad jacent-frequency interference and S P-120 exte rn al sp eak er, PS-30 AC
and also offers a lot of othe r great side band splatter. pow er supply, MB-lOO mobile mo unt-
features in a very attractive, com- • Advanced PLL circuit, w hich elim- ing bracket, AT-120 anten na tu ner and
pact package. inates need for heterodyne crystal YK-88C CW Filter) at your nearest
FEATURES : e leme nt for each ba nd. PLL lock Au thorized Kenwood D ealer!
• All so lid-stat e wit h wide ba nd RF frequency, CAL marker signal, and
amplifier stages. No final dipping or co unter clock circuit use single ref-
loading , no tran smit drive peaking, erence frequency crysta l. Simplifies
and no receive preselector tuning! circuitry, impr oves overa ll stability.
Just d ial your frequen cy and operate! Al so improve s tra nsmit and receive
• Five bands, plus WWv. Transmits spurious characteristics.
and receives on 80/ 75 , 40, 20 , IS, • Attractive, compact design. Mea sures
and a ll of 10 meters. i. and receives on ly 3W ' high X 9 W ' wide X 13 1/ , "
WWV on 15 MHz. long, and weigh s only 4 .9 kg (11.7 STILL AVAILABLE . . .
• 200 walt s PEP (160 watts DC) input lbs.). A perfect size for conve- KENWOOD TS-520S
on 80-15 meters, 160 watts PEP (140 nient mobile operation and rug-
watt s DC) input on 10 met ers. LSB,
USB, and CW
• Digital frequency display (sta ndard).
ged enough for eit her mobile or
port ab le use. Also has all the
des ired featu res for optimum
100 -Hz res olutio n. Six digits. Special ham-shac k op erati on at home. ' 111 WEST WALNUT / CO M PTON, CA 9022 0
FCC and win . possible for us to do t he same, t rac to rs franti c to fi nis h ca n-
One of the more serio us pro b- thus forc ing deale rs to sell im- t racts on t ime or by manu fac-

lems fac ing any indu stry ass o- ported equipment whi ch has t urers being pressured by cu s-
ciation is the see m ing pref - more features and costs less . ta mers for delivery .
erence for the deat h of amateur There have been some strong I doubt if they are having
radio ove r accom mod ation be- moves t o turn th is around. Swan nearly as m uc h gove rnment
tween t he US manufacture rs has sto pped im por t ing t heir harassm ent in Japa n . . . a nd
Manuscripts an d im port ers of Ja pa nes e equip ment and is now maki ng thi s means t hat they can be
Con tribut ions in the term of man u- (called " fo reign" ) equipment . I everyt hing here in the US. Their mo re co mpet it ive w it h us. If you
scri pts wit h dra win gs and/o r pho to - can underst and the emo tions new li ne of t ransceivers is go ing read much about Jap an, yo u
graphs are welcome and w ill be con -
sidered for po ssible publicat ion . We invo lved, particularly when yo u to have a stro ng effect o n the know t hat work ers take their
can assume no responsibili ty lor loss c ons ider t h a t som ewhe re market, fo r they are taking ad- jo bs very serio us ly and are
or da mage to any ma teria l. Please arou nd 70 % of t he ham gear be- vantage of mi cro computer tech - ded icated to the ir employers.
enclose a stamped, sett-aooressec ing sold is being import ed from nol ogy . But other US rnanutac- The exc esse s of man y industri-
envelope wit h eac h submission. Pay-
ment for th e us e of any unsol icited J apa n . I've heard rep eated turers have been complacent, al ists of a hundred years ago
ma teri al w ill be made upo n acce p- c laims that the Japanese are telli ng dea lers that they are so spawned a st rong union move-
tance. All co nt ributi ons shou ld be di- sel ling this ham gear at a loss busy wi t h ot her thi ngs that ham ment in the US, and some of the
rected 10 th e 73 edi tor ial offices. here in ord er to des troy the US gear w ill be six month s o r mo re ramificatio ns of t hat have not
" How to Write l or 73" guidelines are
avail able upon request. manu fa ct urers. I'd sure like to back -ordered. And one majo r been helpful in making us com-
see som e proo f of t his co nten- fi rm whi ch has been making a pet lti ve wit h ot her coun tr ies.
Editorial Offices: tio n. big dea l out of ham s buying The st rong union posit ion s in
Pine Street On the surface of it , the hig h Ame rica n has some very c learly Engl and have been a powerfu l
Peterborough NH 03458 sales of Japanese equ ipment indent if iable Japanese parts in fac to r in keeping th at count ry
Pho ne: 603 -924-3873. 924-3874 seems to be the result of a lot of it s new rig. f ro m bei ng s er io us ly co m -
adve rtis ing , exce llent desi g n, Some of the. US pro blems un- petiti ve with much of the wor ld.
Advertising Offices: good mar keting, and factors doubtedly co uld be c ured if we In the mi cr ocomputer field,
Elm Street such as th is . The Japanese co uld get t he govern ment out of no other country has been able
Peterborough NH 03458
Pho ne: 603·924-7138. 924·7139 have some unfair advantages , the ac t. I talked wit h one ma nu- to provide any ser io us compet i-
I'll admit , in t hat they have fact urer recen t ly who had had tion fo r t he US. You can bet that
Circulation Offices: abo ut 400,000 hams in Japan as hi s plant c losed down by OSHA t he Japa nese mi cro com puter
a market t hat is virtually clos ed beca use t hey f o un d a fire ma kers have been over here, slz-
Phone: 603·924·7296
to ou r man ufactu rers . With escape support co lumn which ing up t he market, but t hey
about double t he ma rket for was painted. It seems that they haven't been ab le to do muc h
Subscription Rates ham gea r, they can aff ord to co uld not inspect the co lumn about it. Between our techn o-
In tt ie unneo Sta les and Possessions: s pend more on design and run for any possible cracks . . . so lo gi c al ad van c es and the
One Year (12 issues) S18.OO l a r g e r pr o du ct ion run s . everyo ne had to be sent home do llar/yen situ ati on, US fi rms
Two Yea rs (24 issues) $30.00 w hic h mean s lower cost s. until the paint could be removed are getting in to better posi tion s
Three Years (36 is s ues) $45.00
Lif etime subscript ion $240.00 Then th ere is the matt er of from the fire escape co lumn . to give the Japanese a run for
Japanese productiv ity vs. tha t OSHA seem s to be the cause the ir mo ney. Where we are not
Elsewhere: of the US. A recent arti c le in For- of the recent semiconductor . bei ng held bac k by uni on re-
Can adia n subscriptions -add $2.00
tune po inted out th at th e US has pla nt shutd own w hich ca used st ric tio ns on modernization and
per year unle ss paid w ith U.S. curran - been down towa rd t he bott om in credi ble consterna tion in t he excessive government regu la-
'Y . of t he list in wor ker produc ti vity entire elect ron ics industry. The t io n, we can r a ~ e l l wi th im-
improvement s. The Ja panese early est imates are th at much ports .
A il o ther tcret qn -cone yea r on ly-
526 .00 pa yab le i n U. S . cu rr en c y have been building new and over 510 bi llion was los t as a Well, getti ng back to ARMA ,
thro ugh a U.S. bank (surf ac e ma il). more aut o mated pla nts, while result of t his unne cessary ac- t he suggesti on was made that
ou r u nio ns and government ti on. Som e 20¢ chips were being instead of trying to represent
To subscribe. have been mak ing it almo st im- bi d up to 55.00 and more by con ... - ..the indus try , getti ng involved
renew or change with battles w ith t he FCC, or try-
ing to help o ur WARC pos ition,
an address: CB TO 10 it be made more of a soci al club
Write to 73 MagaZine, Subscrip tion Many readers have writt en or ca lled t o ask abou t obtain - . . . perhaps w it h an indust ry
Departme nt, PO Box 931, Fa rming· ing back iss ues w hich co nta in art icl es in our " CB to 10" f ri ends hip di nner du ring th e
da le NY 11737. For renew a ls and
ch an ges of addr es s. in c lud e the ad - series . Fo r everyo ne's in format ion, t he issues whic h have - more imp ortant hamfests and
dr ess label tra m your mos t rec ent t hus fa r featured " CB to 10" articles are li st ed below. con ventio ns. If the group is
is sue of 73. For gilt suo sc np t to ns, ln- 1977- May-Part l -uBandplan and Crystallnfo rma- afraid to tackle anything more
cru de y ou r name and ad d ress as we ll tion " meaninq ful th an that , t hen let's
as t h ose of g ilt recipients. Pe st -
master: Sen d ch an g e o f a dd re ss in for -
1977-J ul -Part II- " Co nversion Data" have d inner meet ings and eat.
mation to 73 MagaZine , PO Bo x 931. Part 1I 1- " Convert ing t he TRC-47" Tha t's bett er tha n pro trac ted
Fa rm ingda le NY 11737. Part IV- " Jo hnso n 123A Mod " meeti ngs hassli ng over bylaws,
Part V-"Co nverti ng t he Hy-Gain 6708 " dues, and elect ions, w hich are
Subscription 1977-Dec -Part Vl- "Antenna Sugge stio ns" j ust an enorm ous was te of time
problem or Part VII-"Convert a TRC-l 1" and o f li ttl e inte rest.
1978- Feb-Part VIII-"The Pub !icom I" There is one point of history
question: 1978- J ul- " How Abo ut SSB CB Conversio ns?" tha t I wo uld lik e to clarify sinc e
Write to 73 Magazm e. Subscription 1978- Aug- Part IX- " A Pair of Rad io Shack Rigs " it seems to alread y be in the pro -
Dep ar tment, PO Bo x 931 , Par m- 1978- Sep-Part X- " Realistic's Mini 23" cess of being rewritten . It was
inga ale NY 11137. Plea se inc lud e a n Part XI - " Hy-Gain's PLL Rigs" ment io ned at the ARMA meet-
add ress label. 1978- 0 cf - Part XII-"Co nvert a Kraco PLL Rig" ing tha t t he op inion abou t trying
73 Magaz in e (ISSN 0098·9010) is pub· 1978- Nov-Part XIII- "The Lafayett e Telsat SSB· to do something to help t he
Ils hed monthly by 73, tnc., Peter- 75" ama te u r radi o po s it io n a t
boro ug h NH 03458. Second c las s Part XIV- "A Realist ic PLL Rig " WARC was abo ut evenly split. I
pos tage is paid at Pete rbo ro ug h NH Part XV- "A Realist ic HT"
03458 and at additional ma il ing of·
mi ght remin d ARMA th at the
trees. Co pyrig ht (c ) 1979 by 73, Inc . All 1979-J an- Part XVI-"A CW Convers io n" motion to tackle t his project
ri gh ts res erved. No pa rt of this publl- Part XVII- " SBE and Pace Rigs" was made by Tom Gentr y of
cation m ay be repr in ted o r other wise 1979- May- Part XVIII- " Severa! PLL Rigs" Icom - it was carried wi th one
re produced wit hout w rit ten permss- 1979-Jun - Part XIX- "Lalayette SSB Rigs" and onl y one negati ve vote.
s tc n from t he pu blisher. Microfilm
Edi ti on- Un ivers ity M icr o f ilm , An n These issues may be purchased at $8.50 for 5 of your I recogn ize that the eventua l
Arbor MJ 48106. c hoice (order #ST0500), $14 for 10 of your choice (# SnooO), sc uttl ing of th e proje ct, whic h I
o r $25 tor 25 of your choice (#ST2501). Include $1 to r postag e att ribute to Ham Radio maga-
and handlin g, and send yo ur orde r t o 73 RadIo Bookshop, zine, ca lls fo r a dis trib ution of
Peterbo rou gh NH 03458.
Continued on page 164

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everyone called her when we

MEMORIES got to Paris . The Rome restau-
rant was the Tres Scalini and it
is still there and supe rb. I often
I was reading my March issu e
look at the slides and relive that
of 73 an d not iced yo ur story of
fantastic trip.-Wayne.
th e t ri p we t ook to Europe in Oc-
to ber, 1963.1 always fe lt th at t he Somehow I was prope lled to
idea of t he Institut e of Amate ur open th e Ma rch copy of 73 and I
Radio was a very good one and read Never Say Die.
tha t hams ge tting tok no w ha ms My husb and has bee n dead a
th roug h group to urs to ot her year and I had not opened any of offe r, for a reasonable fee, to
co untries was an exce lle nt way his ham magazines unt il today . W PIX ship what they w ish from Ogden
of pro mo ti ng amateur radio. As one of th e XYLs o n th at 1963 to whereve r t hey may desire.
I am a hol der of a lifet ime t rip to Europe, I wan t to thank My bac kgrou nd co ns is ts of
subscript ion to 73 (yes, I was Fro m t ime to t ime, you men-
yo u fo r ren ew ing all th ose won - t ion your televisio n care er. Wi th th irtee n yea rs in elec troni cs,
one of t he lucky ones w ho sub- derfu l mem ories. the last 6 months of w hich have
scribed in M iami bac k in '61 or this in mind, I th ought you might
It wou ld be wonde rfu l to be in be interest ed in the accompany- been as a qua lity control in-
'62), and t have fo ll owed yo u con tact w ith t he trave l group
throu gh your ed itorials. Many ing picture wh ich shows a spector in t he same fie ld. I
aga in. young (1948) Wayne Green , hai r co uld, mo st likely, even inspect
t im es I starte d to write and t el l the item they wis h to bid on,
Annora Todd and al l, be hind a WPIX RCA· TK
yo u how m uc h Anna and I en- g iven enough lead time. Not on-
222 W. Hawthorne St. 10 camera.
joyed t he tr ip, but somehow I
never go t aro und to it.
Aurora MO 65605 I bel ieve t he man at t he piano ly wi ll all the hams o ut th ere
Do yo u reme mber yo ur minia- is Sigm und Spaeth , wh o had a benef it , but maybe I'l l f ina lly be
t ure grey hou nd j um pi ng off t he prog ra m cal led "The T une able to jo in the f rate rnity.
Detect ive." If I s hou ld thrive at this, I sha ll
bed and break ing its leg? Or An- SC HO LARSHIPS de f ini tely make it a busin ess
no ra Todd ye lli ng th at she wa nt- I am su re your 10 5 5 t o TV was
a ga in for amateurs. - an d we'll all be nef it because
ed to get o ff at "Arts and the n I' ll be able to afford to
Hi g h-school grad uates who Oti s Freeman
Meters" unde rground station in adve rt ise in yo ur supe rb mag-
plan to ente r co lle ge this fa ll W PIX, Inc.
Pari s? Was n' t t he can ne llo ni azine . Unt il then, I shal l have to
and who are licensed amateurs New York City NY
go od at th e restaurant in Rome rely on your largess to print t his
may be elig ib le for one of the
w here we wen t w ith you one in yo ur next Lett ers col umn. If
$250 sc ho lars hips offe red by Thanks, Otis! Sure, I remember
evening and ate in t he ope n-ai r anyone out there is interest ed,
t he Atlanta Radio Club . If yo u Dr. Spae th and his program.
sec tion? Do you re me m ber please have t hem incl ude an
qua l ify , w r ite t o t he ARC and little things like the night I
w hen o ne of th e single guys had
Sc ho larsh ip Fund, PO Box did the Woody Woodpe cker ca ll. SASE .
to dou ble up in th e roo m w it h
77171, At lanta GA 30357. for him on camera. I remember .. Thomas W. New bery
t he gal in the red coat and her
Philip J. Latta W4GTS the Gloria Swanson show, too, 610 North Lib erty St.
husband? I ca n't remember her
Marietta GA with Zasu Pitts and a lot of other Ogd en UT 84404
name, but in a crowd we wou ld
old-time stars. Those were fan-
al l say , " Fo llow t he ga l in the

tastic times. The hair? Heck, my
red coa t."
father has more hair than f ncr - HOT CHIHUAHUA
We ll, I 've f i na lly gotte n A BSURDITY . .. so did his father, right up un-
aro un d to t ellin g you (afte r all til he died . . . but then they
th ese yea rs) how good I t hink I am ret urn ing to the front iers
I feel tha t th e idea of eac h ITU didn't ha ve the aggravation of
yo ur idea was and how great of Texas again, th is t ime back·
coun try havlnq one vote each at my first wife. -Wayne.
t he trip was. I have go ne ma ny pack ing in the ar id wilderness
pl ace s s ince th en, but never WARC is absurd. mo un tains of the Ch ihuah uan
had o ne-te nt h th e fun we all d id Althoug h some people have Desert, Please publ ish th e par-
expressed discontent at t he SURPLUS
o n t hat mom ent ou s t rip to t ic ula rs of th e exped it ion so
Eur op e by 73 ham s. If that t rip very idea of one coun try havi ng that more experime nta l NBVM
co uld eve r be d upli cat ed and it more say th an anot her, ci ting it I j ust read an art ic le in one of stations may pa rt icipate. One of
leaked o ut how m uc h fu n it was undem ocr at ic, I see it as just the back issues of 73.The issue, the fol lowin g moun ta in ranges
and how inter est ing it was to the oppos ite. I see it unde mo - Feb., '78, had an art icl e by w ill be se lected for a base camp
meet hams fr om ot he r cou n- crat ic whe n a han dful of radi o J am es C. Chapel W9 HDA, en- above the desert fl oor whe re
t ries, yo u wo uld have to for m a users have t he sa me vote as tit led " Surp lus Adven t ures- temperatu res will be mo re
fu ll -t ime travel age ncy. mi ll ions. Th is is tot all y unrea- pou nd foo lish !" He d idn 't fee l to lera b le w h i le o pe ra t i ng:
I have recently reti red from so nable for the mi ll ions of radi o he co uld trust a company to Ch isos, Davis, Glass, Guada-
practi cin g dentistry, and Anna users, since t he mo re operato rs ship a signal generator to him lupe, Chris tmas , Solitario, or
and I moved here to t he mo un- th ere are, the mor e air space is fro m a govern me nt surp lus out - Caba llo Muerta.
requ ired . let. We ll, th is definitely po ints We will carry in all water,
tai ns of western Nor t h Caro lina
fro m Mi am i, Florid a. Goo d luck, The o nly truly fai r way on out a need of ha ms. radi os, a sol ar array, food, and
Way ne, and keep up t he good wh ic h to base votes is on rad io I want to become a ha m but shel te r. We wi ll be ope rat ing
work. popu lat io n. Becau se it is not go- su ffer from a pecu niary def i- Sunday, Jul y 1, t hrough Sat ur-
ing to change, I fee l th e US ciency. Since I work at t he day, Ju ly 7, w it h a two-Watt out-
Lam on L. W hiddon K4MH Y
sho uld drop out of the ITU. Ogde n depot, w hich is a maj or put t ransce iver in NBVM, SSB,
Boone NC Ma ny countries play th e ITU electron ics s urp lus out le t in and CW modes on all HF bands.
It was January, 196 1, and you game during co nfe rences and Utah , I t hin k I can benefit all In addi t io n, we will carry a Tern-
were Ufe Subscri b er # 1. I t hen disregard th e dec isions t hose out there w ho wish to pur- po Sl z-rneter FM hand-h eld (1.5
rem ember it well! The Italian made afterwards, anyway. chase th is eq uipme nt and who Watts). There are a few VHF
greyhound was na m ed Peti te Will iam D. Matteo WB 21VI do not wis h to suffer ex pense-
Chienne because tha t's what Toms River NJ wise in th e process! In short, I Continued on page 176

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COAKIT Deluxe· Ready to Assemble
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FINISHES: Waln ut or Teak Sla in.
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4384 KEYSTONE AVENU E. CULVE R CITY, CALI F. 90230 - PHONE (213) 837-4870 *
$25.00 $23.50 e ach
Posf peid lots of three
Includes: 5 ·Pl259, 5 -5 02]9, 5 -U G 175, 5 -UGI 71>.
2 .. PL258, I .. DM. I · Ml5B, 2 .. Ml5 9, I .. UG2 55,
r .. UG273. 2 .. PLZ59PO . 1 · 102 1..20, I· ligh t ning
Arre sto r. Now with three exciting new features :
Mast er CN r~ & Visa ilCCep t«J / ~nd for F' IH! c.'"'Of/
P.O. Box IOI-A Oilmont, N. J . 076Z1 • Long Distance Calling
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IImeout limits
SO VERSATILE It provides four differ-
NOW Imagine auio matl c dialing of
emergency telephone numbers, tong
ent class es 01 output functions In add i- distance aulopatch calling under control
tion loautopatch and reverseautopatch. op supervision., plu s remotely command-
SO RESPONSIVE It $ends thirteen able timeout limits to match various
Morse codded messages to keep you operating conditions and YOU've ju st
fUlly Informed. Messages like BZ If you Imagined the MARK 3C .
Every now an d then w e r un i nto
some thing un usual in our shopping for eq uip- try to access a bu sy autopatc~ line. The MARK 3C Is a complete conlrol
ment. In this ca se it was a particularly good SO ADVANCED It uses microproces- system with all audio and logic clrcullry,
buy on Sonex ca ssette reco rde rs. We needed a sor technology and non-Ialslng digital stalus display, and power supply In one
bu nch of recorders for code tape du plication lone decoding. handsome cab Inet It s Ihlm generalion
. . . but in order to buy at a low price we had to SO PERSONALIZED Ihat many design replace rack s of hardwired
ta ke a bo ut 50 more t han we needed. You bene- features are cu stom programmed to equlpmenl while giv ing vastly expanded
fit. These ca ssette recorders record a nd play accommodate your unique needs . capability.
both direct ions witho ut stopping. You might SO EASY It can be Installed In minutes Get the t1eld-proven power that only a
expe ct to pay from $250 up fo r a recorder like with only five essential connections. MARK 3C can give at $995. (100%
this . . we'll pass the m along at ou r cost . fac tory assembled and tested)
afte r a ll. we' re not in t he recorde r business.
While they last. get these recorders for $75
ea ch. One to a custo me r, please . . . don' t be
greedy . You can call up the Radio Bookshop Call or Write for specifications
and place you r order with a c ha rge ca rd:
603· 9 24-38 73
23 Elm Park, Groveland, Ma. 01834
1,J .'It\GAZII'i E. rETERBQROl;GH, JliEW HiVr\PSH1RE 03458

V Reader Service-see page 211 11

alw ays one and the same. In Cus hcraft. Th e array is rota ted

I looking West _ _
t his case it took yea rs. Dur ing by an Al liance ro tor. Sho rtly ,
its t ran si t io n from an ocean two dipoles (one for 75/80 and
liner to a tourist att raction and anot her for 40 meters) will give
hotel, the origi nal wireless room the ship's station 80- through
Bill Pasternak WA6 1TF Mexico acquired the Carmen' s had been dismantled. Nat e's 2-meter capability (six mete rs
24854- C Newhall A ve. signal and cont inued th e rela y idea wa s to restore thi s room to excluded).
Newhall CA 9132 1 betwee n the Mia m i Coa st as close to its original state as Something very apropos hap-
Guard and th e Carmen. poss ible and t hen add a perma - pene d the evening that the sta -
Mi ke Davis WD6FFV of Tor, As a result of Mike 's quick nent amateur stat ion . tion ope ned. After th e initi al
ran ee, Cal if orn ia, is a real live think ing , t he Coas t Guard d is- On Ap ri l 22, 1979, Nate' s ce remo ny was co nc luded , it
13-year -old hero. On the eve- patc hed a rescu e plane whi ch dream ca me true. On th at eve- was time to place the s tatio n o n
nin g of Ap ril 24t h, Mi ke's par- dropped a pump, res cue raft , ning, Sharon and I att ended a the a ir. One of th ose prese nt
ents gave him perm ission to and mari ne Coast Guard radi o. s p ecia l in vit a tion al p ress wa s fa med DXer Don Wa ll ace
stay up la te in orde r to indulge La ter, the cutter Sh erman took preview o f what had been ac - W6AM . Whe n his turn came,
in a bit of hi s favori te pas ti me: t he stricken 75' Carmen in to w co mpl is hed by Nate and th e Don c ont acted a sta tio n in
ope rat ing his stat ion and hunt- and brought it back to Monteg o Assoc iat ed Radio Amateurs of New Zeala nd. As the aso pro-
ing OX. Everyone else in th e Long Bea ch . On the top deck of gre ssed , it was learned that the
Bay, Jamaica . A spokesma n fo r
house wa s aslee p as Mi ke the illustriou s Queen , the wire- ZL had been o ne of th e wireless
the Coast Guard credited the
search ed th e band looking for su ccess of the rescue t o Mike's less ro om had indeed been re- operators who served on the
the western Caro li ne Islands. stored. Amid the relics of times Queen Mary du ring World Wa r
quick thinking and positive ac-
At about 1:00 am on the morn - gone by was nestled neatly, in a II. I remember t he ZL say ing ,
tion . Because he maintained his
ing of Apr il 25th , Mike happen- spec ial pane l a rra ng em ent, " Don, if you are where I t hin k
cool , t hree men who m ight have
ed across a QSO betwee n so me of today's most sop his- yo u are, t he n I preceded you
drow ned are alive today. They
so meo ne on a fishin g boat off have a 13-year-old ama t eur t icated amateur equi pment on som e 30 yea rs ago and had my
th e coast of Jam aica and som e- rad io op er at or in Torr an ce, indefin it e loan f rom suc h we ll- feet in the sa me spot th at yo urs
o ne in New Zealand . Con di- know n firms as Yaesu , Trio- are now ." All of us ga thered
Ca lifornia, to thank fo r thi s.
ti on s between th e cr aft (later Kenwood , Swa n, DenTr o n, and around the TS-820's spea ker
iden tif ied as t he f ishing vessel THE " HAIL ·TO·THE·QUEEN" ot hers. What abo ut an te nnas? beame d w ith deli ght. If th e QSO
Carmen) and ZL·!and we re poor DEPARTMENT Nea tl y built into one of the had been planned -a nd it was
at best , and th e informat io n ex- Na te Bri ghtman K60 SC is an - Qu een's stacks and r i s ing not - noth ing co uld have been
ch ange d show ed that an emer- ot her amateur we ca n all ta ke above it st ands a t riband beam
gen cy existed . When th o se pride in. He is a ham wh o had a and a tw o-mete r Ringo from Con tinued on page 170
aboard the Carm en, ident if ied dream and per sever ed fo r
as t he boat 's ow ner Leonard tw elve years to see it come tru e.
Hutchinson and crew members Than ks to Nate, amateur rad io
Da vi d Dal qui st and Se rg io is now operat ional in f ull view of
Perez, again sent out a " May- t he general pub lic o n a day-to-
day " call, Mi ke responded , ob- day basi s aboard one of so uth -
t ain ed their lat itude and lon gi- e r n Calif or nia 's m o s t r e -
tud e, and phon ed t his info rma- nowned t ouri st att ract ions: the
t io n to the Long Beach Coast Queen Mary ocean li ner now
Guard station , wh ich in turn permanen tl y docked in Long
rela yed sa me to Miami. The sit - Beach harbor.
uation was th is: The Carmen Nate is a member of the
was so me 60 mi les off the Associated Radio Amateur s of
co as t of Jamai ca . It had been Lo ng Beac h, California . Twelve
severely ba ttered by high w inds years ago, when t he Queen
and rough sea s and was ta king Mary made he r last sea voyage
on water. Those aboard knew from Engl an d to her final hom e
t hat th e c raft would sink; t hey in Lon g Beach, Nat e and his
n eed ed i mm ed i at e re scu e . cl ub t hou ght th at it would be fit-
Mi ke spent t he next 45 minutes t ing to have an ope rat io nal ama -
rel aying informati on betw een teur stati on on the tr ip. Nat e
th e Coast Guard and the stri ck - s pearheade d th e dr ive and suc-
en Carmen unti l the sign al from ce eded. It was at t hat t ime th at A very happ y Na te Brightman K60SC (ce n ter) chats with Roy Neal
t he vessel di sappeared due to th e idea of a perma nent sta tion K6DUE (left) and WA61TF durin g a break in the filmin g of " The
changes in propagation. It was came to him. Having an idea World of A ma teur Radio " aboard the Que en Mary. (Photo by
at tha t t ime t hat a W5 in New and maki ng it co me t rue are not KH6IA F)

Club Station of the
Associated Radio Amateurs of Long Beach,lnc.

. ., t- "" -
OMNI HAS IT AU. All the advan tages and ca pabilities, all the new ALL SIDETONE ADJUSTMENTS; pitch an d volum e.
conveniences and new levels of pe rforma nce you need, whatever your AU-POWERFUL, AU-WARRANTED FINAL AMPLIFIER. zoo
HF opera ting specialty. All built-in, ready to use. watts input to final. Proven design with full warranty for first year and
ALL SOUD·STATE. All the advantages of total solid-state fro m the pro-rata warranty for additional 5 years.
pion eer of HF solid-state technology. Reliable, cool, stable - from ALL 100% DUTY CYCLE. For RTTY, SSTV or sustained hard usage.
receiver front-end to transmitter final.
ALL-MODE POWER: bask 12 VDC for easy mobile use, external
ALL HF BANDS. From 160 through 10 meters (and all the crystals) plus supplies for 117/220 VAC operation.
convertible 10 MHzand "AUX" band positions for possible future needs. AU FRONT PANEL MICROPHONE AND PHONE JACKS_
ALL BROADBA ND. Band changing without tuneup - without da nger Conveni ent.
to the final amp. PLUS ALL THE OTHER HANDY BUILT -INS, "Timed" 25 kl-lz
ALL READOUTS. Choose OMNI-A for anal og dial (1 kHz markings) or crystal calibrator in OMNI-A with au toma tic 5-10 sec."on" time for easy
OMNI-D for six 0.43" LED <ligil. (100 Hz rea dab ility.) 2-hand dial skirt adjustmen t .. . Zero-Beat switch for placing your signal
AU VOX AND PTT FACIUTIES built-in; 3 VOX controls plus PIT exactly on CW listening frequencies . . . SWR bridge switches "S" meter
control at front and rear jacks for external PTT switch. to read SWR each time you trans mit for continuo us antenna mon itor-
ALL SQUELCH NEEDS for tuning an d monitoring are built-in. ing . . . Separa te receive antenna capa bility... Dual speakers for greater
AU FILTERS INCLUDED , q-posnon CW/ SSB filter (150 Hz sound at lower distortion . Plug-in circuit boards for fast, easy field
ban dwidth with 3 selectable skirt contours) plus 8-poIe Crystal filter (2.4 service.
kHz bandwidth, 1.8 shape facto r.) ALL-FUNCTIONAL STYLING . " Clamshell" aluminum case clad in
AU MOD E SWITCH puts all filt ers to work in any mode. textured black vinyl with complementary nonreflective warm da rk metal
front pan el and extruded aluminum bezel and bail. Convenient con trols.
ALL BREAK-IN: Instant or de layed receiver muting to fit any band Compl ete shielding. And easier-to-use size: 53;4" h x 14 1.4"w x 14/1 d.
condition or mobile operation.
AND AU THE OPTIONS: Mode l 645 Keyer, Model 243 Remote VFO,
AU-VERSATILE OFFSET TUNING ; dual ranges, .:I:::5 kl-lz range for Model 248 Noise Blanker, Model 252MO AC Power Suppl y.
off-freque ncy OX or .:1:::0.5 kHz range for fine tuning.
AU-SENSITIVE RECEIVER, from 2 p.Vo n 160 m to 0.3 p.V on 10 m Mod el 545 OMNI -A $899 Model 54 6 OMNI -D $1069
(10 dB S + N/N) for ideal balance betwee n dynamic range and sensitivity. Experience the all-encompassing HF world of OMNI. Se e your TEN-TEC
AU OVERLOADS HANDLED ; dynamic range typically exceeds 90 dealer or write for all the details.
dB and PIN diode switched 18 dB attenuator also includ ed for extra
overload protection.
PANEL; a uxiliary bandswttch terminals on back pa nel for external relays
or circuits are controlled simultaneousl y by the OMNI bandswttch.
and microphone signals. 1AAri ' •
S EVIERVi ll E, TE NN ESS EE 37862
- EXPORT,, 115 LINCOLN AV(.. CHICAGO. Ill_ 6Ql; . .
AU-LEVEL ADJ USTABLE ALC; set outpu t from low power to full,
retain low distortion at desired drive to power amp.
To ca lc ulate success ive OSCA R 8 orbits, make a list of the f irst

IOSCAR Orbits coune,vofAMJ

orbit num ber (fro m the OSCA R 8 c ha rt) and th e next t hirte en or bits
for t hat day . List t he t ime of t he fi rst orbi t. Eac h successive orbit is
t hen 103 min ut es later. The cha rt g ives t he longi t ude of th e day's
fi rst ascend ing equatorial cro ssi ng. Add 26 ° for each succeed ing
The li st ed dat a tells you the ti me and place t hat OSCA R 7 and o rbit. To lind t he t ime OSCAR 8 passes t he No rth Pole, add 26
OSCA R 8 cross t he eq uator in an ascending orbit for the fi rst time m inutes to the ti me it cros ses the equator. OSCAR 8 will cross th e
eac h day. To calcu late succes sive OSCAR 7 orbi ts, make a list of im aginary San Francisco-to-Norfo lk line about 11 minutes afte r
th e fi rst orbit number and the next twelve orbi ts fo r that day. Lis t crossi ng th e equato r. Mode A: 145.85-.95 MHz uplink, 29.4-29.50
the time of the fi rst orbi t. Each s uccessi ve orb it is 115 minutes MHz down lin k, beac on at 29.40 MHz . Mode J: 145.90-146.00 MHz
later (two ho urs less five minu tes). The chart gives th e longitude of up lin k, 435.20-435.10 MHz do wnl in k, beacon on 435.090 MHz.
t he day's fi rst ascending (northbou nd) equatorial crossing. Add OSC AR 7 Orbital lnl orma lion OSC AR 80rtJital lnforma!ion
29 0 for each succeed ing orbit. Whe n OSCAR is asce nding on t he Orb it Date Time long itude OrtJit Date Time l ong itude
other side of th e wo rld fr om you, it wil l descend over you. To f ind (J uly) (GMn of Eq. (J uly) (GMT) of Eq.
Cro " ing ' W Crossing ' W
th e equatorial descending long it ude, subtract 166 0 from t he 21 15 1 1 00 21;39 69 .3 6723J b ll 1 004 5:35 56.3
asce nd ing lo ng it ude. To f ind t he t ime OSCA R 7 passes t he Nort h 2 1164 qrp 2 0 115 :56 82.9 67 42Ab n 2 0050:46 57. 6
21176 3 001 5 :16 67 .8 6756 Abn 3 0055:56 56.9
Pol e, add 29 m inu te s t o t he t ime it passes the equator. You sho uld 21 189 X 4 0 109 :33 81.3 6770X 4 010 1:06 802
be able t o hear OSCAR 7 w hen it is w ith in 45 deg rees of yo u. The 2 1201 5 0008:53 66, 2 6784Abll 5 0 106: 17 61.5
212 14 6 0103;10 79.8 679 8Abll 6 0111 :27 62.9
eas iest way to determin e if OSCA R is above t he horizon (and thu s 21226 7 00 02;3 1 64.6 68 12Jbn 7 0116:37 64. 2
w ithin range) at your locat io n is t o take a g lobe and dr aw a c irc le 21239 8 00 56:48 78,2 6826Jb n 8 0 121:48 65.5
w it h a rad ius of 2450 mil es (4000 kilomet ers) fro m yo ur QTH. If 21252 Qrp 9 0 151:0 4 91 .8 68 40Abn 9 0126:58 66.8
21264 10 00 50:25 76.7 685 4Abn 10 0132:08 68 .1
OSCAR passes abo ve th at c irc le, yo u sho uld be ab le to hear it. If it 2 12 77X 11 014 4:42 90 .3 6868X 11 0137 :18 69.4
passes right overh ead , you sho uld hea r it for abo ut 24 mi nut es 21289 12 0044:02 75. 1 6882Abn 12
0 142: 29
000 4:25
2 1302 13 0 138:19 88 .7 6895Abn
tota l. OSCA R 7 w ill pass an im ag inary line drawn from San Fran- 2 1314 14 0037:39 73.6 6909 J b n 14 0009:35 47.5
c isco to Norfo lk abou t 12 m inutes aft er passi ng t he eq uator. Ad d 2 1327 15 013 1:56 87.1 6923J b n 15 001 4:46 48.8
2 1339Q rp 16 003 1:16 72.0 693 7Abn 16 001 9 :56 SO.1
about a m inut e fo r ea ch 200 mil es that you live nort h of t his li ne. If 21352 17 0125:33 85.6 6951A bn 17 0025:06 51.4
OSCAR pass es 15 ° east or wes t of you, add ano the r minute; at 30 0, 21364 X 18 0024:54 70.4 '965X 18 0030:16 52.7
three mi nu tes; at 45 0 , ten minutes. Mode A: 145.85-.95 MHz upl ink , 2 1377 19 0 119: 11 84 .o 6979Abll 19 0035:26 54 ,1
21389 20 00 18:3 1 68.' 6993Abll 2Q 0040:36 56"
29.4·29.5 M Hz down lin k, beacon at 29.502 MHz . Mode B: 2 140 2 21 0 112:48 82.5 7007 J bn 21 0045:46 56.7
432.125-.175 M Hz up link, 145.975·.925 MHz dow nli nk, beacon at 2 1414 22 001 2;08 67.3 702 1J bn 22 0050:56 sac
2 142 7Qrp 23 0 106 :25 80.' 7035Abn 23 0056:07 59.3
145.972 MHz. 2 1439 24 0Cl05:45 68.' 7Q49Ab n 24 0 101:17 80.'
21452X 25 01 00 :02 79.' 7063X 25 0106 :27 61 .9
214 65 26 0 154:19 92.9 7077A bll 26 0 11 1:37 63.2
OSCAR 8 calculati on s are similar to th ose' fo r OSCAR 7, wi t h 2 1477 27 0053:40 77.8 709 1Abn 27 0 116:47 84.5
some im portant except ions. Inst ead of ma king 13 orbits each da y, 21 490 28 01 47;56 9 1.4 7105Jb n 28 0 121: 57 65.8
21502 29 004 7;17 76 .2 71 1gJ bn 29 0 127:0 7 67 .1
OSCAR 8 makes 14 orbits du ring eac h 24-hour period . The o rb ital 30 0 141;34 68..
21515q rp 68' 7133 Abn 30 0 132:17
period of OSCAR 8 is therefo re some what shorter: 103 min utes. 21527 31 0040;54 74. 7 71 47Abn 31 0 13 7:27 69.8

$28. Th is is bi nary 0 · 01010 · 00. 01010 (R), since " 4" is the upper-
That is, FIGS Baudot co de cas e Baudot " R" .
I RTTY Loop Program 1.
Continu ed on page 166

Marc I. Leavey. M. D. WA3AJR

4006 Winlee Road
ccc 10
C£jC ~O
,l Ad
.) F T
,l. N')G
CC55 C 0 0 56
0056 0 00 57
Randallst own MD 2 1133
U.57 C 00 53 30 "E i 3C S
000 4 (, CC53 0 C059 cc F CE iOC ;1
ce C5 0 RTTY T!iAi~5."1 T F PJ GRAl'l CC5Hi CCS;' 36 F CB '38
On, heavy sigh and deja vu, OOC 60
V EFi. 0 . 6 - 0 6 MAY 7~
;'!I,Fi.C 1_ LEAVEY• •'1. 0 .
cc,6C O CCl5b
OC61 0 C05C'
n. "FObB >3C
didn 't we have a computer pro - aJC3C Wb 2 G 005 t fF r Ci> >H
gram in last Ju ly's Any Loo p? 0063 () CG5 i. FF r ei, ' FF
Of co urse we did , but , as prom- lX lCC
ce l l C
CC6t..C cos;
(L 05C -CC6C
.. C
iff ..
ised last month , this is t he ot her (.(; 12<; "OIC Fl AtA E I;U ~d 0 1 C CC66C cce r EC FCB :. E O ...
half : the transmitt ing program ((; 130 !l:01C F1" CA Leu i il 0 IC (L6 n CC6 2 CC FCB $ CC E
for the 6800. Let' s plung e right 00 140 LCl7 E P t AT/'. r cu iEC1E 006 ::1 G CC63 ee "B
into t he prog ram, shown in Pro-
(.(; 15 0 L1 AC 1 :-lEEE iLl;'C ((; 6;10 GC6 ';;: ea- FCB
sea 00
CC16 C A0 4 3 F GCTIi E"t: if. CJ.&d c..c.7 C1C Cl065 CC FOE SCO E
gram 1. If yo u have t he fl ow- CC170 OC7 10 C0 6 6 oe "B . Dd F
c harts from last mo nt h handy, tcr ac C0:2 0 ' RO >20 CC7:<O 00 6 7 ec " B S"C G
ccts c CC:G C FE T FoJ,;' E. FC E >F E OC 7 3 () OC6 8 ;1ll F CB n4 it
use them alo ng side. OO ::OC
CC:: I G
0. 0. 0
O~ O. 0
007110 OC6 ;1
CC75 0 0 06A
The f irst 96 mem or y locati ons OO 2 2 C 002 7 50 FC B >30 B ELL 00 76 C 0 0 65 1'6 FCE iFa ,{
($20 to $7F) are reserved for the 00230 0028 00 Fe B 0 .0 007 7 C 00 6C AJ.& FCB iA4 L.
table used to conv ert ASCII to 00 2 4 0
'0 "0 1.1;>lE FEED 0078 0 OC6C
OC 7>1 C OOH

Baud ot. The ASCII value is used .0 " B N

C02 6 0 002D FF F OB SFF CARPI AGE 00800 0061'" ac FC B HIe 0
as an index to ret rieve th e data, 00270 0021; 00 FOB O. O. C fi ET Ufl N 00310 C0 70 E4 Fe B S B4 P
representing t he Bau dot repre- 00230 003 l CO FCB O. O. 0 0032 0 007 1 t'.t& HE ' H4 G:
CG2~ 0 0 0 34 CO FCB O. O ~ 0 ccsao e.07 :: ;,3 Fe B SAS R
sentat ion of tha t ASCII code. 00 3 0 0 003 7 00 FCE O. O. 0 cosec 0073 DO t"CB $00 5
The encoding used represe nts 00 3 10 0(;3;' CO FCB O. O. 0 «;3 5 C 00 7 4 S.t& Fe B $54 T
00 320 0030 00 FCE C. O. 0 0066 e 00 7 5 Hi FCB
t he Baudot case as t he Most U O U
CC33C 00 40 ~ 0 f eB »0 SPACE CC37 0 00 7 6 EC FCB i!:l C V
Si gnifican t Bit (MSB), " 1" for 00340 0 04 1 53 F CE 'sa I · CC880 00 7 7 Ell " B . 64 W
Lett ers and " 0" for Figures. and oc;35G C042 44 F CB CC8~ 0 co- a DC FCB ~ DC X
"B '"
the next five bi ts the charact er CC36 0 00 4 3 Ff >H emco l ·0 79 Cli FCB SDJ.& Y
003 70 0 04 4 43 F CB @ IO 0 071. e4 F CB SC4 Z
itself. Thus, ASCII " R" , w hich
has a value of 552, is fo und at
OC; 33 G
00 3 ~ 0
00 4 5
00 4 6
",,"B '"
' 2C
SFF 00920
00 7 8
C0 1C
U f t

memory location $72 [$20 (start 00 401;

004 1 0
COll 1
0 048
ccs c c
OC1 5 C
C0 7[.
C0 7L
>F F
of table) + $52 (R value) = $72J. OC42C o ces 24 F CB '20 00 1 6 0 CC7 f fF FCO >FF
The dat a at tha t locat io n is SA8, 00430 004A FF FOB SFF coa- c OCd C 23 SPTAK. F CB i 2 3. 5;16 . SM I .. NR
«;4 40 0 0 4 11 FF FCB >H CCH O c ca a 25 FCB i 2 5 . SS.lo. iBS 1-PC
w hich, in binary, is 10101000. ((; 4 50 0 0 40 13 FCB s re coas c 0 03 6 U. F CB S2 A. SE O. iOO " " AS
Th is interpret s to 1 - 01010·00, 004 6C CCJ.&C 60 FCB .60 CI eco 0 03 ~ :<E F CF> i2B. $ 1)" . SA4 " .1>"..
or LTRS · Baudot code01010 (R).
The last two bits are not used in
00 470
00 48 0
' IC
>3C , CI CIO 003C 3C
010 2 0 coer 3 0
S 3 C.SA4.S 811
i 3 D~ se c, S f 4
== EC:
004~0 0050 34 "B >3 , o 010 3 0 0 0;1 2 3 E F CB S3E> s.AC. $ 84 >=GT
thi s sc hem e. Not e that, for ex· 005 00 005 1 7 ll FCB I 01040 00 ~5 40
ample, a " 4", whi ch is ASCII $34 00510 0052 6ll
"E ''"
2 010 5 0 00~8 S5
54 0 . S EO. 564
i513 . $76 .$78
' --AT
( = ( ,

00520 0053 40 " 0 3
and found at locat ion $54 in t he c.o53 0 0054 2 13 F CB >2 ,
table, would be represented by 005 4 0 00 5 5 04 F'C E Continued on page 166
Hyper sil power tra nsformer
Pri has 4 115 for 230 or 440;
Sec 803 @ 735 ma. - Use 2
xf mrs bridged fo r 1500 VDC
Price pre-paid USA 539.95

Jenn ing s vacu um variables

UCS·500 @ 7.5KV $165.
UCSXF-1000 @ 10KV $255.
UCSXF·1200 @ 10KV $275.

Filt er cho ke, sw inging

3·15 hy @ .6-.06 amp res 112
1 KV ins. 5x6x7 29 lbs.
Ship pre-paid USA $39.95

Oil f ilter capac itor

10 mtd @ 2KV 3x4x5 5 Ibs
Ship pre-pa id USA $15.95

P.O. Bo x 426 Fairb urn , GA 30213
Pho ne (404}-964-3764

Let Us Fill You r ~ Speci f ic Needs Fro m

OUR $2,000,000.00 AMATEUR GEAR INVENTORY Bra nd nam e , first line com po ne nts . St ocked in
de pth . 24 ho ur de live ry . Lo w p rices an d mon e y
back guaran tee on all product s w e ca rry .
Give us a try before you buy. Call Jim Titus SPECIALS

IX SI Z E S I 4" B ' 3" 3" $15.2Cl
- 8.3 " 3"17" 18. 3.5
8.3" 3" 2Cl" 1 ~ . 2 .5
11. 3" 3" 16 . 50
11. 3" 3" 18. 80
11.3" 3"20" 20. 75
Blu e bas e , sp eci f y wh ite ~;-OTack t o p .
13-510 MIDLAND OWNERS 13-513
Jll " RTTY
5 5.79
.. . _
K IT 5109.95
~-'.iJ BOARD ALONE 5 18 .9 5
. ..~"" ~''',.,,~,:~~::,:
Does mf,thln; I~e TR·1400A KiIIn" doel only JOU seled Ibe MIIz nglu nl you .~BI. The scan ral! is 200 kHz/sec. : f:'~,'::;j~l~~:;~~" ~:::~;':, :',';:;;::
., .. .
" .~" "" ~.
.~ - -
K,I U99S Preassflllbled and t6ted $5995
(AddSUO Iar poslalJt and....dhng) Daytapro Electronics. In c.
Forme ,ly NuD al a Elec t ron ic s - "" 0 35 -
30 19 N. W IL SHI RE LN . ARl iNGT O N H TS. Il l. 11000 4
PHON E 312-870 0 555

FAST SCAN 420-450 MHz

an A!Y..!!!U ••• from APTRON
our NEW-
.Model IS70B

providing for COLOR operation
plus many more features • •• •• •
a complete, singlep:ackage unit
1C22S SCANNER KITS ready to put on the a ir •••a lso
list .. ailaillt
Iii nus: u£ 00 'nn:b1e4 Ill.$1.51 pom,t ill' " '110 complete antenna available •.•
Coli us ot 1-812-336-4775,0.
DEM.ER "QuniH AED write us for details and pricing.
~ 750 LUCERNE RD., SUITE 120 ~
~I MONTREAL, QUEBEC . CANADA H3R 2H6 IW!i!Sl PO Box 323 Bloomington IN
TEL. 514·737·7293

18 V" Reader Service- see pa g e 211

End s: 0200 GMT July 30 ENTRIES:

IContests _ The CW Co unty Hu nte rs Net

inv ites al l amateurs to par t ic i-
pat e in the 1979 contest. All
mobi le and portab le ope ra tion
Logs m ust show category,
da telti me i n G MT, station
worked, exc hanges, band , OSO
po ints, ' loc at ion, and c lai med
Robert Baker WB2GFE worked on eac h ba nd. T he tota l i n less active coun ties is we l- sco re. Al l entr ies w it h 100 or
15 Windsor Dr . score w il l be t he sum of QSO come an d encouraged. Genera l mor e OSOs m us t i ncl ude a
Atco NJ 08004 poi nts on each band mu lt ipl ied ca ll is "CO CH ." Stations may checksheet of coun ties worked
by t he sum o f different cou n- be worked on ce on each band or be disqual if ied from rec ei v-
COLOMBIAN INDEPE ND ENCE tr ies wo rked on eac h band. and again if t he stat ion has ing awards. Enclose a large
DAY CO NTEST ENTRIES AND AWARDS: changed c ount ies. Portable or SASE if res ults are desired.
Starts: 0001 GMT Logs must show al l t im es in mobile stations changing coun - Logs mu st be postmarked by
Saturday, July 14 GMT; keep separate logs for t ies duri ng the contes t may September 1 and sent to: CW
Ends : 2359 GMT eac h ban d and ente r th e cou n- rep eat contacts fo r OSO points. Co unty Hunt ers Net , c/o Jeffrey
Sunday, July 15 tr y o nly t he fi rst ti me it is con - Stat io ns o n co unty l ines give P. Bech ner W~S E, 673 Bruc e
The purpose of thi s co ntest is tacted. Each entry m us t be ac- and rec ei ve only one number Street, Fon d du Lac WI 54935.
to commemorate the Colom- compan ied by a su m mary sheet pe r OSO , but each county is
bia n 169th independ enc e ann i- listing al l scoring in fo. The logs val id for a mu ltipl ier. Suggested RHOD E tSLAN D oso PARTY
versa ry and to promo te and in- not su mmar ized accordi ng to freque nc ies are 3575, 7055, Co ntest Periods: 1700 GMT
crease DX act ivity of HK radio t he above ment ione d ins tr u c - 21070, 'and 28070. It is requested Saturday, Jut y 28 to 0500 GMT
amateurs. Entr y c lassif icat ions t ions will be used on ly as c heck t hat only por table or mobil e Sunday, July 29
inc lude: si ngle operato r/s ingle logs. Awards incl ude a si lve r ca tegory stations ca ll CQ or 1300 GMT Sunday, July 29 to
ban d , s ing le o pe ra tor/m ulti- plate fo r the w or ld w inner, ce r- QRZ on 40 m eters below 7055 0100 GMT Mon day, Jut y 30
ban d, mu lt i-operator/mu lt ibandl t ificates for cont inental wi n- and on 20 m eters below 14070 This contes t is sponso red by
one rig. Use all amateur bands ne rs, and w inners in each class- w it h all sta tions sp reading out the Eas t Bay Amateur W ireless
80 t hrough 10 m et ers on phone, ifi c ati on. Vio latio n of the regu- above those frequenc ies. Assoc iat ion. RI stat ions wo rk
SSB, or CWo Only one contact latio ns o f amateur rad io in the EXCHANGE: other RI stations and the rest of
per band w ith t he same statio n co untry of the contestant or the OSO num be r, catego ry (por - t he wo rld . Ot hers wo rk RI only .
w i ll be pe rm itted. No c ros sba nd rules of the contest, taking tab le = P, mobi le = M), RST, T h e sa me s t a ti o n may b e
or crossmode contacts. Club c redi t for inc orrect QSOs or state/prov ince/coun t ry, and US worked once pe r band and
sta t io ns ca n on ly ta ke part as m ul tip liers, or duplicate con - county. mode. No repea ter con tacts are
multi -o perat or/muIt iband/sing le t acts i n excess o f 2% of the SCORING : allowed . .
tr ansmi tt er. A mi ni mum of 50 t otal ma de w i ll be deemed suffi- OSOs wit h fixed stat ions are EXCHANGE:
QSOs m ust be shown in logs cient cause for disqua l if ication. 1 po in t ; por tab le or mobi le sta- RS(T), QTH = RI co unty or
w hen app lying for any award. The LCRA Contest Awards t ions are 3 po ints. M ul tiply the state , province, or co untry for
EXCHANGE: Com m ittee decisions shall be nu mber o f QSO po ints times the others.
RS(T) and QSO num ber fr o m final. A ll logs m ust be ma iled to : number o f US co unties worked. SCORING:
001. LCRA -Concurso Independen- Mobiles and po rtab les calcu - RI s tations score 2 po ints per
SCOR ING: c ia, cIa Contes t Co m m ittee lat e t heir score on t he basis of OSO; RI Nov ice and Tec h sta-
Eac h QSO w ith an HK sta tion Manager, Apartado Postal 584, to tal contacts wit hin a state. ti o ns score 5 poi nts per OSO.
scores 5 points, each station in Bogota, Colo mbia, SA . All en- AWARDS: Others score 2 points per RI
anot her cont inent co unts 3 t ries must be post marked no Cert if ica tes w il l be awarded QSO and 5 points per QSO with
poin ts, a stat ion in a OX coun try lat er than September 30. i n three categories: Fixed - RI No vices or Tec hnic ian s. RI
count s 2 poin ts, and stat io ns in highest fixed or f ixed portab le Novices and Fecfifrtctana s ign
t he same c ountry cou nt 1 poi nt. CW COUNTY HUNTERS sta tion in each state, province, w it h I N or IT to designa te
Th e m ul t i pli er is t he to ta l num- CONT EST and co unt ry w it h 1,000 o r mo re li c e n s e c lass. R I stations
ber of d iffe rent co un tries Starts: 0000 GMT July 28 po ints; Portab le -h ighest sta- multi ply tota l QSO po ints by the
t ion in eac h state operat ing por- .. [lumber of RI co unties , states,
tab le from a coun ty w hic h is not provinces, an d DX co untries

June 30·July r-
Seven-Land aso Party
hi s normal po int o f operat ion
with 1,00 0 o r m ore poin ts ;
Mobi le -h ig hest mobile in eac h
state operating from 3 or more
worked . Others m ul tipl y to ta l
OSO points by the number o f RI
co un t ies worked (5 max.). All
stat ions score 10 po ints for
July 4 ARRL Straight Key Night counties w ith a mi nim um of 10 - 'tlSO wit h m ulti -op stat ion op -
July 14-15 ARRL IARU Rad io sport Com pe ti ti on QSOs per cou nty. erated by clu b members, N 1RL
Colombian Independ en c e Day Contest Troph ies will be awarded t o FREQUENCIES:
July 28·30 CW County Hunters Contest t he highest sing le-ope rato r sta - CW - 1810, 3550, 3710, 7050,
Rhode Island aso Party tion in t he US in categor ies P 14050, 21050 , 21110, 2805 0,
New Jersey 050 Party and M. The awards co mmittee 28110.
Aug4 DAFG 10 Meter Contest wi ll issu e addit ional awards
Aug 4·5 ARRL UHF Contest where deemed appropriate. Continued on page 168
Aug 25-26 All Asian DX Contest -CW
Sept8' DAFG Short Contest-VHF
Sept 9*
Sept 14·15
ARRL VHF 050 Party
DAFG Short Conte st -SW
Kentucky 050 Party
Sept 15·16 Scandinavian A c tivity -CW RESULTS OF TH E COLOMBIAN INDEPENDEN CE DAY
Sept 15-17 Washington State 050 Party CONTEST 1978
Sept 22-23 Scandinavian Activity -Phone AWARDS
Sept 29-30 Delta 050 Party Wor ld Wi nne r of t he Con test -UK2GKW
Oct 13·14 ARRL CD Party-CW
Continental W inner s of th e Contest:
Oct 20-21 A RRL CD Party -Phone
North Ame rica K5UR
Nov 3-4 AR RL Sweepstakes -CW
South Americ a HK4DF
Nov 10·11 CO·WE Contest Af rica
Nov 11 OK DX Con tes t
Asia 9K2FX
Nov 17-18 ARRL Sweepstakes -Phone
Ocean ia
Nov 24* DAFG Short Con test-SW
Europe UK2GKW
Nov 25* DAFG Short Con test -VHF
Dec 1-2 ARRL 160 Meter Contest Multi-Ope rator/Multiband /One Rig Highest Scori ng St ation
Dec 1-3 North Carolina aso Party - UK2GKW
Dec 8-9 ARRL 10 Meter Contest Single OperatorlS ingle Band -9K2FX
* = described in last is su e Si ng le Operator/M ultiband -HK4DF

Microcomputer acquisition
The lime requ ir ed to go fr om the hold state to the tracki ng
state , in wh ich the outpu t rem ai ns within a 0.01 % range o f
the inpu t. Th is m ay also be ca lled t he se tt ling ti me w hen

Interfa cing _ aperture

t he S/H device is already i n the sample mod e. The acqui si-
ti on tim e is gene rall y a few microseconds . See Fi g. 4.
The ti me perio d requi red by the device t o go from the sam-
pie m ode i nt o th e hold mode once the hold comm an d has
been rec eived. The apertu re t ime is gene rally a fe w
na nosec onds. See Fig . 5.
Christopher A. Titus so tha t an AID co nversion may droop rate, The rate of discharge o f the samp le-and -hold cap ac itor.
David G. Larsen be perfo rmed ; decay rate The rate is a function of switch leakage current and the
Pet er R. Ron y • Simu lta neously sample many cur rent requ i red by o ther circ uit elemen t s connec ted to
Jonathan A. Titu s analog input s fo r lat er meas ure- the c apa cit or. It is exp ress ed as millivolts per second . See
ment (req uires one SIH device Fig. 6.
SAMPLE·AND·HOLD DEVICES per anal og input); gain error, The variation o f the obs erved outpu t from the e xpec ted
linearity output over the enti re sa mp le-and-ho ld oevtce's out pu t
Sample-and-h o ld (S/H) de- • Degli tc h a D/A co nverter's volta ge rang e. It i s u su all y expressed as a perc entage, say
vices o r sa mple-and-hold arnpli- output to elimi nate outp ut vo lt- 0.01 % . See Fig . 6.
trere (SHA) are ana log c ircuit age spik es or settl ing tr an- off set The difference between t he input and the output volta ges
elements t hat are th e ana log sients; and of the devic e w hen th e input is grou nd. It is usu ally ex"
equivalent of t he digital latch. • Di st r ibut e o ne DIA co n- press ed as mi l livo lts . The of fs et may b e adjus ted to zero
They are used w hen we wi sh to ve rt e r's o u t p u t t o se ve ra l usi ng exte rnal c omponent s, but it w ill ge nerally chang e
po ints , where analog voltages w ith tim e and tem peratu re. See F ig. 4 .
sample an anal og sig nal and sl ew rate The max i mum rate o f c hange for the outpu t, e xpressed as
t hen hold it ste ady at a par- mus t be co nstant ly mainta ined.
volts per secon d. It is a l imit ati on i mp osed by the c harging
t ic ular poi nt 50 t hat a vol tage of The seco nd and fo urt h uses rate of th e c apac itors and the ac tu al sle w ra te s at the
interest may be measured or li sted abo ve are beco ming less o perati ona l am pli fi ers present in the StH c ircu i t. See Fig .
used elsew here in a system. impo rta nt t han they were two or 4.
The operati o n of an ideal sam- t hree years ago. It is probab ly
ple-and-hold device is sh own in less expensiv e now to dedicate Table 1. So m e important c oncepts associated with sa mple-
Fig. 1. In t his example, th e S/H an AID converter to each input and-hold devices.
outpu t follows , o r tracks, the in- to be measured and to have o ne
put duri ng the sample period DIA con vert er per output, de-
and th en holds the lates t analog pend ing up on t he specific ap- clock s a logic 0 into the out put from the fi rst device. The sec-
voltage w hen it swi tc hes to th e pli cati on. of the f lip-fl o p, fo rcing th e S/H ond S/H device takes lo nger t o
ho ld mode. In t he f igu re, the in- The most com mon use of device into the ho ld mode . Fig. 3 ac quire t he volt age presented
put and out put volta ge lines are sample-and-ho ld devices is to shows the t im ing diag ram t hat by t he first de vic e, but since a
offset slightly for clarity. sa mple and ho ld an analog sig- would be generat ed by the inter- larger ca pac itor is used, it s
na l at a part icular poin t while it face c irc uit show n in Fig. 2. d roop rate will be mu ch low er.
Sample-and-hold devices are is measur ed wit h an AID con- Again , th e S/H outp ut and the For furt her detai ls, the reader is
wid ely used in conj unc t ion w it h vert er. A sam ple-and-hold de - instrum ent o ut put have been referred to reference 2.
d ig ita l·to-analog and analog-to- vice is pa rti cularly use fu l in offset for clarity. Now- ettner a The re are a number of co m-
digital co nverters . For exa mp le, sit uat ions in whic h a DAC and a slow ramp AID converter or a merc ially availab le sa mple-and-
th ey may be used to: co mparato r are being used in fast successive app roxi mati on hold devi ces which elimi nate
• Hold an ana log si gna l steady con j unc t ion wi th microcomp ut- AID co nverte r can be used to t he need to co nst ruct
er software to create an AID provide th e cor rect value for th e your ow n. Th€1oll owing mo d-
co nverter.' When a sa mple-and- peak vol tage s in ce t he S/H ule s are represe ntative of t hose
ho ld device is used prior to t he device w ill main tain t he volta ge available:
in put of t he unk nown sig nal to un ti l it can be digi ti zed. Analog Devices, Inc. , Nor -
t he co mpa rator (or an AID con - Sample-and-ho ld devic es-ar e wo od , Mas sa chu sett s 02062-
verter mod ule if one is used), t he not id eal, and there are so me SHA-5, general pu rpose , $47;
digitization may proceed to give term s that will help yo u better SHA-1A, gen eral purpo se, $150.
an accu rate rep resentation of understand their limitat io ns Burr-Brown, Tucson , Ari zona
th e unknown voltage. For exam- and uses. These are listed in 85 734 -SH C80K P; low cost ,
ple, in Fig. 2 we pro vide a bloc k Table 1, which is keyed to Figs. $34; SHM60 , high speed , $104.
di agram fo r a typical sampl e- 4, 5, and 6. As ca n be ob served ; Dat el, Inc., Cant on, Mass-
and-ho ld computer interf ace t here are importan t limitat ions ac h usetts 0202 1-SHM -LM 2,
t hat perm its yo u to meas ure t he to th e ca pabili t ies of S/H oe-
peak voltage from an instru- vices. Those de vice s that have Continued on page 77
ment. We have ass umed here sho rt ac q ui siti on t im es use
Fig. 1. Inputs and output l or an
id eal samp le-and-hold device.
Both the s ample and ho ld
t hat t he inst rument provides a
pos it ive c loc k pu lse , ca lled
PEAK, w hen t he peak max imum
small ca pac ito rs and t hus t he
vo ltage d roop rat e will be large.
The use of larger capac ito rs .lr I ACTUAL HOLD POINT


j -t ---- ::~,::""'
is reach ed. The SAMPLE pulse

modes of opera tion are sho wn.
f rom the co mp uter allows th e
means t hat t he acqu isit ion tim e
w ill be longer; but the vo ltage
' ''~
INSTAUM( NT S/H modul e to sa mple the un- droo p w ill be less. When high : VALUE
Ot,lTPUT know n signal from the ins tr u- acq uis it ion speeds and long , SETTLI NG

m e n t. W he n t h e pea k is ho ld t imes are req uired in an ap - SA MPL E i TI ME

rea c hed , t he PEA K s igna l pl icat io n, t wo S/H mo dule s may

be used : The fi rst qui ckly ac-
Fig. 5. Representati on of the
quires t he analog signa l at the
point o f interest and t he second
aperture tim e and the sett li ng
time. (Courtesy of A nalog De-
acquires and holds the outpu t vices, tnc» All right s reserved.)
r TII.' E I _~ _ _ ~ INPUT
.../~ IOEAt. OIIl" PUT
L _-,JLC".-"f>E A"'" t FRQI<,! INSTRU~ENT} TI ~E

Fig, 2. Bloc k diagram for a SI,.EW O'iOOP ~ ~ REAL OUTPUT

t yp ical samp le-and-ho ld micro - nL_ _ ---.1. " OW
com p uter in terface ci rc ui t. The
instrume nt su pplies the PEAK Fig. 6. Representation 01 the
inpu t pulse to the flip-flop. The Fig . 4. Representa ti on of the ac - ttneerttv, dro op ra te, and feed-
SAMPLE pulse from th e com- quis ition time, offset, and sle w th roug h. (Courtesy of A na log
pu ter p resets the flip -fl op to ra te. (Courtes y of An alog De- Devices, In c .3 A ll righ ts re-
logic 1. vic es, tnc» All rights reserved.) served.)

AC-DC Operation
BNC Inputs 1 Meg Direct 50 Ohms Prescaled
8 Large .4" LED Readouts
Auto Decimal Point & Zero Blanking
1 Year limited Warranty Paris & Labor
100% Factory Assembled in U.S.A.


50 Hz - 500 MHz 50 Hz - 100 MHz
Without Battery Capab ility

SAVE $500 Without Bette rv Capability

Wit h Battery Ca pa bility
MODEL 500 HH . . $169.95
MOD EL 100 HH .. $119.95
The 100 HH and 500 HH hand held frequen cy cou nters
represent a siqnificant-new adva nce ment, ut ilizing
the latest LSI des ign ... and because it's a OSI inno-
vation. you know it obsoletes any competitiv e makes,
both in price and performance. No lon ger do yo u have
to sacrifice accuracy. ultra small readouts and poor
resolution to get a calculator size instrument. Bot h
the 100 HH and 500 HH have eight .4 inch LED digits
- 1 Hz reso lution - d irect in only 1 sec. or 10 Hz in
.1 sec. - 1 PPM TCXO time base. These counters are
perfect for all app.lications be it obi Ie, hilltoQ, marine
or bench work.
854-2049 )

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100 Hr · so MHz 250 MHz - No. SIZE IN
PR ICE 17 0
• 40 °C 0 '·40"C .1 S EC 1 SEC
25 MHz 25D MHz 450 MHz INC HES
OSI IN STRUMENTS l00HH $ 99.95 SOHz- l 00MHz TCXO 1 PPM 2 PPM 25 MV NA NA 8 4 100 H z 10Hz
D SI IN STRU M ENTS SOOHH $149.95 5OHz-550 M Hz TCXO 1 PPM 2 PPM 2S MV 20 MV 30MV -e 4 100 Hz 10 Hz

MA X·55Q $149.95 l kHz-55OMHz No n-Compensated 3 PPM @ 25" C 8 PPM 500 MV' 250 MV 250 MV 6 .1 NA 1 kHz

OPTOELE CTRONI C S OPT-7000 $139.95 10H z-6OOMHz TCXO 1.8 PPM 3.2 PPM NS NO NS 7 1 kH z: 100Hz:
• 1 KHz - SO MHz ;j; Continen tal Specialties Corp.
Tl'la spooincaho08 and prices Included in the ebcve chart are as published In rrutnufll CU!rer'$ li lerature and advertiument6.appearing in early t919 051 INSmUMEN TS only assumes responsibili ty lor thai. o wn speci hCll1iohs.

100HH ... $ 99.95

500 HH. , .$149.95
Prices and/or specifications
W/Batlery Pack . . .$169.95
These prices in clude faCtory
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T-500 Ant.
AC- 9 Batt ery Eliminator
tERMS: MC - VISA - AE • Check - M,O, • COO in ti,S, Fuoi:ts;
$ 7.95
$ 7.95

subject to change without installe d rechargeable NiC ad 7924 Ron son Road, Dept. G Please add 10% to a maximum 01 $10,00 for shtppin9. hahdHng
ana Insurance. O rders outside of USA & Canada. pleaseaud
renee or o bl iga tion battery packs San Diego, California 92111 S20.OO ec ctnc n to cover air stuoment. ca uto rnta rt'S lderiti;'ili;iQ
6% Sales Tax
INew Products
KANTRON ICS' AMATEUR th roug h all levels t o obt ain t he
UPGRA DETM Ext ra-c lass lice nse w ins !
Kantroni cs ' "Ama t eu r Up- Nov ice, General , Advanced,
grade " is an educat io nal board and Extra -cla ss ques t io ns are
game th at familiarizes players inc lude d. For a less adva nced
wit h FCC rul es governing ama- game, th e Novice cards can be
teur radio and elem ent ary radio used excl usively for all license
co nce pts. Th e gam e com es levels.
complete w ith playi ng surface, Kantronics, /nc., 1202 E. 23rd
playin g pieces (coil, grommet , St., La wrence KS 66044; pho ne
etc.), a di e, a deck of exam (913)-842-7745. Reader Service
card s, and corr espo nding an- num ber K13.
swer sheets.
" A m a te u r U pgr ad e " is NEW COMMUN ICATIONS
pack aged in a co lorful li gh t RECEIVER FROM NATIONAL
b lue box; it measur es 1.5" high RADIO
by 8.25" wide by 15.5" long. Nat io na l Radio now offe rs
Game pieces and exam ca rds the lates t vers io n of its Mode l
f it in a pock et adj acent to th e HRO-BOO high prec ision/perfor -
suppo rt tray. Th e gam e surface m a n ce sol id -state gene ra l- The As tro 150 from Swan.
is 15.4 inches sq uare and is cove rage co mmun ications re-
pri nt e d in fi ve co lo rs co r- ceive r, conce ived fo r appl ica- ing upon the plu g-in module SWAN 'S ASTRO 150
re s p onding t o be g inn e r , ti ons requiring w ide frequency select ed , the receiver w ill TRAN SCEIVER
Novi ce , General , Advanc ed, coverage , high sta bility, sen - operate at any fr equency be- Swa n Elec t ronics Corpora-
and Extra c lass. sit ivity, a nd se lectivity. The fr e- tween 10 kHz and 30 MHz in any t io n has anno unced its newest
Player s roll th e di e to det er- quen cy stab ility of t his pro fes - of t he f oll o w ing receptio n ent ry into t he amateu r rad io
min e t he num ber of spaces to sional receiver, over t he tem - modes : AM, CW, SSB, FSK, and ma rket w it h th e int rod uction of
move. Som e s pac es players perature range of 0 0 to 50 0 C., FAX. t he Astr a 150 t ransce ive r,
land o n have a co nseque nce , will dr ift less th an o ne part in The basic appl ications of th e fea t uring m icroprocessor con -
such as " t aug h t a Nov ic e one milli o n, and, under norm al HRO-BOO incl ude: com merc ia l trol and memory.
c lass-move again," or "ex- ope rat in g co ndi t io ns, it ca n be comm uni c ati on , shi p-to-sh ip, ' The new so lid -sate tra ns -
ceeded 1000 Watts -answ er expected to d rift les s than one s h ip -to-s ho re, gr ound-to-ai r, ce iver, w it h its mi cr oprocessor
quest io n; if w rong, go to sta rt, " part in one hundred m illio n. The fre q uency/time meas uring , pro - control , prov ides mor e t han
o r " i lle ga l third pa rty t raf- receiver's fi ne-tun e mode, us- cess control, labor af or y in- 100,000 d igi ta l-co nt rolled f re-
f ic - lo se one tu rn." i ng the Mode l 602 plug -in st rume nta tio n, m ilit ary, para- q uenc ies a nd var ia b le rate
When a pla yer lan ds on an modu le, permi t s tu ning to a m il itary, intern ati o nal mon it or- sca nning (VRS). VRS is a
exam spa ce, he must t ake an f ract ion of 1 Hz w it hout any ing, li m nology , etc. dram atic new..met hod of t unin g
exa m ca rd f rom th e ca rd pil e loss of stab ility . The HRO-600 meets applica- wh ic h prov id€S'ease and ac-
co rres po nding to the license The HRO-BOO was orig inally ble mili t ary sta ndards as to cu racy and works in co nj unc -
level he is tr y ing to upgra de to. designed and built to th e exact- shock and vibra tion, has an tion with ha nd-h e ld micro -
Afte r th ree cards have been co l- ing req uireme nts of th e Int ern a- ope rat ing t em perature range phone scan nin g. W ith micro-
lect ed by o ne playe r, he must ti o n al Marit im e Stan dards. f rom 20 0 to + 55 0 C., measures. phone "up " and "dow n" pus h-
"take the exam ." All three W it h i t s ve rsat i le plug- i n 5%" hi gh x 17" wide x 15 % " button s, th e Astra 150 ca n be
que stion s mus t be answ ered modul es and accessories, th e deep, and is prov isioned for t uned in accurate 100-Hz steps
co rrec t ly t o pass the exam . Mo d el HR O-BOO beco mes a se lf-s upporti ng rack mo unti ng. o r at a f ixed rate sc an. VRS is a
An s wers c an b e c hecked custom receiver des igned to Th e approx im ate weig ht is 40 supp leme nt t o t heAst ro 150's
against the answer sheet s. If meet users' spec if ic needs at lbs., availab le f rom stock, FOB conven t io nal tu ni ng knob s.
the exam is passed, t he play er t he lowest cos t. The manu fac- factory. ~ - - Th e com pac t new rad io also
moves up (upgrades) t o t he ad- turer st ates, "The HRO-BOO is For add it iona l informat ion, has additional feat ures w hic h
jac ent exam spa ce on th e next unm at ch ed in perf o rmance and w rite or ca ll Ro bert Reeves, in clu de 235 Watts input pow er,
license level. If th e exam is versati lity in its price range." Sales Manage r, Nationa/ Radio f ull and se mi break- in CW, nar-
fail ed, the pla yer remain s on t he Th e receiver's exce llent rf Com pany, Inc., 89 Washington rowband CW fi lt er, expanded
same level and must co llect an- sele cti vit y from 16 kHz to 30 St., Melrose MA 02176; phone fre quency coverag e, and micro-
other three exam cards. MHz is achi eved by a buil t-in (617)-662-7700. Reader Service proce ssor -contro lled fr equ en-
The first person t o progress tun abl e prese lector . Depend- numb er N23. cy memory.

"A ma teur Upgrade" game from Kantronics. Natio nal Radio 's latest version of the HRO-600.

The Ast ra 150 will be so ld weat her. The Mob ile 2 is rated
th rough Swa n's worldwi de net- at 200 Watts for t hos e who
wo rk of dealers. For f urt her in- need th e ext ra punch of a linear
form at ion , co ntact Gary Pierce am pli fi er. Several mounti ng
at Swan Electronics Corpore - sty les are availa ble in additi on
ti on, 305 Airp ort Road, Ocean- to t he exce llent mag neti c
si de CA 92054; phone (714)-757· mount I used.
7525. Reader Service number For t hose who demand quali -
54 4. ty const ruction in everyt hing
they ow n, t he Metz antennas
METZ COMMUNICATION'S are going to be to ugh to beat.
AMATEUR ANTENNAS Me tz Commu nica tio n Corpo ra-
Metl Comm unicati on Cor- ti on, Corner Routes 11 and 11C,
porat ion has broad expe rience Laconia N H 03246. Reader Ser-
in prod ucin g mob ile -type an- vice number M100.
t en nas. Ho we ver , u ntil re- Jeff DeTray WB8BTH/1
ce nt ly, th e co mpany has con- Assis tan t Publisher
ce ntr ated its sales efforts in
the comm erc ial land mobi le A NEW CONSUMMATE
and marin e radi o market s. DIGITAL VOLKSMETER
No w Metz has ente red th e Non- Linear Sys te ms ' new
a mat eu r ma rk etp la c e w ith Mode l LM-353 31f2 -digit di gi ta l
m o bil e a n te n n a s f or t h e Volk smeter w as designed to in-
tn-rneter, 2-mete r, and zo-om c lu de numer ou s a dv anc ed Mode l LM-353 dig ital Volksm et er fro m Non-Line ar Sys tems.
bands. I inst alled and operated state-of-t he-art features . Th e
th e 2-mete r version, t he Mobile LM·353 is packaged in a small
2, in prepara t io n for thi s review . 1.9-inch·high by 2.l-inc h-wide from dist rib utors in J uly. Non - group, w it h its rugged con -
The com merci al heritage of by a-Inc h-deep attractive plas- Lin ear Systems, tnc., PO Box N, struction and air dielectric (no
the Metz amat eur ant ennas is ti c case. It weig hs only 9.2 Dei Ma r CA 92014; phone (714)- liquid coolants), now inc ludes
read ily apparent. Instead of the ounces. 755- 1134 . Reade r Se rvice 2-, 5-, and to-w att loads with
usual plastic t ube to protect Basic functions include ae number N22. fix ed inpu t co nnectors, and 25-,
th e base loadi ng coil from t he and de vo lts , Ohms , and ac and 50·, 100 -, 150· , 30 0· , a n d
w ea the r, th e Me t z coi l is de mil liamperes. Fu ll -sc al e NEW 300·WATI DRY RF LOAD 500/600-Watt loads with Qui ck-
hou sed i ns ide a mac hi ned ranges are 1, 10, 100, and 1000 RESISTOR Change connecto rs.
sta inless steel cylinder. This vol ts, 1, 10, 100, 1000, and The new Bird mo del 8173 The use of Bird QC Quick-
cylind er, in t urn, is fil led wit h 10,000 kil ohms, and 1, 10, 100, TER MALl NE@d ry hig h-pow er Change connect ors offe rs un-
epoxy to completely encap- and 1000 milli amperes. coax ial load is design ed fo r surpassed f lexibility; a choic e
sulat e t he co il . .. no more wor- In additio n, a low -Ohm s ca- 50-Ohm rt-Hne and system ter- of any common rf connecto r
ries about a leaky base coi I. pabil ity is present whic h pro- mi nati on during design , test, eit her at the t ime of order or in
The tapered sta inless steel vides f o r in-c i rc u it te st of and alignment. At 300 Watt s the field eliminat es adapters
Whip is held in place by a metal resistive component s. It is par- conti n u ou s du t y , it co rn- and degradati o n of per f or -
ferrul e that is (w ou ld yo u ti cularl y useful for in-cir cu it pl ement s t he presen t Bird Dry mance. _
beli eve?) go ld-plate d t o prevent test of resist ors shunt ed by Loads group rangi ng fro m 2 Avail ab le fr o m"'-a ird Ele c-
corros ion. Overall , the con- se micondu ctor d evic es be - Watt s t hrough 600 Watts. The tron ic Corpo ration, 30303 Au-
st ruc tio n of t he Metz Mob il e 2 caus e t he low com plian ce volt -
is so rugged t hat it wi ll prob- age provid ed does not t urn on
ably st ill be goin g st rong when t he semiconductor.
yo u and I are lon g gone. The low-Ohms f unct ion adds
The Mobile 2 is designed to other capabilities to t he meter.
operate as a ha lf-waveleng th It can be used to increase the
ante nna on th e z-meter band . se nsi t i vity of t h e volt a g e
This design makes the ant enna ranges by a factor of 10. It pro-
a bit short er t han t he more vides a o.t-kuonm resi stance
famil iar 5/8-wavelengt h 2-mete r range having 100 mi lliohm reso-
antennas. I consider t he re- lut ion. In addit ion, the milli am-
du ced lengt h a plus; in my peres f unct ion is enhanced in
c ase, it made th e difference t wo ways. First, a .t -muuam-
bet ween being abl e to mount pere rang e is available. Sec-
th e ante nna on the ca r roof (t he ond, the vol tage dro p across
b e st l o c ation) and b ein g t he int ernal current shunt is
relegated to t he tr unk li p (for reduced by a fact or of 10.
fe ar of bas h ing th e w hip Measurements f rom 100 nano -
again st t he garage door ). amperes to 100 milli ampere s
In operat ion, the Mo bile 2 Is a can be made in t his mo de.
breeze. When cut for lowes t swr The LM·353 utilizes an LCD
in t he cente r of the 2-meter di spla y. Replaceable AAA-size
band, it' s pos sible to operate batteries all ow up to 100 hou rs
f rom 144-148 MHz wi th an swr of operat ion . Sta nda rd feat ures
of 2.5:1 or better. Of cou rse, if inclu de auto pola rity, deci mal
yo u wo rk primarily in one end of locat ion, input overload pro tec-
t he band or another, yo u can tio n, and autom at ic zeroi ng.
optimize th e perform ance fo r Opti on s in cl ude a t ilt -sta nd
t hat portion of t he spect rum. case for bench use and a panel-
I found th e Met z to be equal mo unt f lang e case for inst alla -
to or bett er t han my 5lB-wave tion int o eq uipment. A 45-kV
antenna in every respe ct. Add i- hi gh-voltage probe and leat her
t i o n a lly , th e co mp l e tel y ca rry ing case are also avail-
weat herproo f design of th e able.
Mobile 2 means t hat leaking The com plete NLS d igita l
and co ndensat ion aroun d t he Volksmeter lin e is so ld th rough
co il are never go ing to be a a worldw ide network of leading
prob lem; you get full perf or- electron ic d istributors . The
man c e e ve n i n t he w or st Model LM-353 wi ll be availab le Amateur mobile an tennas from Metz.

for acc urate, troubl e-free opera- tio n. The ante nna co mes wit h a
ti on. handy c hart th at correlates the
For mo re informat ion, wr ite numbe rs on th e antenna's tu n-
Leonard Saba l, Corne ll-Dubi/ier ing scale to freque ncy . To set
Elec tric Corp oration, subsidiary th e ante nna fo r a part icu lar f re-
of Federal Pacific Electric Cor- que ncy, loosen the knu rled nut
poratio n, 150 Avenue L, Newark in t he slot in th e base secti o n
NJ 0710 1; phone (201)-589-7500. fo ur turns and push t he tunin g
Reader Service number C143. rod to the mi ddle of th e base
t ube so that th e t uning rod w ill
ANTECK MT-1 MOBILE move f reely wit hout bind ing .
ANTENNA Then set t he t op of t he nylon
Improved condit io ns on the co lla r to the position called for
HF DX bands has st irred in- on t he t uning chart for t he fre-
c reased interest in mo b ile quency in use and retig hte n t he
ope rat io n on t hose freq uencies kn urled nut. That 's all there is to
by many ama te urs. In mobi le t uning the Anteck MT-1.
ope ration, the antenna is even The MT-1 mo bile antenna is
more im portant t han it is in manuf actured ent irely in th e
f ixed inst all ati o ns. For one United States usi ng o nly t he
t hi ng, if you 've got an ineffi cient best -qual ity military-st andard
ante nna at hom e, you ca n al- materials and com ponent s. Its
ways help to make up for its th ree-piece modul ar construc-
shor tco mi ngs by running mo re t io n (base sect io n, loadin g coil,
power. However, wh ile the re are whip asse m bly) makes fo r ease
a handfu l of mobil e kilowatts of repair or replacement if dam-
aro und, mos t amate urs have to aged . There is a 90-day war-
be sat isf ied w ith the out put ranty . Factory service is avail-
f rom th eir t ransceiver, usuall y ab le.
in the 100·Watt range. The net price for th e MT-1
So, for effe ctive mobi le op- mo bil e ante nna is $119.95.
erat ion , an eff icie nt antenna is Anteck, Inc ., 239 Cedar Street,
of prime import ance. It shou ld Box 543, Jerome ID 83338; (208)-
also be easy to instal l and t une, 324-3400. Reader Service num-
weat herproo f, and allow band ber A80.
changes w itho ut havin g to Morgan W. Godwin W4WFl
change coils. The new Anteck Brattleboro VT
MT-1 certa inly meet s those re-
qu irements and, whe n_ prope rly MICRONTA 12-VDC a-AM P
Model8173 Termaline from Bird.
in st alled and tuned , sho uld pro- POWER SUPPLY
vide a high deg ree of perfo r- Now ava ilab le fro m Rad io
rora Road, Cleveland (Solon) OH stee l drive gears, dual t rans- mance on the HF bands. Shac k is a new power s upply
44139. Reader Service numb er fo rmer ci rcuit ry , a nd ot he r The frequency cove rage of t hat co nverts.sjandard 120 V ac
B10. design featur es t hat make it t he MT-1 is 3.5 to 30 MHz, mak- hou se curre nt to 12 V de at up
" the eng ineered cho ice " for ing it perfect for use on MA RS to 8 Amps outp ut f or powerin g
CDE INTRODUCES TWO NEW serious co mm unicators. and ot her non-amate ur f requen- high -power auto sou nd equip-
ANTENNA ROTOR SYTEMS The new CD-45 accom mo- c ies (in add ition t o t he 10 ment , mobil e CB t ransceivers,
Two new model s of high- dates anten na arrays up to 8.5 t hr ou gh 80 · me te r amateur and amate ur radio equ ip ment at
performa nce ante nna ro to r sys- sq. ft. w ind load area w hen bands). It s powe r han dli ng hom e.
t ems, th e Ham IVTM and the mo unted in a towe r and fea- capabi lity is 750 Watts PEP. The The Micronta 12-volt 8-Amp
CD-45, have been int roduced by tures a profess io nally-sty led MT·1 co nsists of three ma in powe r supply includ es a heavy-
Co rne ll-Du bilier Elec tr ic Co r- co nt rol uni t, ill um inat ed me- assemb lies: mast or base sec- d ut y t ransf ormer and 35-Amp
porati on , Newa rk NJ. tered reado ut, a ll-stee l drive t io n, loading co il, and w hl p, The bri dge rectifi er for hand ling
The new Ham IV is desig ned co mponents, auto mat ic d is k overa ll length of t he mas t sec- hi gh current dema nd dev ices.
for large comm un ication ante n- brak ing, and more. ti on and lo adin g co il is 60 inch- Filte red o ut put red uces " hum,"
na a rrays up to 15,0 sq. ft. wind Both the Ham IV and t he es and t he dia meter is approx- and rippl e is less t han 2 volts
load area whe n towe r-mounted. CD-45 ope rate at safe low-volt - imately 1 in ch . The tota l ant en- peak-to-peak wi th a f ull 8-Amp
Hi ghli gh ts of t he Ham IV in- age co ntrol levels w it h reliabl e na length is 116 inc hes at 3.5 lo a d , acco rd i ng to Radi o
cl ude power braking, mach ined snap-action rotati onal co ntrols MHz and 92% inc hes at 30 MHz. Shack.
The antenna is center-loaded on A built -in manuall y reset-
all freq uencies except 29 to 30 tab le c ircuit breaker protects
MHz, w here it wo rks as a quar- t he su pp ly and your eq uipment
t er-wave vert ical. f rom damage. An LED in dicates
power on.
Properly moun ted and t uned,
the MT-1 w i l l d isplay the Man u fac t u re d i n Rad i o
Shack 's own USA fact ory, t he
vsw r/ba ndw idth show n in Table
power supp ly is housed in a
metal cab inet w it h rub ber f eet.
The loadi ng co il is t uned from 8 ize-3-3/4" x 8" x 5-5/8" .
the base of th e anten na, usin g a The Mi c ronta 12-volt 8-Amp
non -induct ive plastic rod w hic h powe r supp ly is avail abl e ex-
is 'att ached to t he base of t he c lus ive ly fr om pa rtic ipati ng
w h ip asse mb ly and ex tends
dow n into th e bott om mast sec- Continued on page 174

Band Vswr Bandwidth

80 meters Less th an 1.2 to 1 25 kHz·
40 meters Less than 1.2 to 1 50 kHz·
20 meters Less than 1.2 to 1 300 k Hz *
15 meters Less than 1.5 to 1 150 k Hz *
10 meters Less than 1.2 to 1 500 kHz·
New antenna rotor systems from CDE. Table 1. 'From resonan t fr eque ncy.

~ ~.,",",, <J.<


le-701, Your Synthesized Passport

Enter the exciting world of HF OX with built-in RF speech processor. This makes
ICOM's outstanding, fully synthesized your 200 watts sound likeso much more
IC-701 . Globe-spanning QSO's are as that we recommend you leave the speech
easy as hook-up and tune -in. Complete processor on all the time. "--'
installation requires only a good 50 Ohm
antenna and an AC power plug-in. Your For adding on frequency memory and
IC-701 comes with everything else you remote frequency control, the IC·701's
need for beginning OX transmissions, in- synthesizer is completely compatable
cluding the matching IC-701PS external with ICOM's RM2 remote computer con-._
speaker and power supply, the fine troller: and with ICOM's optional EXI
SM-2 base microphone, and even two extention, you can operate withthe RM2
built-in VFO's. and a linear amplifier at the same time.

Turn on the power, and the world's at Nothing else matches the value and ease
your singlefingertip. The IC·7011ets you of the IC-70l. Plunge into the excite-
scan all the Amateur HF bands from ment of HF OX now, and get the
160Mto 10M (plussome MARS coverage whole HF world with ICOM's IC-701
above and below some of the Ham LSI system.
bands) with one finger. No more fool-
ing around with two or more tuning
knobs, and no complicated retuning
when you QSY

When talking on your IC-701, you get a

200 watt PEP input signalwhose punch is
significantly increased by the high quality


Suite 3 Suite 307 7087 Victoria Drive
13256 Northrup Way 3331 Towerwood Drive Vancouver B.C. V5P 3Y9
Bellevue. Wash. 98005 Dallas, Texas 75234 Canada
(206) 74 7 ~9020 (214) 620-2780 (604) 321-1833

All ICOM radios significantly exceed FCC regu lations limiting spurious emissions.
band co nd itions and c heap air- of a seven -ma n skiing team
line rat es. If yo u wo rked any of head ed for the North Pole.

IDX - -- - t he fo llowing, then know that

you have met Sl im him se lf:
6818, J1A , 701 AA, 9N 1AB ,
U~C R count s fo r t he RAEM
award .
That linear shipped to Father
Chuck Stuart N5KC possib le physi cal ex haus t io n, BY1US A, C R9C B, XZ2BC , Dave CEmAE sh ould be in use
51 15 Menefee Drive and in sect bites. All members KL8AA, and, of cou rse, VRmM now and t he signal shou ld be
Dallas TX 75227 sha l I be pro f ic ient CWISS B f rom Ma lde n Island. Bein g the much im prov ed. CE@AE ca n
con test-styl e operato rs a nd bashfu l so rt , Slim genera ll y o fte n be found on the various
NOVICE CORNER must have a secondary ab ili ty prefers CW, but o n occa sion he OX net s su ch as th e Fami ly
This month we want to pass to contribute to t he expedition can be found on t he phon e Hou r on 14225 kHz at 1500Z or
a long a little aSL ad vice th at is in t he fo ll owing categories: 2 bands. If you hear t he gene rat or the Afrikaner Net, 21358 kHz
aimed no t o nly at t he new- persons w it h so me param edi c whine, yo u know it 's Slim . fro m 18302. Oversea s comme r-
come r but to a lot of t he old- SV9J 1 on Crete has a weekly cia l interference has forced the
t raini ng; 1 doc to r; 2 cooks; 1
tim ers as we ll. sc hed ule w it h W2TDO on Tue s- Afr ikan er Net to move up from
navigator; 1 antenna spec ialist;
If yo u wo rk a stat io n, such as 1 electron ics (solid -sta te) tech - days at 2100Z on 14288 kH z. its no rma l 21355-kHz sp ot.
a DXped it io n, several tim es on nician; 1 mech an ic , gasoline Ll oyd and Iris Co lvin, o f 4U1UN has moved its loca-
different mo des at di ff erent YASME DX fame, repor t that t io n to th e 48th fl oor of the
generator maint en ance.
t im es, please do not place a wit h th e end of the ir rece nt S ec r e ta r iat a t UN Head-
All members of t he expedi -
card for ea ch co ntact in an Wes t Ind ies sw ing , the y have q uart ers in NYC. They st ill have
tion mu st be able to swim and
envelope addressed to the QSL have so me climbing ab ili ty. he ld 104 d ifferent calls ig ns , o nly d ipoles and a vert ical , but
manag er and in cl ude only one vis ited 135 co unt rie s, and ha ve th ey are wo rk ing on permissi on
The se requ ir em en ts have
SASE. mad e ove r 500,000 aso s. Th ey t o ins tall a beam .
been mad e not to d iscourage
Because th er e a re o ft en have a QSL file of over 250,000 3B BOA has been inact ive
anyone f rom tak ing part , but to
a lp ha betized cards, probab ly most o f thi s ye ar tr yin g to clean
sever al logbooks invo lved and ensure t he sa fety of all mem-
sev e ra l dif f er e nt peopl e or bers and mak e t he DXped ition t he larg est co llection in th e up the backl og of some 20,000
wo rld. Guin ness Book of World ca rds recei ved as t he res ult of
groups ha ndlin g t he OSLing a su cce ss. It mu st also be
Records is miss ing out. so me of hi s recent operations.
c hor es, you wi ll sta nd a much c learl y und er st ood w i t h all
better cha nce of getting a fast members tha t th ere is always Th e VR6HI o perati on fro m
A station has been wor ked
return if yo u inc lude a separate the poss ib i li t y of h i dd en Pit ca irn Island by 2L1A MO and
o n f ift een sign ing HV2VO an d
SASE for each QSL card . If the da nge rs in pulling off a tr ip of ZL1A OI produ ced an almost un-
g iving his name as Brother Ed-
ex tra ex pense is to o much to t his mag nit ude. I'm sure all of mund. Said to QSL via I ~ G PY . beli evabl e QSO tot al of better
bear, then you real ly don 't need you w il l have vario us q uestion s t han 33,000 contac ts sp read
Thi s co ul d be t he Vati can
the extra ca rds. about this subjec t , and th ey Ob servato ry station we men - out over six bands. Th e few est
While we are on aS Li ng, we will be ans wered in th e best in - ti oned a few mon ths back. co nt acts came on 160 meters
wi ll rem ind yo u again to always terest of all pa rt ies concern ed. T hose EJ pref ixes heard ove r with 170, and t he most , 10,885,
use GMT/UTC t ime on yo ur ca rd Please send you r reply with the May 18/20 weeken d were we re made on 10 met ers. During
inclu di ng t he date, be sure th at yo ur rem ark s, phone number, spec ia l ca lls issued for ope ra- t his same pe riod , VR6BJ and
yo ur ca ll appears plai nl y o n th e and best time to contact you to : tio n by severa l GI stat io ns fro m VR6DX f rom the Yank ee Trader
report sid e of your QSL, and to The Caribe DX Ass oc iat ion , cia In i sh m urr ay Is land. OSL t o ma d e 753 a nd 1100 QSOs
always in cl u d e a se lf -a d- Al ex M. Kasevich W1CDC, PO GI4FUM. respecti vely. 193 of VR6BJ's
dressed , st amped enve lope Box 93, East Glast onbury CT VR6HI wa s number 100 on co ntacts we re on Rny. Th ese
w hen se nding a card to a QSL 06025. 160 met ers for PY1RO. three operations sho uld have
man ager. When send ing a card VP8S U fro m Sou th Geo rg ia dropped vrts'we t! down on the
overseas, either direct or to a HEARD ON THE BAND ca n us ually be f ou nd with needed list.
fore ign QSL manager, include a T hat 4W2AA being heard WA2JUQ in a list- type opera- New off ic ers fo r th e Mile- Hi
self-add ressed envelo pe alo ng f ro m t ime to time appears to be t io n ever y T uesday/Wedne s- OX Club are Roge r Preece
wi th a do lla r bill , fore ig n mint 12YOwho tra vel s to Yeme n on a da y / Friday on 14 24 0 !<-H z. W B~R TZ -P re side nt , 8 0b
stamps, or suffi ci ent IRCs to regu l a r alth ough i nf req uent around 0100Z. QSL to G3RCA. Pierce WB~OG J -V P, and Joe
prepa y the return postage. bas is . QSL to 12MVS. A ft e r m u ch w a i t i ng , t he Ha rt W B~ HA D-Secretary /
GJ2 LU is the officia l QSL nece ssary docume ntatio n was Tre asu rer.
CARI BE OX ASSOCIATIO N'S manager for an y Isl e of Je rsey f o rw a rde d to AR R L Head- SV 1JG expe ct s to be on
PLANS stati ons. qu arte rs and t hey are no w ac- Rh odes in t he Dod ec an ese
T he Caribe OX Asso ciation's PY1RO is t he fi rst OX station cep ti ng HZ1 BS/8Z4 cards- f ~r g roup th i s s um mer s ig ning
Al e x Kasevlch W1C DC i s ever to make WAS on 160 me- DXCC cred it. SV1JG/SV5. Under the new call
pre sentl y in th e process of t ers . For so me time now , rum or s a lloca tio n sc he me there in
engineering a la rge DXpedition A recent artic le in t he Rus- have been thick concern ing an Greece, SV5 is Doden canese
to so me rar e pl ace on t he sian Radio mag azin e notes a up comin g Fra nz Joseph Lan d an d SV9 is Crete . This was
globe. All interested person s dec is ion by th e USSR State effort by so me of t he UAJUK done no do ubt to aid the
wh o fee l t hey meet t he re- Comm is sion on Radio Frequen- ty pes. Alo ng t hi s li ne, UA10E deserving DXer in his never-end -
qu ire ments li sted should apply ci es to allow amateur activity advised W4 0 RT t hat t he re ing se arch for a new o ne.
fo r an int ervi ew. The ti me win - bet ween 1850 kHz and 1950 wo uld be so met hing co ming Several VE type s are working
dow fo r t his advent ure is Au g- kHz. A lth ou gh no date was th is J ul y . UK 1ZAA adv ised on the necessary permission to
ust , 1980; exact dat es will be g ive n, it see ms definite that KH6G I t hat UK1PAA was t he activate Sable Island during Ju -
made available w hen govern- yo u sh ou ld be hea ring t he Rus- o nly stat io n on FJL and it wa s ly o r Aug ust. They have authori -
ment leg ali ti es and lo gi sti cs sians on 160 met ers any day . crysta l co nt ro ll ed o n 14030 zati on fro m th e DOC but were
pe rm it. An yone wa nti ng t o learn kHz. Lis ten for Franz Joseph awaiting ot her required docu-
They have a large seaplane more ab ou t th e ac t ion on 160 Land to be activated . .. so me - ments before fi rm ing up the de-
wi t h a pilot and a co- pllot at meters sh o uld dr op a note t o day _.. maybe. tails .
the ir dis posal. A large manu- W1 BB alon g w it h an SASE and 9N18MK was tr ue blue . QSL As this colu mn is being wr it -
fa ctu rer of ama teur equip ment request a copy of St u's very in- to hi s ho me call JA8BMK. te n, t he YVfJJAA DXpedit ion is go-
has endorsed the ir intentions fo rmative bu llet in . YU2DX ret urn ed hom e f ro m ing hot and heavy g ivi ng out a
by th e loan of some top-of-the - The Af rican swin g by N6VA the Sudan w here he was doing new one to de serving DXers all
li ne ham gear , a nd WA6V NR nett ed so me 3000 so me educatio nal work in th e over th e wo rld. W hile we reali ze
All persons wh o app ly must contacts from C5AB X/C5AB2 elect roni c field. A radio c lub the OX bands are c ro wded
hold a current amateu r radio and 2200 from 16W8. They had a has been organ ized in Khar- th ese days, it seems a little
l i c e n s e, General c la s s o r 5T5 perm it, but t ime and funds toum and t he cl ub call is ridi cu lou s to spread the ca lling
higher; they mu st al so have a ran o ut before t hey go t t o 6T1YP. 8 0t h 6T1YP and 6U1DX stat ion s out ove r a forty kH z
doct or 's endorsement indlcat - Ma uritania. QSL to 48 Sout h can be QSLed to YU2DX. Ot her sectio n of the ban d. Li st ening
ing th at th ey have no phys ical Chestnut St reet , Ventura CA new ca lls being heard out of t he f rom 14200 kHz to 14240 kHz
restri cti on s th at could be af- 93001. Sudan lately are ST2 FF and mak es tha t sec tion of th e ba nd
fe ct ed by ext reme heat, sun, Slim has been pulling ove r- ST2MM. useless fo r any nor mal OX ac-
hu mi d it y , s ea/a i r s ic k ness, t ime la tely w hat w it h th e good U~ CR was Leo UA3CR, part t ivity and ce rta inly do es littl e to

enha nce our image among t he Aft er thi s init ial prob lem , t he
s izable se gment of o ur fell ow gro up ret urned to Brune i, re-
ama te urs w ho somehow fai l to grou ped, and dec ided to make
see th e need to bring t he nor - anot her run , but thi s t ime to
ma l day-to -d ay ac t iviti es o f Pearson Reef, loca ted so me
amateur radi o suc h as sked s, eigh ty mil es nor th east of Am-
en t s, SSTV, etc., to a sc reec h- boyna Cay and ho pef ull y less
ing halt whi le we deservi ng inh abited since it had an ele va-
o nes st rive to exc hange signal tion of only th ree feet above
reports wit h a te mp o rar y sta- high tide . The approa ch to
t io n located on an un inh abit ed Pear so n Reef s how ed how
is la nd cove red so lid w ith birds w hen it ra ins, it pou rs. Not only
and th eir nat ur al residue. How was t he sma ll reef occupi ed,
a nyo ne coul d fail to under- but t here were bui ld ings and
stand t his and sta rt co mpla in- sm all c raft aro un d. For tun at e-
ing abo ut those DXers is cer- ly, the g rou p had selected a
ta inly beyond 'us. Transmitti ng t hi rd alternate, w hic h they now
be low th e A mer ica n p hon e headed f or. It was f ro m th is
band and li sten ing up is t he o n- spo t , Barqu e Can ada Reef, a
ly way for many OX stat io ns to sand bar so me 150 feet in
be able to mak e any co ntact s lengt h, t hat th e mu ch -delayed ,
wit h USA stat io ns, but it see ms c o nst a nt l y-in-d a ng e r 1S1OX
that list enin g over, at most , a operat io n f ina lly took place.
f ifteen or twen ty kH z po rtion of Mos t of t he six ty ho urs sta y
t he band sho uld be suff ic ient. on Barqu e Canada Reef w as Father Ma rshall D. Moran, S.J., Kathmandu, Nep al, bett er known
How do yo u feel abo ut t his sp ent op er ating , ofte n wit h around the wo rld as 9N 1M M. Fa ther Moran has bee n a reg ul ar tix-
pract ice? mor e t ha n one statlon on t he ture on the OX ban ds since 196 1.
St i ll no thin g hea rd f rom air. Ten, fifteen, and twenty net-
Chin a but a few phonies. A ted so me 13,300 co ntacts with ends wo rking a list -type ope ra- pho ne number of you r closest
usually reliab le so urce from about half co ming on fifteen. tio n. Look for him on 14226 kHz FCC mon itor ing statio n. Keep
Euro pe rep or t s that one of the Phone seemed to result in a Saturdays from 1300Z and Sun - them advised of the "wood-
eastern Eurpe an countri es w ill hig her aSO/hou r rate, so t he da ys f rom 1200Z. aSL Peter via peeker's " acti vity and so meday
be send ing a team of radio co nc entrat ion on th is mod e Bo x 108 in Dacca. t he " wood pecker" w ill vanis h.
te ch ni ci an s to help t he Chinese res u l ted i n a 77 % /2 3 % 9N1MM has bee n keeping a Som e cl aim th at If we had
d eve lo p k no w l edg e i n t hat phone /C\IV split. For ty perce nt fair ly regul ar sc hed ule aro und reacted immediately t wo years
area. So me amo ng t his team o f the co ntacts we re w it h 14243 kHz after 0100Z. QSL to ago, he wo uld now be only a bad
wil l be a m at eur s re ad y to Japan, t hlrt y-t lve perce nt were Ed Blaszczyk N7EB, 12802 Su n memo ry.
demon st rate the fin er points of with stat esi de, f ift een percent
amat eur ra dio should t he o p- were wi t h Europ e, and t he re- Va lley Drive, Sun City AZ 85351. A co uple of mo nth s bac k we
portun it y a ris e. The so u rce mainder were scattered aro und Ed has been ha nd ling Fath er ment ioned th e possibility of a
se em s rat her d efi n i t e t hat t he wo rld . M o ra n ' s QSL du t i es s ince .Swed is h gro up op er at ing f ro m
so met hing w il l be heard thi s aSL t o Harry Mead , Box 85, 9N1MM f irst ca me on t he a ir in Alb ania. The exp ect ed ca llsign
Ro und Co rne rs, 2158 Aust ra lia. 1961. Ed, w ho has also held t he was me nt io ned as being ZA5T.
There ar e serio us d i scu s- Ex penses we re excess ive d ue ca l ls W3 KVQ , W 2 KV, a nd Late wor d on t hi.s.2.Eerati on has
sio ns go ing on bet ween so me to t he prob lems and any f inan- KX6EB, asks th at we rem ind bee n zilch, but if anyth ing new
of t he bigges t of t he big-g un- c ia l aid ca n go to K2TJ or via t hose need ing a 9N1MM QSL to develops , we wi ll certainly pas s
please en ?lose an SASE. It it alo ng.
type DXers co ncern ing a co n- t he N o rt he rn Ca li fo rn ia OX makes th e Job much easte r. ..
ce ntra ted effort thi s sum mer to Foundat io n. As we have often ment ioned Those new Pacific area pre-
wi pe Mt. Ath as (SY) from th e The rece nt volc anic ac t ivity it's usuall y eas ie r an d cheaper "fixe s stil l seem to be caus tnq
face of th e mo st needed lists. on St. Vincent Island in the to ju st enclose a dollar bill tro uble. It was sure easier .to
Mor e infqrmat io n will co me as West Indi es found VP2SQ pro- (green stamp) with your QSL remember when KM6 wa s Mid -
plans gel. vid ing emergen cy com munica- wh en a direct ai rmail repl y is re- way , KW6 was Waite.. et~. To
If yo u t hink som e excit ing tions for t he local au thorities. quired tha n to go t hrough t he ~e l p you l e~ rn !he new desiqna-
t im es can 't be expe ri enced in He i s repor ted as having phon e- h as sl e o f b uy i n g IR Cs Of _t lons, we w ill list them again:
ama teur rad io, then you ob- patched Prime Min ister Cato to fo reig n min t sta mps. We a lso KH 1 Bake r, Cant o n , a nd
vio us ly we re not in on t he re- oth er isl ands w hen the re was a m ent i o ned th at t here we re Howl and
ce nt 1S1D X o pera tion f ro m need fo r q uick com m unica- si tua tions w hen it was best na t KH2 Gu am
Spratly. The initial landing was t io ns. It is t his typ e use of to en close mo ney w it h a QSL KH3 John st on
p la nn ed for A mboyn a Cay . amat eur radio that we have goin g overseas. A letter fr om KH 4 Midway
W hen th e Spr at ly c rew go t been t ry in g to demo nst rate to Mansur A P2MQ brings up a KH 5 Kingm an if K suff ix,
clo se, th ey co uld see th at t here t he Th ird-World nati ons preced - ca se in poin t. Incom ing mail is 'P al myr a if not
were peop le o n t he is lan d and ing WA Re 79. of te n c hec ked by th e Paki st ani KH6 H awaii
th ey caut iously cam e ins ide Rubi n WA6A HF an d his XYL post al aut ho rit ies, an d since KH7 Kure
t he reef to a point some 300 Ferne have had to cur tai l t heir t he im portati o n of f oreig n cur- KH8 American Samoa
yards offshor e. Throu gh binoc- YAS ME QSLin g eff o rts on t he rency is ill egal in Pakistan, t his KH9 Wak e
ul ars it was easy to det ec t reco mme nda t ion of the ir doc- oft en lea ds to emba rras si ng KHIJ North ern Marian as
m ilitar y pe rs o n nel in bl ac k t or. Alt ho ug h g ivi ng u p t he c irc ums tances for t he amateur
uniform s gro uped aro un d w hat YASM E effort , the y w ill co n- to who m s uch ma il is ad - UK0YAH i s being worke d
ap peared to be weapo ns . On e ti nu e to handl e ca rds for those dressed . It is alw ays best to aroun d 14050 kH z after 18ooZ.
o f t he mi li ta ry types bega n stat ions th ey are QSL man- fo llow th e QSL in s tru c ti o ns We mention t his as a remi nder
signalin g wit h sem ap hore si g- agers fOL given by t he OX station. In the t hat Sov iet Sib erian st at io ns
nals, but unfor tu nat ely no one Some EP st at ions are again f ut ure, do not send _g reen whose suffix begin s with a Y
in t he c rew un derstood the being heard on a so met ime stamps to Pakistan. are locat ed in Ta na Tuva in rare
sign als. As t he c rew moved in ba sis, although t he sit uat io n is There is a report th at th e Zone 23.
closer, t he mes sage beca me far f ro m being sett led in Iran . number of com pla int s to t he Th e Br uss el s Millenni u m
so mew hat clearer as fou r wa rn- That 9N1YU being worked a FCC co nce rn in g the Russian Awa rd is avai lab le to anyo ne
ing sho ts were fired ac ross few mon t hs back is repor ted by " wood pecker" have risen sha rp- wo rkin g te n of the OS pref ixes
th eir bow . Feelin g at t his po in t HS1ABD to be a t rue-blue type ly. 1t is som et imes a bit trustrat - on at least two bands. Send log
t hey wer e not wa nted and see- used by a Yug oslav mo untai n- ing to repo rt suc h interference da ta and t hree IRCs to Bru ssels
ing t hat t hey co uld eas ily be eering g rou p in th e Mt. Everes t and realize t hat t he person o n Mil lenniu m Aw ard, PB 1000,
blown out of th e water w it h lit- area. t he ot her end has never heard of 8· 1040, Brussel s, Bel gium .
t le effort, th e little group aga in S2BTF co nt in ues t o show th e " wood pecke r." Check last
headed o ut to sea. from Ban gladesh on t he we ek- month 's co lumn for t he tet e- Continued on page 172

Spec Comm is prou d to announce the bra nd new SCR4000 UHF FM Rep eat er! Ther e has bee n
great cus tomer dem an d for a repea ter suc h as this for ma ny mo nths, and our engin eers have put in
hundr ed s of man-hour s to deve lop a unit whic h incor por ates all of th e featur es requested by our
cu sto mer s ove r th e last 2 % yea rs.
The SCR4000 incl udes compl et ely new transm itter and receiver boar ds, wh ich were designed
from the grou nd up spe cifica lly for t his new rep eat er , The rest of the unit is ba sical ly th e same as
our tried and proven SCR1000 VHF Rep eater which has an excellen t rep utation for performance
and reliabilit y throughout the world!
O f course, as with othe r Spec Com m prod ucts,
RF Ou lpul : 30 wa us tvp. ln fuute swuchovc r for eme rgencv pwr Remote Conlrol of such r{'p'N ter
on ly the la test state-of-the-art de signs an d the VSW R pro of (+ T nck fe Chgr,) func tio ns as Patch In lllbilJRe le t;
ve ry fine st q ual ity co mpo ne nts a nd Sen~iUvi'¥ : 0,35 uV/'2 dB SINAD • S...ppli ed wi th ± ,OOO -'¥ lnt l'rn",. Sw il c h I D Track s; Rl' pl' i1le r
wo rkm an ship are use d throughout. Also, tvp liun",1 Precisio n )(loll, & local mic . ONIO FF: Pl O N/OFr ,
Selecti vi l¥ : - 6d l:l @ ± 6 5 kH z; • Built-In CW lO e, - Low current • " Pl"-CTCSS
you ' ll be ha ppy to hear on e of t he most - l QO dB @ ± 30 kHI dr aw. 250 b,t PROM M.. murv! Ad- • Up to 4 dillenmt 10.; ~ ...tom"fjc
ama zing th ings a bo ut the SCR4000 - its ju ste ble speed, pi tch, t,mp, etc swil ching to " Eme, gency Po....e'
price! A bo ut VI that of repeaters so ld b y FEATUll.lS • Ju k' Provid ed for Remo te Coo' 10 " when on batte ry pwr.
I ro l, Avto-Pa tc b. DC out. AF . '·k en:h unker killer " - 5 le e. Rptl
"the b ig two names" in 2 wa y radio . . . A nd • Full Ml'le,io lt of u i tiul levels
in/out, CO R SWItc h, etc Xml r . 't u r n on t ime ,
(v ctta ges. c ur re nt s. Ilrl. RF o u t , RX
the ir o lde r design units don 't eve n offe r Sil/., ~ I ren l/ t h, etc.I e r rue 1M - f or Rpt . Audi o so good. • Timeout - Tim er Resel Ton. An·
man y of the exce llent co nve nient featu res • Fro'" P"nel Controls fo r time rs &
" II s u un d~ like di reLl! "I n...nciator
which are standard on th e SCR4000! AF Ievels
• Ultht ed·hullon, for cc r urof OPTIONS
The SCR4000 is so ld factory direct o nly,

... ret function s '" stat...s indica tors • Full Aulop ollch, With or w ithou t Aloog ....ilh ,l co mplete l ine o f
or t hrou gh autho rized Fore ign Sales Rep s . SI,lt e·of·lhe·AfI CM OS- con tr ol reverse patch. ..nd " h ndline" 01 Repeater Syst em A cc euo ri e 5
Since there has been a tremendous de-
man d fo r the SCR4000, we suggest that you
-' \.
, ._
L ... ~_.'...
- ~
101l'c ... timen - No Relav prob-
Radio Remo l t' (ooh o l 01 l he Re-
pea te e. \0/1 Inhibit Availablel
... such as : The Fin esl Duplu e" ,
( awili es, ( abin ets lrom 7" to 7',
Anten nas, " Hardli nl"," ( able" esc,
get your order in as soo n as oosstbtei t.
Transmitter SCR4000
• Built ·io AC Suppl y w/lOstil nl bl rV • Radio ;Indio' lolndlioe To u chTone

~ Automatic Base SfteC- eOffl,ffl, ""'+utHtat ~etnic-atioH4"tUte

Station CW Identifier .

