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Nama : Fatimatus Zahro

Nim : D42202208

Prodi/Golongan : AKP/D

1. Uji Normalitas menggunakan program SPSS

Tingkat signifikansi nya 95% (0,05%)

a) Menyiapkan data dari Ms. Excel

b) Buka program SPSS, kemudian pada Data View masukkan data yang sudah disiapkan dar Ms.
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Data Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Survey SM .183 40 .002 .928 40 .014
LC .140 40 .046 .942 40 .041
PC .218 40 .000 .921 40 .008
KP .232 40 .000 .888 40 .001
SP .186 40 .001 .881 40 .001
0B .285 40 .000 .806 40 .000
WC .221 40 .000 .915 40 .005
NMW .222 40 .000 .857 40 .000
9 .258 40 .000 .863 40 .000
10 .356 40 .000 .569 40 .000
11 .189 40 .001 .887 40 .001
12 .246 40 .000 .878 40 .000
13 .199 40 .000 .903 40 .002
14 .328 40 .000 .830 40 .000
15 .139 40 .049 .939 40 .032
16 .182 40 .002 .906 40 .003
17 .292 40 .000 .822 40 .000
18 .227 40 .000 .885 40 .001
19 .209 40 .000 .917 40 .006
20 .159 40 .012 .941 40 .039
21 .172 40 .004 .929 40 .015
22 .225 40 .000 .857 40 .000
23 .201 40 .000 .875 40 .000
24 .268 40 .000 .718 40 .000
25 .237 40 .000 .829 40 .000
26 .280 40 .000 .849 40 .000
27 .253 40 .000 .854 40 .000
28 .147 40 .030 .931 40 .018
29 .187 40 .001 .900 40 .002
30 .236 40 .000 .869 40 .000
31 .197 40 .000 .914 40 .005
32 .226 40 .000 .868 40 .000
33 .220 40 .000 .901 40 .002
34 .198 40 .000 .874 40 .000
35 .201 40 .000 .928 40 .014
36 .194 40 .001 .922 40 .009
37 .225 40 .000 .931 40 .017
38 .167 40 .007 .931 40 .017
39 .252 40 .000 .883 40 .001
40 .248 40 .000 .889 40 .001
41 .228 40 .000 .909 40 .004
42 .246 40 .000 .912 40 .004
43 .179 40 .002 .950 40 .074
44 .193 40 .001 .906 40 .003
45 .172 40 .004 .893 40 .001
46 .179 40 .002 .917 40 .006
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

2. Homogenitas
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Survey Based on Mean 3.443 45 1794 .000
Based on Median 2.418 45 1794 .000
Based on Median and with 2.418 45 1569.077 .000
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean 3.287 45 1794 .000

3. Linearitas
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 4.192 .080 52.158 .000
Data .012 .003 .097 4.157 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Survey

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