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Rethinking Revenue
Opportunities for 5G

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eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G


04 05
Introduction: Overcoming the Edge Security
Rethinking Revenue Opportunities Reality of Real 5G
for 5G

08 11
5G Revenue Opportunities for Standalone 5G – Service Provider
Telcos and Enterprises Revenues will be Driven by
Network-embedded Services

13 15
Rethinking the Telco of the Future How 5G will Enable Virtual Reality

Content Spotlight

eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

Rethinking Revenue
Opportunities for 5G
E nterprises and service providers potentially
have a lot to gain from 5G, with the
opportunity to dedicate specific technology
“The reality is that the most successful 5G use
cases have likely not even been thought of
yet, and the web-scale mentality of ‘try fast,
services to network slices; deliver faster and fail fast, learn fast’ will be very applicable to a
higher-quality AR/VR gaming services; and successful service provider’s approach to 5G,”
provide a more secure, more reliable mobile writes Niall Norton, CEO of Openet, in The 5G
experience for customers. Exchange blog, “Rethinking the telco of the
In this edition of The 5G Exchange E-Book,
we’ll examine the benefits and challenges to Read on to hear from select authors on new
delivering secure 5G, how service providers revenue opportunities and business models
and enterprises can utilize 5G to tap new for 5G.
revenue streams and improve the customer
experience and how service providers can
rethink their business models to make the most Kelsey Kusterer Ziser
5G Exchange Curator
of all 5G has to offer. The 5G Exchange

Kelsey Kusterer Ziser is a senior editor covering

SD-WAN deployments at Light Reading. In addition,
as curator at the 5G Exchange, Kelsey acts as
gatekeeper for all content submitted to Light Reading’s
authoritative resource of vetted 5G-related information
provided by the industry. She also plays an important
role in developing Light Reading’s events program.

eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

Overcoming the Edge Security

Reality of Real 5G
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

W Bad Actors Will Exploit 5G

hile 5G adoption is surging, not all 5G is created
equal. Coverage comes at either low-/mid-band
or millimeter wave, and some providers even tout However, just like legitimate enterprises, cybercriminals
“nationwide” coverage that can’t live up to its name. To will certainly also look to leverage the power of 5G.
be clear, this discussion focuses on “real” 5G, which is While all of these edges are interconnected, many
on its way to powering everything from manufacturing organizations have focused on performance and digital
and energy grids to autonomous vehicles and transformation to the detriment of centralized visibility
consumer brands. and unified control. Understandably, bad actors are
looking to evolve their attacks by targeting these
With all the benefits it brings, 5G could also overwhelm environments and will look to harness the speed and
the edges of the network – and the necessary security scale that 5G will make possible.
solutions could inadvertently create bottlenecks.
Enabling applications to perform at 5G speeds to New opportunities for more advanced threats will arise
ensure expected user experience is one thing, but as bad actors compromise and leverage 5G-enabled
ensuring that this happens securely, across more devices. Cybercriminals are making progress toward
network access points than ever before, presents developing and deploying swarm-based attacks. These
an entirely new set of very serious challenges. attacks use hijacked devices divided into subgroups,
Organizations need to be prepared today with stronger each with specialized skills. They target networks or
security foundations. devices as an integrated system and share intelligence
in real time to refine their attack as it is happening.
Swarm technologies need large amounts of processing
Massive Potential power to enable individual swarmbots and to efficiently
As of December 2020, there were 229 million 5G share information in a bot swarm. This allows them to
subscriptions globally, and this number is expected rapidly discover, share and correlate vulnerabilities and
to reach 236 million by the end of the year, according then switch their attack methods to better exploit their
to the analysts at Omdia. 5G holds the potential discoveries.
for mobile network operators (MNOs) to deliver a
whole new slate of value-added enterprise services,
generating new revenue streams and driving growth.
For medium-to-large enterprises across various
industries and verticals, harnessing 5G technology
and capabilities will further help to increase efficiency,
automation, safety, sustainability and innovation in

eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

Overcoming the Edge Security Reality of Real 5G...cont’d

Security Must Adapt A More Secure Edge

There are five elements organizations need to consider As the promise of 5G continues to roll out toward
to create an adaptive security strategy for 5G. reality, security concerns abound. Opportunistic
cybercriminals are waiting to exploit the vulnerabilities
1. Understand the potential impacts: As with any inherent in 5G, using its speed and scale to their
new and significant technology, organizations need advantage. But ironically, standard security measures
to understand 5G’s impact on their overall security are likely to create latency at the edge. To make
posture. The use of 5G services and technologies will the most of 5G’s potential, organizations need to
impact the attack surface, the attack vectors and the understand the risks it brings and adapt their security
very nature of attacks. They need to understand where accordingly. The five elements noted above will help
the MNO’s security responsibility begins and ends and enterprises create a secure 5G environment that
what their part is – akin to the shared model in public delivers on its promises.
clouds. The potential benefits of 5G will overcome
the security concerns associated with it if enterprises
know what those concerns are and what is required to
mitigate them.
Jonathan Nguyen-Duy
2. IT must carefully evaluate the security issues: If VP, Global Field CISO Team
5G is to be the game changer everyone is expecting it Fortinet
to be, what is the role of security in 5G’s adoption and
penetration in the business market? Does 5G have an Jonathan leads strategy and service relationship
acceptable set of built-in security capabilities to protect programs at Fortinet where he focuses on emerging
itself and the enterprise customers it serves? Or is an technologies and partnerships. With extensive
additional layer of security required to capture the 5G experience working with global enterprises and
business market? nation-states, Jonathan is responsible for developing
3. New controls are needed: Though 5G offers innovative security solutions addressing the challenges
inherent security capabilities, these alone should not of digital transformation – from the IoT edge to the
and must not be considered the only line of defense cloud.
against 5G infrastructure and services misuse, cyber
threats and risks. An additional layer of security visibility
and control is necessary.

4. Ensure that your security controls don’t outweigh

the benefits of 5G: For those unprepared, the ability
of applications to access information will slow greatly,
driving serious latency issues and obliterating the
user experience for customers and employees alike.
That’s just the start of the challenge. Adding adequate
security that protects users and mission-critical
information could easily create bottlenecks within

5. Converged networking and security can address

these changing needs: If networks weave security
into their core, they will be able to expand and adapt
to digital innovations with ease and do so at levels
that 5G requires. Converging networking and security
creates a security strategy that is highly flexible and

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eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

5G Revenue Opportunities for

Telcos and Enterprises
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

he telecom industry has been at the helm of growth considerably on the telecom infrastructure to deliver
and development on a global scale. In addition, their services to end customers.
this industry has experience substantial change
concerning technology as well as business models. In addition, many OTT services are capable of
replacing the services offered by telecom service
The introduction of technologies like mobile phones providers, such as messaging applications that have
and cellular communication in the 1990s, and the largely replaced traditional SMS services. As most of
Internet revolution was well handled by the industry these services use the Internet to communicate, the
players – they were quick to adapt and maintain their service providers continue to enjoy revenues from
revenue streams. the use of Internet services and data packets transfer.
However, this is severely impacting their revenues that
However, the Over-the-Top (OTT) service providers were earlier generated heavily from their core services
like WhatsApp, G-Pay and Amazon Prime have posed like international calling and text messaging.
a considerable challenge to the revenues of service
providers. Three reasons why OTT continues to be popular

In response to growing competition, the telecom  ost: The OTT services are delivered at bare minimum
industry is looking at different avenues to reclaim the costs. In fact, some do not attract any direct costs
past glory that it enjoyed before the rise of the OTT at all. These applications perform just as well as the
platforms. In fact, recent Gartner reports have indicated core services offered by service providers but without
that infrastructure investments in 5G are expected additional costs such as connectivity.
to generate immense revenues and resurrect the Abilities: Standard services like texting or SMS
standing of the service providers. have certain limitations in comparison to feature-rich
Here, we will explore the current challenges and how messaging apps like WhatsApp. Combined with the
creating new and improved revenue models help low cost, this is a major advantage that OTT platforms
redefine service providers’ business models. have over the telecom service providers.