130-17 4 MHl ... 220.240 MH l (450 scor n
0 channel s
0.35 uV Rcv r

. 6 Or 8 Po le ( ' vst<ll f ltr • Very ,mractive wood grain hOUSlOJI

, IIJJ.-J-· 101000
.. ...rOMAn.::
'::W 'DEIl,~C

Beauti f ul Aud' o -I< X ... TX
Very Reason a ble Price!

7fYZ ~ &A~ A~ "---

---- "4f _ ..
. A u t o m a tlca ll y IDs yo u r
Sta t io n (Base or Repe ate r)
per FC C requ ire m ents
every 5·30 m in , (adju st ·
ab le)
ie/ CO R. Con tin uous , or
Di s ab le): M anua l 10: Loca l
Mo ni tor Spkr. Vo lum e.
• Front Pan el Sta lus tn-
d ica t or Light s f o r A C
e O p t to n a t " Em e r g e n c y
Power 10 : '
• Adj us labie;CW Ton e Pil ch , I
Speed & Level,
• Pro visio n fo r up \0 4 dll ./
;-- ----
~ BJ - - - -

\. '> ::..~--

.Meets a l l FCC r eq u fre - Pow er: 10 In p rog ress: DC Ie rent 10 channe ls!
me nts fo r Part s 89, 91, 93, Pow e r opera t io n. • Pluq -In tc Memory Ch ip !
95 ,97 & ot her app lications • Bu ilt-in AC Pow er Sup ply • Two Inhibit In puts .
• Co nve ni en t Front Pan el • 12 V OC B att er y I n p u t • Sid. 19" Rack Mo unt. SC 300 25·30 WI.
Co nt ro ls l or AC Power: wrauro -s wtt c nc ve r t o
Tr ig ge r M od e : (Au to m al- " Em erge ncy Pow er ," Base station

• ".~ uper Rugged " Hou ~in"


Write or c all fo r Data Sheet s, prices, etc • • Export orders -Contact our Inte rna tiona l Dep t.
1055 W. Germantown Pk., Dept. 57 • Norristow n PA 19104 • (215) 631·1710
A Visit to Antenna Specialists
- W ayne tours the test range

sign and meas ure the re-

sults of t hat chan ge qui ck-
ly, it is rel at ivel y sim ple to
explore many mor e vari-
Way ne Green W2NSD I J ab les fo r o pt im um pe r-
Editor/Publisher formance.
W it h mod ern equ ipme nt
at a test site, it is possibl e
to measur e t he vert ic al and
horizonta l radiat ion cha r- You 're l o o k ing at an
~e sci e nce of rneasur-
T i ng an t e nn a per-
fo rma nce as part of t he
acte ristics of an antenn a as
well as t he f requ ency re-
enormo us Tnvest me nt in
test equ ipment. Th is gear is
sponse-ali in a few min- m ade just for labs of t his
design process has come a nat ure and allows t he auto-
This is the t ra ile r w ith utes.
lon g way in the last twen ty m at ic testing of t he anten-
yea rs. A rece nt vis it to th e t he laboratory eq uipment
nas, comp lete wit h the
A ntenna Specialists t est fo r running the antenna
grap hing system on t he
site in no rt heastern O hio fi el d st rength t ests . The
broug ht bac k memor ies of tower to th e left is f or a
my past v isits t o other such ham st at io n in t he hou se to
sites . . . and t he enormous t he rea r of t he t railer. It's
changes in t est eq uip men t nice t o have a ham l iv ing
a nd pro cedu r e s w h ic h right th ere t o wa t ch o ut f or
have co me abou t. t he test lab eq u ipment.
Let me tell yo u abou t my Was it o nly a l ittle over
v isit to Anten na Specia l- twent y years ago that I
ist s' tes t site. visited a top ma nuf ac t u rer
Sherry and I were met at of h a m a n ten nas and
th e Cleveland airport by AI wa tc hed t hem run tests o n
Dolgosh K8 EU R, who led a long two-meter beam,
us o ut t o the' test site, over measu ring the s i g n a l
an ho ur' s d ri ve away. There stre ngth eve ry f ew degrees
w e m e t Dick Lea ch and wri ting down the f ig-
W A3 HS E/W B8ZAA, T o m u res? Tod ay , th is is all This is a small tower
Baker K8MMM, and Rick aut o mat i c. T o d ay, they rig ht beside t he mobile lab .
Davis K8DOC, the t est sit e can run tests in a few It is designed f o r mountin g
team . The lab was set up in minutes that used to take the transmitting antenna
a t rai ler wi th a reference days, th us m aki ng it possi- f o r the tests. Notice tha t Here To m is showi ng t he
d ipol e nea rby. The test an- b le to design m uch more th is anten na ca n be rai sed reference antenna which
tennas we re set up on a effective antennas. W hen and lowe red to get t he op- he set up by the receiving
platform a coupl e hun dr ed yo u can mak e a sma ll t imum ver t ic al pa tte rn of p latfor m. This is a sim pl e
f eet awa y. change in th e ante nna de- rad iation . reference d ip o le.

ray throug h a co mp lete ro-
tation, watc hing t he pe n o n
t he c ha rt as it traces th e
patte rn of th e bea m.

The tests this day we re

goi ng to be run on the Dick , AI, and Tom get
Ante n na Sp e c ialists 44- " ,
the be am onto t he boom
e lem ent beam . a nd tighten ed in p lac e for
the te st s. He re yo u se e t he f in-
ished pattern of th e array.
How a bo ut all that gain !
And yo u surel y can nul l out
th e int erf er e nce with that
AI Do lgosh K8EUR, who inc redibl e front-to-back
organized ever ything fo r ratio.

Th is is the me c ha nism
which is used to ho ld up He re's t he beam a ll set
t he a ntenna to be tested up a nd rar ing to go, about
and to turn it in t ime w ith 300 feet from t he so urce
t he graph in the la b. The site .
t ilti ng gears a llow t he
a nte nna to be b roug ht
d own for m oun tin g o r Over to th e right of th e
c ha nges. The who le mec h- test p latform I found th e se
a nism is o n t he trac k and tra c ks. The y a re for rotat-
can be m oved tow ard or ing cars to measure the
away from t he la b. ra di a t ion p-a-tte r ns of
mob ile ante nnas mounted
on d iffe rent parts of dif-
Dick run s t he a nte nna ar- fere nt ca rs. They dri ve t he

Rick Dav is K8DOC, wh o

is lu c ky enough to live a t
th is extreme ly low- noi se
Tha t' s Tom on the left in tes t site, complete with his
ba ck, Alan th e right in ham rig and a good be am .
ba ck, Rick o n th e left in
front, and Dic k o n th e right
in front.

The tes t p latform is be-

ing ro ta te d so th a t the
othe r two 11-elem e nt yagi
anten nas c a n be mounted
on the boo m. The rotating This is the pa ttern draw n by the chart recorder for the
is a ll do ne remote ly from 44-element a rray on 146 MHz w it h t he co mparison from a
the trail er . To m Baker K8MMM. reference dipole (do tte d fin e).
This is the same array, but measured at 148 MHz . Not a lot One m o re run was made with the array o n 144 MHz to
of dif ference- certainl y non e that yo u would ever notice make sure that it wa s capable o f working over the en t ire
in use. 2m band. It takes a lot of careful design to make a high-
gain array su ch as this work o ver a four-megahertz band-
ca r with the te st antenna After t he t est , A I had the width with as little lo ss as th is o ne shows .
onto th e t racks and th en 44-e lem en t array boxed u p
rota te th e who l e w orks to and sh ipped to the 73 lab . du e to some seriou s d e lays o u t o ne wha le o f a signal,
get t he pattern . It' s q u ite a It t o o k l o nge r t han we in gett ing a pro m ised as you can see from the
cornpl ete test site f aci li ty . f ig ur ed to get it airborn e, towe r. Th e antenna _p u ts p atte rn on the g raph .•


Operation requires no more
Contactsare established than the ability to focus-a
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Any home TVset can be

SSTV is voicealternated used for a display mon itor
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Your SSTV systemapplies by means of the RF
theSSTV audio signal tothe adaptor-kit.
transmitter micr ophone
jack in piaceof the voice
signal from your In fact, SSTV is so easy,
microphone. it's thefirst hamradio
activity that permits the
wholefamily to beinvolved.



Model 400 Scan Converter . .

Slow-to-te st and fast-to -slow converter; aU so lid state. Shipping wei ght: 15 lbs.

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500 line resolution; 10,000 : 1 A LC; ex t. adj : Beam, Target Focus , vidicon position ;
Weight: 3 lbs., 10 oz. Comes w ith 16mm lens. 2 ~" H II 4 ~ " W :o; 9 X,.. D.
$h ipping weight : 7 lbs.
209 Mystic A ven u e RF Modulator Kit . ...... . ...... . ......... .. .. . S 25
Medford. Mass . 02155 P.C. board, assembled and tested. for coo verting video to RF for input to TV rece iver
antenna terminals (Channel 2 or 31, with tuning too l. Requires +5V d ,c. powe r supply.
1-6 17-3 9 5·8280 (Mass. resi d ent s) 20 ft. con video cable with BNC conn ectors . . $ 15
UHF PIU1 to BNC jack adaptor. . . . . . . . . . . $2.08
1-800-225 -4428

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DISCOUNT \.U'k'l. \.01t\'I\t'G
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These ultra-pllrlormance "ANGLEUHEAR" recliNing preamplifier! are suitable to the mosl demanding needs
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ART 3000
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must demanding instal-
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P.O. Box 82183 . San Diego . CA 92 138
cable. The King Kong
01 rotors. loads in 2785 Kurtz Street, Suite 4, San Diego, CA 92110
excess of 1 ton.
CALL (714) 299-9741

V" Reader S ervice -see page 211 33

Secrets of G uyed Towers
- put 'em up and keep 'em there

Trade real estate for securi ty.

Peter Carr WB3BQO Who a mo ng us can t rut h- hu nd red f eet above th e lar ger c hun k of re al
329 Little A venue full y say th a t on t hose long gro u nd? Drea ms? _W e ll, est ate requ ired to acco m-
Ridgway PA J5853 w int er d ays we ha ve n' t maybe. But it' s sure t hat mod ate t he guy -a nc ho r
spent a m o m ent or two whateve r yo ur ide a of t he suppo rts.
t hink ing how gre at it wou ld " ult imate" a nte nna a rray, In planning to e rect a

T he re is an o ld saying
among ham s that " if it
sta ys up, it's too sma ll."
be to have a five-e lem e nt ,
40-mete r beam in t he ba ck-
ya rd, fed with 2 kW, a nd a
it's got to be held up by
so me t h ing.
tower , th er e a re some de ci-
sions and com pro mises to
Since the best an tenna be mad e. O ne must be
fa rm sta rts w ith t he sup- .. reali stic a bo ut what will
po rt equ ipment, let' s loo k ado rn the to p of t he tower
at t he best a ntenna sup- and the wors t case of wind
port: the gu ye d tower. A load ing that c an be a n-
tower is like a c hain, in that ti c ip ated . Th e a nte nna
it is on ly a s stro ng a s th e ' load mu st be added to the
weake st link . Se lf-support- wind loa d ing to dete rmine
ing towers a re linked to the tota l loa d e nviro nme nt
Mo t he r Ea rth at o ne in which t he towe r will be
point-the base. Guye d oper a t ing . Mos t antenna
tower s, on the other hand, ma Mufac t u re rs pub l ish
have fo ur support points load fig ures as pa rt of th e ir
over w hich to spread th e adve rt isin g, o r w ill furni sh
loa d - three an chors a nd data on reque st. The same
t he tow er ba se. The pe na l- goes fo r to we r makers, a nd
ty for th is added str en gth is th ey a lso ha ve data a bo ut

This is a commercial CA TV to wer. The di sh at t he left is a
microwave recei ving antenna. Moun ted below it is a "star
mount" anti-torqu e guy wire/fra me system. The to wer
height is 500 feet. Fig. 1.


\ '

Here is a commercial tower anchor and "e veo lete." No te The bottom two guys sho wn here are atta c hed to the an-
the len gth o f guy wire faced throu gh the turnbuckles to c hor plate and to the "star mou nt" ius: belo w the
preve nt loosening. microwave d ish.

wind and ice conditions is in tw o parts, it is best to land for the locat io ns of tam ped d irt. These be ll an-
througho ut t he co untry to look at eac h in choosi ng a t he base and a nchors. Let's chors hold a larger load
help in f igu r ing th e brand and model of towe r. say you come up wit h a since t hey a re bigger at the
o perat ing load. The side load is the fo rce layou t similar to t he on e in bottom and deeper in the
As a rule of thumb, a n- which is suppo rted by th e Fig.1 . gro u nd t ha n t he sc rew
cho rs sho uld be placed o ut a nc ho rs a nd guy lines. The In this " he licopter" view type. _
from the towe r base a ve rtica l load is supported of th e p roject, we see t hat . The toweroase a lso is
d istance of bet wee n o ne- by th e towe r a nd base the anc hors are laid o ut chosen aft er conside ring
hal f and two-t hirds t he alone . Most towers are 120 degrees ap art and that t he type of so il at the co n-
tow e r heigh t. For a hun- trian gularl y sha ped, a nd two of th em are upwind of. struct ion site. Since the
dred-foo t tower, this means the wider t he spread be- t he t owe r · b a s e. Th is '
base has to support o nly
the d istance fro m base to tween the vertica l legs and sp rea ds the worst of t he the ve rtica l load, it doesn't
each a nch or will be from t he la rger in d iameter t hey wind load ing between two have to be vet». de e p. It
fifty to seventy-five feet. are, t he greate r t he ve rtica l anchors. s h o u ld be dow n far
'Since t his d istan ce de ter- load they will hol d. Know- The typ e of so il wi ll" : eno ugh, however, so that
mines th e a ngle of th e guys ing the antenna load ing fig- dete rmin e what type of an- frost will not ca use it to
at the tow er, it represents a ures and the weather co ndi- cho r sho uld be used. There shift po sit ion . Ma nufac-
co mp romise betwe en the tions for your area, it is are screw-ty pe units which tu rers' recomm endations
idea l o ne-foot -up fo r o ne- possible to have a towe r don 't need a ho le but are sho uld be fo llowed here so
foot -ou t, or guy angle of manu factu rer recomm end screwe d into the undis- t hat-. a f irm foo t ing is
for t y five d egrees, a nd t he pro per size tower for turbed ear th. These are okay assured.
some even sharper guy yo ur needs. fo r sma ller syste ms with Fina lly, make a list of the
angle wh ich conserves real Two last co nsideratio ns light loading and with fir m req uired too ls and gear for
esta te. These co nside ra- should be figured into the to slight ly-roc ky soi l. The the act ual job. Try to ob-
tio ns outline t he pract ical cho ice o f height s. How far other type is t he bell an- tain the services of some-
limits of tow e r height. will t he rig be from th e cho r which requ ires t hat a one w ho has done similar
O t he r fa c to rs w hic h a nte nna , and what will th e hol e be d ug. The bell - wo rk before, and re ly o n
limit tower height are: sur- ca ble loss be, co mpa red to sha pe d bottom of th is type his ex per ience. If no hams
ro u ndi ng o b jec ts l ike t he be nefit o f a d de d of anc hor is attac hed to a are a rou nd to fill th e bill,
houses a nd t rees, sloping height ? In add it ion, who long rod which stic ks out t ry t he lo c al power or
t e rra in, lo c al b u ild ing will se rvice the array? It of th e gro und after the an- tele pho ne company. Their
codes, a nd neighbors. Each seems t hat th e num ber of chor is placed in t he hol e. c on str u c t i o n c r ew s
s ho uld be t ak en int o voluntee r climb ers varies When the bell is struck with rou t ine ly han dle projects
careful considerati on since inversely with the heig ht of a heavy bar, the ancho r simila r to th is, and prob-
tow ers are no less expen- t he wor k! will spre ad out and d ig into a bly will kno w whe re you
sive to ta ke dow n t ha n to Pla nning the act ual con - th e sides of th e ho le. The ca n o bt ain the ropes, guyl
put up. struction is the next step in ho le is th en bac kfilled us- jac ks, st ra in dy na m o m e-
Since th e load of a towe r t he process. Survey th e ing small rocks and we ll- ters, and clim bing eq uip-
Guy wires and preformed wrap-on grips are sho wn at the A Dill tower in CA TV service is pictured here. The tower is
to wer end. Note that the bolt ac ts as an axle for the grip. 100 feet tall, in 10 foot sec tions weighing abo ut 60
The height is 375 feet. pounds each . The sections are 11 inches on a side .
ment you will need . Line up e nough people to the rop es going up the tow er base (whic h is in the
Befo re getting into the do the job, and don 't forget tower. The auxiliary leg, ground) and lay ou t the guy
act ual nuts and bo lts of that at leas t o ne should be which sometimes is used to wires down t he length of
hangi ng up the tower, it's exper ienced . All climbing hold t he weight of a tow e r the th ree-section asse mb ly,
good to di scuss va riou s too ls and sma ll hand too ls section as it is placed on ove r t he bas e, and st ra ight
aspects of safe ty o n the sho u ld be in f irst -cl ass already erec ted sections, out beyond . With on e man
job . Adva nce planning o n sha pe. Hardhats are a must shou ld be inspected care- ho lding down -on the bot-
pape r of eac h ste p in the for the ground crew, and full y. The co mbined we ight tom to make it dig into the
pro cess will a llow eac h no one sho uld be closer of the leg a nd section ca n ground, and th ree more
membe r of the crew to tha n twe nty feet to the do conside ra ble damag e pulling at the guy wires,
fa milia rize himself wit h tow er base fo r any reason and injury if they fa ll. ' . have the remain ing people
th e sequ en ces involved . other than to attac h gear to When everyt hing need- lift th e top of the tower and
ed is on hand , t he anc hors raise it over thei r heads. As
a re dug in , and the they walk towa rd -the base
necessary personnel have ... - raising the tow er above
been lined up, it is t ime to the m, the guy wire att en-
pick a day to com plet e the dants will steady the towe r
job. Weather is the main side-to-side whi le at the
consider ation her e since to sam e tim e he lping to pull
be sa fe th e en t ire job the t'?wer vertic al.
should be co mpleted in When this move is co m-
one day. The Flight Service ple ted , the towe r shou ld be
Center at the local airpo rt st and ing on th e grou nd
is an exce llent so urce of next to the base stabilized
weather infor matio n, and by t he guy wi res . Next, lift
the ir for e.casts of wind co n- the tow e r o nto the base
ditions a re espec ia l ly and install t he three bot-
good . tom bo lts. Attac h the guy
On th e mor ning of t he wires to t he ir respect ive
big day, begin by bo lt ing an chors, and, using a spi rit
the first three secti ons of level, a plumb bob , or
tower "t o ge t he r o n th e ot he r sight ing line, snug up
ground. Attac h to the to p the guys until th e towe r is
of t he asse mbly three guy exactly ve rt ica l. This oper-
wires whi ch have been cut ation is important since
to ro ug hly th e co rre ct when later sections a re in-
The Dill tower base rests on a large flat rock two feet length. Set t he bott o m of stall ed , the tower will be
down and buried in small rock s and well-tamped dirt. the assemb ly next to the put into a bind if it is not
The anchor rod holds three guys using preformed grips . This is a p art l y installed p reformed grip . No tools are need-
The rod is six feet long and is burie d nearly fi ve feet ed, a nd it may be rem o ved fo r re-tensioning of the guys
down. and easil y reapp lied.

exact ly v ert ical. ben ds will be seen eas ily This is suff icie nt to pro tec t are rotated o n a tower, t he
T he cl imbing people are a nd can be removed by ad- the tower, a lt ho ugh light- torq ue will cause tw isting
now sen t a loft , a nd th e aux- just ing te nsion on the ap- n ing p rote c t io n a t t he of t he stru c ture . Wh ile this
ilia ry le g (or st iff -leg ), pro priat e guy w ire. shack end of t he do wn- do es no t affec t the life of
pulleys, a nd han d ropes a re Now t hat the towe r is lead s st ill sho u ld be used . the tower, it does affec t
made rea dy to raise the straight, th e next step is to In the eve nt tha t light s a re th e aiming a cc urac y of
next to wer sectio n. Since it equalize t he te nsion on req uired , or a ny sou rce of VHF d irectional.a rrays d ur-
is v ery har d for a pe rson to eac h se t of guy wires. A co mm ercia l pow er is used ing w indy cond itions. The
ge t good lift ing lev erage devi ce called a st ra in dy na- a t t he tow e r, th e ground cu re is to inst all a noth e r
while le a ning bac k in a line mom eter is used to read system shou ld be t ied into guy syste m by bo lt ing to
be lt , t he groun d c re w ten sio n o n a ca ble. If t his is t he ne utr al of th e elect ric . .. the towe r a len gth of pipe
sho uld raise eac h sec tion no t av a ila b le, th e o n ly line. or angle iron about six fee t
while t he climb ing cre w recourse is to pull each guy W he n very la rge a rray s long , as per Fig. 2.
stead ies it a nd gu ides its wire slig htly out of line a nd
place ment ato p the last fee l th e te nsion by han d.
se c t io n ere cted . Sight ing up each guy wire
Re me mbe r th at du ring from a nc ho r to wa rd th e
th is o pe ra tio n those o n t he tower a nd jud ging t he sag
gro und sho uld not sta nd is anothe r meth od, but it is
near the tower base, or in not as reliab le d ue to the
an a rea w here dropped va rying len gt hs of t he lines.
too ls or pa rts mig ht fall. The a im is that eac h guy
Continue adding tow e r wire sho u ld ca rry th e sa me
sectio ns and guy wire se ts strain as every ot her.
unt il the tower is co mp lete. The tower is now com-
Since t he last sect io n nor- plete a nd ready to acce pt
mally is bu ilt to acce pt a n a nte nn as an d downl ead s.
antenna rotat or and mast, Eve n t ho ugh it is ground-
t hese item s are mo re ea sily moun te d a nd is attac hed
installed before t hat se c- to guy w ires and anchors
ti on is raised. which a lso a re at earth
Ha v in g a lig ne d t h e gro und pote nt ia l, it st ill is
tow e r each tim e tha t a se t wise to e lectrically ground
of wires wa s install ed , the the tower. Mos t commer-
co mplete un it shou ld be cia l installations use a six-
pre tt y close to ve rti ca l. By foo t gro und rod at eac h
s igh t ing up war d a lo n g to we r leg, d riven as clo se
eac h leg of th e tower, a ny to t he base as possible. Cuy w ir es and grip a re atta ched to a tow er leg.

Since t his guy system most of t he twisting action
carr ies o nly th e twisting and co nsidera b ly reduce
lo ad applied to th e t ow er, the w hipl ash effect o n th e
it need not be as heavi ly antenna elem ents.
co nstruc te d as t he ma in Th er e yo u h a v e i t.
sys te m . Sc rew-ty pe an - Guye d t owers o ffer th e
chors and num ber te n most sta ble pl atform fo r
stee l fe nce w ire are more la rge a rrays a nd greate r
th an adequ at e, alo ng with heigh t s under t he most ex- ~ SCI'IE W-I N
TV-type U-bo lts co nnec t- treme we at her conditio ns.
ANCHOR , ---- ,. OWER

ing t he p ipe t o t he tower They al so offer co nfidence

l e g s . Wi t h this a r - in t he k nowledge t hat
Fig. 2.
rangemen t moun ted abo ut those expensive a nte nnas
th ree-fourths of th e way up are mounted up w here the y port ed by a syste m w hic h op er ati ng for ye a r s t o
t he tower, it should rem ove o perate best and are sup- will offer saf e and rei iab le com e.•

There ' s a ne w , eight h OSC AR satellite in o rbi t , and t he A M SA T tea m he lped pu t it there!
Yo ur he lp is needed f or f utu re satellites . Join AMSAT an d sup po rt t he new, ad-
vanced Phas e II I ser ies of O SCAR s. eng in ee re d t o p ro vi d e communicati ons o ver
tra nscontine ntal d ist an ces fo r hour s at a t ime.
Send $ 10 membership dues t o AMSAT, r .o . Box 2 7, Washington, D .C.
2 0 044 . Life m em b er sh ip is av ailabl e fo r a ta x-d edu ctibl e dona t ion o f $ 10 0
or more. p ayable in q uart er l y i nstallments if you wi sh .
Phase III sa te ll ite so la r cell s may b e sponsored fo r $1 0 ea c h, a nd
we' ll send you a c er t i f icate spe c ifying th e c ells yo u are spo nsori ng.
Fo r a tax-deduct ib le cont r ib ut io n o f $ 1,0 0 0 or m ore , w e' ll
even in scri b e your na me o n a p laqu e t o b e p laced in o rbi t
aboard the Phase III spacecra ft for p o st er it y , a nd w e ' ll send
yo u a r ep li c a honori ng your co ntribut io n .
-~~ Due s a nd c o ntr ibu t ion s m a y b e ch ar g ed t o V ISA or
• Q~ Mast er Charge. Phon e us at (2 0 2) 488-8 649.

Hustler: (}I~
The First Family D EAL ER S

of mobile amateur Calumet Elec t ro nic Supply ~ ..

two meter antennas I 377 2 Arthur SI.

Gary ~ 464 08
219-8 87-496 1
Maximum range, improved gain and
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life, too. Featur ing the fin est stain - Gi smo Com muni c ati ons
less steel and ch rome pl ated 2305 Cherry Rd.
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should be rid ing wit h! Cou nc il Bl uffs IA 51501
BBLT- 14 4A 712-323-014 2
Most models available $3 4 ,95
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vH 36 5520 North Sevent h Ave .
S PS -14 4 Phoenix AZ 85013
$28.9 5
3275 North B. Ave. • Kissimmee. Florida 32741 602 -249-3739

Clearly the cho ice of those who know qual ity.

38 V" Reader Service-see page 21'

• Manufactured in our San Diego plant.
DURING LUNAR'S • Idea l for ground or roof mounts.
2ND • One man can assemble and erect .

Extremely rugged .

Modular and portable.
High stabil ity w ith proper guy ing .
(July 1 through July 31 at • High quality aluminum alloy construction .
all participating dealers).

These un ique anten na towers can be for harsh environments.

installed on the ground or roo f. 1. . .E.~'l Base and one tower section are
Since they 're easily transpo rted and packed in a 6' x3 %"x3 Y2"
site erected, they 're a natural for carton. Each add itional tower
fie ld and portable operations. section is packed in a 6' x3 Y2" x3 Y,"
Constructed of sturdy aluminum alloy, carton . Rotor mounting plate and
they're sturdy enough to handle base fianges are in a separate box .
large size HF beams and EME arrays Can easi ly be car topped to any
as well. Also availab le with location . Guy .rings included . Guy
optional sta inless steel hardware wire and hardware not inc luded .

Suitable to the most deman di ng needs where • Covers ent ire Amateu r Ba-n'd w /o Tun ing
low noi se figure is important. Uses include all • Built-In Rece ive Preamplifier
types of weak signal work such as EME, Tropo • Au to matic var iable TR switching
• Exc eeds FCC R&O 20777 Requirements of -60 dB
& Ionospheric Sc atter , Satellite Co mmunica-
• Preamp & Pow er Amp Independently Co ntro llable
tions, Radio Astronomy, Meteor Sc atter, etc . • Preamp nom 10 dB gain , 2 dB Overall NF
Highest quality construction and components. • Functionally Designed Pack age includes mounting lip


318 N, Main SI. Salisbury. N.C. 28144 Hours:.M-Sat 9am-7pm, Wed. to9pm. .....653

Call For Quotes TolI·Free [ . VISAJ • N.C. residents call 1-704-636-7959

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Announcing our new Second Location near Miami Airport
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v- Reader Service - see page 211 39

William A . Bleher W8GQL
18678 Negaunee
Detroit M/ 48240

Death-Defying PL Mod
for the KDK 2015
- not for the sq ueamish

No more cli pping.

Autho r's No te: Since th is artic le wa s writt en, KDK has improved their "fix" by adding additional RC filters between the NOR gate and the
base of the output tra nsistor.

T his art icle is not fo r t he

t im id soul. It t ak es con -
siderab le courage to t ake a
may or may not act ivate a
given repeater, and when it
does, there are complaints
at 200, 300, etc., account- eve r, sho uld stay wh ile we
in g f o r t he audi b le co m- di scuss how t o linearize
p laint. t he 'exist ing CM O S d ig ita l
brand new rig and cut th e of t he PL being aud ib le and To make matt ers wo rse, gate fo r analog operation
circu it foil and drill holes in cli pping with modul at ion. the square wave is di ff eren- . to generate a sine wave.
the PC boards. This sta te- Investi gation of t he ex- t iated by t he .01-uF co u- A ny digital logi c-invert-
ment is not intended t o isting PL circuit reveals a pii n g c ap ac i t o r to t he ing element (NAND o r NOR
scare you off, b ut to f or e- CM O S 2-input NOR gate speec h amp lif ier, prod uc- gat e or in ver uces a
wa rn you. The resul t s, ho w- chi p (MC14001) co nnected ing na rr ow p u lses fro m high-le ve l o ut put w ith a
eve r, are w ell w o rth t he ef- as a square-wave oscillator eac h edg e of t he sq uare low-level input and v ice
fort. as shown in Fig. 1. They wave (p u lse rno d ul ati on ., versa . Th e input swi t ching
A prerequi site for outlin- co uld n' t have pl anned it ye t). Thi s has to be a terr i- -·t hresho ld f or a CMOS log ic
ing any solut ion is to first worse. The f ast ri se and f all ble shoc k t o the pr eamp ele m ent is approxima te ly
define t he probl em. Th e time of the square wave and is pr ob ably th e reaso n 45% of th e supply vol tage
bas ic com pl aint w it h th e produces many harmonics w hy th e repeater d oes not (9 vo lts in t he KDK). Wh en
ori gin al KDK PL is th at it of t he 1Oo-Hz f undame nta l rec ognize t he PL. A tte m pts - t he inp ut signal passes
t o activate t he repeater by throug h t he thresho ld (4
COl'll'lEC TOR
inc reas ing t he PL level f ur- volts), t he output swi t ch es.
- - -- - - ----- - - -- ----- -- - -,

I th er agg ravat e t he audib le It is at t hi s switc hi ng level

pro b le m . th at t he gat e is operating in
II t he linear reg io n. A f eed-
The offi cia l " f ix" avail- ba ck " resist o r conn ected
'" I able as a modificati o n kit fr om output back to input,
I" from th e US di stri bu tor of as show n in Fig. 2, linearizes

". R2~~,
i""' -'-r"-
t he KDK un it s leaves much t he gat e since a hi gh out-
to be desired , since it sirn- p ut f ed back t o t he input
P2 R21 ,l / ply adds a 0.1-uF shunt ca- wou ld te nd to d riv e t he
C-',,": --' J
_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ - l pac itor f ro m t he base of o ut put low, w hi ch w hen
SEl - CAl
Q 3 to ground to dr ast icall y fed back to th e in put tend s
COl'lNECTOR slo w up t he rise and f all t o drive t he ou tput hi gh,
times, making it a triangu- w hiIC h . .. et c . Th e gat e
Iar wave . f inally co mp ro m ises itself
- - -- - --~ - __, r - - - --- - - - - - --,
I I I The ul t im at e so lut io n, of with both input and o utput
I 1 P17i co urse, is to c hange t he PL f loa t i n g at t h e 4-v o l t
I eoe AF
I 1) .•,
signal t o a sine w ave. Thi s sw itc hing th resho ld level.
: IP~ OUTI "T'CBI iswhere the timid souls can This circuit conf igura-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 ~
1L m 1
leave to pu rc hase t heir t ion lends itself very w ell
ME-3. Th e hard y and co ur a- f o r a We in bridge sine-
Fig. 1. Existing KD K PL circ u it. ge o u s in dividuals , how- w ave oscill at or (som etim es

ca lled a tw in-T) by sim pl y t he pow er inpu t co nnec tor. 10. Repl ace C10 .068-uF
di vidin g t he f eed bac k resis- These leads are very sho rt capaci tor with a .15-uF ca- -s v
t o r into two parts and add- and m ak e it im po ssib le to paci tor.
in g t he o th er necessary RC move th e PS board . It m ay 11. Repi ace C11 .00-uF ca-
consta nts as show n in Fig. be possibl e to unsold er t he pacitor with a .22-uF capaci -
3. The basic frequ en cy of cho ke leads; howe ver, I tor.
oscil lat io n is give n as F = c ho se t o unm ou nt th e 12. Repl ac e th e co mb i- Fig. 2.
1/(2nRCl, but t his is no t ex- cho ke, leavin g it attached nation of R20 4.7k and R21
ac t and may vary co nsider- to t he board . Th is is ac com- 470-0 hm resistors w ith a
ab ly. A word o f c aut io n plished by gent ly rem ov in g sin gle 5k m in iatu re potenti-
here: Th e capacit o rs mu st t he r ear id en tifi c ati on o mete r (ab out th e siz e of a
be a good quality ce rami c plate by lifting with a sma ll t ransistor). Moun t t his pot
o r mi c a with good t emper- screw d r iver (st ick y back ) to w ith on e end in t he R21

ature sta bility, and the re- expose t he cho ke-mo unt- ground pad, th e other end c c

sistors must be 100 part-per- ing sc rew s. The ground in t he R20 pad wh ich con-
mi ll io n t emper ature-co ef- w ire ca n easi ly be un- nect s to t he em itter of Q 3,
fi cient units. O ne such cir- so ldered at t he power in- and th e ro tor in eit her of Fig. 3.
cu it co nst ruc ted wi th min- put connector. t he two pads at t he jun e'
iatur e pl astic cap acitors Th e t ransceive r is th en ti on of R20, R21, and C11. wh en t he bottom cov er is
c h a nge d f r equ en c y b y positio ned o n its side and 13. Drill a hol e t hro ugh moun t ed .
50 % w hen sprayed w ith t he PS boa rd sepa rat ed as the gro und p la ne at th e 1 5. Dr ill two more ho l es
Q u i ck Fr eeze c i rc ui t f ar as possible from t he edge of t he PC bo ard in line in the open area fo r moun t-
coo ler. chassis with al l o t her w ir es with R16 and next to th e ing th e 287-0 hm resistor
The fin al circuit desig n st ill con nec te d . No t an ni c ad battery . Mount t he next t o t he 1k po t. M ount
and KDK modific at ion s are id eal work sit ua t io n, but .33-uF capa ci to r from th e the resistor in th e hol es and
shown in Fig. 4. Note th at tolerabl e. jun ction of R18 pot and bend one lead over and
th e sec o nd ga t e i s no R16 resist o r to th e gr ound- so lde r it t o th e ope n pot
The followi ng is a com-
lo nger used . The IC pad of p l ane hol e. lead .
plet e step-by-step p ro ce-
p in 11 o n t he circu it board 14. Posit ion th e 1k po t
dure for making t he mod ifi- 16. Dr ill ano t her ho le in
is st ill utilized , how ever, so next to t he ni cad battery
cat ion. Refer to th e PSboa rd t he op en area next to t he
th e le gs of the chip (pins suc h t hat th e rotor and on e
l ayou t d iagram on page 12 287-0 hm resistor hol e and
11,1 2, and 13)were cu t and end ar e over th e ground
o f th e KDK m anu al to also anot her hole throu gh
a jumper added to c o nnec t pl ane and t he oth er end is
locat e the various points t h e g ro u nd p la ne f o r
circu it bo ard pad 10 to 11 over th e ope n area (no
referenced . mo unting th e-45-uF bypa ss
to co m plete t he pat h t o t he gro und pla ne). M ark t he
ou tp u t t ra nsi sto r . T h e 1 . U nsol de r t he two poi nts, dr ill t he hol es, and capacit or across th e 187-
legend for t he va rio us ci r- shielded aud io c ab les f ro m moun t t he pot. M ak e su re O hm 1k pot comb ination.
cuit modifi cations appea rs the PS boa rd, cut t hem to a th e speaker cl ears t he PQt 1 7. Connec t a w ir e fr o m

bel ow th e schematic. Th e length suff icient for splic-
0.15-uF c apacitor ac ross ing , and cover t he sp lic es ."
th e 287-0 hm resistor and
1k pot w as req uired t o
w it h shr ink tubi ng. Thi s
d isco nnec ts th e Pl, output
e lim inate a " sec o nd a ry and co m p letes t he m icro-
high -fr eq uency oscill at ion. phon e cable ro uting t o t he 1 Rl 3 I
Th e value of t hi s cap acit or, SE L-CAL co n nec tor and '0 ',: I CZ QJ J

although not crit ica l, will speec h am plif ier.

I r:v
have som e effect o n fr e- 2. Cut the legs of p ins I·n ~ •
'r- +_-'-----.---{~ A20- 21 CII" II'L ) SPLICE
q ue ncy . 11, 12, and 13 o n IC2. cio . 5 1( 2 2' l OUT
~~8 15 / I ~
The m ajor prob lem en- 3. So ld e r a j u m p e r FReD LEVEL I
co unte red w as getti ng t he acro ss pa ds 10 and 11 o n I
PS board ou t fa r enoug h to rear of board .
16.9 1(
' '''.". ''- " -- ..., CONTItOL

r - - - - -.J
• •
r r
• I •
work on it. There are a few 4. Cut ci rc uit foil be- 2:87 t
wi res from th e PS board tw een P1 and j un cti on of I
I~ I
wh ich are ro uted und er th e R1 9 and C10. OSCILL ATOR
Pll boa rd . This p ro bl em is 5. Cut ci rc ui t f o il be- I
solved by rem ov in g t he twe en P2 and R18 potent i- - - - - - - - -- - --- ---~
fo ur Pl l mo unti ng screws o mete r.
and t il t ing t he boar d f or - 6. Repl ace R16 470k re-
w ar d t owa rds th e front sistor w ith a 16.9k resist or .
panel. A pi ece of maskin g 7. Rep l ace R1 7 33k re-
tape w ill hol d thi s boar d in sistor w it h a 14 .3k resist or .
th e up rig ht posit io n. 8. Rep lace R1 8 50k pot
Th e seco nd problem is wi t h a 5k pot.
cau se d by th e c h o ke 9. Replace C9 .033-uF ca-
m oun t ed o n t he rear plate paci tor w it h a .15-uF capaci-
and t he grou nd wire from tor. Fig. 4. Modified KDK PL circuit.

the jun ction of the ,15-uF " M O D IN" term inal u nder

bypass and t he 287-0hm re- norma l mod ul at ion and ad-
sistor to P2_ ju sting the PL " LEV EL" fo r
1 B. Con nec t a jumper 10% of th is va lue . Fin al
wi re from P1 to th e pin 9 tweak i ng m ay requ ir e o n-

MAKES end of R16.

19. Co nnec t a w ire f ro m
" PL O UT" (o pen end of
the-a ir t ests with assist an ce
fro m another operator.
Thi s m od if icati on has

40 C11) to P2 " M O D IN" o n
the PLL board (t ermi nal
w it h gr een wi re).
Adju stment is best ac-
been in use f o r several
months w it h excell ent re-
su l ts. Temp e rat u re st a-
bility is very good ( ± 0.2

EASY! co mp lished with a sco pe

and co u nte r; ho w ever , it
may be possib le t o " ball -
Hz) w he n sp rayed w it h
Q u ic k Freeze c irc uit coo le r
( - 50° F.) and heat ed with
par k" th e f req ue ncy ad- a heat gun . Bot h t em pera-
GOT A HOLE IN YOUR COVERAGE? just me nt by co mp aring it t ures we re we ll beyond m y
to a stro ng signal with PL opera t ing th resho lds. Fina l
on the repeater input with results-no more clipping
LOCAL COMMUNICATIONS AND DX an auxili ary receiver. The o r co mp la int s of aud ible
CAPABILITIES OF 40 METERS? 1 k os cill at ion c o n Lr o l PL with 100% soli d QSOs _
sho uld be ad jus ted f or t he Next pr oj ect- slowing
m aximum resistan ce poss i- dow n th e scan n ing rat e so

KLM's 7.2-1 Dipole b le t hat w ill susta in osc ill a-
t ion w it hout di st or t ion of
more t han t wo wo rd s can
be heard w hen conti nuo us-
Module is the Answer! t he sine w ave . A roug h set- ly sc an ning the m em o ry
ting of t he le v el co ntrol c ha n n e ls fo r fam ilia r
• LIGHTWEIGHT - for easy one c an be m ad e by m easuri ng vo ic es or ca ll s. Maybe we
man in stallotion o n yo ur boom or the audi o vo l t age level ca n sta rt a KDK " mo d
most (horiz on ta l or v e rtica l) w it h a vo lt meter at t he squa d ." •
• ROTATABLE - right al o ng wi th
yo ur o th er an tenn as
better acros s th e w ho le amateur
band - or OPTIMIZ E, 6.95 to
10 M Hz

• VERSATILE - d ivide for 2 e l.
vertical or odd modules lat e r and
upgra d e to 2 o r 3 eJ. be a m !
.... • COMPACT - KLM's un iq u e linear ...
"...." loading s ys te m reduces s ize to a
:-:::::::;"'";:::::::- p rac t ica l and e fficie n t 46 f t.
ALPHAA77DPo wer S 13 5 HEA THDX-I OOMod l • . . .. . . .. . $ 9 5
1< ~ '--' ~ ~ You get th e same q uality materials as BTl tx- zoocmere . . ... . . .. •.. . $ 135
COLl. INS 305- 1 Po w er . . •••• . •• S21 5
HEATHS B-Z20 PI.l !('
$ 95
$1 2 5
~ := KLM's world famous HF "Big Sttckers": CO Ll.1NS KW5-1 Plate . .
CO LLINS S I6F-2 Po w er
. .. . $ 13 5
•. S 9 5
HENRY 2K PI.lI(' ....
HENRY2 K-2 Power .
. . $ I 50
. $ I S5
virt ually in destructab fe Le x an DENTRON 16D- IO lPow(' r $ 12 5 HENRY 2K-4 Po w er $ 165
DRA KEl4BPI t e . . $165 HENRY ~<- A Pla t e . . .. . .. .. • . $ I ~5
ins u la tor, s ta in le ss st e e l e lec trica l GON SETGSB·I OOPower S 95 HENRY 3K-A DC Cho ke $ 85
GONSETGSB·20 I Power • • •. .. • • S135 EFJ r -eot.r r't et e . . $ 12 5
har dware , se a m le s s 6063 - 7832 all o y H-CRAFTERS HT-32 Po w er . . .
. $ 95
$ 95
H J500 Modul a ti on . •• .
Ef j 500 DC Cho ke .. .
. . • . $ 95
.. . .... $ 7 5
e le m e n ts . Assemb ly is s imp le and HEA TH DX- IO OL VPower $ 95 NATlNCl-2000Plal e • . . . . . . . . . $ lI S

spe e d y . No spe cia l fools o r skills are OFF·THE·SHELF SPECIALS

PlATEX FMR, 2 400VAC @l. 5AICAS220/240 PRI-4ILB $150
needed . PlATE XfMR , 3000 VAC @l. 5ACCS230 PRI-60LB . . . .. . . . .. . . ..• $1 95

-=- Wh y w ait an y lon ger ? 40 METERS IS

3000 VAC @ O. 7 A lCASI1 5/130PRI-Z7LB .••.. . . . . . . ... . $ l I S
35 00 VAC @ l.OA lCAS 1 15/ 230PRI-4ILB
4000 / 4 600 VA C @ l. SA ICA S 23 0 PRI-6DLB
$ I 50
$ 19 5
g; ~ EAS Y WITH KLM' S 7_2-1 DIPOLE MODULI. PlATEXFMR: 60 00VCT @ 0. 8 A CCSI 15/230PR I-4 1lB • . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 150

FILM T XFM R, 5 .0VCT @30A117PRI-9. 5LB . . . •. $ 30
IT'S AVAILABLE NOW, SII YOUR LOC AL KLM FILM TXFMR , 7 .5VCT @ 2IA 117PRI-9 .5lB . • .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30
FILM T XFM R, 7 .5VCT @5 5A 1 151230PRJ - 14.6l B . . • . • .. . . . . .. . . . . . $ 6 5
DEALER , __ FILMT XFMR, 7 .SVCT @7SA 1 151230PRJ ·I0.2 LB .. . . . • . $ 9 5
FlL CHOKE: 30 AMP Blflla r Wound on 1/z "x7 " rod $ 9
OC CHOK E: 8.0H(' nrl ('s @ 1.5AMPOC4 ILB . • $ 150
KlM ALSO BULLDS THE FULt SIZE 7. 2·" ELEMEN T " BIG STICKER" SWG CHOKE: 5·3 0Henrl(' s @ 1.0 AMPOC 23 LB . • • $ 100
UHF. POWER A MP~ . PREAMP S. A ND CO NV ERTERS. TOO . W RITE Man, oth ers also a"a/la bl ,,_ Write lo r " " " list or q uote o n an, c ustom
fO R A COMPLETE CA TAlOG . trans forme " choke , or saturable reac tor.

Peter W. Dahl Co."

;;::::;~ MOST OF AMATEUR RADIO .... 04
"....,""". 4007 Fort Blvd.• EI Paso , T exas 7 9930 . . .:
1702 5 L A U R EL RO AD, MO R GAN HI LL, .C A LI F O R N I A 9 5 0 3 7
-=- Tele p h o ne (9 15) 56 6 -5365 or (9 1 5) 75 1-4856 ~

42 v' Reader Se rvice - see page 21 f

• Manufactu red in our San Diego plant.
DURING LUNAR'S • Ideal for ground or roof mou nts.
2ND • One man can assemble and erect.
• Lig ht weight.
ANNIVERSARY • Extremely rugged .

Modular and portable.
High stability with proper guying.
(July 1 Ihrough July 31 at • High quality aluminum alloy construction .
all participating dealers).

These unique antenna towers can be for harsh environments.

installed on the ground or roof. [. ...~~l Base and one tower section are
Since the y're easi ly transported and packed in a 6'x3 Y2'IX3%"
site erected , they're a natural for carton . Each additional tower
field and po rta ble operations. section is packed in a 6 /x3%/Ix3%"
Constructed of sturdy aluminum alloy, carton . Rotor mounting plate and
they 're sturdy enough to handle base flanges are In a separate box.
large size HF beams and EME arrays Can easily be car topped to any
as well. Also available with location. Guy rings incluaffi:l . Guy
optional stainless steel hardware wire and hardware not included.

Suitabl e to the most de mand ing needs where • C overs e ntire Ama teur Ban d w / o Tuning
low noise figure is important. Uses include all • Built-in Rece ive Pre amp lifier
typ es of we ak signal wo rk such as EME, Tro po • Automatic variab le T R switchin g
• Exceeds FCC R&D 20777 Req uirements of - 60 dB
& Ionospher ic Scatter, Satellite Commu nic a-
• Preamp & Powe r Amp Independently Controllable
tions, Radio Astronomy, Meteor Scatter , etc. • Pream p nom 10 dB ga in. 2 dB O verall NF
Highest quality cons tru ct ion and components. • Functionally De signe d Packag e inc ludes moun ting lip


I V/~J TEL. (405) 794-0406 •

2537 Edgew o o d Dr., Moore, Oklahoma 73160

V' Reader Service -see page 2 11 43

Feed-Horn Mounting Made Easy
- solution to a pesky problem

. M ore on microwaves.

t he ante nna port ion of a Nex t yo u mu st f i nd a a di sh and co nst ruct ed a

microwave proje ct seems suita b le f eed , and if thi s . horn , you in evitabl y en-
Dr. Ralp h E. Taggart WB8DQ T q uite sim ple. Th e mo st d if- search lead s you in t o th e cou nte r t he real p ro b-
602 S. Jefferson fic ul t aspec t is bu ild ing o r lit erature, yo u w il l di scover lem -how to.~t t he darn
M ason 1\4148854 fi nd ing a dis h -or so it t hat t hat subject can be th ing mo un t ed! 1 have
seems! No matter how you qu ite comp lex indeed . been wo rking on antenna s
acqui re the dis h, how ever , In th e fin al analysis, o ne in the l ow mi crowave re-

U nt il you know a little

bit about th e subject ,
yo u wil l discover th at you r
prob le ms have j ust begun.
of t he sim p lest and mo st -..gio n (S-band ) for t he past
eff ect ive feeds in the low- two yea rs now, in co nju nc-
fr equen c y e nd o f the t io n w it h a series of pro-
mic rowave region is t he ject s invol vin g the GO ES
ho r n feed . Rec ta ng u la r weather sate ll ites . Th ese
horn fee ds are superior, In - 'satell ites transmit pict ures
the sense tha t t he illumina- on a fr equ ency of 1691
t ion pattern can be co n- MHz, and thus 1was fo rced
t roll ed w ith some preci - to dea l with the fee d- horn
sia n. Th eir main dr awback mo untin g pro ble m. Th e an-
is t ha t th ey are mech an- swer to it has p rov ed to be
ica lly un w iel dy. quite sim p le and effecti ve
Desp ite th eir red uced il- and sho uld be app licab le
luminat ion efficie ncy, cy- to sim ilar situations invo lv-
lin dri c al f eed horns are ing operati ons on 1 296,
quite pop ul ar in t hat t hey 2304, and 3300 M Hz .
ca n be ' c o nst r u c t ed of The key po int in any
met al p ip e, tubin g, or ca ns. m ou nting scheme i s t o
A number of art icles have avoid o bscu ring ·t he ope n
ap pe ared in the am at eur end of the horn with met al
literat u re desc r ib ing t he in any form . An y me t al will
co nst ruc t io n of ho rn-f eed serve to shi el d out a ce r-
syst em s. They are q ui t e tain po rt ion of th e received
no n-c riti cal in use- par- rf , all of w hic h wi ll be
ticu la rly in recei vin g ap- focused into the mout h of
pli ca tions. t he horn in a we ll- desi gned
system . The two most com-
Photo A. This is a feed-hom assembl y for use at th e Horn Mounting m on mounting schem e s
1.7-GH z satell ite frequen c y. O nce you have obtain ed are shown in Fig. 1 . On e of

these is exc e lle nt bu t large- t he horn rad ius, as shown
ly imp rac tica l, while t he in Fig. l (b). The ho rn is SPI DER ARt.!
second is ve ry inelegant cla mped to the tubing us-
and somew hat ineffi cient. ing la rge hos e clamps or
some oth er sys te m . It is an ~ ORN
The first invol ves the use
e asy sy stem to a dj us t,
o f e it he r t hree or four
since th e horn c a n be
spide r-arm assemblies run- rA )
moved up or down the
ning from the ho rn to th e
t ube fo r focus ing prior to Fig. 1. Two common metho ds used 10 mount c ylindrical
pe rip hery of t he dish . The
bei ng cla mped in place. feed horns. (A) shows the use of spi der-arm support rods -
a rms do not imp e de t he rf
The ma jor d isad va ntage is an e fficient sys tem , but d ifficult to constru ct; and (B)
front re flected fro m the
tha t t he tub e do es absorb shows the use of a support pipe, o ffse t to accep t the horn.
d ish su rface into t he ho rn,
rf com ing in fro m the d ish This s ystem is easy 10 const ruct b ut is unsightl y and so me-
a nd t he y can be ma de ev e n
surfa ce. Also, the syste m what inefficient.
of me ta l for, a lt hou gh they
looks terrible!
do int e rcept t he wave fro nt Figs. 2 a nd 3 show a mov ed both up and down info rmat io n re q uired, but a
as it a rrives at the d ish, mu ch be tte r syste m. The the pipe to o pt imize fo cu s few poi nts are wo rth di s-
the ir a rea is qu ite sma ll ho rn is m o unt ed to a a nd rotated to ma tch po- cussing. First, t he mo unting
compa red to t he a rea of a sq uare of u nc la d G-l0 la rization. Once t he proper pla te mu st be attac hed to
typical d ish ; t he gain boa rd materi al (no copper) orientat ion is ac hieved , the the PVC mast using nylon
reduct ion is not me asur-
us ing four sma ll meta l ma st is loc ke d into pla ce mo unti ng bra ck ets and
abl e. b racke ts o uts ide of the with on e or more hose ha rdwa re. If you use metal
Thi s does , how e v er , ho rn. The G-l 0 sq ua re is cl amps. here, you will e lim ina te
highlight why obstru ct ions just slightl y large r than the most of the advantages of
to th e horn are so c rit ica l. outside d iamet er of the If th e ma st is quite long t his pa rti cular mounting
All the rf energy ref lected by ho rn , a n d t h e ho rn or the fe ed horn is he avy , sc heme. The bra ckets and
the dish surface mu st pass bra c kets atta ch wit hin the the asse mb ly can be gu yed ha rdwa re can be obtai ned
into the rel ative ly sma ll co rner areas that extend with da cron lines run from fro m ho b by sho ps that
op e n ing re pr e s e n t e d beyon d t he e dge of t he th e co rne rs of the G-l0 ca rry supp lies for radi o-
by the mo ut h of t he ho rn. horn . mounting plate to screw- co nt ro lled ai rpla nes .
Any met al obstru ction her e Ot he r mater ial s may be eye a nd t urnb uc kle asse m-
ca n ca nc e l out a good used for the mounting blies attac he d to t he rim of . The PVC tub ing is c ut
per cen tag e of th e ga in! sq ua re if t hey pass a simp le t he d ish. a bo ut fou r inch es sho rte r
The prima ry disad va n- test. Simp ly hold a shee t of t ha n t he f o c a.~n g th of t he
Construction dis h. This per mit s th e foca l
tag e o f th e spider-a rm t he ma ter ia l a c ro ss the
system is the diffi cu lty in mo ut h of the ho rn a nd The d iagrams in Figs. 2 po int to fa ll abo ut 2 inch es
fa brica ting it. O ne mu st obse rve th e ind ic a t e d and 3 provide most of the (5 e m) into the ho rn while
ha ve co nsid era b le m e- s ign a l s t re ngt h on the
c h a n ic a l in g e n u it y to receiver. If ther e is no
dev ise fa stenings to secur e noticeab le dr op in t he
the arms to the ho rn an d to signa l level , yo u a re getting
the edge of the dish . The mi nimal attenu at ion and
a rms mu st be of e qua l the ma teri al ma y be used .
len gth, provide rigid sup- Most p lastics a ppe a r to
po rt, a nd mu st ho ld the wo rk f ine, but be sure to
ho rn at th e pro per focal chec k th em out a nyway, as
le ngth for the d ish in use t he compo sitio n of a few
while a lso perm ittin g rota- plastics o r their add it ives
t ion of th e horn to ma tch ca n somet imes show unex-
po la r iza t io n w it h t he pected rf absorpt io n at
tr an smi tt ed signal. Since some f requen cie s in t he
t he prec ise position of a m icrowave regio n.
par ticu lar feed horn re la- The moun t ing squa re is
tive to a pa rticular d ish at a attac he d to a mast o f PVC
given freq ue ncy can be plumbi ng tub ing (d on't use
d et ermined o nly a p prox- meta l!) that hold s the ho rn
imat e ly at first , one is in for at the proper fo cal po int .
a co ns ide ra ble pe riod of The ma st is mounted to t he
ti nke ring to get ev e rything ce nte r of the d ish by slid ing
righ t. it ove r a stub o f meta l pipe
The second a pproac h is se c ure d to t he center of Pho to B. Pictured here is a 10-foot (1.3 m) dis h, co mp lete
to use a supp ort rod at the the d ish wit h a pair of pipe- with horn feed , used for GOES satellite reception. W ith a
center of th e d ish-u suall y mou nt ing fla nges. The PVC sma ll dish in the 4- to 6-foot range, and depen ding on its
fa b ricated of plum bin g mast is slit whe re it slides weight, the horn ma y no t require guying. W ith a larger dish
tubing a nd f itti ngs-w it h ove r t he pipe, a nd the e n- o f the sort shown here, the long mast do es need dacron
a n o ffset to a cco mmodate tire mast asse mb ly ca n be guys.
fA } f O}

,---""~ I---- oE IA 'L e

t - - -->I " - - -- ---L1-J--I..,

f A}

tc) fO}
1 - - - - - - - --- - - - -
L ~ _

f O}

Fig. 2. (1): feed horn; (2): metal mounting brackets; (3): 6-32 Fig. 3. (1): horn; (2): G-10 plate; (3): PVC pipe mast; (4): hose
pan-head berdwe re: (4): G-10 fiberglass mounting plate; (5): clamp; (5): steel pipe stub; (6): pip e mount ing flanges; (7):
n ylon mounting brackets; (6): 4-40 nylon hardware; (7): dish surface . (A ) The genera l relation ship of the horn
PVC pipe mast. (A) General view of the relationship of the mounting-plate, PVC mast, pipe stu b, and the pipe ffanges
cy lindrical feed horn, mou ntin g plate, and PVC mast. (B) use d to secu re the mast to the ce nte r o f the dish. (B) Deta il
Detail showing the attac hment o f the horn to the plate showing the attachment of the mast to the dish surface .
using m etal brackets and 6-32 hardware. Use pan-head Two pipe flanges, one on either side of the dish ce nte r, are
screws with the heads inside the horn to minimize metal used to pro vide rigidit y. A pip e stub, which ma y be up to
protrusions into the cavit y. (C) Detail of the attachment of 1/3 of the dish focal leng th, is used to pro vide support to
the mounting plate to the PVC mast using nylon brack ets the mast. PVC and stee l pipe siz es sho uld be chos en so
and hardware. (D) End view o f the horn, looking toward that the stee l pipe is a slide-fit in the PVC pipe. The PVC
the dish, showing the relationshi p o f the metal mounting mast is slit at the dish end and tightened do wn with o ne or
brackets to the co rners of the sq uare G-10 mounting plate. more ho se clamps.

st ill perm itting abo ut th e fronts in t he w aveg uid e then ca n f in e-tun e t he ca se, it is not even neces-
same di stan ce fo r down- horn assemb ly . al ignment wit h t he guy sary t hat the pl at e cove r
wa rd movem ent of the as- (4) The ent ire assemb ly is cab les. t he e n t i r e ' ..9.1?eni ng t o
se m b l y i f requ i re d for pl ace d over th e pi pe st ub , Since th e pipe attached t he ho rn . I hav e b u i l t
fo cusing. Th e fo llowing as- its positi on opt im ized, a nd to th e d ish can provi de seve ral f eed assembl ie s
sem bly seq uenc e sho u ld then everyth ing is tightened some rig id ity to th e PVC wh ere th e plate was sim ply
be followed: up with hose cl amps. mast, it is useful to know - .. a w ide strip across the
(1) Mou nt the ny lo n If guy ing IS required, it how lo ng th e pipe can be op ening of the horn . In
mou nt ing br acket s to the can be inst al led now. In th e w ithout abso rb ing sig nifi- mak ing an inspe ctio n of
end of the PVC mast. D oin g case of an antenna used f or cant rf. Thi s is dependent o ne GO ESsat ell it e inst alla-
th is f irst lets yo u get p li er s su p p o rt of a sate l lit e upon di sh foca l length . _ . t ion, however, I di scovered
or f inge rs down inside th e gro und statio n, th e guy ing Genera lly, if the pip e is a nice wasps' nest in the
m ast to ti ghten the hard- system can perform a fine- ab o ut on e-thi rd of t he feed horn I I suppose tha t if
ware! t un i ng f un ct ion in t he foca l lengt h, it will not af- a bird decided to use t he
(2) T he m ou n t e d a l i g n me n t depa rt m en t. feet t he sig nal level. Thi s is ho rn for its spring nest ing
brackets t hen c an be used Large di shes (8-10 feet o r because th e ho rn ob scures ritual , it might resu lt in
as a guide f o r marki ng th e large r) are qu ite critic a l in t he ce nte r of the di sh and some" pu zzli ng signal-leve l
G-l0 plate which can be orientat ion, and it oft en is t he co nv ergi ng wavefro nt anom alies! It probabl y is
d ri lled t hen and mou nted possib le fi rst to ho rse the from ot her areas of the best to seal up t he horn - if
t o th e e n d of th e d ish in t o th e best possible d ish wil l not in ter sect t he on ly to excl ude t he local
m as t - aga in, use ny lo n o rientation, and th en to pip e as it w ou ld if t he pipe w ild lifel
hardware ! use th e guy ad j ust ments to were m uch lo nger. Thi s mounting scheme
(3) The br ack et s (alu m i- sh if t t he horn positi on If desired, you can run a has been used in a numbe r
num, bra ss, o r ot her met al l aterally as req u ired to bead of si l i c o ne sea l of GO ES sat ellit e gro und
i s O K ) th en may be pea k the signal level. If arou nd th e edge of t he statio n inst all at ions, w it h
mounted to t he horn and l arge d isp laceme nts of th e horn w here it attaches to ant ennas ranging from 3 to
t he horn at tached t o the horn are requ ir ed (more the G-l0 p late, t o prov id e 10 f eet in diameter, with
p late. In mounting the ho rn t han an inch or so), it so me w eather-sealing. Th is exce l le nt resul t s in al l
br ackets, be sure to use means t hat th e dish wa s is usuall y most im portant c ases . Cy l i nd r i c a l f eed
pan-hea d screw s with th e not aligned properly. The w it h a nten nas used fo r horn s a re certain ly simple
heads inside th e horn and ho rn sho ul d be centered po int-to-point ground ser- to con stru ct, and t hey pro-
t he nu t s o uts i de . T his (g uy l i nes of pr ec i sel y vice, as t he ho rn is not li ke- v ide fi ne resu lt s. I thi nk
m inim izes me ta l pr otru- eq ua l lengt h) and th e alig n- lv t o pick up w ater o r snow you w i ll f ind t hat t his
sio ns into th e horn w hi ch ment of th e d ish alt ered to w hen pointed up in th e air moun tin g syst em w il l mak e
co ul d dis t o rt th e wav e- bring up the signal. You at a sat ellite ! In th e l atter th em j ust as easy to use! •


(July 1 throu9h July 31 .1
all participating dealers).


• lowPower Input Yields nom 10 dBgain
• 3 walls in. 150 walls outp ut (3·150p). • Covers entire Amateur Band w/oTuning
10 walls in. 150 walls output (2Ml0·150Pj. • Buill-in Receive Preamplifier
Linearizedamp for SSB use. • Automalic variable delay PA switching
Preamp 10 dB gain, 2 dBnoise figure, • Exceeds FCC R&D 2.0777 Requirements of_-60 dB
• Preamp & Power Amp Independenlly Controllable
Other specs similar to existing amps. • Preamp nom 10dB gain 2. dBOverall NF
• Functionally Designed Package. inclUding mounting lip
• Models availablefor the 50. 144 and 220 MHz bands -...
• Type accepted models alsoavailable. Models for 432 MHz'dueinnear future.

o M a nul'!.c tute~ in our San Diego plant,
Suitable to the most demanding needs where low noise o Ideallorgroundorrool mounts.
o One man can assemble anderect.
ligure is important. Uses include all types 01 weak signal o Extremely rugged.
worksuch" EME, Tropo & Ionospheric Scatter, Satellite o lightweight.

Communications. Radio Astronomy, Meleor Scalier. etc. o M odular and pnrtable.

Highesl qualityconstruction andcomponents. • High stabilitywithprnper guying.
• Higb qualilyaluminumallny construction

Power Supplies W' Hardline

• 13.8 VDC output (115 VAC input ) so n cable w it h jacket
• Continuous Current ratings Soiid copper center conductor
• Hammertone Metal case . 500' or 1000' roll s .. . $.45 1 It.
• 5 year Limited Warranty RG-213/U M IL T YPE (M IL- C-17 )50n
MODELS: 6 AMP to 30 AMP coax. 100' M ult ip les $.23 1 It.
PRICES: $ 49.95 to $ 124.95 400' roll (via UPS ) $.21 1 It.

SASE lor inlo. - Add shipping to ch eck or money order - COD acc epted
WA80GS - Joe K8FO - Roger WB4CT P - Steve


r .n BOX 1893 CINCINNATI, OHIO 45201

V' Read er Ser vice - see page 211 47

Antenna Tuning Joy Revisited
- remember the Tektronix 190B?

Amp lif ying K5Q Y.

f irst cover th e addi t ion al st ruc t io n gives it a total ever bu ilt fo r ante nna
spe c if ica t io ns yo u m a y weig ht of on ly 24 po unds, w ork, rem ember: Yo u are
Da ve Brown W9CG I f ind of int erest. W e both so it is no surplus boat an- radiating! U se the mini-
RR 5, Box 39
st arted off w it h t he 190 B. cha r. . mum on-air tim e you need
Noblesville IN 46060
This un it wi ll ru n on 10 5 t o The fr equency in di c a- ' fo r antenna prun ing and
125, o r 210 to 250 V ac, tion spec if ica t io n for t he tr y t o p ick non -peak hours

I n t he M ay, 19 78, issue of

73 M agazin e th ere wa s
an excell ent art icl e by D ick
w it h a ve ry slight w iring
change sim ila r t o Heath-
kit'" eq u ip me nt (c ha nge
di al read out is quite good
at 2% . Thi s is ni ce, even if
yo u use t he gene rato r on ly
in yo ur 10caL'!.:;;"espec ia lly
on V HF.
The ori gin al o up ut met er
Sa nde r K 5QY e nti t l e d jum pers, etc.). Furth er, it as a gene rato r, bu t in - read t he o ut put peak-to-
" M ake Antenn a Tuning A runs f ine o n 50 t o 400 Hz. valuab le if yo u modi fy it,- pea k vo lt s at that fu nny-
Joy ." Th e ar t icle desc ri bed The latter part may no t as Di ck and I did, in to an lo o k in g c o nne cto r y o u r
th e mod i fi c ati on o f a seem im porta nt, bu t I have antenn a br idge. unit w ill co me with ' and is
Tektroni x 190 B consta nt- fo und th at I ca n use par t of Th e o utp ut ampl itud e is accur at e on ly to-± 10 % of
amplit ude sine wa ve gener- an old 6 m et er AM mobil e conti nu ou sly var iab le over_ . fu ll sc ale. This is rea ll y no
ator. It is my inte ntion in po wer pack un it t hat w as a 40-mV-to-10-V peak-to- pro bl em in t he modif ied
th is f ollow-up art icle t o design ed t o put o ut aro und peak range. Look ing into a ver sion, as the abso lut e
add t o D ick's co m ments 250 V dc. If yo u t ake o ut o r 50-O hm l oad, you have 5 value of fo rwa rd power
and ideas and give a few disconn ect the de po rt ion vo lts peak (ti mes .707 f or (vo ltage) is not import ant
basic det ail s t hat he lef t (m ine w as sho t and burn ed rms vo lts). Sq ua re t ha t as lo ng as it will drive t he
o ut o n t he generator it self . up, anyw ay), you get, f ro m resul t over a 50-O hm lo ad, swr m eter to fu ll sca le in
I can testi fy to t he long- t he ac po rt ion, abo ut 230 V and ind eed yo u have an th e f o rw ard mode. Di ck
ter m worth of hi s un it, ac and 360 Hz, in my case. output of about 250 m W . men ti on s. chang ing to a
becau se I di d the sam e The 190 B req ui res abo ut Th is brin gs o ut th e o nly p lain vo lt met er w it h a dif-
modif ic ati on 2 years ago . It 100 W o n 120 V ac, 60 Hz, point I qu estion in Di ck 's fe re nt sca le from t he origi-
has proven to be w ort h at but th e pow er pack o nly article. I am a QRP pow er nal and using a char t sup-
least a hundred t imes t he warms to th e touch after a
nut and VHF/UH F ham . I pl ied by him in th e art icl e
tim e spen t on it . Wh en I abo ut 30 m inu t es of use. often have worked ano t her to ca lc ula t e vswr. I w ent
say I d id th e same modifi- Just a th ou ght f o r t ho se of ham 63 mi les aw ay w it h o n- on e better, I thin k, and it is
ca t io n, like any ham, I have you w ho reall y mu st be Iy 16.5 m W o n 6 met er CW o by tot al acc ident t hat we
to a d d a n i mp o r t a n t po rtab le and d e o nly . That's no great f eat , but it we re wo rki ng t ow ard th e
w ord - almost. It is add i- The gear is quite com- all sta rt ed by acc ide nt same general ends at nearly
ti o nal in form ation and pact and por t ab le co m- and has co nt inued using t he same ti me. I found t he
some of th e w ays I did pare d to som e of th e ol de r the same setup: my t rans- met er for t he Heath V HF
thin gs as a V HF ham th at I t ube-ty pe bench or rack- mitter cou ple d t o a lig ht w attm eter (HW-2102) to be
believe w il l be of addi- moun t ed eq u ip m ent . It bu lb d um my lo ad in t he a gr eat rep lacement in t he
t ional valu e to readers. me asur es on ly 9-3/4" w ide, basem ent! A ll I am d rivi ng $1 5 range, as it has a direct
To ke ep thi s as short and 13 ';\ " high, and 11 " deep. at is, w hile th is m ay be th e read ing sca le for sw r. Yo u
to t he poin t as pos sib le, I' ll It s all -alumin um all oy co n- hand iest device you have can ign o re t he power out-

put sc ale s! I used t he ± 5% . Furth er, it is state d w here it was typ ica lly less bla ck f ac e and g ree n
b ridge basic ally ou t of t he t hat al l chang es wi l l be th an 5% , but that wa s a plasti c bez el, and it co n-
Heath wattmeter, but have re lated to, and depend ent new unit in perfect shape . tr ast ed ni c el y with the
co nst r ucted Di ck ' s, too, o n, t he load cap ac it ance, If you are going to use bru shed-aluminu m pane l.
and either seems to be fin e t he length of cab les (mo re yo ur un it serio usly, t hen it M y next modificat ion
for my V HF w ork. If yo u on that l at er), t he vo l tage woul d pay t o at least spo t w ill obv io usly be to get
are HF inclined, stay with range in use, and th e fr e- chec k it at yo ur points o f higher f req uency opera-
D ick ' s resistiv e ve rsio n. qu ency . int er est. Eve n a simp le ti on o ut of thi s wond er of
The Heath met er has a The se fa cts are pri maril y chec k o n a sho rt w ave / wonders . Even if I get a
w hi te-o n-black scale th at is f o r those of you wh o may all band-t yp e receiver will sudden interest in the low
both very attracti ve and want to use t he gene rato r give you a good idea of ba nds and get m y Ad -
easy to read ou t in th e as a generat or wi th t he at- where t he un it is at. For in- va nced license, I don't rea l-
bright sunlig ht . tenuator. Di ck co me s right sta nce , set the gener at or Iy need t he .35- to .75- and
If yo u co nte m plate op er- off the gener at or at t he up o n 7 M Hz into a 50-O hm .75- to 1.7-MH z ba nds. The
at ing at t he stock upper strange l itt l e p lu g you resistor , w ith enough leads 21- to 50-M Hz band o n my
li m it of 50 M Hz , f or 6 replac e w ith t he N fitt ing, to rad iat e a li ttle, and d rive unit does m ake it usab le o n
meter w ork, by all means and so d id I. Speak ing of th e generator up t o w here 6 meters, but a bit of coi l
use an N-ty pe (50-O hm) t he at tenuator , and to fu r- the 5-meter reads 56 t o 59 adj ustment may be re-
pa nel-mount fe male co n- ther indu ce you to go buy a de pe ndi ng o n t he lin eari ty q uir ed o n so me yo u m ight
nect or to repl ace t he we ird 190B, con sider th e fo l low- of yo ur particu lar receiv- pur chase. If yo u have to
li t tl e o ut put co nnec tor on ing. er's agc syste m . Tuning t he juggle, my suggest io n is to
the front panel of th e 190B. It 's an o ld flea-m ark et recei ver to 14, 21, 28 MH z, mo ve the wh ol e band up
Dick used a UHF-t yp e co n- sales t rick, but th e tru t h is e tc ., sh o u l d pro du c e by 1 M Hz and rech eck t he
nector here, whi ch is f ine at tha t yo u don't w ant th e at- readings in t he rang e of 51 t rac king. Use t he al lb and
H F f requ en ci es. U n f o r- te nuator unle ss you int end or at lea st as low as th e rece iver aga in to a lig n t he
tuna t el y, du e t o t he huge to outboard th e brid ge in a m ete r r ead s, with t he tr ack ing by ad ju sting C o n
dem and crea ted by t he CB bo x, and swap back and recei ver inp ut term in al s th e hi gh end and L o n the
market, some UHF connec- forth be tween it and th e at- sho rt ed by a 50-Ohm resi s- low end until th e dial track-
tors are show ing up that te nuator as th e attenu at or t o r (o r prope r load to ing is as clo se as possib le.
are UHF in sty le and name rep la cement ac cessory . So, mat ch rece ive r input irn- Th ' · f
o nly . Som e are O K at CB why let someone run th e ped ance). at wr ap s up my way 0
freq uenci es and usele ss at price up o n yo u by saying As for t he un it you are attacking t he 190B and
50 MH z and up . Some he is offering mo re, or loo k ing for, I assume you ach i ev ing t he joy D ic k
wou ld be junk at dc! W hy something t he unit w on't are not rich enough to see m ention ed in his title. I got
h a v e you r w or st sw r work witho ut? On t he oth er Tektroni x for a new one my first exposure to t his in-
" lu m p" bui lt r ight into hand, if he do esn't have an (and I doubt if th ey st ill strum ent at wo rk and
you r test eq uipme nt ? Th e atte nuator to sell w ith it, eve n bu ild it), and the used kn ow it is a good one. I k ick
extr a cos t f or th e N con - you ma y succ eed in driving gear c ata log prices are st il l . m yself fo r not seeing t he
nect or is w orth it . down the price by screa m- qu ite hig h and are aimed at . fu ll LC imped ance bridge
If you are unfo rtunate ing t hat you mus t have th e sm all business user. Di ck goes on to mention ,
e nough t o get th e at - one ! Thi s leav es t he ham f ests/ but you ca n bet '-am work-
te nuator th at p lu gs into Fa ir ? It a l l d e pe nds fl ea markets. I mention thi s 109 o n trym g It soon . If
that same w eird little co n- w hich side of t he f1ea- becau se the u nit is easy to - - an y~ne has .any ideas ?n
nector on th e pane l, do not market tabl e you are stand- ope n up so yo u can lo o k at putting t he higher bands 10-
get any ide as about usin g it in g on at th e tim e, and I t he co ndi t io n inside. Yo u to thi s gea r (at least 2
for any ki nd of ac curate have spent 18 ye ars o n o ne ca n plan on cl eani ng up a me ters), please wr ite it up
read ings on antennas or side or the other. " Caveat lit tl e d ust, b ut bew ar e of or co nt ac t m e.
any ot her load wi th reac- emptor," no d oub t, has a any t hing t hat resem b l es I prom ised to c o v er
tan ce. A s yo u do t he ba nd- seller's coro llary, too, and saltwate r co rrosion (w hite, mor e o n th e capaci ta nce
w andering tric k to pru ne rightl y so. Th e o nly good cha l ky, l um py ), ext re me effe cts , c ab les, etc ., and I
a n a n te n na , as Di c k deal is w here bo th par t ies rust, o r mi ssin g, bent, or le ft it fo r last bec ause it
de scribes, t he output im- feel the y hav e a b ar - battered shie lds or co vers . reall y does not pert ain o nly
pedance of th e attenuat o r gain-50 ba rgai n away ! You wa nt a pie ce of test to t he 190B. D ick tou ched
w and ers all over, and right Before w e get away fr om eq u ip me nt, not j unk. b r ief l y on u sing th e
on t he specifi c at ion sheet the specifi cat ion s o n th e I got a rea l barg ain on m o d i fied gen e r ator to
it st ates t he f o ll ow ing in- st ock 190B, th ere is o ne mine -fu ll y working and c hec k old coaxia l cab le. A
form ation : O ut put ampli- more t hing you sho u l d intact, for $20, from a man lot o f bridge, swr, and
t ude is co nst a nt ± 5% know. If you are work ing who kne w not what he had! lo ading problem s can be
from 30 to 50 MH z, if th e w it h wid eband o r multi- I spr ayed over th e slight- elim ina te d o r minimized
load capac it ance does not band ante nnas (l og peri od - Iy-sc rat ched case wi t h a by using t he sam e gene ra l
exceed 10 pF o n th e 10-V ics, d isco nes, t rap dipol es f o rest green by Rust-o- te chn iqu es. By using a new
range . Thi s can be a fi xed or ve rticals , et c .), yo u leum, which is great for pi ece of RG-8 foa m, co m-
C, or th e ante nna reac- shou ld kn ow t hat th ere is eq u ipm ent yo u want nev er merci al grade and qual ity
ta nce! In th e 1-V-t o-.5-V no spec if ication made f o r to rust or corrode. Besides, (not t he CB-grade j unk ),
ran ge, it improves by a l- t he harm oni c co ntent of th is is a nice m atc h for the and cutt ing it to V2 wave-
lowi ng 50 pF for th e same t he 190 B! I heard of a case Heath met er, whic h has a lengt h o r eve n 1 wave-

len gth at t he d esired and b in ed resul t of bri dg e un-
m os t - use d fr e q u en c y ba la nc e, coa x connec tors,
(allow f or t he veloc ity f ac- a n d c oa x r ef l e c t i o n s
tor o f th e cable), y ou c an ( b u m ps o r imp e rfec t
mak e a sim p le swr t ran s- ca ble); all , in to t al, shou ld
f or m e r. As you know , be ve ry sm all. Note it o n
vol t age and c urrent rep eat th e gener ato r pa nel f o r
t hem selves in the cab le at f u tu re re feren ce if y o u
V2 -w a ve i n t e rv a l s, an d , can' t elim inate it. If the
t heref ore, so does the sw r uni t w o n't get 1:1 w it h a
reading. By f irst cutting th e perfect load, it w i ll nev er
coax cl ose to th e calcu- get it w it h t he antenna
lat ed length, but sl ight ly under te st . A d igi t al swr
lon g, and shorti ng out th e m eter read ou t w ou ld m ake
fa r end fro m th e gen er ato r, th e unit per f ect , and I am
yo u ca n determ ine t he ex- work ing o n t hat very t hi ng
act reso nance of t he co ax right now.
just l ike an antenna. Wh en I can only rep eat Di ck 's
y o u h a v e it prop e rl y closing sta te m ent t hat t he
S to p s Q RM with s e lec t a bl e Vid eo o perat ion ava ila b le .
55 o r 100 Hz . fit ter- s a n d In t e rfac es microcomput e r s . tr immed f or t he f req uen cy 190B in modified f orm is
tw o to ne timtterte s s opera t ion We ca n in s t all your Xitex chose n and co nnec tors are t he n . . . m o st pra c t i c al
SC T - 100 board inside, too on it, hook it up t o a go od and eco nom ical ante nna
Decisi on leve l cor r ecti o n 50-O hm load li ke a Heath t uni ng aid I' v e used in m y
improves select ive fad in g Con tinuo us ly adj us table
shift f rom 100 t o 1000 H z . " Cantenna." You r reso nant a n t e n n a ex pe r i me n t a-
po int should rem ain t he tion .. ." and I hope m y ar-
Us e s either 170 volt, 60 Wri te fo r deta ils . Visa and
Ma. or R S - 232 loops Master C harge accepted . sam e (m at ch ed resisti v e ti cle wi ll help m ake D ic k's
load) and t he swr shou ld art icl e and a great pi ec e o f
be 1 :1. If th e coa x is go od gea r m ore usefu l to all of
Be in g in trod uced now at

$397.00 jRL and c u t t o t he co rr ec t

length and t he load is real-
yo u w ho t ry it. Dro p m e a
no te and an SASE if yo u
FOB Co lumb us , Oh io 700 Ta y lo r Road
Colu mbus , O h io 4 3230
ly 50-O hm s resisti ve, any hav e any prob lem s w ith
$449. 00 A ugus t 1. 1 979 ( 61 4) 864-246 4 rem aining sw r is t he com- . wha t I' ve w ritten here. •

...... 127

Peoria Superfest '19 7 9

SEPT. 15TH AND 16TH. 1979
21st Annual Ham fes t
Giant free indoor and outdoor FLEA MARK ET PRIZ ES INCLU DE:
EXPOSITION GARDENS Camping on the Grounds TR 7 Station
Programs for the ladies and kids 520 S (Sat.)
Super Smorga sb ord Sat u rd ay Nigh t




5808 N. Andover Ct.
DOOR TICKETS Peo ria, III. 61614
$3.00 (309) 692-8763

50 J' Reader Service - se e p ag e 2 11

Thesll ultra·pllrformance "AHGLEUNEAR" nceiving preamplifiers aresuitable 10 Ih e most demandingneeds
when low noise figure is important Amateur Ra dio. Commercial.NASA & Military users have laudedlheir
superior performance. Uses include all types 01 weak signal worksuell as £ME. Tropo & Ionospheric Scatter.
Satellite Communications. RadioAstronolly. MeteorScatler. elc.
Constructioll 01 highasl quality: smallphysical size. gold alodined conductive chell film encloses tor
maximum shielding. RFI filtering 01 DC line yields -50 dB at30 MHz and > - 70 dB. 1·1 0 6Hz allenualion. PC
Boards are double sided plaledheles to Insure maximumperformance. Allamplifiers arealigned Dn
automaticnoisefigure melSuringequlpl1ent. wilhtraceability to standard Hot-Cold noise test syslem.
PA28 1.1 dB 15 dB 1.3 MHz +1 dBm 10mA $35.95
PAl 28 1.5 dB 14 dB 1.3 MHz +1 dBm 10mA .... $49.95
PA50 1.3 dB 12 dB 2.5 MHz +1 dBm 10mA $35.95
PAl 50 1.6 dB 11 dB 2.5 MHz +1 dBm 10mA $49.95
PA 144 1.5 dB 11 dB 2.5 MHz +1 dBm 10 mA $35.95
PAl 144 1.9dB 10 dB 2.5 MHz +ldBm 10mA ' $49.95
PA220 2.0 dB 11 dB 6 MHz +1 dBm 10 mA $35.95
PAl 220 2.5 dB 10 dB 6 MHz +1 dBm 10 mA $49.95
PA 432-2 1.6 dB 14 dB 150 MHz - 20 dBm 6 mA $41.95
PAF 432· 2 3.0 dB 13 dB SO MHz - 20 d Bm 6mA $49.95
PAE 432- 5 1.0 dB 16 dB 180 MHz - 20 dBm 4mA $64.95

• Manufacturedin our SanDiego plant. • Cov ers ent ire Am ateur Band w / o Tuning
• Illeallor grond llf roolmounls. • Built-in Receive Pream plifier
• Oneman can assemble and erect. • Autom atic variable TR sw itc hing
• Extremely rugged. • Exc eeds FCC R&O 20777 Requirements of -60 dB
• Ughtweighl. • Pream p & Po wer Amp Independentl y Con troll abl e
• Modular and portable. • Preamp nom 10 dB gain, 2 dB Ove rall NF
o High stabilitywithproper guying. • Functionally Designed Pac kage rncrudes'mountlnq lip
o High quality aluminumalloy conslr uction. I




713/ 658-0268 MASTER CHARGE - VISA

Y'" Reader Service - see page 2 11 51

Solid-State Equipment Design:
A Better Way
- sorry, tube fan s

reader, th ey im pl y t ha t cip les are not f o r th e eng i- way s of do ing things for
eq u ipm ent de sign usin g neer or the comm ercial th e ha m co nstructor.
L. B. Cebik W4RNL t ransistors o r FETs shou ld manuf actu rer; they are f or Changing an o ld w ay of
5105 Holston Hills Road
para llel t u be eq uipme nt . t he hom e bu ilder. They ca ll t hin kin g is probabl y t he
Knoxv ille TN 3 7914
In many wa ys, espec ia lly f or so me changes in th e hardest t hing for any of us
for t he amateur, thi s infer- w ay we t hink about bui ld - to do , but if yo u th ink

M ost book s and arti-

cl es o n so lid-st ate
design f or rf st ress the par-
ence is wron g and accounts
often for w hy we never get
some piece of equipment
ing up a fairly c om p lex
p iece of rf equ ipment. In
thi s revi ew of the sim ila r-
th rou gh th ese ideas , and
t hen ta ke a loo k at some of
t he pr oj ect s-that have ap-
alle ls between t ransistor! to work . iti es and d iffer ences be- peal ed to yo u (t ran smit-
FET c irc uit ry and t ube c ir- In t his art icle, I w ant to tw een vac uum t ube s and ters, vtos: receiver s, and
. cuit ry . These para ll els are c o m pa re o l d-st y l e tu b e tr ansistor s, all of th e ide as I th e li ke), yo u w il l be in a
ac cu rate enough as fa r as techniques with some tried give w ill be commo np lace. po si ti o n t o m ak e the
th ey go , but th ey also are and p rove n principles f o r But wh en set next to each change. No lo nger need
mi sleading. To t he average tr an sist or s. T he se p rin- ot her, th ey suggest new you bel ieve that you can
never get a bun ch of t ran-
sistors to do w hat t he orig-
in al aut hor got th em to do.
By some sim ple red esign
wo rk. you can have confi-
dence t hat yo u can do it ,
1.00.:- and m ayb e do it bet-
Designing with Vacuum
Th e design of rf equ ip-
men t using vacuu m tubes
has changed l ittle in t he
past forty years. Perh aps
th e m aj o r change - o utside
L 71 8
of im proved t ube co nst ruc-
t io n and im proved ind ivid-
Fig. 1. Simp lified block diagram of a tu be-type recei ver, adap ted fr om th e R-48 and dra wn ual circuits- has been t he
to sho w th e meth ods o f sw itc hing rf-tu ned c ir cu it s fo r eac h stage pr ior to th e m ixer, i-f, introduction into amateur
and af stages. Note that a 6-p o /e, 6-pos it io n switc h is required to acco mp l ish band gear of th e heterodyne vf o
changes. Alth ou gh th e method of mixing frequ enci es to reach the i-f di ffers among manu- syste m of fr equ ency co n-
fac turers, the rel at ionship o f band cha nging to th e vario us stages is common to almost all t rol. Th e 5- t o 5.5-MH z vfo
of th em. In this late mo de l tube-t ype recei ver, some so lid-state devi ces have been intro- heter odyned to th e ham
du ced. Tun ed ci rc uits have not been term inat ed because o f complexities in th e fu ll band of cho ice has el im-
sc hemat ic of th is D rake receiver. in at ed mo st of th e prob-

lem s inher ent in th e band-
sw itc hing vfo or th e vfo
mul ti pli ed to fr eq uency.
The inst abil ity of vfos re-
quired to cover a ten-to-
one f reque ncy spread, as
we ll as inst a bil it ie s int ro-
d uced by switc hing tune d
c irc uits, he ld bac k single
sideba nd and serious com-
munication o n VHF fre-
quencies for m any years.
Likew ise, when we used
freque ncy mul t ipl ie rs, we
a lso mul tipli ed a ny flaws in Fig. 2. Simplified block diagram of a re cent commerciall y-manufactured so lid-s ta te ham-
the vfo. band re ceiver. No te the sim ilarities to Figs. 1 and 3: All use single de vices in the critical rf
Othe r th an t his, equip- circuits and switc h-tuned circuits. Problem s of lead length and switch ex pense are sol ved
men t design has c ha nged in this desig n b y the use o f a diode switching system. The switc h handles de, and all rf re-
lilli e . To illustr ate th is fac t, ma ins on the print ed circu it board. This, plus the use of a high-imp edance device, the
le t us loo k at Fig. 1, a sim- MOS H T, m inim izes some problems of multiband o peration, but not all. Compare th is to
plifie d d iag ra m of a Fig. 4 in which the rf circu its ar e optimized for one band. This diagram, with modifica-
stra ightfo rwa rd re ce iver . tion s fo r simplicity, is based on the Heath HR-1 680. Both the HR-1680 and the Drake R-4B
In t he diag ra m, I have of Fig. 1 are fine receivers in their respecti ve price classes, but their design philosophies
show n m ost of the sw itc h- ma y no t be best for the ham builder.
ing c irc uits, but o m itted
othe r ci rcuit d e t ail s. In pa red with tun e d c irc uits cu its a re sw itc hed wit h t he de r these condit ions often
a nd sw itc hes (especia lly a t tradit io nal ba ndsw itc hing strains the imaginati on and
both amateu r gea r a nd
co m me rcia lly-made gea r, low power le ve ls), t hu s a rra nge me nt. th e ex pe rime nte r's pa -
making it m ore economical Fig. 3 show s a simplif ied tience.
this ba sic system design
has be en sta nda rd . With of s pace a nd cost to switc h d ia g ram of a p iec e of 2. Othe r m ater ials of the
tun ed circu its. equ ipme nt tak en from a re- sys tem of circuits may not
vac uum tubes, there are
good re a son s fo r thi s sta n- 4. Tube s a re inher ent ly ce n t h a m p ub licatio n . be ava ila b le, and the am a-
dardi z a tion . expensive; for recei ver s, Notice that it, too, uses the te u r d e sign er subst itutes
No t ice th a t most of t he
sw itc hi ng invo lve s the re-
five tub es ca n cost five
time s as much as one five-
position switc h sectio n.
ve ry sa m e sy st em o f
switc hing and design.
Unl ess one is an engi-
wh at he ha s o n ha nd . He
ma y use surp lus or ju nk
box co il fo rms o r to ro ids
pl ace men t of one freq ue n- 5. Tube s, as they co me ne e r or ha s access to se lect of dubi ou s fe rrite or iron
cy-determ ining circu it for
into th e hands of either the c o mpo ne nts, c irc uit design content. Wh at th is m ay do
a no t he r. To swit c h ba nds com me rcia l ma nufact ure r of this o rde r is di ff icu lt to" to circuit Q is anyone's
re quire s th e exc ha nge of o r t he buil din g amate ur, repli ca te . Among th e rea- guess . Ca pac itor q ua lity is
several tuned circuits, as
a re reli abl y sim ila r, va rying so ns for the diffi cul tie s we a not her overloo ked prob-
we ll a s a c ha nge o f
we ll within a 20 per ce nt fa ce in m ak ing a comp lex le m, one agg ravated by the
crystals. Here are some of
range in cha racteri stics circuit wo rk just as some - un ce rtain histor y of the
t he bas ic reaso ns fo r wo rk-
withi n types. a rt icl e cla ims are t hes e: sho rt le ad parts in the junk
ing out t he sys tem design
6. M ost mode rn tub es 1. Transisto rs may vary bo x.
in th is way: have input and output ca- great ly in characteri stics 3. Th ose w ho attem pt to
1 . T he sy stem permits pacitances which ar e sma ll fro m a des ign ce nter . This r e pr o d u c e equip me nt
t he le a st number of tubes, eno ug h to pre se nt no de- prob lem is agg ravated by show n in a rti cles an d
which is desirable beca us e, sign problems in the 3- to the fa ct that ha ms ge ne r- books often lack t he test
(a) tubes a re large- they 30-MHz ra nge (unlike the a lly have access to cu lls, equ ipm ent necessary to
take up sp a ce ; a nd (b) o ld ' 24 a nd ' 27, so popula r hobby ist-gra de devices, o r pe rfo rm the right meas ure-
t ubes are heat generators, around 1930). surplu s, any of wh ich may ments so as to f ind out
and this sys tem m inimizes Fig. 2 shows a simp lif ied vary by a n even g reate r ex- what in a circuit may not
he a t. diagra m of a rel a tive ly re- te nt. Fo r th is re aso n, t he be wo rk ing co rrec t ly .
2. Tub e s, b ei ng hi g h- cent p ie ce of ha m gear. a mateu r des igne r mu st do Among ou r co mmo n bu ild-
im pe dance device s (high The di a gr a m ha s b e en his ow n se lectio n fr om ing pr a c tice s a re these: tap-
especia lly whe n compa red d raw n to brin g o ut the simi- among t he b a t c hes o f pin g co ils ju st as specified
to the fre q ue ncy-dete rm in- lar iti es betwe en tube a nd 2o-cent t ra ns istors he has in t he a rt icle, rather th a n
ing circ uits assoc iated with transisto rized gea r co mme r- o n han d, a nd he mu st be dete rmi ning the a ctu al im-
th em), usu a lly re q uire littl e cia lly ava ila b le. Note t hat w illing to rewo rk bias a nd peda nce to be ma tched; a s-
attent ion to perfect matc h- the switching arrangement drive circuits to make the sumi ng tha t t he bia s c ir-
ing , a nd a re , t he refo re, is not ma teri a lly d iffe ren t dev ice wo rk as it did in th e c uitry of a tran sistor pro-
reli able fo r a give n bia sing fro m th at of Fig. 1 . Sing le or igina l. To expect a com - vides the correct param-
arrangement over a large solid-st ate devi ce s are use d plex g ro up of t ransi stors to ete rs, rath er than measur-
frequ en cy spread. at each stage, a nd the fre - per form rel iab ly over a ing actual currents drawn;
3. Tubes a re lar ge com- quency-d et erminin g c i r- w ide freque ncy range un- and as sum ing that pro per
and t heir assoc iated bias-
ing resistors may cost a
ni ck el o r less api ece . Prin-
cipl e: I t i s b ett er to
". substi tu te sma ll , inexpen-
sive co mponents for big ex-
pensi ve o nes where ver cir-
cuit reliabilit y can be main -
tained or imp rove d.
From t hese points of com-
parison and their associat-
ed principles, you ca n see a
des ig n phil osophy begin-
ning to eme rge. Since it is
Fig. 3. A ma teur receiver (simplified b lock di agram), adap ted fro m t he 1974 Ha ndbook. of te n (t hou gh not al ways )
This part icu lar unit was originally built in two p ieces: a basic recei ver fro m th e CA302BA necessary to tweak a cir-
amp throu gh the af bo ard, and a co nverter section fo r all the H F bands. Note t he att empt cu it up fo r an ind iv id ual
to use high-impedan ce devices- M OSFETs and /F ETs- to minim ize p roblems w it h freq uency band , and since
sw itc hing-tu ned c ircuits. Even so, a long five-sect io n ceram ic switch is required. A mo ng the nece ssary com ponents
th e positive design featu res o f this recei ver are the pr o vision of avc vo ltage to the fi rst rf are c heap (and for other
stage, upward co nve rsio n to minimize b ird ies, and switc hed b fos. Front end co m- reaso ns whi ch will become
promises would have been further minimized through the use of separate converters l or obvious in a fe w more
each band. par agraph s), it is better f or
drive l evel s are p resent have correspo nding com- 3. While MOSFETs are th e ham to bu ild rf systems
from sta ge to st age, rat her mon cat hode/emitter/source ve ry hi gh input imped ance of c irc u its f or on e band at a
than m easuring rf vo l ta ge. amp lifiers, co mmon gri d/ devi ces, transistor s espe- tim e, and t hen t o sw itch
Add up all th ese condi- base/gate amp lifiers, and cia lly, and to some ext ent them in and o ut as needed,
t ions and pr acti ce s, plu s co mmo n plate/ coll ec t or/ J FETs, will have low er im- rat her th an to use the tried
perh ap s a dozen others d rain (cathod e/ emit t e r/ pedances w hich req uire at- and tru e (for tubes but not
pec u liar to certa in kinds of source fo llower) a m p l i- te nt io n to matc hing. Th ere nec essari ly for transistors)
buil ders, and it is li ttl e f iers. Knowing thi s mu ch is are, of course, many mo re method of switch ing fre-
wo nde r t hat t he amateur important in det ermining wide -ra nge c irc u it"s for qu en cy-det erm ining com -
w ho tries to build a recei v- th e detai ls of individu al c ir- FETs than for t ransist ors, pon en ts. Not on ly ca n t his
er designed l ike one in Figs. cuits. Howeve r, transistors wh ich require little atten- method assu re better c ir-
2 and 3 has littl e lu ck mak- also have sign if ic ant dif- ti on to matching . Prin ciple: cu lt reliabili iY: but it can
ing it work . f erences from tub es, dif- For transisto rs, at least , also sim p lify th e process of
Now , it is not reasonab le ferences which ar e very im- mat ching to the indiv idu al b u il ding, pr ovid e opera-
to beli ev e t hat eve ry ham portant in th e deve lop- dev ice is ti on al equi pm ent before
builder will spe nd t he ment of a design phi l oso- 4 . Transistors, especiall y th e ent ire unit is func-
money it tak es to o bt ain p hy f or co mp lex piec es of in t he hobbyi st clas s avai l- ti o nal , and save m on ey for
selec t co m po ne nts o r to eq u ipment . A s we did w ith ab le to most ham bu ilding, t he bu ilde r.
set up c o m p le te t e st vacuum tubes, let us set w il l v ary in char act eristi cs
fa ci lities. Nor sho u ld we the m ou t togeth er: and req uire attent ion - -to' Some Examples
expec t t hat in the near 1 . Tr ansi stors and FETs opera t ing l evels . Prin ciple: Let us lo ok at a co up le
f ut u re, ci rc ui t rel i ability are ve ry sma ll and ta ke up Bias le ve ls for transistors of examp les of t his design
w ill in cr ease to m ak e eve ry little space o n a cha ssis or may need to be f idd led philosop hy and see how
w ide- range rf syste m easil y circ uit board. A bout fifty w ith, and ma y not wo rk th ey work o ut in p ractic e.
rep eat ed . Do es th is doom of them mi ght f il l t he space co nsis te ntl y across w ide First; go back t o th e rece iv-
the ama te ur bu ilder to taken up by one m iniat ure freq uenc y excursions . ers of Figs. 1 , 2, and 3. Fig. 4
fa ilu re? No, no t if w e tub e and it s socket. Prin ci- 5. T ransistor s and most shows how th e rece ive r can
change some parts of ou r p le: Unless we are inte rest- FETs are cheap; t o buy be desig ned using t he pr in-
de sign philosophy . ed in the greatest degree of t hem f ive f or a doll ar is not cipl es above.
microminiaturiz at ion , it un comm on, and even spec- T he revised receiver em-
Some Useful Things to reall y doe s not matter ho w ified ty pes like the popu lar ploys convert ers for each
Remember about Transis- many transistors we use, so 40673 or MPF 102 cos t band except 80 m eters.
tors long as each is used we ll. under a dollar. Prin ciple: Thi s is a sc heme used ex-
Tran sistors and FETs re- 2. Tran sisto rs and FE Ts The number of tran sistors ten sivel y and , w ith t he ex-
sembl e tubes in th ese two create littl e heat at low and FETs in low po w er ception of sepa rate con-
ma in w ays: First, they may powers , i.e., und er a W at t. stages ;s not likel y to make ve rte rs, goes as fa r ba ck as
be operated Class A, A B, B, Principle: No matter ho w a ham project too costl y to t he D rak e 2 serie s of tube-
or C (p lus som e ot her w ays many low power stages we bu ild. type recei vers. The i-f fre -
to w hi c h ex pe r ime nt e rs use, heat w ill pro bab l y no t 7. Co m pa red to oth er qu en c y is a matter of
h a v e g iv en n ew c la ss be a factor in eit her the c o m p o n e n t s, su c h a s cho ice in accord with the
names); second, any el e- stable operation of a circuit sw it ches, coi ls, and capaci- design o bject ives, and can
ment may serve as the com- o r in the lifeti m e of th e cir- t or s, trans istors and FETs be a f unc t io n of up or
mon element, so t hat we cuit. are smal l and inexpensive, d own c o n ve rsi o n. The

main design featu res to
note are these:
1. No dev ice operate s at '"
more than one frequency
o r band, thu s allowing fo r
op timi zat ion of all par am-
et ers. Am ong th ese are + 12 \1

gain , band width, oscillator-

ou tput leve l, sta bility, a nd
ave action. For each con-
verter, bias va lues, cou-
p l ing c a p a c it o rs, L C
values, a nd the ave vo lt-
age-divider network ca n be Fig. 4. Block diagram of a receiver most closely meeting the design principles enumerated
juggled e ither to provid e in t he article. In general, this is part of WA1 jZCs receiver in the 1978 Handbook, wi th
equal gain for all ba nds or so me alterat ion s. Un like the original, ave is shown for th e rf amp lifier. My persona l
to emp hasize or de-empha- choice calls for different circuitry, but this design is readil y ava ilable fo r study by the pro-
s ize some ban ds. (Max- spective home builder. Note th e simplified sw itc hing of rf circuitry. The or igin ator in fact
imum gain for 80 and 40 optimized con verter design for each band using j Ff Ts in a gro unded-gate circuit (excep t
meters usually mean s more on 80, where he omits the rf amplifier) and a 2N4124 cr ystal oscilla to r. H is co mmentary is
noise than signa l.) The re- worth repeating: "Separate co nverters were inco rporated to elim inate th e need for com-
mainder of the circuit is plicated bandsw it ch ing, and also to permit opt im izatio n of circu it valu es fo r each band
standa rd, in the se nse that o f in terest. The system used in this receiver calls for switc hi ng of only de and SO-O hm cir-
alm ost a ll receivers op- cuitr y. Low-impedance switching elimi nates problem s caused b y long swi tch leads.
e rat e i-f a nd de te c t or Swi tc hing at high impedance points, w hich is the usual techniq ue in multiba nd receivers,
sta ges at on e frequ en cy. ca n impair the qualit y o f the tun ed circu its and mak es isolatio n of critical circuits more
2. No te the sw it ching d ifficult. " [See pp . 280-2B1 .) Although so me of these problems can be o vercom e b y the
system . Co nve rte rs which di ode-switching tech niques of Fig. 2, op tim iz ing performance and being able to assure
are not in use are not full frequenc y range repeatabilit y with hom e constru ction techniques require adoption
powered, t hus elim inating of something similar to the design philosoph y of this rec eiver.
some pote nt ial b irdi e s.
Sw itc hing, ho weve r, re- pend ing on circu it design; expe rimentat io n w ith - a dev ices wh ich just might
q uires o nly a t hree -po le it shou ld be swit ched out pair o f g ro u nded grid make o ne or more of the m
swit ch , one eac h for anten- unless the converter, when amplifi ers in cascade, or a good performe r.
na input, converter outpu t, not in use, shows an open with casca de circuits, is 5. The ma in-"Iim itat io n
a nd Vee . Moreove r, by us- circuit to the ave vo lta ge. worthwhile. Moreove r, one o n th is design philosophy is
ing shiel ded signal leads Othe rwise, it will load t he can try pus h-pull circuits, that it does not produ ce
(and shield ing t he pow er ave system . A com pact since t he usua l mechani cal the mo st compact eq uip-
lead is no t a bad ide a) and fo urt h pol e o n t he ba nd- prob lems of band changing - rrie nt po ssibl e . Fo r su b-
min i m al in ter- se c ti on switc h so lves t his poten tial with balanced LC circu its miniature gear, perhap s
shie lding of the swit ch, the pro blem. are not present. I am oft en anot he r method ofdesign
entire sw itching network 4. Unl ike ma ny hand- am azed at t he lack of ex- sho uld be used, but for
ca n be mad e ve ry co m- book designs, t he re is no p erim en t al i n g e n u i t y . home station use, miniatur-
pact . In some receivers us- need to make e ac h co n- which appears in rf de signs izati on is not the idea l
ing simila r schemes, I have ve rte r ide nt ica l. Single- in the ham jou rna ls, de- situati on. The two main
seen retained the cla ssic e nde d rf stages op erate spite t he large number of p hys ic a l co ns ide ra t io ns
lon g switc h, running from we ll on a ll HF freq uenc ies po ssible c ircuits ava ilab le shou ld be expe rim e ntal
fron t to rea r on the chassi s. with MOSFET devices, but for use, and the va riety of f lexib il.i t v and a c c e ss i-
It is qu ite unnecessary.
3 . Th e ave syst em
emp loys res isto r-divid e r cr
sections to limit o r expand '"
volt age excursions so that
the ave action is controlled
fo r ea ch band . Man y re-
ce ivers of this design o mit .J-
-lf.../ stc
ave to the converters, rely-
ing upon the basic receiver
se ctions to do t he job .
Given the ga in of th e co n-
vert er sections, overlo ad-
ing can become a prob lem .
Tailo ring the ave action to
each converter so lves t he Fig. 5. Simp lified schematic diag ram of a vfo capab le of driving tube-type transmitters.
problem . Ave vo ltage can Note that LC combinations are swit ched by 51A and 51B, wh il e t he inp ut to Q3 is tuned
be switched or not, de- by sw itching a capac itor ac ross a fixed coil w it h S1 C. From th e ARRL Hand book .
ing for the am ateu r non-
e ngineer possib le, bu t also
ma kes it fu n. What yo u
learn f rom trying new bias
va lues and schemes , or
., ,J,
l' f ro m trying different LC
va lues, wi ll soon give you
co nfidence that yo u can
make a lmo st a ny t hi ng
wo rk.
building, a nd tha t is to give
yo u my per son al preju-
di c e s a bo u t w ha t t est
Fig. 6. Block diagram o f mixing vfo for tube-type transmitters. Individual circuits are eq uip me nt t he ham build-
similar to those of Fig. 5. Buffers are untuned. Mixers are FETs with about - 4 vo lts e r ought to h a v e. A
grid/gate block. No te especi ally the simp li fica tion of switching, which allows a single VTVM with regular a nd rf
waf er to be used rath er th an the 8 " sw itc h used in the original of Fig. 5. N ot ice also that
probes is essentia l- prefe r-
eith er mixer-amplifier sect ion ma y be removed for ad/ustment or experimen tation
a b ly on e t hat has a rang e of
witho u t disabling th e vfo co mp lete ly. To taf cost o f th e " extra" m ixer-oscillator-b u f fer- a bo ut a volt and a half
amp lifier devi ces was un der $2.00.
for reading pa rtia l vo lts.
My trusty Hea th kit has
bility, an d o pe rating ease. t imes, but a lso e liminates ca n be e lim inate d . Tu ned stood me in good stead for
The mech ani cal size of f ut u re mech an ica l costs ci rcuit and bias va lues man y years . A grid-di p
easily rea d d ig ita l- o r fo r new ve rsio ns. You r have been o ptimized for meter for testi ng LC cir-
mecha nica l-readout sys- equipment will be as up to eac h ban d. Since t he trans- cuits or fo r a signal source
tems is still the main fac tor da te as yo ur la test ex- mi tt er wit h which th e vfo is is als o ve ry useful. A YOM
l imit ing mini aturi zati on . per iments, however old th e used su pp lies not o nly t he fo r cu rre nt read ings is
Wit hin the size limits of case may get. twe lve vo lts, b u t a lso needed, but it need not be
most convenient readouts Th e se ad va ntages ac- bloc ked grid-key ing vo lt- a n expen sive mod el. Be-
for m ain stati on use, there crue no t just to receiver age, the mixer s a re keyed. yo nd t hat, t he rest is up to
is plenty of room f or t he design, but a lso to trans- Because of the transm itter you . O scill o scope s, fr e-
board s for each co nve rter. mitter stages as well. Fig. 5 design , more output was qu ency counters, imped-
In fac t, many of th e im- shows an 80/40 met er vfo requ ired on 80 th an 40, a a nc e brid ges, a nd th e like
ported t ransceive rs, w hen that appeared in the ARRL pro b lem easily so lved us- a re all useful , but with
mobil e use is not inten ded Handb ook fo r seve ral years. ing this sc he me . If I ever th em I noiicethat I do not
by t he o pe rator, appea r to Notice that the tun ed cir- use th e vfo with a no the r have to clean off my finger-
be excess ive ly compact cu i ts in t he v f o a r e rig, eq ua liz ing the vfo o ut- pr ints nearl y as o fte n as
both f or o pe rati ng ease switc hed . Note, too, t ha t pu t will be no pro b lem I do with othe r pieces of
and fo r ma inte na nce co n- the inpu t circu it to the either . Des p ite t he fad test gear. Finally, station
venie nce. Heat is a co n- po wer amplifie r is c ha nged that the vfo uses an o ld operati ng meters fo r swr,
stant wo rry wit h the m. f ro m 40 to 80 me ters by the ARC-5 t un ing capacito r, powe r o utp ut.san d d ummy
The a ma teu r designer, addition of a ca pacitor . the entire un it fits in a 4 x 5 loads are useful only fo r
therefor e, might we ll take Neit her of t hese sc hem es is x 6 case. Obvious ly, littl e I s some proj ec ts. An al l-wave
a page f rom th e notebook s optim al, a nd t he ir correc- lo st to co mpac tness by the HF receiver, how ever inex-
of hom e compute r designs. tio n is hinted a t by th e use of the design p rinc iples pensive and inexact in dial
W ithin wh ate ver case one des ign itself . The o ut put e nume rated her e. read ing, can help a grea t
uses, develop a main fram e filters a re switc hed in th eir The purpose of this a rti- de al , es pec ially in testing
with plug-in units a t eve ry entirety. Wh y not the en- cle is not to get you to thlngs like het erod yne os-
stage, along with space f or t ire pow er t rain? bu ild wh at I have built. In- cillators. For me, however,
future, more compl ex cir- Fig. 6 shows a simplif ied stead, it is designed to e n- the big thr ee are th e VTVM
c uits . Wit h ca refu l atten- d iagra m of th e revi sed sys- courage yo u to build wh at (and rf prob e), t he gdo. a nd
tion to routing rf pa th s, yo u tem buil t f or a ten-Watt you wa nt, by showing th a t t he YOM.
can use plug-in ci rc ui t sta nd by rig using tubes. th ere are some basic prin- The pr incipl es I have
bo ar d s o r plug-in pe rf- The 5- to 5.5-MHz osc illa- cip les' w hich take t he give n ca n be expressed in
boards . Shield ing be twee n tor run s a ll the time . Sepa- sca riness o ut of complex rf ma ny ways. I welcome ad-
most boards is a must. The rate m ixe r, buffe r, a nd equipment that appea rs in d itions to the list, a nd new
adva ntage of this system is a mplif ier stages give 80 t he ha m jou rna ls. The basic ideas to im prove my own
that re p la cem en t circ uits and 40 me ter output. They idea to get rid of is that you tec hniques. Hopefully, the
can be developed inde pen- a re b u ilt o n sepa rate have to ma ke a t ricky de- ones give n here are enoug h
den t ly a nd t ried in t he bo a rds a nd requi re only a vice l ike a t ra ns isto r to enco urage yo u to make
receiver, withou t lo sing the thre e-p ol e swi tc h, on e operate a ll the way from 80 th e mo ve from bu ilding
receiver from service for eac h f o r vfo input, a mpli- o r 160 up to ten me te rs. st a t i o n accesso r ies to
lon g a nd withou t mech an- f ier ou t put, a nd power. If Doin g yo u r wor k o ne band b uild ing yo ur e ntire sta-
ical a lte ratio n to th e basi c one desires sepa rate out- a t a t ime a nd buildin g you r tion. Then you ca n use t ha t
uni t. Thi s not only ensures put jack s f or each band, equip me nt on e secti on at a com mercia l rig as your
an o pe rat ive rec eiver at all one pole of th e bandswitch tim e not onl y makes build- standby. •
10% >

ON "
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• Low Power Iltput Yields nom 10 dB gain
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• Exceeds FCC R&D 20777 Requirements 01- 60 dB
• Preamp 10 dB gain. 2 dBnoise figure. • Preamp & POWBf Amp Independently Conlrollable
• OIher specs similar 10 existing amps. • Preamp nom10dBgain 2 dB Overall NF __
• Functionally Designed Package. including mounting lip
• Models available for the 50. 144and2Z1l MHz bands
• Type acceptedmodels also available. Models for 432 MHz due in near future.
, .


l~ ANT~~.~~,.!~.~ER
Suitable to the most demanding needs where low noise . .• • Ideal lorgroundorrool mounlS.
• One man canassembleand erect.
figure is important. Uses include '"lypes of weak signal , \ • Extremelyrugged.
work such as EME. Tropo & ionospheric Scatter. Satellite ,---T
, \\-
\ •• M
Communications. Radio Astronomy. Meleor Scatter. etc. od.lar and porlaltle.
Highest quality construction and components. • Highstability wiUl pro,er guying.
• High quality aiumillllm alloy COlIStruCtiOi




M. W. "Maury" McMahan (K4G MJ)
253 Providence Square
Greenville, So ut h Carolina 29615
Phone: (803) 288-4671
Daily & Saturdays Until 10: 00 P. M.
Specializing in VHF-UHF 50-144-22 0-432· 1296 MHz Amateur Equipment

V Reader Service-see page 211 57

G. E. Smith W4A EO
1816 Brevard Place
Camden SC 29020

Shortened Antennas for 75 and 80

- designs which fit your QTH

Siopers exposed.

uring 1975 a nd 1976, I milled to work t his porti on

D t e st e d va rio us 75
met er anten nas wi th sev-
of th e band. As the VKs'
highes t freq ue ncy end is
at 60 fee t; and three hori-
zo ntal mon o band dip ol e
log pe riod ics (DLP), on e
ported by pine tree s, the
m aximum height abov e
ground for th e horiz on ta l
era l ZLs and VKs. This band 3700, th ey gene ra lly tra ns- 3-ele me nt, o ne <\-el ement;- · antennas is limited to 60 to
is ge ne ra lly open f ro m mit SSB be twee n 3680 to a nd one 5-element, all at 60 70 ft., or a pproximate ly o n-
t here to t he United States 3 6 9 5; t he refo re , sp li t feet. ly Y. Aa bove ground at 3.8
during t he early morn ings ope rat ion must be used At t imes , I have had as MHz. These are, of cou rse,
(local US t ime ) aro u nd wit h t hem. ma ny as 3 o r 4 75m ante n- fixed-wire beams.
1000 to 1200Z , 1 have been 75m a nten nas tes ted nas up at the same tim e fo r At t imes, the yagi or t he
trying to determi ne if there here during 1975-76 were: m akin g direct comp ari son s log pe riod ic would be re-
is ' a ny par ticu la r 75 m several dipoles at various bet wee n t he va rious ty pes. por ted as mu ch as 10 dB
a nten na best su ited for t his he ights (40 to 70 fe et) ; During the tests, the best better th an some of t he
7- to 8-multiho p 800o-mile- thr ee de lta loop s; a tWO-A re por ts fro m the ZLs and ot he r types be ing tested.
plus path, The re a re usu al- hor izon ta l q ua d at 70 feet; VKs have been with th e log The yagi and th e LPs were
ly a num be r of US hams two 'h -As in phase, co l- periodics and the yagi . As a ll beamed wes t o r SW.
worki ng th e ZLs a nd VKs linear at 70 ft. (broadside to all of my antennas are sup- The log periodics and
o n SSB bet ween 3775 a nd NZ); severa l Y.- a nd 'h -A
3850 kHz. The ZLs are per- ve rtica ls; a 3-eleme nt yag i ,,' ,,' ,,' '"
- Mth FEET
ST UB LOAOER 26 . 5 '
a ac aeon rv FOR 3. BMH I

"a.s 26 . 5

Fig. l ea). Coil-loaded shortened V,-A dip ol e. Fig. l (b). Stub -loaded shortened V,-A dipole.
the yagi, although produc- them, I used instead two LIG HT NING SPIKE - - - -- - 1
ing the best reports from lengths of 300-Q TV Iine as OR TOWER

" Dow n Under," are quite loading stubs for the HA LYARD j ..

large, requiring a width of shortened dipole. See Fig.

approximately 150 feet
and a boom length of at
1(b). As a sta rt, I used
30-foot stubs which reso-
/7. 1
least 100 feet. The general nated the shortened 68-
design of the 5-element foot dipole at approxi-
AT LEA ST 70 '
monoband log periodic is mately 3.5 MHz . Resonance POL E, T REE
given in refer ence 1, Fig . 6, can be determ ined by a
reference 2, Fig. 2, and GDO or by running an swr.
reference 3, Fig. 4. The Next, the stubs were ea ch 72Sl. TWIN L £AD FEED ER
dimensions for the fre- pruned about 6 inches and
quency range 3.8-4.0 MHz
are given by reference 2,
the resonan ce was again
checked, and then a nothe r
-------- - -----
Table 1 . This LP was sup- 6 inches were removed and LOA DIN G ST UB
ported at about 60 feet by the frequency checked . soon TV LI NE ~
26 . 5' fO R S .8M Hl "<, ~
8 pines. This procedure was contin- SEE F I G. I B
As an antenna of this size ued until the dipol e reso-
is generally impractical for nated at 3.8 MHz . A total
TO 1: 1
the average ham on a city of 3.5 feet had been re- BA LU N

lot , during 1977 I tested moved from e a c h stub, GO· OR

75m antennas requiring making them each 26 .5 - - "' 4 0 '

less space but still giving feet in length . The se load-

some gain and more direc- ed the dipole to the desired Fig. 2. Shortened Y'- Adipole sloper, stub-loaded.
tivity than the usual 75 or center frequency, 3.8 MHz.
80m dipole or inverted vee An swr was then run to
when limited to a height of determine the usable band- these tests. If the slope simplicity and ease of con -
only sixty to seventy feet. width of the shortened angle is less than 60°, say struction, it was decided to
These are described in the stub-loaded dipole, illus - 45°, it will probably have tr y a 3-element phased
following . trated in Table 1 . It will be more horizontal polariza- sloper (all elem ents driven)
noted that the bandwidth tion and high er angleradia- in a log periodic, endfire
Shortened Dipole Slopers is quite narrow but usable tion and would become sloper array configuration.
During the tests with the ± 100 kHz covering the DX more like a low horizontal This was constructed by us-
ZLs and VKs, it was noted portion of the 80m phone dipole with the major ing a nylon'"1ine catenary
that W2GO, one of the band. radi ation lobe at 90° or stretched between two high
more consistent early This shortened or loaded straight up. In this con- pines separated by about
morning DXers, uses a dipole was then suspended figuration , it would QO 200 feet and oriented to
single shortened (66-foot) as a sloper (Fig. 2) from the doubt show an irnprove- " give a beam at about 225°.
dipole as a sloper to the top of a 70-foot tree and ment with nearby stations The higher, rear tree was
west with very good re- sloped SW for tests with up to a few hundred miles, about 75 feet in _beight and
ports. the ZLs. Although the over- but DX operation would th e forward tree was about
Shortened dipoles using all length of the sloper was suffer. 60 feet high .
off-center loading coils on lv 68 feet, it worked su r- A second sloper using an As the use of stub-loaders
were well covered by Jerry pris ingly well, considering old Hy-Gain 40/75 trap was not desirable due to
Hall K1 PLP (QST, Sept., its simplicity and ease of dipol e (overall length about complications in suspend-
1975 , page 28). By use of construction. It was fed 110 feet) also was tried, ing the stubs so that they
two 40-J.lH loading coil s, the with 72-Q twinlead con- suspe nde d from a 100-foot woul.d com e off at about
75m dipole was shortened nected via a 1:1 balun to a tree and aimed SW. This 90° with . respect to the
to 66 feet. This is the type buried coax to the shack. sloper seemed slightly bet- slope r elements, it was
used by W2GO for his short- For a dipole-type sloper ter than the original 68-foot decided to use end loading
ened 75m centerfed 'h -A to be effective for DX, or stub-load ed sloper. This instead of stubs. This was
sloper, which requires rather to have a fairly low was no doubt due to greater accomplished by folding
only a single 60- to 70-foot angle of radiation , it overall ' rad ia t ing length, about 25% of each element
pole, tower, or tree support. should form an angle of at more effective height, and end to the rear and securing
It is sufficiently compact to least 60° to ground. 70° to an angle of about 70° . It them to the top and bottom
be used on a small lot. This 80° would probably be bet- had the ad vantage of also c ate na ries, as illustrated in
was the type which I ter. It, no doubt, acts as a being usable on 40, though Fig. 3(a).
selected as being the most 1h-A. vertical or sem iv e r- no exten sive tests have As it was desired to op-
simple and compact anten- tical. Being centerfed, the been made with it on this erate this beam centered on
na requiring minimum necessity of an elaborate band . 3800 kHz , it was adjusted
space. ground radial system as re- so that the longest rear ele-
As I did not have a pair of quired with a 14 -, Y2 -, or Phased Siopers - Endfire ment, #1, resonated at 3.7
loading coils as specified in basefed vertical is prob- Array MHz, #2 at 3.8 MHz , and
the QST article and did not ably not as im po rt a nt. As above slopers gave th e short forward element,
wish to take time to wind None was used during fair results considering their #3, at 3.9 MHz . The easiest
130 '
3 .7 "1lh

- - SEAM - - BEAM

!-- - - - -- -- «zoe' - - - - - - - - - - -

' -- - - - - - - - "' 200' - - - - - - - - - - Fig. 3(b). Yagi ph ased sie per, end-loaded.

