Multiple Choice Game: I. Answer - Card Catching

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Idea germinating from Vietnamese traditional game “Cướp Cờ” (flag catching).

1. Participants: divide the class into two teams.

2. Preparation: answer-card: write the answers A, B, C and D on cards or cubes.
3. Procedure: Each team stand in its horizontal line against the walls, which are
opposite to each other. Each student in each team is labeled with a number. (E.g.: number 1 for
the first student, number 2 for the next and the like for the remaining). Answer cards are put
together on the designated position at the middle of the two teams. The teacher calls out a
number and two students with their number called in each team promptly run to the designated
position and try to quickly pick the correct answer card matching with the question. The one who
can catch the correct answer card first is called the catcher and the non-catcher for the
other. After catching the card, the catcher tries to run back to his/her team without being touched
by the noncatcher, and then wins one point for his/her team. In the mean time, the non-catcher
runs after the catcher to touch him/her on any parts of his/her body. If successful, they draw. To
ensure the understanding, the teacher can ask the winner to give explanation of the correct

Extension: to make it even more captivating, the teacher can call many numbers or even the
whole team each time.


Idea germinating from animal-hunting activity.

1. Participants: divide the class into two teams or three teams up to the teacher. Each
member in each team is labeled with a number.
2. Preparation: answer-card: write the answers A, B, C and D on cards.
3. Procedure: The answer cards are faced down and put at distinct positions around
the class. After delving into each multiple-choice question, the teacher calls out a number and the
students with their number called in each team promptly run around the class to hunt for the
correct answer card and quickly head back the team. On the way back, other hunters can rob the
correct answer card from the successful hunter. The first successful hunter safely reaching home
wins one point for his/her team.

Extension: to make it even more captivating, the teacher can call many numbers or even the
whole team each time.


Idea germinating from Vietnamese traditional game “Chọi cầu” (shuttle cock throwing)

1. Participants: divide the class into two teams or three teams up to the teacher.
2. Preparation: shuttle cocks, balls, crumpled papers or anything else can throw at
one’s body without causing hurt. The number of this material should match with the number of
the teams.
3. Procedure: Four students are chosen to be the aims standing in front of the teams.
Each is labeled A, B, C or D. After each question, the first members in each team use the
shuttlecocks to throw at the aim symbolizing the correct answer. In the meantime, “the aim”
should run away to avoid being hit by any shuttle cocks. The student successfully hitting the
correct aim first gives explanation for the choice and wins one point for his/her team.


Idea germinating from Vietnamese traditional game “Bầu cua” (Gourd & Crab)

1. Participants: divide the class into teams of two to three members. Otherwise,
students can join in the activity individually.
2. Preparation: Buying a set of “Gourd and Crab” from bookstores or supermarkets.
“Gourd” symbolizes answer A; “Crab” symbolizes answer B; “lobster” symbolizes answer C and
“fish” symbolizes answer D; “Cock” and “Deer” should be disregarded. Otherwise, teachers can
create by themselves. What needed is a broad sheet of paper divided by four and each square
symbolizes one answer A, B, C or D. Three cubes with each choice A, B, C or D attached on
each face; two other faces can leave blank.
3. Procedure: Teacher gives each team 100 points. For each question, each team bets
a part of their points to their answer on the broad sheet. The points each team wins depend on
their bet points and the result of throwing dices. E.g, team 1 bets 2 points for answer A; team 2
bets 4 points for answer B. Then, the teacher tosses the three dices; if two dices have faces A up
and one dice has face B up, team 1 wins 4 more points for their team and team 2 wins 4 points
for their team. If only one dice has face A up; one dice has face C up and one with blank face up,
team 1 wins 2 points and team 2 has 4 points subtracted from their total points. Needless to say,
explanation for each choice is essential to ensure total understanding. The team with the most
point wins the game.


1. Participants: divide the class into three teams or four teams up to the teacher.
2. Procedure:
 Teacher models TPR Answer A: slap one’s head with two hands Answer
B: flap one’s shoulders with two hands Answer C: clap one’s hands Answer D: bang on the table
with two hands
 The teams take turn to give their answer through TPR. Rule: all members
in each team must do TPR simultaneously. Otherwise, no point is given.
 The team doing TPR the most simultaneously with the correct answer give
explanation for their choice and win one point for their team.


Idea germinating from Vietnamese television show for tertiary students “Rung Chuông
Vàng” (Ring the golden bell)

1. Participants: all students are players.

2. Preparation:
 Each student prepares four answer-cards: write the answer A, B, C or D on
each card.
 Two or three good students can be selected to prepare the questions and
explanations on power point slides.
3. Procedure:
 After each question is shown, each player holds up his/her answer card.
 Those who give wrong answer choice are excluded from the game.
 The last student wins the big prize from the teacher.


1. Participants: divide the class into two teams. One member in each team is
appointed to be the KING while other members are the guards.
2. Preparation: chairs for two kings putting at the back of each team.
3. Procedure: The King of each team sits on his chair behind the line of the guards
who are numbered. The activity leader calls out a number or two. The students with their
numbers called run to the area of the opponent and try to touch the king. The guards of the king
prevent the opponents from touching their King at any costs without using their hands. Who can
touch the King first wins their team’s turn to answer the question and get a point.


Idea germinating from Vietnamese traditional game “đua thuyền”

1. Participants: divide the class into two teams or three teams up to the teacher.
2. Preparation: Students in each team sit in line and physically connect to each other
by legs
3. Procedure:
 The representative of each team plays rock-paper-scissors with that of
other teams. The winner wins his/her team’s right to give the answer for each multiple-choice
 If the answer is correct, the whole team can move one step forward
 The team reaching the finish line first is the winner and can choose to
punish the losers in their own exciting way.


1. Participants: divide the class into two teams or three teams.

2. Preparation: Four chairs representing the answers A, B, C or D are put in the
middle. Students stand in a circle around the four chairs.
3. Procedure:
 Exercise-correcting team plays music
 All participants run around in the circle.
 The leading team stops the music and students try to run to the four chairs
and sit down to the chair representing the correct choice.
 The leading team decides whether the choice is right or wrong. If the
answer is correct, the winning team must give explanation and wins one point.


1. Participants: All students in class.

2. Preparation:
 Chairs are arranged in a circle.
 Answer cards: each choice A, B, C or D is written on different cards.
There should be two or more series of each choice based on the number of students in class.
3. Procedure:
 Distributing the answer cards to students randomly. Each student may
have two or three various cards.(i.e. student X may have answer cards A, C; student Y holds B,
D etc.)
 Students sit on chairs in the circle.
 Teacher corrects multiple-choice question one after another. To show
answer for each question, students holding the correct answer cards promptly stand up and
exchange chairs to each other. Students will be punished if they have the correct answer card but
sit still, or they exchange chairs while holding the incorrect one. Note: “punishment” should be
short and in fun way.

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