Roudhotul Jannah (Chapter 5)

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Name : Roudhotul Jannah

Class : 6D

SIN : 11810422716

An Assessing of Students Writing Ability by Using Classroom Media

Writing is something that is very important in this day and age. Whether he is a writer or
not, writing skills must be possessed by everyone. Writing is important because it is one of the
basic abilities that one must have since entering elementary school. There are 3 basic abilities
that children must have when entering school, namely reading, writing and arithmetic. If these 3
abilities have been mastered before entering elementary school, the title of smart child will
definitely be obtained. Over time, children's learning activities will continue to develop into
adulthood. However, these 3 abilities still play a major role in the type of work that is carried
out. Especially for university students, writing is an ability that must be possessed by every
student, because each student is expected to be able to write down ideas and work through
various writings which are expected to be useful for readers.

If a teacher wants to give assignments in written form to students, the teacher must
provide clear instructions, starting from determining the topics to be written about and also this
topic must be adjusted to the level of knowledge of the students. If the teacher does not provide a
specific explanation about this writing, students will feel confused to put forward their ideas or
ideas. In this pandemic, teachers can use various teaching media in teaching writing. One of
these media is that teachers can use YouTube, google meet, zoom, etc. However, to give an
assessment in writing the teacher uses different media.

Assessing writing skills is not an easy thing in this online-based learning. because there is
a lot of access that can be reached by students to imitate or copy a piece of writing and also
ideas. Therefore, assessing students' ideas in writing is not as effective as before Covid 19 or
before online learning was implemented. However, to assess a student's writing ability the
teacher has various media that can be used, one of which is using Classroom media. By using
Classroom media the teacher can easily assess students' writing, students can already send
assignments to the teacher and of course students need assessment and also correction of what
they have done using Classroom media, the teacher can easily directly provide assessments and
also The teacher can provide corrections through the student's personal comment column that is
available in the Classroom. The things that must be considered by the teacher in giving
assessments in writing are. Content, form, Grammar, Style in writing is like the choice of
structure and lexical items to give a particular flavor for the writing and the last is mechanics that
is the use of the graphic convention. All of these aspects must be considered in giving
assessment in writing, to produce quality writing.

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