Fig. 3(a). Log periodic ph ased slopes , end-loaded .

scree n or co unte rpo ise was equa l to th e larger delta
not u sed du ri ng the t est s. loo p s, 2-1. hor izo nt al q uad,
way t o adj ust t hi s is to cut period ic. The co nstr uction A ltho ug h t he l ength re- ve rt ica ls, etc., w hich w e re
eac h eleme nt sl ight ly lo ng- of t he f eedline is presented qu ir es ab out 200 fee t of tested t he n ve rsus t he l arge
er t han its requir ed fre q uen- by th e art icles in ref eren ces m ast spaci ng, it s w idth is 75m yag i and/or lo g period-
cy . Th en pu t te m po rary 1,2, 3,4, and 6, covering log less t ha n 1 foot , co mpa red ic (horizo ntal d ipole-t ype)
jumpers across th e cente r periodic w ire beam con- w it h t he 15O-foot width of a bea ms . Th e l at t e r did
in su l ato r s (fee d p oints). struc t io n, and w ill not be 75m d ip o le lo g p er iodic or ave rage o ut about 10 d B
Secure t he ends of each ele- rep eated here. yag i. bet ter t han t he mo re simple
ment (folded bac k port ion) A large array of t his ty pe For those who p ref er ant en nas, in cl udi ng th e
to t he c ate naries and th en f or 75, even though using ya gis, th e same 3-elem ent slo pe rs.
raise th e array to it s norm al on ly 3 ele men ts, must be sloper c ou ld, no do ubt, be Conside ring the sim pl ic i-
suspend ed hei ght . At t hi s assem bled and t uned o n arra nged as a 3-elem ent ty and ease of bu ild ing t he
poin t, t he 2-w ire ce nter site f or its par t icul ar sur- yag i by delet ing t he open lo aded slo per , and t he f act
fe ede r is not used . roundings and height above wire ce nt er fe ede r, del et- t hat o nly one sup po rt is re-
Next , check reson ance of gro und. Table 2 is ove rall ing the ce nte r insul ato rs qu ired as against 6 to 8 to
each of the three elements swr co verin g 3.5 to 4.0 M H z, f ro m ele me nts #1 and #3, support my large beam s, it
sepa rately by hol d in g t he after adding th e cent e r and f eed ing th e cent er of i s b e l iev ed th e loaded
GOO near th e hori zon tal feeder to t he array. It then #2 elem ent directl y w it h slo pe r is t he least expe nsive
sectio n at t he bottom of cen te re d o n abo ut 3.7. 72-Q tw i nlea d or , b etter 75m OX antenna and about
th e caten ary, and prun i ng H ow ev er, as t he sw r at 3.8 st ill, w it h an open t uned th e o n l v ' < su i t ed
the e nds as necessary to w as o nly 1.25:1, no f urt he r Iin e. See Fig. 3(b). f o r a ci ty l ot exce p t, possi-
t he t hree fr equ encies, 3.7, changes we re m ad e since T he arr ay w ou ld t he n be- bly, a single "h - or lf2 -A ve r-
3.8, and 3.9 M Hz , as m en- t he b eam was u sab le be- co me a y agi w it h #2 t he t ica l, w hic h can be qu it e
ti o ned ab ov e. This mu st b e tw een 3.6 to 3.9 M Hz . dr i v en e l eme n t , # 1 ' a- ex p e n sive if a · 6 0 - or
do ne w it h t he array sus- A l t ho u gh t his p hased - parasitic refl ector , and #3 a 120-f oot tower o r m ast is
pended at its fi na l locati o n slo per log pe riod ic was o n- par asitic d irector. The yag i u sed and th e req uired 60
d ue to va riations of res- ly tested f or abo ut o ne sl o pe r array w o u l d , n o f eet or m o re "o f gro und
o na nce de pe nd i ng o n t he w eek , it appea red to have doub t, have a mo re na rro w . rad ial system bu ri ed . The
he ig ht of t h e t h ree gai n an d d i rec ti vi t y as b and w idt h (possi b l y n o l atter m ay also be a pr ob-
ele ments above gro u nd . hoped . D ur in g one of t he more t ha n ± 50 kHz) t ha n lem o n a c ity lo t.
Th ese th ree fre quenc ie s t est s on 3808 kH z, Bob t he ban dw id t h of t he log D ur i n g t he te st s, t he
we re selected so t hat t he Tann er l UBT advised t hat periodi c config urat io n. I large bea ms w o uld show as
co mp leted antenna wou ld it was abo ut the sam e as have not t ested t he slo pe r much as 15-dB in crease
be center ed o n approx- t he 3-elem ent horizo nt al array as a v agi , but, on ovet some of the m or e sim-
im at el y 3800 kHz, and also ya gi at 60 f eet w hic h I was prev ious tests co mp aring a p le ante nnas, but t hese d if -
to allow t he arr ay t o oper- u sing at t he same t im e. 3-elem e n t h or izo n ta l fere nces w o uld vary f ro m
ate as a log peri od ic. Th e m ai n advantage of m o noban d DL P wi th an day to day. The 1MB gain
On ce t he three ele me nts the above ph ased sloper is eq uiva le nt 3-element yagi, over the more simp le anten-
are tun ed, th e array ca n be t hat onl y t w o t ree s or a greate r ban dwidth was nas was m o re the average.
lowered, t he jumpers ac ross masts are requ ired, as com - given by t he log pe riodic. Co m p ar in g t he si m pl e
t he t hree center insulators pared to 6 o r 8 necessary to sloper w it h t he delta lo op s,
rem oved, and th e 2-w ire sup port t he 3-ele me nt yag i Test Results t he type w it h apex topside
o pen f eed er o r phasing l ine o r an eq uival ent 3- to 5-ele- Shortened loaded slopers- requires o nly o ne hi gh sup-
co nnec te d as shown in m ent D LP. Fu rt her , th e From the tests made w ith po rt but needs ab ou t 120
Fig. 3(a). No te t he t rans- ph ased arr ay, bei ng p ri- l Ls and VKs on t hese 75m fe et of space for th e lower
pos it io n req uired f or t he ar- m aril y ve rt ic ally po larized , ante nnas, and also f rom hor i z o nt a l sec t i o n. Th e
ray to ' perf orm as a log sho u ld have a l ow er angle comparing notes w ith the type w it h th e horizon tal
peri odi c o r an end f ire array. of radi ati on . Si nce t h e prev io us tests w it h lL1 BK0 section up and apex down
Each elem ent mu st be ou t radiatin g e le me nts are during 1975-76, it app eared re quir e s t w o su p p o rt s
of ph ase w it h it s neighbo r, se m ive rt i ca l di p o l e s that th e single sho rte ned spaced at abo ut 1 20 f eet.
as required of any l o g ( cent erf edJ, a g rou nd lo ad ed-dipol e slop er was Co mparing it with the

a. e a.,

\ / z.0 -

\ '\ 1/--

.., , .s u
, .a
( "' ~ ll " e.c

,. ,.,
a.e ,,
f R E QU E ~C Y
( .. fiJI
»> ->
.s ' .0

Tab le 1. Sho rtened di po le sloper. Table 2. Log periodic as in Fig. 3(a).

horizont al 2-1. quad , t he lat- does have an adv antage in m inutes, and th en st art a ti vity, ext reme ly high no ise
ter requires four suppo rts th at very little w idth is re- decli ne fo r 30 minute s to 1 lev el (bot h QR N and man-
arra nged in a square w ith qui red, but it does requ ire hour afte r sun up, l o c al m ad e) on 75, and th e
abo ut 130-foot separat io n, conside rably mo re w ire, in- t im e. f ac t that it is su rrounded
har d ly su ited for a c ity lot. sulato rs , a nd l ab or to As yet, I have not deter- by high pine t rees (60 to 90
The del t a loop s and quads assemble. It d id appear to mined if the sunrise peak is feet) except to t he N E and
also requi re mo re w ire. be abo ut neck and neck d ue to " gray line" pro paga- E. They extend for severa l
75m ph ased vert ica ls are wi t h the yagi (also bei ng t ion o r possibl y du e to a mil es to t he SW and W .
also impract ical in a sma ll used at th e same ti me) from change in ioniza tio n of the For thi s reason, there is
spac e. t he ZL and VK repor ts. It F-Iayer, causing less attenu- littl e open space for ver-
Th erefore, th e si m p le may have been ju st a bit at ion at t his end or po ssibl y ti cals, since trees higher
l o ad ed-d i po l e slo pe r is noisier on reception due to in the last hop (received at than a V- -A vert ica l wou ld
recomm ended as a good being mor e nearl y ver tical- thi s end ), t hus givi ng th e 5- surrou nd it. There would be
all -a round and inexpensive ly po la rized. How ever, I did to 10-dB signa l inc rease some t rees sepa rated f rom
OX ante nna if one does not not have time to determine whi ch is gene rall y noted at them by less than 50 fe et,
have an open space of this fo r sure. It did make a sunup. very "t hick in t he di rect io n
abo ut 150 x 150 fee t f or a goo d showing " dow n un- It is doubt ful tha t " gray of th e Z Ls and V Ks. Th e
large beam to pro v id e gain. der" when co mpared d i- lin e" aff ec ts t he US-N Z t w o sing le- wi re sl o pe rs
Furt her, th e latter, requi ring rectl y w ith th e yagi being path sinc e th ey are in to t al whi ch we re teste d we re
6 to 8 suppor ts, also re- used t hen. dar kn ess ap pro achin g mid- suspended f ro m t rees in
q uires co nsiderably more A 3-element w ide-spaced night (sun up here in the ope n areas, although th ere
w ire, insulator s, et c., and a ho rizo nta l l o g pe riodi c east). " Gray lin e" might af- we re tr ees withi n about
great deal mor e effort and beamed west was set up fe ct th e W-VK pat h since 100 feet to th e Wan d SW.
labor! lat er, whi ch Bob Ta nner sun up here is about sun- For th ose who may be-
For anyone not interest- ZL2BT advi sed wa s t he best down in certai n parts of ' Come int erested in 75m DX,
ed in 75m DX, a sho rte ned ante nna t ested here ove r Austra lia. there are som e very good
or loaded slo per used as a th e past 3 years. To get more firsthand in- sugg estions o n propaga-
high-angl e radi ator, ei th er I mi ght add th at , when fo rma tion on this, I am now tion , " gra y lin e," 75 m
as a sloper at abo ut 45° or com paring the va rious 75m (as of thi s w rit ing) in th e pro- - ant ennas, receivers, a li st of
as a lo w dipole at about V- ante nnas during t his perio d, cess of pu tti ng up two bev - 75m DXers, beverage ante n-
A o r at approximately 60 if the Z L or VK repor ted a 1 erage receivi ng antennas, nas, etc ., presented in John
feet above gro und, will be a or 2 S-unit o r 5- t01 0-dB in- one N-S and o ne E-W . These Devoldere ON 4UN 's ham
good ave rage sho rt-ha u l c rease o r diffe rence be- are 2-w ire reversible-direc- book 80 M eter DXing, pu b-
ante nna fo r several hun- tween tw o ante nnas, the ti on bever ages, each 520 lished in 1977. He incl udes
dred miles. same difference on recep- feet in length , f o r use o n a very comple te li st of 86
O ne suggest io n would be t ion of th eir signal w o uld 160, 80, and 40. Som e ve ry p revi ou sly-publi shed a r-
to have two anchor pos ts ge ne r a l ly be noted , as exce lle nt data, suggest io ns, ti cl es in th e vario us ham
for t he botto m end, one to wou l d be expected . and m aterial have bee n publi c ati on s covering th ese
provide a slope angle of at O n this multi hop 75m made avai lab le to me by sub jects.
least 60° f or low-angl e DX, pa t h, t here is genera lly less Paul W6PYK fo r th is test,
and t he ot her to give about QS B t han o n t he higher fo r w hic h I am very gra te- Other Suggested Sloper
a 45° slope for general band s. W hen t here is fa d- ful. I had pr evi ou sly tested Designs
short-haul comm unication. in g, it is u su all y sl ow, severa l sim ple single-w ire In add it io n to t he short-
un like rap id QSB on 20. bever a ges, reslst o r-te rm i- ened loaded slo per and th e
The 3-e le rne n t ph ased For th e inform at io n of nated, to im pro ve SIN . 3-element phased slope r de-
slo pe r - t hose w ho do not w ork 75m The beverage pr o j ect scri bed above , th e fo ll ow-
Altho ugh t his is a more D X, t he VK and Z L sig- wa s sta rted here o rig inal- in g are severa l suggested
e laborate beam, havin g n a l s gen e r a ll y h av e a ly to try to improve recep- slo pers and phased slo pers.
gai n, it is not gener all y slow bu i ldup a bout 1 5 ti on w h ic h is extremely I have no t ac t ua lly tri ed
suited for a city lo t , since minute s b e f o r e su n u p, poor, espec ia lly o n 75, at th ese, but they are d e-
t wo ma sts wi th a 200-foot wh e n t hey peak . T hey this QT H. Thi s is du e to scribed briefl y for anyone
sepa rat io n are requ ired . It rem ain peaked for 15 to 30 very poor ground condu c- wishing to experiment or

(w ith t he co ax sheat h be of interest, as pe r Fig. 4(a).
grounded to the tower ne ar Th e two ).\ -A e le me nt s
130' - - -
t he feed poi nt). I ha ve spaced v, A wo u ld be

worked several on 75 who gro unded topsi de, as me n-

I have re por ted good results t ioned above. The two bo t-

with this ty pe of inver ted tom e nds (vo ltage loop )

slo per. wou ld be vo ltage-fed with a
I70' fi Theore tic ally, th is shou ld 'h -A o pe n p ha sin g lin e

ei.e ' " . .
~ RADIATORS be a good an te nna, since feeding the en d s, so th e

t he c urre nt loo p of th e 'I.-A two 'I. -Arad iato rs will be in
slo per is tops ide and ge ne r- ph ase . The V, -A phasi ng
a lly in the clear. The tower line is cu rre nt-fed, slight ly
- '''"' pro vide s a gro und plan e or off center dir e ctl y wit h the
ac ts as a reflector, whic h coax o r with a 1:1 ba lun . Fo r
shou ld give so me directiv- 3.8-MHz o pe ration, the two
"lOTE , t1Y flF Sf10UL O ity. Howeve r, t his type ap- 'I. -A slope rs wo u ld be ap -
_ 4b l _~_
114 ), lAG 4" ) OR 112 >' ( F IG 8£ AT LEAST 10' ABOVE
PHA5£O SUlPtRS GROUND T O CLE AR pears to be tricky (and they pro xima te ly 61.5 feet a nd
( VOLTAGE LOOP ) e ithe r wo rk o r they do n't). th e 2-wire open p hasi ng
( 1/2 ~
126 .8' AT 3.8 Mliz
No dou bt the ).\ wave leng th fee dli ne a p p rox im ate ly
and the a ngle between the 12 6.8 fee t long. This beam
10' Slue If>-'\c-'-~"-.,+-L--L-l.-'-<>/I sloper and the tow er are require s two 70-foot towe rs
, I criti cal, probab ly affec ting sp a ce d a bo ut 1 30 feet
the imped an ce at the to p apa rt a nd o riented broad-
BE SE VERAL FEE T FROM CENTER feed poin t, wh ich is prob- side to t he desired dir e c-
a bly lo w. Poss ibly a matc h- t ion . A few w ire refle ctors
ing ne twork between the be twe en t he towers mi ght
coax a nd t he feed point improve th e lo be in the
wou ld he lp, or possib ly the desired d irect ion.
to p of th e ).\-A e le me nt Th is a rray wo u ld be
could be grou nded di rectly simil ar to the broads ide or
to th e towe rs a nd th e lo wer side-by-side ph ased slo pe rs
e nd vo lta ge fed at th e bo t- described below, exc e pt
tom w ith a tuner or a 1;.4 MA !'I-Aslo pe rs would be used
tuned line used to vo ltage in pla ce of t he 'h-A shor t-
fH D - SLID E ALONG FEEDER o r e nd fee d, similar to t he ened d ipoles-.See Fig. 4(b).
o ld Ze pp . Using vo ltage
feed at the bo ttom also v,-A phased-sloper or ver-
saves th e length of coax tical-dipole a rrays-
from bottom t o top ' of If a mast at least 130 feet
Fig. 4.(a) !'I-A phased slo pets. (b) v,-A shortened phased towe r. high is avai la ble, it co uld be
slopers. I h a v e on e f rie n d , used to sup po rt a fu ll 'h-A
YV5DLT, who pu t up two of p hased sloper - o r vertica l
who is int erested in antenn a 74.9 fe e t of RG-8/AU or RG- these 14 -.\ inverter slopess dipol e e ndf ire a rray . The
desig n. S8/AU (VF = 78%). (topfed). o ne for 75 a nd o ne e lem ents wo uld th en be a
I ha ve no t tri ed t his for 40. He sa id th e 75 fu ll 'h A (no end loadin g re-
Multidire ction al slopers- 4-d irectiona l sloper, but it wo rked with no prob lem , qu ire d), thus be ing mo re
If the re is sufficient op en so u n ds in t e re stin g for whe reas the 40m refused to effi cie nt and having grea te r
area arou nd a single high anyone havi ng the room work. I have no ted that effective he ight.
mast or t ree , 3 o r 4 of t he a nd need ing a lobe in mo re about 25% of those using Ano the r adva ntage of
sho rte ned 75 m dipole tha n one di rectio n. If a the V. -Aslo per have gotten greater height wo uld be t he
slope rs cou ld be used fo r mas t at le ast 130 feet in t he m to work; th e re st ha d poss ibility of having the
several directions as per he ight is avai lab le, fu ll V' -A proble ms o r becam e d is- three eleme nts near or ex-
KH HQ 's 40 m fo ur-d ire c- slopi ng d ipo le s cou ld be couraged if th ey d id no t ac tly ve rtica l, so the a rray
tion slope r desc ribed in t he used without lo ad ing a nd work right away. wo u Id th en become a 3-ele-
ARR L Antenna Book (Figs. wo uld no doubt be mo re ef- Po ssib ly t hose u sing ment ve rtica l (dipole) log
8-12 , p ag e 20 0, 1 3th f ective . T he dim en sions these successfu Ily ca n give period ic or 3-eleme nt ver-
e dit io n). Acco rding to his wo uld then be a bo ut dou- so me suggestions. Also, t he t ical vag! (whicheve r co n-
measurem ent s, the forw ard bl e those g iv en fo r estima ted a ngle of rad ia- figur atio n is pref err ed) as
ga in was about 4 dB a nd KHH Q's 40m switc hable t ion, H-plan e pattern, e tc., was desc ribe d above unde r
fro nt-to-back up to 20 dB. sloper. wou ld be inter e st ing. " Phase d Siopers - Endfire
Note t hat the coax to the Array."
re lay box must be just over !'I-A s/opers- Dual !'I-Aph ased s/opers- With the shortened di-
3/8 A. At 3.8 MHz, th is Not having a to we r, I Possibly, using two of po le s lo pe r o r mul ti-
len gth wo uId be a pprox- have been una ble to test a these side by side, in phase, elem en t slope r a rray s, the
imate ly 63.4 feet of RG-8/U V. -A inver ted slo pe r fed by spaced V, A broadside to lo ade d e le me nts probably
or RG-58/U (VF = 66%), o r coax at th e to p of the to wer the desired direction, might re du ce e ff ic ie nc y about


(July 1 through July 31 at
all participating dealers).


• l owPower Inpul Y iBI ~s nom 10 dB gain
• 3 waUs in. 150 waUs oulpuI 13-150Pj. • Covers enlire Amateur Band w/ o Tuning
• 10 walts in. 150 walts oulpuI12MIO·150P). • Buill-in Receive Preamplifier
• Linearized amp for SSBuse. • Automaticvariable delay PH switching -
• Preamp 10 dB gain. 2 dB noise figure. • EXC80ds FCC R&D 20777 Requirements of -60 dB
• Preamp & Power Amp Independently Controllable
• Other specs similar to existing amps. • Preampnom 10 dB gain 2 dB Overall NF
• Funclionally Designed Packallll. including mountinglip .
• Models available forIbe50. 144and 220 MHz bands
• Type accepted models also available. Models lor432 MIlz due in nBilr (uture.

• Manufactured ia011" San Dillll' ploilld.
Suitable 10 themost demanding needs where low noise • Ideal lorgroundor roof mlUots.
• Oneman can assemble anderect.
figure is importan!. llses include all types of waaksignal • Extremely rUtl ed.
work such asEME. Tropo & Ionospheric Scalier. Satellite • Lightweight.
Communications. Radio Astronomy. Meteor Seatler. etc. ,.. • Modular Ind por1able.
Highest qualitycon.truction and components. • High siability wilh pNlper guying.
• High quality aluminum alloy construction

New Jersey's fastest growing Ham Store.

Stocking most major brands .... R36

1760 Easton Ave. (Ate. 527]
P.O. Box 347
Somerset, N.J. 08873

v" Reader Service-see page 211

• 63
50% , as t he sho rtened radi - in g N, E, S, or W . phased slo per co uld be t he bui lt and teste d th e loaded
at ing portion is on ly app rox- Granger, Try lo n, and Hy- u se of two shorte ned slo per of Fig. 2 and t he
imately V. A. Th eir V. -A C ain m anufact ur e co rnrn er- 78-f oo t V, -A (loaded] sloper 3-e l em e nt (end -load ed)
rad iat ing po rti on shou ld be cial or mil itary f ixed-wi re d ipo les sus pend ed fr om phased slo per of Fig. 3(a).
abo ut t he same as t he ver- mo no po l e and vert i c a l two 70-foot masts spaced I wou ld ap preciate hear-
tical radi at ing po rtio n of a di pol e log pe riodic wire y, A (approxi mately 130 ing from anyo ne w ho is us-
Bru ce array . beam array s of th ese types feet at 3.8 M Hz). See Fig. ing or has t r ied any ph ased-
The end-loaded slo per ar- for frequ ency ranges 2.5-32, 4(b). Th e two slopers wo ul d slo per array s or has any sug-
ray might be co nsidered as 3.0-32, 4.0-32, and 6.0-32 be op erated in pha se w it h gestion s alo ng thi s lin e.•
a 3-elem ent end f ire array, M Hz. Th ese are rec om- 130 fe et of separation . A
as opposed to a 3-eleme nt mend ed f or lo ng-haul HF V, -A tun ed f eed er/ph asin g References
Bru ce array w h ic h is a bi - circ uits. See th e Hy-Gai n li ne wou ld be required fo r 1. 73 Magaz ;ne, Aug ., 1973,
di rectio nal , broadsid e one com me rcia l ca ta log E, feeding and ph asing t he " Sing le Band Log-Per iodic An-
using 1;4 -A radi at in g ele- 1969. two slo pers, simi lar to t he tennas, " pa rt I, G. E. Smith
ments in phase spaced 1,4A. Incid ent all y, if any hams dual V. -A phased slope rs W4AEO.
The 3-element endfire arr ay are interested, t hese com- desc rib ed abo ve in Fig. 2. 73 Mag azine , Sept., 1973, op.
4(a) ctt., part II.
wou ld be un idi rectiona l me rcia l wire beams are gen -
3. 73 Magazine, Ma rch , 1975,
and sho u ld give greater erally in the $20,000 to Better st ill, if th e tw o " Yes, I've Built Sixteen Log
gai n. Th e Bruce wou ld , $50,000 cla ss. Howe ver, t his phased slopers could be a Pe ri o d i c A nt en nas !" , G. E.
however , proba b ly have a do es incl ude an 100- to f u ll Y, A (req uiri ng t w o Smi th W4 AEO.
great er null t o t he sides 240-foot stee l to wer. A 3- to nO-fo ot masts), they should 4. Ham Radio, Sept. , 1972; May,
(180 °). 5-eleme nt vert ica l (mon o- giv e about maxim um gai n to 1973; Aug. , 1973; Sept ., 1973;
If a sin gle high mast is band) di pol e log periodi c broad sid e for an array o f May , 1974; Oct., 1974; May,
ava ilable, it co uld also be for 75m c an genera lly be this type. I bel ieve I have 1975, G. E. Sm it h W4A EO.
used as th e center support ham-bu ilt f o r $100.00 or heard of so me ham using 5. Com m un ic a ti on s New s ,
Ju ne, 1974, " Designing Log ·
fo r 3 or 4 separate phased less for wi re, insul at o rs, this ty pe of beam.
Periodic Beam A nt ennas by t he
endf ire arrays, thus provid- etc., less tower an d coax. Th er e are, no doubt, Grap hic Met hod," G. E. Smi t h
ing 3 o r 4 separat e beam m any p hased -sloper-a rray W4A EO.
head ing s or separate select- Broadside or side-by-side co mb inatio ns w hich can be 6. 05 T, Apr., 1977, "Ouad Log-
ab le lobes at 1 20° fo r 3 ar- shortened s/opers- designed . I agai n w ish to Per io d ic Fi xed -Beam Anten -
rays or 90° f or 4, f o r beam- A n o t he r su g ges te d point ou t th at I have only nas, " G. E. Sm it h W4A EO.

ALL-M O D E VHF amplifiers

'--- -- ----=
M O D EL:V' 8 0

tc B u ilt -in 115/230 VAC S u p p ly "cHlu mmat e d Pa nel Meter

fr A M -F M ·C W -S S B-RlTY i'l Auto m a t ic T f A S vvi t c h ing
,':;BOd S H a r m onics n V S W R Pr o t e c ted
tc BOd S S purio u s *: + 13V /3 A Acces sor y Sock et
tc H eavy Duty Design *: U. S. Manufacture d


" " V 76 5 Q.52MHz 8- 15 W T(JQ.T20 W 21 5 x330 x1 78mm 1 1 7 k gl2 6 1bsl No $ 339.00

• " V 360 5Q.52MHz 5-1 0 W 4(JQ.4 5OW 4 32x330x 178m m 2 34 kg 15 2 1bsl Ye , $ 89 5 .00
V70 144-148M Hz 1Q.15W 7 5 -90W 2 15x330x1 78 m m 11. 7 kg f2 6 1bsJ No $3 15. 00
V7 1 144·148MHz 1· 3 W 7 5- 90W 2 16x330x 178m m 11 _7 kg 12 61bsJ No $ 34 9 .0 0
V1 8 0 14 4 - 148M Hz 5-1 5 W 17 0 ·200w 2 16x330x 178mm 13.5 kg 13 0 IbsJ CW &FM $539.00
V350 14 4 -14 8 MHz 1O-2 0 W 3 50 ·400W 432 x330 x 178mm 23.4 kg 152 1b sl Ye, $895.00
V130B 22 0 -2 2 5 M H z 10-15W 70 -8 5W 216 x3 3 0 x178mm 1 1. 7 k g(2 6Ib sl No $32 9. 0 0
V1 3 5B 22 0 -2 2 5 M Hz 2 5 ·3 5 W 1 40 -1 60W 2 16 x3 3 0 x 17 8mrTj 1 1 .7 kg (26Ib s] CW & F M $4 6 9 .0 0

F110 Fan K it , 1 15 V A C 13 5 x 13 5 x5 0 mm 1 kg rz.zrcs: $ 3 3. 00

F2 2 0 Fan Kit , 2 3 0VA C 13 5x1 3 5 x5 0mm 1 kg tz .zros ) $ 33.00
- F13 5 Fa n Kit , 11 5 V A C 381 x 14 0 x8 9 m Ql 3 ,2 k g( 71bsl $ 59 .00
" F2 3 5 Fa n Kit, 230VAC 381x 140 x89mm 3, 2 k g( 7 lbs) $ 5 9 .00
R M ·l 19 1nch Ra c k Adaptor 483x3x178mm 1 k g (2 .2 Ibs) s 2 5. 00
" RM ·2 19 In c h Rack Adap tor , 97x32x28mm .5 k g(1. 1 Ibs) $ 12.00

• Used wiT h t he V 360 & V350 Amp lif ie r s f • - Fo r Expert O n ly I Other Fr equencie s A y ailable 00 Request

Dealer Inq uiries Invited

11013-118t h Pla c e N .E.· Kir kland , Wa shington 98033
Y" R27
~_ ...
Tele phone: (206)8 22·1251 • TELEX No. 32-1042

64 V"" Read er Sef ~;ce - s ee p ag e 211

NEW FI-7B 100 W
Enough power to drive those linears! The FT-78 is the high
powered version of the popular 20 watt FT-'Z that so many hams are
running mobile in cars, boats, and planes around the world. Use
the FT-78 as a top quality base station. New improvements include
an audio peak filter (like our FT-901DM) to give you super CW
selectivity, drive control, four 1OM positions, full 80-1 OM coverage,
28.5-29.0 MHz crystal supplied (other ;crystals available as op-
tions), optional YC-78 Plug-in Remote Digital Readout, optional
FP-12 Speaker/Power Sup,ply Console.

Sensitivity: 0.5uV for SIN 20 dB Emission: LSB, USB (A3j), CW (Al), AM (A3)
Image rejection: Better than 50 dB Input power: Al, A3j; 100 watts DC
IF rejection: Better than 50 dB Carrier suppression: Better than 50 dB be-
Selectivity: -6 dB: 2.4 KHz, -60 dB; 4.0 KHz low rated output
Cross-modulation: Better than 60 dB im- Unwanted sideband suppression: Better
munity at 20 KHz off a 20 dB input signal than 50 dB @ 1000 Hz
typical . Spurious emission: Better than -40 dB
Audio output: 3 watts @ 10% THD Distortion products: Better than -31 dB

-_ -
\iil ThlfrpJjdi~;"~~o,o::.
Price And Specifications Subject To

YAESU ELECTRONICS CORP., 15954 Downey Ave., Paramount, CA 90723 • (213) 633-4007
YAESU ELECTRONICS Eastern Service Ctr.,9812 Prlnceton-Glendale Rd.,Cincinnati, OH 45246
Frederi ck James Bartolomei N8A JA
/9442 Rockport Drive
Roseville M / 48066

Build This Simple 220 Vagi

- 3 elements, 6 dB

The $5 AlA special.

I f yo u're lookin g for an

expensive, double-figu re-
dB gain HF antenna, t ry an-
To bu il d\'\'9T A L's bea m,
I pu rc hased a GEC-52 co n-
ica l TV anten na, made by
o t her article, bec ause this RM S Ele ctroni cs, 50 Austin
construction' project wo n't' Pla ce, Bro nx NY 104 62, f or
help you at all-es pecia lly f ive bu ck s fr om a lo cal
if yo u w ant an HF sky hook. radi o-el ectr oni cs store. I
How ever, if t he idea of a chose th is mode l bec au se
$5.00, 3-ele me nt yag i w ith ' of t he cheap p rice , but any
abo ut 6 dB of gai n fo r 220 t elevisio n anten na will do .
MHz suits y ou, then read A nother ro ute is to buy a
o n. boom and 1/8 " or 3/8"
W hen th e June, 1978 , alum inum rod s separately.
issue of 220 No tes (vo lume S.tep 1: Afte r tak in g t he
1, number 4) arr ive d at my TV ant enna f ro m th e ship-
doorst ep, I was new to 220 ping carton , remove the
M Hz; in fact, the ink o n m y ele ment s (secured to plas-
Tec h t icket was st ill moist! t ic hubs with pop rivet s) by
So the b lurb t itled " Yo ur d ri lling ou t t he rivet s with a
Own Lit tl e 220 Beam " on bit sli ght ly l arge r th an t he
page o ne ca pt ured my im- head . Now you have sev-
medi ate inter est. A ltho ug h eral alum inum elements of
22 0 Notes in clud ed a va r i o us l en gth s a nd a
m arvelou s ske t ch of th e boom.
ante nna (which t hey ada pt- Ste p 2: Measu re t he
e d fr om C. N . Zornes length of yo ur boom . It
W9 TA L), t he new sl etter mu st be at least 30 inc hes.
contained no instruct ions The mast-cum-boom sup-
f o r assem bl y . Fig . 1 i s plied w ith t he GEC-52 is
redrawn fr om 220 Notes 31 V, inc hes long . If yo ur
and shows antenna dimen- boom exceeds t hree fee t, I
The co mp leted 22O-MHz beam. sions, recomm end shorte ning it

r-'0-- l'---1'0"'---
shou ld be Yo of an inch to 1
to 30 inc hes. A hacksaw o r
saber saw w il l do t he job. inch deep and und er no cir-
,I.o""~ V " -
Now m ark a ~-inch point cum stance sho u ld they in-
in from either end; mark tersect wi th th e boom / 2 • 4 • 4
another ~ -inch point on bore. ~
,' 7!

>:- .=,( ~ :~I

t he other side, i.e., d irectl y Set a driven ele ment in

: " ,- ~:J
be hind it. You will be drill- each of th e two side holes '00'
ing throug h these points, so (m a k e sure it i s sn u g
ma ke sure t hey line up! aga in st t he ba c k ) and
M ake sim ilar m arks 19 'h screw a 1 lh -in ch wood RG- 8 / lJ
L w'<
in ch es in front of the first screw into t he top of th e 2"
two. Measure t he d iameter x 4" abo ut 1;2" from the
of your elements, add 1/16 edge. The screw wi ll secure Fig. 1. A nte nna and dimensio ns. Adap ted fro m: 220 Notes,
of an inc h, and d rill hol es t he ele me nt and wi ll lat er volume 1, number 4, June, 1978, page 1.
in each of t he f our ma rk s. serve as a conductor be-
The dri ll bit w ill not slip if tween t he coax and ele- Bat htub caul ki ng is ano th - 2 ' x 4 ",4 " W0 0 0 8 LOCK

you f irst pu nch ho l es in t he men t. Slide the 2" x 4" o n er solution.

bo om w ith a l arge nail. the boom so that t he ele-
Step 3: Make marks mid- ments' centers are 10 1;2
w ay between t he ho les you in ches from th e midd le of In preliminary test s t he
drill ed for the refl ect or ele- th e ref lectors' holes. yagi performed ad m irably,
ment. Th ese are perp en- Step 7: You 're in the My fi rst sim pl ex conta ct
dicular to and 1f4 diamete r home st ret ch ... f i n a l was with Tom WB8GVC in
aw ay from t he origin al assem bly b egi ns he re . Detro it (a dista nce o f
hol es. St ove bolts w il l d rop Plac e th e ref lector (remem- abo ut f ifteen mi les), and
through t hese poi nts to ber that's the longer ele- th e ant enna was only t en Fig. 2. Sketch of wood block
se cu r e the ref l ector . ment) in the large ho les fe et above grou nd l evel. holding driven elements.
Rep eat thi s procedure for near the rear of the boom . When I taped t he beam o n
th e di rector. Onc e th e A lig n t he ho les in the boom a twenty-foot makeshift I p u rpose ly neg lected
spo ts are marked , d rive a and refl ect or so t hat t hey mast (and had my father VHF /U HF an te nna t heo ry
large na il th rou gh t hem mat ch . Set a flat was her and Tom WD80TN take in this art icle. If you' re
and wiggle it aro und to ove r th e topside hol e and t u rns p lay i ng ro t or), .1 c u r i o u s a bo u t why i t
ream out t he aperture. d rop in a bo lt. Tight en t he ra ised t he W R8AOK re- w o rk s.ithen consu lt o ne of
Step 4: Tim e to cut you r bo lt with a lock was her and peater in Livon ia, M ich - these f i ne books : VHF
el ements . Measure and cut nu t on t he underbelly. Re- iga n. WR8AOK sits forty- A nte nna Haiiabook from
o ne ele ment 27-1/8 in che s peat th is for th e director. five mi les f ro m my ho me 73 Magazine for $4.95 or
lo ng - t his is the refl ec to r. Strip 1 'h inches of the QT H -not bad for a ten- The Rad io A mateur's VHF
M easure a nd cut anothe r coa x's outer covering off Watt Mid land 1 3-509 rig _ Man ual fr o m t he A RRL for
24-1/8 inches lo ng - t his is the end . Twist t he shield ing and a tw enty-f ive-f oot run .. $4.00. I fe lt t he underly in g
th e director. Measure and braid into a " w ire" and of RG-58/U . In the low t heory was too mu ch to
cut two elements eac h 12 remove the plastic insu- power position (o ne Wa tt), t ackle here and m a ny
inches lon g - t hese are t he la tor from ar o u nd the I f ull-quiet ed the W R8AEF hams , li ke myse lf, are more
driven elements. center condu ctor. The to- ma chine in Mt. Clem ens, - - co ncern ed with putting out
Step 5: Crimp the open tal dis ta nc e between t he Mic higan, a six-mi le ha ul. a good signal. Any co m-
end s of the refl ect o r and split in the co ax t o t he end A ll in all , I've been irn- me nts, quest ion s, o r ob jec-
director and one open end of each d riven element is pressed with th e resul t s of tions you have o n this f ine,
of eac h driven element 12'h in ch es. M easu re t he W9TAL 's desig n. &-dB, n O-MHz antenna at
w ith pliers to pre vent water length from o ne screw in For max im u m resul t s, the m inimal cost of f ive
from enter ing and rusting t he 2" x 4" to t he t ip of t he moun t t he bea m as hi gh up buc ks will be answe red
them . If the cr imped ends co rre spondi ng driven ele- as po ssibl e- or, at l east pro v ide d, of cou rse, t hat
are roug h, a fi le o r sand - me nt. Subtract th is size above surro undi ng trees- yo u enclose an SASE .
paper wi II smooth the m fro m 12 'h inches and wrap away from other metal lic As for me, I' m heading
off . Locate t he m idpoint of all but t he difference of the objects, and use RG-8/U back t o t he rad io ... " Q RZ
each el ement (13-9/16 inch- twisted c o ax i a l braid coa xia l ca ble to mi nim i ze rare DX from N8AJA in
es for t he reflector; 12-1/16 aro und the head of t he transmission li ne loss. Ro sevill e, Mich igan ." •
in ches f or t he di rector) and wood screw. Drive the
pun ch a hole, using th e nail screw as deep ly as possible Parts List
fr om Step 3, to allow a bo lt int o t he 2" x 4" . Repeat this TV antenna (GEe-52) or6 % ' of 1/8" or 3/8" aluminum rods and 30"
to pass through it. part of Step 7 fo r the re- boom
Step 6: Take a 4-in ch maining sc rew an d the 4" piece of 2" x 4" wood
saber saw or hacksaw with blade
piece of 2" x 4" and bo re a cable's c ente r co nduc t or.
2 wo od screws (1" long)
hole in it as shown in Fig. 2, I w rapped silver d uc t 2 stove bolt s (11/2 " long) and lock and flat was hers
to accom modate the boom . tape around t he 2" x 4" t o wood bore and drill bits
Use a smaller bore (or large iso la te it f ro m t he nasty elec tric drill
bit) to dr ill hol es in the sides M ic higan wi nters and t o in- RG-8/U coax wi t h 1 PL-259
of the 2" x 4". Th ese hol es c reas e t he beam ' s l ife. rosin core solder and sold ering iron

A lexander MacLean WA2SUTINNN6ZVB
18 Indian Spring Trail
Denville NJ 07834

Beware of the
Dreaded Phantom Ground
- exorcise those antenna gremlins

Avoidi ng the non-radiant anten na,

he a rt ic le by Joh n So wha t happ ened ? Well, wate r pip e a nd maybe a job witho ut tro ub le.
T Cra nsto n WB2DYU/2 in
th e Mar ch , '78, issue of 73
t he grou nd was a lways
shown in a p ict ure-book
long run of that to th e
gro und. For rf purposes,
Mo st rigs a re coax-fe d
th ese days, so th e bas ics
(" 1 Need A Co nt a c t !" ) statio n. The re was all t hat yo u a ren't even connected will be fo r tha t type of out-
bro ug ht back man y u n- beautif ul gear, all hoo ked to th e grou nd . W hat you r put. The coax-fed an ten-
pleasant memories of past up toget her with a heavy tra nsmi tter sees is what nas, dipole, beam, q uad,
sta tion operat ion and more co ppe r braid ground bu s to loo ks like anot he r hu nk of etc., will work fine wit hout
tha n too ma ny of how it a c o nve n ie nt ly lo cated a nte nna. That, added to t he earth ground . Here yo u
works now. I, too, have a gro und . It is the " co nve- you r nomina l ant enn a, -.. may want a ba lun or other
long history of inventing nie ntly loca ted" that kills resu lts in almost as good a mat c hing dev ice to go
the non-radi ant anten na . y o u. When ' they s ay radiator as yo u r sto re- fro m unbalanced line to
However , a few o f the rules grou nd, they mea n grou nd, bo ught dum my load . bal an ced, bu t it sho u ld not
of thumb (or burne d fin- as in nice wet ea rth. To I have t ried a number of - . be c rit ica l.
ge rs, if you wi ll) a rrived at wor k, th e d irect eart h co n- d iffe re nt co nf igura t ions of If you can do it, th e attic
may be of hel p to othe r nectio n mu st be qui t e this basi c c irc u it and ca n shack is the ideal locat ion
ham s sta rt ing ou t. close to your eq u ipment recomme nd it fo r tune-up fo r t he roof-mounted 'a n-
If yo u do n't read too and connec ted with a so lid purposes. It also is very im- tenna. A simple mast wit h a
muc h th eory, it is harde r to hun k of metal. press ive to sho w visitors sma ll bea m o r q uad wi ll do
bu ild a n a nt enna that will Many ham s have som e how you ca n light a sm all nice ly. From th ere it will be
not work tha n to bui ld on e heavy co ppe r wate r p ipe neo n bulb with yo ur no se a sho rt coax run to th e rig.
that wo rks. t hat goes right through the when you key t he rig. So far , so good. What
From th e descri ptio n of base me nt sha ck and into Let 's get back to prac- about th a t d ipo le you
what Cra nston has, th e re the gro und . Now t hat is a t ica l for a b it. There is no wa nted to have? It doesn' t
seem to be a few o ld reason a ble gro und. If you suc h thing as a lon g grou nd ma tt er th at the rig is in t he
friends: On e of my favor- do n' t have -t hat, yo u don 't unless yo u can run so me- a tt ic, but it usuall y hap-
ites is th e phan tom ground . have a grou nd . The furt he r thi ng the dia meter of a pe ns t hat whe n yo u have
All t he bo o ks say that yo u away from that yo u are, sewer pip e from the rig to met t he co nd itio n t ha t
sho uld ground th e equip- the less ground yo u have. the gro und . I do n't ' t hink yo ur rig is nowhere near a
m e n t , par t ic ul a rl y t he If yo ur shack is on t he that will work well , either. goo d ground, it pro ba bly is
tr ansm itte r, to avoid all first floor, or mor e prob- So, forg et the ground. situated whe re you can't
so rts of tro ub les. Usually ably the seco nd floo r or a t- Build an anten na that will have a goo d a n te n na .
th is lead s to a ll sorts of tic, yo u don 't have a ny wor k without the gro und . Somehow t he la nds cape
tr ou bles just like the o nes ground at all . W hat yo u do This is not as hard as it h a s bee n ca ref u lly a r-
yo u wa nte d to avoid, like have is a hunk of fa r too so unds. Witho ut th e false ran ged so that th e re is no
TVI a nd rf burns whe n yo u thin w i re drape d a ll gro und to give t roub le, po ssib ility of str inging a
to uc hed th e rig. through t he hou se to a man y a nte nnas will do th e dip ol e , inv ert ed V, o r

any t hing resembl in g t he t o anythi ng else t hat yo u hooked up to short t he th ~
a ntenn as show n in t he do n't have to. They f igh t ant enna lead direct ly t o A •
book. wi th each other. Th is w il l t he gro und of th e coax co n- SY"'BOl SY MBOL
Now w hat? Th is is w here leave yo u w it h only one nect o r (ch assis gro und). Fig. 1. Schemati c ground
t he all -ti me easy antenna problem. I haven't seen it m en- s ym bols.
comes into its own- the There m ay be potent ia l t io ned in yea rs, but th ere
c lass ic r a n d o m - l e n gt h d ifference s betw een t he wa s a t ime w hen m any elec t r ical safety w hen you
ante nna. W hat th is is is a va rio us chassis. If you are schematics made a di stin c- are no t ope rat ing .
lon g piece of wi re. You ho ldi ng o nt o o ne and reach ti o n b et w e e n c h as s is
ma ke it as lon g and as hig h f or another, you may get gro und and eart h ground. Th e key is t o go by t he
as you c an. Nom inally, you bitten . Thi s is no t p leasant , Ther e are d ifferent sche- book as f ar as you can and
wa nt it mo re th an 1f4 w av e- so lea rn not to do t hat any mati c sym bo ls f or eac h. onl y m ake such modific a-
len gth lon g. It w ou ld be m or e . D on ' t gr ab two Th e f am il iar gro und sy m- ti o ns as yo u have to f or
nice if it was in a str aight pie ces of gear w hen both bol , Fig. l (a), is t he one f or yo u r p art icul ar c irc u m-
lin e, but it is quite accom- are li ve (or plu gged in). This chassis ground . Fig. l(b) is sta nc es. Th en do as m uch
mod atin g to being bent in- is a small pri ce t o pay f or a th e sy mbo l for e a r t h as you c an t o restor e non-
to odd shapes. It w o u ld like re lia b le attic syste m. It groun d . ope rat ing safety.
to be fr ee and cl ear o f may no t happ en t hat your If yo u r shac k loc at ion is I hop e th ese tw o par-
ot her o bjec t s, parti cu larl y pa rt ic ula r gear does t hat . suc h t hat yo u c an' t get a t ic u lar tec hn iq ues, t he use
meta l o nes. Some of mi ne does and good eart h gro und f o r an- of a t uned ra ndom -lengt h
With a li ttl e t hought, it is so me doe sn' t. te nn a g ro u n di n g , t he ante nna and t he avoidance
alm ost im possibl e t o not Of co u rse, y o u are go ing chassis gro und w ill st ill of a phantom gro und , w il l
be ab le to meet t he re- to g ro u nd yo u r ante nna w or k a lot better t han leav- hel p solve a few prob lems
qu i rem en t s o f t h is antenna, when not in use ... o r are ing yo ur rig there to get f or th os e wh o are j ust
bu t t here are a f ew li ttle yo u? You w ill have t he hit. beg inning o r no t able to
hitch es. same p ro ble m t ryi ng to It also doesn't cost m uch use a m ore co nve nt iona l
It ru ns from yo ur t rans- gro und your ante nna to a to ru n a gro und w ire to co nfi gu rat io n.
mi tt er to whe re it e nds . p hant o m grou nd as your yo ur shac k and t ry it f or rf It d rove me nuts fo r
Th at means t here w ill be t ransm i tt er had work ing purposes. Then if you have qui t e so me t ime un til I got
radi at i o n i n t he shac k; with it. t ro ub le w it h o perat ing, re- t he hang of it. It 's not t he
how ever, t his sho u ld no t be A nte n na groundi ng is move it w hen yo u use yo ur best , but it w ill be rei iab le
w hat is usuall y th ough t of su p po sed to serve two pur- rig and reconn ect it ju st f or when properl y app lied .•
as rf in t he shac k, i.e., pose s. It is f ondl y bel ieve d
bu rned fi ngers w hen yo u th at it w ill p ro tec t your rig
touch t he rig. It ju st has to
be hoo ked up ri ght. M ost
rig s have a 50-O hm o ut put.
from a d ir ect li ght nin g hi t .
Lots of luck. Even wi t h
th e usual textbook ham
CodeMade Easy.
To really mastercode,get Pickering CodeMasler instruction
Th e random is high im - ground setu p, tha t is asking
tapes. They're easy to use, easyto learn,complete and reliable.
ped anc e. Yo u have to use a lot. A d irect li ght ning hit But don't just take our word tor n, askany ham Or order a set
an antenna t uner. This ca n w il l go to gro und , but it is and see for yo urself.
be as simp le as a coax ja ck , pr o bab ly goi ng t o take CM-1 Novice, A complete coursewith 5, 7 and9 WPMcode
a va ri ab le capacitor (wi th eve ry t hing alo ng t he path group pract ice .
insul ated shaft), a coil and w it h it. I don ' t k now if t he
CM-1'h General. No instruction, just practice. y, hr. at 11 WPM,
a f ew cli p lead s, or a f ancy usu a l a nte nna , lead-in, a nd 14 WPM ane Y, 17 WPM.Tape includescodedgroups
st ore- bo ught t uner. A short gro und ing set up is go ing to andstraight text.
ru n of coax f rom th e rig to st ay put f or t ha t , not to
CM-2 Extra Class, Mostlystraighttext, somegroups. 1
t he t uner and t he anten na mention any gear co nnect-
20 WPM, Y, 25 and 30 WPM.
go es fro m there to t he ed t o it. Th e best yo u usual - All co urses are two ho urs long and come with key shee ts for
great o utd oo rs. It works ly hop e for, and th e usual check ing prob lem areas.
quit e w el l. case, is protect ion aga inst To order, send yo ur c hec k, m oney order, Master Cha rge or Visa
It's har d to m iss, but t he sta tic charge buildup number (alongWith cardexpiration date) to Codemaster.Specify
yo u' re not home fr ee yet. fro m a nearby elec t ric al number andquantity of tapes desired. Tapesare $7.95each,
The book s stil l say to st o rm. W hi le th is is not twofor $14,and threefor $19. Also specify T' reel or cassette.
g r o und eve ry t hi n g t o - usuall y bi g eno ugh t o t urn We'lI sendyour tapes post paid by fourth class mail.First class,
gether. Th is is how you get yo ur ante nn a into a bstract Canada andMexico orders. add $1 per reel,50¢ per cassene.
all t ha t rf in t he shac k, pl us art w ork, i t is ofte n big To order by phone, call (401)683-0575.
assorte d rf bu rns and m in or eno ugh to pu t a w all op ing R.I. residents,add 6%
sales tax.
jo l ts. charge int o th e f ron t end of
You st ill will have yo ur any rig t hat's t here. Pickering
phanto m gro und probl em . Here t he so lution is sim- Codemaster Co.,
p.o . Box 396 D,
It w asn't until I got rid o f ple. It is no t so m uch a
Portsmouth, R. 1.
both the gro u nd and co n- d irect eart h gro und you 02871
nec t ing th e va riou s c hass is need as a chassis gro und
t oget her t hat my set up got co n ne c t io n . A ny o f t he
t amed . antenna sw itc hing arrange-
Don 't co nnect anythin g m e n ts ca n u su all y be

V" Reader Service -see page 21' 69

A Close Encounter With Voyager I
- the W6VIO story

V oyager II is next.

Dr. No rman L. Chalfin K6PGX

lPL Amoteur Radio Club
4800 Oak Gro ve Dr.
J et Prop ul sion Labor ato ry
A ma t e u r Radi o Clu b
memb ers gave up lun ch
1-11,1 979, to o perate t hei r
club stat ion W 6VIO in ce l-
ebr ation of th e cl ose ap-
Ga l il ea n sate lli t es, 10 ,
Euro pa , G an ym ede, an d
Callisto .
per iod s. many after-work pr oach o f th e Vo yager I
Pasadena CA 91103 D ick Piet y K6SV P o rgan-
hours, and w eekends d ur- space p rob e t o th e planet
ized and manag ed t he op -
in g th e period f ro m March Jupit er a n d it s f o u r
eratio n. He w as assisted by
Jim Lumsd en WA 6M YJ .
:::::::::: :: :::" ,,::" ' :: ' Jim mounted a Her cule an

::::ll!l: l · 1 1 1 1 "~_ I · ' -"~~~~~i:~~t~;~~~:~~~~

shack ready for the event.
. Equi pm ent, sto red in m any
locatio ns during th e refur-
bi shi ng. had to be returned
to t he shac k an d rein-
st alled in th e beautifully
a rra nge d she l ves a n d
Th e 1540 co nt ac ts ma de
in the various bands on
whi ch the op erati on was
mounted include:
10m ph on e 281
[ in cl u des a number o f
SSTV contacts)
10m CW 21
15 m pho ne 123
15m CW 164
20m pho ne 362
(in clud es many SSTV con-
20m CW 1 57
Dick Piety K65VP at the 55 TV position. The image on the screen is o f Callist o, one of 40m CW 10
Jupiter's moons. 75m phone 1
One of the SSTV monitor vi ews o f th e W6VIO ID d uring A slow-s can im age of the great red spot o n Jup iter.
the Voyager I commemorative.
of the JPL ARC (in add it io n A rc ad ia, Ca l ifo rn ia, high
2m FM 348 gra phed t hat he w as re- to m yself ) who took part in sc ho o l st ude nt, 16 years
(includ e s che ck -in s t o c ord ing t he Jupiter images th e Voyager I comm em ora- old , who is co rnrnu nica-
v a r i o u s JPL/ G ol d st o n e * and send ing t hem to t he ti ve are: Di ck Piety K6SV P tions asso ci ate o n t he
nets run d u ring t he co m - loc al p ress as fast as he (c hai rma n o f t he commem- Sunf ire I pro ject ), George
memora ti v e) recei v ed t hem. A De nv er o ra t iv e ope rat io n), John Morr is W 6ABW, Jim Lum s-
220 M Hz FM 72 amate u r c o n t ac t ed t he Repa r WA6 LW D , Sta n d e n WA6MYJ (fa cili -
OSCA R 1 D enver Post . T hey call ed Sander N6MP, Ro n Z enone t i es c h a irma n fo r
There w ere 79 con tac ts K6SVP on t he pho ne to in- W6 T U Z , Wa rren Ape l W6V IOj, Mike G ri ffi n
outsid e t he U nited States. t erview hi m abo ut the op- K6GPK , M erv MacM edan N6 W U (president of t he
e rat io n . A co nt act w ith N6NO, Jim Lo n g t h o r n e JPL ARC ), and G lenn Berry
In t ere st in g si de l i g h t s F6KCP by W6V IO led to WA6K PW (off-la b m em - K6G H J (w ho organ ized t he
arose d uring th e com m em- f ive or six o t he r Frenc h be r), Bo b Gosl ine A E6S, r e c on str u cti o n of t he
ora tive . D i ck says h e am at eurs jo ini ng t he activ i- Ric h Soikkel e WD6ERI (an t rail er). •
" does n't be lieve" the co n- ty.
tact o n 2 me te rs w ho gave Th e p rom ised QS L ca rd,

a K7 ca ll and said he was incl ud ing Jup ite r pi ctures
speaking fr o m Seattle . m ade b y Vo yag er I ' s
(Seattle to Pasadena on ca m eras, w as a m agnet to
2 m ?) M e r v MacMe da n
N6NO bega n a CW co nt ac t
pull in the c o nt ac ts. A ll N~~·' MH.
100 It .
100 m
who contacte d W6V IO

9888 so 1.2 3.'
w it h a Spa nish ama te u r d ur i n g t h e M a rch 1-11 , 100 1.S 5.'
42$11t 200 2.' 8.5
w ho wou ld n' t let him go on 1979, p eri od wi ll rece ive 300 3.3 - - 10 .8
to o t hers . Merv exp l ained 400 38 12.5
QS Ls if they send an SASE

to him in Spa nis h abo u t the 8214 . so 1.2 3.'
to W6VIO o r Q SL t hroug h 100 18 s.•
Vo yager c o m me mo ra t ive. thei r bu reau s. T he c ard 26c11t. 200 2.' S.5
300 3.3 10 .8
The Spani sh amateur want- also id entif ies the major 400 38 12 .5

ed to " rag-c hew." Jim made d iscoveries about Jup iter 82 37 lOll 2.0 e.e
200 3.0 9.8
a co ntact o n SSTV wit h a and its moons made by t he 23cJ1t 400 ' .7 15.4
W ic hi ta Fall s, Texas, 900 7.8 25.'
Voyager I spacecraft in its
amate ur who said he wa s lOll 2.0 6.6
c lose enco u nte r of the 200 3.0 ' .8

reco rd ing t he p ictures f or most spe ctac u la r k in d . ' 00 4.7 15 .4
900 7.8 256
his hi gh schoo l class of Those w ho remember t he
fo urteen-yea r-old s. Dave Viki ng co m m e m o ra t i v e
No. 01 Con d. - 8
Ing ram K4TWJ t e le- ca rd from N6V , operated AWG (in mm ) - 6-22, (1K30). [.76]:
2·18 , (16 l1.30 ), [1.19J
by the JPL club duri ng the
' The JPL Amateur Radio Club l and ings on Mars, c an ap-
(operati ng on 220 wit h WR6APS preci at e t he b eau t y of
at La Can ada CAl and its af - th ese ve ry spec ial QSLs. No. 01 Cond. - 8
f i l i a t e d Go ldst one C lub From Jul y 6-15, 197 9, AWG (In mm) - 2-16 , (26l1.30), [1.52);
(operating on 220with WR6AZN 6-18. (16x3O). [1.17]
f ro m Ta bl e Moun tai n , nea r
ther e wi ll b e a second
Wrigh twood CA), are linked Jupiter fl y-by commemora-
toget her fo r a genera l amateur ti ve fo r th e Voya ger /I MADISON ..-M35
radio news net on each Tues - Mission . It wi ll have a
day at 8:00 pm PST and fo r an so m ew ha t different ca rd. If ELECTRONICS SUPPLY, INC.
AMSAT/OSCAR news net on 1508 McKINNEY. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002
eac h Wed nes day at 8:00 pm you missed out o n Vo yager
PST. The co mbined net covers I, t ry fo r Voya ger /I .
all of southern California . MASTERCHARGE • VISA
The ind ividual m embers

V Read er Serv ice - see page 21 1 71

Alan M. Christman WD8CBJ
Box 44
Granville WV 26534

G IA N T Wire Antennas
- impress the neighbors

H ave yo u eve r f ound

yo urself wa nti ng an
antenna th at was easy to
hal l-wave d ipole is its lo w
leedpoint imp eda nce. The
reaso n for th is is show n in
a nd 3/2-wave le ngt h di pole s.
Not ice tha t the curren t in
the center 01 a lu ll-wave
minimum at its cen t er, an d
eac h a lso has a low va lue
01 inpu t im pe da nce.
put up , had gain over a the uppe r draw ing 01 Fig. 1. antenna is low and th e vo lt-
d ipo le , wa s simp le to This d rawing shows th e age is high, resu lting in a Determi ni ng the Correct
match, a nd co uld work on stand ing wav es 01 vo lta ge very high input impedance Ante nna Lengt h
more tha n one band? The n and current whi ch are pres- on the order 0 1 sev eral Ta b le 1 shows th e lo r-
rea d o n. This art icle shows ent o n a reson ant ante nna. tho usa nd O hms . However , mul as to u se in or de r to
how to design a nd bui ld Fro m O hm's Law, the inpu t the 3/2-wavele ngt h an ten na ca lc u la te the righ t len gth
wire ant ennas w hic h are impedance is eq ua l to t he has a vo ltage minimu m at lo r e a ch leg 01 the a nte nna
longer than a hall wa ve- vo ltage divid ed by the cur- it s cent er, sim i la r to th e at th e Irequ ency 01 int er-
len gth . These a nte nnas ma y ren t at th e leedpoint 01 th e ha ll-wavelength dip ole . The est, on ce you have chose n
be o pe rated as dipol es o r ante nna. For a half-wave leed poi nt im p edan c e is how m any quarter wa ve-
V-beams. By carelu l cho ice dipo le, the vo ltage at the aga in re la t iv e ly lo w - le ngths you w;;rrt each le g
01 leg len gt h, it is possible leedpoint is low a nd th e a ro und 100 Ohms or so . to be . No t ice t hat a
to build a n a ntenna w hich c urre nt is high , wh ich gives 'l\ -wave le ngth leg is more
At teh en d s 0 I ea c h .
w ill w ork on several ama- a low va lue 01 impedance . . . ' -.tha n 3 tim es as lo ng as a
te ur ba nd s, bu t req uires o n- - typica lly, 50 to 70 O hm s. di pole dr awn m Fig. 1 , the Yo -wave le ngth leg. This is
current IS shown to be at a b ecause th e 'In II ue nce 0 I
ly a single leedli ne . The in- Ma ny ham s use ha ll- . .
rnm rrn u m. va lue. a nd the . " end eII ec t" diImlntS
. . h es as
put impedan ce is a bo ut 200 wave ante nnas, but it is also
O hms and m ay eas ily be poss ible to mak e a dip ole in vo ltage IS m aximum . ThIS the numb er 01 qu ar te r
makes good se nse II yo u _. . .
matched to 50-O hm coax which each leg is mu ch thiIn k a b o u t it
I .
Th e current wave le ngt hs m each leg m-
with a 4:1 balun . long er t han a qua rte r wave-
I Iowi ng at teen d 0 I a
' h creases.
len gth. Fig. 1 also shows the piec e of w ir e m ust be ze ro .T he antenna ma y also be
Background vo ltage and current d istri- bec au se it ha s no wh e re to o rie nted as a V -beam rath-
One advantage 01 the butions lor l -wa ve le ngth go . On the othe r han d , th e e r t ha.~ a dipo le, il d ire c-
voltage at the end 01 a wi re tivitv IS de sired . Ta ble 2
za V I I
S O Z IS La ....
easily can be q uite high. s ho ws the incl uded angle
The impor tan t po int to (angle between t he two
re mem ber is that to get a legs 01 th e Vl lor severa l
low va lue 01 inpu t imp ed- di ff e r en t V- bea m leg
a nce, th er.e must be a vo lt- lengths, as we ll as th e ap-
age minimum at the center proxim at e gain of eac h
~ U L L · W A VE
AND I IS LO W 01 th e a nt e nna . In othe r co nli g urat io n.
Olf'O L E
words, e a c h le g 01 t he For those 01 you with
a nte nna must be a n odd lo ts 01 re a l es ta te, Ta ble 3
number of quarter w ave- gives t he data required to
len gth s. For the ha ll-wave desig n a nd bui ld ante nna s
dipole, each leg is Yo 01 a w hic h are truly giants. The
3/2 WAVE
Z-V lt
wavele ng th , w hile lor the leedpoint im ped an c e 01
3/2-wave le ngt h dip ole, eac h th ese mon sters is in th e
le g is 'l\ 0 1 a wav e - neigh borhood 01 t he 200-
Fig, 1. Antenna imp edance is de term ined by vo ltage and length . Eac h 0 1 t he se Ohm va lue give n lor th e
cu rrent at the fee dpo int. a nte nnas ha s a voltag e antennas 01 Table 1 .

Leg Length in Leg Length in Feet Leg Length in Included Angle Gain
Wavelengths (f in MH z) Wavelength s in Degrees in dB
1/4 234/1 11/4 60 5.3
3/4 73811 13/4 56 5 .8
5/4 12301t 1514 52 6.3
7/4 172211 17/4 48 6.8
9/4 22 14/1 19/4 . 46 7.2
11/4 2706/ 1 21/4 44 7.6
13/4 3 19811 23/4 42 8.0
1514 369011 ,25/4 40 8.4
17/4 4182/1 27/4 38 '8.8
19/4 46 74/1 29/4 37 9 .2
2 1/4 5166/1 31/4 36 9 .6
23/4 565 811 33/4 35 10.0
25/ 4 6150/1 3514 34 10.3
27/4 664211 37/4 33 10.5
29/4 71 34/1 39/4 32 10 ,7
3 1/4 762611 41/4 31 10.9
33/4 81 1811
3514 86 101t Table 2. Gain and included angle for V-beams.
37/ 4 91021t
39/4 95 9411 15 me ters . It has been my sc ribe d la rge ce nt e rfe d
41/4 1008611 exper ie nce t hat t he actu a l ante nnas whe re the len gth
43/4 1057811
leg len gths o n 80 meters of eac h leg is a n odd
Table 1. Determ ining th e co rrec t leg len gth. are some wha t shorter than number of quarter wave-
the fo rmula values, so a leg lengths. Multiband use of a
The fo rmulas shown in explained that multiband lengt h of 428 feet may single ante nna is poss ible
thes e ta bles will give leg operation was possible, 50
wo rk we ll on a ll bands by a jud icious cho ice of leg
leng ths which are approx- I got o ut my calculato r and fro m 80 to 15 meters. A leg len gth , a nd low-sta ndi ng
imate ly co rrec t, but these made a list of ante nna len gth of 362 feet should wav e ratios are achieved
va lues sho uld be used on ly lengt hs which wo uld be work on 40 and 20 me ters, bv -plac ing a 4:1 ba lun at
as sta rt ing poin ts. All an- reson an t in the ba nds I 330 feet o n 10 and 15 the fe ed poin t. These la rge
tenn as should be cut a lit- wan ted to ope rate (80 a nd meters, and 310 feet on 80 antennas show gain ove r a
tle bit long to a llow fo r 20 meters ). Then I looked and 15 mete rs. For reall y ' nor mal dipole and may be
t rimm ing t o t he exact thro ugh my list to see if a ny big anten nas, a leg len gth oriented in eit her stra ight-
length wh ich is required. of the numbe rs match ed. It of 710 fee t looks goo d o n line or V-be.q!!!.. conf igura-
The ac t ua l resonant fre- turned out that a %-wave-
40, 20, a nd 15 meters, 943 t ion. •
qu ency of any ante nna is leng th leg o n 80 mete rs wa s feet for 160 and 80 meters,
affect ed by factor s such as the sa me size as a 11/4- and 673 fee t for 160 a nd 20 Acknowledgemen t
heig ht above the ea rth and meters. Formulas and tables in this
wave lengt h leg on 20 me-
proximity to ot he r ob jects. te rs - a bo ut 190 feet in artic le were taken from 73
Conclu sion Dip ole a nd Long-Wire Anten-
length .
Multi band Use T his a rti cle ha s de- nas by Ed Noll W3FQJ.
This ante nna was built
Certa in leg len gth s will from #12 co ppe rweld wire
Leg Length in t eg Length in Feet
resonate on mo re th an one and fed thro ugh a W2AU Wave lengths (I in MHz)
ama te ur band , which can balun with a 4:1 imped - 45/4 110 70/1
be ve ry convenie nt. I used ance ratio . The swr was 47/4 1156211
to wor k in a sma ll co a l-min- below 2:1 ac ross t he whol e 49/4 1205411
ing tow n deep in the hills 20 mete r ba nd . On 80 5 1/4 125 46/1
and hollows of southern meters, the reson ant fre- 53/ 4 1'30381t
West Virginia. I lived in a q ue ncy was lower than I 5514 13530/1
mo bile ho me and had 340 had planned (3.7 MHz ver- 57/4 1402211
feet of RG-8 coax wh ich sus 3.9 MHz), but I st ill was 59/4 14514/1
ran from my ham shack u p 6 1/4 1500611
able to op er ate my Triton
63/4 154981t
the holl ow to a hillto p li on 75 meter phone with 6514 159901t
beh ind my tra iler. I bad ly the swr around 3:1. 67/4 1648211
needed an a nte nna which Other suita ble com bina- 69/4 16974/1
co uld cove r severa l ban ds tion s can be found by plug- 7114 17466/1
wit h a single feedline and ging desired freq uen cies of 73/4 1795811
which had some gain to operation into the various 7514 184 50/1
mak e up fo r t he cable eq uat ions and making a list 77 /4 1894211
losses. of the res ulting leg lengths. 79/4 1943 4/1
81/4 19926/1
While read ing Ed Noll' s For exa mple, a leg leng th
83/4 2041811
boo k, 73 Dipole and Lon g- of ab ou t 440 feet sho uld 85/4 20910/1
Wire A nten nas, I ca me reson at e on bo th 80 a nd 87/4 2 140211
ac rojs th e info rm atio n and 40 meters, while 428
given here as Tabl e 1. Ed fee t look s good fo r 20 an d Tab le 3. Leg lengths for very lo ng antennas.
This NEW MFJ Versa Tuner II • • •
has SWR and dual range wattmeter, antenna switch, efficient airwound
inductor, built in balun. Up to 300 watts RF oumut. Matches everything
from 1.8 thru 30 MHz: dipoles, inverted vees, random wires, verticals,
mobile whips, beams, balanced lines, coax lines.
41=-CB H=AS= -. •-•- - - ,
• More inductance for wider matching range
.-.- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • More flexible antenna switch
• More sensitive meter for SWR measure-
ments down to 5 watts output

Transmitter matching
capacitor. 208 pI.
Sets power range,
300 and 30 watts.
Meter reads SWR
and RF watts in
Efficient airwound indue·
tor gives more watts out
Antenna matching
capacitor. 208 pI.
1000 volt spacing. Pull for SWR. 2 ranges. and less losses. 1000 volt spacing.
Only MFJ gives you this MFJ·941 B Versa me existing antenna.·No need to put up sepa-
Tuner II with all these features at this price: rate antennas for each band.
A SWR and dual range wattmeter (300 and Increase the usable bandwidth of y.our mo-
30 watts full scale) lets you measure RF
power output for simplified tuning.
0~. '~.;~'.~; ~~~ bile whip by tuning o ut the SWR from Inside
yC!:ur car. Works great with all solid state rigs
,.,':L..i ...
't; ~~~~ • -::: ,':.',"
An antenna switcb lets you select 2 coax (like the Atlas) and with all tube type rigs.
Jines direct or thru tuner, random wire/balanced ANTENNA SWITCH lets you select 2 It travels well, too. Its ultra compact size
line. and tuner bypass for dummy load. coax lines direcl or thru tuner, wire/ba- 8x2x6 inches fits easily in a small comer of
A new efficient alrwound Inductor (12 po- lanced line, dummy load. your suitcase. . ---
sitions) gives you less losses than a tapped This beautiful little tuner is housed in a
toroid for more watts out. transmitter to any Ieedline Irom 160 thru 10 deluxe eggshell white Ten-Tee enclosure with
A 1:4 balun for balanced lines. 1000 volt Meters whether you have coax cable, balanced walnut grain sides. .
capacitor spacing. Mounting brackets for mo- line, or random wire. SO-239 cou connectors are provided for
bile installations (not shown). You can tune out Ihe SWR on your dipole, . transmitter '· input and coax fed antennas.
With tlie NEW MFJ Versa Tuner . you can inverted vee, random wire. vertical, mobile Quality five way binding posts are used for
run your full transceiver power output - up to whip, beam. quad, Of whatever you have. the balanced line inputs (2), rarden wire i~t
300 watts B..E..-'~Q~!~LQ!!tm!L - and match your You can even operate an bands with just (1I. and ground (1).

$69 95
$699~ f!!~~9 0 ,
S.m. .. MFJ·'41B buliln 6 polillon .nl.nn• • wlh:h.

.~ (!!!~ ;'~ 9 0
S. ml II MFJ.941B !lut len SWRIW.tIm. l. t.
t ~NE~ ,L?~~R P.!I_ICE
$59 95f'~:;-:J ~~
"'" "~ '-B;
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S,m. II MFJ-U1a, 1111 o.
t-l~ :..r flJ'
J!1J' :,V ···
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SWR/W.nmel.r, .ntlnn••wth:II, mllllnllng brlcUL 71216 In.

$4995~ .0 '''1 0 ) $3995 .~ -.'-_. I $2995 l~r!:
.,_. O. e- ,,<~ ?. .. (j ~
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I 1.1 IIlt1l 3D MHr. Up to ZOO ~._ --~.~
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w.ns RFllIIIplft. Mltl:hn Ilig~ . . lew Im,.u.en. n IInl-
Slme II MFJ.91)1 IIuI lU I Nlun tar U1.null "" 1. Til•• tlOll InclllClor. So-239 eo.nmDn. Zl3lo4 _his.. MilCh, 25
"u In ts .lId IJodirn IN s. to 21 0 , t1... II 1.' MHz. Doe• • 01 • •. con .... . .

.-- MS2Order any product from MFJ and try n. ~ not delighted, return within 30 days for a prompt refund (less shipping).
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Order By Mail or Call TOLL FREE 800-647-1800 and Charge It On I VISA II_ I
"" Reader Service- see page 21 f
How to
Build a



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Wh ile considerable in format io n is available on t he TOUCH TONE DECODER KIT

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ton e anod ized alu minu m cab inet . Measures on ly 2 314 x 3 3I 4 " ~ p_Iet ewit h
ow n microcomputer sys tem with Sam Creason 's To uc h-To ne pad. bo a rd, c rystal, c h ip and au nec es ea ry co mpo nent s to fm ish
book, " How To Build A Microcomputer and Realty Un- the k it .
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struction , testing, and deb ugging of a complet e
Once you r co mput er has been pro perly programmed, TO THE WB4VVF ACCUKEYER. WHILE DESIGNED FOR DIRECT ATTAC H-
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station. Exam ples incl ud e a CW generato r, a d ig ital Accunnl (k IT) TH IS ACCUKEYER IS A REVISED VERSIO N OF TH E VERY
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book is m ust reading for anyone des ir ing a t rue S I 6.9 5
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PHONE (313) 285-1782
~ --.:et erbo ro ugh NH 0345_8 .__ .J " HA L" HAROlD C. NOWLAND

76 "., Reader Service - see page 2 1'

Teledyne Phi lbrick, Dedh am, sl rument s, rnc., Derby, Connec ticu t
Mass ach usetts 02026-M odel 06418, 1977.

Microcomputer 4853, high speed, $125. 2. L F-398 Data Sheet, Na t io na l Semi-

c onductor Cor porat ion, Santa Clara,

Interfacing _
Ca liforn ia 95051 ,1 9 76.
Pri c es o f the abo ve S/H 3. Shei ngol d, D. H., Ana log -Digita l
devices are subject to c hang e Conversion Hand b ook, Anal og De-
vices , tnc .. Nor w ood, Mass ach us ett s
wit ho ut not ice . However, keep 02062 , 1972.
in m ind t hat the general price
fro m page 20 Inte rsil , In c ., Cupe rtino , trend is down , as is tru e to r

Ca li fo rnia 950 14- IH5110, low almos t all sem iconducto r de-
l o w cos t IC, $8 ; SHM·CM , cost IC, $9. vices.
ge neral pu rpose, ± 12 V, $89. Nati on al Sem ico ndu ctor Cor -
Hybrid Sys te ms Corporat io n, p or a t ion , Santa C la ra , Ca li- Ref erences
Bedf ord , Massachu sett s 01730 fo rnia 95051- LF·398, low cost 1. Titu s, J . A., M ic ro c omp ute r Anal og -
- SH703, low cost, $22. IC, $5. Di gital Co nversi on Devic es. E&L tn-

as th e ca p' s value is chan ged as pll er of th e c hip, Trt-Tek, has

not ed her e. A ny "co mp uter - ju st dropped their price for the

ICorrections grad e" elec t ro lyt ic w it h a rati ng

of 30 vo lt s or more - and many
are advert ised at ba rgai n price s
78H12 to $6.50. Fair ch ild has
a lso int rod uced several other
new regulator chi ps tha t mig ht
It has been called to ou r at- In my arti cle " 12 Vo lts, 5 in 73-s ho uld work j ust f ine. prove of value.
tent ion th at th e bread board A m ps , 3 Te rmi na ls " (Ap ri l, Reade rs m igh t also be inte r- Gary H. Toncre WA4FYZ
shown o n page 51 o f our Jun e, 1979), t here was an error in t he ested in knowing t hat one sup- Mi ami FL
1979, issue is indeed Con t inen- sc hem at ic- t he ele ct ro l yt i c
ta l Sp eci alties Corporation 's cap sho uld be so mew here in t he
Model EXP-300 Experimentor
Proto-Board" ,
John C. Burnett
range of 250D-4000 u F at 30
vo lts or so, not 500 uF at 1000
vol ts. My power supply has two
100-uF, as-vot t caps in parall el ,
IHam Help
Managing Edito r
but it shou ld be em phas ized I am loo king fo r a sc hemati c from anyone who may have an
In my art icle " Buil d th e $80 th at th is was a co mmerci ally- of a devic e wh ic h would allow a rr a n g e m e n t s uc h a s th is .
Wo nd e r" (Novem be r, 1978), bu ilt supply (m inus th e reg - me to tun e in a CW sig nal and Thank you.
t here was an error in t he input ulator w hich is w hat the art ic le have t he received Mo rse char- C. H. Wiedeman K4KOE
ampl ifi er shown in Fig . 6. The was in t ended to in t rod uce). The ac ters t rans la ted in to Baudot 204 Anne Bu rras
co rrec te d po rtio n is s how n des ig ner of th e supply to ok a and ASCII. On ce t ran sla ted, th e " Newport New s VA 23606
below . shortc ut in t he ca p's value in sig nal cou ld produce a tete-
Howard M. Berlin W3HB orde r to ret ain th e small si ze of ty pet co py of the CW bein g Would anyon e who has had
Newar k DE the supply. I am reco mme ndi ng received . p rob le ms w it h t he S i g m a
t he 2500·4000 uF, 35-vo lt elec - There d id exist th e Con verter XR3000 lin ear please wr ite to
t rclytl c s to t hose who have Shi ft Reg ist er Grou p A NfUGA· me and s ta te -.tJ.;1~ tro uble and
been w rit ing, if t hey can get 3A (des ign ed and built in th e where t hey o btained parts ?
alon g w it h t he ext ra spac e t hat 1960s) w hich t ranslat ed CW to Jac k W. Green wood WB7QDN
is required . Baudot. This un it used d iscret e Bo x 249
"2 ",2222
Ag ai n, th e intended purpose co m po nents and weighed so me Wolf Point MT 59201
TO 74 00 of th e art icl e was to in trodu ce a 110 Ibs. lt s CW speed cap ab ility ..
SO<MI TT very eff ective way to obt ain reg - range was 10-110 wp m , ma - I am look ing for any mod if ica -
TRIGGER ulat ion of a power supply wit h a chi ne -se nt. Tw o-le vel Mor se- tio ns to th e Coll in s R-388,
minimum o f ex t ern a l part s keye d dc , or Morse-keyed audio espec ially in the area of a prod -
(one l), If an yone wa s to dupli- signal inputs w ere accepted uct det ector.
ca te the c irc ui t show n, it does and tr a n s l at ed t o 5· le ve l W. Cool edge, Jr . W1100
Fig. 6 (partial), " Build the $80 work, and w ill ma ke an eff ecti ve Baud ot , and t hen to TTY copy. - - 15 Newport Dr.
Wond er. " sup ply at a small cost as long I wo uld appreciat e hearing Westf ord MA 01886


Articles in " 7 3 " have f e a t u r e d tbe KIM· ! i n RTTY.

OSCAR. and h ig h speed CW a p plic ati o Ds .
Features inclu d e :
,, -C omplet ely self co nta ined with cassette tape in-
rer face, lK RAM, 21< RO ~1 mon itor, 400 pages
" real-t ime" progr ams with a min imum of pr o-
gremmtng overhead . Radi o telet ype. an d other
docu men tation. " tim ing sensitive" applications are sim ple.
-(K)eyboa rd {I)up ut (M)onitor (KIM) allows en - -Expand to 64 K RAM. etc . via the221 44 plaexpa n-

I \
' •
try. debu g, lind execu tio n of prograJll.'iusing the 23
key keyp ad and 6 di!/;it LED display, O R USl' II
sion bus.
-Expand with a full '<ize or miniOoppy disk from
sta nda rd ASC II terminal " 'jlh KI ~rs 20 rna. cu r- H DE (w rite). The K I~[ bus is now supported by
i .' ren t loop int l.nll('C. Up to 9600 bau d num erous manufacturers including RockwellInt'I,
-Powerful 6502 microprocessor, now seco nd Synertek. RNB, HD E the Computerist.
sourced by 4 ma nu fac turers (p lus C ommo- -we ll proven desi gn-c-over 40, 000 in the field.
SPECI A L PACKAG E DEAL!! ! dore':a.l os). 13 addJe\.\ing modes and adv anced ar- 1< 1:\1·1 with doc umentat ion-S I69. 00 . Power sup-
KIM· I. po wer su pply•.2 ex cellen t books : "The First Boo k of KIM" chita-ture result in an ef ficient, fast. and easy 10 ply. 5 V an d 12V, BV at 4 amps, 16V al 1 am p
and Pr og ram ming .a Micr oc om pu te r: 6502" . Thi s is probably the bes t program romputer . - $40.00: KIM-4 motherboard $85.00 . HOE 8 K
tu torial pa c ka ge o n m ic roc om put er s a va ilable. Inclu des lis t ings o f ov e r -15 progra mmable 110 lines and 2 pro grammabl... RAM $169. 00,3 fo r U 65.00!: HOE proto board
50 utility aoo ga me p rog ram !>! S~lal Pack age : KIM. with 3 ma nua ls . times al low the KIt.! to execute co mplex $49.50.
powe r supply. plus bo th books listed a bove , EVERYTH ING NEEDED TO M••tt! r Cb .rgt!,VI ••: Frt!e .blpping o n ord e n p r ep. ld w itb e..bler'. c beck.
-2 3 8 .00. Now sa ve over 10 %- $ :199.0 0 -1 ALL ITEM S A SSEM B LED/T ESTED WARRANTEED FO R A T LEA ST 90 D AYS
call toll free 1 -800~ 633 .8727 in Alabama call (205) 745-7735 '

y' Read er Service - s ee page 211 77

Microcomputer RTTY ... a Software TU
- use your 8080 and very little else

Count frequen cies, too.

m i c rop ro ce ssor -ce nte red and runn ing in a few sec- half cycle. Fig. 2 shows a
RTTY te rm inal uni t. I am o nds. f lowcha rt, and Fig. 3 sho w s
w riting t his also to show an 8080 A program to d o
Counting Frequ en cie s
A/bert S. Woodhull N 1A W how easy it can be to t his. Tw o re gi st er s a re
With a Computer
Enfield Road, RFD 2 repl ace har dw ar e w it h soft- used , o ne to hol d t he pre-
Pelham MA 0/ 002 w are. A ppl icat io ns such as Th e co m p u t e r wo r k s v io us input, and o ne to
t he o ne I w ill describe re- with o nes and ze ros; co unt- cou nt up t he num ber of
quire o nly a f rac t io n of t he ing is a ver y sim ple t ask fo r t im es th e p'oll.!:a m loo ps
amou nt of mem or y t hat is it. A littl e b it o f exte rn al betw een changes in th e in-

M i c ro p ro ce sso rs a re needed t o do ca lc ula t io ns hardw are hel p is needed, put . Suppose, at t he sta rt -
no t ju st super ca lc u- wi th a high-leve l langu age how ever, to get t he Signa l ing t im e, t he inpu t sig nal
lators . They are general- suc h as BASIC. A nd, fo r t he f ro m t he outside world Into. -..from th e inver ter is in t he 0
purpo se e lectronic circuits expe ri me n te r, re placi ng the f o rm. th e co mp ute r re- ph ase o f th e sq uare wave.
w ait i ng on l y for pr o - gadget s w it h pr ograms has . quires. Fig. 1 shows an ade- The un used sev en bits wi ll
gra ms to tran sfo rm th em another great advant age. quat e arra ngement . An op- b e r e ad as o nes a nd
in to spec ia liz ed devices. In . No longer d o yo u need t o erat io nal am p lif ier circ u it 11111 110 will be sto red .
t his art icl e I w il l describe w orry about t he co nd iti on boosts t he input sign al toa - 'Unt il t he input changes to
how a co mputer ca n be of yo ur gear if a length y level. adequ ate to d ri ve a th e 1 phase, th e progra m
u se d a s a f re q u e nc y eq uipme nt mod ifi cation TTL Inv erter. Th e resu ltin g w il l lo op and t he co unte r,
co unter, and I w ill show doesn't w ork. Rew ind yo ur sq uare w ave IS app li ed t o w ill count . Eventu all y, a
how t he co unti ng pr ogram t ape ca ssette and you c an o ne bit of an Inpu t port of t im e w ill co me wh en t he in-
ca n become t he basis of a have t he old vers ion up t he com puter. On most put is read as 11111111 .
syste ms, t he other seve n When t his happens, t he
b i t s ca n Just be l e f t co u nt wi ll be d ispl ayed
f loating, but, if yo u are and a new cou nt sta rt ed . If
picky, yo u ca n t ie t hem to desired, a b it of program-
eit her gro und or + 5 vo l ts. ming co uld be don e to cal-
O n my home-b rew comp ~ t- cul at e th e frequ en cy in
er, I have a number of In- de cim al units from t he
put a nd output por t s. t hat binar y repr esent at ion o f
I 2o F
are Im p le me nted as Single t he d ur ati o n of a half cy -
bits for ap plicat io ns like c1 e, but, f or many pur-
t hi s, T h e t ra nsfo r m er poses, it is adeq uate to
Fig. 1. Inp ut in terface. The pot ;s used to adjust the gain of show n may not be neces- kno w wha t pattern o n th e
th e 741 amplifier un til it drives the 7404 TTL in verter to the sary, but m ay help In k eep- LED di sp lay co rrespo nds t o
poin t o f produ cin g a cl ean sq uare wave ou tp ut of th e mg 6D-cycl e Int erf erence a desir ed f requency.
same frequ enc y as th e input. 60- or 12O-c ycle hu m is th e out of t he syst em .
vill ain th at can make this difficult; th e transfo rmer may Th e ea si e st wa y t o Fo r a ty pi c al 8080A sys-
not always be necessar y. but sometimes elim inating the measure a ud io f requ en ci es tem with a 500-ns clock,
co mmo n gro und connection gets rid o f hum. is t o tim e t he duration of a th e in stru ction loop ju st

~ 78
d iscussed wi ll require 14.5 d ard AFSK t o nes in th e sio ns are incl uded . Ent ry co unt ered. The TU pro-
I'sec. If yo u were t rying t o range of 2000 t o 3000 Hz and exit fro m the pr ogr am gram th en chec ks for t B
measure the tones from an ca n be measured to th e are t hro ugh a cont ro l sec- (con t rol B) o r tE charac ters,
AFSK generato r, t his co unt- nearest 10 Hz o r so. This tion w hich all ows a lo cal whic h cause exi ts t o eit her
er w o u ld prod uce a cou nt w ill suff i ce for ad j usti ng an A SCII key boa rd to d irect a RTTY transmit routine or
of 16 (00010000 in bin ary) A FSK generator o r cal i- operatio ns. Nex t, a cycl e t he co nt ro l level of my
f o r a 2125-Hz input o r a brating an osci llator to be timer section determ ines monitor program . n , tN, or
co unt of 1 5 (00001111) fo r used in ad j usti ng a RTTY th e f req uency of t he in- t R characte rs are sto red for
a 2295-H z inpu t. Th a t d e m o d u l at o r. M ore ac - co m ing audio . D eci sion later ref erence; th ey sig-
mi ght be good f or some curacy yet can be achie ved routines cause execution ni f y Tun e (no pr inting),
pu rposes, but it obv io usly by t im ing a larg er numb er t o b ranch , fi rst to d isplay Norm al (low ton e is m ark),
is not very accurat e. The of cycles and acc umu lat- the current state on a tun- and Reve rse (high t o ne is
way to make a timer more ing t he count in a 16-b it ing ind ic at or, and t hen t o mark).
acc urate is to time longer register pair. Stil l other ta k e appropri at e ac t io n. A Th e frequ ency measure-
interv al s. Th e co u nt i ng sof tware frill s co u ld t urn "no ise counter" disables ment porti on of th e pr o-
t ime can be doubl ed by th e co m put er into a f ancy th e pr inter when ever t he
t im ing who le cy cles of t he frequ ency met er ind eed , sig n a l-to -no ise r a ti o
i nput i ns te ad o f h alf but t hat is not m y pr esent becomes low er t han the
cyc les . T h is a l so wi l l goal. In stead, I w ou ld like p rep ro g ra mmed ac cept-
elimi nate inaccu racy due to show how th e basic t im- abl e li m i t. A " si g n a l
to asym metry in t he sq uare ing p rog ram can be used to count er" take s over the
wave input . For t he 8080A bu ild a rad io tel etype t er- f unctions of a post-detec-
prog ram ill ust rat ed , t his minal un it w ith capabil iti es t ion l ow-pass f il te r, and t he
ca n be acc o mp lished by no t usuall y fou nd in the p roces sed data t hen d rives
cha nging t he JZ (j um p on sim pl er ana lo g TU ci rcui ts. th e pr in ter mag net through
zero ) inst ruc t io n to J NC an o utput po rt and ve ry
(j um p o n no c arry). Foll ow- The Software Ter minal simple interface circuitry .
ing a comparison opera- Unit The deta ils can be seen
ti o n, t he zero f lag is set M y ho m e-b r ew co m - in t he program li st ing. In
wh en t he num bers co m- puter decodes aud io sig- my syste m, a surplus 8-b it
pared are equal , so in the nals from an aud io cassette p a r all el - o u tpu t AS C I I
o rig inal version of th e pro' recorder by means of a sim- k eyboard has its data lines
gra m, th e loop is br o ken ple cycl e tim er p rog ram co nnec te d t o on e inp ut
w h e ne v e r t h e i n p ut w hic h is st or ed in read-o nly po rt and its st ro be lin e co n-
changes from 1 t o 0 or fr o m memor y . Com pa red to t he nec ted to another. Th e
o to 1. Th e ca rry f lag is set p ro b l e m s of d e co di ng co ntro l section of t he pro-
wh en th e num ber in th e ac- over-t he-air RTTY sig nals, it gram first exa mi nes the
cumulator register is less is tri v ial to decod e a t ape. stro be signal and skips t o, _
tha n t he co mpariso n num- A fe w p rel im inary exper- t he f req uency-meas u re - '.
ber. Thu s, by using th e no- iment s sho we d me th at t he ment sec t io n if no key is
carry' condition to stay in simp le f requency m easur- d ep ressed . I f a key i s
th e loop, t he t imer ig no res ing routines could work on pressed, a subrout ine in my
transiti o ns from 0 to 1 and cl ear and st ro ng signals, so mo nitor pro gram is called
the count accum ulates un- I set out to def in e t he addi- w hic h conve rts th e A SCI I Fig. 2. Flo w ch art for fre-
til a t ransition fro m 1 to 0 tio na l requirem ents f o r to Bau dot and drives t he quen cy m easurem en t b y
occurs . RTTY. p rin t er . Th e su b ro ut ine cycl e timing. Note that this
A sec o nd way t o in- Essen ti al fea t u re s fo r check s f or co nt ro l charac- s im ple version tim es the
crease acc uracy is to put RTTY are some ki nd of fil - t ers and ret urns imm e- dur etion of a half c ycle o f
t he basic program in sid e a t ering t o mi nimize th e ef- di at el y w hen one is en- input.
l arger l oop th at c o u nts f ec ts of interf erences and
d ow n a pre d e t erm i ned some k ind of tu ning in- START MVI COO reset counter
num ber of cycles of t he in- d ic at or . A nother f eat ure, IN AUDIO get input
put signal. Figs. 4 and 5 not ne cessary, but ve ry MOV B,A store it
sho w t he fl ow ch art and desira bl e, is a sque lc h o r LOOP INR C increm ent counter
p rog ram f o r thi s approach . mark-hold pr o vi si o n to IN AUDIO get new input
CM P B compa re wit h first input
The inner l oo p agai n takes keep t he prin t er f ro m run-
JZ LOOP if same repeat cycle
14.5 usee, bu t now t he JNC nin g w ild when a usefu l sig- otherwise display count
instruc ti o n is used to kee p na l is not presen t. Finally, OUT DISPLAY
t he t imer going for t he en- an easy way of t hrow ing in JM P START and do it all agai n
tire duration of an audio a l o c a ll y-gener at ed li ne
c y c l e. Th e o u t er l o o p feed or carriage return can Fig. 3. An 8080 program that tim es half cycles o f audio ac-
causes t he inn er loo p t o be some times prevent loss of co rd ing to the flo w char t of Fig. 2. The O ISPLA Y o u tput
repeat ed as man y t imes as pr int. Doi ng all t his in soft- port can be a row o f LEOs or 7-segment displa ys which
t he va lue ini t iall y lo ad ed wa re is easy. show the co unt in octal or hexadecima l. The meaning o f
into regi st er D ca ll s f or. Th e fl ow ch ar t of Fig. 6 th e co unt in real-tim e units will depend on th e clo ck fre-
W ith t his approa ch, st an- show s how all th ese provi- qu enc y o f the processor.

79 ~
gram w orks Iike t he ro u- time . Thi s prob l e m i s Constant Location s In Assemb led listing
tin es descri bed in the fi rst solved by an ext ra loo p CRITl 044A
part of t his art ic le, w it h w hic h ca use s th e co m pute r CRIT2 044F
two ref ine ment s. It doesn't to wait for t he cy cle in CRIT3 0454
matter t hat a simple co n- CRIT4 0459
pro gress to f inish bef or e
CRIT5 045E
t inuous l y-c ycl ing rou tin e t he f oll owi ng f ive cy cles of
gives a sho rt co unt on it s aud io are t imed . The o t her KBD 0408
fir st cyc le . Fo r RT T Y ref inem ent is a more co m- KBDW 04El
d eco d in g, a n acc ura te plic at ed nest in g of t he in- PRINT 040A 04E8
count is neede d t he f irst ner and outer lo ops w hich MO NITOR 0429
kee ps th e exec ution ti me AUDIO 0430 0433 043A
co ns ta nt re g ar dl ess of PRINTER 0479 04C E 04DC
wh ich branch is fo llow ed . LEDDI SP 0468 0480 0487 0499 04AO
Th is is aide d by insert ing a
Tab le 1. The above locations will probably have to be
" no n se nse in str u c t io n"
changed to ma ke the TU program run o n a different
(M OV B,B) int o o ne br anch
machine. The values for CRITl , CRIT2, CRIB, CRIT4, and
t o co mpensate for t he ex-
CRIT5 will depend on the clock frequency 01 the com-
ec ut io n t ime of the DCR C
puter being used. The o ther values listed are port num bers
inst ructi on in t he ot her
or, in the case of PRINT and MONITOR, routines in the
bra nch .
autho r's ROM m o nitor.
A l l th e in f o r m a t i o n
needed to acc urate ly tun e o bse rve d . The effect ive- co u nte red . Va lid signals
in a RTTY st at io n and d riv e ness of t he te chniq ue is dec reme nt th e same co unt-
th e p rinter is in th e output du e to th e crite ria f or t he er. li m it s are p laced o n t he
of t he f requ ency measure- co m pa risons having bee n m axim um a nd m inim um
ment sect ion of t he pro- chosen in suc h a wa y t hat a va lues the noise counte r
gram . Wi t h an al og c ir- cl ear in di cation t hat t he can ho ld, and, after each
cu rt rv , at t his point one signa l is not t uned in exact- f re q ue ncy m easure m en t,
would use a com par ator to ly o n cent er is give n bef or e the noise-counter va lue is
decid e w het her a vo ltage the error is great eno ugh to co m pa red w it h an int er-
w as above o r below a ca use inaccurate printin g. med iate crite rion.
criterion level. H avin g a Wi th pra ctice, it is also W he n the criterion is ex-
L ESS co unt, no t a vo ltage, and easy t o spo t shifts w hich cee de d, o peratio n of the
T HA'l" I ST
having t he power o f t he are too w ide, or stati on s pr inter is suppr esse d. W it h
micropro cessor m akes pos- tra n sm i tt i ng " u ps i de th e va lues given in th e
sible a six-way decision . dow n." li sti ng, printing w ill pro -
Try setting up co mpa rato rs The m ark-hold and low- cee d w hen a good signal is
to do t hat at th e o ut put of pass fil t eri ng t ec hn iq ues I ·. decod ed o ne-t hird of t he
a ph ase-locked loo p! I use use are also examples of t i m e. W hen t he si g nal
t he vario us po ssible o ut- sim ple soft ware impl emen- d ro ps o ut , t he prin t er is
co mes of this six-way de ci- t at ion of f unctions t hat sile nce d almost" im medi-
sio n to light up a row of would be rel ati vel y co_mo . ately, but a f rac ti on o f a
LEDs o n t he fro nt panel of plex w it h ana lo g ci rc uits. seco nd of stea dy m ar k
my co m pute r. As t he re- Each of t hese fe atu res uses to ne at t he beginning of a
ceive r is t uned acro ss a a co unte r. The m ark-ho ld is t ra nsmissio n im med iate ly
Fig. 4. Flowchart for an ac- signal, th e li ght ap pea rs to co ntro lled by t he no ise enab le s t he pri nter.
curate frequency-measure- move fr o m left to right as cou nte r. This register is in-
m ent program that times the audio tone goes from cre me nte d w hen a to ne too The low-p ass fil te r also
the duration of n who le l ow to hi gh . Fi g. 7 i l- hig h or too low t o be a uses a cou nter, w hic h I ca ll
cycles of the input signal. lu st r a t e s t he patte r ns valid RTTY sign al is en- t he signal co unte r. M ark
si gn a l s in c r em en t t h is
co unt er and space signals
STA RT MYI D,n set loop counter
MYIC,O reset timer counter decrement it. Th e counter
IN AUDIO get input is lim ited to a mi ni mum
LOOP MOY B,A store it va lue of ze ro and a m ax-
IN R C increment timer im um va lue o f seve n. A
IN AUDIO get new input mark signa l is sent t o th e
CM P B compare with first input pr inte r w hen t he va lue is
JN C LOOP if equal to or greater than first repeat cycle f ou r o r hi gher; ot herw ise, a
DCR D otherwise dec remen t cycle counter space sig nal is generated .
JN Z LOOP and continue t iming another cycle
Th us, at any t ime, t he prin t-
MOV A,C when done , retrieve the total count and show it
er is give n a signa l COf-
JMP START and do it a ll aga in
responding t o t he m ajority
of t he eight p rev io us sam-
Fig. 5. The 8080 program co rrespond ing to th e fl o wch art o f Fig. 4. The co unt indicates the pl es o f aud io from the
duration o f n co m plete cy cl es of the au dio inp ut signal. re cei v er. Wi t hou t so me

Ill1 80
fo rm of filteri ng o f t his ent port numbers fo r m y eati ng a d d ress es, b ut it hig h m ark lights to b link as
sort, the inform ation in key boa rd; t he o ne used sho uld be no ted t ha t a ma- t he audi o in p ut is ro cke d
80 % of t he re ceived signal he re initia tes a WA IT state jo r a nd cruc ia l d iffer en ce aroun d 2210 Hz .
is lost, since th e p rinter in t he 8080A whi ch is te r- between my com p ute r a nd
itse lf sa mple s o nly 20 % of m inated by th e fa lling edge most o thers is t he clock fre- Interlacing an d O peratio n
eac h bit. of th e keyb o ard st robe s ig- q ue ncy. My junk- bo x crys- A few pieces of ha rd-
The la st pa rt of t he na l. Th is al lows me to tal gives me a cl o ck peri od wa re ex te rna l to th e co m-
list ing isn 't rea lly pa rt of s imp lify t he co d ing used of 694 ns instead of t he pu t e r a re ne e d e d , o f
t he RTTY re ce iv ing ro utin e for getting keyboard inp u t usual 500 ns. The var io us course. A t t he in pu t , a ci r-
at a ll. Thi s is a s im p le lo o p in c as es like t his. crite ria cons ta nts w i ll nee d cu it s uc h as t he o ne a l-
t hat e nab les me to use t he It wou ld be c rue l to p re- to be reeva lu ated to suit re ad y d esc ribed in Fig. 1 is
ASCII keyboa rd for tran s- se nt a progra m list ing of the timi n g o f a no t he r ne eded to co nvert th e re-
mitti ng RTTY. It includ es a t his sort with out pointing syste m . This can be do ne c eive r a udi o to di gi tal
te st to re c o gni z e a tc o ut th e parts of th e p ro- expe rime nta lly by usin g a leve ls. It w ill he lp if a bit o f
cha rac te r as a co mmand to g ra m th at migh t need to be calib rated audio osc illa to r a ud io fi lte ring p reced es
leave th e t ran sm it ro ut ine cha nged to m ake it ru n o n (ca lib rate it w it h the tim e r this. Fig. 8 shows a sim ple
and retur n to the receive a no t he r system . Ta bl e 1 progam !) a nd t ryin g d if- filter wh ic h give s good re-
rou ti ne. It is no t a m ispri nt lists the instructio ns w hic h feren t va lues f or eac h su lts w he n fo llowe d by t he
t hat t he keybo a rd is ca lled are uni q ue t o m y own co m- cr iterion, usi ng t he t un ing re c o m m e nd e d 10 k-Ohm
by a diffe ren t po rt n u mber pute r. For t he mo st par t, ind ica to r to ch eck re sul ts. lo a d . The .05 -u F ca pa c ito r
her e t ha n t hat use d in t he patc hing the p rog ra m w ill For exam pl e, CRITERION 3 sho u ld be c ho se n to give a
co nt ro l section of th e pro- requ ire c ha ng ing o nly I/O sho u ld be a va lue t hat pe a k at arou nd 2200 Hz .
gram . I de code two d iffer- por t a ssignme nt s a nd rel o- ca uses t he low s pace a nd T he la s t ex te rn a l it e m

Program listing fo r RTTY TU.