 ase of use and convenience: Users are

The challenge communicating and sharing more than ever before.
And this is mainly due to the above two features of
One major threat to telecom service provider revenues
OTT applications. They are easy to use and can be
stems from the fact that the existing OTT apps do not
adopted irrespective of the service provider you are
contribute directly to the revenues of these operators.
On the other hand, these OTT applications depend

eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

5G Revenue Opportunities...cont’d

The Way Forward Dedicated Services

Considering the nature of the OTT platforms and Efficient network slicing is an excellent benefit of
applications, there is little surprise that the revenues the new 5G technology. Each virtual slice is an
of service providers have been severely impacted in isolated instance and is programmed to work on a
the last five years. The only way forward is for these separate architecture with networking provisioning
entities to modify the way they function and adapt to requirements.
the changing times in order to reclaim their past glory.
In other words, it is time to become proactive and take This will enable service providers to offer virtual
the bull by its horns. networks that are customized to fulfill the enterprise’s
requirements. But, most importantly, slicing and
Popularly addressed as the ‘4th revival’ the 5G is creating visual networks also translates into reduced
expected to launch the 4th industrial revolution. 5G investments in the physical infrastructure. All of this,
networks have finally been launched by most countries while tremendously increasing the variety of services
and service providers are looking at harnessing this that can be extended to the end customers.
next-gen technology for increasing their revenues.

The global 5G equipment market alone has grown Market-driven Strategy

tremendously in the last 5 years. However, service It is time for enterprises to shift the focus on the
providers cannot expect customers to pay significantly customers and users rather than the features of the
more for faster connectivity. Therefore, this is not a product. Unless you are offering an exclusive product,
viable model to improve bottom line revenues. it is more important to place the interest of the
customer before the attributes of your offering.
What can 5G do Differently than 4G? Cloud-computing entities and global e-commerce
Service providers must look beyond the current players have transitioned into industries other than
applications and business models of 4G and take more their core businesses. Therefore, service providers
innovative approaches to use 5G for their business must listen to the needs of their enterprise customers
benefits. Let us take a look at how 5G can enable to remain in the game. 5G is proving to be an excellent
service providers to offer better services than their platform for translating the requirements of large
customer’s expectations. customers into deliverable products and services.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality New and Evolving Technologies

High-latency services can undermine the entire Carriers and service providers certainly stand to
gaming experience, especially for VR headset users. benefit from newer technologies and services models
In fact, continuous latencies between action and emanating from 5G technology. And to reap these
response time can result in severe motion sickness. benefits, businesses must look at creating user-friendly
5G’s marginal latencies can help overcome this platforms that can compete with providers of public as
critical problem in the gaming industry making it an well as private clouds.
ideal platform for the industry. The service providers
must not miss out on this crucial revenue sharing Secondly, service providers must look at offering turn-
opportunity with OTT platforms hoping to deliver AR/ key solutions, including professional services. The
VR experiences on the 5G backbone. services and platforms must be efficient, easy to install,
setup and operate, and must be capable of scaling up
as business requirements increase. Service providers
Carrier-grade Connectivity Delivered via can also incorporate monitoring and provisioning tools
Bespoke Model that promote self-service.
Unlike its predecessors, 5G brings much more to the
table than just network performance improvements. As
a platform that is highly ‘connected,’ 5G is capable of
enabling service providers to offer well-defined SLAs
and QoS for enhanced performance.

eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

5G Revenue Opportunities...cont’d

Addressing Customer Requirements Final Word

The easiest way to address customer requirements is Faster speeds are not an assured indicator of a
by adapting to their respective industry. In other words, simultaneous increase in revenues for service
to understand and discern customer requirements providers. However, 5G is highly capable of creating
apart from network connectivity. These could include newer growth opportunities for all businesses across
security services, customized latency requirements, industries. This is also true for telecom service
global or local spread of the network, monitoring or providers that have been facing immense competition
management tools, speedier issue response and from the increasing popularity of OTT platforms and
resolutions, etc. services over the last five years. While blocking these
services is not a wise strategy, it is high time that
service providers innovate and adopt technologies like
small cells and provide competitive platforms catering
to legacy, as well as future, systems.

