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Global Interstate System


1. What are the dynamics of transnational cooperation?

2. What are the effects of globalization on nation-states?

What is a state? A state is a sovereign social community, with a common political

organization, territory and government.

It has four necessary elements:

1. Territory: a land with specific boundaries (limits)

2. Population: permanent group of people that live within the boundaries of the
3. Government: the politic group of people who makes decisions and exercises the
authority of the state
4. Sovereignty: the ability to determine your own fate and decide your own policy

A nation is a territory where all the people are led by the same government. The word
“nation” can also refer to a group of people who share a history, traditions, culture and,
often, language—even if the group does not have a country of its own.

People within this type of nation share a common identity, and think of themselves as
belonging to the same group.

Other nations are not recognized by one or more states for varying reasons. Sometimes, a
single nation does not recognize another nation. North Korea and South Korea do not
recognize each other as nations, for instance. They each oppose the politics of the other.

A nation is a group of people who see themselves as a cohesive and coherent unit based on
shared cultural or historical criteria. Nations are socially constructed units, not given by
nature. Their existence, definition, and members can change dramatically based on
circumstances. Nations in some ways can be thought of as “imagined communities” that
are bound together by notions of unity that can pivot around religion, ethnic identity,
language, cultural practice and so forth. The concept and practice of a nation work to
establish who belongs and who does not (insider vs. outsider). Such conceptions often
ignore political boundaries such that a single nation may “spill over” into multiple states.
Furthermore, states ≠ nations: not every nation has a state (e.g., Kurds; Roma; Palestine).
Some states may contain all or parts of multiple nations.
A Nation-State is the idea of a homogenous nation governed by its own sovereign state—
where each state contains one nation. This idea is almost never achieved.    https://www.e-

A political unit consisting of an autonomous state inhabited predominantly by a people

sharing a common culture, history, and language.
A self-governed political entity occupied by people who speak the same language and share
a common history and culture.

A political community that emanates (originates) from civic society to legitimately execute
peace. Thus, civic society->is the basis of people’s oneness.

Effects of GLOBALIZATION on nation-states

● Is seen to impose a forced choice upon nation-states – either they conform (to
neo liberal ideas and free market principles  of deregulation, privatization and free
market) or be at risk of being left behind (in terms of development).

● Establishment of economic and political integrations- an example is the EU with

its (27) member nations-states use a single currency and monetary system among 17
states, parliament with legislative powers, with common rights of the citizens (live,
work, vote, run for office), collective mechanism to resolve crisis and assist those are
in need. The statehood of the members is not dissolved, what has changed is only
how the nation-states economy function in terms of and politics. (Schaefer, 2016)

● Establishment of international laws and principles- (the UN was established and

operates as a forum for nation states to air their differences and try to resolve them).
(These three are vertical effects).
The horizontal effect is seen in the formation of transgovernmental networks-where
national government offices connect with their counterparts from other nations to
establish linkages.  These linkages are informal institutions that connect legistlators,
finance ministers and other valuable individuals who are significant in carrying out
various aspects of global governance.

● Rise of transnational activism (TNA) when activists groups of nation- states

connect with their counterparts in other states. 

● Creation of new communications network.(Globalization combines nations

through digital media.)

Intergovernment organizations (IGOs) were established in order to facilitate

connections among nation-states with the aims of fostering strong economic,
political, cultural, educational, and technical intergovernmental relationships.
The ASEAN, EU and WTO are examples.

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