T'I'P{ IInnl/ . "....
,, ; If "ll .....- T""" UI FRIlt' CIl IIU <I ON I<\lUTl"t·'S THI $ POI NT I S R'EAO<EIl II ITN . N
, ,
' 1.......... 10 L OW Y.- f<EPf.1:SfH ' EB .y TItE !o'ITA I N 'N[ AIXIM.LA l OR'

, Di S H .... U n I EllI'Il ...... UNIT oF Dt.LOIII .... Gl uES " IS I"'-~ OI SS1.-AY OF I N\IAl. ' D I <)HE$ .... 0 OI£O>S 10 S£ L I f
' PlIl" !N'{ lIl" SItOULO R: "I$A~L(O 10 ....EVEKT ""' ~""'GF FRI .. T1JoG. fH[ N lOi:S s n IF
n ",s IS " I' ROl U",. , HI ll£ COtoE: N'S ~ SI ~S ....D DRI VE '" IioIloUOOT ""' NTH If<EOUI"'Ei> "-
" ..", n t .. f Oft HI"" 's Iro O"'" "Y S n .. l/lI le.. USl:S " 6 ¥ ' HSE C a.OCK . OTHER I Hv i A. OCH ' ''''''PARE VUIIN..( S . GN""- '- 0Il" l""~ 100 LOW
,S YSTtI'S "ILL llEOUl f<£ C....Hll ES or '''''
T1 HH <G ~TTES. TO« I' ROGII"''' 0 4"2 C36 7 0 4 J .... I""I' ISPl At
' I S ' ''SED 0,. _IHAL AoUDIO , ,, t OIlEHCIE Il OF 21 2 5 .. 2 FOIl _II "'1D Z295 0 46 S JE OJ , NVHI Hili A,J.. ; PR£.W<£ \l I S l8c ' 51 """" FOR l oti E 10 0 NI"H
' ''z FOR S" " olC. fOil T HIS ' 70 HZ S HI FT A MXI HUII HI ST L!I<E Of +1 _ 8 5 lIZ IS 046 7 DJ o O I NIIOIS t'1 AY OUT U OOI5> ; 5HON n ON H ONT " ""E'. t H S
'PE~~ Ill& 18L E. m EGUENl;IU 4 ~OVE ~ J&O HI O~ BELOW 2 0 4 0 HZ AR~ ACCOI/G- 0 4 69 24 1.. R N ' I N C ~ EH £ N ' "'lI Sf e OO "' T'- ~
IINGey ~£ Je:nEn AS IN~ ALI Il. OP(R4YIOH 01' IHIe P ~I H T E ~ I S SUP P RES S£ O aY 046A 7C HOV A".H
'O u T PUTTIN G A CONTI Nu Ou S "AR ~' e(VEl TO THE MGN U DRIV ER WHI 'N AN EXCESS- 046~ f E" O er-rH(, I 5 , MX ; CH£ CK !\<;A! NS I H" X VAl U' P FRHIH,.; n
'01' TH( I NCO" I NG l ONE OH II ROw OF l U S . SO TUNIt/ O B(CO Hn A M ITER 0 , 0 4 72 FE 4 0 S np ~E S E r CP INO IDL:"n ; AI.SO COHPA" E WI' H "">;MlO' D " ~' I Tl : R tu N
'~ EE P IN O T>£ CI; NT E ~ OF YfIE CEO ROW I l lUH I HATEO. DI GI TAl . PR OCESS I NO 0414 OAOO OO JC .. E ~ E1 v E OJUST I ~ N"" L A H~ S'AR' 0"" "
I f "nIJW n llr~ I O N
ACCUtlUl.• m" ro n oon
.DR IVINO er e....... TO Tf*': PRINTER ....ONt:T. 0 478 OJ II OUT PRI "'fR ' M B lkH PUI ' 0 N<lNr n ~ A l OW l E.....1
;rIlE I'O<.L OWI .. O PROORM REIlU I RU USS T...... :-:. " n TU OF HEn DRY TO RUH.
IUCEp T I ....T S ,," ~ C"'-l S ARE " A[I£ 1 0 A Pfl I .. IE R'- DRI VER IUlUTl It£ FOR H iE
047A C3 000 4
, ~ ". ' tl£C E I IIE i f... .. S I _ I OVt lll"

.PUIlP(lSl OF ECIOOIJoG Tf*': ~ EY BO "", o I .... T C'lNTllOLS ExE CUTJ ON. tH I S IS .WO«N v "'- IO ToNES REC(J\lE O EXEWHON T_ sr Eros TO ONE 0.- lItE

: " 'Il TTt .. ~ J .... 1<04 1 " 'lh coPTlU G.H ,,'a . . . .
ElIl"T S. WOODNuU. : Dll UHBlERfl.. ... I NS B{ " QR£ THE Hl[1I \IAl. UE I S STOIIEO•

~ DI<G 102 4 0 470 JE20 ...... 0 ""I A. 2OM ' OIsPL.AT lOll _ S 1GNAL
KI DSTB Eau J f>47E DlOO lIO,JT LED OISF' '' - J."" FROIIT pAH£l, l EOS
~n •
Pll I HT
H 'lI "
04 111 C38804
0 _114 3 ElO
_ I TOR E oo 0 .... &6 OJOO OUT LE OIlISF' I ON F - . . PAHE!. LEns
000 1 •
00. 0

""" 10
eR lf'
eR IT2
£ GtJ 1
EOO 4 0 10
0 4 &11 l AE D04
0 4 89 J(;
0 4 8C 1'1:08
~ ,~
" UT ~ E[ P IT IUOH &
OO.J • l:l<lfJ EOO 4 J H 0 4 E1£ PAA90. ..0:: C.. TST ME ' PIlT I f "'C ~ I F lOOT llYEllf"LOUE o __ "
00 4' • (;RiT. EIl U 4610 0 4 9 . J I; 0 7 HVI A.,.. IO THElIl"WI SE RES ET H
004& • CRI 1"5 EGU 4 010 0 4 9 J C3A%4 ~M P CNlS TOH H fIE.. p UT H l ACK
0 0 60 • NOIB EN4K EIlU 6 011 04 9 6 l E0 4 HVI A .4M WI SP'LAY HID" S P4 CE S IG NAL
0 0 40 • HOLDCR IT EIl U 4010 0 4 9 8 eaoc Ou T l iDBI SP .
0 011 • "R'IN fER ecu 1110 0 4 9 A C30 10 4 ..lOll' S ~ .C EC IH
0000 • l EODI Sp EOU 0 , FRONT PANEl u ms 0 4 9 0 lEOB SPLO HVI A. IIH ; BI SPl AY l OW SP ACE S I G" AL
0 0 00 • KION EOU 0 0 49, OlO O Ou T l EOO I Sp
,ICON TROl ROUTl IIES TO S,,"PC£ ~ H ' O AR D 0 4A I 3A£ 0 04
0 4"4 3 D
D t~ A
0 400 DlI0J REC£l IIE I H KBDSU ' C>I£ CK k Ef BOARD ST RO' E 0 4 A5 F 2 A9 0 4 ~. CNTS TOIlE ; >1>< I P N£n l' VALUE ZERO OR H IG N[ ~
0 40 2 £601 ... , 1 0 4 AJl A" ~" ; O T N[ ~ W I SE ~£sn TO lE FIIl
0 40 4
0 . 09
C... . O.

C0 200Q
..12 T HI E lIl"
' SK r '" TO TI~ ER I f ~ f;Y fO AIlO ' '''''C Ti VE
0 4A~ J 2E 0 0 4

CALL P RJJH ' ECHO TIlE I Nf'\11 n ROUTI NE I " 1IO.. 1T0Il ITHE SI OCOU N I £ ~ "'-'!Ir IE EllUAl. lD OIl GREATER T_ 4
0 4 01: FlOE CP I OEH IHA S IT - N" f COll TR01. N....o. . - . 1100£ ' " 0 Nl I .. , A H AA ~ . l lESS T...... 4 TO "'RI.. T A SPACE . l Oll S .CIS lIS A lllll .... 5$
0 4* CAI E0 4 Jl SHill ;fl lTElIl". PRE vE:" U NIl SUODE" e-GCi 0.- THE DRIvE 10 THE PllI .. ITIT
0 4 lt FE U c p r 1211
0 .13 CAI £04 Jl SH ill O_.C FE 0 4 CPI 0 4 H ' CUI''''~ S riiCO UlHER wn" ""'SI'
0 41. FE14 o-r I' ~ 0 4 "" rrA.-sD4 .JC SF'ACE ; I F u S'S - . - 4 r r IS • Sf'ACE
04 U CAU04 J Z S lOW 04 11 .F "". • ; OTI<£"" I SE 1T I S .. _ . SET TO 0IJTPul'
0411 CJ 2 10 4 .JJN> SK I P STOW 04 82 C3 "0• ...,. SPACESIl IP .SO Sl'( l p NEU
DU E J:l'EI: 0 4 ,, ~
S TA F""""T f>4 ~S ] E0 1 ~~
042 1 "'02 SKIPSTOW cPT Z ' WAS IT -1'0 U R....5. I1 T " ODE ' 00' 47
" VI • • 1
""" • • A
I gm SET P RIHIDllIIII: ""TA ..s I DE F' " NOw
0 42.
-' I TIlA_1T
Cp l " ,WfOllE PR IN TING w£ CHEC_ r OR' L Oll \MlUE OF OIDISE COUNTER ....0 _AI.. 011
04211 c eeece
'R(vElIl" SE D FOR.... T

0 4B9
F2 . £ 0 4
; DEClIl"EtlE .. T Tl<E " OI BE CDUN' £I'
0420 1600 NVI 0 . 0 'ZERO TlHER 0 4 BE 7C HOV A. H
0 4 2, B&OI It/ AUDIO ' LOOK AT AuD ID I NPur 04~F FE 4 0 CpI 1l00DCR if f CUH p4 ~ E NH ~ .... RKNOe O CRH ERIO N
04 J' " LOOp l NOli E. o 'S TOW IN PUT I N REGI S TER I'; 04 Cl 1>2CC0 4 ~N t HOl. D " , MOVE CR lT E RI~ N Gil In ~~lD
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; 04DA ' II HOV A. I ' 6£ T ""fA
CTa.£CHT ~ e ' O E~IIE N T CTClE COUNTER O<I OB 03 11 OUT .- R I NTtlll" ",. " 0 .... 111£ ""1 " 'EIl
..... 2 l00P2 , ""'" I([EP ON TI HI"G UNTI L S c ynEs TI " U 0 4 DI> CJOOQ 4
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CRITER I ON ROUTI NES DECI IlIE ... IC>< OF SU rosS IB l l l ' U S ' N[ I/OClIn T"" AUDIO n R_ H n ~ ou nNE AlS T ECHOLS TO PRI" TU ..... U ' E _ SWIT CH CAUSES
II't:PwESEH'S : 1 00 HIG... .. I GOt SPACE TONE. LOW SPACE l ONE. HIGOt 01""" . IlIIE . I DATA TO lIE R'OUIEB TO THE fSl\ HOIIUl A' '''' . A "AI. C RE .uRffS TO
l OW ........ TONtO . OR' TOO L'"

04411 11\ NOV A. D ' 6£1 COUlH F""" nllER 0 4 £0 DfoOD I R....SII I! I K o.) OW . nns "'- T'...... ' I'; AOIlfl'l:SS F OR K8 D .... IT S 1""" IOAIA
ou t rE7E Cp l DU n ' WAS FKE OLE NCY A '~ 2 J1lO HI? 04 £ 2
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'H AS n ABOV£ 20a s ~ l ~
I N r o~ £ Nn Of HAR ~ TONE ~A N ~ f;
;HA 5 r r ABOvE 204 0 HZ"
O' EF ""
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e- er OA7D04 J C H~l O I l OU t/A" X TONE

81 ~
D~~}--T---U' l TO SYSTE M MO" ' T QR

'---- _ £ . ' T TO TR AN S.. ' T ROU Tl N( Fig. 8. A simple nOO-Hz

filt er. A lo wer-value resistor
w ill w iden the passband.
Selecting capacitors fro m
1'10 VALID '>--"'' - --,
R ~TY . / th e junk box is t he easiest
way to tun e the filter.

by ea r whe n t he a udio level

is ade quate . T un in g is
simp ly a matter of watch-
ing the LED disp lay and
making corrections when
the low mark or high space
light s beg in to flash.
As I said at the sta rt, o ne
of th e ad va ntages o f soft-
ware is the ease of modifi -
cation . Just sitt ing down to
ty pe t his manuscrip t made
me think of four o r five
cha nges , a nd I just had to
t ry th em bef ore getti ng
back to the ty pew riter. I' m
sure anyo ne w ho tries t his
~? >--"''
'" - - --, method of co pying RTTY
" will come up with ot he r
, >.. !!.O""''--, LIL=-=-~
OIl "OllIolA
-j changes. I intend to do
some expe riment ing with
d iff er e n t a m o u nts o f
avera gin g in-th e signa l
co u nt e r a nd di ffer ent
cri teria i n t he no i se
counter. It a lso wou ld be
'possible to add more co n-
Fig. 6. Flowchart for complete TV program. Note th e 6-way partition of the data for driv- t rol signal s to insta ntl y
ing th e tuning displ ay. The no ise co unter squelches the pri nter w hen there is too mu ch mod ify t he c rite ria a nd
noise present. The signal counter acts as a post-detection low-pass filter. allow fo r diff e rerit shifts .
... .Enough informat ion is ex~
nee ded is a d rive r fo r t he use of re lat ive ly lo w- allow determination of th e tracted to a llow th e ge n-
t e lep rinter lo op . Fig. 9 vol tag e " e xpe rim e n t e r prop er a ud io level. I usu al- eratio n of co nt rol signa ls
shows how I do it. A high- g ra b ba g" powe r t ran- Iy use a simp le au dio rno n- for af e. I wou ld e njoy hea r-
vo lta ge tran sistor can be sisto rs to switc h the high- itor co nnected right at the ing f rom rea de rs who un-
used fo r th e switch if one is vo ltage loop c urre nt. co mputer input por t. Wit h dertake so me of these im-
ava ila ble. The piggy back For initia l setu p, an oscil- this arrangement, I ca n tell provern ents . •
circ uit show n a llows th e loscope is convenient to
· 14 0 V
o 0 • • • • • •
·,2'1 ~. . j ' MAGNET

• • 0 • • • • •
• • • 0 • • •

• • • 0 0 • • •


• • • • • • 0 0
Fig. 9. A TTL-to-fiO-mA loop interface circu it. QJ and Q4
co uld be rep laced by a single hig h-voltage transis to r. This
Fig. 7. Some of th e po ssible co m binat io ns see n on the ro w pigg yback circu it is a useful one fo r switching high
o f LEOs that serve as a tuning indicator. It is ver y easy to vo ltages wit h low-voltage transisto rs. In my station, I use
see w hich wa y the receiver dial shou ld be tuned to main- two unmarked TO-n O-t ype power transistors from a " 40
tain good copy. 0 =on; • off. = for $1 .98 " special pack.

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Hardl y a day passes w ithout t he co mpute r havi ng some effec t o n m i lli o ns aro und th e wo rld . The wor ld
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Baudot Hard Copy For Your SWTPC
- noi sy, b ut cheap

Tie a 6800 to a five-level Tele type TM.

SW TPC 6800 to a Baud ot co py , o r if yo u wa nt to use ne e d a ll eleve n bits whe n

Garry Caudell K4H BG Te letvpe l t he CRT te rm inal as a g las s yo u re all y ne ed o nly se ve n
3125 Ro bin Lynn Drive Ev e ry o ne prob abl y Tel etyp e , ke ep re adi ng . (f ive da t a bits plus sta rt
Ashland KY 41101 knows t he di sad van t a ge s The s imp les t way to get a nd sto p bits). If yo u a re
o f t he ol d Ba ud o t ma- har d copy is to use t he w illing to slow dow n th e a l-
c hines , such as be ing slow, sta n d a rd SWTPC M P-S re ad y slo w .jfrm te r. it wi ll

I n a n e a rl ie r article
(Ma rc h, 19 78), I d is-
cu ssed th e use of a s im p le
hav ing a lim ited c ha rac te r
set, et c. Ho w ever, on t he
plu s s id e, t hey a re ch ea p
bo a rd . All yo u ne ed to
bu ild is t he clock di vid e r
(se e Fig. 2). Unfo rtu na te ly,
thi nk that t he ext ra bit s a re
just lon g stop bits . Trying
to copy t his w ay w o u ld not
searc h program . In thi s a rti- a nd co m pat ib le w ith ham thi s board use s a n ACIA ·· work o n anything that was
cle, I' ll expla in ha rdware ra d io ope rat io n . If y o u (6850 ) c hip, a nd th er e is no sent at near-syn ch ron ou s
and so ft wa re to tie a n wa nt c he a p (b u t s low) har d way to tell it t hat yo u do n't spee d . The pr o gram wo uld
need to be c ha nged to a c-
co m mod a te an ACIA (see
, list ing 2 in Fig. 4).
-=," ec
P AQ 2

" "I'-- e--!1" RDZ

' 2 ROI
The c irc u it I use d to in-


PA2 "

" "!'-'- e---'l'"

10 10 03
S[ IO, .o,L
0 "'1A
terfa c e my SWT PC 6800
co mpu te r to my Mod e l 15
Te letvpe is an ex pa ns io n o f
. .." ", '"sea
'0_ _ ~"I~'
slee;, ,0
t he c irc u it used by Ma rk J.
Borgerson in his art icle in 73
" --' "
(Nove mbe r, 1976). It has a
"cr P6, 1 ' 1 0U

,,- '"
2' A/W
Pil l

OB4 FOR 6 0 "',1,

lOOP USE: 8 20
PIA (6820) c o nt ro lling a
UART (5-1883 ). All co nnec-
" 2~ ~ N A BLE PI • ~o Oll~

t io ns int o t he PIA are ide n-

tical to t ho se used by the
M P-L boa rd.
The clock for t he UART
is d er ive d fro m th e 600-
baud clock di vided by 13 .
If you a re usin g th e 1 .84 3-
M Hz crysta l re comm end-
, ed by Motorola for t he
6 0 ...... 101
L]" MC1 44 11 ba ud ge nerato r
c hip, th is comes o u t slight-
ly high . If you a re usin g the
Fig. 1. crysta l wh ich SWTPC rec-
~ 84
Release Yourself
A broken tile, a rusty sword, the timeworn remnants of a medieval tapestry:
Nothing sparks the imagination more than these fragile reminders of an other
place, an other time, another way of life . . . nothing, that is, save the prospect
of living it. That's why Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio is fast becoming a national
fad among avid computer garners and computer professionals alike. Why not get
in on the fun today?
This superb simulation casts up to six lords and ladies as
competitors in a race for the rule of their respective 15th cen- I------'~m'----_l
tury Italian city-states.
Each player begins with 1.000 Florins, a smali parcel of
land, a suitable complement of serfs, and a prewritten
obituary and time of death. Life was short back then, so you'd Santa Paravia
better move quickly . . . from this point on you're on your
own. and Fiumaccio
• A trlldllmark 01 Tandy Corporation
The winter ended, the grain steward reports the minimum
grain amount necessary to feed your people; depending on
how much of your reserves were eaten by rats, you may need
to purchase additional grain. Underfeeding will cause many
serfs to die, and will also severel y lower the birth rate. If you
fared the winter well, you may be in a position to sell surplus
grain or to overfeed your people, w hich will cause a higher
birth rate and attract serfs from less fortunate neighboring
towns-something you should consider if you plan to purchase
additional land for farming.
You can also speculate in land and grain at this tim e. The
price may vary from year to year , but an average increase is
You must now decide the levels of taxation for your com-
munity. As in real life , the consequences of your decisions are
far-reaching: Set th e customs tax too high, and busines ses will
suffer; a high income tax won't sit well with the wealthy; and 0043R Instant Software Inc .• Peterbo roug h NH 03458 USA S ee ,e..,.. 10' p' o gre m ", lorm . Mn

an overburdening sales tax has got to cut down receipts at your

markets . Experiment , and you're sur e to find a poli cy that will ar ea has gro wn quickly, this might be the time to arm another
work well with your present economy- but changes will sure- unit of serfs for your regions' defense. Your com puter will now
ly be needed as your community grows . look back at what you've accomplished in the last year, and
You've also got to decide a policy for justice. Will you be decide if you merit a higher title.
very fair (costs money, but is great for the economy) or
outrageous (taking bribes, selling justice to th e highest OBITUARY
bidder)? A lenient st ance will attract more ser fs, while
outrageous justice will soon ha ve them fleeing to more pleas- At thi s point, the computer will check to see if you' ve
ant surroundi ngs. reached "the fullnes s of time." If so, it will print the year and
caus e of your death, and your highest rank obtained.
MAP PH ASE Although the computer will no longer offer your turn , the
The computer will now draw a detailed map of your area. statistics of your reign will be kept in the comparison table un -
From this map you will be able to determine the adequacy of til the game's end. Since it's whoever reaches the throne first,
your defenses , the ratio of wor kers to acreage, the number of or achieves the highest title before death who wins ... you
wool en mills and market places, and the size of your castle and could still wind up the winner. In an y case, you' re sure to end
cathedral. the game a little wiser -and chomping at the bit to pla y
PUBLIC WORKS Available for th e 16K level I and level II TRS-80 microcom-
puter. Order No. 0043R. $7.95. (See pg. 91 for order blonk)
Your treasury laden with the fruits of a year's labor, you can
now pu rchase a woolen mill or two, or inv est in more market
places. Maybe you'll decide to increase the size of your castle .
If you feel that more clergy support might ha sten your rise to
the throne, build another wing on your cathedral. If your land
Instant Software"lnc.
om mends, it w ill be sli ght ly CA2 is used to clear the ."
low . In e it her cas e, it is as UA RT. "
cl ose as th e rest of t he Th e B-side of t he PIA is
baud rat es, if yo u fo llow used as an out put to d rive , ~ cc
SW TPC recommend ati ons. t he UART , with bit 7 used '2 CA ~~Y
(I don 't know w hy SWT PC as an input to poll t he 1 4 191 + I !>
MP - S

d id t hi s.) This c ircuit works UART f or a buf fer empty


s ee B.oUOeeOCK eOU'H ....

we ll and g ives on e less sig nal. CB2 i s used to
var iabl e, as co m pared to st robe th e UA RT to te ll it
using a t unabl e osc illato r Fig. 2. Build this o nly if yo u are going to use the M P-S
whe n to tran sm it d at a.
(o ne less confusi o n facto r board . Don't jumper any baud rat e on the board.
wh en tr yin g to get t he t hing I fou nd it usefu I to co n-
worki ng). nect t he UA RT reset t o t he gro und t his pin. I f elt t hat if and by 4N33 o pt ical co u-
SW TPC reset (t hro ugh a th e UA RT did need a reset , p lers .
Th e A-sid e of the PIA t ies 7404 inverting gate). Th is th is w o uld be we ll wort h- In m y syst em , t he output
to t he rece iv e data side of may no t be ne ce ssa ry, as while t o include. is in se ries with th e base of
th e UART , wi t h b it 7 used mo st UAR T circui t s do not Data in and data o ut are m y loo p-k eyin g t ransisto r.
for a da ta ready in di cati on. req uire a reset, but sim ply bu ff er ed by th e 7404 gates This allows th e pri nt er to

Fig. 3. Program listing 1. 0 1 2 ,U 3 1'" 56 ac ec ,,, cxca GO Ciii::C,{ I'":l 'l CA::!.:1IAG 2 "-ETtlTl
3 12 9 0 3 1'5 8 cs
LOA B ' 57r
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SAVE 1.'10.2:( ].;::GI 5 7 £ :":
;>01:1 1 ItlD :::X <::::G. AT
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012 30 3 ,5 0 A:lD A 1$ 71'" GET 10 or PPI« !'!' V
,11 2<10 3 1'" 5 2 STA I) XSA', e .l .X SNI E 9
0 12 6 B 3 1'"54 m XLAST .l.:: T:; S T CASE FL.:I. G TOTAL ERRORS 00110 0
~ 86
Fig. 4. Program list ing 2. I f you reassemb le the ent ire pro- shift on spac e. In t he pr o- c om p ared t o th e va l ue in
gram, N O Ps (l ines 129()..1295j can be o mitted. gram , spac e is hand led as a LA ST + 1 (li ne 1510) t o de-
letter s c hara c ter o nly . term ine if the pr in t er is in
.,0 1a0 rl AI1 PATe"
il l 202 0", L Th e C IN T (11 20-11 40) t he correct shift. If it is in
.1I12~e 3 '58 il l l~I T :IOP
il 12~5 3 '59 a l .' IO? subro uti ne is used to re- t he co rrect shift , t he p ro-
IiI IJla
i1D 6 1
C6 If
I Sl r L OAD SA tlOOT LE ':'TE'!S
store the flag so th at t he gra m j umps ahead to send
eraaa J ' 5E S1 8 6 51A a XSz,:W + I .x S TO~E 8 50 I'!' CA.'1 BE SE" '!'
PIA will be in iti ated afte r a the c haracte r; otherw ise,
0 133i!l 3FS" sr ea C1.11 XLA5T . I .X CLEMl CASE fLAG (US T.l)
a1 3 4 " 3 f62 8D 4"1 asn BAUDO GO SElID BAueo '!' LE , '!'ERS reset. the approp riate shift is sent
OUTEE E (11 50) is the (1550-163 0).
0 1 72 2 OPT L po in t to branc h t o in o rd er AS END (1640) bra nc hes
0'1 72 8 sa ac
21 130 3 r .. £ C6 a a
l. DA 9
Sd 00 C
15 0 2 U IAD TE S T fL AG to outp ut a c harac te r in to send t he c ha rac te r th en
1i1 11 4 0 arae r s 80 i 1 C B I T BI T B ACtA 1 S ACtA READY
liIa7S 0 3tS 3 2 7 F a sac on su GO axcx " A" accu m ul at o r (j u st like to SAVX (1680) to rest o re
a l 76 0 aras C6 ee SEND L DA B esea LClAD iJA'J DOT CHARACTER
arr re 3r87 CA ze 0 ""' B HE" SET EXT!lA 8 I TS TO iiA :'lK M IKB UG). The first th in g it in dex reg ister and " B" ac-
017 i10 aras r7 30 "0 57 ,. a ACIA · l SE'I D r r
01 7 9 0 asec 39 :-ITS do es (l ines 1150-1160) is re- cum u lato r and return .
j ect any lo w erca se ASCI I. Lookup (1710 ) does t he
1iI 1il U a-eo C6 ao xixr LOA B U0 J Next, it st ores th e ind ex act u a l c on v er si on a n d
ei ere arnr F7 311a c 5 7A S AC IA
ara ae J ,C2 C6 55 LOA 8 IS S 5 register and points th e in- st o res t he Baudo t c hara c-
ar s ae 3Fe 4 r7 J ~\l C STA S AC LA
dex register to t he st art o f ter in SEND + 1 . In li nes
il 134'a 3 f C7 39

TOTAL eaaons e ee a a
"" t he conversio n t ab le (l i nes 1 730-1 750, t he U AR T is
1210-1 220). test ed to see if it is read y
o pe rate eit her f rom m y ca use o f t he ea se o f re lo- In l inel 230, th e progr am for a new c haracte r. 1760-
ST-5 or th e co m puter, w ith- cating it. If you have a m ak es sure t hat we are 1 770 sends t he c haracter to
out doing any sw itching . b loc k-move program , only ta lking abo ut 7-bit ASCI I the UA RT . 1 7 8 0- 1 8 2 0
Similarly, t he in pu t is a t he m em ory loc at ions i n and then saves t he " B" ac- strobes t he UA RT to tel l it
resisto r i n t he loo p w hic h li nes 1130, 1210, and 1 220 cumu lator (l ine 1240). that t he c ha racter c an be
allows eithe r the keyboard have to be c hanged . From Th e te st in li ne 1260 is to sent .
or th e ST-5 in pu t to t he he re on , relat ive o r i ndexed see if t he PIA has been ini- So ftwa re to inpu t a c ha r-
add ressing is u sed . t ializ ed o r not. It does th is ac te r is li st ed in t he No-
co m pu te r.
The fi rst p art of t he pro - by c hec k ing t o see wh at is ve m ber arti cle and w i ll not ,
Co nstr uction gram (1040-1110) co nsist s st ore d i n LAST + 1 (l i ne be repeated here.
I am sorry to say t hat I of a lookup t ab le to co n- 1 510). If it sees a negati v e Th ese two pr ogr am s do
do not have a ni ce printed v ert Baudot t o ASC II. In va l ue ($ FF), it will' go not repre sent a co m p let e
c irc u it b oard to build t his t he ta bl e, t he co nversio n is thro ugh t he INT po rt ion sy st em f or RTTY o pe rat ion,
gadget o n. Mine is hand- acco m pl ished by p oin t ing (129 0-1340) w hic h w i l l ini- but rath er a set of sub-
wi red o n a pi ece o f vec tor- t he index regi st er at t he tia l ize t he PIA , cl ear t he rou tin es t o be inco rp o-
b oard w hic h is th e same st art o f t he tabl e and using last f lag, and pu t t he pri nt - rated in suc h a sy ste m . A
size as t he SW T PC I/O th e A SC I I character (6-bi t er in letters shift. com p le te system w o u ld
b oard s and has t he same form) as an offset. Line fee d If it sees a nonneg ati v e _n eed a software FI FO and
pl ug arrangeme nt. For no an d ca rriage re t urn are va lue, it wi ll j u mp arou nd some f orm of sense sw itc h
good reaso n, I pu t it on slo t han d led as exceptions. No this section. A ll th is me ans op er at ion , so you wou ld
3. othe r co ntro l c harac ters that, if you have reset t he automat ica lly switch fro m
are all o w ed (bel l migh t co mp u te r, yo u need to re- t he input program to t he
Program have b een usef ul ). store t he $FF in LA ST + 1~ " outp ut program w hen yo ur
Th e progra m to co nve rt Space is ha nd led as an Thi s is th e purpo se o f t he tr ansm itter is keyed.
ASC I I to Baudot (see l ist ing CIN T rou tin e. T he program li sted here
excep t ion bec au se so m e
1) is notew o rth y o nly be- mac hines are set up f o r un- Lines 1 350-14 70 c hec k c an be u sed to give hard
f or c arr iage re t urn, l i ne co py o n yo ur ex ist ing pro -
f eed , and sp ace. If it fi nd s gram ..·
th em , it subst it u t es v al ues The procedure f or find -
fo r th em so t hey ca n be in g t he correct p laces and
pri nted . Line 1472 rejec ts t he pa t ch in g p roc ed u res
all o t her co nt ro l c ha rac- we re o u tl ined i n my ea rli er
t ers. Lin e 1480 converts t he (M arc h, 1978) art icle.
charac te r ' to 6-bit A SCII , I w o u ld l ike to say t hat I
and t hen it is st ored t o be am no t sure how m uc h o f
sent lat er (1490). this is my ow n wo rk and
In s-btt ASC II , if t he h o w muc h wa s Doug
c ha racte r is less th an hex Schwab WA4ZV1 ' s. A ny-
20, it is a le tter o f th e how, thanks to Doug, and
alphabet, so we sho uld be t ha nks t o th e re peate r
in letter s shift . ga ng . •
If it is greater t h an hex
20, w e sho uld be in fig ures Re ference
shift. Line 1500 redu ces t he Mark J . Borgersen, " Baudot to
c haracter t o eit he r a hex 20 ASC II," 73 Mag azine, No vem-
Hom e-brew 1/0 board. or a ze ro va l ue. Thi s is ber, 1976.

87 ~
Show the w et. home movi e!. compul n' gMne, esc.
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Fo ntana CA Cam den NJ Scra nto n.PA
We carry th e follo wing: ICOM , Mid land, Am - Presion ID ICO .\.I, Bird , C ush Craft , VHF Engineering.
com , Den'Ir cn. KLM, Swan , Drak e, Ten-Tee , X-Band (& o ther Irecu encies) ~ i crow av e
Ross WB7BYZ, has the La rgest Stock of Ama- Component s & Equipment. LaboratoryGraee - Antenna Specialists, Barke r & Williamson,
wnsc n. SST , MFJ , Hy-Gain , Luna r, Nye- teu r Gea r in the Inter mo unta in West and th e C DE Rot ator s, Ham-Keys, Belden, W2AU/
Vikin g, B&W , Redi-kllc watt , Cus hCre f't , Test Instru ments , Power Supplies, I OOO' ~ in
Best P rices. Call me for all YOUt ham needs. stoc k at all limes, BU Y & SE LL all popular W2VS, Shure, Regency, CES To uch-Tone
~1 o~ley. Big Signal. Pipo , etc. Full Service Ross [)istri butin r:, 73 So. Sla ll!', P resten 10 pads. Rad io Amateur Callbooks. LaRue B ee-
Sto re Fo ntan a fJ ffl ronics. 8623 Sier", A\e.. makes-HP, G R, FXR , ESI, Sorensen, Singer ,
33263, 852-08J0 . ere. Leet ronie Rrsnrch Lllb$, 1423 Fer" , A.e.. no e tcs, 1112 G rl ndvie.. 51.. Selllnio n PA
Fonll na C A 9 2335, 822-TI 10. 18S09,343-2124.
Clmden NJ 03104, 541-1200.
Santa Clara CA So uderton P A
Ba y area' . newest Amat eur Rad io store. New & Te rre H aute IN Nor th A r lingt o n NJ
Tired of loo king at ads ?1? Com e a nd lry o ur
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Your ham head q uart ers located in the heart of Collin s, General Radio, Te ktro nix, Hewlett ad vice from our st a H' ~ 60 yea rs combined ham
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Ten_Tee & many mor e. S ha~er Rad io, 3550 Packa rd. Radio sates vservice. or trade experience. E:1ff1r on ic!:e , 136 N. ~1ai n
Meado,," Sho ppinll: Cente r, P.O . Box 2001, fo r tubes or gear. Ted W2KL:W, 0<:0 , INC. , sr., So uderton PA 18964, 723-1200.
Loc:hinvar Ave nue, Santa 01111 c." 9S051. Terre Hlu t.. l ~ 4m2 . 23S-I456 . IU Schu) ler A.enue, ' 0. Arl inl:lon NJ 07032
998-4246. Hous ton TX
Exper imenter's paradise! Electr onic and me-
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mecha nical components for computer peop le, penmemcrs. Open six da ys a week. Ga te.... ,
The ham sto re of KE . you can rely o n. Ken- We Deal, We T rade, We Discount, We please : FJ fftron l~ Inc.• 3932 C1arkcrtsl, Hou ~l o . T X
a udio people , ham s, ro boi builders, experi- wood, I CO~ . Wilson , Yaesu, Den'Fron , KLM
menret s. O pen six day s a week . Ga le....' U te _ Yaesu , Kenwood , Drake, ICO \-!. Ten-Tee, 77063 , 973-6575.
a mps , MW switches & walt meters, Whistler Swan , DenTro n. Midland, CushCra fl, KLM,
tr onies Corp.. 2839 W. 44lh Av..., Dt nvrr CO ra da r det ector s, Bearcat, Regency, antennas by P orl Angeles WA
80211,458-5444. H y-Gain, etc. Co mplete 2.wa y service shop!
Larsen , Wilson, H ustler, G AM. T E L-CO M H am-bon e Radio Idiv . Stereo Rep air Sho p) Mo bile RFI shield ing for eliminatio n of igni-
New Castle DE Inc. Com m unlca tion~ & FJ m ro nics, 675 G I"f'Jlt 3206 Erie Blvd. USI, Syracuw NY 13214, 446- tio n a nd alt ernator noises. Bo nd ing stra ps.
Rd. , Rt. 119. L.i u lt ton MA 01460, 436-3040. 2266. Components for "do-it-yourself" projects.
Pa ul WA 3QPX , Rob WA 3QLS - Sefving Ple nty of free advic e. Estes Enxineerinl!, 930
am ateu rs in sout hern New Jersey , Delaware, Ma rine Drive, PMt A nr:eles WA 98362, 457·
and Maryland with the la rgest stoc k of a mateu r Syrac use-Ro me-U tica l"olY lJ9O.l.
eq uipm e nt and acces sori es in Del a war e . La urel MD Fea turing: Yaesu, ICO M, Dra ke, Atlas, Den-
Deta..'are Amat eur Su pply, 71 Mead o..' Road, We stoc k Dra ke, tee m . T en-Tee , Swa n,
Ne....Casl l.. DE 19720. 32.8-7728. 'r ro n, Ten-Tee, Swan, Tempo, KlM, Hy-
Te mpo, Dem re n, DSI , KDK, Wilson , !\-1id la nd Ga in , ~Ios le y , Wi lso n. Lar sen , Mid la nd
and ot hers. Call to ll free 800-038--4486. The DEALERS
So ut hwest Technical Pr od ucts. Yo u won ' t be
Columbus GA Co mm Cemer , Inc. , Llu rtl Piau , Rle. 193, disappoi nted with equipment /se rvice. Radio Your com pany nam e ol1dmf'S$(1ge ('(111 conf oin
KE.'/WOOD-Y A F.s U-DR AKF: La urel MD 20310. World , On eid a Co unl" A irpo n _Yer min l l up to 15 words for as lit/le es H5 0 y f'(Jrly
Th e world ' s most fantastic a ma teur show- Build ing. O riska n)' rooy t 3424, 337_2622. (prep oidj, or $15 pe r m on th (p rep oi d
roo m! Yo u go tta see it to believe it! Radio quorlerlyj. No mention of moil-order business
W huln.a le, 2012 Aubu rn AVl!'nue. Col u m b u~ St. Lo uis MO or area code p ermilted. Directo ry tex t ond pay-
G ." 31906, 561-7000. Exp erimen ter'e par adi se! Electro nic; and Cleveland on ment must ret]ch us 4$ doys in adva nce of
p ublicotion. For exompfe, ad •.".rti.sing for the
mechanical co mponents for compu ter peo ple, Need service on Jour late model or old time
audio peop le, hams, robo t bu ildCTS, expe n- equipme nt ? We service all makes and mod els. A ugust is.sue must be in our hunds by Ju ne
menters. Open six da ys a week. Gi leway fJee _ Rates $19.96 hr. Call o r write. Cora m.. nic"a- 18th. Moil (0 73 Mogo :ine, Peterborough NH
Tell them you saw tronks Co rp. , 8123-15 Page Blv d., St . Louts tions Wo rld, Inc.• 4788 Siale Rd ., Cleveland 03458. A ITN: A line Coutu.
their name In 73 !\to 63130, 427-t>1I6. OH 44 109, 398-6363.

88 Y" Reader Service - see page 2 11

InstantSoftware New Releases M

Math? Model Roc ketry? TRS-80 ' As k for Instant Software at your
Utilities? There 's something fo r local computer store, use the han -
everyone in th is batch of new dy order blank on page 91 , or just
releases ... w h ich ones have you get out your credit card and call
been wait ing for? Toll Free 1-800-258-5473.
HOUSEHOL D A CCOU N TA NT Let your TAS·SO he lp you AR CAD E II One c hall engi ng memory game and two fas t-

TRS-80· o ut w it h many of you r da ily househ o ld c alculat ion s. Save

ti m e a nd mon ey w it h the se fine program s:
• Budg et and Expen se An aly si s - Yo u c an c ha ng e
bu dgeting i nto a m or e p leasant jo b w it h th is pro gr am .
paced actio n g am es m ak e I his o ne package the whol e
fam ily w ill enjo y for so m e ti me to come. Pac k ag e in-
el udes :
• UFO-Catc h th e eruswe UFO before it hi ts til e
Level II Wit h nin e sec t ions fo r inco me and expenses an d th e oc-
tio n fo r one- and th ree-month review o r year Io ta Is, you
g round !
• Hit - Bett er th a n a sk eet shoot The ta rget rem a in s
FINANCIAL ASSISTANT Compute the figu res for a wide can see wh ere yo ur m on ey is go ing st at iona ry. bu t you ' re mo ving all ov er the place .
var iet y 0 1 b us iness needs . Included ar e: • Lil e Insu rance Cos t Co mparis o n - Co mpare the c os t • Blockade- A tw o-player game that combln es s trat eqy
• Deprec iat ion - Th iS program le t s yo u li gUle deprecia- 01 various nre ins ur anc e po li c ies. Find ou t the difference a nd fast refl exes.
tion on eq u ipm ent in five different wa y s. in price between te rm and whol e l ife. Thi s pro gram c an Requ ires 8K PET. Ord er No. 0045P $7.95.
• Loan Amo rtiz at io n Sc hed ule - Merely ent er a few st or e and d is play up to six differ ent resu lts .
essent ial fac tors, and you r I RS·80 w il l d isp lay a com - • Dat eb oo k- Rec ord al l tho se impor tan t d ates in you r
plete breakdown o f a ll c os t s and sch edule s of payment
for an y loa n.
• Fi nanc:ier - Th is prog ram perform s thi rtee n c o mmon
f ina nci al c alc ulatio ns. Ea sil y han d le s ca lculatio ns o n tn-
life for la st , easy ac ce ss . The prog ram has all major
ho lid ay s alrea dy inc luded.
All yo u need is TRS-80 Level II 16K. Order No. OO69 R $7.95
vest men ts , d epr ec iat io n, a nd loans. MODEL ROCKET A NALYZER A ND PRE·FLlGHT CH ECK M ATH TUTOR I Pa reo ts . fe acne r s, stu dents. now yo u c an
• 1% Forecastin g - Use t his si mp le pr ogram to Lei you r TAS-BO help yo u enjoy the fast-g ro w ing hobb y of turn yo u r Apple comp uter in to a ma them at ics tu tor . Your
fo recas t sal es, expenses, o r any ot her hist or ica l da ta mod el roc ketry. The co mp lementary pr og ram s incl uded ch ild ren or students ca n be gi n to enj oy t heir math
series. are: lesso ns w il h tnese prog ram s:
All you need Is a lRS·SO Lever II 16K. Orde r No . 0072 R • Mod el Roc ket Fl igh t History Pre<li ct io n - This p ro- • Hangin g - Per fect yo ur sk ill wi th de c ima l numbers
$1.95 gr am wi ll co mpu te the fli gh t c harac teristics lor atm ost w hile yo u try to c heat t he hangman.
any mod el rocket . Engi ne and bo dy tub e d ata in c luded • Spe ll binde r - Cast spe lls again st a co mp eti ng magi-
l RS-SO UTilITY 1 Ever wonde r how so m e pro g ra mm e rs cov ers Estes, Centu ri, Fli ght Sy stem s, A.V.1. As trooort, cta n as you pr acti c e wo rking w i th fractions.
give their prog rams t hat pro fess io nal look ? Inst ant Sof t- C. M. R., and Ko pt er produc ts. • Who le Spa ce - W hi le yo u exe rc ise y our sk il l a t usi ng
ware has the an swer w ith th e TRS-80 Ut il ity 1 pack age. • We at her For ec ast er - Before you laun ch yo ur ro c ket, wh o le numbe rs, you r sh ip attac ks the enem y p lane t an d
Included are : gel an uc -to-the-rrunc te we al her fo rec ast. Just enter yo u r des tr oy s a lie n spac ec raft.
• RENUM - No'N yo u ca n easily renumber any level II loc ati on , eleva ti o n, avera ge temperat ures fo r J an ua ry All p rog ra ms hav e var y ing level ! 0 1 d ifficu lt y. All you
pro g ram 10 make room fo r mo d if ica ti o n, or to c lean up and J ul y , a nd baromet r ic pressu re. Yo u'lI be the sh or t- need is Ap pte sott II WIt h you r A PPrn' II 24K. Ord er No .
the li st in g . ra nge weatner fo reca ster lor yo ur local area. 0073A $7.95
• DUPll K- This program w ill let you d upli c ate any For a s uc c essful lau nch , y ou' ll nee d TRS-eo Level II 16K.
BASIC, as se mb ler, or mactun e-tanqu aqe pr og ra m, verify Ord er No . 0024R $7.95
th e da ta, me rg e t wo o r mo re pr og ra m s in lo one data
bloc k, and ev en co py l evel I pro g ram s o n a l evel II

TEAC HE R Now yo u ca n have th e benefits o f co mputer-
ma c hine. Fo r TRS -80 l evel II 16K. Orde r No. 008 1R 51.95. ass ist ed inst ruct ion rig tlt in yo ur o wn nome. The pro-
grams a ll ow you to in pu t any nu mber o f qu est io ns and Math Tut o r II

an swe rs . Usin g this data, t he co mpute r w il l prepa re
severa l typ es of tests, qu i z st ude nt s, p rov ide up to thr ee • Robot Duel
" hints" pe r q uest io n -e ve n otter g ra ph ic rewards fo r • Car Jump
• Sub Alla c k
yo u nge r c hild re n, all at t he user' s d isc re t ion. Perf ec t fo r
parent s , tea c her s, or a nyo ne fac ed w it h learning a lo t of Rllq u ires Applll so fl II ueuu , m ateria l in the shortest possib le time. Furni shed w ith
• DUPLlK- C8S50tI . Duplication bl ank dat a c asse tt e .
• REN UM -prog ram Re numberi ng
Teach er requires a 15K Level l! TRS-80_Orde r No . 0065 R

. . .._ ....... e..--

TURF A ND TARGET Whe ther o n t he fiel d or in the a ir,
you ' ll have fun wit h Turf and Ta rget pa c kag e. In cluded
• Oua rt erbac k - You ' re the quarterback as yo u try to g el
the pi gs kin over the goa l li ne. Yo u can pass, pun t , hand
off. a nd see the resu lt s o f your p lay using the PET's
su perb g ra phic s.
• Soc ce r II - Play I he t est-action qame o t soccer w it h
lo ur pla yi ng o ptions. The compu ter ca n play rt sett, pla y a
singl e player, two play ers wi th comp uter assistanc e, a nd MATH TUTOR II You r Apple co mpu ter c an g o beyon d
tw o pla yers w ithout he lp. g am e playin g a nd be come a ma the m ati cs tut or fo r you r
• Shoo t - Yo u' re t he hunter as yo u t ry to sho o t the bird c h ild re n. Using t he tec h niq ue of im med iate po si tiv e rein -
o ut of the a ir. The PET w ill keep scor e. fo rc eme nt , you c an m ake math fun w ith
• Target - Use t he nu meri c key pad to sh oot yo ur puck • Car Jump- Re inforc e the co nc ept of cal c u lat ing area
TRS-SO UTiliTY 2 l et Ins t an t Softw ar e ch an ge th e into the ho me pos it io n as teet as you can. wh il e having fu n ma k ing your car j um p over the ra mps.
d rudgery 0 1ed itin g you r prog ram s into a q uic k, easy jo b. To ru n and score all you ' ll need is a PET with 8K . Order • Robot Duel - Prac ti ce fig ur ing vo lumes o f va rio us
Inc lud ed in I hi s packa ge are; No . 009 1P $7.95 con taine rs wh il e you r ro bo t li gh ts aga in st the co mput -
• CFETCH - 5ea rc h t hro ug h any leve l II p rog ram tape er 's m ech ani cal m an .
and g et the lile na mes fo r all t he program s. You c an also A RCA DE I Th is pac kage com bin es an exc iting ou tdoors • Sub Aft ack - Ta ke t he mys tery o u t o f wo rk ing w ith
m erge BASIC pr ogram s, wit h consecutive line nu mbers , spo rt w ith o ne o f A m eric a 's most popu la r in door s ports : per ce nt ag es as your subm ar ine sne aks int o th e harbor
into on e prog ram . • Ki fe Fight - It 's a nat io na l spor t in Ind ia . Aller yo u an d and dest ro ys the enemy fl eet .
• CW RITE-Co mbine subrou ti nes , that work in d if - a fr iend have spe nt se vera l hours m aneuv ering you r kites All yo u need is Ap p lesoff II wi th yo ur App le II and 2OK.
ferent m emo ry loc at io ns into o ne prog ram . This wo rks acr o ss the sc ree n 0 1 yo ur PET, yo u'll kn ow w hy! Order No . 0098A $1.95.
w ith BAS IC o r ma chi ne·l an guag e progr ams and gi ves • Pinb all - By far t he fin est use o t the PET' s exc ept ional
you a general c hecksum . graph ics ca pab ilit ies we've eve r seen, and a heck of a lot • A trad e mark 0 1Tandy Cor po rat ion
Thi s pac kage is j us l th e thin g for you r TRS·80 l evel II of f un to pl ay to boot. • • A t rad ema rk of Appl e Com put e r Inc .
16K. Ord er No. 0076R $1.95 Requ ires an 8K PET. Ord er No. 0074R $7.95. • • • A t rademar k o f Co mmo dore Business M ac hi nes Inc .
InstantSoftware CAVE EXPlORINGIYACHT/MEMO RY These thr ee pro-
g ra m s are not o n ly lun, but st im ulat ing a s w ell:

Has It All. ••
Buck Rogers never had n so go od . Eng age in extrarer-

TRS-80 ' • Cave Expl o ring - Sea rc h for fab ulo us trea sures as
you ex plo re th e mag ic ca ve. For on e p layer.
• Yacht - A two player gam e o f strategy and chanc e.
The c omp uter ro ll s the di ce and keep s sco re.
• M em ory-Two play er s ca n pit t he ir memor ies in t his
restr ia l war f are w i th :
• Ramro m Pat ro l- Destroy the Ramron s hips betore
th ey c apture you .
• Tie Fighter- Dest roy th e ene my Tie f ig hters and
beco m e a hero of t he rebellion.
Levell p ro gram based on a po p ula r tele visi o n show. You 'll need • Kli ng o n Ca pture - You must captu re the Kil ngon shi p
KN IGHT'S QUEST/ROBO T CHASE/H ORSE RACE This a TAS-80 w i th l eve l I a nd 16 K. Order No. 0010R $7.95. intac t. It 's you and yo ur TAS·eo level II 16 K batt ling
vari ed packag e 01 one-p layer games wil l give yo u hours ac ros s the ga la xy. Orde r No. 0028 R $7.95.
of f un. len g ing, tun -turec pro gra ms: CA RDS This on e-pl ayer pac kage will let yo u p la y c ards
• Knight' s Que st- Bat tl e demons 10 gain tr easure and • Car Race - Yo u and a fri end c an race on a c ho ice 01 w ith yo ur TRS-80- talk about a poker face !
beco me a t uu-ne oc ec kni ght. two t rac ks . • Draw and Stud Pok er - These t wo prog ra ms w ill kee p
• Robot Chas e- Dest roy t he deadly robot s w it hout • Rat Trap - Tra p the rat in hi s maze wi t h your two c a ts. your gam e sh arp .
elect rocu ting y oursel f. For on e playe r. • No-Trump Bridge - Play th is popula r ga me wi th you r
• Horse Race - Plac e your bet and c heer yo ur horse to • Antiairc rall - A im an d shoot dow n the enem y air- co mpu ter and de velo p yo ur st rat egy.
I he finis h line . p lane . Requ ires l evel 14K TRS-80. Ord er No _00 11R S7.95. Th is pac kag e's na m e sa ys it all . Req u ires a TRS-80 l evel
These pr og ram s requ ire a T RS-8QLevel l 16K. Orde r No . II 16K. Orde r No . 0063R $7.95.
0003R $7.9 5.
SPACE T REK III Lei yo urs e ll go to the far end s of t he
sol ar sy stem - an d beyo nd. Thi s package inc lud es :
await ed program s that have got to save you m o ney at
wo rk or in the hom e :
• Stat u s of Ho m es -This pr og ra m w ill all ow yo u t o
~__--,(it<J r;,: ,11;1,: i' .IN;i iJ~ $ 24 .9 5

• Ste ll ar W ar s - Sh oot dow n th e Tie f igh ter s and

kee p t rac k of all th e ex pe nses invo l ved in buil d ing one
destroy Ih e Death St ar.
• Pl an et ary Land er- Land you r s pace c raft and pla nt
hou se o r an e ntire s ubd ivisio n . Bowling League
• Au to Exp enses- Find o ut exac l/yw ha t it co sts you to
yo u r f lag acro ss t he solar sy stem .
These o ne -p laye r games req ui re a TAS-80 l eve l 14 K.
d rive your ca r o r truc k . • . :t Statistics System
Thes e progra m s req uire a TRS·SO l evel 1 4K. Order No. Bowhng'RlItCOrds / Sta rtup
Ord er No . 00 31R $7.95. 00 12R S7.95. Bowling Records I Weekly
age of th ree pr ograms is f un to r t ne w hole tarn uy. Inctu d - SEA BATTLE T his lour-game pa c kag e is su re to provide
ed are: ho urs of f un fo r the w hole family.
• Destro y All Subs -H unt do wn en emy su bs w hit e • Hex Pawn - T urn your TRS-80 in to a model of arti ficia l
avoiding mines and to rpedoes. A c ne-pta yer game . intellig enc e by playing a simple game.
• Gu nboats - One or two pl aye rs ca n try to blow each • Shuttle Cra ft Doc king- La nd you r shuttle c raft o n the
oth ers ships o ut of the w ater. sla rs hip- even t hrou g h vary ing g ravi ty fi el d s !
• Bom ber - Caref ull y re lease yo ur bo mb to des tro y th e • Spa ce Chase - Seek out and des troy th e enemy d elt a
mo ving submarine. A o ne-pla yer game. that' s h idden in th e star f ield .
To enj oy th ese pr ogram s, you 'll need a TA S-SO Level 14K. • Sea Battl e - Yo u mu s t fi nd and de s troy Ih e enem y
Order No. 0021 R $7.95. fleet.
FUN PACKAG E I Why ca ll it " Fun Packag e?" J udge fo r Th is package requ ir es a TRS-80 Leve l I 16K. Order No.
your sel f ! T hi s ente rta in ing pac kage inc lude s: 0041 R $7.95.
• Rocket Pilot- F I Y i n g~ . t is e y -it's t he lan di ng that ' s DEMO I Thi s pa ck age is j ust th e thin Q 10 Show your
tou gh! fr ie nd s wh at your TRS·5O ca n do . Inc lud ed are:
• Paper, Rock , s cre e . he tim e-ho nor ed game • Co mpute r Com pos er - Com pose and play musi c us-
j ust as you re m e ~\i' yed against yo ur TRS-SO. ing on ly a sta nda rd A M rad io .
• Hex I - J ust wh~}\:lu m aster this puzzle g am e, the • Horse Race-Place you r bet and c heer yo ur po ny to
co mputer will increase th e di ff ic u lt y. 0056 R .. .. • .. ....• .. • ... · _ .... o:>o>e ...... - _.. ... .....- - -
I he w inne r's circ le .
• Mis sil e Attac k - Use you r m issiles 10 pro te ct yo ur city • E.S.P. Tes t you r po wers o f ext rasenso ry percept ion .
from j et attack . • H i·lolTie-Tae·Toe - Guess th e secr et number or get BOW i.I N.G lEAGUE STATISTICS SYSTEM Th is pac kage
Requir es a l evel I 16K TRS-80. Ord er No. 0037R $7.95. th ree in a ro w. is t he an sw er to t he praye rs of harr ied bo w ling league
• Peta ls Arou nd the Rose - Can you fig ur e out the sc orekeeper s. The Bowling League Statistics Sys tem
DOODLES AND DISPLAYS I Here's a mi xed ba g o f pro- w ill kee p a co mpute r ized li st of league da ta , te am d ata ,
gr ams t hat' s sur e to enterta in: secret beh in d the five d ice ?
• Slo t Machine - Turn y ou r co mp u ter tr ue a o ne-armed a nd data lor each bow le r. It is ext reme ly I lexible a nd has
• Doodle Pad - Draw p ictu res and sav e the m o n a to ta l of 16 d ifferen t o ption s to let yo O-mod if y I na pro -
cass ette t apes. band it. These prog ram s requ ire a TRS·SO leve l 1 4K.
g ram to suit yo ur league' s ru les . The prog ra m is very
• Symmetrl c s - Tu rn YOUr~ 80 Int o a kale idos cop e. Orde r No . 0020 R $7.95.
eas y -1 0 use and has ex te nsi ve " bu il t in " aid s to help yo u
• Vid eo Di SPl aY - F O I ~ unc ing c urso r as your PERSONA L FINANCE I Let you r TRS·80 hand le all the alo ng . Requ ires TRS·80 l evel II 16K. Or der No. 0056R
TRS -SO dr aw s it s O~ es. l edious details th e next t ime yo u f igu re yo ur f inan c es: $24.95.
• M at h Curve s - t ose Geom etry lesso ns to li fe • Per son a l Fina nc e I - With th is p rog ra m yo u can c o n-
as th e com puter dra s six d ifferent g eo m etr ic al c ur ves.
• Rug Patl ern s - A never ending str eam o f symmetrica l
tro l yo ur incom in g an d o utgoin g ex penses .
• Checkbo ok- Yo ur TAS·SO c an ba la nce yo ur c hec k- Level I and II
patterns that' s su re to sp ark yo ur im ag in atio n. book an d keep a detailed lis t o f expe nses l or lax t ime .
All you'tt need is a 16K level I TRS-SO. Orde r No. 0030R This ha nd y f inan cia l co ntr ol pac kage to r the ho m e re- BA CKGA MM ON/ KENO Why sit alone whe n yo u can pl ay
S7.95. qu ires on ly a T RS·eo l eve l I 4K . Order No. 0027R $7.95. the se l asc inati ng g ames w ith you r TRS-SO?
BUS INESS PA CKAGE I Keep t he boo ks fo r a sma ll • Bac kg am mo n - 'Play aga in s t the co mp ut er. Yo ur
bu s in ess w it h your TRS-80 level 14 K. Th e si x prog rams
inc luded a re:
Level II TR5-8Q wil l g ive yo u a steady ch all eng ing ga m e t hat's
sure to shar pen you r s k ills.
• Keno- Enj o y t his pop ul ar l as Veg as g amb ling gam e.
• Genera l Inl orma t io n - The inst ruc t io ns fo r us ing the SPA CE TRE K IV Trade o r wage wa r on a pla netary s ca le. Guess the ri gh t numbers and wi n big.
pac kag e. Th is pack ag e inc ludes : Yo u'll need a T RS-SOl evel I or II. Order No . 0004R $7.95.
• Fixed As sel Con l ro l- Thi s w ill give yOU a list of you r • St ellar War s- Engage and destroy T ie l igh ters in your
fix ed as se ts and term depre ci at io n. attac k o n th e Death Sta r. For one pl ayer. OI L TYCOON Avo id o il sp ills, blowouts and dr y wens as
• Deta il Inp ut - Thi s pro g ram let s yo u c reate an d recor d • Pop u latio n Slmu lation-A tw o-ptaver gam e w he re you battle to bec om e t he wo rld's ric hest o il tyc oo n. Tw o
yo ur genera l iedg er o n tape fo r fa s t ac ces s. yo u cont ro l t he econ om y of tw o ne ig hbor ing plane ts . pl aye rs bec o me th e o wne rs of com peting o il co m pa nies
• Month and Year to Date Mer ge - This program w ill Yo u dec ide, gu ns or bu tt er, with yo ur TRS·80 l eve l II 16K. as t hey search for o il and co ntro l the ir c o mpanies . Re-
ta ke yo ur month ly ledger da ta an d g ive y ou a y ea r to d ate Ord er No. 0034R $7.95. Qu ires a TRS·SO4K Levell or II. Ord er No . 0023R $7.95.
ledg er. DOODL ES AND DISPL.AYS II Wa it untll you r c h ildr en get BOWUNG Let your TRS-80 set up th e pins and keep
• Prol i t and Los s - Wit h th is program yOU can qu ic kl y a ho ld of this pac kage: score. One p la yer can pic k u p spares and get stri kes . Fo r
get tria l ba lan c e a nd profit and loss st a tem en ts. t he TRS-80 l evel 14 K, Level II 16K. Orde r No , 0033 R $7.95.
• Doodle Pad - Draw pic t ure s a nd s ave th e m o n
• Year End Balan c e - Th is pr og ram will co mbi ne all c assett e ta pes.
you r data from t he pr of it and toss sta tements into a yea r AIR FLIG HT SI MULATION Tu rn yo ur into an a ir-
• Symme trie s - A n e lect ric ka le id os co pe I hat c hanges pla ne . You ca n pra c t ice tak eoffs and landings w ith the
end ba la nc e sheet.
from bl ac k to Whi te and ba~k a ain . It' s almost hy pnotic ! benefit 01 fu ll in st rume nt ati on. This cn e-crever simu la -
Wit h t his pac kage , you c an m ake you r TR5-80 a wor k ing
• Draw ing - like Doodle P ut lor the serious art ist. tion req ui res a T RS-80 Level l 4K, Level l! 16K . Order No .
par tn er. Order No. 0013R S29.95.
Over 40 user comman ~ 0017 R $1.95.
BUSI NES S PACKAGE III Th is package c an ch a nge your • Random P l tl e~ - The compu te r do es the
TRS·SOinto a I utl work ing part ner for a ny bu sin essman: dra wi ng , but t nos c hy fingers c an tamp er. GO l F/C ROSSO UT Have fun wit h these exc iting on e-
• Invento ry - Ma inta in a computer base d invento ry fo r a • M alh Curv es - B ng tho se Geo m et ry lessons t o li fe. pl ayer games. Inc lude d are:
con sta nt invento ry sys tem . Six d iffere nt geometr ic al curv es o n the screen o f you r • Go lf - Yo u w on 't ne ed a m as hie or cutter-cor a cad -
• Disc ou nt and Com m ission Perc entages - Let yo ur TRS-SO. d ie , lor Ihat m atter, to enj oy a c ha ll eng ing 18 ho les .
co mp uter figu re o ut ma rk up an d d isc o unt c a lc ulat ion s , • Rug Pattern s - Yes, il do es des ig n rug pattern s and, • Crossout-Rem ove a ll but t he cen ter peg In th is puz-
sa les tax and mo re. Thi s is a pe rfe ct tim e sav ing pa c kage w ith a cho ice o f use r o r com puter ccn tr ct it ca n do a zle a nd you r neighbors w ill c all you a gen ius .
for any s mall bu s iness. wh o le lo t m or e. Yo u 'll need a TRS -ao Leve l 14K, l evel II 16K . Order No .
Fo r the T RS·80 l eve l I 4K. Ord er No . 0061R 57.95. Fo r th e Level II 16K T RS·eo. Ord er No. 0042 R $7.95. 0009R $7.95.
HA M PACKAGE I Th is ve rsatile pack age le ts you solve MOR TGAGE WIT H PREPAY MENT OPT ION /FINANC IER M IMI C Tes t yo ur memory an d refle xes w ith th e five d if -
ma ny 0 1 the com monly enc o un te red pr ob lem s in erec. These tw o prog rams w ill m ore tha n pay lor them selv es i f fere nt vers ion s 0 1 th is game. You must mat ch the se -
tr on ics design _Wi th your Level l 4K o r Le vel II 16K TRS- you m ortga ge a ho me o r m ake I nvest m en ts qu enc e and loca t ion o f sign als d is pl ayed by y our PET.
80, you have a cho ice of: • Mo rtg age w it h Prepay ment Opti on~ C a l c u l a t e m o rt - This one-pla yer pr og ram inc ludes o pt io na l sou nd effect s
• Basic El ec tr on ic s wit h Vo lt age Divid er - So lve pr ob - gag e paym ent sc hed ules and save mo ney w it h pre pay - w ilh the PET BK. Older No , 0039P $7.95.
lem s invo lvin g Ohm 's Law , volt age d ivid er s , and RC ti me m ents.
c ons tants. • Fin ancie r- Calc u late which inve stme nt will pa y yo u PET he lp t ake car e o f yo ur persona l healt h and sa tety:
• Dipole and Yag i Antenn as-Des ig n antennas eas il y , the mos t , f igu re a nn ua l depreciati o n , and co mp ute the
• Per sona l Weight Co nt ro l- Yo ur PET wi ll not o nly
w itho ut ted io us calculat ion s. cos t of bo rrow ing , easily and qui ckly
cal cul at e your ide a l weiq ht, bUI al so of fer a de ta iled d ie t
Th is is t he per fe ct packa ge fo r any ham or te chn ic ian . All yo u need 10 bec om e a fi nan cia l wiz ar d w ith an 8K 10 he lp co nt ro l your ca lor ic intake.
Order No . 0007R $7.95. PET. order No. 0006P $7.95.
• Bior hythms - Find o ut whe re your c rit ic al day s are fo r
BA SIC AND INTE RMEDIATE LUNA R LA NDE R Bring you r CASINO I These two program s are so good, you ca n use ph ysica l, em oti o na l, an d intell ec tual cyc les
lander in un d er m anual con trol. The Ba sic vers ion is fo r the m to ch ec k ou t and de bug your o wn g ambling svs. You ' ll need o nly a PET wi th 8K memo ry. Ord er No . 0OO5P
beg inner s ; t he Int erm ed iate vers ion is mor e d iff icu lt wi th tern ! $7.95.
a Choice o f la nd ing are as and rug ged terrain . Fo r o ne • R ou l elt e - Pi c ~ you r number and pl ace yo ur be t wi th BASEBALL M AN AGER Thi s pai r 0 1 prog ram s will let yo u
player w it h a TRS-80 Leve l 14K, Le vel II 16K . Order No. t he comp ut er ver sio n o f t his ca s ino game. For o ne
keep stati sti cs on eac h of yo ur play ers. Ob ta in balling ,
000 l R $7.95. play er.
en-bas e, and l ield ing averages at tne touch 0 1 a linge r.
SPACE T REK II Protect t he q uadr ant fr o m the in vad ing • Blackjack- Try ou t t his ve rsio n o f the popular c ard Data ca n be easil y sto red o n ca ss ett e tap e fo r later com-
Klingon war sh ips . The Ente rp rise is eq uipped with ga me before yo u go out and risk yo ur m o ney on your o w n pa ris on. A ll you need is a PET w il h 8K Order No . 006 2P
" surefi re" sys tem. For one p la yer.
phasers, cnc tc n torped oe s, impulse powe r, and wa rp $14.95.
Thi s pac kag e requires a PET With 8K . Order No. 0014P
dr ive. It's you alo ne and yo ur TRS-80 Level 14K, Level II

Apple "
16 K again st the e nemy . Ord er No . 0002R $7.95.
CAS INO II Thi s c raps pr ogram is so goo d , it' s th e ne xt
El ECTRO N ICS I Th is pac kage wi ll no t on ly ca lc ul ate th e be st thing to being in las Veg as o r Atlanti c City . Jt will
compo nen t val ues fo r you , b ut w ill a lso dr aw a not on ly p la y th e gam e with yo u. but also w ill leac h yo u
schematic d iag ra m, 100. You 'll need a TRS-80 Level1 4K, how to p lay the odd s and ma ke the bes t bet s. A o ne
Leve l l! 16K to us e : BOWLlNGfTRILOGY Enjoy two 0 1 America ·s tavortte
play er ga me , it req uires a PET BK. Order No. 0015P $7,95.
• Tuned Circuit s and Coil Wind ing - Des ig n tu ned ctr- games tra ns fo rm ed into prog rams 101you r A pp le:
c uits w itho ut reso rt ing to cu mbersom e tab les and catc u- CH ECKERS/ BACCA RAT Play tw o o ld fa vor ite s w ith y our • Bow lin g-Up to l our pl ayers c an bo w l wh ile t he A pple
la t ion s . PET. sets up the p ins and kee ps sco re. Req uir es Appl es oft II .
• 555 Timer Ci rc uits - Q u ic k l y design as tabl e or • Checker s - l et y ou r PET be you r ever -read y o ppo ne nt • Trilog y - This program c an be an yt hing fro m a si mp le
monost aoje l im ing c irc ui ts usi ng t his po pu lar IC. in thi s computer-b ased ch ec ker s progr am gam e c t uc .tac .toe to an exerc ise in d ed uc t ive log ic . Fo r
• L M S81 Pr eamp Des ign - Des ig n IC preamps witll til is • a acea rat -c vc u have both Casi no - and Blac kjac k- one play er.
Iow-o ots e integ rated circuit. st y le games In this reali stic prog ram Thi s tun-uueo pack ape r eq utre s an Ap ple wi th 20K. Orde r
Thi s pa c kag e will red uc e your designing tim e and let you Your PET with BK wi ll offer c ha llen g ing play any tim e you No . 0040A $7.95.
build th ose c irc uit s fas t. Order No. OOOBR $7.95. want. Order No. 0022 P $7.95.
TA NGl ElSUPERTRA P These two pro gram s req uire fast
SANTA PARAVIA A ND FIUMACCIO Bec om e the rule r of
a med ieval c ity -st ate as yo u struggle to c reate a ref lexes, an d a good ey e fo r ang les:
k ingdom. Up to s i x pla ye rs c a n com pete to see who w ill • Tangle - M ake yo ur oppo nent cra sh hi s line into an
ob stac le.
bec o me the Kin g o r Queen fi rst. This prog ram requi res a
16K TRS-SOLevell s, II . Ord er No. 0043 R 57.95. • Supert rap - Th is pro g ram Is a n advan c ed ver s ion 0 1
Ta ng le w it h man y us er cont ro l op t io ns.
Enjoy t hese exci ti ng and graphica ll y beautiful prog ram s.
FOl on e or two pla yers w it h a n 8K PET_Orde r No . 0029 P
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sup erb graphic s , but also in c ludes prog ramming for op- c os t !
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Peterborough, N.H, 03458
The 9-Element Duoband DX
- when you ca ll, they liste n

From the folks who brought you the "Towe rless 'Tower.' ''

Robert H. Walker K4FK o ne at K4FK has been per- c ided to try inte rla cin g a 1 5ing one 15 meter e leme nt
Tivoli A ve.
4()(} for ming flawlessly a nd giv- me te r yagi w ith t he 204 BA a nd p lac ing it ne a r the
Coral Gables FL 33/43 ing no maintenance prob- o n th e Hy-Gain boom . Ac- bo om . The sw r o n 20 me-
Roy D. Mazz agatt i N40 G lem s. O rigina lly, the a nten - co rdi ng to The ARR L An- ters immed iate ly ju mp ed
18551 S. w. 204th St . na wa s up 77 fee t on a Rohn ten na Book , " It is ge ne ra llyto 1 .7 to 1 fro m 1 .3 to 1 .
Miami FL 33 /87 tower. A move to a new accepte d th at interaction, Mo vin g th e 15 meter e le-
QTH in 1971 limited us to if any, is very minimal be- me nt a lo ng t~ bo om a nd
mounting it on a te lescoping twee n ba nds w hic h are not rotatin g it in a nd o ut of t he
Photos by WA4KIL
TV mast at he ights between ha rm o nical ly rel at e d ." pla ne of t he 20 m eter
12 and 20 feet (see Wa lker Wou ld this ho ld tr ue in e le me nts produced no fu r-

H v-Cai n's " t ige r on 20,"

the popular 20 4 BA
4-e lem e nt monoba nd yagi,
a nd Maz z a g a t ti . " T h e
To we rless ' To we r: " 73
Magaz ine, Jun e, 1978). Even
pract ice? O ur-empirical ex--.. th er c ha nge s. As so o n as
pe r im en t at ion has essen- the 1 5 me ter element was
tia lly valida ted th at qu o ta- pl ac e d with in a ya rd of the
exhibits the excellent perfor- at suc h low heigh ts, the 204 tio n. The resul t ha s been a boom, t he swr climbed . We
mance w hich can be o b- has pro ve n itse lf co mpe ti- much more versat ile anten- moved it fur the r aw ay , a nd
tain ed from a rel atively tive in pileup s. na, with no degradat ion in- . t he sw r return ed to norm a l.
sma ll close-spaced yagi a r- W ith th e re cen t up turn 20 m eter per form ance . We t ried the sa me expe ri-
ray. Fo r over a de cade, th e in t he sunspot cycl e, we de- We began by co nst ruc t- ment using a 10 meter ele-

Photo A. A most unorthodox 204BA. Nin e elements a nd Photo B. A vie w o f the "business end." The result is usu al-
two gamma match es radicall y alter its eppeeren ce! ly heard around the world.
R-X Noise Bridge

• l earn th e truth abou t

you r antenn a.

• RaJio 11JorlJ ___ •

frequ enc y.

it to
re s on ant


\I BI "· •
operating frequ en cy qui ckly
~- .<.
fT 22 5A O ~7L
r and easily.
If the re is on e pl ace in y o u r sta tio n

'- - :; t
U f SU
w he re yo u cannot ris k un certain
results it is in you r an t e n na.
• fT_ 'lO'O " T he Pal oma r Enginee rs R -X No ise
Feat uri ng v aes u, Ieo m , Drake . At las , Te n-Tee, S wan , Dent ron . Pace. Palo ma r, A ida, Brid ge t ells you if y o ur antenna is
Mid land , W ilso n, KDK , MFJ , M icr owa ve Modu le, St and ard, Temp o. Astra n, K L M, resonant o r no t a nd , if it is not,
Hy-Gain , M os ley , larsen, Cus hc raft , Hustler , M ini Produ ct s , Un iver sal and Tr is tao w hether it is too lon g o r too sho rt .
Tow ers . We serv ice everything we self ! W rite or call for qu ote . You Won 't be Disapointed . All this in one meas ur em ent
We are j us t a few minutes off th e NYS Th ruwa y (1-90) Exi t 32 reading . A nd it works ju st as we ll
w it h ham-b an d-onl y receivers as
CALL TOLL·FREE ONEIDA COUNTY AIRPORTTERMINAL BUILDING Bob W."." w it h gen eral coverage equipment
1.800.448.7914 ORISKANY, NEW YORK 13424 WA2MSH K21XN beca use it gives perfect null
NY STATE RESIDENTS CALL 315·337·2622 or 315·337·0203 rea d ings even wh en the antenna is
not reso na nt . It gives resistance and
reactance readi ngs o n dipoles,
inverted Vees, quaoS',- -.beams,
multiband · tr a p d ip o les a nd
verticals. No sta t io n is comp lete
wi th ou t thi s up -t o-d ate inst ru me nt .

Why work in t he d ark? Your SW R

mete r or your resistance no ise
bridge t ells only h alf th e story . Get
the instrumen t t ha t really wo rks ,
t he Pal om ar Engine ers R-X -Noise
Bridg e. Use it to c hec k y o u r
e nt e ne as from 1 t o 10 0 MHz. A nd
use it in your sha ck to adjust
resonant frequen cies of both seri es
a nd parallel tuned c irc u its. Works
better t h a n a dip meter and cos ts a
lot less. Send f or our free brochure.

le·· n
I ••
The p rice is $ 49 .95 in the U.S. a nd
Ca n a da . A d d 5 2 .00 shipping!
handling . California residents add
sales tax .
Fully guaranteed by the originator
of the R-X Noise Bridge.

Box 45 5 , Esco nd ido . CA . 92025
Phone: [714 1 74 7-334 3

V Reader Ser vice -see page 2 1 ' 93

•a •a .a .

,~ '" ,'2" - ,:: ~ ,

ci N

• ~ ~ 2 ~ ~

Fig. 1. Element spacing.

m e nt, a nd , in ter esti ng ly bette r th e antenna and

Pho to C. Desp ite using j ust one muffle r clam p pe r ele-
enou gh, t his had no effec t feed line are mat ched, the
ment the re has been no d if ficu lt y mainta in ing alignment.
on t he 20 me te r swr. Bri ng- less pro nou nced thi s effect
ing a Hy-G ain DB10-1 5A becomes.
3-element t rap duobande r A n o h mm e te r c h e c k into an el ectri call y o ne-
cl ose t o t he 204 pr odu ced 20 Met er Modifi cat ions showe d t hat o nce t h e piec e element ef f ec t ive ly
a sim ilar ef f ect to t hat pro- Hy-Gain ' s bet a match is dri ven e lem ent halves w ere len gthens it slig ht ly . Th ere-
d uced by t he 15 met er ele- a n ind uct ive " ha irp in" ty pe installed in t he element-t o- fo re, resonance does not
m en t a lo ne. Ob vi o usl y , of m at chin g dev ice. W e de- boom bracket, co nt in uity no t i c eabl y c ha nge. O ne
the re was some inte rac- c ided to repl ace it wi t h a wa s exc ell ent. The alum i- add it io na l benefit occ urs
t io n. Wa s it suff icient to mo re easily adj usted gam- num f oil shou ld be covered as' a result of t his co nver-
red uce t he 20 meter eff i- ma mat ch . Comm erciall y w it h el ec t rica l ta pe and sio n. The 204BA w ill now
ciency? manu f a c tur e d c oa x i a l w at erproo f ed by c oat ing di spl ay better band wid th
W e t ested f or any 20m c a p a c i t o r-s t y I e ga m m a t he t ap e w it h a sealant chara cte rist ics a cross the
deg rad at io n by moun tin g
t hree 15 m ele me nts o n t he
boom and t hen usin g t he
beam nor mall y on 20m
ma tc hes are mu ch easie r to
in st all and main tai n t han
are th ose wh ich requi re a
se pa ra t e a i r va riab le
ca pacitor in a wa te rproof
suc h a s a popu lar un cu red
silic o ne rubber com po und .
Fo r good m eas ure, we at-
tac hed a pie ce of coax
brai d between th e tw o ele-
ent ire 20 met er ban d .

15 Mete r Construct io n
Fig. 1 shows t he spaci ng
over a peri od of seve ra l of both set s of ele ments
w eek s. Th e addi ti onal e n c l os u r e . Viki ng In - men t hal ves as we i t. ' . alo ng t he bo om . W e had
ele men ts did not inc rease st ru m e nts* a nd Gotham o rigina lly con structed t he
M ake sure you o btain
the int e ract ion ove r that in- A ntennas* * bot h market ante nna w it h t he 20 meter
goo d co nt inuity bet we en
t ro d uced by t he initi al ele- suc h a gamma mat ch . We ref le cto r mo unted at o ne
th e d ri ve n ele men t and t he
ment, and w e co uld detect settled o n t he Gotham un it end of t he boom , and t he
boom as w ell , if you pl an"
no d iffer en ce in th e beam's because it is a lowe r-Q to att ac h yo u r f eed l ine rem ai nder of t he ele me nts
20 met er op erat io n. If th e dev ic e, w hic h m akes ad- space d according t o Hy-
braid to t he bra cket w hic h
15 met er beam would f u nc- ju stm en t easier and less Ga in' s in stru c ti on s. T his
mou nts the ga mma mat ch
ti on co rre c t ly, t here ap- criti ca l. Add it iona lly, t he left 2 inches of bo o m un-
to th e boo m . Otherwi se, at-
peared to be no reaso n wh y Go t ham gamma m at ch is ta ch t he br aid to t he ce nter used beyond the 20 meter
we cou ld n' t inte rl ace it mec hanically st ro nger and se co nd d irect o r. We chose
of t he d riven ele ment, no t
w it h t he 204 BA . It w ou ld doe sn't tend to f iJI w it h to its mou nt ing bracke t. to mo un t t he 15 met er
be desirab le to pr ov id e an w at er and sho rt o ut, as d id third d irecto r in this a rea to
It's also a good idea to run
ea si ly-adju st ed m at ching two of o ur V ik ing match es. a bo lt throu gh th e gam ma maximi z e its spac ing. If
system f o r each of t he Th e Hy-Gai n dr ive n ele- t ube itsel f fo r atta ching t he yo u do n' t have roo m t o do
yagis, howeve r. ment is split at t he center coa x ce n te r con d u cto r t his o n yo u r p ar t ic ul ar
On e t hin g wh ich w e had fo r u se w it h t he b et a rat her th at rel y ing o n t he 204BA, you can move t hat
noti ced over the ye ars of mat ch . We made it in to a U-bo lt as t he inst ru ct ions di rector inside of th e 20
using the ante nna at ex- o ne-p i e ce el eme nt b y suggest. met e r se c o nd di re c t o r
tremel y low height s w as w r a p p i ng h e a v y -d u t y Th e lengt h of t he d ri ven
how prof ound ly it s ca pac i- alu m inum fo il over t he e le me nt w asn' t al te red Element Length
t ive co u pling to t he bu ild- pla st ic ce nt er insu lat o rs fr o m Hy-Gai n's CW specif i- Re flector 23' 5·1/2"
Driven Element 22' 6·112"
ing wa s refl ect ed in imped- and o ut ov er t he eleme nt. ca t ion . The beta match , be-
15t Director 21' 6-1/2"
an ce excu rsio ns du ring ing a n inductive device,
2nd Director 21' ' ·3/8"
ro t a t i on . M o st a n noy- · Viking Instruments, 73 Ferry pr ob ab l y req u ires a slig ht 3rd Di rec tor 20' 8-114"
ing - rotate t he arr ay a f ew Rd., Ch e s te r CT 06412. sho rte ning of t he dr iven
degrees, and then retouch ·· Go t ha m Ant e nn as, 20 5 1 ele ment. O ur meth od of Fig. 2. 15 meter el ement
th e t ransmi tter t uning. Th e N .W . 2nd Ave., M iami FL 33 127 mak ing th e dr ive n ele ment lengt hs.

a w all t hic kness of .041 in- We have no w ay to mea-
ches, wh ile our 7/8-inc h sure t he fo rw ard gain o n 1 5
tubin g has a wa ll t hick ness met er s. Ho w ev e r, " if yo u
of .035 inches. Thi s co m- point it at 'em and give 'em
binati on produces a nicely a ca ll ... you usuall y get a
Fig. 3. Swr curve across the 15 mete r band . tel esc op ing assem bly . repl y." The fr on t-t o-b ack
ratio on 15 met ers runs
" Adj ust me nt abo ut 20 to 25 dB and t he
" The gamm a m atches are f ro nt-to-si de is just ab out
ad j usted in t he no rm al 40 dB .
" mann er, 20 meters f irst,
" and t hen 15. A good st art- Some Tho ughts
'.o,L-_ --- in g po int f or th e sho rt- We w ere so pleased with
in g st rap is a dis t ance of this pro ject t hat w e decid -
14 0 0 14 .0 5 14.10 14.15 14.20 14 ,2 5 "" 30 14 ,35
10 percent of t he total ed to t ry t o add 10 met ers
Fig. 4. Sw r cu rve across the 20 meter band. lengt h of t he d rive n e le- as w ell. Pred ict ab ly, t he in-
ment, out fr om t he center terac t ion was so bad tha t
w it ho ut affe c ti ng perfo r- w it h t he sadd les f rom yo ur of t he dr iven el em ent. we had to fo rego ou r at-
ma nce. muff ler cl am ps. Th e U-b o lt Preset in thi s f ashio n, both te m p t s to tr i b a nd th e
Th e boom o f ou r 1968 m ust be lon g eno ugh t o sectio ns di spl ayed an sw r 204B A . The 10 meter e le-
v inta ge 204 BA measures 26 co me up th ro ugh t he ele- o f less t han 1.8 t o 1 pri o r t o ments d idn't aff ect t he per-
f eet, 2 inches. We needed ment . We have had no any add it io nal ad jus t me nt. f orma nce on either 15 o r 20
to use it a ll if w e we re to t ro ub le w it h ele ments slip- Slid e t he co axi al capac it o r meters. We w ere j ust un-
mou nt 5 ele me nts. Also, we pin g o r o the rw ise co m ing pa rt of t he gam ma mat ch ab le to mak e th e 10 met er
had to loca t e some of t he out of alig nment, and t he in a nd out unti l lowest sw r sect io n perf orm as a beam .
1 5 meter eleme nts very arr ay has w it hstood w inds is ob tai ned . Th en move the O ne set of adju st me nts
clo se to existing 20 meter gusting to 56 mph . sho rti ng strap a half inch gave us a slight bit of
elements. For these rea- Each 1 5 met er ele ment is and read j ust th e coax ial ga i n- o ff th e refle c t or !
sons, we dispensed with co nstructed of two 12-f oot c apac itor. By alte rna t ing A not her set provid ed an
the usua l alu m inu m ele- length s of 3005 alum inum t hese ad j us t m e nts , yo u o m ni d irect i o na l p atte rn
me nt-ta-b oo m mo un tin g t ub ing. M ak e th e cent er of shou ld easily f ind a co m- wit h sig nal level s about
p lates such as t hose used eac h elem ent from a single bin at ion w hich y ie lds ' an ·t hree S-unit s under a d i-'
by W8ZCQ in hi s articl e, 1-inch diam ete r run. Cut a sw r of 1.2 to 1, or less. po le. In no case di d it make
" W o rk ing 1 5m w it h a 20m single run of 7/8-inc h tu b- It is idea l, of co urse, to any di f f erence w het her t he
Beam," 73 Magaz ine, Ju ne, ing int o two 6-foot lengt hs. ad just t he gam m a mat ches 10 mete r el ements w ere in-
1978. Th ese are inserted int o the w it h t he ante nna in its fina l sul at ed fr om t he boom or
Photo C shows how a sin- ends of th e cente r sec t io n. o perat ing po sition. M ost of no t. W e wo u ld ve ry much
gle 2-inch mu ff le r cla m p The end s of t he cente r sec- us c anno t acco m plis h th rs. ; l ike to hear f rom anyon e
can be used to mo unt each ti on sho uld be Xed w it h a W e have f ound i hatthe sw r "'w h o suc c essf u l l y a dd s
eleme nt. If you can't get h a c k saw so t h a t ho se changes on ly slight ly o nc e bo t h 10 and 1 5 mete r ele-
mu f fl er cl amps w ith a lon g cl amps ca n pul l it down t he ant enna is insta ll ed if it me nts to a 204 BA. That
U-bolt, yo u may have to use snug ly over th e end sec- has b ee n ca ref u l ly ad - would surely be a most im-
h a r d w a r e- st or e U-b ol t s tions. Our1 -inch t ub ing has ju sted eit her o n top of a - "pressive t ribande r!
ladder o r po inte d vert ical -
ly into t he air wi th it s Parts Availability
refl ector rest ing on t he I n coo p e ra t io n wi th
grou nd . C ot ham A nte nnas, w e are
off ering a complete kit to
Perf o rman ce inte rlace f ive 15 mete r
Figs. 3 and 4 show th e eleme nts w it h an existing
sw r curve s on t he 1 5 and 20 204 BA . Ele m e nt s, hard-
met er ba nds, respec t ively. w are, both gam ma m at ch -
It is qui te permi ssib le (a l- es, and inst ruc t ions are in-
th o ugh pu ri st s may di s- cl ude d . Plea se send an
agree) to use the gam ma SASE f or deta ils.•
mat ches t o " f udge" t he
resonant fr equ encies a bit, Bibliography
if desir ed . O u r mat ches 1. The A RRL Antenna Book,
1974 edition.
w ere ad j usted for low est
2. McC oy, Lewis G., "Why a
sw r at 21.125 and 14.025
Be am A nt e n na ?" , Q ST ,
M Hz . The 20 met er perfor- January, 1972.
mance rem ains, as far as 3. Orr, William1. , Beam Antenna
we ca n o bserve, absolutely Handb ook, 1976 editi on.
Photo D. White material o n the gamma mat ch es and ov er unchanged exc ept fo r th e 4. Umberger, Dan, "Working
the elec trical tape is C E Silicon e Seal. TM It al so protect s p reviously ment io ned ' im- 15m with a 20m Beam," 73
the alum inum foil on the 20 m eter driven element. pr ovem ent in ba ndw idth. Maga zine, June, 1978 .

Here's a "Twist"
- an OSCAR antenna with a difference

Introducing the 8XY/2M.

Dave Ingram K4TWJ t io n v ia o ur OSCA R o rbita l b ita l ca lc u l a t io ns a nd mu n i c a t ion t imes sy n-

Eastwood Village No . 1201 S. sat ell it es, you know th e t ra ck in g syst em s, d uplex on ym ou s with sa te l li t e
RI. II. Box 499 cha llenge and enjoym ent sty le ope rati ng , un ob- passes. W hat else co ul d
Birmingham AL 352 10 of satel lite o perat io ns. Th e trusive ante nna setup s, Jow one ask?
va rio us aspects of O SCAR TVI level s, etc . A ma teu rs A s· w ith an y station set-
co m m u n ica ti o ns h a v e with limi ted t ime ava ila b le up , the a ntenna system

I f yo u are on e of th e
man y am ate u rs wh o has
expe rie nced comm unica-
somet hing to c at ch nearl y
eve ryone's f ancy: co nve-
nien t ope rating t ime s, or-
to e njoy on-the-ai r ope ra-
t ion s tru ly appreciate t he
pin p oin t-a c cur at e c o m -
pl ays a major rol e in its per-
f orm anc e. Quite sim p ly,
it 's w hat's -«yp top" t hat
coun ts! A poor skyw ire can
underm i ne th e m o st
elaborate amateur set up,
while an effi cient antenna
can make a mediocre setup
perform like a million doll ars.
O SCA R setups "are no ex-
cep t ion to this rul e. If you
plan to fully enj oy OSCA R,
yo u' ll d efinitel y be ne f it
fr om using an antenna
designed fo r sa t e l li t e
ope rat ions. Such an anten-
na i s t he 8XY/2M 8-ele-
ment, 2-meter " Tw ist"
anten na d i st r ibu t ed by
Spectrum In tern ati on al.
I f ou nd t hat assemb li ng
th e 8XY/2M antenna was a
refreshing c hange fr om t he
usual tim e-con sumin g task
o f ri ggin g c la mp s a nd
measuring element mo unt-
ing l oc at ion s. Thi s gem
went throu gh smoothly in
an hour' s ti me, with heavy -
d uty bolts and wing nuts
mak ing hand -assem bl y a
snap. No t a single tool w as
The Sp ectrum Internat ional 8XY/2M OSCAR antenna is mounted on a 3D-foo t pu sh-up requi red until transm ission
mast whi ch is tilted 30 degrees. This "sk yward tilt" b ypasses ele vation rotor needs. lines were conn ect ed to

the driven elements. Each your own harness from longer period of time dur- milling the first SSTV pic-
element of the S.1. "Twist" details supplied in various ing each pass. I also no- tures via OSCAR 8 during
is 1;4 -inch aluminum tubing antenna books. Since I ticed that my signal wasn't orbit 102. Since I have only
which is precut and capped didn't care to kill time as prone to the heavy fades one small TV rotor to use
with color-coded tips to aid building a harness, I used which were apparently due with the 8XY/2M, I bent the
assembly. The boom is also the S.1. unit -and I'm glad to polarization shifts dur - rotor -to-boom mast ap -
predrilled and color-coded I did . ing passes. This gain alone proximately thirty degrees.
to ensure quick, foolproof If a fixed polarization is was worth the change to This tilt allows the antenna
assembly. All hardware for desired, the harness can be Spectrum's 8XY/2M anten- to " lo ok skyward," and
the antenna is preassem- mounted at the antenna na, as it allowed me to suc- bypass elevation rotor re-
bled, and an extra element- proper. If various polariza- cessfully operate slow scan quirements.
mount is included in case tions are de sired (for TV via satellite . In conclusion, I think
one becomes lost or operating various modes of When OSCAR 8 was amateur satellite com-
broken. The massive boom- OSCAR), two transmission placed in orbit, I decided munication and Spec-
to-mast clamp could sup- lines can be run from the to remove a few director trum's 8XY/2M are an ideal
port a triband beam. Very antenna's driven elements elements from the 8XY/2M combination which all
nice! I must admit that this and the phasing harness to reduce my erp to this amateurs would thorough-
was the first time I've en- placed at the operating new "bird. " This antenna ly enjoy experiencing.
joyed (sort of) constructing position. A coax switch can change worked very well, There's no better way of
an antenna. then be used to select the but a couple of days later, renewing one 's interest in
The 8XY/2M antenna can required polarization . OSCAR 8 lost sensitivity amateur radio than by try-
be fed four different ways My Spectrum 8XY/2M and I had to replace the re- ing a new aspect of com-
to obtain either vertical, antenna replaced a moved elements. Hopeful- munication.
horizontal, right-hand cir- 2-month-old, 3-element ar- ly this satellite problem is The 8XY/2M antenna is
cular, or left-hand circular ray previously used for merely an overloading situ- available from Spectrum
signal polarization . A satellite work, and a signifi- ation which will soon be I nternational , I nc., P.O.
ready-to-install phasing cant signal improvement rectified . Box 1084, Concord MA
harness for circular was realized. Suddenly, I I truly feel that the 01742. This 16-element
polarization is available was able to easily access 8XY/2M antenna was a array (8 elements vertical ,
from Spectrum Interna- the satellite and " st ay prime factor in my opera- 8 elements horizontal) is in
tional, or you can fabricate into" the transponder for a tions of successfully trans- the $45 to $50 price class.•

V" Read er Service -see page 21 1

A Fortified 2m Whip
- won't bend in the breeze

Donald A . Habeck W9AMM the fe eling tha t your sta- tested . Whethe r yo u decide baske t. It is ta pped 1-1/B
5973 Sugarbush Lane tion has become too com- to use the ante nna for mo- tu rns f rom the grou nd end.
Greendale WI 53129 mercia lized and that a por- bile o r ba se station ope ra- A small ceramic trimmer
tio n of you r se tup should tion , yo u' ll be pleasa ntly capacitor acr oss the coil
be ho me-brewed ? The n, surpri sed wit h its pe rfo r- pro vides a pr ec ise mat ch in

A re yo u in need of a
goo d 2 mete r mobile
ante nna? How abo ut an an-
why not try t his anten na
project? In ac tua l checks,
it wa s fo und to com pare
m an ce. Th e ante nna is easy
to co nstruc t a nd tune, a nd,
best of a ll, it' s inexpen sive.
co njunct io n with the base
co il tap . The impeda nce
matching circ uit is prot ect-
tenna for you r base stat ion? favor ab ly wit h t he co m- ed f ro m the weathe r by e n-
Or, d o yo u just plain have me rc iall y-m ad e ante nnas Desig n clos ing it in an empty plas-
O ne unique fea ture of tic cont ainer. Fish foo d had
this antenna is the' (on- , come in the container we
st ruc t io n of t he whip. It
used .
co ns ists of a 1/4" -d iameter
fibe rglass rod with a shield Const ructio n-and Assemb ly
of co ppe r braid . This de- Since no tricky co nstruc-
sign was se lected because tion or specia l too ls are
it provided rigidity to mini- nee d ed, n o pr ob lem s
m ize d e fl e ctio n d ur in g" sho uld be enco untered. The
high winds or mobi le op e r- fiber glass rod is prepa red
atio n. Resear ch has show n by d rilling the 1L16"-d iam-
th at deflection of the flim- ete r ho le from the bott om
sy-type whip ca uses degra- · as indicated in th e d iagram.
dation o f t he vertica lly po- Anot he r 1 /1 6"- d i a me te r
lari zed signa l. In so me in- ho le is d rilled on the side of
st ances , the eff iciency of a th e rod at po int A. This
SIB-wave ante nna actuall y sho uld be d rilled at a slight
beco mes less effecti ve than a ngle towar ds the bo tto m
a 1/4-w ave ante nna. to mak e the routing of the
coil ta p w ire easier. The
The fiberglass rod is from
t he pe nna nt -topped -typ e depth of th is hole is o niy to
whip t hat is m ad e fo r t he exte nt of meetin g with
moun t in g o n bicy c le s . the hol e previo usly drilled
Man y reta il st ores have from the bottom . When
give n away th ese whips as d rilling th ese holes in the
promotion a l ite ms. They fiberglass rod, it is impor-
a lso are readil y ava ilable ta nt to use a sharp dr ill and
f rom d epart me nt st o re s not a llow the d rill to he at
a nd bicycle shops for ap- up . It is best to c ut th e whi p
proximate ly $1 .25. to prop er len gth aft e r t he
coil fo rm is sec u red in
The impedance match- place.
ing co il is 3 tu rns of no. 14 Prep are t he coi l fo rm
tinned copper w ire wound and o the r parts as ind i-
Photo A. The coil protective co ver has been remo ved in o n a wood thr ead spoo l cated. Che ck th at t he hole
this pictu re to sho w detai ls o f th e base co il. fro m yo ur XYL's sewing in th e spo ol is of th e pro pe r
diameter to permit the cover so that the tap oc-
spool to slide on the rod . curs at 1-1/8 of a turn when i §----COPPER BRAID
The notches filed into the the coil is added. 42 1/2 "

coil form prevent the coil With epoxy applied to 1. i"~~'1soLOER T O W HI P

from slipping. The hole for the bottom of the fiber - COVE R FOR ) i 2 .5 - 13 pF _ 3 ' !I' 14
the coil tap is displaced 1/8 glass rod, slide the UG-176 CONTA I N ER 1 118 t F ROM
of a turn from the align - reducer onto the rod and !TAP - 20
ment of the bottom notch. up against the container
cover. Check that none of
After the coil form is pre- the other parts has slipped
PL ' 2 5 9 COAX

pared, feed the 20-AWG from its proper position. At

tap wire through the tap- SCHEMA TI C DIA GRAM

this point of construction,

wire hole and out the bot-
it is best to allow the epoxy
tom of the spool. SI ide the
to harden before proceed-
form over the fiberglass
rod and carefu Ily route the
tap wire through the drilled
hole at point A and down-
After the epoxy hardens,
the UG-176 reducer can be
screwed into the PL-259 -COI L F ORM

reorcaro rc

ward through the rod, out

/ / ', HO L D CO IL

the bottom. Allow suffi-

cient length for the tap
wire to be soldered later in
and the tap wire soldered
in the center pin. Measure
42 Y, inches from the top of
O:: =~
" - -~ /
I l l S " OI A
the PL-259 connector. Ap-
ply epoxy glue to the ap-
the coil form and cut the
whip to length. ~~~~Ek~ 1~~lPO'NT r

The next step is to slide 11 16 " HO LE

propriate rod area, slide
the coil form into its proper
the copper braid shield

i! "". j'
position on the rod, and
over the fiberglass rod. ML I
Tinned braid is recom- L I / 16 "- : " .
take up any slack in the top DRilLED HOL E

wire. The final position of mended . However, if this is

not readily available, the Fig. 1. A rigid 2 meter antenna for base or mobile
the coil form should be operation.
shield from RG-8/U coax
such that the tap-wire
holes in the spool and the cable will work fine. If the
braided shield is too snug solder. To protect the whip non -metallic screwdriver
rod line up with each other
to readily slip over the rod, from the weather, shrink for a peak field -strength in-
and the rod extends suffi-
the diameter of the shield tubing, plastic electrical dication. The -y~r will be
ciently below the bottom
can be enlarged by squash- tape, or a protective spray minimum at this point. Nu -
of the spool to accept the
ing the braid together a lit- can be used . merous antennas have been
UG-176 adapter. To hold
tle bit at a time. If the di- built, and, on all occasions,
the tap wire securely in po-
ameter of the shield has to Mounting , yswrs of less than 1.2 to 1
sition, apply a small
amount of epoxy to the tap- be enlarged to any extent, For base station opera- were obtained. The anten-
wire opening in the spool
be sure to allow for the tion, I used a simple L- na, of course, should be sit-
shrinkage in length that shaped aluminum bracket uated away from --all ob-
and at the bottom of the
whip. will occur. The braided with an SO-239 connector, jects and as high off the
shield is slipped over the RG-58 coax, and four19Y. ,,- -ground as practical during
Two holes must be full length of the rod down ground radials. This ar- tuning procedures.
drilled in the cover of the to the coil form . The shield rangement is secured with With a 5/16"-diameter
coi I protector. A 1/4" hole can be snugged to the rod U-bolts to the mast above a hole drilled in the bottom
in the center wiII perm it it by running your hand tight- triband beam. For mobile of the plastic container to
to be slipped over the bot- ly along the braid. operation, the bracket de- accommodate the whip,
tom of the whip . With the One end of the coi I is se- sign is dependent on the slide the container over the
cover in position on the cured by routing a 24" type of car and individual whip and screw it into its
whip, use the notch of the piece of 14-AWG wire desires. For my mobile op- cover. If the container af-
coil form for determining through the hole in the eration, I mounted a sim- fects the tuning of the
the position of the second cover and soldering it to pie bracket and connector antenna, drill a hole in its
hole. This is a 1/8" hole and the side of the PL-259 con- arrangement directly to side and retune the anten-
should be drilled in the cor- nector. With the one end the luggage rack. na with the container in
rect position to allow the secured, the 3-turn coil can position : With RTV, seal
ground end of the coil wire then be easily wound on Tuning the top opening of the con-
to pass through the cover the form and soldered to The easiest method to tainer, but not the bottom.
and be soldered to the the whip shield. Solder the tune the antenna is with a The hole in the cover will
PL-259 connector. After tap wire 1-1/8 turns from field -strength meter at a help prevent any moisture
both holes are drilled in the the coil bottom (ground) distance of approximately from accumulating.
cover, epoxy the cover and the trimmer capacitor 2 to 3 feet. With the anten- Do you want to generate
(threads towards the coil across the entire coil. Cut na connected and the trans- conversation? Just men-
form) to the bottom of the off the braid shield so that mitter keyed on an unused tion on your local repeater
wood spool. Position the it extends 3/8" above the simplex channel, adjust the the fact that you're using a
feed through hole in the top of the rod ; twist and trimmer capacitor with a home-brew antenna .•

Ageless Wonder: the Coll inear Beam
- sure beats a dipole

Good results for a few dolla rs.

Each elemen t is co nnect ed is t he one- half wavelength of the ele ments, w here a
to t he next by a phasi ng element. Col linea rs m ay ve ry high impeda nce ex-
C. Ste wart Gil/m or W1FK stu b so t hat all elements have as many as 6 ele- ist s. In th e antenna s de-
Spencer Road o pera te in phase. The co l- me nts . Bec au se of mutual scribed be low, feed oc curs
Higganum C T 06441 linear antenna is oft en co up li ng and in creasin gl y in t he ce nter o f an ele me nt
used at VH F and UH F in unev en current di st ribu- at a, rel ati vely low imped-
vertical orientation, but at t io n ob ta ined as one add s ance, high current point.

E v er since th e ready
ava ilab ili t y of alum i-
nu m tu bin g after t he sec-
H F it-i s o nly pr act ica l t o
erect horiz ontal coll inear
anten nas. Co lli nea r anten-
ele me nts, most hams have
b uil t co ll inears w it h 2 o r 3
ele me nts. H ighest ga in is
Thi s permi t s a goo d mat ch
to 300- o r 600-0 hm bal -
anc ed lines'; If one prefers,
o n d Wo rl d W a r , yag i nas hav e long been used in obtai ned if t he ante nna a 4:1, 6:1, or<n ratio ba lun
beams have been pop ul ar military appl icat ions, or.i n eleme nts are space d w it h m ay be in ser ted so t hat th e
w it h ham s. More recent ly, any sit uation w here need 0.4 o r 0 .5 w ave lengt hs of ante nnas m ay be f ed d i-
quads have joine d as pop- exists f o r a rugged, d irec- space between th e ends-of.. rect ly with coa x. M y colli n-
u lar an te nnas for t he H F ti ve HF antenn a whic h can t he ele me nt s, but t his in- ears are fed with bal anced
bands. These parasiti c ar- quick ly be erec te d and t rodu c es co nst r uc t io n li ne, and a balun is in-
ray antennas have a numb er wh ich c an d eliver good problems. Less gain but trod uced j ust outside t he
of att ractive featu res, in- pe rfo rm an c e. Espec i al l y mu ch sim pl er design re- shack.
eludi ng high gai n, unid i- f or t he No vi ce o r fo r t he sul ts f rom separat ing ·[ he · I was no t abl e to find in-
rec t i onal rad i at i o n, and ham o n a budget , th e co l- eleme nts o nly by use of an form at io n on t he imped-
rotat abili ty. Realizati on of linear sho u ld be co nsid- insulator. ances met w hen feed ing
t heir fu ll potenti al, how - ered because it is easy to I give design crite ria co ll i ne ars at c u r r e n t
eve r, requires rel atively ex- const ruc t and it is inexpen- below for 3-e le men t 20 po in ts , so I pe rf or m ed
pen sive su p po rt eq u i p- sive . . met er and s-el ement 1 5 measurements o n 3- and
ment, including tower and Many a nte nna text s dis- ' met er co ll inears, each of 5-e lement co llinea rs sus-
ro tor . cuss co ll inea r ante nna s,' w hi ch req uire s less spac e pended Y. to 1 w avelengt h
I have enjoyed using co l- but f ew prov ide co m ple te to erec t t han an 80 met er abo ve gr o u nd . T he im-
linear w ire beams, whi ch design inf orm ati on. Part ic- d ip o le. I also give d at a o n pedances were measured on
give reason abl y narro w ula rl y o mitted is info rrna-. im pedance cha racte ristics m y Boon t on 2sD-A " RX"
bidi rec ti o na l rad iat io n pat- tion o n im pedanc es. Co llin- at and 'near resonance to meter. The impedance at
t ern s. Th ese a r ray s are ea r antennas ma y use ele- aid in selecting a su itab le reson ance of t he 3-ele ment
co m po sed of el ement s ar- me nts of varyin g electrical fe ed li ne. Many co ll inears ce nt erfed an t en na was
ranged in a st raig ht lin e. lengt h, bu t most co m mo n are f ed be tween t he ends fo u nd to be 372 O hms re-
s i st i v e; t he s-e l e me n t
Frequ ency Dimensions V2-wavelength in feed li ne ante nna showed an imped-
coax V = . 0.66 twinlead V = 0.82
ance at reso nance of 600
Ohm s. Each of th ese anten-
21.2 MHz 11' 4" 22' 7% " 9' 6" 15'4" 19' 0" nas oper ates across an en-
14.15 MHz 16' 6 Y2 " 33' 1" 14' 3" 22' 11% " 28 '6" t ire ham band w ith vsw r of
less th an 1.5:1 ( ± 1 % of
Table 1. Dimensions as measured for 15 and 20 meter co ll inears. A = hal ves of cent er ele- design fr equ ency), usin g no
ment; B = outer ele ments; C = match ing stubs. > m at chin g dev ice except a
properly chosen balun . The and a beamwidth of about
transmi ssion lin e is cho sen ±1 0 0 o r so . Each an-
to be an in t egral number of tenna ' s ho riz onta l radia-
half wav el ength s. Of t io n pattern is bidirectional
cour se, a balanc ed line wi t h minor side lobes. I
tun er ma y be employed have design at ed t he cen-
and th e balun o m itted. terf ed ele me nt hal ves as
One can al so tap up and " A" in the dra wing (Fig. 1)
down the transmission line and in Tabl e 1, the pairs of Fig. 1. Center led multi-element collinear wire beam. A =
f or imp edance matching out er el em ents as " B", and 14 wa vel ength (It.) = 246 (0.95)JIMHz; B = V, wa velen gth
purposes if this method is the matching sect ions as (It.) = 492 (0.95)/f M Hz; C = 14 wavelength (ft.) = 246
desired . "C", for th e case of t he 3- (O.82)JIM Hz ·
It is wort h pointing o ut o r 5-ele me nt centerfed col -
that t he ve lo city of propa- linear. closed at th e ends. I sus- center frequ en ci es of 14 .15
gation of elec t ro ma gnet ic pended the co ll inea rs high M Hz f o r the 3-element and
waves along transmission Construction Hi nts
in some m aple tre es using 21.2 MH z for th e 5-element
lin es var ies w it h the dielec- A ll half-wa ve ele me nts clothe sline pull ey s and ant enna. I use these collin-
tric material used in con- sho uld be of equal length lf4-inc h nylon lin e . O ne ha s e a rs for wo r king into
st ruct ing th e line o r cable. in a given ante nna. One been up fo r two w inte rs Europe w it h m y Triton IV.
This ve lo c ity fa ctor (V) ca n erect th e centerfed ele- and has survived num erous The 15 m et er co l li near
mu st be included in calcu- ment and ad j ust it t o exac t ic e st orms and high w inds. w o u ld make a dandy an-
latin g e le c t ric a l wave- resonance, if desir ed , th en Y o u might w ish to silicone te nna for Novice DXin g. If
length in v arious types of add th e st ubs and outer or wa x th e t winlead to on e has th e space for an 80
lines. For examp le, op en- ele me nts. Velocity f actor minimi ze swr change s dur - meter dipole, t hen 2 or 3
w ire line can be assumed V w as found to be 0.95 f or ing rain storms . I 'm not hour s invested in construc-
t o ha ve a vel ocity f ac tor of t he 3-el em ent co ll inear. fus sy about these ante n- t io n and ere c tion of a
nearly 1.0 (or perh ap s more The 5-e le m ent collinea r nas, ex cept that I make multi-el ement coll inear w ill
exactl y, 0.95 to 0.975). Thu s, resonated slight ly higher sure t hat I never erec t a n probably result in surprise
a w ave length in free space is than the ca lc u late d fre- antenna near , over , or and ' p leasure t hat such a
nearly the same as o ne qu enc y; ev ident ly a V of under a power line. sim ple ante nna bring s such
mea sured along open-wire 0.95 overcorrects for end In Table 1, I have given good results for only a f ew
line. Th e co ax cab le usual- effects. I found V here to ac t u a l dim en si on s for dollars. •
ly used by ham s has a V of eq ual 0.975, and I give t he
0 .66, and mos t 300-0hm actual de t erm ined dimen-
pol yeth yl ene balan ced line sions for eac h ante nna in

The RF lestlng kll

("twinl ead " ) has a · V of Table 1.
0.82 . This mean s, for exam - I used home-br ew nylon
pl e, that a wa ve of 15 insulators w hich are 2 to 3
meters length in fr ee space
has a physical length in
coa x of about (0.66 X 1 5m)
= 10 met er s and a ph ysi cal
inc hes long and cut out of
scrap. The y are light and
tough . On e cou ld al so use
Plexigla sTM or some other
The WATT-KIT puts RF equipment testing all togeth er. It
leng th in 300-0hm t w in- mat erial or commerci all y- is a convenient, all-purpose power-metering kit for RF
coax ial cable s and 7/8" transmission lines.
lead of about (0.82 X 15m) mad e cerami c insulators. The kit cons ists of the
= 12 .3 meters. In the The pha sing sec t i o ns Model 1000-A We tt-
design s b elow, I u se c ou ld be of op en-wi re line meter, the SNIFFER
adjustable signal
300-0hm t winlead for th e (remem be r, then, V w o uld sampler, and a spare
v.. -wa ve matching sec- be about 0.95), but I chose UHF connector and
300-0hm twin lead because patch cable . It's all
tions. contained in a carr y-
The 3-element collin ear th e st u bs t end to blo w ing cas e that includes
achieve s a gain of about around in high w inds and space for two Quick
Match Connect ors
3.3 d ecibels over a sim ple ladder line might twi st up and six measuring
half-wa ve dipole and has a and shor t. (A lso, I had a few elements. A 100 watt
beam width to the half- scrap pi ece s of 300-0 hm dry terminating load
power points (wh ere the twinl ead in the shack .)
is also available.
~ ·0·
fi el d str ength vo l t age
drops to 0.707 of its ma x-
The antenna ele ments
th em selv es I made of odds
Wallmelers I
imum va lue) in th e hori- and end s of #16 and #14 lOr Pro18SS10Dals.
zo nta l pl an e of about hard-dra wn cop pe r w ire,
± 18° . This is for a horizon-
tall y ori ented antenna, of
but alm ost anything w ill do
For the name of your local distributor call toll free
.. 0 29
cour se, and the radi ation is
grea t est at right angle s t o
the axi s of th e arra y. The
5~el em ent ante nna achieves
Care should be tak en to
fasten the pha sing stubs
to the in sulators so that
th ey do not fat igu e and
RAYMOND, MAINE 04071 • TEL 207-655-4555. 800·341-9678

a gain of about 5.3 decibels br eak off . So lde r th e stubs

V Reader servtce-ssee page 21 1 101

Three Baluns for a Buck
- go find yourself a junked TV

Better than mail-order.