Piyush Jain
Global Services Architect

eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

Standalone 5G – Service Provider

Revenues will be Driven by
Network-embedded Services
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

espite all the distraction presented by COVID-19, millisecond latency. These powerful capabilities have
the second half of 2020 was significant in terms countless possibilities when it comes to monetizable
of accelerating 5G’s commercial potential. In the use cases for telecom service providers. These
US, T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon were ramping up 5G. range from mobile cloud gaming, to remote surgery
In the UK, Vodafone switched on a small part of its in hospitals, to autonomous cars, to supporting
standalone 5G network and in Japan, Rakuten made its fully automated robotic production lines in smart
own unique advancements in building a greenfield 5G manufacturing environments.
Some of these use cases are mission critical –
However, it remains early days for commercially instances like remote surgery in hospitals where
available standalone 5G network services – it is guaranteed low latency is literally a matter of life or
expected these will start to arrive towards the end of death. Required levels of throughput must therefore be
2021. This is great news for global telecom service guaranteed to be viable and healthcare organizations
providers, because the revenue potential from will pay a premium for such assurances. The same
enterprise-grade standalone 5G services far exceeds is true for automotive companies or local authorities
those of non-standalone. Furthermore, unlike so-called looking to safeguard roads with the launch of
OTT services in the past, telecom service providers can autonomous vehicles. Even mobile cloud gaming will
provide network-embedded services into standalone carry a premium in a consumer setting. A recent study
5G offers and can’t be disintermediated and relegated by Ribbon Communications proved that hardcore
to only providing connectivity. gamers would pay more for 5G if it could guarantee a
better playing experience – the majority (60%) would
Embedded value pay at least 50% more than they’re paying today. That
is a significant increase for telecom service providers
Embedded network services are services that rely on to contemplate.
the technological capabilities within the network to
offer guaranteed quality of service, strong levels of
reliable bandwidth and optimal levels of security. These With great potential comes greater
services require the extra low latency capabilities of
5G created and guaranteed by network slicing, which
These use cases can mean the introduction of tiered
requires standalone 5G infrastructure and a dedicated
pricing for 5G embedded network services. Some
network transport layer. In a true standalone network
service providers in the UK, Switzerland and Finland
environment, 5G can achieve download speeds
already sell 5G based on speed tiers. The thinking
of between 10 Gbit/s and 50 Gbit/s and provide
here is that people may not know how much data

eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

Standalone 5G...cont’d

they’re using, but they will notice different speeds. Integrating 5G policy and charging functions in a 5G
In an enterprise setting, this means telecom service value plan into the service catalogue in BSS, and also
providers charging more for premium quality of the 5G networks, will ensure that service providers
experience (QoE) courtesy of bespoke SLAs. Tiered can quickly develop and monetize new 5G services
pricing for embedded network services brings where the quality of the customer experience is a
additional complexity to telecom service providers central part of the overall offer. Standalone 5G will
to not only launch new services, but also charge herald an unprecedented range of use case and
appropriately for them. We may also see service services. Many of these new services will be network
providers launch specific offers, e.g. a working from embedded services where the service provider cannot
home offer with guaranteed quality of service, or a 5G be pushed aside to be a dumb pipe provider, but will
gaming offer with, say, Nintendo or Microsoft, backed instead take center stage in the creation, development,
by consumer speed guarantees and wholesales monetization and management of 5G services.
(gaming partner) SLKs. While having plenty of
addressable use cases to monetize is good in terms
of potential ROI, it creates challenges in terms of
supporting and launching them all concurrently.
Martin Morgan
The 5G service reality facing telecom service providers VP Marketing
is that there will be more devices and services to Openet
support, with new chargeable elements to parts of
these services, more network functions to manage, Martin Morgan is the VP of Marketing at Openet.
new business models to contemplate and multiple With 30 years’ experience in mobile communications
partners to manage as transparently as possible. This software, Martin has worked in mobile since the early
requires connecting thousands of offers with countless days of the industry. He’s ran the marketing teams
network functions to offer services on demand. It also for several BSS companies and served on trade
needs dynamic capacity allocation on a network slice- association and company boards.
by-slice basis. Doing all this seamlessly to effectively
monetize each service requires the creation of a value
plan – a bridge between the 5G network and the IT
and business functions in a service provider.

eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

Rethinking the Telco of the Future

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash.

he emergence of network embedded services, defining their strategic positions from which use cases
network slicing capabilities and the ability to spin will follow. Primarily, the enterprise market has received
up individual sub-networks with their own Quality the most attention with many in the industry arguing it
of Service (QoS) and tailored service experiences will will represent the greatest portion of 5G value.
see 5G become a key strategic business enabler. It
will also provide telecoms industry with the overhaul it Already we’re seeing 5G excitement building in
desperately needs. advanced manufacturing settings. This year, industrial
and manufacturing giants like Ford UK, Lufthansa and
With 5G, service providers have the opportunity to Toyota have all announced plans to work with partners
rethink and reshape their business models to succeed on the development of their own private 5G networks.
in an ecosystem driven by the demand for rich data Enterprise players are bullish about accelerating their
services. The future for service providers could include adoption of these technologies as the promise of 5G
delivering high ARPU services to millions of consumers, looks set to deliver improvements this sector has been
and just as profitably serving low ARPU services to crying out for.
trillions of devices. 5G enables the economics of this
strange new market place. Service providers must embrace proudly and loudly
the value they can offer here. There will be a gap in the
The telecoms industry now finds itself at a crucial knowledge that service providers can help bridge to
inflexion point. In the next 12 to 18 months, 5G will support enterprise leaders in achieving their ambitions
mature quickly and service providers will be keen to for 5G. Service providers can focus in on manufacturing
cash in on 5G infrastructure investments and years settings, for example, to provide end-to-end offerings
of planning. But a change in mindset will be critical. as the principle provider. This may take the shape of
Service providers will need to go beyond connectivity supplying services such as high-definition cameras to
and adapt to play a central role in delivering the value a car manufacturer that requires 5G and ultra-reliable
of the 5G network. What 5G will be is a platform for low latency communications (URLLC) on a production
telco reinvention. line. High-definition images can be processed in real
time with near-zero latency to automatically inspect the
New Use Cases, New Markets and New quality of products.

Service Provider Value

5G’s potential is huge and many of us have likely lost
count of the numerous use cases that it may deliver. As
5G continues to roll out rapidly, service providers are

eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

Rethinking the Telco of the Future...cont’d

Improve Subscriber Relationships Service Providers Must Step Out of Their

5G isn’t only an enterprise play, however. In the
consumer world, where content is king, service
Comfort Zone
The reality is that the most successful 5G use cases
providers must leverage 5G to play a more active role
have likely not even been thought of yet, and the
in the 5G value chain by selling services direct to their
web-scale mentality of ‘try fast, fail fast, learn fast’ will
customers. Pop-up, perhaps self-service designed and
be very applicable to a successful service provider’s
tailored network experiences for content providers to
approach to 5G.
easily access could provide operators with an easier
and more profitable access to the end-customers. 5G is a much more sophisticated technology than any
There is also the opportunity for 5G to connect those of the previous “G”’s – meaning that there are far more
hardest to reach consumers, with 5G Fixed Wireless controllable service characteristics that can be shaped
Access being rolled out as an alternative to fixed line on 5G networks. Automation and orchestration will
broadband connections. allow these multiple experience factors to be tailored
to shape the service environments much faster and
Another exciting 5G consumer use case is cloud
more cheaply than ever before. Cloud will mean no
gaming. In the gaming world, low latency is critical
capacity constraints will limit success. All of these
to high performance, and the speeds and enhanced
factors combined will lower the barriers to entry for
connectivity capabilities of 5G are a promising reality
enterprises and entrepreneurs to connect with their
for gamers. 5G has the potential to augment poorly
target audiences.
performing home broadband connections, and it’s a
service that many gamers are willing to pay for. The need has never been greater for service providers
to revamp their business culture around open agile
In some circumstances, 5G routers may even replace
systems to quickly adopt and adapt to these new
their fiber counterparts. In Korea, SK Telecom has
revenue opportunities. If they do, telecoms service
partnered with Microsoft to bring mobile cloud gaming
providers will be empowered to enter entirely new
to its subscribers, recognizing the opportunity to attract
domains, grow revenues through digital first sub-
new customers as well as generate new revenue from
brands, deliver content bundling for the multi-media
the existing customer base.
obsessed consumer and even launch non-telco
Service providers also have an opportunity with 5G to services such as financial services and low-latency
tackle long standing issues with subscriber churn. By cloud gaming.
adding value to existing subscriber contacts through
5G home broadband, cloud gaming services, and
potentially even augmented reality experiences,
service providers will greatly improve customer
retention. Niall Norton
Chief Executive Officer

Niall joined Openet in March 2004 as CFO before

becoming CEO in 2006. A winner of the European
Entrepreneur of the Year in 2012 and the Ernst and
Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2011, Niall was voted
by Telecoms Business Review as one of the Top 100
most influential people in global telecoms in 2017. Prior
to joining Openet, he served as CFO of O2 Ireland
from 2001 to 2004.

eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

How 5G will Enable Virtual Reality

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash.

e are on the verge of a digital content revolution. rather than downloaded beforehand. Additionally,
The mass adoption of immersive technologies the advancement edge-computing, a distributed
stands to mirror or even overshadow earlier computing framework decentralizing data processing,
innovation eras in technology and communications. means consumers will have smaller and thinner
The rise of 5G, edge computing, and Virtual Reality (VR) devices.
will enable the next stage of the experience evolution.
Streaming immersive experiences require a lot of data
VR is a computer-generated, simulated experience to be processed. With low latency, incredible speed,
that places users in immersive 3D environments. With and massive capacity, 5G and edge-computing will be
current 4G technologies, people face lagging when game changing for VR. The higher throughput of 5G
streaming content from their smartphone. But with the will enable users to stream instant VR content from the
new-network capacity for 5G, creatives and consumers cloud. Not only will content load faster, but developers
can swap the linear video or song for an entire will not be as tied down by current game-engine to
interactive virtual world. Current multi-user networked headset optimization limitations. 5G will enable the
VR experiences, or social VR, are limited to low-poly, or next level of interconnected, immersive experiences.
low graphic, designs. Developers and designers will soon have an entirely
new canvas to create their dream experiences.
Attempting to stream multi-user high-quality VR
experiences on current 4G capabilities is nearly Strapped in our VR headsets (or thinner smart glasses
impossible. I sometimes struggle to get a 1080p wearables), information, objects, and people will be all
HD video to load on my phone and I cannot fathom around us. Instead of passively staring at the screen
streaming a full VR experience with current 4G or waiting for environments to load, VR users will be
limitations. Even Augmented Reality (AR), which engaged in the next era of content consumption:
overlays digital elements into a physical world, is data “storyliving” rather than storytelling.
intensive. As Forbes reports, “one minute of AR will
consume 33 times more traffic than one minute of
480p video.”

5G brings lower latency, or a faster way for data Elena Piech

to transfer between networks and devices. An Marketing Manager
ABI Research study commissioned by Qualcomm The Glimpse Group
predicts that 5G will decrease latency by 10X.
Lower latency enables higher data rates, which
means VR experiences will be streamed in real time,

eBook: Rethinking Revenue Opportunities for 5G

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