Not That We Are Sufficient in Ourselves To Claim Anything As Coming From Us

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Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim

anything as coming from us, but Our Sufficiency

is from GOD.
2 Corinthians 3:5 (All miracles happen not anything done by us, But by the Power of God (Holy
Verse Thoughts
Legalism boasts in oneself to keep rules and regulations - but grace boasts only in the Lord.
Keeping laws or rituals, whether self-imposed or insisted upon by a denomination or
organization, inflates the ego, for our sufficiency is dependent on my abilities and what I do.
However, the gospel of grace nurtures humility, for it admits one’s own inabilities and
insufficiencies and depends completely on God and His abilities and sufficiency – for we are
not competent in ourselves to claim anything as coming from ourselves, but our
competence and sufficiency comes from God.

When God calls a man or woman into a work that He has prepared for them to do – it is God
Who works in them and through them - for our own ability is insufficient for the task– and so
we have to rely on God’s abilities… for our sufficiency is from Him alone.

Without the sufficiency of Christ, I can do nothing for it is only as God works in me, to will and
to do of His good pleasure, that I can do all things through Christ because He gives me His
strength, by the power of the Holy Spirit within – because my sufficiency is in HIM alone.

Self-importance, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, self-esteem and a self-inflated ego are what

the world sees as important but in truth our life should be one of God-importance, God-
sufficiency, God-reliance, God-esteem and a gentle spirit of humility and grace - for we can
never ever be sufficient in ourselves and claim anything as coming from us, for our sufficiency
is from God alone.

5 Unique temptations of a Christian (natural character of Man in Flesh) james 4:6

Pride, Ego, Fear, Greed and Rebellion (PEFGR)
PRIDE never look back to Reflect on where its coming from. It cannot travel the Path of God.
Humility does. Zech 4:10 “Do not forget the place you started.”
PRIDE will Masks the True condition of your Heart; Dims the eyes of your Understanding; and
Distorts your Vision.
Loving Lord, help me to develop humility of heart that only comes from total dependence on
You and not on my own abilities, for I confess that without You I can do nothing. Praise God
that in my weakness I can do all things through Christ, Who gives me the strength – in Whose
name I pray, AMEN

 RELIANCE on GOD – Prophet TB Joshua

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