Editor's note: This article was written while the author was in Iran. He has since returned to the United Sta tes.

plann ed prior to leavi ng d ie the TV horizontal re- two core ha lves a re held
hom e base. t race wit ho ut significa nt togethe r with a n e poxy
Donald E. Liv ely W6SJQ loss shou ld be fa irly good co mpo und. A very thin film
9 Wedg e wood Drive
Material Sel ection and f or HF radio t ra nsm issio n. of stee l-filled epoxy is used
Millington NJ 07946
Preparation Ac t ua l m e a sur e m e n t s for th is purpo se - ho peful-
The problem faci ng this throu gh the finished ba lun ly this rninirnize s discon -
at 28 MHz and lower fre- tinui ties in the magneti c
A ct ivat ing a n HF radio
stati on in areas of t he
world where hamming is
stat io n was that of acq uir-
ing a balun for a thr ee-
band d ipole a nd t hen a
qu en cies show less tha n ;;. circuitry of the core.
'h -dB atte nuat io n. Some further co re prepa-
not to o commo n ca lls f or a t hree-e le me nt beam . Ex- ratio n is st ill need ed bef ore
certa in am ount o f improvi-
Initia l Con struction putt ing wind ings in place.
perim ents with a hom e-
satio n. This is pa rt icularly made ba lun in the US using Actu al const ruction wa s This includes rem oval of
t rue if sta tio n logist ics the ferr ite co re of a de - sta rte d in t he fo llowing anv .sharp edges wit h a fine
have not been carefully fu nct TV flyback t ra ns- fash ion. A burned-o ut fly- file o r abrasive clot h (to
fo rmer had been q uite suc- back was obtained fro m a avo id scratc hing the en am-
ces sful on 80 a nd 40 me- TV se rvice shop, and a ll of eled wire). The last ste p of
te rs. It was decided , there- t he windings, plus sea ling prepar ation is to place two
fore, to see if th e sa me ap- c o mpo u nds , w e r e r e- laye rs of plast ic o r glass
proach would do tor 20, 15, moved .' Afte r disassembly, ta pe ove r the co re- t his
and 10 . It figured t hat a two C-sha ped core halves gives a very smoot h sur-
Z UNBol.l core material able to ha n- re ma ined . These are nor- face for the winding pre-
• ma lly mate d at t heir highly cess.
p o li sh e d su rfa c e s and The ac tua l wind ing ca lls
50 OHMS ----.:~F='J cla mped togethe r to fo rm for co nsidera ble ca re if a
9 01,1.- . W'RE SlIPPI..Y
COil. a solid O-shaped rectangle. low swr is to be rea lized .
To avo id any sh orted turn Co nside rable experimenta-
effects fro m t he clam ping tion too k place to get best
arrangem ent, and to m ake results - and two precau-
un o bstructed space for tions turn ed out to be im-
windin gs aro und the full portan t in getting good
Fig. 1. Fig. 2. core c irc um f erence, th e bal an ce a nd low loss: sym-
metri ca l placement of the ings. To kee p the t urns may va ry at ve ry low power from a nearby lightn ing
turns and uniform "turn t ight so th at t he ir fina l sett ings.) st rike .) An a pp ropria te
shape." The resul ts of this spaci ng ca n be evenly posi- Switch t he swr me te r to form to co ntain the epoxy
ca re are u nifo rmly distr ib- t ioned, te mpo ra rily twist revers e a nd ob serve t he while it sets was made from
uted capacity wit hin and the two e nds of eac h co il reflected power leve l- it the side s of a po lyet hylene
between tu rns an d equa l to get he r. This will p revent should read 1:1.2 or less. If d e t e rge n t b ott le . Th is
ind uct an ce fo r ea ch of th e any unwi nd ing. Place a few it' s highe r, remove th e rf material ca n be "we lded"
thr ee trifilar wind ings. dro ps of S-minute ep oxy pow er and try eveni ng up using a soldering iron to
The wa y th e t ight and glue at t he poi nt where any irregularities in the melt a nd join edges of in-
unifor m turns a re achieved wind ings start. When t he w ind in gs o r sig nif i ca nt dividu al pieces to form the
is to employ a mod ifica- wind ings are firm ly se t a nd spaces between adj acent desired shape of conta iner.
t ion of the " bo b b in" evenly spaced , wire and w ires in t he ind iv idual Inci de nta lly, t he 3 0 ~
te chnique (see Fig. 2) used so lde r them as shown in tu rns, With ca reful d ress- cos t refers to th e wire- it
on co m me rci a lly-wo u nd t he diagram of Fig. 1. Be ing of th e turns and co n- has to be pu rch ased loca l-
toroids. For this appl ica- espec ially ca reful to make necting leads, th is kind of ly. The e poxy is, of co urse,
tio n, start with a single the connect ions betw een pe rf o rma nc e c an be optiona l a nd is an added
pi e ce o f a bo ut no . 20 the windi ngs symm et rical realized . ex pe nse . The TV t ran s-
gauge wi re a pp roxima te ly (to ens u re eq ua l induc- fo rm er co re w as a gift fro m
ta nce and co upling). Fail- The t ransfo rme r (ba lun)
18 inch es long . Thread th e is now ready for final as- a friend ly Irania n TV re-
wire re pea ted ly thro ugh ure to do th is will crea te a pairman - a s im ila r a c -
poor swr a nd increase loss. se mbly and mo unting. Nu-
the cor e ce nte r un til e ight merous schemes are ap- qui sit ion is no d oubt possi-
tu rns are in place. Dist rib- (An associate of mine has ble a nywhe re.
run tests on several CO(11- prop riate. For my appl ica -
ut e the t urns eve nly and
mercial ba luns and fou nd ti on , no enclos ure wa s The ba lun has wo rked
clip a ll but about two inch- used, bu t just e ncapsu la- f ine and is supe rio r to a
es on ea ch e nd o f t he wind- th at inatten tion to thi s
matt er ac co unts fo r fai rly t ion in e poxy wit h a piece mail-o rder kit which has
in g. Re move th is te m- of vinyl tub ing thread ed b e e n re b u il t nume ro us
por ary windi ng, st ra ighten wide va riat ions in perfor-
man ce, part ic ularly at th e th roug h the ce nte r to tie times but which has never
it, and measure its len gth . the unit to t he beam boom. giv e n a sa t isfa ctor y 10
This will be th e len gth of higher fr eq uenc les.)
(This wa s bec au se an m eter swr w he n co nnec te d
th e pe rma ne nt wind ings. Yo u ar e now ready to at- ea rlie r mod el plac ed in a to a ve ry lo a d-m atch-
Cut t hree le ngth s of no. 14 tach the lead s o n t he balun metal ca n arce d to groun d , sens itive Atlas 210X. •
Formva r or sim ilarly in- which co nnec t it to th e
sulated co ppe r wire a nd fe edlin e and a n t e n na .
wind ea ch o ne aro und a D- Mount a coax fitt ing at on e
ce ll battery or simil ar ly co rne r, a nd for th e feed -
sized for m to create t he line, a nd t he flexible leads Newest, Low Cost
" wire supp ly co il" for t he (short lengt hs of co ax oute r
fin ished ba lun. co nd uctor bra id) for the INLINE RF -WATTMETER
Next, take o ne of these di pole connection. USES NO EXTER NALDELICATE SLUGS
co ils and "screw" it onto the COVERS 20 MHz THRU 1000 MHz
TV tran sforme r co re. Do Fina l Adj ustments
t his by spre ad ing the turns
a nd pla cing an e nd thro ugh
the ce nte r hol e, rot at ing
With a sho rt length of
coax, connect the balun
through a n swr bridge to a
t he co il unt il it is all on the No Band Switching
t ra nsmitte r with va riabl e 20MHz - l GHz
core . Straighte n one e nd of output carrier. Co nnect the
t he co il so t hat th e 2" ex- flexible lea ds to a d umm y o to 500 Watts
cess exte nd s o ut from t he "[n 5 Ranges
load , be ing careful to keep
core , t he n pre ss tight ly them stra ight, symm etr ical, Forward And
against t he co re t his first a nd eve nly spaced. (Pieces Reflecte d Power
turn of the "wire suppl y of RG-58 o uter cov ering can Rugged Die-Cast
co il." Use yo ur thumb to be used to protect t he Metal Case
for ce e ac h tu rn of the le ads from t he wea ther a nd
balun into sha pe against "N" Connec tors
th e co re. Form ea ch turn
to avoid sho rts du ring the ~~
". UHF on Special Order
d ia gon all y so t hat two
tests.) Ne xt , set th e rf
so urce o n 28 MHz and ap- '"'.,:" VSWR Con ve rsion

W .' ... .
turns are placed o n ea ch ply e no ugh power to get a "Q'
Chart o n Rear
side. (De pe nd ing on whe re good reading o n th e swr .~

you wis h to make yo ur co n-

nect ion to th e anten na and
meter in t he forward direc-
tio n. (Run the powe r high

Shipped From Our Stock
."• Just $295 Complete
t ra nsmissio n l ine, yo u may e no ugh to ensure t hat the All M.O. &Cert. Check orders shipped next day Calif. Res. Add6% Tax
sta rt and finish at a co rne r tran smitter output " looks
or a side.) like" its tran smissio n-line ROSS DISTRIBUTING CORP. • (213) 919-3446
Rep eat th e process for driv e im pe da nce-w it h P.O. BOX 5003 • COVINA, CA 91723 ..- . 35
.. EG.73-7/S-79
each of th e next two wind- som e solid- state rigs, thi s
V Reader Se rvice-see page 211 103
So You Want to Raise a Tower
- do it safely, do it right

A simple guide to an important su bje ct.

James Wyma WA7DPX

513 W. toi« SI.
S Doner or later every
ham has t he desire to
pu t up a towe r. The intent
yo u from so me of th e
prob lems yo u can have by
imp rope r inst all ati on of
with both hand s and lean
ba ck co mfo rta bly fo r a
sho rt nap, th~ keep both
Coso Grande AZ 85222
of this article is to save yo ur tower. These pro b- yo ur feet on th e ground ."
lem s can resul t in loss of If yo ur legs are sha king,
you r tower and ant e nnas., yo ur hands are white from
loss of your ham shac k (a .. han ging o n, a nd a ll yo u
/ fall ing towe r ca n do a ca n think of is " I' m go ing
great d eal of rem odelin g to d ie," th en YO.u. have no
to yo ur shac k), a nd last, business on a tow er!
but not least, loss of yOIH- ' Try the technique that I
or so meone e lse's life. The use. Tell yourself that onc e
/ fir st tw o losses ca n be co r- yo u have climbed mor e
/ rect ed; the t hird ca n't! than te n fee t, you probably
I First o ff, let's esta blish will be killed if you fa ll. If
some basics. The re are on- you .. do n't like this a p-
ly two safe ways to e rect a proac h, yo u sho uld get
/ tower: with a crane or w ith so meone e lse to do th e
a gin-pole. If yo u have the cl imb ing.
mon ey, the first is t he On ce yo u have doubled
ea siest. The seco nd meth- y o ur li fe insur an ce - or
od is th e'o ne used by those found so me tower rigger to
of us w ho have mor e ti me do th e climbing-you now
th an mo ney. have to de cide where to
Assuming th at yo u have put it. The ideal place is
decid ed o n the seco nd right next to th e windo w in
method, you wil l have to yo u r shac k, bu t t his
do so me towe r cl imbing. doesn't a lways turn o ut to
There is one ve ry impor- be possib le . Co nside ra-
tan t principle involved in tions gove rning tower loca-
tower clim bing. Simp ly tion a re as fo llows:
stated, it is: " If yo u a re 1) The guy- line a nc ho rs
unabl e to stra p a safe ty should be kept within your
Photo A. belt on th e tower, let loose property boundaries, if at
TOWER >.--'--~.'-----"

Fig, 1, Diagram for 60' to wer and gu ys,

all po ssib le, 7 ) If at all possible, at-

, 2) The anc hors sho uld tac h th e tower to yo ur
be at a dis ta nce of at least ho use o r shac k. In mos t Pho to 8 , The base pfat e is anc hored to th e to wer foun da-
two-thi rd s of th e tower cases, t his w ill classify it so t io n with on e bo lt.
height aw ay from t he base that your home-owner's in-
of t he , tower, and, p ref er- su ra nc e wi ll cove r i t. need fo r th e base and guy - part of t he tower in con-
ab ly , a distanc e eq ual to Check w ith you r agent to li ne anchors , A ve ry good crete , W it h my syste m ,
th e tow er heig ht. Examp le: see if th is ap p lies to your place to get t his inf orm a- should yo u decide to move,
A 60' tower shou ld have po licy, and, if it does not , tio n is in the Rohn towe r t he b ase p l at e can be
guy supports at a distance ask him about a separate catalog, You can probab ly taken w it h you , (Most peo-
of 40' t o 60' from th e base, li ab ility po licy, In most obtai n a co py of it fr om pl e w ou ld rat her not ta ke a
Three guy lines are genera l- areas, a tower is con- Roh n or you r Ro hn dealer. ya rd of co ncret e w ith t hem
ly used , sid e r e d a n a t t r ac t iv e This w il l give yo u a l ot of to get the towe r section
3) The guy- line anchors nuisance for juveniles, and va lua b le inf o rmat ion on ceme nt ed in it .)
sho u ld be at 120 0 spacing if a child is hurt o n yo ur how and w here to guy you r You w ill notice t hat th e
fr om eac h other. If av ail- tower, you are at fa u lt to w er and ho w bi g t o .base plate is held in pl ace
able, a surveyo r's tr an- even th ou gh it is o n p riv at e make yo ur hol es for co n- by on e 5{8" x 18" ga lva -
sit sho u ld be used to site property, If your tow er crete . Under no cir cum - nized bolt in th e cente r. If
th eir l o c ati on s. Fi g, 1 f alls o n a neighbor 's hou se, sta nces shou ld the base o r you are un able-to f ind one
demon str at es t his, Note more than " Gee, I'm sorrv anc ho rs co nt ain less t han at you r hard w are st o re, t ry
that it is not necessary to abo ut t hat !" is usuall y re- 1,4 yard of concrete. yo ur local power com -
have all t he anchors in a qu ired to f ix t he d am age. The spec if ic informati o n, pa ny , Th ese bo lts are used
circle (i.e, equal distance 8) Deter m ine t hat t he in this article "is pertinent 'q u i t e exte ns ive ly fo r
f ro m t he base). This is ground w here your base to m ost tow ers, but it is po we r-po le hardw are,
show n by po int A' of Fig, 1, and an chor s w ill be is solid specifica lly re lated t o th e Afte r yo u have pou red
Every effo rt sho u ld be eno ugh to ho ld t hem in Rohn 25G tower. Th is is the concrete in your base
m ade t o keep t he anc hors p l ac e, Freshl y-exc ava te d o ne of th e most pop ul ar - ho le and ta mped t he air
as cl ose to 1 20 0 apa rt as gro und sho uld be avoided. ham towers and t he o ne out of it , t he bo lt is in-
possib le . Th e more you (Q u ic k sa nd , m ud , a n d with w hich I ha ve t he most serte d , D on't wa it too lo ng
dev iate f ro m t hi s, t he more eart hq u ak e f a ul t s a lso experience. to p ut t he bo l t in o r yo ur
v ulnerab le is t he tower to sho uld be av o ide d.) In Photo B, you can see co ncret e won't hold it too
twi sting torqu e. Now th at w e have th e w hat I pr ef er f or th e tower wel l. It you are a pessim ist,
4) Guy lines should not basics out of th e w ay, let 's base, Note that t he co n- a 3" flat was her w el ded t o
be o bstr uc t ed by pow er get started on pu tti ng this cret e sticks up abov e t he end of th e bol t bef or e
lines, t rees, or parts of any t hing up. Th e tow er fo un- grou nd level. Th is is ac- putt ing it in the co nc rete
bui ldi ng. datio n and t he guy ing are com p lis hed by making a w ill ad d ho ld ing power,
5) Be sure yo u r co m- t he two most importa nt fr am e o ut of 2 X 4s, wi t h Do not attempt to p ut
munity has no restrictions pa rts of your who le in- th e 4" side vert ic al. Th ere t he base pl ate in pl ace un-
on tower erection; obtai n a st all at io n, Don't take sho rt are a number of reasons t il after t he co nc rete has
buil d ing per mit if o ne is re- cuts in either of the se fo r do in g t his: loo ks, main - set. A lso, be ca reful not to
q u ired , areas, A few bu cks saved ta inabi lity(grass tr imm ing), bump your cement fo rm
6) M ak e sure t here are o n chea p conc rete or and, m ost im po rt ant, level - w he n pouri ng the co n-
no buried wate r, gas, or ju nky guy lines co uld co st ing. If your base p late isn' t crete .
power lines in the areas yo u t ho usand s of do lla rs in level, it wi ll be nea rly im- T w o -i nch pum p ro d s
w here you p lan to d ig you r t he lo ng run , possibl e to level t he tow er. we re in st alled to stop ca rs
ba se - a n d g u y -a n chor The t y pe o f gro u nd Spea king of th e base f ro m r u rm i ng into t he
hol es, Call th e utili t y co m- (clay, sand, sof t d irt , o r pl at e, it is a good invest- tower.
pa nies; t hey w ill l oc at e w hateve r) and t he hei ght ment to mak e. At $40 to O nce th e base has cured
t he m for you fr ee of of t he tower wi l l dete rm ine $45 per sect io n, it is a ve ry (at least a w eek, and
charge, how much concrete you expensive practice to bury pr ef erably l on ger), th e

Photo D. Guy lin es are attached to equali zer plate s, o ne
of w hi ch is we lded to the pu mp ro d.

the ho le befo re pou ring tip s: (1 ) All of the hardware

the co ncrete. The pipe a lso shown co mes wi t h the
can be guyed wit h wire o r eq ual ize r plates , but, when
rope attac hed to stakes in o rde ring. be sure you get
th e gro und. th e co rrect plate fo r t he
Bef o re c a ll ing yo u r number of guys t hat you
Red i-Mix compa ny fo r a will have . An EP-2534-3 is
load of co ncrete , be sure for two o r three guys. An
Photo C. Two ty pes of gu y-li ne supports are shown here. that you have eve ryt hing' EP-2534-5 is for fo ur o r five
pre pa red. If th e d river guys. (2) When you se t t he
st ands around wh ile yo u gu y- l in e pJ.Ee in t he
tower can be bo lted to t he yo ur Vo lkswagen ove r to put t he pipe in the ground ground . be su re th at th e
base and se t in place . load up thr ee le ngths of and guy it, yo u'll find th at eq ua lizer plate is faci ng
Generall y. the first two thi s pipe, howeve r. A 10' you r bi ll will have a sub- towa rd th e tower. It is ve ry
sections ca n be bo lted piece of pump rod we ighs sta ntial cha rge for "sta nd- .. hard to rotate the pipe
to get her and set o n t he over 300 pounds! by" on it. once t he co nc rete has set.
base with o ut too much If yo u are una ble to find Phot o D shows a close- (3) If yo u wa nt a litt le ext ra
trouble . the pum p rod. a piece o f up of how the guy lines are safety. you can ' we ld a
Next. let' s look at the 3" o r 4" pipe will do equa l- attac hed to t he pipe. The 12" X 12" plate to t he bo t-
guy-line supports. Phot o C ly we ll, wit h th e pipes filled pie ce of met al we lded -to· ' tom of t he pu mp rod to
shows two types of guy- w ith conc re te fo r ext ra th e pipe is o ne of the make it harder to pull o ut
lin e suppo rts. At th e bot- strengt h. if des ired . eq ua lize r plates in t he of th e co nc rete .
to m o f t he picture is a The use of the pole has Rohn EP-2534-3 package . O nce yo u have the base
Ro hn guy a ncho r. This sev era l adva nta ges over Wh en or d eri ng. get 5 and guy suppo rts po ured
piece is ce mented into t he th e use of th e guy ancho r. EP-2534-3 packages . There in co ncrete, th e next t hing
ground with just a few The ma in adva ntage is t hat are 2 plates a nd hardware is to sit back and take a
inches of shaf t a nd the eye th e lines are above grou nd in eac h kit. Three sets will we ll-dese rved break while
st icking out ab ov e the so t hat peop le wo n't t rip be use d a s sta nda rd the concrete cures. This
ground. (See yo ur Rohn o n th em or ha ng them- eq ua lizer plates, th ree of will give yo u time to ca tc h
ca t alog f or recommen ded selves o n t hem. t he rem aining fo ur plates up o n yo ur read ing of
install ation of this device.) The hole for th e ancho r will be we lded to the pipes th ose back issues of 73.
Also in t he pict ure is a was 2' X 2' X 2 v,' deep . a nd t he last plate always Afte r a cou ple of days. you
po le wit h the lines at- This left lV, ' of pip e a bove can be used as a pap er ca n sa nd t he rust of f your
tac hed to it. In t his case. a grou nd. and, in most cases, we ight. guy pipes a nd spray th em
2"-d ia meter s o lid-stee l t his is plenty. If a driveway Unless you are an ex- with Rust-o-Ieum, or some
pipe (a wel l pum p rod) is is crossed, you may need t reme ly goo d w eld er. yo u other rust-inhibiting pai nt.
used. If yo u check with a to go higher th an that. If sho uld have t he plates put The silver pa int seems to
loca l pum p re pair co m- so, I reco mmend yo u use on at yo ur loca l we lding last the bes t of t he co lors
pan y. yo u will find th at co nc re te-filled 4" p ipe sho p. Te ll th e we lde r yo u I've trie d.
pieces o f rod that have rath er than a pu mp rod. In w a nt a very st ro ng we ld , to Now that yo u a re we ll
be en removed from we lls any case, to make sure ho ld gu y wires which will rested and raring to go, w e
are ava ilab le fo r a co uple that they do n't move, the hold up a tower. will st art pulling the towe r
of bucks eac h. Don't tak e pipes shou ld be placed in A few more po ints and up . We prev iou sly m en-

AC-DC Operation
BNC Inputs 1 Meg Direct 50 Ohms Prescaled
8 Large .4" LED Readouts
Auto [)eclmal Point & :Zero Blanking

so Hz - SOO MHz 50 Hz - 100 l1liHz

The 100 HH and 500 HH hand held frequency counters
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vation, you know it obsoletes any competitive makes,
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to sacrifice accuracy, ultra small readouts and poor
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- 1 Hz resolution - 'direct in only 1 sec. or 10Hz in
.1 sec. ~ 1 PPM TCXO time base. These counters are
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CQNTJNeN1ALSPEC:lALTIES MAX 50 $ aR95 100Hi~50MHz NQn-Compells8ted 3PPM@2S"'C 8 PPM 10Q MV NA NA
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Dsr IN$'TAUMENTS 500HH $149,95 £OHz~55oMHt t Cxa 1I'PM 2 PPM 2&MV 20 MV 30MV
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CSC~500 $149.9S lkHz-550MHi: Non -Compensated 3 PPM @25·C SPPM 5{)rrMY !?50MV '$01dY .1 NA 1 'H,
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100 HH
500 HH
,. , $ 911.115
.rgJ =t
T-500 Ant,
AC-1I 8 allery Eliminator ..... •. $ 7.00
$ 7.115

1 Year Limited Warranty Parts & Labor. 7924 Ronson !loaQ, Dept. G NiCad Ball Pack .. . . .. .. . •. .•. •. $24.115
Factory Afs<1mbJed in U.S.A. San Diego, Califomia92111 TERMS; Me - V l sA ~· AI: - Qbeck .. M.O; :, COD iillJ.S.:f:lJndS.
<>r4ers :outside of \)SA &. C~flada. please add $20.00:ftddilionB:l
to cover alr'Shipmetit california residents add 6% aares Tax,
Photo F. Clearing excess gal vaniz ing from the tower legs
will m ak e jo ining easier.

sections. (Don't get ca rr ied ma ke t he f ollowin g po in t

away o r yo u w il l sp lit t he emph a t i ca l l y cl e ar t o
tower legs open.) Photo F eve r yone : I f a ny t h i n g
shows t his be ing done. The b reak s, co m es loose, o r
seco nd is to dr ive a d rift drops, don 't t ry to st op it o r
pun ch th ro ugh each of th e catch it. Sho u ld anything
bo l t hol es in th e tower. go w ro ng, get your butt o ut
D rive t he pun ch in fro m of t he w ay . A pi ece of
Photo E. This is wh at a gin-po le looks like. both sid es of t he ho les. The m an gl ed -u p t o w er c a n
reason f o r t hese steps is to e a sil y b e r e pl ac ed . A
c l e a r o u t a n y excess mangled bo dy is not so
t ioned t he gin-po le. Photo bent, chec k t o be sure th at gal vani zin g t ha t may be easily rep l ac"ea:-
E sho ws a pic t ure o f t he t he y w i l l m a t e with cl o gg ing th e ho les. (A ll Th e man on th e tower
gin-pol e, f or those of yo u anot her sect ion of tower. Ro hn towe rs are hot- sho u ld have t he fo l lowi ng
w ho do n't kn ow w hat one If seve re damage is ev i- d ip ped galvanized after eq u ip me nt w it h him be-
is. I t co nsists of an de nt, turn in a cl aim to the th e y a r e assembled .) fore he start s cli mbing:
alu minum pipe ab o ut 13 ' trucking com pa ny and re- Und er no circ umsta nces (1) Safety be l t, boots, and
lon g, a cl am pin g devi ce, q uest repl acem en ts. W hile sho ul d yo u use a d rill t o gloves. (2) Two .w renches
and a pul ley at t he to p of you' re chec k ing out th e ream out th e hol es. for eac h of th e tw o bo lt
t he po le. (I f yo u kn ow towe r, locate th e m oun ti ng You now are ready fo _. sizes on the tower. (A rat ch-
someone w ho works at a hard w are. You w ill f ind a sta rt pu t t in g up t he tow er et a nd so c k e t he l p a
radio shop, yo u may be p lug in o ne of t he l ow er sect io ns. If yo u are doi ng lot .) (3) A d rift punch and
ab le t o borrow t heir gin- legs of t he tower. Pry it th e clim bing, be sure th at hamm er. These are used t o
po le.) out, t ilt t he leg, and catch you r ground man is reli a- help align t he bol t hol es.
W h i le you are out t he nuts and bolts as t hey bl e. You r li f e l it era lly rests (4) A U of t he nuts and bo lts
scrounging arou nd, you slide out. There sho uld be in his hands. If you say f or all of t he t owe r sec-
also will need a good safe- tw o sizes of nuts a nd bo lts, " w hoa" and he " let's go," t io ns. (5) A small pulley
ty belt (not a Wor ld W ar I and t hree of eac h size. Be yo u have a b ig pro bl em . w hich can be used to ra ise
surplus job). Remem ber, sur e to co unt all th e hard- The m an on th e tow er t he gin-pole fr o m o ne sec-
your lif e li t erall y depends wa re to m ake sure you' re always ca lls the sho ts - he t io n of th e to w er to t he
o n the belt. If it goe s, you not sho rt , and then pl ace it is th e boss. If you ca n get next. (6) A work p latf orm ,
go; if you r belt b reak s, you in t he po uch of yo ur safe t y hol d of a pair of w alkie- if used .
w ill be in f o r a bi g le td own . belt. talk ies, it wi ll save you It em six is not a requ ire-
A not her need is good ro pe. Tw o o t her t hings can be fr om lary ngit is f rom ye ll- ment , but it c an m ake t he
You w ill need a pi ece as don e t o ma ke t he towe r ing to eac h ot her. And let tow er work a lot easier and
long as tw ice t he height of sect io ns easie r ' to put your ground man do as save a lot of we ar and tear
t he to we r, plus abo ut 30' . together. The firs t is to rnu ci: of t he ph ysical work on your fee t and back. (See
Before you get gun g-ho tak e a 1 'h " piece of rod a as pos sib le. Phot o C .) O nce again , I
to st art putting up th e foot or so long and grind a The num ber one rule is wi sh to em phasize that
towe r, take a fe w m inutes blu nt point o n it. Very saf ety. Tow er w ork is no ve ry im po rta nt point: If
to inspect the tow er ' sec- gent ly d rive t his int o t he pl a c e to b e ho r si n g you ca n't rel ax wh ile doi ng
t io ns. If any of t he m ating fe m a le ( l ower p ar t of aro und . Bef ore yo u take tow er w ork, stay o n th e
ends appear to be at al l t ower) ends of t he tow er one f oo t off t he ground , ground. Ther e is no w ay

Photo C. A work platform can make to w er erection much

th at yo u ca n ho ld o n w it h not ic e t hat t his is a sl ip

one ha nd and w or k w it h kn ot. M any people have
t he other. Tow er work re- looked at thi s and said, " It
qu ires bot h hand s and all won't work ." I have used
of yo ur atte ntion . t hi s k no t to send up over
Yo ur first jo b is to pl ace 500' of tower sec t io ns and
th e gin-pole at t he to p of never has it come loose.
t he fi rst sec t ion . Carry t he O nce you have t he t hird
po le up th e t ow er wi t h th e section of tower in place,
po le in t he low ered posi- t he fi rst set of guy lines Photo H. The gin -po le is cl amped in place at the top o f
ti on, or use t he sma ll shou ld be attached . I per- the to wer.
pu lley . O nce yo u have it in so nally rec om mend t hat if
place o n t he t ow er, you you put up th irty f eet o r ing it, but leave p lent y of gro und). .......
can raise the pole. Be sure more of towe r, it sho uld be sl ack. Th e l in es can 't be Th e leve l man sho uld
to pla ce t he cl amp on a guyed . The Rohn catalog tightened until all t hree not sta nd o n or ho ld o nt o
to wer leg so that sections giv es reco mm ended guying li nes are atta ched. t he t ower when he is level-
can be pu ll ed up w ithout heights for variou s tow er Leave a co uple of f eet 'Ing it . Each turnbu ck le
o bst ruc tions bei ng in t he height s. W hi le you are work- ext ra so t hat t he cab le should be t ightened until
w ay. ing on t he third sect io n of clam ps ca n be f aste ned . th e tower is level ., Take at
The cl am p sho u ld be po- tower, have your ground Wh en yo u c ut th e gu y least two perpendicular
sit io ned so that it fa ces man getting t he guy lines cable, be sure t o tap e both - re adings (90 0 from eac h
awa y from th e t ow er. Th e ready. Each lin e should be sides of t he cut with elec- other) o n each leg to en-
pu lley shou ld be rot at ed pr epa red as show n in t rica l tap e bef o re yo u cut sure t hat t he t ower is level.
so th at it f aces toward t he Photo J before it is sent up it. A sm all pa ir of bolt cut- Th e f irst set of guys is ve ry
inside of th e tower. Do not to yo u. The loop sho ul d be te rs does a good job of cut- im po rt ant. If t he tower is
use pliers to tighte n any of about three in c hes long, t ing t he cable . not proper ly level ed at t hi s
t he cl am p screw s o n t he and two ca ble clamps After th e f irst li ne is at- po int, you may never get it
gin-po le; hand-ti ght is suffi- (mi nimum) shoul d be used t ached, have the second straigh t.
cie nt on al l t hree screws. at eac h loo p. o ne pre par ed and sent up . If you t urn th e t urn-
Photo H shows a p ictu re of W hen you have th e gi n- Af te r all t hree guys are at- bu ck le all t he way in and
th e gin-pol e clam ped in po le ready (yo u can d o t his tac hed, t he tower ma n st ill need more tight en ing,
pl ace o n t he t ow er. before mov ing the po le if sho uld c o me dow n, be- t hen back it al l th e way
Whil e you are mounti ng yo u wa nt) , hav e t he loo p cause the next job is o ut, l oo sen th e c a b l e
th e gin-po le, your grou nd sent up to you o n t he gi n- easiest w hen do ne by al l cl am ps, pu ll th e cab le un-
m an shou ld be tying t he po le l ine. Each li ne sho u ld h and s - p re ferab ly w i t h t il it is t ig ht, re-c1 am p, and
rope to th e next section of be taken to the t urnbuck le four me n. Have one man sta rt ti ghtening the t urn-
t he tower. Th e ro pe sho uld it attaches to and m ea- on each of the guy lines, buckl e again. W hen prop-
be t ied approximately tw o- sured to length before cut- and t he f ourth man at th e erl y t ig hte ned , t he guy
th ird s of t he way up th e ting . The tur nbu ck l es tower, with a two-foot o r lines st il l sho u ld hav e a
sectio n. If it is t ied too sho uld be screw ed to t he lon ger level. It is best to fa ir amou nt of sla ck. You
hig h, yo u w ill have t rou ble maxi mu m o ut po sit ion use a l adder, so t hat t he . sho uld be abl e to shake
p l ac in g t he sec t i o ns i n be fo re measuring. Do not level ca n be pl aced on t he th e ca b le and have a sm all
p lace. Phot o I sho ws how I t ry to pu ll t he guy line middl e of th e second sec- amo unt of ripp le in it.
ti e t he rop e on. Yo u w ill t ight wh en yo u are rneasu r- tio n o r higher (15' f rom t he If th e ca b les are too

, Photo /. The three-inch loop sho uld be prepared before
the guy line is lifted up to the tower.

tom of th e sec tio n so that ever, most peop le find it to

the mo unting bolts ca n be no advantage to have a
insta lled. 3-d B attenuator in their
The o nly rem ain ing pa rt fee dl ine.
of the job is the ante nna If you a re planning to
a nd feed line insta llation. buy a complete towe r, yo u
Since there are so many ca n buy a package t hat has
typ es of ante nnas and the, tow er, guy lines, t urn-
mountings, I will not at- buckl es, equalizer plates,
tempt to go into insta lla- and cab le clam ps . Th is
tion of them . If you inte nd co uld save you so me time
Photo 1. A good knot to use whe n lifting tower sections. to use a rotor, contact a nd money. Check wit h
your Rohn dea ler. He prob- your Ro hn dea ler about
tigh t, yo u sta nd a good sensus is that it is st raight. abl y ca n fix yo u up with a the package. towe r before
c ha nce o f lo s ing yo u r When a ll sections of roto r moun t and th rust you buy all t he pieces in-
tower. The theory is that of to wer have been install ed beari ngs that are made for divid ually .
the reed in the wind . A a nd leve led, the turn- the tower. , Be sure that the tower
reed will bend in t he wind buc kles shou ld be safety- Two words of ca utio n o n ' " yo u buy will handl e t he
and not be broken , but a wired . Thi s prevents move- feed lines : (1) The re seems wind loading and weight
rigid plan t will sna p off ment of the lines from to be qu ite a bit of un- for the antenn_a_ system
be cau se it is una ble to work ing the tu rnbuckles jac ket ed He liax" availa- that you plan to use. If you
give . A pr op erl y-gu ye d loose. The me thod I prefer ble th at has been removed - . plan to use the pump-rod
tower will have a small to use is the "f igure-8" from comm ercia l service . guying technique , be sure
amount of sway to it. And safety wiring. This ca n be If you run ac ross any of it, to o rder two ext ra eq ualiz-
remember th at if you put seen in Photo K. tak e it if it is given to yo u, ing plate kits. Also, check
up yo u r tower in wi nter, Another feat ure yo u pro ceed to you r nearest to see t hat there is suffi-
you will need less slac k may wa nt to add to yo ur scrap me ta l yard , and se ll cie nt.guy line to meet your
than you wo uld in the sum- to we r is a skirt o n the bo t- it for t he va lue of the co p- guy ing needs. The pa ck-
mer! tom section. Remember, per. Under no conditions ages are set up for t he
Cont inue to put add i- your tow er is cl assif ied as do you wa nt to use it on idea l guyi ng, but there is a
tion al sections of tower an "attractive nuisance." your tower. When you ve ry good chance that
and guy lines on until the The skirting I used can be p lace two d is s imil a r you r insta llation will need
tow er is co mpleted . Add i- see n in Photo L. The best metals together and place more cable.
ti onal secti ons of tower way to make th is is to take th em in an ele ctro- I ho pe t hat t his article
are leveled in the same a section of tower to a magn etic fie ld, you have has given you some insight
mann er. The only exce p- local air conditioning con- created a fa ntastic TVI into the proper methods of
tion is that, rather th an us- tracto r a nd ask him to generato r. This is th e erec ting a tower. I claim
ing a level, the level man make you a piece of metal reason that it was removed neither to have covered
should loo k up each leg of 8' long to cov er the tower. fro m co mme rcial service. every possible co ndition
the tow er. A sec tio n that is You can have him att ac h it And (2), watch for kinks in you may en counter no r
not level will sta nd ou t to th e to we r, or do it the o uter shie ld. If it is that t his is t he only way to
very noticeably. If you 're yo urself. The best way to kinked , there is a 98% put up a tower. All I can
not sure, have several peo- attach it is to use pop chan ce that the ca ble is say is that t hese are so me
ple sight up the tow er and rivets . Be sure to leave ruined . If you need a good of the most acceptab le
level unt il t he ge nera l con - space at the top and bot- attenuator, it is fine . How- met hods I've tried in 15


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lu itH n, IhreShOld"a~di~u'~ta~b~'e::"_~;'=o==;~..J!::!~~~:;LJ (receiv e only)
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.q.uency memory ba nk.
PA Input Po wer: Freq uency Co verage: Sensitivity:
180 watts DC Amateur bands from 1.8-29.9 MHz, plus 0.25 uV for -SIN 10 dB
Carri er Suppressi on: VWVV/JJY (receive only) Selec ti vi ty :
Better tha n 40 dB Operat ing Mo des: 2.4 KHz at 6 dB down, 4.0 KHz at 60 dB down
Unwanted Sideband Suppres sion: LSB, USB, CW (1.66 shape factor): Continuously variable be-
Better than 40 dB @ 1000 Hz, 14 MHz Power Requirements: tween 300 and 2400 Hz (-6 dB); CW (with
Spurious Rad iat ion: 100/ 110 / 117/200/220 /234 volts AC. optional CW filter installed): 600 Hz at 6 dB
Better than 40 dB below rated output 50/60 Hz; 13.5 volts DC (with opt ional DC-DC down, 1.2 KHz at 60 dll down (2:1 shape factor)
Thi rd Orde r Distortion Prod ucts: converter) Imag e Rejectio n:
Better than - 31 dB PC1Ner Co nsumption: Better than 60 dB ( 16 0 - 15 meters); Better than
Trans m itter Frequency Respo nse : AC 117V : 75 VA receive (65 VA HEATER OFF) 50 dB (10 meters)
300 -2700 Hz (- 6 dB) 285 VA transmit; DC 13 .5V: 5. 5 amps receive IF Rejection:
Stabil ity : (1.1 amps HEATER OFF), 21 amps transmit Better than 70 dB (160. 80, 20-10 m) : Better
Less than 300 Hz in first 30 minutes after 10 S ize: than 60 dB (40 m)
min. warmup; less than 100 Hz after 30 minutes 345 (W) x 157 (H) x 326 (D) mm Audio Output Impedan ce :
over any 30 min. period Weight: 4- 16 ohms
Negat ive Feedback: 6 dB @ 14 MHz Approximately 15 kg. Aud io Ou tpu t Power:
Anten na Outp ut Im pedance : 3 watt s @ 10% THD (into 4 ohms)
50-75 ohms , unba lanced

Price And Spe cifications Subject To

Change With out Notice Or Ob ligat ion

YAESU ELECTRONICS CORP., 15954 Downey Ave., Paramount, CA 90723 • (213) 633-4007
YAESU ELECTRONICS Eastern Service Ctr.,9812 Princeton-Glendale Rd.,Cincinnati, OH 45246
Photo K. A " l igure-B" safe t y w iri ng fo r tu rnbuckles .

yea rs of puttin g up ham Splash , th e towe r rigge r: " 1

and com mercial towe rs . knew th at I shou ld have
rep la ced that worn st rap
If you have any sugges- o n m y saf ety belt !"
tions or q uesti on s, J will be
gl ad t o respond to them . If Note: Thanks to Debo rah
yo u wi sh and expect a re- Coy le for proofreading and
pl y, send an SASE. Good ty ping t his art icle, and to
luck, and remember t he Sue (WB 7CXE' s YL) f or help Photo L. A ski rting at th e bottom of the tower lessens the
fina l w o rds o f Harry wit h th e photo w ork .• "attrac tive ness" o f yo ur "attrac tive nuisance."


112 V' Read er Se rvIce-see pag e 211


1 . I
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V Reader Service-see page 211 115


Model It TE20 .
ULT R.\ TI ' ~ E R DELl 'XE :,>I utch cl' un ya nl cn llll -
COli" fed o r ru nrlu m wire nn 1111 b and s (160.\ 0
~ctc,.,. ) . Tu n c 0 111 t he S WR on ~'f)u r unu nnu Io r
mo re c ffl <:h: n l " I>crutlon ofa nr rt)l; . Ho m e , mobI le.
po rt a ble -o n ly 9 " ,,2 Vi: ",,5 " • 300 " "111 1 J(F
D. ' p UC Cll l'abIJ II~' • SWR noe ter with ~-('<ll" r PLUS:
scale . A.te..... Switc h sc l( <:t s be twe e n ' ''''' ""atu~ • • ,
-.-s;;;;:..,·.~.· .,,·c
cont~'''''i tJo,~ I nti oN .~ • •
COIlX fe d unt c nn llS, ru udom w ire , " T (11ller bypll ss · • A"'~~C.a CMOS ", . ...~"'."'Ot. • 80>," <1<>, . "" ..... "''''''0,",
• Tw p /50 . ~" e .chl .,.... g . ' '' mD-e "• • mg ..,m "" .
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. R .pe~ ' Iu~", oo
• 5-50 wpm
CUilllc Uors' At t su ctt vc b ron ze fl n b h c d cnc!o""rc . . Reco,<l• ., , or S;, . e<J- oIO rs b. c' ' SP" " . • 01,,1"• . '"n". '""' '"d
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E• • .,,,,.
l1I/6Z' J V
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"' 81 . J ... K_'..... ...-.
• C'CO'>Cl me ... 9<' 0<> , , " ' , " , - ....
•' lS," """, 'n a ",.,n
o '" c",,~,
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lOt . ...
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•G,~~.J":fiz...-iW-?lI~ rjf#I
With one hand, raise the tower f rom 21' to

T u n e s u u t S WR u n
as high as 55', Find exa c tly t he right re- ll n ~' ant en na - CO Ull
ceiving level from CB , Ham or TV. When fc d or ru m l",n w i ...:

you want to eorust your antenna . inst all a ( 160,1 0 m c t c es ] ,
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down again , No more c limbing up In t he watts I{ F o u t p ut.
sky t o repair or replac e antennas. With t he Ru ~!ot cd , yet cum·
exception of our breaxcver models, t his Is pa d : ,~ .".' ' ll 2 '1\·
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VENIEN CE-Our break overs not o nly SST T-3 'IOUILE
teresccce. they lie down for you. One man
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your feet never have to leave t he gound,
even on our tallest .towers, TRANSFORI'IER
).ral ch c ~ ,,2 o h m
TOTALL Y FREE-STANDING . No g uy cou x to th e row e r
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sig ned t o wit hstand 60 mil e winds, with 50 mobil e .,.hl p . Tnp s
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be t we e n 3 and ;')(1
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300 wun.. ou tpu t
59.95 • Sem.... ~ I""'.fi(: "bug- _ ,tI-
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squ eeztl rn ddl. k e yj~ g . ~ d OU' .lIu t
selves are two or th ree t ime s heavier th an . 5-SOwpm • Ke r s Q'iQ block and .,,11d $/1I11t
comparable tow ers on the market. Weight
runs about 165 pounds lor our 40' towers
All bun d s ( 160-10
m .)wuh un y wirc "
.. !>petti. ~tg M . /OIl e,
'un. con""I, " , Me ,on• • n"
. olum.
• Win _d _
g u ."' ~ t
."d '"" "<1- 1,,11,
Ii'.i -b.o l ~
350 poundstor 55'. several design Innova- 200W o .. t p .. t •
spe' k'"
tion s are used to make Tete 'Tow 'r the An v Ir lln.....c hc r •
strongest, most rel iable lower. H,;,nc or portable
" ~c u n t u n C-lip Q 5
ONE,PIECE PRICE, When you buy one of
these tower s you get the whole tower
,",u,""". ouly p29.9
ready to install . No accessory charges, no S S T UL-I Ji4KI.J D(" tnT L O ,\ D. lOOO\\ 'l'EP
extr a cost s for guy wire, base plate s, etc . 1. ;; : I 1-22,'; ) 1I1z. S c u le d . 3-1 / /01" :, < 4 -3/ 8" .
And even o ur co mplete one-piece price Is
considerably lower t han any comparable o nly S I 7 .9 5
tower on th e market . SST CLot ~4 11K . (~LOCti . G Ia n i rcel LED
n u m e ru ls . :o.lo n th u n d da~· uls<l a l push u r but ton.
Concrete sleeves available lor Model 40s Ik u n llru l run'''n r r\csk. 1 10 \' .\<'.
and Model 555. By using sleeves you can
move tower to anot her loca t ion and all o nly S 2 2 .9 5
you leave is the sleeve in concrete, SST D , I BALI'S for buta ;~ec d I l n ~ s . :~OO\\"
o n ly S 5 .0 0
40 ' MODELS e ...n (:e13l376-5NN7 to ord"r C. O _D " "IS.\.
Model 40 {extends 21' to 40' )
Breakovar Model 40
o r 'I . .. te rC ha rlil:e . • II!!!!I!!I!!!!I . K EY
(exten ds from 23 ' to 40 ' w ith breakover at gound ~
_ r " ", p _" _ ," l ~

T .. O rd", r: _ f ..,. "*••,
N.~-""" , ..'",_
d"' ...M ....., " , """ "'9
Se nd u c h e c k o r mu nCYo rde r _or lISC ..." ur )1. (" ,
\ ' IS .\ ..\ dd g 3 sh l PI' I ~ R u;' '' ha nd lln ~: CaUL r~.,I­ ._,
•. ~r<>UCh /''C'''''' 1,",,,. _ _...
_..- - com '_ '~"'9

55' MODELS d e n ts , u, I, I .....le s Iu:"<. . H. n<I", ,,,. ..,,,.tr '''''Sh~...~"
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Bra8kover Mod el 55
(Exte nds from 23' to 55' wit h breakover at ground
Guarantee: .\ 11 S ST pr",hl l'ts u rc l",c"ndlt l" n-
u lly !otllUrlln t cc d fo r I ~"C a r . 111 uddnton . th c y m uy
~.': ;,~ ~ DI~.<ltg..ros'~.v~, 0 1 ' or

be rc rurucd ,,"ith \l\ 10 da vs rur a r"n rc rn,,, 1(less

sh l]lp lu!ot1 1f ,·n" UH' lin t s a tl s fkd rur a ni rc u... ," .

!IE"" Clf EC_ oor _' ~ •.

. "~~ " . .... . . 611.. .

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P.O. Box 341 2 . Enid, Oklahoma 73701

Ii! 1108 RAN D BLDG. ....T1 8
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90260 ·(213) 376 - 5 8 8 7

116 V'" Rea der Servic e- see p ag e 211
NEW!! THE SPACE CASE ® A Breakthrough In Technology!
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• powerbuses Accepts Up To 25. 14 Plnpacks e Provisions Made For Either 5V at 800 rna
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Charge to VISAor MASTER CHARGEor m~ i1 us I check or macer order. Clear / B us y Au to

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- .......: Remo te

TELREX "Tri-Band" $415.00

A udio Gam
Control ,. -='" _~ _
~ --
- ~~ p ea ker/ M l k e


Busy Lam p
Ga in in DB refe renc e ' /2 w av e dip o le 8.5 dbd Condensor Mi ke
Front to ba ck rati o 28 db
Tran smi t
VIS/W IR a t res ona nt po in t 1.3/ 1 Indicator
Max imum Power In put 4 KWP
Nomina l Input Impede nce 52 ohm 5-Oig it LE D
Bea mw id th to ' / 2 powe r In pu t 60 3 ba nds

Freq ue ncy range 10. 15. 20
Sid e Nul ls 35 db

Keyboard Encoded
Number of Elemen ts Five
Freque ncy Entry
A lum. Boom: Dia. & Lgt h. ap pro x. 2.2 .5 x 18 ft.

Turn i ng Rad ius appro x. 20 ft . Keyboard Lock

W in d Load at 100 mph (appro x.) 210 1bs. Disp lay
guards against
Wind Ar ea 7 sq . I I. O nl 011
accidental frequency
Lon gest Eleme nt 36 It.
cha nge - 5 KHz Up
Net Weig ht (appr ox .) 49 1bs.
Shipping we ight (do mest ic pac k) 601bs.
13 It. • Optional Equipment:
Leng th o f shi ppi ng c art on
Tone Squelch. Speaker/Mike, Nicads, Battery Charger

MADISON The rllesu FT·20TH Synthesized Handie

has all the featules you could wantin a relYcompact package
W 5GJ , W5MB B, K5AAD , N5JJ , AG5K, W5V VM , W5 EGP, 24001 A lic ia Pky., Miss ion Viejo , CA 92691
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"The Southwest's lull-line Yaesu Distributor"

V Reader Service - see page 2 1J 117

The Revol utionary Organic Antenna
- product of NASA research

Arm yourself!

Author's Note: To prevent possible adverse heating eff ects in the arm tissue, it Is Import ant that power Input to antenna described In
this artle la be limited to 10 mW.

Jam es C. Gadd ie
Russell T. Wolfram
A hum an a rm m ay be
made to act as an
antenna fo r a communica-
of copper foi l f ast ened t o a
strap and wr apped arou nd
t he w rist. A pparent ly, th e
A prototyp e ol~ e antenn a
co u p l er w as b u i l t a nd
f o und suitab le f o r both
(SR I Internatio nal)
Ames Resear ch Center t io ns syste m. It has been w rist strap can eff ic ie ntly send ing and receiving very-
Moffel Field CA 94035 done by using an energ y t ransfe r rad io-frequen cy " high-frequency signal s. Th e
co up le r made of two str ips energy to o r fro m t he arm . go al o f the developers is to
bu iId a bod y-w orn co m-
Reprinted from NASA Tech Briefs , Summer, 1978. munications svstern for the
deaf b lind , and it was with
t hi s pu rpose in m ind t hat
th e p ro totyp e u nit w as
RFDEVICE e :::;~;:;;~i~:"'.'t~~ built and te st ed . Other
po t enti al appli cat ions for
th e compac t co up ler ' in-
/ / ".'/ ,; » >: ::..::.:~:.::-=:.:::c=:..:=;~,.:;;~~ cl ude body-w o rn two-way
/ / / local commu nications sys-
/ I / t em s for po lic e and as pa rt
1 / 1
o f a po rt abl e pe rson al
communi cation s system
If fI I"
I I I th at cou ld communi cate
\ \ I vi a sat ellite.
\ \ \ The co pper-f o il st rips of
\ \ \
, \
, .\ t he w r i st-str ap co u p le r
, " '-;=:::::::-o:::::~ shown in Fig. 1 are rec-
" " ',:---~ t angular, 5 in . (13 em) long
and Y, in. (1.3 em) w ide .
They are placed 7/16 in.
(1.1 em ) apa rt and are
f ast ened to t he underside
Fig. 1. W rist -strap coupler of rad io-fr equenc y energy consists o f two strips of coppe r of a wri st strap made o f an
fastened to an insu lating material. Wi res at th e midpoints o f the str ips lead to th e radio- e lec t ri ca l l y i n sul a t i n g
frequ en cy dev ice that can act as a transmitter or receiver . m at er ia l. A thin insulating

ua- B8lW)
• Au to S yn c. 1-150 WPM
• Microcom pute r Interfac e

*SSO. K it 295 .
(Less M on itor)

• Partial Kit *95.
• Full K it $157• MRS·IOO
• Asse mble d & Tested * 1 87.

..- . • Partial Kit *95•


' . F ull Ki t ' 2 2 5 .
• Assemble d & Tested *295.

strip is al so p lace d over the 150

st ra ps as a p rotec tive in
cover. Suc h an insu lato r "r
ca n be added to the wrist w
strap be cau se the co pper o
stri ps need not be in direct (!i 50
co ntact with t he skin for Q.

th e rf signal s to be co up led
to or from th e a rm. o~

--:: ;--__---:::-
200 300


For connecting th e cou-
pler to a transceiver, or
receive- or transmit-onl y
unit, a sma ll w ire is at-
tach ed to t he edge of each ;;
co pper st rip a t a point w 50
eq uid ista nt from th e end s
of th e str ip. Eac h wire is "<
th en routed thr ough a hole :Jj
in th e insul ating materi al it
to th e upper surfac e of th e
- 50 '-- ---"'-- ----'.,..- --,-'-,.- --,L,.- -'
str ap . In a d di t io n, a o 100 200 300 400 500
fas ten er mu st be attach ed FREQUENCY (MHz)
to the st rap so that it can
be pulled snu gly against Fig. 2. Electrical impedance characte ristic s o f the wrist-strap a nte nna coupler were
th e wrist. meas ured with a General Radio 1710 rl network anal yzer . Varying the widths 01 the co p-
Radio-freq uen cy energy per strips will prod uce somewha t different characteristics.
co up les to o r from th e a rm
t h ro u g h th e e lec t rica l teristics of the antenna are 170-MHz, 1O-mW tra nsmi t- na buil t with a 16- by 11- by
capac ity between t he ar m s how n in Fig. 2. Th e ter, was fou nd to be slight- 3-mm ferri t e co re a nd
a nd the copper strips. Elec- radiated f ie ld strength, ly greater th an th at from a driv en by t he sam e t rans-
trical imped an ce charac- with the strap driven by a well-designed loop a nte n- mitter..
V Reader Service- see page 21' 119
..-.' ,,,. ,,,. '
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Seek ing selectivity.

rad iato r, deve lo ped by its T unin g c a n b e ano t he r freque ncy (no added ca-
Dave A Ik ins W6 VX inve ntor, J .M. Boyer (with pro b lem whe re its use for pacita nce) a nd at a fixed
130 N. Westgate Ave. pa te nt s ass igned to No rth- high -pow er t ransmissio n is frequ e ncy. AlB c hecks with
Los Angeles CA 90049 rop ), ha s high se le ct ivity. co nte m p lated. Very high th e s paced rings mounted
Becau se of th is, it a lso is a vo lt a ge a nd cu rre nt a re th e ve rt ica lly co m pa red ve ry

S elec t iv ity in an a"ntenna

is becom ing increasi ng-
ly im portant as th e bands
lo w-n oi se de v ice . T h is
m ak es two good reaso ns
for its su p er i o r p erf or-
pri ce s of t he tra de-off for
high se lectivity .
we ll with tho se of a hor i-
zo nta l fo lded d ipol e at the
sa me hei ght a nd w ith the
co mpres s u nde r t he load of ma nce. (73 Magaz ine for What Is III sam e o r ien tati o n. Pretty
m o re and m ore st at io ns. Au g ust a nd Se p te mbe r, Bo y e r s u gge s ts t h e good f o r an ante nna o n ten
Rece ption is whe re th is is 1976 , go es into deta il of its DDR R di pol e in his Se p- mete rs whi ch is 30 c m
mo st desira ble . Fron t-e nd d e si gn a nd a d v a nt age . tembe r (pa rt two) a rticle. " lo ng" and 84 c m in
ov e rload, we have le a rned, The re ha ve been m a ny This vers ion does witho ut di a m e te r (see 73 , Ap ril,
will ca use big pro b le ms to other art icles written about the big grou nd pla ne , a s 196 5, " Do ubte1-tu la," Pe ter
a com m unicatio ns ci rcu it it ov e r the yea rs.) Two wou ld any di pole . So he re Love lock).
whe n off-c ha nn el signa ls dr awbac ks a re no ted whe n we ha ve a qu arter-w ave
a r e st r o n g. Dire c ti o n al - t he c hips a re d own. On e is o pe n tr a ns rn i ssio n l i n e The Two Meter DDRR
type a nte nnas , of co urse, t he s ize of th e gro und fo rme d into a shap e whic h Dipole
a re the a nswe r unle ss we plan e fo r th e mo no pol e " le a ks" a nd ra di ates rf. I Ta m a ke th e tw o me te r
need t o co ve r eve ryt hing des ign; the other is t he co st first buil t o ne of these for mod e l, I d ug out a n o ld
a rou nd us. The DDRR, or of th e co nd uc to r mate ria l ten m eters and m ade it so 1;.4 -inc h t ub ing co i l f ro m a
d i r e c t ly d ri v e n r in g fo r low-f re qu e nc y u se . it ope rated o n its hlgh e st : long-fo rgo tte n f inal a nd
a nnea led it in the fire p lace,
= == == == = --.l th en c lea ned a nd pol ished
the su rfa ce a ft e r st re tc hing
it betwe e n a ca r bumper
an d .a stout post. 33 inc he s
comes to a ha lf wave . This
is th e n fo ld ed o n a on e-
inch -di am et er ro d o r m an-
drel at exa ct cente r. The
q uart e r -w a v e lin e is
for m ed o n a ca n to make a
......- ADJUST l
c irc u la r d ouble ring or
t ra nsmission l ine of about
5 inch e s d ia me te r. This will
R ESONAN T A!lOVE 1481Mh r, re so nate abo ve th e 148
COA X FEED l - - --K \:--2\1: i MH z e nd of the band . I
",. '" :/ 1 ma de a sim ple tuning a r-
---------::::~., ,, ,I ra n gem e nt o f a 4-i nc h
I ,
pie c e of #2 0 (0 .8 m m)


, Te f lon TM-covere d flex ible
w ire. Thi s is fo rm ed i nto a
U to slide into th e o pe n
Fig. 1. Two meter DDRR dipo le. e nd s o f the line. When
Communications Center
443 N 48th Str eet
Lincoln , Nebraska 68504
In N ebraska Call (402)466-8402
Y' CS8

Antenna Sale! HY -GAIN

Regul ar Specia l Regular Special
TH60XX Supe r Th under b ir d $299 .95 $239.95 18 HT Hy -Tower BO-l0M vert ical 299.95 239 .9 5
TH3MK3 3 et. 10 -15-20 M beam 229.95 179.95 18AVTIWB 80 -1OM T rap vert ica l 99.95 79 .95
TH3JR 3et. 10-15 -20M beam 149.95 129.95 14AVO!WB 40 ·1 OM T ra p vertical 69.95 57.00
Hy-Ouad 2el. l0-15 -20M Quad 229.95 179 .95 12AVQ 20- 10M Trap Vert ica l 39 .95 32 .95
205BA 5 e1. "Long John " 20 M beam 289.95 229 .95 14RMQ Roof Mounting k it (verticals) 33.95 29.95
155 BA 5 el. .. L ong Jo hn" 15M beam 169. 9 5 139.9 5 5BOQ BO-l0M Trap doub let 89 .95 69.95
10 5BA 5 el;"'Long John" 10 M beam 119.95 99 .95 2BOQ BO-40M Trap doublet 49.95 39.95
204BA 4 el. 20M beam 219.95 179.95 66B 6 el. 6M beam 119.95 99 .95
204MK5 5 el. conversion ki t 99 .95 79.95 20 3 3 el. 2M bea m 15 .9 5
153BA 3 e l. 15 M beam 79 .9 5 69 .95 205 5 el. 2M beam 17.95
103BA 3 et. 10 M beam 54.95 44 .95 208 8 e l. 2M beam 25.95
402BA 2 el . 40M beam 209. 9 5 169. 9 5 214 14 el. 2M beam 31.95
BN·86 Ba lun for beam anten nas 15 .9 5 15 .95 LAo' De lu xe ligh tning arrestor 59 .95 4 9 .95
TH2MK3 2 e l. 1O-15-20M be am 149 .95 119 .95
MOSL EY Regular Special
Class ic 33 3 e l. 10, 15,20 Mtr . beam 304.75 209.95
Classic 36 6 e l. 10, 15 ,20 Mtr . beam 392.75 269 .95
TA· 3 6
TA-33 J r .
3 el . 10 , 15 , 2 0 Mtr. bea m
6 e l. 10, 15, 20 Mt r. beam
3 e l.l0,15 ,20Mtr.beam
26 4 .0 0
19 7. 0 0
18 9 .9 5
269 .95
TA·40KR 40 Mt r. Add On 119. 9 5 89 .95
4 efe. 10, 15 , 20 Mtr. beam 289 .95 219 .95 A147·11 11 e le. 14 6-148 Mhz . beam 36.95 30 .95
10,15,20,40 Mt r. Vert ical 89 .95 69 .95 A147·22 22 e le. Power Pack 109 .9 5 89.95
10 ,15 ,20 ,40 ,80 Mtr. Vertica l 109.95 89.95 A144·10T 2 Mtr . "Twist" 10 ele. 42 .95 34 .95
2 Mt r. R ingo Ranger 39.95 32.95 A 144-20 T 2 Mtr. "Twist " 20 ete . 62.95 52.95
AR-6 6Mtr .Ringo 36.95 32.95 A147·20T 2 Mtr . beam 62.95 52 .95
A RX-220 220 Mhz. Ringo Ranger 39.95 32 .95 A430·1 1 432 Mhz . 11 eie.beam 34 .95 29 .9 5
ARX ·450 435 Mhz . Ringo Ranger 39 .95 32 .95 A432·20T 430-436 Mhz . Beam 59 .9 5 49.95
Al44·11 11 e le.144-146Mhz.beam 36.95 30 .95
3-TBA 3 ele : 10, 15 , 20 Mt r . beam 259 .95 189.95
4 -BT V 10-40 Mt r. Vert ical 99 .95 79.95
5·BT V 10 -80 Mtr . Vertica l 134.95 99.95
RM-75 75 Meter Resonator 16 .9 5 14 .50
RM-75S 75 Mete r Super Resonator 3 1.95 27 .50
G6-1 44B 2 Mtr . Base Colinear 79.95 59.95
G7·1 44 2 Mtr . Base Coli near 119.95 89.95
System One 5 ele . 10, 15, 20, Mtr . Beam $299 .9 5 $239 .95 HQ 104QAV 10-40 Mt r. 59 .95 49 .95
System Two 4e le. 10 ,15 , 20 Mt r . Beam 249 .95 199 .95 T rap vertica l
System Th ree 3ele. 10, 15 , 20 Mtr . Beam 199.95 159.95
WV· l 10 -40 Mtr. Vert ica l 79 .9 5 69 .95
Hamil l $125 .00 T 2 X Ta ilt w ist er $ 199.95 Alliance HD73$109 .95
Call fo r prices o n roto r cab le, Coax , Towers, and Accessories. All prices do no t include shippi ng.
We carry all major brands of ham radios
Yoe su - Kenwood - Dra ke - ICOM- De ntro n -
Ten -Tec - Swon - Tem po - Mid land - E.T.O. -Wilso n

Y'" Reader Servic e-see page 21 1

• 12 7
pu shed in, t he frequency tor wa s fas tened t o thi s
sho uld more th an cov er th e pi ece. A tu ning arran ge-
2 meter b an d. See de t ai l B m en t wa s ma de t o slide t he
in Fig. 1 . Tef lon tu ning U in or ou t to
A l engt h o f srna ll-dia rn- co v er th e ba nd o f interest.
eter coax ma y be co u- The se le ct iv ity c u rve w as
p led tightly to t he cl osed measured us ing a signa l
end of the o pe n l in e. Mine generator , a co u nt er, a nd
wa s f ed throu gh a separate an FM receiver. The anten-
matching U-shape of th e na frequ ency was left fi xed
sam e tu bin g so ldered to and the receiver and gener-
the closed end o f the li ne. ato r were moved togethe r
A good m at ch was o b- a cr oss t he a nte nna fre- "",
t ain ed by vary ing t he size qu e ncy . Fig. 2. Two m et er DD RR d ip ol e anten na selec ti vit y.
of t he l ink (see d raw ing). A W hi le vertica l pol ar iz a-
50-O hm m atch co m es at an tion is t he w ay most o f o u r work s w ell and ca n red u ce tu nin g me t hod de scribed
area of l ess than th at p resen t two m eter sig na l s multipath and QRM . e x c ep t wit h ve r y l ow
f o rmed by th e 180 de gree leave t he ante nna, t hings po we r. It w ill not p ass the
half turn at t he closed end happ en th at make th e p o- Conclusions smok e test.
of t he line. The 'I.-i nc h l ine larization so m ew hat dif- W hi le t he amou nt o f se- Bro adba nd ant en nas are
thu s form ed needs no in- fe re nt at t he recei vin g e nd . lectivi ty aff o rded by t he very co nvenient (d isco nes,
sul at ors fo r supp ort . By o ri en t i ng the receiv ing D DR R wi l l not com e up to rh o m b ics, and triband ers),
Mounting o f t he co m- an te n na , it is ofte n po ssib le t hat o f a multipol e filter, it but w ho need s all t hese u n-
p leted an tenna may be to null o ut an interferi ng is w orthw hile in th a t it is wanted signal s go ing up
don e in sev e ra l way s. Mine signal. By go i ng a step fu r- ahea d of t he front end - an d dow n t he f eedli ne?
w as to m ak e a pedest al a t her, I m ade t he moun t ing a iding i n t he signa l-to-no ise Phased D D RR e l em ents
few inc hes long and t o feed ad j ustab le in azim u t h and pro bl em . An und esired co u ld i m prove select ivi ty
t he coax th rough . Thi s wa s e levatio n. This a lso ca n be signal o ff t o o ne side is as we ll as ga in.
mo un ted br eadboard fas h- done in va rio us ways - no ise, too. 'A se l e c t i v e a nt e nna
io n on a p iece o f hard- mine is a breadboa rd wa y Do no t tr y t ra nsmittin g sho u ld m ake a bi g di f-
wood . A BNC co ax co nn ec- to test t he idea . Ai m ing it w ith t he dev ice with th e feren ce to yo u. •

50 144 -REPEATERS - 220 450 Mhz

"Acc ess, " Disa ble and adjustable Time,.
COM PLETEL y ASSEMBLED-$75.00. _.~-~"~I>oIt,~
A· ,(
. ~
: 'ff
j ;I it~':Fir)¥
I -

~ ?'f:i$.K~
EXTENSION BOARD - ' . ,.~~' _~:~;-'il'j,":
AI'Iliab le Sep4lrl tely: - ". j • •

COR Idenlifi e,: All on one board. programma ble, FUlly ad·
j usta ble, t ime ou' (.5-- 7 min." hang lime (0.1 m in.J, identi fier
(1·10 min.' , ' on e, speed, volu me, L.E.D. outpu's, low curte n'
INTRODUCES drain CMOS 10[1ic:'p!ugs for easy install alion and remonl plu s
Basic Repeale r $499.95 COM PLETE LY ASS EM BLED
\"\\ ~{O Mk i 2M 130-175 MHz Basic Repealer lor 2 meters wllh all t he features of th e HI
Pro Mkl less Ihe power suply and Iront panel controls and accessorie s.

f A RC\..;od d 6% ta x
REATEIl AELDSTRENGTH 50 M Hz $789.95 450 MHz 799.95 PLU55Hl fP I"' G Maggiore Electronic Laboratory

144 + 220 MHz $699 .95 .... M36 :::T ~~~:~~:.N~~.rj~. 380 PHONE 2 1S 4 38.80S \

* 3/8
x 24
$85 UNADILLA -,U9 $

On ly ~ ~
sr-' $~v
Radiator, Mast, 10 Meter Adaptor, and a UDS
1 ea. 75, 40. 20 and 15 Meter Coil s
(Part s may be purch ased separate ly) DE MA ND ED BY S14"- ~... ~
~ ~ ~~
PRO FE SSIO NAL S ~~ .:....~, .. .....
Common 2 - 4 - 6 and 8 MHz MA RINE ~ -- ~ ~ , -, • QU OPU TS' ANTUNA MITS
WORlD'WI Ol 1: 10 1 4:1
f requency coils also available 2,OOllW • I OU/M AS T 1 0UIIlS-W.. E
2 t0 3OMHz Custom Freque ncy
Co il s, made to order • T ~ e O r i & , u l l l & ~ t . i ' l Arres l
[ En llSe 31e Sta ll ' S]
Cont act your favorite aester or . 6SI1'S lt u l l lI
Write for b roch ure .Sta i.lus hr~.are
<:::::" r"".L3_J
2814 S. Baywater Ave.
.$t aled
Toll - Free 800·448 · 1666
C ooop. ..v '''c
'''J ......r STAU T. r " ST Sv A"C UU . .. r ", VOA. 1:lO5'

San Pedro Ca. 90731 ( NYS Coll ect 315 '437 · 3953)
Phone (213) 831-5444 DEALERS WANTED- OVER 300 WORLD ·WIDE
Dealershi ps available

128 V Read er Serv ic e- see p ag e 211




,- -
M ULTI ....ND . IEA M DX H illIS IIlIUl.TI MIlD MAlI ox _ _
_ 3F3 5DX .......... ' _JIl37DX

li~ "~
.... .. r.'_ _:" ... ...

!~- .~
"'" ,.. ,=-_... ... . ...





~E N PRO ROTATOR;-=-::S ~~
KR ·2000 KR ·600 KR.400 KR·500

,.... : .

•"X' I·. ·

425 Highland Parkway. Norman. Oklahoma 73069
Tel (40 5) 360-6410

V Reader Service -see page 211 129

Marion CountY Fairground s, on $5.00. Tickets at th e gate are
the southeast corner of lndl- $2.00 or 3 for $5.00, w it h
I Social Events_ _ anapoli s at the int ersecti on of
Interst ates 74 and 465, Indian-
apolis, Indiana. There will be
chil dren under 12 free. Talk-in
on .25/.85 and .52. For ti ckets
and info rmation, send an SASE
c o mme rc ial exhi bito rs and to WVARA Hamfest, PO Box 81,
Listings in this column are Repeat er Assoc iati on and th e deale r displays for a fee of Terre Haute IN 47808.
provi ded free of charge on a Nort hern Chaut auqua Amate ur $30.00 per boot h. The co mmer-
space-availa b l e b asis . Th e Radio Club wi ll hold their Lake cial building will be open from ALLENTOWN PA
fo llowing info rmation shou ld be Erie International Hamfest on 12:00 noon until 9:00 pm on JUL 15
included in every announce- Sunday, .July 1, 1979, at th e Satur day and will reopen at 7:00 The Dela ware-Lehigh ARC,
ment: sponso r, event, date, fairgrounds in Dunkir k, New am on Sunday. Camper hookup Inc., th e BGYE, Inc., and the
tim e, plac e, city, state, admis - York. A large fl ea market area fac ili t ies are available on the Lehigh Valley ARC, Inc., will
sio n cha rge (if any), features, and plenty of free parki ng wil l fairg rounds for overnight park· hold their Ttl-Club Hamfest on
tetk-tn freq uencies. and the be provided. Tickets are $4.00 ing if you arrive on saturday. A Ju ly 15, 1979, from 8:00 am to
nam e of whom to contact for at the gate or $3.00 in advance . food and drink vendor will have 4:00 pm at the Allentown Police
further information. Announce- RV hookups are avai lable. For a set up outsi de, while a profes- Academy pistol range on Le-
ments m ust be received two information on advance sales sional caterer will have faci l- high Parkway South at Allen -
mo nth s prior to the month in or for a map show ing easy ities inside. For more info rma- town, Pennsylvania. Admi ssion
which the event tak es pla ce. di rections fro m 1-90, writ e to tio n, write to the Indiana pol is is $2.00 for lookers and $4.00 for
Dick Brinkerhoff WB2HEF, 123 Hamfest , PO Box 1002, Indi an- sell ers. Talk-in on .341.94 and
LOUISVILL E KY 5th St., Dunkirk NY 14048. apolis IN 46206. .52.
JUN 29·JUL 1
er Club wi ll hold it s 4t h ann ua l JUL 4 JUL 14 . JUL 15
Oomputer f es t" 1979 fr o m The Harrisburg RAC wil l hold The South Milwaukee Ama- The Broadcasters Amate ur
June 29 through July 1, 1979, at it s annual Firecracker Hamfest t eur Radio Club will hold it s an- Radio Club wi ll hold its 2nd an-
t he Bl u e g ra ss Con v enti o n on Wednesday, July 4, 1979, at nual Swapfest '79 on Satu rday, nual hamfest on July 15, 1979,
Ce nte r, Lou is vil le, Ken t ucky. t he Shell svill e VFW picn ic July 14, 1979, at Ameri can from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at
Act iviti es inc lude a flea market, grounds, 1-81 nort h, Exit #27 or Leg io n Post #434, 932 7 S. Pocono Down s Racetr ack , Ate.
se mi na rs, and ex po s it ion , as #28, Racetr ack Exit , Harrisbu rg, Shepard Avenue, Oak Creek, 315, fo ur mil es north of Wilkes-
well as activities fo r th e entire Pennsylvan ia. Look for the large Wisco nsin. Admiss ion is $2.00 Barr e, Penn sylvania . Set up
fa mily . Seminar and expos it ion balloon . Admission is $3.00, and includes a happy hou r wit h begins at 8:00 am . Admiss ion is
ad missio n i s $4.00. Pre-req- with no charg e for ta ilgating. free beverages. Prizes include a $2.50, with no additi onal fee for
ist ered Ram ad a Inn g ue st s Table s wil l be available in the $100 first prize, a $50 second sell ers. XYLs and children are
($29.00, singl e; $34.00, doub le) pavilio n. Talk-in on .52/.52. prize, and a variety of other free. The event is all indoors .
receive free admi ss ion. For ad- , prizes. Act ivities will begin at Talk-in on 147.66/.06 or 146.52.
vance mall information , write WELLINGTON OH 7:00 am and continue unt il 5:00 For mo re inform ati on , wr ite
Co mpu t erf est ' 79, Lou isvill e JUL 7 pm. Parking, a picnic area, hot John Soha W3KU, 62 S. Frank-
Area Comp ut er Club, PO Box The North ern Ohio Amateur and cold sandwiches, and liquid lin St reet , Wilkes-B arre PA
70355, Loui svill e KY 40270, or refreshments will be available 18707, or phone (717)·823·3101.
Radio Soci ety wi ll hold its sec-
phone Tom Eubank, Chairman, on t he gr ounds . Overni gh t
ond annual NOARSFEST on
at (502)-895-1230. Sat urday, Ju ly 7, 1979, at the ca mping is also available. Talk - CANTON OH
Lorain County Fair grounds, one in on 146.94. More deta ils, in- JUL 15
BATESVILLE AR mi le west of Rte. 58 on Rte. 18, c luding a map, may be obta ined The fift h annual Hall of Fame
JUN 30·JUL 1 Welli ngt on, Ohi o. Adm issi on from th e South Milwa ukee Ama- Hamf est wil l be held on Sunday,
The Arkansas Army MARS tickets are $1.50 in advance and teur Radio Club, Inc., Robert July 15, 1979, at Stark County
meetin g will be held on June $2.00 at th e gate and are good Kastelic WB9TIK, Secreta ry,"PO· Fair gr oun ds, Ca nto n, Ohi o.
3O-July 1, 1979, at the tndepen- for all prize draw ings. Children Box 102, South Milwaukee WI Tickets are $2.50 in advance
dence Co unty Fai rg ro unds, under 12 are admitted free. 53172. and $3.00 at the gate. Mobile
Batesvill e, Arkansas. There will Gates open for the sellers and check-in on .19/.79<>r .52/.52. For
be a fi sh fry on Saturda y and a dealers at 6:00 am and to the BEAVER PA i n f o rma t i on , co nt ac t Ma x
pancake breakfast on Sunda y. public from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. JUL 15 Lebo ld WA8SHP, 10877 Hazel-
Camping and motel rooms will Indoor dea ler tables are $4.00 The Beaver Valley Amat eur view Ave., Allia nce OH 44601 .
be availa ble. For further infor- each by advance regi strati on. Radio Associ ation will hold its
mation, cont act Robert Glines Drawing-only ti cket s are avail - 2nd annual hamfest on Sunday, GUANA JUATO MEX
W B5 KUI/A DN 2M H , Bo x 97, able by mai l or at the gate fo r Ju ly 15, 1979, from 9:00 am to JUL 19·21
Floral AR 72534, or phone (501)- $1.00 each. Flea market spaces 5:00 pm at Brady's Aun Park on The first annua l ARARM-
345-2880. are $1.00 each. There will be Ate. 51 west from Beaver, Penn- LMRE will be held in Guana-
over 100 prizes, including a Den- sylvania. Shelters 12 and 17 will [uato, Mexico, fro m July 19-21,
BELLEFO NTAINE OH Tron HF-200 transceiver, a Ten- be used. There will be free 1979. Guanaju at o is loc ated
JUL 1 Tee 509, a DenTron GLA·1000, a space for vendo rs. Ticke ts are 230 miles nort h of Mexico City.
The Champaign Logan Ama- Wilson Mark II, and an Opto- $3.00. Talk-in on .52 and dire c- Registration will be US $13.00.
t eur Radio Club, Inc., will hold electronics cou nter. There will tion s on 146.251.85. For informa- A package wi ll be avail able fo r
its ann ual hamfest on Sunday, be plenty of food and free park- tion, wri te WB3FKE, 3414 47th US $40.00 and wi ll inc lude 2
Jul y 1, 1979,at the Logan Cou n- ing. Featured wil l be a large in- Street , New Brighton PA 15066. banquet s, 1 d i nne r dan ce ,
ty Fair groun ds, Sout h Mai n door exhibit hall for dea lers and sight -seeing, theater, and gift s.
St ree t a n d La k e Aven ue , a huge blacktopped midway for TERRE HAUTE IN Drawings will be held , wit h a
Bell efon tai ne, Ohio. There wil l flea market and trunk sales . JUL 15 gra nd priz e being an SSTV
be free admiss ion and door There will be free camping out- The 33rd annu al WVA RA set up. A total of 500 pri zes will
prizes. Trun k and tab le sales . side the gates on Friday night, Hamfest will be held on Jul y 15, be given away. The US $40.00
are $1.00, and there will also be but no hookups. For advance includes regi str ation . Hot els
1979, at th e Vigo County Fair-
a bid tab le. Talk-in on 146.52. regist rati on, info rmati on, or grounds, one mil e south of 1-70 are avail able with prices rang-
For more informatio n, co ntact ticket s, write NOARSFEST, PO Ing from US $10.00 and up for a
on US 41, Terre Haute , Indiana.
John L. WentzW8HFK, Box 102, Box 354, Lorain OH 44052. double room. Engli sh-speaking
Overnight ca mping will be avai l-
Wes t Libert y OH 43357, or able. There will be a free flea guides are availa ble from the
Frank Knull W8J S, 402 Lafay- INDIANAPOLIS IN market, a covered fle a market at University of Guanaj uato . Talk-
ett e Ave., Urbana OH 43078. JUL 8 $2.00 for a 12' x 12' space with In on 147.63/.03, 146.101.70, and
The Ind ianapoli s Amateur so me t ables and ac avail able, 149.221.82. HF/SSB frequenc ies
DUNKIRK NY Radio Assoc iation wi ll sponsor XYL bing o, food , refreshm ent s, wil l also be operating, and we
JUL 1 th e Indianapoli s Hamfest on and valuable prizes. Advance
Sunday, Jul y 8, 1979, at the ti cket sales are $1.50 or 4 for Continued on page 182
The North western New York

Ever nonce how other magazines published in
the field of radio electronics a re just like the
ones before them -same old su bjects, same
predictable 'fjew. same old editorials?

Each issJ~ of 73 is an entirely new bo ok : over 194 page s Inclu ding over 25 art icles of new material eac h month ,
separate "and special, unlike all that have come before it . 73 led the way in developing the use of so lid-state cir-
cuitry andwas the f irst to promote SSTV, radioteletype, co mput er applicat ions for radi o communicati ons , and
single sideband, to name a few . In addition , t he staff o f 73 is w ork ing on another scoop that you won 't wa nt to
miss. "
In o ne issu e y o u mi ght find build ing projects a nd informati on on antennas , mo onboun clnq , and mountaintopping .
In th e next iss ue you might read abo ut com pute rs, radiote letype, traff ic ha ndl ing, and sate llites .
Thi s is a heft y magazin e, wi t h more art ic les each month t han any two of t he-ot her ham magazi nes combined, and
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~\tagazine _ Subscri pti on Dept. Box 931 _ Farmingda le NY 11737 I 73 MagaZin~u~iption Dept . ~1~mingda~1~
Tennamatic: An Auto-Tuning Mobile
Antenna System
- wor ks all of 40 and 75

Farewell to fading,

and 75 me ter ph one band s use t ra nsce ive rs ha vin g st art talking, and th e Ten-
B. F. Bro wn W6TWW wi th a vsw r no t exc eed ing sol id-state fi nals and o b- namatic will tu ne yo ur m o-
/24 / A rroy o Seco Dr. 1.15 to 1 ? W ith a Ten na- tai n full output power o n bi le anten na syst em to
Camp bell CA 95008 matic , you can conve rt a any f req uenc y in th e40 or . re son a nce automati ca ll y,
hi gh-Q narr ow-band wi d th 75 me t e r p ho ne ba nds ensur ing m aximum f ie ld

W o u l d y o u l i k e to
opera te yo ur mobi le
station over the en tire 40
mobile ant enna into a
w id e-ba ndw i d t h sys tem .
This means th at you ca n
w itho ut any manu al tuning
oper at io ns. Al l you have t o
st rengt h. Of co urse, if yo ur
tra nsce ive r has tub es in the
do i s sele ct fr equ en c y, fi nal, you w il rstill have to
ret u ne it wh en you QSY.
Specifi c a t i o ns for the
T e nnam atic are listed in
Tabl e1 .
About two yea rs ago , I
met Do n Johnson W6AA Q,
and I ad opted hi s " b ig DK "
mob ile a ntenna system . He
subseq ue nt ly descr ib ed it
in his October, 1976, 73
Magil zine a rt icle en titl ed
" Bu il d a Wei rd 2 Band M o-
bil e A nt enn a." Hi s antenna
neat ly so lved th e prob lem
of need ing t o change an-
te nna loadin g coils w he n
band -hop pin g be tween 40
and 75 m et er s. It a lso
proved to be an exception-
ally eff ic ient rad iator co m-
par ed to t he com merc ials,
but it wa s st ill limi t ed t o
only a few kH z of usab le
band w idth on each band ,
and I wa nted f ull ba nd
co verage .
The neat pa ckaging of the Tennamatic can be duplicated easil y, The co ntrol head, tuner T o obta i n fu l l band
co ver, and end p ieces are O.040-inch soft alum inum cu t in a paper c utter and folded in a coverage, I added a motor-
vise us ing woo d b locks. The c hassis is described in the text. driven ro ller indu ct o r at

t he ba se of the anten na TO ANT

and a contro l sw itc h at the

dri ve r's se a t, a llowing me J 270 n

to QSY th e antenn a reso- 1/ 4 W

± IO %
n an t f req ue n cy . T h is
wor ke d bea utif u l ly fo r li4 .,.,
e to ... 1/ 4 111' 1/ 4 \11
ab ou t six months until I ran 1"1914 tlO % t lO'lro

off a fr eewa y o ne day

w hi l e watc hi ng a fiel d 47 0 n
st rengt h m eter as I w as '.' 1/ 4 W
:!: 5 ~.

p ea k i ng the a n te n na .
Luck il y, no dam age was 4 70 11
1/ 4 \II'
! 5 'li.
do ne, but the experienc e
co nv i nc ed me th at f or safe - ~ ":'::c
" '--~
1<:10 Kf b

ty 's sake I had to get out of

p '"
1/4 W
±IO %

t he loop. Thi s c oncl usio n
'------I }- e • " Y "
required m e to d esign a ser-
v o sy ste m. ,
De sign Requirem ents
I decided t hat t he t uner I
would b e required t o tu ne I
automatica ll y over all of
th e 40 and 75 m eter ph one
ba nds a n d u se easi l y- Fig. 1. Tuning unit scnernanc, The o u tp ut transi5to rs and motor are di scu ssed i n th e text.
obtain abl e part s. The pa rt s The ja ck is a male chsssis-tvpe tones p lu g.
cou nt w as to be min imi zed
to keep rel iab i li t y high, t uning unit also contai ns a sim p ly say that if t he inpu t n e c t ed t o d i ago n a l l y-
comp licat ions ass ociate d t oroidal impedance-match- voltage (V in) is a p ositive oppo site t ra nsistors. When
w ith li mi t sw it c hes were to ing t ransfo rm er whi ch en- voltage betw een t he upper a co m pa ra tor switc hes o n
be avo ide d , and t he pow er sures a good im ped an ce and low er t hresho ld vo lt- and it s o utpu t goes low, it
hand l i ng c apabi l ity had to match bet wee n t he ant en- ages, t he o ut pu ts at both turn s on t he asso c iate d
be at l east 350 W atts PEP. na and coax ia l Iine. The co mpara tors w i l l be at sup - t ran sist or s, resul ti ng in o ne
It had to be easy to dup l i- co n t ro l hea d h a s di - pl y vol tage. If Vin ei t her side of t he moto r being
c ate, p resen t a pl ea sin g a p- rec t io n al in d i ca tor s, an exc eeds th e upper thresh- cl amped to-ground w hi le
pearance, and t he contro l au t o matic / ma nu a l o p era - o l d v o ltage o r i s l e ss th e other side is clamped
head had to be c ap ab le of ti on sw i t c h, a n a u t o - po sit ive t han t he l ow er to t he p o sit iv e su p p l y ,
being m o unted o n t he side matic/m anua l ind ic at o r, a t hresho ld vo lt age, o ne Qr t urn ing th e motor on. T he
of an At la s and be v isuall y ma nu a l sl ew i n g sw i t c h, t he o t her co rnp ar ato rs upper com pa rato r driv es
compatible. Last of al l, the and an im ped ance-m atch o utp ut w i ll be low . Th e t he motor in th e d irectio n
serv o syst em had to be sele cto r sw itc h. The un it s low-state o utp ut is ab ou t whi ch redu ces indu ct ance,
un iquely sim ple, have a 3- are show n in t he photo- o ne-ha lf vo lt po sitive. rai sin g the antenn a syste m
or 4-kHz dead ba nd so it graphs. reson an t f requ ency. T he
Referring ba ck t o Fig. 1,
w o uld not hun t or ji tter [o w er comp a rat or d ri v es
Th e Ci rc u i t it w ill be seen t hat th e com-
aro und in t he voice pa ss t he m otor i n t he o ppos it e
The c i rc uit whi ch I pa rator o u tp u ts a re con -
band , pro v id e co ns ta nt di rection, inc reasing i nd uc -
motor torque w hile t uni ng, design ed is depi cted in Fig. t an ce and lowering t he an-
and ope rate reli abl y ov er a 1. To under st an d its opera- te n na. svst ern reso nan t f re-
pl us ten-t o-f ifteen-vo lt sup- t ion , it is be st to st art w it h qu en cy.
p ly vo ltage ran ge. a n expla na t io n o f t he serv o
syst em and work ba ck- '"' >-- ----'tf'-- > ,,-"-_ VI OUT
Th e Syst em w ard s to w ard t he i nput. 2:TO.ll

These desi gn require- The syste m t hat I selected

m en t s l ed to a sy ste m is k now n as a " b ang b ang" I N 3019

co nsist ing of tw o un its. servo syste m in aero spa ce

On e u nit is a co ntro l head circl es. It is eit he r off or o n , >,,-"-- Vl OUT
an d t he other is t he tuning in o ne di rec tion of ro tation
u ni t. T he tu n ing u nit co n- or t he o t he r and prov ides f ll O","

ta ins a phase detec tor and f u ll m oto r to rq ue w hen o n. PH ASE "IlET." >----4- ..
a s e rvo syste m whi ch Fig . 2 i s a si m p li f ied Circuit states
driv es a perm an ent-m ag- di agr am of th e servo. I t Yin < Vut : V1 o ut is high
net dc gear motor. Th e uses tw o LM 311N vo ltage Yin >Vu : V2 ou t Is high 5_6 ~

Yin > Vut : V1 o ut is low

m o to r t u rn s a roll e r i ndu c- co m p ara t o r integ rated ci r-
Yi n <Vu : V2 o ut is low
tor taken fr om a su rplu s cu its con nec te d as a w in-
T 21/AR C-5 o r T22fA RC-5 dow com p ara t o r. Th e c i r- Fig. 2. Window co mparator Fig. 3. Window co mparator
co m m a nd t ra ns m it t e r. The cu it stat es li st ed in Fig. 2 servo simp til ied d iagram. regulated-vo ltage divider.

LO@ Ellf . »I TENN A

BROWI; ~" ...

~- ~R E E N

W,l r CHIN G
,, +1

_ 5 30

rf-, ~
6r+-----J A L AC K
e, ~ "'; .~ j / »:

...L $I ''i OF BOARD

• - LowiR3~
Fig. 4. The co ntrol head assembl y co nnects to the Jo nes-
t ype plug, Pl , thr ough 20 fee t of TV ro tator cab le. The Fig. 5. Tuner un it w iri ng diagram.
diodes are Rad io Shack part number 276-11 01.
t he a nte nna c irc uit t o act resonance. It co m pe n-
Fig. 3 shows th e input cir- parator inputs to swing ground. Wh en the inpu t sates f or the indu c tive
cu it to the vo ltage com - frequ en cy is hi ghe r t han
above V ut or below Vl t. reactance in serted by th e
pa rato rs. Th e com parators de pendi ng upon th e off fr e-
the ante nna system reso- tor oid al a n t e n na i m -
must operate w ith the ir in- nant freq uency, t he p hase ped an c e-m atchin g tran s-
quency condition existing
puts positive w it h respec t at t he t ime. Th e vo ltage
de tector p roduces a d c f orm er. The redu ced ou t-
to grou nd, m aking it ne e- output vo lt age acro ss the
divider is ze ner regulated put f rom t he low sid e of
essary to ref erence t he to hold the sw itc hi ngtwo 100k lo ad resistors t he phase detector c aused
phase det ecto r to a point th resho ld s co nstant. Th e
wh ic h i s positive with by th e t ri mp ot resul t s in
above grou nd. Thi s ref er- vo l tage d rop s ac ross t he
respect to t he sli d er on t he nee d fo r i nc re me nta l.
ence point is th e j unc t io n two 470-0hm resist ors set
tr impot . Conversely, if t he d o ~n w a rd QSY o n 75
of t h e t w o 470-0hm th e wi dth of t he dead-
input f req uency is lower me t e rs w i t h pau ses t o
resistors. Th e out put of th e band to 3 kH z on 75 met ers
than th e ant enna syste m . allow th e serv o syste m to
ph ase d etect or is c o n- and 4 kH z o n 40 me t ers.
reson ant f re q uency , t he catch u p. Even so, a QSY
nect ed to V in and w ill be a ou t p ut dc v oltage is
The ph ase dete ctor co m- from 4000 kH z to 3800 kH z
vo ltage w hic h will swing negative.
pares t he ph ase rela t io n- takes less t han"30 seco nds.
posit ive or negative with ship be tween t he current Th e trimpot is adju sted Th e im ped an c e-m at ch -
respect to the reference f lowi ng in the ante nna cir-
in operatio n to cause the ing t ransformer is neces-
po int, caus ing t he co m- phase detector to find ex~ sary w ith the D K antenna
cuit and th e voltage from
-" because of its low input im-
ped ance at reson ance. The
ta ps are set at th e 10-0hm
poin t fo r 40 me ters and at
- ·t he 14-0hm point for 75

r meters. Th ese low inpu t im-

ped an ce va lues ar e ex-

ce l lent ind i cat o rs of t he
low - lo ss c ha racte ris t ics
and hig h performa nce of
t he an tenna. Rel ay K1, a
Po ll e r and Br um f i eld
KT11 D 12 V dc 5-A mpe re
co ntac t re lay, selec ts th e
app ro pria te tap and is co n-
troll ed by a manu al switc h
on th e co nt ro l head .
Fi g . 4 depi ct s t he
sc hematic of th e co nt ro l

I- , •
head . A ll of t he switc hes,
d io de s, and 1 2 V dc in-

• dicator l amps are f ro m
Radi o Shac k. Switc h 51
p ro vid es fo r sw i tc hi ng th e
tun er into the automa tic or
m anual mode and is a
M ounting details of the roller inductor, gear motor, and shaft co up le r i llustra te the pu sh-on /pu sh-off sw itc h.
m echanical simp l ic it y of the unit. 53 prov id es capability to

ma nu all y slew t he tu ne r up loo ps an d w ill go " a pe " if T10 6 RED CORE

o r down in freque ncy . It is yo u un kn owingly bui ld in a r-- '''''~

, - -
a DP DT ce nt e r-off-type grou nd loop a s a result of a I
sw itc h. I have found tha t I circ u it ry c h a n ge . A lso, I
use it ra re ly in o pe rat io n, kee p so me s paci ng be- I

but it is nice to ha ve in ca se twee n the c o ntro l ca b le

yo u ne ed it. It is nee ded an d t he co axia l line, as rf IO.1!!
d u ring the install a t ion ad- p ick up in t he c o ntro l ca b le '"
justme nts. S2 o pera te s t he ca n lead to errat ic opera-
a nten na- matc hi ng t ra ns - tion. The wiring d iagram is
former tap-se lector re lay . sho wn in Fig. 5. The only
No powe r on/off switch is p recauti o n here is to note ".
lI ot TUR"' l

pr o vi d ed , as p o w er is the d irection of the a nte n-

ta ken direc t ly fro m t he na w ir e as it goes t hrough
transcei v er. Th is preve nt s the hol e in th e to ro ida l
inad v er t en tl y le a vin g
powe r o n t he t un er u nless ,
phase-sen sing tr ansf o rmer.
If it goes th ro ug h fr o m th e
o f course , yo u forge t to wrong side of t he printe d COil. CRI'olP S LEEVE "'''0 S OL -
DER:. S LEEII E IS Q 2 51 n l O'l G
tu rn th e t ra nsc e ive r off c ircu it board, the tu ne r will ID IS 3132 1n

wh e n you leave th e c a r. dri ve a way from r eso -

Const ruct io n
Fig. 6. Toro idal im pedance-m atching transformer de tails.
The pho tog ra phs of th e Ante nna-Mat ching No tes: Cut two wires 24 " long and wind in parallel for a
t uner reve al ho w sim ple Transformer bi fi/ar winding. Each wind ing is to have 14 turns. Taps and
t he unit is to d upl ica te . It is A T-10 6 re d to ro id a l wires 1 and 4 are to be 2" long. Wires 2 and 3 are to be
bu ilt o n a sta nda rd 2" x 4" core, o bta ine d fro m e ithe r twisted and so ldered and not to exceed V, " lo ng. All wire
x 8" a lum inum c hassis, C .R. Whitehouse or Am i- sho uld be A WC #18 enamel. Dip it in General Cement Red
and t he mo tor bracket, end d o n Asso c iates, both of Gl ypt and hang up to dr y before use .
pane ls, c ove r, a nd bottom wh ich adv e rt ise in se ve ra l
p lat e are eas ily co n- am ateu r m agazines, is t he other t ha n t he bi g DK, yo u Phase-Detector
s t r u c t e d in t he ho m e he ar t of t he t ran sfo rm er. mus t determ in e th e anten- Tr ansformer
wo rks ho p. Sev era l W6 s Fig. 6 pro vide s a ll neces- na i np ut i m ped anc e in Co nst ruc t io n det ail s of
have bui lt t he tune r a nd .sa ry de ta ils fo r co nst ruc- O hms at reso na nce wit h a n thi s t ra nsf o rme r a re d e-
ma de Plexiglas" covers ti on . The sleev e fo r secu r- ante nna noise bridge a nd pi cted in F.ig. 7. Wh e n
so th a t they ca n se e the ing t he taps is a mo del th e n dete rmine th e co rrec t wind ing t he tra nsfor me r,
roll er coil go into opera- airp la ne co pper gas line ta p position from Ta b le 2. be su re t hat the wires re-
t ion wh en they QSY. The o bta ine d fro m a hobby If yo u d o n't use th e DK, main paral lel to each o the r
layo ut I se lected resul ts in s ho p a nd c ut to le ngt h w ith you wil l s t il l ha ve t o -.. wi t ho ut an y crossovers .
minim um ante n na-c i rc u it a ha ck saw. Sho u ld you de- c ha nge lo ad ing co ils whe n Al so , c o un t eac h pass
wire le ngt h a nd shou ld be si re to use an ante nna cha nging ba nds . th roug h th e hol e a s a turn.
d u p lic ated as cl ose ly as
possi b le.
Do n' t ge t inn o va tive by
trying to re d uce co nd uc -
tors in th e control cable.
You ca n qu ick ly get into
tro uble beca use t he vo lt-
age comparators are sensi-
t ive to rf a nd to gro und
_ I~ 8 I FI i.411 T LJ A ~ S

! Aw l> 'ljO.26
EIO. ...ElE D "' IRE

3/ 9i n FROM

Fig. 7. Phase-d ete ctor trans- I .',
former details . No te: Cut
two wires 12" lon g and
wind in parallel for bifilar
win d ing. Connect the op- The un der chassis view further illustrates the mechan ical as we ll as the electrica l simplici-
p osite ends together as t y of the unit. The toroidal antenna impedan ce-matching tran s former is hidde n by the
sho wn for center tap. ma so ni te clam ping pieces . The prop under the cha ssis is a ph otograp hic lens case.
Frequ enc y rang e: 75m -200 k Hz
40m - 300 k Hz
"Slewinq rate : 75m -6 kH z/se c.
40m - 40 k Hz/se c.
Min imum At: 75m - requires 3 kHz QSY to
activate tu ne r
anm -c-requt res 4 kH z QSY to
activat e t un er
Maximum At: 75m - 50 k Hz (OSY o f 200
kHz in four incre-
m ents of 50 kH z re-
quires less than 30
se co nds.)
40m -200 k Hz (OSY o f 200
k Hz requires tess
th an 5 second s.)
Vswr : ty pica l ly 1.15 to 1 o r better
a fter t uning co mpleted
Mod es: autom a ti c/manual
Input vo lt age: 10 to 15 V dc, neg ative
gr ou nd
This neat installation of the tuning unit in the left rear win- Input c urre nt: 420 rnA at 13.8 V de w hi le
dow of my statio n wagon permits a short lead-in fro m the tu ning; 125 rnA at 13.8 V de
ball mou nt ou tsi de. after t un ing co mp leted
Po w er ra t in g: 350 Wa tts PEP
Rem em ber that it is im- how ev er , it is the sma lle st
possi b le to w ind a ha lf t u rn a nd ne atest so lutio n to the Table 1. Tennamatic specifica tions. ' FuJI carr ier insert ed.
o n a toro id . Th is t ransform - dr ive-mo to r prob lem a nd On SS B, the slew ing rate is slight ly slo wer d ue to speech
e r need not be dippe d in well wo rth it. pauses.
Ge n e ral Cem ent Re d Others who hav e built
Glypt, a lt ho ugh yo u may th is tu ne r hav e f ou nd turned out o n a la t he and is PNP powe r-ta b tr a nsisto rs,
do so if yo u wish. va rious surp lus moto rs or simp ly bol te d w ith t hree part number 92C U2227 , o r
used wind o w c ran k- up 6-32 ma chine sc rew s to the Radi o Shac k PNP pow e r-
G ear M o tor motors obtained from a uto thum bw hee l. Fig. 8 · pro- tab tra nsist or s, part num-
The gea r mo tor w hich I w reck i ng ya rds . T hes e v i des th e di m en si on a l ber 276 -1641 . Both type s
used a nd reco mmend is a hi gh -curr en t m o t ors are de ta ils. O ne of t he p hoto- a re rated at 35 Watts with
Magna-T or e! pe rma ne nt- q u ite bu lky, do no t a llow gra phs shows how it loo ks su itab le heatsm king . He at
magnet 24 V dc mo tor with neat pa ckaging of the when the mo to r a nd rol le r sink ing is not requi red in
a ty pe B gear reduction system, and a lso req ui re co il are coupled together. this appl ication .
unit. Operated in th e Te n- the additio n of rel ays to If you use the Pol y Pa ks
nam at ie, t his m o t or w i ll th e out put of the t uner, Printed Circuit Board -.. tra ns isto rs, bend th e tabs
t urn th e rol ler ind uc tor a t sinc e th e tra nsisto rs ca n Fig. 9 de pi cts th e pr inted at right an gle s to the bo dy
ap p rox ima te ly o ne revo lu - not dri ve the m dir e ctly. circ u it bo ard . Be sure t hat of th e tr ansisto rsto ensu re
tio n pe r seco nd. Th e m oto r Thes e sur p lus moto rs do yo u wa tc h t he po lari ty of that t hey cl e ar other co m-
is manu fa c ture d by th e ha ve th e adva ntage of be- the ph a se-de te c tor d iodes - . pon ents m oun ted on t he
H a n se n Manuf actu r i ng ing c he ap, howeve r. whe n y o u insert t he m . boa rd . Make t he be nd
Co ., Princeton , I ndi an a Also , it is a very good idea abo ut a qu ar te r inc h fro m
47670 . It ma y also be o b- Shaft Coupler to use integr a ted ci rcui t t he body of the tra nsistor.
tain ed from Ha rtfield, Ke n- The s haft coup le r mates so c ke ts instead of so ld e r- Te st th e m ca re fu lly for
nan , a nd Freyta g, PO Box the gear motor dri ve sha ft ing the int eg ra ted ci rc u its le ak age bef or e yo u so lde r
328, Fremont CA 94536. to t he thumbw hee l o n the dir ect ly into t he bo ard . The th em becau se I have fou nd
Th e moto r is expens ive at e nd of t he roller ind ucto r. f o ur ou tp ut tr an sistor s can t hat a bo ut 25% of t he m
a bo ut $2 1 .50 per co py ; It is made o f alumi num be Po ly Pak s gre en- body a re too lea ky to wor k prop-
e rly in th is c irc uit. They
will ca use the di rectional
ind ic a tor lig hts to ligh t
~/ 1 6 eve n w hen t he syst em is at
reson an c e. I' v e h ad no
trouble with Radio Shac k
tran sistors.
1 1/4
The ph o to gr aph of t he
unde rside of th e c ha ss is

JI .ceo naorus
sho ws the p rinted c irc u it
board as insta lled in the
tuner. The t rim pot was
L" fl6REF mou nted o n t he fo il side o f
the board be cause, wh en
Fig. 8. Shaft coup ler. t hree-q u a rte r-inc h s ta nd-
o ff s f or su pporti ng th e
bo ard a re used, th e screw-

dri ver access hole in the
side of t he chassis fa ll s
m idway in th e side .
I h av e a few ext ra
pr i n t ed ci r c u i t b o a rd s
availa b le at $5.00 eac h fo r
th ose who pr ef er not to
m ake t heir own .

In stallation
M oun t t he t uning uni t as
clo se as po ssible to th e

base of your antenn a. Con-
nec t t he base of the anten-
na to t he tuning unit with
in sul at ed AWG #1 2 o r#14
w ire. Do not under a ny cir-
cumstances use coa x to Fig. 9(a). PC board.
connect the antenna to the
tune r! M ake sure t ha t you change ba nds look ing for one at a t ime . Be sure to number of kHz per inch for
gro und t he tu ni ng unit to resonance. check t he reso nan t fre- eac h band. Thi s wi ll co m-
t he c ar bo dy by m eans of No w t hat yo u know qu en cy o n eac h band af ter plete t he ante nna tu ni ng
sheet metal screws or a w here the ante nna syste m each ad j ustment becau se proce dure.
sho rt bo ndi ng st ra p. Use resonances a re, yo u ca n t hey inte rac t , and it is
50-O hm coaxial ca b le to pro ceed t o raise t hem by essentia l t hat yo u do not Tun er Tr impot Adju stment
connec t t he tuning uni t to removing turns from the go to o fa r. By th e t ime Th is ad j ustm en t is made
your tra nsceiver. RG-58A/ U loading coil , sho rte ning t he resonance is appro ach ing to cause t he tu ne r to tun e "
is sat i sf ac t o ry, and th e w hips, or by a c om b inat io n t he upper ba nd edg e on 75 fo r maximum f ie ld st re ngt h
length is not crit ica l. of both methods, If th e two and 40 meters, yo u sho ul d (co inc ident w ith minimum
O ne photograph sho ws resonanc es are as low as hav e d et ermined th e vsw r). W hen ad j ust edon 40
how I mounted the tun er in 3900 kH z and 7150 kHz ap- num ber of kH z per in ch of meters, it w ill also be co r-
m y sta t io n wagon . Af ter pro xim atel y, yo u m ay f ind fr equ ency change yo u get rect o n 75 me ter s. Ad j ust
mount ing th e con t rol head it be tte r to rem ove a tu rn wi t h eac h inch cut off . The as fo llows: '-
to t he t ransce iv er (I used o r two fr om th e bottom of kH z-per-in ch fi gure will be 1. M ak e sure your ve hi-
Vel cro" fa stening t ape), th e lo ad ing co il and on e or di fferent for each w hip . cle is at least fi f teen feet
co nnec t th e co ntrol head mor e tu rn s from t he top of After reaching 3995 k l-lz, _aw ay fro m o t her vehicles,
po w er l ead t o th e t rans- th e lo ad ing coil in or der to and 7295 kHz, ' cut off an trees , buil dings, or met allic
ceive r so t hat t he t rans- m inimize t he amou nt t hat add it io nal inc rement fr o m objec ts .
ceive r power sw itc h w ill must be tri mm ed off t he eac h wh ip de term ined by 2. Turn t he trimpot full y
co n t ro l ap p lic atio n of w hip s. Remove tu rns only d iv id ing 30 k Hz by th e c o u n t e r c l o c k w i se , a n d
powe r to you r Te nna mat ic.

DK Antenn a Adjustm ent

A f ter in st allation of y ou r
Tennam ati c, your DK an-
t enn a (o r other antenna)
mu st be retuned to be reso-
n ant o n approxim atel y
4025 and 7325 kHz . For th is
adj ust ment, the ro lle r in-
ductor mu st be slew ed to
mini mum indu ctance using
t he m anual slew ing switc h.
Next, yo u mu st deter m ine
t he a ntenna resonan t fre -
q uency on both 75 and 40
me ter s usi ng yo ur v swr
br id ge or f ie l d-st rength
meter. Resona nce wi ll be
lower th an it wa s bef or e
the Te nnama tic was in- Fig.9(b). Compon ent lo cation s viewed thro ugh the foil side o f the board . W hen installing
sta l led . D on 't ov e rlo o k the LM3 11N integrated circuits, line up the do t on the IC with the dot shown on the
changing the imped an ce- o utline o f th e board. The T-44 ph ase-sen sing transformer may be glued to the board. The
m at ching tap wh en you four output transistors are mounted against the board.
Ant enn a input Winding A Winding B Op eratin g Results mobi le signa l th at I fr e-
impedance turn number turn number quently have to co nv ince
With a yea r and a half of
3.13 7 op erat ing exp er ie nce, t he my c o ntact th at I am reall y
4.08 8 Tennama t ic has d emon- mobi le!
5.17 9 st rat ed tha t hig h-Q mobile Ther e is o ne thin g th at
6.38 10 anten nas ar e ext rem e l y th e Tenna mat i c c an no t
7.72 11 sensit iv e t o t he env iro n- co m pensate fo r. Th at is
9.18 12 ment arou nd t hem . For ex- another 75 o r 40 me ter
10.78 13 ample, a dense fog w ill mob il e parked up to twen -
12.5 14 lowe r t he antenna syste m ty f eet aw ay. Th e mutu al
14.34 1 resonant f requency on 75 co up li ng bet wee n ant en-
16.33 2 mete rs by as mu ch as 25 nas, refl ected signal, and
18.43 3 k Hz, but th e Ten nam at ic p hase shifts cause it to go
20.66 4 wi ll compen sate by ro ll ing " ape." So, if yo u bu ild one,
23.02 5 th e indu ctor to less indu c- d on 't proudl y t ry to dem-
25.51 6 t ance. I leave it in th e o nstrat e it when pa rked
28.13 7 auto ma t i c m od e at all near ano the r mobil e.
30.87 8 tim es w hile d riving, and, as
33.74 9 long as I am ta lk ing, it w ill Acknowle dgement
36.73 10 co m pe nsat e q ui ck ly f o r I wo u ld like to
39.86 11 t he detunin g c aused by a ck now ledge w it h m y
passing t ru ck s, cars, trees, t ha nks t he numerou s sug-
Tabl e 2. Tran sfo rmer tap s requi red fo r vario us ant enna in- fr ee w a y ov e r pas ses, ges t io ns m ad e by Do n
put im pedances to match 50-O hm co axi al li ne. br idges , and re sid enti al Johnson W 6A AQ as thi s
th en p reset it six tu rn s ind ic at or, tw eak th e t r im- power lin e drops as you project proceeded th rough
cl ock wi se. pot un ti l you ob serve max- d r ive und er t he m . T he t he breadboard , prot ot ype,
3.Turn o n yo ur t ranscei v- im um f ie ld stre ngth o r resul t is t hat most of t he f in al desig n, and evalua-
er. Place it in the tune m inimum vsw r. The Ten- ch arac t eri sti c mobile fad e, t io n ph ases. I also wi sh t o
mode with carr ier in sert ed namatic mu st be in th e which I no w reali ze is du e express m y grateful ap-
on t he 40 meter band . auto ma t ic mode fo r t his to antenna detu ning, is prec i a tio n for t he
4 . Whi l e wat chin g a ad justme nt. You r unit is el im inated . The resu1t is phot og ra phy p rov ided by
f ield-strength met er o r vsw r now ready to o perate . su c h a st ro n g st e a dy Jerr y Ful sto ne WA6EJV. •

~~~.;WC)-/' ~ -/~-<
~. ~(;~;;~~:~~
COMPLETE A S SHOWN w ith 9 0 ft. RG 5 8U-52 ohm feedllne, and PL259 connec t or, Insulators, 30 f t.
3 00 II). t est a u on end supports , eee tee co nnector w it h tNllt In IIghn lng arrester and st atlc dbcMfge -
molded, s ee'e d, w eath erpro ol ,fe. onant trap s1"XS".you just .wltch t o bend desll' ed f or exce ll ent wOfld wl de
opera tio n _ tra nsmlt tl ng and r ecl""' ng! WT. LESS THAN 5 LBS.
16 0-80- -40- 2 ()'15-10 bands 2 tre p__ wfth 90 It. RG 5BU _ eonneet or . Modal TT7BU • • . $ 5 9 .95
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138 V Reader Service-see page 211

KENWOOD ::=:::=~~=1ifU'~

What's uniqueaboul thePll circuit in the T8-12051 TS- 120S

A single-conversion Pl L (phase-locked 100f ) systemis employed in the table. Theoutput passes through a lowpass filter (LPF1) and is amplified,
TS-120S. Onlyonecrystal isrequired,instead a aheterodyne crystal element andthe resulting digital signalisdivided byaprogrammabledivider, produc-
foreach band, re sulting in simplification of circuitry, andamarked improve- ing a 500-kHz output.
ment in overa ll stability. Th e single-conversion PLL system also improves "Information" from the band switches is converted into BCDsignals in
the spurious characteristics during transmission an d reception, and ma kes the counter and the division ratio as sh own in the table is preset. Th e loop -
IF shift operation and mono-dial indication avai labl e on anymodel. filter co nsists of trans istors mounted on the outsid e to minimi ze signals. A
The veo frequency is obtained from the PLl circuit by synthesizing the Motorola MC4044P functions as the phase compa rator. Five veo circuits
VFOand CARfrequencies and reference oscillating frequencies of 10 MHz with high -output transistors cover all of the bands.
and 500 kHz supplied bythe counter. Bandswitching is accomplished by If the output of thephase comparator unlocks, veooutput is switched
changing thepreset valueofthepro grammabledivider inthePl l. Therefore, off to prevent emission at unwanted frequencies an d, atthe same time, the
when switching bands. the frequ ency (except, of course, the1-MHz and to- digital display blanks to warn the operator.
MHz ord erdigits) remainsthesame. Thefrequencies foreachbandan dPLl
stage are shown in thetable.
What isthe concept of the TS-120Sdigital counter fordisplaying frequencies?
. The T5-1205 digital counter employs a VFOfrequencycountmg system:
First, the VFO frequ ency is mixed with a 5·MHz signal obtained from the
rererenceoscillato rchainandisconvertedto0.5to1MHz.Th issignal passes
through a lowpass filter, is amplified, buffered, and shaped into a digital
(squ are)wave, pa sses through au.t-seeond gate circuit , and is app liedto a
four-digit counter. The Si gnal is cou nted fro m10 Hz to100 kHz andis fedto
a presetcounter to derive the carrier output.
Th e lOO-kHz order digit presets at 5 to diS81 ay t~e _operating frequency
onthe 3.5. 28.5.'29.5. and WNV bands. andat tordlSpl'aj4ll1 7.0. 14 0. 21.0,
us a . u,.
lM •• ,.s
u . 28.0, and 29.0MHz. The1-MHz andlO-MH zorder digits aredetermined bya
CWllll · ·· .. S U .
c..m · ·. .0 1 U . matrix operating with bandswitch information.
Thecounter outputs areswitchedbythemultiplexer and converted from
BCDto seven -se gment information by the decoder to light the fluorescent
displaytub es.Thelargedigitshave.goodluminousintensityand adarkfilter.
providmg fatigue-fre e viewing over long operating periods. The displaycan
beread easily, even in the car an d other sunlit locations.
The reference oscillator pro duces a 10-MHz signal and performs time-
base division, and generates gate pu lses, latch pulses, and-reset pulses,
wh ich are ap pliedtothe counter. The Pl l circuit produces lO-MHz an d500-
kHz outputs. The marker Circuit p-roduc es a 100-kHz Signal wh ich synchro-
nizes the 25-kHz multivibrator to obtain a marker signal as acc ura te as the
reference frequency.
The1/10 division at the first stage of the count-down chain utilizes low-
CO....O" ..". .. ROCO"'O ...0 TRA" S"" powe r Schottky TT L, and oth er divisions use CMOSICs for lowpower con-
sumption andminimum spuriousemission. WiththeIFshift circuit, the CAR
First, MIX(3) mixes the CARand VFOfrequencies. using a double bal- frequency is independent of both transmitting and receiving frequencies.
ancedmixer to reducespurioussignals.The output of MIX(3), after passing When theVFOfrequencyis counted,theoperatingfrequencyisindicated
through a bandpass filter (BPF3)isappliedtotheinputof MIX(1) on the 3.5 as accuratelyasthereferenceoscillato rfrequency, providedthatthe10·MHz
andl .O-MHz ban ds. On the14-MHz an d WWV bands, MIX(2)mixes theout- reference is cali brated to WWV.
put of MIX(3) with a lO-MHz signal from the counter-unit oscillator. On the True operating frequencies are displayed accurate to three digits (100-
21 and 28-MHz bands, MIX (2) mixes the oulput 01MIX(3) wilh a 20-MHz Hz order). regardless of CW transmitting and receiving frequencies or the
signal from a doubler connected to the counter-unit oscillator. position of the ba nd switch or mode switch. When the VFO is tuned to the
Theoutput 01 MIX(2)- cr MIX(1) onthe 3.5and l .O-MHzbands- ismixed extent that the l-MHz and lO-MHz orders are switched (beyond the band
with the VCOoutput at MIX (1), providing output frequencies shown in the edge), these digits are blank ed out.



WWY 14.5-15.0. 23.33-23.83 24.33-24.83 I 1.0 1/2 11I 0
3.5 3.5- 4.8 12.33-12.83 14.33-t4.83 2.8 1/4 1 1 80
7 I 7.0- 7.5 15.83-16.33 I 14.33-14.83 1.5 1/3 1 I 81
14 14.0-14.5 22.83-23.33 I 24.33-24.83 1.5 1/3 I 1101
21 I 21.0-21.5 29.83-30.33 34.33-34.83 4.5 1/9 I o11 1
28 28.8-28.5 36.83-37.33 34.33-34.83 2.5 1/5 t 01 I
28.5 28.5-29.0 37.33-37.83 34.33-34.83 3.0 1/6 I 010
29 29.0-29.5 37.83-38.33 34.33-34.83 3.5 1/7 1 08 I
29.5 29.5-30.8 38.33-38.83 34.33-34.83 4.0 1/8 I 000
William Epperhan, Jr. WB2D TY
7 Sampson Street
Oyster Bay NY 11771

Add Solid-State Braking to the T 2X

- a worthwhile improvement

Tam e yo ur Tailtwister.

T he T2X " Ta iltw iste r"

rotor by CDE is quite a
piec e of ma chi ne ry. It' s a
dow n while pressing eithe r
the cloc kw ise or counter-
clockwise direct ion switch.
towe r itsel f.
Holdi ng o nto the bra ke
re le ase switc h until t he
The c ircuit I de signed to ac -
ca mp iish th is consists of
four 1Cs, o ne op to isolator, a
he avy-duty rotor ca pa b le of Once t he antenna reaches rotor has had p lenty of time sma ll powe r supply, a nd a
turn ing an antenna system its de st ina tion , the direc- to coast to a stop is mu c h so lid sta te rel ay. All the
with 26 square feet of wind tio n switch mu st be re- easier in theory than in ac- parts, with the exception of
load, has a coast-down pre- leased first, fo llowed by the tua l prac tice . W hat this t he powe r t ra nsfo rme r,
brake action, a nd has a brake rel ease switc h after means is that sooner or filter capacitor, and bridge
wedge bra ke system t hat the an ten na has coasted to later you could have trou- rectifi er, are moun ted on a
ke eps th e ro tor from slip- a stop. If yo u sho uld let go bles, unless you can guaran- 5 v. " x 2 Y." perfboard using
ping when not in use. As an of the br ake rel ease switc h tee th at the wedge brak e stand ard wire-wr a pping
a d de d saf e ty fe at u re , befo re rele asing th e direc- won 't be constantly slam- tech niques. The entire c ir-
powe r is not del ivered to t io n sw itc h, o r if both ming into the gears of a cuit fits in the'l'etor co nt ro l
the d ire ctional co ntro ls un- switches are released simul- moving rotor. unit, and no modifications
til the wedge brake has taneously, the wedge brake O ne so lution to this prob- to e ither the rotor or the
bee n re le ased . will imm ed iately e ngage, lem is to e lectroni ca lly outside appea rance of the
In o rder to get the rotor bringing the syste m to an delay th e e ngage me nt of '" co ntrol unit are req uired .
to tu rn, you mu st press the ab rup t sto p, plac ing undue the wedge brake for a sm a ll Th t h t J
brak e re lease switc h o n the st rain on the rotor, mast, . d f ' f h e power a te ro 0 , s
pe rio a time a te r .t e brake soIeno id t an d d itree-
co nt ro l un it, hol d ing it a nte nna syste m, an d the rot or has sto ppe d turrung. . I ' . . it h d
tiona c irc u it rv IS SW I C e
by a Grayhill Solid Sta te
Rel a y, whi ch tak e s the
pla ce of the brak e re lease
sw it c h in th e o rig ina l
sc he mati c-see Figs. 1(a)
and 11b). The SSR is idea l fo r
this app lication fo r a num-
ber of reasons:
1 . Its ze ro voltage turn-on
and zero current turn-off
c ha rac te rist ics plu s it s
3000 -vol t-p er-rn ic rosecond
transient protection allow it
to switch a 110-V-ac indu c-
tive load at 4 Amps wit ho ut
the contact arcing fou nd in
a mech an ical rel ay.
2. It will switc h wit h 5 V dc
of c o nt ro l vo ltage an d
dr a w less t ha n 5 rnA of c ur-
rent, makin g it co mpati b le
with TTL.
3. It p hysica lly se pa rate s
,-------~ 1l 0 V AC
r----~ P OW E R TRA1'l$ FORMER PRIMjl. RY

S3 RE LEASE , '" TO U5Pl 'l l

TO U 5 PI 1'l2
'00' , •

L5K 1. 5K 1.5 K

3 0 VA C <: ~~" ' 0 04 C ~~ED

S~ f-
_ TO ROTOR ( L SI( 15 K

0-_ - ' ,.
. . . - TO ROTOR

r < S5
Fig. l(a). Detail of contro l unit (original versio n). All ~ ,.
resistor s l-\ Wa tt. " X" de notes wiring connectio n to the TO R OTOR
contro l un it PC board.
Fig. l (b). Detai l of con tro l unit (modified version). A ll
t he di gital contro l c irc uit ry t hese co m po nents . resistors v.l W att. "X" deno tes wiring co nnection to the
fro m th e load by m ean s of The input to t he d ig itia l co ntrol unit PC board.
opto iso l at ion, protecti ng c i r c u i t r y i s p hys i ca l l y
th e logic from any sp ikes sep arated f ro m t he roto r's Releasing th e d irecti on al there is room t o mou n t t he
that mig ht be ge nerat ed by direction co nt ro l v o lt age sw it c h t rigge rs t he 741 21 ~ -W a t t resist or s sep ara te -
th e brake sole noid . by an o ptoiso lato r (U5 ) wh ich pul ses t he N E555 ly on t he perf boa rd if y o u
4. It s sma l l size (1 cubic w hose d iod e is wi red in and hold s t he 55R o n fo r d on ' t h av e a n e t w ork
i nc h) e nabl es it to be ser ies wi t h t he LED di rec- ano t her f ive sec o nds. A s a han d y. It shou ld be noted -
mou nted d irectl y o n th e ti o nal ind icator s on th e resul t , it i s no l o n ger also 't hat I have connected
p erf bo ard , produci ng a co nt ro l unit - see Fig. 'l lb). nec essary to hol d down th e t he prim ary of t he di gita l
very co m pact mod if ic at io n By th e way, the o pt oiso la- brake rel ease sw itc h on ce logi c p ow er supply tr ans-
in t he rotor co nt ro l uni t. tor drops t he tota l cu rre nt t he ci rcui t has been ene r- f orm er - Fig. 1(b)- before
The rest of th e circuitry in eac h d ir ectio na l LED by gized . Th e wedge br ak e t he rot o r co ntro l unit
on th e pe rfb oard (Fig. 2) onl y 1 rnA and t her efore w il l no t engag e unless all " O f f/ O n 5wiiCiT' (51) so
det erm in es t he am o unt of does not affec t th e origin al three front p anel sw it c hes t hat power is suppl ied to
t ime th e 55R will rem ain brightn ess o f the i nd i- have rem ai ned open f o r t he I C s c o n t i n u o us l y .
energi z ed. Wh en t he br ak e cat ors. If eit her o ne of th e five second s. Clos ing any. A lt ho ug h yo u m igh t pref er
release sw itc h (53) on t he ro to r's di rec t ion al con t ro ls o ne o f t he sw itc hes du rin g -10 m ak e t he conne ctio n
fr ont pa nel is cl o sed, the is pressed whil e t he wedg e the five-second delay re- aft er th e sw itc h. t his wi ll
reset (p in 4) o n t he N E555 brake is release d , current sets t he t im er and rep eat s ten d to ene rgi ze the br ak e
tim er goes lo w , as does pi n w il l flow thr ough the diod e t he cycl e upo n release of so leno id as soo n as power
6 o n t he 7409, tu rni ng o n of the optoi sola tor. Thi s t he sw itc h. -Is app l i ed t o th e bo x.
t he 55 R, r e l easing t he c auses t he outp ut of th e In bui ld ing t his c irc uit, I Pow eri ng th e ICs co nstant-
w edge bra ke, and app ly ing optoiso lator to go low (Fig . u sed a 1 k resistor net w ork ly (t he digita l logi c draw s
p ower to t he ro tor' s d ir ec- 2), resettin g th e NE555 and in pl ace of mounting sep- co nsiderab ly less th an 100
ti o na l co ntro l s. When t he keeping th e 55R energize d . arate pu ll -up resistors, bu t rnA) no t o nly prevents th is.
sw i t c h i s r el ea sed . th e
74121 (w hic h is trigge red .,
on t he neg at ive-goi ng edg e -s
" .,. " .,
of its input pul se) appl ies a TO CO NNECTIO N -s .,

one-shot to t he N E555 , "
' 3 U I Il

w hic h i n t u rn goes hi gh at
" '0'
its ou t put . Th is keeps pin 6 a vs "
of th e 7409 lo w , al low ing ro
the 55 R to rem ain ener- OF RE O
7 <11 2 1
gi z ed f or approxima te ly L E OS
(f iG I bl

five mo re seco nd s. Th e
fi v e-second delay is det er- 53'\ REL EA SE
,;,S WITC H ., TO $$ R
m in ed by t he RC com bi na-
ti on of t he 3.3-m ego hm re-
s is t o r a nd t h e 1 - u F
ca p ac ito r on t he N E555 '---1"1 ' " P'-- - - - - - L - --- - :t:::;>'-t-t
and. ca n b e lengt hen ed or
sho rt ened by in c reasing or
dec reasing the va lu es o f Fig. 2. D ela y circuit. A ll resistors l-\ Watt. A ll capac itors m easur ed in u l,

14 1
+ S V de in orde r to get the wedge brake has bee n re-
p ro p e r read ing s) . Yo u leased). These could be
shou ld get a high-level logic added quite simp ly if de-
state on the probe or a little sired - see Figs. l(a) and
under S vo lts o n the vo lt- l(b ) - using t hr ee 1 .5k
me te r. Ground ing pin 1 or 1,4 -W att resistors and t hree
pin 2 on the 7400 sho uld HEPl 004 (1 N34A-type ) di-
Fig. 3. Po wer supp ly . c ha nge the reading to a odes. Altho ugh the d irec -
low-level logic sta te (unde r t ion ind ic ators are not real-
but also is bet ter for the ICs rectifier , a nd 1000-uF filter 1 vo lt on the vo ltme te r). ly necessary, th e brake re-
in t he long run sinc e th ey are ca pac itor (Fig. 3), is built o n W he n yo u re mo ve t he lease LE D does ind icate
not subje cted to surges the pe rfbo ard, the d igita l ground, the readi ng shou ld th e sta tus of th e wedge
that accompany t he a p- logic can be checked fo r stay low for a bo ut S'h sec- brake a nd I wo u ld reco m-
p lication of vo lt age to the any wi ri ng errors before onds before retu rning to its me nd th at you install it if
uni t. connect ing it to, or mount- original state . yo u p lan to use the brake
When co nne c t ing t he ing it in, t he rotor co nt ro l delay circ uit. It sho u ld be a
wire-wrap wire to the ssR unit. The 78 LOS vo ltage If the circu it checks out
simp le matter to mount the
" co nt ro l" pi ns, use th e wire- regulator will han dle up to co rre ctly, d iscon nect the
ext ra com ponents o n t he
wrap too l to make th e co n- 3S vo lts on its inpu t (al- lead s o n the brake release
pe rfboard .
nection, but make sur e you though it runs mu ch cool e r switc h (53) a nd solder t hem
to the " load" pins o n the In all, the addi tion of a n
so lde r th e wire to the pins. wit h th e 6.3-vo lt su pply e lect ronic brak e delav cir-
Nor ma lly, so lder is not used in t his proj ect) so yo u ssR. Now yo u ca n moun t cuit makes a good rotor
necessary wit h t he wire- ca n temporari ly powe r the the bo ard on t he bottom
better a nd may save you
wra ppi ng tec hnique, b ut pe rfboard wit h th e out put side of the co ntro l unit's
from the headache of roto r
the pins on the rel ay are of a standa rd 12-V-dc su p- chassis a nd hook up the
troub les a t a la te r dat e.•
round as opposed to the ply. Att ach a logic prob e or power supply as shown in
square w ire-wr ap pi ns, so vo ltmeter to pin 6 of the the sc he ma t ics in Figs. l (b)
so lde r shou ld be used to e n- 7409 (since th e 7409 has a n a nd 3. Connect a lead from Parts Li st
sure a solid co nnect io n. open co llec to r o utp ut, pin 6 one co ntact on the brake
release switc h to pin 2 of ICs
Since a ll of the circu itry, must be co nnec ted to pin 1
the 7400 a nd a lead from 1 SN7400 (U1)
with the exce pt ion of the of the ssRa nd pin 2 o n the 1 SN7409 (U2)
power tran sformer, bridg e ssR mu st be co nnec ted to the ot he r c o ntact to
1 SN74121 (U3)
ground . Unsolder the lead s
1 NE555 (U4)
f ro m co nnect io n points 2
1 IL 1 or eq~~ opt o lsolatc r
and S on the co ntro l un it's (U5)
printed circu it board (the 1 uA78L 05 s- vott vo ltage
~ /
board is numbered) a nd regu lator
I connect the m both to pin 2

(the cathode) on the o'p: " Resistors
toisolat o r (US). Con nect a 7 1k, 1f4-Watt , 10 %
._aleUI> ~.- )<. lead from pin 1 o n th e op- 1 10k , 1f4 -Watt , 19_°(0

Iupply_ " !/ -»',: to isola tor (US) to co nnec-

tion poin t 2 o n th e printe d- ·
1 3.3 megohm , 1f4 -Watt , 10%

,Ina. ,.- 0 12
circuit board. Connectio n
point 5 is not used . This
1000 uF, 35 vo lts
10 uF, 15 volt s
MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE co mp letes the modifi cation
of the rotor co ntrol un it. 1 5 uF, 15 vo lt s
1 1uF,1 5 volts
Althou gh I made th is 1 .33 uF , 35 volts
mod ificatio n o n the Tail-
NO MONKEY BUSINESS! twister roto r, the schematic
fo r the co nt ro l u nit is ve ry
.1 uF, 35 vo lt s
.01·uF disc ceramic

(A) Complete Service Facilities similar to the sc hem ati c of Miscellan eous
(B) Good Deals on most Brands t he Ha m II a nd Ham III 1 Power trans former, 6.3 V at
(C) Shipping within 24 Hours rotors. l·have not modified 300 mA (Rad io Sh ack 273·1384)
(D) All inquiries hand led by Active Hams wi t h the se rotors, but this circ uit 1 Bridge rect i fi er (Ra d io
over 20 years experience in ha m radio should wo rk with them a nd Shack 276·1151 or eq uiv .)
is wo rth checking into . The 1 SS R G ray h ill In c ., 56 1
CALL TOLL FREE Hill grove Ave. La Grange IL
on ly rea l diffe rence be-
1-800-238-6168 tween t he Ha m II/Ha m III
60525, Part no . 70S2-Q4·S-Q4·F
IN TE N N ESSEE, CA LL 901 4 524 276 sc he ma tics and the Tail-
MONDA Y - SATUROAY &30-5,30 twiste r sche matic is th a t the Soc kets
Tai ltwiste r has the three 2 a-pi n w ire-wrap soc kets
fro nt panel LEDs (two red 3 t a-ptn w ire-wrap so ckets
ones fo r directi o n ind ica- 1 Tran sistor socket for volt -
Write : 3202 Summer Ave., Memphis, Tennessee 38112
tion and one green one fo r age regul at or (Rad io Shac k
an indi cati on th a t t he 276·548)

142 V Reader Service-see page 21 I

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~~~==~ =~~==~~~~--~~~~
Compact Beams for 20 or 15
- build these when your quad bites the dust

light, neat, rugged .

Jerrold A. Swank W8HXR

657 Willabar Drive
Washington Court House
OH 43160

M y tower is just 11 feet

from my neighbor's
property line. The further I
stay away from his televi-
sion antenna, the better,
lest., 1 cause him TVI. I,
therefore, have long want-
ed a 20 meter beam that,
while a monobander ,
would not have a spread
so long as to go outsid e my
yard .
1 do not like th e regular
20 meter quad, as it is too
big and floppy and some-
what unsightly, besides be-
ing easily damaged by the
wind. I did not want to buy
a triband beam, since I can-
not op erate 1 5 or 10 me-
ters . I have only a three-
band rig.
At one time, I had a 15
meter quad up for a couple

of years, and it wo rked I mi gh t m ent io n a few
f ine, bu t si nce I ca nno t boob y tr ap s I fo und as I .- IN SUL A TOR

now wo rk 15, I wanted to we nt along . The f irst wa s

ma ke a 20 me ter be am out t hat t he st ore d t ubi ng had
o f m y quad . been stopped up by insect s · - 11' F IBUl GLASS
Ev ery o ne to ld me t ha t and egg sacs. I used a 5/8 A eeoc WI RE
t hi s plan wou ld not wor k, tw o met er m o bi le w hip •
~- U N U S E O STu es ON
including o ne nati on all y- wi t h th e ball rem ov ed to QUAD SP IDER

know n ante nna ex pe rt on pok e ou t so m e of the de- I I ll" "' AST I" G !>' HIGH
q uads. Th ey sai d t hat bend - bri s. I t he n pu t m y mou th
ing back the ends of the to the sm all end, ho ld in g
element s w o uld make it f ingers o ver t he ho l e whi ch
act like a t ra nsmission li ne. had been c ut fo r w ire i n th e T OTAl. WIRE LE N GT H 33 ' FOR
DR IVE N EL E ~ E NT . ~ · 4 · FOOf
I co uld hav e used l oad- o ld q u ad , and blew . DIRECTO R.

i ng coi ls, but m o st of all I

This work ed with one
d id not wan t to hav e to bu y
arm , but not with tw o oth- 1-- - 38' TOWE R
an expensive beam . I had
er s. I tried pok ing wire
m y qua d put away and
throug h, but the w ir e w as
al so had some part s o f
no t stiff enou gh. I f i nall y
qu ad arms from a no t her
banged the large end o n
qu ad w hi ch I had on ce c ut
t he co ncrete f loor of m y
fr om 20 to 15 in m y O X
p at io, and f ina lly 8 co -
days. It wa s hea vier, bu t a
coon s fe ll o ut. I k now now
f ell o w ham had c u t it down
t hat I sho u ld ha ve cl eaned
to 6 Y, f eet to m ake a CB
ou t t he 15 me ter q u ad arms
q uad . Thr ee of t he arm s
b e f o re pu tti ng th e tw o
had bee n broken whe n it
arms to get her. It w ou ld
fe l l w h i l e b ei ng take n
h ave been easie r to hand le
dow n af te r he becam e a
t hem .
ham . Fig. 1. Sm all light 20 meter beam .
I dec ided to te lesco pe I t hen tri ed t o pu sh som e
o ne arm in t o a lar ger arm, #14 st ra nded w ir e through, dec ide d aga inst for two . and t he n t ied a k not eac h
and fo und t ha t t hi s w ou ld but it kept c at c hing o n th e reaso n s. I t wo u l d h av e sid e of th e ver t ica l arm s to
gi ve m e 11 feet per arm . [ end of th e sma l le r i nside bro ug h t t he 5 Y, f eet of ex- keep t he rop e from sl ip-
put epoxy o n t he sm all er ar m. I to o k so me # 18 cess w ire b ac k toward t he pi ng. I u sed a 6'tn ch length
a rms , o r sp rea de rs, an d put ti nn ed w i re and pok ed it meta l to w er, and by usin g of 7/8-inc h PVC pipe w ith
t he m together. I w as t hus t hro u gh f ro m th e sma ll end t he upw ard posit io n, it f ur- hol es d ri lled in t he ends f or
ab le to m ak e fo ur good of t he t ubi ng, and it d idn 't ni shed a supp o rt f o r t he, in su lato rs. I prob ab ly d id
arm s and st i l l have two buc k le as it d id w he n tr y ing ends of t he 'l I -foo t arm s. -';, o t need t he in su la to rs
u sab le sh o r t sp rea d e rs to f orce it th e othe ; wa y. I They d id no t sag, but I f elt w ith abo u t 7 f eet o f ny lon
6 V. feet lon g, by inserting ran it thr ou gh, tw isted t he t hat they wo uld be sub ject rope and a f ib ergla ss sup-
a l um inu m t u b ing in o ne of end to t he#14 Beld en 8000 , to more w ind v ibra t ion if port , but habit m ade m e
th e b est broken arm s. The and pull ed it ba ck t hrou gh . t urn ed down. - use t hem . I wou ld probab ly
15 m ete r sp rea de rs we re I put a length o f nyl on I p o u n d e d a 3-f o o t not u se th em aga in , so I
still a f u ll 8 feet long. t ub ing o ve r t he wi re to length of 1 Y,-inc h pipe in to su ggest yo u d on' t bother.
Th e reason I am te lling keep it from b eing shorted the ground and p laced t he I fas te ned a Kirk b alun
y ou all o f t hi s is to m ake to the bolts wh i ch held th e 8-f oot boom with the at- to t he lower qu ad spider
y o u t hink abo ut w ays o f clam ps o n t he fib ergl ass ta c hed sp ide rs a nd ce nter a rm, an d it mad e a fine in-
getting m ateri al for y ou r ar ms. T-f ixtu re in th e p ipe . This sta lla tion. H owever, after
beam . It w ou ld be po ssib le I had cut the wi re by f o r- gave me a position fo r a t- spe nd ing severa l ho urs try-
to use bamboo o r eve n mula to 16'h fee t fo r t he t a ching th e arm s a n d ing to f igu re o ut why th e
wooden a rms. If the a rms 14,200 MHz . I t hu s had 5 'h stringing the V. -i nch ny lon sw r w as abo u t 10:1 , I
are not hollow, yo u co uld fe et left after reac hing the ro pe supp orts . The pa tio o pe ned up th e ba lun and
tape t he w ire to th e wood- en d of t he 11-f oot arm . Thi s was too sho rt , and the egg f o und t hat on e o f t he wi res,
en arm s. I act uall y tried I had to b en d b ack . I put c ra t e roof wa s so lo w t hat I afte r 20 yea rs o f use, had
t his at first with t he arms I o ne o f th e sho rt arm s into co uld never have gotten f in ally bro ke n. I ju st pu t it
am usin g, and t hen dec ided t he spid er after p la c ing th e t he co m ple te d beam o ut. up w ithout a ba lu n. I t hink
t o see if t he pro xim ity of other 11 -f oo t arm in t he Eve n i n t he ya rd I w as short a balu n m ig ht have help ed
t he a l um i nu m sp i de r cl amps. Th is I u sed in th e of space, bu t I managed , in so me wa ys, bu t it seems
wo uld c ha nge t he tun in g of upper arm of t he spider. eve n with shrubs and t rees. to work w ell , any way. I had
t he bea m eleme nts. [ found T he low er arm of t he spider I dr illed a V. -i nc h ho le in used a ho se clamp to at-
t hat it m ad e no d iffe rence , was not used. t he tops o f th e ve rt ical tac h t he b alu n to t he arm ,
so I rem o v ed th e ta ped I co u ld hav e lef t t he up- arms and t hre aded V. -inc h and it wa s a neat job . If yo u
wire s a nd fed th e w ire s per arm unused and p u t n y l o n rop e t h ro ug h . I use a ba l un, tr y t hi s.
t hrou gh t he cente r of t he t he 6 'h -f oo t arm in t he pu l led eno ugh throu gh t o I used 31 fee t, 4 inches f or
fib ergl ass tub ing. down wa rd positi on . Thi s I reac h t he ends of the wi re, th e directo r, whi ch is 95%

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146 v' Reeder Serv ice - see pag e 2 11

of th e 33-foot le ngth o f t he w an ted to fa ce t he bea m d riven ele ment to t he RG- fro m scratc h w ith bam boo
driven element. I used a d i- SW. It needed t o be at - 8/U c oax l ead-in . I gu essed or ev en 1 x 2 wood and a
rector in stead o f a ref le c- tac hed to a mas t to ra ise it th at the bea m im pedan ce plyw ood spider. The f act
to r becau se it req u ires less abo ut 5 f eet above th e wo u ld be abo ut 20 O hm s, t hat t he re is a support fo r
boom leng th fo r th e same 38-fo o t towe r. I h ad 8 fee t and thi s wou ld rai se it to 40 the arms, and t he sho rt-
ga in and need ed less ext ra of 1 V, -i nch heav y wa ll alu- O hms . Thi s w o u ld giv e an ened length, bring up m any
w ire pu l led bac k towa rd minum t ub i ng, and I in sert- swr of 1 .25:1, so th e 1 .5:1 po ssibilitie s for a l ight,
t he sup p or t. T here was ed a simil ar len gt h of 1 v. - f in al me asur em en t w as not c he ap be am o r even a di -
abou t 4 f eet , 8 in ch es to inc h steel t ub ing i nside to fa r o ff . pol e.
pull b ac k o n each end . m ake a st iff mast. I d ri lled When I got a chan ce t o Th e d i rec tor is no t co n-
I c heck ed the swr o n th e a hole and insert ed a meta l test it, I first c all ed CQ and nected to t he boom . Th e
gro und, a nd it wa s 2 Y2 :1 screw t o hold t he tubing to- a Cal if o rni a st at io n came boo m is 8 feet lo ng and 2
f ro m ab out 14.200 M Hz to get her. b ac k and said th at I had a in ch es i n di am e ter - a v ery
14.350 MHz, exc ep t that it I had pl ann ed t hat we " reall y st ro ng signal" in his husky beam .
d ro pped t o 2:1 in t he are a drill th e m ast for th e T-fi x- location . Next, I w en t in a A f te r seein g m y 20 m eter
o f 14 .250 M Hz. I fig ured tu re w he n it w as up in t he p ileu p and go t a reply, com p ac t bea m , K enn y
t hat t his wo uld im pro ve ai r, bu t m y fri en d , Bill af ter onl y two c al ls, fro m Lo ng W B8NGX wa nt ed a
when it wa s up in t he air, Burn s W A8 IEj, w ho was P29 JS i n Pap ua , N ew 15 meter li ke it , and I had
and it did . At t he hei gh t of goi ng to rai se it for me, Guinea. He said I wa s 5 x 9. f o ur ar ms left, so I decid ed
43 feet, it dropped t o 1 .5:1 wanted t o d ri ll it o n t he It wa s a new country for to build on e f or him . I used
at 14.250 M Hz and 2:1 at gro u nd. I th ink he regretted m e. Th e ban d · was going li gh tw ei gh t sp iders and a
14.350 and 14.200 M Hz . it w he n he c arr ied it to t he ou t , so I we nt to bed . b oo m f ro m a K ir k 1 5 me te r
I have no rotator y et, so I towe r. I had told hi m t he T he next night I t ried to qu ad, and of c our se, I
bea m we ig ht w as about 12 ta l k to a fri end , Da le di d n' t need suc h a long
BE LDOI 8000 " 14 pounds, I t hought. I had WD8VTD in Jamesto wn, w ire. I o nly used about 22
easily ca rr ied it on t he O hio, abo u t 19 mi les away, f eet of w ire for a 1 5 meter
gro und. bu t he w as off t he side o f b eam , so I decided to
Wh il e he w as ca rryi ng it my beam and we w ere th read the w ir e just t o th e
up in on e arm and climbing reall y weak . W hi le I was end s o f t he arms and bend
w it h t he o t her, he sto pped li st enin g fo r him , H an s t hem bac k an inc h, b o th to
to rest a co uple of ti mes, SM6CVX ca lled m e .and hol d t hem t aut and to al-
and he said it w as m ore like w anted to know my O hio low f or cor on a preven ti on .
25 pound s w it h the at- co unty . Wh en I to ld him I t hen h ad o n ly abo u t
t ac hed m asti ng. I reco m- Fayette, he wanted a QSL 1 foot,S inc hes.Ieft i n t he
m end th at y ou wait unti l it card. He gave m e 5 x 7 and ce n te r.
Fig. 2. Schematic of one ele- is on th e tower an d drill it he was 5 x 8 her e. I gue ss I pulled t his out along
me nt. befo re l ift in g t he m ast up t hat my fro nt-to-hac k is anothe r sho rt f ibe rgl ass
to the desired hei gh t . I let it proba bly ab out 1 2-15 dB,' - .arrn, abou t 18 inc hes lon g.
st ic k ou t 5 feet abov e t he so it see m s I ca n wo rk See Fig. 5. Th en I fa st ened
t o w er, w hic h gi v es me Europe off t he back O K. th e wire t o the binding
e no ugh inside t he towe r to I usuall y wo rk 40 met ers p osts o n a sho rt fib ergl ass
800 M
attac h a rotator. f ro m abo ut 0600 to 0900 _ str ip. I bol ted t his to th e
I l ater w ished I had done GM T, so I don't ge t o n 20 arm and t hen adde d an-
one more t hi ng. I shou ld un t i l l a t e. Thus I work other strip f or a sprea de r.
h a ve s li p p ed th e w i r e m ostl y Pacif ic st at io ns. Thi s kept t he w i re fro m
through a short p iece of Tef - Last ni gh t I c all ed H arr y to u c hing t he me ta l o f th e
Fig. 3. Clos eup of sp ider. lon1M or nyl on tu bing as it VK 3XI and he ca me b ac k spide r arm. T his was fo r the
co mes ou t of th e end of the on t he f i rst ca l l. He said th e dr ive n-ele m ent.
f i be rglass arm. Thi s wo ul d b and wa s go ing out and my For the d ir ector, I had
hel p pr event th e c hafi ng of bea m must be pretty good, on ly abo ut 5 i nc hes lef t o n
~ ~"''" ...",",
'""'" sru e t he w ire by the sharp edge as he w ould no t o therw ise each side. I used a short
o f t he tu bin g and might have been ab le to wo rk me. piece of PVC tubing bol ted
SECT IO" keep th e w ire from break- H e was 5 x 7 here. to t he arm to hold thi s
Fig. 4. Schematic of 15 ing . It probab ly w i ll l ast at I am ru nni ng j ust a bo ut pie ce. This wire wa s not
meter driven element. least a co up le of ye ars, 800 Wa tts PEP, so I am b r o k e n , n o r wa s i t
tho ug h. Th ere is not m u ch very pl eased w it h t he re- grou nded to t he boom . The
p ull on t he w ire, sin ce I did suit s. I think I could have b oom is 6 f eet long.
not dra w it up ve ry tight , so don e we ll w it h ju st a 1 5 T he be am is a very li gh t ,
p erhaps it w ill l ast lo nger. m eter quad alo ne an d a neat , and ru gged affai r. I
It makes a lo t neater ar- 1 \I, -inc h boom , but I used gu essed th at it weig hed
ran gem en t t ha n a 20 m et er wh at I had . My 1 5 m eter ab out 7 po und s. I carri ed it
TH E T U'I IN G srve
IS T URNE D DO WN 2 l /4 "
qu ad , and up in th e ai r it quad b oom was o nl y 1 V, over to Ken ny Lo ng's ho use
loo ks ni ce. inc hes x 5 f eet lon g, so I on the top of a ca r, not
I used a qua rte r wave- wa nted a long er boom. eve n t ied down . We held it
length of RG-59/U as a The re is no reason why you down by hand, st ick ing o u r
Fig. 5. Closeu p of sp ider. matc hing sec t io n f ro m the c an' t make your own beam arm s out th e windows. •

J 0 09 Garfield St•• Oa k P ark, IIIin o;s • 60304
(3J2) 848-6777 ACCESSORIES
:1, lrard lO ll,\'('-T o- r uli Sauing,s'

" S liNKY" Dipole Antenna Famou s " W 2 A U" B al u n

KLM '~"'@ ,,- MODEl 1:1
KLM 144·148·112 me te r bea m $47.95 c ~ "
KLM 144·148·14 2 meIer beam
KLM 144·148·16 2 me te r bea m
65.95 d
72.95 d
..... e}:ls.,...

tlIll-lll ....... u
(=iff' <_.............

KLM 219·226-7 220 M Hz beam ..•. .. . 28.95 b
KLM 219·226-9 220 MH z be am
KLM 219·226·11 220 M Hz beam
KLM 219·226 ·14 220 M Hz beam
29.95 b
32.95 c
49.95 d
A tot of pe rforma nce in a little space . on 80 /75, 40 and
20 meters Only one se tting needed for lull ba nd cov er-
-, """ ~~= QB
KL M 420·470·6 UHF beam 19.95 b age-- Iow VSW R thr ougho ut Ceo be se t at an y lengt h
lrom 24 -40 ' an 80 /7 5 me te rs, 12-35 ' on 40 . 6 ·1 8 on 20 :::: - ~-..
"1 ::;.."
- '

KLM 420·470·14·UHF beam 31.95 c Band ch ange take s .te ss than a m in ute Hand les 1000
STA NDA RD BA LUN S for abv be ams. 24.95 b watt s CW o 2000 PEP on sse W ith SO' RG-58 /U
co a x $ 43 .9 5
1 H ~NO LES FULL 2 KW PEPANO t HEN SOME B roa d · B and e~ 3 to 40 Me
H[t PS TVI PROBLE MS ~ j Redut lnp, Coa, Line R o~' a l l on
J NOW All STA INLESS STEE L HAR OW ~R E. 50239 Doubl e S,I. er Plated
IMPROVES r . a RATI O By R ~ du c on g Co•• l me Prrk llp
5. R EPl ~C E S CENTER INSULAT OR Wllhstand, A,t ~nna PUll of Om GOO Ibs.


SImple. 6e pen dab k> w hop ,s d y r>ed

e BUILT·IN L1 GHTN INC ARRE STE R, Helps Prolecl Salun _ Could AI\o Sa. ~
Yo ur Vlluabl~ ~~,
J. BU llt· IN HANC·UP HOOK . Id ~JI For I n.e rl ~d vees. Mulh Band AntenllilS,
O'p(lles. 6eJm and Ou,d$
espoclallv lor apar\menl d_ s and NO'll BEI NG USED BY AU BU NCHlS .Of THI U.S. ARMED fORC ES. fAA. ",,1>0 cannol onstall a penna RC A. CIA. CANADI AN Dm N$( DEPT. PLUS T H O US~ NOS or HAMS THE
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~r 15 gh.. balanced IQ' ~ . H lIIQdel lI' atc h ~5 5D ar 15 ~hlll ~ nb" lanc~ d
N LA150K 3/ S " hole . 3d b mo b w/c able 33.75c aqus :ec 10 eperat,,,,, r~ kleal lC~ 1 IUIfI ta 200 gt 300 O~" ' al' oed Igad
lor ...... as a pottahle em8fge<lCY an -
LMQ·K 1J4 wave wrcabre 136-512 MHz . 9.55 b !.. ma, lOO """",nlS 10 almost any Model 1:1 .. .. .... 114.95 Model 4:1 .. .. .. ..114.95
LM220 K 220 MHz, 3db mo b w/c able . 32.00 c honzontal su~pott ... ,tt>a s-nple c lamp
LM440 K UH F 5d b mo b wl cable 30.00 c brackel
We .ghs less thiln 2 POOMs onclJ(j,"!l
MM LM 150 2M Mag mt 3db gain ant. . 40.75 d r,v<> base-loading cools ( 00' used for
PQ % wave po rt and wl PL259 co nn . . . 5.25 a e 2 mete,s). coa x ~n .. and cou nter DIPOLE 'HEADQUARTERS
POise Wh 'p rs 2 2', ' lon~ osess e ro
bk' d. ex tends to 57 " Mount is 14
auick M ou nHng
lon y Pow er (J hrlQ 3 60 WJ tl s SSB '" CABLE
CW 8U FOA M, hi den s brai d 50 It. $11.95c
Model 371)· 11) $32.51)
8U FOAM, hi den s bra id 100 ft. 22.00 e
RG58AJU s tran ded cerrrecsn It 6.95 c
SOUTH RIVER RG58AJU st ra nded center 100 It 9.95 d
HALF·SIZE FUl l P ERFO RMANCE RG58 3 It w/ PL259 ea ch end 3.35 b
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p RG58 50 ft w/PL259 each end. . . . 9.95 c
"'OR_GAll< HI) 0_..... • Galva nize d s teel. #14 st randed, 100 It spool. .. 5.95 c
",/Wen,,,,,,,, .....,.,._ "'.......
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• F" "V "," m ~ I"<l aM p' ... 'u n"" _ no me • • u " n ~ . "" 0" ' '' ''9 INSULATORS
• All w e. t h ~ , 'a..,1 • , ~W AM . 2.5 KW CW o r PEP Ss B Egg Ins,
por cela in per pai r. . . . . 99 a
· P,o,en ",·dorm . ", " . m",c ' han ' 0.000 M , . ""en ~ " " "'''''' DOG BO NE, po rc ela in set of 3 1.25 a
• Pc,,"" u'"" 01 "'. lull ca p. " " " ,•• ot '00.,. ~. ~"" "'" HDT·10KD 10' tr ipod , hvy d uty $49.9 5g HY GA IN #155 center insu la to r . . . . 5.95 b
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40·10HD/A 40/20/15110 Ml rs (36) $63.25 c ST·SN Sta i nless chi mney m t (pair) .. 17.50 c
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75/40HD/A 75/40 Mt r bands (66) 58.75 c 2791 Gu y wi re wood sc rew hoo ks (3) . . 1.54 a Pl 259 UH F mat e, 2 pe r pkg 1.59 a
75·10HDIA 75/40120115110 Mtr (66) 78.25 c 2751 " t hread x 7 1/ 8 " tu rnbu ck le (3) 3.45 b S0239 UHF female chass is m t 69 a
80·10HD /A 80/40120115/10 Mtr (69) 80.25 c 287150 ' #8 al um gro und wir e 4.35 b UG175 Adap ts RG58 10 PL259, pkg 2 59 a
2876100' #8 alum ground wire 8.19 c UG176 Ada pts RG59 10 PL259, pkg 2 59 a
GN D·4CP 4' co ppe r pl ated grnd rod 3.39 c Pl258 UHF doub le female 99 a
S·1625P2 1f2 ft. x t v; " mast 3.95 c DM·SP UH F doubl e male 1.69 a
A·125·5P 5 ft. x 1 1/4 " alum mas t. 11.50 c M359 90 de g UHF elbow co nn 2.10 a
UG88U BNC mal e l or RG58 .. . . . 1.49 a
WH EN ORDERING FROM 1094 BNC femal e .. . 1.10 a
MODEL SPECTRONICS, REM EM BER: M358 UHF "T" connect or. . . . 2.95 a
595 UG255 UH F fem ale to BN C male 3.49 a
Al l PRICES are subject to change
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UG273 B NC fe ma le to UHF male 2.45 a

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375 6 posit io n, ax ial lead, gnd 519.75 a .:. b. 1·3 tos. d. 7· 10 Ibs . g . 30·40 lb s . •;.
SHIPPING CHARGES mu st be added
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to your order. Please refer to the chart
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590 5 pos , axi al, pan el mt g , . 18.50 a total.

590G same as above w/gnd unused . 18.50 a A LL ORDERS sen t F.O.B. Dak Park ,
592 2 pos axia l, panel m tg . . .. , .... . 17.25 a Il linois.
10 0 9 Garfield s e, Oak Par• • Illinois · 6 0304
and VERTICALS ..-sal (312) 848-6777
At H'arehous e-To-}' ou Savings

t he a nten na
specialists 2M BASE ANT. PACKAGE
Here's what you get :
Cueh crat t AR2 Ringo ~
Model 14AVOIWB
PFM71 Roof mount.
A125-5P 5' alum mast.
.40 thru 10 meters.
• Wide band performance
o ~I

Model HM·4 . Has 5 / 16 " ·32 thread. Fils 0 • Lag bol ts. • New Hy·O traps
50' au fo am coax.
Motorola HI's. te OM IC2 15 and Standar d
146A $ 7.00

• PL259 coax con n. . ~"$:._ I seu-s upc cnt nq. a qtc mauc band SW itching
ve.ncerantenne. Omn i-directional perter-
rnance. Favorable lIC ratio. High O. True
Mod el HM· S. Same as above. but with $59 9 • 1/ ' '? 'I, wa ve resonanceon all bands. l ow angle
reotanoe pattern . Taper swagged sea mless
Pl ·259conneclor . . $7.00 Wt. 16 lbs. aluminum construction. 12" double·grip
Model HM-226 . Same. with TNC con nec - mast bracket. Full circumference co rn-
tor for Wilson 14 05 . . $18.50 pression cternp s at tubing joints Weight :
8 .2 tos.
Mode l HM-227 . Same, but with BNC con - Model14AVOIWa . . $57 .00
nec tor termination . $12.00 F'NCO Model 18AVT/ W8
T h e most rugged 8 & 2 mete r b eam s we 've • Autom atic band switching
seen yet l ! • Completely Sell_Supporting
• Omni.Directiona' Performa nce
A 2·10 10 ele, 2M beam $44.95 d Three beefed-u p Hy-Q traps perm it aula,
A 2·5 5 ele, 2M beam, 9.5db ga in 27.95 c malic switching. 5 band capability. Favor.
A 2·2 10 ele, 2M d u a l p o lar ization 46 .50 e able L1 C ratio. Top loading coil. Across
HM 180 2mtr, 3db trunk lip ant. $33.50 b the band performance with one Iu mish ed
HM179 2mtr, 3db hol e mount ant. 29.00 b A6 2 6&2 M ante nna o n o n e bo om 74.95 e sellin g lor each band 11 0 thru 401. True '/.
HM20 2mt r, 3db for ma rin e use . _ 39.00 b A6 ·5 5 e lement 8M beam, 11db . . . . .• 46 .50 e wave resonance on all bands. SWR 01 2 : 1
HM176 440MHz 5db t runk li p ant 33.00 b A6·3 3 ere 6M beam, 7d b gain 30.00 d or less a' band lOges. l ow ang!e radiation
pa tt er n . Extra heavy duty tapered swaged
HM175 440M Hz 5db hole m oun t ant . 29.00 b A 1 'I. 220M Hz 10 ele, 13.8db 32.95 d seamle ss . aluminum tUbing with lull ctr-
HM224 220MH z 4db trunk lip ant .... 33.50 b curmlerence. corrosion resistant corn-
pression ctam pa at tubing joints. Antenna
can' be mounted without guide wires. 25'

NEW •' ASP-694

~~~~IV:~if~V/~B7 .lbS. .$79 .95
Mag neti c Ant enna

Low pro file magnetic antenna w ith ca ble BN86 Ferrite ba lun f or 80 -10;orrs $15.95 a
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Can be co nv erted to gain antenna late r.
Wt.:3 Ibs. wave two meters. 3.4 db 9a<n . 1 156 En d i n su l. l or doublet (p a ir) _ 3.95 a
18H T ... H yT o w er 80 · 10M ve rt ic al . . 239 .95*
SWR at reso nanc e : adj . to
Mod el ASP-69 4 $21.00 18V Ec o n o my 80 t ru 10M ve rt ic al 24 .95 c
1.5 : 1 or bet te r. Bandw idth : 6 12AVQ 20-tt:lmtr tra p ve rt ic a l 39 .95 c
MHz . 2 : 1 or bette r SWR. 100 14AVQ 40·10 m t r tra p ve rt ic al. 57.00 d
watt s ma x . 16AVT/WB 80- 10mtr t ra p vert ic a l 79 .95 d

e cushcraft $7995 NEW ' -BTY

ail e setting cov ers 10 , 15, 20 ,
2BDQ Trap dou b le t for80 & 40mtr

TH3 Mk ll l * 3 ere 20·10 tri ban de r .. 179.95*

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39 .95 d
5BOQ Tra p dou b le t fo r 80- 10 m t r s·. ~ .. 69 .95 e

AR2 2m eter Ring o b a se a n t $24.95 b 40M . Spac e rest ric ted or un- TH3 J r 3 ele t rib ande r (750W PEP) . . 129.95 e
ARX2 2m t r Ringo Ran ger base an t . . 39 .95 c lim ited , you get top signal reo HY QUAD * 2 ele qu ad 20-10 mtrs . 189.95 *
AR220 220M Hz Ringo base ant. 24.95 b 103B A 3 e lem en t 10Mtr beam 54 .95 e
po rts , co nsistent cont acts and
ARX220 220M Hz Rin go Ran ger. 39.95 c 153BA 3 eleme n t 15 m t r bea m . . 79 .95
AR450 UHF Rin go base ant 24.95 b
c om plete co verage . Add 5t h 204 B A 4 ele me n t 20m t r bea m 179 .95 *
ARX450 UHF Rin go Ranger bse ant . 39.95 c
band w ith a 75M resonato r.
Use one teedline . any length.
I 40 2BA . 2 ele m ent 40 mt r b eam 169 .95 *
AR6 6 meter Ringo base ant 36 .95 c 64B 4 elem en t 6 m et er be am 39.95
ARX2 K Adapts 2M Ringo to Ranger . 16.95 b
A147-4 4 ele 2M FM beam ant 24.95 b
Requires no swi tch ing or
ma tc hing devic es . 15 1bs.
J 270 eoo l iberg la s s 2 M an ten na. _
20 3 3 elemen t 2 mete r ya g i .
39 .95 e
.. 15.95 b
SF-2 4· BTV
A147·1111 ele 2M FM beam 36.95 c 205 5 e le m en t 2 m et e r yag i. 17.95 c
A147·20T 10 e re 2M ver t/harz twis t. .. 62 .95 d 208 8 ele men t 2 m e t er yag i _. 25.95 c
A144-7 7 ele 2M CW/SS B bea m 26.95 c MOl Mobile mast . .... .. . .. . . . ...• $22.95 c 21414 e le ment 2 m e t er y ag i. 31 .95 d
A144·1111 ele 2M CW/SSB bea m 36.95d M02 Mob i le mast .. • .... . . . . .. .. ... 22.95 c
A144·10T 10 ele Tw is t OSCA R ant . . : 42.95 c RM10 10 Met er reson at o r . . . . . . .. ... • 6.95 b
A144·20T 20 ele Twi st OSCAR an t 62.95 d RM151 5 met er re son a t or 7.95 b
A220 ·77 ele 220MHz beam 26.95 c RM20 20 Mete r re so n at or 8.95 b
A220·11 11 ele220MHzbeam 34.95c RM40 40 M et er reso n at o r , 14.95 b
TA33 * 3 el t riband beam 2KW PEP . $169.95
A449-6 6 ele UH F FM beam
A449·11 11 ele UHF beam
24.95 c
RM 75 75 M eter resonator
RM80 80 Meter reso n a t or
16.95 b
17.95 b *
TA33Jr 3el e triban d 1KW PE P 149.95 *
RM10S 10M resonat or 2KW PEP 11.95 b TA36 ... 6e le t ri b a nd 2KW PEP 269 .95 ...
A432·1111e1432MHzSSB/CWbeam 34.95c
RM 15S 15M reson at or 2KW PEP 12.95 b CL33 *3 ele C la s s ic 209 .95'"
AF M4D 144·148MH z Four Po le
AFM24D 220M Hz Fo ur Pole
69.95 c
64.95 c RM20S 20M resonator 2KW PEP 13.95 b CL36 *6 ele C la s s ic . . . . . . . . . . . .. 269 .95 ...
AFM 44D 435-450MHz Four Po le 64.95 c RM40S 40M resonat or 2KW PEP 16.95 b TA40KR 40mtr adpt fo r TA33/36 92.95 e
ASQ ·2 2M Squalo ho riz ant 19.95 b RM75S 75M resonat or 2KW PEP 31.95 b MP K3 2KW can v kit for TA 33Jr 67 .65 e
LAC·1 Coax lightning arrester. 4.95 a RM80S 80M resonator 2KW PEP 31.95 b
lAC2· Coax lightning a rreste r. . ..... • 4.95 a CG144 5.2db 2mtr ant 'I,
x 24 stud 26 .95 b
ATB34 * 4 ele20-10mtr beam 219.95 * CGT144 Same b ut t run k lip mo un t 42.95 c
ATV3 20·10mt r tr ap ver tical 49.95 e SF2 3db 2m tr an t 'I,
x 24 s t ud 9.95 b
AT V4 40·10mtr tra p vertical 69.95 e SF2 20 3db 220MHi ant 'I, x24 stu d .. 11.95 b HAM tv Rot o r w it h co nt ro l b o x $14 9.95 f
ATV5 ao-tcmtr t rap ve rt ica l 69.95 e 4 BTV 40-1Omt r ve rtica l 79.95 e T2X Ta ilt wi ster xt ra h vy dt y 2 19.95 I
A50·3 3 e le me n t 8 m et er b eam 39 .95 d G6·144 2mt r base ant 6d b 79.95 d C045 M edium duty rot o r 119.95 I
A50·5 5 e le me n t 6 m et er beam 59.95 e B M1 B um pe r m ou n t 31m X 24 thread 15.95 d AR22Xllig ht duty rot or 59.95.
A26·3 3 ele m ent 10 me te r b eam .. 69.95 * RSS2 M o bi le re so n at or sp r ing
QD 1 Q u ick dis c o nn ec t 3/, x 24
5.95 a
16.95 a
M ast adaptor for H am II/T 2X .
Sou t h Ce nter m et er ki t
. 29.9 5 d
3.00 a
A432·20T 432M Hz 20 ele twist 59.95 d
uWeeping Willow"
Vertical for 40
- go out on a limb and build one

A vote for the bends.

A rt Pightling WA60 YS
240 Louisia na Pla ce
T he re are two thi ngs
which I look fo r in a
vertica l antenna: simplici-
qua rter-wave vertical fo r es, we get )./4 = 33'10" for a
fo rty meters fits bo th of center freq uency of 7.265
these crite ria, but it is oft~ ri " MHz. Any ce nte r freque n-
Oxnard CA 93030 ty (no tra ps o r hat s) and over loo ked when a nte nna cy ca n be chose n by plac-
ava ila b ility of par ts. A con stru ction is co nte m- ing th at freq ue ncy in place
plated . of f in the formul a.
Th er e are als o two '
schools of antenna co n- Construction
st ruction: the oak (ma ke it Now let's get down to
so rigid and st rong tha t it bu sine ss. The aluminum
just ca nnot be destroyed tubing is av ailable loca lly
~ 3FT. 8 1N by wi nd , eart hq uakes , in 01.05t areas in concentric
snow, ice, or whatever) an d sizes fro m 2" to 3/8" . I had
the willow (able to be nd, a 3' X 1-1/2"-0 .d . piece of
flex, and ta ke all of th e tubing o n hand , so this was
BOLT 1'0 1'1 above and spring back). the logical place to sta rt.
Since the "oak" method Now, all we need is 30'10"

"''' '' '\

. 10

• n

\ •- - -
-- ~5~b~~TOR
never did work for me, this more, Five 8' secti ons of
antenna is of the "willow" tubing we re used: 1-1/4",
co nfiguratio n. It is mad e of 1" , 3/4" ,1 /2" , and 3/8" o.d.
length s of co ncentric tub- Afte r slotting the ends with
6 fT. ing a nd ends in a whip. a hacksaw and cla mp ing
To determin e how muc h the ends wit h hose cla mps,
t ub ing we will need, we I had 30' of tubing in 6' sec-
have to figure o ut how long t ions with a pproximat e ly 2'
a quarter wave is at forty of e ach inside the lower
",o 0 JUHC Tl ON meter s. Using )./4(feet) = tube . An 18" whip was
246/f (MHz) a nd then co n- clamped to the top, and
verting the frac tion of a the a lready-o n-ha nd 3' X
Fig. 1. Forty meter vertical . foot which remains to inch- 1-1/2" tub e was attach ed to
.... _----
Hy-Gain 3806
2-Meter Hand-Held Amateur Transceiver

low co sl , s-cnenoer hand-h eld provides superb Int ern all y . dlu,table ml e pr eilmp-a Hy-Gain
voice transmission ever short 10 medium dlslllrn::es exc lus l".
Sharpl y tun ed on -frequency IE'lec Uvlty in the RF S~I.ll y ga s ke le d ca se sea ls out wal er , dirt a rid
. mpUlie r stages ~us FEr, In Ih." t and 2nd mixers cor ro siv. sa il air
lor virtual immunity to oul-of·band sig nals Wa terllght. high -imp act ABS plas tic c ase- ribbed
Inte rmodul4lUon distortion end ere ..-m odula tlon fo r non- slip gri p
Se parat e microphone lind speake, "eme nls lor Top-mounted controls lo r Ins tant access
e nh a nce d I lidio

Model No . Desc rip ti on Pr lca

3807 I'f,cao Baller Pack 5)195

110 4 Touch Tone sao $4495
1 106 AC Ba lle r eMf I 5 995
, 107 C' a reue L' hie , Ad a lo r COld 5 995
1108 Anle nna Ada lor COfd s 995
11 10 Cn« ,n Case If',llhCI $ 178 5
11 11 Cil lf 'Ill Cas'" Vlll I s 9 9~
259 Rubbe r D UCk Anl enna $ ~, 95
Crvstat c e-rccetee $ 3 95

Communications Center
443 N. 48t h, Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 In Nebraska Call (402)466 ·8402

",...Read er Service-s ee p age 211

• 151
t he bottom . N ow we have co nc re te set. A bolt w as nect t he ground rod s and sec t i o ns . D o yo u r f i ne
eit her a v ery long t ro ut rod pu t into th e botto m of t he t he short ru n to t he bolt tw eak ing w ith t he w hip.
o r a s l i g h t l y- o v e r s iz e ante nna so t hat t he cente r w hi ch wa s pr e v i o u sl y You h ave to tak e t he ante n-
qu ar ter-wav e anten na fo r co nd uctor o f th e coax f eed p la ced f o r ground co nnec- na do wn eac h t ime you
forty meters. c o u l d b e conn ect ed . tion on th e r ed w ood w ant t o ad j ust it, so, by all
Grou nd is an impo rt ant A no t he r bolt was pla ced i n m o un t. To be sur e, t he re m eans, t ake no t es to help
part of a qua rter-w ave t he red w o od m ount t o w as a d iffer en ce in vsw r yo u m ake as f ew adju st-
ant enna, so grou nd mount- serv e as a ju nctio n po in t obtai nab le, but t he sim p ler me nt s as possib le. When
in g w as c hose n. A pi ec e o f f or th e g ro un d system . ground syste m w as sat is- t his w as done, an sw r of 1 .2
redwood 3' X 4" x 1/2" wa s (Thi s b o l t mu st b e i n- f actory fo r m y area. t o 1 w as ob ta ined at 7.2&5
found and pa i nte d to sul at ed from th e radiati ng M H z and t he sw r did not go
match my fe n ce. H ol es elem ent.) Adjustmen t above 1 .& to 1 in the f o rty
were d ri lled in approp riate Co nnect o ne foot or less m eter b and . This was q uite
pl ace f o r U-bo lts t o hold The Ground System of 52-O hm co ax to t he acc eptab le to m e. Th e sw r
t he v ertic al to t he red - Som e of us hav e a good ant enn a, co nne cti ng t he on the t op end of fiftee n
wo od, and a tes t fi tting gro u nd (swa mp o r sa lt cent er cond uc t o r t o t he meters wa s aro und 2 t o
showed th at the anten na m ar sh) and o th ers don ' t ve rtic al ra di ator and t he 1 - no t bad f o r a bo nu s
could be securely fa st en ed (roc k or sand). M y worst- groun d braid t o th e grou nd b and .
to th e redwood . A co upl e case grou nd w as 120 #18 c o nnec t ion on th e red - Th is ant enna ha s p er-
of large nail s w ere d riven w i re rad ial s, each a li ttl e wood . Co nne ct the v sw r f o rmed w el l at t his Q TH
into t he bottom p art o f t he more t han a q u arter-w av e- m eter and th e tran sm itter. and w as used wh en I w as
redw ood m o un t to gi ve t he l ength long, sp lay ed out Tak e a read in g at th e low net co nt ro l fo r t he i n-
co nc rete m ore t o g rab o n sunbu rst-sty le aro und t he end of t he b and, o ne at t he f amous sw ap net. Using o n-
to. A 24" -deep hol e was b ase of th e anten na. Th e m iddl e, and o ne at th e top. Iy an FT-101 " b aref o o t," I
dug in an in conspi cuous gro u nd sy st em whi ch I Thi s sho uld be en ou gh to was quite w ell heard in all
corn er of my yard and fil led wo und up wi th wa s three gi v e y o u a n id e a o f o f sout he r n C a l i f o rn i a,
w ith a DO-po und b ag of rad ial s, six f eet lon g, ter- w h et he r t o sh o r t e n o r A r iz o n a , a nd n o r th e r n
c o n c re t e. T h e p repa re d m inati ng at 8' grou nd rod s. lengthen t he ele me nt. If Cal ifo rn ia as we l l. The
hun k o f red w ood was then T hese t hree rad ials w ere yo u hav e bu il t th e antenna ante nna is also good fo r D X
pl aced in th e we t co nc rete joined at t he antenna b ase as descri bed, y o u wil l pr o b- on forty and f ifteen m et ers
and pr opp ed up so th at it on anothe r 8' ground rod . I ab ly hav e to sho rte n. it a becau se of it s lo w ang le of
would be str aight when t he u sed #10 w ire to intercon- bit. This is best at t he top radiati on . •

i@}EXACT Replacements for
for Emergency or Portable Operation

ECG Transistor.Dio~:~CS
' 00 M
'", M '" '" t.
10 1
." ..
" '"
'. 00
.se 1.99 Model 593
. ..

100 l .lI!>
131 m
". , 292
• Single Pole 3
1031l 111
" ," '"162 .~ ~ 1.1•
'.M '"
.. ".'" ..,

, to
Posit ion with
grounding of all
un used positions ';'"
' 00
'" a.a ,,,
'" '"ro soe aee300
2.80 light wt. Portable Alternator. Stand-by power for Ham • Cro sstal k (m ea -
sured at 30 MHz) is -45db betw een ad-
,'"M Equipment, household needs during power outagesor
'" ."
, ~
InA .1'lI J01 2.51
12 ( 1.S3
'" '" >M
2.• 5
'" '" "'" m lO$ 1.65 operation in remote areas. Operates lighting, jacent outl ets and 60 db bet ween alt er -
' .M)
1.37 ,, ....
lil A '"
'" '"
,s '"
'" ,m
, ~
3 10
refrigerators, heating systems or other appliances in-
cluding freq. sens itive loads such as TV sets, induc-
nate outle ts

.. ....
1211 1.!;6 ,s
I Xl US ' 00 ,." '"
~ , 1.71
31 2
1.00 t ion molars and fluorescent lights. Solid -State
13 1 1.96
'" '"
..a "
3 1. 7.85 voltage regulation. 3750W rating; 25% surge Mode l 594
1.43 ...'" aa '"'"M , 8, 72

, ~
2• .20
capacity. 1201140V at 3l.3/IS.6A. 8 HP/ 3600 RPM
B&S engine. Alternator draws just enough engine out- • 2 Pol e 2 Position
...,,,""' 00, 'M'M'M ".'"'" =su.a
2.67 3 18
3 19
1.11 put to meet load resulting in upto 25% fuel savi ngs . • Crosstalk 45db

1$5 2.02 320 2600 (measured at 30
151 143 321 765 l ow interference. Advanced design. Dnp-proot con-
l Sl1 ' .08 .~
struction protects windings from rain and dirt assur- MHz)
"," '" ,."
322 1110

' 60
16 1
.98 '" '". 00
'" '""
3.53 ing long li fe. One year warranty by manufacturer.
Speci fications for both sw itches
1$2 5.15 '"
. ~
'" ~
'" se
30'l ~ 18"W x 19"H. 128 lbs. Shipped via Truck
PREPAID (No extra charges) . . ... $659.95 • Power 1 KW·2 KW PEP
• R·U·S-H, All Ord ers Shipped Same Day Received Electric Start . S110.00
• FREE Freight on all prepa id orders • Impedence 50 -75 ohms
Battery Charging, . 11.00 • VSWR 1.2:1 up to 150 MHz
Spark Arrest Muffl er . 21.00 • DimensIons 1% " high, 5" wide , 3" deep
• NO Min. Order·Quantity Discounts Available
Models available with 1350 to 7000 watt ralings.
• Exact les & Diod es In Stock Write lor our quote and additional Information. • Weight 1 lb.
• Longer Hours Mon·Sat 9a·10p , Sun 1·1p • Mount Wail or des k
• ClII orwrite today-to place ~ order(518)-46S.3367 Mastercharge or VISA accepted .....B23 Available at you r B&W dealer
Communications & T.V. Unlimited
Dept 13, 11 WashIng ton St., Renssalut',N.Y.121« OUTDOOR OUTFITTERS • Barker & Williamson . Inc .
705 El m Ct. Waukesha, WI 53186 : 10 Canal St. Br istol, Pa . 1900 7
Telephone: (215) 766-5581
Ph . 1-414-542-7772. Ken, N9KS - Mg,.

152 "... Reader Service - see page 211

___Someone offered a 2 Meter F 'D'ansceiver with all of
the features you want a a price u can afford_

• 2S Watts
• Fully Synthe sized
• 144-148MHz
• S KHz Steps
• Provisions for
non-standard splits
• Full I year warranty
• 2-S/8(H) x 6-S/8(W) 7 1979 FM-28 .
x 10-3 / 4(0) # only 5295.00
• Scancapability 144-147.99S MHz
• Scan entire band or memory
• • .• Up to 800 channel memory
Internal battery hold.~ _.
memory when power is
turned off.
FM-28 WITH SCANNER OPTION. Scanner option can be
5395.00 added to any

,. "(

With or without Scanner-op i

Z'Meter value ofthe year-

sendcheck or moneyorder .. _
S395.00 for FM·28 with scanner option Communications Corp.
S295.00 for FM-28 without scanner option _.1911Olde Homestead Lane
or .Greenfield IndustrialP arl< East
rge to W,,'\. or Maste r.(~<lrge Lan 17601
brochure available on.request 9·7221
ililGifP:~d:':it" 'iW,;;,L"""'_

"C3 153
Karl Schulte WA2KBZ
3711 N. Firestone Dr.
Hoff man Estates IL 60195

Ma rine-Band Activity
- a complete guide

Tune in to the wor ld's to p tr affi c.

B et ween 16 0 me ters and

10 meters, we a mate urs
gene rally th in k in terms of
Pacific Nort hwest, primarily),
a nd, of co urse, th e military of
all nati on s.
(thankfully) less frequen t ly riski ng his life to save the
than in th e past. Th e famo us lives of many others.
ship d isast ers of the last seven Fro m the first rad io ca ll
th e six HF amateur bands. But the re is one ot her decades elec tr ified th e public for help from t he Brit ish
Th ere are, ho wever, a grea t major service, o ne of t he and brought a fle eting fam e ' Goodwin Sands light shi p in
man y other serv ices o per at ingo ldest, kno wn as t he ma ri- to th e "spark s," a s ship op er- March, 1899, through t he
in those large gaps between tim e service ; that is th e su b- ator s were know n. famou s Titani~ r age d y a nd
our ban ds. Most ham s are ject of this artic le. Before th e 50S was the Morro Castle, who se
awa re of som e of tho se other accepted, the mo st co mmo n smo lde ring hul k became a
users, such as shortwave Why is the marit ime (o r call for help was CQD , which tourist a tt ract io n whe n it
b ro ad ca ster s ( Vo ice of marine) service wort h listen- was made fa mo us in 190 9 by ... beached near Asbury Park,
America and Rad io Mo scow ing to ? Because it usually Jack Binns, radio officer of New Jersey, bo ard wa lk in t he
are two examp les), if fo r no pro vides t he most in teresting t he Brit ish ship Republic. His mid 1930s, to the Andrea
o t her reaso n th an th e QRM listening of the co mmu nica - hero ism saved most of t he Dorea and the oil ta nke r sink-
they ca use o n the 40 met er t ion s services (which excl ud es passengers of his doo med ings of toda y's TV news, the
pho ne band at nigh t! th e broadcast service) and it ship, which had been ram med ? " tradition of th e radio o per-
is t he bu siest (an d therefo re
A parti al list of the HF by the 5.5. Florida o ne day a tor 's staying at the key until
easiest to tune in ). Also, since
hand popu lat io n woul d in- o ut of New York. Worki ng by t he last po ssible minute
it was t he first regular user of
clud e suc h services as land cand lelight in t he Jan uar y (somet imes losing his life as a
rad io, ship rad io has an aura
mob ile (U.S. Corps of Engi- cold, he remained at his key resu lt) has rema ined co nstant.
of ro man ce and ad venture.
nee rs, on 5,0 15 kHz, for fo r a continuous 36 -ho ur I re memb er following the
example), special indu strial, SOS and Mayd ay - cr ies shift. He delayed his escape terribl e events of the Te xas
o n 4,63 7.5 kHz (mi neral for help across the sea - are fro m t he sin king ship un til he tower which san k off New
explora tio n), fores t ry (in thest ill heard to day, a lthough knew that help was at han d, Jersey in t he early 1960s,
f rom t he first Mayday signal
to the last anno unce me nt
Frequency Emission Service .
that t he to wer had d isap-
500.0 kHz A1, A2 (CW ) marine/air
2,182.0 A3, A3A , A3H, A3J (vo ice) marine/ai r
peared with all hands in t he
4,134.3 (s hip T) } hor rified sight of the rescue
4,428.7 (s hip R) A3J (vo ice) ma rine (U.S. C.G.) ship. T here was a vio lent gale
6,200.0 (ship T)}
6,506.4 (shi p R)
A3J (voi ce) marine (U.S.C.G .)
and t her e was no way of
effect ing a rescue. Th e f re-
8,241.5 (s hip
8,765.4 (ship RI
T)} A3J (voic e) mari ne (U.S.C.G.) que nc ies used were 2,182
kHz and 500 kHz for pho ne
156.8 MHz F3 (voice) VH F ma rine (ch. 16) and CW, both easily heard o n
121.5 MHz A3, A2 (vo ice/to ne) air/marine " an old Navy receiver. Th at
243.0 MHz A3, A2 (voiceltone) air/mari ne" wa s my introduct ion to
Table I. Emergency frequencies. *E.?.!.R.B. uses these frequencies - an automatic floating marine radio .
50S beacon. Of course, these tragic

Voi ce si g na l Morse equivalent Meaning
May day SOS (3 ti mes) o;stress- when there is
(sent as one lett er, immediate dan ger to life
noISOS) or property. Ha s priorit y
o ver a ll o t he r s ig nals.
Pr e c e d e d b y " a u t o -
alarm " w he n ti me pe r-
m its.

Pan XXX (3 t imes) Urg e n c y- wh e n safet y
of life o r vessel is t hrea t-
ene d or if a less lmme-
diate danger ex ists (sick-
"deluxe" ~.
nes s, out o f f uel in op en
wa te r and no immedia te 565

d a n g e r , " m a n ove r-
board," etc.).
sec urtte' TTT (3 t imes) Safet y- w hen a da nger
• Adjustable jeweled bearings.
(sen t 3 lett ers not to n avigat ion (hul k i n • Tension andcontact spacing -THE OlDESTNAME
as an " 0 " ) c ha nne l, buoy m issing , fully adjustable.
severe weat her) exists. • large , solid. coin silver contact • lifetime guarantee against
(Voic e) points. manufacturing delects.
• 2% lb. chrome plated steel Registered serial number.
Auto-alarm Auto-alarm Sent before Ma yday o r
base rests on non-skid feet. • Vibroplex@quality t hro u gh~ ou t .
(two alte mat- (4 sec. on , o ne se c. 50S w he n ti me pe rm its,
• Top parts designed from our " Standard" model with wrinkle
ing audio tones, o ff, dash es, one mi n.) to attrac t listeners.
world famous finished cast iron base available
1 min . max.) for$49 .50
Vibroplex ® ' ' Original. "
Table 2. Priority signals for voice and Morse. Availa ble at you r dealers or through the factory.
Send check. money order, or use your VISA or
Master Cha rge. We pay all shipping charges
Cha nn el Freq uenc y " _ Channe l Frequen cy ' except on orders out side the contmental U.S
4A 4136.3 kHz 22A 22,094.5 kHz
48 4139.5 kHz 228 22,098.0 kHz See you r dealer or writelor literatureonal lour world famous line to:
4C 4434.9 kHz 22C 22,101.5 kHz The Vibro plex Company. Inc. .... V24
6A 6210,4 kHz 22D 22,105.0 kHz P.O. Box 7230 476 Fore SI. Portl and. Maine 04112
68 6213.5 kHz 22E 22,108.5 kHz Or call: 1207) 775·7710
6C 6518.6 kHz
2·M fiz freq uencie s
8A 8281.2 kHz 2,182 kHz
88 8284.4 kHz 2,638 kHz
12A 12,421.0 kHz 2,670 kHz versat io ns. I ofte n receive acc urate and u p to dat e as
128 12,424.5 kHz (U.S.C.G.) Ger many and Eng lish marine po ssib le, be ing derive d from a
12C 12,428.0 kHz 2,738 kHz
o perators at my Chicago co m binatio n of so urce s, one
16A 16,565.0 kHz
16B 16,568.6 kHz
ho m e. If you wish to co py' "of w hich is th e r u le book of
16C 16,572.0 kHz CW, t elegram s, ship supp ly th e Int er nat io nal Teleco m mu-
orde rs, news, weathe r, and nications Un io n - asou rcc of
Table 3. HF ship-ship (plus limited coast) simplex channels. ship ar rival t imes can be man y FCC regu lat ions . T o
"Carrier freque ncies are listed; listen on USB. The above heard if o ne knows where to - this is added my own ex peri-
2-MHz frequencies are no t, strictly speaking, in the same liste n. ence in wor king with mari ne
category, but are often used for similar purpo ses. Now that I h ave (ho pe- radio as HF -SSB consultan t
full y ) aroused yo ur interest for a large Chicago-b ased
events ar e luc kily less co m- ta n ker s and fre ighters t alk ing and curio sity, yo u are pro b- co m pa ny and as an SWL.
mon t od ay, due to th e avail- to t he ir ho me po rts or arrang- ably wond ering wher e to Th e.. maritime ser vice is
ability of search plan es and ing fo r su pplies at t heir next liste n, so here is a fa irly co m- d ivided into several o pera-
f ast bo at s and th e fi ne job port, and interna t ional rad io plete guide to t he marine tion al categories, four major
d o ne by th e Coast G uard . V et telepho ne (p hone patch) co n- bands. The infor mat io n is as f r equ ency band s, and t wo
there are about tw o or th ree
Mayda y calls on 2,182 kHz in Pri mary Prim ary Secondary Sec ond ary
City coa st tra ns m it co ast receive c oas t t ran smit co as t rece ive
a week in the Gulf o f Mexico
Boston 2506 kHz 2406 kHz 2450 k Hz 2366 kHz
alo ne. M ost are p romp tl y
New Yo rk 2590 kHz 2198 kHz 2522 kHz 2126 kHz
sol ved by t he U.S. Co ast Miami 2514 kHz 2118 kHz 2490 kHz 2031.5 kHz
G uard o r near by ships with New Orlea ns 2598 kHz 2206 kHz 2482 kHz 2382 kHz
no loss of lif e. Ga lves ton 2530 kHz 2134 kHz 2450 kHz 2366 kHz
T he bu l k of t raffi c is more Sa n Fran c isc o 2506 kHz 2406 kHz 2450 kHz 2003 kHz
mundane by co mp ar ison, but San Pedro (LA.) 2566 kHz 2009 kHz 2466 kHz 2382 k Hz
st ill very inter esti ng. Some Seatt le 2522 kHz 2126 kHz 2482 kH z 2430 kHz
t ypical SSB traffic, h eard on Haw aii 2530 kHz 2134 kHz
Great Lakes 2514 kHz 2118 kHz 2550 kHz 2158 kHz
al mos t any day, wou ld in-
Missi ssippi 2782 kHz 2782 kHz
clude o i l well dr i ll in g ope r a-
(s im plex)
tio nal information, f ishing
f leet chatter , river tugboats, Table 4. 2-MHz marine operators.

V'" Reader Service - s ee p age 211 155

Ship Ship European ch an nel s
Statio n Code transmit receive Channel # U.S. Co-user
U.S. channels frequency frequency GCN -Portishead, England 410 (see WOO)
KMI - Oak la nd 401 4063.0 4357.4 826 (see WOO)
416 4109.5 4403.9 1202 (see KMI)
417 4112.6 4407.0 1611 (see WOM)
804 8204.3 8728.2 PCH - Shevenigen, Holland 802 (seeWOM)
809 8219.8 8743.7 1215 (see WOM)
822 8260.1 8784.0 1626 (see WOO)
1201 12330.0 13100.8 ROME RADIO-Rome, Ital y 826 (WOO)
1202 12333.1 13103.9 1209 (WOM)
1602 16463.1 17236.0 1603 (KMI)
2214 22040.3 22636.3 (also Cypr us)
WLO-M ob ile WLO·4 4118.8 4413.2 SVA -At hinai, Greece 802 (WOM)
W LO·8 8284.9 8808.8 1232 (none)
WLO·13 12407.5 13178.3 1609 (WOM)
WLO·17 16584.0 17356.9 WLO·17 (WLO)
WOM- Ft. Lauderdale 403 4069.2 4363.6 Atlan tic channels
412 4097.1 4391.5 VRT- Bermuda 410 (WOO)
417 4112.6 4407.0 Caribbean channels
423 4131.2 4425.6 PLC-Cura cao, Ant illes 408 (WUQ)
802 8198.1 8722.0 1607 (WLO·17)
805 8207.4 8731.3 8PO-Barbados 4098.0 (?) 4396.6 (?)
810 8222.9 8746.8 (in process of cha nge) 8210.8 8744.8
825 8269.4 8793.3 Pacific cha nnels
831 8288.0 8811.9 KQM- Honolulu, Hawaii 418 (none)
1206 12345.5 13116.3 808 (WOO)
1208 12351.7 13122.5 1222 (none)
1209 12354.8 13125.6 1601 (WOM)
1215 12373.4 13144.2 KUQ- Pago Pago, Samoa 806 (none)
1223 12398.2 13169.0 1232 (none)
1601 16460.0 17232.9 UIS- Sydney. Australia 419 (WLO)
1609 16484.8 17257.7 (or other Austr alian station) 802 (WOM)
1610 16487.9 17260.8 1203 (KMI)
1611 16491.0 17263.9 1610 (WOM)
2215 22043.4 22639.4 VQJ- Honiara, Solomon 8204.4 (?), 8738.4 (?)
2216 22046.5 22642.5 Isla nds (in ch a nge)
2222 22065.1 22661.1 ZLW-Wellington , New 408 (KUQ)
WOO-New Yor k 410 4090.9 4385.3 Zealand 813 (none)
416 4109.5 4403.9 1209 (WOM)
422 4128.1 4422.5 P29-Papua, N.G. 605 (WOM)
811 8226.0 8749.9 9VG-Singapore 4078.8 '43'77.4
826 8272.5 8796.4 824 (WLO·8)
1203 12336.2 13107.0 1641 (WLO·17)
1210 12357.9 13128.7 Tok yo (JMC·?) 810 (WOM)
1605 16472.4 17245.3 .1.605 (WOO)
1626 16537.5 17310.4

Table 5. Selected high seas marine radiotelephone stations (frequencies are shared).

f undamental st at io n ty pes - enab li ng t he li stener to fi nd spersed in alternat ing sub-- ' main band which is exclu-
fixed (co ast ) and m o bi le th e t y pe of st at io n he wo uid band s t hroughout th e 2·26 sivel y p hon e. RTT Y and
(shi p) sta t io ns. li ke to hear. MH z portio n of the spectrum, special data are used a great
Of primary interes t to the The basi c operational p lus t he Y L F band s belo w deal, bu t are di ffi cul t f or
amateur or SWL are t he fre- division is that of radiotele- 500 k Hz (exclu sively CW mo st SWL s t o d ecod e.
quencies, of course, but a grap h (CW) and radi otel e- exce pt fo r so me weather An important fact to keep
sum mary of th e oth er infe r- pho ne (pho ne) o perat io ns. broadcasts and foreign broad- in mind, with regard to ship
mation will prove useful, These two divisio ns are inter- cast ing) and t he YH F·FM and shore stat ions, is that
mo st of their frequency
as sign men ts are du plex
Station locatio n Sta tion callsig ns Typical frequency " *. (act ually ha lf-d u plex, or two-
Azores CUG 6,393.5 kHz
Cuba CLQ 6,435.0 kHz
frequency simplex, at the
Dom inican Republic H IA 8,642.0 kHz ship station), with the two
England" (Port is head) GKI " 12,858.0 kHz sta tio ns transmitting and-
Halifax CFH 12,726, 8,697 kHz receiving o n different fre-
Greece SVA 12,689,1 2,858 kHz quencies. This is true of many
Italy IAR 8,670.0 kHz marine channels, from VLF
Jap an JOS 8,706.0 kHz to V HF. A n examp le, WOO
Philippines DlR 8,568.0 kHz 8·26 (WO O is " Oc ean Gate
U.S.A.- East WSL, WSC * * 6-, 8·, 12-MHz bands Radio " in New York), " is
U.S.A.-West KFS" , WNU 6,,8·, 12·MH z bands, 4,310 kHz give n below under " Reading
Hono lulu-CG NMO 9,050, 13,655 kHz th e Tabl es." The reason for
·Table 6. Selected CW shore stations. "Sister station of GCN (phone). **Also listen 420·5 00 t hi s du pl ex op eration is that
k Hz. ***Operate many freq uencies. See Table 8 for band lim its. the shore stations usually
Channel 828 8802.6 8278.7 1626 17310.4 16537.5
Designator Ship Rx Ship Tx 829 8805.7 8281.8 1627 17313.5 16540.6
401 4357.4 4063.0 830 8808.8 8284.9 1628 17316.6 16543 .7
402 4360.5 4066.1 831 8811 .9 8288.0 1629 17319.7 16546.8
403 4363.6 4069.2 832 Ship simplex 8291.1 (8A) 1630 17322.8 16549.9
404 4366.7 4072.3 833 Shi p simplex 8294.2 (8B) 1631 17325.9 16553.0
405 4369.8 4075.4 1201 13100.8 12330.0 1632 17329.0 16556.1
406 4372.9 4078.5 1202 13103.9 12333.1 1633 17332.1 16559.2
407 4376.0 4081.6 1203 13107.0 12336.2 1634 17335.2 16562.3
408 4379.1 4084.7 1204 13110.1 12339.3 1635 17338.3 16565.4
409 4382.2 4087 .8 1205 13113.2 12342.4 1636 17341.4 16568.5
410 4385.3 4090.9 1206 13116.3 12345.5 1637 17344.5 16571.6
411 4388.4 4094.0 1207 13119.4 12348.6 1638 17347.6 16574.7
412 439 1.5 4097.1 1208 13122.5 12351.7 1639 17350.7 16577.8
413 4394.6 4100.2 1209 13125.6 12354.8 1640 17353.8 16560.9
414 4397.7 4103.3 1210 13128.7 12357.9 1641 17356.9 16564.0
415 4400.8 4106.4 1211 13131.8 12361.0 1642 Ship simplex 16587.1 (16A)
416 4403.9 4109.5 1212 13134.9 12364.1 1643 Ship simp lex 16590.2 (16B)
417 4407.0 4112.6 1213 13138.0 12367.2 1644 Ship simp lex 16593.3 (16C)
418 4410.1 4116.7 . 1215 13144.2 12373.4 220 1 22596.0 22000.0
419 4413.2 4118.8 1216 13147.3 12376.5 2202 22599.1 22003.1
420 4416.3 4121.9 1217 13160.4 12379.6 2203 22602.2 22006.2
421 4419.4 (4C) 4125.0 (4A) 1218 13153.5 12382.7 2204 22605.3 22009.3
Ship sim plex 1219 13156.6 12385.8 2205 22608.4 22012.4
422 4422.5 4128.1 1220 13159.7 12388.9 2206 22611.5 22015.5
· 423 4425.6 4131.2 1221 13162 .8 12392.0 2207 22614.6 22018.6
424 4428.7 4134.3 1222 13165.9 12395.1 2208 22617.7 22021.7
425 4431.8 4137.4 1223 13169.0 12398.2 2209 22620.8 22024.8
426 4434.9 4140.5 1224 13172.1 12401.3 2210 22623.9 22027.9
427 Ship sim plex 4143.6 (4B) 1225 13175 .2 12404.4 2211 22627.0 22031.0
601 6506.4 6200.0 1226 13178.3 12407.5 2212 22630.1 22034.1
602 6509.5 6203.1 1227 13181 .4 12410.6 2213 22633.2 22037.2
603 6512.6 6206.2 1228 13184.5 12413.7 2214 22636.3 22040.3
604 6515.7 6209.3 1229 13187.6 12416.8 2215 22639.4 22043.4
605 6518.8 6212.4 1230 13190.7 12419.9 2216 22642 .5 22046.5
606 652 1.9 (6C) 6215.5 1231 13193.8 12423.0 2217 22645 .6 22049.6
607 Ship simp lex 6218.6 (6A) 1232 13196 .9 12426.1 2218 22648.7 22052.7
608 Ship simplex 6221.6 (6B) 1233 Ship simplex 12429.2 (12A) ·2219 22651.8 22055.8
801 8718.9 8195.0 1234 Ship simplex 12432.3 (12B) 2220 22654.9 22058.9
802 8722.0 8198.1 1235 Ship simplex 12435.4 (12C) 2221 22658.0 22062.0
803 8725.1 820 1.2 1601 17232.9 16460.0 2222 22661.1 . 22065.1
804 8728.2 8204.3 1602 17236.0 16463.1 2223 22664.2 ~2068.2
605 8731.3 8207.4 1603 17239.1 16466.2 2224 22667.3 22071.3
606 8734.4 8210.5 1604 17242 .2 16469.3 2225 22670.4 22074.4
807 8737.5 8213.6 1605 17245.3 16472.4 2226 22673 .5 22077.5
808 8740.6 8216.7 1606 17248.4 16475.5 2227- . 22676.6 22080.6
809 8743.7 8219.8 1607 17251 .5 16478.6 2228 22679.7 22083.7
810 8746.8 8222.9 1608 17254.6 16481.7 2229 22662 .8 22086.8
811 8749.9 8226 .0 1609 17257.7 16484.8 2230 22665.9 22089.9
812 8753.0 8229 .1 16 10 17260.8 16487.9 223 1 22689.0 22093.0
813 8756.1 8232.2 1611 17263.9 16491.0 2232 22692.1 22096.1
814 8759 .2 8235 .3 1612 17267.0 16494.1 2233 22695.2 22099.2
815 8762.3 8238.4 1613 17270.1 16497.2 2234 22698 .3 22102.3
816 8765.4 8241.5 1614 17273.2 16500.3 2235 22701.4 22105.4
817 8788.5 8244.6 1615 17276.3 16503.4 2236 22704.5 22108.5
818 8771.6 8247.7 1616 17279.4 16506.5 2237 22707.6 22111.6
819 8774.7 8250.8 1617 17282.5 16509.6 2238 22710.7 22114.7
820 8777.8 8253.9 1618 17285.6 16512.7 2239 227'1 3.8 22117.8
821 8780.9 8257.0 1619 17288.7 16515.8 2240 22716.9 22120.9
822 8784.0 8260.1 1620 17291.8 16518.9 2241 Ship simple x 22124.0 (22A)
823 8787.1 8263.2 1621 17294.9 16522.0 2242 Ship simp lex 22127.1 (22B)
824 8790.2 8266.3 1622 17298.0 16525.1 2243 Ship simplex 22130.2 (22C)
825 8793.3 8269.4 1623 17301.1 16528.2 2244 Ship sim plex 22133.3 (220 )
826 8796.4 8272.5 1624 17304.2 16531.3 2245 Ship simpl ex 22136.4 (22E)
827 8799.5 8275.6 1625 17307.3 16534.4
Table 7. lTV channels for m arine HF use.

have separate recei ve and There are also a number of are between 4 and 1 7 MHz, band, station , and frequency.
transmit sites to reduce inter- simplex channels, such as pro vid ing high ac tivi ty both Morse o peration is fo und
a ct ion between o n-the-air 2, 1 82 kHz fo r calling a nd day a nd nigh t and allo wing on the frequencies listed in
tr an smitte rs and receivers Mayday use, and 4,1 25 k Hz both sides of the conv ersation Tab les 6 and 8.
mo nitoring o ther channels. fo r sh ip-to-sh ip or limited to be heard with on e receiver, Altho ugh not t he main
thus providing fo r a mo re coast station usage. eve n far inl and . T ab le 3 lists purpose o f th is article, in the
e ffi cien t system . It a lso he lps Th e se f req ue ncies are th ese simp lex cha nne ls by interest of co mplet eness I
to co mpe nsate for the ofte n sprea d th ro ughou t th e ra nge number and frequency, while have included several tables
ineffici ent ship, yacht, or of 2-27 MHz, but th e mo st Tab le 4 lists the mo st inter- listing all the marin e bands
boat antenna. useful for the average listener est ing duple x chann e ls by from V LF to V HF. One last

Assignable working frequencies
Limits for high·traffic ships Limits Ca lling frequencies Limits
(kHz) b) d) (kHz)

4,172.5 - - 4,177.5 4,178.5-- - 4,186.5

4,172.25 11 frequencies 4,178 17 freq uencies 4,187
spaced 0.5 spaced 0.5

6,258.75-- 6,266.25 6,267.75- -6,279.75

6,258.25 11 frequencies 6,267 17 frequenc ies 6,280.5
spaced 0.75 spaced 0.75

8,342-- 8,345 -- 8,355 6,357--c)- - 8, 373

8,341.75 8,356 17 frequencies 8,374
14 freq uencies spaced 1 spaced 1

12,504--12,513- -12,517.5 - -12,532.5 12,535.5 - - - 12,559.5

12,503.25 12,534 17 frequencies 12,581
20 freque ncies spaced 1.5 spaced 1.5

16,662--16,672- -16,684- - 16,690 - -16, 710 16, 714 --- 16,746

16,660.5 25 frequenc ies 16,712 17 frequ enci es 16,748
spaced 2 spaced 2

22,187--- - - - - ------- - - --- - - - - - -- 22,22 1 22,225 - - - 22,265

22,184.5 18 frequ encies 22,222.5 17 freq uenc ies 22,267.5
spaced 2 spaced 2.5

Assignable working frequencies (RTTY and data)

for low-traffic ships Limits
Ship stations, wide-ba nd teleg raph y,
Group A Group B facs imile, transm issi.?n syste ms:
4,187.5 -- 4,208 4,208.5 - - 4,229 4,142.5 - 4,162.5 kHz
84 frequencies 4,231 6,2 16.5 - 6,244.5 kHz
spaced 0.5 8,288 - . 8,328 kHz
12,431.5 - 12,479.5 kHz
6,281.25 -- 6,312 6,312.75-- 6,343.5 16,576 - 16,636.5 kHz
84 frequencies 6,345.5 22,112 - 22,160.5 kHz ._
spaced 0.75
Ship statio ns, oceanog raphic
8,3,75 8,416 8,417 - - 8,458
data transm ission:
84 frequ encies 8,459.5
spaced 1 4, 1 62. 5 ~· 4,166 kHz
6,244.5 - 6,248 kHz
12,562.5 - -1 2,624 12,625.5 -- 12,667 8,328 - 8,33 1.5 kHz
84 frequencies 12,689 12,479.5 - 12,483 kHz
spaced 1.5 16,636.5..- . 16,640 kHz
22,160.5 - 22,164 kHz
16,750 --1 6,832 16,834 - - 16,916
84 frequ encies 16,917.5
Ship sta tions, narrow-band direct-pr inti ng
spaced 2
te legrap h da ta transm ission systems :
22,270 - - 22,320 22,322.5 --22,370 4,166 - 4,172.25kHz
41 frequencies 22,374 6,248 - 6,258.25 kHz
spaced 2.5 8,331.5 - 8,341.75 kHz
12,483 - 12,503.25 kHz
16,640 - 16,660.5 kHz
Limit Calling frequencies Limit 22,164 - 22,184.5 kHz

25,070 25,073.5 - - - ------------ 25,081 25,082.5 Coast statio ns, wide-band and manual
6 frequencies spaced 1.5 telegraphy, facs imile , spec ial and data
transm ission systems and direct-printing
telegraph system:
4,231 - 4,361 kHz
6,345.5 - 6,514 kHz
Limit Wo rking frequencies Limit 8,459.5 - 8,728.5 kHz·
12,689 - 13,107.5 kHz
25,082.5 25,084 --- - ------ - ----- 25,106 .5 25,110 16,917.5 - 17,255 kHz
16 freq uencies spaced 1.5
22,374 - 22,624.5 kHz
"plus 8078.1- U.S . Navy, Va.

Table 8. Frequencies assignable to ship radio telegraph stations using the maritime mobile service bands bet ween 4 and 27.5 MHz.
not e on the calls you will help yo u read the tab les, th e listed have chann el designa- as WOM 410, however, tells
hear is that the callsigns following sectio n explains t he tions after the freque ncy. us that t his is a 4-MHz chan-
fo l low the same general channel designation number- These refer to the band and nel of the Fort Lauderdale,
assignmen ts as amateur calls ing system and summarizes number of channels on a par- Florida, high seas station and
and a th ree-letter call is that what information can be ticular band. There fore, a is registered as being 4090 .9
of a sho re station, while a fo und in the various tables. channel labeled "4 10" tells us kHz (ship t ra nsmit}/438 5.3
four-lett er or letter/number that it is a 4-M Hz channel, kHz (ship receive). Thes e are
combi nati on is usually th at of Reading The Tables and refers to a particular fre- always half-duplex freq uen-
a ship. Finally, in order to Many of the freq uencies quency . Stating th e channel cies.

International U.S. channels

Channel Sh ip Coast Frequency (MHz) Function
designators stat ions stations Channel Ship Coast Intersh lp
c) 60 156.025 160.625 Dist ress, sa fety and calling (worldwi de)
01 156.050 160.650 16 156.800 156.800 YES YES
61 156.075 160.675 Intership safe ty (worldwide)
02 156.100 160.700 6 156.300 156.300 YES NO
62 156.125 160.725 Lia ison U.S. Coast Guard
03 156.150 160.750 22 157.100 157.100 YES YES
63 156.175 160.775 Naviga tional (worldwide)
04 156.200 160.800 13 156.650 156.650 YES YES
64 156.225 160.825 State control
05 156.250 160.850 17 156.850 156.850 NO YES
65 156.275 160.875 Commercial
06 e) 156.300 7 156.350 156.350 YES YES
66 156.325 160.925 8 156.400 NONE YES NO
07 156.350 160.950 9 156.450 156.450 YES YES
67 156.375 156.375 10 156.500 156.500 YES YES
08 156.400 11 156.550 156.550 YES YES
68 156.425 156.425 18 156.900 156.900 , Y ES Y ES
09 156.450 156.450 19 156.950 156.950 Y ES YES
69 156.475 156.475 67 156.375 NON E YES NO
10 156.500 156.500 77 156.875 NONE YES NO
70 156.525 79 156.975 156.975 YES YES
11 156.550 156.550 60 157.025 157.025 YES Y ES
71 156.575 156.575 68 157.425 NON E Y ES NO
12 156.600 156.600 Noncommerc ial
72 156.625 9 156.450 156.450 YES YES
13 156.650 156.650 68 156.425 156.425 YES YES
73 156.675 156.675 69 156.475 156,47(; NO YES
14 156.700 156.700 70 156.525 NO NE YES NO
74 156.725 156.725 71 156.575 156.575 NO YES
15 d) 156.750 156.750 72 156.625 NON E YES __NO
16 156.600 156.800 78 156.925 156.925 YES
17 d) 156.850 156.850 Public correspondenee (note : 4.6 MH z T/R)
77 156.875 24 157.200 161.800 NO YES
18 156.900 161.500 25 157.250 161.850 NO YES
78 156.925 161.525 26 157.300 161.900 NO YES
19 156.950 161.550 27 157.350 161.950 NO Y ES
79 156.975 161.575 28 157.400 162.000 NO YES
20 157.000 161.600 84 157.225 161.825 'NO YES
80 157.025 161.625 85 157.275 161.875 NO YES
21 157.050 161.650 86 157.325 161.925 NO Y ES
81 157.075 161.675 87 157.375 161.975 NO YES
22 157.100 161.700 Port operations
82 157.125 161.725 12 156.600 156.600 YES YES
23 157.150 161.750 14 156.700 156.700 YES YES
83 157.175 161.775 20 157.000 161.600 YES YES
24 157.200 161.600 65 156.275 156.275 YES YES
84 157.225 161.825 66 156.325 156.325 YES YES
25 157.250 161.850 73 156.675 156.675 YES YES
85 157.275 161.875 74 156.725 156.725 YES YES
26 157.300 161.900
86 157.325 161.925 Wea ther
27 157.350 161.950
Channel Frequency Usage
87 157.375 161.975
WXl 162.550 NOAA primary weather chan nel
28 157.400 162.000 NOAA seconda ry wea ther channel
WX2 162.400
c) 88 157.425 182.025 Ca nadian weather channel
WX3 161.650
(ITU c hann el 21)

Table 9. VHF.
Band (kHz) Co m ments 4060-4440 CW, Morse, RTTY- propag a - stat ions and their fre quencies.
14-160 VLF, Morse, sha red wi t h radio t ion like 75m There are two o the r typ es of
navig ati on and d irec t ion fin d- 6200-6524 Mo s tly CW with a fe w ship-t o- chan nel num bers: for HF
i ng ship and duplex 8S B cha nn els . ship-to-ship (a num ber and
255-265 VLF, Morse , sha red w it h rad io Pro pagati o n l ike 40m
letter co m binatio n), and fo r
nav igation an d direction find- 6194 -66 15 Voice , CW , man y high sea s
VHF-FM (a simple chan nel
in g ov erse as stat io ns at nig ht -
410 ± 5 Reserved for dir ect ion f ind ing propagat io n li ke 40m
num ber ). These are to be
415-525 MF-Iow , Morse-m ost co mmon 12330-13200 Voice. CW, many high seas found in Ta bles 3 and 9,
ship f requency band in earl y o ve rseas stat io n s du r in g day - resp ecti vely.
days - sti ll used for med ium p ropag a ti on like 20 m
ra nge to da y 16460-17360 Vo ice, CW, m an y hi gh seas In o rd er to find the emer-
500 " SOS" and call i ng o vers eas stations d uring day - gency fr eque ncies quickly,
1605-2650 Mo rse and voice- prima rily old p ro p ag at io n li k e 20 m they a re liste d se para te ly in
"ship-to -sho re" ba nd in "AM" 22000-22720 Vo ice , CW, RTT Y - p ro p ag at io n Tab le 1, fo llowe d by the
days; most ly being replac ed for like 15m ty pes of em ergenc y or pri -
sh ort range by VH F 25060-25110 M o s tl y CW- very lo ng da y t im e
or ity signa ls hear d on them in
3155-3400 Voice, Morse-les s com mo n in ran g e
Table 2_
U_S_ 156 _0-162_6 MHz V H F· FM , vo ic e, w ea t h er. 156 .8
3400-3600 In some part s o f wo rld , shared MHz for emergency calling -
wit h am ate ur s ervice 40 -mile ra n ge For those who have t rans-
ceive rs or rece ivers with spare
Table 10. Summary o f marine bands. bands, the variou s ban ds,
cha nnel break down sche mes,
For an other example, and voice as well as Morse
NM O-H o n o lul u All use AM VERS WOO 811 is on e of the o peration ar e to be found in
NM C- Pt. Reyes CA f re q u en ci es p lu s 8-MHz channels for New the rema ining tables.
NMN - Po rt sm o uth VA following: 4955, Yor k's (act ually locat ed in
NAM- Port s m o u th VA 6150,6662, 13360, New Jersey, near Atl antic That 's it. Pic k out where
NGR -Athen s , Greece 16445, 12 730 for CW and what yo u wan t to hear,
C ity) Ocean Gate Rad io
NPN- Guam (822 6.0T/8749 _9 R) . Table 4 tune, it in, and en joy th e-
NOT, N PO - S la ve s tat ions (for w eat her)
provides a Iisting of man y of e xcitement a nd fascinat ion of
Tab le 11_ High seas Na v y and Coa st Gua rd ste tiotis. the major worl d high _seas t he marine band s. •

The result of nearly two years of continuous development and nearly fifty years of amateur
and commercial antenna design and manufact ure Bassett heli um fill ed antenn as are for t he
amateu r who demands the very best i n Amer ican mede autcmatic banachanqe systems and
mobile antenn as that are compatible with all transceivers includinq th e new " no tune" units.
Trap systems are fundamental dipoles on each band and do not require antenna t uners.

• Heliu m fill ed t raps lm ervlcus to all weather • Heliu m fill ed for a lifeti meof high effici ency
• Mai ntains precise resonance and effi ciency • Cormletely adjustable to precise resonance
• Systems easily handle legal amateur power • Powe r handlin g capabi lity to 750 watts PEP
• Multi band amateur and MARS wit h one coax • Beautiful Whit e 32" Fiberglass lower section
• Fully compatible wlthvno tune" t ransceivers • Stainless 38" 17· 7 taper ed top whip section
• Short enough to tit on a sma ll50'by 100' lot • Very low weight VAC-20 weighs 6. 5 ounces
• Rugged whit e trais only l "dia meler, 5" long • Low wind drag. Holds vert ical at high speed
• Uses your RG-8 or RG -58 coaxi n any length • All chrome plated polished br ass hardware
• center'tsolator'' eq uipped to accept a PL-259 • Mode ls for all bands wit h a 2 meter collinea r
• Solid CopperweJd, stainless, nylon end li nes • Mates with any standard 3/8-24 mobil mount
VAC-40I7S--$S4_ SO VAC-2014017S- -$74_SO VAC- 101l512014O-- -- -$ID4_50 VAC·2 colli near for 2 mete r mobile-- -$29. 50
VAC-2014O-- $S4.SO VAC- 15/20/40- -$74_50 VAC-15/2D/4O/75-- - --$1D4_ 50 VAC-6, VAC- IO, VAC -15, VAC -20---$19.50
VAC-1S/2D--$S4_ so VAC-10/15/20--$74_50 VAC-101l5/2D140175--$I34_50 VAC-4O, VAC-7S(40 and 7S metersl-- $34_SO

Postpaid UP S delivery in 48 States. Florida residents add 4% Flor ida sales tax to above prices.
Special models are available for any use, commercial, secur ity, utility, mili tary, or ma r ine.

TEL, 305-561-1400

V Reader Service- see page 211

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" , Reader service -see pag e 211

If You eYer UJorked a repeater•. .
Chancel are. It UJal one of thel !
, e

Co nservat ive ly
Se If contained" all solid
mponents, repeaters,
state assure xcebot
h int
, bilitv
re tia I . '
. h q ua lity co been give n 0
Cared, hiq nsiderati on has
rat 599,95
efuI co llit .. .. ..
I t lexi bi I y, , 649,95
and co ntro 144B or RPT 220B K't , 899.95
RPT SOB, RPT : ed and t est ed 49 95
RPT 432B Kit PT 220B facto ry wrr 9 ,
RPT SOB. RP T 144B or R
. ed and test ed.. .. .. .. .... .. ..
RPT 432B l ac t a ry w rr

N IA . Carse n , h 4 Ph. 2 1 3- 8 3 4 -5868

CA LIFOR . E nter p r ise s, C A 9 5 ' 2 1907
. P 45
. 4 '08
.6 6 7'267 4 .4 4 79
C & A Ele ct res. sa n. JoCA
ro n ico m
E lectr se, 9 4 590CA
, 7 07 .64
T e te -Corn t ton . v e u ej o. . CO 8 0909.
Za ckit Co. po re cc tor ec o Sp " n 9'.
Co D
mOm uniice t to ns, Wes Com,

A .E . . 3 03·475 ·7050 0 5.894 3 2 38

S~PPI.)\ 3_2~4'71 76
Ph . L 3 2803. Ph . 3
a teu r E le ct r o. n ic MIa m i _ OLr la nd
6, ,FPh9 0559 2-968 5
Am 0 " tr ib utm g , F L 32 0 7 . .
N & G IS Ora nge Pa rk,
VH F / J AX. 404.971-2' 22
G E O R GI A . Marietta , GA 30065. Ph.
C,ea" ,e atectr entc s. 3 09.691.4840 7
I L LI N O I S . Peo ri a, IL 6' 61~O=hph. 3 12 -8 48-5 77
Kra u s Ra d'O'o ak Par ki t L 6 0 • 5 15.5 76.3886
Sp ecn- o nt cs , A 5 0 5 0 1 . Ph .
A For t D o dge . I
lOW er ectr cntcs. 617 . 395.8280
Bob Sm ith TTS MA 0215 5 . Ph .
SSA CH US E . M edf ord ,
MA d ' Electr cnics, 3 5 8 4 .4640

M ICHIG~Nributing,
Tu'U R a ' 0 I 4822 8 . Ph . 3 1 '5 3 , . , 9 7 6
Detroit ' ::1 4950 8 , Ph. 61 6 -
Ada m s Ot sr Kentwo od . 4662

T he Ham Shack, .
N 55412. Ph . 61 2 -52 1 -

M; nneapo ll,. M 31 4 " 49 -136 2
MISSOU RI . labs, c oru m b te .
A lp ha E le ct r on ic
PAL Et ec trc • . M O 6 5201. Ph •

sleepers in the rad io publishi ng lot of develo pmen t ti me and

fi eld ha s been John 's book, The mo ney in to ten met er rep eat-
Propa gation Wiza rd' s Hand- ers? That depend s on propaga-
boo k ($6.95 fr om Rad io Book- t ion.
shop, Peterbor ou g h NH 03458).


editorial by Wayne Green
Jo hn was virtually the onl y " ex-
pert " in the fi eld to have accu-
rate ly predicted t his cyc le as it
has evolve d-and his predic-
tio n w as way out in left fi eld . He
One cl ub and one c lub only
refused to cooperate w it h t he
ham c lub s in the greater St.
Louis area o n their recent ARCH
pred ic ted a very low suns pot MARC H hamfest. Their excu se
number for t his cycle , with the was that as an ARRL c lub th ey
from page 6 CANADIAN HIJI NKS appea rance of a very few large refused to support any amat eur
Having recei ved some sanc ti - spots instead of the myr iad of activit y where Wayn e Green
th e bl ame, so I can und er sta nd mon iou s lett ers from Can ada in small spots which have made was go ing to talk.
t he need to try to re vise t he on e response to my critic isms of th e up the past cycles ... and he When I hea rd about t his, I
lon e vote ag ains t t he proj ect in- ARRL pul li ng what appears to has been absol utely right! wro te to t he c lub and offered to
to an even split. It wa s an am - be a co n jo b on t he Canad ians, I The Nelson book is now be- co me to St. Lou is a da y early
bit ious project whic h m ig ht had someone look into the state ing or de red in larger num bers a nd go t o a s pecia l c lu b
have managed to d ie o n it s ow n of affairs of the sup posed incor - by th e sc ienti st s at NASA and at meet ing w here t he me mbers
acc ord withou t the j ugu lar be- pora ti o n of a Can adia n League Boulder, wher e th e National co uld have an oppo rt unity to
ing cut by Tenney . .. but t hat ... and nothing co uld be fo und Bureau of St andards run s a face me w it h th eir beefs and
we' ll not know for sure, and S0, filed wi th th e Canadi an govern- propagat ion labor at or y. N el- have an oppo rt un ity to fi nd o ut
sho uld amate ur radi o lose f re- me nt. Th is wo uld lead a naive so n's predi cti on s have been th e truth of things the y believed
qu encies at W ARe this fall, we perso n li ke me to su sp ect that rig ht on the nos e, w hile the on t rust fro m the ARR L. The
c ert ainly kn o w wh ere to poi n t all t hose promises of unty ing gov ern ment predictions have c lub flat ly ref used to face me.
th e finger. My own evalua tion is the apron strings are the usua l been noticeably sho rt on ac- Fa ili ng in t hat , I tri ed to get a
t hat t he proje c t to i n te res t baloney. c uracy. meeting w it h the head of the
Afr ican count rie s in th e bene - There is nothing really new c lub and t his wa s agre ed upon .
In looking over the list of of-
fits of amateur radio to thei r abou t the Nelson syste m. He 's Came t he t ime for t he meet-
fi cers fo r Canada, I see W2 H 0
peop le wo uld have wo rked, ju st been using it for abou t 30 years ing , th e on ly time t his chap
listed as th eir vice president. I
as it did in Jordan, and could and has desc ribed it in many ar- co uld ma ke it , at 10:00 pm t he
dunno w hy Can adian s put so
have ma de a decisive difference t icl es down throug h the years. night befor e the hamfest , and
muc h stock in ca rpet bag ge rs
at Geneva _.. perh ap s getti ng Wh en I f irst ran into his concept the c hap did n't show up . I sat
and prefer to be ru n from t he US
some back ing for the US pro- of the pl ane ts having an infl u- and waited fo r almost an hou r,
instead of fro m Can ada. Per-
posa l for even more amateur ence on sunspots, some 25 bu t no messag e and no club
haps they are st ill too weak to
ban ds. yea rs ago, it made a lot of sense pres ident. I was worn o ut afte -r a
sta nd on t heir ow n? Yet , w hich
Futu re hi storia ns intere sted to me. I met John w hen he was full day of television appear-
way is the mo ney flowing? Is it
in gett ing facts on thes e ARMA giving a talk o n his system at a ances, meeting t he mayo r of SI.
g oing to Can ada o r f ro m
meeting s shou ld co ntact me for Lo ng Island ham club. I wa s im- Loui s, and oth er meetings.
it . . . an d I 'm k id d ing t here,
copies of t he tapes . It 's al l there pressed by his ca uti o us ,ap- When t he chap didn 't sho w, I
becau se I know as we ll as yo u
for anyo ne w ith th e co nst it ut ion proac h and penchant for rigor- went to bed to get rested up for
whic h way th e mon ey goes _.
to listen t hro ugh . ous attention to details. I noted the bus y hamfest on the da y to
into t he bottom less pit down in
Connec t icut. t h at on l y h i s p re d ic ti o ns come. I had to"b'e up very early
FM STARTED IT see med to stand up , while t hose to set up our booth, get set for
The Ja pan ese had no se rio us of the Bureau of Standards and my two major ta lk s t hat day , etc.
foot hol d in the US wit h ham George Jac obs (VOA) wo ul d be Sud denl y, the phone ran g .. .
gear until the adve nt of FM a nd Th e League officials we re f re q uen tly ln. seri ou s ersor, ou r friend had finally gotten to
repeaters. I would li ke t o point wearing very wor ried looks at When Jo hn sa id cond it ions the hat er. He got angr y wh en I
out that w hen I starte d pus hing Dayton. It was diffi cult t o even we re go ing to st ink, that was said I wo uld n't get dressed
FM in 73 Magazine back in 1969, get th em to come fort h wit h a the time to take a vaca t io n. aga in and co me down to argue
I made sure th at every US manu - wan smil e. It seems t hat the $18 When he sai d the y wo uld be hot, wi t h hi m for an hour or so. I had
fa ctu rer o f ham eq uip me nt fee has broug ht renewal s al - yo u mad e su re yo ur antenna gone to a lot of troub le to make
knew w hat I was do ing and the most to a halt. Now ham s are was working rig ht. - - . the ti me availab le fo r him -
im pact that I expected it to taking a qimlet-eyed look at
Oh , w hat va lue ar e t hese which was was ted -and I was
have. Th ey ignored my predic- wh at t hey are bu yin g. The y see
long-range pred ictions? Jo hn not about to stay up a good part
t io ns, feeling t hat FM never a magazin e with few in terest-
wrote an art ic le for 73 qui te of th e nigh t and thus mak e my
wou ld be a significant fac tor in ing ar ti cle s .. . they see a lot of
some t ime ago telli ng us w hat talks the next day less enter-
th e ham market. back-patt tnq new s w hic h is
we could expect from t he eleven taining j ust because he wa s un-
Thi s rem ind ed me of my sim- stale befo re the y even get t he
meter CB f requenc ies during able to keep an appoint me nt.
ilar fa ilure to inte rest the major ma gazine .. _and ads .
th is cycle . .. and his predi c- Pfiooey.
fi rms in getting in to sideband The director s have been t ry-
ing to get t he magazine beefed ti o ns have been mo st accurate.
back in 1955 when I saw th at Since th is cyc le is unli ke any MARCH WINNER
on e comi ng . I · t a lked wi th up, but as t he edi tor com pla ined
at Dayton , hard ly an yon e wi ll othe r in histor y and was pre- " T he N CX-M at ch " wa s a
Halli c raft ers , Hammar lu nd, Na- d icted by John thi s way, t he ef- c lose winner over K6IQL's ·" The
ti o nal , etc ., ab ou t it and none of write fo r OS T anymore. They
ju st do n't have th e art icles - ex- fec ts o n bot h the CB tr equ en- 10-GHz Cookbook " in our Mar ch
t hem had any interest at th e ciea an d the ham bands have Reader Serv ice ca rd ba llot ing ,
t ime . It took Central Electronic s ce pt those from t he few staffers
who have not yet left the rnaqa- been remark ably differen t from so Rick Ferr anti WA6 NCX /1
to get th ings moving and the big past cycles. Knowing about thi s (New ton Cent re MA) w ill be re-
f irms cam e alo ng w hen there ztne.
ahead of t ime is val uable in ceiving our $100 bonus check
was no ot her cho ice. making rules and planning ac- for bei ng the author of that
By lea ving the FM field op en SUNSPOT M ADNESS
t ivit ies. Is it wo rt hw hile to put a issue's mo st popular art icle.
to im por ts, the US indu st ry It has not been with a li ttl e
made it possible fo r t hem to set sm ug ness t hat we 've be e n
up im porti ng and ma rketing in watching the sunspot cy cle to
t his count ry on a large scale .. .
layin g th e foundatio n for the
70% pen et rat ion we see today.
If US manu fac turers wi ll be
see how well it wo uld corre-
spond w ith th e model predicted
by o ur residen t expert , Joh n
Nelso n ... part ic ularly as co m-
IHam Help
ad venturou s an d tr y to lea d the pared w it h th e predictions for I woul d apprec iate it if out boa rd vf o.
ma rke t in stead of fo ll ow it, t hey this cyc le by t he man y ot her ex- an yone co uld help me connect Ancel W . Norris WB4AUB
can se ll eve ryt hing th ey can perts in the field . a He athk it HG-10B vfo to my 4357 Mountaind ale Road
make. Probab ly on e o f the real Swan 500CX to be used as an Birmingham AL 35213

615 868-4956
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0 16 7 0 0 16 C 2 7 CS 5 .. FOlt.l O
0 16 8C 0 16 E 08 IN X

I RTTY Loop_ _
016 ~ C 0 1 6 1' C3 HlX
0 1700 o rt c C3 l NX
Program 1 0 17 10 0 111 2 0 f7 B RA S pi.,0 3 P
(c on ti nue d). 0 17 2 0 0 173 03 I NX
017 30 0 11 4 86 tc LOA A ' SI C

f rom page 74 0 10 6 0 009B 50 FeB ~ 5 C . ~C C . S OO , . as

0 17 4 0 0 17 6 3D C2 "R OUTPUT

01070 OOH . ,e r ua ~SD . ~ 2011 .524 ) . »)

0 17 5 0
Cl 7 6 C
0 11 d A6
C I7 A 3D
5' R
OI Cd O OOA I FC B ~ S Lo ~ F O.' B.Il ' · UP c t rc 0 8
Certain cha racters , not repre- " IWC 00A4 "s r f CB ~ 5f.~ f O.SA 4 ~ . u..
CI 77 0
0 17 :30 0 17Il A6 00
" IIC G COl\7 000 0 TEt'l FJ I F DEi 0000 oln o 0 111" ec 99 5,. Ou TPUT
sen ted in Baudot , have an $FF 0 1 1 1 (, COAiI co s. us-r r ce C 013 0 0 0 13 1 8 6 lC i..OA A IU £
stored at the ir locati on. This CI 12C COM. 00 CHRCll T F CE C 01 8 10 0 183 8 D 85 esa ,J UT PUT
dir ect s th e program to use th e
0 1 1 3C
01 140
OOAE> 00 C&.f ST res ~ D . ~ A. ~ 1 5 . 0. 0.
4 018 20
0 13 3 0
C l3 S C6
0 18 7 C&
i. OA B
CtiR c ...r
spec ia l tabl e (SPLTBL), located el1 50 Cld 4 C 0 1 3 ~ £7 AA 5TSI .. C:i RCNT
from $80 to $A6. The table Is 0 1 16 0 0100 v RO S O IO O 0 18 S0 CI8 h 20 88 BR A I NCH R
GI 11 0 O IOC IH . A0 1 0 S TAh T i...D S • Sh 07 0 0 18 6 0 01 8 0 c r. OCAE Cfl,.... F.:Ir LOX ' CRl..f ST
organized as a three-byte, fixe d- Oll :3C 0 lC3 4 1' C"'n It 0 1<l7 0 0 1 ~0 ED E.C1 E J ' R P OATA
fo rmat tabl e. The f irst byte is Ol BO 0 1 011. £> 7 3 0 11: STA A PIAC A Cl ~8 0 OU 3 3 6 38 L OA J'I I ~3 8

t he ASCII character , and t he

next two are t he Baudot codes
for the two-letter symbo l fo r
0 120 0
0 12 1 0
0 12 20
CI 2 3 0
0 12 4 0
0 1 0 :3
0 1 10
&7 s crc
86 0 4
B7 80 l D
d 60 1

15 0 1
C13 i10
on 1 0
0 19 £ 0
0 1 ~ 30
O Iil S 8 1'
0 191 03 6
0 199 s c
O I Hi 86
0 19 0 3D
5 SR
L [.A

' S AO
eac h ASCII co de. 0 12 5 0 0 1 12 &7 e c tc STA A PIACA Ol ~ 4 0 crs r 86 fF
5' R
LO A A ' Sf f
The mai n program starts at " 12 6 0 01 1 5 BD [. I ,; C I jl C;iF. ..IS? I N EEE. 0 19 50 OIA I 3 D 97 5SR a UTP UT
$0100 by sett ing up the stack CI 2 1 0 ot re E7 01 11' ST A A I NDEX· I CIY 6 0 C I A3 8 6 fF LOA A ' ~Ff
C12:30 0 1 16 CE C020 c ex I T ABl. E 0 1910 0 1145 3D ~3 OUTF u T
and initiali zi ng th e PIA, ad- 0 1 2~ 0 OI I E 106 CO J;~D L< I. DI\ It X OB 30 O I Al 7f" OOAA
B' R
dressed to por t 7, as an out put. 01300 CI 20 :3 1 H el'l p A • H I' cras o O I AA 7E C I 15 JMP 11II Cli R
A character is inp ut t hroug h the 0 13 10 0 12 2 2 7 3C BEO S P;"Cti f< ceoco
C13 2-0 0 124 /l D TST A 000 10 0 11<0 06 OS OUTS!) T L OA B ' 10 5
monitor' s input ro ut ine and CI33 0 0 1 25 2 7 E.£ bUI JNCti R 0.202 0 C I AF 60 16 BSR SND SPC
used as t he Index fo r t he tab le. Ol 3 110 or a r 0 1 YO CMP A U 90 C203 0 O I E I 48 SFf.. FT ASL A
If the retr ieved cha racter is $FF, (;13 50 0 1 2~ 2 6 oe bU. AR<J "' 0 caceo O Hi2 25 0 011 50 S ,ifit{u UT
0 13 6 0 0 126 C6 3C LJ:A £> ' 60 000 5 0 0 104 80 11 BS R S.~ DSP C
t he ASCII code needs a spec ial C,1P £> eJi RCNT
c harac t er represent ation, and a
' 13 :3C
0 1 2 0 0 1 All.
01 2 f 20 0 2- "'-, A RJ U:~D
00 06 C o r a e
0:0 7 0 0 1&3
b RA
.1"",) li T BS I\
branch to SPLCHA: is executed. C13 i10
CI 400
0 1 3 1 :<0 S A
0 1 33 8E OS AnJ1,j;~D
ce. rc r
"'os 0 o r s ..
a! 09 0 O I E> E
26 F4
,~ ,( T l::.>-E. DE.C
A ret rieved null, $00, initiate s a CI 4 10 0 13 5 7 0 OCM me caecs r C2 10 0 Ol E;!: so 03 S;W ST P BS/'. SL~ DJ.'l M
branch back to in put, w it h no (11420 0 13 3 2 0 DE ERA INCtiR Cl2 1 1 0 on,r eo 01 BSR SND.1 M
outpu t prod uce d. One more t est f.1430 C 13" 4 0 <.l UTPUT AS L A 00 12 0 O I C I 39 RT '
and we' re read y to Ity. If the re-
014 4(..
(,145 C
0 1 3 El 25 II
0 1 3 0 1 r.. OOM Q.U I as TST
.0' Ch i- n.S
So"!I FT
00.1 3 0
a! 14 0 0 l C2 36 SNo.'U'i< P Asn
trieved ch ara ct er is a spa ce ($90 CI4 60 0 10110 2 7 I I>
'E' OUT C:i R G: I SO 0l C3 <5 6 0 1 L DA A I ~ OI

in Baud ot ), a che ck is made on CI 4 1G 0 111. 2 36 P $. I A G: 16 0 C I CS 2 0 ' ·0 3 BRA OUTOAT

C 14 3 86 "J: I. £ A A
t he running total charact ers in CI4JC
0 1 4 ~0 0 14 S ec O IAO J,. . . OS
0<:1 7 0 C IC7
0;: 13 0 0 l C8
3 6 DO
s.';;S PC PSrl A
I. Di. A ' S OO
th e line. If it is greater t han six- 01 SO C 0 14 0 3 2 PUl. A cers o O I Cl-> Cf ,JUT LAT ST X T L1 N I
ty, forge t th e space and send a 01 5 10
0 15 20
0 14 9 7f" OOA\!
0 1 4 0 2 0 OF
OC20 0 O ICC
(2 2 1 0 O I CF
Il 7
s c D.
'a" c
b SR
PLA t ..
,"IS sea0
carriag e-ret urn, li ne-fe ed se - 0 15 3 0 0 1 4 E 7 D OOM O,(L TR S TST SK I f T ("£2 2 0 O IC I 32- PUL.. f.o

quence . If it is not a space, 01 5 0110 0 1 5 1 26 OA W E Ou tCrlR cacao 0 lC2 C L 107 c OX ! E:I PJ I
hooray-we put it out. 01 5 50 0 lS3 3 6 P '" A a!2 4 0 0 I C4 3~ RT '
0 1 5 60 0 15 4 3 6 FF i..DA A 'S F f et22S 0
First things fir st , t he MSB is CI 5 7 0 0 1 56 b r.. O I AD JS R OUTS OT 00 £ 6 0 O IC :; ae 01 .1S £'0 :<0 ESR rlSEC 10
shi fted into the carry bit , where CI~ O O ISiI 3 2 PlL A a<~70 C mt CI :~.:l P
0 1 5i' 0 0 1 5.. 7 C 00A9 I NC SH I fT (2280 o r c a C E " " 30 ,'l SEC I O L OX
it can be used to set or reset the 0 1600 0 1 5 0 3D 4 t u UTCrlR BS R OUTBD T (2 290 0 1 0 & O~ a Sl. J u p OEX
so ftw are flip-flop used to mon- 0 16 10 O I S!'" 39 RTS ce3 0 0 O ICC 26 n. BNE :1SL .,)ojP
itor case. Thi s was well d ia- 01 62 0 0 1 6 0 86 cr r r S PLC ilR LDA A INDIX." I ""31 0 "' OJ~E 39 RTS
g ram med last mo nth and w ill 01 630 0 16 3 8 1 0 0 Ctl p A n OD 02 3 2 C
01 6011 0 0 1 6 5 2 7 26 BE ' e R>,. f OT (2 3 3 C AC48 .,) F.G P e.CT );
no t be detailed here. Each of the 0 1650 0 1 6 7 ca 0 0 80 LOX ' S P TA&. 003011 0 A" "'3 O I OC FeB START
five data bit s is then shift ed out 0 16 60 0 16 A A I 0 0 S P...JJ P CMP I< x 00 3 5 0
and sent sequent ial ly, aft er a 0::36 C

character START bit is sent , and

a STOP bi t , 33 milli second s of Since thi s del ay is produ ced by 902.255 kHz, and a delay co rr : in sec onds, between t he " 8"
pure MAR K, is pl ast ered on at load ing a number into t he index st ant of $0480 is used. If you and " E" . Use the for mula shown
the end. regi ster and decrementi ng it , have the MP-A2 CPU board, yo ur in Fig. 1 to ca lc ulate yo ur de lay
Now t hing s are goi ng to get a the speed of th e com puter's c loc k speed may be anything cons tant. Remember, th is is
bit tack y. Each dat a bit must be cloc k ca n make a signific ant f rom about 900 kHz to 1.5 MHz. hexadecimal arithmet ic . Work
sent for exactly 22 ms. The t im- difference in th e delay. To fin d t he cons tant that is righ t t hrough t he example to be sure
in g is set in a so ftware delay For t he " orig inal" SWTPC fo r your sys tem, ent er Program yo u've got it right.
loop, called MSEC10, set for ap- 6800, with the Mp ·A CPU board, 2 into yo ur co mputer and type One more thin g to do before
prox imate ly an eleven ms delay. the c lock spe ed is ro ug hl y " G" . Time , exactly, the interval, we can use th e program on t he

Program 2.
00 01 0
00 0 2 0
tl Ao1
C..,( S P f. E:D
00 :<4 0
00 :<50
O''' l N
uN E..'1 I N
!'" U R
f I V E
00260 C lOD at ce BSR uNL1JN : i41 NUT E S
000 4 0 002 7 0 O I OF 86 45 ... r;J'I SI • 'E P UT OUT I;N "E"
00 05 0 PR J GRAH TO DETERMINE OC2d O CI I I b r. Llt l JS R 'lU TEE. AT T;i E E"lr.
00 06 0 CJI. ST ",;~ t &y
J;E... ..'f OC2 ) 0 0 1 14 7 1. E.CE.3 JMP S "'T£~U Ci M D GJ Til MOl'll ! :)R
OOC7C £S TI.4 A T I ,~G CLJ Q.{ OO30 C
ccoa c S P H ..O oJf T,{E" S WTPC OC31 0 (01 17 136 C7 il.H..'l I.l L t l-. J'I ' ~07 Rl;'G ToiE E E:.1.
coos C 6O C(, CUI1 P UTER CC32C C I iii 5£ E tC I ..iS R OUH. l EA Qi ,iI l\IL"TE
00 1 0 0 to 3 3 G O l lC C6 3h .. r... a n 3D
cct ro ", ARC t . . . EAV E'(. a - u, CC;;4 0 C I I E. CL F3 (oC ..Ju P I Lex , u aoo Trl l S LilJ P
CCl 2 0 OO35 C 0 1:21 O~ .. J u P2 eEX I S Tt i1E I:
00 1 3 0 OO;;6C 0 1:22 O~ DE X TU RU"
((, 14 0
OC I 5 0
CC16 (/
.. tx n.R!l .... RE.F l RL"<CES


ce 37 0
C03 3 0
00 3i10
0 1 ~3 ce
01 2ll. ~ 6 FE
0 126 5 ..
l i'lX

ONE :iI:-J I,;TE
WI Trl A
CL J C,( Of
CCl7 C S VT&lJCi U' U ~E(/E 3 CC4C O 0 1 2 7 2 6 1'5 e.;. £ ~ .,) u FI OIl E ;4HZ

COl iJ O F e CT R I. ,"U ~ A 04 8 coer c C I N 3~ RT'
OCIiI O oloe oao ~C 10 C OC0ll2C
00 :=0 (/ O IO C 86 42- ST j, /'.T L DiI A P UT c u r I< -e-' 00430 AOll6 P Ci CT R SE T UP F R() Ci R~1 COUNT ER
00 2 1 0 0 10 l< SO EI DI Jsn OUTEE I N THE & EOI~~ lN Ci 0044 0 Sl046 0 100 START \/ I TH ST ART tNO ADDflE SS
CC2 2 0 01 0 5 8D 10 SS H ON EM J 1~ N c W ({;4S 0
OC23 0 0 10 7 80 OE SS E ON E:1l N W A 1 T ((;46 0

The Scanning Memorizers
(220 MHz)

(144 MHz)

(50 MHz)

The FT-127 RA, FT-227RB and FT-627 RA, FM transceivers, allow scanning and expanded memory cove rage for the
demanding VHF FM operator. All feature up/down scanning capability with control from the micro phone; the scanner
will also search for a busy or clea r channel. Four memory channels are available - two for simplex, three for repeater
channel s,one for a split of up to 4 MHz.Other performance features are similar to those of the renowned FT-227R .


Keyboard Microphone : YM-22 for FT-127RA and FT-627RA ; YM-23 for FT-227RB (YM-22 standa rd feature with
FT-227RB) • Squelch Unit • FP-4 AC Power Supply

CPU-2500R/K 2M FMTransceiver
with Central Processing Unit
The age of computers has entered the amateur scene
wrth the announcement of the CPU-2500R/ K 2-mete r
FM tran sceiver. Controll ed by a 4-bit central processing
unit (CPU), the CPU-2500R/K contains a scanner, 4
memory cha nnels, manual or automatic tone burst, an
optional sub-audible tone sque lch, and 25 walls output.
The keyboard microphone allows two-tone input for
autopatch or control purposes, as well as remote pro-
gramming of dial or memory frequencies.
Autom atic ± 600 kHz repe ater split. or program a split up
to 4 MHz using the memory . Keyboard microphone
atows remote program ming of odd splits.
CPU scanner will search for a busy or clear channel,
upon your com mand.
Four memory channels for simplex or repeater use, plus
another memory channel for a split of up to 4 MHz.

.... c.. Available from C & A Electronics

Call for best price.
C&A EI.ctronlc Ent.rprls.s
Dlstrtbutors of Commerclol ond Amoteur Rodl o Eq uipment 800·421·2258
22010 S. Wilmington Ave., Suite 105
Carson, CA 90745 213·834·5868

y" Reader Service -see page 211 167

air : Interf ace it. The data is co m- moni tor t o handl e serial data
ing o ut of bit 0 (the LSB) of the A th rough a PIA int erface on por t
side of a PIA interf ace on port 7. Ge nera l For mu la : 1. Yes, I know we are do ing es-
This TI L level signal represents " Constant Delay" x " Co nsta nt Tim e" = sent ia lly the same t hin g on por t
MA RK w it h a hig h and SPACE " New Delay" x " New Ti me" 7, but th at is t he problem . While
w ith a low. If you have an Sl -6 or Con stants fo r Mp·A Sys tem: t he sys te m w ill suppo rt one
equ ivalent, interfacing may be Constant Delay = $480 (1152 Decimal) dela y loop, it wi ll not sup po rt
accom plished easily , add ing Constan t Time = 332 Seconds two runn ing at the same time .
o nly o ne diode, as described The so luti o n is to take one of
several mon th s ago for th e test Practica l Formul a: the 110 st ruct ures out of a sof t-
1152 x 332
ge nerat o r. Oth er interfa c in g New Ti me = New Delay wa re UART and int o a hard ware
schemes coul d incl ude an op to- UART, or ACIA. The easies t way
isol ato r o r reed re lay . Re- An Example: to do t hat is to use a serial MP-S
mem ber, t hough, don 't all ow MP-A2 System Ti me = 234 Seconds interface for co nt rol o n port 1.
t he loop voltag es access to t he 1 1 522~ 332 1634 = $666 New Delay Now, c haracters input dur ing an
compute r or you will have a out put are simply ignored. Not
sm o ki ng pil e of ex p ens i ve Fig . 1. an ideal solut io n, but adequate
" j unque." for thi s simple program .
If all goes we ll, when you load
t he program, adj ust the delay Now, o ne last hooker: If yo u are type in a character w hile one is Next month, we'll . . . no, I'm
co nst ant , and accomp lis h inter- using an MP-C " co ntro l inter- send ing, you w ill get garbage. not going to te ll you ! There are
faci ng, any ch aract er st ruck o n face" (the one t hat was sup- This is an unfortun ate result of few surprise s in life; let one of
t he keyboard shou ld co me out plied w it h t he computer if it had t he softw are UART wr itt en into them be next month 's RTTY
in Baudo t on t he ot her end. an MP·A CPU board) and you the MiKBUGTM or SWTBUGTM Loo p.

noted and calts of particip at ing The awa rd will be endo rsed

IContests. _ operators listed. Logs and co m-

ments should be sent to: Eng le-
wo od Amateur Rad io Assoc.,
PO Box 528, Englewood NJ
o nly o n t he request of t he ap pli -
ca nt and th e fo llowing endorse-
ment s are availa ble: all CW, all
SSB, a ll 3.5 MHz, all 28 MHz, all
07631. Novice, and fi ve-by-five, t he last
fr om page 19 t ions may wo rk ot her NJ sta- A size #10 SASE should be in- endorsement being for gai ning
t ions. General call is " CO NJ." c luded for resu lt s. St at io ns at least fi ve points on each of
Phon e-3920, 7260, 14300, NJ st ati ons are req uested to planning acti ve part ic ipat ion in th e fi ve hig h frequency bands.
21360, 28600, 50.3, 145.1. ident ify themselves by signi ng NJ are requested to advise t he
Use of FM simplex is enco ur- " DE NJ ." To c lai m the award, no QSL s
EA RA by Ju ly 7 of your in ten-
aged but no repeater contacts EXC HANG E: are required. However, full log
tio ns so that they can plan fo r
are allowed. oso number, RS(T), and eTH full cover age fro m al l counti es.
det ails show ing t he VK memb er
AWARDS: (ARRL sect io n or co unt ry/NJ (or IM M + OTH) wo rked, t heir
Port able and mobil e operat ion,
A plaq ue to th e top RI and county). RNARS nu mber, date, t ime, fre-
is enc ouraged.
non-RI sco rer, plus ce rt ifi ca tes FRE QUENCIES: quency, mode, plus an applica -
w ill be awarded to th e top scor- 1810, 3535, 3900, 7035, 7135, ENDEAVOUR AWARD ti o n fee of $1.50 Aust or 7 IRCs
ing st at io n in each RI coun ty, 7235, 14035, 14280 , 21 100, Th e Royal Naval Amate ur are to be s en t ~t he Endeavour
st at e, pro vin ce, OX count ry, 21355, 28100, 28600, 50·50.5, Rad io Soci ety already sponsors Awa rd Custod ia n: R. Ba t y
the to p scoring Novice and and 144·146. tw o awards, the Mercury Awa rd VK5MD, 43, HM AS Austral ia
Tec hnic ian stat ion in each RI Suggest phone act ivity on t he fo r contacti ng members of t he Road, Henl ey Beach Sout h, SA
co unty and st ate, and the ARC even ho urs, 15 meters on t he Soc iety, and t he Ham pshi re 5022 Aust rali a. Please ensure
in each st ate , province, and OX odd hours 1500 to 2100 GMT, County Award, for cc ntactrnq., all c hecks are in Aust ra lian
country that submits th e high- 160 meters at 0500 GMT. amateurs in t he Englis h co unty currency and made payabl e to
est agg regat e score with a m ini- SC ORING: of Hampshire. The Society now " R Bat y." Clearly state wha t en-
m um of 3 logs per cl ub. Out -of-state statio ns mult iply has great pleasure in ann ounc - do rsement s are cla imed. Cer-
EN TRIES: number of co mplete contacts ing a t hird awar d, called the t if icates to successf ul appli-
Logs mu st show date/tim e in wi t h NJ st at ions t imes the num- Endea vour Award, for co ntact - can ts will be forwa rded by air-
GMT, call , exch ange , ban d, and ber of NJ co unt ies wo rked (21 ing Soci ety membe rs residing in - mail as soo n as possibl e afte r
mode. On a separate sheet maxi mum). NJ st at ions sc ore 1 Australia. The ti tle of the award th e c laim has been checked.
show name, cal l, mailin g ad- poi nt per W·K·VE·VO eso s, 3 li nk s the Royal Navy wi th Aus-
dress, club affi liatio n if any, points per OX OSO. Mult iply TESLA COMMEMORATIVE
t ralia and t he award is open to
t otal QSO po int s, m ulti pli er tot al num ber of points ti mes t he all rad io amat eurs. AWARD
c laimed, and f inal score. Ent ries A very att ract ive award is be-
numb er of ARRL secti o ns (in- App li cants m ust es tab li sh
must be postmarked no later c lu di n g N NJ a n d SNJ -7 5 ing o ffe red by YU2EAB , t he
two-way amateur communica-
Go spic Amateur Radio Club, to
than August 31. Send logs and max.). KP4, KH6, KL7, KZ5, etc., tions wi t h RNARS membe rs re-
summary to: East Bay Amateur co unt as 3-poi nt OX contacts co m memorate t he bi rth o f
sid ing in Aust ral ia. Points wil l
Wireless Assoc iation, PO Box and as sect ion mu lt ipliers. Niko la Testa. To obt ain t his
be awarded o n t he basis of one
392, Warren RI 02885. Include A WARD S:
award you must work t he spe-
po int per VK RNARS member cia l stat ion YU(])NT fo r 5 points
an SASE for results. Certif icates wil l be awa rded worked per band, aft er the com-
to t he f irst-place sta tion in eac h plus any other Gospic stat io n
mence ment date of January 1,
NEW JERSEY oso PARTY NJ county, ARRL section , and fo r one po int. Six points are
1979 . To qualify, the following is
country. In add iti o n, a seco nd- needed fo r the award. No ban d
Con test Periods: requi red:' for amate urs res id ing
or m o de rest rictions ex is t.
2000 GMT Saturday, July 28 to place certi fi cate will be award- inside Aust ralia - 15 po ints ; for YUfJ NT w ill operate fro m Ju ly 7
0700 GMT Sunday, July 29 ed w hen fo ur or more logs are a m a te u r s r e s i d i n g in s i d e thro ugh Jul y 17 from t he house
1300 GMT Sunday, July 29 to rece ived. Novice and Techni - Ocean ia- 10 poi nts; for ama-
where Niko la Testa was born.
0200 GMT Monday, Jul y 30 c ian certif icates w ill also be te urs residi ng o uts ide Ocean- Some of t he other statio ns to
Spo nsored by t he Eng lewood awa rded . ia-5 poi nts . loo k t or in Gospic incl ud e
Amateu r Radio Assoc iat io n, the EN TRIES: In addition, f or am ateu rs
contest is open to all amateurs Logs must show GMT dat el resid ing outside Oceani a, co n-
worldw ide fo r the 20t h year. t ime, band, and emissio n, and tac ts wi t h VK RNA RS mem bers
Phone and CW are co nsidered be rece ived not la te r th a n o n the 3.5 MHz band w ill count
and YU2VE.
the same co ntest. A sta ti on may August 25_ The co nta ct for each do uble poi nts. Fo r t he purpose s
be con tacted once o n each clai med multiplier must be in- of th is award, any RNA RS mari- No QSLs are necessary to ob-
ban d. Phone and CW are co n- dicated and numbered and a time-mobi le member w hen lo- tain t he award; send only t he
sidered separate band s, but CW ch eckli st of cont act s and mu lt i- cated inside Aust ralian waters usual log data along w it h 5 1RCs
cont acts may not be made in pliers should be inc luded. Mult i- may be counted as a VK mem- o r $2.00 to: YU2EAB, Box 55,
the phone segment s. NJ sta- operato r sta t io ns should be ber. 48000 Gos pic, Yugoslavia.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Louisiana Council of Amateur Radio Clubs
July 20, 21, 22, 1979
Grandeur on the Mississippi
Riverside Centropl ex
"The amateurs unique ability to enhance international Goodwill. "
Fais do-do, Jambalaya and Crawfish Pie,
Lo uisiana QSL co ntest. Sho w 15 Loui sian a '79 Co nventi on Q SL car-es
and attend fine tun in g fr ee. (Cards must be dated afte r Dec. '78)


YOU 'LL COME ... Programs start Friday afternoon; Saturday, all day;

A registration is required fo r admission to all ac ti vities (inc. ladies)

INFORMA TION: 79 ARRL Nation al Convention ,,'7

P.O. Box 891
Baton Rouge, LA 7082 1

V Reader Servi ce-see pa ge 211 169

ty dat e. Your cooperatio n in this t hat both t he FCC and the mari-

I Looking West rega rd is deeply appreciate d.

THE " T H EY-WON'T-l ET-220-
time services ma y have vio la ted
th e Federal Admini strative Pro-
c edures Act in regard to th e
preparatio n of t hat port ion of
Th e 220-SMA o f so ut hern the documen t. On e law yer ex-
fr om page 12 Queen. On e is t he ep ic f ilm Cali fornia has gone on record plained to me that if t he
" Tita nic," schedu led fo r release as being w i lling to take any ac - 220-SMA we re succ ess ful in ob-
more fitting than this con tact. late ne xt year. The other hits ti on neces sar y to ensure that tai nin g su ch an order, th en o ur
Fate had been very kind indeed. mu ch closer to hom e. In early th e 220-to-225 -M Hz am ate ur d el egati on w o uld be ba rred
Th e station ope rates under Sep te mber or thereabouts, th e band never fall s into the hand s f rom d iscu ssing or vot ing on
th e ca llsign W6RO-W6 " Ro Il- ARRL wil l be releasing it s new of mari ti me interest s. To sho w issues brought before WA Re
ing Ocean" -as a tr ib ut e t o one fil m, " The Wo rld of Amateur that th ey really mean busi ness, dea li ng wit h t hat spect rum.
of the fou nd ing members of th e Radio, " produced by Emmy- what is called a " WARe Acti on Thi s co uld place the US in a
c lub sponsoring t he ove rall awa rd-w inning fil mmaker Dave Committee" was formed at t heir rather awk wa rd po sit ion at the
Queen Mary wi reless ope ration. Bell W6AQ . Thanks to Nate and April 22 meet in g, wit h Ray Von co nference later th is year, but
Amateurs wishing to operate his organ ization, Dave was abl e Neum ann K6PUW as its chair- th e same le gal exp ert did say
from the Queen Mary can do so to film th e na rrati on sequ ence s man . th at he did not feel th e 220-SMA
in one of t wo ways. Those living (wh ich feature N BC News co rre- At present, a nu mb er of direc - could obtain suc h an orde r. I
in th e area and wishing to serve s po nde nt Roy Nea l W6 DUE) t ion s are be i ng cons idered, t hus sus pec t t hat any leg al ac-
as scheduled volunt eer opera- aboa rd t he Queen Mary . although two tend to offer the t ion w il l co me in t he fo rm of an
tors ca n contact t he Associated Dave has made one request most prom ise of at least ma r- ap peal. On ly t ime will tell w here
Radio Amateurs of Long Beach of t he amateur co mmunity no w ginal success. The 220-SMA t he 220-SM A w ill go it t hey
and make their intention s and tha t the news of the new film ma y well have hired a Washing - choose thi s route at all.
availability known . However, if has been made public. It wi ll be to n-based att orney by the t ime
you are plan ning a trip to Los several months before the f ilm this reac hes pr int. Hi s job w ill An ot her dire c t offensive ac-
A nge les a nd w ou ld li k e t o is read y fo r distr ibution. Pleas e be to go into fede ral court and t ion t hey are co ns id ering -o ne I
o perate t he stat ion, yo u ca n do not ca ll eith er Dave or th e eit her f i le a direct app eal on the expect to see in itiated quic k-
take t he Quee n Mary to ur and, ARR L requ esting t he film until matt er or request an inj unct io n ly- is fili ng a for mal Pet it ion for
wh en it gets to the wi reless it s avai lability has been an- barri ng th e use by our WARC Ru lemakin g w ith the FCC re-
room , locate the operato r in n ounced . The in itial prints are de le gati on of the porti on of the qu esti ng th e imm edi ate tr ans-
cha rge and exp lain your de- destined for showi ng at th e US W ARC prop osa l dealing wit h fer of c urrently unu sed maritime
sires. You w ill have to present Wo rld Ad m i n is trat ive Radio t he 216-to -225-M Hz spe ctrum . It VH F spectrum to the amateur
your or ig in al am at eu r li cense Co nference in Geneva in order is th e 220-SMA's co ntent ion se rvice . The feelin g is t hat t he
and some ad d it ional identif ica- to underlin e th e attributes of
t ion befor e yo u will be permitted the w or ldwide amate ur servic e.
t o operate. Gu es t o per at ing Event uall y, there w ill be enough
periods will be ap proximately pr ints for all of u s to see, so it
15 minutes in durati on . is sugg ested th at you monitor
Curren tl y, tw o mot ion pic- OST, HR Report, The Wes tl ink
tu res are in produc t io n whi c h in Amate ur Radio New s, and t his
part are bein g do ne aboard t he co lum n to f ind out t he avallablli-

A new triband addition to the Queen Mary. (Pho to by K H6IAF )

Joe Rudi WA6PVA, baseba ll player with the CaUfornia Angels,

makes the firs t official QSO fro m W6RO. Lookin g on is Na te
Brightman K60SC, of the Associ at ed Radio Amateurs of Lon g TV ac tor/co me dian Stu Gil/iam WD6FB U op era tes W6RO, the new
Beac h, the c lub which inst alled th e gear. (Photo by W6 VGO) am a teur stati on ab oard th e Quee n Mary. (Pho to by W6VGQj


•q T'
._- ~.

- -
Tbese 6 new MFJ JeW Versa Tuners let you run up to 3 KW c- 1.5 KW
,.". ". " ~ ,,

Flip down stand tilts tuner for easy viewing.

PEP (depending on the model) and match any feedlire continuously from Efficient, encapsulated 4:1 fenm balun. 250 pt, 6000 volt capacitors.
1.8 to 30 MHz: coax, balanced line 01" random wire. Gives maximum 18 position dual inductor, 17 amp, 3000 V ceramic rotary switch (3 KW
power transfer. Harmonic attenuation reduces TVI, out of band emissions. version). 12 posi tio~ inductor, ceramic rotary switch (1.5 KW version).
An metal, low profile cabinet gives RFI protection, rigid construction , 2% meters. 50-239 l\oax connectors, ceramic feedthru for random wire
sleek styling. Black. Rich anodized aluminum front panel. 5x14x14 inches. and balanced line. One year limited warranty. Made in U.S.A.


$169 95 Heavy duty encapsulated 4:1 ferlite
balun fOI balan ced lines.

299 insures maximum power to antenna at
minimum S WR. Built-In dummy load.
I rds is MFJ's best 3 KW Versa Tuner IV. The MFJ-984 Deluxe 3 KW
The MFJ·980 Is MFJ's lowest priced .3 KW Versa Tuner IV but has the
same matching capabilities as the other 3 KW Versa Tuner IV's.
Features an efficient, encapsulated 4:1 ferrite balun for balanced lines.
Versa Tuner IV gives you a combination 01 quality, performance, and
features that others can't touch at this price.
An eldusive 10 amp RF allme~r insures maximum power to antenna 1.5 KW VERSA TUNER Ill's 0

at minimum SWR. A separate meter gives SWR, forward, reflected power

in 2 ranges (2000 and 200 watts).
VersiitiJe antenna switch lets you select 2 coax lines thru tuner and 1
thru or direct, or random wire, balanced line or dummy load.
$ 6995
SWR. dual range fo rward and reflected
A 200 watt 50 ohm dummy load lets you tune your exciter off air for
peak pertorrnance. Efficient, encapsulated 4:1 ferrite balun.


1 power meter. 6 position an tenna
switch, encapsulated 4:1 fertite balun.
TIle MFJ-962 1.5 KW Versa Tuner II is an exceJ:!tional value. • - '
An accurate meter gives SWR, forward and reflected power in 2 ranges
Accurate me ter gives SWR. forwar d

(2000 and 200 watts).
95 and reflec ted po wer i n 2 ranges: 2000 A versatile six positiDn antenna switch lets you select 2 coax lines thru
and 20 0 wa tts. 4:1 ferrite balun. tuner or direct, or random wire and balanced line. Encapsulated 4:1 balun.
The MFJ·981 3 KW Versa Tuner IV is one of MFJ's most popular Versa Black front panel has reverse lettertng.
Tuners. An accurate meter gives you SWR, forward and reflected power
in 2 ranges: 2000 and 200 watts. Encapsulated 4:1 ferrite balun.
~ MFJ-961 1.5 KW Versa Tuner III
6 position an tenna s'w/tch lets you
Antenna swi tc h l ets you select 1 coa x select 2 coax lines thru tuner 01 direct,
$ f hru tuner and 2 coax thru tun er 01 or random wire and balanced line.
direc t, or random wir e and bala nced line. The MFJ-961 1.5 KW Versa Tuner II gives you a versatile six position
The MFJ·982 3 KW Versa Tuner IV gives you a versatile 7 position an- antenna switch. It lets you select 2 coax lines thru tuner or direct, or
tenna switch that lets you select 1 coax thru tuner and 2 coax thru tuner random wire and balanced line. Encapsulated 4:1 ferrite balun.
or direct. or random wire and balanced line. Encapsulated 4:1 balun. tf you already have a SWR/watlmeter, the MFJ·961 is for you.
a you already have a SWR/watlmeter, the MFJ·982 is fOl" you. Black front panel has reverse lettering.

Why not visit your dea ler today? Compare t hese 3 KW and 1.5 KW Versa Tun ers to other tuners. You ' ll be convinced that its value,
quality and featur es make it a truly outsta nding valu e. If no dea ler is avail able, order direct from MFJ and try il If not delighted,
return It within 30 days for a prom pt refun d (less shipping). Charge VISA. MC. Or mall check, money order plus $10 shipping/handling.
For technical information. o rder/repa i r s tatus. In Mis s i s si p pi. outs id e continental USA. call 601·32 3·5869.

Order By Mail or Call TOLL FREE 800-647-1800 and Charge It On I.... I.

MFJ ENTERPRISES, INC. :·I~I:~~p~9:TAT;';~SSIS= 39762
V' Reader Service - see page 2 11 171
need for this can be eas ily of any proposed reallocation of vo lunteer to act as a Loo king Second , t here have been on -
document ed by showing t he t he 216-to ·225-MHz spe ct ru m. West correspondent du ring the go ing postal prob lems . Not a
overall inactivity in current VH F As it t urns out , th e Navy has a World Administrati ve Rad io week had gone by when a sub-
marit ime ope rations and the rather vest ed in terest in th is Conference later t his year. Hi s sc riber didn 't call to compla in
curren t growth patterns in VHF spec trum. It ope rates what is or her job would be to sni ff o ut tha t his tap e had not arrived or
amateur act ivit y. Basicall y, the know n as th e Spac e Surveil- any news of w hat's happening that it had arri ved too t at e to air
220-SMA fee ls th at it is t ime to lanc e Syste ms Group , a nati o n- at th e conference in relat ion to t hat week. Co nseq uent ly, Ji m
stop be ing on t he defe ns ive and w ide co mm unications netwo rk VH Ff UH F spec t rum matt er s, has dr oppe d the cassett e ex-
becom e o utward and agg res - that keeps t rack of al l spa ce wr ite sa me into a month ly sy n- ch ang e system.
sive in fig hting to save our spec- deb ris res ult ing fro m US space ops is, and fo rwa rd it to me for
trum . They hop e to rall y support operations. In fact, the Spa ce inclu sion in this column. If you There has been a seco nd
not only from 220-MHz spec - Surveillan ce Systems Group have both the time an d in te rest , big c ha nge at Westlink. Ala n
t rum use rs , but also fro m the ut ilizes fre quencies from 2 16 drop me a line at th e address Kaul W6RC L, Bill Orenste in
ove rall amate ur co mmuni ty. throug h 233 MHz, accord ing to given at t he colum n's top and KH61 AFf6, and I rece ntl y pro-
Alr eady , some wor ds of sup- an SM A-220 spo kesm an, and is we ca n go fro m t her e. du ced a 20-m inute docum en-
por t have been vo iced, suc h as what is t ermed a " lo ng-term, tary entit led " The Peril to 220"
t he fol lowing sta te me nt issued high -monet ary-invest ment nav- THE " BIG·CHANGE·ATW EST· w hic h cov ered the many as-
by the Jet Propulsion Labo ra- al operat ton." LINK " DEPARTMENT pects of t he current sit uat ion in
tory' s Amateur Radio Clu b: Actually, there has been more t hat spec t rum. The response to
" The Jet Propulsion Labo ra- Needl ess to sa y, the Na vy is that special wa s so positive that
th an one c hange, but the one
tory's Amate ur Radio Club sup- more than just a bit upset over Jim asked us to co nt inue pro-
t hat affects most West link ser-
port s t he 220-SMA of so uthern find ing o ut th at it may be duc ing such programs on a
vice users is t he d iscont inua nce
California in it s eff orts to keep evicted along wit h the amateur mon t hl y ba si s. We have acce pt-
of th eir "Cassette Exchang e
th e 220-t o-225-M Hz ban d an service f ro m spe ctrum in whic h ed t he ass ignme nt. In fact , c ur-
Program ." Eff ect ive im med iate-
amateur on e. To th is end we it has a def inite interest. Ap- rently in produ ct ion are pro -
ly, t he cassette progr am has
have pledg ed our support." The parently, it is upset eno ug h to grams dealing wit h th e OSCA R
been rep laced by an au tomated
J PL ARC d id mo re t han j ust add have orde red the Telecomm u- satel lites, DXing fro m DX li sts,
telephone system that permi ts
a bit of encouragement. The y ni cations Frequen cy Manage- and handling ma licious inter-
tho se wishing to obta in th e
also prov ided the fa cilit ies and ment Gro up to start a detailed ferenc e.
we ek ly newscas ts to simply dial
hosted t he meeting. inves tigat ion of th e ma tter and To accompli sh this , a second
a telephone numbe r in order to
repo rt their f indin gs back to th e Westli nk st udio is being as-
obtain t he in fo rma tion .
THE " NAVY·TO·THE·RESCUE Chief's off ice. What seems to sembled at Bill 's offi c e i n
- MAYBE" OEPART MENT have irri t ated th em t he most , There were two reason s for Ho ll ywood ; by mids umm er, we
The 220-SMA sent copies of we re the off icia l statements Network Direct or Jim Hend er- sho uld be in full produ ct ion.
it s si nce-denied Pet it io n for contained in t he WARC position shot to make t his decis ion . Dist ribution w ill also be via a
Rec o ns i de rat i o n to several paper itself, rhetori c t hat sa id First, the Westlink News Ser- dia l-in telephone number. We
go vernment agencies in addi - t his proposed transition had vice has grown fa r larger tha n will al so be sett ing up anot her
t ion to the FCC. Among those bee n c leared w ith the military he ever expected. This is a free, telephone number so th at ama -
who rece ived co pies we re th e prio r to its inclusion. If t his is nonprof it service, but he fo und teurs can leave input for eit her
nat ion's mi li tary branc hes . J ust t rue, t hen I wonder whose mili - himself spendin g vir tua lly every t he we ek ly newsca st or t he
pr ior to th e April 22 meet ing at tary th e FCC and marit im e se r- f ree mom ent d upli cati ng ta pes. mo nt hl y " magazi ne of th e air."
JPL, th e 220·SMA d ropped w hat vic es cleared it wit h. Acco rd ing He co uld have gon e to a high- Th ose in te rested in obta ining
might bes t be described as a to the Navy, it wasn't ou rs. speed du pli ca t ion hou se to eit her or bot h of these serv ices
bo mbshel l. It had been co n- have t his wor k done, but it should contac!illm at t he Wes t-
tacted by the Chie f of Naval T HE " I·NEED·A·FOREIGN·COR· would have meant going awa y link Radi o Network, 8331 Joan
Operations and had been to ld RESPON DENT" DEPARTMENT from the free aspect of the La ne, Canoga Park CA 9 1402.
t hat neither the Chief's office I s t he re an a mateu r i n op eration and possibl y charq - Jim no longer mu st limit t he ser-
nor t he Nava l Telecom muni ca - Geneva , Sw it zerland , who hap - in g upwar ds o f $100 or more an- vice to rep eat ers and bu ll etin
ti on s Frequ ency Ma nageme nt pens to read Looking West? If nually fo r the .servtce. This -he. st at io ns, so t he s ervi c e is
Grou p had ever been inform ed so , I need your help. I need a d id not want to do . ava ilable to ju st about any one.

an yone needing a card for hi s As c lub Pu bli c Rel at ions

3D6 B L o pe ra t ion f ro m Se p- Dir e c t or Mar c el La p o l i c e

IDX- - - - tem ber, 1977, to Au gu st, 1978,-

or his present st int in Lesot ho
can QSL t o hi s new manager,
VE2EML, would say , " Au plaiai r
de vo us recon tr er sur les a ndes
du ra nt cette semai ne de DX-
f rom page 27 ing up 5. OSL to his hom e ca ll Ga ry Ya rus W B~M SZ , 921 N. ped it ion dans te no rd de la pro -
w it h an SAS E, of cou rse . Clay Avenue, St . Loui s MO vin ce de Quebec." Rig ht o n,
The following info rmat io n 63122. Marcel.
Th e 1978 annual report of the That stat ion on d uring the
has been pro vided by OK3BG Ho ng Kong Am ateu r Rad io The Mad River Rad io Club
on OK 3TAB /D2A . OK 3TAB is managed over 4,000 co ntac ts W PX co nt es t s ig ning H D1A
Transmitting Soci ety list s 56 was a multi -m ulti operation by
Laci Toth w ho arrived in Ango la f ull members, 3 1 as so c iate during t he AAR L CW DX Con -
in March. He wen t to Luanda on t est f rom FG7AR /FS7 fo r a K7CA, WA4 UAZ , K4ERO , an d
members, an d s ix overs eas KA6CN S. H Dl is a speci a l
a lo ng business t rip and was members. W it h VS6 FE as pres i- s core of so me 3.4 m illi on
abl e t o get on t he a ir almost im - poi nts. All co nta cts from Ma rch Ecu ad or pref ix and yo u ca n ob-
de nt , t he group has an act ive t ai n a QSL by dr op pi ng an
m ed i at e ly . Laci is us ing a 2-meter repe ater and conducts 14 t o Mar c h 20 sho ul d be
horn e-brew t ransceiver runn ing QSL ed to K8 0C R. Ne i t he r SA SE to W A4Q MQ.
th e nightl y Cant onese Net on That about covers it for t his
200 Wa tts t o a t rlband quad. 14130 kHz . VS6GW runs t he FG7AR rior hi s managers ha ve
Look for him aft er 1700Z aro und records for co ntacts during t his mont h. We ho pe some of t he
OSL bureau at Bo x 541, Hon g pr eced in g infor mat ion will he lp
21360 kHz or 14250 kHz. He Kong. peri od .
seld om stra ys far f rom these yo u pick u p a f e w n e w
The Gilbert Islands become The Sore r-T rac y A mateur ones . In th e meanti me, we are
freq u e nc ie s . QSL s h a v e Rad io Club , VE2CBS - Prov -
independent on Jul y 10 w ith the always looking for DX inf orm a-
already been pr inte d and you present KH1fVR1 pref ixes be- ince of Quebec, w ill spo nsor a
c an QS L v ia O K 3 ALE o r ti o n and photo s. Photos ca n be
ing repl aced by one new prefix. DXpediti on t o Zon e 2 t h i s eit he r blac k and white or co lor .
th rough th e OK bu reau. month to aid th ose need ing th i s
Prefi x hu nters must be going We in part icul ar need inf orma-
Ale x Kas evich W1CDC pass- crazy the se da ys tr ying to keep rare zo ne to f ill ou t t heir WA Z t ion perta in ing to CW , SSTV,
es along th e wo rd th at he is up. Aw ard . OSC AR, VHF/U HF, and 160 me-
planning an exte nded st ay on 14240 kHz and 142751280 kHz The operati on wil l take place ters . Thanks as usual to the
Mon tser ra t beginn ing in are good area s to mon itor for the week of Ju ly 21- J ul y 28- West Coast DX Bulletin, U DXA
Augu st w hen he wi ll be sig ning va rious li st-t yp e op erat io ns , T hey p la n to op e ra t e a ll DX .Bull e ti n, a nd World radio
VP2M M . Look fo r hi m on CW ge nera lly aft er 2300Z. a ma t eu r fr eq uen ci es usi ng News fo r mu ch of th e pr ece d-
onl y in t he lower 25 kHz liste n- Jo e Ely 7P8BI reports t hat bot h CW and SSB. ing in f ormati on .

Rugged, Cool & Quiet
When you buy an ALPHA linear amplifier you VERSATILITY? The new ALPHA 374A delivers full
make a long term investment in dependable legal power (in any mode) on all amateur HF
power and operating pleasure. bands WITHOUT TUNE-UP and .. with excellent
You can take your ALPHA for granted - it w ill efficiency. (On 160M you peak the output manu-
go on delivering that big , clean , maximum-legal · ally; new FCC rules permit easy owner modifica-
power signal no matter how tough the contest or tion to restore full ,10M capability, too.)
how long the SSTV or RTIY OSO's. The ALPHA 78 combines the best of everything:
We strive constantly to make every ALPHA even full instant CW break-in (OSK) and NO-TUNE-UP
better. If we can 't improve it , we don't change it . bandchange! And of course all ALPHAs substan-
DURABILITY? You get TWO YEARS of factory tially exceed every applicable FCC requirement.
warranty protection with your new ALPHA . . . For detai led literature and fast delivery of you r
other manufacturers give you 90 days. new ALPHA , contact your dealer or ETO direct.
CONVENIENCE? Every ALPHA is self-contained , While you're at it, ask for a free copy of our brief ,
compact, and smooth-tuning. All 76A - 374A - 78 guide, "Everything You Always Wanted to Know
models can be shipped via economical , door-to- About (Comparing) Linears .. . But Didn 't Know
door UPS. Whom to Ask. "
ALPHA - Sure you can buy a cheaper linea r . . . But is that really what you want?

Ehrhorn Technological Operations, Inc.

P.o. Box 708 • Canon City, Colorado 81212 . (303) 275-1613
INew Products


I llS ~.

Micro nta 12-volt a-Amp po wer supply from Radio Shack.

from page 24 CSC LOGIC PROBE KIT

Ra d i o S h ac k s to res and MULTIPLE BENEFITS
dealers. Radio Sha ck, 1300 One For Cont inental Spec ialti es
Tandy Cen ter, For t Wor th TX Co r po ra t i on , a l rea dy w e ll
76102; phone (817)·390·32 72. kn ow n as a ma nufact urer o f
pro fe ssi on al d igi ta l t rou bl e- IC Inse rtion Tool fro m OK Machine and Tool.
s ho ot i ng in str um ent s, t he ir
f irst kit-style t est instrum ent
log ical ly em ulat es th eir lin e of as 25 V de w it ho ut permanent c hro me plat ing thro ughout for
logi c probes. Both as a kit a nd damage; t he probe t ip, airnil ar- relia ble sta t ic d iss ipat ion. It in-
as a probe, th e CSC Model LPK Iy, ca n co nt act ± 50 V co n- cl udes a t ermin al lug for at-
Log ic Pro be Kit represent s an t inuo usly or 110 V ac for up to tachm ent of ? gro und st rap. The
exce llen t value. 15 seconds w ithout perm anent MOS·2428 IC·l nsert ion Too l is
The kit inst ruct io ns are ex- damag e to t he prob e. avail able from yo ur local elec-
ceptio nall y we ll-wr itten, offer- As a tro ub leshooti ng too l, t ronics distri buto r or d irectl y
ing step-by-st ep assem bly pro- th e LPK hol ds it s ow n aga inst from OK Machine and Tool Cor-
cedures. Sol der, wi re, and all any logic probe in all but very pora tion, 3455 Conner St reet ,
.misc ell aneous hardwa re are in- hi gh speed app lica t ions. As a n" Bronx N Y 10475. Reader Service
cluded in the kit-along wit h educationa l vent ure for t he kit - num ber as.
th e printed ci rcuit boa rd, case, bu ild er, it sho uld be not ed t hat
and all co mpo nents, of co urse the LPK, whil e a di gital tool, is FREQUENCY-COUN TER
- leaving no ext ras to buy. Even based on ana log circ uitry, o f- PREAMP
beginn ing-level kit-bui lders ca n ferin g a unique opp ortu nit y to- Th is general-purpose counter
assem ble the LPK quick ly. see how t he two d isc ip lines pream p has up to 25 dB gain
Once asse mbled, th e LPK of - merge. from 10 MHz to 1 GHz. Desi gned
fers res pec table perfor ma nce The LPK Logi c Pro be Kit is t o fron t- e n d a f r eq u e ncy
as a log ic probe . It is ci rcuit ava ilab le t h ro ugh selected cou nt er's 5O-0hm VHFIUHF in-
pow ered through attached clip local d istributors both in the US
put , the AP·8015 preamplif ier
leads. HI, PULSE, and LO LEOs and around the wo rld .
For more informat ion , or fo r
can-oe used wit h an antenna or
displ ay logi c states and tran si - pickup loo p as well as be d irect -
tions. The high logic st ate is t he nam e of yo ur nea rest esc co upled to allow low-l evel sig -
defi ned as 70% or mo re of the stocking distr ib utor, call Con - nal sources to be count ed. The
supp ly voltage, the low state as tinen tal Specialties Corpora- AP-8015 inc ludes a 115 V wall
30% or less, making the probe tion, 70 Fulton Terrace, New
plug transformer for ac opera-
co mpat ible wit h mo st digital Haven CT 06509; ph on e (203)-
t io n as well as a dual 9-volt bat-
logic tech nol ogies or families . 624·3 103, TWX (710)-465·122 7. tery harness fo r portable ope ra-
Wi th its high (300,OOO·Ohm) ln- Reader Service num ber Cg. t io n. The preamp is enclo sed in
put impedance, circu it loading a heavy-duty anod ized alumi-
is minim ized. IC INSERTION TOOL
num ca se. Size: 4· 1/8" L x 2-114"
W ith th e LPK, even very nar- The new Model MOS·2428 W x 1-114" D. Weig ht: 6 ounces.
row pulses ca n be detec ted. In- DIP Ins erter ha ndles all MOS, For orde rs or informat ion , co n-
te r n a l ci rc uit r y s t r e tc hes CMOS, and reg ul ar 24- a nd tact Opto elec tr onics, Inc., 5821
pulses as short as 300 nano- 28-pin Ics. This unique new in- N.£. 14th A venu e, Ft. Lauder-
seco nds into 1/10 second f lash- sertion t oo l also align s bent- da le FL 33334; pho ne (305)·771-

es of the PULSE LED; pulse o ut pins. Simply rock th e IC o n 205011 . Reader Service number
t rains at repeti t io n rates up to t he str aig ht ening saddl e to 0 3.
1.5 MHz keep the PULSE LED align t he pins. Press t he too l
fl ashing . over t he rc t o pick it up , t hen
Th e LPK incl udes self-pro- simpl y place t he t ool onto the FSK·1000 DEMODULATOR
tect ing c irc uitry w hic h perm its soc ket and depress t he plunge r FROM IRL
t he power leads t o be co n- f or instant and acc urat e in ser- " This is not a sedan or a
LPK logic probe from esc. nected in reverse or to as muc h t ion . Th e to ol feat ures heavy truc k. This is a sports car. "

Th at' s how the engineers at iRL sta lled accordi ng to the manu-
des cri be their new FSK-1 000 fac turer's speci fi cat ions. This
de modu lat or . inclu des an antenna with an
The FSK-1000 is a new, so- area of 6 squa re feet as well as 2
phisticated , two-ton e umttertess transmi ssion lin es. Those fig-
de mo du lato r w h i c h offe rs ures made me conf ident t hat a
selecti vit y as narrow as 55 48-foot er wit h the sort of ant en-
Hz in each o f its mat ched, nas I planned to use shou ld be
alm o st inde stru ct ib le un d er
se le ct able-ba ndw idt h, ac t ive-
f ilt er ton e c hannels. Althou gh it
in clud es such " ext ras" as co n-
EMU er-ecoe
• typi cal New Engla nd wea t her
cond it io ns.
One of the thi ngs I lik e best
t inu ou s l y adjustab le sh ift ,
d ua l-mode a utostart, an d a about th e No. 25 Fold-Over is
keyboard -activated switch , the t he variety of mounting opt ions
de signe rs i nsi st, "We don 't th at are availa ble , co vering vir-
want a fam ily sedan dres sed up tu all y any situati on you're ever
wit h mud fl ap s and rac coo n like ly to face. In add iti on to t he
ta ils. We wa nt t o g ive th e more or less standard sho rt
serio us HF or VHF o pera to r a OS2000 RTTY term in al Ir om HAL. base sect ion for concr ete, th ere
TU with the best raw perfor- is a hi nged versio n for mounti ng
mance availa ble anywhere." in co nc rete, hi nged and non-
The FSK·1000 has bot h high- ground fo r keyi ng either " grid- pickup or van. In additi on , it hinged base plat es for use w ith
vo lt age current loo p and low - b lock " or " cathode" ci rc uit s. should be rugged, durabl e, and co nc rete, plu s moun ts for fl at
vo lt age (RS·232 compat ib le ) An optio nal Mo rse rec ei ve easy and ine xpensive to main - and peaked roofs. And , al so
ou tp uts to Interf ace readil y board (MR2000) is avail abl e for tai n. And , of course, it should be available and especially handy
w it h mechanica l teleprinters , recept ion o f Morse code at aff ordable. for Field Day, are a single d rive-
co mp ute rs, or bo t h. rates fro m 1-175 wp m and is The more I stud ied the Rohn in base and a base plate fo r use
Recei ver t uni ng requires a cus tom er inst all able allowing catalog, t he more I beca me co n- w it h dr ive rods. It you can 't guy,
ca reful t ouch w it h th e narro w pur chase at a ny time. An op- vinced that th e No. 25 Fold-Over or you simp ly prefer not t o,
filt ers switch ed in , but this tional 9-in ch di agonal measure was the answer. Whil e I had th ere are se veral si zes an d
gi ves the ser io us operat or the video monitor is also avai lable. never ow ned a Rohn tow er, I type s of house- and eave-brac k-
select ivity he needs w hen t he The term in al weig hs 6 Ibs. (2.75 was qu ite fami lia r w it h those ets availa b le. In my own ca se, I
aRM get s really bad . kg) net (10 Ibs/4.55 kg shipp ing) used by f riends and had been decided to in stal l t he tower at
Th e FSK·1000 ci rcu itry uti- and comes in an att ractive blue very favorab ly impress ed by th e rear of t he barn usin g a
Iizes 48 operational amplifiers an d be ig e cabinet. Contact what I had seen. I li ked the way house bracke t for support.
(twenty FET types) and a host HAL Communications Corp., they sto od up to everyth in g In c hoosing a locat ion for th e
of o t her devices. Co mp le te PO Box 365, Urba na IL 61801, from hurr icane w inds in my na- tower, care should be taken to
det ails are available f rom iRL fo r further inf o rmat ion . t ive Fl or ida to severe New ensure that it w ill be well clea r
deal ers or by wr iti ng ;RL, 700 England ice storms . of trees, wi res , bui ld ing s, and
Taylor Road, Columbus OH ROHN NO. 25 No. 25 towers utilize heavy- ot her objec ts, to permit a free
43230. Reader Service number FOLD·OVER TOWER dut y 1 % -i nc h-d ia m et er #16- sw ing of the hinged porti on of
127. When an amateur thin ks of ga uge st eel t Ubing fo r si de rai ls the tower and ante nna. If guys
towers, c hances are tha t he in a 12Yz -in ch equil ateral tr i- are to be used, t he locati o n
NEW RTTY TERMINAL thinks o f Rohn. And for good ang ular d esi gn w ith solid-steel should be suit able10r pl acin g
FROM HAL reason . Rohn has been building zig-zag cross pi eces, entirel y fou r guy anch o rs at th e app ro-
H AL Commu ni c a ti on s is towers for a long t ime , providin g ele ctri call y-we lded and fa bri - priat e distan ces.
proud to anno unce a new com- amateurs with a variety of top- cated by preci sion machines. The work begin s w ith the dig-
pact and low-cost Rny ter- qua lit y models at a reaso nable There are 8 zig-zag steps per " -ging of a hole 30 inc hes squa re
minal- the DS2000 KSR. The price . t o-toot to wer sect ion. Design by approximately 36 inches
new term inal feat ures opera- Recentl y, w hen I needed a and co nst ruction enables No. deep. Afte r sp readi ng a couple
t io n with Baudot, ASCII, and new tower , my th ought s t urned 25 towers to be install ed at of inch es of gravel in t he bott om
Morse codes (Mo rse recei ve op- natur all y enough to Roh n. Get- guyed heights up to 200 feet. of the ho le, attach t he-Base sec-
tiona l) and inc or porates ma ny tin g out t heir catalog, l th umbed The tower's hot -di pped zinc tion to t he f irst 10-foo t secti on
of t he feat ures of more expen- thro ugh it to see jus t what the y ga lvaniz ing provides protectio n " "and set the assemb ly o n the
sive termin als. A new 72-ch ar- had to meet my particular re- from rust and co rrosio n. A m ini - gravel. Then spread another 3
acter line by 24-li ne display fo r- quirements. Aft er a few minutes mum molten zinc coatin g of 2 inch es of gravel around th e legs
mat, two 32-character program- of brows ing , I decided that the o unces fo r every square foot of of the base. This allo ws t he
mable " Here Is " messages, 48-foot No. 25 Fold-Over was surface fuses perma nent ly to tower base legs to extend the
and CW ident if ic at io n at t he ju st what I was look ing fo r. the meta l, becoming an ac tual requ ired amo unt belo w t he base
tou ch of a key simpli fy ope ra- Amo ng t he considerati ons I part of th e stee l so t hat it can- of th e co nc rete, thus allow ing
tion . A term inal-statu s line had in mind whil e ch oosing a not be separ ated. Also, th e tub- for drainage of moi sture int o th e
ke eps the o perator aware of new tower was that it get my ular steel used In t he tow ers is gravel.
dat a rat e, dat a code, and ot her beams clear of adj acent bui ld- coated both inside and out to Befo re pourin g the conc rete ,
termin al co ndi tions . Text is ings and trees but not be so t all provide prot ect io n against dete- coat t he base secti on over an
t ransm itted on e word at a ti me as to stand o ut prominentl y rio ra tion fr om cond en sati on area abou t 3 inch es above and 3
and editi ng Is possib le any- from it s su rroun dings. As a and moisture. If a gal vanized inch es below the space wher e
w here in t he li ne being com- resul t , I co nc l uded that it su rface becom es sc ratc hed or the top of the con crete base will
posed . All termi nal f unctions shou ld be approximately 50 feet c hipped, t he' surroundi ng zinc be, using a water-proof asphalt -
are contro lled by a co mbi na- high . And, since I prefer to keep actua lly " hea ls t he wo und" and type material. If the tower is
ti on of a co ntro l key and a key my feet f irm ly on the grou nd, it co nti nues to seal out corrosive sit uated near a bui lding, be sure
f rom t he top ro w of the key- should fo ld over so tha t wo rk on elements . that t he base is set so th at two
board . Oth er deluxe feat ures the beam s and rotor could be Double-bolted join ts are used of the tower legs lie in a pl ane
such as unshl ft -on-space, sy n- done from t he ground o r, at to joi n tower sect ions for st urdi- perp endi cul ar to the wall of t he
c hro no us i dle , key b oar d- : mo st, w hi le standi ng o n a short ness and dependability . The No. bulldlnq. This w ill cause the
ope rate d swi tch , and bot h OBF stepladder. 25's streng th allows it to be self - hinge axis to also be at righ t
and RY t est messag es are I also fe lt it high ly desi rable supporti ng, prov ided a hou se angles to t he wall, and t he tower
avai lable at the st roke of a key. that the tower be eas il y assem- bracket is used ; it can go 35 feet wi ll fol d cl ear of t he bui ld in g.
Connect the DS2000 KSR to a bled and d isa ssemb led by tw o above the bracket under normal With th e base set , po ur the con -
sta nda rd 18·120 rnA, 200 V de peop le. And th e likelih ood that I co nditi o ns. A 200-100t No. 25 cret e around it and check its
(max imu m) c urrent loop for wo uld want to relocat e it within tower will w ithsta nd a 30-lb.-per- plumb with a carpenter' s level
Baud ot and ASCII o peratio n. t he forese eabl e f ut ure meant square-foo t wind load- equi va- on one or more of the legs of t he
Morse output is acc om pl ished that it should be readil y trans- lent to 86.6 mph true w ind to wer. The top of th e con crete
v ia a t ran s istor sw itc h to po rtable, preferably in a small veloc ity - w hen guyed and in - should be sli ghtl y c row ned to

prevent water acc umu lati on . ali gn and bolt to get her the two install ed j ust be lo w t he c levis pr event at ive maint enance a
pi ece s o f the boom (lever) sec- on th e boom . Finally, the ca ble co uple of tim es a year and take
It' s a good idea to allow at
t lon. The boo m is then attach ed mus t be secu red wit h clamps prom pt care of anything t hat
least t hree days fo r t he co n-
to th e hing ed sec t ion . Be sure and a wire rope t himble to the cro ps up between times, you' ll
cre t e to harden befor e con t inu-
t he hin ge bolts are loosened boo m c levi s and to the w inc h. have a set up th at should pro -
ing to erec t t he tower. An erec-
before you attempt to fo ld the vide many years of reliab le se r-
ti o n fi xt ure or gi n po le w ill make That's all th ere is to putti ng
towe r over. If prac t ica l, a hou se- vice.
the process eas ier and fa ster, up a Ro hn No. 25 Fold -Over
or eave-brack et ma y be used at Whil e the 48-fo ot No. 25 Fold-
espec ially if yo u dec ide to add tower . The installati on lnstruc-
the hinge po int in place of gu y Over tower proved ju st righ t for
o ne or two add it iona l 10-foot nons ar e quite s im ple and
wires. The brac ket mu st be me, it may not be what you
se cti o ns, bringing the tot al st ra ig htforwar d. Foll ow them
plac ed w it hin 2 f eet of the need. In t hat ca se, yo u should
height to 58 or 68 fee t. and you 'll get yo ur tower up
hi nge po in t. check out t he ot her versions of
quickly, eas ily, and, most impor-
If yo u're doing a as-tooter like The remain ing sect ions are tant of al l, saf ely! the No . 25, as well as the many
m ine, you place the hinged sec- lift ed in to pla ce and in stall ed in other mo del s ava ilable from
t io n atop t he second to- root the usual manner. Next, t he On ce the hole is du g and t he Rohn . For more informat ion,
sec t io n, ma kin g sure the ship- wi nc h and cab le mech ani sm is bas e as sem bly is installe d, two w rite Unsrco-Rotm, a Division of
ping -ta b bol t is c losed and t hat bol ted t o th e leg of t he lower peo ple can com plet e the job in Unarco Ind ustries , tnc., 67 18
the hinge is positio ned on t he towe r sect ion, ju st belo w the a mo rn ing or aft erno on, inc lud- West Plank Ro ad, PO Box 2000,
correc t si de of the t ower. Guy clevis on th e boom . If an addi- ing moun ting a rotor and beam . Peoria IL 6 1656. Reade r Service
wires (if used) are th en installed t io nal 10-100t tower sec t io n has Then yo u c an sit bac k and enjoy number U2.
on th e gu ying tab s near the been pl aced belo w the hinge operati ng, secure in the knowl- Morgan W. Godwin W4WFL
hinge poi nt. The next ste p is to sec t ion , an extra pulley must be edge that if yo u pu ll ro utine Brattleboro VT

For ma ny mo nths I have tried Without any dou bt , a major

to und erstand th is man Green 's part of the c red it for saving li ves
motives and his atta cks on oth er

; :l)'t'-'·:' E
·~ ~" "
· "·'d~ T
' : ':& '.. ~·,R~:~cS
and or ga nizing the rescue effo rt
pubnshers and orga nizatio ns,
but unt il I met this guy fa ce 10 during the di sas ter is du e to
I ... , . ~ ", . L:"1. :
.. ' '- ~ fac e, I could not prop erly evalu -
ate his thou ght s. I am co nvinced
th at very f ine gro up of amateurs
th at ca rried th e gr eat est load in
'·(: 1 : .- :: ': "' I ~ . : through seeing the resu lt s of his
pub lishi ng hou se eff orts, listen-
and aro und Gua tema la City.

"i . :. ! :. ~ ; ... ~ ~ L _ n ~i 1. :;c: u ~,. r ·.::: ',., ,,?- '.' ing to his exp lanation 01 his con-
vict ions , and heari ng him relate
Our eff orts at the time we re
de vot ed to assisting wherever
... 't ..... * his hopes for the ham fraternity we cou ld and fitti ng into any ci r-
\.. , . ; 1. L and it s futu re, that he is neither c u mst a nce wh ere help wa s
vind icti ve nor radical. He be- needed . For a time, t he traffic
fro m page 10 we can fi nd our tape of t he OSO , lieves i n wh at he is doi ng, and is was picke d up from th e Inter-
willing to fi ght for those wh o
it will be rec or ded on t he blank st ate Net on sevent y-five in the
share his beli efs.
w indows at t he higher eleva- side of yo ur tape and return ed. Wayne 's empire includes a even t ng and relayed t o the
tions to Mid land , EI Paso, and The signal from K5SB U w ill mo unta intop locati on a few miles Guatema la Cit y stat io ns th e
Car lsbad . For the NBVM OSOs, be very weak, so tu ne s low ly. distant from his ma in facili ty, f irst thing th e following morn-
we are carry ing a GE Microcas- Ten m inu tes afte r the sc hedule which is comp osed of numerous ing . Man y net s we re utili zed t o
sett e recorder. time, if we do not have a OSO , sky wires, a farm house and a ens ure the most ex pediti ous
magnificen t 125' tower supp ort-
All radio systems will be pow - we ma y OSY to th e ORP CW ing 96 ele ments on 2 mete rs. hand ling of th e traffic .
ere d d irectly, w ithout the use of ca lli ng frequency for t hat band Alon g with all this, a mou ntai n 01 . Durin g thi "S-tim e, not very
a battery, f ro m a 72-ce ll so la r (60 kH z up from t he bott om of radio gear reposes in the " shack" many minutes passed w hen
a r r a y w h ic h w eig hs f o u r each ba nd). aSL to add ress and is presently bein g assern- th ere was a lack of t raffic. On
po unds . Lim ited nigh t op era- below. bled into operat ing pos it ions of February 14, 1976, an am at eur
one kW denomi nati on for all s t at i o n i n Pe ru, OA 4CYC,
t io ns from dark to bed t ime w ill C. Richard Ho ffm an K5SBU bands. " ..
be powered by a pal m-sized Box 1600 A ll in all, we were might y gla d c all ed. It seems that Maria
ni cad batte ry. Anten nas will be Corpus Christ i TX 78403 to mee t Way ne, hi s charming OA4C YC had tried for several
ha lf -w ave sl opers or qu arte r- XYL, and staff . They are truly a da ys to secu re in formation on
wav e radiators again st qu ar ter-
wav e co unterpoises, as most of
t hat area off ers a very poo r rf
gro und.
I WA YN E GREE N'S LAIR I won derfu l gro up. Don' t mi ss
stop pi ng at Peter boroug h wh en
yo u are in that area.
two siste rs in Gua temal a City
and had pro babl y monitored the
tra ffic being pass ed o n to the
Guatemala City stati on, TG9DF ,
I found this editori al, Wayn e I have been reading your mag -
On-the-air ope rat ions w ill oc - azine si nce its begi nn ing , and I whic h she was unabl e to hear.
Green 's La;r (VHFER, Vol. 1, No . After gaining o ur att ention and
cur accordi ng to th e fol low ing even went on th e 73 t rip to
sc hedu le, begi nning as ear ly as 5, September, 1963, Com aire the verif ication of ca llsigns,
Electronics, Ell sworth Mil, wr it - Europ e. I still t hi nk yo u are one
mid day Sunday; li sten for CO of the goo d guys. Ma ria ask ed for our help.
NBVM f ro m K5SBU on NBVM , ten some time ago by Doug Afte r t ryi ng for t he previo us
DeMa w (Se n i o r T e c h n i c a l Wm. Edw ards K8D NV
SSB, and CW o th ree da ys by tel eph one and
Edit or , ARRL) and th ought yo u Bellaire MI
w ire serv ices, Mari a wanted to
0600C DT/1100UT 14,235 kHz m ight be inte res ted. kno w if it would be possible to
0700 C DT/ 1200 UT 7,195 kHz
Wayne Green' s l air secure healt h an d we lfa re info r-
0900 CDT /1400 UT 14,235 kHz GUATEMALA '76
The tr ip would not be comp lete mati on on th e two sis ters who
1000 CDTI1500UT 28,85 kHz
withou t a vis it to "7 3 Ac res " in were in Guatemal a City. On
1100 CDT /1600 UT 21,385 kHz Peterborough, N.H. Never bef ore One of my fa vorite pastimes sec uring the details from Mar ia
1230 CDT/1730 UT 7,195 kH z have we been greeted with such is handling t raffic from the nets in Peru , t he informati on was re-
1500 CDTl 2000 UT 2 1,385 k Hz hospitality and fr iendlin ess. No
as fast as I am ab le. Alth ough l a y ed im m e d i at el y t o Don
1700 CDT /2200 UT 14,260 kHz one shou ld sojourn thr oug h N.H.
w ithout meeti ng thi s dedicated the messages tha t are handl ed TG9DF . He reco g nized th e loc a-
1900 CDT /OoOO UT 14,385 kH z
man, his wile, and his staff, w ho are of the health and welfare t io n whe re th e two sis te rs we re,
2oo0C DT /0100UT 21,385kHz
have completely thr own them- ty pe, the re is a cer tain amoun t or wo uld be, in the c ity and ind i-
2100CDTl0200UT 14,260 kHz selves int o th e cau se for im- of satisfaction which one ga ins ca ted t hat he wo uld try to reach
The f irst Texas NB VM sta- proved amateu r radi o con ditio ns. in being able to del iver th e tha t point via t he local tete-
We enjo yed our overn igh t stay at
t ion , Bob W5G EL (W5Bn, will be W2NSD. A personally prepared
mes sa ge in the least amount of phon e system . In less th an f ive
o n frequenc y to coordi nate , as waffle breakfast, by t he " Ed." ti me. Unti l recently, t he prac - m inut es, Don had the an swer
his t ime allows. We wo uld be him self , w ith New Hampshire tice did not app ear to o im por- for Ma ria: "Th e two sis ters we re
pleased to osa w ith any mode pure map le syrup and all the t rim - tant , but after several prod dings no t inju red, were feel ing fine,
and wi ll li st en ca refully for other mi ngs and ga rnish ed with a by my fe llow ham s on vario us and we re wo rking ha rd."
vigorous disc ussio n related to nets , I agre ed to jot dow n the That message was rela yed to
QRP stations an d OX station s.
the con trover sial matt ers of the
All NB VM stat ions sho uld be day (which are destined to affect details of the conta ct t hat to ok Dayt on QH and th en to OA4CYC
prepared to tape-record OSOs ; all ham radio operators ) was very place du ring th e Gua temala in Peru w ithin eleven m inutes of
send th e tap e wi t h your OS Lo If invig orating. ea rt hqua ke in 1976. the mom ent th e messag e was

rece ived . Th i s w as ama t eu r Fra nkl y , I'm ho pin g t hat even in ama teur circ les knew its over t he muddy ground to t he
radi o in act io n, and a small ex- WA Re '79 w ill give all our ham exact locati o n. It was loca ted in vehicle. The theft is being in-
am ple of t he rea l-life dra ma t hat bands to t he m ino rity countries. a build ing along wit h several vest igated by th e Chautauqua
can occur . I t mi ght t ea c h th e who l e ot her co mmercial repeat ers and County Sh eriff 's Depar tm ent ,
Thi s short expe rience of m ine dam ned bun ch of us a much - t ra nsmi tt ers w hich we re much and any infor mati on sho uld be
wo uld not even have been in needed lesson! more valuable, less traceable, forwarded to t hem at (716)-672-
pr int had it not been fo r my William L. Harris KN9FOV an d mu ch more portable. Th ese 5151. The Spectrum 1000 serial
f ri ends and fell ow amateu rs Lafayette IN units were not touched. The number is 0219.
who pointed out t hat t he bene- thieves were thorough . The y I fe el confident t hat a theft of
fi ts afforded by amateur radi o even searched out t he manuals this mag nitude and perfidy wil l
wo uld be fa r greater if th e st ory ASHAM ED fo r the 2-meter gear and took be solved. I onl y hope that t he
was put in prin t. t hem also; they pig-tail ed off t he perso ns respons ible are app re-
Paul Weigert, Jr. W8TH This isn't rea lly a letter to t he power lead s, too k the input t ags hended by the au tho rit ies rat her
Centervill e OH ed itor , but I t hought you sho uld fo r i dent i f ic at i o n, a nd eve n tha n mem ber s of the repeater
know t ha t Stan Jo pek K2JOT tap ed up th e leads to the sta nd- club. This is t he fi rst t ime I've
passed awa y on April 13, 1979. by batt eries. ever rea lly bee n as hamed of be-
NEEDED LESSDN ? Stan was 40 years o ld and in ex- A fo ur -w heel-dr ive veh ic le ing a ham.
ce llent healt h, but he had a sud- was used , and at least two peo- Ron Warren WA 2LPB
I had no co m plaints abo ut Bi ll den fat al heart att ack. He leaves ple ca rri ed t he 6' hig h 19" rack Fredo nia NY
Past ern ak 's Looki ng West co l- his wife, Joan, and four teenag e
um n until now, but sinc e he children. St an was very act ive
went over to the Int 'l HFers on six meters in t he past , and
He adquar ters and was bap - was more acti ve recent ly on 2
ti zed , it seems to me th at he FM as t he ow ner/o perat or of th e
may be needed more in th eir
Fox Tango News lett er t han in
.07/_67 repeater in Fredoni a NY.
As tr ag ic as Stan's sudd en
73 . T he s e pe o p l e h a ve n ' t
c ha nged a bit - th e y sti ll
espouse and prom ot e illegal ,
death was , subs eque nt event s
we re repulsive, and they were
t he reas on for th is lett er. One
day after his death, while t he
lee Adirondack lor
scofflaw boot legg ing outside of
th e CB ba nd. But I gu ess even family and f rien ds we re at th e D New Equipment
funeral ho me, someone brok e
Pasternak is no exception -
Californ ia is a veritable hotbed in to th e _07/.67 repea te r site and D Used Gear
o f ill ega l ac t ivity -m us t go sto le t he en tire mach ine and
ba ck up systems. T he tot al val ue
D Friendly Advice
alo ng wit h t he kook phil oso-

~@) 0[fJ@] [)(] @]&~~ ~~g~~y

phies prev ale nt o ut t here in th e of th e loss was over $3800.
Lan d of t he Cults. What I f ind most repu lsi ve in
CB neighbors of min e are in t his is tha t th e t heft had to have
been done by ham s. Th e .07/.67 1 85~191West Main Street . P.O. Bo x 8 8
recei pt of several lett ers from Amsterdam . N .Y. 12010 Tel. (518) 842-835 0
vari o u s p r i nt i ng ca l lbook s repea ter was locat ed in a re-
mot e area , and very few peo ple
J ust 5 mi nutes from N .Y. Thruway -E xit 27
(phon ey calls and f irst nam es
o nly, of co urse) and op erati ng
a SL car d bur eaus out of PO
boxes. For anyw here fro m two
to ten do llars, yo u can get a 2 FLESHER COilP. ....
Echo, 19 Whiskey , TCN66, or

w hatever ha p pen s to be in
vog ue at th e moment, plu s your
a SL car ds forwarded to you r
OTH month ly! Neat.
What I can't unde rsta nd is
how so me of them can "guar an-
tee" t hat th e FCC will leave
the m alone " if t hey use the ir
Ech o call and o nly operate on
ce rt ain freq uenc ies." Anot her
c lub c lai ms t hat t hey have " ad-
vance not ice" when th e FCC is TR-128 TU-170
goin g to app ear in a given area ! NEW TERM INAL
Is th e FCC rea lly cooperati ng
w it h these band its?
An ot her thi ng I fail to under- FLESH ER
sta nd is wh y the FCC ca n't
seem to fin d th ese peopl e, even
'RTTY REGENERATIVE Connect to yourreceiver speaker, transmtner
t hough t he sa me o nes are on BAU DRATECONVERTER microphone jack, and teletype mach ineand
t he ai r every day, day in and da y TIL compatible connections for direcf hook-up you' re on the air. Ideal for HF and VHF auto
out, and tal k fo r hou rs! Even an to the TU·170. also adaptable to olher unfts. start uperetlon.
idi ot co uld dr ive up to th eir do or .ow Autostat with threshold control and
wit h a simple receiver w ith no IW Five standard baud rates solid state relay
S-meter! IW Stable crystal-controlled ,.., Stable audio frequen cy shift oscillator
At least (so far) most of t he oscillator produces phase coherent sine wave ton es
nit w it s have had th e good sense
,.., 128 Character storage capacity with ,., TI L compatible inputs and outputs for
(or are af ra id) to sta y ou t of th e
t o-met er ham ban d, But I'd li ke storage status meter to show buffer fill auxilliaryequipment
to see t he FCC legali ze 27.4 to IW Continuously variable character rate ~ High level output for scope tuning
28.0-then " s u per io r" on es
wo uld surely move into ten.
Wired $239.95 Kn$169.95 WIRED $234.95 KIT $159.95

Th ere is a certain type of CBe r Flesher produc ts . the cri tics cho ice!
who j ust has to operate ill e-
gally, even if th ere's no reason
to. This ty pe w ill event ually take
FI.IIHII COIP __ " , F_5_ _

over and ruin what's left of ham .....- - - - P.O. Box 976 Top eka, Ks. 66601 913/234·0198
rad io. Add $3.00 for postage and handling.

The LEADEit In the ttorthwest !
Com e to ABC Communications today for t he best so lutio n to your
particul ar c om m unic at io n requirem ents , w het her t hey be Am at eur,
Two- way Busine ss Band , VHF Ma rine or Po lice Scan ner.

Kenwood 7625 OENTRON MT·30OQA

2m FM Tran sc eiver Deluxe Tun er

OENTRO N 160-10 AT (no t sh o wn)

SUDer Tuner

TS 1205

Kenwood 7600
TS 1805
2m FM Tran sc eive r

ICOM Tran sceiv er 2M FM ICO M - IC280

SSB IC 211 YA ESU 901 OM



We also handle Wils on, Cus hcralt, Hy-Gain. Antenna
Specialis ts, KLM, ere.
Att en tion Was h ingto n r esid ent s: Co me o n in for ex-
cell ent serv ice in our co mplete Communica t io ns Repa ir
Sho p.
Wri t e orcali lo rS PECIA L to wer, rot or , an ten na pac kag e !
Ttl-Ex, Rohn, Wi lson Towers. Shippi ng Info: F.O.B. sea ttle
via UPS, truck, or parcel post.
Washington residents add sales ta x.

Ya es u FT1 01ZD 17 5 5 0 15 T H A V E. N ,E• • SEAT TL E. WAS H . 9 8 15 5. ( ~0 6 1 364-830 0

Other locations: (Wal k-in customers o nly) _ Bellevue - 1200 1 N. E. 12th . Everett - 46 10 Evergreen Way . Open Mon . t hru Sat .
BOX 415
..... A80
[II Ii I ...

® 2

... j HANS EN IDA HO 8333 4 z AMP LIFI ERS


(208) 423-4 100

The model M T- I M o bi le Antenna t un es 3 . 5 t o 30



MHz incl usi v e . 7 50 WATTS for HAM BA ND S,
:z: M ILITARY, MARS, M A RINE, and C.B . Cente r Load- ...

~ ed for hig h e f f ic ienc y . EXACT RESON A NCE. FULL ~


iii O UTPUT f ro m Finals . Bas e tuned wit h lo gg ing c!.


scale an d corre lat ion c hart from lo gg in g sca le t o
Freq . Max . leng t h- I 16 inche s at 3 .5 MHz Min .
len g th - 9 2 .5 inches at 30 M Hz. 3/8 x 24 Std . M t.
$1 19 .9 5 EA.
DEA LERS-(Inq ui r ies i nvi t ed)
Clegg Co mmunic ations Con le y Radio
1101 - 2
n Lancaster. Pennsylvania Billings , Mo nt a na ;
0 Quement Electronics Radio Worl d
r San Jose . Collifo rnia O rlsk.ilny. Ne w Yo rk Z ........SECOND ANNUAL LITTlE ROCK'"'

...J> Ross Distributing (-Camm :z: (. HA M -A -RA M A
Aug . 4 & 5, tg79
. ,

Preston, Id aho Se attle, Washington V
...Z Omar E1ectro n h:s Colville Amate ur Supply
0 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p.m. Satu rda y
9:00 a. m. to 2:00 p.m. Sunday
J> <!'
." Dur and . Michigan Colville. Washi ng t on
'" (Dea lers ma y set up
;;; Burghardt Amateur Center Cohoon A mate u r Supply , 0
Friday eveni ng)
W Atertown. So. Dakota Santa Ma rla. Califo rn ia
" 0
Dealer disp lays in alr-ccndittcned bUild ing
LESS THAN 1. 5 VSWR ENTIRE TUNING RA N GE J * ARRl ·approved bamt est wit h ARRl booth in
displ ay building
* ARRL forum and MARS meetin g
* Giant fle a market, $2 per parking spac e
* Part y Saturda y night - __

CoaxProbe* *
Covered tree mark et area in cas e of rain
No comm ercial deale rs in f lea markel area
RV hookups on fairgroun ds and two KOA
campgrounds wit hin 20 miles
Coaxial RF Probe for Frequency Counters and * Harnt est rocatec 2 mil es west of 1·30 on Roose-

Oscilloscopes That Lets You Monitor Your *

velt Road
Talk -In on 146. 3 4/.94

Transmitted Signal Directly From.J~Coax Line. * Hourly door prizes plu s 2 major prizes
* For furt her in formation cont act :
Morris Middleton AD5M
19 Elm herst Drive Dep t. B

Only S9.95 \
. - _ .Little Rock, Ark. 72209
Phone (501)-568-0938

plus 1.00 postage

FINALLY! A RF PROBE that leis you con - USE IT ON 2 METER RIGS TO ADJUST Key ~ Electronics
nect into you r coax cable for frequency FREQUENCY. The CoaxProbe ' has a ran ge
measurements and modulation waveform of 1.8 to 150 mhz.
checks directly from the transmitter.
JUST CONNECT THE CoaxProbe" into
WAVEFORM. With an oscilloscope of pro- FUI IA~lonal ~
Keybo ard Kit , Mo dal 756
your transmission line and plug the output per bandwidlh, you can check your Mode l 7 56 Ke y bo ar d Kfr. . . _. . . . . S64 9 5
into Ihe frequency counter or oscilloscope. modulation for flaf-topping, etc. Ideal for M o d el 70 I rl ...~li ( Eoc tos ure .. S 14 -') 5
Insertion loss is less than .2db so you can adjusfing the speech processor. M odel 702 Sree t (n( to~u.e . S 29 <)5

leave it in while you operate. NOW YOU CAN MONITOR SIGNALS IN TE.GRA J( O CIRCU ITS
SN7 6 4 77NCompltx Sound Gen H ,<)5 2,S5 ,SO
A NECESSITY IN ANY WELL-ORGAN- when connectec 10 the dummy load, CA) 140OpAmp . 60
IZED HAM SHACK, fhe CoaxProbe' eliminating unnecessary on-the-air radia - CAH4 0 0 u...IOpA mp . ' 1. 10
eliminates " jerry-rigging" and hassles tion. uA5 S5 Tim E" 45
when tapping into the coax line is desired . AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME TO SOCKETS
8 pi n Lo w pro tne 15 BI' IOO
A SPECIAL METHOD OF SAMPLING AMATEURS. Try it for 10 days . If not 14 p i n Lo w p rof i le . . . 19 6 -" 1 00
keeps output relatively constant with a satisfied, send It back for refund (minus 16pi nlo w p ro file . II 5.' S I 00
wide variation of power. Power output of 8 shipping cha rges). Tr...n~i~c o. Socket rz 10 "S 1 00
watts gives .31v out, while 800 walts will Order today from: FREE, CAl 14 0 ",,;ch o r c1<" r ~ o f ' S 00 or more .
give 1.8v out. (rrns 3-30 mhz.) 2000 watts Please in c lude Sl .oo for Poslageand handling
PEP raling loo! Eagle Electronics N.Y.S. Reside nts Add 4 -/0 $ales Tax
se nd to: Key Electronic s
' Trademark at Eagle Electronics Box 426 0, Portage, MI 49081 P.O. Box 3506
Sc henectad y, NY 12303 ...... K14
Michigan Res. Add 4% Sales Tax

V Reade r Service-see page 211 179

I have a 0-500-MHz freq uency and have never felt like I have

IHam Help
counter made by Nort heastern t he tune ad justment ri ght for
Eng ineering . Inc., Mod el 14-20C. best resonance of the fin al
The co unter is a larg e uni t , 6146B5. The book furnished
about 75 lbs. and two feet isn 't too c lear. Could anyo ne
It anyone has a Heat hkit m ode l R-649/UR, ma de by Halli- square wi th tube-type design us- help me by exp laining th e pro p-
HW -20 Paw nee (2m AM tu nable ing nixie tubes for t he frequenc y er procedure fo r adjusting this
crafters. Can anyone help me
xcv r) t hat is physic ally co mp lete f ind a sc he ma tic fo r it? Thank s. readout. I've been trying to fi nd rig?
but not necessarily o perat ing, I a ma nual for t his gear w it h A. E. Farr ell KA5DFV
Thomas Dick WA9QD Z no su ccess t hus far . Fai r Rad io
am inte rested in pur cha si ng it. 4324 S.E. 16
2851 Wayside Or. Sales c an offe r a sc hemati c but
Please state wh et her o r not t he Del City OK 73115
Evansville IN 47711 no manual. Ca n anyon e out
ma nual wo uld be included . I w i ll
I d e sp e r a t el y need th e t here help me? Any effo rt wo uld
be happy to pay shi pping via I wo uld like to kn ow what t he
sc hematic fo r a Hy-Gain UH F be greatly ap prec ia ted . Th ank
UPS. boom length and element spac-
4-chan nel pocket sc anner . Any yo u.
Wm. C. Aycock WB5YEE in gs are o n a TA-33 Jr. Mosley
help wo uld be most appreciat- R. W. Bo wy er KA4 DTP trtband: Th e moving com pany
257 Belair Or.
ed . 7335 Sunnybrook Dr. lost my boom.
Pearl MI 39708
Dennis Lemonds WB 4QCD Roanoke VA 24019
Hubert J. Harlow KA5COS
Our radi o c lub has been given PO Box 194 1812 Arno ld Palmer
an old US Coa st Guard rec eiver, Estill Springs TN 37330 I bought a Ken wo od TS·520S EI Paso TX 79935

I need a relay co il fo r a Cen-

cite r. Please gi ve pri c e.
WIT H INLI NE "wireless" coa xial relays you can exp and your
Odell Galil n W4MEM
ante nna system, add ing nothing but antennas. R#l , Bo x 279
INllN E'S excl usive coax ial co upler at the radio energ izes a weath er- Kille n AL 35645
pr oof relay/ s mo unted on th e towe r. po le, tree , or where ver the anten-
nas are via any length coaxial cable. Using mo re than one antenna lets I need th e sc hematic for an
you reac h out further because you ca n instantly co mp ens ate for
ch anges in pr opaga tion or signal path cond itions. You can also chang e old Halli crafters receiver , model
band s, or pol arization, or pha se arrays . You can eli mi nate a rat's nest of number SX77A or S·77A. Can
wires. Ideal fo r apartment dwell ers. anyon e help?
INLINE re lays are in con stant use wo rld wid e, in more than 100 coun - P. B. Bjorklund
tries, in any con ceiv able cli ma te, by Amateurs. Intern ational News Ser- 1075 Lo s Altos Ave.
vices, Embassies, Cable TV, Govern ment Agencies, Airlines, Etc. whe re
relia bl e communications is a must.
Los Altos CA 94022
Two position relays
Type 101" DCt0550MHz 2000W PEP $31.45 I need a Temp o One ex te rnal
Type 103 20 to 550 MHz 1000WPEP 43.45 vto.
Type 105 1.5 to 180 MHz 2000 W PEP 53.45 Keith H. Gilbertson WB mLXM
Three po siti on rel ays -,.!!!. #4, Box 29A
Type 1013" DC to 550 MHz 2000 W PEP 48.45 Detroit Lake s MN 56501
Type 1033 20 to 550 MHz 1000 W PEP 60.45
Type 1053 1.5 to 180 MHz 2000 W PEP 70.45 I wo uld like to arrange a CW
· (not " wireless" centrouee - use 1 wire -+ G nd .) 15 meter QSO with a Vermo nt
Liter ature and application data on request. ham i n order to co m plet e my
It no t in stock at you r de aler ord er direct. WAS .
Prepa id orders shipped tree via UPS on ty in USA Bob Cenl WB7UNM
Box 473. Hooksett. N.H. 03106 Tel. (603) 622·0240 VISA · MAS TERCHA RGE acce pted Roc ky Mtn. Lab
Hamilton MT 59840

Covers 136.00 to 149.95
Mhz in 50 Khz crystal-con- NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW!
lrolled steps; 15 watts
output. Has volume and
The ul timat e an swe r f or elimina ting th e
squelch controls; requires damaging effects of anten na weight on CHO ICE
27VDC 6 amps. With tubes
8156, 218102, 6/6CW4, you r rotor .... it ' s t he
ano 2/7 587. O/A size: " UDM THRUSTOR"
6-3/8 x3· 1/ 2x14; 10 los.
sh. Used, no covers . . $54.95 • Fi t s any t aper t ower o r ca n
R·390AJURR RECEIVER: 2 to 32 Mhz AM in 1 be used w it h lI at top.
Khz steps: mechanical fillers . Used reparable $2 95 • Ac cepts 1 V. " m ast p ipe
Checked . . . . 5450 Manual . . . .. $12.0 0 • All steel con stnrctlcn.
VA C UU M V ARIABLE CAP ACIT OR : • Ut ilizing preci sion ground
50-2000 pt. 3 KV. Right-angle manual tune drive with & hardened ball·type t hrus t DM -170
1/ 4"-3I B" dla. shall. On 5-3/ 4"x3 -1/ 4"x 3·3 /4 " mount be aring.
bracket. O/A 10-3/4x3-1I4x5 , 9 Ibs. sh. #C818/ WRT, • Com es read y to ins ta ll . Act ive Filte r
Used . . . . $75.00 • Eliminat es the da m ag ing De m od ulator
7.5 KV VARIABLE CAPACITOR: 55-420 pf ettect on yo ur ro tor.
0",''''' ~ at. cNlOIong '"e OM·' TO !Un
single section; 0.22" air gap. 13· 1I2 x3-1I2x6- 1I 2"
plus 2-1/ 4x3/ 8" eta. shaft 17765118 . ... $23.00
. Sh i p p ed prep a id U PS
_cost ....n l. !o.-",!o.-"",,,,"" _co.-r_.
....'0.- 10 9'" ,.....,"""0
I .~ ' ~'~ ~ '

~"",," Me." '>C '''''' $44.95 Ki t $66.95 Wired

EIMAC SK610lJOHNSON 124·110 socket • Chec k. cas h, mo ney ord er.
& Chimney for 4X1 50/4GX250. used . $9.00 Vi sa. M a sterC harg e.
$4 9.95 co mplete.
Use your Visa or Mastercharge cards.
All PricesF.O.B. Lima , Ohio. PleaseAllowlor Shipping. • A lso avail abl e- lor 2"' m ast 'LU••I COIP.
Send lor FREE Copy of NEW Catalog '791 p ipe fo r $59.95 P.O. Box 9 76
Address Dept. 73 Phone 419/ 227-6573
UDM ENTERPRISES ,.. Uf O Top e ka. Ka n s as 66601
P.O. Box 2037, Sandus ky, Ohio 44870 ( 913) 234 -0 198 V'F5

180 V'" Reader seo-ce-csee p ag e 2/1

Same dilWshipment. First line partsonly
Factorytested, Guaranteed money back.
Quitlity lC's and omer components euae-
lory pnces.
II l omw

" l"'laO'> Clllal . .DlUS e - ,. - . .

19 lWJlll
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741011 17 l lllll3H
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lJi'l lll'JJH ~10
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74 . !~
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rs S,ld" Ii. ( .... PI""I' ~~'::~: ••"'. "',ell.... 2.9;
74lCJN " lM'Jll4 ::~ PIN 'UP PIN 'UP M.' OOI ,,,.,.. ,1. ,I
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1.40 B " 12 l() 1,,,,"',,, dl.,I.! IUS

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7415 ~

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/4 !5 ~
Wl 9N 1 t:~~~g '6
RESISTOOS ':. ~ " S"
'O " """Ol ll)01J". '~. DI1
W,,)~ '3 l"" !OO 10 19 ~ II 1; .... tr.. 1Il ~ ~ O ll'f<4l* l

e t~
~ "'1S 1 l
'00 " . . :0;
lUll' ''''''' 0'\ h"1rP0675

· ,-
' _ " " _ /II cnlOlJlDs
RCA Cos mac Super Ell Computer 5106.95 , .,01. l'l UIl ;J(U ,.
,.'"" "1IE_ Ui'lll ~
!oIi,,",A1iC ~~G"
...., ..,.. . -
13"'«1",-,,, .:'.l\SIt
56U G
" ' ~1"

. . __
~ ~
Compare ieateres betore you decide to buy any teet. monilor select and single step. Large. on 7417310 0'_ B~
• ...., ..,...- IO;ll_
other computer. There is no other computer on
the market todaythat has all the desiratlle bene-
boaro displays plovlI:!eoutput and couona high
ilnd low address. There s a 44 pn standard
,., ~

'4 1.t;11
0I[ 14 ~
•• '1 $1 00
' 01
In ".., Tn'l
_ . I_ lOlf
W I' " UU T,FtlO
tits ol the Super Ell lor so lill ie money. TheSuper connector lor PC cards and a 50 pin ronnector for 74' 1'" I.ill 1t >M.l A ~ l ' ll \>0 = ~ ~

Ell is a small Sln9le board computer mat does the uuen Super Expilnsion Board. Power supply 1"~1lIo ..56IiY A ~ 10 1 .
""'N t1 IIt'lfilY
~ ,
:~ toII""'''-$Pfl)lU'lU
= ~~~~ ~
many big things. It is an excellent compuler lor
training and lor learnlOg programming Wllh ils
machine language and yet it is eaSily npanded
andsocketslor anrts areInduded in the prce
plus a detailed 127 pg instruction mil nualwhich
now includes over 40 pgs ot software Into. m-
;::;: I II

: :::
Il(~ rl

.. _
'IWl. ,. ft.,.
~ "",_ol _ l >lll """
I II..
00: WtIlE WIlU 100 (1 .. _
COo . Slll .ts

with additi onal memory. Tiny Basic. ASCII clU ding a series euessons to helpgel you started /., 92J\
..lS 12li
MllS l29
""Ibj,_.. $11.0lI
Keyboard s, video chan cier een erauen. etc. anda mUSICprogram and graphics target game /'l?1lN l SI 15' 11"" H.llS ll ' ~liil l ~l rHlR IrIIl IUn~ l <l , ~
1 4 :ofl1~ 1 6\ 1'.o' 92CN ~S1S1 J1i Eloo . a.., G<"" . P\" PO" ""."""~
The Super Elt includes a ROM monitor lor pro- Remember, othercomputers only offerSuperElf 14 30~N J1 -ZJO f . Oo> " .... ~ . ,. ... co•.,
I'JO)l;. ~l '~~'(:lI NS25IJ /
2701 • .2 """" Co,", AnI In
gramloading, editing and execution With SINGLE featuresat additional cost or not at all. Compare "" """,,,,, . S~, Ie "' .lr o m f I'C
STEP for program debuggingw hich IS not 10- before you buy. Super Ell Kit $106.95, Hi9h
l l LSlllInl
" DMS~"


rtuceo In others at thesame price. With SINGLE address opti on $8.9:), Low address option 14l , ooH
74l S!l1H
2716 ln'"
STEPyou canseethemicroprocessorchIp opera- S9.95. custom Calli nel with drilled and labelled / 4l , ll-l" t:lInTl.U
ting with the unique Quest addres s anddataous otexqlass Iront panel S24.9S. NiCad Battery ' 4l SillH ,"-
dlsj)lays eetere. dunng ano aner exe cutmglO ' Memory Saver Kit S6.95. All kits and options I ... S1.
-, .-.-
suuctcn s. Also. CPU modeanamstrucncncycte also come completely assembled and tested

l<lS uH
aredecodedand d:splilYed on eightLEOmdlcator ,.lSZ1.

1 'I ll '"

lamps. Questdatil a 12pagemonthly sonware publica-
,~ ceeee

,,-- --
An RCA1861 video graphics dl ip auc....s you to bonfor 1802 computer userse avanatse by sub, ,"'SJ311
,'lSWl =.1 ' 14 32 _
) 5, " IIHI
connectto your own TVwrthaninexpenSlveviden SCription for St 2.00 per year. , 'l51'" 10'«1 "'"
7 'lS~ 2 0'I71Sl II...
modulator to do graj)hics ano games, There ISa 1'l5S011 2 OSlll 11H1
speaker system nciudec far wrrtJOg your own cee.. 12na ...
music or LlSlOg many music pragrams already
Allention Ell Owners ~" H llMII II",
New products in hardwar e and sattwa re
'<l-5 101" ~"
wreen. The speaker amplifier may also be used l'lS11;>OO ~" \7'43 _
coming soon, " lSll :l!\
1<lS ,m ~" i~Jli Il'"
10drive relays 101 control purposes ~"
" l '118 MHl
I"' S' 36« 'S o\Jlll",
A 24 key HEX keyboard Includes 15 HEX keys Tiny Basic cassette $10.00. on ROM S38.00,
"l51 ~IH
"l S' I ~ H
~" n 11I.l"'" w .•
plus load, reset, run, wait. input. memory pro- "lS' ~ ' . ~" fl U i
Original Ell kit board $14.95. 14l5 ' o;< N ~"
~ 040;>(J
14l5',31< CD'021
74l S174. ~040 1 2
Super Expansion Board with Casselle Interface $89.95 ' 4IS 1'lllH
ln5m . ~:m
This is truly an astoundmg vane! Thisboardhas Improvements and revisions are easily done with l ' lS ~ '>lI H CO'Ol5

'''-5Jo/. 00401.
been designed to allow you to decide how you the monitor. 1/ you have the Super Expansion (;(1<021
U HUR w~,
went it rononed. The Super Expansion Board Board and Super Monitor me mcnitor is up and C"3)<,
comes with 4K 01low power RAMtully address- running at the eusn at a button. ~
,' M
~, _
able anywhere in 641< with built-in memory pro- O:her on board eonons Include Parall el Inpul ,-

-. - ,.· -=
tect ano a easserte mtertace. Provisions have 2 t\ C0404l
and OUtput Ports with lull handshake, The., U1lO1U ...
• CQICIo4.

been made lor al other options on the same I'
atc w easvconnecnon of anASCII keyboardtct ne l~­
llJO "
boare and it hts neatlyinto the hardwood cabinet
nput pori. RS232 and 20 rna Current l oopl or I t; aI-llI~
alongside \t1e Super Ell . The board includesslols teletypeor oltler lIellice are on board and rI you 1 \I ~l
tor uj) to 6K of EPROM (2708, 2758, 2716 or TI need morememory thefe are two S-100 slots lor
l ll 311IU
l1l3 1 "' ~
TR.uSIl; I OlI.$
... ·191
27161and is lully lo clleted. EPROM canbeused
lJoIJ' l
lor Itle monitor andTinyBasicor oltler purposes
stallc RAMor video boards,A GodtHlut 8K RAM l ll32Ol< - ~ I.
'" aI_ ,, ~

board is available lor $135.00. Also a 1KSuper <1132J1l· S

l llJ2O'l- '1
aI-llIn l~1A
A II( Super ROM Monitor S19.95 is availilble as Monitor verSion 2 with videodriver for lun capa· , lIJ2OIl·l ; ,. W<oI2 ,,~

INJ2OT · ~ •• l;lI""n 2N3!311

an on board Olllion in 2708 EPROM which has
been preprogrammed with a program Ioaderi
bllrtydisplay with TIOY Basic and a vioeointerlace
board. Parallel lI O Porls $9.8S, RS 232 S4.50.
U':r1OT · ' ~
1;lI'016 ,-

I NJl'O'-' ~ '60 ro'C IB 2NJ'llI6
editor and error checking multi file cassette ITY 20 rna IfF $1,95, S-100 $4.50. A 50 pin LJ,13 ~ ' N CD'O~ 1 2~ J05 ~

I 1\
lM339N ' ~I CD'C~ 2 ~N'400
readiw rite sottware. (relocatible cass ette file) connector set with ribbon cable is available at 1~ 34O'\· ~
l~ 34O'\ · ~
, 11
CO" , 6 2N"C'
another exclusivefrom Quest, It includes register
CD.490 2N..01
$\ 2.50 for easy connec tion betwe en the Super TIP31
save and readout, block move capability and Ell andthe Super Expilnsion Board,
l~ l <c)to:· l '
1 31
' 31
, :II
C D " '~
TIP3J.l '"
video graj)hics driver with blinking cursor, Break l M~Q I · ; CO'I"
poinls can be usedwith the register save teatule
to isolate program bugs Quickly. then lotlow wilh
ThePower Supply Kil tor the Super Expansion
Board is a 5 amp supply wrth miJtlple positive
' lIl'~l -!
l "'3<oT· '2
l MHo r ';1
' 1;
I r;
am1 !
single slep. The Super Monitor is wnllen with
ilntl negative voltages $29.95. Add 54.00 lor
stlipping. Prepunched frame SS.OO. Case
l ~<OT ·"
l ll :l4OT·t4
I r;
COol I2/ ,.
subroutines allowing usersto lake advantageof S10.00. Add $1.50 tor shipping. ",l:lSO
' \1
1 \I
moMor lunctions simply by calling them up ~.
~ 0lI
COol5&] ••
Auto Cl ock Kit S15.95 Digita l Te mperatu re M eter Ki t
DC dock w~h 4-,50- d ~plays . Uses National Indoor anti outdoor, Switches back antl lonh M u lt i- v o lt Co mp uter Po w e r Su pp l y Stopwatch Kit S26.95
MA-l 012 module Wlth alarm ~bon . Ind udes Beautiful . SO " LED readouts. Nothing like it 8y 5 amp. ~ 18v .5 amj). Sv 1.5 amp, - 5v Ful six digit battery operated. 2-5 volts.
I ght tlimmer, crystitllimebase PC boards FiJly available. Needs no additional parts lor com· 5 amp, 12v .5 amp. -12 option. ·5v, '" 12Y 3.2768 MHz crystal accuracy. Times to 59
regulated, compo'nSlructs. Add SJ.95 lor beau- plete,luIl operation. Will measure - 100 to are regulaled. I(it529.95. I(it wilh punched trame min.• 59 $e(; " 99 1/100 sec. Times std. , s~lit
tiful dark gray case. 8est value anywhere + 200 f . lenths 01 a degree, air or liQuid 534.95. WoodgralO case 510,00. and Taylor. 7205chill, all components minus
Very acCl/rate. $39.9:) case , Full instructions.
RCA Cosmac VIP Kit S229.00 Beautilul woodgrain case wi llezel $11.75 Video Modulator Kit SB.95
Video computer with gamesand graphics Convertyour.TVset into a high quality monitor Hickok 3 1/2 Digit LCD Multimeter
Fully assem. and test. $249,00 N i Ca d Batte ry Fixe r/ Cha rger Kit without affecting normal usage, Complele kit Balt/AC oj)er, 0.l mv-1 00Ov. 5 ranll es 0.5%
Opens shoned cells that won't hold a charge with full instructions. accur. Resistance 6 low power ranQes 0.1
Not a Cheap Cl ock Kit $14.95 and then chargesthem up, all in one kit wtfull ohm-20 M ohm. DC curL .01 to 100ma Hand
paris anti instructions $7. 25 2.5 M Hz Fr equenc y Count er Ki t held, V1" LCD displays,auto zero,polarity, over-
I ncludes evervthing excej)t case. 2-Pe boartls Compfete kit less case $31.50
6--. 50- LEO Displays. 5314 clock ctlip, trans· range. S74,95
PRO M Erase r Will erase 25 PROMs In 3 0 MHz Freque n cy Co unter Kit
lormer, all components and tun instructions Complete kit less case $47.75 S- 100 com:.rut er Boards
Orange displays also avail. same kit wl.SO ' 15 minutes. Ultraviolet. assembled $34.50
Prescaler kit lO 350 MHz $19.9:) 81(Static RA I(it Godboul $135.00
displil YS. Reo only. S21.95 Case S11.75 Roc kwell AIM 65 Computer 15K SIalic RAM ~ it 265.00
6502basetlslOgle boartl willi full ASCI!keytlOard 79 Ie
Upda te Master M anu a l $3 5 00 241(Static RAM I(rt 423.00
60 Hz Crystal Time Ba seKit S4.40 and 20 column thermal printer. 20 char. al- Complete IC data selector. 2500 pg. masterret- 32K Dynamic RAM Kit 3tO,00
Converls digital clocks from ACline freQ uency phanumeric display, ROM monitor, fully expand- erenceguide. O~er SO ,OOOcross reterl!f1Cts . Free 541( Dynamic RAM I(it 470.00
to crystallime base. Outstanding accuracy. Krt able. 5375.00. 41( version S450.00 41( Assem- updale sefVJCe Itlrough 1979. Domestic postage 81('161( EpromKit (less PROMS) 889.00
includes: PC board, IC. crystal. resistors. ca· bler S85.00. 81( Basic Interpreter SiOO.OO_ S3.50_f oreign $S.OO_1978 1C Master doseout Video Intenace 1(11 $139.00
pacllors and trimmer. PowersUPP!v assembled in case $60,00. 519.50 Motherboard $39. Extender Board $8.99

TERMS. $5 00min. orderU S Funds Calilresidenis add 6"/olax.

BankAmencard and Master Charge accepted . • FREE Send lor your copy of ourNEW 1979
ShiPPing charges will be added on charge cards QUEST CATALOG . Include 2B c stamp.

v' Reade r Service- see page 211 181

form ation and tic kets , contac t Hamfest will be held on Jul y
Mi ch ael Santucci W D9JGH, 862 28·29, 1979, at Gall agher Lake
I Social Events Ivy Oaks Rd., Ca ledoni a IL
KOA Karnpsl te, 8 miles nort h of
Oli ver, B.C., Canada. Regist ra-
t io n sta rts at 9:00 am Satu rday.
fro m page 130 go ing one mil e nort h of t he ci ty MACKS INN ID Ac ti viti es sta rt at 1:00 pm
limits of Golden , t urning west- JUL 27·29 Sat urday and co nt inue un t il
ho pe t o arran ge spec ial li- w a rd off Highw ay 93 o nt o WIMU (Wyo mi ng, Idaho, Mo n- 2:00 pm Sunday . Ladies may
censes for vis iti ng ham s who Gold en Gat e Canyo n Road, pro- tana, and Utah) will ho ld it s 47t h bring t heir ho bbi es and items
may w is h to operate from XE1- ceedi ng for ap pro ximate ly 71/2 annual hamfest on July 27-29, f o r a w hite-ele p ha nt s a l e.
land during t heir sta y. There m iles, and makin g a righ t t urn 1979, at Macks In n, Ida ho . Feat ured w ill be prizes, a fl ea
w ill be a f lea market and ac ross th e cattle guards. Signs Fe st i vit ie s in cl ud e z -m et er ma rket , bunny hunt s, ente rt ain-
dem on strat ion s at the co nven- wi ll be posted for f urt her di rec- hunts, OSCAR demon strat io ns, men t , a home-brew co ntest ,
ti on hal l. For more infor mat ion , tions. There w ill be derno nstr a- ladi es' c raft s, and a repeate r and mo re. A potl uck lunc h w ill
con tac t t he Radio Club Leo n, ti ons, inc lud ing slow -scan TV dt splay. The pre-regi st rat io n be served Sunday at noon . Call -
PO Box 12A, Leon, Guanaj uat o, and co mput ers, doo r prizes, and prize will be a W ilson Mark II in on 3800, .34/.94, and .76
Mexi co. a potl uck lun ch, w it h soft drinks ha ndle-talkie co m pl et e w it h si mplex. For informat ion, write
and ice supplied by t he League. touchton e™ , battery pac k, and John Juu l-An dersen VE7DTX,
ESSEX MT It wo uld be ap prec iated if charger. The grand prize is you r 8802 Lakeview Dr., Vernon ,
JUL 21·22 everyo ne wo uld make his co n- choice of an Icom IC-211 or a B.C., Cana da V1 B 1W3, or Lata
The Int ernat io nal Glac ier- tr ibu t ion to t he pot lu ck lunc h by Ke nwoo d TS-520. Sat urd ay Harvey VE7DKL, 584 Heat her
Watert on Hamfest w ill be held bring ing his favori te dish and night sp ecia l event s inc lu de Rd., Pent lcto n, B.C., Canada
on Jul y 21·22, 1979, at t he Three help ing out t he League w it h any kids ' mov ies a nd an a dult V2A 1W8.
For ks Cam pground, ten mil es s pa re bl an k et s and cha irs . dance . For furth er informat io n,
east of Essex, Monta na, on US There wi ll be camping facili ties contact Dave Hunti ng WB7FGV,
avail able for campers, t raile rs, BOWLING GREEN OH
Hi ghway 2. Regi stra ti on is at Box 662, KemmererWY 83101, or J UL 29
9:00 am. Tal k-in on .52 and mobile ho mes, etc ., o n Saturday call (307}-877-9440_
aft erno on befo re th e Fest. No The Wood County Ama teur
.34/.94. For more inform ati on , Rad io Club w ill ho ld its 15th an-
w rit e Glacier-Waterton Ham- do gs , gun s, or mo tor bikes,
please. MOOSE JAW nual Woo d County Ham-a-Rama
fest , PO Box 2225, Missoula MT SASKATC HEWA N CA N o n July 29, 1979, at the Bowl ing
59806. JUL 27·29 Green Fair groun ds, Bow lin g
MARSHALL MO Th e Moo se Jaw Am ate u r Green, Ohio. Gat es will open at
EUGENE OR JUL 22 Radi o Club w ill ho ld its 1979 10:00 am, w it h f ree admissio n
JUL 21·22 The Ind ian Foothil ls Amat eu r Ham fest (Parti c ifest 79) o n Ju ly and parkin g. Dealer ta bles and
The 4t h annual Lane County Radio Club w ill hol d It s 4th an- 27·29, 1979, at t he Saskat ch e- space are availa ble. Trunk sale
Ham Fair will be held on Jul y nual ham fest on J uly 22, 1979, wa n Techni cal Institute, 600 space and food will also be
21-22, 1979, at the Oregon Na- at the Sa l ine Co unt y Fa ir· Saskatc hewa n St. W" Moo se availa b le. Ticket s are $1.50 in
tiona l Guard Armor y, 2515 Cen- ground s , Ma rsh all , Mi sso uri. Jaw, Saskatc hew an, Canada. advance and $2.00 at the door .
tenn ial Blvd., Eugene, Oregon . Tickets are $2.00 each o r 3 for Reg ist rat ion w ill be held on Fri- Prizes w il l be awarded. Talk -in
Registra ti on is $3.00, and an ex- $5.00 in advance; $2.50 at th e day evening w ith a f ull day of on .52 K8TIH . For informati on,
t ra dra win g ticket is given with doo r. Registration is at 8:00 am, act ivit ies on Saturday culmi - wr ite Wood County ARC, cIa
advance regi str ation . There w ill w it h lunc h at 11:30 pm (all yo u natin g in a banquet and dance. Eri c W i llma n, 14118 Bisho p
be di spl ays, lectures, contests , ca n eat ) an d th e drawin g at 2:30 Most of th e meetings and work- Road, Bowling Gr.lWn OH 43402.
sw apsho p, tr ansmitt er hunt, pm. Prizes include a Tempo Sl, shops wi l l be held on Sund ay.
and entertai nment. The fac ili- a DenTron Jr. Mon lto r't t uner, Th er e w il l a lso be a busy NASHVILLE TN
t ies provid e plenty of free park- and ma ny more. There wi ll be sc hedule fo r t he XYLs. JUL 29
ing for motor h ~ e s and trail- f lea markets for t he OM and
XYL. There is no c harge fo r flea The Rad io Amateur Trans-
ers. O KLA HOMA CITY OK . mill in g Soc iety (R.AT S.) of
For informati on and advance ma rket table s t his year, but
reservati o ns ar e req uest ed . JUL 27-29 Na s h v i ll e, Te n ne s se e, wi ll
reservati ons, phon e or write The Cent ra l Oklah om a Radio sponsor the Nashvill e Ham fest
Wanda or Earl Hemenway, 2366 There wi ll also be old and new
eq ui pment d is p lays, a 10-X A mateu rs w i ll sp on so r t h e on Sunda y, J uly 29,_1.979, at t he
Mad ison, Eugene OR 97405 at Oklahoma St ate ARRL Conven- Nat ional Guard Armo ry o n Sid-
(503)-485·5575. boo th, and ot her ac t ivit ies for
t he XYLs. Talk-in o n .52, .28/.88, t lon and " Ha m Holiday" on Ju-Iy ... . co Drive, in Nashvill e, Te n-
and 147_84/.24. For info rmat ion 27-29, 1979, at Li ncoln Plaza, ness ee. Tabl es, barga ins , and
PITISFIELD MA 4445 Li ncoln Blvd., Okla homa refreshments are availab le, as
and ti cket s, w rite Norm an Gi b-
JUL 21·22 bins W BmSZl, 692 No rth Ted, City, Okla homa. The prog ram well as prizes. Admi ss io n is
The NoBARC Hamfest will be Marshall MO 65340. w ill include an ARRL forum and $3.00. Ta lk-in o n .90/.30 . For
held on July 21·22, 1979, at Cum- te chn ica l ta lks on 1-G Hz m ore in f o rma ti on, c o nt a ct
mington Fairgrounds, Pitt sf ield, t ech niq ues, fast -scan TV for Richard Wagner K4MZE, 1015
Massach usett s. There will be SHEBOYGA N WI rad io am ateu rs, NB VM, and Haber- Drive, Brentwood TN
tech tal ks, demonstrati ons, and JUL 22 ot her subjects of c urrent in- 37027, o r phone (615)-794-5356_
dealer s. Flea market admiss ion The ann ual Lakesho re Swap- t erest. In add ition , a full pro-
is $1.00. Advance registra tio n is fe st and Bratw urst Fry will be gra m i s sc hed ule d fo r th e BALTIMORE MD
$3.00 si ngl e and $5.00 w it h held on Sunday, July 22, 1979. lad ies. Pre-reqlst rat ion w ill be JUL 29
spouse, and $4.001$6.00 at the Events incl ude prizes , a f lea $4.00 if received bef ore J uly 20. The Balti more Radio Am at eur
gat e. Gates o pen at 5:00 pm on market , an auct ion, and man- After th at dat e, it w ill be $5.00. Television Societ y (BRATS) w ill
Friday for free camping. Talk-in ufacturers' di splays. Admission A sy n t hes iz ed 800 -c hann e l be holding t he annual BRATS
on 146.31/.91. For reservati ons, is 51.00. Talk -in o n .66/.06. For VHF t ransce iver wil l be awar d- Maryland Hamfest on Sunday,
co ntact Tom Hamilton WA1VPX, fu rthe r inf or mat io n, co ntact ed to encourage pre-req istr a- July 29, 1979, at the Howard
206 Californ ia Ave., Pitt sfield WB9NRM at (414)-457·3203. t ion . The mai n aw ard w ill be a Count y Fai rgrounds, Rtes. 32
MA 01201. TS-120V w it h pow er supp ly . and 1.70, 15 m il es west o f
BELVIDERE IL Adeq uate room s are available Balt im o re, Maryl and. The event ,
GOLDEN CO JUL 22 for co mmerc ial exhib itors and begi nning at 8:00 am rain or
JUL 22 The Big Thun der Amateu r sw appers . Mail yo ur reg ist ra- shine, inclu des a giant f lea
The Rock y Mou nta in Radio Club w ill ho ld its annual ham- t lon to CORA, PO Box 14424, market , indoo r and out doo r ex-
Leagu e, Inc., w il l hold it s Field fest o n Sund ay, J uly 22, 1979, at Oklahoma Cit y OK 73113. hibi t areas, top prizes, and ple n-
Demon stration Day and Swap- the Boon e Count y Fair groun ds. Unlimited parkin g space is ty of good food and refresh-
fes t on Jul y 22, 19 79 , at The fairgrounds are located one also available. mente. Tickets are $2.00, tail-
t he hom e of Karl Ramstett er mi le north of Belvidere on IL-76. gat ing is $2.00, and table s are
WAIllHJZ, which is loc ated on Ta lk-in on .52 simp lex. Do na- OLIVER BC CAN $4.00 in adva nce, $5.00 at the
Highway 93, Go lde n Gate Oan- t io ns are $2.00 at the door. Ad· JUL 28·29
yo n Road. Th is is acc essible by vance tickets are $1.50. For in- The Okanagan internat io nal Continued on page 204

Who has Advanced Electronics, Alpha, AM ECO , Amphenol, An tenna Specialists , Astatic, ~

• Lu m 1M \1ulh . 1..1111 'OUf u l",n, .

• Find its ren onaat Irequeney.
• Filld IIand Xon-resonance. to
• Bro,dlNloo HIIO MHz.
• Simple10 ne . - SeNconllmed. o
VHF model 4362 (140-180 MHzl "'
$94 HF model 4360 ( 18 - 30 MHzl
.;: I h,' 43bO, ·1,1(,2 l i A M - M A T ~_ O i' ~ ctio" . l W>\l-
" ' d~" ,!C. i" " ', l i,,,, IH' e in-If u",,, n l; fOf m•••uring
"0 1", ,,,,, <1 " r •.-I I''''I~d 1'<> , in 50·o h m ..oni.1
C t" ,,,,,, i, ,,,,,, I,,,.,. T ho ~ , di, d......nd. nt> of

Model MB II $295
l l>o.· "".J,~·U I H R U l IN E ~ l'I , lI _ t ••
1"t"1,...,~,,,.. 1 ,Und"d 01 t ho<" "'du'tr y .nd "' i ll
.." or.I'd, "',,.,,,,,. RF po .... no .. und.f . n y Iwd
' ho

vi (wit h Ba lu n ) $ 3 2 5 , .. "<J,I,, ,n. f "to \o,' I1......t .. i> ...... d.. UP of . pr.c i.., ly
u ",."h"",J ...."1 '" '' " f 50·"hm Ii"." ",uu bl. ",,,,ing
d ,·"", nl J nJ ,'r"' le, " I,b ',lI.d in" ,II mo on tod
z MB n pr o vid e s ; II' .' 1"~I' - ' ''' r,L '' pi," " h"",i n~_ It " lhi' t ypo " I
o w Co nsraru $ W A m Onlt o ron g . '" Precr ston tun Ing o l l ,na l amp. '*Ha rm o n IC su p p res s-on
.. ,1,,1 """110,1 1<'" . "d the dire ct ,,,,,. 1THRUlI NE.
..""pIIng , ''' oit , .. itho ot loro id', lh'l .ccount fOf
~ *
.. Hecerver ,n pu t unped ance-m atctunq . Max.mum po....e r transfe r to a nt e n na .. Co n 11>0.' "-'1", ,, ,,, ,1, "' I"" HA\l -MATE W'\l mt t. r~
tm uo u s fr eque n c y c ove ra ge 1 6 tc 30 MHz .. Pre CISIo n lu nIng 0 1 a n y w ire '
wa~l engt h o r longer. w ,11'I SWR 01 1 l.
MB II lealures :

__"'" ao~ §
-Finest quali ty. ma d e-tn· U SA com ponents *L arge , orec.sron. easy-to -rea d ma's w ,lh -
'- ., - - --,.

'_ ' --'- "
~ ~~~_=oii::oIIiiO="":_~=~
360 readout. . O Ii onal 30oo wall Ba lu n for twm lead antennas , ~ , ,, ,

,"~ . , ,,

.. - -
--_ "
' "~ " '00 "

-- . .- -
I' ~ .", '" '" "" '"
~ ~ ~

'00 .. . " ,
5 - BA N D TRAP DIPOLE ' 00 .. "" , w. ,~

Cl THRlJUNE ~ l'O ~ .."

'<l(l ..... ,:
~ ~
i::l: ,~

-c (80 thru 10 Meters) WATTMmR . ' OOO ~ .."

l'OO ~ .."
~ ~

~ '<lll(> .. .."

VI Barke r Willi amson

& Power rated 2 k WPEP. ap- MO DEL 4 3
Elements ( T a ble 1 ) 2'-30 MHz
$ 12 5. 0 0
45.00 "'$i'
f-- prox. 1 1 0 ft. Bpan Elements (Table 1) 25-1000 MH z 3 8 . 00
;:J Com p lete wi t h : wi re. tr ecs. end Carrvi n g c a se for Model 4 3 & 6 e lements 27 _50 "'
in su lato rs, 50 f t. R G ·8 / V. P L-259 Carrvi n Qc ase f or 12 e leme n ts 17 .00
f-- con n ec t o r. ne a vv -d u r v c as t alu m i·
n u m a nd st e atite center con- RE A D R F WA T T S DIRECTLY' (S pec ifv ' T Vpe N o r ·S(::)~239 c o n
~ n ec t o r. 4- Ba nd (4 0 thr u 10 M) 55 nectcrs ) 0.4 5 - 2 300 MH z. 1-1 0 .0 00 Wa t ts ±5%, lo w insertion VS W R
LU ft . - 1,05. Unequalled e co nom y a nd f1exib ilitV. BuV on ly the e lement (s)
ov ering y our pr es ent f req uenc y a nd power n ee d s. a d d extra ra n g
eter 'f our r utrern e nts ex and.



eo Pre-asse mbled :
Model 370· 11

- $59.95 , TWO METERS Motorola HT 220 Crvstals

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u Minim um $3.00 for s hip · Card no. Card expo dat e _

:.J j.
pi ng a nd ha nd ling on ALL Signatu re

206 Mystic Avenue . Medlord. Mass. 02155, 1-600-225-4428 , (Mass. residents: 1-617-395-8280

'~UPI!A a"N ':JdN ' S~! U OJ lMa N 'Aa ISOW ' U !E~JO W 'Jal l!;l aAEMoJO!W ' [;lW 'uaSJEl 'pooMua)l '1'.11)1 '~W[ ~

V" Reader Service- see page 211 183

All Solid State-CMOS PL digital synthesized· No Crystals to Buy! 5KHz steps - 144-149
• 5 MHz Band Coverage - 1000 Channels (instead of t he usual 2 MHz to 4 MHz-400
Superior Receiver Sensitivity and Selectivity - 15 POLE FILTER. MONO LITHIC

• Superb Engineering and Superior Commercial A v io nics Grade Quality and Con-
struction Second t o None at ANY PR ICE.

, , ,
PRICE . ,, ,

$369 0 0 FMMC ·l "

ToUCh Tooe Pad

M ao-
phone WIt h Bu ilt- in

NEW FM 60l6A
• New ! Auto key up
FOR 6 M ETERS • Snap-Action Keyboard
• Adj. level and tone

I • u sewitbeoytransceiver
Regu lated AC /PS • Only 3","" ~ 2" $3 9 95

• FREQUENCY RANGE: Receive and Tran sm it : 144 .00 to 148.995 • TRUE FM : Not phas e mod ute ucn - for su perb emp hasized hi -f i a ud io
M Hz,5 Kh z ste ps 11 000 cha nnels) + M A RS· CAP and MULTIPLE qu ali ty second to non e.
OFFSET BUI LT IN , • RIT CONTROL.: Used to im prove cla rit y when co ntacting st at io ns
• HUGE ¥e" LED DIGITAL READOUT. w ith off f req ue ncy carri er.
• 4 CHANNEl RAM SCANNER WITH rc MEM ORY AND AUTO • MONITOR lAMPS : 2 LEO;'s o n fr on t panel i ndicate (1) in comi ng
TRANSM IT : Prog ram any 4 frequ e nci es and r eprog ram at any t ime signal -cha nnel busy, and (2 ) Tran sm it.
u sin g the fro nt pan el co nt ro ls-search for occupied (cfos edjcharm e! • FULLY REGULATED INTEGRAL POWER SUPPLY; Operating
or vacant (ope n) cha nne ls , Inte rnal Ni-Ca d in cluded to retain me m ory
voltage fo r all 9v ci rcuits i nde pe nde nt ly reg ulated . Ma ssive
(no diode ma tr ix to w ire or cha nge).
Com me rc ial Hash Filter.
EVE R - Any offse t any spli t! " Odd Ba ll" spli tS accomplis hed bydig i- • MODULAR COMMERCIAL GRADE CONSTRUCTI ON : 3 Un it -
t al programm in g . Never any need for c rysta ls ! ized modules el im in ate st rs'y t.o~p ti ng and fa cilitate ease of ma in -
Si ne Wa ve 1750 Hz lon e b urst for " w hi st le on o peration" a nd sub- • ACCESSORY SOCKET: Full y w i red f or t ou ch tone, phone pat ch,
audi ble to ne ope rat ion . Inte rn al 2 posit ion sw itch for autom ati c an d an d other acce sso r ies . Inte rnal sw itc h co nnect s rec e iver out put to
man u al operat ion , tone bu rst o r sub aud ible t on e. PL - adju st able 60- int ern al speake r when con n ecto r is not in use.
203 Hz 1100 Hz Pre -Set). • MULTI -PURPOSE M ETER : Tri ple Function M ete r Provi des
• AIRCRAFT TYPE FREQUENCY SELECTOR : Large and small Discr im in ator Mete r, " S " Read in g o n rece ive and Pow er Ou t on
coax ially mounted kno bs select 100KHz a nd 10KHz steps Tran s mit .
respecti vely. Switch es click-stopped w it h a home position facilitate • R ECEIVE : Better than .2 5uv sensitiv it y, l.5 POLE FILTEAas w ell as
frequency changi ng without need to view LED's w h ile drivina and mo no lit h ic cr ysta l filter and AUT OMATIC TUNED LC circui t s provide
prov ides the s igh tless amate ur w ith fu ll Frequ ency Select io n as supe r ior ski rt setecnvnv . COM PA REI
standard equip men t • HIGH /LOW POWER OUTPUT: 16 w atts a nd 1 wa tt sw itc h se-
lect ed . Low pow er may be adj uste d anywhere between 1 and 16
w all s. Fully protected - s hort or open SWR
T RA N S MITT ER CIRCUITS : DC output of PLL fe d to var actor diodes • AF ATT : Live right nex t to King Kong Repeater and can 't ope rat e?
in a ll fr on t end RF tuned c ircu it s provides fuJI sen sit iv ity and W it h the 2016A Yo u Can - JU SI flick t he RF ATT sw itc h. Only t he
opt imum i nt er mod ul at ion re ject ion ove r t he ent ire ba nd . APC (A UTO 20 16A has th is f eat ur e.
POW ER CONT ROL) - Keeps RF out put co ns ta nt fro m ba nd edg e to • OTHER FEATURES : Dyn am ic M icrophone , buil t in speaker , mo bil e
band edge . NO OTH ER AMATEUR UNIT A T A NY PRICE has th ese mouot inq bracket, exte rnal 5 pin acces sory j ack, speak er jack, and
fe at ures w hich are fou nd i n on ly th e most sop histic at ed t he mu ch , muc h more . Size 2lh x 7 x 7lh . All co rds , p lugs, fu ses, m icro -
expe nsive a ircra ft and co m me rc ia l t rans ceivers . ph on e hange r, et c. incl uded. Wei~ht 5 lbs .

Manufactured b y one of the world's most dist in guished Avionics manufacturers, K yokuto Denshi Kaish a, Ltd.
First in the world with an a/l so lid stBte 2 meter FM trans ceiver.


8817 S .W. 129th Terrace. Miami, Florida 33176 Credit card holders may use .... A21
our ton-tree ordering number
Telephone (305) 233·3631 • Tele x : 80-3356 Ask for operator 70 1
In California (800) 852·7777
Alaska and Hawaii (800) 824·7919

FOR KDK 20 16A AND 201 5R

OFF ... AND .. . • AU TOMATIC RESUM E which
need no
$9 9 00

FM 201 6A AND FM 20 15R
(JP 800 . Micro Programm er 99.00
• FMPS·4R Regulated AC Power Supply 39 .95 Reg . $189. 95 MO DELS
• FMMC-l Touch Tone Microph one 39.9 5
• FMAT-l 1,4 Wave Portable Antenna For easy mounting on
Our Price $149 0 0 fiberglass or where
For Motel. Hote l. or Apt. 7.95 mountin g material th ickness
• Extr a DC Power Cord & Plug _. _ 4.00 proh ibits usual mounts.
• Extra Mount ing Brac ket 6.00 Mounting flange and
base loading coil ho using
is a single, sealed ,
SUPER B! waterproo f unit. Handles a
NEWI ful l 150 watts. Models
NEW ICOM TRISTA O'S available for H igh Band
IC-7 0 1 S 40 1001 Slllf - and UH F.
Suppor ti ng
Cran k-u p OM·1S0·K
Base loaded 1/2 wave
Please Call or Write for Special Package Price anten na. Deli vers unity
gain without a ground
plane . Delivers 2 to
2.5 db gain over 1/4
~KDI{ MAXl[ wave whip with ground

.. pJaneof 1/2 wave or more
TWIN ANTENNA ractu s.P or taa-t aa MHz.
• SUP ER 8 0 LB . 10 0 M .P.H. BLACK
$399 Collinear anten na
RE ST RI CTE D HEIGH T A R EA S with phasing co il.
• I N STAN T C HAN G E· OV ER COMPLETE Delivers 2 db gai n
• SUPERIO R PERF OR M A N CE With Hinged wit hout a ground plane .
• STAI NLE SS ST EE LSP RING AN D W HI P, M ount ing Plate. Delivers 4 db gain over 1/4
C HROME ON BRAS S BASE - COM PA R E! And Hous e Bracket wave whip with ground
• C OM PLETE WI T H 17' C O AX plan e of 24 If or more
radius . For
$359 440-450 MHz.
$ 19 S h ippi ng
CO MPARE !! Nothin g Else Do es ! A nywhere USA You can HEAR the
difference wit h
KG/rod! For details
SIGMA RF·2000 SWR & POWER METER on OMN/ models
and othe r Larsen
Cal PWRScales 2OOw-2<XlOw Freq. Range 3.5- Kiilrod Mobile
150 MHz. Pl~ do notconfuse the RF2OCO with
similar appearing lower priced units. RF2OOO' ,s Antennas write:
an individually calibrated professional QUality

instrument. Unequaled at many nrres the price.
Size T (w) ~ 2·l/ 3 ~ (d).

Sh ipp ing Anywhe re

in USA $1.00

88 17 S .W . 1 2 9 Terr .
Miami, Fla. 33176
Tel: (3 05 ) 233-363 1
Cred it card holders m ay use
our toll-tree ord erin g number
Ask for ope rato r 70 1
(800) 824 ·7888
In Californ ia (800) 852 ·7777
Alaska and Hawai i (800) 824 ·791 9
IN USA P.O. BOX 1686
PHONE: (206) 57~ 2722
IN CANADA Unit 101,283 E. 11th Avenue

PHONE: (604) 872-8517
Kul rod ts a Regi stered Trademark of larsen Elec., Inc.

V'" Reade r Serv ice -see page 211 185

Model SFD ·455D 10.7 MH z Mon oli thic
455 kHz $3.00 Cry stal Filler 37.3511.c 2.2221 25 MC 2.77 35MC 3.255 M C 6 .53 7MC 13.304S MC
M odel S F B·455 D $5.95 49 .71 0 2.22325 2.77 6625 3.256 125 6 .56 7 13.3145
70 2. 22675 2.78 3.2586 25 6.58 2 13.3245
455 kHz $2.00
8 1. 9 2. 22875 2.8 14 3. 261 6.612 13.3345
96 2 .23 725 2 .8 17 3. 261 125 6 .6645 13. 34 45
225 2.2395 2.822 5 3. 2686 25 6 .67 3 13.35 45
BEACON TRANSMITIER 250 2 .2407 5 2.835 6 .69 3 14.315
3 .27 1125
Mlcro wl!lve Assoc Iates Mod el MA·88C16 15 .0 16
285 .71 4 2. 24 1 2.85 3. 273625 6 .72 3
An all solid state high power fixed t uned c -eano RF Generat or. This unit is cryst al
576 2. 246 2 .854 3 .276 125 6 .7305 15.036
cont ro lled , and provi des frequency stability in ext reme environments . Desig ned lo r
720 2 .2475 2 .854285 3. 3 6. 738 16 .80417
use In hig h performance aircraft and grou nd based beacon applicati ons, t his devi ce
can also be used as an up-converter pump l or microwave communicati ons relay. t.2288 MC 2 .2925 2 .86 5 3 .33 45 6. 751 25 17.2800
Frequency Range 6.0 to 6.3 GHZ 1.304 7 2. 2975 2.868 3 .4045 6. 753 17.8710
Power Outp ut 1 Watt Min . 3 Wall s Max. 1.4 2 .3 2 .8725 3 .4 115 6 .7562 17.90 65
Frequency Stability + /-lx l 0-6 1.4 55 2 .320 2 .876875 3 .4325 6 .7605 17.9165
Spurious Harm oni cs - 30dB 1.5 2.326 2 .88 7 3. 4535 6 .7712 17 .9265
In put Voltag e 24 to 32 verts DC '. 689600 2 .32625 2.889 3 .4675 6 .77625 17 .9365
ONLY $69.9 5 1.7 2.32885 2.894 3 .4815 6 .880000 17 .9465
1.76375 2.3 525 2 .910 3 .5 6 .9 10 17.9665
1.77 125 2.35256 2.920 3 .579545 6.9 40 17 .9 75
TEKTR ONI X HEWL ETT PACKARD 1.773 125 2.368 2.925450 3.64 7.15 17.9735
Model 519 Oscillo scope DC t o 1G Hz M ode l 140A Osc illoscope 1.78675 2.374 2.92545 3.75 7.26 19.100
$699 .00 W /140 2A , 1400A $495.00 1.80224 2.3 75 2.931 3.7735 7.35 19.55416
(also avai lab le 14 15A $300) 1.81875 2.38725 2.94375 3.80 7.390 20 .1
TE KTR ON IX 1.8275 2.395 2.945 3.805 7.423 21.99965
IL30 Spe c t ru m An alyze r p lug ·in 1.845125 2.396875 2.94675 3803 7.443 22 .
1.84375 2.42 2.952 3.901 7.473 23 .25
925MHz·1 0.25GHz $899 .00
1.845625 2.4375 2.966 3 .908 7.5 23.575
1.84575 2.44275 2.973 3.9168 7.81 25.47667
H EW L ETT PA C K A RD UHF, V HF, AN D MIC ROWAVE SIGNAL 1.846 2.4495 2.980 4 .0000 8.00764 25.9
GENER ATORS A ND SW EEP ERS , AN D O T H ER EQU IPMENT 1.8425 2.45 2.981 4.011 8.00824 25.99961
1.84975 2.4585 2.98325 4.126666 8.075 26.66667
1.8575 2.46125 2.987 4 .26 8.12 26.8965
MO DEL 434A MO Del 416A MODel 413AR 1.908125 2.482 2.9989 43 8.15571 26 .s
Calo ri metric po w er m et er Ra lio me te r DC nu ll vo ltm et er 1.925 2.486 3.00 1 4,6895 8.364 26.958
$45 0.0 0 $125.00 $112.50 1.927 2.5 3.0235 4,6965" e.64 27.77178
1.932 2.51375 3.045 4 .7 8.820 27.9
M ODel 400DR M ODel 618 B 1.982 2.56 3.049 4.7175 8.8285 28.728
Vac u um tube vo ltmeter 1.985 2.581 3.053 4.7245 8.837 28.88889
3.8 to 7.6 GH z
1.9942 2.604 3.062 4.7315 8.8455 28.9
$79.95 o nl y $499.99
1.995975 2.6245 3.067 4.765 8.854 28.93888
1.964750 2.618 3.074 4.89 8.8625 29.
WI5PER FANS 2.0000 2.62825 3.1125 5.0000 8.871 29.89£
Thi s fan is super quiet , effi cient co oli ng where low acou st ical disturban ce is a must. 2.0285 2.633125 3.126 5.13125 8.879500 29.s
Size 4.68" x 4.68" x 1.50", Impedance protected, 50/60 Hz 120 volts AC 2.05975 2.639 3.137 5.139585 8.888 '- 30.0000
ON LY $9.95 or 21$18.0 0 2.126175 2.63575 3.13975 5.147917 6 .905 30.s
2.12795 2.64325 3.1435 5.164583 8.9305 31.0000
TRW BROADBAND AMPLIFIER MODEL CA61S8 2.1315 2.646 3.144 5.348400 8.939 31.11111
Frequency response 40 to 300 MHZ 2.133275 2.647 3.145 5.426636 8.956 31.66667
Gain 300 MHZ 16dB MIN. 2.13505 2.650750 3.151 5.436636 9.0265 31.9
17.5dB MAX. 2.136825 2.6545 3.1545 "5.456 9 .65 32.0000
50 MHZ 0 to - 1dB fr om 300 MHZ 2. 1425 2.65825 3. 158 5.4675 s.65 32.22222
VOltage 24 volt s DC at 220ma MAX 2.144625 2.660 3.1585 5.4990 s.7 32.9
ONLY $14.95 2.14675 2.662 3.1615 5 .5065 9.75 33 .0000
2.148875 2.66575 3.1625 5.515 . 8 '$3~ 33333
2.151 2.6695 3.166 5.5215 9.85 33 .s
Slow scan CRTs
Used but good 2C39A , 2C42, 2C43, 2C46
3. 177
_ 5.544
34 .0000
34 4
Some may have small 2.155 2.681 3. 181 5.559 a.999 34.4444
burn spots All JAN tubes 2. 15525 2.6845 3. 1825 5.5665 10.0000 34.44444
JAN-3CAP7A Used but guaran teed 2.157375 2.68825 3.18475 5.574 10.02 1 35.0000
$24.95 $9.95 /e ach 2. 1595 2.69575 3. 1885 5.5815 10.20833 35.25000
2.16375 2 .7 3 .2 5.589 10 .80375 35.55555
2.165875 2.702 3.2035 5.604 11 . 36.0000
2.170125 2.704 3.20725 5.619 11.1805 36.21750
MARCONI Mod el TF791C Carrier Deviation Meter 2.17225 2.71075 3.2105 5.6115 11.228 36.6666
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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 2.18575 2.7315 3.2365 5.680 11.69626 37.385
MC1303l $ 2.00 MC1460R s 5.40 2. 194125 2.73225 3.23775
5.695 12.29
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2.2083 13 2.733 3.2385 5.7105 12.49 38.()()()()()
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6.50 2.212063 2.7425 3.2 4025 6.321458 12.99 3888888
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550. 0 1 Fairc hild 95H90DC Chip
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V" Reader Servic e- see pa ge 211

7 41 mini d Ip 12 / 52.00
CLOCK Bl -FET mini d Ip . 74 1 type 10 / $2 .00 A super hIgh perro -manc e FM
WIre le ss m ik e kil ' neosrmts a stabre
SIgna l u p 10 3 00 ya ' d s wil h exce o-
T he U N · KlT~ on ly t-onat a ud io qualit y by means o f Its
5 so lder co nnections VID EO TERMINAL bu ilt IfI elect ret mIke , Kit inc lud es
Here 's Oil s u pe r loo king. ru g g ed an d accu rate auto A co mpletely self-co ntained . stand alon e video ter- c ase , mIke, on -o f! switc h . an ten n a
cloc k . whic h is a snap 10 buil d and ins tall. Clock min al c ard . Requires o nly an ASC II key board and TV battery and su per i ns t ruc tio n s Th is
movemen t is completely assemb led -you only solde r set to become a c o mp lele te rmin al un it. Two un its is the tmest umt a va ua ble
3 wi res and 2 switch es, lakes about 15 min utes ' ava ila ble , c ommo n fe at u res are : sin gle 5V supply, FM -3 k It 51 2.9 5
Disp lay is br ight gr e en w ith automati c b ri g h tn es s XTA L co n tro lled sync an d bau d ra tes (to 9600 ), FM-3 w,red and tes ted 16 .9 5
c on tro l p hotocell-ass u res yo u of a highly re ad abl e c omplete c o m p ute r a nd ke yb oard ccntrct of c u rso r.
d,spl ay. da y o r nig ht Come s in a sann finish an - Par ity er ror eemror and d is;>la y. Acc epts ,md gener.
od ized alum i nu m case .,..h ich can be attach ed 5 at es serial ASCII p lus pa rallel keyboard in pu t The
drtter ent ways using 2 sid ed tape. Choice o f sdver, 3 21 6 is 32 char. by l 6 1i ne l, 2 pages with memory
black or gold case (spee,l y) dump teature . The 6416 is 6" c h ar. by 16 li nes, with
DC -3 kit . 12 hour tormat 522 .95 sc rolling, upper a nd lower ease (optional) and has
OC-3 wired and tested 52 9.9 5 A5-232 an d 20m a lo o p in terf a c es on boa rd . Ki ts
110V AC adapter $ 5.9 5 inc lu d e seeeee and complete doc umanta non ,
RE 32 t6 , te rm in al c a rd 5 14 9.9 5
RE 64 16 , term ina l ca rd 18 9.95
Lo we r Case o pt io n, 6 41 6 o n ly , 13 .95
Try your hand a! bu ild in g t he tin es t iook ing
Under dash Po we r Su p p ly Kil
Vi d eo / RF Mo d u la tor , VD ·1
, 14 .95
6 .9 5
c loc k on t h e m arke t. It s satin fin ish a no d ized
alu mi nu m ca se looks great a nyw h ere , wh i le six .4"
car clock Assem bled, te ste d u nit s, add • 6 0.0 0 LED di g it s provide a hig hty re a dab le d Isp lay Th is is a
12 /24 ho ur c lock in a b eau- comple te k it , no ext-as n eed ed , an d ll.qnly ta kes 1· 2
Mul p lastic case teat ures 6 hours 10 assembte > Yo ur choice 0 1 c~ colo rs
jumbo RED lEDS. h'gh accur ac y ( 1min 1 rna ), eas y 3 sliver. gold. br onze , blac k , b lue (specI'y)
wrre hooku p . d Isp lay bl an ks WIt h 'g n.t ,o n . and super CA LENDAR ALARM CLOC K Cl o c k kIt. 12 / 24 hour. DC -5 52 2.9 5
instructions. O p tio n a l dimm e r au to ma tic a ll y adju sts T he croc k tnars got It all ; 6 · 5" L EOS. 12 /2 4 hour, Cloc k WIt h 10 mm 10 tim er. 12 /2 4 hour.
dIsplay to amb+enl lig hl levet snoo ze . 24 hour alar m . 4 ye ar c al endar, battery OC-lO 27.9 5
DC -l1 c loc k WIth mi g . b rac ke t 52 7.95 backu p . an d lo ts more. The SUPElf7001 chip IS used Alarm c lo c k . 12 nour only. DC -8 24.95
OM -1 cun mer eca c te r 2. 50 S Ize 5x 4x2 in ches 12V DC c ar c tGCk . DC -7 2 7.9 5
Comple te kit. le ss case (not ava uaore) Fo r wI'ed and teste d cl oc ks ad d S 10 00 to kit Pri c e
DC-9 53 4.9 5

ExteniJ the range 01 your 30 Watt 2 mtr PWR AM P
co u n te r to 600 mHz , W o rks Simple Class C po wer amp fea tu re s 8 li m es po
wit h any coun ter, roc iuoes 2 ga in . 1 W i n lor 8 ou t, 2 in l o r 15 out. 4 W in fo r 30 out
transisto r pre-a mp 10 g iv e su per sen s. typica lly 20 Ma x. c u tout o f 35 W, i ncredi b le va lu e , comp lete with
mv at 150 mH z. Specify · 10 o r -+- 100 re no. all pa r ts. less c ase an d T-R re lay
PS- l B. 600 mHz erescare- 559.95 PA-l , 30 W pwr am p kil
PS - 1BK. 600 mHz oreecater kit 49.9 5 TR- l , AF sensed T-A relay ki t

Converts any TV to Vid eo ma nito '
A supe' sens.trve am-
Transmits up to 300' ~
to any FM broad c ast Supel stante. tunable over c h, 4-6 phhe' wl"lic h will pic k
Runs on S· 1SV. accepts std video up a pm d'op at 15 teetr
~~~. ~~~ss a;x ~~~ ~v ,- Sign al. Best unIt on the mal1tet !
Complel e kit . VO-1 S6.9 5
G rea' l or mc rutonnq baby's 'DOm 0'
as gene' al purpose ampl ilte , FUll 2
Type F:M ·2 has added sen- --
stuv e mIke p, eamp stag e. W ,m s out put runs 0116 10 15 volts,
FM-1 ki t $2.95 FM-2 kIt $4.95 uses 8-45 Ohm speake,
TON E DECODER< t } Comp~e kit. 8114-9 S5.95
A co n-pete ,
tone de<:oder on
a sm~e PC board . .
See music co me alIVe' 3 dlll e' en i F~atures: 400-5000 Complete tnple 'egu-
lig ht$ flIc ker INtth music. One lig hl HZ adJustatll e range..,a lated powe, supply pro- ~
IOf lows. on e tor th e mlO-range and 20 l urn POt. volt age regUlatIOn. 56 7 roes va"able , 6 to 18
one lor the highs. Eac h Channel IC Uselut l orlouch·lone volts at 200 ma and + SV at 1 •
indiv idu ally adjusta ble. and c ov es tone burst de tectio n. FSK. etc. Can Amp. Excellen t load reg ulation,
up to 300W. Great lor parlie$, band also be used as a stable to ne en- goo d l itte'mg and small SIZe, Less
music, nne clubs and mor e. cooer. Runs on 5 10 12 vo lts transt ormers require s 6 ,3V (" 1 A
Complete kIt ML-l S7.95 Complete ki t. TO· t $5.95 and 24 VCT
Complete kit . PS-3LT $6.95
LED BlI NKY K IT An in te,estmg kit , small mike picks
A g ,e at allen han gette ' ""nlc h alter~ up soun ds and conv erts them to SIREN K IT
nately !lash es 2 Jumbo LEOs Use " 9ltt The louder the scene the Produces upward afld down wa.d
10' name tladges. :.ottons. warn mg l)roghte' the lig ht . Comple tely see - wa,l CharaClenshcol a ponce suen
panel lights , anything ' Runs on 3 to c cetameo , inc ludes mIke. ru ns on 5W peak audio output, runs on3 · 15
15 verts 110\' AC. con t'ols up to 300 wa rts valls , c ses 3-45 ohm spea ke,
Com lele kIt . 8L · 1 Com lete t .t. WL· I $6.95 Complete kIt. SM-3 $2.95

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VHF Mo re selective
• Uses crys tal filte rs
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ST I LL • Easy to align
$ 34.95


• Linear Converter for SSB , CW, FM, etc.
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• 2W p.e.p. output with 1 mW drive C50 50 -5 2 28 -30
• Use low powe r tap o n exci ter or attenuator pad C5 0-2 50 -52 144-146 R7 5A Kit for mo nito r or wea ther satell ite service.
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• Lin k with VHF RX converter for tra nsceive C 145 145 -147 28 -30
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KIT ONLY $69 .95 C220 220-222 28 -30
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-8 0d B at ± 22 KHz . . . . $84.95
C110 Any 2 MH z of 26-28
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C110-ELT 12 1.5 (121.6) CB Chan 9 {17} liIter! -60 d S at ± 9 KHz, -1 OOdS at± 15 KHz . . . $9 9 .95

Spec ify band : 10M, 6M, 2M, or220 MHz . Maya lso be used
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XV2-3 28-30 (26 -28 ) 22 2-224 {220-222) KIT
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XV2-5 28 -30 145-147
XV2-6 26-28 144 -14 6 $34 .95
XV2-7 144-146 50 ·52
XV2-8 14 4-14 6 220 -2 22 OUTPUT RA NGE

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• Easy to bu ild & align
• 70 or 100d S selectivity options
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P9 Kit $12.95
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Specify band when order ing Double t uned ci rc uits for spurio us suppression
Easy to a lign with bu ill -in test a ids

• De luxe vhf model for appl ications w here space

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-!~ P8 K;! $10 .95

Spec ify band when order ing
T50-5 0 s-cnan. 6M , 2W Kit . ..
T50-150 a-c han, 2M, 2W Kit
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R70 VHF Rec eive r kit fo r 10M , 6M , 2M , 220 MH:t or
adjacent commercial bands . . . . $74.95
Optional xta l filler for 1OQ.dBadiacent c hannel .. . $10.00
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2010 23 0 MHz • 20 db gain • 12 Vdc
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P15 Kit $ 18.95 LPA 2-15 VHF PA. 2W in/15-20W oul. So lid-state IIr
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R9 0 U HF Rec eiver kit fo r any 2MHz seqment of 38 0 to
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(Send 4 IRC' s for overseas moil i ng)
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V" Reader Serv ice -s ee pa ge 211 v H13 189

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• ::&:::::::::a::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::: ~ .
V Reade r Serv ice- see page 211 191
170,000 po un ds of n e w s ur p l us e lect ro nics wa s too mu ch fo r eit he r Di g it al Research Corpo rat ion
o r Bull et E le ctr oni c s t o h andl e A L ONEI So we p o o led our re sou rc e s a n d roll e d a conv oy of four
e ighte en wh ee lers int o o ur n e w Te x a s w arehouse. Y o u m a y ord er a ny o f th e below item s f rom
either compa ny a long w it h a ny ot he r it e m s fro m ou r re spect ive ads e lsewhere in 73. H o w e v e r ,
pl e ase D O N OT o r de r B ul let Kit s f rom D ig ita l Research , o r v ice-versa.


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lof ~ ... \ " ,, - ~,
"'...... ,, ~
i ~"" ,."".::'
51> x 101> In. 120 VA C , 120 WA TTS . Made of 1/4 In . temp ere d pl ate glass wit h Ni-C hro me heati ng element lam inated to
back . El em ent size is 4 '1. x 9 '1. In ch es. Double p ro tected by TI KLi XON Th ermo stat and tw o thermal fuses. Eac h also
has ne on ready light.
Bes id es the obvio us use as a bun wa rme r, food warmer, co ff ee warmer, glue warm er , etc., o ur tests show th is pl ate to
be an excell ent w arme r fo r ferric ch lo ride sol ut ion used in etch ing PC Boa rds by hobbyi st s. T y pi call y inc reases
etc hi ng eff ici ency by 300% ov er ro o m temp erat ur e. Non-Subm ersib le. ,


~ --r
/f;.~ . g¥CJ,ftg Wr ite s on alm o st anyt hing . Wate r So lubl e in k.
., ) d.,cr",
~ :~;;.;,;,,;n;.-J Jli
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Designed to w ri te o n p last ic et c . Black. Fin e Tip . 49C
SPEC IAL: 6/$1 100/$14 "-
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C omplet e Mod ule: 2 x H I In.
Co nta in s: MC 145533 DIGI T BCD C OUNTER, MC14 51 1 BCD to 7 PUSH BUTTON SWITCH
segment d ecod er latc h , C D4060 OSCILL AT OR and RIPPLE NO. SPst. P.C. Mount . Same as used on CMOS
CO UNTER , CD4011 Nand gate. Al so was sq uare N .O . pu sh Parts Bonan za at left . . ..
button, 9V batte ry c lip, SPDT Sub -Mini slide switch . Plus misc .
resistor, caps, t ra ns istor. All pa rts eas ily re moved . Reg . Di st. L ist
. ~ ....
on MC 14553 alo ne is over $4 eac h! 5 FOR $1
o~ ~gg
75 ¢ 3 FOR "$2 0

O rig inal ly cus tom de signed for a large US Con su mer Mfg . T hese we re used as part
0 )~ 0 o f a wei ght loss pr ogram . Un it cou nts up to 25 bites w ith 24 fl ashes bet ween bi tes to
0 CXXJ I'. -.
ind ic ate chew ing rat e. Has 2 Di gi t L ED readout s, adju stabl e on bo ar d osc i lla to r, 4
Bi t Mi crop rocessor wit h PROM . O.ur experim entation show s this m odul e has many

app lications for tim ing, pac in g , etc. A lso th er e are o n boa rd sig na ls th at can
I~-.../ produce va riou s beeping, warb le and exot ic to nes. Some appli cation da ta in cluded.
0 I Of» Co mp le te units in cas e, as ab ove : $2.49 each ,
Nation al Se m icond uctor. New CMOS Part . Hex
74C903 CMOS: In ver tin g Bu tler. Us e tor inte rf ace fr om PMOS to TTL
or CMOS . Can Dr ive L ED 'S.

Digital Research Corpration ... BB

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current. SH IPPING PA ID. 45.00 . omponents.14.95 : Shipping and Insurance.
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Pro tec t you r ex pe ns ive gear fro m overvoltage fr om : A quali ty pai r of A mer ican : PS-1S' OVP-2 ~~
trans ien ts or pow er supp ly ma lf uncti on s. Use with any: Made 3th" rec tan gu lar pan el : A ND METE R S· ,~qq"
fused powe r su p pl y . Compatable w ith PS-14 o r PS- 15.: mete rs. 5% Accu racy . Mo der n ~ 75.00 ""
... .....;.~j~ ~!~ ~1;}.~-.~~.~9.q •...................... .... ...~ sty ling .

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SE·Ol SOUND EFFECTS KIT ;";'lVATT'XiiDio A'MP'Ki:r:':; 301 OP AMPe LEAD CAN 3/ 1.00
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Y'" Reader Servlc ~- see page 211 193

t rans is t or s .. • *** *CHIP * * * *
2N RF·1 2 GHz RF power transistor. Pd. max. (@ 25 degrees C) 3.5W, Pou t
min . @ 2 GHz 1.QW, Pin 310 mW , effic iency @ 2 GHz 30%, round
shape, similar to RCA 2N5470. $4.95
It has never been less exp ensive to
2NRF·2 2 GHz RF pow er transisto r. Pd. 8,7W, Pout 2.5W, Pin 300 mW, ettl- pla y wi t h mem ory . .. you can no w buy
c iency 33% , cro ss shape, sim ilar to RCA TA8407. $5.95 10 2102·L1 memory IC. for only $9.00.
2NRF-3 2 GHz RF po wer tran sist or. Pd. 21W. Pout 5.5W, Pin 1.25W, eff ic iency These are low powe r units, suitable for
33% , c ross shape. Similar to RCA 2N6269. $6.95 use with any 2 MHz c omputer system ;
2NRF-4 2 GHz RF powe r transistor. Pd. 29W, Pout 7.5W, Pin 1.5W. eff iciency they are fUlly st atic, and are new,
33% , cross shape . Factory select ed, prime 2N6269. S7.95 pri me, high qualit y parts.


Easy to build - ju st add 12V DC and time setting switches. Since the
MA1003 is car batt ery compat ible and inc ludes a built -in, precision
crystal t imebase, it' s t he easiest clock we've seen to get up and running
in mob ile app licati ons. Unli ke LED disp lays, th e 4 blue/green flu orescent
di git s wo n't wash out in sunlight .. . and for so methin g like a van cloc k,
th ey loo k really beautifu l. The matching ca se incl udes an optical fil ter
t hat brings out the best of the readouts, as well as mounti ng hardware.
Why pay t he high prices of built-in car or van clocks? Do it yourself, and
save lots of bucks.
The MA1003 clock mod ule is available separately for $16.50, while the
cas e is available separately for $5.95 . . . but we recommend the $19.95
combination pric e for ma ximu m savings.


H8 EXTENDER BOARD KIT This is our longest-running kit , and t he s pec~te ll
yo u why. Handles 8 Amps continuous, or 12A with a
Mullen Computer Products has com e up with another winner to 50% duty cycle. Includes fol dback current lim iting ,
go alon g with the ir 5-100 Extender Board Kit (whic h is also availabl e cro wbar overvo ltage protect ion, AF suppression ,
fro m us, and also costs $39). The H8 Extender Board Kit reall y ta kes ad justable outp ut 11-14V, more. Ideal fo r powering
the tro uble out of testing or repairing H8 boards; it includes, among mob ile t ransce ivers, tape ..equ ipment, or TVs at
other thin gs, ju mper links in the pow er supply lines for insertion of hom e; also pow ers disc drives and makes a great
fuses, Ammeters , current limiters, and th e like, and a heavy-dut y lab bench supply. Easy to ass emb le - except for
board that stands up to constant usage.
transformer, diodes, and filter ca ps, all parts mount
o n heavy-dut y circuit boar d. Does no t inc lude ca se:


~ $109 (}/$}20) ~
REGULATOR ICs For Radio Shack-80, Exidy Sorcerer, and Apple mach ines. Compare our
+ 5V, 1A, TO-220 (3401 5T) $1.25 featu res wi th similar chip sets: 250 ns acce ss time, low power parts used ex-
+ 6V, 1A, T0-220 (3401 6T) $1.25 cl usively , DIP shunts included, 1 year limited warranty , and easy-to-fol low in-
+ BV, 1A, TO-22O (3401 BT) $1.25 stru cti ons that make memory expans ion a snap - even for beginn ers!
+ 12V, 1A, TO-220 (340112T) $1.25
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+24V, l A, TO-22O (340 /24T) $1.25
- 5V, 1A, TO-220 (3201 5T) $1.35 BLOW-O UT PROOF, 1f4 AMP PER SIDE
- 6V, 1A, TO-220 (320/ 6T) $1.35
- BV, 1A, TO-220 (320/ BT) $1.35 POWER SUPPLY KIT: ONLY $U!
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AxI .. 1
50 ;t. WO 1 _ r.o-CERAMIC CAPS, 'n cl . NPO '., n. s- c_ l. N750', .. ~i Iunl " 590). .
sc 100 .21 Axial .22
100 511 ~ OOIl 2 FOR $1.29 •
• 10· TV/ FM SPLICERS, lor]OO oh m s hielded Iwin I..d
. . . . . 1.29 120 lor l .lll
k..III...<..SS..71..• • . . . . . . . 1.29 2OIor 1. 30
' 00 15
. 2&
"-"i, 1
P .C .
200 JOII _ '00
500 2 0« I1l1 U 4 FOR $1.30 • 30'.30 WIRE_WRAP WIRE. Iii• • U lDOI, . nd """" hi"" ". co nlinuou . l<nsth,(IOlB03) 1.29 60 lor 1.30 ". 50
10 0
.3 5
.3 9
.... i. 1
. 36

10-G.t.I'OWl ' TABTRANSISTORS. 0 40"11,"12, , om. "IS, TO -220 110 562 91. • . . . 1.29
2· ~'" BLOCK 'RIM POT S, 200110, 15_TURN' I'c. · lu d s,l# 2535) . . • • . . • • . . . . ... . .. 1.29
20 for 1.30
4 10.1 .30 '"
"0 15
. 23
.l x l'l
ORDU IY CAT. NO. ANI) VUUE • 1·12VDC 5MlLRHO RELAY, .p.l, "1.0 . 2200 oh m., 7/B". 5/ 1r.". 5/ 16" (# 5515) . . 1.29 ]fo.l .lll
'" 25 .3 2 P.C. .33

50· TEMP. COH FI(l ENT VO LTAGt REf. DIODES, u " vo ll, +5 0'f, (lt564 7) . . • • . . • • 1.29 10010 .1 .30
6 -SKINNYTRIM P015, PRECISIO N, SO'~ ~le l d( # 33B':I) . . . .• . •• •.. •. . 1.29 121 0. 1. 30 '"
'" 111
.3 2
"'xi. 1
A. i. 1
. 30

60.pc_PRECUT, PRH INNEo WIRE, v• •lOUI I.nglh l <IJ1d c olor.{ .1971l • • . • . . • • . . • 1.2 9 1201 0.1 .30
5 DUALD IGIT READO UTS, H.P. SOB]Typ e, Bubbl . MlIlnifi• •, (lt57 4B) • . . 1.2 9 10forl .30
AI I,1

.. CALCULATOR KEYIOA Ro S, 17 hf' . nd up, mUIlI-!.mClion . I#57771 •
10-5110 PO TS. . ..dio I........, plu lie In.p · in mOtlnling l.. 51241. .... . ... • . .. . . .. .... 1.29
. 1.29 B lor 1. 30
20 lor 1.lll
.3 3
.3 3
s.c .
• 10-1&2 MEG DUAL I'OT S, aud io I.1pe. , . ....p_In .......nllng l.. S1251 ••••• 1.29 20 lor 1.1O U .3 11 P.C. .31
a n
e M
'" •

50-1 AMP ZENIR5 id 101 Iu , ..nln l«l (. '964>
12_SCR'S & TRIACS, 10 A!\4 P, ~..t V.[uel , .,1..1«1 (11 2087) . . . . . .
1.29 l oo lor l .30
• •••• 1.29 24 lor 1.30 '"
.3 9
. 55

a 'M • 3-QUADRAC5 . 10 AMP. 10t:1% pri , 5O-100- 200V, TO- 220(. 5048) . . 1.29 U ... l .lll
a- • 2O-MINI RECTlJIUS. ' '''' AMPS, 2SV, "po',. .... U. S17..). . . . . . . . . . . 1.29 411 lor 1.30
n - • 10-2N37114 TRANSISTO RS. • ilicon . t o-"~ c.ol<. hf .lOtI 100"\,(11 " ]5 ) 1.29 20 lor 1.30
oD -_ . 50- IFTRANSFO RMERS, ...I . i. n (_ 3SA, l .1.29 100 lor 1.30
0....... un & .oIt a&~

10-TV CHEATIR COlO lACKSC_S S1') •.•••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. .• .•• ..• . .. . . . . . 1.29
10-2 "13705 TRA"51S 10RS.• ilieon . TO · , 2 cu e. hf ... 1S0 l OO"!1o I"S0261 •.•• . . . . . . _1.29
4-1.5V Sil VER OXJOEW ATCH IA11UlfS, ', perilf; RW_1S,18 ("506-3). • • . . . _ 1.2 9
20 lor 1.30
20 Ior1 .30
8Ior l .30
• 1- LCo WATCH READOUTS, 3\~" d iRill . 7 1< 1[. d im , '''' . 1" I. 5!M>6) 1.29 r. I... 1.lll
"CRIMP·ON" PL-259 • 100 lEO 110 CK DISC CAPS, . ..1"" un, 50"4ma t t.. ,r. 981. . . . . . . . . .. 1. 29 200 lor l .30
• 10-I NSTRUMENT KNOBS, u II Slyl.. an dcol(WI., '1. 11.111[.. 5121) ••• •• • . 1.29 201"" .30
COAX PLUG 2 for $1.29 • 4_MIKEHO LD ERS. lor CI'••nd ol hermob il.. . ;• • (# 5614) 1. 29 8Ior l .30
• 50-1"14000 RECTIfiERS, 110 BOOV, u I.. U.25':14} 1.29 1oolorl.30
~:I~~~i~~',Y ~~~YP·~~~~l~~i~~~ 4 for •

20_UPRIGHT HE CTROS, t'd ....Iue. & u l. nce .( #3 226A)
1-UHf TUNER, lo lid , 1. le, . I. nd •• d l, pe{1I2927 .. . .
. •.. 1.29
40 for 1.30
2 for ~.3 0
Rb;~ .~19j~. to ~:2~~: :;CU
5696 $ 1.30 • r.-ITS A SNAP, 9 VOC BAT_clip, . ed n b lu d (# 2852) 1. 2') 12 fo.l .30
• 8-1400 VOLT " RED BALL" RECTifiERS, •• Ial t AMP(#2590) .. • .1. 29 t stee
• 20_1"14148 SW ITCHING DIODES, 4 n. « .•d . I<.30oo) . . . ... .. •... • . . .. • ... .. . 1.29 40 fo, 1.3 0
"THE FAT" MALLORY AA • 6_10 AMP QUAo RACS, w/ l.igg..rdiod ."11 r.OOV(Ur.201. . • •. • • • . . • • . • • • • •.. .. . 1. 29 12forl .30 1'" ly P ok. " " , . u~ r.,t,..y <1,_ ""' Imm lIy • • ,n
• I _B' LINECORD . 2-co nd .• 18 g ""3. , mou lded 1I1.. lie plu g, blac k, .......1#5301) .. 1.2') ]for 1.30 ..-, l"''' K ~ ,n ' 1I<,•• d. n• ...,· "". l.. n . ... .. W.lI AMp
• 40-SQ UAREOISC STYLE CHOKES, c olor cod.dllOl203l .. . .. . • • . • • • . • • • . . 1. 29 80 lor 1.30 I:h,p, lit · ond M,od 1' "".... . . ~" I s.-n"
MERCUR Y $1.49 • lll -TRANSISTO RS T0 92 2N4400 , .. 1..11-:12 91 1. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.19 60 lor 1.30 -".\1 " "" '1'1.1. M. y u-:l foo- III n.., " m. ... ....'
• r.-TRA"lSISTORS TRANSFO RMERS, lUd io. in ler. ..Ie min i(#12 951 ••• ••••••.• • • •• 1.2 9 12 lor 1. 30 '_ ~ m
k. ,.
"'l: H t<. IlO.. on7'1.\I "".j n..
J"U <.... ", fu_
",,", t.
2 for $ 1. SO • l S· PRINTEO CU TRIMMERP0 15, ~ ..I v. luel, . ld UJ46) . • • • • • • • • •• . ••... . . . _1.1':1 30 for 1.30 . 1.... ."
BATTERY • 7-2N305S HOBBYI<;I'N TRANSISTO RS, T().31"3 nU •. •. 1.29 14 lor 1. 30 C• • .•• . • zo;V _

*Bu y any item on this page and get 2nd item MOTOROLA~TYL[
IH4000 Epo,,)! Rectifiers " SANDY DISC" ~
c... _
T,... v.... Sal . I< S " l l ~
of the same cat. no. for only one penny!
2JlJ I I I _I 50 10 .... S .J S 2'0 "" 5 . 76 10 AMP ""
u"" 2'OR
2 J lI
n il
1"'_2 100 lOt..
N4_ _ 100 10 I..
.85 lO r..
.fS 20 ,..
• 25·o TL FAIRCHILD Ie- . , g.l ~nd flip 11op" O' p, 100'",(# 37091 . • _1.29 501"" .30
. :M
.2 5

m. • 1-24 VO LT so MIL. TRANSFORMER, 115V input, o p.... I•• ....,. 1.103/4 " 1. \(,]1 1 .. • 1.2'* Horl .lll

10'" I .U 20 ,. . 1 ,20
m. 111_ 5 &00 . 0 I. . ..n 20 ,. . l • 5-SP'ST PUSHIVT TO N MOMENTARIES. , to. nlll.., pc mt on-on' I _SUS) . • . •••• . . 1.2 ') 101 or l .30 • Hlfa...,. S.n d Typ . [l 2DO .M· . ' ."
' u,
: lU
I N4006 t OO 10 I., I.U lO ,.. 1.50 •

1 1" ..." DO UBLE SIDED PC BOARD, hl-q ...litf , COpp.1 p lll ed, I_sr.94) ••.•• 1. 29
3D_RADIO AND T" KNOBS, a..1Ilf l.., l i••• lU17J . . .
]for 1.30
• . ••. 1.2 9 r.0 1", 1.30 Hum.t COltltr..ctlon g :;~ :16
.:~ d~
1014 00J 1000 l O t ... 1.5' 20 1... 1. &0
• 60-TUBULAR CAPACITO RS, 1. "oltu nd II.eo (~ 219) . . . 1.2') 120 Ior 1.30 g::.,
• 4-ROCKER SW ITCHES, O Po T, .old., l.b 1••d ' , (#ll02}. . . 1.29 810. 1.10 c... It •. nCU SlJ7 i' _I", . ......1

;~sPS~~::I;:,S~~Tk?.~~':;~:r1~'i~~~~ef!2~1:~~:~~~~~ ~ :~:
l OO lor 1.30
:::: : ]for 1.]0
'\ , U :OS:
YOUR C HOIC E "!<or 51.211 ! • 12-PANU SW ITCHES, rol • ..,., . Iid., ' 0IlIl1. .'ldU951 • . 1.29 24/or 1.30 ·'BEEM ·0·
• 60 CO ILS AND CHOKES,rI, p ilie, ii, ..1((.2')7) 1.2') 1201orl .30
'CU.U : U""$1.:JG . ' ,
O«I ..... C.I. "0- •

(,Q· HRM INALSTRIPS. UII to 4 10Id., I.... (# ll4l. . . . .. . . . ..... • • • • •• • • • • • • ••• 1.2 9 120 lorl .lll
25- PLASlIC TRANSISTORS, unlnl«land hobb ~, TO-92 , TO -18, IU 6OotAl . •• • •• l.2 ':1 SOlor 1.3 0
o. IT " IIIllC. O l _ U !lID
, c • 1'I0oI2 " OD UllOW 5T".B ~ • SO_MIC A CAPACITO RS, ...1val...,III371). . • ........ .. . • • . • • . • • • • • • • •. 1.29 l OO lorl .30 R.o•...t • S.9 W. ll o.
C . 1_ . .cee ~t ... " RUI • 10-SETS RCA PlUGS A\i o JACI(S, phono (" 4021 •• •••• • • • • • • . . . . . . 1.19 20 lor 1.lll
~ • lin "....0 .~o '. ' A¥. I.n.t h _ n",
• r.oDISC CAPAOTOI S, . ..1".Iun long l..d l (#4171 .
~ •

20- TRA"'SISTOR EUCTR O'S , u .1 up . nd ..(U S31
7S_HAU W ATTERS, telillon, col or cod«l. n.II.4541. . •. ... • • • • • • • • • •
. 1. 29 120 lor 1.30
1.29 44 lor 1.lll
. 1. 29 150 lor l .lll c .t. .... '2CII ~..o.

• ]5·SILVU MICAS. red backs. ~ . i oJ . . ..11.4551 .. • . . . . . ....... • . • • • •. . . . . . . . . 1.29 78 lor 1.30
• 4-PUSH BUTTON, SPST, PANEl, "I.e. U S", III 1A{1IS219)• • • • • • • • • • •. • • • . . . . . . 1.29 I lor 1.30
• l00-GE RMANIUM DIO DES, ui.1 "'dl, .. leol (.."'2) . . •. .... . . . . . . 1.29 200 lor 1.30
• t OO- STAI ISTO RS, R"'Ilul.lor, s<Ming.nd comp.. I... . AIi al, "". ,i.ld I1l31411 . . . _. 1.29 200 lor 1. 30 LEDGUTS
. 1OO-PRINTlOCIRCU! T V, WAlT RESISlORS. . ..I(#l 0r.0I . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . •... 1.29 2OOlor 1.lO

: :';:' 11 ~~
• U _TRANSISTOR SOCKETS, . ..1npn.nd p np If p<l l#r.51 1 1.2':1 24 lor 1. 30
• 50-3 AMP SILlCON RECTIFIERS, ••;..1 1\'111 865) . 1.2 9 100 lor 1. 30
• SO_PO LYSTYRENE CAPS, p lulic «>.tl«l, p ...d . ,0S2) . .. . ...... • • • • •• •• •• • 1.29 100 lor 1. 30
• 30·4" CABLETIES, non-sli p ..-hil.. pl..lid _S2171 . 1.29 IlOlor l.10
• 30-pc -HEAT SHRINK, I .i , 50"" .hrlnbg.l ~S2 4 11) 1. 29 r.0I or1 .30

2-5.1V, 5'10, lOW, STUD ZENER,[l0-4 c....(#5 2871. .
10·RC A PHONO JACKS, ch •• i. moun t. 1..lIon ba, .. 1#5119)
. . . • . 1.2 9 4/or1 .30
1.29 201 0. 1.30


15-T HERMISTO RS, ...t typ ..s, .I~ I ,," & .... lu....(# 2048)
4_5_DIGIT 7-SEGMENT READOUT S, in 11.1p.k "1« ~5616} •. •.. •. •. • • . . . .. . .. 1.2')
.. •. 1. 29 30 1or1 .30
lIorl .]O
$6.88 2 fo r $6.89 •

25-METALCAN TRANS., uII, p.ime, hobb f , TO-l , TO- S, TO-1 8, (U r.o3A) • • . . .1.29
l -" FO TO -FH " "I CHANNEl, C.f.l.lon; cs .I · s..~I ..d Weel T r~n.i . lo., I .. t1 6,)) . . . . 1.29
50 10.1 .30
2I orl .10
Thi. Top Qu. l" y. Mull"P ",po" HotplAt. f• • lute.. . 1-" O LTACE REGULATOR, T0 202 " "", 12V 6OOMA (# 1900 ). . 1.29 2 lor 1.10
Buil. ·ln 1'1... "'... .... N_ ..II •· AC [ndic.tor LAm,. • 2-3 DIGITS O N A DIP, LEO, .«1, o L· 331_118 71 .. ........... • . 1.29 410r 1.30
. nd IIS- T. u u<ed 01. .. Sur f r.....wn ...... d... • 3-MMS2r.2 2K DYNAMICRAM. I,,"ill' lyp«U459) •• . . . . . . .• • • • • •• • • •.• _ 1.29 r. lor 1.30
",ibu tion_~ ....... up to 150" C. 120 w. t " : C_ for • 10-2"1711 HIGH SPEEDSWIT CHING TRANSISTO RS, T0l 8, npn (. D741 •• . .. 1.29 20 1or l .30
phOlo phi••ppli•• •io_ .. hcmotory work. O<I.u. n uIII • 2-1SW HI PO WER TRANSISTO RS. nov. non . T0r.6 (" 279n •• • •••••••••• . . . . . 1. 29 4Iorl .30
he p" nlA.. t<. S,.., 10-3/8" . :>-3ft!" . 11lI" , w•. I
lb. 2 on. • l_ HEAVY DUlY LINECORD , 8 fl ., 2 cond o# 18 glUll., bIKk. I.SBQ1) 1.29 2 lor 1. 30
CAL .... . . X U5fU • t- MMSl12 0iCIU1ClOCK CHII', 100"<0(.1525 ) . . ••• . • • • . 1.29 2Iorl .30
• 2-MMSn5 4 FUNCTION CALCUlATOR CHIP, 100"4(. 2036) . . ... • • . • • • •. • . 1. 29 Clorl .lO
• 15 PlASTIC 1IA""51STO RS...nt ..led . TQ. ,)2,t . 5711) . .... .. . • • • • • • . • • . •. . . 1.2'.1 SOlor 1.30
• ] -10AMP 25" BRIDGE RECT, c om b ,~ C " 2«1) . • . .. . . .... .. . ... • . ... .. . .• 1.29 6 lor 1.30
• l- ALLE N BRADLEY I'O T. 10K. 2_14 w.II•. In><--l. 2.... " ..... fI (# 17...) •••••• . . . . . . 1.29 H or l .30
• (,-lI NEARSW ITCHING TRAHSISTORS, 2N2'JOS, p np , TOS IIIJ1 7S1• . ••••••••••• 1.29 lHor 1.30
• 50-2 AMP CYLlhOl lCALRECT. up 10 1110 . II 1...ll.4006l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 ') l 00 lor 1.30
• 1. HEAYY DUTYlIhECOR D, 2 con d . ' II•• , 8 g - ..hil. , (" S804) . • . . . ... . . .. 1.29 2lor l .lll
40 • 10-2N2]]2 (or oq "".I, TO -18 ....,1. 1....11119. 2) . . .. 1. 29 20 Ior1 .30
• 10-o Al A ENTRYSWITCHES,SPST, 1 I mp , nor m open 125V(IISl21l 1.2 9 20 lor l .lll
to' • 8-TRANSISTO R RADIO EARPHONES, 1 ohm . imp«l (# 294r.) . . 1. 2':1 16 1... 1.lll
U .SO • 1S-H UO RESCENT OVERfl O W READO UT TU8ES, .. 11• •ds (. 12B8). . . 1.2 9 301or 1.3 0
• 2_ALUMINUMHEAT SINKS, 10.T O _220(" 5338 1 . . 1.2 9 4/or 1.30
2Ior 1.30
• 1-2"1500 1 80V TRANSISTO RS STUo (U 8oo) . • 1.2')

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m fg . by G. E. 2.50 ea Coax Co nnectors 10.7 31Lead 2200 UF @ 16V
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cat No . 41B004 AD08G5 UG-255/U BNC·M /UHF·F 3.00 $3.00 ea. .25 ea. 10/$2.00
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Wa accept checks, MasterCharge, and Visa
Prices subject to change without notice


UG·l 095A/U $3.99 2N2857 $1.80 MPF4391 $ .75 or 10/ 6.50 high voltage rectifi ers SFMS
UG·58/U 3.29 2N2857JAN 2.45 MPF 112 .69 or 10/ 5.50 20K 20,OOOPI V
UG-30C/U 3.00 2N2947 17.00 MPF102 .43 or 10/ 3.50 20ma st .aa eacn
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.30 .90
6.2 v
10, .
500 mW Zener .25
745 188
1.2 5
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AM 9 0 SO
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pcb .16 MM 5314 4,00
a -p in ww .35 1414 .75 14150 .85 74Hl 06 1.15 74L5193 2.00
MM 5316 4.50
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2 .95
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2 51 3 6 .25 7443 .45 74177 1.10 14L14 . .7~ 74508 .45
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FND359 7 se;;- co m-cat hod e (Red ) 1. 25 7475 .35 74367 1.35 74L520 .45 745153 .95
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9000 SER IES 82 5 1 7.5
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7485 .75 74H05 -25 74L540 .70 8131 2.75
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QTY. QT Y. QTY . QT Y . 7489 1.05 74Hl0 .35 141551 .75
4000 ,15 4017 .75 4034 2.45 4069f74C04 .45 1490 .55 74H11 .25 741574 .95
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4008 .75 4023 .25 4043 .50 1 1. MCT 2 95 LM3 20 K2 4 1.65 LM31 3 3 .9 5
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~ ;"
oo _ .'.....2S, ",",'"
"'.. 9.1, 10,1 2, 15, 16, 18, 20 . 22, 24, 27, ot 33V ('10%) 1 Watt 3/11.00 BR1 50V %A Bridga Roc LM376 Po. Volt R'9 mDlP 65
, NE555 Tin>I'rmDlP .38

- --- - _-
2N 2907 PNI' lI iItor LftlI1232-37 VR.. DIP 31$1
. ..... l...,. fAEE ....T.. 5>OHTS
RfClUU'_l.t 010Me _ -.- _ ollS .. _
_ 109 I>.0oI010_ .. _ El\1O
2N3904 NPN Amp/Sw ,nOO sa" ,, LIol 1 4 1~ Op Amp mDIP
LIolI4Sll D ~ 70$1 mOtP
, ,,
fn'l • • -..- _ olS10 .. - . . . _ ' _mlrn.00W . .. _ .... 2N3906 PNP Am9J'Sw (1 00 CA3086 5 TraM ~ D IP 62
OIIM R TOJ) .. Y_ ..., _ _ _ _ .. CP650 _ FET %Amp RCA29 " - Xis lO< l A 30W ,70
.... ... ........
wA'll fO R f REE CAT"LOG 179 _ _ JOO _ ............. _ .. _ .
ELECTRON ICS RF391 RF " - Amp Tram i...... 10 -2ftWI' 3-3OMHl TO·)
5&5)( n....... 1;00.110< Ditl oront pinout h om 56Ii rw/daQI
3/S 1
S."" SI . ......
ll AMS, $on<! ........ ...... """'"v ........IUS. 1\, 1 ... t" so._,_ ... ".s.. BOX 4181 GB, WOODS IOE , CA 94062 ,"II
RCoJl 94T K Dual T, .... A""" totot . 0 .2 to 3OV @200mATO-65 $2.50
,,<. For "' ... ,<0 . SUlCIhoM"na "'_ "" ... "
po"....COO0"'"" ondor $ 10, Col"' n".o,, " .... t RC4195T K Ouol Track ing Rogulo. o.. i 15V @ 100 mA (TO ·56) $2 .25
or""" .... 10% - " .0(1 ... " ,,, _ .. Tel. 14151 328-1500 80311Waveform Generltor ",n il w.... With Circuits & Dat i $3 ,76

lM318CN HighSpeed Op Amp 50 Vl~ s molP SO.94 1N27o Germanium Diode BOV 200mA 4/S1
lM3180 Hi9h Speed Op Amp 50V/., DIP .90 1N823 Temp Comp Reference
lM 339N Iluad ComparatorSingleor Dual Supply .79 6,2V-±5% :t ,005%f e
lM38 oN-8 YZW Audio PowerAmplifier B-22V .90 1N914 Silicon Diode 100V 10mA 25/S1
NE567V Tone Decoder(PlL) O.OlHz to 500kHz 1N3044 100V Zener l W-Be tter than an OB3 .75
XR567CP Tone Decoder (PlL) O.OlHz to 500 kHz .99
lN3045 110V Zener l W-BeUer than an OB 2IOC3 .75
l M723CN Precision Voltage Regulator 2·37V DIP lN3071 200V 100mASwitching Diode 40ns .311--
lM747CN Dual 741 Compensated Up Amp 2/S1 2N2915 NPN Dual TransistoF- 3mV Match ,,100 S1.95
SAOlo24 Dual 512 Stage (10241 Audio Delay lin e 2N3819M N·Channel RF FET 100MHz Amp .35
"Bucket Brigade '" Appl. Data included S18.95
2N402o PNPDual Transistor 5mV Match /1250 5.00
XR2206CP Function Generator with applic. data 4.40
2N4445 N-Channe l FET 5n Switch 3.50
XR2242CP long-Range Precision Timer ~ s to days 1.50 2N5394E Ultra-low NoiseJ-FET Audio Amp S1.25
1.YEAR TIMER Kit·2 XR2242's and Applic, Note 3.00 2N5912 DualJ-FET RF Oif Amp to BOOMHz 2.90
lM29 01N Iluad Comparator +5V or 2 to 36VOC S1.2O
2N6028 Programmable Unijunction Transistor .45
CA301BA 4-Transistor Array/Darlington .99 2N6449 300 Volt N-ChannelJ·FET AmplSw 2.00
CA3028A RF/IF AmplifierDCto 120MHz 1.25 CP640 Broadband FET RF Amp 140dB
RC4558 Dual High Gain o p Amp mDIP 3/S1 Oyn Rang e S4.5 O
SPACER Kit - 4 ea of 5 assorted size spacers sr .en E304 N-Channel RF FET 3.8d8 NF @4ooMHz .50
MPSA12 NPN DarlingtonTransistor 1120,000 .75
±15 VO l T Regu lated PowerSupply Kit-Easy assembly, TIS88 N-Channel FET 400MHz RF Amp .60
5mV regulation, 100mA, fully protected,
Includes all components and hardware.. RESISTOR Kit- 150 pcs 'tiW, 20 most common values..
no PCB or case-Add $1.50 for shipping S13.95 individually packaged.. 5 to 20 pes each . S4.95
PC BOARD Mount ing Kit-Bea spacer.. screw, nut
and washer- 32 pes total . sr.en

BOX 4181 GB

v A24

ELECTRON ICS TeL(415) 328-1500

LATOR 14 pin dip pkg. , 5 VDC In, 4
MHz out. TTl. compatib le. $5 .95 ea.

cicek featuring alarm and snooze alarm _ _ --":..=
.1 lmii~d pfl()llIlCi~ c..po......
function. Comes c omplete with every-
thing. All you add Is a power ceo and
switches. Each mlXIule utilizes discreet I
L..------ - - - - - - .....-------'-
Corp. Hdqt$ ., 2322 1 s t Aile ., Seattle , W nh . 98121 • (206) 682-5025
-=----- _ -l
components and Is ready for you to mount
in your enc losure. Display is 6 each seven ~,
segment s, .33 inches hIgl, cl oc kchip Is r}f1 fI.;ll // f;l '\' 1) 1,-1'.~J.,~Yl.:fIY-i~ PARTS BOAROS A o'eal way to 00y

MM5375 . Can easily be mounted In eithe r ....t .;;: ':.' .. ..-••:::
of OJI' Instn.ment cl ock case kits . 114.95.
~" ."..":t.r..-~.;.~ parts on a budget. We guarantee your
money's worth . ONLY $1.00 ea.

~ - .----
BOARD Each board contaIns apprOX.
SOLID DIPPED TANTALUM CA· 3 Blade 4" Diameter 75CFM '115VAC.

- --
130 each NMJEBOO (Silicon Darl ington NET $17.00 YOUR PRICE S9.95 Wait
-- I'
NPN hie 750, 1.5A). About $130 .00 PACITORS 1-99 100 PLUS now, these are not pull-outs or something
... ...... --.
. . . "....
-,,"," .
---a for ooly $14.95.
.1 X 35 VOLT
'NOrth, ewer 100 1N4001 diodes, plus
supportchips. The whole package Is yours
.19 like that, these are new!
-~ - -
- -- - I


.::t 35
.19 Thesehavea real USEFUL range to them.
.19 Any pro;eet involving control from ambient
.19 light levels will utilize this photo cell. Light
.20 resistance1K. Fast response. .156 Diam-
.23 eter. S.75 each Of 2/$1 .00.
Experimenter' s delight. Each keybJard
includes a monolithic calculator chip and 2.2 35 .31 .25 NOVUS CALCULATOR *824R
display. These are rejects. It might be 3.3 35 .36 _29 Rechargeable NI-Qtd calculator VIJITH
something simple to repair or It couk:l be 4.7 35 .38 .30 MEMORY, EX,CSAND % KEY. $4.9588 .
very nasty. At this price, who cares! 9 6.8 35 .50 040 (O'M"l6rs manual and charger are not
10.0 35 ~ .~ included)
volt. $1.50 ea. 3/ S3.00.
15.0 35 .N .M
22.0 35 1.39 1.12 PLASTIC PARTS BOX A nee lilt/.
33.0 35 2.08 1.66 hinged-top box for storing aU your small
47.0 35 2.65 2.12 parts. O.d. 6V. " by 3V. " by 2" . $.75 ea.
~......o:.r _/ VALUESAND QUANT. MAY BE 10/$5.00.
TRANSFORMER PrL u ovscsee.
11.2 and 5 VCT@ .l amp.S .SSea. NYLON TIE WRAPS
3" 65000 10 /$ .30
4" 65002 101 .50
MINIATURE D.P.D .T. [PUSHBUT 5.3" 65003 101 .59
INSTRUMENT CLOCK CASE KIT TON] momentary, rated 6A/125 VAC, 6.9" 65004 101 .69
A real jewel for those small projects. mcroswltch part #8N2021. Only $1.54. 10.8" 65005 101 1.59
Hinged top door allows you to hide your 13.0" 65006 lO r 2.69
control area. 0. 0. 4V2" x 4" x 13.1.1 ". 14.4" 65055 101 2.96
$1.99 each.
National semi. 6 Digit Multiplexed Dis- SCR EW MOUNT
DB-25 FEMALE CONNECTOR play; .33" Characters (Common cath- 13.6" 65054 101 4.29 REPEAT OF A SELL-OUT A com-
A unique assembly originally adapting the ode). A REAL BUY AT JUST$1.00. 7.4" 65052 101 .98 plete 12 hour digital C IOCk...~ are man-
RS232 Type Connector to flat cable. $1.50 5.8" 65051 101 .89 ufacture line rejects, some are returns,
each or 2/$2 .SO. EOGE METER 100-0-100 ua 1 /2" by 404" 650SD 10 / . .75 and some are just scratched. Features:
11116" . Compare with other meters hours, minutes, alarm, snooze alarm.
costinq $6.00. Only $2.00 ea. Why pay Partsvalue alone would equal $20.00, you
more? pay only $6.00 ea.


GALLIUM PHOSPHIDE L.E.D.'. 75493N (quad sag . driver) . . •. _.. .•. •55
100/ $1.95 TAPE/REEL SN7428N ...... .•... _.. _• . . . . • . . .25
1000/$14.95 Provide greater lighl out-put, brighter
colors, greater uniformity and less current l ooouf 25VOCP-C 25
DIODES drain than regular L.E.D.' e 2000uf 25VDCAXlAL. .. .••.-.-.-. _ 50
18ga . UNE CORDS' 25
TYPE VOLTS WAns PRICE .110 DIAMETER 2~222A ..•...•.. • ; . .•. . ...• . 4/ 1.00
1NdOO1 50 1A 151$1.00 P/ N 724H Red Diffused 4/$1 .00 2N3054 .. ••••..... ...•.. _. . _. _•.•75
lN4oo2 100 1A 151$1.00 724G Green Diffused 4/ 1.19
724Y Yellow Diffused 4/ 1.49 2N3055(TQ.3) 99
perfect for your cote projects. Solid lN4004 400 1A 121$1 .00 7240 Orange Diffused 41 1.49 (wilh case) 4.95
allxninum construction with real walnut 1N4005 600 1A 10/$ 1.00 .220 DIAMETER
1N4006 800 1A 10/51. 00 714H Red Diffused 51$1.19 SIEMENSMAGNETICSENSOR . _.. •1.99
sides. 0 .0. 5-318" by 5-3 /8" by 2" . 43 /43G01.D EDGECONN. .156 4.95
$6.9588. 1N4007 1000 'A 6 /$1.00 714G Green Diffused 4 / 1.49
1N5400 50 3A 5/ $1.00 714Y Yellow Diffused 4/ 1.59 PJB MIN. 12VOCRaAY D.P.D.T 1.99
lN5401 100 3A 5/$1 .00 7140 Orange Diffused 4 ( 1.59 FREE BY ·POPULAR DEMAND
-- - ... ... - - - - -
!:JO lOB 10
5/ $1.25 .220 DIAMETER (low dome)
4/ $1.25 704R Red Diffused . 4/ $1.59 With min. purchase of SSO.OO, you will
receive free, a 5 function National
1N5404 400 3A 4 /$1 .25 704G Green Diffused 4/ 1.65
CINCH 252 10 au 150 _ 1N5405 500 3A 4 /$1049 704Y Yellow Diffused 4/ 1.84 semiconductor LC.D. mens watch. With
lN5406 3A 7040 Orange Diffused 4/ 1.84 min. purctase of $100.00 you will receive
600 4/$1.49
lN5407 800 3A 3 / $1049 101R-g Dual (Red and Green) free, 0lJ" L C.O. car clock. (watch and
EDGE CARO CONNECTOR lN5408 1000 3A 2 1$ .99 $2.85 2 /5 .00 clock advertised in Dec. issue of 73 Mag.)
Cinch Jones 10/20 Pins. _156 Spacing l N4148 10M 201$1 .00 MOUNTING HARDWARE
75 For MU5ter ChargeNisa
PC Mount.
spacing PC .85 B1Sndy
Mount, $1.40 /44 Pins, .156
22 each. I--;;'"'=;-;o========;..:~"'==~~~==='~'=""'_l
.220 Diameter #7aMH 12 1$1.«
Orders Use Our

ASST.A 10ea1OHM 1.5OH M 2 0 HM 2.7 OHM 30HM 3.6 OHM 1·800-426-0634
4.7OHM 5.6 OHM 6.8 OHM 8.2 OHM l oo pcs S2.40
'Dr ereae outside Washington

ASST_ B 10 eal 0 0HM 120HM 150HM 18 OHM 220HM 27 0H M
330HM 39 OHM 47 OHM 560HM lOOpcs$2AO [inel, Alaska & Hawaii)
ASST.C 10 ea 68 OHM 82 OHM 100 OHM 120 OHM 150 0H M
l oo 0 HM 220 OHM 270 OHM 330 OHM 390 0HM loo pcs$2 .40 O.E.M.'s WELCOME ~~
ASST. D 10 ea 470 OHM 560 OHM 680 OHM 820 OHM 1K 1.2K l~
"".... .....
...... ..,""""

_.. .. 1.5K 1.8K 2.2K 2.7K

ASST. E 10 ea 3.3K 3.9K 4.7K 5.6K 6.8K 8.2K 10K 12K
15K 18K
100 pes $2.40

100 pcs$ 2.40

f.,.",", All Old.... "" ;ppe(l ptom pll,. M,~; "",m ""'", $5.00.
r o'-Pnooo Olde" oCCltl'lod. All orders
~ I'o ..1(a'Ot .r.;"""" UPS 01 PP. Add
. n,pp,"ll . naMl in.g, Wa .n l "ll'o ~ "" 0 ,...1<ler11.
ASST. F 10 ea 22K 27K 33K 39K 47K 56K 68K 82K l OOK "'d .<1(1" "'0 .1 ~.n; " ~ I la, ..... 1... cn.. g. & "'i. lcard . a e·
C""'d. loIon . , Old,f, & ,OU' Po' ''''' ' ' Of compa .., c""""",
120K 100 pcs$2 .40 ,..oleom ., F u~dl ",ad. pa,ab lo i ~ U.S. cwan c, ooly . No C.O.D.
DEFECTIVE CALCULATORS ASST. G 10 ea lSDK l OOK 220K 270K 330K 390K 470K 0 ' "0". Vou>• • ch oo II guafl ntaed "" .11"" "C" "o><I;• • p.l)"
e ".. ad, All "' .,cnaMt .. I UblOCI 1o pfl", salo. O pon . ee ounl lo
Well, some are and some are not. We 560K 680K 820K 100 pcs$2AO \10" . I g one;o' & pub liCly 'u nded .c ~ o o ll.
can't afford the time to test them. S2.SO ASST.H 10ealM 1.2M 1.5M 1.8M 2.2M 2.7M 3.3M 3.9M
ea. BatterIes not included. 2/$4.00. 4.7M 5.6M 100 pcs$2AO
ASST. A-H INCLUDESALL RESISTOR ASSORTMENTS (800 pes) $14.95 ea Sto re Hours M-F 9·6 • SAT 9·5

V" Reader Service -s ee page 2 11 203

plan to spe nd t he weekend at Advanced reg istrations are

the lake and attend the ham fest availab le at $3.00 per person
I Social on Sunday. Family ac tivities are
planned . Hou rlydoor prize s w ill
from R. J. Cutting W2KGI/4, 303
10th St., Atlanti c Beach, Florida
be awarded. There w ill be no 32233. Price at the door wn! be
from page 182 west ern . barbecue , tech ses· charge to vendors. For inform a- $3.50.
stone , and exh ibi ts. Campin g ti on , c o n t ac t W89E L P or A large indoo r swap area will
do or. Talk-in on .16/.76, .63/.03, fa cilities are also availab le. Fo r WB9SWG. be featured, wi t h advance tab le
.52/.52, and 52.525. For lnt orm a- f urt her details o r info rmati on, reservations available for $5.00
ti on , con tact BRATS, PO Box w rite Ft . Tuthill Ham fest , clo PITTSBURGH PA per tabl e per day from Robbie
5915, Baltimore MD 21208. 8520 E. Edwards Ave., s cotts - AliG 5 Robert s KH6FM DIW4, 10557 At·
dale AZ 85253. The South Hills Brass Pound· lantlc Blvd., #31, Jacks on vill e,
IRVING TX ers and Modu lators will hold its Flor ida 32211. Informat ion on
AUG 3·5 UTILE ROCK AR exhi bi tors ' booth s and space
42nd annual Pittsbu rgh Ham-
Encounte r ' 79, th e Texas AUG 4·5 fes t on August 5, 1979, from are available fro m t he same ad-
VHF·FM Soci ety's 1979 Surn- The Cent ral Arkansas Radi o noo n unti l dusk at t heAlle gheny dress .
mer Convention, will be held Emergency Net (CAREN) Arna- County Co m m u nity College Other features and programs
August 3-5, 1979, at the Villa Inn, te ur Rad io Club will ho ld its so uth camp us on Rte. 885, 2 incl ude st atewi de organizat ion
Irving, Texas. Activities inc lude seco nd a nnual Ham -a-Ram a o n miles south of the Allegheny meet ing s on suc h topic s as tra f-
a t ransmi tt er hunt, fl ea market, Saturday and Sunday , Au gust Co u nty Airport and ap prox- fic nets and MARS, a micr opr o-
FCC exams, manufacturers' ex- 4-5, 1979, at t he Arkan sas Sta te imately 15 mil es so uth east of ce ssor semi nar, a solar power
hibits, hospitality roo m, and Fairgrounds, Little Rock, Arkan- Pitt sb urgh, Pennsyl vania. Ad- demonst ratio n, a OX " pileup"
several prog rams and forums . sas. There will be t wo mai n va nce regist rati o n is $1.50; co nt est , a hidd en t ransmi tt er
Talk -in on 146.52 and repeaters prizes give n, as well as door $2.00 at th e door. There will be a hunt, an OSCAR forum , ARRL
in t he area . Pre-regi stration is prizes. Featured will be forums, larg e indoor air-con d it io ned for ums, emergency prepared-
$5.00 until Jul y 1. Registr at ion dea lers' exhi bit s, a Saturd ay area for vendors and the f lea ness program s, OX and contest
at the do or is $6.00. For informa - night part y, and a large fle a ma rket , and a large paved sur- p rese nt at io ns, antenna and
tion , w rite Encoun ter '79, PO market. Talk-in on 146.34/.94. face for the outd oor f lea mar ket. techni cal seminars, and much
Box 3608, Arlington TX 76010. For detai ls, send an SASE to There will also be pri zes and mo re.
Morri s Middle to n AD5M, 19 Elm· food . Talk-in on 146.13/.73 and More general in format io n
FLA GSTAFF AZ herst Dri ve, Littl e Ro ck AR may be obtained from JHA , 911
.521.52. For inf ormati on and pre--
AUG 3·5 72209. Rio St. Jo hns Dr., Jacksonville
reg istrati on, w rite Bruce Bani s-
The Amate ur Radi o Counc il te r, 5954 Lepre cha un Dr., Beth el FL 32211 .
of Arizona w ill hold it s annu al REND LAKE IL
AUG 5 Park PA 15102.
Ft. Tuthill Hamfest on August SALEM OH
3·5, 1979, at Flagstaff, Ari zona . The Shaw nee Amat eur Rad io
Prizes include T8·520 trans- Association Hamfest will be
ceivers, a m icrow ave oven, a held on August 5, 1979, at Rend AUG 5 The seco nd annual Salem
Wi lson Mark II HT, a Wilson Lake in sout hern Illinois . Com- The Radio Centra l Amateur Area Harntest wi ll be held on
Syste m III trlband antenna, and pl ete ca mp ing and rec reat io nal Radio Club w ill hol d its . " Ham - August 5, 1979, from 9:00 am to
mo re . F ea t u re d w i l l be a fac ilities w il l be 'available, so Centra l" on Sunday, August 5; 3:00 pm at t he Kent State Salem
1979 (rain date is August 12, cam pus, Salem, Ohio . Tick ets
1979), at the Mt. Sina i Elemen· are $1.50 in advance and $2.00
tary Schooi, Rte. 25A, Mt. Sinai , at the door. -I.nsl,d e tab les are
$5.00 w it h space for your own

~~«, ~ Subscribers Long Isl and, New York . Admi s-

s io n for sellers is $3.00 per table at $2.00. Flea market
tailgate space and $1.50 for space is $1.00. There w ill be ai r-
co nd i tio n i ng, a w hee lc hai r
buyer s, w ith XYL and c hild ren
under 12 free . Monies are to be " ram p, free pa rki ng , refresh-
From t ime to l ime 73 Magazine makes it s subs cr iber nets availab le used for Rad io Centra l and the ment s, and prize s, con sisting of
10 carerully·screened com pan ies and orga nizat ions who se produ ct s, St. Charles Ho spital Repeater. an At las RX-1 10, TX·110, and a
services or information may be of interest to you. In every case. we mUSI ap- Doors will open at 7:00 am for PS·110. Talk-in on 146.52. For
prove all organization s wishing to mail to our subscribers. In every case Ihey selle rs and 9:00 for ot hers. They deta il s, w rite Harry M ilh oan
receive a nst of names and addresses only - no other infor mat ion we may have w ill cl ose at 4:00 pm. Featured . WA8 FBS, 1128 West Stat e,
is divulged . Each org aniza t io n ma y use the list on ly once and agrees never to w ill be antenna advic e with Art Salem OH 44460.
make any perso nal or telep hone so licit ations fro m it . an d Ma deline Gr eenb erg, a
The overwhelm in g m ajorily of our subscribers apprec iate th is contro lled
use o f our mai li ng nsts-c-u helps them sho p conveni ently by mail fo r prod ucts and
Novice t able, great food , a CW AMARILLO TX
services they need, of ten at subst ant ial savings . A few people pref er their names not
co ntes t , a n ARRL t a b le, a AUG 10·12
be used. It is to t hem we addr ess this message.
special event of a fly -in by t he T he Pa nh an dl e A m ate ur
If you do not wis h to be a part of this serv ice . please co mpl ete the form Suff olk Co unty Pol ice Dept. Radio Club will hol d its sixt h an-
below . . your name will not be used in t hi s man ner for any reason . helico pter , and a Radi o Cent ral nualGolden Spread Hamfest
tlf yo u asked us in th e past to remove yo ur name from ou r lis ts , t here is no Club t able. Talk-in on 146.52 a nd Convention on Fr id ay ,
need to repeat the requ est .) Please allow about six weeks for your request to ta ke ef - W A2U EC and 144.711145.31 Sat urday, and Sunday, August
fect K2V L. Fo r infor mat io n , call 10·12, 1979, at Th e Inn of
Joan Lon gt in at (5 16~92 4-8438 Amar ill o, 601 Ama ril lo Blvd.
0 1wish to have my name removed from t he list of subscrib ers rece iving mail ot her
or Rob in Goodman at (51 6~ 74 4· West, Amar illo, Texas. The to r-
than the reg ular subscription to 73 Magazine. 6260, o r w rite Radi o Cent ral, mat co nsists of two full days of
" Ham-Cent ral," PO Box 680, exhi bits and trading , six tech·
Miller Place NY 11764. ni cal sessions, programs for the
ML ladies, valuable door prizes ,
M'.. --,= ::::-;;::;,-- _ JACKSONVILLE FL Arm y and Navy MARS meet-
Please Print AUG 4·5 ing s, A RES meeting , an ARRL
Add ress _ The Jac kso nvill e Hamfest forum , and plent y of free park-
Associati on is plea sed to an- ing. Displ ays may be set up any
Cit y s tate, Zip _
nounce the 1979 Jack son vill e time af ter 1:00 pm o n Frida y,
Hamfest and ARRL North Flor- August 10th, at a fee of $20.00
Mail t hi s form wit h your mai ling label from the lat est issue rcrtm out the inf or mat ion ida Section Convention to be per tab le. For inf ormation, wr ite
as it appears on the la bel) to: held on August 4·5, 1979, at the Hamfe st, PO Box 10221, Ama-
Jacksonvi lle Beach Mu nicipal rill o TX 79106, or phone Jay
73 Magazine Auditoriu m, Jacksonvill e, Flor- Ledbett er WB5UBM at (806)-
Subscription Services Dept. ida . The loca t ion is j ust one 376-6042 (nights and weekends)
r.o. Box 93t block from t he beach, where or Chuck Passmore WB58 RC at
1- Farmingdale NY tt737 .... U.S. 90 meet s the sea. (806)·372·1631.

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presented. Antennas , transmission lines, swr ar e discussed, as well as noise, propagatio n, and speciali zed co mmunicat io n
techniques . This boo k is no t a classroom lecture or memorization guide, but rat her a logical presentation of the material t hat must
be understood before attempting the Extra exam. Save yo urself a return trip t o the FCC and try the 73 method first! $5.95. *


Startling Learning Breakthrough
• NOV ICE THEORY TAPES-CT7300-Startling Learning Breakthrough. Yo u' ll be astounded at how
really simp le the theory is w hen you hear it explained on th ese tapes. Three tapes of t heo ry and one of
questions and ans wers from the latest Novic e exams give you the edge you need to breeze through
your exam. 73 is interested in helping get more amateurs, so we' re giv ing you the co mplet e set of our
tapes for the inc redi bl y lo w pri ce of ON LY $15.95. *
Sci entists have proven that you learn fast er by listening t ha n by read ing because you c an playa
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You can't progress w it hout solid fundamentals . These four hour-long tapes gi ve you all the basics
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ing to these tapes? Set of 4-$15.95.'


cod e, se nt at the offi c ial FCC stand ard (no" _ . "COURAGEOUS 'J
SSTV ot her tape we'v e heard uses t hese stan-
da rds , so ma ny peo ple f lun k th e code 20 + WPM -CT7320 -Co de is what get s
wh en t hey are s udd en ly -u nder pr essu re you when you go fo r t he Ext ra cl as s ll-
- faced wit h ch ar acte rs sent at 13 wp m cense. It is so em barrassing to pa nic out
• SL OW SCAN TEL EVIS ION and spaced fo r 5 w p m). T hi s t ape is nof j ust be ca us e yo u d idn't prep are yo urs elf
memor iza ble, unl ike t he zany 5 wpm tape , with this tape. Th o ugh fh is is o nly on e
TA PE-CT7350-Prize-winning s ince th e co de g ro ups are e nt ire ly ra ndom wo rd fast er, the code gro ups are so d iffi-
programs from the 73 SSTV c haracters se nt in gro ups of fi ve. cult t hat you 'll alm o st fall asleep cop ying
contest. Excellent for Demo! t he FCC st uff by com pa rison. Users report
that t hey c an't be li eve how easy 20 per
$5.95.• really is w it h t his fantastic one ho ur tape.
Any Four Tape s For $15.95! • 10 + W P M-:- CT7 3 1 0 ~ 73 ha s n't forgotten
54.95 Each ! · th e Can ad ian hams- ou r 10 WP M tap e r' OUTRAGEOUS' J
prepar es yo u to bre eze thro ugh you r coun -
fry' s licens ing exa m s . Li ke th e other co de 25 + WPM -CT7325- Th is is t he ta pe for
t hat small gr oup o f ov erach ieving ha m s
HGEN ESIS " groups , the tape is not mem o rizabl e and ,
who wou ldn 't be co nte nl to si mply sa ti s fy
once maste red, provi des a ma rg in o f sate-
5 WPM -CT7305-Thi s is the beginning ty in t he act ua l tex t situ ation. t he code req u irem ent s of the Ext ra Cla ss
tape for peop le who do no t know t he code licen se . It 's t he t o ughest t ap e w e've got
at all. It ta kes t he m through t he 26 lett ers, and w e kee p a perma nent f il e of ham s who
10 numbers and nec ess ary punctuation, have ma stered it. Let us know when yo u' re
SSTV comp let e w it h prac ti c e eve ry ste p of t he
way us ing th e newest b litz te achi ng t ec h- " BACK BREAK ERJJ
up 10 spe ed and we ' ll insc r ibe yo ur na me
in 73's CW " Hall of Fa me. "

*-=.J~ niques. It is almo st miraculous ! In one

hour man y peo ple -includi ng kid s of t en
13 + WPM - CT73 13 - C od e gr ou ps
ag ain , at a bri sk 13 per so you wi ll be at
.. - -.
-c-a re ab le to master th e code. The eas e of ease w hen you sit do wn in f ron t of t he
learn ing g ives con f id ence to beginners steely-eyed go vernment inspector and he

who m ight o t herw ise d ro p o ut . st ar ts se nd in g you p la in lang uag e at onl y
13 per. You need th is ext ra m arg in to ov er-
c om e the pan ic w hich is un iversa l in t he
" THE STICKLER" t est situatio ns. Whe n you've spen t yo ur
6 + WPM - CT7306- Thi s is the practice mon ey and ti me t o t ake t he test, yo u' ll
ta pe for th e No vic e and Tec hnic ian li- tha nk heaven s you had t his bac k-break ing C OOE mURSE
ce nses. It is ma de UP o f o ne solid ho ur of tap e .

Use th e orde r ca rd in t he back of thi s mag azin e or itemiz e your order on a sep arate piece of paper and mail t o:
II ~-:J(il
73 Radio Bookshop • Peterb oro ugh NH 03458. Be sur e to inc lu de check or detail ed cre di t c ard information ,
..Add $1.00 handling ch arge. Note: Price s subject to ch ang e o n book s not publis hed by 73 Magazine.


e BEHIND THE DIAL-BK7307-By Bob Grove. Get mo re l un o ut
of shortwave listeni ng with t hi s interestin g gu ide to rec eiver s,
antennas, f requenc ies and int erferenc e. $4.95. e
e TH E C HA LLENGE OF 160-BK7309- is t he newes t book in t he
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vides all nece s sar y informat io n t o get s tart ed on this un iqu e band .
The al l-import an t antenna and gro und sy s tems are de scribed in
det ail. T he int rodu ct ion co nt a ins int eresti ng pho tos of Stew
Perry 's (th e King of 160) sha ck . This refe re nce is a must for new
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e l C OP·AMP COOKBOOK -B K102B-by Wa lter G. Jun q. Co vers
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inc ludes over 250 practi cal ci rc uit ap plica t ions, libe rall y iI-
!u st rated . 592 pages, 5'12 x 8'12, so ft bo und . $12.95. *
e THE POW ER SUPPLY HA NDB OOK - B K7305-N eed a power su pply fo r a gadget you' re buil ding ? In t he POW ER SUPPLY HAND·
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suppli es , rang ing fro m simple DC typ es to hi gh ly s table regu lated versio ns. If you need a ci rcuit to co nvert a DC volt age to a highe r or
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t he c irc uit yo u need . Withou t a dou bt one of th e best power suppl y sou rc e book s availab le, co mpiled by t he edi tor s of 73. $7.95. *
el NTRODUCTI ON TO RTTY -BK73BO-A beg inn er' s gui de to
radlot etety pe i nc ludi ng te letyp ewr iter f undame nt al s, si gna ls,
distorti on and RTTY art. You ca n be a RTTY arti st ! A 73 publi ca-
t ion. $2.00 .·
e T H E NEW RTTY HANDBOOK -BK7347- i s a ne w ed it io n and
th e o nly up-to-da t e RTTY book avai labl e. The st ate of t he art has
been cha ng ing radic al ly and has made all previ o us RTTY book s ob-
sole te . It has t he lat es t c ircu its, great for the newc o mer and ex pert
alike. $5.95. '
Nelson. W hen sunspot s ri dd led t he worldw ide co mm unications
networks of t he 1940's, John Hen ry Nel son looked to th e planets
for an ans wer. The result wa s a t heory of pr opagati on fo recast ing
based up o n in terp lan etary alig nmen t t ha t mad e t he au tho r t he
, ~_ .... mo s t reliable for ecast er i n Am erica t oda y. The book pr ovid es an
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well as teach ing the art of propagation forecasti ng. $6.95. *
e SSB . . . T HE MISUNDERSTOO D MO DE- BK7351- bY Jam es B.
W ilson. Sing le Side band Tr ansm issi on . . . th ou sands of us use it
every da y, yet it remains one of t he least und erstood fa cet s of
amateu r radi o. J. B. Wilson present s se veral met hods of sideban d
ge neratio n, amply illu strat ed wit h charts a nd sche matics, w hic h
will enabl e t he amb itious read er to co nst ruc t hi s own si deband
generato r. A mu s t for t he tech nically-s eriou s ham . $5.50. *
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e SSTV HANDBOO K-BK7354(hardc over), BK7355{soflc over)-
Th is excellent book tells all abou t it , from its histo ry and basic s to
the present state-of -the-a rt techniques. Contains chapte rs on cir-
;m . SlOW
cuit s, monitors, ca meras, colo r SSTV, test equip ment an d much
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ment a nd me t hods for gett i ng good pic tur es t ra m the weather @
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t rack i ng , aut oma t ic con tr ol (you don 't even have to be hom e). Dr. m: -
Taggart WBBDQT.$4 .95.·
e 73 DIPOLE AND LONG ·W IRE A NTEN NAS- BK1016-by Ed ward M. Noll W3FQJ. Thi s Is t he f i rs t c olle ct ion 01vi rt ually every type of
w i re ant enn a used by ama teurs . Incl udes d ime nsions, co nf ig urat io ns, an d deta iled c ons tr uction da ta fo r 73 di fferent antenna typ es.
Ap pendic es describe t he co ns t ructi on of noi se bridges, li ne t uners, and dat a on measurin g resonant f requ ency, veloc ity factor, and
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or enj oy a ham ante nna- thi s is t he book for yo u. From t he editors
----- --, of 73; pub lish ed by Tab Books. $12.95 Hard back. '
i by Edwa rd M. No ll W3FQJ . Describes 73 different ant enn as for
~~r"oo· i
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ama teurs. Each design is the result of t he au t hor 's own ex-
RadtOAntenraas ' perim ent s coveri ng t he co nst ruc ti o n of no ise bridg es and ante nna
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veloc ity facto r, and s tandi ng-wave rat ios. 160 pages. $5.50. *

na Hand book det ails t he t heo ry . desig n and const ruction of hu n-
dreds of differe nt VHF and UH F antenna s ... A pra c t ic al book
wri tte n fo r t he avera ge amate ur who takes joy i n bui ld in g, not fu ll
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fab ulous ant enna proj ect s yo u c an build . $4.95. *
Use th e o rder ca rd in t he bac k of th is mag azin e or itemize yo ur orde r o n a sep arat e piece of paper and ma i l ,'0 :
73 Rad io Book shop • Peterborough NH 03458. Be sure to in cl ude c heck or detail ed credit ca rd in fo rmat io n.
• Ad d $1.00 hand li ng ch ar ge. Note: Pric es su bject t o cha ng e on books not pub lis hed by 73 Magazi ne.


= = = = = TEST EQUIPMENT= ===::::;;;;;;
BUILD -BK1044-R f burst , f unct io n, sq uare wave generat ors ,
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• VOL. IV IC TEST EQUIPMENT-LB 7362- Become a tr oubte sh ootl nq w izard ! In t his fo urt h vo lume o f t he 73 TEST EQUIP-
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dig it al eq uipme nt. Plus a cumulativ e in dex fo r all fo ur volumes of th e 73 TEST EQUIPMENT LI B RA RY. $4.95. *

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pro te ct yo ur co llect ion fo r you r li fet im e! AND REALLY UNDERSTAND IT.- BK7325
There's no exc use fo r lost issu es when you ;-by Sam Creaso n. Th e ~ Iectro n l c.s hob by-
have th ese handsom e red bi nders with tst who want s to buil d hls ow n mrcrocom -
gold le tte ri ng Ord er 1- B N 100 1- fo r puter system now has a prac t ical " H.o w-
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$6.50 : 2 or . more-BN1002- for. $6.00 co mbin ati on te chnic a l manu al an d pro-
eac h. (s pecif y 1978 o r 1979 bin de rs) gramming guide t hat t akes the ho bbyi st
• QSL CARDS -73 t urns out a fantasti c step -by-st ep thro ug h t he de sign , co nst rue-
series of QSL card s at about half the co st tl on , testing and debugg ing of a com plete
of havin g t hem done els ew here because mi croco mpu ter syst em. $9.95. *
t hey are ru n as a fl ll-ln bet ween. print ing .1 979 WOR L D REPEAT ER ATLAS -
book s and oth er item s in the 73 Prin t Shop. . '"",
250 Styl e W -QW0250-for $8.95'; 500 BK7346-Wlt h a ·new eas y-t o-use fo rmat ,
Sty le W- QW05 00- for $13.95'; 250 Sty le t he 1979 World Rep eat er Atlas IS th e larq -
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• OWN ER REPAIR OF AMATE UR RA DIO EQUIP MENT - BK73 10- Frank Gla ss shares over 40 years of operat ing , servici ng ,
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tronic eq uip me nt. The info rmat ion wit hin the se boo ks ranges from th e ele men tary to t he high ly tech nica l written fo r t he to p
eng ineer s in th e field . But t his boo k st ands o ut from th e rest in th at it is wr itten in na rra tive st yle aimed at co nvey ing t he co n-
cept of elec tro nic servici ng . A w ritt en d iscu ssio n of how com ponents wo rk and how t hey ar e combined to provid e co mmu nic a-
ti o n equipment is used to help t he read er understa nd t he co ncepts requ ired to serv ic e sta t ion equipment. $7.95. 4

• A GUI DE TO HA M RA DI0-B K7321- by Larry Kahaner W B2NEL. Wh at 's Ama te ur Rad io all abou t? Yo u can learn the bas ics
of t hi s fa sci nat ing hobby w it h t his exce ll ent beginner's gu ide. It answ ers the mos t fr eq uentl y as ked qu est io ns in an easy-go ing
manner, and it show s th e best w ay to go ab out gett ing an FCC li cen se. A Guide to Ha m Rad io is an ideal intro duc t io n to a hobb y
enjo yed by peo ple around th e wo rld. $4.95.*
• LIBR AR Y SHELF BOXES-These st urdy wh it e, corr ugated, d irt -resis ta nt boxes eac h hold a f ull year of 73 or Kil ob aud Mi cro-
c om puting . With your or der, req uest self -st icking labels for any of t he fo llowing: 73, Kilobau d Microcomp u tin g, CO, OST, Ham
Radio, Per so nal Com p uting, Radio Elec tro nic s, Int erf ac e Age , and Byte. Order 1- BX1000- fo r $2.00*; order 2-7- 8X 2002- fo r
$1.50 eac h ': orde r 8 or mo re- 8X 1002-fo r $1.25 eac n ' .
Use th e orde r card in the bac k of thi s magazine or it emize you r order on a sepa rate piece o f pap er and mail to :
73 Radi o Book sh op • Peter borough NH 03458. Be sure to inc lud e chec k or detailed c red it ca rd info rma t ion .
*Add $1.00 ha ndling ch arge. Note: Pri ces subjec t to c hange on boo ks not publis hed by 73 Magazine.


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r===READER SERVICE================~
A46 ABC Communications 178 C143 Corne ll-Dubi lie r. . _24 K4 KLM Electro nics 42 S63 Semiconductors Su rplus 199
A1 A di rondack Radio Supply 177 D6 PeterW. Dah l Company 42 L23 Lars en Anten nas 185 S33 S-F Amateu r Radio Services 11
A24 Adv a Elec tron ics. . . 202 D35 Daytapro Electronics, Inc 18 Little Rock Ha m 0 Ram a 179 S81 Spect ron ics, Inc 148, 149
Advan ce Electronics 143 D29 Die lectric Communicat ions . . 101 L9 Lo ng's Electronics 120-125 S8 Spect rum Commun 28, 29
A60 A ED Elec troni cs 18 D20 Digital Research Co rpo rat ion M48 Macrolronics, Inc 146 S10 SST Electronics 116
A92 AHF Antennas . . .. 128 . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . 190, 19 1 M35 Madison Electronics Sup ply S18 St a ndard Commun ica t ions 88
A2 Aldelco. 200 D23 Dovetron 114 .... . . .. . . .... . . . 71, 117 S43 Surp lus Electronics 198
A97 Amate ur Radio Cent er 112 D11 D ra ke Com pany 115 M35 Mad ison Elect ron ics Supply/ S4 4 Swan erectroorcs. . 8,9,22
A40 Am ateu r Radio Supp ly of Nash- D25 DSl ln st rum en ts. . _21, 107, 161 Lu nar 51 T64 Tec hn ica l cnorc.. 114
vill e, Inc 165 Eag le Elec tro nic s 179 M36 Maggiore Electronic Lab 128 T52 Tele-Tow'r M/g . Co., Inc 116
A21 Am ateu r Who lesa le Electronics Eh rhorn Technologica l Ope ra- M101 Maury 's VHF · UHF/Lunar. 57 T en-T ee 13
. .... .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . 184, 185 ti o ns, Inc 173 Melbourne Flo rida Ham/est. . 114 T55 T ET U.S.A 129
A58 American crvstat. . . . . 11 F1 Fair Rad io Sa les 180 M52 M FJ Enterp rises 75, 171 T34 Tho mas Commun ica l ions 113
Ams at . .38 F5 Fle sh er Corpora tion 177, 180 M8 MHZ Etectronlcs. . . 186, 187 T48 Tower Etectronfcs Co rp 117
A80 Anteck, Inc 24,179 G12 Ge rmantow n Amateur Sup 142 M69 Micro Control Spec ia lt ies .. ,. 11 T18 T rac Elec tronics.tnc.. .116
A 62 Antenna Specialists 93 G22 G.I.S.M.O 162 M95 Micro M an agemen t Sys 146 T3 Tufts Rad io Electron ics . . , . 183
A6 A ptron Laboratories 18 G4 Go db out Electronics 194 M 100 Melz 23 U10 UDM Enterprises 180
79 ARRl Na't . Conven tion 1£9 HAL Commu nications Corpo ra - M76 M & M RF D istributo rs/Lunar. .33 U9 U nad ilialReyc o Div is ion 128
Assoc iated Radio 196 t ion .. . 15, 175 N23 National Radio 22 U2 Unarco-Rohn 175
B52 Rex Bassett Electronics 160 H24 Hal-Tror ux 76 N22 Non -Linear Systems. . . 23 U8 Un ited Products 203
B23 aarker-wuuamson 152 H2 H am Rad io Center 05 OK Machine Too l. s .97,174 V5 VH F Engineering 163
B49 J.S. Betts Company 18 .. .. ... . 11, 18, 73,88,93, 138, 146 03 Optoelec tro nics, tnc. . 7, 174 V24 vlb rootex ., 155
BlO Bird 23 H16 Ha mtronics, NY 189 012 Out door Outfitters 152 V75 V ineyard A ma teur Rad io.. .. . 114
B53 Bob's A m ateur 'Rad io Centerl H8 Hamtronics, PA 18 Palo ma r Eng ineers 93 W 18 western Electronics. . 138
Lun ar, 39 H26 Hartwell's Of l ice Wo rld . 146 P41 P.C. Elec tro nic s 88 W2 Wi lson Electron ics 3
B42 Bro die Electronics/Lunar 43 H3 H enry Rad io.. . CII Peo ria Ham /est. 50 X3 xttex Co rp . . . 119
B8 Bullet Elec tron ics 192, 193 H44 HFT, Inc .. . 179 P44 Pick ering cooernaster C om pa ny Y1 Yae su Electron ics Corporation
C88 C & A Elec tron ics Enterpri ses16 7 H36 Hustler . . 38 ... .. .. ... . . ... ....... . ... .. 69 . ....... .... . . CIII , 65, 111
C3 Clegg . ' .. 153 11 tCOM. . 25 Plainsman M ic ro Sys tems 77 From 73 page 11, 76, 131, 204-210
C21 Co ak it . . ',' _ 11 139 l nline I nst rum ent s, Inc 180 P2 Po ly Paks 197
C106 Command Produdi ons 146 132 I nstant Software 85,89,91 03 Quest Ele ct ron ics 181
C58 Commun ications Center, NE 19 Integrated Circu its, U nltd .. .. 201 R1 Radio Amate ur Ca llbook, Inc . 115
* Rea der Service inquiries not hon or ed.
. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . 127, 151 127 iR L. . . 50, 174 Radio Shack 24
Ple as e c(:mtact adverti ser d ire ct l y.
C5 Commu nications Electronics146 J1 Ja meco Electro nic s 195 Rad io wond. . . 93
C115 Com mun icat ions E lect ron ics J8 JRS Electron ic s/Lunar 47 R36 Rad ios Unli m itedILunar 63
Spec ialties 114 J2 Jan Crystals. . . 138 R8 Ramsey Electronics. . . . 188
C6 Communications Specialists K13 Kantro nic s , . 22 R27 RF Power Labs, Inc 64
.. ... . ... ... ..... .. .... .. 16, 17 Kenwood CIV , 5, 139 R9 RobotfTufts . ' . 32
C105 Comm uni catio ns & TV uono. 152 K14 Key Electr o nics 179 R35 Ross Distribut ing Corp 103
C9 Co nti ne nta l Spe cialt ies .. . . . 174 Kilobaud. . 83 S100 Sc ott M anu facturi ng 117

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